#but just now in the game i was playing i fell through a hole and the enemies couldn't follow me down and i realized that was an option
teamhawkeye · 5 months
me anytime someone tells me that I don't have to fight and kill my way through every single enemy in the video game i'm playing:
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woso-dreamzzz · 29 days
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You lose
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You wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
You wanted to take all your gloves and throw them into the fire and just watch them burn.
What use is a keeper that can't stop goals anyway?
Three goals went passed you today. Four if you count the one that was ruled offside.
Three balls shot passed you in the semifinal of the FA Cup. Arsenal would not be going to the final.
Faith had been put on you to carry the team through but you had fallen at the first hurdle.
A shot fired at you from point blank range in the first five minutes.
It skimmed your gloves and buried itself into your net.
The second came from a corner. A header that went just past your outstretched fingertips.
The third was during the second half. A cross into your box and a shot that zoomed past your body.
The fourth goal, the one called offside, had been whipped in just in front of you after you came out of your goal to collect.
It was a shocking performance from you and you fell face forward onto your bed to scream into your pillow.
Your phone keeps ringing and you know who it is.
You ignore it, turning your head so you can stare at your bedside table.
You watch your phone ring over and over again. The screen lights up and then goes dark again. It repeats again and again but all you can do is stare.
You don't want to think about the match. You want to crawl under your sheets and just die.
You've got to go out to get groceries tomorrow. You don't know how you're going to show your face in public.
Your performance was so embarrassing.
Your coach shouldn't have thought that putting an eighteen year old as keeper was a good idea. His faith in your ability was unfounded and you wonder briefly if it's too late to go back to school for something other than football.
You didn't think you needed a backup option. Football was everything to you. Football was your whole life.
You don't know what you're going to do without football.
Your phone rings again and you flip it over so you can't see the screen anymore.
Rocky looks back at you from his spot on your bedside table.
"Don't," You say to him," Don't look at me like that."
His blank googly eyes stare back at you.
"Stop it."
He keeps staring.
Your hand closes around him and your arm rears back in anger.
Rocky collides with your bedroom wall, clattering to the floor.
You scream into your pillow, forcing yourself not to cry.
You know everyone is going to be talking about your bad performance today. You knew you single-handedly sunk Arsenal's dream of the FA Cup this year.
Your phone rings again and again and you wish you had turned off your sound.
You never realised how annoying your ringtone was. If you remember when you wake up tomorrow, you'll have to change it.
The stupid jingle runs through your ears like how those goals run through your mind.
"I don't want to talk," You say when you finally gain the courage to answer your phone after watching it ring for at least an hour.
"No," You cut her off firmly," I don't want to talk. Stop calling me."
"No," Momma says," I watched the match-"
"I don't want to talk!" You insist," Why can't you leave me alone?!"
"Stop it!" You say, tears running down your cheeks," Just stop!"
"It's not the end of the world." That's Morsa now.
"You weren't there! You don't know!"
"You think I haven't lost matches?" Comes Morsa's dry voice," I know all about losing, princesse. It's one match out of countless others. You'll get them next year."
"I don't want to get them next year!" You spit back," I wanted to get them this year!
"And that didn't work out," Momma says to you gently," And that's okay."
A sob rips through your throat. "Momma, I played so badly."
"You're still young," Momma says," You're never going to have a perfect game all season. It was unfortunate that it was today but it is what it is. You'll spend the weekend sulking about it but you'll improve yourself. You'll get better next time."
You crouch on your bedroom floor, picking up Rocky and wiping off the dirt from him.
One of his googly eyes has fallen off so you stick it back on.
"It's not just your fault," Morsa says," You're in a team sport, princesse. The blame never falls on one person's shoulders. You're still young. You've proven yourself to your team. One bad match doesn't ruin everything. You'll improve."
You wipe away your tears, clenching your fist around Rocky. "Really?"
"Of course. You're going to be great one day but you need to stumble a bit first. Learn from your mistakes and you'll get them next time."
You sniffle. "Thanks."
"Good girl," Momma says," Now, I want you to order food tonight, alright? You had a hard day. Treat yourself."
"I will."
"We love you."
"Love you too."
You look down at the rock in your hand and wince. "Sorry I threw you, Rocky. It won't happen again."
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jymwahuwu · 2 months
Jing Yuan who’s always trying to get y/n pregnant :( Ever since he first saw y/n at the Xianzhou Luofu as a traveler passing by since we loved to roam around the galaxy and explore new places and planets, loving the thrill of it more than anything else he got lovesick almost immediately!
He loves to see someone so young and beautiful doing such scary and dangerous thing like traveling alone so as a high ranked general he had to make sure y/n is safe on his territory so he made sure she is at safe and protected place that he was close by so he could be close to her :D
As you loved to be for couple of weeks at the place, you really did love to go out with Jing Yuan on walks and not even a week later at his chambers to play some chess or card games as Mimi fell in love with you almost immediately with you, almost not letting you leave but Jiung Yuan had go let you go for time being :(
Even though he knows he could be your ancestor with how old he is, he quite frankly doesn’t care about it at all. He’s a charismatic man so after 3 weeks of direct and indirect flirting and even a clear romantic dates, you were so shy still so he had to slide a bit of aphrodisiac in your drink the night he knew you would announce you will go in a week to another planet, how did he know? Well…he can just said that you look so cute asleep in your room, as he watched you through cameras he put in your room and those times he kissed you on your lips when he broke in your room, “checking on you” in dead of night as his sinful lips kiss yours for “good night”
He forgot how inexperienced girls are so fun to ruin and corrupt, make them dump :( The way he kissed you sinfully, take (ripped) your clothes off as he pulled you into bed with him… The way your body was so responsive to his touch, losing a count of how much you finished as he put you in a meanest mating press, splitting you hole so deliciously as he creampied you thought entire night, making you go limp for a week straight after :(
At end, there was no doubt when a day you planned to leave after a month, you cried in his arms as two bold lines on pregnancy test were signaling something you didn’t want or planned now, you just thought that you were to young, to childish and free for children, especially when you are not in a relationship with him, it was just a drunk night that was supposed to pass and not have any consequences. He kissed your insecures away as he got to corrupt you till end-
i mean, y/ns pregnancy look divine when your bump showed so quickly, i guess your 6 babies are gonna look so magnificent when they are will look like their daddy ;)
(hiii!!, i had this thought for so long and i didn’t know if you would write for this, so feel free to ignore this :3 haha have a lovely day!)
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cw: yandere, non-con, forced pregnancy, forced breeding, aphrodisiac
Who can predict it? You planned your itinerary. Xianzhou Luofu was originally just part of your trip. In the end, you got married there, got pregnant, and settled down…
Jing Yuan knows that changing your mind in such a short period of time is a daunting challenge...especially when you have booked hotels and spaceship tickets to other planets. He tried, really hard. Flirting, dating, but how shy you are >_<
You are leaving. This is not a good sign.
And why - who are you, talented anon, why did you mention "meanest mating press" - I have to search for hentai of mating press again…😣
Whenever, the thought of jing yuan + forced mating press makes me lose my mind.
Those muscles of his are pressing you down, and you are helpless…weak, and your legs are pulled up to the extreme and pressed against your chest. His hands are irresistible. He can wield weapons and has participated in numerous battles. And you are at his mercy. His size hits your pelvic bone, and his round and thick cock reaches the deepest point, pressing against the opening of your uterus. The chaotic sound of water. Your buttocks were spread as wide as possible in humiliation, and with each thrust, the flesh on your thighs swayed slightly. A rough slapping sound. You looked at Jing Yuan with tears streaming down your face. Those amber eyes. Gazing affectionately, as if staring at the most precious thing for him for hundreds of years. His tongue tangled with yours. The slapping sound didn't stop all night long. The seed he has stored for a long time has not been released, and now it is poured into your body. And you can't even move your legs. Just be bred. Sore, sore, but the orgasm was still overwhelming.
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hgfictionwriter · 2 months
Maybe This Time
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: UCLA was a long time ago. Jessie couldn't bring herself to make a move back then and missed her chance. But now that you're back in her life, maybe things can be different.
Warning: None
A/N: A bit more fluff for y'all! And sorry for flooding the Jessie tags. I’ve got a bunch of fics just sitting around!
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Jessie turned and couldn't believe her eyes. Y/N. Y/N L/N. The girl she'd pined over at UCLA; who her friends had relentlessly made fun of her for liking and never pursuing; the girl who still showed up in idle daydreams from time to time, even all these years later.
"I heard you were playing in town now. Oh my gosh - it's been so long. I was hoping I'd run into you at some point."
Here you were standing in front of her. Smiling at her. Instead of being the...relatively...confident person Jessie now was - she was national team captain, a gold medal athlete, for goodness sake - she wasn't a young girl anymore hiding behind textbooks and her friends, instead though, she felt her cheeks burn hot and her words got caught in her throat. She stood there staring speechless at you.
"Don't tell me you don't recognize me," you said, a hint of apprehension beginning to cast over you.
Finally, Jessie began to react. She closed her eyes briefly in hopes of resetting, shaking her head and allowing herself to smile.
"Of course I do," she finally managed, only stammering slightly. "I mean, I recognize you. Of course."
"Okay." You let out a small laugh of relief. "For a second I thought worldwide athletic stardom made you forget your favourite lab partner."
"Of course not," Jessie readily assured you. "I'd never forget you."
The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. She clenched her jaw as she reprimanded herself internally for imploding so quickly and after so much time. She cut herself some slack when you smiled again at her.
"That's comforting to hear. Well, I mean, I know you're just leaving," you gestured to the door of the coffee shop, "but, um, I don't know." You laughed nervously before settling on what to say. You offered her a resolute nod. "It was nice to see you again."
Jessie's mind whirled with ideas and options. Anything coming out of her mouth now was mere instinct.
"Nice to see you too. Um, I don't know, maybe we could chat sometime? Are you in Portland too?"
"Yeah, I work at a logistics firm in town." You cracked a smirk. "Not nearly as glamorous as being a national icon, but you know, I do my part."
Jessie chuckled and ran her fingers through her hair.
"If you call 4 am wake-up calls, jet lag, and bruises to high heaven glamourous, then sure, I guess it is."
"Sounds not too unfamiliar from your UCLA days," you teased. "I still remember when you showed up to class with a black eye. And I see you've healed fine from your recent one."
Jessie blushed. So you watched her games? And you remembered moments from uni.
You'd been friends in university, but that's all it ever was. Her friends had goaded her again and again to ask you out, but Jessie could never work up the courage. She'd doubted herself too much. And then before she knew it she'd lost her chance. You dated other girls and that was the end of it. She stepped back and time ticked on.
You remained close friends throughout uni, sharing deep conversations, hopes and fears, silly moments, too. There were moments where Jessie felt hope starting to blossom in her chest - that maybe you had feelings for her, but she'd stamp it out. She’d just be setting herself up for disappointment.
After you both graduated, that was it. She'd gone off to London and you fell out of touch. It was for the best really. Well, maybe.
"Anyway," you started again, drawing Jessie back from her thoughts. "Sure, I'd love to catch up. I'd say I'll message you on Instagram, but I know your social media is a black hole. I can give you my number if you like."
Jessie gave you a tight-lipped smile as she scratched the back of her head and let her gaze fall to the bulletin of flyers instead.
"Yeah, I'm not much for social media."
"I know," you chuckled. "You never were."
Jessie cleared her throat and looked back to you. "And sure, what's your number?"
She almost missed you telling her because her mind drifted back to class when you reached over and scribbled your number on the top corner of her paper and told her to text you about the reading. Jessie’s words had died in her throat and she had to settle for merely offering you a delayed nod as you gathered up your books and left. She’d felt light on her feet, nearly dizzy even, all day. Her hands had shaken when she texted you and her palms were clammy as she awaited your response.
That was a lifetime ago. But now here you were, and number newly confirmed. Jessie tucked her phone away in her pocket.
"Okay, I'll let you go," you told her. "And truly, if you aren't up to a chat of any kind - no pressure. You probably have so many people vying for your time. I won't be offended." You said with true earnest. "In case I don't see you again, I just want to say I'm really proud of you for everything you've achieved. And I'd say I'm impressed, but A) that goes without saying, and B) I always knew you were going to do great things. I told you time and time again. Anyway, it was so good to see you. Take care."
Before Jessie could respond, you'd turned and disappeared to the other side of the shop and into the line. She forced herself to turn and leave.
The door had barely closed behind her when she opened her phone and pulled up her messages with Teagan.
"You will NEVER guess who I just ran into."
"Hi Y/N. It's Jessie. UCLA."
"Lol the one and only. How are you?"
"Well forgive me for not assuming that you would know who a random 'Jessie' is lol. I'm doing well, thanks. How are you?"
"You were always very humble. It was always very endearing, so I'm glad to see you haven't lost that. I'm doing well. Working late. Some of my vendors are shitting the bed, so I'm scrambling to find alternatives."
"Seriously? That sounds brutal. I'm sorry to hear that. Well, if it makes you feel better, the team had to run extra drills today because of how bad our last game was."
"It's the start of the season - lots of new players. Chemistry takes time. You guys will find your groove soon. I'm positive. How is Portland treating you, by the way? I'd love to hear more about your time in London too at some point."
"Well, if you still want to grab coffee, I can tell you all about it. And I want to hear about you too. Did you ever make it to the Ghibli museum?"
"Oh my gosh lolol. You remember that. And yes! I did. And it was amazing. And coffee would be amazing, too :)"
Jessie belatedly realized that she was smiling as you texted back and forth. It was an odd feeling - it was strange to be talking with you again, yet entirely natural.
To her surprise, you ended up texting every day until you met up Sunday afternoon. She'd mentioned to Teagan that you two had this scheduled and soon Jessie was hit with an onslaught of messages from all her Bruins mates stepping right back into form and teasing her.
On a scale from 1-10, how red did you blush? And why was it 20.
Can I finally tell her you mumbled her name in your sleep? Several times?
Please tell me you immediately pulled out a vision board with her face all over it.
LOL the universe said, “Think you’ve suffered enough pining for this girl? Think you’re over her? Guess again!”
She still hot? Send pics.
Jessie sat in her car down the street from the coffee shop and essentially gave herself a stern, mental talking to about your get together. She was not who she was 5 years ago, and neither were you. She didn't need to be so nervous. There were no stakes at all, she could just relax, be in the moment, and reconnect with an old friend.
When she stepped into the coffee shop, her pulse picked up just so when she saw you seated at a table, but thankfully by the time she sat she'd composed herself again.
"The good news is, the rain is nothing new to me after being in London," she joked as she swept some rain off her baseball cap.
You looked up from your phone and a large smile crossed your face.
"Yeah, I hear you. And what's going on - how did we both go from sunny LA to rain central?"
Not entirely surprising, conversation flowed easily between you two. And it wasn't all reminiscing and nostalgia, it was easy to talk about current things as well. Pretty soon, you were both at the ends of your second cups of coffee and yet neither of you made a move to leave.
"So, um, you've been in Portland for a while now," the ease Jessie had felt faltered some as she broached a topic she'd been highly curious about, "did [y/gf] come with you?"
You screwed up your face and laughed.
"No," you answered easily. "We broke up like a couple of months after convocation. Let's be real - that was never going to last."
"Oh," Jessie replied, surprise showing on her face at how readily you dismissed the notion. "I had no idea. I thought you two were solid."
"Well," you drained the last bit of your drink, "I guess I wasn't entirely forthcoming then. Sure, things were okay. But, I was lying to myself if I thought that was going to be a 'forever' kind of relationship." Jessie's look of surprise lingered and you rolled your eyes, leaning in. "Jessie. She'd get distracted every time she walked by a mirror. I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not. Come on, don't tell me you didn't notice. Her full on checking herself out anytime she caught her reflection?"
Jessie sat back and gave you a brief look of disbelief, shaking her head. "I tried not to notice."
"Smart," you retorted good naturedly. "She was nice, and we had fun, but beyond our values not exactly aligning, an equal partnership it was not."
"Well, okay, she's out of the picture. You must be with someone new, then," Jessie went on. She ignored the twinge in her chest when you shook your head 'no'. Just as quickly, she scolded herself. Why would it matter? She was getting way ahead of herself here. She supposed that old habits - and evidently dormant feelings - died hard.
"No. I mean, I dated a couple of girls since I've been here, but nothing's really stuck." You looked up from your drink to Jessie. "Now, superstar, you have to tell me your update."
Jessie mouth contracted into a tight smile and she felt her cheeks begin to burn under the scrutiny.
"That's confidential," she quipped.
