#but like? in EVERY dmbj show and movie
traineecryptid · 8 months
DMBJ Web Films Project Plan
Synopsis of the web films in the works as posted by the official Jiezi Ghost City Weibo account.
Masterlist shared on tumblr by @pangzi in this post Synopsis for the web film "Reality Control Unit", presumably sequel to "Jiezi Ghost City" here Translated by @traineecryptid Edited by @thelaithlyworm
10/10/23 南洋异闻录 Record of Strange News in Nanyang (source)
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Jiezi Ghost City Movie (+Follow) 23-10-10 Posted from Zhejiang From HUAWEI Mate 30 Daomu Biji Supertopic I specially present the synopsis for “Record of Strange News in Nanyang.” I hope you’ll like it! As for casting actors, I hope everyone could generously impart your knowledge. Every opinion is nourishment for our creativity! [face with heart emoji]
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The Serial Cases of Strange Deaths in Malacca Record of Strange News in Nanyang Youngsters Zhang Hailou and Zhang Haixia arrive in Nanyang. Just as they are about to show their skills and establish themself locally, they are dragged into a case of boneless corpses. In order to rid themselves of suspicion, both of them have to investigate the truth while avoiding being caught. In the process, they trespass on an abandoned ship and find a secret text that they had seen in the old book of their adoptive mother, Zhang Haiqi, back in Xiamen. The overseas plans of the ancient family are set in motion as driven by fate. Could the young Zhang descendants figure out the inner workings of all these? Could they make a name for themselves in Malacca…? [word in circular stamp] Secret Web Films Project Plan
11/10/23 七指神匠 Seven-Fingered Mystical Craftsman (source)
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Jiezi Ghost City Movie (+Follow) 23-10-11 Posted from Zhejiang From HUAWEI Mate 30 Daomu Biji Supertopic You’ve finally viewed my post! Here comes the synopsis for “Seven-Fingered Mystical Craftsman.” I’m inviting all my friends to have a look. [big smiling emoji] #Jiezi Ghost City Movie#
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Genius Architect Vigorously Renovates Secret Imperial Tomb Seven-Fingered Mystical Craftsman Xie Yuchen finds some information about the descendants of the Qi family on an antique piece. He and Wu Xie arrive at a mysterious imperial tomb that had only existed in myths. There aren’t any signs of it being broken into from the outside. After they enter the tomb, to their surprise, they find that the tomb’s mechanisms have been modified into modern mechanisms. In the process of disarming these mechanisms, they realize that these mechanisms do not have the ability to kill or maim. Instead, they were filled with a sense of mockery. Also, they aren’t the only people alive in this tomb… [word in circular stamp] Secret Web Films Project Plan
12/10/23 鱼戾之宴 Banquet of the Evil Fish (source)
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Jiezi Ghost City Movie (+Follow) 23-10-12 Posted from Zhejiang From HUAWEI Mate 30 Daomu Biji Supertopic The secret synopsis for “Banquet of the Evil Fish” is revealed! So the curse from hundreds of years ago has never been broken? [shocked emoji] #Jiezi Ghost City Movie#
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A Fertility Temple's Method of Eating People in Exchange for Children Banquet of the Evil Fish  Legend has it that a few hundred years ago Wuzai Town was cursed to never have any descendants because they offended a Godly Child. After that a priest in the village found a mysterious ritual and built a temple for the Godly Child, worshiping and begging the Godly Child for forgiveness. Since then, the curse on Wuzai Town was broken.  Liang Yanyan and A’Tou are looking for somewhere to rest after getting in a car accident. Without meaning to, they arrive at the Temple of the Godly Child. There’s light flickering inside and a strange, bloody scent permeating the air. They check out the place quietly and find a family of four cooking human meat… [word in circular stamp] Secret Web Films Project Plan
13/10/23 南水怪谭 Strange Tales of the Southern Waters (source)
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Jiezi Ghost City Movie (+Follow) 23-10-13 Posted from Zhejiang From HUAWEI Mate 30 Daomu Biji Supertopic Here comes “Strange Tales of the Southern Waters”~ Come see where Wu Laogou and Xie Jiu-ye went to? #Jiezi Ghost City Movie#
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The Mystery of Exchanging Souls with the Water Ghost from An Underground River with No Source Strange Tales of the Southern Waters There is an underground river in the Southern Village that was deemed a forbidden ground by the villagers. Legend has it, a woman drowned herself in the river, turning into a water ghost who seeks the life of anyone who approaches the river. Incidentally, Wu Laogou and Xie Jiu-ye enter this village by mistake while investigating a shocking cold case in Changsha. They discover that the so-called water ghost killings are actually being done by the living. There is a group of strange looking fish people that seem to be living in an underwater temple… [word in circular stamp] Secret Web Films Project Plan
Google document with the translated masterlist and all the synopsis
Note: I've translated the text to match the source as closely as possible instead of doing it in a more localised way. Feel free to ask what certain terms mean, I will edit this post to include the explanation and add an explanation section to the gdocs for the answers.
