#but its a choice! its not like every male artist cant help but do it. its not like there biologicly compelled
vexx-the-egg · 4 months
#i was watching an art video about the female gaze through art history#and although it had some intresting points#i couldn't help but think....#why do we sanitize the female gaze so much#why do we see it as this pure. holy truthful. gritty thing. never sexual.#i understand its like a push back against the male gaze definition#but we must know the difference right#between male artist and the male gaze#between women artist and the woman gaze#the male gaze is not something all men are shackled too... its its a deliberate choice to comadify female bodies#but its a choice! its not like every male artist cant help but do it. its not like there biologicly compelled#so it was so jaring for the video to make it seem like they were#And then to praise all these other female artist for drawing women UNSEXY. Unfantasy like. gritty and full of deep dark emotions#and i was confused because i felt like... arent those normal attributes that any artist og any gender could draw women as.#what makes it the female gaze. that its without male gaze traits? but then wouldnt any male art made by a guy just like...#drawing a little old lady be considerd... the female gaze#the video talked like men could never do this and yet many have.#and on another note#they didn't ONCE talk about Queer female artist and there relationship to art#and the one queer artist they did talk about they oh so conveniently left out that she was bisexual#why?#is it suddenly not the female gaze if its one female sexalizing another? sexualising themselves? why?#for a video that prided itself in pushing female artist up and saying HERE look at all thses women! it felt.... strangly.... sanitized#like it felt like they were saying yes these women are all amazing but.. only because they show femininity in a way that i dont find yucky.#and that made my skin crawl#there were lots of good points about female artist being pushed down or forced into marriages that killed there art careers#but it felt disingenuous#it felt like saying i think women female artist deserved to be praised (but only the ones i find palpable)#anyways food for thought
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
i’ve seen the discussion going back and forth on boundaries and sexual objectification, and i don’t have much to add to the conversation other than to say everyone is allowed to determine their OWN ‘lines’ and just because we don’t vocalize them doesn’t make them any less valid. but here’s the limits i set for my blog if anyone feels it is important for them to know (<3):
personally I consider ‘characters’ fair game for anything goes, with ‘public personas’ a little more iffy. ‘RPF’ isn’t new - it just takes on a new more accessible/visible form nowadays. i remember reading my first fic about a ‘real person’ back in my LOTR fandom days - it was a story in first person perspective about the main character meeting orlando bloom on a plane before he was ‘famous’. like a lot of these types of stories, it wasnt so much about the person as it was about the meet cute. the actor was just a convenient placeholder with a handsome face and some personality quirks thrown in to make the romance/dialogue more specific. i personally dont read much xReader fic nowadays, but mostly only cause i’m an old fart who can’t relate to the ‘you’ format. i miss the good old days when people actually created OC’s and then inserted them into things LOL. but also LOL if you think i’ve gone an entire year of quarantine without some imagined personal fantasies of joe mazzello (or steve aoki in the years before)(ramilicious can attest to this. she can also attest to most of these fantasies ending in friendship rather than anything explicit cause that’s just how i roll these days lol). the line i draw is i would never post these types of fics in a place where the subject could accidentally find them - you have to go looking for this stuff on tumblr, most fics are given explicit ratings and under read-mores. with the blacklist tags it’s pretty easy to filter things out. its even easier to add filters to ao3 searches. i am NOT going to do something like message steve aoki and say ‘yeah i watched that movie Ibiza like five times, here is my 1k fic where you’re the dj and i’m the one night stand’. but obviously people still enjoy imagining scenarios like these otherwise movies like Ibiza wouldn’t exist?
for art, i consider anything already on display up for grabs, we all know a certain person’s ass is all over the place...all you have to do is google ‘need for speed’ and rami’s name. HOWEVER, in the case of actors i personally would not draw anything more explicit than what’s already there. i’m not gonna draw full frontal nudity for rami (unless he gifts us with it in a movie, i suppose) or anyone. this is 100% a personal choice for me. 
i was a sophomore or junior in college when i volunteered as a figure drawing monitor where i’d time the nude model’s poses and help them set up the stage and lighting and such. there was this one guy in his mid forties probably, a regular who came every week, and i always thought of him fondly till one day (the day after i ran into my Hot Programming TA during dinner and later sent him an email begging him to go on a date with me because i was desperate for kissing experience)(and Hot Programming TA emailed me back within minutes saying yes) this artist guy who i saw all the time and thought i knew fairly well, decided to draw me instead of the model. which would have been fine except he drew me naked. i was NOT naked at the time, i was wearing a shirt, and a bra, and a full prairie skirt with alternating calico and floral patterns. he drew what he imagined was underneath all that. he came up to me after the figure drawing session and showed me his drawings and told me i had been ‘glowing’ and my response was to laugh it off awkwardly and get the hell out of there as soon as i gave the model their pay check. but inwardly i was thinking a) i was NOT glowing for this creepy man twice my age and b) i did NOT give him consent to sexualize my body under my clothes and then SHOW me that objectification. i never said anything to him or anything else, i continued to be the monitor, and i continued to field off creepy advances from him including multiple job offers, but when i finally realized i could just...stop..and i passed the student volunteer monitor job on to my friend naeem, i also realized that what that older male artist did was NOT ok in my book. and it was probably not something he would do while naeem was monitoring.
nowadays im working in an industry that regularly objectifies female bodies. in the past year alone i have had to deal with requests to make breasts bigger, i have been given character rigs that in addition to the usual elbow, knee, and spine joints also have ‘nipple’ joints but ONLY for the women (to make them jiggle for animation), every time i send out a female pose i get it back with notes that push it further into the sexy type of body language reserved for women (twist the spine more! sway the back more! give it ‘energy!’), i have been told to erase wrinkles and fat and pores but ONLY for the women (men you ADD pores bc realism! and manliness!) and this is all me working for a company that is actually fairly progressive in terms of sexism compared to OTHER studios.
like it or not, sexual objectification is a huge part of specifically women’s lives and how we react to that is our business. for me, turning the tables and putting men on display feels like fair’s fair. i cant stop the men from doing it, so if i want to enjoy sexualizing male bodies, damn it im gonna! like dang it, boy do i want to send steve aoki a thank you note every time he posts a video of himself doing those ice baths during the sunset golden hour bc holy shit gorgeous or working out in his gym wearing VERY little clothes, but i dont because i know what its like when someone imposes their personal fantasies on the subject. or, god, there was that time i had to unfollow nicole’s insta for a while bc i had a very explicit dream about her and realized, shit, i need to take a break and get my emotions under control before i can refollow. and god some of the stuff i see dudes sending her during her live videos on mental illness/meditation is TOTALLY gross and not something they should be confronting her with. and she’s not even ‘famous’ famous. or how some fans send their idols explicit direct messages without consent. THAT feels inappropriate to me.
a part of me feels like i shouldn’t have to defend this. men don’t. they’re even encouraged in mass media to sexualize women. but i also recognize the importance of talking about consent. the importance of recognizing that a celebrity deserves to have their boundaries respected. these are my lines in fandom. other people have different lines they won’t cross, and that’s okay to me. i block or blacklist any blogs or tags i think go over the top.
heck, even in fandom-only spaces i still try to keep my own more sexual fantasies off this blog and only in private messages with my friends and mutuals, and i feel like that might come across as unintentionally prudish or judgmental sometimes. i’m not ‘horny on main’ very often. but like...every time i reblog that particular ‘washing machine’ gif of joe mazzello am i thinking about him naked and thinking about how he’s got very loooooong feet, and ‘gee i wonder if that means /other/ things are Too Big for my tastes’ but also ‘gosh wouldnt that make a pretty picture to draw’???? hell yeah.
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i dont know who is gonna actually read this essay but yolo i guess :)
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Titanic || Newt Dawson
Part 1. The Back Of The Ship.
Pairing: Newt Dawson x Rose DeWitt Bukater, Cal Hockley x Rose DeWitt Bukater
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, mentions of rape (didn’t happen though, it was just assumed.) Pretty much just like the movie.
A/N: 2.5k words.
Requests: Open.
Summary: Rose was forced to go on the ship by her soon to be husband, Cal. She thought it was going to be like prison. She wanted to end things until Newt convinced her not to.
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Today was the day I had to board the RMS Titanic. I was with my fiancée, Cal. I hated him, but nobody cared. I never did say it out loud. I made it obvious to my mother though. My mother was forcing me to marry him because he had money. She said it didn't matter if I loved him or not, he had the money so we could stay wealthy. That was the only thing she cared about. I looked at the massive boat in front of me, dreading getting onto it. I didn't want to be trapped on this ship. It was going to be like jail. Dressing up and acting proper every single day. It was going to be hell. Cal ordered some people to bring our stuff to our rooms. He went to my mother’s side escorting her onto the boat, while I followed behind them. As I stepped through the door, I hated everything I saw in front of me.