You rolled your eyes dramatically and leaned forward. "That is so not fair." Jessie remained smugly silent and merely shrugged. You let out an exasperated sigh and slouched back in your chair. "Fine," you relented not wanting to push too much. "You were always tight-lipped in university, too. You could've had anyone and you - as far as I know," you said pointedly, "didn't date anyone."
"Oh come on." Jessie now rolled her eyes. "I was so shy and quiet. Even if I'd liked someone I would've never gotten up the courage to ask them out." She felt a buzzing in her head as she watched your reaction. You smiled sweetly.
"You were shy and quiet, yes. But you opened up once you were comfortable. I mean, look at us, look at you with your teammates. And you were so smart, incredibly sweet, and pretty, and you had that dry sense of humour. And, hello, captain of the football team!"
"Co-captain," Jessie interjected pointedly. You hung your head briefly with a laugh.
"I repeat - you could've had anyone."
Jessie subconsciously fidgeted with her hat and planted her feet further apart as she shifted down in her chair. "Well, didn't seem that way at the time."
"Wait - so who did you like?" You probed.
"No one," Jessie retorted, her features scrunching up as she played off the question dismissively. "I barely had time to breathe. There was no way I could date someone."
"You are so cagey sometimes," you said lightly, not being able to resist ribbing her once more. "Fine, so, what about now? Are you seeing someone?"
Jessie's composure was long gone and her face burned hot as your interrogation got her flustered. She took a subtle breath and worked to calm herself.
"No, no one's caught my eye just yet," she relayed.
You studied Jessie, discerning whether to drop the topic or not. You eventually relented as you crossed your arms and reclined in your chair.
"Well, I imagine that's not easy. There's a lot to live up to. And you're surrounded by impressive people every day, so the bar's gotta be high. Again, you can have your pick."
You grabbed your phone and looked it over quickly.
"I need to get going. I have a few errands to run still before the weekend's over," you said, a hint of regret in your voice before you offered a smile. "I had a great time though. It was so good to catch up with you."
Jessie removed her hat, running her fingers through her hair briefly before pulling the cap back down on her head.
"Yeah, I had a great time, too."
For the first time this conversation, a small lull formed and neither of you jumped to bridge it. Eventually, Jessie cleared her throat.
"Maybe we could get together again. Coffee. A drink. Whatever, really."
A mild look of surprise crossed your face, puzzling Jessie.
"Sure, I'd like that," you told her warmly as you shrugged on your jacket.
"Okay." Jessie gave you a small smile as she, too, rose from the table. "Will you be at the game next weekend?"
"I hadn't planned on it, but I could be." You smirked.
"No pressure," Jessie said as she felt that old nervousness begin to bubble up. "I could get you tickets if you ever want to go. That's all."
You smiled, looking at her in appreciation. "I'll have to take you up on that."
Jessie chuckled, but gave you a pointed look. "Honestly, you don't have to. I know you weren't a big soccer fan even in university."
"But," you started, drawing the word out and returning her pointed look, "I started going to games after becoming friends with a certain someone. I just haven't had a reason to go to a Thorns games yet."
Jessie resisted her impending blush and instead crossed her arms loosely in front of her, shifting her weight to one leg. "Okay, just let me know," Jessie said. She gave you a small nod. "And I promise these games are even better than Bruins ones."
You cocked your head, a hint of a smile on your face as you lifted a finger to your lips and narrowed your eyes in mock contemplation.
"What are they calling you these days? Midfield Maestro?"
Somehow, Jessie didn't even feel the urge to blush. Instead, she gave you a cocky smirk.
"So you really have been following my career."
She nearly grinned at how your cheeks flushed pink and you broke eye contact. You only took a moment to compose yourself and look back to Jessie with a half smirk.
"Hard not to," you simply said.
Jessie relented, feeling like she'd teased you enough. For now. She smiled and spoke earnestly.
"Offer stands - if you wants tickets, just let me know. Regardless, let's get together soon."
"Deal," you told her, your blush slowly fading.
There was a brief moment of stillness and uncertainty before you stepped forward and pulled Jessie into a hug. It only took her a moment to relax into it, her arms wrapping around you. Even though your body felt different now - so was hers - it felt natural to hold you close again.
You stayed like that for several moments, surprise and tampered excitement filling Jessie when you tightened your embrace before letting go. She noted the renewed colour on your cheeks when you stepped back.
"Text me?" You asked.
Jessie nodded. "Of course."
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lqveharrington · 5 months
Silver Roses & Fallen Snow
4: The 10th Annual Hunger Games (masterlist for series)
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summary: Coriolanus comes up with a plan to secure his win as the winning mentor of the 10th Annual Hunger Games, but he makes a decision that changes everything.
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
includes: cheating (i’m so sorry), kissing, fluff, implied sex, mentions of blood and hurt, jealousy, mentions or murder and death, sejanus slander, italics are coriolanus’ inner thoughts.
word count: 4k +
a/n: this took a billion rewrites, but i wrote it sm better than i originally planned :) ty for your patience for this series
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Coriolanus knew that winning the Hunger Games was impossible with Lucy Gray as his tribute. She could sing well and get any crowd to flaunt over her. She could care for those around her and get everyone and everything to fall for her charms. But, she couldn’t fight if she wanted to.
This led to Coriolanus sitting at his desk, eyes flickering between his father’s photo, a photograph of him as a baby with his mother, and a framed picture of him and you, looking at each other with pure adoration. He let a small smile slip through his messy thoughts, focusing on you. He loved everything about you.
Thus, he knew what he had to do to win for you and for his family. Even if it meant playing dirty. Even if it meant toying with another’s emotions.
“Lucy Gray,” Coriolanus whispered into the darkness, looking around the Capitol Zoo’s cage. “Lucy Gray!”
“You’re alive.” Lucy Gray whispered as she came over, gripping the iron bars.
“Hey, those bombs? They have changed everything.” He started, determined to get his plan through. “They blew the walls out, so that means you can escape up in the stands. There’s a hole down in the floor,” He flickered his eyes to her lips and back up to her eyes. “Leads down to some tunnels. I’ve tried it, you can disappear down there.”
She nodded, letting him clasp his hand over her own.
“So, the moment you hear that bell ring, you ignore the weapons in the middle and run, as fast as you can for that hole.” He spoke with urgency, squeezing her hand. “And you find a place to hide down below. Alone.”
“Alone? No, Jessup’s my friend.”
“No. The moment that bell rings, you can’t trust anyone, not even Jessup.” His eyes wander the rest of the enclosure. “Just lay low down there until it’s safe to come out.”
Lucy Gray shook her head in appreciation, looking between his eyes. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“I can’t let you die. I saved you.” Coriolanus got closer to her, face merely a few centimeters away. “I saved you once, I’m not risking it again.”
A tear fell down her face, “I’m sorry. I’m more hopeful during the daytime, but when it gets dark…”
“It’s okay.” He wiped her face off with his father’s handkerchief, ensuring she was focused on him. “It’s okay. I am going to get you out here. I promise.” He smiles, “Back to the Covey.”
Lucy Gray studied his face. All she saw was true intentions. After a few beats, she leaned in for a kiss, one she somehow needed from the male presented in front of her.
And he let her.
Coriolanus Snow let Lucy Gray Baird kiss him. He let one hand reach to lightly cup her cheek, deepening the kiss ever so slightly.
He knew it was wrong. So wrong. But, he only did it for you.
I’m sorry.
“Is this real?” He asks her after separating, regret filling his mind. “Just tell me, if I’m going to risk everything… That song—“
I’m so sorry, beautiful. I promise I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I’m so sorry.
“That song was payback, that’s all.” Lucy Gray cut him off, shaking her head. “My old boyfriend, Billy Taupe, he was cheating on me with the mayor’s daughter.”
I don’t love her. I love you.
“The girl from the reaping?”
“Yeah, she got crazy jealous. She had her Pa read my name up on that stage. And now everyone will know what they did to me.” She lifted her chin up.
“Yeah.” Coriolanus reached into his shirt, grabbing his mother’s compact. “Take this.”
“No. No, it’s too fine—“
“It’s not a gift. It’s a loan.” He grabbed her hands, squeezing them. “What’s in here, don’t touch it. Don’t even breathe it in because small amounts can be deadly.” He took her chin gently, forcing her to look at him. “Look, I can see what war does to people, okay? I’ve seen it. And there will come a time when you need this when you need to act. We all do things we’re not proud of to survive.” Coriolanus planted one last kiss on her lips, shutting his eyes.
This is all for you, beautiful, I promise. I’m sorry.
“Hey? We are going to win this, Lucy Gray.” He rubbed her cheek, wiping one last tear. “We are going to win this together.”
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With final hugs and kisses from Grandma’am and Tigris, Coriolanus left the penthouse with an unbalanced conscience and the smallest possible amount of hope of winning the Tenth Annual Hunger Games. He was going to pick you up and then walk toward the Citadel where he was to be watching his tribute along with his peers, but the Lovett car was waiting right outside; Your tinted window rolled down with your head resting in your arm.
He did a quick jog over to you — despite the slight limp he had — and bent over to peck your lips. “Aren’t you a wonderful surprise?”
“Good morning, Coryo.” You return the gesture two more times, smiling. He stood there for a minute, admiring you before you spoke again. “Are you just going to stand there? Or do you want to get in the car?”
He shook his head at you and got inside, rolling the window up and shutting the divider between the driver and the backseats. “I was heading out to get you, my love.”
You shrug, letting yourself sink into the comfort of his arms. “Do you want me to leave? I can leave you here and let you come pick me up—”
“Don’t you dare leave me.” He locks you in his embrace. “Anywhere we go, you stay with me, remember?”
You hum and peck his jaw. “I know.”
Coriolanus smiles at your action tilting his head to meet your lips. He stared into your eyes, a smile etching its way onto his face. “What if we do something fun?”
“Hm, when?” You ask in between kisses, letting him bring you closer.
“Right now.” He brings a hand up to your cheek, pushing you slightly. “We have time.”
“Do we?” You wrap your arms behind his neck and wrap your finger around his curls, tugging softly. “I think we have twenty minutes.”
“Perfect.” He grinned, holding you close as you both fell on top of the backseat, an airy laugh coming from you. “Just enough time.”
The car ride was filled with Coriolanus’ desire to prove his worth of loving you, despite you not knowing what he had even done earlier that morning. Sadly, both of you did not take into account how short twenty minutes truly were.
“Miss Lovett? We’ve arrived at the Capitol’s Citadel.” Your driver knocked on the divider, shifting the car gear into park.
Coriolanus watched as your eyes widened, chuckling as a planted one last kiss on your lips.
“Thank you! We’ll be out soon!” You quickly reply and push your boyfriend off of you, sifting through the discarded clothes in the small space. “It would be nice if you helped and got dressed, Coryo.”
“Right.” He murmured, squeezing your hips.
Without fail, you both got dressed as swiftly as possible. You rubbed light lipstick stains of Coriolanus while he straightened out your blazer and top, adjusting it just right to cover the newly formed bruises across your collarbone.
After checking each other one last time, Coriolanus stepped out of the vehicle, waving to the cars waiting behind as a way to make peace with them. He set his hand out to guide you onto the concrete, nodding to your driver as you made it.
“Are you sure I look fine?” You ask with worry laced in your tone, looking across the area filled with Academy rouge.
“You look beautiful.” He linked your arms together and lowered his head to yours, kissing the side. “Thank god for your tinted windows, hm?”
“We’re done with this conversation now.” You reach for your necklace, face flushed. He chuckled at you before silence took over, only the shuffles from you and others emerged.
“Clemmie visited me yesterday.” You look up at him, tilting your head.
“She did?” Coriolanus questioned you, glancing over. “How is she?”
“She’s okay… She won’t be participating as a mentor anymore.” You look around before continuing, voice almost in a whisper. “She said Dr. Gaul was trying to kill her.”
“What?” He almost asked in disbelief.
“Coryo, she had scales appearing on her skin.” You shiver as you recall the memory. “It’s awful.”
“I’m sure Dr. Gaul didn’t want to kill her. I think she just wanted to frighten her.”
You look at him, confusion creeping onto your face as you enter the main viewing and seating area. “By letting her creations bite Clemmie? That’s not—“
“That friend of yours, Plinth,” Dean Highbottom interrupts your conversation, causing you both to whip your heads around to him. “You might want to find him a seat near the door.”
Coriolanus gave him a curt nod and led you down the stairs toward where the rest of the Academy mentors were stationed.
“What was that about?” You mutter, body close to his as he has his hand around your waist.
“I don’t know.”
You hum, flickering your eyes to the press and reporters stationed in every corner of the room, not forgetting the cameras that would focus in on Flickerman and the mentors’ reactions.
“Coryo. Y/N.” Sejanus calls out from Coriolanus’ right, making you both head in his direction.
Coriolanus flexes his hand on your waist, “Hey.”
“How’re you doing? You guys alright?” The young Plinth asks politely, squeezing your arm.
“We’re doing better.” You give him a small smile.
“Look over here please.” A photographer held his camera in front of the three of you, chasing your conversation to be cut off once more.
Coriolanus tightens his hold on your waist as you lean into him with one arm wrapped around his torso whilst the other includes Sejanus. The blond let a small smirk come across his face, you let a camera smile take over, and Sejanus kept a neutral face, capturing the essence of different Capitol students.
After the flashing of the camera, the photographer left, your smile fading and Coriolanus’ smirk dropping.
“Alright, later.” Sejanus nods a bye to the both of you, heading to his designated station.
“I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” Coriolanus tilted his head down to yours as the music announcing the start of the live stream began.
“M’kay.” You push on your tippy toes and peck his lips. “Love you, good luck.”
“I love you more.” He placed a chaste kiss to your lips then your temple.
Lucretius Flickerman began directing everyone on how they should behave, scolding Festus for not already being in his seat. Your leg bounced up and down as Flickerman continued his spiel, eyeing the screen with the bright letters reading THE HUNGER GAMES.
The livestream started and eyes immediately found Dill who was with Wovey and Lucy Gray, each being escorted by Peacekeepers. Your heart started to beat faster as her Peacekeeper pushed her with his rifle, shoving her over to her marker.
“Stay with Reaper.” You mumble as the camera view switches to the other tributes, clutching your silver rose in your hand.
The view then pans over to a District Three tribute, zooming in on her coughing, panicked state. She seemed to be staring at something in the arena that put her in such distress.
Finally, the camera finally shifts to what the girl is staring at making you silently gasp. The District Two tribute — Marcus — was tied up against two fallen concrete poles, the sight staying on the screen far longer than anyone would have liked.
“Oo, Marcus.” Flickerman looked back into the camera stationed inside the Citadel. “Guess we can all sleep better now knowing that he’s off the streets.”
You flinched when Sejanus stood and threw his desk across the front, screaming toward everyone watching the live and those inside the building.
“You’re monsters! All of you!” He yells as his eyes become glassy. Sejanus storms out of the room, your eyes following him in sorrow. You knew that Sejanus was friends with Marcus, so the heartache was just worse.
The host starts his countdown, his voice echoing throughout the room.
“Stay put.” You whisper as the horn blares, watching as the camera angles switch every few seconds. You blow out a breath when Reaper comes over to protect Dill, shutting your eyes knowing she is safe.
The bloodbath left 13 tributes left, Dill and Lucy Gray remaining. Truly you wanted Dill to get out alive, but how could she if Reaper was helping?
Would there always be one winner?
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“Can I leave?” You ask Dean Highbottom as he walks behind you, fidgeting with the buttons on your desk. “I’ll be right back.”
“No one is stopping you, Miss Lovett.” He gestures.
You nod, standing and making your way over to Coriolanus. You run your hand from one of his shoulders to the other, bending down to his ear. “I’ll be back, Coryo. I’m starving.”
His eyes never leave the screen as he takes your hand, kissing the back of it. “Bring me something, yeah?”
“Sure.” You frown, hoping he would have gotten up to at least stretch.
You left the room and you headed to the dining area right outside, scanning the different food options for the day. Taking into account that you would most likely be staying inside the Citadel for much longer, you opted for the filling foods — also known as pasta.
“Y/N.” Sejanus finds you, a surprised look appearing on his face for a split second. “What are you doing here?”
“Getting food.” You say although it sounded more like a question. “What are you doing here?”
“I didn’t want to head home. I feel like it would be worse to deal with everything.” He crosses his arms, following you to a table. “Anything else happened while I left?”
You shake your head, taking a sip from your water. “Just the same things. I’m not sure anything else would surprise you too much with what happened.”
Sejanus hums, sinking down into his chair. “Are you… Are you really okay with the games happening? I mean, I know it can’t be easy watching all those deaths happen.”