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lonelylonelyghost · 1 month
OK, but actually props to the production team of Spirealm for committing to creepy shit
It's very rare for cdramas to veer into the horror territory in general, but even if they have some elements of it, it's always with an obnoxious on-screen explanation that it's actually not a ghost but an illusion caused by toxic fumes or whatever the hell (I'm looking at you, Guardian and the entirety of DMBJ). This kind of approach feels frankly a bit condescending. I'm not an idiot to immediately believe that every shadow in my room is a demon after seeing one in a movie, but I also came to watch some weird things happening to my OTP, not to attend a chemistry lesson.
But here, because of the drama's settings (which also can be seen as a cop out, but I'll take it), the story actually has supernatural elements, which nobody immediately dismisses as a hallucination, and it feels... refreshing.
I'm not a huge lover of pure horror as a genre, but I like supernatural things and enjoy me some spookies every once in a while. And Spirealm, with its unique settings for Doors, creepy girls and somehow even creepier eggs, musical instruments made out of human skin, its haunting little songs and overall atmosphere, feels like a proper supernatural show that doesn't look down on you.
And it's awesome
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mekare-art · 8 months
Xiaoge.mp3 Challenge Reminder
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This challenge will keep running until November 30th (it's Xiaoge's birthdayin November).
Excitingly, there is a new entry for the challenge! Read the fic here:
A Crescent Moon in the Sands (2792 words) by wispafloat Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 東邪西毒 | Ashes of Time (1994) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Zhang Qiling, Wang Pangzi Additional Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Grief/Mourning, A slightly grumpy Wu Xie (which is his normal anw), I'm trying to think of tags but can't really think of any, Umm I'll explain in summary? Lol, no beta we die like.., Ok I can't be that cruel Summary:
Therefore, I tried my best to be a good watch buddy in Pangzi's absence and sat next to Menyouping, hoping it would get me some more boyfriend points. But only four minutes in, this show made me want to spit blood in anger.
Without a past, every day would be a new beginning. Wouldn’t that be great?
 Or the story where Pingxie watch a movie and have feelings about it. .
Check out the whole Xiaoge.mp3 Collection for more fanworks created for this challenge!
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kholran · 15 days
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @lucientelrunya Thank you friend!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
DMBJ right now, but in the past I have written for The Hobbit movies and Les Mis. I've written half a Weilan fic for Guardian but...
4. top five fics by kudos
I Will Go Now to My Pyre (DMBJ, RiSang, 262) And Here My Troubles Begin (The Hobbit, Barduil, 256) When the Stars Align (The Hobbit, Barduil, 220) I Get By (DMBJ, Gen/Liu Sang-centric, 215) Skin Deep (The Hobbit, Barduil, 205)
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes one or two falls through the cracks when I don't have the spoons to respond right away, but I do try and at least acknowledge them even if it's been ages.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a little ficlet I wrote here on Tumblr and never put on AO3, in which one of the characters is revealed to have been dead the whole time. Usually I'm not about the super depressing endings though, just about everything else at least ends on a hopeful note, if not a resolved one.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of my RiSang fics end on a happy note, especially the one-shots and the exchange fics. Love Light, Ordinary World, ADHAU, Wild Fire, Last to Know...I think they're pretty equally happy?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not really, but I did get one bizarre comment on a fic where the commenter presumed to predict where the plot was going and then comment on how much they didn't like when things like that happened? Except it wasn't a fully published fic yet and the actual ending was...nothing at all like they predicted.
9. do you write smut?
I sure do.
10. craziest crossover?
