#and the one queer artist they did talk about they oh so conveniently left out that she was bisexual
vexx-the-egg · 4 months
#i was watching an art video about the female gaze through art history#and although it had some intresting points#i couldn't help but think....#why do we sanitize the female gaze so much#why do we see it as this pure. holy truthful. gritty thing. never sexual.#i understand its like a push back against the male gaze definition#but we must know the difference right#between male artist and the male gaze#between women artist and the woman gaze#the male gaze is not something all men are shackled too... its its a deliberate choice to comadify female bodies#but its a choice! its not like every male artist cant help but do it. its not like there biologicly compelled#so it was so jaring for the video to make it seem like they were#And then to praise all these other female artist for drawing women UNSEXY. Unfantasy like. gritty and full of deep dark emotions#and i was confused because i felt like... arent those normal attributes that any artist og any gender could draw women as.#what makes it the female gaze. that its without male gaze traits? but then wouldnt any male art made by a guy just like...#drawing a little old lady be considerd... the female gaze#the video talked like men could never do this and yet many have.#and on another note#they didn't ONCE talk about Queer female artist and there relationship to art#and the one queer artist they did talk about they oh so conveniently left out that she was bisexual#why?#is it suddenly not the female gaze if its one female sexalizing another? sexualising themselves? why?#for a video that prided itself in pushing female artist up and saying HERE look at all thses women! it felt.... strangly.... sanitized#like it felt like they were saying yes these women are all amazing but.. only because they show femininity in a way that i dont find yucky.#and that made my skin crawl#there were lots of good points about female artist being pushed down or forced into marriages that killed there art careers#but it felt disingenuous#it felt like saying i think women female artist deserved to be praised (but only the ones i find palpable)#anyways food for thought
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mbtizone · 7 years
Liam Booker (Faking It): ISFP
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Dominant Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Liam has very strong morals and is first and foremost concerned with doing the “right” thing. His conscience rules him, and if he does anything that contradicts his internal values, he obsesses over it until he’s able to correct his perceived shortcoming. Liam takes a stand for what he believes in. He is socially, economically, and environmentally aware, and wants the way he lives to reflect his principles. He’s opposed to lying and sneaking around, which makes his relationship with Karma difficult for him because he’s under the impression that Karma is dating Amy. He doesn’t want to get in the way of their relationship, and even though he cares about Karma, he feels that getting in the middle of their relationship is wrong. That’s just not who he is. Liam values honesty and hates that Amy is forcing him to keep their secret from Karma. He just wants to fess up, tell her the truth, and deal with the consequences. He can’t live with the guilt. Liam believes in punishing himself when he breaks his moral code and vows to abstain from sex after sleeping with Amy. He doesn’t like to openly discuss how he’s feeling, and prefers to do something to fix things rather than talk about it. Liam is very loyal to the people he loves and gives up his dream to get Karma and her family out of jail. He doesn’t tell her about this, though, because he didn’t do it to gain favor with her. He wants to earn her forgiveness and had no intention of using his good deed to sway her. He’s outraged when Karma considers taking the $250,000 check Mr. Booker wrote her to keep her away from Liam. He turned Zita down after she threw herself at him while Karma was contemplating accepting the bribe money, which hurts even more, because he knows she wouldn’t consider it for a single second if the money was given to her to stay away from Amy.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Sometimes, Liam makes shortsighted decisions in the heat of the moment and often comes to regret them after having time to reflect. He keeps seeing Karma, even though he’s against being with her behind Amy’s back. When he’s angry or upset, he tends to react without considering the ramifications. After his breakup with Karma, he learns that she had faked her relationship with Amy. In his outrage over being lied to for so long, he sleeps Amy and becomes immediately remorseful of his actions following the incident. Liam enjoys sensory pleasures, particularly sex, and is a talented artist. He expresses himself by creating, and is very good at translating his feelings into the works he produces (Fi-Se). Liam tends to work through his feelings physically – whether it’s by producing art or going to a mixed martial arts class with Theo.
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Tertiary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: If Liam gets a hunch about something, he usually believes in it, fully committing to the idea, even if he’s completely mistaken. When Jackson Lee takes a special interest in him and his art, Liam is convinced that Jackson is his real father. He begins investigating to confirm his suspicions, and believes that he found “evidence” to prove it (his mother in the same photo as Jackson). However, it never occurs to him that it’s just a coincidence and his theory turns out to be incorrect. When Liam has a goal in mind, he can become singularly focused on achieving it, particularly if it’s something that is important to him morally.
