#but like the same person but theres two of them across timelines
duncedoodles · 9 months
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It mattered for naught what the Dunce chose. The second that damned vial slipped into their sights, all sense of self was as good as dead. Sometimes, worse.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Hii! Idk if you've ever done something similar, but what do you think about TADC x Skater! Reader? Like, Reader always have their skates on, like it's a part of their digital costume or smth. And i really mean ALWAYS. Someone spilled water on the floor? Reader slips down. They go on an adventure and a part of the floor is inclined? (Like a hill for example) There goes reader down the hill. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Btw, i really love your page, keep it up and don't overwork yourself
TADC cast x rollerskater!reader
Anon I am so so so sorry !! I dont know if I personally got jumbled up or my inbox has been wonky silly goofy or I just got thrown off because of so many people sending stuff in, but I also missed this as well as some other requests 😭😭
This one may be a little short since I've never skated <\3
Written this as more platonic leaning !
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Probably poofs himself his own rollerskates, literally the only time you see him on the ground and it's so weird to look at. You guys both slip and fall because bubble wiped themselves across the floor or something
Obviously leads to bubble getting popped
Honestly seeing caine struggle to keep steady while using the rollerskates is... very funny.. look at his lil legs wobble (tell anyone and he will tilt the ground of the next IHA)
Honestly she would probably slip on the floor too if its wet or has marbles. She looks like she would comically fall over, with her legs flinging straight up into the air before plopping down
Looks at you confused as you visibly try to calculate how fast this one little slope will make you go, she probably forgets you have skater feet in the beginning
Subconsciously tries to grab and stop you when you start rolling, but because shes so small you just drag her with you
Theres that squeaky noise as shes being dragged across the floor
Yk the sound
Throws marbles on the floor as well as other things that can make you stumble or slip... probably soaps up the floor.. thank god hes just a circus rmemeber and not like, a ringmaster... this dude would tolt the floor in so many different angles just to fuck with you... thankfully, he cant do that!
Though in another timeline... perhaps you werent so lucky...
Not much to be said here, with the bit with zooble in the pilot (the arm thing), jax is more than ready to use peoples unique digital qualities to please him or mess with them, and you being his friend only makes you slightly less likely to be messed with
Keeps a hand on your shoulder when she notices the floor is tilted, tends to walk with you while holding your shoulder still. She can only imagine what it's like to be s victim of slopes.. it would drive her nuts.. as long as shes around shes going to do her damndest to make sure you dont roll away or slip... unless jax literally throws marbles in front of you two at the very last second because who can predict that..?
In any case where theres an IHA with a DEEP slope I think she just might resort to carrying you so you dont go FLYING down
Okay you guys might not have the same issues but they can relate to you in the jax department, with him using your qualities to his advantage. Its absolute hell.. I think it would be this shared thing that leads to you guys building a relationship in the first place
That one meme where it's two people at the bar and they overhear each other saying "I hate (x)" then they start making out
Thats you guys ranting about the bunny/j
Offered you some parts before realizing that you cant swap out your limbs like they can
"Ah, bummer"
Has probably asked you why you dont just take them off when you vent to him about jax putting marbles on the floor. Kind of sounds like when people say shit such as "oh you're depressed? Just cheer up!" But like, kinger says it in a genuinely.. not malicious or tone deaf way.. like I dontt think he knows, or perhaps he thinks you're like zooble with detachable limbs and you have another pair of feet hanging around somewhere
Gives a soft "oh.. " when you demonstrate that they are attatched to you
Offers to let you strap pillows to yourself to soften any blows when you fall, let's you have his softest and thickest pillows... what do you mean it throws off your balance...?
You have probably accidentally rammed into her after misjudging how steep a hill on the ground was
Good news! She stopped your momentum!
Bad news, shes all tangled up in your skates (owie!) And her comedy mask is broken (oh no!)
Please be careful getting her out. We don't want her ribbons to tear or get damaged, we cant have our girl start fraying!
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wormfunkie · 2 months
masked au timeline ramblings
last one promise. i just gotta ramble this botched masked au timeline somewhere before it disappears from my brain forever
ok so green escapes the mask of ice without silver. same events occur in her kanto arc right, by the johto volumes she feels confident enough to try and stop the masked man and starts her investigation in johto trying to find him (and hopefully run into silver cuz i personally feel like she would doing this to try and get him out of the situation to)
alright cool so SOMEONE (probably yellow) is going to be given a chance to come across celebi and send those notes back to oak and elm right. so gold still encounters silver at elm's lab, except silver is actually there to get those notes of celebi and the two so end up battling it out with their starters. alright cool after silver tells pryce he didn't get the notes because gold took them off of him and he had to get away before the cops where there right.
so gold decides to track down silver same thing meets oak gets the Pokedex ya ya
oak mentions those notes gold recovered from silver were important notes about specifically celebi in ilex forest. which gold is not far away from and goes there. pryce is there and takes gold's team hostage and also threatens his mom cuz he knows they live in new bark. (he does not appreciate that gold saved those notes) but he does give gold the option to join him or fight. gold decides to join the mask of ice instead (is already decided at this point yeah he's gotta get some sweet revenge)
once gold gets in eventually he befriends silver and the two of them start trying to snoop and plan a betrayal and their freedom
great cool NOW we flip over to crystal. so oak and elm get gold's Pokedex from a citizen who came across it in the woods and are like AYE YO WHAT HAPPENEDDDD so they had already planned on interviewing crystal (same as in the manga events) to take the Pokedex but during their meeting they admit there has already been the disappearance of another dex holder and they don't feel safe letting her take over right now considering that fact. but crystals like nah b I'll find him! AND I'll get those notes back and bring whoever took them to the cops. (they give her the pokedex but are very unsure about letting her investigation, she does it anyway)
so she meddles a little to much and Pryce is getting real tired of the shinanigans by this point straight up tells her via like some kind of anon message like you know what I'm attacking the academy you work at because you are in my way. by the time she's able to get back there hafe the schoolhouse has already been destroyed. the principal blames Crystal for this dude bringing down his wraith on the school. and top it off crystal looses the fight to Pryce. she offers to join the group if he just leaves the schoolhouse alone.
(but does tell him straight up like yeah I'm gonna train under you and get stronger but when I'm stronger than you your ass is grass) Pryce still agrees to this.
once she's in and gold and silver are sure they can trust her, they let her in on the whole "hey wanna toss this guy in the pit" betrayal.
i feel like the rest of the mangas key parts can be carried along by the kanto dex holders because they know the masked man is part of the gym leaders closer towards the end there anyway. and in the final battle gold, silver and crystal realize that the kanto dex holders are also willing to battle against pryce and just sort of join them in the fight. butttt they force pryce into the time space place in celebis shrine so he can't come back.
into the pit he goes :-) i cannot stand him
i crave a really emotionally charged reunion between them and their moms (and sister for silver) cuz man
there you go theres the time line. see why i wouldn't have remembered this if I didn't ramble it somewhere?
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ooh for the drabble prompt thing theres a few that i think could be fun, up to you if you want to do just one or combine them. 5 “I didn’t mean it like that.” 19 “Just breathe, sweetheart.” and 44 “What’s your 5-year plan for this?”. personally im a rooster girlie so id love it with rooster and rebel but whatever gets your creative juices flowing
prompts from this list of drabbles!
characters from same mistakes-verse
5. "I didn't mean it like that."
19. "Just breathe, sweetheart."
44. "What's your 5-year plan for this?"
warnings: swearing, angst, miscommunication, canon-established insecurities, idk if this is obvious but this happens early on the timeline
word count: 1,114
It hadn’t started out as a fight. Really, it hadn't. You’re not sure what had even set the two of you off but now you were standing in the kitchen of the Bradshaw home, arguing with your boyfriend. 
Squabbling was more like it. 
Whatever had set the two of you off, you were certain it was insignificant. Both of you had had long days, were tired and stressed, and yet you had continued to pick and pick and pick, ever-searching for a reason to push him away. Ever-trying to give him a reason to leave, to take off, to prove what you’d always known: that eventually, sooner or later, he’d leave. He’d wake up and realize what you’d known all along, that you weren’t good enough, that he deserved more, better, than what you could offer him. 
You think you may have finally done it this time. 
“Jesus Christ, you make this so hard sometimes.” He groans, running a hand through his hair. He looks tired, worn to the bone, and you swallow the guilt. 
This is your fault. 
“If I make it so hard, then you should go find someone who makes it easy.” You shoot back and his eyes narrow. 
“You act like you don’t even want to be with me half the time.” 
Well that stung. 
You scoff, deflecting from the hurt that had just ripped across your heart. “It’s hard to act like I want to be with you when I’m not even sure you want to be in this relationship in the first place! I mean, c’mon, what’s your 5-year plan for this? We both know this isn’t a forever thing for you.” 
He throws his hands up in the air. “Here we go again. Here we go, always doubting me. Always acting like I’m not serious about you, like I don’t want to be with you. Makes me feel like shit sweetheart.” The way he says sweetheart drips of sickly sweetness, poison beneath the words, and it makes your jaw tighten. He turns back to the counter, resting his palms against it. He sighs, squeezing his eyes shut.“You know what, maybe it’s best we take some time apart.”
You swallow, turning your head away from him as tears prick at your eyes. “Fine.” Your voice is thick with tears, making them impossible to hide, and he turns his head to look at you, his features softening. 
“No, if you want me to leave, that’s fine.” You say, straightening up and crossing your arms.
After all, this is what you had wanted... right?
He sighs, moving closer to you. “I just think we need some space from each other.”
Wasn’t space usually what they asked for before they broke up with you? A delaying of the inevitable? 
You take a step back from him, moving away from his outstretched arm. “Whatever you want.” Your voice is tight and you know you’re not fooling him. 
“Honey, I just think-”
“You know what, if you’re going to break up with me, just have the balls to do it now. Don’t save my feelings by drawing it out. Just break my heart and go.” 
The cracks are beginning to form around your heart and more tears rush to the surface at the words. You bite your lip to keep them from falling, willing yourself to save at least a little bit of your pride and dignity. You can lick your wounds later, but right now... right now you needed to be strong. 
This is what you had wanted... right? 
Confusion flickers across his face. “What’re you talking about?”
You let out a watery chuckle. “God, are you really going to make me spell it out for you? Fine, if you’re so cruel.” You take a shaky breath, trying to steel yourself but it does little to alleviate the tears that are coming on fast. In fact, it only makes the words harder to get out. “You know, space is what you ask for from someone you know you’re gonna break up with but don’t have the heart to do it yet. Time apart is what you tell someone when you know you’ll never figure things out but pretend anyways. Jesus, I’ve always known our relationship was on a timer but at least- at least have the decency to let me go properly.” 
The tears take over and your chest crumples in on itself as you shoulders begin to heave with sobs. The tears slips down your cheeks, the drops leaving tracks in their wake. You want to wipe away the tears, turn and leave, but all you can do is bow your head as you continue to cry.
You hear him walk closer to you, gingerly touching you. When you don’t move away, don’t flinch back, he slowly wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. The tears are falling on to his shirt now, creating a warm, salty, wet patch as one of his hands come up to tangle in your hair. The other settles on your shoulder, gently rubbing back and forth. “Just breathe sweetheart.” He whispers, tucking his head on top of yours.
You’re not sure how long he stands there, holding you, letting you cry, but he doesn’t speak again until the sobs have subsided, turning from full body heaves to hiccups to nothing but shaky breathing. 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” He finally whispers, never once letting you go. “I just meant that we should take time apart tonight because we’re both angry and tired and we weren’t going to accomplish anything by fighting with one another.” 
Well now you felt a little stupid. You swallow, embarrassed, and try to pull away from him. His hands fall to your waist, not letting you go far. “Sorry, I’ll... yeah, I’ll leave. We can talk about this later.” 
You swallow, feeling the tears threaten to well back up. “No, really it’s okay. You’re right. I’m sorry I...” You take a shuddering breath. “’M sorry I had a meltdown. I’ll head home.” 
His hands fall from your waist, his eyes looking you over as you take a step back. “I mean, if you want to go...” 
“You’re right, we’re not gonna accomplish nothing tonight. So maybe you’re right that it’s best we spend the night apart.” He lets out his own deep breath, looking up at the ceiling as you move past him to grab your keys off the counter. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” He responds without turning to face you. You sigh, swallowing back another wave of tears. 
“Okay, goodnight.” You whisper softly. 
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jackiietaylor · 1 year
잔 ── hello ੭ ask
ᰋ ː ՞ hello everything is fine? first I would like to say that: your tumblr is amazing and beautiful!