I don't think I've ever actually written a crossover. Crazies fusion fic was definitely Les Amis Do Titanic (In Every Age).
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I mostly write rarepair/pool noodle fic in a tiny fandom so...who's really going to take it?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I used to do a lot of forum-based RP, back when invision/tapatalk/proboards forums were all the rage in the early 2000s. In terms of fic I've published on AO3, I haven't. But that's largely due to the fact that I'm the slowest writer known to man, and I'd just end up frustrating any writing partner I had with my slowness ^_^;
14. all time favorite ship?
I think Weilan (Guardian) is the ship I've read the most fic for overall. But it's definitely not my longest-term ship or anything.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Weilan Mermaid AU I started back in like...2020? I fell into the DMBJ pits before I finished it and idk if I'll ever go back to it at this point.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good at setting scenes and writing things that people can visualize, so that, I guess?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Oh god dialogue. I cannot write a normal conversation to save my life. What even is normal human interaction?
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Nah. I mean I'll use a word here or there, if it's something very commonly understood in the fandom (like calling Wu Erbai "Er-shu" or Zhang Rishan "fuguan" if that's how a character would address them in the show). But in terms of full sentences? I wouldn't be confident enough in my ability to write the language fluently, and even if I could, I'd just have to provide translations anyway. Far easier to say "...'said so-and-so in [language]."
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Like, EVER? I had a generic American Girl doll that I named after a Baywatch character and wrote a story for her when I was like...9? Does that count?
20. favorite fic you've written?
I'm still really proud of Ordinary World. It's not my most popular by any measure, but I put a ton of work into it and I still enjoy re-reading it sometimes. Plus I'm proud of the fact that I churned out nearly 60k words in like a month since it was for an exchange that had a deadline.
Tagging: @merinnan @eirenical @xantissa @alxina @amidalogicdive (if you want to!) and anyone else who may also want to, consider yourself tagged!
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ilgaksu · 4 months
So, please tell me about how DMBJ: Ultimate Note "occupies a complex place" in your heart. 👀
Oh, boy. Okay.
I don't think Ultimate Note is a good show in terms of pacing, but then I don't think the majority of DMBJ adaptations I've seen are, so it's not exceptional. Ultimate Note was also my gateway drug/entry-level position I was hired for at the franchise, so to speak. So it naturally is in "I didn't say it was good, I said I enjoyed it" territory for me.
The personal aspect is that the person I was when I first sat down for Episode One, First Time Watching of Ultimate Note is a different person to me now, so much as to be just...beyond unrecognisable. If the past is a different country then that version of me is a stranger I just want desperately to hug and tell it's going to be okay - not just yet, but it will be. I think we have to practise empathy for who we were, and I was a very frightened, isolated, panicking person who had reached a breaking point and then fallen right through it and kept falling and kept falling - and then, when I hit the ground, had to figure out how to get up. The fact that when I watched Ultimate Note I felt Something was significant. It had become easy, and very normal, for me to feel like an outsider in the world, and then I had relearn what my place in the world was going to be, and having this show and my interest in it helped sustain me. I actually had multiple friends, God love them, try and bravely watch the show - mostly just because of how I had a visible reaction when talking about it. If you've ever doubted someone loves you, see how long they can last through the billionth parasite arc in a tomb-raiding franchise when they aren't even in the same fandom.
(Obviously, I have a LOT of feelings about Hei Xiazi as a disabled person and how that plays into my love for him, and my way of interacting with him in fics. I can talk about that too but this ask is already so long AND IT'S ABOUT TO GET EVEN LONGER, so. Another time I guess?)
I think it might seem strange to people, for someone to stay writing in a fandom so long and so consistently, without any seeming outside influence from the wider fandom. Like, I did the maths recently and on average, it's something like a fic or a fic update every two weeks for nearly three years. The only way I can put it is this. Writing HeiHua as a result of Ultimate Note at first, and then the other adaptations, really felt like the actions of a person who was not so much writing as curled, full-body, around a very small and guttering flame in a very, very dark room, refusing to let it go out.