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Inferior Extroverted Thinking [Te]: When Liam believes in something, he does something about it. He organizes protests and inspires others to rally around him and fight back. When in protest mode, Liam is able to take charge, make decisions, and shout commands to the crowd. He doesn’t like when things are done for money, power, or control, which is why he refuses to drive a fancy car or buy expensive clothing, even though he comes from a rich family. He doesn’t like what money has done to them and rebels against that lifestyle. Liam is very upfront and lays down rules when need be – he tells Brandi upfront that their relationship must be casual sex or nothing. He’s not looking for a girlfriend, and if she can’t handle that, they have to stop hooking up. He knows what he wants, and has no problem speaking up.
Enneagram: 1w9 4w3 7w8 Sx/So
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Brandi: Where have you been, Pooh Bear? Who’s this bitch? Liam: Whoa, Brandi, you’re drunk. Brandi: He’s mine, so keep those nipples to yourself. Karma: That was my goal from the beginning, I promise. Liam: Look, I am not your boyfriend. We’re just good friends who occasionally have sex, but if that’s too confusing for you, then we have to stop. [to Karma] What? Karma: Nothing. Liam: Look, I’m not a douche bag, all right? I’m always clear about my ground rules. And girls, they always agree to them, and then they get- Karma: Clingy? Women are genetically wired to mate and start a family. In fact, if we weren’t, our entire species would’ve died out, so have some respect.
Shane: They’re here, they’re queer, they need your votes. Nice work, minions. Liam: Anything to help the gays.
Karma: Liam’s parents are rich, but he drives a beat-up biodiesel, which means he’s socially aware. His best friends are a gay guy and a feminist, which means he’s tolerant and accepting of strong women. And he’s an artist, which means that deep down inside he’s wounded.
Liam: I’m glad you got back together with your girlfriend. You two are like the school’s Portia and Ellen. Karma: Which one am I? Please say Portia. Liam: Trust me, you’re the Portia. Which is why we probably shouldn’t make out again. I don’t want to be the asshole that breaks up Hester’s cutest couple.
Liam: We can see through your lies! She’s just trying to buy us! Robin: Trust me, no one is trying to buy you. Though you’ll each be getting new Skwerkel smartphones and tablets. Liam: What do you get out of this? Robin: The satisfaction of helping a school in desperate need of money. Also, Skwerkel will own all data collected on these devices. Karma: That means our photos, our emails, our text messages. They want to make us their digital slaves. Are we gonna let them? Crowd: Hell, no! Liam: Time to occupy Hester. Man your stations!
Liam: Money has made my family secretive, image-obsessed ass. I want nothing to do with it or them.
Liam: Look, maybe you two are okay with this sneaking around thing, but I’m not. I tried to be, but it’s just not who I am.
Liam: They’re right. I knew Karma had a girlfriend, but I kept seeing her. Shane: Why are you beating yourself up like this? It’s not your fault they broke up.
Liam: Six months? That’s forever. Karma: I know, I’m sorry. But if people at school think I left Amy for you, they’ll hate us more than oil companies. Liam: And Amy is okay with this? I just, I really don’t like lying.
Amy: This is kidnapping. Shane: It’s really more blackmail. Lauren: We’re going to take photos of this assjolr that are so shocking and deviant, he’ll never tell anyone my secret. Shane: Conveniently, my mom sells sex toys out of the trunk of her car. Amy: Guys, guys, this is illegal and highly disturbing. Lauren, how bad could this secret be? Lauren: Ugh, I’m not telling you my fucking secret. Shane: She’s not. Trust me, I tried. Liam: Guys, I’m with Amy. Maybe it’s a good thing this thing gets out. They say you’re only as sick as your secrets. Amy: What? No, who says that? Who, the voices in your head? Tell ’em to shut up. I changed my mind. I’m on board. This is America. We are all entitled to our secrets. Will you excuse us for a second? What the hell was that? “You’re only as sick as your secrets”? I’m sorry, but the guilt is killing me. Amy: Oh, this little piggy went boo-hoo-hoo all the way home. Man up. Look, it’s killing me too, but what would it do to Karma if she found out that her soul mate slept with you? Liam: So what, we just pretend it never happened? Amy: What happened? See how easy that was? And before we never speak of this again, do I need to add contracting syphilis to last night’s list of tragic events?