ᰋ ː ՞ second I would like to know if you could tell me how you make your gifs and the quality of them. please. 🪺
hi!! im doing good, hope you are as well. and thank you <3
sorry it took me a few days to get everything together. but here's a basic tutorial of how i make gifs:
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to start, i explained here what programs i use and how i choose source videos to gif. that link is actually an old tutorial I put together about my gif making process, but ive changed a few things since then that i think improve quality so i figured i would explain everything instead of just the changes . for the things that have stayed the same ill just be copying and pasting
so there's a few parts that ill go over here:
importing frames
converting frames to layers
to start, go to file>script>load files into stack
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this is where you’re going to load in the screencaps you just took. go to browse, then select the first screencap and hold down shift until you select the last screencap, then hit ok
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after that, i crop my gifs using the crop tool on the side of the screen. on the top of the screen i usually select square, but the exact size and shape depend on what exactly im making
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next I go to image > image size. tumblrs standard width for single gifs is 540p, so thats almost always what you'll use for width
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so here's where we actually start to make the picture move. to begin, click "create frame animation" at the bottom of the screen. this is what it looks like once you've done that
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next, go to the three horizontal lines across from the word “timeline” at the bottom. once that menu opens, click “make frames from layers” at this point the gif is backwards, so you’ll want to go back to that same menu and click “reverse frames.” I forgot to take a screenshot of this point, but you should see more individual frames in the timeline now - however many you imported during the first step
now that your gif’s frames in the correct order, you can set frame delay. select all the frames in the timeline, then right click. i almost always set frame delay to .05, but if i have less than ~20 frames ill set it to 0.06    
next, click the symbol in the bottom left corner (you can see it in the photo above) to convert the frames to a video timeline. after this, on the bottom right side, select each layer of the gif under the “layers” tab. right click, then select “convert to smart object.” this is what your screen should look like before converting:
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once you've converted your layers to a smart object, you can begin sharpening. this is the stage that can really improve the quality of your gif, especially if the source itself wasn't great.
for example, this is what my gif looks like before i begin:
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i personally sharpen my gifs four times. to start, my settings are 500% at 0.4px:
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next, i repeat the same steps, except my settings are 10% at 10px
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i then repeat those two steps again, so my third sharpen is 500% at 0.4px and my fourth sharpen is 10% at 10px. here's what it looks like after the third:
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so theres really two parts to coloring. first is adjusting the lighting, and second is adjusting the color. the amount of adjusting you do will depend on what exactly you're working on. for example, for this, im not really adjusting the colors, just fixing the lighting.
to add adjustment layers, you can either  1. go to layer>add adjustment layer>select the layer type 2. pick a layer type from the icons on the right side (above the layer list)
i always start with a curves layer. the key to this is using the bottom dropper tool on the right side (see below image) to select the lightest layer in the gif. personally, i always zoom in on the characters eye, because theres usually a white speck from the reflected light. your other option is just clicking "auto" and photoshop will make the adjustment for you.
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next is brightness. for this, i almost always just hit auto
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next is layers, and i use the same technique mentioned under curves
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once these are done, i add a selective color layer specifically to increase black. to do this, i create the layer, go to black, and then increase black to whatever i think looks best. this is another way to try to improve quality, as it can kinda make the gif look sharper
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next i added a vibrance layer. for this, i increase both the vibrance and saturation to make the colors stand out more.
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after i added the vibrance, i realized that her face looked a little too saturated compared to how i wanted it, so i corrected it with an additional selection color layer in which i went to red and decrease the magenta and yellow a little, and then did the same under yellow. when you gif people, a lot of times you'll have to play around and figure out how to correct skintone, because sometimes adjusting lighting can make it look a little unnatural. in my experience, the easiest way to do this is by adjusting the red and yellow tones either under hue/saturation or selective color.
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next, i added an exposure layer to the gif to brighten it a little more. ill usually always add this at the end because so many shows are so dark that giving it that final additional brightness can make a difference
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once you’re done coloring, you can save your gif. to do this, go to file>export>save for web (legacy)
the save settings i use are perceptual, diffusion, colors: 256, dither: 100%, quality: bicubic sharper
also, the gif size limit for tumblr is 10M, so make sure your gifs are all under that size. if they’re too big, you can either adjust the image size on the save page (or while making the gif) or shorten the gif. i would recommend shortening the gif because adjusting the image will decrease the quality  
i hope this was helpful!! i tried to explain everything as much as i could, but let me know if theres anything you'd like me to explain more :)
and here's the first and last version of the gif, so you can see them side by side:
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(also, i created the "tutorial" gif at the top way after i made the rest of the examples, so i dont have the full tutorial for it. but basically this is what i did:
selective color 3: green > +100% cyan +100% yellow -100% magenta, yellow > +100% cyan +100% yellow -100% magenta, then used the brush tool in black to paint over her face, getting as close to her surroundings as possible to remove the excess yellow
hue/saturation 2: green saturation +45
hue/saturation 3: green hue -60
the text effect i explain here
and the box is made by hitting "command" + clicking on the base layer of your gif > adding a new layer > "stroke" (edit > stroke) > choosing your settings, and then adjusting to the size you need)
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ariapmdeol · 3 years
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introducing @gavinom​ and I’s DSMP Parahuman AU!! This is a superpowers AU based on Worm, a web serial by wildbow!!
This is a superpowers AU,,, with a VERY complicated story. There are 3 or 4 main POV/plotlines:
Tommy and Tubbo’s plotline
Techno and Phil’s plotline
Dream’s plotline
Wilbur’s plotline
also niki’s plotline bc i appreciate her so much
they’re all very heavily interconnected! There’s a connection chart here, but there’s much more detailed explanations under the cut!
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basic worldbuilding info: the city that this story focuses on (Dream SMP) is run by the Dream Team! They’re a group of villains who took over the city after it was being badly mismanaged by corrupt officials. Dream has connections to Cauldron (human experimentation group looking to create artificial powers). SBI + everyone else all live in this city! Powers are common and have a classification system shown below, and people with powers are called Capes! Capes are divided into Heroes, Villains, and Rogues (who are neither heroes or villains). People get powers when they experience an emotionally charged or traumatic event or events called a Trigger Event! These events shape what kind of power the cape gains!
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SBI Tommy and Wilbur are both Philza’s biological kids! Philza is a researcher with long hours, Wilbur takes care of Tommy, but all of them have something else going on! ages: Tommy: 16 wilbur: 21 philza minecraft: early 40′s?
PHILZA - Mover 4 Philza is a researcher working for an organization called Cauldron. Cauldron is experimenting on people in order to understand and create powers artificially! As he ends up more and more involved with both the research on powers and the affected people (called Case 53′s), including technoblade, he decides that he cannot tolerate this anymore, and plans to break techno and others out! He steals a vial labelled ‘Zephyrus’, drinks it, and ends up with wings! He and techno break out, unlock a ton of other cells (including Ranboo’s!), and end up on the run. However, both his sons are left behind... After months of being on the run, he and Techno finally decide that it’s safe enough to return. But hang on, why is the house so empty? And did someone just open the door?
Technoblade - Tinker, Brute 3 technoblade is one of Cauldron’s Case 53′s! His power is a Tinker power, which means that he can invent things! However, he can only invent what chat decides is necessary. This is seen as an EXTREMELY overpowered and rare ability. Most Tinkers have some kind of specialty that they’re limited to, or some other restriction that limits their Ability-Driven inventiveness. Techno’s only limit is his Chat, which can be convinced into a certain direction. He also has had a lot of physical changes like gaining claws, tusks, hooves, and a tail! Techno also has increased regeneration and resistance! He’s fiercely overprotective of Phil and the two of them are best friends! After months on the run, he and Phil return to Phil’s home, but something is off... Is that a Tinker’s lab?!
Tommy - Trump 6 and Tubbo - Tinker (Drones), Master 3 Tommy’s plotline is technically our main POV! He really admires his older brother a ton! Philza’s spent a lot of time away from home, so Wilbur ended up looking after Tommy a lot, especially after Phil went missing... wonder where he went? About a month after Phil vanished, Wilbur starts spending a lot of time away from home too, so Tommy spends most of his time with Tubbo! When Tubbo got his powers, it was... not a good day. Tubbo hadn’t been having an easy time at school, and it all kind of... got to be too much, so he triggered. However, they both quickly realized that Tubbo had gotten a Tinker power! He creates and can manipulate Drones without a remote being necessary! The two of them immediately decided to become heroes, and started making costumes and hero names and stopping minor crime! Very quickly though, they got into a situation that was too much for them. Tubbo got badly injured, and Tommy triggered his ability for the first time. Tommy has the ability to boost the abilities of people he cares about! He makes them stronger and loosens some of the restrictions on their powers. Tommy and Tubbo continue trying to be heroes when they come across Ranboo, and take him home with them! Hm? it looks like someone else is inside already, who could that be?
Wilbur - Master 4, Thinker 3 Wilbur is a very charismatic and scheming character! He cares a ton about his family, and does his best to look after Tommy. He’s bitter and angry at Phil for essentially leaving him to take care of Tommy so often, and he triggered after Phil’s funeral, over a month after Phil first vanished. His ability is illusion based! He can project illusions into someone’s mind, and can read people very VERY well. He realizes that his power is definitely a powerful one, and ends up becoming a villain! He goes to Dream, and asks for some territory to prove himself as a leader (and bc villainy is profitable shhh). Dream agrees, and Phantasm becomes leader of a territory called L’Manburg. On his villain team are niki, eret, and fundy! He doesn’t want to involve Tommy or Tubbo in this whole thing, and he has no idea that either of them are Capes. He ends up spending more and more time outside the house and running his territory. Fundy ends up looking up to him as a sort of older brother/father figure, and when Fundy ends up without a place to go, Wilbur sets him up in their villain HQ! When he comes home, he immediately notices something is up. His power had suddenly gotten... stronger? He opens the door and sees...Philza? 
Dream - Master 7, Tinker(?), Striker 2 Dream has the power to possess objects that he touches! He uses this +  custom Puppets to act as the unkillable leader of the Dream Team! Dream is heavily involved with Cauldron, and personally oversaw Ranboo’s experimentation. He and Philza knew each other as civilians, and he knows that Philza stole a serum from Cauldron, but Phil doesn’t know that he’s Dream, just that he works for Cauldron! Sapnap and George both don’t know about his involvement in Cauldron, though. Dream is looking for Techno, and wants to convince him to get on his side. He has yet to meet someone who can beat him and his ability, after all! That’s part of why he gives Wilbur territory to look after so easily - he’s confident in his ability to take Wilbur down. However, things might be more difficult than he assumes... As a bit of a side note, both Awesamdude and 5up are rogues, but he hires both of them for jobs and such!
fundy and 5up are in a ML style love square! 5up has a crush on Fundy’s villain identity, while Fundy has a crush on 5up’s civilian identity!
niki and ranboo are siblings! she became a villain with Wilbur to look for him. Ranboo has been missing for a very VERY long time, and doesn’t remember anything before Cauldron!
5up also tends to help out Tommy and Tubbo a lot? He saved them from a situation that was UH.. VERY OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE pretty early on, and decided “welp time to become a big brother”! he’s been teaching them how to fight, and Tubbo is really having fun with it
all the plotlines collide on the same night. Phil and Techno come home at the same night that Tommy and Tubbo are bringing Ranboo home, Wilbur’s been out for the past week and is only now JUST coming home after getting Fundy settled, and none of them know about the other person’s powers at all
it’s CHAOS because Phil’s been assumed dead and has just come back with WINGS and a tall and intimidating Technoblade, who immediately pulls a sword on them, Tommy and Tubbo still are in costume, Ranboo recognizes Techno and Phil as the guys who broke him out, and WILBUR is realizing that he’s missed a hell of a lot
and NO ONE KNOWS that ranboo is the one niki is looking for! not even ranboo
theres like. a whole timeline to this that i still need to draw/write out but TRUST US WE HAVE A PLAN
George is a Precog who gets prophetic dreams! They’re primarily impressions though, and he’s ended up in someone else’s dreams a couple times... If he uses his ability too much, he gets insomnia!
karl and quackity are both there too i just havent planned their part yet!!
sapnap is a high Breaker/Brute/Striker cape, I just haven’t narrowed down the specifics yet!
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stupidzeldaaus · 3 years
Okay- here we go-
The Steampunk Minish AU
I'll leave a whole bunch of explanations under the cut because it's a mess. There's a lot....
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Okay getting the minish themselves out of the way first- these are just three of them.
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So first off is the minish girl with a mini guardian sword. She's the reason it turned into spirit tracks brainrot so it was fitting to give her an outfit based off of the engineers outfit.
She has a grappling hook as well, which is mostly for scaling up tables, chairs, and bookshelves in the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. And the guardian sword, due to being effective against guardians, is used to sever connections inside of them.
I had a sibling ask (around the vaatea au) if the minish used acorns as coffee cups so she has coffee in an acorn. She needs it.
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Next is this guy. I honestly haven't put much thought into him except he's probably alot older than he looks. Also I think he'd vibe with Robbie in Akkala. Those goggles he has probably move like Robbies do as well.
He was also the one who made the little guardian sword.
Oh and his tail is under his clothes. It's probably so it doesn't get in the way.
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Alright- my personal favorite and also the one that will probably out me on discord cause they're based off another OC I've already shown off and do not shut up about. Anyway, they're a ray of sunshine.
So they seem to carry a lot of tools on them, some of which can't be seen. They also have a lot of belts on their jacket, which, while it seems like just a fashion statement, I think they have a use. Most likely for holding more tools. The big pockets probably have tiny nuts bolts and screws. Also snacks. They gotta make sure their partner didn't just have coffee for breakfast.