And I really think that when something provides that for you, it doesn't matter how long for and how much it means you have to reckon with the past or how many years it's been since maybe you stopped engaging with it (although I haven't yet, but you see my point), you just adore it. But like, let's be real. Let's have some common sense here. A-ning wouldn't have looked like that after days dead in the jungle. I'm not asking for absolute forensic realism, but anything would've been appreciated. A-ning dying at all is part of a long, long history of women's pain for men's journeys. For every xenophobic take one of the adaptations has on an indigenous culture, I wish I could buy myself a coffee to stare sadly into, but then I would run out of money and have to peddle my wares door-to-door and all I have to sell is more HeiHua, and I'm just saying nobody has come calling to ask me to write the next movie for them, so.
But for real, I think all the time about that quote about how sometimes, reading something is like someone out of space and time reaching out to you and holding your hand. And like, I don't need Ultimate Note as an emotional crutch anymore. It's comforting, but my life is...just, so, so much bigger than it was when I started. The love is still there, and still as intense, just life is better and I get to savour my enjoyment even more now. And also criticise it. And also I have to keep busy making new women OCs forever because the more of the canon ones NPSS knocks off, the more I worry about the fictional depopulation of the DMBJ universe.
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eigwayne · 5 months
One of the things I do when I don't have the wherewithal for creative works, which is often lately, is work on a database spreadsheet for my C-drama watching. The scoring records are one sheet, and there's another for actor stats that I'm working on. Because after a while you start to recognize faces among the supporting roles and can't flippin' remember where they're from, or where you first saw them.
So I started a sheet, with the rows as actor names and the column headers as shows I've seen. It's... very large. And very tedious to fill in. I cannot recommend this to anyone, ever. But it keeps me busy when I can't make myself function with anything else.
Now, I'm filling this in in order of the shows as I watched them- or my nearest guess because I forgot when I watched some things, especially for those actors I saw on Happy Camp or Chuang before I saw any of their shows (which was a lot, actually- I saw Cheng Yi, Tan Jianci, Bai Lu, Hou Minghao, even Zhao Liying on Happy Camp before I got around to any of their shows). So I'm only at King's Avatar, but I do have some stats. This does count the shows I've started but haven't finished yet, and the ones I've dropped, so not all of them are "actually seen in this show and can evaluate their performance", some are "I started a show they're in and fuck if I remember if I saw their part yet." But!
The people I've seen most so far are He Zhonghua and Zhang Fan at 10 shows each.
I've started 6 Xiao Zhan shows but only 5 for Wang Yibo, Wang Zhuocheng, and Meng Ziyi. Also at 5 is Huang Youming, Hei Zi, Liu Xueyi, Cheng Yi, Han Chenyu who is probably in all the Cheng Yi shows, Zhao Liying, Canti Lau, Ji Chen who has some DMBJ movies in there, and Dong Li Wu You, who is like fifteen, tops, but is in everything.
Liu Yuning's count is at 8 but at one point I was jotting down OST and writing contributions and then stopped because I was bored, so who knows (Nanpai Sanshu is at 9 because of the writing creds, with higher than expected but still incomplete numbers for Zhou Shen from soundtrack creds. No idea why Mimi Lee is at 5 but I like her so it's okay for now). Anyone in 72 Floors of Mystery or any movie that isn't an Untamed spin-off is messed up because I added variety shows and movies halfway through and haven't caught up yet. Happy Camp stats are a disaster.
Zhang Tianyang is at 7 shows, and that is most likely correct. He was in almost every show I watched last summer, lol~ He's my accidental darling.
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mejomonster · 4 years
Oh I forgot ALSO we got an immediate setup of “Zhang Qiling sent wu xie a video and now wu xie WANTS TO FIND HIM” as the first thing he wants in the show so. That’s cool.
It’s cool that his uncles heartbrokenly reminiscing on his long missing lover and Wu xie’s like “well then Tell me if you killed X otherwise I’m done here I need to go Find Xiaoge” I see u wu xie
It quickly devolves into wu xie realizing Xiaoge didn’t send it, but this is wu xie, so hes still going to find out WHY it was sent. Also whoever the sender was? ICONIC of them to know the key to get wu xie to prioritize it ASAP and get obsessed with figuring it out was to have it say “from Zhang Qiling.”
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lenmatcha · 3 years
Here’s an impression of all the Zhang Qiling’s from The Lost Tomb adaptations and some criticisms
because I have nothing better to do.
These are based on my personal viewing experience and reviews by novel fans
they may not match how you think about these versions and that’s fine. 
We all have our personal preferences.