Looking around the dining area before responding, you lower your voice. “I despise the games, Sej. Everything I said to Dr. Gaul was all for show, but I don’t have any power here. I’m just a woman in the Capitol. The only ones with power are those higher up.”
“I’m not asking you to stop the games right now. But would you join a rebellion against the Capitol, defending those living in the Districts?”
You search his eyes, “I don’t know. I don’t want to cause another war. You know how bad it was…”
“I know, I know. But imagine if we won? The games would be over and no child would ever have to go through this. Not a Capitol student nor a District child.” He sat up straighter and clasped his hands together, looking at you with seriousness. “Just— I can’t go through another game, flower. You know it best.”
“I know.” You look down, playing with your food. Suddenly, you had lost your appetite. “What would the plan exactly be, Sej? You can’t just go through with this with no plan.”
The smallest smile stretches across his face, “I can’t tell you. Only if you agree to help take down the games and such.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, “Sejanus, this is a dangerous game you’re playing.”
“It only takes one action to change something, Y/N.” He sighs.
You let silence take over, glancing around the dining area and meeting Dr. Gaul’s piercing eyes, staring dead straight at you. She gave you her signature sinister grin, nodding at you in acknowledgment. You give her a wry smile, tilting your head back down to the table.
“I have to go.” You mutter, pushing yourself out of the seat, and rush back to the viewing room — not before grabbing Coriolanus’ favorite snack.
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As night fell over Panem, almost everyone left the Capitol’s Citadel. The only ones left were you and Coriolanus. You fell asleep at your station waiting for Coriolanhs while he fell asleep waiting for something to happen inside the arena. All the lights were shut down and the bright screen at the very front changed from its original design to the game footage again, Dr. Gaul took quick steps over to where Coriolanus was sleeping.
“Mr. Snow.” Dr Gaul stood before the male, Coriolanus immediately waking up from his seat.
He looked at her stone face, creasing his brows. “What happened? Is it Lucy Gray?”
“Unless you can put a leash on your deluded classmate, she might as well be dead as far as you’re concerned.” She leaned against his computer and shifted so he could see the screen encasing Sejanus inside the arena.
“Sejanus?” He whispers out.
“Bread crumbs.” She scoffed at the District-made Capitol boy. “I believe sustenance for a fallen comrade on his final journey. A District Two superstition.” She held the computer screen again and faced Coriolanus. “I’ll work on finding the Peacekeeper he bribed to get him in, and cut out their tongue. In the meantime, I need someone to get him out right now.”
Coriolanus averts his gaze to his left, “You should send Peacekeepers in.”
“Only to have him bolt and hide like a rabbit? Felix Ravinstill is fighting for his life in the hospital, Mr. Snow.” Dr. Gaul catches his look toward your sleeping figure. “I will not have these rebels make a further mockery of my Games. Anyone sees us lose control of this arena, it might as well be sounding a horn to the districts to revolt.” She spits out. “You choose to be friends with this radical. You want him to end the Games tonight?”
“It’ll look a lot worse if the tributes kill two of us.” He spoke with confidence, not wanting to enter the area.
“Would you rather have your flower get him instead Or rather the both of you? It seems as if Sejanus cares an awful lot more about her than you. They did have a good chat in the dining room while you stayed here to watch the games.” She says as a twinge of jealousy and fury passes through Coriolanus’ features.
She hums at him, “Who knows? If you get him out unscathed, I’ll whisper your name in his father’s ear. You still want that Plinth Prize, don’t you? I’ll freeze the feed for an hour. I estimate that’s all we have until the people notice.”
Dr. Gaul gave him one last look before leaving the vicinity to freeze the video. Coriolanus waited until she left to go to you, softly shaking you awake.
You hum, still half-asleep.
“You need to get up and go home, my love.” Coriolanus took your face in his hands and rubbed your cheek, needing you to wake up.
“Why?” You mumbled. “I’ll be fine here.”
“No, you’ll be here alone. I don’t want you to be.” He kissed your head. “Come on.”
“Why won’t you stay?”
“I have to get Sejanus out of the arena.” He muttered, making your eyes go wide.
You look over at the screen, watching Sejanus kneel by his fallen friend. “Why is he in there?”
“It doesn’t matter, but he’ll die if I don’t get him out,” Coriolanus spoke with a strict voice, sending an odd feeling to your stomach. “I need you to go home, beautiful.”
“No! I won’t let you go in there, Coryo.” You stand now, grabbing his arm like he would leave any second. “Why can’t someone else do it?”
“Dr. Gaul—“
You roll your eyes, “Are you seriously going in there just because she told you to?”
“She threatened to send you in there.” He whisper-shouted at you, almost as if there were people around to watch. “Now listen and go home, Y/N.”
You crease your brows and scoff, pushing away from him as you leave the Citadel. Coriolanus shook his head at you, but left, heading toward the arena to get Sejanus out.
But of course, you were stubborn enough to not listen and follow him closely to the arena. The Peacekeepers wouldn’t let you go inside, but they did let you wait until they came out.
“Open the gate! Open the gate!”
You heard Coriolanus’ scream from inside the arena, making you whip your head toward the Peacekeepers. He ran faster at your figure being present, quickly engulfing your body as he made it out of the arena, protecting you. Coral’s pitchfork hit the metal bars, making the both of you flinch at the noise.
“Coriolanus!” You grab his face in your hands, scanning his features. “Are you okay? I didn’t—”
“What are you doing here?” He spoke through his teeth, taking in sharp breaths. “I told you to go home.”
“I couldn’t just leave you, Coryo.” You frown, your eyes are glassy at the way he breathed heavily and his dirtied figure. “Everywhere we go, I stay with you.”
“You are horribly headstrong, my love.” He leaned his forehead on yours, shutting his eyes.
“Watch those screens, gorgeous,” Coral says as she bangs the pitchfork on the gates. “ ‘Cause I may have missed you tonight, but your songbird’s next on my list.”
She left as you stood holding your boyfriend’s face, still searching him for any injuries.
“Where did you get hurt?” You murmur as he winces at the sudden pain he received after the rush disappeared. He reached for his back, pressing on the wound he obtained from inside. You take his hand and remove it from damaging the wound any further.
“I’m… I’m sorry. Coryo, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” Sejanus repeated from his knelt position. “For all of it…”
You give him a sad look, running your hand up and down Coriolanus’ arm. “It’s not your fault, Sejanus.”
“It’s all my fault.” He shook his head. “I’m so sorry.” The sound of car doors opening catches your attention, Strabo Plinth and his wife stepping out. “My father… Let the buying begin.”
Sejanus’ mother rushed over to him, bringing him into an embrace as they exchanged words. Strabo Plinth nodded in your and Coriolanus’ direction before Peacekeepers grabbed the both of you.
Dr. Gaul had a car waiting for him at the front of the arena, sending him over to the laboratory. Coriolanus made sure you tagged along for two reasons.
One, he had to make sure you were safe now that it was really late. Two, he was far more distraught that he murdered a tribute, needing your around for comfort.
You held Coriolanus’ jacket as he held your free hand, rubbing circles to calm himself as you entered the Gamemaker’s building.
“Snow stormed down. Down in his head. It stormed down on his head. And now the boy is dead.” Dr. Gaul spoke from her desk, hands put together as she spotted the two of you. She chuckled, “You’ve had enough of the games tonight, I see. Come sit, I’ll stitch you up.”
“You should go home now.” Coriolanus turned to you, taking his jacket from your arm.
“No.” You insist, standing your ground. “I can’t. Not after what happened inside—“
“Beautiful, go home. Don’t worry about me.” He stroked your cheek, his eyes glassy this time. “Promise me you’ll go home?”
“You are insufferable, Coriolanus.” You wipe a tear from his face. “I promise.”
“Take the car.” He presses a quick yet tender kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
You nod, “Love you too.”
For now, you left with Coriolanus’ love and worry for him while Coriolanus stayed with a more ruined conscience and the thought of keeping you safe.
With every thought consuming both of your minds, neither of you would know how much shit was about to go down and how much it would affect your lives.
All because of a deal.
taglist: @peterparkerluvvbot @nathaslosthershit @springholland @emma-andrea1 @psychicpuppyarcade @chrryluna @whodis-26 @coconut-dreamz @cowgirllharry @slytherinholland @lacysversion @perks-of-being-jojo @itzmeme @noodlesketchbook @ohmyzai @upsidedownjill @axionn @mizuki80 @unclecrunkle @tiaamberxx @bxtchopolis @starrynightstory @namelesslosers @lugiastark @didneyworld13 @dangelnleif @aemondsb1tch @witchsbitchestime @ryujinraven @ace-spades-1 @ordinarylokix @kookie29 @secretsicanthideanymore @angelscrime @melodyoflove99 @ms-longbeach @rosieleej @alpha-mommy69 @loklaufeysonssgodess @aoi-targaryen @imaginebeingmentallystable @sighsophiia @innercreationflower @cascadingbliss @edb954 @castellandiangelo @lot4ever (comment to be added)
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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yeonzzzn · 22 days
hey queen i’m in the mood for submissive jay with a mommy kink… maybe jay was acting up and the reader punishes him with edging and overstimulation… just a thought!!<3
ask and you shall receive, viv🩵🤭
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“mo-mommyyy,” jay whined, his hands on your hips digging into your skin as you stopped moving against him, “pl-please, I’ll be a good boy, fu-fuckkk! please!”
you hummed, giving him a smirk, “good boys don’t misbehave.”
jay hissed at your words, his whole body trembling underneath you.
and oh man were you loving it. loved how he was wrapped around your finger and putty in your hands. this was the consequences of his actions though. and he has to pay the price.
it started off just a small amount of teasing during the process of cooking dinner. it was your turn to cook and boy jay did not miss his chance to tease you on everything you were doing wrong. usually when it was your turn at making dinner, jay would assist and give you pointers. but today? nah. he wanted to play games thinking it wasn’t going to effect how he got laid later in the night. so you kept your cool, letting your boyfriend tease you all he wanted, you’d make him pay tonight.
and now here he was, shaking uncontrollably underneath you as you denied his release for the third time already tonight, continuing to edge him until there were tears in his eyes. you’ve already gotten off multiple times since this started, but the overstimulation wasn’t a problem for you, no no. not when your kitten has yet to pay the price of his actions.
“I’ll be go-good!” he begged, digging his nails into your skin now, throwing his head back against the headboard, “please mommy,”
your fingers gripped his chin as you leaned in closer to him. he lifted his face to kiss you, but you stopped just short enough that your lips were out of reach, making him more frustrated, “please what?”
“let me cum, mommy please let me cum.”
you hummed again at him, brushing your lips over as and pulling away as he tried to chase them again, his hips bucking up slightly, wanting so bad to cum within your gummy walls.
slowly moving your hips again, his head is once again thrown back on the headboard as moans leave his lips, “faster, mommy,” he breathes. how could you tell him no? he was being so good for you after all. surviving long enough through all the cum denial and listening to you perfectly.
so you picked up the pace, bouncing on his cock and loving the sweet moans leaving his lips. loving the way his hands moved up to your waist, helping you bounce even harder and faster against him. loved how your name fell from his mouth. your precious, precious, precious boy.
“i’m fixing to cum,” he says, bucking his hips up in movement with yours, “can I cum? please mommy?”
you nodded, finally kissing him, “cum so deep inside me baby.”
jay kissed you harder, wrapping his arms so tightly around your body as he fucked up into you to chase the orgasm he so desperately wanted. fucked into you so hard until his seed was spilling deep within you and seeping out your hole and onto his thighs. he moaned against your lips as his hips came to a stop, relaxing his body back against the headboard and releasing your swollen lips, “fuck,”
oh but you weren’t done yet. he still hasn’t completely paid. you started moving again, taking his hands and pinning them above his head, “mommy, wait please!” he whined, “it’s too much, fuck it’s too much.”
you kissed his forehead as his hands squeezed yours tightly, “you can cum again for mommy, ya?”
tears swelled his eyes but nevertheless, he nodded.
“good,” you whispered, “next time you’ll learn to not tease me while cooking, ya?”
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anime-grimmy-art · 9 months
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...I think I gotta explain myself, huh
Ppl on Insta have seen this on my stories already, but about a month ago, when I was sick and stuck in bed, I was like, you know what? fuck it, might as well catch up on Genshin lore.
And let me tell you I was delighted to see how interesting the lore of this world was. Like, it tickled the same part of my brain I get from Monster Hunter or Legend of Zelda lore, so I am not at all suprised that I got into it.
I was suprised, tho, how much I fell in love with certain characters. Like, I HAVE played this game before (but dropped it) and I was kinda up to date on the characters since so many of my artist friends are in the fandom, so me falling in love with Kaeya got me like ????? Ive known him forever and only now I get excited when I see him??? And then Tartaglia somehow slipped into my "(unhinged) babyboy" sector and you know, digging into lore with these two gave me plenty of stuff to read through.
But then
I read up on Sara's backstory and it's so deliciously tragic, and after I finished Inazuma it dawned on me how much angst potential suddenly lay before her, and man, I just rly fell in love with her ngl.
and, ofc, the last puzzle piece in my obsession, good ol Itto. Funny thing is back when he came out my friends tried to lure me into Genshin with him cos he's the bulky dude of the bunch but I somehow didnt dig his style at all. Few years later and he's like, one of my favs, I love him with all my heart, Oni himbo baby boy, so funny and too good and stupid for this world.
Suffice to say, height difference, opposites attract and forgotten past together made me instantly fall into the Ittosara ship hole. Theyre like another flavour of Vashmeryl to me.
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mosaickiwi · 10 months
Nails, TV, Moving
Rendacted paints your nails and 'asks' you to move in. 1.3k words, GN reader c:
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
"Unfortunately for our contestant—" the host’s words get cut off as you press a button on the remote.
"Booooo," you jeered at the TV from your spot on the floor and changed the channel. 
Ren hummed softly at your voice, but didn't look up. Despite the dark bangs that obscure their eyes, you can tell they’re focused. He was happily painting your nails—the same shade of black as his own—at your request. He insisted you sit as close as possible on the blanket he laid down, instead of across the coffee table. He'd only ever painted his own nails after all, so the angle was very important to keep him from messing up. You were certain he just said that because he wanted the closeness.
The screen barely flashes a few frames before you're changing it again. A football game, a cartoon, a drama, and then—you finally stop. There's a couple wandering through a cabin, with a disembodied voice narrating all it had to offer. One of the many house hunting shows that came on every so often.
"Oh, this one's pretty." You put down the remote to watch. The couple head upstairs where the master bedroom is and your excitement quickly dies. "Maybe not. The bathroom is a huge let down."
Ren casts a glance up at the TV as the camera pans over the room once more. He took in the slanted ceiling, with the tub stationed on the lower end, lit up by an angled skylight. He didn't really see whatever problem you had. "What's wrong with it?" he asked.
"The ceiling is already so low. You'd have to fold yourself in half to get in that tub, tall as you are. And you'd probably hit your head every time you got out. We couldn't live there," you grumbled and rested your chin on your free hand, eyes never straying from the screen. "No way I'd put you through that."
You didn't notice how he perked up when your concerns involved him—you even said ‘we.’ A miniscule drop of polish fell on the paper towel under your hand. He wasn't sure if you were being considerate, or if your perfectly normal relationship was at the point of buying a home together. He hoped it was the latter. Either way, including them already planted ideas in their mind. "So then, what's our—your ideal home have?"
"My ideal home…" You’d only really thought about things you didn’t want, thanks to your current apartment. "I can't say I'm very picky. No holes in the walls, enough room to breathe, no rats," you paused for a bit—now they were in a rather awkwardly shaped second bedroom. "When I was little I wanted to live in a bounce house. Or have a freezer dedicated to ice cream."
Ren smiled while he carefully painted the nail of your pinky. "One of those is doable."
"True, but I'd rather not blow up my house every day," you joked and continued pondering. "The location is probably the most important, right?" He silently nodded in agreement as you went on. "Corland Bay's nice and all—having everything so close together makes things easy. Except sometimes I wanna fall asleep without hearing cars pass by or Violet playing games. It's much quieter here. Plus your bed is comfy."
"You're more than welcome to live here, Angel," he innocently offered. “Although maybe you’d enjoy somewhere more secluded.”
“Like just out of town? Not too far from civilization. I'd still wanna be near the beach." You watched the couple fuss about the kitchen in another house before you really processed what he just said. You turned to look at him for the first time since the show caught your interest. "Are you asking me to move in with you?" 