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So Purah. She's actually pretty important since, not only is she a scientist, she can see them all as well. I had a theory a while back that she turned into a child to study minish and then that was cut from the game. She can see them but, can't quite understand them at that point. Maybe she makes a translator or finds a jabber nut later.
The minish trying to explain something here might be the first based off of handedness but also might be the first ones mother. The first picture has her speaking minish while the bottom has her drawing out a wrench, glasses, and a sword. The sword might be in reference to the minish cap.
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Yep. They still wear leaf cloaks. But they're more for camouflage now. Botw may not have cats that I know of but they do have birds that typically eat mice. And the manga did show that yep animals can see the minish pretty well actually.
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Alright- the fun part! It's mostly going to be explanation since- guardians...
Robbie studied guardians mostly so its probably his research that gave the minish the knowledge on their inner workings.
So the first picture has who I think is a younger version of the second minish.
We saw where Link had trouble climbing up sheikah walls and the minish probably had the same problem.
Theres one scene from secret world of Arrietty where they use double sided tape for climbing, and i wanted to use that but I didn't think tape was a thing invented in the zelda universe. And (after an adult timeline and beyond quest) SURE ENOUGH- Spirit Tracks wellspring station. Also possibly Purah or Robbies labs. So... I guess that can be a thing...
Secondly is the guardian labeled dead. It's been taken down. One thing I should mention- I'd like to think that if the active guardian stalkers are closer to towns or roads used regularly there's probably more of a chance that they'd be immobilized.
Plus the thought of the scene from revenge of the sith, with the AT-AT, would probably be cool with a guardian.
The guardians probably would go even more haywire than they already were while trying to shut them down and it's probably better if there isn't a giant spider robot running into one of the stables.
Link ran into this guardian, and knows he didn't take it down. So who or what did...?
There's a third unfinished doodle that I couldn't bring myself to finish, mainly because i couldn't figure out anything about the inside of a guardian. What I know is that there are gears, shafts, springs, and cores. I wanted initially to let them meet the hylian champion but- this link is more of an adult and he probably can't see them.
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Finally- I did say it devolved into spirit tracks.
The first picture is a book on New Hyrule, which is covering the Spirit Train, The Hero of Spirits, and Byrne apparently. This book might have been lost somewhere in Hyrule Castle, since I'd like to believe the royal family would keep track of all the legends and history of Hyrule.
Finally, the final picture.
So the minish girl (Okay they all really need names...) is trying to decide on how to power the train. Sheikah technology or Lokomo technology. Two very different technologies.
They are not the same. Not even remotely.
The train she's in the middle of sketching was from the ST concept art. Apparently the book she was reading didn't have much on steam power.
(But that doesn't mean it's the only book. If I had to guess there's most likely a few more books on the technology from new hyrule.)
I'd like to have eventually a train going from Akkala to Hatenos lab, and eventually go across all of Hyrule
Anyway thanks for reading through! I know it was a mess.
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birdsareblooming · 4 years
Infinite is connected to Solaris
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This is gonna be a long one, strap in.
Infinite, Infinite, Infinite. The most recent in-game villain, and the most powerful in recent history as well. Despite being only around 3 years old, he’s become extremely popular. and half of that is because of the song.
Mephiles, Iblis, and Solaris. Villains over 10 years old that haven’t been used since their original game appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Or... have they?
Now I want to say before all of this, this all could be coincidences, me being delusional, or something otherwise. It is ONLY a theory, but for something as crazy as I’m claiming I need to preface with this for my own sanity. 
But i’m gonna cut the bullshit. You’re here to see how I am going to bs my way to saying that Infinite the Jackal is connected to a dead god from what is regarded as the worst Sonic game. 
And, like most of these, I need to start with some house cleaning, some things you need to understand.
1. Time Eater is Mephiles
You might have seen me meme about this before...
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...But yeah that’s exactly the situation.
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I had theorized this before I knew Ian Flynn thought the same thing. Their identical color-schemes, almost identical aesthetic, and completely identical power-set. 
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Even the name Time-Eater, that was Mephiles, and Solaris’s goal. To eat time. 
2. Ifrit is Iblis
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Now i’m going to assume you have two questions
If Time Eater is Mephiles, than where’s his counterpart, Iblis?
Who the fuck is Ifrit
Long and Short, 
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But, more importantly, 
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Ifrit is what caused Silver’s Future post Sonic 06.
Ifirit was their retcon for keeping Silver’s future the way it is (even though they defeat it at the end of sonic rivals 2, causing the future to not be that way, hence why Silver was 3 conflicting backstories. Thanks guys.)
So, when it comes to fire demon that destroys the world and causes the future that Silver the hedgehog lives in, that’s a good amount of evidence already, especially with the preface that Mephiles is alive in the form of Time-Eater. If Mephiles was reborn, why wouldn’t also Iblis? and Ifirit is so uncannily similar theres no other candidate. 
also, might I add:
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(thanks @zorloser​)
For you who don’t know, Ifrit’s story ended being re-trapped in it’s pocket dimension with Eggman Nega. 
3. The Phantom Ruby
The Phantom Ruby... Oh, the Phantom Ruby.
A very new addition to Sonic, and yet very important. It was the leading mcguffin of two games, and is made out to be very powerful. 
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yes I know that’s a lot up there, but you need to understand the Phantom Ruby to fully understand this theory. 
It’s also very important that Eggman didn’t create the Phantom Ruby as he claims. He created Infinite, not the stone attached to him. Despite there being prototypes, which does confuse me, but from what info we’re given from the wiki the Phantom Ruby seems to have come from Classic Sonic’s universe, even retreating there after the events of Forces. This is also confirmed in Episode Shadow:
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Although, Eggman did name it, seemingly on a whim.
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~Tangent Time~
Despite being CALLED a Ruby by Eggman, the Phantom Ruby doesn't LOOK like a ruby, despite being magenta.
Rubies CAN be dark even to the point of being Black, but never connected. They’re usually just one shade.
(And don’t you dare say “The chaos emeralds don’t look like emeralds bc they’re not green. They’re all TECHNICALLY emeralds, they’re part of the beryl family, and even if only green beryls are called emeralds, they are all the exact shades of beryl.)
But what the Phantom Ruby DOES look like, is obsidian. 
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note this for later.
4. Infinite
For those who don’t fully know Infinite’s backstory, it’s expanded upon on the wiki and Rise of Infinite 
Now that we’re all on the same page, lets continue to him now. 
Lovingly referred to as the “Masked Clown.” Infinite goes about the entirety of Sonic Forces revealing nothing of himself, the only things we know about him are from Episode Shadow and Rise of Infinite. We don’t even see his real face in-game. 
Although we have enough to know that his personality changed post Phantom Ruby, it’s even mentioned on the Wiki. Although how much of that change was spurred on by being beat up by a 15 year old, we’ll probably never know. 
Although his goal has always been the same. Starting the planet over as a desolate wasteland. What a fun dude to be around. Probably the life of the party.
5. Connections
(i’m using Mephiles and Time-Eater intermittently, same with Iblis and Ifrit.) 
Alright, now we’re all on the same page. Let’s move on.
I’m going to play a game we’ve played before. I’m going to name something about Infinite or the Phantom Ruby, and add something that’s eerily simmilar to Solaris (Mephiles + Iblis)
All of this Info can be found on the Sonic Wiki
Phantom Ruby: -It is an interdimensional gemstone of incredible power- Ifrit: It is an interdimensional, demonic fire-creature of incredible power- (wow those are, the same description huh)
Infinite: -After Infinite's fusion with the finalized Phantom Ruby prototype, he acquired the ability to generate, destroy, and manipulate virtual realities, which he could turn into virtual reality projections to interact with reality.[32] Said virtual realities are illusions, which Infinite creates by exercising control of one's visual and depth perception by feeding the brain false information- Ifrit: -Described as capable of binding one's soul, the Ifrit can enslave others with powerful mind control powers.- -Ifrit, which manages to use some kind of mind control on Sonic and/or Tails (or Knuckles and/or Rouge, depending on which team the player is controlling), but is defeated by the other teams, and is destroyed.-
Infinite: -Infinite's newfound strength proved so great that he was able to effortlessly defeat figures like E-123 Omega and Silver the Hedgehog, and ultimately best even Sonic the Hedgehog twice. He was even able to single-handedly overwhelm the entire Resistance army during Operation Big Wave. His power was such that not even the Miles Electric was able to give an accurate reading of his capabilities.[31] Time Eater: -the Time Eater has demonstrated immense super strength; even in its incomplete form, it easily knocked Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic unconscious with a single hit. After being completed, the Time Eater was able to effortlessly repel both Classic and Modern Sonic's and knock them out using brute force alone-
Phantom Ruby:  Its powers can also warp the fabric of space-time,[1] allowing it to create pocket dimensions such as Egg Reverie Zone and Null Space, as well as teleport entities from place to place. When used alongside the Chaos Emeralds' time-space powers, it transported Classic Sonic and itself to another dimension, and later sucked Dr. Eggman into a rift- Time Eater: Its signature skill however, is creating "Time Holes",[8] spacial rifts that lead to any point across time and space, including alternate timelines and across different dimensions.
Infinite: When everything you know has come and gone (You are at your lowest, I am rising higher) Only scars remain of who I was (What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire) When there's no one left to carry on (This is an illusion, open up your eyes and...) This pain persists, I can't resist But that's what it takes to be infinite Solaris: -Much like his two halves, Iblis and Mephiles, Solaris is immortal and virtually indestructible.- -As a transcendent life form, Solaris possesses a unique state of existence that lets him exist in the past, present and future simultaneously, making him omnipresent throughout time and virtually impossible to defeat unless he is attacked simultaneously in all eras-
Possible reach:
Phantom Ruby:
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(I’m refering to the odd red-stone in the middle, also that the wings somewhat resemble Infinite’s sword.)
~Tangent Time~
remember the first tangent? Where I meantioned that the Phantom “Ruby” looked more like obsidian than a ruby?
Well someone else looks like a certain type of obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian to be exact:
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Alright Reaching time over. 
Now you might have noticed that the Ifrit-Infinite connections seemed to fit just a bit more-Maybe it was just me- even down to the Phantom Ruby and Ifrit’s OPENING DESCRIPTION being almost copy/paste, which i’m still amazed at.
This get’s to the next part of my theory.
6. Where are they (Mephiles/Iblis) now?
Welcome to~ where are they now!
Mephiles, or Time-Eater, So far is undocumented. It’s said they were “Destoryed” at the end of Sonic Generations, but for all we know it was just the machine additions, and Mephiles was “destoryed” over 10 years ago and he started kicking again.
Iblis, or Ifrit, was locked in it’s own pocket dimention along with Nega, and hasn’t been seen since...or have they?
haha that’s a callback! Do you remember the beginning of this post or is it too mindbogglingly long for your brain to comprehend in one sitting? 
7. The Phantom Ruby is Iblis/Ifrit
let’s talk about the power set of the Phantom Ruby. Interdimentional, very powerful, capable of some kind of mind fuckery.
Ifrit is, Interdimentional, very powerful, capable of some kind of mind fuckery, immortal and is constantly on fire,
You may be wondering about this “Fire” thing. “Solaris was a sun god and infinite has no connection-” WRONG! 
sorry that was forceful.
Infinite used a very specific and strange method to destroy the planet. He made an illusion of the sun, and set it on the planet. Out of all the methods, and interesting choice to be sure. But not for a sun god.
also: “What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire”
“What are you saying you dumb bitch?” You might be thinking. First of all, rude, second of all, I’m saying that the power inside the Phantom Ruby IS Iblis/Ifrit, hence their connection.
Before I get to timeline and other stuff, some minor things:
The decision to have Infinite take on specifically Silver, and showing Silver being able to withstand a fight against him for a good amount of time, as well as giving them a minor repertoire, which no other seemingly “unconnected” Resistance Fighters get. 
the name “Infinite” fitting the naming scheme if “Iblis and Ifrit” and you know how this franchise is about naming schemes.
Now, where we last left Ifrit he was trapped in a pocket dimension with Nega. 
Where we first find the Phantom Ruby is “In Sonic Mania, the Phantom Ruby appeared on Angel Island after a dimensional breach occurred in the atmosphere.” (via sonic wiki)
Now, it is kinda hard to connect those two lines, but the dimensional causation is there. 
(I could add an ENTIRE subsection of me trying to connected Mephiles to the time-traveling nature of Little Planet, therefore connecting Solaris to Classic Sonic’s world ((and “fun is infinite)) but this theory doesn’t need to be any longer and I cannot physically do any more research.) 
it’s possible Ifrit would be trapped, Mephiles was trapped in the Scepter of Darkness, so it’s more possible than impossible. 
But, Imma be fully honest with you guys, Most of this is because of the song.
If you haven’t heard “Infinite”, What is wrong with you. Go listen to it. Oh my god. 
But, some of the lyrics, don’t totally make sense knowing Infinite’s backstory. But it makes more sense seeing through the lens of the added Ifrit influence.
“And after all this time you're back for more“ (If talking about Shadow, it wasn’t a “long time” inbetween Infinite’s defeat and his rise. And Infinite has no stated relationship with Sonic. However, Solaris and subsequently, Iblis, do.) “When everything you know has come and gone“ “But that's what it takes to be infinite“
Even the name “Infinite.”
