#so it was so jaring for the video to make it seem like they were
vexx-the-egg · 4 months
#i was watching an art video about the female gaze through art history#and although it had some intresting points#i couldn't help but think....#why do we sanitize the female gaze so much#why do we see it as this pure. holy truthful. gritty thing. never sexual.#i understand its like a push back against the male gaze definition#but we must know the difference right#between male artist and the male gaze#between women artist and the woman gaze#the male gaze is not something all men are shackled too... its its a deliberate choice to comadify female bodies#but its a choice! its not like every male artist cant help but do it. its not like there biologicly compelled#so it was so jaring for the video to make it seem like they were#And then to praise all these other female artist for drawing women UNSEXY. Unfantasy like. gritty and full of deep dark emotions#and i was confused because i felt like... arent those normal attributes that any artist og any gender could draw women as.#what makes it the female gaze. that its without male gaze traits? but then wouldnt any male art made by a guy just like...#drawing a little old lady be considerd... the female gaze#the video talked like men could never do this and yet many have.#and on another note#they didn't ONCE talk about Queer female artist and there relationship to art#and the one queer artist they did talk about they oh so conveniently left out that she was bisexual#why?#is it suddenly not the female gaze if its one female sexalizing another? sexualising themselves? why?#for a video that prided itself in pushing female artist up and saying HERE look at all thses women! it felt.... strangly.... sanitized#like it felt like they were saying yes these women are all amazing but.. only because they show femininity in a way that i dont find yucky.#and that made my skin crawl#there were lots of good points about female artist being pushed down or forced into marriages that killed there art careers#but it felt disingenuous#it felt like saying i think women female artist deserved to be praised (but only the ones i find palpable)#anyways food for thought
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prettypinkporkchop · 9 days
I need a Paul x nerd reader in my life I think there dynamic would be so cute
I fucking love the jock x nerd trope (i know Paul's not a jock but close enough)
How it began:
You're peacefully reading your book at the public library behind a shelf. You hear two loud guys behind you out of the book aisle. You think to yourself how you're thankful for graduating school! You close the book and step out toward the checkout to buy it. You're stopped dead in your tracks.
Paul Lahote and his friend, Embry Call. Embry is being quiet and looking around for something. You gasp and hide behind the shelf. Paul Lahote. He bullied you for the longest time. When he left high school to join Sam's cult, you were already graduating. He's a year younger than you, but he was mister popular. You were just a book worm with straight A's. You've never even been in a relationship.
Embry has always been respectful. You've always questioned why he associates with him. But getting that quick view of their new hair made you extra nervous. You know Embry won't acknowledge you. Paul might even though you guys are grown now. You don't know! He's always unpredictable and hotheaded.
You take a deep breath and lower your head, quickly making your way to the check out desk. Before you reach it, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You swiftly turn and meet Paul. He's smiling his taunting smile, but it quickly fades. He seems lost in thought. Embry is standing next to him and grabs his arm. "Paul." He whispers. Paul snaps out of it and then looks down. "Hey, y/n. Good to see you." Then he walks away.
You can't help but wonder what the fuck that was about. Embry turns to you with a look of "yikes". "Sorry about that, y/n. Uhm, good to see you! Gotta blast." He gives you the peace out sign and walks away. Oh, Embry. What a dork! Oh, wait...
"Babe! Come play with us!" Paul calls out. He's holding the soccer ball in his hand. You look up from your book and push up your glasses. You can see some of the guys in the water. The other imprints decided to go shopping. It wasn't really your thing, so you stayed with Paul.
"No, sweetie. You know I'm no good at that stuff." You laugh. He groans and tosses the ball to Jared. They start playing again. But Paul stops and runs over to you, playing on your back, tackling you, and holding you down. You laugh loudly as he begins to tickle you. You toss the book and completely lose your place. "Paul!" You yell and then reach for the book. "It's got sand in it, and you made me lose my place." You sigh. He grabs your face and kisses you hard. You kiss back and hold his face, too, rubbing your thumbs on his cheek.
"Think fast!" You hear Quil running to you two. You pull away and see the ball coming right toward you. Paul reacts quickly, catching it with one hand. "Bro, really?" He glares at him.
You guys get home, and Paul is watching football on TV. You're sitting on your phone, looking at Pinterest crafting ideas. Easy ones that'll keep you out of bordemn in your free time. "YOO!" He yells and laughs. He points at the screen and looks at you. "Did you see that horrible defense?! Hell no." He turns back and laughs. You just smile and nod your head, not understanding a thing he said. He turns back to you and grabs your thigh. "Right, my nerd." He leans in and peppers kisses all over your face. You lay back and pull him on top of you. He holds himself up, looking down at you. "When you are focusing on reading or anything else, really, you're so cute. When you tutor Brady and Collin for math, I love it." He smiles. You blush and wrap your arms around his neck. "Thank you, sexy." You giggle and pull him down for a kiss. His lips land on yours for a moment, and he pulls away, looking down at you. "Do you want to play video games together? How about Madden? It's not real football. I'm sure you'll like it!" He sits up and turns on his Playstation. You suck in a breath. "Last time you made me play a sports game, I nearly fell asleep." You giggle. He laughs and then goes through his downloads. He skips animal crossing SOOOO fast. "Hey!" You call out. "Nope. Nope. I'll settle for Minecraft, but that's all you get." He shakes his head. "How about we meet in the middle? GTA?" You grab the other controller that's on the coffee table. He smirks and turns to you. "I pick the music when we steal a bus."
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detailtilted · 4 months
In Search of Supernatural Fans from the Early Years
Hi! I’m looking for the legends who originally recorded old Supernatural convention panels featuring Jared or Jensen, or possibly Misha. See "What I'm Looking For" below. If you know one of them, or if you're a member of a community with people who were in the fandom in those early years, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could let them know about this post. I can be reached at [email protected] or here on Tumblr.
If you aren’t familiar with my project, see the “Project Background” section below. This is not a low-effort exercise to merely repackage old videos. I’m putting many hours of work into each video to improve their watchability and accessibility. I will always credit my sources unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I’m likely to have more success upscaling them if I can get the original video files. Thanks to the videos AgtSpooky kindly sent me, I've learned how big of a difference it can make when I have the original files to work with. That's why I’m putting more effort into finding those elusive original video takers.
The problem is that they all seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Most of their YouTube accounts, LiveJournal accounts, and whatever other accounts I’ve dug up haven’t had any activity in 10-15 years. I’ve left a few messages on some of them, but I doubt they’ll be seen on dormant accounts. I’ve also gone down some crazy and twisted Googling paths trying to find current contact info for them, but without much success. In one case I even messaged the wrong person, who was at least kind enough to reply to the psycho asking for videos to let me know she wasn't the person I'd hoped she was. Oops!
What I’m Looking For
I’ve already finished CHICON 2007, Comic-Con 2008, and CHICON 2008, so I don’t need videos from those events, but I’d be happy to try to upscale your videos for your own collection if you have some you'd like to send me.
Actually, I could use CHICON 2008 Breakfast videos if you have any. I plan to attempt to redo that video either late this year or early next year.
I’ve been trying especially hard to reach people with original video files from either LA 2009 or Asylum 3 (2009), and I’d also be ecstatic to get some from LA 2008.
Any other old con videos you’re willing to share that have Jared or Jensen in them would be awesome. I hope to get to all the old conventions eventually. I haven’t yet defined “old”, so I don’t have a specific cutoff point.
Even if you just have audio files without video, those could be helpful too.
Length doesn't matter. Both long and short videos are welcome. Maybe I won't end up using them all, but the more options I have the better. Even if I don't put your video in my final edit, it would still be used because I always listen to every single video I can find when I'm finalizing my subtitles. Each video sounds at least a little different, and sometimes just hearing the audio in a slightly different way lets me catch a subtitle I'd missed or misheard.
Also, just to be clear, it isn’t necessarily my intent to exclude Misha. I’ve watched and enjoyed many of his convention videos and I liked Castiel for the most part, especially in the earlier seasons. I’m just not obsessed with Misha like I am with Jared and Jensen, and these videos do take quite a lot of work, so I’ve been putting my energy where my greatest interests lie. I’ll absolutely be including him when he’s in panels with Jared and/or Jensen, and in the future I may consider doing some of his solo panels.
So if you have original video files of Misha's solo panels that you’d like to send me, I’d be happy to add them to my stockpile for future possible use. If your videos turn out to be mostly complete, and if they upscale easily, then I might go ahead and do his panel at the same time I do the other panels from the same convention. If they'll take more effort to work with, I’ll probably skip them for now, but I may come back and tackle them if/when I run out of old Jared and Jensen videos to work with.
For any con videos you send me, regardless of whether I use them or not, I’d be happy to try to upscale them and send them back to you for your collection. I can’t always get things to upscale, so I can’t promise success, but I’ll definitely try.
Project Background - Enhanced Edition Con Videos
You can find my videos on my YouTube channel. (If you're already familiar with my project, skip to the next section -- there's nothing new to see here.)
I started this project in December 2023 to enhance old convention videos. My goal is to make them easier on the eyes and more accessible to both new and old fans from around the world. The videos on YouTube from that time can be difficult both to watch and to understand due to a combination of the older technology used to record them, the difficult recording conditions the fans were working with, and the lack of subtitles that make any sense.
I’m enhancing the videos as follows:
Visual Improvements: I’m upscaling the videos if possible, making color corrections if needed, and adding some slight stabilization to reduce the jitteriness. The end result is far from perfect because there’s only so much that current technology can do, but it's noticeably improved if you compare it to the originals.
Subtitles: I’m adding good, color-coded, English subtitles that can be turned on or off through YouTube’s CC button. The color-coding makes it more clear who's saying what when multiple people are speaking, and YouTube can auto-translate them into other languages to improve the accessibility.
Multiple Sources: If one video has gaps in it, then I'll try to find another that I can edit in to fill those gaps so the end result is as complete as possible. If I have more than one source that captured the same portion of the event, then I'll cut to whichever video I think had the best view of the action. In a few cases I’ve added a split screen with two different videos showing simultaneously so we can see action that's taking place in two separate areas. For example, when Jared and Jensen are on opposite sides of the stage. (There were also the infernal talking head bubbles on my Comic-Con 2008 video which nearly made me throw in the towel, but taught me a lot. 😅)
Extra Content for Context: These older videos don’t take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I’ve taken advantage of the extra space to display some still images with text to add extra context for many of the things they discuss. Some things are a lot funnier, or at least a lot more relevant, when you know exactly what they’re talking about. I clarify Supernatural episode references and pop culture references among other things. Sometimes I’ve also inserted short video clips, usually just a few seconds’ worth, if I thought it would add worthwhile clarity or entertainment to the topic at hand.
Current Project Status
If anyone has been wondering how I’m doing on my current video and what’s next… I’m almost done with the last video from CHICON 2008, which was Jensen’s solo panel. I should be ready to publish it on YouTube this Friday, May 24. I plan to use the same schedule as last time and put the Tumblr post up the following Tuesday when it’s a little more likely to be noticed here.
The next sequential conventions are LA 2009 and Asylum 2009, but I haven’t had much success in my attempts to upscale the available videos. If I were to work with what I have now, I know I could turn out something better than what’s on YouTube today, but the end result wouldn’t be nearly as good as what I might be able to achieve if I can get some original videos to work with. So I think it’s more logical to skip over these conventions for now and give it some time to see if I get any responses, in hope of a better end result.
I do intend to come back to the skipped conventions eventually, even if nobody sends me anything. Once I run out of conventions for which I can upscale the videos, if I still don't have anything better to work with for the ones I skipped, I’ll just do the best I can with what’s available. Even if I can't upscale, I can still do color corrections and stabilization, plus the subtitles and extra content. Some of these panels are split up into a bunch of very short videos, so it would also add value if I can combine them into something more sequential and cohesive. (I found 130 videos from the Jared and/or Jensen panels at LA 2009, and most of them were under 2 minutes long. 🤣) I don’t know if there’s enough footage to cover the entire panels seamlessly, but I’m itching to get my hands on that jigsaw puzzle of videos to try to make sense out of them.
So… the next videos I intend to work on will be from Vancouver 2009. This is one of the conventions that AgtSpooky attended and sent me videos for and they upscaled very well. Her breakfast video had already found its way onto YouTube, but wasn't properly credited. Her main panel videos aren't on YouTube as far as I could find, so that version may be new to newer fans. I'm only just starting to play around with upscaling the other sources out there, but my first attempt at the other main Breakfast source came out well. Both breakfast videos were taken from extreme opposite angles, so that should provide some useful editing opportunities. I’d still love to get more videos of this event if anyone has them.
