#but kaine and aracely also would be lol
Me:  oh, I want to participate in @benreillymonth but I have so many things to catch up on and a con to prepare for....
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Me:  oh no....  I need to draw Janine and Ben like this....
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softgrungeprophet · 4 months
think i'm gonna give kaine a service dog when he's older...
the real question is... what would it be named...?
(thinking a dobie but still not sure if male or female...)
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 8 months
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This is Peter's "move your arm before I kill you" face 😄 aka his "I only agreed to stand here to make my aunt happy and would rather be anywhere else" face.
EDIT: decided to change the eyeshine color lol
closeups and a bonus doodle below:
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say cheeeeese!!! (left to right: flash, janine, aracely)
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I realized while drawing this that I accidentally put the boys in left-to-right order from least- to most-fucked up face 😂 Ben and his perfect nose 🙄🤣 IDK what he's saying but probably something engineered specifically to make Peter mad.
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He's smiling. 🙂💢 See? Busted nose. Turns out I also put them in order of "least to most traumatized," now that I think about it... Peter is a little less uptight by 2016 but... only a little. He might even not be wearing the costume under his clothes.
I know you're probably thinking "how the fuck is Ben less traumatized than Peter?" but in this case it's true. Ben is the most well-adjusted of them all. Comparatively.
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Kaine is definitely wearing his costume under his clothes. Head to toe coverage, no skin except face and hands basically ever. When I sat down to sketch this pic this morning I realized that he probably doesn't like having his picture taken, because he has very bad self-esteem (understatement) and lots of scars, but probably also for Warren reasons, as essentially an ex-lab specimen. So he's hiding.
His hair would be in the process of growing back out from a buzzcut, if it's November 2016... so a bit longer than his shoulders, most likely.
If it wasn't like, May's idea to take the pic and Janine w/ the camera Kaine would not be tolerating this. He'd either leave or break the camera LOL but... if May wants a pic... he can at least pretend to be in it.
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Miss Maybelle... The only one in the pic who doesn't have anything weird going on (ah, her strange nephews and their strange eyes). She has an O2 tank though. Her lungs are not very strong after 2012 because ummmm... Kaine stabbed her in the chest. (He apologized, it's fine 😓😅)
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Ben's tan lines 😂 peter has 'em too but Peter is all covered up obv. Peter's neck tan line is actually way higher up though, because his costume has a higher neckline so he has to wear higher collars/scarves/whatever even if he rolls the neck down. But (not pictured) Peter's arms are more tan than Ben's because Ben's Scarlet sleeves are longer than Peter's Spidey sleeves. Obv Ben isn't wearing (the top of) his costume in this pic though. and they can both roll the sleeves up anyway.
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That's the watch Peter got May for her birthday in 2007 btw. Actually the color is wrong because I didn't bother to check my own #lore but also because I almost forgot to color it at all (lol whoops) so I was just like. It's purple, I remember that much. But the strap is supposed to be "pale violet linen."
I also almost forgot to draw Peter's wedding band entirely 😂 Luckily I remembered! lol
Kaine is wearing a kilt, by the way (over jeans or leggings or something probably... well, maybe not leggings if his costume is underneath...) My goal is for him to find a different way of expressing his masculinity. related to why i am sticking to pink for his theme color (for costume etc.) and letting him grow his hair back out. I think he probably has some genders going on but not in the way that Flash has. He's not a girl. More like he wants to be nothing at all... null gender... etc... but also he doesn't have the language for that and would likely push back against it because of the way he was treated by Warren and the issues he has with like. personhood and manhood... but experimenting with (expensive) clothing is a way for him to explore his own autonomy in spite of that treatment and a way to learn to hate himself a little bit less, maybe, even though he's still very insecure.
he also has a "nazi punks fuck off" shirt, but... he wouldn't wear that to thanksgiving with aunt may... probably. I'm sure his leather jacket is around here somewhere...
i picked thanksgiving arbitrarily btw 😂 it just made the most sense as a reason for may to force i mean ask them all to come over and get pictures and stuff. kaine leaves nyc in 2012 following ben and only comes back for good in 2016, but when he and aracely first come up in the summer there's a bunch of stuff happening so it makes sense to do fall, once it's settled down...