As everyone was helping us set up our rooms, I was getting out the paintings I had brought. One of the lady’s was helping me grab all the different pieces I had brought. “God not those finger paintings again. They certainly were a waist of money.” Cal said entering the room, watching me with all the artwork. “The difference between Cal’s taste in art and mine, is that I have some.” I said to no one in particular. I just wanted Cal to hear it. “They’re fascinating, like being inside a dream or something. There’s truth but no logic.” I said describing how I felt about the artwork. “What’s the artists name?” The lady who was helping me grab all the different paintings asked me. “Something Picasso.” I answered her. Cal chuckled. “Something Picasso. He wont amount to a thing.” He said. Cal continued to complain, but I walked into a different room so I could go hang up the paintings. The lady who was helping me followed me into the room as well.
We had went to sit at a small table with just a few people at it to talk and eat. “She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all of history and our master ship builder, Mr. Andrews here designed her from the keel plates up.” Mr. Ismay said. “I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mr. Ismay’s. He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale and so luxurious in its appointments that its supremacy would never be challenged and here she is, willed into solid reality.” Mr. Andrews said. I lit a cigarette and started smoking it. My mother leaned over to me and said “You know I don't like that Rose” I blew the smoke right out into her face. “She knows” Cal said, as he took the cigarette out of my hand and put it out. I was annoyed by it, but I didn't say anything. I couldn't. The waiter came over and Cal ordered us both lamb. Didn't even bother to ask what I’d like. “You like lamb right sweet pea?” He asked me. I looked over and gave him the fakest smile ever. “You gonna cut her meat for her there too Cal?” Margaret Brown said, laughing. Cal glared at her.
“Hey, who thought of the name Titanic?” Margaret Brown asked. She looked over at Bruce and smiled. “Was it you Bruce?” She asked. “Well, yes, actually. I wanted to covey sheer size. And size means stability, luxury, and above all, strength.” Bruce said. “Do you know of Mr. Freud, Mr. Ismay?” I asked. “His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you.” I said.  Margaret Brown was nodding her head smiling. Mr. Andrews tried not to laugh. My mother leaned over to me “What has gotten into you?” She whispered to me. “Excuse me” I said, getting up and leaving.
I had walked out onto ship deck, looking off at the water ahead of us. I looked down to notice a boy staring at me. He looked as if he was around my age, he had shaggy blonde hair. That was really all I could tell, he was a little ways from me, sitting down. I looked back at the water, but I could feel him still looking at me, so I looked back over again. Only for a split second. He was in the lower class, so I wouldn’t see him again. Cal came out, grabbing my arm. We argued a bit before I walked away from him. He followed right behind me after a second.
We had gone to dinner with a bunch of other wealthy people on the ship, as they spoke around me, I zooned out. I saw my whole life as if I’d already lived it. An endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches. Always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great precipice with no one to pull me back. No one who cared or even noticed.
I ran to the back of the ship. I didn't know why I was heading there, I just wanted to be away from all those people. I didn't want this to be my life, it couldn't be. I didn't know how to get away from it. As I ran, I was crying. The tears streaming down my face. I hit the back rail of the dock. That's when the idea hit me as I looked into the water. I looked around to see if anyone else was around and when I didn't see anyone I started climbing over the rail. My back was to the ship, and in front of me laid the deep dark ocean. This is how I was going to get away from it all. If I just jumped. Nobody would know. I would be lost at sea. Free from my future.
“Don't do it” Someone called from just behind me, it startled me, and I let out a gasp. He was the boy that I saw looking at me earlier. He had blonde shaggy hair, he was tall, he had a very deep British accent and he was quite handsome. “Stay back! Don't come any closer!” I said, He had his hands up, walking slowly closer to me. “Come on, just give me your hand. I’ll pull you back over” he said, waving his hand, gesturing for me to grab as he kept coming closer “No. Stay where you are. I mean it! I’ll let go!” I said. he showed he had a cigarette in his hands and showed that he wanted to throw it overboard. He moved closer to me, throwing it overboard, He now wasn't very far from my side. “No, you wont” He said. “What do you mean no I wont? Don't presume to tell me what I will or will not do, you don't know me!” I said to the stranger who was annoying me. “Well you would have done it already” He said softly. I hesitated for a second before I said, “You're distracting me, Go away!” “I can’t. I'm involved now. You let go and I’m gonna have to jump in there after you” He said, starting to take off his shoes. “Don't be absurd, you’ll be killed” I said, as I watched him. “I'm a good swimmer” He said. Untying his shoe. “The fall alone will kill you” I said, looking from him back to the water. “It would hurt, not saying it wouldn't. To tell you the truth, I'm a little more concerned about that water being so cold.” He said, looking up at me. “How cold?” I hesitated to ask. “Freezing. Maybe a couple degrees over. you uh, you ever been to Wisconsin?” He asked me. “What?” I asked, confused as to where he was going with this. “Well they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing on Lake Wissota. Ice fishing is where you know-” He was saying, but I cut him off, annoyed that he thought I didn't know what ice fishing was. “I know what ice fishing is!” I yelled. I sighed heavily, annoyed. “Sorry! You just” he waved his hands at me gesturing about me. “Seem like you know, kinda an indoor girl” He said, giving a weird look. “Anyway, I uh, I fell through some thin ice. and I'm telling ya. Water that cold. like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives, stabbing all over your body, you can’t breathe, you cant think, at least not anything but the pain” He said. I watched the water as he was talking, thinking about the feeling of it. I was starting to regret thinking about jumping in. “Which is why I’m not looking forward to jumping in after ya. Like I said, I don't have a choice.” He said. “I guess I’m kinda hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here.” He said, leaning a little over the rail to look at me. “You’re crazy!” I said. “That's what everybody says, but with all do respect miss, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.” He said “Come on. Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this” He said, I stopped for a second then reached over, grabbing his hand, I started turning slowly so I could face back around. I managed to turn around and I was facing him, he was even handsomer up close, “Whew” He said and smiled at me. “I'm Newt Dawson.” He said. “I'm Rose DeWitt Bukater” I said, “I'm gonna have to get you to write that one down” He said laughing a little. I laughed too. Then I smiled at him, “Come on” he said,  I was about to step up to climb back over but as I stepped on the second bar I stepped on this stupid dress and slipped.
I screamed as the only thing keeping me from falling to my death was Newt. He grunted as he tried to get a better grip on me. “Come on, come on!” He said, as he started pulling me up more, but as I grabbed the railing I slipped again. I screamed again, as he only had me by one arm. “Help Please!” I screamed. “Please help me!” I screamed. “Listen to me!” He said. “I’ve got you, and I won’t let go. Now pull yourself up, come on!” He grunted as he pulled on me, I grabbed the railing pulling myself up too. I grabbed the top railing, struggling to keep pulling. “Come on!” he said again. “You can do it!” I got up just over the railing and he wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me completely over. “I got you” he said, and he turned trying to get my feet over, but we fell onto the ground, he landed on top of me. “What's all this?” One of the ship workers said as 3 of them made their way over to us. Newt jumped off me immediately. I was shaking, as the guy looked at me then back at Newt. “Stay back! and don't move an inch!” He yelled at Newt. Newt stood up, putting his hands in his pocket. The ship worker yelled something at the other guys.
They had wrapped me in a blanket and got me to sit down on one of the benches. Someone offered me a drink, but I shock my head. Newt was being put in handcuffs. “This is completely unacceptable” Cal yelled at Newt. “What made you think you could put your hands on my fiancée?” He said into Newt’s face. Newt looked over at me. “Look at me you filth!” Cal yelled grabbing Newt by the collar of his shirt. “Cal!” I said. “What do you think you are doing?” Cal said shaking Newt, who just stared at him. “Cal!” I yelled. walking over to him. “Stop!” I said grabbing him so he would stop shaking Newt. He was about to say something else when I said, “It was an accident!” Cal slightly laughed a bit shocked at what I just said. “An accident?” he repeated, he looked very confused. “It was” I said, “It was stupid really. I was leaning over and I slipped!” I started “I was leaning far over to see the, uh uh uh the, uh uh” I was trying to figure out a word, I started waving my hands around in circles to see if he would get a word out of what I was trying to say, “Propellers?” He asked watching my hands. “Propellers! and I slipped!” I repeated, he rolled his eyes at me.  “And I would have gone overboard, but Mr. Dawson here saved me, and almost went overboard himself!” I said, looking back at Cal. “You wanted to see- She wanted to see the propellers” he said laughing at my stupidity. “Like I said” One of the people there started, “Women and machinery do not mix” He was making his way around Cal and I over to Newt. “Was that the way of it?” The guy who had him cuffed asked him. Newt looked back over at me and I gave him a look saying to say it was true. He looked at Cal for a second. He nodded his head “Yeah. Yeah that was pretty much it” He said. “Well the boys a hero then. Good for you son. Well done. So, all is well. Back to our Brandi then eh?” He said with a laugh. The guy uncuffed Newt. I was looking at Newt when Cal started rubbing my arms. “Look at you, must be freezing! Let’s get you inside” He said, pulling me closer into him, starting to walk away. As we walked past the guy who said Newt was a hero he said. “Uh perhaps a little something for the boy?” Cal and I stopped. Looking back at Newt. “Of course,” Cal said. He turned “Uh Mr. Lovejoy, I think a 20 should do it” Cal said then went to turn again. I scoffed, “Is that the going rate for saving the women you love?” I said to him. Cal looked at me annoyed a bit. “Rose is displeased. What to do?” He said, thinking. “I know” he said to me, then walked over to Newt, who was putting his jacket back on. “Perhaps you can join us for dinner tomorrow evening? To regale our group with your heroic tale!” Cal offered. “Sure. Count me in” Newt said, staring at Cal. Cal glared at him, “Good, it’s settled then” he said. He walked back over to me with the other guy, “This should be interesting” I heard him say to the other guy. The guy nodded and said mhm. I watched Newt until Cal got to me grabbing me, turning me around and leading me back inside.