If you made it this far, I am in awe. Sorry for putting this wall of text on your screen! 😅
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jacarandaaaas · 11 months
so I watched this video and whilst it does bring up some valid points I have to heavily disagree with how mirabel was mentioned
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she’s only mentioned maybe twice and referred to by Jared’s description of “imperfect weird and quirky” leaving out the obvious “deeply emotional and empathetic” that often follows that in the official description.
whilst she explains a lot about how moana, Anna and rapunzel act mirabel just seemed like a “let’s add her in because it says quirky” what everyone forgets is mirabel as a character is insecure. like extremely insecure to the point she values a candle over her own life. her “adorkableness” is a facade, a front, something she uses to try seem interesting to ppl and to hide her true feelings of inadequacy and failure that she’s had for a decade.
also worth mentioning whilst I agree with some of the heroines not taking dangerous or stressful situations seriously, mirabel definetly does. Even something as minor as the failed proposal dinner you see her not cracking jokes but desperate to explain that it’s not her fault. You see several times she risks her own life not because she was told to “save the miracle” but because she herself chooses to. You also see mirabel push away her own feelings to comfort other people and she takes it seriously!
she’s a smart girl! she’s clumsy because her dads clumsy not because it makes her “cute”. In fact I would also argue whilst for a lot of these characters they are likable to people around them for this reason mirabel is not. The townspeople keep rubbing her biggest insecurity in her face and she’s told to stay out of the way constantly. Like half of this movie was mirabel being scrutinized for just being herself!
I do agree with some points in the video but like if you’re going to have miss madrigal in the thumbnail I would assume she would have been a big talking point like asha and rapunzel were
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sofreddie · 2 months
Resigned 8
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Summary: After the incident, Y/N and Jensen deal with the aftermath. While Jensen is ready to fight, Y/N wants to hide.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader, Clif
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Omegas are second-class citizens/treated awfully, Angst, Fluff
WC: 2,406
A/N: I have so many plans for this story and am so excited to share it with you. Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is appreciated. : )
Resigned Masterlist
My Masterlist
Part 7
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Jensen sighed and relaxed in the back of the SUV as Clif escorted him from yet another interview. He'd been busy since the incident with Y/N and the Alpha, which someone had recorded and posted online. Fighting and disagreements over Omega Rights had been causing large-scale uprisings all over the globe, and Y/N's recent incidents and his claim of her were cited as another example.
Those fighting for rights and equality used her as another publicized victim and an example of why change was needed. Y/N's face and incident videos were posted all over the news as people debated her and her actions, which led to debates over Jensen as her Alpha and the roles of Alphas in society. He networked with his lawyers, politicians, other activists, and charities, going public and donating tons of money. He even launched a campaign, with the help of Jared and others, and spoke about it every chance he got at interviews and conventions. Jensen was a highly visual and extremely vocal Omega Rights activist when he wasn't on set.
When he returned to work after the incident, he expected the producers and executives to be upset with him, if not fire him for his actions and negative publicity. Instead, he was met with understanding, compassion, and support. They all seemed invested in change and greenlighted him taking a public stand, especially in light of what had happened. Jensen was less surprised but equally grateful when the whole cast and crew became very involved, promoting Omega Equality on every platform and taking a stand the way he had.
Jensen's openness about the incident and his relationship with his Omega caused a ripple that inspired many other Alphas to do the same and step forward on behalf of their Omegas. Many were too afraid, just as Jensen had been, but they seemed to feel if he could do it, so could they. He didn't mind being an inspiration or a public face, especially if it meant a better life for him and Y/N and ending the barbaric social traditions of Alpha and Omega dynamics.
Sitting upright and rubbing the sleep from his face, Jensen turned his attention to Clif in the driver's seat. "Where to next?"
"Home," Clif responded, flashing his eyes to the rearview mirror before returning to the road again. "You have tomorrow to rest, and then it's back to set."
Jensen nodded and sighed, slumping back into his seat. Home. He hated to admit it, but home was hard lately. He and Y/N had been struggling since they left the police station. After everything that had happened, she was afraid to go outside, scared to get in trouble for the slightest thing. She kept herself locked in the apartment and stopped watching TV entirely since she constantly saw herself and the incident. He knew it was hard for her but was frustrated that he couldn't break her out of it. He felt like he was losing her.
"How is she?" Clif inquired, and Jensen smiled softly. Clif looked out for all of them, and Jensen knew he genuinely cared.
"Not great," Jensen admitted as they approached his building. "She won't go outside of the apartment."
"You're a newly mated pair, and it hasn't been easy. Maybe focus on and enjoy the bond. She might need reassurance before she's comfortable going out again. I can't imagine how awful it is what she went through."
Jensen sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. He needed to make things okay between them first. Then, maybe he could bring her out with him. He'd been so focused on work and activism - and, admittedly, a bit of revenge towards the dicks that did this to them - that he hadn't spent much time with her.
Thanking Clif for the ride, Jensen entered the building, taking the stairs instead of the elevator to burn off some of his extra energy and prepare his mind for Y/N. Finally standing outside his front door, he fidgeted with his keys, took a deep breath, and entered the apartment.
"Y/N, I'm home."
Y/N jumped to attention from where she was folding and putting away laundry in the bedroom. Setting down the clothing, she walked towards the sound of her Alpha's voice with hurried steps. With a broad smile, she rushed to Jensen and wrapped her arms around his middle. She purred when his arms wrapped around her, rubbing her cheek into his chest. She missed him while he was away and was always glad when he came back to her.
She rushed to the couch, cleaning up the various books, magazines, and printouts from the sofa and the coffee table. She loved to read and was constantly in a book. However, since the incident, she'd stopped with her preferred novels and instead focused on everything related to Omegas: roles, laws, behavior, and biology. The more knowledge she had, the better armed she'd feel to deal with the world and her role within it.
Stacking everything neatly, she returned to Jensen. Taking him by the hand, she led him to the couch, sat beside him, and curled into his side.
"How was it, Alpha?"
Jensen sighed, hugging her closer to him. He wasn't sure if she was aware or not, but she hadn't called him by anything other than his title since the station. Every time she called him Alpha instead of his name recently, it reminded him of how it was at the start. More and more, it felt like the OE ruined the progress they had made with each other and their relationship.
"I think we're making real progress," he responded with a kiss on her head before removing her collar. Another unwanted change, she'd put on her collar every morning, and Jensen would remove it every night. He told her repeatedly that she didn't need to wear it at home, but she still insisted.
When Y/N returned from the police station, she was hurt and terrified—terrified of what she had gone through, of what could happen in the future, and even of her Alpha. Jensen quickly eased her worries over him, showing that he was the loving, caring Alpha he'd promised to be when they'd first mated.
He wasn't like any other Alpha she'd encountered, recently or in the past. He cared about her to the point that he was trying to fight for Omega's Rights and change laws. He was trying to change the world for her, and she couldn't be more grateful to have someone like him in her life. But as lovely as that was, she wasn't optimistic. She appreciated his efforts but felt they were useless, fighting a battle they could never win.
"Alpha?" Y/N spoke, and Jensen hummed to let her know he was listening. "You don't have to work so hard, you know? Maybe you could spend more time at home with me?"
Jensen gave her his full attention, her tone more than a little concerning as she slipped into her natural Omega submission. He tried to control his Alpha, who was stirring with quiet anger. Though he and Y/N had mated and he'd claimed her, they were still new and hadn't mated nearly as much as they should have. His hormones were still off-balance, his body trying to recover from being out-of-whack and near feral. Mostly, it made him fiercely protective and possessive over Y/N, but it also made him quick to anger, and he struggled to control it. He even briefly entertained the idea of going on suppressants, but he couldn't bear the thought of anything between them.
"Maybe you could come out with me?" he instead suggested. "To some gigs or on set? It would do you good to get out of here."
Y/N shook her head and abruptly moved to the kitchen, wandering about and keeping herself busy to avoid the conversation. Jensen groaned and ran his hands through his hair, tugging the strands in frustration. It wasn't the first time he'd tried to convince her to leave the house, and she turned him down or avoided the conversation each time. He tried to be patient and understanding, but those were running thin. It didn't help he was utterly exhausted from stretching himself so thin, but he knew it was worth it.
"Please, Y/N, talk to me," Jensen pleaded, leaning against the counter opposite of her. "I know you're scared, but I'll be with you."
"I'm a bad Omega," Y/N huffed, shaking her head. I've been reading about the laws and requirements, and I'm trying to do better. I'm one step away from being sent away from you, and I don't want to risk it."
"You're not just an Omega, Y/N. You're my wife, my partner, my person. And you're amazing. You're not bad, Y/N; the world is."
She started to cry at his words, and he gave in to the need to comfort her, rounding the counter to take her in his arms again. As her tears started to ebb and her knees wobbled, he lifted her onto the counter, stepping between her legs and cupping her face. He wiped the remaining tears away with his thumbs, tucking her hair behind her ears.
"I'm sorry, Alpha."
"Don't be sorry. And you can call me something other than Alpha every now and again, you know?" he added with a chuckle, trying to make it light, though it was starting to bother him. Just as she was more than an Omega, he was more than an Alpha. She simply nodded, and he sighed. "Have you watched the news or gone online at all lately?"
"No," she responded. "Last I looked, everyone was plastering my face everywhere and talking about me as a bad Omega. I didn't want to see it anymore."
"You're not a bad Omega," he insisted again, cupping her face and tilting her head to meet his stern gaze. It's not just about you being a 'bad Omega.' It's not just about you. More Omegas and Alphas have come forward, and activists, lawyers, and politicians are debating on every channel daily. There are protests around the world. Change is coming, and it's what I and others have been fighting for."
She dared to let her heart soar with hope at his words, and Jensen could feel it. It made him even more determined.
"We're wrapping up filming in a few days, and then we'll be heading home to Texas," Jensen reminded her. "Why don't you come to set with me? It'll get you out of the house, you'll be with me, and everyone on set is supportive and part of the fight." Her eyes widened, and her body stiffened as she readied to reject his request again. He had to close his eyes and breathe deeply to keep back the anger that wanted to break free. Eyes locking back on hers, he spoke slowly and deliberately. "Please don't make me command you. You need to get out, and we need to spend more time together."
Y/N's mind flashed back to the beginning of their relationship when he held her hands and pleaded with her: "All I ask is that you be mine. Give me and us an actual, real chance together."
She'd be lying if she said she wasn't still scared, worried that one foot out of the house would have her stepping into trouble simply because of her biology—because of something she didn't choose and couldn't change—because of who she was born as. But Jensen was so sure, so enthralled by the idea of freedom and equality, that he wouldn't be stopped. And, apparently, he wasn't alone—not by a long shot.
After they had both calmed down, Y/N insisted on making Jensen dinner. He sat on the sofa, looking through the various media she'd been reading. One book in particular—Alpha, Beta, and Omega Dynamics Throughout History: A Comprehensive Study—caught his eye. The book was thick, and Y/N placed many small tabs to bookmark various topics, one of which had him reading intently: True Mates and Biological Compatibility.
The author spoke about traditional ideologies and modern societal structures. They mention the old wives' tales of True Mates and how modern science preferred the term Highly Compatible. They suggested that one could have many potential biological mates, but, in theory, everyone had a potential mate that was 'the one.' Jensen began to lose interest as the author continued into the fantasy and fairytale of True Mates throughout time and literature. He was about to abandon the book when the next paragraph of the text stopped him and had him reread it several times.
True Mates share a unique bond and, thus, are connected on a unique level. When the Alpha claims his Omega, they are bound and connected. However, according to ancient texts, true mates once claimed each other—a mutual claim that created a deeper and unbreakable bond. This tradition was abandoned over time as Alphas became the dominant members of society. Marks on an Alpha are frowned upon in modern times as they suggest equality and are considered an antiquated and unnecessary practice. 
Jensen returned the book to the table and turned his attention to Y/N in the kitchen. He watched as she moved about comfortably, the delicious smells starting to drift through the apartment. It was one of the few times she looked at ease and unburdened by the world. He could see his claim, now healed and scarred, shining silvery against her neck, proclaiming to the world that she was his.
Their bond felt weak, tested by their circumstances and time apart, and despite it all, his cycle and hormones were still off. Maybe if they dual-bonded—if he claimed her again and she claimed him, too—it would fix him and them. He'd never imagined taking a claim, but suddenly, it was all he wanted: to be wholly and genuinely connected with his other half, for her to be connected with him, and to know they were equal.
"Y/N?" he asked as he entered the kitchen, smiling as she finished cooking and gave him her attention. "There's something I want to ask you."