He chose that name after fusing to the Phantom Ruby and “ABAndoNiNg hIS pAsT SeLf” 
But, the Phantom Ruby has no connotations of immortality. None specified. it’s possible it’s power could be used to trick the user into immortality, but it’s never specified. You’d think he’d be called “Phantom” or, even, “Zero” (his working-and possibly true-name) But no. Infinite.
Now, think back to the connections earlier, and the info I took from Solaris’s wiki.
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“Omnipresent throughout time and space”
Sounds pretty “Infinite” to me.
Am I saying Infinite is the new Iblis Trigger? Yes.
Ok my fingers hurt from writing this sorry it’s so long 
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jessilyria · 4 years
Hello! This covers everything from trailers, promo pics, interviews, and articles. Pics and links will be included. The info is in vague chronological order (as much as it can be.)
Needless to say, this post contains SPOILERS and is LONG ^‿^
If you’d like a non-spoilery version with just the basic facts please check out my Umbrella Academy Timeline.
According to Steve Blackman, season 2 is about second chances and the endgame is still to stop the 2019 apocalypse (X).
The opening scene of season 2:
The siblings arrive in the past at different times, but all in the same spot - an alleyway with some dumpsters which leads out onto a high-street. 
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Noticeable locations on the high-street include a beauty salon for black people, and an electronics shop which later on closes down and becomes a base for the group.
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The order they arrive in is the order the promo pictures were released: Ben & Klaus, Allison, Luther, Diego, Vanya, Five.
It will likely take a while before the whole team is reunited, and possibly longer before the siblings begin to meet the new characters: “It was several episodes before we all started to interact with each other” (X).
Ben & Klaus land in February 1960 (X). As Klaus is sober, his powers continue to develop and he uses them to impresses some people. (X)
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"Klaus effectively starts the hippie movement off early by founding a cult whose philosophy is based on the lyrics of pop songs that have yet to be written. “Don’t go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to,” he tells one awed follower." (X)
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"Destiny's Children! Let us commune with music." *starts whistling*
But Klaus isn’t as happy as he seems in this new life of cult stardom. “He can’t deal with the praise; it’s just become strangulating.” (X)
There’s also tension between Klaus and Ben, but its unknown whether this is because of the cult, because Klaus is "trying to rekindle his relationship with Dave" (X), or because Klaus’ evolved powers mean Ben can now possess him (X). Either way, Ben’s “determined not to be invisible to the ones he loves, willing to go further than ever before to make his presence known.” (X)
As Klaus is wearing the same outfit as the promo pics (and has a long beard which he later loses), its likely the following scene takes place early on.
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Klaus: Now what? Ben: Remember when I told you the engine was overheating? Klaus: Yeah, well, being smart doesn't make you interesting. Ben: Neither does your beard.
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Ben: You think I’m just going to keep following you everywhere for another three years? Klaus: Yeah, you are my ghost-bitch, remember?
Klaus: My skin was on fire! Ben: Good! I’ve got to get to San Francisco, I have unfinished business.
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Allison is second to appear in 1961 (X). "Confused and looking for help, Allison walks into a diner and is greeted by a “Whites Only” sign, then chased across town by a group of white men until she finds sanctuary in a beauty parlour for Black women that doubles as a meeting place for civil-rights activists." (X)
Its been confirmed that the below image is from ep 1. (X)
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Have you experienced discrimination by your employer?
She meets a man named Raymond Chestnut who is a “born leader with the smarts, gravitas, and confidence to never have to prove it to anyone. He has the innate ability to disarm you with a look, and is a devoted husband.” (X)
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Luther appears on April 10th 1962 and lands on a dumpster.
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He ends up working for Jack Ruby (X), a mysterious man who owns a nightclub (and who fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald after Oswald was in custody for JFK's assassination). Luther’s job involves being a driver, bouncer, and underground fighter.
Its been confirmed that the following scene is from ep 1. (X)
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Diego appears on Sep 17th 1963. One of the first things he sees is a televised address from President JFK.
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He ends up in an insane asylum for stalking Lee Harvey Oswald and spouting “delusional claims” about JFK’s assassination (X). Its here he meets Lila Pitts, “a chameleon who can be as brilliant or as clinically insane as the situation requires”. She’s also "unpredictable, mischievous" and "sarcastic" with a "twisted sense of humour." (X)
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Vanya appears on Oct 12th 1963 (X). “She arrives and gets hit by a car, driven by a woman (Sissy). She smashes her head on the cement... She remembers her name, but nothing else.” (X)
She gets a job on a ranch as a live-in-nanny for Sissy, a "fearless, no nonsense Texas Mom" who "married young for all the wrong reasons" and is "eager to rediscover what love has to offer." (X)
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Because she has forgotten her past traumas, Vanya is “much more confident and more in touch with her emotional self” (X). She forms a unique bond with Sissy’s son, Harlan, who is non-verbal (X). Its been confirmed that the following photos are from ep 1. (X)
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Vanya: I wish I remembered something.
 Sissy: The doctor said it would take time. Don’t push yourself.
Vanya is also slowly discovering her powers on her own.
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Five appears with Hazel on Nov 15th after witnessing the world going down in nuclear explosions.
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Five: What was that? Hazel: The end of the world, November 25th 1963. Five: And where am I now? Hazel: Dallas, ten days earlier. Five: ...I need to find my family.
But of course its not going to be that easy, the Commission is still out there and “will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go.”
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In the trailer we are introduced to the head of The Commission, a fish named Carmichael. He sends three Swedish assassins, Oscar, Axel, and Otto, to hunt down Five and the others.
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At some point they acquire a milk-truck and one of them dresses as a milkman. On a location shoot, the Swedes were seen in their truck outside a house in an urban area. They check a map and one of them pumps a shotgun (X).
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Whilst searching for his siblings Five encounters a man named Elliot, an "alien obsessive (who) witnesses The Umbrella Academy's separate arrivals." He agrees to help Five find the others. (X)
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“3rd EVENT, April 10th 1962″ is above photos of Luther arriving, “September 17th 1963″ is above photos of Diego arriving, and the right column are photos of Vanya arriving still in her White Violin outfit.
Five manages to find Diego in the asylum and they have a conversation.
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Five: Listen to me very closely, you gibbering moron. You are not going to do a goddamned thing. Diego: Why not? Five: Because we have to stop the apocalypse. Diego: But that doesn't happen for another 60 years. Five: Not that apocalypse, this is a... new one. It followed us.
 Diego: *begins laughing*
At some point after this the Swedes storm the asylum.
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“Who are those guys?!”
Diego and Lila seem to make their escape from the Swedes and the asylum pretty quickly however. Its been confirmed that the below pic is from ep 2. (X)
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Based on Diego’s outfit and length of beard, the following two scenes take place around the same time. First, a heated car conversation which Five crashes.
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Diego: You don’t know anything about me! Lila: I know everything. You are an open book written for very dumb children. Diego: I am n-not trying to b-be a hero, okay? Lila: Then why are you doing this?
 Five: *appears in the backseat* Because he is an idiot. Lila: Who the hell are you? Five: Hi, I’m his loving brother. Diego: Who left me to rot in the nut-house. Five: To protect you from yourself.
 Lila: Thats quite sweet. Diego: Okay. Both of you. Out.
And second, a dark encounter with a familiar figure...
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Reginald Hargreeves & Pogo
The summary for episode 2 also mentions that “an incident at the bar leads Luther to Vanya,” and “Five finds an unsettling surprise in the film Hazel left behind,” which likely links to this image:
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Its been confirmed that the following scene is from ep3 (X). Klaus is seen emerging from a river - now confirmed to be the River Ganges in India/Bangladesh which is considered sacred and purifying (X). Considering the series spans 10 days and is set in Dallas, this scene is very likely a flashback.
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Note Ben in the background.
Klaus is also seen in similar attire in a wealthy looking house, which is potentially part of the commune where the cult operates.
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Note Klaus no longer has his long beard.
And here’s Ben in what looks like a room in the same house. It's interesting to note that Ben (or the actor) is looking straight into the camera, implying its a first person point-of-view.
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Apparently also in ep3 we have this delightful gem of Klaus being Klaus. (presumably theres a pool at the commune?).
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Episode 3 also sees the Swedes chasing Vanya in a cornfield until she uses her powers to defend herself.
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Thanks to this, Five is able to track Vanya down (X). It's been confirmed that the following pic is from episode 3. (X)
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And based on Vanya's clothes, Five then takes her to a cafe to explain a few things.
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Vanya: Are you gonna tell me what the hell's going on? Five: When you were a baby you were bought by an eccentric billionaire. He raised you in an elite academy with six other siblings with extrodinary powers, but in the year 2019 in order to avoid the apocalypse we jumped into a vortex and ended up being scattered throughout the timeline in Dallas, Texas. Vanya: ... Five: Any questions? Vanya: ... what do you mean the apocalypse?
At some point ollowing on from this (but unknown which ep) Luther and Vanya have this conversation:
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Vanya: What caused the apocalypse? Luther: ... You did... but not alone. I was part of it, we all- Vanya: How? Luther: You got angry. Lost control, you... blew up the moon. It slammed into Earth wiping out everything.
In ep3 we see both Allison and Raymond actively involved in the protests against the segregation by taking part in a sit-in (X).
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Allison: I’d like to be served, please.
 Waitress: *pointing to a Whites Only sign* Can’t you read, girl?
 Allison: Seven languages.
 Customer: Oh, you smart one, huh?
 *The door opens and many other blank protesters enter.*
 Allison: We’d like to be served, please.
However, it goes badly as "police brutally attack (the) peaceful protestors." (X).
The summary for ep3 says that “Allison reconnects with Klaus,” and in ep4 she is “searching frantically for Ray.” It seems, based on the following pics, that she finds Ray in jail and Klaus & Ben have a hand in getting him out.
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Note the word "buearu" on the window and Ray in the background.
Based on Klaus' outfit, its sometime around this point he goes on a massive bender. We see him running with a bottle of whiskey, his gleeful cult following him, and dancing in a drinks aisle.
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Note that Klaus is bleeding from his lip.
Following on from this, Klaus wakes up on Allisons floor, feeling worse for wear.
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Ben: And how are we feeling this morning? Klaus: Ugh, peaches and cream, how are you? Ben: Curious. How many more rock bottoms are you going to have to hit before you start taking care of yourself?
In episode 4 “Vanya contends with a crisis at the farm.” Could this link to her developing romance as, despite Sissy still being with her husband (X), she and Vanya begin exploring a relationship?
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The summary confirms that in ep4, “Five, Diego, and Lila crash a party at the Mexican consulate.” But the Swedes are still hot on their tail.
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Note the third Swede in the background, chasing Five?
After surviving this, they return to their base. The following pic has been confirmed as happening in ep4 (X).
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At some unknown point the Swedes (or two of them) also go after Allison, though it appears she fights back (and kills one of them?).
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"They weren't here to sell vacuums!"
Also at some unknown point, Allison and Luther have a catch up. Based on Luthers partially healed face, this is after his conversation with Vanya in ep2.
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Luther: We did it again… apparently.
 Allison: Did what again?
 Luther: Ended the world.
Also at some unknown point Vanya and Diego reconcile: “I don’t remember what I did, but I’m sorry, if that means anything,” Vanya tells Diego as he threateningly juggles a knife. “It does,” he responds, before accepting her as a confidant he can turn to for advice on how to handle his feelings for Lila. (X)
It appears that ep5 is when the whole family finally reunites. The episode summary explains how “summoned to an emergency meeting, the siblings hatch very different plans for how to spend their last 6 days on Earth.” (I have no idea what order the conversation goes in as each bit is a snippet from a different promo vid).
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Five: Klaus, is Ben here? Klaus: No, unfortunately ghosts can’t time-travel. Ben: Are you kidding me?
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Five: (I/We) really screwed the pooch on this one, the whole going back in time and getting stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is… we brought the end of the world back here with us. Klaus: Oh my god, again? My cult is gonna be so pissed. I told them we had until 2019. Five: We have until Monday.
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Klaus: Is it Vanya? Allison: Klaus! Klaus: What? Its usually Vanya.
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Vanya: None of us are supposed to be here, right? I mean, what if its us?
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Luther: Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald. Diego: Hey, you're working for Jack Ruby! Klaus: Allison has been very involved in local politics. Allison: Okay, you started a cult! Ben: Thank you!
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“We have to make it right again, before everyone and everything we know is dead.”
Following on from this, Klaus, Vanya and Allison have some bonding time in the beauty parlour.
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Vanya: How do you guys deal with this? Allison: What? Vanya: I mean all of it. Time travel. Seeing the dead...?
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Vanya: I’m gunna tell Sissy that I love her… I don’t want any secrets.
 Klaus: Yeah? Allison: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Yes. Cos, y’know, if, if its all going to go tits up the least I could do is be honest with my husband. Klaus: Oh… does that mean I have to face my cult? I just hate group breakups, thats why I stopped dating twins.