Shane: You’re still hung up on Karma, aren’t you? I don’t get it. Are her lips dusted with cocaine or something? Liam: No, this is not about Karma, and I’m only hung up on her because Little Liam wanted to meet a lesbian, so he needs to be put in time-out. Shane: Why are you punishing your penis? Hey, Karma is the one who lied. Liam: Trust me, I deserve to be punished. Shane: No, you deserve to move on, and the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new, stat. Unless you don’t want to get over her. Liam: Of course I want to get over her. I just think celibacy is the best way to do that. Shane: I don’t know. In my experience, it only leads to blue balls and long, incoherent speeches about wolves.
Amy: This is your last chance. Promise me you won’t tell Karma or I’m about to make a scene so juicy I might win a daytime Emmy. Liam: What if I tell her I slept with someone and I don’t say that someone was you? Amy: Not a negotiation, last chance. Liam: Wow, you’re completely mental. This is what secrets do to people. Amy: Three, two – Liam: You wouldn’t dare ’cause then you’d have no leverage. Amy: [hits Liam in the face] How dare you? That was one. Liam: Amy, come on. Amy: Don’t touch me! Liam: Amy. Amy: Do you know where I met Liam? At a protest. And do you know what we were protesting? Skwerkel. Mr. Booker: Liam. Amy: But it turns out, he was just seducing me. He never told me his father founded the company. Who are you, Liam Booker? Liam: That’s hilarious. Amy has been taking improv classes, and she’s getting very good. Amy: And if that weren’t enough of a betrayal, I also found out that he slept with my best friend.
Liam: I cannot believe – Did I just really say all of that out loud? Amy: You did. And your family… Liam: Probably disowned me, but right now, I do not give a fuck. I have a huge weight off my back. Amy: Now I get why you’re so hung up on honesty. Liam: Yeah, well a few years ago I accidentally found my original birth certificate and my whole world cracked. It weighed me down ever since. I wish somehow I could un-know it, but, I can’t. I don’t want to tell Karma something she can’t un-know, I care about her way too much. Amy: That’s just how I feel, thank you.
Shane: Quit taking it out on these innocent art supplies. Liam: Shane, really, I don’t want to talk about it. Shane: That’s just your straight guy resistance to talking about your feelings. Push through it. Theo: What are y’all on about? Shane: It’s Karma’s birthday, and Liam can’t be with her for reasons too complicated and fucked up to specify. Theo: Wanna go hit stuff? Always makes me feel better. I’m taking this mixed martial arts class downtown. Shane: Nice try, Theo, but what Liam needs is to talk it all out over some grilled cheeses at Millie’s Diner. Theo: What is this, The View? Liam: Shane, I’m sorry, but that class is just what the doctor ordered. Shane: You’re not the doctor. You’re the patient. You can’t prescribe your own medicine. Theo: Wow, you really think you know what’s best for everybody, don’t you? Shane: It’s a gift. Liam: We’ll talk it out later, I promise. But right now, I just want to punch someone in the face without getting arrested. You wanna come? Shane: I’ll pass. It all sounds a bit too aggressively heterosexual for me.
Karma: If she can’t handle our relationship, then maybe it’s not meant to be. Do you want some dessert? They have homemade doughnuts. Liam: She doesn’t want doughnuts. She wants Reagan. Karma: Amy loves doughnuts. Liam: Karma, we get it. You know all of Amy’s favorite foods, but can’t you see that she’s really into Reagan? You can fix this, but you’ve gotta go and stop her. Amy: You’re right. Liam: No, Karma. Karma, this isn’t about you. You need to give them space.
Karma: You gave up art for me? Liam: Zita told you? Karma: The real question is why you didn’t. Liam: Because I didn’t do it to buy your forgiveness. I want to earn that. But do you think I ever will? Karma: Look, I want to forgive you. You’re doing all the right things. I’m just scared of getting hurt again, which is why I need to be in control. Liam: I’m okay with that. Karma: Then put your hands behind your back.