She tilted her head and furrowed her brow, and Jensen chuckled at the adorable sight.
Taking a deep breath, he vocalized his thoughts, "I want you to claim me."
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lightofraye · 3 months
An Open Letter
Dear Jensen,
You don’t know me. Chances are, we may never meet. Not unless I get very lucky at a convention or one of your Radio Company concerts. I wish I could say I’d be okay with that, but the fangirl in me has to be honest—it would be an honor if I could. (You’re actually on my bucket list, believe it or not.)
However, that’s not the point of this letter. Call it an open letter, on the off chance you come across it. I imagine your Ackles Army fans will disagree with what I’m about to say, as they’ve disagreed with a ton of the posts I’ve written in the past. That’s okay. I think I’m a part of a small sub-section of the fandom that see you as a person, as opposed to an object to admire for beauty and only that.
You’re a human being. A flawed, imperfect human being. Yes, you have aged like fine wine. I’m not going to deny that. For someone approaching his 50s, you look at least ten years younger. Add in green eyes, that wicked smile of yours when you use it, and many a person would be swooning. You seem to know when to use it and that is always a dangerous thing, regardless of the person’s gender.
You’re also a talented actor—when you apply yourself. When you apply yourself, many are shaken by the depths. I know especially in earlier seasons of Supernatural, we were floored. There’s immense potential in you. It’s been seen. It’s been recognized.
Then something happened.
You lost yourself. You were once an orchestra that was in tune, playing beautifully. Your energies were in synch with Jared and the show. You were doing well in conventions. As time progressed, cracks were beginning to be seen. At the end of Supernatural, those cracks were gaping wide, seeping wounds for anyone to see. (Well, anyone not of your Ackles Army fan group.)
You wounded Jared with your actions. You accused fans of not being true fans of Supernatural if they didn’t believe or support The Winchesters. You made up stories, twisted the truth. More things became obvious—friendships made for the benefit of yourself as opposed to the benefit of the heart and soul. It would seem to the outsider that sycophants were giving you the worst of advice while you were ignoring the ones you should be listening to.
You pushed a narrative that to many were obviously untrue. The discordant notes in your orchestra were getting louder, noticeable to even those who weren’t musically inclined. You still push that narrative and to many of us, myself included, we frown and purse our lips, aware of just how false it is.
While you are looking better as you have been seen in conventions, there’s something tugging at the eyes, pulling at the soul. Is it just the discordant notes? Is it the insincerity of the stories? Is it the signs of excess alcohol that can be seen at the edges?
Or is it the tons of photos and videos that we’ve seen since 2019? Where the unhappiness is so noticeable that those who care feel their hearts aching and wishing we could reach through and give you a genuine hug? To give you something real that isn’t acquired by having a somewhat well-known name and money to spend? That the only benefit would be to the heart and soul and not to the pocketbook?
To industry experts, you had potential. But since the end of Supernatural, the offers weren’t flying to you like you expected. You called Eric for a role in The Boys and you were supplied Soldier Boy. Then you reached out to Ben for Big Sky. You’ve been sort of networking to those you’ve worked with in the past or had a shared history at the CW, but nothing beyond that.
You coasted, when you should’ve worked. In Hollywood, the real work is at premiers and red carpets where you meet other people in the industry and make yourself known. You have charisma; it radiates off you on the screen. But you don’t spread it.
You can’t expect the pollen to come to you. Be the butterfly, be the bee, and go hopping from flower to flower.
Go spend a month with Jared. He’s had regular work for twenty-four years. He took his career responsibly and maybe he’s had some missteps, but overall, he’s had praise from cast and crew alike. He’s ran regular success, enough that his future is secure for some time.
Humble yourself. Set aside your pride. We do believe in you, we believe in your future as an actor, but for all that is good, please, acknowledge there’s much you do not know.
One of your biggest cracks would be your marriage to Danneel. We do not see any joy or happiness there. No real love. Despite your exaggerated narratives that you tell at conventions, it’s just not believable. Is it fear of being seen as a failure? Is it fear of being alone? Is it fear of losing access to your children? Given you barely see them already….
The only failure is never try a different way. Your narrative to Hollywood is wildly inconsistent, other than the loud blaring that says you do not know who you are. That you change with who you are with.
Who is the real Jensen? Who is the man behind the beauty? Who is the man behind the mask? Is he still the little boy who was wrongly taught by his father that the beatings were meant with love? Is he still the young man who thought he made the right decision to go through the wedding when he wasn’t ready? Is he still the one who decided that perhaps it was best to rarely be home as he couldn’t be himself there?
Who are you, really?
I would love to set that orchestra back to being beautiful music again.
In eternal melody, Raye
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Home For Christmas
TGWRC Christmas in July Event Fic
Prompt - Someone resorts to desperate measures to get home for Christmas. “Sounds like a fun party…So why aren’t you inside enjoying it?”
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader
“Want a top-up?” Genevieve asks you, holding up a half-full bottle of Pinot Noir. You just shake your head and excuse yourself outside to the patio. 
Austin winters were generally quite mild and tonight you were thankful for it. Still, you wrap your shawl tighter around yourself as you look out over the Padalecki’s backyard from the deck. The kids are all noisily singing carols and playing games inside and you know you should be in there celebrating Christmas Eve with them but it’s hard to get into the spirit when you know their Christmas wishes won’t be coming true. Ever since your husband gave you the unfortunate news a few days ago you’ve been trying to find ways to keep the kids distracted and make the season as special as possible. 
That’s how you ended up planning a joint Christmas with the Padaleckis, starting with a sleepover tonight. You packed up all the stockings and presents and hid them in the back of the car earlier in the day so you can surprise them in the morning. You contemplate trying to put your act back on to join them when your phone rings. You stare at your husband’s name on the screen for a moment before answering. His tired yet handsome face pops up filling your screen. You return the most sincere smile you can.
“Hey Honey,” you say.
“Hey Sweetheart, how’s the party going?”
“Great. Gen broke out the wine and the kids are inside doing karaoke and playing games together. They seem happy…”
“Sounds like a fun party … So why aren’t you inside enjoying it?”
“Just getting some fresh air … And trying to work out how I’m going to break the news to them. In 10 years you’ve never once missed Christmas.”
“I know. Everything was different when I was filming Supernatural. I just don’t have any pull around here. I would give anything to be there with you guys, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know. I just … I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault filming got held up. Do you wanna talk to the kids?”
“I don’t wanna upset them. We can video call with them tomorrow.”
“I gotta get back on set, try and have some fun for me. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Jensen.”
Once the line goes silent you shove your phone back in your pocket, take a deep breath to compose yourself and go back inside. You refill your glass as you walk through the kitchen, taking a big gulp before joining everyone in the living room. Sitting down on the couch beside Gen she pats your knee comfortingly – she knows how hard it can be to not have your partner by your side, especially during special occasions so has been doing her best to cheer you up. 
“Alright, kiddos, I think it’s time to start getting ready for bed,” Jared says standing up and lowering the volume of the music. All the kids groan in unison. 
Gen sits up straighter and adds, “Do you want Santa to come? Santa only comes if everyone is asleep.” 
“But we wanna stay up and see him!” Tom whines.
“That’s not how it works. Santa won’t come if you’re not tucked up in bed,” Gen adds.
“But Mamma, can’t we stay up a little while longer? What if Daddy gets here?” your daughter asks as she climbs into your lap.
“Uncle Jared and Aunty Gen are right, Santa won’t come if you stay awake, and nor will Dad.” You kiss your daughter on the head and stand up keeping your four-year-old on your hip. “Come on guys, go upstairs and brush your teeth and I’ll come up and read you a story and tuck you in.” You carry your daughter upstairs as the other kids begrudgingly following behind. 
Once they all run into the bathroom to brush their teeth your seven-year-old son hangs behind for a second. “He’s not coming home is he?” he asks.
You crouch down to his level and shake your head, “I’m sorry, Baby, he’s doing his best. He wishes he could be here. He loves you and your sister so much.”
“Can we at least call him before bed?”
“Go brush your teeth and I’ll text him and see if he can have a quick chat between scenes.”
Your son nods and joins the rest of the kids in the bathroom. You send off a text to Jensen asking if he can talk, but you already know he won’t check it while filming. Then you sit on the end of Tom’s bunk bed with the Twas The Night Before Christmas book and wait for the kids to come in. Once they come in you give them a few minutes to settle under the blankets of the two beds and then start to read. 
“... Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.” you read. Closing the book, you stand up and tuck them all in.
Your son quietly stops you, “So no answer?”
You shake your head. “Sorry, Sweetie, he must be working. He’ll call in the morning.”
He sadly rolls over, snuggling into the covers beside his sister. Holding back tears you turn on the twinkling Christmas lights on the small tree in the bedroom, shut off the overhead light and quietly shut the door before making your way back downstairs. 
As you sit on the couch where Jared and Gen are both now spread out she asks, “They go down okay?”
“Yeah, they’re good kids. I just wish I could give mine what they want most.”
“It’s hard to believe they kept filming so late. I’ve never been asked to work Christmas,” Jared says.
“They weren’t meant to, but there was a blizzard and they got pushed back and then a few of them just couldn’t get a flight so they decided to keep filming. I know he tried his best. It’s not his fault, it just sucks. Especially for the kids.”
The three of you sit quietly scrolling on your phones for a while waiting until you’re sure the kids are all fully asleep. After about half an hour you all get up and start to arrange the presents under the big tree in the living room. Jared drinks the glass of eggnog and takes a bite out of the carrot and cookies the kids put out for Santa and his reindeer earlier in the evening. You and Gen also fill the stockings on the fireplace. 
“I hope they’re happy with what I could manage,” you say.
“As you said, they’re good kids. They’ll be grateful even if a little disappointed that their dad’s not here,” Gen says as she hugs you. 
“Come on, we should all get some sleep. They’ll all be up at the crack of dawn,” Jared adds. You and Gen nod. Jared goes around the house shutting off lights and checking the doors as you and Gen head upstairs. You take a quick shower changing into a pair of comfy, warm Christmas pyjamas before laying down in the guest bed. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s well after midnight when a quiet knocking noise wakes you up. You blink a few times, adjusting to the lack of light in the room. You hear the quiet knocking again from the balcony doors, so you get up and make your way towards the doors. When you slide the sheer curtain to the side carefully you’re met with the sight of a tall, muscular man with a bushy beard in a red hat, flannel and dark jeans. Covering your mouth to keep yourself quiet you swing the door open and let the man in. As he steps in he holds a small piece of mistletoe above your head. 
“Sorry Santa, I don’t think my husband would appreciate me kissing another man.”
“It can be our little secret. You can’t deny the mistletoe,” he says as he leans down and captures your lips with his in a soft, passionate kiss. You eagerly kiss back, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
As you pull back slightly you run your fingers through his long, scruffy beard and say, “I could get used to this.”
“Merry Christmas, my love.”
“But how? Earlier you said-” you ask.
“After that call, I knew I had to find a way to get here. So, I called in a few favours. Trust me, it was all worth it to be here with you and to see the kid’s reactions in the morning.”
“They’re gonna be so happy. You know their Santa letters really only had one thing on them: for Daddy to come home. They’ve been so good and understanding, but also trying hard to cover their sadness.”
“I love my job, you know that. But I love being a husband and a father more. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
“I love you so much.”
“Do you think you can keep quiet if I give you your first Christmas present now?”
“Jensen…You just being here is enough.”
“Maybe it’s a little bit for me too…” He starts walking you back towards the bed until the back of your knees hit the soft blanket. “You have to promise to stay quiet though.”
You bite your bottom lip between your teeth and nod and he pushes you back, you sink into the mattress. Looking down at you splayed out for him, he pulls off his hat and flannel before crawling onto the bed, holding his weight above you. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You wake with a start when you hear doors opening down the hall and loud voices. You quickly shake your naked husband to wake him. “I know you’re tired but you gotta get dressed and get downstairs. If they find out you were here most of the night…”
He tiredly rubs his eyes and sits up while you jump out of bed, lock the door and pull your pyjamas back on. You toss his clothes at him impatiently as you hear loud knocking on the door and see the doorknob turning. 
“Mummy! Mummy! It’s Christmas and Santa was here! Why won’t your door open?” you hear your daughter calling from the hallway.
Jensen finally pulls his shirt on and stands up. As he’s pulling his jeans up his legs you push him towards the balcony doors. As he’s doing up his button and zipper you pull his hat over his messy hair and shut the doors behind him.
“Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!” the whinging continues. As soon as you can’t see Jensen on the balcony anymore you open the bedroom door. 
“Sorry, Baby, I must’ve locked in last night when I went to bed. Merry Christmas! Did you say Santa was here?”