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raikoren · 4 years
some onions bout the bnha manga since im reading it in jp nao
the more i read of bnha the more i realise. i kind of fucking hate this series. it’s got all the ingredients of the classic old big 3. brilliant art, a cool character here or there (sometimes), bursts of muddled clunky progression but a cool fight to soothe the pacing and the mostly frustrating boring uninteresting pussy story choices! the sloppy sort of toothless writing only shounen jump editors can give me. it really truly reminds me of how i felt reading bleach .. but it hasnt got the same charm to make me forgive it. the artist is really really talented though absolutely adore some layouts especially when handguy is included and we get some cool reaching illustrations. he and his team are commendable for making such polished work week in week out and its genuinely so fun to read from an art perspective and i really like the fact he leans very heavily into a much looser style that makes everything stretch in a satisfying way as if its designed for animation despite being so complex in its illustration.
one gripe is that literally 5 separate girl characters have the same “oho they have to take their clothes off for their quirk to work ohooohgoho! so nautghty guess it cant be helped” and that just makes me like. you fucking suck at this bro just be horny with your whole chest making them have a flimsy embarassed half-excuse to be horny is lame. if you wanna make horny characters just fucking do it! enough of this stupid preamble you have to shoehorn in to every character every fucking time. just make it slutty and move on. there’s no need to be so annoyingly coy about it. also UA is the best most prestigious hero course and the girls who are going to become the top pro heroes go to their internship and its a fkn beauty commercial and its like. if they were at least building towards some commentary that female pro heroes are treated less seriously than their male counterparts like with mt.ladys flirting and her immediate paparazzi who takes pics of her ass, or to show that to become popular it means some level of corporate gameplaying and fanservice, it could be something but theres literally zero effort to comment or build on it at all its literally just presented as is and played straight. this is what it means to be a girl hero. that’s all. no comment.
i feel like miruko was a half-hearted attempt to remedy the lack of girl heroes that are actually strong and not bg props but its like it just feels like its been written as they go along with no overarching theme, nothing being built on or anything to say and it just feels so unsatisfying to read. characters that are introduced regularly get used at beatsticks to show how strong they are and get obliterated soon after to serve to show how cool and totally serious this new villain is ykno??? its so fucking tired a really classically shit kind of pointless circling narrative, like nothing truly has any weight to it and everything is meaningless before one for alls almighty relevance and power and whatever the plot needs has suddenly always existed lol dont worry bout it bro it was totally always there heres a star wars reference!
imo outside of the mangas art, the best thing about bnha is the anime adaptation with the exception of season4. the concept of having a long running shounen but giving it ample time, and a higher ambition in terms of production value and having a just absolutely fucking solid staff really make the first three seasons of bnha anime. naturally the voice acting and sound is anime standard gold but the production cant be understated it pulls so much of the slack. the direction and pacing of the first three seasons is honestly really well done, it feels like stuff builds up with ample time and we get much more focus on the background characters even in simple ways like introducing new group shots etc that give them much needed characterisation. one of my fave episodes is s3e3 which gives us a feeling of actual life and interaction as the kids train hard and get to spend an evening together having a bbq and its honestly full of just like group shots, framing in a way that really truly makes it a believable group of good kids trying their best at summer camp and gives almost everyone some much needed screentime.
one thing i noted as well is that the anime really likes to drive home important emotional points for certain characters through some great character acting - like yaoyorozus pivotal fight with fumikage is barely a passing glance in the manga whereas the anime really captures her desperation and panic as she tries her absolute best to react to the situation, not giving up even as shes overpowered only to realise in horror shes already lost. theres so much more weight and time given to this match and tbh its annoying that something that is meant to be so pivotal is barely glossed over in the manga since its so important to her future character motivations. it feels like when these moments and the strength of the supporting characters is lacking, the main story beats become more and more blatantly repetitive. some of the best parts of the arc are the bakugo rescue plan but were always served a fresh bland helping of izuku midoriya being the main character over utilising the strengths of other characters in this pivotal situation. it’s not like theres any fear of giving other characters ‘origin’ chapters and handing over the reigns away from midoriya it just for some reason, the author chooses not to really bother fleshing out characters who dont have immediate plot relavance or not the main three which makes the whole cast weaker.
imo even the anime is suffering from the source materials holes and its own slightly shoddy choices in direction with season 4 for some reason deciding to faithfully adapt the awful pacing of the overhaul arc and faithfully make it as dry as possible and devoting a solid 6 episodes to the frankly lame school festival arc despite it clearly suffering for time in the first half. it also includes my new least favourite trope of cutting the sound design completely to a slow vocal track along with the most eye wateringly boring fight pacing it was literally like. sir i want to skip this. you are going to make me watch this stupid fight with the dude whos character motivations got explained to me three seconds ago? with a new power up for green boy? with no sound design so theres even less weight to this whole fucking fight? and youre not even going to let me listen to you say run? how fucking dare you do this to me. the anime adaptation cannot stand on its own two legs with the source material alone. it needs strong direction to patch up the holes or stellar animation to distract me since without either its truly a weak weak show.
my closing thoughts are that its at least a solid manga to read whilst eating breakfast a solid 3/10 and probably higher if you like little broccoli boy and for some reason want him to win. which i dont. he has a terminal case of unlikable bland shounen mc syndrome and the worst thing is that he didnt used to be like that, he grew into it. his whole character is such a waste to me, turning him into the chosen special one with the greatest quirk is the most boring path possible for someone who had such a strong desire and conviction to be a hero. that we see building themselves up out of their own merit for most of the series and then suddenly giving him the power of more quirks fucking sucks. having such a ridiculous power and such a devastating payoff kept his fights interesting and i think the fight where eri allowed him to use it at full power with no drawbacks was such a fucking let down. there were better ways for him to grow other than idk more quirks cause hes special. and truly outside of attaining more power to become no.1 he has very little conflict in his character after someone else goes out of the way to instill confidence in him its also very annoying that repeatedly were shown how hard everyone works to get into ua, to become the heroes they want to be but its always dwarfed in comparison to izuku and the whole fucking scene with allmight at the end of the kamino incident being specifically for izuku, instead of a rallying cry that you are next, every one of you must struggle to become the hero that you want to be - to bear the weight of the symbol of peace is not for one persons shoulders alone like its a shame cause the series spends so much time hammering home how these kids are the best of the best, the ones who really truly want it but theyre not really treated with the same regard at all and their struggles and improvement are nowhere near on the monumental level of midoriya.
i feel like the narrative has all the makings of something interesting, but somehow fucking hilariously misses its own point. truly ripping apart the idea of becoming the greatest hero, the ‘symbol of peace’, that becoming a pillar isnt any way for a human to live and glorifying one persons sacrifice for all our sakes isnt right and that the true insiduous evil of hero society is that it makes us truly believe that people are painted in black and white rather than many shades of grey and forces people to take on things they shouldnt, allows certain powerful individuals to enforce their own wills on the world and robs everyday people, the powerless and weak of any agency of how their society works. it acts like heroism is an inherent trait only afforded by the strong and that being anything less than the ultimate hero is a failure even if it means doing awful tings, like throwing away your children giving them mental scars, leaving behind whole families in the name of heroism falling in the line of duty being seen as some great honour, leaving kids to wander the streets since doing necessary but painful things are for better equipped people, right? wash your hands of it and let a hero deal with it. honestly i just want to see a weak supporting characters heroism. that was the charm of early bnha. ive had enough of this blind thoughtless heroism thats presented as the correct one, for the chosen few. i want to see the struggle for it, insatiable longing that you cant help pushing you on, but most of all i want to see the hero you can be in ways that are meaningful but yours alone and taking back the world inch by inch from the common villainy of our society with one person at a time, reaching out to your hand no matter how scarred. to look your dreams in the face and turn your back on them. tearing down the sun, shattering it into a million pieces, but the small shards shine brighter and can be held in mortal hands. but nah izuku is going to be all might super cop 2 dont worry bout it guys. dw he’ll also choose some poor fucking kid to bear this burden after he becomes useless in battle and we can discard him as a person and simply keep him as an icon since the narrative keeps allowing the villains to have valid criticisms against society but always dismiss them since theyre villains you know and youre not meant to actually think about changing society despite your position of power, just enjoy being no.1 whilst your alive and rinse and repeat pog.
i think thats why i can easily see why bakugo and todoroki are so popular through the series as they do take a long time to get through their extremely shitty issues and they are genuinely shitty little teen psychopaths who are horrible fucking bastards. but they grow up and in really tangible gratifying ways. they seem to have as many setbacks as they do wins, constantly fucked over by their own hubris but still finding a way to power through despite it all trying to awkwardly form connections and become better people as well as better heroes and they can not do so on their own. their struggles are treated with gravity and they always acquire some kind of new strength in return but at a pace that doesnt put them miles ahead of their other classmates but definitely feels weighted and substantial to their development. todoroki gritting his teeth but slowly realising that he has a fucking ridiculous opportunity in his hands with endeavours agency and even inviting his friends is monumental in its own way, endeavour texting his son and his son texting back is like. it really does feel like something. its also interesting that as broccoli boy gets stronger he gets subsequently less and less likeable imo like ... sir you are NO shirou emiya. you do not have the range or the sheer trauma to be so dogged and blind in your ideals despite the world you occupy and everyone else around you. i was sold shirou emiya superhero manga with sexy juwabe sunichi teacher and only one of those thigns is true!!!