Shane: Grr! Young Jackson Lee was cute. Liam: And that’s Robin in the same picture. That’s proof! Shane, he’s my dad! Shane: I don’t know. I’ve been in plenty of pictures with people I haven’t impregnated. Liam: No, it all makes so much sense now! Being an artist is in my blood, and now my dad has come back to build some kind of relationship with me. I’ve dreamt about this moment. Shane: Liam- Liam: Shh! When I dreamt about it, there was no talking.
Amy: Who wouldn’t consider taking $250,000? Liam: I’ve been such an idiot. Karma: It could help my parents get back on their feet, help pay for college. How could I not consider it for even a second? Liam: After you left L.A., Zita kissed me. She made it very clear she wanted more, but I turned her down. It didn’t take me a week to think about it. Karma: Oh, yeah, well, too bad you didn’t think before you slept with Amy. Amy: Karma, please leave me out of this. Liam: Here we go again. You’re taking a bribe to stay away from me, but I’m the one defending myself? Karma: I’m not rich, Liam! I didn’t fall asleep in class because I’ve been studying. I’ve been working every catering gig I could get. And I live in a freaking juice truck! Liam: It’s so besides the point, it’s not even funny. If you were offered that money to stay away from Amy, you wouldn’t have considered it for one second!
Principal Turner: These are all of the school’s known visual artists. One of them has to be “B.” All right, you Banksy wannabes. You’ve had your fun. Now if someone doesn’t admit to being “B,” you will all be suspended. And yes, I can do that. Again, read the Terms & Conditions. Liam: It was me, okay? I am “B.” Now, let everyone else go. Principal Turner: B for Booker. You know, I think we might just skip right past suspension to full-on expulsion Penelope: Stop! It wasn’t Liam. It was me. “B” is for Beaver. I mean, Bevier.
Liam Booker (Faking It): ISFP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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peanatcookies · 7 years
Seeing Colours [Preview]
Words: 3522
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Angst (quite a bit tbh) 
Pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook 
Context: Artist au (inspiration can be found HERE) 
A/N: wUHU the preview is finally going to be uploaded here! I’m not sure how I wrote it so fast but I suppose one can easily blame it on the exam stress, which actually made the writing of this story pretty smooth sailing. I know this sounds more like a chapter with its length (oops), but I just wanted to get a feel on how this story might flow through this very platform. :) Furthermore, the title, “Seeing Colours” is under a TBC status so if you guys have any better titles, don’t hesitate to drop me a direct message and we can talk about it! ^^ For now, sit back, relax and read away~ Enjoy! 
P.S. @twoamaranth , this was all thanks to your edits. :) Thank you for letting me repost them on my Tumblr! Do check out her stuff! ^^ 
It was a typical Tuesday morning, 8am, as it was shown on my digital clock with huge green numbers. The sun was up, the birds were singing and it was a beautiful sunny day with clear blue skies and white puffy clouds. The weather forecast said there will be no rain, and the best part? It was the school holidays for the students who have spent countless hours cooped up in classrooms and homes; studying the day away and remembering facts that they will probably never use in the days to come.
Now, it was their time to have fun, see the sun and get the dose of the Vitamin D they lacked the past few months. Come back with sun-kissed skin (or even burnt for that matter), new friends and most of all, smiles exuding happiness on their faces as they recall the day to their parents and get together with the friends whom they had not seen for so long.
It is indeed a happy day. Yes, of course it was.
But not for me.
I never knew what happened to me really, but it all started back in high school with countless insults and hate comments coming my way. It was a simple secret, whom I had entrusted to a friend that it would be kept that way. I guess things were never meant to be because the cat was out of the bag three days later. People started staring, snickering, jeering and worse still, bullying.
I came back many days with a bruise or two on my torso and a spinning head from getting pushed around too much. Who knows if I even came back with broken bones? Mother always asked me what happened, and I always came up with the same reason.
“I fell. Sorry for ruining the uniform. I’ll be less clumsy next time.”
The words fell out of my mouth like a robot; like I was trained to say that. She might never have bought it but she took great care of me nevertheless, whipping up her signature ginseng chicken soup when I was down and gently tending to my wounds. I was not much of a talker, so we would sit in comfortable silence as she took care of me and made sure all was well.
She still hugged me tight, kissed me on the forehead to go to sleep and was always ever so supportive with everything that I did.
Or so I thought.
I was 19; a fresh graduate. Smiles were upon our faces as everyone took pictures; some laughing, some crying, to commemorate all the memories that they had spent together. I, however, was glad that I was out of the hell hole and that was when I met a boy named Jimin.