“Yeah! Santa drinked the milk and ate the cookies! And left presents!”
“Really? Is everyone else downstairs?”
“Yep! You sleeped in.”
“I did. Let’s go join everyone.” You pick her up and carry her downstairs.
Just as you get downstairs you hear a loud knock on the front door. “Should we get that, Bubba?” She nods, as you carry her towards the door. Your son is busy rummaging through his stocking with Tom and Shep and barely hears anything. As you open the door your daughter screams and reaches for her dad instantly. Finally hearing the raucous the boys run into the entryway, your son’s jaw instantly drops when he sees his dad and runs into his arms. You smile at the scene in front of you before Jensen pulls you into the family group hug. 
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itsmarsss · 8 months
Annual Birthday Plant [Jared Kleinman x Evan Hansen] (Dear Evan Hansen)
(from the vault)
Jared Kleinman gives Evan Hansen a plant for his birthday every year since 7th grade.
Words: 2,934
Warnings: like one brief/vague mention of sex
[. . .]
In 7th grade, Jared Kleinman gave Evan Hansen a plant for his birthday. 
He was supposed to come over so the two of them could play video games and eat pizza until their stomachs hurt, their favorite thing to do together since forever.
But, for the first time ever, Jared had to pick Evan's gift himself, unlike every other birthday, when his mom would do it and he wouldn't even have to think about it.
And so for weeks Jared tried to think of something, but nothing seemed to come to mind. He tried making a list with everything he thought Evan would like, but ended up crossing out most items as they were either too expensive or just outright impossible to get, and the more he thought about the things he still had left on the list, the more he convinced himself that Evan wouldn’t actually like any of the options.
So he postponed deciding, because what else would he do? Then suddenly it was Evan's birthday and he was supposed to be at his place in an hour and he didn't have a gift. He started panicking as he got ready to leave, knowing not only it would be a big dick move if he showed up with nothing, but that his mom would probably murder him- but then it hit him, out of the blue: he knew exactly what the perfect gift would be.
His mom did indeed get mad at him for procrastinating until the last minute, but, still on time, Jared managed to show up at Evan's with the perfect gift in hand. 
He never forgot the look of pure joy in Evan's face when he saw the cactus. 
"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Evan kept repeating, grabbing the plant and staring at it in awe. "Mom look!"
"It’s beautiful honey!"
"Thank you so much, oh my God!"
Jared was shocked by the amount of happiness the tiny little plant he picked up in a rush at the store was bringing his friend. He couldn’t help but feel extremely proud of himself for choosing the perfect thing. 
"Oh that's fine. I uh. Remembered you said you wanted a plant a few months ago so. Yeah," he said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"You remembered that?" Evan looked genuinely confused.
"Yeah. No big deal," Jared said, wanting anything but for Evan to get emotional.
Evan didn’t say anything back, and Jared has ever been able to handle silence well, so obviously he started talking. "I uh. I named it uh- shit. Nevermind."
"No, what did you name it?"
"Well I was like. You know just joking about naming it with my mom and we thought Jeff would be a funny name so. But you don't have to name it that. Obviously. Or like. At all."
Evan shrugged. "I like Jeff."
"Well do you wanna go play Mario Kart?" Evan blurted out after a few seconds of a really awkward silence.
"Hell yeah dude!" 
In eight grade, Jared Kleinman gave Evan Hansen another plant. 
He didn't exactly mean to make it a tradition. In fact, he only got Evan another plant for his birthday the next year because, once again, he couldn't decide on a gift. And so he thought that, well, considering the way Evan seemed to absolutely love Jeff (who was still very much alive, which Jared, who had let dozens of his mom's plants die before, found impossible), he would most likely appreciate another plant.
This time he got him a succulent that came in a little white vase. The moment Evan saw the plant was when Jared did decide to make it a tradition- he had no idea what the deal was with Evan and plants, but he liked that it made him happy. 
"Oh my God. Another one?" Evan sounded stupidly excited.
"Yup. Thought Jeff would like some company."
"Thank you! Holy shit!"
“Evan!” Heidi yelled from her room at his cursing.
“Sorry mom!”
"You know I don't really know anything about this stuff so I got this one. I don't know if you like succulents but-"
Evan cut him off. "I love it."
"Uh, good. That's good."
Evan made way for Jared to enter. "So. Did you name this one too?" He closed the fornt door behind them.
"Not really. But we could think of something."
"Ew dude. No."
"What's wrong with Jessica?"
"What's not wrong with a succulent named Jessica?"
"Because a cactus named Jeff is pretty normal?"
Jared rolled his eyes in response. After a couple seconds in silence, his eyes went wide. "Oh shit I got it!"
"Are you ready?"
Evan shrugged. "Shoot."
"Hear me out: Tom."
Evan laughed. "All that build-up for "Tom"?"
"Do you have any better ideas?"
Evan seemed to try to come up with something, but quit pretty quickly. "Not really."
"Tom it is!"
On Evan’s 15th birthday, Jared Kleinman gave Evan Hansen yet another plant. 
He had another list, days before the actual birthday. But this time it only consisted of different types of plants. Not that he’d ever- ever- admit to absolutely anyone that he, a totally heterosexual highschool freshman, had spent hours googling different plants to try to find the perfect one to give his (also totally heterosexual) completely platonic best friend for his birthday.
He made his decision as soon as he saw the first picture of the last option on the list, even making sure to go to the store a few days in advance to see if they had it (which they thankfully did). 
He picked it up, like the previous two years, right before his mom dropped him off at Evan’s (because he knew he could not be trusted to take care of it for even a day), but made sure it was in a box this time for completely selfish purposes. He would not just waste a joke.
“Hey! Are you-” Evan’s eyes landed on the small box his friend held. “Oh. Is it not a plant?” he asked him, obviously trying his hardest not to, but sounding a little bit disappointed. Jared’s heart did… something in his chest, like fucking… cartwheels or some shit.
Jared proceeded to ignore those cartwheels. 
“Of course it's a plant.”
Excitement was back on Evan’s face instantly. “Oh cool! Thank you! You know I lo- uh- I really like them.”
“I was gonna say it’s no big deal but you should be so fucking grateful for this one, dude.”
“You’ll… see.” Jared couldn’t contain his laugh. 
Evan started laughing too, but simply because of Jared’s own laughter- he still had no idea what was going on. “Dude what is it?”
“It’s um,” he cleared his throat, trying to stop laughing. “It’s called Lithops? Ever heard of it?”
Evan shook his head no, and Jared wordlessly handed him the box, now unable again to contain some pretty embarrassing-sounding chuckles. Evan opened the box and took the plant out. Now Jared was flat out cackling.
“Get it? Cause it looks like- cause it looks like a-” He couldn’t stop laughing, not able to even talk properly. Apparently only then did Evan register what was so funny about the plant, slapping Jared’s arm. 
“Oh my God! No! That’s disgusting oh my God,” Evan complained, but it was obvious he was fighting a smile.
“I’m sorry!” Jared said, still laughing and very obviously not sorry at all.
When Evan Hansen turned 16, Jared Kleinman crossed out his first plant idea.
He decided to buy Evan an incredibly specific plant instead- one so specific the flower shop where he’d bought all the plants from the previous years didn't actually have it, and he had to drive across town to get it. 
“Heeyyy Ev!”
“Hey. You’re… late” Evan sounded a bit disappointed, and Jared couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about it. Still, he also couldn’t help being sarcastic about it.
“Maybe I’m not. Maybe you’re just early!”
“To… my own place?”
“I’m sorry.” There was no sarcasm in his voice anymore. 
Evan seemed surprised by that. “Oh it's fine! It’s- it’s okay.”
“I’m late for a good reason though!”
“Which is?”
“Your gift dumbass! Now normally I buy your little plant friends from this shop a couple blocks from my place BUT I really wanted to give you this one and turns out they didn’t have it so I had to drive across the city to get it from this other shop, which was kinda sketchy by the way, not gonna lie, but anyway yeah here it is!” He outstretched his hands, holding the small box with the plant inside.
Evan laughed at his lienghty explanation as he grabbed it, and started opening the box before pausing. “Wait. What’s so special about this one that you did all that to get it? If it’s another-”
“Stop being so dramatic! It’s cute I promise.”
Judging by the look on his face, Evan didn’t seem so sure, but opened it anyway. 
“Oh. It IS cute! It looks like that thing that nemo lives in!”
“The… anemone?”
“I guess? I don’t know dude.”
“Well you wanna know what it’s called?”
“Here we go.”
“Don’t be a perv, Hansen! It’s nothing dirty it’s just funny!”
“Okay what is it?”
“Baby toes,” Jared announced in the same tone Evan would picture someone using to pitch a brand name idea for a CEO.
“There’s no way this is called baby toes.”
“It is!”
“You are so stupid, oh my God,” Evan said, smiling.
“I mean I’m not the one who owns baby toes, so...” 
“Well what are we gonna name this one?”
“I dunno. I thought about a few names but it was for another type of plant so I don’t think it fits.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh well uh. I was actually gonna give you this one called anthurium? Is it anthurium?”
“Okay, well it was gonna be one of those ‘cause I thought it had like cool colored leaves but apparently the colorful parts are actually just leaf-looking flowers so. Baby toes.”
“What’s wrong with flowers?”
“Oh you know. Just like… giving a dude flowers you know. Sounds kinda uh. You know what I mean.”
Evan seemed like he was gonna push him further about it, but decided not to. Jared was more than thankful for that. “Well I liked this one. It’s pretty cute. What about Joey?”
Jared was too busy tensing up and holding his breath to properly register what Evan said. “What?”
“I said what about Joey?”
“Like from Friends?”
“I thought you hated Friends.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t know anything about it! It’s pop culture!”
On Evan's 17th, Jared Kleinman chose Evan Hansen’s plant pretty early, and he was really proud of himself.
“Jared?” Evan asked when he opened the door. “You’re early,” he pointed out with a frown.
“Can’t a guy be early to his friend’s birthday celebration?”
“Is this about the plant you’re gonna give me?”
“Who said I got you a plant?” Jared asked exaggeratedly, hiding the box behind his back.
Evan laughed. “Okay whatever. I’m almost done. Just gotta put on deodorant and do something about my hair and we can go.” He ran upstairs, and Jared waited for him by the doorstep. After about five minutes he was back.
“Okay I’m done! We should probably get going so there’s no chance it’s sold out.”
“Dude we’re watching a Captain America movie at like 5pm I don’t think it’s gonna sell out.”
“Let’s just go.”
“Okay, fine. But first, your gift!”
“My ‘not a plant’ gift?”
“Your… ‘maybe a plant’ gift.”
Evan grabbed the box and opened it. Then he freaked out. “HOLY SHIT ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I’VE BEEN WANTING ONE OF THESE FOR FOREVER! IT’S LIKE A MINI TREE!” 
Jared laughed at his excitement. “Don’t get too turned on, tree boy! we still got a movie to catch.”
Evan flipped him off before carefully placing the plant on the kitchen counter. He took one more look at it before turning back around. “Okay, let’s go.”
“Not even a thank you?”
Evan said nothing, just motioning for him to move, locking the front door before they both walked to Jared’s car. He did awkwardly thank him when they got in the car.
“It’s whatever. So what are you gonna name it?”
Evan stopped to think about it for a second. “Oh! Maybe Steve?”
“You totally just thought about it because of Captain America.”
“So what?”
“So the obvious choice should be Tony!”
“I am not naming my plant Tony, Jared.”
“You’re no fun!”
He did name the plant Tony.
On their senior year, Jared Kleinman gave Evan Hansen nothing for his 18th birthday, as he saw fit.
A year later, things were going better between the two of them. Still, Jared Kleinman gave Evan Hansen nothing for his 19th birthday.
On Jared Kleinman’s sophomore year of college, he decided they were finally fine again. He got an air plant, which he didn’t even know were a thing, and planned to keep it in his room until Evan’s 20th birthday.
Evan ended up getting his plant a couple days early though, when they were just hanging out in Jared's room.
“What’s its name?” Evan asked, pulling Jared out of his own thoughts.
Jared looked up from the videogame screen. “What?” 
“What’s its name?” He asked again, pointing to the tiny glass vase with a plant in it.
“No! Shit!”
“What?” Evan asked, probably scared of having done something wrong.
“You weren’t supposed to see that!”
“Because it’s your gift dumbass.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“Well. Now that you ruined it. You like it?”
“Yeah! Air plants are pretty cool.”
“So,” Evan spoke up after a few seconds of awkward silence. “What do you think I should name it?”
“Aren’t you a little bit too old to name plants?” Jared asked, mindful to emphasise his jokeful tone.