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mvlcolms · 5 years
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*clears throat*  is  this  thing  on  ?  hi  friends  im  mella  !  i  go  by  feminine  pronouns  n  am  19  yrs  of  achy  joints  and  random  migraines  .  basically  19  going  on  107  .  i’m  here  to  introduce  u  to  malcolm  .  fair  warning  tho  ..  he  is  the  worst  .  so  if  u  dont  hate  both  of  us  by  the  end  of  this  ,  feel  free  to  like  this  or  hmu  so  we  can  plot  smth  ? 
❛ welcome  to  new  york  ,  malcolm  hansen  .  your  resemblance  to  herman  tommeraas  is  absolutely  uncanny  .  by  the  looks  of  your  tesla  roadster  ,  we’re  thinking  you’ll  fit  right  in  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty  second  birthday  bash  .  your  chances  of  making  it  in  the  city  are  dicey  since  you’re  unscrupulous  ,  but  being  captivating  gives  you  an  advantage  .  (  cismale  &  he/him  ) 
SO  let  me  introduce  u  to  malcolm  richard  hansen  iii  ,  but  if  u  call  him  anything  other  than  mac  ,  he  prob  will  throw  hands  .  he  comes  from  olllllld  money  ,  nobody  rly  knows  how  the  family  got  rich  initially  but  his  grandpa  (  the  og  malcolm  )  made  even  more  money  by  creating  a  very  successful  record  label  thats  now  rly  dominant  in  the  music  industry  .  his  grandpa  is  currently  79  yrs  old  n  just  recently  stepped  out  as  the  ceo  but  is  still  has   a  lot  of  influence  in  the  company  and  obviously  in  the  family  .  this  might  sound  irrelevant  but  it  will  be  important  later  on  i  promise  .
ok  so  mac  was  born  to  mac  jr  and  a  former  singer  named  tara  michaels  .  they  met  when  she  was  in  the  record  label  building  , for  a  meeting  in  regards  to  a  possible  contract  and  the  rest  was  history  ?  grandpa  hated  tara  and  made  no  secret  of  his  opinions  abt  her  .  basically  he  thought  she  was  a  golddigger  (  she  was  )  and  his  son  was  stupid  (  also  true  )  ,  and  even  refused  to  attend  their  wedding ceremony .  needless  to  say  ,  as  soon  as  they  got  married  ,  the  couple  left  sunny  california  n  settled  down  in  chicago  .
mac  was  his  first  male  grandchild  tho  ,  n  even  if  he  hated  his  mother  n  resented  his  dads  stupidity  ,  mac  was  kinda  like  his  golden  child  .  so  senior  kinda  stole  his  grandson  ?  not  rly  but  he  did  keep  him  in  la  every  summer  n  holidays  ,  when  he  wasnt  in  school  in  chicago  .
so  mac  rly  looked  up  to  his  grandpa  growing  up  even  if  he  also  thought  he  was  an  asshole  ?  they  werent  super  close  but  had  a  lot  of  respect  for  each  other  ,  n  mac  much  preferred  spending  his  time  with  og  mac  than  with  mac  jr  n  his  ma   (  oh  boy  this  is  bound  to  get  confusing  )  .  but  yea  ,  his  grandpa  was  a  huge  influence  on him  while  growing  up  ,  which  was  mayhaps  not  a  good  idea  .
once  he  graduated  high  school  ,  his  grandpa  told  him  that  he  wanted  him  to  run  the  company  in  his  dads  place  bc  he  wasnt  leaving  a  multibillion  dollar  company  for  that  doofus  ,  but  sneaky  old  mac  told  him  that  there  were  terms  to  this  development  .  mac  would  get  the  company  once  he  retired  ,  but  since  his  father  had  been  such  a  dumb  fuck  ,  he  would  only  get  the  company  n  his  money  ,  if  he  married  a  woman  approved  by  the  senior  before  he  kicked  the  bucket  .  mac  threw  an  absolute  fit  ,  but  eventually  came  to  the  conclusion  that  he’d  rather  marry  someone  for  convenience  than  be  poor  for  the  rest  of  his  life  .  which  tbh  so  would  i  .
ENTER  ARRANGED  FIANCÉE  .  they’ve  been  engaged  for  about  two  yrs  now  but  no  one  is  in  any  rush  for  the  actual  marriage  .  the  deal  was  that  they  only  had  to  do  it  before  senior  died  ,  n  since  he’s  in  pretty  much  perfect  help  ,  the  duo  is  just  biding  their  time  .  mac  moved  to  nyc  to  live  w/  the  fiancée  ,  but  as  of  now  ,  they  r  pretty  much  just  roommates  atm  .  so  yeah  basically  thats  how  mac  ended  up  in  this  moment  in  his  life  lmao  . 
in  regards  to  his  personality  ,  mac  is  pretty  much  a  mini  version  of  malcolm  senior  .  he’s  v  confident  (  cocky  )  n  has  a  LOT  of  trouble  trying  to  view  life  by  any  other  point  of  view  than  his  own  .  very  selfish  and  honestly  not  a  guy  u  can  put  ur  trust  in  ?  he’s  not  like  a  super  asshole  or  anything  ,  is  in  fact  rly  charming  n  can  be  a  great  person  to  hang  out  w/  but  if  you’re  his  best  friend  n  he  feels  like  he  can  get  away  w/  hooking  up  w  your  mom  ? 12/10  will  do  it  .
is  mad  into  parties  ?  always  hanging  out  in  the  hottest  spots  w  all  different  kinds  of  ppl  until  the  sun  is  comin  up  .  he  has  weird  views  when  it  comes  to  dating  which  is  lowkey  for  is  kinda  an  asshole  who  gives  no  fucks  n  usually  ends  up  being  hated  by  his  exes  .
but  he’s  also  a  super  fun  guy  to  be  around  !!  will  always  be  down  for  a  good  time  n  do  his  best  to  cheer  u  everyone  around  him  .  u  r  always  going  to  be  entertained  around  him  there  isnt  even  a  choice  .
he  works  on/off  for  the  record  label  ,  mostly  monitoring  bigger  artists  n  such  because  we  love  nepotism  around  here  friends  ,  but  he  also  does  music  every  once  in  a  while  ?  its  not  frequent  ,  n  he  mostly  writes  songs  for  other  artists  , but  he  has  previously  released  an  album  n  scored  a  couple  of  #1s  .  i  pretty  much  think  of  his  vc  n  style  as  bazzi’s  ,  but  he’s  definitely  not  super  active  as  a  singer .
so  far  this  is  pretty  much  it  for  mac  .  i’m  still  working  on  him  a   little  ,  but  this  is  an  alright  outline  of  his  for  now  .  i’m  gonna  list  some  possible  connections  but  those  are  gonna  be  pretty  basic  .  feel  free  to  hmu  in  my  ims  or  on  discord   (  mella is lost #1597  )  where  i  am  p  much  all  the  time  so  we  can  come  up  w  some  bomb  ideas ?
someone  whos  signed  to  the  label  n  they  connected  through  it  ?  could be  all  kinds  of  stuff  actually  .  
best  friends  bc  even  demons  need  those  every  once  in  a  while  .
exes  ,  all  kinds  of  them  but  mostly  bad  terms  bc  mac  is  the  worst  .
pretty  much  all  the  fwbs  no  strings   attached  things  specially  if  they  come  w/  angst   . 
hype  friends  who  r  always  there  to  have  a  good  time  w  each  other  .
first  love  type  of  thing  ?
skinny  love  that  will  never  work  ?
i  cant  think  of  anything  else  ?  pls  dont  give  up  on  me  tho  n  like  this  thing  or hmu  for plots  bye !!!