"Oh, is that what it sounded like?" His tone was full of shock, but you could see the way his snake bites pulled up in a faint grin. He examined your nails and lifted your hand once he deemed it finished. "I do have all this space, though. The library’s close by. Beach is a short walk away, too. No neighbors, no noise. I've never had a rat problem. I guess it hits all the marks f’you, doesn’t it, Angel?"
"Ren…" You rolled your eyes at his antics. 
"If you really want to move in that badly, I'm not opposed," he said teasingly. "Other hand."
You didn't respond just yet, merely giving them a playful side eye and placing your hand flat on the table. Gently, you blew air on your wet nails while he went to work. The noise of the TV faded into the background as you thought about his offer.
It was a big step to take. You already spent a fair amount of your time at his place. The ever-dwindling amount of laundry you did at home served as proof. Cohabitating with them wouldn't be much different from now. Ren always gave you space when you asked, even with his clingy personality. He was tidy, quiet, and never made a fuss—the perfect roommate on paper. The real issue was money. A place like this would cost way more than a librarian’s salary could pay.
"As much as I want to, I have to consider rent first," you thought aloud, causing him to stop and look up.
"Angel, you don't need to pay anything." His answer was almost immediate and it surprised you how firm he sounded about it.
You shook your head. "I know I probably can't do half, but I’d like to do my fair share. How much is your rent each month?"
"Well, actually," he stalled and idly rolled the nail brush in his fingers before putting it back in the bottle. The rent was one thing he couldn’t be bothered to keep track of. "...I have no idea?"
"It's an automatic payment so I never think about it," he admitted, explaining further at your incredulous expression. "I mean I definitely saw it when I found the listing—and when I signed the lease. But I can't remember it off the top of my head."
You had a hard time believing what you were hearing. You knew your own rent by heart—it mocked you every time it took a chunk out of your bank account. A question about how he budgeted weighed in your mind, although the rather calm way Ren spoke clearly answered it: he didn't. It seemed obvious now; he'd been a frivolous spender from the beginning.
The blank look on your face made him a little worried. "Honestly, Angel, it’s not an issue. I’ve been paying it on my own just fine," he insisted. "You don’t have t’worry about any cost if you stay here, I promise.” He’d be happy as a clam to pay triple whatever he already was if it meant you'd move in. Hell, he’d even pay for you to live in one of the empty units next door.
"Fine then," you sighed in defeat, glancing towards the TV screen for a moment. The show was already ending. "If I tried to give you money you'd just find a way to give it back anyways.”
Ren let out a faint breath as if he was holding back laughter, but didn’t disagree. "So, how about it? Gonna move in?” he asked with a sincere smile.
You couldn’t help but smile the same in return. “Yeah, why not? I’d be crazy to say no. I can talk to my landlord and be out in a few weeks, probably.”
His excitement only seemed to grow at your words. He was radiating silent joy, fingers tapping rhythmically on the table as he uncapped the bottle of polish once more. You could almost imagine a tail wagging behind him as he tried to make steady brushstrokes over your nail.
“Are you really that happy?” you laughed and he nodded. “Maybe I should just move in tomorrow.” His hand barely slipped, leaving the tiniest streak of polish on the side of your ring finger.
“Oops,” he muttered.
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urwifebabes · 3 months
A/N: hi! it’s me again, please like and request! nothing is too much or too crazy and I mean ANYTHING. I love ya, sweets, have a good day.
Relationships: catnap x player!reader x Dogday 🔞
Warnings: degradation and smut
you had just found Dogday and he begged you to leave him but you couldn’t.. how could you leave someone you loved so dearly in the past? it broke your heart to see your pretty boy all torn and tortured. before the mini critters could come, you shot the fire bullets(?) in the holes while you unchained him.
As soon as he fell on the ground, you were quick to pick him up and head down the tunnels. the critters were after you both and you ended up falling on your face through a tunnel and Dogday picked up your slack. using his hands, he ran away. when you two got to the escape point, you both worked together so you both could get across, leaving the cute but ruthless critters on the other side.
Dogday let out a whimper before you could finish. you were fixing him up. making sure to be extra sweet to everything you touched, only being firm when you absolutely needed to. in no time, he was up and happy, his tail already wagging excitedly. you smiled, happy that your joyful boy was back to himself or atleast a little. his voice.. it was..sexier now? the way he called you Angel had your head reeling.
catnap watched you fix Dogday up from the shadows. he allowed you to do that, he didn’t accept it but maybe he can convince you two that you need to follow his lord and savior, the prototype.
a little later during the game when you two took a little rest and sat down, catnap had came abit closer to hear everything you both said. “I missed you, Angel, so much..” Dogday said as your hand caressed his face (he had been leaning down.) you softly nodded, understandingly. a sudden rush came to you as you kissed Dogday, your mouths fighting for dominance as the kissed deepened progressively.
before long, Dogday had you almost completely naked, before a figure stepped out the shadows. Dogday instantly went to cover your body to shield you away from the prying eyes. but catnap had already seen what he wanted, no needed.
Catnap had kissed Dogday. Dogday tried to fight back but he melted. and before long, the two were making out right in front of you. your pretty pussy was slick at the sight. you couldn’t help feeling a little needy. you had shifted your weight and made a slight sound, Catnap instantly putting Dogday in position.
Catnap had ripped your clothes right off your body, having no other thought than have you and Dogday yearning for his lengthy cock. catnaps tail had already been fucking into dogdays puffy and wet hole. letting you listen to Dogdays panty groans and the little moans he let out as you listened and attempted to praise him.
“you see this? you see how easy I make you two fold, you heretics? stop trying to play hero and come with me.”
Catnap said sternly as he thrusted his cock into you, harshly. you let out a loud scream that you predicted almost all the toys could hear in the factory. catnap fucked you like he was the dog. ruthless and brutal, thinking about his own pleasure. you moaned out and opened your eyes, watching Dogday getting fucking into the floor by catnaps long tail which only heightened your hormones. “awh, lil bitch gets wet off seeing puppy fucked, hm?”
You could only moan and cry out each time his hips slammed onto your behind. before long, catnap had you both cumming with a loud scream. he chuckled as he fixed himself before he walked back in the shadows. you both knew he wasn’t really gone. he was never really gone so you both felt content in passing out right then and there.
A/N: hi! I made this for @2faced-fairy since they have writers block and a lot of requests.. I hope you guys enjoyed!
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lalacliffthorne · 11 months
💜 starshine pt. III 💜
Rhysand x Reader
part I part II part III part IV part V part VI
notes: literally no summary possible without intense spoilers. you´ll probably be able to guess what this chapter entails by just like the first few sentences (btw, it's been ages since I read the books, so I'm working on a lot of creative freedom with this one lol). fair warning: this one's angsty. like I already mentioned, it's also insanely long. so. have fun? I guess?
Slipping through the wards felt like a tingle of ice on my skin. My breath hitched, and for a second, I expected the mountain to cave in on me, squash me as it realized someone had breached the magic binding so many to its halls.
But nothing happened.
The servant fae's dress slipped up my thighs when I slid into the dark corridors. I had caught her when she had lingered too close to the wards, golden whisps of magic seeping through the bounds and engulfing her, catching her when she fell into a deep, dreamless slumber. I had swapped our clothes before hiding her floating body behind a glamour and slipping into the dark mountain.
Something closed around my throat lightly as I moved through the shadows, stilling every time I heard a sound.
Fifty years.
Fifty years of chipping away at the wards guarding the mountain, little by little so no one would notice the small growing hole in the thickly woven magic. Fifty years of trying to be everywhere at once, moving through the courts, healing those in need before slipping away before anyone could notice. Fifty years of faeries slaughtered in numbers becoming bigger and bigger, causing rage to grow slowly in my chest.
Fifty years of dreaming of violet eyes like night skies.
I remembered the day Amarantha had caught them all like it was yesterday.
I had been staying in the Day Court, and from one second to the next, the warm summer night had turned ice cold. A darkness had placed itself over the world, the faeries in the garden had disappeared and the glow of the flowers had dimmed. An icy shiver had run down my spine, and like instinct, I had reached out for Rhys, for that familiar feeling that was always not far from the bounds of my mind, the sharp claws that tickled my soul before the deep, rich voice echoed through my head, even when their owner was on the other side of Prythian.
But there had been nothing. No presence, not even when I had called out to him. Instead, there was a harsh wall, like something, or someone, was blocking him.
I had started looking for him the day after.
Following the halls deeper into the mountain, I simply listened to the tug in my chest that pulled me forward, guiding me towards the hum of power. My own responded, slithering angrily under my skin, and I pushed it down, barricading it behind walls as high as the sky.
I had learned to hide the thrum of power flooding through me a long time ago. It was what kept me hidden in the courts, allowed me to exist without anyone bothering me.
Strangely enough, it had never kept Rhys from finding me, like even the way my powers were hidden was distinct enough for him to track me down. When I had brought it up once, he had just grinned so widely, his cheeks had creased as he replied: “Starshine, I would be able to find you on nothing but instinct even if you were galaxies away.”
Back then, it had made something skip softly against my ribs as I had thrown a pillow at his head.
Now, just the memory of his voice caused a strange ache in my chest.
Amarantha had taken Rhys away from his family, his home. And I was sure that the only reason he was playing her game, bowing to her, was to protect them.
If there was one thing I had learned about him in the past century, it was that his friends, his family and his home were everything to him. And that he would do anything to keep them safe.
Even give himself up.
The tight feeling in my chest shifted, like for a second, something scratched the surface, a familiar presence growing closer, and I breathed out soundlessly.
There was no way I was going to let her break him.
Not him.
The whispers from Under the Mountain had been vague, but with time, they had started to paint a picture, blurred and hazy, but clear enough to know that Amarantha had a fable for lavish nights with wine and entertainment.
I had expected that entertainment to be cruel. I had spent the last fifty years trying to protect the faeries, for Amarantha seemed to have developed a taste for keeping them like animals, all while hearing rumors about the Fae trapped Under the Mountain, forced to bow to her will.
But what was awaiting me when I slipped through the doors into the huge cavernous hall, the stench of spirits hitting me and the air pressed from my lungs – was so much worse.
There were Fae everywhere, dressed in a way that left little to the imagination. Their gazes ranged from empty to forcingly amused to petrified, but their bodies moved like they were in a trance, not their own will causing them to dance, grind on each other and do more, in plain sight for all to see.
It felt like a sick, twisted stage play, orchestrated for nothing but the embarassement and torture of the courts and one single person's amusement, one person who loomed on a dais at the back wall, sitting on a throne, dressed from head to toe in blood red.
My eyes zeroed in, and my powers surged against the walls caging them in.
Amarantha had tipped her head to the side, her golden crown glittering in the light of the torches as she watched the spectacle at the foot of the dais. Her red hair flowed over her shoulders, her long nails tapping against the armrests. There was a light amused curve to her lips, but her eyes were cold and calculating.
Somehow reigning in the magic raging under my skin, I pressed my lips together and followed her piercing gaze, down to the steps leading up to the dais -
The wind got knocked out of my lungs.
The noises, the hall around me faded as something pulsed slowly against my ribs, my heart beating like the wings of a butterfly caught in time, trying to escape from my chest as my gaze narrowed in until it was centered on the male at the foot of the dais, a picture of lazy feline confidence so familiar, I had to fight for air.
Suddenly, fifty years caught up with me. Fifty years of his face burned into my mind, his smile and the way his violet eyes twinkled like a glittering night sky.
Only it was gone now. The spark in his iris, the vibrancy of his eyes. His dark hair, though still impeccably styled, had lost its shine, his sunkissed skin was pale and sallow, and his smile –
Something tightened so harshly in my chest, I held my breath.
Gone was the cheeky curve of his lips, the mischievous turn of his grin and that stupidly beautiful smile. It had been replaced by a light smirk, one that was cold and cruel and –
Didn't reach his eyes.
His smile had always reached his eyes. Even when it promised violence and bloodshed and broken bones, it always translated to the way his eyes looked, to the spark in his iris, angry or furious.
Only it didn't anymore.
I tried to swallow, fight against the way something closed around my throat when I stared at Rhys and his eyes, dull and unmoving as he gazed down onto the heap at his feet, a heap -
My breath stilled, and the grip around my throat changed to vice.
It was a sprite boy. A moonwing, with feathery white hair caked with dirt, milky pale skin torn and bloody over too-thin limbs, and his wings –
His wings.
A sound built at the bottom of my throat, a strangled whimper that was swallowed by the harsh noises around me. Something clawed at my chest, a pain so heavy I almost went to my knees as I stared at what used to be thin-as-lace wings, their white membranes hanging in bloody shreds over a whipmarked back.
Quickly clamping a shaking hand over my mouth to smother the heaving sob breaking from my throat, I almost sank into the wall, my body beginning to shake. I felt something hot run over my cheek as I stared at the faerie, swaying as he tried to get to his feet without the support of his wings. His pain was mine, his despair gripping me like an iron fist, my breath trembling as my vision blurred and I whimpered.
Rhysand stilled. I could see his shoulders shift. Then his head rose, eyes tearing away from the moonwing to swiftly move over the crowd, and for nothing more than a second, a fraction of a heartbeat, something flashed through his eyes, something that was buried so deep, it was nearly impossible to make out.
Like somehow, he felt my anguish, could sense a presence in the crowd that didn't belong -
The guards at the edge of the dais moved, and Rhys blinked. Then his eyes moved away from the crowd, and his back straightened when a male stepped forward, staring hungrily at the moonwing.
There was a bloody whip hanging from his hand.
My heart tightened, lips parting as nausea washed over me like a tidal wave.
But before the male could take another step, Rhys moved. His motions were quick and smooth as always when he took a step forward and picked the moonwing up by his neck, and I could see the fairie's iridescent eyes flaring with panic as he started to struggle.
Then Rhys' hand closed around his jaw.
My heart stopped and my breath stilled when the crack of bones snapping whipped through the hall.
The moonwing's body went limp, head rolling to the side.
A muscle in Rhys' cheek twitched, his face unmoving as he let the faerie slip to the ground and raised his head, turning around. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the moonwing's lifeless body as the other male moved towards him with a scowl, gripping one of the fairie's shredded wings before he turned to drag him away from the dais and into the shadows, leaving behind a pool of blood on the stone floor.
Something hot streamed over my cheeks as I fought to breathe, and magic started to push against my skin, slowly growing until I had to keep all my focus on keeping it subdued.
My eyes rose, and a cold fist closed around my heart when Rhys sat down next to Amarantha. Her hand drifted towards him, her fingernails dragging lightly over his skin, and I could see the second his eyes clouded over like he had dragged up walls, high, high, higher as Amarantha whispered something with a smile like a viper.
Rhysand nodded once, eyes trained onto the crowd like it could hide the way his shoulders shifted like his body fought to move away.
It was all I needed to straighten my spine and breathe, something beginning to burn under my skin.
I had slinked into the shadows when Amarantha had risen from her throne, Rhys following suit, though there was something in the way his eyes seemed to dull even more when he moved after her.
I lost them in the maze of halls a few times, but something, like a small tug in my chest, kept pulling me back onto the right path, like the golden whisps of magic swirling under my skin had latched onto Rhys, guiding me.
Slipping around a corner, I just caught a glimpse at a door closing. Waiting for a few moments, just to make sure, I slowly started to move, avoiding lanterns and melting into the shadows as I soundlessly slid down the hall until I could disappear into the alcoven right next to the door.
Pressing my back against the cold stone walls, I leaned my temple against the wall and focused on the noises slipping from the room.
For a second, my mind was slow, struggling to place the muffled sounds that seemed to be a female's, harsh and strangely drawn –
My heart stilled.
I could feel my breath, ragged as I stared at the wall ahead, something suddenly filling my throat like the urge to be sick, to stagger away from that door and what was behind it.
I was already half pushing away from the wall when the wave of emotion hit me like a brick. Like someone inside that room had slipped up, had lost control of what kept their feelings locked deep, deep down, because what they were doing right now was a struggle in itself, a struggle like having a hand around your throat that kept you from breathing.
I didn't know how I knew it was him. I just knew that the way his emotions vibrated under my skin, causing my knees to give out and my body to silently slide down the wall to collapse to the ground as I fought for air, was uniquely his.
Rhys was drowning.
I could feel it, feel the way his sense of self and his will to fight dwindled like they were slowly dragged under water. Overrun and fought to their knees by pain.
Pain that felt like ghostly fingernails running over his skin, like actions that broke apart pieces of him and caused guilt to drown him without his limbs fighting.
It was humiliation, and repulsion, and numbness. And fear.