“If not me then who?” Evan asked dramatically. 
“Whatever you say Mr.-I-speak-for-the-trees.”
“Oh wait I know!”
“Okay shoot.”
“Audrey II!”
“I should not have introduced you to musicals.”
“But you did.” Evan smiled. Jared didn’t like how much he liked that.
The following year, Jared Kleinman made the decision to tell Evan Hansen about the no-so-platonic feelings he realized he felt for him.
And chickened out of it.
"Are you gonna say anything?"
Evan looked up from the daisies in his hands. "What?"
"You just gonna stand there and stare at it or what?"
"These are daisies."
"Yes they are."
"These are flowers."
"I guess."
"You just gave me flowers."
"I guess I did."
"Does it… mean anything?"
Jared seemed to be taken by surprise. He didn’t expect Evan to get it so quickly, let alone be so upfront about it. So, he chickened out. 
"Except just me giving you your annual birthday plant? It's your 21st it's special!"
Evan sighed. "I don't get you."
"I mean neither of us are in the closet anymore at this point so I figured like. What's the matter, ya know? That's all."
"Okay. Sure."
"Her name’s gonna be Patricia by the way."
"I cannot stress enough how much I hate this decision."
"Well the flowers are mine so..." 
On Jared Kleinman’s junior year of college, he smiled as he walked to Evan Hansen's dorm room with his birthday plant in hand.
He knocked on the door and waited. Evan opened it in only a few seconds. Jared noticed his hair was wet, probably just having taken a shower, and he was wearing his favorite dress shirt. 
"Oh we're fancy today huh?" He raised an eyebrow and pointed at the shirt. 
"Shut up. What's that?"
"You seriously need to stop asking that as if it's not gonna be a plant."
"I'm being polite!"
"Well stop! You can't be polite to me. It makes me look like an asshole."
"Maybe you're just an asshole regardless."
"Actually go back to being polite."
"Are you gonna give it to me or what?"
He faked an indignated gasp. "What kind of guy do you take me for, Hansen?" 
He handed Evan the box, and both of them entered the room. Evan set the box on his desk and sat down to open it.
"Oh It's- it's an anthurium."
"Yeah. You like it?"
"I do. But…”
“But what?” Jared pursed his eyebrows together. Shit had he done something wrong? Dis Evan not like anthurims anymore or-
“Don't you think it's a little weird giving flowers to another guy?"
Jared let out the breath he'd been holding. "I will murder you."
"I'm just saying, you know."
“I literally gave you daisies last year.”
“I didn’t wanna say anything back then but like… that was kinda... you know... it was a little gay.”
"I will break up with you."
"No you won't.”
Jared couldn’t think of a funny comeback, so they just stayed in silence for a moment. 
Then Evan stood up. "Thank you. Really,” he said seriously, and leaned in to kiss him. He smiled at Jared’s lack of response to it.
Jared, in turn, could barely speak, his cheeks burning an embarrassing, obvious amount. "That- that's okay-"
Evan laughed at his flustered state, which he still got into pretty often considering they’d already been together for a few months now. He decided not to tease him about it this time, grabbing his jacket instead. “C’mon we’re gonna be late.”
“I mean. Your mom won’t mind…” Jared went on, obviously not entirely serious about it since they really were almost late, but also not entirely joking. Evan found it extremely cute.
They really had to go, though. “What kind of guy do you take me for, Kleinman?” He asked, mocking what Jared had said earlier. 
Jared rolled his eyes. “Okay let’s go you ruined the sexy mood.”
They both took one last glance at the anthurium on the desk before leaving.
7th grade Jared Kleinman really had no idea what he was getting into when he gave Evan Hansen that first cactus, did he?
[. . .]
A/N: You go 16 year old mars with the dead ship from the dead fandom of a dead musical! If anyone remembers this it's cause it's been on ao3 since it was written a few years ago and it's actually been posted here when i had a different blog (i was bigbilliamdenbro/marsiguess). I'll be going back to writing and posting and old writing will be tagged as from the vault! Interact and maybe even request away! I'm really glad to be back :)
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
Lie To Me - Gabriel Luna x Reader
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Summary: Y/N does the vanity Fair lie detector test and it gets dragged out of her that she has a raging crush on her co-star Gabriel Luna 
Words: 1.5k
Warning: none
Notes: If you have any Gabriel stories you want me to write please ask, there's not much content on him online so he’s a lot harder to write for him but I'm not gonna stop as he needs the love ❤️
“Is your full name Y/N Y/M/N(s) Thornberry?”
“Yeah that’s correct, pronounced right as well. Props to you.” 
“Are you an actor?” 
“I’m definitely something. An aspiring actor feels more accurate, The Last of Us being my second big role really.” 
“Are you about to take a polygraph exam?” 
“Yup and I’m shitting myself about it! Can I swear? I can swear right?” 
“Why are you nervous?”
“Look at this? I’m hooked up to the machine and neither of you seem to like to smile. Like at all.” 
“We shall start with the category of your career.” 
“Alright, starting big.” 
“Some would say Supernatural was when you really became famous and a fan favourite, do you think you’re the best Winchester?” 
“Oh no, I’d say I’m the least favourite, joining in season-“ 
“She’s lying.” 
“Wait what? I am?” 
“Do you think you’re the best Winchester?”
“No, that would be Dean. I’d say I’m the second best, sorry Jared.” 
“That’s the truth.” 
“Was there a lot of pressure coming into the show so late?” 
“I wouldn’t say pressure as Jared and Jensen made me feel right at home almost immediately. It was scary seeing the fans of the show react to Eleanor being brought in so late and so suddenly but the initial response blew me away and I could ask to be part of a better fandom.” 
“There a lot of fan accounts for Supernatural, do you ever look at any of them?”
“Actually I do, my best friend Pedro and I like to send each other videos and memes we see made of each others characters or if we see any that are really amazing. There are some really good editors out there who really put Nell and Maria in such a beautiful and badass light.”
“Do you have a favourite account?” 
“Yeah actually… Ummm, Pedro and I send a lot to each other from an account called Lunaberry4life with the for being the number 4.” 
“So you play Eleanor Winchester in Supernatural, did you ask to wear flannel?” 
“Did I ask to wear flannels? I love the Winchester flannels and some of them may actually be in my wardrobe at home. The costume crew do such an amazing job with making me feel comfortable in everything I wear as well as capturing the badass nature of Nell.” 
“So you would say you’re a fan of flannels?” 
“For the show and what they represent with the fandom yes but as an everyday item I’m not sure. I’m more of a fan of sweatpants or jeans and a casual tee shirt or sweater.” 
“You were a barista before you became an actress correct?” 
“Yeah, I adore coffee. Can’t live without it really and so I became a barista before I got dragged into the acting world by probably one of my best friends, the lovely Barbara Palvin or as I get to call her: Barbie.” 
“Who would you rather invite to your birthday party? Barbara Palvin or Pedro Pascal?” 
“I wouldn’t have one if I couldn’t invite them both. In their own ways they’ve become very special to me and I couldn’t do it. I don’t have the heart to go without one of them. I’m a little selfish like that, why have one if you can have both?”
“Would you invite me?” 
“She’s lying” 
“So you just finished filming The Last of Us, correct?”
“Yeah, it was a really great experience, being able to meet and act alongside such great actors like Pedro and Bella. Bella is a force to be reckoned with as she has this fire I wish I had when I was her age and I can really see her taking over the world.”
“Who did you enjoy working with the most from the cast?”
“Probably Pedro as he’s just so sweet and sincere. I never expected a man as famous as him to be so humble, he was always able to make us laugh, especially when filming those really intense scenes. That man has a habit of randomly emoting!”
“That’s a lie. Pedro being her favourite, not about Pedro.” 
“Are you lying?”
“Who did you enjoy working with the most from the cast?”
“Well I did enjoy spending time with Gabriel Luna, he’s just an all around person and I loved playing his wife. He’s get such an addictive personality and would always manage to help me calm down whenever I got too anxious and I will say those curls are so fucking cute.” 
“When Pedro was in your position he was asked if he thought himself a heartthrob. Do you think Pedro Pascal is a heartthrob?” 
“Yeah, he’s definitely a heartthrob. I mean the world has already declared Pedro as the hottest man and he’s just such a Daddy, ya know?” 
“What about Gabriel Luna?”
“Oh! Umm, well… have you seen him? He’s definitely hot and very underrated. He’s got a very charming southern accent and I don’t know if you’ve noticed the freckles across his gorgeous skin and his eyes seem to be the brightest shade of brown I have ever seen, much like cognac. He might be like eighteen years older than me but he needs more recognition for what he does- oh I’m rambling…” 
“You seem to have thought about this a lot.” 
“I-I wouldn’t say that…”
“She’s lying.” 
“Moving on…”  
I’m dragging myself from my bed at the knock on my door, having just ended a FaceTime with Pedro who of course had a good tease about my vanity fair lie detector interview. It got released last night and already the fan accounts are blowing up my phone with edits and ships of me and different actors. Pedro called me as soon as he woke up, being a few hours behind me at the moment and first checked on how I was doing before he let himself tease me a little. I hung up on him to call back a second later, him waiting for the call back and a grin on that stupidly cute face as he chuckled. 
The knock at the door gets more persistent as I pad through my apartment, wondering who the fuck it could be. Barbie has keys so it won’t be her as she’d just let herself in with a call of my name to let me know it was her and Pedro is still doing his Mandalorian press tour so it’s definitely not him. 
Flinging the door open I’m greeted by dark curls and warm cognac eyes. Gabriel’s standing in front of me, out of breath and an overnight bag hanging from his shoulder. He’s watching me, eyes scanning my face as I just stare in shock. Gabriel Luna is standing outside my door. He’s at my apartment. How the fuck did he get my address? Oh wait, I know, Pedro probably. That motherfucker. 
“Is it true?” Gabriel’s southern accent rolls off his tongue like warm honey as he steps forwards, into my apartment and I take an instinctive step back, “Y/N, is it true?” 
“I-is what true?” My voice catches in my throat when my back hits my kitchen island, the door being kicked closed before Gabriel’s dropping his bag and stalking towards me, my mouth drying up at his every step. He places his hands either side of my hips, against the edge of the counter as his dark eyes scorch my skin, face dipping down close to mine. 
“Don’t play dumb with me sweet girl.” He coos, voice deep as he dares a glance at my lips and back up. 
“Please.” I whimper, the sound dying on my lips when his crash against mine. It’s sweet and tantalisingly slow as we both relish in the feeling of wanting each other. His hands move from the counter to my hip and my cheek and I’m gripping his shirt to pull him flush against me. I think I might be dreaming still but when his blunt nails dig into my hip I know this is real; he’s here and he’s actually kissing me. He’s intoxicating, the mixture of coffee and cedar wood addictive and I never want to stop but my lungs are burning and we’re pulling apart with a gasp, “Fuck me.” 
“Let me at least take you on a date first.” He mumbles, lips curving into a smile against my neck, stealing a gasped laugh from me as I do the one thing I have always wanted to do: tangle my hands in those perfect curls and tug, testing the waters. The dirtiest moan I have ever heard falls from those cupid bow lips and his cognac eyes darken even more, his voice husky as he growls out, “You keep doing that and I’ll have to skip taking you out on a date and asking you to be my girlfriend.” 
I tug on his soft hair again, groaning out a quiet, “Ask me.” 
“Will you go out with me?” 
“Fuck yes.” 
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TAGS: Tag List Form
@iraot @gemimawrites @pedropascalsrealhusband @twopercentmilk @sxnshinebxcky @nelsoomon @urnewghostfriend @sonhee-a​ @dizzyforyou-blog​ @grooveandshit​ @reyas-world @canpillowscry​ @jell0buss-37​ @androgynousgaz​ @not-a-unique-snowflake89​ @kalllistos​ @mediocrewallflow3r​ @certifiedhunter​ @alexis-doggy-76 @thesapphirequeen​
#Gabriel luna#Gabriel luna x reader#Gabriel luna x oc#Gabriel luna fluff#Gabriel luna x you#Gabriel luna smut#Gabriel luna fanfiction#Gabriel luna fanfics#Tommy miller#the last of us#the last of us 2#the last of us x reader#the last of us smut#the last of us fluff#tlou#tlou2#tlou x reader#tlou fluff#tlou x you#tlou x oc
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mrswinnie04 · 1 year
Do you know something about j2 videos kissing in restaurants?
Hello anon! :)
You know, I joined the tinhatter community about two months ago and this question/topic was something I stumbled across almost immediately. There wasn't a lot of content on these "videos" but there were one or two blogs that did quality analyses of these rumors (I would recommend them to you but I cannot remember/recall what blogs they were *cries*).