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The Lost Tomb (2015, drama)
played by Yang Yang
2010’s eboy vibes
Probably buys fingerless gloves from Hot Topic
Emo hair (I will not stop talking about that hair cuz that’s all I remember)
Tattoos looking like they’re drawn with a ballpoint pen
*Strikes pose to show off abs*
Most audience were unsatisfied with the hairstyle and how the actor played ZQL simply as the “cold, strong, expressionless” character without any depth.
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Time Raiders (2016, movie)
played by Jing Boran
Sci-fi steampunk aesthetic (this was supposed to be a movie about tombs…)
Probably bench presses with his 200 pound sword
Fur coat fashion
“Not bad.”
“I know.”
--- Actual lines from the movie, i swear im not making this up
“There is no movie in dmbj adaptation.” 
Yeah most fans don’t want to acknowledge the existence of this movie...
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Tomb of the Sea (2018, drama)
played by Xiao Yuliang
he is baby
Exists only in flashbacks
Had less than 8 minutes of screen time but somehow nailed it
Him with the robe (藏袍) it’s just  *chef’s kiss*
Highly recommend behind the scenes video of the Xin Yue Restaurant scene cuz they edited so much of the stunts out.
Like how a tattoo artist on Bilibili analyzed, this version of ZQL didn’t really have the best tattoo design. Also in one of the flashback fight scenes (ep 35) , the editing was so awkward it made it look like the people he fought fell before he even kicked them.
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The Lost Tomb 2 (2019, drama)
played by Cheng Yi
Defies gravity. 
Can fly
Learned martial arts from some sort of xianxia drama
*Does a split in the middle of fighting some wolves*
Sir, this is an adventure drama, not an idol romance drama
*holds Wu Xie gently* 
This version of ZQL was kinda out of character in a fanfiction kinda way. Also the fight scenes relied too much on wires, which some say it’s because the actor is used to playing xianxia dramas.
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Reboot (2020, drama)
played by Huang Junjie
Get’s his own soundtrack for every dramatic entrance 
The hood still confuses me, like, what is that thing at the front?
Smirks 24/7
Like dude why are you still smiling
Lost so much blood, I’m starting to think he’s invincible 
Fans complained about how this version of ZQL smiles too much and is being treated like a background character. The Iron Triangle vibe isn’t really there, perhaps it’s because the actors didn’t communicate enough with each other.
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Ultimate Note (2020, drama)
played by Xiao Yuliang
Yeah I know it’s the same actor as in Tomb of the Sea but I think he deserves a whole another section
Cat energy
Is finally loved.
Has an 8 pack but still skinny af (Like, somebody pls feed this child)
Did most of his own stunts, which is pretty impressive
Everyone say thank you Ultimate Note cast and crew
Unlike other adaptations, in Ultimate Note we get to see more of ZQL’ vulnerable moments, like the Akun flashback, getting amnesia, and getting injured multiple times. 
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unforth · 2 years
Fandoms I'll write for (in vaguely alphabetical order):
Fandoms in Bold are those I'm currently most interested in/active in/invested in/wanting to write.
2ha (The Husky and His White Cat Shizun)
Babylon 5
Check Please
Disney (almost any of movies, including Pixar; I'm familiar with but won't write for most Disney Jr titles, too)
Doctor Who (9th and 10th Doctor specifically)
DMBJ (books 1 - 6, UN, TLTR)
The Elenium (book series by David Eddings)
Final Fantasy 7, 9, 10, or 12 (esp. 12)
Fushigi Yuugi
Golden Stage
Guardian (show or book)
Gundam W
Horatio Hornblower (BBC 90s show version)
Jane Austen (all except Northanger Abbey)
Love Nikki
MCU (movies only, have seen most of them; Deadpool also okay, and non-MCU Spiderman; haven't seen Venom)
Miraculous Ladybug (but I've only seen 2.5 seasons)
The Muppets (esp. the original show and movies)
Rurouni Kenshin
Sherlock Holmes (books or Jeremy Brett version)
Star Trek (ToS, TNG or DS9)
Star Wars (movies only, excluding Solo)
Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine
Thousand Autumns
Tokyo Babylon
Wheel of Time (I've read through...11? and seen part of s1)
The Witcher (I've only seen s1)
Word of Honor (including Qiye)
Xanth (mostly Bink generation)
Yuri on Ice
Note 1: I am NO LONGER WRITING HARRY POTTER FIC I'm sorry I tried to separate the fandom from the author but she's just being so awful that I can't in good conscience be involved in anything related.