“Klaus, Vanya, and Allison end a moping session by dancing together to Twistin’ the Night Away.” (X). Its been confirmed that the following pic is from ep 5. (X)
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In episode 6, “Dave visits Klaus’ compound” and “the siblings meet their father for dinner” in a Tiki bar. Its been confirmed that the following pic is from ep 6 (X).
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An interview with the cast has them talking about ‘the elevator scene’ and how hard it was to shoot because everyone kept cracking up. (X)
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Five: All right, quick run down. Luther; super strength, Klaus can commune with the dead, Allison can rumour anyone to do anything-
 Diego: Yeah except she never uses it.
 Allison: I heard a rumour you punched yourself in the face.
 *Diego punches himself in the face.*
 Reginald: *looking at Vanya* And you?
 Luther: Uh, maybe we don’t… take Vanya for a test drive.
 Klaus: Oh yeah thats probably not a good idea…
 Vanya: What, I think I can handle it.
 *Despite everyones protests, Vanya explodes a fruit bowl.*
Based on Luther and Klaus’ outfits, the following scenes also take place sometime around the same time (ep6/7).
First, Luther pulls up to a house in an urban area, he gets out the car and has a conversation with a man (X). This is the same house where the three Swedes were seen in their milk-truck at night.
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Note the gun and flask on the seat.
Next, Allison and Raymond deal with a body (of a Swede?) while Klaus & Ben don’t help. The summary of ep6 also mentions that Allison gives Ray a peek at her powers, which is maybe why he’s on board to deal with a body.
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But what's the big flash that startles them? Well it may have something to do with all this craziness:
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Note the chairs and people on the ceiling.
It’s hard to tell but since Ben is there, this could be Klaus being thrown backwards? The outfit certainly looks similar.
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In an interview, the cast talk about how the room had to be painted completely white (then returned to normal), and how nice it was for the character of Ben to be able to share a moment with Vanya (X). This implies Vanya looses control and Ben is able to talk her down.
At some unknown point, it looks like the siblings all return to the academy.
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Note that the background behind Klaus implies he’s sat in the same seat that he did as a child.
An interview asked the question "You all eat 'brain' at a family dinner..." (X) and in a different interview the cast talk about the brain acid trip (X). Could this be when that happens?
Either way, things likely don’t run smoothy. “Reginald still proves just as capable of preying on their deepest insecurities, while somehow leaving them attacking each other instead of him.” (X)
The summary for ep7 mentions someone named Carl issuing a warning to Vanya, and in ep8 it states that the FBI torture her, so its most likely the following images are from this time:
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The tape recorder is turned off...
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The figure from behind slaps a cloth over Vanya’s face as she takes on the appearance of The White Violin.
“A dimly lit room... Vanya is strapped to a chair. The floor is soaked with water. At the moment she is being tortured for information... After an electric shock the lights on the ceiling begin to flicker. “‘Is she doing that?’ asks a fearful FBI agent.” (X)
Also in ep7, “Five travels to 1982 to carry out his new mission”. Theres a possibility that Luther is also involved in this as a promo pic has snow surrounding the house, which I don’t think would happen in November in Dallas?
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Five: I need a spotter. Luther: What is that? Like a wingman?
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The summary for ep8 includes the fact that “Diego discovers what causes the apocalypse.”
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“Everything in our new lives is connected to the plot to assassinate the president. That can’t be a coincidence.”
The fact we see the gun Five was going to use to assassinate JFK, implies this scene takes place on Nov 22nd, 3 days before the apocalypse. And we know from the summaries that in ep8 “Five concocts a risky plan to intercept another version of himself.”
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Old Five, young Five (who’s still really old Five), and Luther.
However this may not go to plan as the summary for ep9 says, “the Fives plot against each other.”
And the summary for episode 10 is: “reeling from the events at the Dealey Plaza, the siblings head to the farm to help save Harlan.”
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Someone flips over a table in what looks like it could be a distillery. Based on outfit and hair this could possibly be Lila, Klaus, or (less likely) Diego. Five is also there.
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A similar (the same?) person flips over while avoiding gunfire. There are targets and what looks like training equipment, and the person shooting is standing under a large umbrella.
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If the flipping person is Lila, then this may link to what the summaries reveal about her arc: In ep5 she confronts her mother, in ep6 the Handler is mentioned (albeit talking to Five), and in ep9 she learns the truth about her parents…
Five sneaks through a room with a camera and lights. On the blackboard the word “Pogo” is written, implying this could be Reggies house and this room is where he is teaching and studying young Pogo.
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Diego walks into a control room. It looks like there might be 2-way glass. Could this link to ep8 when Diego discovers what cases the apocalypse?
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Five is seen in a building with wooden panels on the walls.
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Based on the background of this shot of Carmichael, the building could be part of The Commission.
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Five gets buried in rubble. Aidan looks chill about it though.
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Well done for making it all the way! 
I’ve tried to avoid speculation as much as possible and keep the language suggestive. I don’t know all the facts, I WILL have made errors, probably many! So please take all this with a suggestive grain of salt, I am just a hooman trying to use her squishy brain.
Please let me know if you spot any errors, think of anything else I can add, or if you want more info about any specific event ^‿^
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon back with a worked out timeline! And Misstressoffandoms sorry im responding so late! I completely missed your reply. Thats what I ended up doing but im hoping to eventually be able to completely copy those eailer asks and put them on my notes app.
When this gets a major update I'll resend if you want me too.
CURRENT AGES! (When they left Subbin)
Ranbob-26 (Previously 28 but decided to change it a bit, decided I didn't like the 9 year age difference between the brothers)
Watson-33 (Previously 35 but decided to change it a bit)
Charles-25 (Previously 27 but decided to change it)
-Dream gets control of Ranbob and uses him to basically commit genocide in Mizu, Ran barely escapes. 
-After living alone for 6 years Ran arrives in Subbin, takes part in the Pit tournament, and gains a family. At the same time the fishermen find and rescue Ranbob, bringing him to their home.
-2 years past with Ranbob recovering and having a haunting, and Ran fighting while spending time with his own haunting. 
-Isaac manages to convince his group to go to Subbin even though Ranbob is a bit nervous, the fishermen join The Pit for the promise of money and fun. Ranbob gets pinned against Ran (doesnt know its Ran) and sees the King of The Hill is on with Ran at the top. Ranbob climbs up to see Ran there, he is shocked and approaches him with weapon dropped and shaking, Ran kicks him off the edge. Ranbob slams his head into the ground and dislocates his shoulder, rises up to see the King of The Hill dropping. Ranbob tries to talk to Ran only for Ran to run to him and slam him into the ground, yelling at and threatening him. He carries him over to the edge of the arena and at this point Porkius calls off the fight and the fishermen and Gladiators enter the arena to seperate them. Ran cursing out Ranbob as he gets dragged away. Ranbob gets treated in the medical wing as Ran storms about and the two groups talk and match everything up.
-Weeks past with incredible tension in the air. They decide that taking a trip may help and after getting approval from Porkius, manage to convince Ranbob and trick Ran to come along.
-After agurements and tense moments while in a carriage, they get out and walk to their next destination. A flower biome. Where they manage to relax and have fun for a few days before moving on.
-Next Watson leads them to a nearby waterfall he found with a tunnel behind it, the brothers get water splashed on them by Isaac and Jackie being idiots, and from dripping water in the cave, leaving Ran with burns to his neck and hands, while Ranbob has burns to his cheeks and also to his neck. The burns fade quickly with help of burn cream Watson brought with. 
-After they pass the tunnel they see a shattered Savanna, and decide to travel through it. Tension ramps up when both Grievous and Cletus almost fall off halfway up a mountain, and when Rans scowling and growling end up sending Ranbob so far away from him he almost walks off the edge. 
-Watson says the Savanna is to dangerous and leads them to a nearby roofed forest, where they have their first run in with Raq and learn that Ran is still being hunted. 
-After 3 morw run-ins with Raq they move to another forest, this time Oak, and stumble upon a village, where they stop for supplies. This is also where they learn of Kelalen, but the librarian they learned it from dismisses them as lunatics and to avoid them. Upon pressing for more info they find out it was like Mizu, to which Ranbob shows interest and excitement.
-They move on to a Tagia biome where everyone attempts to tame a wolf and fails, expect Charles, Watson, and Ran. Charles gets 4 dogs from this and is very happy.
-While running to shelter in a cave from a thunderstorm, the brothers lag behind the rest, and start to badly agure. At the end Ran shouts something that makes Ranbob stop, stare at him with teary eyes, and run away. Ran almost goes after him but doesnt and instead goes to tell the others. While Ranbob finds another smaller cave to hide it, and after some harsh words, everyone goes searching for him. Leaving Ran alone and leaving him with his guilt ridden, horrible feeling, and merciless mind
-They get Ranbob to come back to find Ran gone, at first almost no one wants to go after him. Saying how it's all his fault. But eventually they agree to look for him after the storm has passed. Its a full day until the storm passes and the gladiators have become very worried for Ran. 
-When they finally look for him, it takes them hours to find him. And they only find him when there's a sudden shout through the woods, leading them to Raq mid-attack on Ran, taking advantage of his distraction of being lost in his own mind. Sadly their a bit late and aren't able to save Ran from a blindness potion. But are able to chase Raq away. Ran suffers due to the potion, and everyone is distressed.
-3 days pass until they manage to collect themselves up enough to move, after Ranbob said that he believes the town of Kelalen is nearby, he believes traveling there is worth the risk.
-It takes a week to travel to Kelalen and at first they get turned away, before Lucia recognizes some features of Ranbob and feels bad turning them away when Ran is blind. So they get brought in and Ran gets cured. 
-They stay in Kelalen for 4 weeks (minimum, may be more later on, im actually thinking along the lines of months) where they learn more about everything and Foolish who is particularly interesting. And after a while and long conversations they say goodbye and continue on to their next biome, a snow biome.
-While in the snow biome they meet a particular old enderman who used to live with members of the SMP. He reveals his name as Edward and upon meeting Ran and Ranbob he makes the connection with them to Ranboo. And starts to happily tell stories and teach lessons. But when Ran leaves to go to bed, Edward reveals that Ran does love Ranbob, but is struggling with his own nightmares that make it hard for him to show it to Ranbob. Who hesitates believing him, but eventually does. From here on Ranbob looks at and thinks of Ran in a different view. 
-After the snow biome theres no real destination next on their list, so they decide to just explore. 
-3 months past before something interesting happens. Whenever they come across a village Jackie has formed a habit of asking them about Foolish, as he took a interest in him. And he eventually gets a village that goes "Yes Foolish is that way." And he excitedly drags everyone else with him to meet Foolish. 
-They get to Foolish's home and start exploring. Jackie is alone when Foolish confronts him and Jackie brings him to the others. Foolish isn't exactly nice at first but warms up upon seeing the brothers again, as he's reminded of Ranboo. Hes informed about Dream and he is horrified to learn that and offers his help, they decline beliving themselves already free of Dream. Just before the group leaves Foolish gives them access to his armoury, saying how he feels like they'll need it. Before Ran can leave Foolish gives him a special totem of undying, saying he truly means he'll help, and that he feels they may face Dream again. Foolish tells Ran to break it when they need help and he'll be summoned to them. Ran leaves disturbed.
-2 years have passed with the group and brothers getting closer, along with occasional attacks from Raq and other hunters. They head back to Subbin. Their goal of getting the brothers closer achieved. Their still not as close as they used to be, but their close enough they can joke around, be left in the same room together alone without someone being stabbed, and even hug. Though Ran still hasnt fully forgiven Ranbob yet, but he's trying his best. Their on their way back to Subbin when nightmares between the two start ramping up, and Ranbobs episodes where he tries to run back to Dream are also on the rise. Everyone is starting to suspect something is happening but isn't sure what and so try to move on. When next Raq attack he brings back up again, this time instead of focusing on Ran, they focus on Ranbob. When Raq is defeated and finally caught, they ask why, and Raq reveals that theres a person who put a high bounty on Ranbob. Raq dies from Ran and Cletus.
-Ranbob fears its Dream, the others comfort him saying Dream can't escape Mizu. Their wrong.
-They finally get to Subbin and things are normal for a while, until Porkius reveals that Ranbob probably shouldn't be alone for a while. When asked why he reveals that the bounty on Ranbob has been put back up in Subbin, although he's going as fast as he can to nullify it. Benjamin, Charles, and Watson go to the local bar where bounties are put. And sure enough there's one for Ranbob there.
-When they get back Ran reveals what Foolish told him about facing Dream. They realizie Dream somehow got out and is hunting Ranbob down. Ranbob is terrified but they manage to comfort him. And they come to the conclusion they need to fight Dream. They spend months preparing and training for it. 
-(This is the end bit and has yet to be fully figured out. So it'll be added in at a later time.)
Notes: During the whole time traveling, unless specified, Ran and Ranbob are far away from each other. Ran tending to be in the very front of the group with Ranbob in the very back. And whenever Ranbob got close to a gladiator Ran would growl at him to back off. 
If you have any questions feel free to ask! (And if I missed anything please tell me so I can add it)
And I wanna check, am I still ok to send these?- to like talk about my au or no?- I'm afraid I've overstayed my welcome honestly and if I did I dont want to annoy you and will stop! And if you still don't mind, is there anything you want me to change? In general?