He was a year older, but shorter and had the chubbiest of cheeks. For some strange reason, he had the nicest body with toned abs and defined arms, but never seemed to lose any baby fat from on his face (to his utter dismay). I supposed that was what made him cute and cuddly, and someone that I was willing to spend my time with. He had a heart of gold, a positive attitude and was always there in my triumphs and trials.
We met at a coffee shop, both of us fulfilling our duties as filial children, taking up part time jobs, making drinks and dealing with the most obnoxious customers. Quick friends we were, and soon, we fell deeper than that. He was my everything at that time; workmate, soulmate and most importantly, a lover.
I brought him home and we made ourselves comfortable in my room. It was a medium sized bedroom with tiffany blue walls and it was my safe space, away from the cruelty of the world out there. We stared into each other’s eyes as we shared and laughed about our “deepest darkest secrets”.
I don’t know how laughter turned into lust, but there we were, him on top of me and kissing the life out of me. It was as if the wind had been knocked out of my lungs but it was his lips that gave me security and a love that I had never felt before.
Mother walked in, to my shock and horror, and by then, our tops were off, thrown on the floor at some random corner of the room. My stepfather came in next, and he shouted something along the lines of the fact that his son should never love another boy. He pushed Jimin away and grabbed me by the neck, which is a given that it would probably be bruised tomorrow. He asked me for an explanation but only tears and choked sobs came out of me. I could not speak but his grip only tightened, until I felt my lips turn blue and my face pale.
Jimin got up and tried to stop him, but my stepfather was too strong and he hit him hard till his lips bled. It seemed to have triggered something in him and all he did was pick up his shirt and leave, as if we never knew each other and he was a burglar who got caught red-handed.
He left my room in a huff but came back shortly after with a suitcase in his hand and those words stuck with me till this very day.
“Pack up your things and go. When I’m out of the shower, you should be out and don’t you dare step foot into this house ever again. We’ve always trusted you but you stepped all over our hearts and efforts. Be gone. You are not my son anymore.”
And that was it. I left home without a trace and cut off all contact (in fact they made sure I did) and ended up on the streets.
Cold. Tired. Hungry. Alone.
Those were the four scariest words that stuck in my head the entire time as I sat by the roadside watching the world go by. I found some spare change in my pocket, attempting to call Jimin, but the line did not get through.
And there I was again. Until a middle aged lady walked past me and took interest in me. She did not say very much, but I could tell that she took pity on me with the look in her eyes. It was a sight of sadness and perhaps slight disappointment that a youth like me was found on the streets like that.
She walked away, and I began to think that she was just like everybody else, but no. She peeked from the side of the convenience store to see whether I was still there and motioned for me to take my things and follow her. Skeptical I was, but she brought me into the convenience store and there sat a packet of chocolate milk, steaming hot ramyun and a fried chicken wing.
I stared at her in wonder, but she only motioned for me to sit beside her and eat. Sure, I did not mean to wolf down all the food but I did and she only smiled, something like what my mother used to do. It was a silent lunch, with her occasionally watching the news on the television.
I stood up to leave and apologised that I could not repay and thank her enough for her kindness towards a stranger.
“Thank you so much, and I’m sorry I cannot pay you today. I promise to pay it back someday… I-I… should probably g-get g-going…”
“Why were you out there anyway? It’s pretty uncommon for a youth like you to go around with a suitcase, or should I say duffle, outside a convenience store like this.”
And who knew what came over at me, because I told her everything.
Where I came from, where I studied, the ups and downs in my life… You name it, I probably said it. There were no emotions and it sounded like I practically deadpanned through the monologue. The woman did not say anything; she just sat there and nodded every once in awhile in understanding. Despite the lack of response, it was pretty obvious that she was listening intently.
“I see… You know, society’s a little messed up in certain ways and I know that you were probably a smart, talented and one of the nicest boys anyone can have. It’s a pity that your parents dropped you off so easily like that, simply because you were considered to be part of the queer.”
I nodded and sighed, suddenly wondering what the hell I was thinking to be blurting all this information to a stranger that I just met 30 minutes ago.
“Oh well… Follow me then.” She stood up and offered to take my luggage for me, but I refused and took it back immediately. Fear crept into my mind and so did suspicion so I asked in doubt, “Where are we going?”