Note 2: I haven't been "actively" in a lot of these fandoms for many years, and so I can't promise to remember every canon character or event, but I'm always willing to try, especially if it's only for a ficlet.
Otherwise, if it's not on the list, you can still always try. I'm old. I've been a fan of a lot of things over the years.
I am a multishipper and tend to be open to anything except incest and villain x hero (ie Samifer in SPN, Xuexiao in MDZS) - no judgement, you do you, I'm a pro-shipper, I just don't want to write that stuff. But, if you really want to get into the nitty-gritty of what I will and won't write for each, I tried to make a semi-exhaustive list. (read more)
I'll write most ships, and honestly, you can always try me on anything - you won't offend me, I just may opt not to write it. Fandoms are in vaguely alphabetical order.
A few general notes:
I will virtually never write incest (as in literal blood relatives - adoption, raised together, known each other since childhood, none of that is incest) EXCEPT for twincest (idk brains are weird I can brain it for twins, I think because somethingsomething power dynamics)
I don't write RPS except for Yizhan.
Generally, I don't like shipping villains, especially villains x heroes, and especially if the villain committed extreme violence and/or sexual violence and/or massive mental manipulation against the hero in question. (I know that their relationship can be super different in AUs or if events diverge I'm just not personally comfortable with it anyway. See again: brains are weird).
I usually avoid intergenerational shipping (for example, a parent and their kid's friend) because, again, somethingsomething power dynamics.
I'll write underage, but again, I sometimes have power dynamic concerns, and I tend to prefer not to write CANON underage (like, I'll age up or age down characters, but if they're underage in canon I'm often less comfortable with it.)
Other than that - I'll try almost anything. This is NOT a list of what I ship, but instead a list of what I don't ship for any given fandom:
* 2ha: fuck Shi Mei. Not literally of course, but I really ain’t out here shipping Shi Mei with literally fucking anyone. Other than that I think I’m mostly game? Though I don’t remember some of the side characters that well, there were just too many names in that one big reveal about Xue what’s-his-name and Luo something-or-other.
* Check Please: I basically only write Zimbits. I’d try other things, especially with Shitty, but no Kent Parson at all please.
* DMBJ: I haven’t seen Mystic 9 yet so I don’t know those characters and can’t write for them yet; stick to folks in UN and TLTR and I’m probably good for most stuff? Except Wu Sanxing, and the villains, big ol’ nope. I'm also part-way through Sha Hai, and I can write those characters (not Wang Can, haven't met him yet) but again I'd rather avoid intergenerational ships.
* Guardian: I see Chuguo more familial/brotherly, and I haven’t really thought about other ships but idk try me? It’s fun to experiment.
* Leverage: anyone in the team x anyone else in the team, I’m game.
* MCU: No HTP, and I'd really rather avoid most of the villains, but I'm open to basically any hero x any hero. I do ship Thorki.
* MDZS: no Xuexiao or really any Xue Yang ships (though I think I’d be okay with Xueyu). No Lancest, Niecest, Wencest, or Jiangcest. I’m a little reluctant on most Jin Guangyao ships too tho I’ll do 3zun and variations there on. As I mentioned, intergenerational stuff often makes me uncomfortable so tend to avoid older folks x juniors but I’ll ship the juniors together and depending on the ship I’d probably be willing to try?
* SPN: no Wincest or Samifer or Lucifer x anyone. I tend not to ship villains in general. I prefer a ship with either Dean or Cas or both but I’m open to Sam ships too.
* Star Trek: No Gul Dukat or Kai Winn. They should suffer alone. No Voyager or later series, I just haven’t seen them so I don’t know the characters. Other than that...idk try me? I haven't written much shippy stuff for Star Trek so I don't have many strong opinions yet.
* Star Wars: mostly I ship JediStormPilotRose and permutations there of but idk I’d try other just about anything other than villains and LukeLeia. I am not familiar with Clone Wars or the Mandolarian and have only seen the movies (not Solo).
* SVSSS: other than family/relatives (like Tiankang jun x Luo Binghe) I can’t really think of any no’s? Im especially a proponent of Shen Qingqiu/Yuan harem rights. I’d rather not write Shen Jiu or Original Luo Binghe but…eh, I’m open.