Anyway, I have not seen these videos for myself. I also have never come across any blogger that has actually seen these videos themselves. Thus, as far as I know, it seems these videos are mere rumors.
However, and I truly emphasize the stress in this however, I believe it quite likely that someone has seen J2 out in public being quite affectionate with one another. For all of you tinhatters out there, I know most of you have probably come across someone on twitter/tumblr/Instagram who has posted about seeing Jensen and Jared out and about in Austin at bars, resturants, etc... Seeing them in public is inevitable, they live in Texas. They are bound to be seen. However, what makes some of these encounters quite interesting is the stark display of intimacy many of these fans claim to see between J2 whenever they are out on date-nights or hanging out with friends.
So, do I know if these videos of J2 kissing in restaurants actually exist? No, I don't. However, I find it extremely likely that someone out there has caught/seen J2 in a moment of intimacy while they were in public. As a tinhatter, I find it inevitable. Yes, our boys are very good at "bearding" and keeping their PR images up well, however, we have seen in countless interviews/cons that the boys have an abundant amount of love for one another. Hell, "personal space" isn't a word that exists in either one of their dictionaries when it comes to one another. Thus, even if these "videos" don't exist, it is likely that someone's probably caught the boys kissing (whether that be in a restaurant, night-club, or in public).
I think the most interesting thing that I've found from the supposed rumor of someone catching J2 kissing on camera, is that these videos were said to be captured (approximately) during season three's break/after season three.
Whenever it was, one of the blogs I read on this topic noted that if these videos were to have spread during this time, it would make sense as to why PR brought in Gen in season 4. It makes sense why PR would force a "beard" down Jared's throat:
To cover up these rumors. To cover up these sightings. To try and squash tinhatters or any suspicious parties.
If any of you have read Speak the Truth, you will notice the rushed/interesting timeline of J2's "marriages" and "engagements". I mean, if you thought it was weird how fast the boys were suddenly "dating", "engaged", and then "married", well, I've read that these videos might be the reason. And If this is true, I think this should show us all just how caged these boys really are. How neither of them truly have free reign over their lives. Over their love.
It's heartbreaking.
It's heartbreaking to think that a video(s) could have so much power over the boys in the worst way possible.
So, if these videos do exist out there somewhere/if anyone has ever seen it, it is my hope that all of us tinhatters do the right thing and not spread the video/make sure it isn't being spread.
We are fans of J2. We love them and their love dearly. They deserve respect and privacy. They deserve to come out/be together on their own terms and conditions.
So, cheers to J2. Cheers to their love and admiration for one another.
Thank you for the question, anon! I enjoyed answering it :)
P.S. J2 were probably so head-over-heels for each other during the time these alleged videos were leaked. I mean, If it happened while they were filing season three, that’s during the time our boys were falling in love with one another🥺🥺
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These pictures have my whole heart💗
(Thank you to another few anons for helping me confirm this but bottom-right pic is photoshopped, unfortunately, but it was too cute not to add🥺🥺 thanks for your help though! Just wanted to make sure I confirmed that part💗💗 love ya’ll)
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justplainwhump · 9 months
Season's Greetings
After last week's poll (thank you so much to everyone who participated!), here's the Christmas special for 238/training!Angel.
This is dedicated to and inspired by @angst-after-dark, Thane Barlow is their character.
As to be expected, it is pretty much leaning into smut. Enjoy!
[Making Angel]
Content/warnings: BBU, facility whump, institutional whump, nsfwhump, recorded whump, dubcon use of toys, male whumpers with female whumpee, whumper pov.
Walking through the hallways of facility 002 before Christmas was special, somehow. Even without any decoration among the sterile white, there was a festive mood to be felt, just from the way the handlers smiled when they greeted each other, or the spring to their steps.
The trainees wouldn't get any gifts for Christmas.
But the employees, they did.
As head handler, Jared Grimm had introduced various employee benefits; one of them a very popular Christmas tombola. Not everyone could get the main prize - taking home a pet over the holidays - especially not given the often more delicate nature of facility 002's acquisitions, but there were several more prizes: a full cleaning of the home before the relatives arrived, catering for Christmas dinner, a full styling and hairdo, all declared part of the facility's Domestics' training, all doing wonders for the workplace climate.
And there was of course, another choice group to receive Christmas gifts. Clients. Pretty much every case they handled in facility 002 was personal, meaningful for the prospective owners, and insanely price, too.
Personally tailored Season's Greetings were the least the facility could do.
Jared looked down at the instructions on his tablet. Alex had prepared a little script for each of the greetings. 238's prospective was to get a video. Technically, her primary handlers was meant to speak the opening words, but Alan Nguyen hadn't as much glanced at the notes, just lifted the Santa hat with two fingers and handed it back to Jared. "I did my professional due. Humiliating the girl. I will not humiliate myself for that douche and be his clown in a Santa hat. You do that alright."
Jared rolled his eyes. Arrogant douche himself. But Jared couldn't afford to annoy him - plus, he was the best handler they had, and there could be worse than spending some quality time with one of his trainees.
He pulled the hat over his head and nodded at the cameraman, waiting for his prompt to start speaking. "Good day, Mr Barlow! I'm Jared Grimm, WRU head handler, and it's my honor to send you Christmas greetings in the name of the entire company! We have a little something prepared for you behind this door, in honor of holiday season! Let's have a look!"
Jared got how it could feel little degrading indeed, playing the cheerful entertainer, but he was a WRU handler - he'd gone through worse for a lot less.
The door opened at a swipe of his card with a beep and a click, and cameraman panned to the door, filming through the crack where the dim flicker of christmas lights filled the room.
Angel, Alex had noted. Client seems to like angel analogies for this product (quote: "Make her be my Angel, and make her love it").
And they had taken this literally today.
Jared stared for a second, giving the cameraman time to slowly, carefully catch every detail of 238's flawless presentation.
She was wearing sheer white lingerie, that covered nothing yet emphasised everything. Her golden hair was curled into soft locks and crowned with a glittering halo, and small feathery wings strapped to her back over a short golden cape. Golden glitter was applied to her body as well, shimmering on her collarbone and chest.
She smiled at Jared, flirtatious and confident, curving her body in just the right ways for the camera to catch her.
She didn't kneel, though, to his slight dismay. It made sense for the order, of course. A luxury pet. For a demanding client.
Jared was a stranger to her - and she wouldn't kneel for just anyone.
"Well, good day, 002238," Jared said. There wasn't a script for her. Trainees didn't need to be told to act. Their entire being was a performance, and he expected her to excel at it. "You're special, aren't you? A very precious, very special pet for a very special owner." He reached out to clip a golden leash to the soft golden leather collar around her neck. (Prospective: "She will look better in a leash.")
"Of course I am," she whispered, and Jared was struck by the perfect counterpoints of the almost confident smile tugging at her lip and her gaze devoutly cast down. "I'm special for you, and I will be perfect for my owner."
Jared felt the pinpricks of an urge to discipline her, make her perfect for himself. It was part of her configuration of course, just like the part about not kneeling. A slight air of arrogance, but always submissive to her owner - and only him. Showing off her master's luxury.
Nguyen had outdone himself.
"You will be," Jared assured her, lifting her chin towards him. Glitter was smeared over her cheeks, too, sparkling between her freckles. "You're a beautiful product. Why don't you smile at the camera, tell your owner yourself? Season's greetings."
A soft blush blossomed on her cheeks underneath the gold, perfectly crafted, and still so natural. "He's... is he watching?"
"He is," Jared said.
Shivering, she sank to her knees. "Happy holidays, Sir," she whispered into the camera. "I can't wait to be yours."
"Why don't you show him just how much?"
"How?" She looked up at him, her dark eyes seeming even deeper among all the glitter.
"Get... Get on that table, 238." Jared didn't even try to hide the hoarse roughness tinting his voice. The product worked. It was always something else, if you hadn't trained them yourself. Even after more than two decades on the job, feeling that power over the entirety of another human was thrilling.
She got to her feet, with a grace that would seem natural to any outsider but perfectly matched that of any other WRU product, and swung herself on the edge of the table, legs dangling, upper body leaning backwards, presenting her cute breasts once more.
Jared's own trainees, back in the day, would've all been trained to be on their back already, presenting a whole different view.
This one was still keeping eye contact. Not with Jared, though. With the camera. "I hope I fullfil everything you desire." Her voice was tinted with arousal, and Jared couldn't even tell if it was fake or real. It didn't matter. Her hand ran over her body, playing with the straps tied around her, fingers idly circling her nipples.
The cameraman shifted his weight nervously, pressed his thighs together, and Jared smirked. She worked just as she should.
"Here," he mumbled, as he stepped in with the finishing decor - golden clamps, adorned with tiny bells that jingled when he fixed them to her nipples. The noise was lovely, but even more so was her sharp little gasp.
"238 isn't trained for pain," Jared said to the camera. "But she promised us, she'll take it for you."
"Anything," 238 said. "I love you, Sir. I love to be whatever you want me to be. I'm ready."
They hadn't told her to say that. Or what to do. But as any well trained Romantic should, when told to perform while none of her betters made a move, she did it on her own. She let herself sink onto her back on the padded table - finally - crossed her hands above her head and slowly, almost teasingly, opened her legs. This time, the gasp came from the camera man, staring at the diamond nestled in between her folds.
Jared bit back a chuckle. Yeah. That one was a sight.
"Good girl," he murmured, reaching for the seasonal fastenings he'd brought - a rough rope, entwined with fairy lights - and fixated her ankles to the table before he moved on to bind her hands above her head. "You'll be so good for your owner."
Still standing behind her head, he pulled a vibrator from his pocket, as golden as herself, and presented it to the camera. "Mr Barlow, here's your gift. The card we delivered to you held a small golden controller. Would you push the upper button on it?"
It took a moment, before the vibrator hummed to life in Jared's hand.
The pet shivered at the noise, already conditioned so perfectly, and a soft jingle sounded from the bells on her.
"And now press the other?"
238 back arched, and she let out a surprised cry of pain, the bells rattling.
Jared reached out and ran a caressing finger over her breast. "There's electrodes in the clamps, at your free disposal."
Jared pulled back his hand a second up late, when she seizured again, his hand thrumming with the remainder of a tiny shock. Seemed like the owner's kind of humor. Great then. He'd hopefully enjoy this whole display.
"Be good, 238," Jared whispered to her. "He's watching."
The vibrator was buzzing in his hand, wildly alive, as he slid it into her with practised ease.
She was wet already. If Jared assessed correctly, she'd stay so for a long, long while. Her owner wouldn't make this easy for her.
But then again, that was exactly what they'd made her for.
Jared waved at the camera, now mounted on a tripod. "Merry Christmas, Mr Barlow. We'll leave you to it in private now."
The cameraman swallowed, as he stepped back, wiping his palms on his pants. "You can wait in the observation room," Jared said to him, quietly enough for the camera not to catch their voices. "There's tissues, if you need them."
Jared might tune into the livestream from his office he thought. Or not. After all, he'd definitely be the one to get the privilege of being with 238 after Barlow was done. He preferred being the only one in charge.
He pulled off the Santa hat and ruffled a hand through his hair, ignoring the pet's moans behind him. As he followed the cameraman outside and raised his card to lock the door, the last thing he heard was the pet's sincere whisper.
"I love you, Sir."
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Now Jared will appear in Season 5 of The Boys. I wanted to ask you if you think he decided to accept because he really wants to do it or because he feels obligated. And why kripke wants him on the show. I just hope he didn't take the role against his will and that he won't regret it in the future.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. So as of today 6/19/2024 I haven't been able to find any confirmation that Jared is 100% joining The Boys yet. I've so far read this and this about whether Jared is going to sign on for The Boys. I've said in multiple places I think it would go against his family man image he's going for with his brand but whatever I guess ha ha. The highlights I've read from both of those articles include the following quotes.
Funnily enough, I will start with what Kripke said before back in 2022:
"I would love a Jared [Padalecki] cameo! He’s always welcome on the show," Kripke told Variety back in 2022, although there are currently no concrete plans for Padalecki to appear on The Boys. The Supernatural creator surely has a strong relationship with his former stars, Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the latter of whom has since appeared on The Boys as the Captain America-wannabe Soldier Boy. Kripke cited Padalecki's busy schedule as the reason for his absence, but noted that "if he was free and found himself currently unemployed, I would put him on The Boys in a heartbeat." Now seems like just the right time.