This’ll be helpful for the future! Also, Charles has four dogs, that’s adorable. 
Of course you’re okay to send ‘em, I love reading these things! 
I will never be annoyed about getting to see someone’s cool ideas and see how they choose to build on them. That sort of thing is awesome, and I love seeing it, your AU most certainly a favorite in that like. Send as many as you’d like, and I’ll be all the happier for it.
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witchofinterest · 3 years
20 First Lines
i was tagged by the lovely @nightwingshero thank you!!!
tagging: @cecesxwickedxocs @ceruleanmusings @randomfandomingwrites @bluejay-in-flight and @twinmasks (it says 5 so that’s all i’m tagging, but if there’s anyone who wants do or sat i tagged you!)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 5 of your favorite authors!
1. liminal spaces (titans) - either ““Are you excited?” Margaret asked, peering down from her computer.” or ““Don't you think it's time to get rid of it?” Her dad asked, as she fingered the bow in question.” depending on where the story starts
2. tug-of-war (xmen, original movie timeline) - “Shaking, Alex struggled with the lock.”
3. modern fairytale (temp name) (grimm) - “¨Everything went alright yesterday?¨ Aunt Marie asked, sitting upright in her bed.”
4. without a cease and more - blown away (the flash) - ““You see that city?”
5. The truth about your heart (the gifted) - “Lynn felt the rumbling of the train tracks, which never failed to put her on edge.”
6. Decrescendo (arrow) - “What is all this Oliver?” Diggle asked,
7. Bury me dead (heroes) - ““Give me a minute!” Olive yelled, when the pounding on her door didn’t subside.”
8. Cadged bird (temp title) (nikita) - “¨Theres been some … updates.¨ Amanda said, sitting on the couch across from her.”
9. Charmed 2018 (i have no idea for max’s title) (charmed 2018) - “Max was smiling at her phone, feeling like she’d downed a whole packet of pop rocks, when she heard three knocks on the door, opening it up to Mel.”
10. Nobody’s hero (the umbrella academy) - ““Don’t wander too far okay, we’ll be right back!” Callie reminded as Keke nodded.”
11. Not me (The umbrella academy) - “Diego motioned with his left hand, holding up two fingers.”
12. the vampire diaries rewritten (tvd) - “"For over a century I have lived in secret, hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.” (i literally have to start with the same line, okay?)
13. Please stop my relentless daughter (Supernatural) - “Morton, Illinois November 13th, 15 years ago.”
14. absence (supernatural) - “”And then, his brother, gave me a once over, am I being dramatic in being upset about that?" Jess asked, as she whisked together some ingredients in a bowl.”
15. audentes fortuna iuvat (supernatural) - “Serena hated monotony.”
16. Zoe’s fic (i know, i’m bad at titles) - “”Hello sam.” at the voice he turned around, expecting anything other than the little girl standing there.”
17. Whelmed (temp title) (young justice) - “¨Hey! Over here!¨ Lizzie screamed, sucking up as much noise as she could in the open, so it could be extra loud.”
18. Macrocosm (once upon a time) - “Once upon a time there was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.” (if there good opening lines i like to keep them)
19. the spy (temp title) (the order) - ““You guys know alcoholism isn’t a personality trait, right?” Lois asked, watching her companions knock back a bunch of beers.” (i forgot i wrote this, but i stand by it)
20. Hocus Pocus (temp title) (charmed 1998) - “Rain pounded against anything it could get a grip on, as Piper and Poppy ran back to the house, hand in hand.”
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kpopfandomrelics · 3 years
welcome to the blog! we are currently ran by one person, @cyranidexoxo !
you can submit to us at kpopfandomrelics.tumblr.com/submit. PLEASE READ THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES! we track the #kpopfandomrelics tag! feel free to @ us in any pre-2012 posts that you happen to come across as well.
if you are an inspirit or shawol who enjoys this kind of stuff, check out my infinite web shrine and/or my shinee web shrine!
hope you all enjoy the blog!! :3
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i think i just about covered everything in the submission guidelines, but i wanted to go into a little more detail underneath our pinned post.
1. because of the timeline that this blog focuses on (90s-2012ish), you might see people that are no longer a part of the groups current lineup. please understand that there are two people that the main mod doesn't want to see for personal reasons (y**chun and s*ungri), so you might see them excluded entirely (i.e. cropped if possible, or skipped in photosets, like our avatar photosets). we want everyone to feel comfortable here, so we will tag posts like this accordingly. blacklist dbsk: pre-2010 (more tags coming soon/more will become available upon request) if you don't want to see this.
2. to expand on this, we tag all groups and group members accordingly. if theres someone you don't want to see, please blacklist their names (if you don't have them blacklisted already).
3. we understand that some fanfictions had significant fandom reach, i.e. "gashiyeon", however, we don't want to make rpf the highlight/focus of this blog, so we don't take serious rpf submissions (i.e. fanart or direct links to fanfictions). you may see us reblog an occasional non-serious post (example here), blacklist CW RPF if you don't want to see that either.
sorry about this being kind of long, but we want to make sure everyone is on the same page and nobody is confused/put off by our content!
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softestsaddestbitch · 4 years
December TC Challenge
stole this from @elder-edda (sorry for creeping! just, given the usual demographic of the tc community I was excited to find another 20-smthg)
1) what color is your tc’s hair?
He has just, simple brown hair but he’s starting to go grey which, no lie, is 100% doing it for me.
2) is your tc married?
Yes? He doesn’t wear a ring and I believe she kept her last name which makes me think it’s more of a civil partnership since they’ve been together since the early 2000s at least. But he also will refer to her as “my wife” and was telling me once that they waited until “after they got married” before moving in together.
3) if yes, do you care? would you do something with them regardless of their marriage?
I know these questions are general but I do take offense at the idea of being a homewrecker/other woman. I’ve met his wife, she’s really nice.
4) what’s your worst memory with your tc?
I put my foot in my mouth SO OFTEN. Good lord. Especially my last semester at that school? He was acting weird and I had just realized after fucking ... four years?? that I romantically liked him. So I kept bringing up my weird age fixation and other bs bc I have adhd and am possibly autistic?? and can’t read a room to save my life.
5) what’s your best memory with your tc?
One year we had a really bad snowstorm, so bad in fact that I had my first-ever snow day. The college that I used to go to has four campuses across as many cities, and C has to drive in twice a week to my (old) town from his. Now, morning classes had been canceled but afternoon classes had been given the go-ahead. C, who does not check his emails until he arrives at campus, evidently did not get this message until he was already in town and therefore didn’t have a morning class, but did have an afternoon class. On this day I had a late morning class that had been reinstated, but my prof didn’t get that memo so I also was on campus but didn’t have a class. So I went to visit his office, which I had been doing throughout the semester (I didn’t have a class with him at the time) and we just ... hung out for like 2 hours. It was so nice and one of the anecdotes he told me still haunts me lol.
sidenote: at the time, I hadn’t yet realized that I liked him, but I still went out of my way to visit him. Damn I was a dumbass.
6) does anyone in your school know how you feel?
ish? I told a classmate but in a “haha joking” kinda way. And a friend who went to that school knows. No one at my current school knows.
7) does your tc know how you feel?
I think he might? might have a lil inkling which would explain why he started acting so weird my last semester. Or at the very least was told/realized how bad it could look that he was getting so chummy w/ a student.
8) do you think there’s any chance your tc reciprocates your feelings?
He and his wife have been together for around 20 years now. No. No, I don’t think so. Maybe in an alternate universe.
9) are you getting your tc a christmas present? if so, what is it?
I have in the past! Specifically like, a tin of cookies lol. I’ve also given him an actual present when I left. I do intend to send him a Christmas card every year but not this year because ... you know ... the apocalypse.
10) have you ever flirted with your tc?
Flirtation inherently has intent. So, no. How he interpreted our interactions I don’t know.
11) how long have you had a crush on them? what began it all?
I was at my old school from September 2014-April 2019, I had C for the first time in September 2015. Like I mentioned above, I did not realize I had a crush on him until literally the middle of my final exam of my class with him December 2018, so I’ve only consciously had a crush for about two years now. However, as I also mentioned, I went out of my way to stop by his office, even when I didn’t have a class with him. And my relationship with/feelings towards him are complicated so I’m not going to say I did so solely because I like him, but I would put it maybe closer to somewhere in 2017. You don’t plan your schedule around someone you don’t feel strong feelings for.
12) do you believe you’ll get over them shortly after you stop taking their class/have the chance to spend time with them?
As of today, it has been been exactly a year and a half since I last him in person. In the time since, I have cried over missing him, routinely gone back to keep up with his current research projects, and made his picture a part of my home screen. I almost exclusively listen to the playlist I made for him -  so much so my Spotify Wrapped is pretty much that playlist with a few extras.
13) what kind of grades do you get in their class?
Haaaaaa pre-supension I was failing his classes. My first semester back I got .... a mid/high 70? and I finished my last class with him with an A+ and the essay I had written for his class had the highest grade between the two classes so..
14) does your tc ever do any tiny, little things that you adore?
When he puts a hand in his pocket and leans against the wall. When he tucks his hair behind his ear because he keeps falling in his face (he has long hair, a little past his shoulders). When he can’t stop himself from googling something even if its in the middle of class. How you can ask him anything at any time. The way he would chuckle at my jokes. How his handwriting hasn’t improved in decades. How easily he brushes off toxic masculinity. His candidness and willingness to share little anecdotes. The way he used to always smile whenever he saw me. That he goes home everyday to have lunch with his wife.
15) are you their favorite student?
I was! And it was obvious to other students that we had a friendly, casual relationship too. For a time, if his other students had questions about him they would ask me, and I usually had the answer. I didn’t matter in the long run, but I was. 
16) do you two share any tastes? movies, books, music, etc.
He’s a legal historian, I’m a baby legal/political historian. We also like the same historical cooking youtube channel.
17) is your teacher religious?
I doubt he would say he’s religious, but I feel like we have a similar relationship to religion which is to say no formal association, but had profound effects on our childhoods and subsequently, presumably, how we view things as adults.
18) do you masturbate to them?
19) do you communicate with them outside of school?
I sent him a meme once. And asked about the socialist uprising scandal he was apart of. I also almost emailed him while at a museum exhibition with my history friend. These are all through email.
20) do you have any tc songs or songs you relate to your tc? what are they?
SO my number one song this year was “You are the Reason” by Calum Scott because, you guessed it, of him. But also:
I Lost a Friend - Finneas When You’re Ready - Shawn Mendes You Are in Love - Taylor Swift Break My Heart Right - James
& given the season, especially w/ what transpired last year, Last Christmas by Wham!
21) what’s your favorite thing your tc has said/memory you have with them?
One time he kinda trailed off in the middle of lecture after stating that he thought of xyz a particular way which contrasted one of the popular schools of thought, and the way he plainly said, “well, yeah, which I guess ... is I’m arguing it” almost like he was semi-surprised with himself has always stuck with me. 
But also, in addition the memory I shared earlier, we spent an hour and a half talking about grad school and what to expect and how to get there. 
22) do you plan to continue a relationship with them after you leave school?
I trid, I really did. But he doesn’t “socialize with students part or present” so I can’t exactly see him. But I did get some academic-related from him at the beginning of the year.
23) how will you deal during the summer? will you see him/her?
He’s a hermit who used my last vacation before I moved to go on all the vacations he had to postpone because he was working on his last book. And this past summer ... Covid. This question is obviously directed at high school students, but in general, he lives in the back of head always, and when I’m in my hometown for the summer my heart aches because theres a none-zero chance I’ll see him, but I know I won’t.
24) does your tc support gay rights?
Yes. He’s never been put in a position that I know of where he had to outright condemn homophobia, but in one of his classes, he actively made the choice to make the very first reading of the semester about how women in ancient times had more agency than assumed, and also how the woman in the case study was a lesbian.
25) what class do you have with them? And what period? Do you have them every day?
History classes. I won’t get into specifics because it’s kind of an eclectic mix and I’m paranoid someone from the area could come across this. But I had him twice a week every semester that I had him. Again this kind of question is more so applicable to high school students, not so much university students.
26) have you ever drifted out during a lecture thinking about them and missed information?
No. In his classes he is too enthralling, and I’m a good student otherwise.
27) have you stalked them online? what did you find out?
In theory. He’s a fifty-year-old history professor whose reaction to a description of the big lipped/tiny face filter on snapchat was “that sounds disgusting.” The man doesn’t have social media, and if he does those privacy settings are on so students can’t find him he thinks he’s very professional. I do visit his mini-bio section on the college website fairly often tho.
28) have you ever run into them outside of schools? what happened?
I did once. He introduced me to his wife, who said “oh you’re E! C has talked about you” and it apparently he had done so positively, and blew my mind because this was back when I was failing classes and also, as a person, I don’t believe that people think about me when I’m not there. They gave me a restaurant recommendation and afterwards his wife surprised me a they were leaving the restaurant because ... we had listened to them, and they also went there for lunch that day.
29) has your tc ever spoken of teacher-student relationships? what did they say?