Fear, so overwhelming and all-consuming, it wrapped around my throat like a rope, pulling tighter and tighter as I crouched frozen at the wall, tears streaming down my cheeks and something in my chest shattering silently as I squeezed my eyes shut.
I didn't know how I long I was sitting in the shadows, nor could I place the moment when Rhys' emotions slipped away like he had found the gap in his armor and patched it back up. But the remnants of them still clung to my chest, joining into a heaviness when I could hear movements behind the door.
Quickly and with shaking hands, I pulled myself to my feet, slipping back down the hall and into the shadows at the corner to the next, tear tracks cool against my cheeks when I watched the door open.
My heart stilled as I watched Amarantha appear in the hall, slipping her dress over her legs with a satisfied smile.
Something started swirling under my skin, growing with every second. Power, golden light that raged like fire, roaring and threatening to break free, to unleash and make the mountain collapse into itself as golden light wrapped around Amarantha's throat –
Swallowing, I forced it down with trembling hands.
Not like this.
It had taken years to gather enough information, barely any whispers trickling out of the mountain. Years to figure out that she had the High Lords under her control, chained to the mountain, all while her guards wreaked havoc on the lands outside. Courts withering, faeries dying.
The children from Winter had been the last straw.
I had to find a way to free the High Lords, get back their powers. Attacking Amarantha would just risk something happening to those caught down here, or outside.
Sinking back into the shadows, I watched Amarantha disappear into the other direction. I waited until she was gone, waited some more, just to make sure. Then I slipped down the hall.
The door creaked a little when I pushed it open, and cringing lightly, I hastily slipped through, closing it behind me carefully before raising my head, and my heart skyrocketed.
Rhys was standing at the opposite wall, his bare back towards me and shoulders shifting as he tensed, going rigid. He didn't turn around when he mumbled: “Anything else?”
His deep voice took away my breath, something tightening harshly in my chest at it's roughness.
He sounded defeated.
His name tumbled from my lips before I could stop it, quiet and hoarse and a little shaky.
He froze.
I watched as his shoulders straightened. He looked like he was holding his breath, his hands closing so tightly around the shirt in his hands, his knuckles turned white as he stared at the wall ahead, and for a second, I thought I could see a tremble run over his spine.
I took a step forward, whispering: “Rhys?”
His head turned ever so slightly, like he was forcing himself not to turn around but couldn't fully control his body, and I saw the moment he caught onto my scent.
His nose flared, and his limbs went utterly and fully still, like for a second, he even stopped breathing. Then he looked over his shoulder, and I stared at him, felt something surge high in my chest when his gaze found mine.
Rhys blinked, and my bottom lip trembled when his eyes became glossy, one corner of his lips curving slowly. Then he whispered, rough voice broken: “You're not real.”
My heart clenched violently, and I swallowed, staring at him through the haze of pain. Then I moved towards him, slowly but steadily, and I could feel Rhys fight the closer I got, like the instinct to reach out and the fear of reaching right through me were battling in his chest.
Halting a few inches away, stopping to keep myself from moving even though every part of me screamed at me to get closer, I swallowed before carefully reaching out a hand.
When my fingers brushed over his arm, something rippled through Rhys' body. His eyes snapped up from where he had watched my hand almost fearfully, flying to meet mine as his glossed over ones grew wide and his lips parted.
I sniffled, nose crunching as I sent him a smile, wobbly and uneven.
“Not getting rid off me that easily, remember?”, I whispered, and Rhys' hand closed around my wrist to yank me forward, into his arms.
My heart stopped when my chest collided with his.
It felt like I was thrown into one of the dreams that had haunted me for fifty years, dreams in which he'd been there, had grinned at me and teased me and been his gloriously annoying self, dreams I had woken from with a weight on my chest pressing me down, because I could feel the memory of his presence slip through my fingers.
Only now, I didn't wake up, and there was no pressing knowledge somewhere buried in the depth of my mind that it was nothing but a dream.
No, Rhys was there, tall and solid as he wrapped himself around me, clinging to me like I could be ripped away from him any second, and my breath hitched when I could feel the way his body started to tremble.
Something small in my chest shattered silently, and barely suppressing a soft whimper as pressure rose in my throat, I hastily wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held onto him. Held onto him, his skin cool under my mine, muscles taut as a bowstring when my fingers dug into the back of his shoulders and I clung to him, and Rhys laughed, wet and desperate and causing my chest to tighten so harshly, I hiccuped. His hands grabbed at my back, my dress, one finding its way into my hair, and I fought the heavy weight on my chest and the way my voice thickened when I whispered: “Hello.”
Rhys whimpered, his trembling fingers tightening their hold like he tried to drag me closer, like I wasn't already pressed into his chest, his breath shaking like the rest of him when he buried his face in the crook of my neck, and I could feel the second his walls broke. His chest started heaving, and something warm and wet pooled on my skin.
“It's okay.” I squeezed my eyes shut as I held onto him, feeling tears roll over my cheek as the ache in my chest spread, and my voice broke a little when I whispered: “I'm real.”
A shaking sob broke from Rhys' throat, and his fingers dug into my skin when he breathed out with a shudder that shook his body. Then he pulled back, nose pressing into my hair for a second, and when I raised my head, his hand slipped up to curl around the back of my neck, and Rhys pressed his forehead against mine. His quick, unsteady breaths made my heart skip, and I forced open my eyes, staring at him and his scrunched eyebrows and the tears silently rolling over his cheeks as he fought for air.
Quickly, I slid my hands down to press them against his sides, feeling my voice crack a little when I whispered: “Breathe.”
Rhys' eyes flew open, and the world staggered when his violet iris met mine, shimmering with tears and everything shining through them, like a dam inside of him had broken. He stared at me like I was the night sky he hadn't seen for fifty years, his fingers curling into my hair.
His eyes tracked the dried tears on my cheeks, and then his body went awfully still.
For a second, Rhys gazed down at me, his throat working as he swallowed harshly and his grip slackened a little. His eyes flickered over mine, and his voice, rough and fragile, broke a little when he mumbled: “How long have you been outside?”
I tried to breathe against the heaviness in my chest as I stared up at him, losing the fight against the way my throat closed as my vision blurred and my bottom lip wobbled.
My silence was answer enough.
Rhys' fingers twitched, and I could feel him freeze, pulling back, but I dug my fingers into his bare skin and swallowed harshly, a tear running over my cheek when I whispered, voice shaking: “I'm going to kill her.”
Rhys' eyes followed the tear, widening slightly, and suddenly, he looked panicked.
“You have to leave.”
“Rhys –“
“You have to get out of here, if she finds you with me –“ His breath quickened, his wide eyes causing something to squeeze my heart harshly.
In over a hundred years, I had never seen him like this, so utterly and completely afraid; fear, sheer frantic panic rolling off him in waves, completely ungarded -
I could feel the way Rhys froze under my hands when my eyes flew over to the door.
Could feel the wave of his unbridled dread crash over me when the female in the door smiled, her eyes flashing and blood-red hair glimmering in the candle light.
“Now look at that…”
My knees dragged over the stone floors as the guards hauled me into the great, cavernous hall, Amarantha sauntering after us, Rhys behind her as he struggled against the males containing him, his teeth bared even as I could feel, smell the panic rolling off of him.
I tried to reach him, but the powers raging under my skin were slowly slipping out of my control, roaring at the way I could feel him struggle.
“Drop her.” Amarantha waved her hand casually, raising her brows as the guards dumped me to the ground in the middle of the hall and turning towards Rhys.
“You know, I really thought you'd have better taste.” Her tone was mocking, her smile amused. “A servant… and a faerie no less.”
Rhys fought against the guards holding him, but I could see the way his movements were restrained, like she was containing him. He looked like he was vibrating with unbridled fury, but there was something burning under the surface as I forced myself to my feet, something that made my heart tighten harshly.
Amarantha tutted softly, smiling widely. Her eyes raked over Rhys' face, and they sharpened. Then she raised a brow.
Something skipped high and harsh against my ribs, and one corner of her lips quirked.
“Now that's interesting. Is it possible…” She tipped her head to the side, and Rhys grew rigid.
“You care for her. Oh now, now.” Amarantha laughed, and it rung through the air. “How quaint.” She smiled widely, and it sent a shiver down my spine as her eyes danced.
“The mighty High Lord and the faerie. I wonder…” Sauntering towards me, she reached out, her nails lightly raking over my jaw to tip it up, and I hissed at her, causing her to chuckle.
“Well, she is feisty. Still.” Her head tipped to the side, considering me like prized piece of cattle, and Rhys' struggle grew as she slowly started to smile and raised her brows mildly as she turned to look at him.
“I think you need a reminder who you belong to.”
Moving back, she lightly dipped her head, and someone kicked the back of my legs, causing them to buckle.
Sharp pain shot through my knees when I crashed to the floor, and I could feel my dress shift. Then rough hands pushed me forward and the fabric was ripped open, slipping down my back.
My heart skipped high into my throat, and I tried to reach out on instinct to cover myself, but my wrists were seized, forced away from my body.
I could hear the sound of a struggle, and when my eyes rose, Rhys was trying to tear himself away from the guards holding him, a terrifying snarl on his face. But Amarantha just smiled and placed a finger on her lips.
Iron shackles closed around my wrists, dragging my arms apart until I was kneeling, and my fingers started shaking as I tried to contain the magic brimming under the surface, the golden light trying to break out to rage around me. I forced up my head, and Amarantha raised a brow.
There was movement at the corner of my eye. Then something struck my back with such force, my body was thrown forward.
Burning pain seared over my skin, and a scream forced its way from my throat.
My back arched, trying to twist away, pain pulsing through my body and leaving my muscles trembling, and Rhys roared.
With one mighty rip, he broke away from the guards trying to contain him, but before he could make it even a few feet, Amarantha struck, and Rhys crumbled to the ground.
“No!” I struggled against the iron chains, magic surging under my skin as pressure build behind my eyes and an angry sound ripped from my throat.
“How precious.” Amarantha sounded bored and a little disdainful, waving her hand as she turned away, and two guards grabbed Rhys' arms, dragging him up until he was kneeling, forcing his head up.
He was bleeding, his brow cut, but it was nothing compared to the anguish in his eyes as they found mine, wild and desperate.
Fighting against the tug in my chest, I squeezed my burning eyes shut for a second before opening them again, staring at him as my body trembled.
“I,”, my voice broke with strain, “can take it.”
Amarantha chuckled. “Oh dear.”
Another hit struck my back, the whip slashing the air and through my skin, and a low scream tore from my throat. Tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes, my breath trembling at the pain pulsing through my back and into my body, and from holding onto the whirling storm in my chest.
“I doubt it.” Amarantha's eyes were glimmering with wicked delight, and as the next lash hit my back, I forced my head up, my body shaking as I gritted my teeth and fought the tears pooling from my eyes as they found the male behind her.
My heart stilled.
Went silent in my chest at the way he stared at me, head pulled back by his hair as the guards forced him to watch, his eyes wide, body rigid like he was gripped in an iron fist. There was something swirling in his gaze, not just anguish; pure torment, and intertwined with it was something else, something that reached so deep, I lost my breath.
No more.
The words seemed to whisper through my mind, through the fog and the pain, growing stronger as the air around me started to flimmer.
No more.
My eyes pierced into Rhys', a tremble going through my body. Then something settled in my chest.
No more.
Golden light bloomed around me as I let go. Allowed the whispers of magic to swarm me, flittering over my back, their whispering touch gentle, and I could feel the wounds close, leaving nothing behind but even skin.
The hum seemed to grow still, until I could feel the power in every inch of my body, pulsing and whirling, and Amarantha's voice reached me, sharp as she called to her guards: “Stop her, now -“
A wave of golden light erupted from my body.
Amarantha and the guards holding me got ripped off their feet, flung through the air, the males crashing into the walls as Amarantha slammed into the steps of the dais.
And as the ground started to tremble, the mountain itself rumbling like thunder, the shackles fell of my wrists and I pushed myself to my feet, golden swirls of magic building around me like a hurricane as rage carried me.
The doors flew open as guards streamed in, dozens and dozens more, barking orders as they took position and advanced, and power surged through my body.
The ground shook, then thick vines bursted from the stone floors. They slithered through the air, wrapping themselves around the guards and flinging them through the room, wrapping them up tight and engulfing them, their screams drowned as they turned into giant trees. Weapons turned into slithering branches, closing around their owner's arms and throats, armor grew green moss like treebark as I dodged a sword blow in a swift movement. Arrows flying at me turned into bursts of petals as I dove and slipped the guard's sword out of his hand, slashing it over his throat in one precise movement, and another wave of magic pulsed through my body, sending a wave that tore the remaining guards off their feet, swords and armor clattering when they crashed into the walls and onto the floors.
Raising my head, I felt the light around me flimmer, illuminating the sword in my hand for another moment as I slowly straightened, power surging through my body as the golden whisps began to disperse and I felt my breath again, quick and heavy. Something flickered in my chest when my gaze darted over the throne room, trees growing from stone floors, their branches stretching high up the cavernous ceiling, petals drifting over the ground and unconcious guards strewn across the floor.
The rage in my chest slowly washed away, a deep exhale leaving me, and looking over my shoulder, I felt something rise in my chest.
Rhys was still kneeling on the ground, having caught himself as the guards holding him had been torn across the room. His eyes were wide as his gaze darted over the hall, then they found mine, and something skipped so harshly into my throat, I lost my breath.
Rhys was staring at me like I had ripped open the mountain to show him the stars.
Something rose in my chest, fluttering like a hurricane, and turning around, I quickly stepped over a guard's legs and held out a hand, pulling him to his feet.
Slowly straightening, Rhys stared down at me, and his eyes began to shine in a way that made my breath catch.
There was a light flash of silver from the corner of my eye. I turned my head, and for a moment, time slowed.
Without thinking, I moved, the sword slipping from my hand and clattering to the ground as my fingers closed around Rhys' elbows and dragged him with me as I turned, turned until he was facing the dais and I was in the way, the way of –
Sharp pain struck my back.
I could feel my eyes widen, how time staggered just like my heart when hot, all consuming pain slowly spread from a point somewhere right beneath my shoulder blades. Then my eyes found Rhys', and the way he stared at me, his eyes growing wide, made time fall back into place.
My knees toppled lightly when pain crashed over me like a tidal wave, and Rhys dove forward to catch me. His pupils were blown wide as a wave of panic washed over me that wasn't my own, terrifying and mindnumbing as his hands frantically moved over my body, gripping my hips, pushing up my chin.
The pulsing pain from my back seemed to slowly consume my body, and my heart stuttered.
“No.” Rhys' voice ripped its on wound through my chest, disbelieving, hollow and horrified. His eyes darted over my face, all the color draining from his features, but he looked a bit blurred, like he was drifting away from me. I tried to grab at his chest, my movements strangely slow.
“Go.” My voice sounded strained to my own ears, but I forced myself to focus on Rhys' face, trying to fight past the pain the look on his face caused in my chest. His brows twitched as his eyes, panicked and frantic, darted over my face, and I pressed: “Get. Her.”
Rhys stared at me. Then something shifted in his eyes, beginning to glow, and his head rose, a terrifying growl rumbling from his chest.
His hands slipped away from my arms and I could feel him move past me, something skipping high in my chest as I staggered lightly, dropping to my knees.
Forcing myself to straighten, I tried to suppress a whimper when I reached my hand up my back, twisting and feeling a rough sound built in my throat at the pain the movement sent cursing through my body.
My fingers slipped over something cold, and with a pressed sound, I pulled the blade out of my body. It clattered onto the stone, and the floor swayed under my knees when for a second, all I could see were black spots dancing before my eyes as something hot ran over my pulsing back.
Behind me, I heard the sound of fighting, snarls that made the hairs at the back of my neck rise, and I forced my head up to look over my shoulder. My vision swam, and my breath stilled when I heard the sound of a body hitting the ground heavily, heart rising into my throat as my eyes focused.
Rhys was kneeling on the ground before Amarantha, a sword pressed against the back of his neck as she snarled at him, hands curled into his hair, forcing his head back. I could see the fight in the strain in his shoulders, like he was battling her in his mind, but his body was trembling.
“Oh, I do like you on your knees.” Amarantha bared her teeth, and something shifted in my chest, blooming into a soundless roar as I pushed myself to my feet.
My fingers closed around the hilt of the sword I had dropped, the heavy blade beginning to glow in my grip, and Amarantha raised her head and scoffed.
“Don't be ridiculous.” She snarled as she stepped away, Rhys caught frozen, limbs trembling in a vain effort to free himself. “I posses the powers of all the High Lords of Prythian. No iron, no steel can defeat me, not even your powers. I have killed Fae for centuries.” Her eyes flickered over me, her lips curling. “You're no match for me, little faerie.”