Now that Walker was cancelled:
With the news of Walker's cancellation, Eric Kripke has spoken further about reuniting with Jared Padalecki sometime down the line on The Boys. "I feel like it would be a bummer to not have Jared on the show one way or another at this point, even if it’s just the one-episode thing," the showrunner explained. "He’s been shooting Walker, but with that show wrapping up, maybe he’ll have some time to come in and play with us." Kripke noted that there have been conversations about Padalecki jumping over to the Prime Video series, and that "texts have been sent." Of course, Walker itself has done fairly well on the CW, with Padalecki exercising his acting chops in a role that couldn't be more different from Sam Winchester, so whatever role he'd have on The Boys would have to be just as unique.
Interestingly so, Jensen did say this about his and Jared's careers after Supernatural:
Of course, Kripke isn't the only Supernatural alum to call for Padalecki to jump from the CW to Amazon. "He and I laugh," Jensen Ackles told the media outlet. "We were just talking about the fact that we thought after Supernatural, things would be smooth sailing and we would just be sitting back with umbrella drinks. And it has proved to be the complete opposite of that." Ackles echoed Kripke's statements about Padalecki being too busy to make an impromptu Supernatural reunion happen, but that hasn't stopped the star from continuing the Winchester saga on his own. In 2022, Jensen Ackles produced a spin-off series titled The Winchesters, which follows the parents of his and Padalecki's Supernatural characters in the 1970s.
Perhaps the most annoying quote of all:
“But now, unfortunately, [‘Walker’] got canceled — but the good thing is he’s free,” Kripke said. “And I feel like I have to complete my game of ‘Supernatural’ Pokémon and I have my one big one — very big one — left to catch.”
Well, at least the other castmates would be onboard with him coming on:
Kripke was speaking with Variety ahead of “The Boys” Season 4 premiere, in an interview alongside “The Boys” actors Colby Minifie (Ashley Barrett) and series newcomers Susan Heyward (Sister Sage) and Valorie Curry (Firecracker) — who were all very on board with the Padalecki casting conversation. “As a childhood fan of ‘Gilmore Girls,’ I would also vote for that,” Minifie said, referencing Padalecki’s role as Rory (Alexis Bledel’s) first boyfriend Dean on another iconic CW show. “That would be great.”
Spirit Animals, The Boys and Manta Rays
My best friend and I were talking yesterday about spirit animals as we have been a good bit lately. I mentioned that Jared's secondary spirit animal pair (yes, spirit animals can be pairs AND there are secondary ones too!) is the bat and manta ray. She then brought up the interview she saw the other day where 3 of The Boys girls castmates were asked "Which adorable animal would be terrifying if injected with Compound V".
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Karen answered the manta ray. Erin said she was thinking of her dog (Colby Minifie said this was her answer). Claudia said a bunny in which the video featured a white bunny photo but other animals were mentioned by Erin like "Instagram monkeys", butterflies and highland cows by Claudia, and highland cows both in their indecision to pick one. Susan Heyward mentioned squirrels (hello Jensen! ha ha) as her answer and Valorie Curry said "pigeons, pigeons like New York pigeons". Interestingly enough, the question is exactly 10 minutes into the video and ends at the 11:44 time mark.
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Manta Rays as a spirit animal from this website is said to represent as a brief synopsis:
Associates with the energy of the East and the element of Water
Connects you to oneness, wonder and self-reflection
Helps to release non-beneficial emotions
Aligns you to new opportunities and change
Opens you to connect to a deeper authenticity and truth in yourself
As Karen was saying in the video not all rays are poisonous. This is because she was trying to make the distinction between manta rays and stingrays. Both animals are considered rays so to speak but there are some differences. Manta rays do not have a stinger at the end of their tails unlike the stingrays. Manta rays also have a more elegant ritual than stingrays for picking a favorite male suitor, which involves making them go through a series of acrobatic twists in turns following the female and picking which male ray has the best moves. Male stingrays on the other hand will bite a female's fins in which he will stop when she essentially consents. Funnily enough, I was thinking about a Super Mario 64 star "The Mantas Ray Reward" when I read about the courtship ritual for the manta rays, which is apparently the 72nd star and is found in the 9th course Dire, Dire Docks where you have to go through all 5 rings in order to unlock the star from the chest near the whirlpool (appears above it when unlocked).
It was in fact a short-tailed stingray that stung the "Crocodile Hunter" known as Steve Irwin in his heart about 100x (not intentionally of course) who was 44 years old at the time of his death on 9/4/2006. Those who know Steve say that should he have survived being stung, he would still be advocating for these animals today that are generally not aggressive and tend to hide in the sand or swim away from threats. He is the 17th person known to have been killed by being stung via stingray.
From an astronomy standpoint, there is the Stingray Nebula located in the constellation Ara (The Altar) whose central star is the fast-evolving star SAO 244567 and is about 18,000 light years away. Interestingly enough, it is also a notably fast-fading nebula. Below is an image of the stingray nebula from a photo taken in 1996 and 2016 (Steven Irwin died in 2006, 10 years before 2016 and 10 years after 1996).
The Stingray Nebula is the youngest known planetary nebula. For half a century astronomers have witnessed its formation, and now they’ve noticed something strange: it’s fading away. “This is very, very dramatic, and very weird,” said Martín A. Guerrero of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía in Granada, Spain, one of the co-authors of a new study on the Stingray Nebula. “What we’re witnessing is a nebula’s evolution in real-time. In a span of years, we see variations in the nebula. We have not seen that before with the clarity we get with this view.” Between 1996 and 2016, successive Hubble images of the Stingray Nebula revealed that it’s getting weaker, dimmer, and less prominent. It’s a shadow of its former self, and getting weaker by the day. As an example, the brightness due to the presence of ionized oxygen dropped by an unprecedented factor of 1,000 in the twenty years between observations. What’s going on?
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As for my best friend saying "what if that's a sign he's going to play an evil supe or something?" This would be a pretty cool twist, as Jared has often played heroes like Sam Winchester on "Supernatural", Cordell Walker on "Walker" and Clay Miller on "Friday the 13th". He did however play a bully on the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen". Still, it is an interesting idea but it seems to me he may have just a 1 episode role but I could be wrong, since Jared is no longer doing Walker. I do know with Jared's higher self being Poseidon it's interesting to talk about the spirit animal business because in the Aquaman comics and movies, Black Manta is a supervillain and Aquaman's arch nemesis. According to the DC Fandom's Black Manta (New Earth) page:
The boy who would become Black Manta was an autistic youth who grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and loved to play by the sea. As a youth he was kidnapped and forced to work on a ship for an unspecified amount of time. At one point he apparently saw Aquaman with his dolphin friends and tried to signal him for help but was not seen. Finally, he was forced to defend himself, killing one of his tormentors on the ship with a knife. Hating the emotionless sea (and Aquaman, who he saw as its representative), the boy was determined to become its master.[1]
In Underworld Unleashed:
Black Manta later sold his soul to the demon Neron in exchange for more power, and transformed into a human/manta ray hybrid creature.[10] He took to wearing a new costume that completely covered his appearance, and inexplicably stopped tormenting Aquaman and instead indulged in drug smuggling from his new base in Star City. Here, he was opposed by Green Arrow and Aquaman.
As for Poseidon's connection to Aquaman in the comics:
For example, in Aquaman Vol. 1, #17 from 1964: Poseidon, Olympian god of the sea, peers into the future with the help of Proteus, his court sorcerer, beholds Mera, and wishes to take her for a wife. Proteus provides Poseidon with “time pods” that allow him to travel back and forth in time. When Poseidon abducts Mera, Aquaman steals one of the Olympian’s time pods and follows him. Zeus proposes a contest to retrieve a golden apple beneath the sea, with Mera going to the winner. Despite Poseidon’s cheating, Aquaman manages to win the contest. Angered, Poseidon takes Mera and flees to Aquaman’s time. Aquaman and Aqualad follow, with the help of Zeus, and save both Mera and Poseidon from a berserk creature created by Mera. Poseidon vows to mend his ways, and Aquaman gives him a pod with which he can travel back to his normal era.
For the movies however:
Aquaman’s abilities to communicate with sea life, control the ocean and swim at superhuman speeds all resemble traits associated with Poseidon. Poseidon is well attested to communicating with (and even creating) sea creatures, and the nereids and oceanids – nymphs of the ocean – by which he is surrounded. In Homer’s Odyssey, Poseidon is a capricious, dangerous deity who delays Odysseus’ return home by ten years.
and also the Trident:
Aquaman’s weapon of choice - a trident - has always been associated with Poseidon. Homeric poets noted that Poseidon was gifted his trident by the elder cyclopes, the one-eyed giants of ancient Greece, to help him in the war against the titans - the previous generation of deities. In the comics, Aquaman’s trident is often referred to as “Poseidon’s trident”, or otherwise a trident known as “Neptune’s trident” is portrayed [was called Atlan's trident in the movies] (Neptune was the Roman equivalent of Poseidon.) Much like the trident of the Olympian Poseidon, Aquaman’s trident can create water.
YMCA in Instastory
So I see you sent this ask around 5:02pm EST. I noticed in Jared's Instastory from around 8:05pm EST he included in the second part of the story he had the song "YMCA" playing. The end of the song and video in Jared's Instastory ends with "the boys". Funnily enough, I listened to that song play this morning right before I walked out the door to go to work around 7:15am EST for the first time in a good while...
Is it possible that Jared will be in The Boys? I believe a lot of signs are currently pointing to it, even if it's just a one episode appearance as Kripke suggested in one of the quotes I mentioned above. If he does end up on The Boys, I hope he doesn't go on just because Kripke has been nagging him about it.
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kassies-take · 1 year
If You Are The Last Man Standing
<Prev || Part 24 || Next>
~Years Later~
You: *wears a rosewood and silver wedding ring and works the wood shop connected to the Quileute community center*
Sam: *spots of grey hair, leads a tourist group* this is (Y/n), she is also a wildlife conservationist, our youngest tribal leader and she’s good with a wood saw.
You: *head nod towards Sam*
Sam: *leads the group away*
Leah: *walks in from office* I would’ve never thought Sam would lead tourist
You and Leah: *snickers*
You: it’s a good look on him, probably gives him a break from his sons
Leah: if anyone needs the break it’s Paul
You: I do not know how Rachel popped out three kids at the same time. At least Jared and Kim have one.
Leah: they’re trying again
You: I hope it’s a girl… the pack seems so much better without the Cullen’s here
Leah: everyone’s fine. Seth and the others work with Rosalie and Embry says all is well at the Makah tribe. Though Quil and Claire had a huge fight recently.
You: Yeah, he stayed at mine and Rosalie’s place last night. the girl is running him into the ground.
Leah: how is Rosalie?
You: she keeps herself busy. Running her auto-shop and being a nighttime nanny. The Cullens do a collective video call a week, it’s fun seeing those guys try to figure out how technology works. It must be weird for Bella and Edward having an ex lover pine for their daughter
Leah: yeah, but not our problem. Some higher power’s punishment for him, you know Jacob’s always going to love Bella even if he did imprint on Rensesmee.
You: *growls* don’t remind me. I can’t believe my idiot of a brother was about to hurt my wife!
Leah: okay *takes carving knife out of your hand*
You and Leah: *sits in silence*
You: who would’ve known we would be the last man standing
Leah: yeah about that… I. Well with your permission-
You: *sighs* you don’t need my permission to stop phasing Leah, I’m surprised you stayed this long
Leah: we’ll it was mainly for selfish reasons… We are suppose to be old crone buddies… and I know about your worries of seeing the pack, your family, grow older
You: *puts down your wolf carving and hugs her* you don’t have to worry about me. You deserve a life of your own and you know I’ll always be here. Plus this would be a good reason to pull the pack together!
You and Leah: *running Leah’s final patrol together and reaches the path towards Sam and Emily’s house*
The Pack: *stands in their ceremonial shifter capes*
Sue: *holds a ceremonial shifter cape for Leah*
Sam: *holds ceremonial beads*
Leah: ‘Thank you (Y/n)’
You: *nods*
Leah: *shifts back to human facing away from the boys*
Sue: *drapes the cape over her, in Quileute language* the ancestors, the elders, the pack and the spirits above thank you for your service in protecting the tribe
Sam: *puts beads on Leah, in Quileute language* These beads restore your cultural ties and spiritual beliefs, may the great wolf spirit forever guide and protect you.