It had recently come out that it had been found out that another professor had been in a relationship with a student and he’s the one that brought it up before class one day (with all of us not just me). He didn’t say anything for or against it, just that it was generally discouraged, but that most schools did have policies in place to handle the situation.
30) do you regret telling anyone about your tc? if you’ve kept it a secret, why have you done so?
Absolutely not. I can’t tell my best friends because they’d do nothing but give me shit for it and it would call every time I mention him into question. But the friends that I have told ... its been so freeing, and like a weight has been lifted from my heart. One friend in particular I unloaded on her all my emotional shit pertaining to him this past summer and she was so understanding it legit since then I’ve been less distraught when thinking about him. It still hurts, but it feels less like I’m suffocating now.
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jflove · 4 years
Taekook/Vkook: From things I gathered so far
First of all, it’s just my thinking, I could be wrong. So if im wrong, then just think of this post as a fanfic. So, I started listening/watching BTS just this week. Yeah i know, very late for the party. but i dont usually listen to K-pop, so I came across them simply because they’re everywhere recently. 
They amazed me like most of the world right now, i started to watch their interview or v-live vids just to know them better. 
Then i saw a old news about they almost break the group in 2018, i was really shocked, so i watched the 2018 festa, heard that V talked about Suga write a long massage to him and end with I love you. then Suga said he also sent to another person. 
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then Jungkook raised his hand.
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i found it a bit weird why he didn’t say it earlier, wait till Suga pointed out another person? But i didn’t think into it. the news commented that Suga cared for the two youngest members, and said the almost disbanded reason was pressure from the fame.
Then i came across those Taekook vids, lots of them with detail analyse, those were too many i can’t repeat. i grow up with Japan’s boy groups, those were K-pop’s beginning, so im no new to those fan service behavior. But I really feel this wasn’t the case.
The first one really bring up suspicious, is when Jimin asked if JK was happy, then JK said yes and thank fans.
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I was really shocked to see that, because Jimin actually lower his voice, it doesn’t sound like a joke. 
And also JK’s answer... i have to say hes not the best improviser on cover up. He stop for a sec then said something in a weak tone....
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He didn’t ask why Jimin say that or anything, like a normal person been wrongfully accused. Just really nervous laughing.
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Cute, but boi.
Then theres that famous sleeping together on a boat:
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And also those v-live busted:
Jungkook wasn’t wearing clothes when V came, but they exchanged some shady text before. So theory was probably V told him hes coming but didn’t say he would bring the cam, so... poor JK.
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Anyway there are lots of them, so im not gonna go threw everything. Just my theory: I would guess they probably started just good friends, they both has the same weirdness, and similar age. And JK said he think V really good looking a lot from the beginning. V would pet JK like a puppy and hug him every chance he got.
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Though other’s like the little bro too, but clearly they were the closest.
And most of all, V likes(or needs) to hug something to sleep, and little JK didn’t like sleep alone. So they just naturally sleep together all the time. And other hyungs were used to it. they know each other more than any other members too.
 at first I guess they started to make out around 2017, but now i think probably 14-15. I have to keep changing the timeline earlier because more i dig, more i think it happened very early. 2013 When the group started, Jungkook looked so shy and everyone teased him. V’s teasing a bit different, more intimate or inappropriate even. Like the pic above, JK often looks shy and tries to get away. There’re also a vid (I forgot where i saw it) everyone sit down talking, V held JK under his arm and grabbing his nipple, JK looked so uncomfortable and low key tried to get away.  But that dynamic soon changed, JK suddenly more confident, can tease back, and possessive of V. i think they started to make out during that time. explain why JK used to so awkward when V teased him, because he got aroused by those joking behavior and embarrassed. But after confirmed that the feeling was mature. He’s all exciting and totally in love. But I don’t think they really consider the other one as lover till 2016, could be when V left the group for the movie shooting, the separation made them realized their own feeling. if i can be a bit pervert, i would say before that could just jerking, making out, normal stuff. but 16 or 17 are the time they really doing it and become lovers.
this vid was form 03.24.2017, i saw it from other people’s great vid. pls go watch it, so informational. In this vid you can hear some kissing sound. I used to think this time was they first build up the real sexual relationship so they couldn’t control themselves. But now i think maybe because company were(are) pressing them, so its their way to get back. So as those sneaky tease, it’s their way to express their feeling under the company rules.
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Maybe at first was boys fooling around, but it turn to real general love very quick. It’s not just some dazed and confused, they supported each other in a high pressure industry full with adults. Train together, work together, live together. That would definitely create a strong bond. And I believe them made each other grow a better person. V becomes more thoughtful, discovered his ability on dancing, singing, and song writing. And the very capable JK becomes more caring, confident, and found his mental support he can always rest his head when he really tired.
The another shock for me was the behind scene of Winter Bear.
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first of all, JK isn’t in the credit so why was he there lol? Second, that phone lol. JK’s symbol is rabbit. so no matter who that phone is all quite suspicious.  Although there’re some camera sound, but it doesn’t looks like another person was shooting, the sound and camera shift could edit in. or just ask the camera person leave the camera after couple shoots. Anyway, i think the camera was on the bed was the tiny movement matched their move so it could be just mattress bouncing. But the important thing i want to talk about was this:
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That damn boi was freaking jerking off right?! His top all opened up, his left hand was under the cover, and there were some tiny panting and chest movement... i watched like at least 20 times, its gotta be. And there’s a cut couple sec later, changed to JK singing winter bear with a smirk face.
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cus he freaking knew the song is about him.  yeah. I think V made that song cuz JK. He said before that JK really hates people waking him up. so i guess kinda like a bear?
 Then there’s the walking with JK’s dog scene. Before the behind scene came out, people argued about whether JK was involved. But now, yeah, i would say he probably the person filming since he already filming V a lot on his personal account “golden closet film“... do i even need to say anything about the name?
Back on the bear. 
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V only held one bear, and the finishing had two bears.
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Two bears, how could that be any more obvious?? Two bears, two boys likes to sleep together. do the math.
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do you even wanna talk how close he and the person filming? don’t think a professional would film like this. and the look in V’s eyes, the tiny smile on his lips... im tired to go over this, why do i even need to point out? use your eyes.
So, conclusion, I think they were in love since 2017. And the other members all know about it. There are so many slips i wouldn’t gonna talk about it. it’s already a super long post.
Next, it’s the interfering phase. 2018. 
Anyway, Korea is not a gay-friendly country. And they have mandatory military service, which V and JK haven’t done. if you’re gay in Korea military, you could face jail time. And not to mention coming out in anywhere would be hard. The company started to separate V and JK, they won’t be in the same vid, even arrange different schedule for them. If it’s a group activity, then they couldn’t stand next to each other without others cut in-between.
I imagine its not a great job for the hyngs, probably why they talked about disband. Yeah, I went back to the first question i got and finished my quest. i think i found the real reason. and it explains why-->
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See when Jin said it, V was looking at another person on his right side with that intense look, tell me that's not a look you look at someone you love but couldn’t be with.
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And V all broke down, finally JK couldn’t watch it anymore.
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I can’t find a close up, but i remember seeing in some other vids. JK was holding his tear and put on a calm face but you can see how hard he gritted.
it’s hard to find because they all got ban by the company. maybe my post would too... i heard there was a vid on YouTube point out the same thing and got ban by bighit. so... anyway. if you think im right, you can make a copy of my post and re-post it. don’t worry about copy my words, i don’t mind. if a lot of people did the same thing, then there would be no point to ban.
That’s talk about this v live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfHecRN_dLk
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if you didnt watch it, go find it on youtu. This vid are so... all over the place. I didn’t understand till some great analysis (see the link above). i couldn’t go throw all the details why how or what... if you don’t believe, why you even read till here? 
Simply says, company wanna hide that JK and V was staying in the same room, so they probably ask V to leave the room, but V came back in the middle, everyone was super awkward, so Jin and Jimin left. V looked sad and pissed. He wouldn’t leave, so company sent someone to ring the bell, and told JK to ask V to leave.
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see how uncomfortable that JK had to ask V to leave. i feel so bad for them both, had to follow those company stupid rules and pretend their relationship. How would that feel when you have the love one so close to you, but you can’t touch, can’t hold each other, can’t even say how important that person meant to you.
They’re in their 20s! they should be having fun with each other, posting those sweet pics and showing off their boyfriends, having the best. Instead, they can’t even stand together in public photo shooting.
People even thought they have issue with each other, can you imagine how insult that would be? have to see your fans pairing you and your lover with other people, but couldn’t say anything.
Then, that’s talk about the new album. because i think they’re not gonna be quite for long. remember RM made a speech in UN about not just love yourself, also need to speak yourself? I think they are gonna speak, that’s why RM hinted in this interview:
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yes form the same youtuber, go find the vid.  He say something big could be coming, i do think definitely could be JK and V coming out. see how serious JK’s face? this kid got frown lines in just a year! People were shock that he looks much grown up in “ON”, i just feel sorry for him. hes only 22, he shouldn’t have to grow up so much. But love would do this to you, the things you do for love age you. V seems much older too, i couldn’t imagine how much pressure hes under. 
And we have to talk about the songs.
First, Jungkook’s My time. He said the same thing about have to grow up fast. Of course industry would do that to you, but he was always quite happy till couple years ago. love do make us weak and hurt, some love just harder than the other. In his song, he said don’t know what’s his time, I think maybe he was thinking about when to come out? But eventually he definitely will, because his song was for V, the lyric mostly was easy to understand, but 
Even if it's opposite of sun One time for the present (one time) Two time for the past (two time) these three lines i think sun means V’s name? probably means even against what V wants? but the one or two im not sure, how many times he disagree with V?
And time, my time, does that mean sexuality? or just simply means he couldn’t have time with V? so many possibility...
But i really wanna talk about V’s inner child. That’s the reason why i spent 4hrs writing this long ass post with my broken english. Not even sure would any one even bother to read... Because after everything i know and believe about V and JK, when i read the lyric i see a totally different song. a heart break love song for someone he knows for so long, when they both young. (im tearing up again) OK, call me imagine things all you want, if there’s a small chance they really are lovers and this song was for JK... just pretend that and read+listen the song again.
At that time, we had it tough While looking up at those stars in the sky, too far out of reach You at that time, didn't believe in galaxies But I saw it, a silver galaxy It must have hurt, it must have been so difficult I ran towards the endless light 
The first part is the beginning of their story, they wanna be like those stars, but JK wasn’t sure about himself. V believes they can make it. so they went for it, even have to go through all those lies and suffering.
and the chorus... 
It tingles, that summer day's air The cold sounds of the grey-lit streets I draw in a breath and knock at your door We gon' change 
maybe how things happened? Not sure the summer is a  metaphor or a real time though. this change means they fell in love.
Now I wish we would smile more It will be okay, because today's me is doing fine Yesterday's you, now it's all clear I want to hug the many thorns in the budding rose The smiling kid, the child who was always laughing brightly When I see you like that, I can't help smiling
The second part is breaking my heart. I think hes telling JK not to worry about him. He doesn’t mind those thorns(all the obstacles they have to face), he want  the rose(JK or their love relationship). And the smiling kid part just makes me cry every time. The line “Yesterday’s you”, Im not sure means he can sees JK’s grown up, or... When i sense that their relationship might be the almost disband reason, i think probably one of them wanted to go against the company, open their relationship. But the other one refused. That’s why they end up still the same. I thought was V wanted to open, because he’s more don’t care about what people think kinda person.  but now i think might be JK. That’s why V was crying so hard on the stage, because hes the one hiding. He felt sorry for JK, and JK held him showed he support his decision. And if that’s true, then the whole “yesterday you” could means that V understand why JK want to go public now. Another thing why i suddenly think JK is the one wanted to come out, is the “Golden Closet Film” name. And It’s started at 2017.11.08... probably the time they talked about coming out, but decided not to, he was frustrated and felt been pressed by the company into this glamorous closet.
the chorus this time means another change, maybe they broke up, or put a hold on their relationship. but i would think... maybe when V made the song, he didn’t know what would happen. this song was what he wanted to say to JK, so he could bring this song to JK and play or sing to him. See what would he choose.
Therefore comes the next part which is dancing in my tears: 
Tonight, if I reach my hand to yours Can you hold that hand? I'll become you You just have to look at my galaxies Be showered with all those stars I'll give you my world The lights illuminating your eyes, they're the me of now You’re my boy, my boy My boy, my boy, my boy
Is V asking JK to come out with him? i couldn’t figure out every single words mean but i don’t have to, that’s something V said to JK, the meaning belongs to them, we can just shared a bit of his emotion. there are just so many love and begging, calling for the boy he deeply in love with. every single word hurt me deeply because they are so real and pure.
If someone wrote something like this song to you, you need to grab that person tight. You might never meet another person could love you more than that.
I don’t know if JK hold V’s hand, like I said in the beginning, i could be all wrong and this is just a fanfic. But it’s the ending, if you still with me. let me make a wild guess...
If they come out on one of the coming concert, that would be epic.  I worry for them of course, I wish them nothing but happiness. I truly don’t want to see this great kids suffer anymore. So maybe its a good thing if im wrong, or the storm might swallow them all. No matter what, i will keep supporting them, hope most of the army too. 