May: Oh, by the way Peter, I invited your... brothers... to Thanksgiving. Peter: You did WHAT?!
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spider-mar2004 · 2 months
🕸❤𝕎𝕖𝕓𝕓𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤💙🕸
ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 - ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘
[I was eating at lunch,but i was also craving of many other foods so got some idea of these! This is all pure fluff!]
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𝕂𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣
- Okay since Kaine he used eat a lot already done food, usually like pizzas since by the Houston era. So at the start he was very bad at cooking, like clumsy and he ended angry because his patience gone.
- His first food he finally learnt could be fried eggs, poor dude but we can't blame him.
- Afortunately as he became couple of Marlette, he knew cook the basic so phew, soldier safe.
- But his habit of eat pizzas from Houston won't leave, although he had to control himself because too many calories.
- Kaine seems a lot like he loves eat meat, actually he can eat a semi-raw beef without a problem, dude has an iron stomach.
- He always prepares the breakfast, commonly he does smoothes for him and his lady because fast, easy and healthy.
- Yep, he can also be those persons when smells smoke from the food they go crazy.
- Doesn't like sweet things, he very rarely eat sweets.
- Sometimes he offers a bit of his food to Marlette, this man loves share with her in anything. <3
- He doesn't know cook pasta, he tried but his pasta was awful according his partner, i mean what he expected? His woman is half italian, a pasta lover, so, his pasta, not approved!
- Oooh god, Kaine actually is picky! I mean he can eat anything even rocks (jk) but, depends who cooks it, i have a feeling that Kaine ordered just pizzas from one pizzeria so.
- Spicy food lover? Not really but yes he can handle it really well.
- Don't give this man sushi, seems like he hates it because finds it gross.
- The foods that can kill Kaine in love, are apart of pizzas, italian food and latinamerican gastronomy, he will go feral with his woman and adopted daughter's food. (Somehow Aracely can cook but not a lot, but yes simple).
- Yep, he is also those needing a snack at 3 AM.
- Youtube tutorials, that's it.
𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 𝕊𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒
- Not a professional chief, but she cooks really good.
- She mostly knows cook italian, venezuelan (although a bit rarely does) and basic food basically.
- Doesn't know cook cakes and anything, only normal sweets like gelatin, flan, etc.
- Black Beans hater, the smell also pisses her off.
- When Kaine gave his first pasta to her? Well her reaction was basically when you break the raw pasta in half before cook and suddenly a wild angry italian appears.
- Fish lover, give her fish and she will go aarRrfFf (not too crazy but yes she really loves fish).
- Shares her food only with her Kaine, not to others, with others she is territorial.
- Favorite sweet? Dark chocolate cocoa. Totally.
- Better ask her if she allows get a piece of her favorite things, she can be a lil selfish sometimes.
- No thanks, not fan of fried food, i mean she can eat some but everyday? Hell naw she would throw up.
- Her metabolism is a bit slow but she eats well don't worry.
- Since Kaine does the breakfast, she does the lunch and they together cook the dinner.
- Sometimes, when they are alone, she likes tease Kaine with the pasta for mimic that classic scene of the movie "The Lady and the Tramp".
- Prefers fully the home-made food than the street one.
- She had a strict diet after give birth Oliver, she needed be alright, get her figure back and br healthy again.
- If you deny her food, she will force you eat it, cause she cooked it specially for you and she won't throw the food to the trash, many kids wishes a plate of food. :(
- Empty things like sauce, butter, etc? Latina mother life hacks, "Wait is not empty! There is a little can save a lunch.", i don't know explain but, uh i guess you know lol.
- "Don't even dare put your hair on the food, put your hair up." Correct, she HATES see at least a hair on it.
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flashfuture · 3 years
Dick and Peter would get along very well and have common topics of conversation. I mean, little brothers who died and periodically tried to kill you? ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶a̶l̶l̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ Meanwhile, Jason and Kaine in the background show each other a photo of Tyler and Aracely lol
Kaine being just the best dilf in Marvel. Him and Aracely are so cute. Plus in MC2 Kaine looked after Reilly so yeah this man is a dad. (Also marvel give us Reilly. Janine/Elizabeth could have had him before Ben died that time)
Kaine and Jason being drinking buddies is such a meme I love it. Jason trying to square up against Kaine who’s taller and wider than him plus does the whole angst thing better. 