Golden whisps of magic began to rise around me, the branches of the trees growing out of the stone rustling with a harsh wind, the vines creaking as they slithered, bowing into my direction as I walked towards Amarantha, magic beginning to grow under my skin until I could feel it glow.
I deflected the first blow of Amarantha's sword as it came crashing down, the force making the mountain rumble. Then I swerved to the right, blade slashing through the air as the space around us started to vibrate with power and my sword began to shine brighter and brighter.
“Give up!” Amarantha's voice shook the hall like thunder. “You'll never defeat me, you're a faerie, you'll just -”
My heart rose, and the mountain sang.
When my next blow came crashing down, it splintered Amarantha's sword in two with a blast of golden power. She dropped the useless hilt, eyes growing wide as her head whipped up, and my sword sank into her chest, deeper and deeper until we were face to face.
"I'm not just any faerie,”, I whispered.
A surge of power rippled through the air when I pulled the sword from Amarantha's chest, and I could feel the wards trembling. Then they shattered, the whole mountain groaning as I whirled around and swung the sword, the blade whizzing through the air and cleanly cutting off Amarantha's head.
Blood spattered, and with a thud, the female's lifeless body dropped to the ground.
Breathing heavily, I straightened, and my sword clattered as it hit the floor. The golden shimmer around me pulled back into my body, and suddenly, the world tilted.
My knees gave out, and I would have crashed down the steps if I hadn't been caught, arms wrapping around me and a familiar scent washing over me, causing my heart to jump weakly against my ribs.
I thought I heard a voice, deep and familiar and utterly panicked, calling my name as a warm hand closed around the side of my face, shaking me. But my lids were suddenly heavy, blinking becoming harder with the second. My body felt a bit like it was beginning to float; no more pain, only a strange, calm feeling, my limbs too heavy to move.
Through the fog, I heard the voice, thick and trembling, words not quite reaching me. Then something warm pressed against my temple, nudging my cheek.
“Stay with me.”
Stay with me.
My eyes opened with a flutter, and I sucked in a sharp breath.
My gaze was blurry at first, but I thought I saw a high ceiling, far above me, the branches of trees, and felt arms holding me, propping me up against a warm, solid body that suddenly grew rigid.
Blinking, I breathed out before letting my head slowly roll to the side, and my eyes met another pair.
My heart skipped softly against my ribs at the sight of violet, mixed with starlight in eyes gleaming with tears, widening when they found mine as their owner became completely still.
I blinked, feeling slowly seeping back into my body, and a small sound broke from the back of my throat.
“Ow,”, I mumbled softly.
Rhys stared at me. Stared from shimmering eyes that were blown wide, wet tear tracks on his cheeks. His hand cradling my jaw was trembling, and something shifted gently in my chest at the way he seemed to fight for air. Then he blinked, and the tears in his eyes welled as his lips curved and a sobbed laugh left him, deep and shaking my body as Rhys dropped his head, his arms slipping around me until he was clinging to me, holding me to his chest as he pressed his nose against my temple.
I could feel his shuddering exhale, and how tears began to soak my hair, and something rose in my chest, fluttering wildly as it surged and pressure built behind my eyes, my fingers trembling as I curled them into his arm holding me.
Rhys' grip tightened, then he lightly pulled back his head. His hand slipped to rest against the side of my neck, and my breath hitched, stumbling until it stilled when he slowly started to smile at me. Smiled brighter and brighter, wide and radiant until deep creases formed in his cheeks and his violet eyes twinkled like a sky full of stars, and his voice was quiet and a bit hoarse when Rhys whispered thickly: “Hello, starshine.”
Stepping out into the cool morning air, I breathed in deeply, closing my eyes for a second.
My body was still aching a little, my head thrumming, but it was duller now, like it was slowly ebbing away. The magic under my skin was no longer raging and whirling, instead buzzing softly from the healing I had done in the past few hours, Fae and faeries alike.
The wards had come down, the second Amarantha had died. Shortly after, the doors to the hall had burst open, and Rhys had gripped me tighter when all the High Lords had stormed inside, their newly returned powers thrumming just like the one's of the male holding me.
He had reluctantly left me alone, only after several insurances that I was fine and some mild teasing threats, his swagger returning to him as his mask slipped into place as he had joined the High Lords standing over Amarantha's body, her severed head turned towards the ceiling, her eyes staring lifelessly into the air.
Dropping my shoulders and stretching them slowly, my skin tingled gently right under my shoulder blades, and like instinct, I reached back, twisting my arm until I could brush my fingers over the spot where only a few hours ago, a dagger had nearly, maybe taken my life.
The skin was soft there now, and unblemished, as Rhys had showed me with a quick glimpse into my head.
Like there had never been any wound in the first place.
Letting my arm fall back to my side, I breathed out again before turning, and my heart did a soft skip when my gaze landed on the familiar male a bit away, standing on a ledge, head tipped back as he stared up at the sky that was slowly turning from a pale blue into a soft pink.
My heart skipped, and I hesitated for a second, then I carefully stepped onto the big ledge and softly called: “Rhys?”
My quiet voice carried through the cool air, and when he looked over his shoulder, my chest tightened harshly.
Tears were streaming over his face, his eyes shimmering as they reflected the sky, and I moved, darting towards him and stretching to slip my arms around his shoulders.
Rhys breathed out with a shudder, and his hands closed around my waist, pulling me tightly into his chest. Then he turned his head and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his tears drip onto my skin as soundless sobs left his body trembling, and my heart tightened harshly as my eyes welled.
Quickly pressing my nose against his shoulder, I let his pain wash over me, my chest aching as tears trickled over my cheeks and I buried my fingers in his hair.
By the time Rhys' sobs had faded away and the tears on my shoulder had dried as he just held me, the sun had started to rise on the horizon.
Carefully pulling back a bit, I looked up at him, finding his eyes already on my face, raw with emotion I couldn´t quite decipher.
“Go home,”, I whispered softly, and a shudder went through Rhys' body, his hands tightening their grip around my waist for a moment.
His eyes searched mine, then he blinked.
“Come with me.”
I blinked, feeling my lips part in surprise as I stared up at him. There was no hesitation in his eyes, no doubt, nothing. Just something that looked a bit like a soft, feverish plea.
I blinked, and warmth slowly spread through my body, something closing gently around my throat.
“I can't,”, I mumbled, and Rhys' grip loosened, causing me to quickly curl my fingers into his shirt.
“No, I just,”, I huffed a little, frowning at him, "not yet." Breathing out, I tipped my head to the side and sent him a soft, helpless smile. “There are still so many in there who need my help. And in the courts. I can't just –“
Rhys exhaled, and my heart skipped into my throat when he dropped his head to rest his forehead against mine, his hands gently closing around my waist.
“You're awfully inconsistent, you know that?”, he whispered, and his rough voice sent a soft tingle over my skin. “You claim to not like the High Fae, and yet, you're still helping them.”
“I know.” I gently tapped my finger against his chest. “I mean, I constantly help you, what's that all about?"
Rhys huffed, and I grinned lightly before pulling back and mumbling: “They've suffered enough for a while.”
Rhys blinked, and his eyes moved over my face, something beginning to glow gently in his iris.
“Promise that when you're finished, you'll come to Velaris.”
Staring up at him, I felt my heart flutter genly against my ribs. Then I blinked and slowly smiled, soft and cheeky.
“I promise.”
Rhys' eyes flickered over mine, and something tightened in my chest, my heart skipping when I quickly said: “Promise you'll find me if you need me?”
The male's gaze moved over my face, and slowly, one corner of his lips rose, just the tiniest bit.
“Promise,”, he mumbled, his deep voice sending a soft tingle down my spine, and I breathed out, a weight slipping from my shoulders.
For a second, I stared up at him, then, before I could stop myself, I stretched to press my lips onto his cheek.
Rhys' grip around me tightened, and my heart rose into my throat when I allowed myself to linger for just a second. Then I let myself sink back to the ground, and my breath hitched when Rhys dropped his head like he was trying to follow me.
The male blinked and slowly straightened again, staring down at me, a look in his eyes that made my chest squeeze gently.
Slowly, I took a step backwards, sending him a soft, crooked smile as I lightly poked his ribs.
“Go.” Warmth spread through my chest as I raised my brows. “They've been waiting long enough.”
Rhys exhaled, a weight seeming to slip from his shoulders, and I turned around. I could feel his eyes track me as I made my way back towards the entrance in the mountain.
When I looked back before stepping through, he was gone like the night breeze.
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @stayinglow-exploringworlds @tcris2020
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suugarbabe · 10 months
heyy! you're one of my fav angst writers so I was wondering if you could write a mattheo riddle x reader fic where Mattheo enjoys making reader jealous so reader goes out if her way to make mattheo jealous which ends in confessions and perhaps a smutty ending/ fluffy ending? Whatever you see fit! Thank youuuu~
(1) thank you sooo much, if I could I would just write all day long, I'm so glad you like what I put out there
(2) I loooove a jealous Teo 😊; here you go love x
warnings: angst, mentions of drinking, oral (f!receiving)
word count: 1.9k
18+ MDNI!! be aware of the content you consume, do not read if you are a minor.
“You know if you glare any harder, you might bore a hole through the man,” Pansy’s comment did nothing to stray your eyes away from the scene in front of you. “Yeah, well he deserves it, he’s doing this shit on purpose. It’s like he gets off on making me jealous.” You watched as Mattheo continued to shamelessly flirt with the Hufflepuff girl seated next to him. She was a giggling mess at basically anything he was saying, “He’s not that funny, she’s being obnoxious.” Pansy snorted at your comment, simply shaking her head. It was when Mattheo tucked a loose strand behind her ear that you felt like your brain was short-circuiting. Pansy saw the look on your face, then followed your eyes to Mattheo and the girl, “Oh he’s in for it now isn’t he.” You let out a huff of frustration, closing your textbook and leaving the classroom. 
In your dorm room you were getting ready for the party your house was throwing tonight. Typically you dressed a little more relaxed for parties your house hosts because it’s more homey to you, but tonight you were going full on vixen. You opted for a black mini dress, skin tight and hugging all the right places. You paired it with emerald green heels, a gold necklace adorned with an emerald stone and a gold snake bracelet. You allowed Pansy to do your hair and makeup, making your eyes pop and leaving your hair down your back in bouncing waves, just like you knew your boyfriend liked. 
However, he was barely going to touch you tonight. Not until you allowed him to anyway. This morning he fucked around, tonight he was going to find out. When you and Pansy entered the party it was in full swing. You spotted your group of boys in the back corner, and Merlin if Mattheo didn’t look amazing. But you took a deep breath, centering yourself. No matter how good he looked, you had to stick to your plan. Pansy bounced over to Draco, throwing her arms around him and greeting him with a big kiss to his cheek. It was obvious the boys had been drinking for a while before you both got there simply by the reaction Draco had, which was a big smile and giggle. 
You walked to the group a little slower. When you approached them, Mattheo’s eyes grew wide. You could see him looking you up and down and you did your best to appear unbothered by this. He gave you a kiss on the forehead, you just hummed in return. He met your eyes, “Something wrong, princess?” You put on a big smile, “No, Teo, nothing is wrong. Why did you do something you shouldn’t have?” He raised an eyebrow at you questioningly, “Erm, no..?” Your mouth fell to a tight line, how could he be so oblivious, or was he still playing the game from earlier? You decided it was your turn now, and glanced around your circle of friends for the perfect accomplice. 
Besides your boyfriend, Enzo was your favorite boy in the group. He was always so cheerful, smile plastered on his face regardless of the situation. He was a cute guy, always having his own gaggle of girls following him around, but he never really entertained it. He always seemed more interested in quidditch or parties. When he saw you looking at him his smile grew wider, “Y/n, you look, wow.” You giggled, “Thank you, Enzo, that’s very kind.” If possible his smile grew wider as he took another sip of his drink. Mattheo went to place his hand on your waist possessively, but you pushed him off, instead walking up to Enzo, “You wanna dance with me, Enzo?” Enzo’s eyes flicked to Mattheo but you grabbed hold of Enzo’s jaw, pulling him down to face you, “Please, Enzie, you know Teo never dances with me and I wanna have fun tonight.” You put on your best pout, looking up through your lashes. 
You saw his shoulders slack, indicating that you had convinced him. You bounced on your toes, clapping your hands together. You knew the hem on your dress was riding up as you did so, and you could feel Mattheo’s eyes boring a hole in your back. You grabbed Enzo’s hand that wasn’t holding his drink and dragged him to the middle of the dance floor, ignoring any protests you heard from Mattheo as you passed. He looked over at Pansy, eyebrows nearly to the ceiling. Pansy held her hands up in defense, “Maybe if you’re lonely you can ask that Hufflepuff girl to dance?” Mattheo’s lips slowly turned into a smirk, realizing now the game you were playing at. 
Once near the middle of the dance floor, you turned your back to Enzo, swaying your hips and grinding against him. He free hand held firm to your waist as you snaked an arm up and around his neck. He let your bodies move against each other before enlightening you, “I know what you’re doing, y/n/n.” You turn to face him, wrapping your hands behind his neck, still dancing with your body pressed to his, “You mean just dancing with one of my best guy friends?” Enzo rolled his eyes, “I know you’re using me as a ploy to make Mattheo jealous. Don’t worry though…” He leaned in closer, whispering against your ear, “He’s been a dick on the quidditch pitch all week so I’ll play along. We can give him a little show if you want.” You nodded your head quickly, then Enzo went straight to work. 
As the next song came on Enzo grabbed hold of your waist, fingers dancing just above the curve of your ass. As the beat of the song got stronger, Enzo slotted his leg between yours, guiding you to essentially grind on his thigh. The song was barely a minute in before you felt another arm wrap around your waist and lift you away from your dancing partner. You didn’t even panic, you knew who it was and the way he talked to Enzo had warmth rushing to the pit of your stomach, “I don’t know what the fuck game you’re playing at Lorezno but it’s over.” Enzo held his hands up, “Listen, mate, she asked me to dance. Who am I to tell her no?” Mattheo grumbled some form of ‘fuck you’ back to him as he carried you to the edge of the dance floor and towards the stairs leading up to the dorms. 
“Exactly where are we going? I’m not done dancing, nor drinking. There’s like the whole night left to party,” You were struggling against Matteo’s grip now, which only tightened with your fighting. “Oh, you’re done with the party, princess. You wanted to act like a little slut with my friend, well now I’m going to treat you like a slut.” You gasped as he threw you down on his bed, “Excuse me, sir, but Enzo is my friend too. And I wasn’t acting like a slut…we were just dancing.” Mattheo rolled his eyes, pushing you back on to the bed and crawling over you. He dipped his head in the crook of your neck, nipping at the skin making you gasp, “You don’t dance like that with my friends.” 
He nipped and sucked at the skin of your neck, “O-our friend.” You barely got the words out, Mattheo’s hands trailing down your sides and playing with the hem of your dress. “Do you want our friend to be here right now because if you’d rather he help you out,” Mattheo dragged his middle finger up your clothed center, “I’m sure he’d kill to feel how wet he got you.” You tried to buck your hips towards him, tried to gain any friction possible, “N-not for him, all for you T-Teo.” He hummed, trailing his lips up your neck and along your jaw, “F’me, hmm? But you’ve barely been by me all night.” He was toying with you now, thumb drawing circles over your bundle of nerves, not nearly applying the pressure you needed. You shook your head, “Only was thinking of you, wanted, ah, wanted to make you jealous.” 
Mattheo hooks his fingers around the band of your panties, dragging them down agonizingly slow. You tug at the sides of your dress, allowing it to bunch up around your waist, “You wanting me to do something, love?” Mattheo looks up at you, eyes dancing with deviance. You tangle your fingers in his hair, “Need you, Teo.” He growled lowly at the wine in your tone, “What do you need from me, princess? Use your words.” You tugged at his curls, “Mouth, need your mouth on me.” He toys with you now, laying on his stomach, smoothing his palms up your legs, squeezing the flesh of your thighs before placing a kiss to each one, “Here?” 
You buck your hips toward him, causing him to flatten a palm against your hip, keeping you still. Without warning he flattens his tongue, licking a stripe up your center. You let out a choked gasp, head falling back against the pillow, “Oh, there? Is that what you want, princess?” You open your mouth to respond when he does it again, this time pressing his thumb down on your clit as he does so. “Loss for words now, hmm? But you were talking such a big game earlier.” You want to glare at him, to tell him to fuck off but the way his mouth feels on you is pure bliss.