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frankensteindotpdf · 7 years
All of them
Who’s your crush/squish?
I......tend to have a couple at a time (go unreciprocation whoop whoop) anyhoo the main one is this girl who is SUPER CUTE AND HAS THE CUTEST LAUGH AND IS LOWKEY EMO AND JUST BRILLIANT TBH and fun fact she’s the one who made me realise I’m bi! annnnd there’s a guy....who I just realised I have a crush on....like yesterday....and I’m dying a little
Who’s your fictional crush/squish?
Hahahahahahaha that talks like there’s one.....Remus obviously...Tonks....Dean Winchester...Jughead .....Rapunzel.....Duke Crocker from Haven (holy crap bro).....I used to have a crush on Klaus Baudelaire and also Yo-Yoji (shut up Carina)..... massive squish on Sherlock Holmes....and more I’m forgetting
Worst joke you’ve ever told?
Crap bro my life is full of stupid jokes I can’t choose one
Worst insult you’ve ever given?
Just really dumb ones, nothing specific
Got any weird kinks?
not any weird ones
How did you find out about sex?
No idea, probably like parents or sex ed classes? I don’t remember
Trashiest thing in your wardrobe?
Literally none? I mean I have trash like a billion HP t shirts but nothing revealing or anything
Worst Phobia?
Needles. I literally cry everytime. 
Hentai or the real thing?
Ew neither thanks
Ever been arrested?
lol i never go outside no
What are you most selfish about?
This question is worded weird....uh my..sketchbooks? maybe? like I don’t really get the q but I never let anyone draw in my sketchbooks so ig that counts?
Who would you let die if given the chance to save them?
Who would you sacrifice yourself for?
Something silly you believed as a kid?
Well I didn’t think “washcloth” was a real term, for some reason (I have literally no idea why) I thought it was just a word my family used but they were really called something else. I mean washcloth is so... on the nose
Weirdest/most embarassing thing you’ve drawn?
I once.....drew a picture....of my crush.....with a stupid nickname above it....and little hearts....and little pics of the stuff he liked.... UGH I CRINGE JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WAS IN GRADE 2 DONT JUDGE ME
Controversial role models?
I can’t think of any? 
Cringiest fandom you’ve been in?
for like A MONTH I was into... Justin Bieber.
Cringiest thing you’ve shipped?
Trans Gilderoy Lockhart and Snape
Ever had “an accident” in public?
I mean when I was real little I did once after school but like no one was there besides my family so it wasn’t a big deal
What helps you fall asleep?
Honestly watching Bob Ross. He’s just so soothing
What childish things do you still do?
I dunno man...Lots I just can’t think of anything specific
What’s your age?
Grossest thing you’ve eaten?
Some people would say crickets (they tasted great though) I would personally say (not eating but) gargling salt water. I literally threw up. Thanks, father.
Honest opinion on religion?
I definitely like the idea and totally respect other’s beliefs, but I’m still working it out. I mean I know mine pretty darn well but the more I learn the more it just sounds really convienient idk
What does your laugh sound like?
From being told to shut up so much it’s changed a lot....It’s kinda squeaky but mostly silent? I’m a bit self concious about it tbh
How would you describe your smile?
stupid. it scrunches up my face all wrong and makes me look even fatter than I already do
Did you go through any regrettable phases?
“Liking” music everyone else liked to fit in
Ever dropped plans/projects and not said a word?
Not one-on-one stuff (though social anxiety makes me want to every time) but like I guess? nothing noteworthy
Personality Type?
Ugliest thing in your wardrobe?
I have this nightgown that I never wear that looks like something out of an 1800s movie...floral pattern and all
Would you wear pajama’s in public?
If I was with friends who were 
Weirdest thing that turned you on?
uhhhh I have no idea 
Pineapples on pizza????
hecc yes
Do you use the XD emoticon?
Only in an ironic way
Do you have a dark sense of humour?
Worst thing you ship?
Ms. Frizzle and Brendon Urie
Top or bottom?
Oh I cant believe I’m answering this on the internet gosh well from my personality I’d say...bottom 
Top or bottom bunk?
Also bottom because I feel like I’ll fall off or break the top bunk
Pettiest thing you’ve cried over?
Dude I cry over everything...My sister said she’d rip one of my books
Pettiest thing you’ve gotten mad over?
Bro again like I usually get upset at myself rather than mad at other people but like at my family basically everything?
Longest time you’ve cried?
lol well multiple times I’ve cried for a few hours straight, I cried through an entire movie once (I’m not evenexaggerating I had to pause it because I was sobbing too hard literally 5 times)
Do you touch the art in museums?
Do you have a fandom OC?
Kinda? I mean just self-inserts tbh
How much do you believe in astrology?
not at all
Have you ever used a base for drawing?
I mean I’ve copied them down but not traced
Have you ever used MSPaint for drawing non-ironically?
yup. there was a time when I had a laptop and sucked at drawing so when I got bored I’d draw on MSPaint
Controversial opinion?
I’m a feminist and I think everyone should be
Ass or chest?
I hate answering this I’m just gonna do it quickly and get it over with female ass, male chest
Chest or genitals?
Genitals or ass?
Any scars?
Yup. I have one on my arm from burning myself while baking in grade 8, and two others on the inside (of the same arm haha) that are from somehow managing to hit my arm off a staple sticking out of an old recliner
Do you pirate anything?
Only music for animatics, but even then only songs I’ve already bought but cant transfer. I don’t see the point. The artists I like I don’t just like for their music (or movies or whatever), I like them as people too. I want to thank them for making such awesome stuff, so a little donation is totally reasonable to me
url for an old cringy social media account?
I mean this one? I wasnt allowed to have social media when I was younger so yay none of that
Any post’s you’ve deleted and why?
Only ones I accidentally reblogged onto my art blog, but I always reblog them onto my main first
How long does it take you to get up in the morning?
depends. if I have nothing to do, hours. If I have school, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour (I set my alarm real early)
What will instantly turn you on?
idk man nothing really...someone being good with kids is always sweet tho
Fave eye+hair colour combination?
Nothing specific, I like basically all colours?
Have you already named your future children?
If I have any they will be named after someone in one of my billions of fandoms (probably someone from hp)
Do you do drugs?
Just Ibuprofen amirite lol even then I am in pain way more than I take it I hate swallowing pills
How tall are you?
about 5′5 or 5′6
Did you go through a “RANDOM XD” phase?
Dumbest thing you believed?
No idea, probably something from when I was little but idk
Dildo of choice? (besides an actual dildo)
boi i’m not even coming near this question (get it?)
Daddy kink?
I mean I find it hot when some people say it? but not really
Who could change your sexuality just by looking at you?
I’m...bi....so like.....no one? I’m confused mate there’s no way to answer this question
none tbh i dont even know what 2/3 of those mean
What area’s of your body are most sensitive?
besides the obvious my knees, stomach, back, neck....okay everything I just hate people touching me thanks oh and my feet oh gosh I got a pedicure once and it was the worst experience of my life
Weirdest dream you’ve had?
A bunch man, once I had a dream where Peeta was transformed by the Capitol or smth to look like one of my friends and he was also heavily drugged and at my school for some reason and I was trying to help him get to safety....I had a dream where my family and I lived in a trailer park and our neighbour had a big dog that attacked my little brother, first by biting and then picking up a stick with its paws and beating him with it....one where my friend tried to touch my stomach and i panicked, punched him in the face, and then had a panic attack because I felt so bad
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In order to talk about love and also still create a socially acceptable metropolitan identity, artists tend to carry out one of the 5 effective love narrative kinds. No one recognizes circumstances like that, people cant offer with it, so they 'll discuss it permanently. The lady trying to offer me their latest phone set referred to a tv advert. She maintained me speaking for around 10 mins throughout which time she referred me to this specific TELEVISION advert an additional 4 times, and each time I assured her I had not seen it because I do not see television. Weaving can be gotten during the adverts and also operated at for 5 or 10 minutes each time. New threads and also elegant pattern styles make weaving fun and quick, and I can knit also if I am enjoying TELEVISION, albeit a rare occurence for me personally! With the web, also if you live in a neighborhood that is tiny, you aren't limited to your city, and also can find people not simply around the UK, yet across the globe too! Then embellish with infant photos and such, then take it to your neighborhood duplicate store, like Kinkos, and also have them print the web page on pastel tinted paper. In some cases weve come across regional street fairs or windsurfing competitions or a design train gallery. Weve discussed endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have hemorrhaging with a cyst yet many of the moment those are uncommon situations. The endometriomas, if they persist, and theres continuous blood loss in the abdominal area as well as the ovary that can trigger bonds. Any bleeding cyst can be a trouble. A pregnancy with a corpus luteum, the second kind of practical cyst goes on to create as the baby is expanding. A lot of these, the bigger blood products, the bigger blood vessels on cysts are generally the corpus luteum cyst. A lot of ovary cysts in and of themselves are not going to be creating a trouble. Yet, the essential thing here, is that cysts themselves, in and of themselves are not mosting likely to be a problem or life threatening issue. The nature of the party is most likely going to often tend in the direction of the womanly side; if the organizers of the celebration have an arrangement for this, after that inviting guys would be great. Undoubtedly, there are numerous males and ladies that are making great cash making use of the internet business route. In this song, the poet uses the affective narrative to recognize that some guys "dont be comin right ", however that he has a various understanding of women than these various other men. Meant to help with the discomfort, expected to assist me preserve In this tune, Guru makes use of the contrasting narrative to share his sight of what love ought to be. It is essential for the clothes to be totally dry prior to they are done away with or put on by a youngster, and also hanging the garments on kids clothing hangers will certainly help keep their type. However, aspartame was permitted on 1981 for completely dry items as well as 1983 for carbonated drinks.