Jason: and then I died when I was 15 after my birth mom sold me to the Joker and I was savagely beaten. I crawled my way out of my own grave and was taken by assassins before I decided to terrorize my city in revenge against my father 
Kaine: mm I was cloned and came out wrong so I was left to die by my father. and then after years of murder and mayhem trying to kill one of my brothers it varied on the daily, my body was breaking down horribly but I died to protect my brother and crawled out of my grave but I also came back as a giant spider monster. then i went to Houston found my kid, got killed by werewolves protecting her and came back possessed by a spider totem which turned me into a giant spider mosnter. and then i died later after being killed by spider vampires or whatever but i got better almost died of a zombie disease but I found the cure. pretty sure my brother got me killed again and Death herself brought me back. I can’t keep track Ben’s died way more than i have so I don’t complain
Jason: Fuck
Kaine: Wait till you meet Logan or Johnny and Danny those two are fucked up 
Like objectively I think Marvel characters get dragged through more shit lol. 
Dick and Peter just doing tricks and shit. Miles would also like Dick a lot. I feel like Miles and Dick both fall on the smart but not super-genius scale. Which Peter is the jock nerd lol. He’d rather punch people than do science but when he does science damn 
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rael-rider · 4 years
For the (predictable) question in the Ask meme, I shall say...New Warriors in 001 (Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:).
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Richard Rider (I’m predictable) but I love almost all the New Warriors.
Least Favorite character: Hindsight Lad, honestly I can’t make myself like him. I even felt bad for Andrew Chord when he had to betray the team but Hindsight Lad? Fuck him.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Rich and Nita, Vance and Angelica (first volume only, writers kind of ruined it later on), Vance and Kaine, Silhouette and Dwayne, I was liking Robbie and Aracely but it didn’t go anywhere. Also, this is more than five, but I could definitely see Nita and Angelica as well as Vance and Robbie.
Character I find most attractive: This is a hard one because the original New Warriors (and I include Silhouette) are all attractive.
Character I would marry: Namorita, definitely Nita.
Character I would be best friends with: Angelica and Silhouette
a random thought:
An unpopular opinion: New Warriors deserve love and respect seems to be an unpopular opinion with most of Marvel. Within the New Warriors fandom tho? I don’t think I have one, I guess I don’t care much for the NW stuff outside the first volume and Yost’s run. Is that unpopular? I don’t know
My Canon OTP: Rich and Nita. Honestly those two had chemistry with most of the team but I just loved their relationship.
My Non-canon OTP: I don’t think I have one.
Most Badass Character: Dwayne Taylor. This guy has no powers and a skateboard and yet he kicks so much ass that both the Punisher and Maestro were worried that this man with sick skating skills was going to take them down. He’s Batman but more badass since Bruce has to keep a scary image as Batman but Dwayne doesn’t give a shit what you think of him and people often underestimate him because he skates.
Most Epic Villain: Mad Thinker because he ended up having a soft spot for the Warriors and in his own way cared for them which made me like him (and if it was up to me I would have a story where he goes and kidnaps all of the Warriors for the purpose of just having a nice chat to see how they’re doing, he cares). I mean he’s still a villain and does villain things but he likes the Warriors and anyone who likes the Warriors is Epic.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Nita and Johnny Storm, technically happened outside the New Warriors but I couldn’t get into it and them getting together was just “We’re both famous”. Had no chemistry. I think everything that involves Hindsight Lad I would hate.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): One character? They were all screwed over past vol. 1 I think only Rich managed to save himself from Civil War thanks to Annihilation and managed to escape a lot of the shit the other Warriors still get from that event *cough* Outlawed*cough*.
Favourite Friendship: The original Warriors have the best friendship all together I like them all. I guess I was finding myself thinking about Dwayne and Rich’s friendship and how unique it is in Rich’s life. It has some echoes of Batman and Superman and the importance of trusting people and getting to know them past first impressions. Dwayne is secretive and rough around the edges which drives someone like Rich bonkers. Plus Dwayne did risk Rich’s life when they met and it took Rich awhile to forgive him but after Starlost Saga, the stuff with the Sphinx, and them being the people they are today, I think Dwayne could ask Rich to do something dangerous and be semi secretive about it and Rich would know there’s a good reason for it. I could continue talking about them more but I’m making this too long already.