The Pack: *wolf pack call chirps*
You: *howls and runs the patrol path to the end*
Rosalie: *walks up to you and brushes your fur with her fingers* this one is different isn’t it
You: *shifts back into her arms and cries*
You and Rosalie: *makes it back to Sam and Emily’s
Leah: *hands you an envelope and winks* you’ve done a lot for the tribe
You and Rosalie: *confused*
Paul: and for the pack
Embry: we wanted to make sure you could have anything you could have possibly wanted
Sam: Leah and Carlisle have been in contact
Jared: we were all in agreement
Quil: it’s a thank you gift
Seth: for you and Rosalie
You: *opens it, reads the letter from Carlisle and tears up*
Rosalie: *reads it from behind your shoulder and gasps* this will work?
Leah: you’d have to stop shifting for a bit. And your kid would hold the shifter gene. They’ll stop aging like Rensemee, they won’t be venomous and will have a human diet
Rosalie: *throws her arms around Leah* thank you! Thank you!
Paul: if there’s anyone to deserve this it’s you two. Plus we will spoil them to be like us so you won’t miss us too much
You: Alice, we don’t need a gender reveal!
Alice: I can’t hear you
You: Carlisle tell her we don’t need a gender reveal. Rosalie is a woman, I’m a woman. We only have X chromosomes! I don’t care that we have 24 pairs of chromosomes that doesn’t mean we carry the Y chromosome!
Rosalie: doll you need to calm down.
You: I will calm down when Alice is reined in. *whines* why aren’t you stopping her
Rosalie: sometimes you just let it happen.
Edward: *across the room* Rosalie thinks it’s cute seeing you waddle around after Alice
You: I do not waddle
Leah: you kind of do.
You: *glares*
Sue and Charlie: *enters*
Sue: *hugs you* congratulations
Alice: *skips over to you and hands you a photo*
You: *gasps*
Rosalie: *snaps at Alice* where did you get this!
You: Babe! You’re so cute as a baby!
Alice: I have my ways! I have more of these if you let me do a gender reveal
You: *cooes*
Rosalie: No, we don’t need a gender reveal *pulls you away*
You: but there’s more! You got to see my baby photos!
The Cullens and The Pack: *playing baby shower games*
Rosalie: *looks around for you and walks away from the group* doll?
You: *looks at the Guess who baby board, smiles and caresses your baby belly*
Rosalie: your smile says you’re happy but your eyes tell a different story *hugs you*
You: I love you, and I love the family we are building but
Rosalie: but we will always be like this, frozen.
You: yeah… how did you do it? Live knowing you’re the last to remember your family, your home?
Rosalie: spite… I also have my sister with me
You: *chuckles* sounds like you
Rosalie: someone doesn’t truly die until they are forgotten
You: it feels heavy
Rosalie: *lifts your belly*
You: I was speaking metaphorically but this helps too
Rosalie: *hums* yes but you won’t be carrying those memories on your own*
Billy has been transcribing everything going on with the pack since you guys shifted. I’ve kept a diary since I was old enough to write.
You: and I’m just knowing about it now? Baby we’ve been married 10 years, together for 11… Anything I should know about? Perhaps about a certain female shifter?
Rosalie: hush you. *slowly lets go of your belly*
You: *groans*
Rosalie: I’ll help you remember them. I promise. *leaves multiple kisses on your face*
Quinn: I found them!
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Who’s this Anson character? I took a step back from tumblr and now I feel like I need a book to figure out what I missed lol.
With him yet again leeching off of appearing with Jared this weekend, now seems as good a time as any to circle back to this ask because I too have been perplexed by Jared’s supposed friendship with this guy for some time. And as per usual, I brought receipts.
Anson Gordon seems to first be publicly linked to the Pads in Sandy Molinare’s Instagram in 2016. This looks like he has been a part of the wealthy, and fairly conservative circle that both the Pads and the Ackles use to run with at that time.
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He clout-chased a few times in 2018 in his IG story and wanted to let the world know he has famous friends, with Jared and Danneel (in the background of a video) making appearances. He then started more regularly sharing pics of himself attending UFC fights with Jared in January 2020. And since then, his presence has only grown to include other Austin goings-on, more testosterone fueled events, some weapons safety and/or stuntman gig on Walker that included some brief screen time, meeting up with the Pads on their 2021 Italy trip, Jared’s car accident last year in which he and his son were passengers, and a spot on the Pads Family Feud team earlier this year. He is seen, and confused for Jensen somehow in the comments, in this IG post of Jared’s, sliding down a slide like best buds. He is regularly seen showcasing himself on socials interacting with Pads errand boy, Charlie Capen (you won’t convince me he didn’t record that slide video), as well as Clif and various Walker actors.
I will be 100% transparent here about my political leanings that run deeper than fandom. I don’t like this guy because I feel like he is the very conservative, aging frat boy of my nightmares. I don’t care that he’s rubbed elbows with other rich people at the Out Youth Gala, he is a salesman at the end of the day. I feel like he and I would strongly disagree on a lot of important (to me) issues/values, and the transference I feel when I look at him is strong. (That means he reminds me of people I know in real life.) He appears quite motivated to flex next to Jared at any opportunity and draw attention to himself. (Jared doesn’t showcase him nearly as often. The slide post kinda surprised me. Again, who’s a good boy? Charlie is!)
To me, Anson comes off as caustic, shallow, arrogant, and chauvinistic. Here’s the story of how I got bored and nosy during the pandemic and came to these opinions:
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This post from February 2021 was deleted months later as Anson posted more and more with Jared and Walker actors and gained followers/eyes on him. Now why in early 2021, would some folks from Texas even joke about secession?? The most obvious answer: the growing uproar over covid, mask mandates, vaccines, general pandemic limitations on their gentrifier (sorry/not sorry, wealthy Austinites) rich-kid fun. Look out y’all this privileged white male is “startin trouble.” Somebody ask this guy where he was on January 6th.
Exhibit B is less damning, but it irritates me so imma include it:
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A smug face and pose like this with a firearm captioned “virtue signaling” sure feels like a jab at the sNoWfLaKeS, given the rest of the context. No, shooting guns isn’t a crime, and in fact it’s this guys livelihood, but why add the snark if you’re not an ass and hoping to instigate? It feels like a safe bet that gun laws were also up there on the list of reasons for Texas secession dreams.
Exhibit C, posted to his story in August ‘21 just prior to his IG account going private for a few months and right about the same time the Pads themselves got Covid:
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I would love to know how Jared responded to being tagged in this mess. No I’m not suggesting he gave the Pads Covid, but I do think someone from the Pads or Walker team told ole boy to cool it with the anti-mask rhetoric so as not to reflect negatively on Jared, hence the private account. However you may feel about mask mandates at this point, remember that this was late summer/fall of 2021. Covid was obviously still rampant as the Pads and Anson himself would soon learn after returning home from Italy. How dare the Uber peasant ask that he respect his safety as he provides a service. Fuck that guy, right?!
It was after this in November 2021 that Anson first seemed to try to redeem himself by attending the Out Youth Gala with the Pads and also with his favorite accessory, his wife, in tow. What I won’t include here are the gross IG story video highlights from a different event that this tool has conveniently saved in which he documents his seemingly intoxicated wife’s side-boob for an uncomfortable amount of time. Guys can dig their wife’s bodies, and even do so on their own social media, but you gotta trust me that the ick factor is palpable. Bodily autonomy being what it is, maybe she’s ok with the multiple posts of this type, and I can respect that…and he’s shared quite a few.
But for me the final straw was when, not 24 hours after the horrific Robb Elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on 5/24/22, Anson’s IG story was plugging his firearm silencer business and hyping the launch of new products at the NRA convention that coming weekend in Houston.
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If you followed the link early on when I called him a salesman, you may have already figured out that this man has made a sizable fortune off of engineering top of the line silencers for assault rifles. The IG account tells me that they sell for about $700-$750 each. None of this is a crime, but he’s not exactly reading the room in this moment. In comparison, Gen was sharing post after post to her IG story during this time about the need for reform around gun laws and sympathy for the victims. But this guy knew a big convention was approaching and he needed to capitalize. Then he went golfing.
Are you still with me?
So this is why I cringe whenever I see this Wish version of Jensen snuggling up to Jared.
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He’s not deserving of the positive assumptions that some fans/Jared stans have made about him based solely on his proximity to Jared. And let’s be honest, with the great big fandom divide these days, a lot of Jared fans are just all too eager to root for anyone that isn’t Jensen. But, in my opinion, you don’t get to show up at an LGBTQ fundraiser claiming to be an ally when you have no doubt voted to protect your own interests (guns, money) and cast ballots for people who also support drag bans and an end to gender affirming care. It doesn’t work like that, especially not in Texas. He’s invested in Texas staying red, and if you recall or scroll up, there was a time when it wasn’t red enough for him. He’s certainly not voting for LGBTQ+ human rights, but he will write them a check for damage control in the aftermath. What a guy.
To clarify, this is NOT an anti-Jared post, although some may see it as such. There’s no suggested call-to-action for the fandom coming from me. Jared is not Anson’s keeper. But at the same time, to an extent, we are who we associate with and with whom we spend precious time. And Jared spends a fair amount of public time with this clown and allows Anson to attach himself to him and profit off of him. Leeching onto Jared is the best thing this guy did to get his face and his veneers seen by a larger audience. So Jared, I love ya, but it’s not a good look. This guy had no qualms showing people who he was when fewer people were looking, but deleting posts doesn’t delete screenshots. And I’ve got those, as you can see.
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farmhouseanon · 3 months
Oh, but was Jared REALLY in Venice with Gen? Come on, let's do the math here shall we?
June 6, 2024 Gen created this post of them in Paris, published around 6pm EST (18:00:07 to be exact), which means it was posted around 12pm in Paris.
June 6 or 7 One of these days is likely when they left Paris for Italy.
June 8, 2024 Jared was spotted here with a fan in Cinque Terre, Italy. Not sure when the Tiktok post was created but the Tumblr post here was made around 3:12pm EST or 9:12pm in Cinque Terre with the photo obviously being taken during the day
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June 9 Jared was spotted here with a fan in Portofino, Italy per that post, published around 11:56am EST (11:56:49 to be exact), or 5:56pm in Portofino.
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June 10 Gen created this post of her and the kids in Venice, Italy, published around 6:40pm EST (18:40:25 to be exact). Looks like quite the busy and fun eventful day here, doesn't it?
June 11, 2024 We see per the paparazzi appointment here with Gen and Jared they are dining here for lunch in Portofino, Italy. Yeah for those of you who don't read, the website clearly states on the bottom: "Click through the gallery for 40+ pictures of Jared and Genevieve Padalecki in Portofino…" this website article was published 6/11/2024 at 9:35pm EST.
Gen created this post here of being in Venice, Italy around 7:55pm EST (19:55:18 to be exact). This post notably has a video taken at night of a flooded street, as well as photos and videos taken during the daytime.
... but were they together all along, though? As you can see in the maps above, it is almost a 5 hour drive from Portofino to Venice. Same thing if you go from Cinque Terre to Venice but is only about 1 hour and 20 min from Cinque Terre to Portofino. The post made from Portofino on the 9th was created around 11:56pm EST. The post on June 10 was created around 6:40pm EST and was certainly a busy day.
Now, for those who have traveled in another country sightseeing there's probably some kind of itinerary you follow right? Making it so you travel to different cities but following a certain direction going from West to East, North to South, etc. Tell me, why on Earth would they ALL go from Portofino possibly around midday or so on the 9th, spend almost 5 hours driving to Venice, spend a day and a half in Venice, then drive all the way back to Portofino early in the morning on time for a lunch date accompanied the paparazzi?
Now if you'd like the itinerary for the 2021 trip in Italy from her Nowandgen blog, which doesn't seem to be quite in order and no dates given of where they were and when but Google maps shows the trail looks something like this. It's possible they flew from Venice to Rome or took a bus or something given the long distance between those 2 cities, since no real itinerary was given. Point is... you see the trail and have an idea of the likely order they visited the actual cities and landmarks for this trip. Now go look at the info for this 2024 trip again and tell me you can say with 100% confidence they were together this entire trip.
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
I don't believe in body language psychology but I believe in woman instinct. A couple years ago I stumbled upon adventures with purpose and while the videos were fascinating to me, the leader, Jared, seemed so off to me that it made me uncomfortable to watch him so I stopped watching them after like two days. He had this weird vibe of false emotion and scripted lines and like....narcissism is the only way I can describe it.
Today I'm like "oh I remember AWP, lemme see what they're up to now". He was arrested and charged at the start of this year for raping his cousin when she was 10 and he was 16 like 20 years ago.
Fucking knew it, I can smell the creepy on these dudes. And I'm not the only one. I found comment threads about AWP before and after the arrest, and there'd be women going "there's just something off about him, it feels fake and egotistical, his emotions feel fake" and men would go "stop making shit up, he's an amazing guy doing wonders for grieving families, more than anything you do". HUH.
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