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People made use of to trade products and solutions for other goods as well as services prior to loan was produced, as well as some individuals still trade today to stay clear of utilizing money (mostly for tax factors I am informed). A few other fantastic services are a baby diaper service for cloth diapering mommies, or perhaps a diaper delivery service for disposables, and spend for the first two weeks or a month worth of diapering products. Even the shades used in the material needs to be natural and non-toxic. You might be initially attracted by all the eye catchy shades as well as the fanciness of the attire, yet if your youngster is not going to like it, it is mosting likely to spoil. Pajamas and also bodysuits for little child girls can be found in all different colors as well as designs, and also are created all kinds of weather. One or 2 items would do - a pair of rompers, a set of t-shirts, a set of jammies. At the same time, you can place a T-shirt over their pyjamas. They will certainly protect and also guarantee any cash you take into a cost savings account and pay you maybe 3% yearly interest on your deposit. They know that if you're satisfied with your sample, more than most likely you be come to be a routine customer and also spend loan with them. There are really a great deal of giveaways offered; you simply need to recognize exactly how to search for them. Or search by chemical active ingredients (see listed here for some instances) and discover what brands have it. Next off, you will get to your search result page; this is a list of all items that meet your search criteria. Let us take a peek into what makes these criteria a must for those moms and dads going shopping for infant garments. Also, allow your very first few roadway adventures instruct you what you need to have along. There are millions of first time moms available that have a great deal of information to share with you as well as they do not desire you to be without the details. They wish to have outfits with breathable fabric and simple on the body. Is this what we have come to, - every person in our area views the very same adverts, the exact same programmes, the exact same news stories each and every single day or evening? Note: After trying solitary foods, great mixes are potatoes and also carrots or carrots as well as peas. And not only will I review it for him, Ill make it seem like the Elvis of foods, because Im currently rather sure that Ill enjoy a hamdog. He additionally describes his love passion as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", utilizing the imperial characterization so typical in spiritual love stories. If you're actually strapped for cash, after that you can probably make do with utilizing your bed as an altering table, but if you can, this is something I extremely recommend. Its far better to feed baby very first thing in the morning, after that enable some play or remainder time in between before providing infant a bathroom. At a "Pamper Party," a concept significantly prominent for mommies that currently have numerous children and consequently many of the stuff they in fact require, they could take home medspa accessories such as a loofah or bubble bath. An excellent bath-themed present basket would consist of some hypo-allergenic bath products, like child bathrooms, talcum powder, towels, and bathroom playthings.
The significant and also is that most, otherwise every one of these complimentary items, are provided right to the mom's home. And, keeping that, allows solve to the nitty sandy. Do you have the software you need to begin? At some factor you are going to intend to move your child, so you will certainly require to acquire something. Unless you're intending to hold on to them for your next infant, they're simply gathering dirt. With a couple of easy skills, an useful collection of "things, " and also just a bit of planning and also preparation, youll be on your way! There is an area for TV in our lives as well as it desires all the fastest method of soaking up information from around the world. Taking courses abroad Below, the poet makes use of the spiritual story to describe the time, area and also feelings that his love was started on, talking them as if they were somehow suggested to happen. Possibly she believed that was her area on the planet and no-one might fault her if she executed her responsibilities to miraculous of her ability. I when had a neighbor that notified the globe and also it's mother she thought cleanliness was following to Godliness as well as invested all day everyday cleaning her residence. It is believed that from this you actually have the choice to look into whatever before you also need to acquire something. Tight neck lines would certainly problem you and also even the placement of switches at odd positions would certainly trigger you troubles, so inspect these ahead of time. At the very same time the buttons as well as other aspects in the design should be thoroughly sewn. However Betty had the money whenever I mosted likely to prison This song additionally shows the use of contrasting narratives to share love. This example better highlights making use of introductory language in conversational stories. The poet feels it is undesirable for anybody to "call you out your name ", or simply put, use bad language toward his love. A number of the infant shower concepts will certainly benefit any place, inside your home or out. Do you desire your infant to look adorable or awesome with child clothes but you don't have concepts on where to seek them? Price is a major point you would certainly wish to think about when getting infant garments. It's very easy, take a look at a child clothing store. Clothes care plays a big duty in your infant's safety. Hence, it is always recommended that you keep the security and comfort aspect in mind also when you are going shopping for occasion outfits for your kid. Also when you have acquired a lacy blouse for your tiny lady, if you end up getting a dimension that happens to be slightly larger than her real dimension, she will be comfy in it. And also, parents will be likely to maintain buying garments to stay on par with the modifications in the infant's development - size, weight, length, as well as shape. Therefore, acquiring clothing that are somewhat bigger than the real dimension of your infants body gifts will be great as it ensures optimal convenience for the youngster.
However, these booster shot procedures will only make their systems strong yet it does not provide a guarantee that microorganisms can't penetrate their method. So why did she act this way? The same thing can be true with, certainly with tube maternities, thats why those two can be confused. Yes it holds true that baby garments do not last lengthy with youngsters growing as rapid as they do, yet looking after a children clothes is still equally as, if not more, important. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life and also that holds true This passage is unique since it utilizes both the metaphoric and also different narrative methods. The presentation of Hip-Hop like narratives is a really difficult job. As well as that leads us to one of the most popular metaphoric Hip-Hop love story of our time. Children will like this recipe. Thick as well as fluffy outfits will maintain the infant warm from head to toe. Right here is a listing of popular things that has actually been researched with a few of the largest on-line retailers of child products. Right here are a few of the basic points you'll want to have. Do you want to give a present to a new mom without investing a great deal of cash? They use it when washing to remove smells, soften the fabrics, and also provide your baby as well as toddler garments a fresh and also extra all-natural scent. When you are considering your kids comfort, its not only regarding the style of the clothes youre purchasing it will certainly also refer exactly how the thing remains on your infants body. Consider just how much you have into the product. The following time you are re-assembling your set, make certain to add that product. I would certainly rather hang out with my friends and family, chatting on the phone, opting for lengthy strolls or dancing the evening away. With all that having actually been said, Ive discovered a brand-new food that I know I'm mosting likely to like. Soon you'll find that having just a couple of great attire becomes impractical. I had a good totally free website a couple of years ago I went to on a daily basis. Use your Road Adventure logbook to record everyones remarks about the day. This will certainly serve no great as purchasing infant products indiscriminately will not simply be waste of cash however additionally waste of time as well as energy which you can put for some positive usage. If passing by car you need to constantly make use of a safety seat and adhere to the maker's instructions for fitting. If your journey restriction is no more than a one-hour auto trip one means, then look for places of passion within about 40 miles of house. Which is not a problem since simply like kidneys, similar to testis, ladies with one ovary can have just as lots of babies as a woman with 2 ovaries as well as 2 tubes. Apparently it is a 2x matrix, implying those initial two individuals you obtained to sign up with get on your first degree. You must constantly have 2 sets during the night time, since you never ever know when a baby is mosting likely to spit up or have a baby diaper leakage that can require a complete garment change.
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omodramas-blog · 7 years
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Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Review
Genre: Historical, romance, time-travel Episodes: 20 Broadcast network: SBS Broadcast period: 2016-Aug-29 to 2016-Nov-01 Synopsis
Today I want to talk about a Korean drama that is considered to be a total flop. Yet, many reviews from people I know consider this drama to be one of their personal favorites from 2016. With an abundant amount of mixed reviews surrounding this historical drama, I wanted to go back to 2016 and watch it for myself.
"Scarlet Heart: Reyo" is a 2016 South Korean Historical drama that starred many talented and well-known actors and actresses. The main characters were played by one of the nation's sisters' IU and heartthrob actor Lee Jung Ki. With such an array of actors and actresses and a plethora of artists jumping in to make the OST, this drama should have been considered a major hit in South Korea. Yet, many criticized it for its writing, original soundtrack, and performances.
I do, however, want to say that I am a huge fan of many Historical dramas. From the settings to the political turmoil, to the romance and music put into many historical dramas, I find them to sometimes be the most interesting types of story telling in the South Korean drama world. When hearing many mixed reviews about this drama, and seeing the average rating in South Korea, I wanted to dive into it with an open mind and open heart. Many times I have found myself loving dramas that seem to be disliked or not as appreciated as others. However, on the other hand, I have found myself disliking many beloved dramas out there. I wanted to go in with no expectations with this drama so that I could give my honest opinion to you all.