Character I most identify with: Speedball was me when I was a kid, the stuff with his parents and his loneliness kind of hit home except I wasn’t in a rich household.
Character I wish I could be: They’re waaaaay to cool for me to be one of them. Lol.
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 5 months
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I'm posting this now because I'm impatient and also because I just got that commission done by jerribbit (go look at it and admire it 🥰) which is based off of the same thumbnail as this drawing (lol) 'cause I had one of those moments like, "wait this concept is too good for me to not also draw this picture," so even though I paid someone else to draw it, I decided to also draw it. But expanded upon.
anyway it's AU-related and I plan to actually put this in a post with some other images later but I have to like, draw the other images first...
these are both Kaine as he looks in Houston in windowverse; left in mid-october or thereabouts and right in mid-november ish. 2015. he's 26/27/28/6 years old depending on how you start counting. (lol) (he's 27 and a half)
originally, I was gonna put his costume underneath, but I ended up deciding to bare his neck, just for the like... cohesion of the image as a whole.
closeups/details under the cut:
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left pic is Kaine in mid-October ish as mentioned, mid-to-late really... he ran out of medication and he's not doing so hot. some breakthrough spots as his immune system kicks back into gear.
some of those spots (the little ones) are just from picking at his skin though.
then he gets eaten by werewolves.
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also shaves his head. the white pupil is a cataract he's had for a few years at this point. a combo of meds + physical trauma when he was a few years younger.
also it turns out shaving a character's face and making his cheeks rounder really shaves off the years.
he may be going through some shit and adjusting to new medications and so on and so forth but at least he's eating enough ❤️
stop chewing your lips dude. anyway i spent at least an hour on coloring his scars in the second pic lmao, i just enjoy that. Like, lighting? no. texturing? yes. it's just a bunch of overlapping marks of cain. mark of cains. handprints :) a la Spider-Man: Redemption.
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opposite side obviously.
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some red hairs in his scraggly little beard :p
his voice is fried, for the record. that scar is right over his voice box. it's like five years old though, so it's well-healed.
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and then it gets even more fried, probably. this relatively fresh extremely gnarly scar is from getting his throat ripped out by a werewolf lol.
He died! Then he got better. Obv being eaten by werewolves is directly lifted from his Scarlet Spider solo, though not everything is identical.
i had to bullshit the way it looks also cause idk about you but it seems like asking for trouble to try and google, like, "scars from wolf mauling" or something. lmao.
in the windowverse setting, the Other heals injuries but existing scars stay put, and in this case the life-threatening injuries he sustained made new scars rather than healing away to smooth skin, on account of, hey, he got torn limb from limb by werewolves! not exactly a papercut, you know???
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admire his hair. the only reason it's not one big fluff is because of his expensive hair products.
oh yeah blue pullover hoodie because that's what Ben has :)
and the charcoal gray hoodie is a $345 Derek Rose hoodie he got from Saks after Aracely decided that she liked his blue hoodie and it's hers now.
oh right as far as his age goes—
this pic is, as mentioned, how he looks in fall 2015.
he was ''born'' on 4/1/2009 (so if you must be literal he's 6 years old)
he reached 22 the day after Peter's 22nd birthday (10/31/2009) (so he's 28)
but his 22nd birthday wasn't until 4/1/2010 (so he's 27)
according to the birth certificate wally gets made for him in this au he was born on 4/1/1989 (so he's legally 26)
He usually counts from his observed 22nd birthday in 2010 so generally he would consider himself 27 at this point. as long as he can remember his fake birth year it doesn't matter if he forgets what age he's ''supposed'' to be and since he was born in 2009 technically that makes 1989 much easier to remember.
also aracely was born in 1999 in this universe so this makes her both 10 years older than and 10 years younger than him :) which was another factor in why i picked 1989
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 7 months
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some silly AU doodling...