* TGCF: …I kinda don’t get Qiurong but I’d be willing to try? But otherwise I think I’m good. I’d even be willing to do Bai Wuxiang ships as long as it’s understood it’s gonna be dark as fuck. No Xianle cousins as a ship. I think I’d struggle with Qi Rong in general but I’d give it a go. No Shicest.
* Thousand Autumns: until I reread and get a better sense of the side characters I’m pretty Yanshen only.
* Voltron: I don't ship Lance with anyone, mostly because his fandom led me to hate him. I also don't really get Lotor ships. I'm mostly interested in Keith, Allura, and Shiro.
* Word of Honor: note I haven’t read TYK yet, but I’m open to virtually anything I guess? I’d prefer no Zhang Chengling x older folks. I favor Caoxiang, Wenzhou and Wenzhouyi. I've also read Qiye; I can't really think of any solid nos for that except maybe Helian Pei, Helian Qi, and/or Helian Zhou x like...anyone. Fuck those guys in no fun ways.
* Yuri in Ice: I don’t really like Otayuri, Yuri’s just too young for me to personally be comfortable shipping him. But the older folks I’m pretty open to multishipping them.
(if you're wondering about ship restrictions for fandoms not listed here just drop me an ask; I just thought these were the ones people were most likely to care about/I was most interested in writing in general).
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yue-muffin · 2 years
reveal your watch & rewatch drama list
@mejomonster thanks for tagging me!
currently watching
technically...a lot of things, because i have a habit of starting things and not finishing them for a million years.
Kei x Yaku: Abunai Aibou: decided the suspense would kill me, so i’m waiting until it’s finished. finally, a bl drama from japan that’s not set in high school, a comedy, or a very romance-centric story. cherry magic was an exception, i typically like shows that are not heavy romance-centric as a rule. kei x yaku scratches that particular itch. apparently i like crime jdramas so it definitely scratches two itches.
Night Doctor: to be fair, i was actually able to watch an episode without subs and only got a little lost on the medical scenes. its like. a little melodramatic but still a fun ride. my favorite part about medical jdramas is seeing whether the characters who have chemistry end up being like ‘nah, job comes first’ because it makes people so pissed off they teased a romance for the whole season only to drop the ball.
Toumei na Yurikago/An Invisible Cradle: a jdrama i didn’t really expect to be a thing? or that i’d watch? it’s a medical drama (yeah again) about an obstetrics and gynecology clinic, from the perspective of a teenage girl who is interning there. it’s a decent drama that touches on a lot of sensitive topics and hard choices people have to make. also, seto koji, who plays the doctor, is super hot.
Taira no Kiyomori: what’s this, a taiga drama!? or, something that’s not medical or crime related? yeah, i wanted to finally try out a taiga so i grabbed this one bc i’ve always been curious what the heike monogatari is all about yet have no patience to read about the whole long tale. and it’s like. actually, japan does make good historical dramas, they just don’t make a whole lot like china does and usually it’s going to be pretty grounded in reality, not fantasy. taira no kiyomori is one of the Big Ones produced by NHK, 50 episodes long (WAY longer than the average jdrama) and the production value is very good. i just. need a certain brain turned on to watch this. and subs. the old timey, ultra polite and formal language is a headache. i understand some of it, but it takes me a lot longer to process.
Imperial Coroner: a cdrama finally lol. the mystery and action element is getting good, i just haven’t gotten back to it in a while. the mc is kinda annoying, kinda endearing? imma continue it when i have the brain power to concentrate on such long episodes.
dmbj: like. all of them. i have not watched a single season/adaptation to completion except for TLT1 and the time raiders movie. like i said, it’s hard for me to concentrate on long episodes and at some point i kept getting side tracked by the NEW installment in this series and forget to go back to the other ones lol...
Not Me: wait i almost forgot this one. similar to kei x yaku i needed it to finish before i went all in. it’s sooo good but waiting every week was killing me.
Hikaru no Go (chinese): its so good. i just. need to finish.
plan to watch
...though i probably shouldn’t until i finish the ones up above.
cdramas: word of honor (was waiting until it finished!! then i got busy. then i was like am i going to be emotionally devastated bc if so i need to save this for the right moment lol), love and redemption (i swear i’ll get back to it!!)
kdramas: strangers from hell
jdramas: none, surprisingly
none really bc i’m too busy finishing all the in progress ones lol. but when i get back around to dmbj i like to start from episode 1 bc if not i’m lost in the chaos of where exactly we are in the timeline again lol.