This drama had a lot of things going for it and you can see that it was on the cusp of being a truly amazing drama, but there were some things that held it back. I believe that even though there were some flaws in this drama, that the reason in which it is considered a commercial failure is due to poor timing when it was released. The dramas out there may have had more compelling storylines than this one did, which is a reason that it had such low viewer ratings. Watching this drama on it's on, and not comparing it to others at the same time, I found that I enjoyed the show. THe plot to the drama, may not be the most compelling, however, there were sub-stories that truly had me in my feelings. I found that the stories of both Court Lady Oh and Madam Hae were ones that truly had me in tears. Their storylines that intertwined with our main character really shook me to the core and I will admit I was in an ocean of tears during their screen time. The end story between our main character played by IU and Wang Jung also had me feeling quite emotional at the end, and the story of Wang Eun towards the end also came to an emotional end, I can not deny that. Our main story had many ups and downs, at times I was truly invested in it and at others I wanted it to really give me a little more. The romance that was between our main characters and our secondary lead, I found myself rooting for the secondary lead until his character development kicked in. After the changes that the character went through I found myself more on the main male leads side, however, the writing in this drama has me conflicted. The way the writers developed the characters was confusing, I think there were truly no "good" main leads, many of them made choices that are questionable. Even IU's character had choices she did that made me question whether or not she should be doing things she was doing. I would say things about the ending, and how it wrapped up the story from being a not happy ever after ending, which I enjoy those because not everything needs a happy ending, into an oh well if you look at it this way its sort of happy ever after kind of threw me off. I think that perhaps they were planning on this drama to be a huge success and planning for another season of it, which I wouldn't mind but considering its rating its is most likely not ever going to happen.
Many criticized the acting in this drama. I, however, don't see a real problem with it. Yes there were times I was unimpressed by IU's acting or sometimes some of the princes weren't strong, such as the idol Baekhyun and Seohyun, but as an overall package, I felt that most of the actors and actresses most of the time did a pretty great job. They allowed me into their world and I believed their pain, sadness, anger and every other emotion they felt. So when it comes to the criticism for their acting, I can see why some people found it to be poor but I personally am okay with it and some of the actors really did a great job in my opinion. There is a large cast so I can't really go into who did well and who did not and if I wanted to I couldn't help but spoil some of the scenes for those who have not seen the drama yet, which I won't do. Another criticism people had for the drama was the original sound track or OST for short. Now I am on board with this opinion, to be honest, but not in a way many may think. I loved the soundtrack. I found myself singing to all the songs and there were many well produced and catchy songs through out the drama. The problem I had with it was, it did not fit the setting on the drama. I felt like many of the songs were too poppy to fit into a historical drama. I enjoy my historical dramas OSTs to have more of an authentic sounding song to the time frame and these did not. I felt like they were out of place, and could take away from the moments. However, I still really enjoyed the music. I am torn between loving the music and disliking its usage in this drama. I cant decide how I truly feel all together but I do know that I did enjoy the music for what it is.
This drama had beautiful sets, makeup, and costumes. The music for what it was, was beautiful and had many catchy songs through out. For the most part, the acting in this drama was great. The plot was a tad bit weak, with an ending that satisfied you for the first 3/4s but the ending left you to guess, and mostly was due to over thinking that the drama would truly be a hit and another season would unfold from it. I don't blame them for thinking it would be a hit because there were many elements of this drama that were outstanding, the cast was huge and had many amazing actors and actresses and the music was filled with artists that you could recognize with songs that would get stuck in your head. However, at the end of the day I think this drama just did not get released at the right time, and if it was airing right now (as of 9/11/2017) I think it would be doing pretty well, much better than when it aired. Overall, I liked the drama. I see why some think it was a flop and why some love it. Myself, I'm in between, there are many elements in which I enjoyed and many where the drama was questionable. It is far from a bad drama I will say that, is it a master piece? No. Obviously not. But in the end Scarlet Heart: Reyo took me on a journey of love and time travel that I enjoyed and I did become emotionally invested in, so I can't knock it for that. It was a good time, and I would recommend it to anyone.
Final Score: 110/150 [4 Stars]
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Madam president: are female leaders better for women?
Hillary Clinton would have done more for women than Trump, but less than Bernie Sanders. What is womens politics, anyway and who does it best?
This piece started with the assumption that in 2017 we would have a feminised global stage: thered be Hillary Clinton in the White House, Theresa May in Downing Street, Angela Merkel in the Bundeskanzleramt, and Marine Le Pen in a hollowed-out volcano. I wanted to know: what would such a spectrum of women in power, with their various viewpoints, tell us about womens politics? Is there such a thing? Is it a good thing? And how do you square a feminist desire for female leaders with the ascension of non-feminist ones? But it didnt quite turn out like that. Now, those questions seem peripheral.
When Donald Trump won, the notion of a broad, instinctive female solidarity was brutally exposed as myth: open misogyny in word, demeanour and the shape of a dozen sexual assault allegations deterred only a minority of women voters.
But now that we are in the grip of strongman politics, it is impossible to give up on the notion of womens politics. We face a gender equality crisis. The sharp end of this is that any authoritarian politician, from President Trump to Ukips Paul Nuttall, tends to be anti-abortion, having correctly identified that the best way to dominate a woman is to take away her choice of when to be a mother. But thats just the beginning: big daddy politics seeks no consensus, brooks no resistance, acknowledges no pluralism. We no longer have the luxury of time, which means ditching nuanced debate in favour of action. But action how?
Already Trumps inauguration has generated one response, the thing people do when they must do something but dont know what: they take to the streets. Todays Womens March on Washington, planned by a woman named Bob Bland, references both the March on Washington of 1963 and the Million Woman March on Philadelphia in 1997; a UK version is also taking place in London.
When I spoke to the organiser, Emma McNally, a 47-year-old artist, I thought she was being evasive on the womens politics question. It wasnt evasion, she said, it was a resistance to oversimplification, which, she says infantilises us and makes us very malleable. If we know who we are, we know who we belong with, then we feel strong, we can act with certainty. In other words, you cant just meet the simplicity of the tough guy with the simplicity of the elemental woman.
Youll waste a lot of time if you get mired in a discussion of what womens values are cooperation, empathy, humanity, solidarity and whether or not one gender has a right to annex them. This is what Sophie Walker, leader of the new-ish Womens Equality Party (WEP), remembers of the unfeminist 90s. We were always being diverted into a conversation about what feminism was. We couldnt ever get to the point of what a feminist does, because we had to spend all that time talking about what one looks like. The challenge now, she says, is to look at all politics through the lens of gender, because thats the only way were going to build a country that functions properly, in which everybody is seen and everybody is heard.
When Donald Trump won, the notion of a broad, instinctive female solidarity was brutally exposed as myth. Photograph: John Gurzinski/AFP/Getty Images
Twenty-one years ago, a series of postcards appeared in the Body Shop, which in those days wasnt a way to kill time in a station, but rather the embodiment of progressive consumerism. Its founder, Anita Roddick, was a feminist and an environmentalist who, with activists Bernadette Vallely, Sue Tibballs and others, asked an open-ended question: what do women want?
Their methodology was not dissimilar to Shere Hites 1976 report on female sexuality: you could be anonymous or not, and the sample was whoever replies. The flaws in this approach basically, that it preselected women who could afford to arse about in the Body Shop, and could also afford a stamp have been exhaustively pointed out. The fact is, with 6,000 replies, containing 46,000 suggestions, it remains the biggest independent survey of women ever undertaken in the UK. At the end of 2015, Tibballs and others launched it again, and their What Women Want 2.0 is still in train; the Womens Equality party has been collecting some of the responses while canvassing.
I worked on the original report, in a very peripheral capacity, and not for the right reasons (I was chasing a guy; it was quite circuitous, but it worked). I didnt believe in the report, not at all: the language felt soft and victimy; it was all about childcare and maternity leave, which is not at all interesting when you havent got children; and violence against women, which is of course! vitally important, but couldnt harness or accommodate the politics of optimism that prevailed at the time. I was waiting for a world in which children werent a womens issue, given that half the bloody things are male (and half of the making is done by men). A recurring demand for a healthy planet and respect for our planetary resources seemed to imply that women, by our very natures, cared more about the future. Elsewhere in the report, a National Health Service with proper funding got rolled into support for positive and alternative health, as if socialising medicine and believing in homeopathy were one and the same.
I wasnt the only sceptic: famously, the 1990s saw a dip in the popularity of feminism. At the Evening Standard newspaper, where I then worked, it was not unusual to get letters from readers saying, Yes, I agree with equal pay and abortion rights. But would I call myself a feminist? No thanks!
Theresa May is she better or worse than Margaret Thatcher? Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP
Last October, at the south London office of the Womens Equality party, members of the What Women Want team sat down with party staff to compare the original 1996 responses with todays, and ask whats changed in 20 years. I expected to hear about newfangled concerns. Cybercrime, perhaps, or polyamory.