I thought it would be fun to send them to the renaissance festival... especially since I cannot send them to the rodeo due to the timing of specific events in-universe 😅 and hey, an excuse to put Kaine in a skirt 😂😂
Also I thought it would be fun(ny) if either Donald or Wally went all the way in on the costume theme. I picked Donald because he had a fancier shirt at the rodeo in the comics LOL but the idea of Wally being extremely dressed up is also very funny to me... instead he looks like a square. because he is a square.
oh yeah here's one without the dog so you can see wally's socks:
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i have a scene where kaine ends up at the petting zoo w/ aracely, petting a bunny, and i wanted to sketch it but the sketch turned out bad so i'm not posting that
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also smth silly i've had half done in my files for like two months at least lol
McLaren 650S... Spider. 🥁📀 the plan is that Kaine gets one it custom with his duffel bags of stolen cash lol
("spider" just means convertible fyi)
obviously unlike in 616, when he meets Aracely in this universe he is still scarred etc. and the head shaving is a bit of an inverse in that it's bad for his mental health but eh you know.
literally all of that happens in 2015, then I guess he and Aracely go west and then probably send the two of them to NYC around the time the spiders start popping off a year after Man-Spider (so, summer 2016)—car itself he buys nov 2015 but it isn't finished til feb 2016.
anyway he also has a black motorcycle for a bit
this drawing was just so i could get a better idea of the color scheme and so on... i didn't bother doing any detailed texturing (and like it says i did trace it 😂) but irl normally this car has carbon fiber accents like, on the rear and on the front fender/grille area and also all over the console inside (obv not visible here) but kaine's—since it's already customized all over—would have black glass instead of carbon fiber for all those parts. plus real leather upholstery rather than alcantara. also the dead pedal and gas and brake pedals are the same neon berry blue as the brake calipers and the steering wheel spokes.
and yes his rims are black 😂
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anyway why pink? aracely made him do it. why? because "pink is his favorite color" according to her. really i'm just dedicated to the mostly black and pink for kaine... lol
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
i know the kind of endpoint of grim hunt is about peter not succumbing to his dark side etc however i may feel about some of the phrasing (i enjoyed the whole comic but it also did a pet peeve of mine that some of my other favorite comics... have also done...) (conflating peter's anger etc w lack of humanity rather than abundance of it and emphasizing his ~pure heart~) (deeply uncomfortable to me) (tho i DO think it made sense in non-stop since losing his humanity and mental faculties or w/e does inherently mean losing control so i felt that made a lot of sense since peter has to control himself so consciously and purposefully)
i think for the au that doesn't quite work. i mean-- not that it would be hard to edit the single smutfic that mentions peter killing sasha (which i prob will need to edit eventually anyway depending on how i change those circumstances and if i change the person involved). there are definitely elements of it and KLH that i think will make (have already made) it in there but thinking about best way to do it i'm not 100% sure yet.
i do know i'll def be keeping peter's shoulder getting broken as i have in my notes rn esp after reading the scene where kraven dislocates peter's shoulder right before peter shatters his collarbone
also thinking about the time peter did kill someone (accidentally)... hmm... (which time?! 😂 (charlemagne))
there are def aspects of this that DON'T work for my au that wouldn't make sense to include, mainly because it would be taking place literally like 20 years after kaine has met aracely rather than before unless i moved it significantly earlier (which i'd rather not do even if there was room for it) so i don't think it would make sense for him to take peter's place, unless i guess as final proof of his growth but he has like... stuff to live for lol, and also i'm not doing basically any mysticism in this au (at least not the spider kind) though there will at least be some spider people around, so this whole... woven web of interconnectedness doesn't necessarily fit... there's always mysterio and the chameleon though, i guess...
as it was before i read GH it was like, peter kills her because if he doesn't, she'll kill him... but boy you know i love when he gets scary though... would have to really think about how this fits together though... if MGH is involved etc... the fact that it's only 5 years before he actually is killed also probably important to keep in mind though i don't think the two incidents are necessarily directly connected
i guess in some ways that is like the last stand but in most ways it's... not really? i don't plan on him becoming a killing machine or anything though i think there's always interesting potential in a story that explores that specific brand of peter's ruthlessness...
i guess we'll see 🤔🤔
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