“Ah… Your new home. You’ll be living with me now I suppose. Don’t worry about the rent. It’s only right that you find some more purpose in life other than sitting in the streets and waiting around for a miracle to happen. C’mon, before it gets late, and cold too.”
Fear and suspicion stayed, but my mind kept telling me that there was going to be hope at the end of it, so I followed and we continued to make small talk along the way. Her home, according to her, was not too far off and it was easily walkable. It was almost the evening now and before I resorted to freezing my butt off, I was actually grateful that I had a lodging now.
Her name was Mrs Jung Inhye and she was in fact, from Busan, my hometown. She was under the Art Management team of the Seoul National Museum and was in charge of auctioning for works, do write ups and she also mentioned that she loved to draw in her past time. No style in particular, but she liked still life and natural phenomenons such as a sunrise or a sunset. Later, I found out that she was a relatively young widow; her husband had passed away in a work accident 3 years ago and they never had any children.
So here I was, at least according to her, and she seemed excited to actually take care of me, even if I was not her biological son that she wished to have. The more we talked, the more she reminded me about how my mother used to be; loving, caring and everything a mother should be. Till this day, I’m not sure if I held some form of bitterness but I probably did, considering the fact that I was definitely hurt when she did not stand up for me when my stepfather chased me out of the house.
It was cold then and it was as if I became a stranger in my own family home at that split second. She did not spare me a second glance and did not say a word when I left home. Sure, she was disappointed and I would understand, but I would have preferred a word from her; just so that I could have one last memory before I said goodbye.
Now, Mrs Jung’s home was a quaint and comfortable soho apartment, which was always fully furnished by the previous tenant. It was more suited for a person, considering the narrowness of the corridor and the fact that there was only one stove. And it was true; I felt like I had stepped into an artist’s mind.
The furniture was all monochrome but the things that added a splash of colour were the obvious hints that Mrs Jung was indeed a painter with a canvas stand at a corner of the room and her work (or at least most of it) was hung around her walls to give her space more of a personal touch.
“Just leave your things there, Jungkook-sshi. I will take a shower first so do make yourself at home. Sorry it’s in such a state and of course, you’re free to look around. You know, get to know me a little bit more.”
And with that she left me in the silence of her apartment as I took a seat on the floor, afraid of staining everything with my grimy clothing. I took a good look around and it was indeed what I had wished for as a student; go to a university and rent one of these personal soho apartments with a loft bed.
I could have done that. If I did not get kicked out so soon.
She came out with her hair wrapped around in a towel and once again, memories hit me of how open minded and comfortable my mother used to be, before she met my stepfather. A simple minded woman she was, who always seemed happy with the world and never saw anything wrong with it.
That was what she used to be.
I took the lukewarm shower that I had not taken in days and came out quickly, because Mrs Jung had mentioned that she wanted to have a talk with me. The questions all came with, “So Jungkook, what do you wish to become?” or “Do you have any interest in art? Or even the Performing Arts?”
Honestly, I had never thought of any of those things, and did not help that I actually came from the Hanlim School of Foreign Languages and did not have any exposure whatsoever to the local art scene for that matter. All I knew about it was that I wished that I could do it too.
She tried to help me, opening me up to all the possibilities in Seoul but I had my doubts, especially when it came to my passion. It was no longer clear, especially after whatever I had experienced, and it was probably obvious that I needed more time, given that she allowed me to take a month or two off to discover more about myself and what I really wanted to do. She did not push for it, but it was evident that she wanted me to make a decision as soon as possible.
And that was where it all began.
She taught me about art appreciation, how things came about in the art scene and little by little, I grew to like it because I could freely express however I felt and the beauty lied in the eyes of the beholder. Cringe worthy, but that was what enlightened me towards the beauty of the craft. The journey was far from easy, especially when it came to the application of art.
Coming from a school which gave no time for art, it was frustrating trying to think of anything outside the box that no artist had ever used before. Styles, techniques, content, colour -- there was so much to think about. It led to emotional outbursts and probably a pool full of tears but Mrs Jung pressed on, and taught me that if I wanted to create real art, I had to put some personal thought and feelings into the piece.
Journalling. Researching. Soul searching. And I did all those things.