Your nails scratch on his scalp and the growl he releases sends vibrations straight to your core. He grips your thighs tighter, surely causing bruises but in the moment you can’t get yourself to care. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking hard as he plunges three fingers knuckle deep into you. Your back arches off the bed, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Teo, don’t stop, please.” 
You can feel the smirk on his face as he works his fingers just slightly faster, the knot in the pit of your stomach becoming tighter with each curl, each lick, each twist. Your hips roll against in face, grip tightening in his hair until you’re practically using him, riding his tongue and chasing your high and the feeling gets tighter and tighter and then the rubber band snaps, your mouth drops open and a chorus of praises mixed with his name leave your mouth. And he lets your ride it out on his tongue, on his fingers, but even when you begin to settle he doesn’t stop. He pushes against the sensitive nerves and you feel like you’re going to black out from the pleasure as he demands a second release from you before you can even stop it, not that you would even want to at this point. As you catch your breath you chance a look down at him between your thighs, catch him rub a thumb across his lips, gathering your arousal and sucking it off. You smile at him and he just grins at you, a lovestruck look on his face, “If this is my punishment I’m gonna have to make you jealous more often.” You were teasing, but slightly serious. Mattheo crawls over you, face hovering just above yours now, “Oh darling, I’m just getting started.”
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puck-bunnies · 4 months
wild thoughts
nico hischier x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw 18+, oral sex (m receiving), roadhead, hair pulling
word count: 1.1k
with the devils winning their home game, the car ride home is one filled with curses and groans as my wild thoughts take over. hair being pulled and tears forming in eyes of pleasure.
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the engine starts, the dark night sky shields the public eye of the inside of our car. his hand rests on my exposed thigh, my skirt giving little coverage of my silky legs. we pull out of the arenas parking lot, the wind adrenaline still pumping throughout nico’s veins.
pulling onto the highway my brain has an idea. “you did so good tonight baby.” i whisper to him. the soft radio plays in the background as his thumb rubs back and forth on my inner thigh.
“i’m just glad you were be able to be there.” nico smiles, keeping his head on the road with a tight grasp around the steering wheel. his grip on my thigh increases, surely going to leave a red handprint on my sensitive skin later.
my words are soft and slow, “i just wish there was a way i could congratulate you.” my hand ventures down my body, placing it on top of nico’s that palms my thigh. “right now.” i swear i can hear his breath hitch beside me, reading my thoughts clearly.
“we’ll be home in five minutes.” he says, unsure of how much time we have.
i shrug, “i’ve done it in less.”
that’s all it takes for nico to remove his hand on my thigh and reposition himself in his seat, spreading his legs farther apart. i smirk to myself, unbuckling my seatbelt before kneeling on the car seat, draping myself on top of the centre console.
my hands work up nico’s right thigh, finding the zipper to his jeans and giving them a tug. i can fell his hardening length underneath my soft touch, my hand palming his erection through his boxers as i slide his jeans down his thighs.
light moans leave his mouth to fill the small proximity of the car. my hands work to slide his boxers down to meet his jeans, nico’s hips buck up, helping me slip the material down his legs.
as his large erection falls out of his underwear, i take it in my hand, softly rubbing pumps up and down the base. nico’s thighs twitch at my new profound touch, breath through his teeth, sucking in all the air his lung yearn for.
curses and groans are heard from above me as my thigh rubs circles around his tip, quickly replaced with my soft wet tongue. a mixture of saliva and pre cum start to drip down his cock, the shiny liquids glistening over ever vein and inch of his hardness.
his hands are quick to form a makeshift ponytail out of my hair, other hand slamming back on the wheel to ensure we don’t crash. my full trust goes into him to get us home safe, praying that my dead body doesn’t get found with a dick in my mouth on the side of the highway.
my tongue is still teasingly slow, licking a circle around the head and across the slit. his teeth have to pierce his lips to not beg for me to go farther, thighs clenching underneath my hand as i stabilize myself to take more of him. one grasps his base, holding it steady as i slide my mouth down his length.
groans are the only thing in my ear, the music that’s playing is overruled by the glorious sounds that nico’s making above me. i can feel my folds dripping as my hole begs to be filled by the cock that’s in my mouth. begging for the familiar shape to stretch me out once again, bottoming me out as he tells me how much he loves me.
i moan against his cock as my thoughts go wild, the vibration of my moan sending shivers down his spine. “fucking hell.” nico mutters. his knuckles grow white from the pressure of his grasp on the steering wheel.
my mouth finally gets to the bottom of his cock, the top hitting hard down the back of my throat receiving a long gag from me. my eyes slightly roll back on my skull before easing myself back up his cock. it doesn’t take me long before i go back down, tip continuing to hit the back of my throat, gagging and choking me.
lifting my head back up to swirl my tongue around his tip, my cheeks hollowing out to go down again. nico’s hand that’s laced in my hair starts to take control, and i let him. he knows how much of him i can take, and he knows that if i can’t i’ll let him know.
i feel safe with nico, knowing that he never does anything that’s sexually out of my comfort zone. never pushing me to do things that i don’t completely want to do.
my ribs ache with the harshness of the console underneath me, my back arching to relive some of the pain. leaving my ass far up in the air, showing it off to nico as he takes a look. his eyes lingering for too long as he removes his eyes from the road.
my eyes start to tear as i choke on it once again, hitting deep in my throat with every pain down of my head.
i can feel the quick twitch in my mouth, waiting for any second for his cum to fill me. he keeps control of my head, using me how he wants me, putting me where his body craves me to be.
as i expected, it takes a mere couple seconds for nico’s cock to start filling my mouth with his warm cum. my chest heaves as i wait for him to stop, as he does i pull my head back up, nico’s cock leaving my mouth with a soft ‘pop’.
i swallow what’s in my mouth, soft residue still falling down the length of his semi-hard dick. his eyes are down at me, i never realized that he already pulled into the drive way and that his eyes were glued on me as i took him.
“god you’re so pretty baby. looking like a doll when you take my cock.” he whispers, wiping the slide of my lip from his liquids. i smirk, straightening back up in my seat.
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In this house we believe in MASTER KOHGA SUPREMACY!!!!!!!! 🍌
I know this might look like "oh haha Veronica likes another fictional guy go figure 🙄" but NO. You dont understand. this goes so fucking deep, I LOVE this man. When his ass showed up on screen I SCREAMED. Literally no different from a girl at a Harry styles concert or something, except in this case it's me in my living room, and a fat old dude (who is VERY silly mind you) from a video game. We're almost encroaching self ship territory, but thankfully link is here, and to quote our lord and savior austin powers, he’s the town bicycle and EVERYONES had a ride. I can live vicariously through him. Let me tell you a little about my master kohga journey (totk spoilers)
So way back when I first played this game in 2017 or something, I really liked him, and when he fell down that hole I was CONVINCED he wasn't dead. I had a theory that link would go down in the hole in the sequel and kohga would be there, stuck. I remember I told this theory to someone and they actually LAUGHED!! well GUESS WHOS LAUGHING NOW BITCH!!!!!! MY FUCKIGN BOYFRIEND IS ALIVE!!!!! My theory was basically right, I just didn't know about the depths at all obviously. I came across kohga at the temple and I shit you not I was SCREAMING like an insane person. Like actual cringe fangirl shit in my living room. I was SO happy, that actually made my whole day and the days afterward. I'd just be sitting there and my brain would go "DUDE master kohga though" and then I would go ":)" I'm gonna go meet him in the gerudo depths and i’m excited to see him again :) This is what I have been doing between commissions. This is what keeps me sane somehow. Pear shaped king 😔💞 I hope you like my design for him sans the mask. He is so tricky to draw so idk if I'm gonna draw more of him BUT, just know that I WILL be thinking about him
(Also WHAT is with me liking characters who like bananas??? Why is this a reoccurring theme???)
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b4tracha · 5 months
Brat (Lee Felix FF)
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I am sorry for not being active like I said I would. I went through a really bad depression when I came home from university and it was a struggle to write. I am still recovering right now. I hope you all forgive me with this fic. I love you all <3
(You are an 01 liner, so you call Felix Hyung)
Sometimes it was hard being in a relationship with an idol who was constantly busy with schedules and having to keep up with an image their company created. It made you want to give up at one point, but your love for Felix always made him change his mind. Even if he couldn’t be open with dating you, especially since you were both men, it was ultimately worth it. 
What people didn’t know was that Felix was a dom. Felix enjoyed torturing you in ways he didn’t know was possible, yet he made it feel like heaven. When he wasn’t busy, he would come over and make up for all the time he missed with you. This time, he was allowed to bring you to the dorm for once. You don’t come over often due to his fear of others figuring out the relationship, but the members always keep everything secret. They were the most supportive group of people you have been around, and you always felt safe around the other members.
As much as you enjoyed spending time with Felix, laying around, and being lazy, you didn’t want that right now. You needed something else. To receive what you needed, you had to plan. Before you headed over, you worked yourself open and inserted a plug so you didn’t have to waste time prepping for too long. You were going to let him play his game, and then you were going to bother him until he fucked the brattiness out of you. You needed him to ruin your hole until it was the shape of his dick. 
But that also meant you had to wait. You decided to take a nap. Felix would get immersed in the game before you ripped the older right from it. It was going to be perfect. When you woke up, all you could hear was the rapid clicking of his keyboard. You opened your eyes, letting them fall on the older boy before you. He didn’t even know you were awake, his game loud in his headphones. The scenario almost felt like he was a lonely gazelle and you were a lion, ready to pounce. 
You slowly took off your clothes, leaving you in your boxers. You fell on the floor, crawling toward the unknowing male. You touched his thigh softly, causing Felix to jump in surprise. He relaxed once he realized that it was just you. He pulled off his headphones to speak. 
“Baby, what are you doing?” 
“Nothing..” You hummed before pulling the male from his desk. You moved under the desk right between his legs and right in front of his crotch. 
“M/N.” A shiver ripped up your spine. You loved it when Felix did that. It was something about how Felix would lower his voice when he dominated you. The way he would say your name could make you come by itself. However, you wouldn’t let it deter you from your mission. You needed to finish it and get what you wanted.
“Yes, Hyung?” You started to rub on his clothed crotch. You slowly looked up at him with a slight smirk on your face. You and the blonde were having a staring contest, his eyes dark and heavy. You only see that when he was ready to leave you shaking on the bed. He was slowly hardening underneath your hand under the soft surface of his sweatpants. However, his blank stare gave the illusion he wasn’t affected by your teasing. The way he didn’t stop you gave you the green light to pull down his pants. Once you pulled them down, you realized that he was wearing nothing underneath. 
“Oh? Just for me?” You showed him your pearly whites. Felix simply grunted and folded his arms across his chest. You simply shrugged before shuffling closer to the man and taking hold of his half-hard cock. You licked your lips and finally took your eyes off of him. You spit on his cock before using the liquid to have a better grip. You slowly jerk him off, watching him harden within your hands. His tip was pink and wet, ready for any action. 
“Should I put it in my mouth? It’s been so long since I have blown you.” You licked his tip, feeling him twitch in your hands. He was slightly salty, yet he tasted so good. When you didn’t get a reaction from him once more, you decided to suck on the head. Then you finally felt a hand in your hair. You couldn’t help but smirk in your head about the situation. 
Suddenly, the hips of the man above you jerked up into your mouth. 
Felix held you down, a dark chuckle ringing around your ears. Finally, he gave you what you have wanted since you got here. You started to tear up and gag on his hard, thick cock. The drool from your mouth poured down, leaving Felix wet and sticky from the liquid. His sweatpants were stained from the amount of it. 
“Is this what you wanted? You wanted me to ruin you like a brat like you deserve?” His voice dropped, deep and heavy from the lust he was feeling. You couldn’t answer his question, but a soft moan slipped from your throat. “Answer me.”
“I-” You choked on him as soon as the words attempted to leave your throat. However, that was exactly what he wanted from you. He wanted to listen to you choke on your own words. He needed to get back for the teasing he had been dealing with since you woke up. 
“You don’t have much to say now, do you?” Felix growled. He pulled your head back up until you only had his head in your mouth until he forced you to deepthroat him once more. “Say something, brat. You wanted me to retaliate. You wanted this. Now take it like a good little brat.”
Felix stood up from his chair and adjusted both of you. He glared down into your misty eyes. If he kept this up, he was going to make you cry on his cock. That’s what you wanted. He gave you one more look before he began fucking your throat. The roughness of his thrusts causes you to shake and buck your hips. His grunts and the feeling of him hitting the back of your throat made your head spin. It felt like heaven and hell mixed in your head. If he kept this pace, you would faint.
Like he could hear your thoughts, he pulled you off of his cock. Your spit webbed and connected your lips and his dick. It eventually snapped as you doubled down on yourself, coughing heavily. You could barely breathe because of Felix. He must be more pent-up than you thought because he has never been this aggressive with you before. Although, you enjoyed it way too much to ask the older male to stop what he was doing. 
“Color?” The hard facade he put on fell for that moment. As much as he enjoyed ruining you, he didn’t want to hurt you. He was worried that he went too far with what he was doing with you. “Are you okay with what we’re doing right now?”
“Green.” Your voice sounded foreign to your ears. It was so raspy and harsh from the treatment it just finished dealing with. “Keep going, hyung. I can take it.” You gave a small smile from where you were. That seemed to satisfy the blonde because his facade reappeared as soon as he heard you were okay.
“Are you done? Get up. You didn’t even make me cum yet.” He grabbed you by your hair. You were back right in front of his crotch. He was wet, hard, and twitching. His pre-cum was leaking from his pink tip. If you didn’t drool so much before, you would drool right now at the sight in front of you. You took your hands, wrapping them around Felix once more. 
“I’m sorry..” You pouted up at him. You weren’t sorry and he knew that too. However, you wanted to play up the innocent look for him.
“No, you’re not. Now do as I said before I leave you here like you deserve.” He took your jaw and squeezed it as a warning. You could only barely nod before opening your mouth. The gig was up for you, you needed to make him cum. The game was over. 
(I wrote too much. 50 likes for part 2?)
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slutforsnow · 5 months
As an apology for being dead as hell, i would like to provide this one-shot/oc fic of Billy the Kid from the TV drama series.
A Pretty Girl Playin' With The Big Boys
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Inspired by Diva and Beautiful Liar
CW//saloon fight, western time period, poker, mild sa (like almost touches but nothing more), implied sh00ting threat, Billy is his own warning for being so hot, mentions of abusive ex, rape mention
She smiled to herself as she watched her brother Jesse play poker as she took a shot of whiskey sittin' in her chair like the cowboys so one caught sight of a woman planning to get in on the next game. What she didn't notice was that a man, around 2 years older than her, was watching her as he played. His gaze seemed predatory and observant as he played-like he didn't really feel like focusing on the game.
He took a shot of his whiskey as he showed his cards, and Jesse slowly set his down. He lost, and he looked pretty pissed about it. He frowned, clenching his jaw. He half-expected it but had some hope that'd bring home somethin' to his ma and Joe since Henry was injured. As Billy got up from his seat and place his hat on his head again, he noticed an oddly small cowboy take the seat that his opponent, Jesse, had been sittin' in as Jesse gathered his winnins.
"She's gonna get herself found out," Jesse murmured laughin' to himself. Billy snapped his head to Jesse, his brows furrowed in confusion.
'She? She who?' The brunette thought before turning his gaze to the mysterious she at the poker table. She had put a rather large sum of money on the table, causing Jesse to raise his brows, surprised. "She never bets that much."
'She's a regular poker player?'
As the game proceeded, the mysterious she kept quiet, only making noise to clear her throat or move away from one of her opponents that seemed off and tried to lay hands on her more private areas.
Billy kept a frown on his lips as he watched her discomfort, but every moment he went to go shove a man off her, she'd shoot him a glare as if to say 'if you expose me, I'll shoot you.'
As the game came to a close, she smirked, gathering her winnings as she won more than Jesse. The other men bet more in this game than the last one and were surprised to lose a quite hefty amount. The men were genuinely shocked, thinking they lost to a 15 - or 16 year old boy. One man, however, looked pissed and as the mystery girl began to stand after pocketing her winnings, he grabbed her arm pulling her down to the table, knocking her hat off and letting her lustrous curls unfurl from her messy bun that was tucked neatly under her hat. The curls fell around her face, and one strand fell in front of her face. Smiling awkwardly, she stayed still.
'Well shit,' She thought, freezing as the man froze. The gambler lost to a woman, and he was furious. A WOMAN beat his ass in poker, a men's game.
The saloon was dead silent as the sound of her hat hit the ground seemingly echoed.