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strangesoulmates · 4 years
Also, is there some story of inspiration behind your specific works? For example, As Certain Dark Things Are to be Loved? You called it comfort food and it definitely is, but what inspired you to start it? Same goes for More Precious than Rubies, Pledged in Blood, Good Intentions, Matelotage, and basically every other story of yours. Their plots are so different, united only by most delicious characterization. Was there smth. big that gave you any of these ideas?
I know I've answered this at least a few times before for some of these fics, but since my tagging is garbage and I can't find any of them, I'd be happy to do it again, especially since it was awhile ago and I know that lots of new people probably don't know.
I guess I'll answer about them in the order I published them to try and make the timeline clearer?
More Precious than Rubies was...God, I don't even know how the hell I had the courage to post it, it was so far out of left field compared to most of what I was reading.  Anyway, I somehow wound up in the depths of Tomarry hell my last year of college right before finals, and since I was supposed to be, you know, writing papers and taking exams and shit, I couldn't actually channel any of that into writing, when my summer research internship started, I lost my fucking mind when it came to writing.  I have two different WiPs from that period that still haven't been published but stand at several thousand words (one is...jesus, nearly 100k and no where close to done).  There was a throwaway line in that fic
“You’re like a dragon,” Harry said with a fond, if exasperated sigh. “Hoarding treasure.”
Tom found himself quite pleased and flattered at the comparison. No one had ever put his need to collect trophies in such terms before. It didn’t hurt that it clearly showed that Harry thought of Tom as dangerous and powerful, for all that it was clear Harry felt himself safe with him.
Staring into emerald eyes, he barred his teeth in a vicious grin.
“A dragon. I quite like that. Yes. I am a dragon, and you, my beloved,” Tom said, wrapping his arms tightly around him and pressing a lingering, covetous kiss to his forehead, “you are my most prized jewel.”
Tom watched Harry’s expression in fascination, watching as surprised pleasure and irritation warred across his face.
And that idea stuck with me and ate my brain until More Precious than Rubies was Born.
Fun fact, Harry is also compaired to a magical creater in the fic languishing on my harddrive:
“He’s like a bloody niffler, sniffing gold out of places no one else would think to look,” Tom ground out, voice reluctantly impressed and immensely frustrated. “I don’t understand how he finds these people, let alone how they end up being so bloody useful.  And yet he does it, time after time.”
The rest under the cut, because theres A LOT
As Certain Dark Things Are to be Loved is actually because of a prompt meme I've never been able to find again that I read when my brain was in just the right place to latch on and have a complete breakdown over (in a fun, creative way).  I forget what the theme of the list was, but the prompt that caught my attention was something along the lines of "Character A and Character B were childhood friends.  Character A kissed B before moving away.  In college, they discover Character B living across the hall."  And then things just spiraled totally out of control.  
It started out as just imagining how I could twist things from Cannon to make them fit and what that would look like. It was also my first time writing a nonomagical AU so it involved a lot of thought.  I had also just graduated college and was at home while all my friends were in grad school (which I talked about here) and I really missed it.  All of that came together to write a whole lot of this very quickly, and I, after some hemming and hawing, decided to post it.  Visits to grad schools I had been admitted to only added fuel to the fire. 
Good intentions came, of all places, out of watching an episode of Lie To Me (a very interesting TV show that I enjoy revisiting from time to time).  In a particular episode, the main character deals with like, a suave, sophisticated character who ran a criminal empire and clearly some kind of sociopath and I was like “TOM!  THAT’S IT!  IT’S MODERN DAY TOM!!!” and then several episodes later (or earlier?) they were trying to get something out of a criminal who was in prison who ALSO reminded me strongly of Tom and I was like “Harry would absolutely be how they got him to talk, by putting him in that room” and  like you know, even little flashes of dialog because apparently James arrested Tom and the little bit of dialog was “He’s not obsessed with the son because he hates the father.  He hates the father because he’s obsessed with the son.” (none of this is in the fic or will be in the fic, but it was a big part of its genesis).
Then I asked myself follow-up questions, like “how does Tom even know Harry?” and the answer I came up with at first was them getting to know each other while Tom was in prison. So I thought, okay, well, pen pals maybe?  As like part of a college class (since I think think that’s the only place that there could be an assignment like that)?  Because at some point around here I fixated on the idea of like, them meeting for person the first time in prison and that being where their relationship really developed (originally this was called Cellmate AU in my docs)
And then I decided for some reason that Harry should be a little kid, just because I kind of loved the idea of the contrast between his childish innocence and Tom’s…Tomness.  And that’s the convoluted story of how Good intentions first came to be.
Pledged in Blood was my attempt at trying to write something small and self contained for a Tomarry Big Bang awhile ago.  The initial idea came out the idea of wanting a grown up criminal mastermind Tom to run into Harry who is a police officer and for that to lead to desperate makeouts because they were very close as kids and Tom thought Harry was dead.  And so then the thought was, "okay, what the hell situation could they have been in where that could have happened?"  Kidnapping was the answer I came up with.
I started out with it as a Muggle AU, but it just didn't feel right. But the idea of Tom and Harry being kidnapped together got stuck in my brain and thus Pledged in Blood was born. The idea that sparked it actually got partially used int the deepest secret nobody knows] because I liked it too much not to scavenge it for something else.
The Heart of a Star and Matelotage are both gifts for @acciotomriddle based on her prompts for some kind of gift exchange. I couldn't finish one in time because it got out of control (surprise surprise) and then THE SAME THING HAPPENED WITH THE OTHER ONE.   But I posted them both because I was attached at that point.
And I'm not going to talk about Janus because telling  you about what inspired it would spoil everything. When it's no longer a spoiler, maybe I'll make a post about it.
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Burning Sanity - Chapter 2
Here’s chapter two! This kind of takes place during 4x13 so if you haven’t seen it yet, here’s your warning for spoilers. The timeline is a little off from the show.
Again, special thanks to @lurkingwhump, I love being able to bounce ideas around with you!
I hope I have formatted this correctly.
Jane and Kurt arrived at the NYO the next morning, to find their team on high alert.
“What’s going on?” Kurt asked, moving to the monitor.
“Jane? Kurt?” You guys aren’t meant to be back yet?” Patterson asked stepping out from behind her keyboard.
“Well we thought we would visit.” Kurt replied, putting his arm around his unusually quiet wife. He motioned to the monitor. “What’s happening?” he asked again.
“Madeline’s trying to crash Air Force One.”
Jane’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“Wait what?” Kurt asked urgently. He moved forward, staring at the screen with a look of disbelief. He turned to Patterson. “Tell us everything.”
Patterson - with the help of Rich - spent the next few moments filling in Jane and Weller on everything that had transpired with Zapata and Boston.
“There is no way that Boston is hacking this plane for real.” Rich squeaked.
“He hacked NORAD for real.” Jane said, speaking up for the first time.
“Excuse me?” Rich asked spinning to face her. “I’m pretty sure that was under duress and false pretenses if you recall.”
Jane took a step back, feeling her heart sink. She frowned, knowing Rich was just worried about Boston, but also knowing he was right. The only reason Boston had even hacked NORAD in the first place was because she had forced him to. Tricked him. Even held him at gunpoint.
She swallowed heavily, the rest of the team fading into the background, while her accelerated heart rate was becoming deafening. She tried to take a subtle breath in, but all that her lungs would allow were shallow gasping puffs.
She cleared her throat.
“I need a minute.” she ground out before almost running out of the room. She made it to the stairwell before the tears spilled over, guilt crashing over her in waves. She had hurt everyone she loved when she was Remi. She had manipulated each and every one of them , over and over again.
The door to the stairwell opened. Kurt walked frantically through it before spotting her. He stood at the top of the stairs for a moment, before taking in the sobbing form of his wife.
“Oh Jane.” he said softly, closing the gap between them. He sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms.
She brushed the tears from her face, pulling out of his embrace.
“I’m fine.” she said flatly.
Kurt raised his eyebrows.  
“You don’t look fine.” he responded.
“Well I am.” she said standing.
“Jane..? ” he asked, worry creeping into his voice. He reached up, taking her hand before he stood beside her. “Don’t shut me out.” he pleaded. “Tell me what’s going on.”
Jane closed her eyes, leaning against the wall. She took a deep breath.
“It’s just what Rich said.” she murmured.
“Rich is just anxious about Boston-”
“I know that.” Jane replied. “But he’s also not wrong.”
“No Kurt. The only reason Boston even hacked into NORAD was because I forced him to.”
“That was Remi… not you.” Kurt replied softly.
“Don’t you see?” Jane asked incredulously. “I am Remi. We’re the same person Kurt!”
Kurt stepped forward, his hands up in a calming gesture, as if he were trying to tame a wild animal.
“Jane. You weren’t in control of your actions. But Remi… she didn’t have all of the information either.”
Jane looked at him questioningly, frowning.
“You need to remember Remi only had her own memories, Jane. She couldn’t access the information or the memories that you had made either. She was just as much in the dark as you were.”
“How is that supposed to make me feel better?” Jane asked sadly.
“Because she was only able to make decisions fueled by her rage. She wasn’t able to remember all of the good that you have done, only the bad… and that was mostly manipulated by Shepherd.”
Jane deflated.
“I still hurt everyone I love.” she whispered.
Kurt didn’t reply. He closed the gap between them, pulling her into a hug. She didn’t pull away this time, leaning into his embrace.
“Do you want me to take you home?” Kurt asked softly, kissing the top of her head.
“No.” she replied shaking his head. “We should stay… see if there’s anything we can do to help.”
“Ok.” he said softly, leading her out of the stairwell. “Let’s find you a chair though.” he added, noticing her increasing fatigue.
Jane had been having a lie down in the break room, when she heard the sound of clapping reverberating through the NYO. She slowly sat up, seeing that Boston had finally returned. They had managed to stop the attack, restoring control to the pilot.
She got up and walked out, joining the team surrounding Boston.
“Hey.” she said greeting them.
“Ahh!” Boston exclaimed, jumping back with fright.
“Is… Is this… still Remi? Or…”
“No! No, No, no!” Jane said hurriedly. “I’m me! I’m Jane again…” She looked up at Boston. “Remi is gone… and ah… I’m really sorry for everything I did to you while I was her…”
Boston looked at the rest of the team members apprehensively.
“And we’re all just cool with her again?” he asked incredulously.
“We’re all good.” Kurt said smiling.
“It was days ago…” Rich added.
“Ok? Apology accepted?” Boston said, though his voice was questioning.
“And thank you for helping Kurt find me…” Jane added.
“Ah yes… I was helpful, wasn’t I?”
The rest of Boston’s spiel was lost on Jane. The darkness was starting to close in on her again. Boston had actually been scared of her when he saw her.
Jane took a deep breath, catching Kurt’s eye. He frowned when he saw she was in distress again, though was relieved that she wasn’t trying to hide it from him this time.
“We should probably get going.” he said, cutting across the circle to get to his wife.
Reade nodded, clapping Kurt on the shoulder.
“Thanks for your help today.” he said to both Jane and Kurt. “And Jane, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
Jane nodded her thanks, making her way to the elevator with her husband.
“Feeling better? What was she sick?” she heard Boston ask from behind her.
“I’ll fill you in later.” she heard Rich reply.
Jane sighed as the doors closed. Great. They would be discussing her behind her back yet again. She was sick of being the main topic of workplace gossip. Her whole life, since she crawled out of that bag had put her in the spotlight of workplace drama. She never seemed to get a break.
Just her appearance into the Bureau had left her a subject of conversation. Then it sparked again when Kurt arrested her and she was dumped in the blacksite. Again when she had the bounty on her head, then she got sick and became Remi, became Jane again and nearly then died. There never seemed to just be a dull moment where she could just live her life and work like every other agent in the building.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Kurt asked softly as they reached the parking garage.
“You wouldn’t have enough pennies.” Jane replied dejectedly.
“Try me.” he urged, smiling at her. He lead them to their car, opening the door for her.
“I just wish for once I wasn’t the leading topic of workplace gossip.” she muttered, when he got into the driver’s seat beside her.
Kurt sighed, taking her hand.
“This will all be over before you know it.” he replied, kissing the back of her hand. “Apart from the direct members of our team, no one knows about you being Remi.”
Jane swallowed, darkness and nausea creeping into her gut.
“Why don’t we go home and watch a move?” he suggested. “I’ll make us dinner.” he smiled.
She sighed..
“Actually, I think I just want to go to bed.”
“Ok.” Kurt replied with a slight nod. Though Jane could see the hint of rejection in his expression.
She knew she should make the effort to spend some time with him, to make up for the way she had treated him in the stairwell, but she just didn’t have the energy. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and bury herself in the darkness. To shut the world out.
Jane leaned her head back and closed her eyes, both from the exhaustion of the day, as well as hoping that Kurt would take that as a sign that she didn’t feel like talking.
She could feel herself becoming more and more untethered by the second. She just wanted to be alone.
She just wanted the darkness to swallow her whole.
Thanks for reading. If you guys have any suggestions or requests, please let me know and I will see if I can work it in :)    
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