Eventually, I found my calling and that was to major in art in the prestigious Korea University of the Arts. I found joy, happiness and most importantly, some form of acceptance from those who were just like me. It was bliss just creating something from one’s own talent and the true beauty lied in the fact that every art piece was never the same. We had similar themes; Lies, Deception, Society, Beauty, but all our art pieces had our own personal touch.
I came back to a loving home, where Mrs Jung constantly greeted me with a smile and a hug, always reminding me how proud she was of me pursuing something that I truly enjoyed. She knew how much effort I put in, and it touched my heart all the time, knowing that she was willing to take in a young boy like me and letting him pursue his dreams.
I wanted to gift her with my very first art piece and it was a painting of a the transition of a teenager. “He” started off as closed off, distant and unsure of the world, but he finally found purpose, happiness, all thanks to the angel he met along the path of “his” youth. She was there to talk sense into “him” when “he” wanted to carry out rash decisions and was always a gentle soul with him, accepting every bit of his being without judgement.
Once I finished, I stepped back and admired my masterpiece, reminiscing about the times where I struggled to do art, and I have come such a long way.
The serenity of the apartment was broken from the shrill ring from my phone and a strange voice answered.
“Dude! Do you know how much I had to go through to get your number?”
“U-uh,” I answered, furrowing my eyebrows a bit, “I don’t know who you are.”
“You punk, this is Kim Seokjin. Thank you very much. I can’t believe you forgot about me so quickly. I see how it is.”
And at that tone, my face lit up and my eyes widened in shock because how the hell did he get my number? I was in a different neighbourhood now, living my own life and was soon to graduate in 2 years. I was not the same Jeon Jungkook then. Definitely not.
“Hyung!!” I exclaimed, “How the hell did you get my number?”
However, his voice grew dark and serious, “I will save that story for another time. It’s not the time to talk about it now.”
“H-hyung,” I stammered, “Did something h-happen at home?”
“Promise me you won’t freak Jeon. Where are you now?”
“I’m in my apartment now…?” I answered, anxiety present in my voice.
“It’s…” He paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “Jimin’s death anniversary tomorrow. I’m sorry I had to break it to you like this, but there was no other way since I couldn’t find you----”
And with that he droned on, but I was no longer paying attention anymore. It was as if my world had shattered and the time had stopped. My knees crumpled beneath me and all I could do was stare into oblivion with shock evident in my eyes.
No. It cannot be. Jimin can’t be dead? Why would he be? He was the one who pushed me out of the closet. He brought love, encouragement and joy to all those around him. Why would he want to die anyway?
“Jeon? Jungkook-ah? Yah, Jeon Jungkook.”
“Hyung… It’s not April Fools’ Day, you know? You’re a month late. Indeed, you’ve not changed with your old Dad jokes. It’s May, you know that right? Jimin’s still alive I’m sure, I mean, he had so much to live for---”
But I was cut off from saying anymore when the only thing that came out was the sound of heavy breathing and choked sobs; fat tears rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably like a dam that had been broken. I bit my lip to hide my cries, but Seokjin probably knew better.
He always did anyway.
“Jeon, I’m sorry I did not tell you earlier. I’ll pick you up tomorrow and I will explain everything to you. Get some rest okay? I don’t think Jimin would want to see you this way. He would prefer you to live your life happily and would want the best for you. Wherever you are, he’s proud of you and I am too. Goodbye.”
And the tone to signify that the call had ended beeped away.
At that moment, the silence of the apartment became deafening, terrifying and I could hear every single detail around the house; the dripping tap, the occasional howl of the wind outside. My world started to spin, but tears still flowed out continuously and I tasted blood; probably caused from the hard biting of my lip to hold my tears back.
Black spots soon came into my vision and I tried to blink them away, but my heart continued to palpitate wildly against my chest and it hurt too much to move. It was as if my body froze and my breath started to hitch. With each passing moment, it became harder to breathe and it was as if my entire respiratory system was constricting against my will.
“Jungkook!! I’m home! By the way, I wanted to tell you that I think I met your friend-- JUNGKOOK! Oh my god, what happened to you?! Jungkook, answer me please. Stay awake darling. Come on, say something---”
I finally saw black. I stopped responding and it felt like my heart stopped beating, or at least it was slowing down.
I could not have been happier at that point, or so I thought. Death was a scary thing, yes, but I did not mind embracing it now.
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