"Now, sir, there's no need to violent its just poker," She said, trying to wiggle her arm free, only for the man to tighten his hold. 'Okay, maybe I'll need Jesse for this,' She thought, glancing to her brother and his friend.
"You beat me in my game. No one ever beats me," the gambler growled, grabbing his gun and bringing it to her temple. The man's words sent Billy's mind to the night Carlos was shot for winning and for being Mexican. He wasn't having a repeat of that. Before he could think, Billy spun his gun out of the holster, shooting the hole through a broken window, hitting an old crate which exploded due to the force of the bullet hitting such a delicate and old thing.
The sound grabbed everyone's attention, even the gambler who dropped his gun in surprise. The saloon was still in silence, watching Billy's next move.
"Let her go," He said, moving his gun and aiming it at the man's head. The mystery woman smirked in approval of Billy, liking how he was handling it. "I don't wanna have to kill you, so just let her go."
Out of pure fear, the man dropped his gun and let go of her, causing her to fall onto the floor with a hard thud.
Standing up, she brushed the dirt off her jeans and grabbed her hat, swiping the dust off.
"Gentleman," She commented after a moment of silence and bowing, exiting the saloon with Jesse behind her and Billy behind both of them.
As the three walked in awkward silence, she put her hat on, ignoring the stares from other women at her boyish appearance, aside from her cerulean eyes and ginger locks that had been pulled into a braid down her back.
"I suppose I should thank you," She uttered, smiling towards Billy and turning to walk backward, now following Jesse based on the sound of his footsteps.
"'S nothin'," Billy told her, shrugging as he walked behind her, but noticing her bruised arm as she pulled her over shirt off to check on the bruise. "You gonna be okay?"
"Oh I'll be fine," She answered, shrugging off his concern. "This ain't nothin' compared to my last man."
"Last man?" He repeated, staring at her puzzled. "What happened to him?"
"Jesse ran him out of town for trying to marry me while I was seventeen. Stopped him from rapin' me too," She commented. "Ex was awful."
Billy stared at her, surprised at how she could be so calm about it. Then he thought of something; she was so calm about it as if it was nothin' more than picking flowers by a river. It reminded him of how calm and unbothered he is to murdering, at least small animals and people who truly deserved it. He smirked a little before extending his hand to her to shake.
"Billy Antrim."
"Violet Evans."
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 months
Demon- San
Pairing- San x Named Reader
Word count- 2.9k
Includes- Demon San (not literal demon), Dom San, San is strong, cock riding, reverse cowgirl, wall sex, blow job, deep throating, face fucking, cum eating, abs riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, so much fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @onlyupark @bellamuerte1987 @marirose25
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝San Masterlist
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"Sannie...can..can... I cum now?", she whines, her hips moving, bouncing up and down my cock
"Nope", I answer, watching her ass bounce, her hole taking my cock so easily as she's completely drenched
"Nope baby girl", I grunt, "You just had to be a bad girl and try to get me jealous didn't you?"
Flirting with the guys right in front of me
Knowing I'd get jealous
"I wasn't-"
She's silenced by the hard slap I give her ass
"Don't lie to me. You made me jealous on purpose. Not nice", I growl, "So take your punishment like a good slut"
She whines, her cunt completely creaming my entire cock and leaving an erotic white ring around my base
So pretty
She's been riding me in the reverse cowgirl position for about half an hour
And she's almost cum so many times but I'm not letting her
She knows she can't cum until I tell her
She wanted to play the fuck around and find out game
Now she's finding out
Her pussy unclenches from my cock as she tries to hold back her orgasm
"Good girl. Ride my cock"
I let the intense pleasure of her tight throbbing cunt wash over me again and again, my eyes glued to her little hole taking me in, straining around my cock
I'm a little too big for her but she stretches widely to get around me
She bottoms me out every bounce, my cock going so deep into her, she says she can feel it in her tummy
My naekkeo is so beautiful, I was shocked that she existed the first time I saw her
And when I found out she was sweet, kind, caring, hilarious, I fell for her immediately
But she has a dark side too, a teasing side that comes out sometimes
The teasing I can do without, but the dark side I'm good with
That comes out when we're fucking and she's fucking kinky
Like right now, I know she wants to cum but she loves when I deny it to her
She loves when I tell her what to do, when to cum, how to move
And I'm all for it
She plays on my cock, her cunt taking me in and rocking on me, using my head to rub her spot, her cunt clenching so fucking tightly its sending mind blowing bliss through my body
"Sannie please!"
"Aww does baby girl wanna cum?", I mock
"Yes Sannie"
"Hmm, then maybe baby girl shouldn't have made me jealous"
"I'm sorry! I'll be a good girl!", she cries, riding me so hard, her pussy is a blur on my cock, squeezing me so hard, I know she's right there
"Hmm fine I'll let you cum", I smirk, getting an idea
"Hold it", I growl, "Not yet"
She whines but I slap her ass again to make her quiet
Her ass is so cute all red
"You can cum naekkeo, but not on my cock"
"What?", she squeals, looking at me over her shoulder, tears pouring down her face from her many orgasm denials
"When you're gonna cum you get off my cock and rub your little clit on my abs. Then you can cum"
"But but but....I wanna...wanna throb on your hard cock"
I shrug, "Should of thought about that before you flirting with the guys"
"It's that or you don't cum at all"
Her wet eyes widen shaking her head, "I wanna cum. I'll cum your way"
"Yes, you will"
She bounces harder, bringing herself right there and I wait to see if she's going to listen to me
She cries out loudly, getting off my cock, moving back on me
I tighten my abs for her as she humps them, her clit sliding along my muscles
Her clit is so swollen, I feel it throbbing against my skin, making my cock harder than I thought possible
Her sloppy hole clenches around nothing and while she doesn't deserve to cum on my cock, I don't like seeing that little hole empty
So I move my hand, shoving three fingers in her hole and pumping them in and out of her pussy
"Sannie!", she whines, still rubbing her clit on me, her hole clenching my fingers so tightly
"Good girl. Cum for me", I demand, my fingers slamming her spot
"San!", she screams, her body shaking hard
Her pussy gushes out creamy squirt, making me smirk
Pulling my fingers out, I watch her soak my stomach and chest, decorating me so prettily
"Good girl", I murmur, watching her hole, her little body shake on top of me
When she finishes, I push my fingers deep inside her then pull out, running her cream down and over her pretty pussy lips
Goddamn, my girlfriend has the prettiest cunt I've ever seen in my life
I shake my head, taking myself out of the trance I was in
Slapping her ass, I tell her, "Off"
She immediately moves, sitting next to me on the bed
Standing up, I maneuver her so she's laying across the bed, her head hanging off the bed
Standing over her, I smirk
"Gonna fuck that tight little throat so hard baby girl"
Her eyes meet mine and she smirks, "There's my demon"
I just smirk wider, knowing she loves when I get like this
I've seen what ATINYs say
They put me in the demon line for performances
And she calls me her demon when I fuck her rough and hard
To be fair, I do feel the same things I feel on stage when I fuck her like this, so it's accurate
And I know she made me jealous to bring this out of me
Only performing and her can bring this out of me
Grabbing her chin, I angle her head the way I want, then demand, "Open your mouth"
She immediately listens, her mouth open wide and I push my head inside her
She starts sucking, her tongue swiping and licking between sucks, sending pleasure running up my spine
"Good girl. Such a good cock slut for me", I praise her, moving my hands on her boobs, squeezing
I let her have her fun and such my dick for a minute then I tell her to stop and keep her mouth open
She does and I shove my cock in her mouth and down her throat in one stroke
She chokes, her throat bulging so prettily, her body arching
"That's it baby. Relax for me", I tell her, rubbing her throat
She holds me in her throat, her body settling on the bed
"Good girl"
I can't hold back anymore and I start to move, short thrusts in and out of her mouth
Her throat constricts around my cock when she chokes and it feels so fucking incredible
"Such a fucking good mouth", I praise her, holding my cock down her throat, her mouth sucking hard, "Knows just what I like, what I want"
I pull back slightly, signaling for her to stop sucking
Her mouth slackens as I resume thrusting, this time pulling out to my head then barreling back in
There's so much spit everywhere, falling down her face, globs clinging to my cock when I pull out
It's so erotic and so fucking pretty to watch
She moans as I pummel her throat, fucking her like I'd fuck her cunt
Stopping so she can breathe again, I take her hand and put it on her clit
"Play with yourself for me", I order
Her hand immediately moves as I resume thrusting
I pinch and tug on her nipples at the same time, making her moan loudly, the vibrations running up my cock and into my body
Fuck, it feels so good
"Fuck naekkeo, your throat is so tight baby. Don't know which I love fucking more, you're cunt or your throat", I whine, increasing my speed
She whimpers, her hand moving faster but I know she can't cum from touching herself anymore
She needs me to touch her
Says I ruined masturbating for her
Which is fine by me, I love getting her off
I keep moving, so fucking close
"Gonna cum down your throat", I groan, "Gonna swallow all my cum for me?"
"Mmmm hmmm", she moans loudly
"Fuck, fuck, Joanne!", I cry, sheathing my cock in her throat, my length throbbing as I cum
Her mouth automatically sucks on me, swallowing around my shaft as I squeeze her tits, feeling her hard nipples in my palm, massive bliss taking over me
"Yes baby, fuck, swallow", I cry, "Good girl, fuck best mouth. Fuck"
When I finish, I pull out, then move my hands under her neck, holding her head up
She wiggles a little down the bed so I can lay her head on it as she sucks in air, still swallowing over and over
I rub her neck gently, "Ok baby?"
She nods, her wet eyes looking at me, "Yeah Sannie"
I smile, wiping her eyes, then kissing her lips softly
"Did you cum?", I ask
She shakes her head, "It's not working"
I chuckle darkly, "I'll make you cum"
Climbing on top of her in a 69 position, I slap her hand away, then lean down and pull her clit in my mouth
Sucking immediately, I moan around her throbbing bump, loving how swollen it is, how easily it is for me to play with it
"Sannie", she cries, her hands gripping the sides of my body
I go hard, sucking and biting her clit, slurping around her, like I can't get enough because I can't
Her cries of my name fuel me to go harder, making her cum the only thing in my head
Sucking hard, she screams my name as she cums, her body arching and shaking under me
I suck her through it, wanting to keep her clit in my mouth forever
When she finishes, I groan around her clit when my cock enters her warm tight mouth again
She bottoms me out, sucking softly, throwing me in pleasure
Pulling off her clit, I grab her legs, pulling them up, so her ass is off the bed
Keeping her legs open, I lick along her slit, tasting her cream, moaning loudly
Thank god she's so flexible
I keep moving my tongue, licking up and down rapidly, desperately as her mouth makes my cock harder and harder
Kissing her cunt once, I continue swiping my tongue over and over between her sweet puffy pussy lips, reveling in the way she tastes, the way she feels
As I slide my tongue down, the tip slips into her hole, her legs shaking hard in my hands
Hmmm, she likes that
I keep fucking her with the tip of my tongue, feeling her little hole clench hard
Each throb on my tongue sends pleasure to my hardening cock, just adding to what her mouth is doing
I dip into her hole again and as she tightens around my tongue, she screams on my cock, coming
I moan into her pussy, her cream surrounding my tongue and I lick as fast as I can to get all of her sweet cum
Fuck, the way she tastes is so fucking good, I swear I can eat her pussy all day, drink her cum all day
When she finishes, I lay her back down on the bed and pull out of her mouth
I immediately walk around the bed, lean down and pick her up
Her legs and arms wrap around me tightly as I lean against the wall, plunging deep into her pussy
I crash my lips to hers, kissing her hungrily, wildly, my tongue down her throat
She kisses me the same way as I fall into her
I move my arm, one at a time, under her knees then grip her hips
Lifting her up, I move her up and down my cock, the feeling of her tight cunt spreading open so fucking good
Breaking the kiss, I press my lips to her neck as she yelps with each thrust into her spot
"Fuck this pussy is so fucking good", I growl, "Drenching me like a waterfall. My cock feel that good?"
She nods, biting her lip, "So good Sannie"
"Mmm your pussy feels amazing baby. Always so good for me"
Her cunt pulses blissfully around my dick, keeping me in ecstacy
"Gonna cum for me?", I demand as I split her wide open, "Hmmm? This pussy wants to cum for my cock. Wants to soak me in cum"
She nods, whining, sobbing from pleasure
"So cum for me, my little slut", I growl
Shoving her down my shaft, she screams my name, squirt exploding from her cunt
Her fingers grip my shoulders so hard, her legs shaking
"Yes baby, so fucking pretty", I whimper, watching her pussy cum
Such a pretty little hole, straining around my shaft
When she finishes, I turn her around, pressing her against the wall, thrusting my cock deeply into her welcoming cunt
"Sannie!", she sobs, so pretty
"Yes naekkeo. That's it baby", I praise her, "Cry for my cock. Fuck, love those tears baby. So goddamn beautiful crying on my cock"
"Sannie", she repeats, her head against the wall, her eyes closed, sweat dripping from her hair against her gorgeous skin
God, she's a beautiful stunning sight
"Yeah baby, take my cock like a good whore", I growl, thrusting into her at the speed of light, bottoming out every time, "Split open for me, cream my cock good. Do you hear how loud this cunt is for my cock?"
The squelching sounds are so fucking loud, making a beautiful soundtrack
I glance down, moaning loudly from how much cream is around my cock, dripping down to the floor
"Mmm my creamy pussy is the best", I groan, "Decorating my cock so prettily"
"Sannie!!! I...I...."
"Mmm yeah", I urge her, "Cum for my cock and I'll fill your pussy for you"
She nods, sobbing out my name as she cums, shaking violently against the wall, cream pouring from her like her pussy is a faucet
"Yes fuck! Joanne! Fuck!", I yell, stars blasting in my vision, mind shattering ecstacy slamming into me as I bury my cock inside, shooting my cum into her throbbing orgasming pussy, "Yes baby, take it all. Fuck this pussy is so good. Fuck, milk my cock naekkeo, yes fuck"
Each pulse of her pussy sends pleasure running up my spine as her cunt sucks the cum from my cock
As we both finish, I lean against her, pulling her legs back around my waist, one at a time
I press kisses to her face, pushing her hair out of her face
Then I press my lips to hers in a gentle, sweet kiss, her lips kissing me back
I live for her kisses
It's awhile before we pulls away, both of us smiling at each other
"I love you", I tell her
Her hand cups my face, her thumb stroking my cheek, smiling softly, "I love you Sannie. More than anything"
I nod, "Me too naekkeo. I love you more than anything"
She smiles wider, kissing my lips softly
Then she lays her head on my shoulder, nuzzling into my neck
I move my arm under her ass, holding her against me
I walk from her room to the bathroom
Holding her tightly, I turn on the water in the tub getting a good temperature
Then I pull up the lever to keep the water from draining
She's breathing softly in my neck and I know she fell asleep
I just smile as I walk to her cabinet and take out one of her bath bomb balls
She loves these things and no joke has like thirty of them at any given time
This one is purple, a lavender something
I only know, from her, that lavender is supposed to be for sleeping and calming....I think
Getting the thing open, I toss it into the tub, then wait for it to fill up more
Once it's full, I shut the water off, then very carefully, get into the tub with her
Sitting down, I move her so she's sitting in my lap, her head still on my shoulder
Thank god she has a bigger tub than normal
She's a huge bath girl and made sure her apartment had a bigger tub with more room
She can literally stay in the tub for hours
I move my hands to her thighs, gently squeezing and massaging them, knowing she's sore
She rode me for like 45 minutes, then I had her legs spread again for like an hour
She needs a massage and more than that she deserves it
"Mmm Sannie?", she whispers, stirring in my arms
"Yeah baby"
"Where....", she trails off sleepily
"The tub baby"
"Staying for awhile? Yeah naekkeo", I answer
"Ok", she says softly, starting to move off me
"Stay baby", I tell her, tightening my arm around her, "I'm taking care of you ok?"
"Shh it's ok baby", I say, kissing her forehead, "I'm gonna massage you, clean us up then cuddle you in bed ok? All you have to do is relax and sleep"
I want to take care of her
I love doing it
We take care of each other but tonight she needs it more than me
"Ok naekkeo?"
She nods, her head dropping back on my shoulder, "Yeah Sannie. Thank you"
"Always baby", I tell her, kissing her forehead again
"I love you", she murmurs, pressing a kiss to my neck
"I love you", I tell her, smiling as I cuddle her
She falls asleep almost immediately and I just stay in the warm tub with her, holding my naekkeo
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