In fact, most things havent changed, and those that have have changed for the worse. Women still want decent childcare and equal wages, but now they also want to be able to afford the rent; they still want to feel safe in public spaces, but now they would also like, if you please, not to get death threats every time they go online and give a view; they still want environmental sustainability to come before profit, but global solidarity has largely slipped out of the language (though there are positive signs that its back again: the recent threat to limit abortion rights in Poland sparked the Black Umbrellas protests across Europe).
In the 90s, women talked a lot about what they wanted from their boyfriends and partners: sometimes help with the chores, sometimes sex, sometimes recognition. Now, theres plenty about men en masse, how they should be educated about rape and consent; but in terms of the relationships that build their identity, women talk only about their children. This seems completely obvious to the women I speak to in their 20s. It would be so out of fashion now to hinge my identity as a feminist on my relationship with my partner, says Priscilla Mensah, members officer for the WEP. Hannah Peaker, the WEPs chief of staff, recalls one poignant response that struck her: One woman talking about the disappointment that moment, either when children come along, or youre trying to buy a house, when you realise that equality wasnt real, when you see how sexist things are underneath.
Peaker is savage on the way the rise of freelance work has impacted women. Theres been this really clever branding around women entrepreneurs. But if you look at the data, these are women who have been driven to working for themselves because they couldnt get the flexibility they needed. Theyre just doing the same jobs with no rights, no benefits, no maternity leave.
Pensions have about equal prominence in the original report and today, except that then the problem was that the system was based on the male-breadwinner model, and divorced pensioners lost out; now, the 2011 Pensions Act (which brought womens pensionable age into line with mens) means that all women born in the 1950s lose out. The responses were more or less exactly the same, almost word for word: Ive worked 44 years, and its completely unfair, says Mensah. There was a real sense of injustice. One cannot help wondering whether, if women pushing 60 were as large a part of the body politic as men, this change would have been sprung on them so blithely.
One striking similarity between the 90s and now is the complaints about media representation: the invisibility of older women; objectification; women described according to their looks rather than their achievements. There is no perceptible difference in the importance women place on safety from harassment, from violence although two decades ago there was more discussion around international security, the threat of war, the nuclear threat. Im struck, Tibballs says, by how safety is still such a big thing. Peaker tells us she has spoken to women, while campaigning, who say they probably spend about an hour extra a day planning around safety, without even thinking about it. One woman talked about it as a tax, the way she would have to get a taxi after 11pm, to avoid the walk home, or join a gym, because she couldnt run through a park in the winter.
Its such a foreign issue to men, says publicist Will Hill, who has been involved in the new survey. I did a focus group with young teenage girls in Brighton, asking what they wanted. I was expecting better access to music, tech, all that. And they all said, Street lighting.
Angela Merkel a way point as a leader. Photograph: Ullstein Bild via Getty Images
Alison Shergold was one of the original respondents, and at the time a fundraiser for Rape Crisis London: in 1996, she wanted statutory funding bodies for rape crisis centres throughout the UK. Now, she works in an upmarket commercial estate agent and says ruefully, Ive sold my soul to the corporate beast. She resists the urge to generalise about anything. I was in a lesbian relationship when I did the first survey, and my girlfriend was a separatist, very anti-men. I wasnt: I know some lovely men and some bitch women. Some things have got better, she thinks; others not. I dont think any of the goals were achieved. [Rape] conviction rates havent changed, or preventing it. I dont even want to change the world any more; I just want violence against women to stop, violence against everybody.
The projects cofounder Tibballs, meanwhile, takes a Kipling-esque approach to triumph and disaster, describing success and abject failure with the same cheerful straightforwardness. There is something intellectually wholesome, tireless and timeless about her, like a lady poet of the 30s or a Victorian explorer. The job that the project did, 20 years ago, was that it made it absolutely clear that you cannot, as a political party, not have a position on women and equality. Childcare wasnt in a single manifesto it wasnt part of the conversation. We put it on the agenda. And yet, she counters herself, Where the hell are we?
Perhaps we shouldnt be defining womens issues or perspectives, but rather highlighting those that are distinctively male. For instance, since the financial crash of 2008, there has been a political fetish for hard work. Families are legitimised by the prefix hard-working; immigrants divided into net contributors to the taxing state, or beneficiaries of it. Citizens are weighed by their economic activity, with moral disapprobation attached to those who are inactive.
This is nonsensical, since we all know that everyone is economically inactive for some part of their lives, and often youre working a lot harder when youre not being paid (childcare in your prime; volunteering in retirement; caring when there is nobody else to care). Often that work brings more to society than its cash equivalent. Practically speaking, these are political or economic conditions that hit women in a particular way; to respond to them as individuals rather than as a group is foolish like a thousand atomised complaints about pollution from people who all live on the same A-road.
It would be remiss to ignore conventional politics in this. I asked the Labour MP Margaret Hodge how she thinks womens politics have changed during her near 25 years in Westminster. She related an argument shed had recently with Harriet Harman about whether Theresa May is better or worse than Margaret Thatcher. May has done some good stuff, stuff that doesnt really impinge on her, like [tackling] FGM, Hodge says. It doesnt cost her very much, politically, but I dont think Mrs T would have done it. Is a female prime minister who takes FGM seriously, but waves through an austerity programme that devastates more women than men better than one who actively avoids any solidarity with her sex?
If, as Hodge maintains, the Trump-Clinton contest showed that politicians always tend to have gender-specific approaches to their politics, this becomes like a puzzle: is it always better to have one woman than no women, regardless of whether she fights for women? Or is politics like a BBC panel show: one woman, described as a minimum, is functionally a maximum? A non-feminist woman is currently occupying a space that would be better filled, for women generally, by someone who went in to bat for us.
How does Hodge feel about the use of the word feminism? Im delighted that feminism is back. Ive called myself a feminist throughout my career when it was fashionable, when it was deeply unfashionable. Women over 35 identify themselves to one another this way, a shibboleth of authenticity, like loving the Pixies before they were cool: its all very well being a feminist today, but where were you in the 90s?
My own idiosyncratic political position in the 90s was nothing of the sort, but the meeting of two frontiers, which squeezed the feminist space until its pips squeaked. On the one hand, there was the overhang of Thatcherism; it was an ethos in which, as Hodge says, you proved your brilliance as a woman by beating men on their own terms. To raise womens issues was akin to pleading weakness. On the other, there was the 80s residue of career women who had toughed it out, either forgoing having children or returning to work after 10 days maternity leave; they were genuinely scornful of that side of the equality agenda. Hodge remembers terrible resentment against any concessions on childcare or maternity leave. They didnt want to see these changes: they felt theyd made these sacrifices, and why should we have it all? It was an era when solidarity itself had fallen out of fashion: and without it, what bonded women? Hoovering and childbirth? No, thanks!
Nicola Sturgeon takes a keen interest in low wages and the systems that create them. Photograph: Bloomberg via Getty Images
Thinking about it now, I am beset by a sense of failure. I ceded the language of solidarity in favour of individual rights. I took no pride in the womens movement and its history, and lost that organisational muscle memory. I was happy to argue the toss about whether environmentalism and childcare were female in essence, rather than saying, Who are you people who think profit is more important than the planet? Who thinks childcare isnt a group effort?
Meanwhile, this is the politics that was developing in tandem: the hyper-masculinist language of self-interest, tough talk, militarism, competitiveness and control, all now considered normal. The essential cooperative qualities that any society needs to be halfway functioning are currently considered not only unrealistic but wishy-washy, pass and rather niche. But I do not feel downhearted: this situation cant last because it is just too stupid.
I was looking in the wrong place for the value of the idea. It was never meant to be a coherent programme of female-friendly actions, to which all right-thinking women would subscribe. It may be that there is no such thing as a womens issue but still, on any given subject, there is always a distinct womens perspective, without which you will never meaningfully understand it. Feminism is always in the detail, in each granular answer, in every individual woman.
Having female leaders is clearly useful. But a woman at the top can never, even with feminist bona fides up the wazoo, bring the complete perspective of her gender. So much of this is about power: how a shrinking state throws its burdens back on to individuals; how those individuals are usually women; how this is ignored by the language of competition and self-interest.
Clinton would have been better for women than Trump, merely by maintaining Obamacare and not redistributing wealth upwards; but not as good as Bernie Sanders, with his more coherent vision for empowering the dispossessed. May is probably no better or worse for women than Cameron was, although her predecessor might have worked harder to keep an on-the-record misogynist (Philip Davies MP) off the committee for women and equalities. Angela Merkel is less good for her gender than Nicola Sturgeon, who takes a keener interest in low wages and the systems that create them.
In the end, all these leaders are way points, not end points. To wish they were better, gutsier, more harmonious feminists is a needless distraction: far better to wish them part of a bigger choir.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kcHF5k
from Madam president: are female leaders better for women?
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