Tagging: @jaecomments though you might’ve done it already!
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morkofday · 3 years
get to know me
am going to mix these two different tag games into one post so thank you a lot for tagging me @jazthespazz and @i-am-just-a-kiddo ♥
it’s somehow funny to do these same games again after a while so let’s see what I come up with:
Part I
name: real name petra but i prefer vish/vishie over here ^^ 
pronouns: she/her
star sign: aries ♈
height: 178cm (which am coming more and more proud of while i realize how damn tall every cdrama actor is lol)
time: 10:37pm as am answering this one
birthday: 10th april!
nationality: finnish 
fave bands/groups: ah well this is always a hard question but let’s go with these: BTS, DAY6, OneRepublic, Hurts, Oneus, Hoppipolla, TXT, Red, Mamamoo
fave solo artists: (forgive me if i’ve assumed any of these wrong) Novo Amor, Talos, Crywolf, Liu Yuning, SYML, EDEN, PVRIS, Joker Xue, NF, Halsey, Sleeping At Last, Nuz, HyunA, Sam Smith, Taemin
song stuck in your head: it’s OneRepublic’s Rescue Me bc of the song tag game i did earlier today :’D that one always gets stuck in my head whenever i as much as see the title lol 
last movie you watched: i think it’s The Yin-Yang Master (2021)? I haven’t watched any movies after that bc am so busy with all of my dramas haha
last show you binged: i think binged would be The Journey Across the Night! I watched that as a whole in 4 days
when you created your blog: in 2013 
the last thing you googled: ummm i think it was “what is a ball of wool called” bc of fic purposes haha as a non native speaker i always get a bit lost with words like this 
other blogs: none, i just dump everything here like the idiot i am 
why i chose my url: dates back to my intense summer of binge reading J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Vishous was my favorite of the brothers haha. i first used this username in some random game on my nintendo ds lol 
how many people are you following: 358 which somehow feels like a lot but also like way too few?? i should probably search for some new blogs with other topics than cql, bts and/or dmbj bc i do love a lot of things at once 
how many followers do you have: over 800 
average hours of sleep: i’d say around 7h
lucky numbers: i remember answering 5 previously? i don’t really have a lucky number but 5 pops into my head
instruments: nope, no. not touching those tyvm. i admire everyone who can play any instrument tho
what i’m currently wearing: black jeans, socks with foxes on them (plus my woolly socks), a gray cardigan (my fave thing ever!) and an orange/brown top
dream job: writer would be ideal but that is very faaaaar into the dream zone 
dream trip: around different parts of asia to taste all the amazing food ;; maybe a road trip of sorts through europe? or inter railing? another trip to london bc i miss that ;; a trip to the very northern part of lapland to see all the auroras etc! i’ve never been that far north :’D 
fave food: if i need to quickly name something then sushi. otherwise am pretty fine with anything spicy 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: i remember thinking about this a lot the last time i answered this but hmm. currently i’d say dmbj still bc that world is fascinating AND i would love to talk to the characters. mass effect would be the second one currently bc i miss those games and the space stuff is super cool! and the third one would be assassin’s creed rogue bc that is my fave ac game and i like the northern sea and the places in it AND i could probably be one of abstergo’s employees instead and just test/play those simulation games haha 
Part II
Last Song: am currently listening to my playlist with just everything so i have Andrew Belle’s The Enemy playing right now (also I only just now realized that Andrew Belle also sings Pieces which is one of my fave songs? my bff linked that to me after it played in some tv series she was watching)
Last Movie Last Stream: i didn’t want to mention the same movie again or skip this question and i’ve wanted to talk about this anyway so! i watched Liu Chang’s bday live last night :’D it was so much fun even if i couldn’t understand anything. it was just nice to watch him being himself and have fun and chill with his fans. also the songs were amazing ;; i cried with Liu Sang’s character song as well as the ending. and all the while i couldn’t turn my gaze away from his eyes! he has such pretty eyes and they were absolutely Sparkling throughout the whole stream, it was so nice :’)
Currently Reading: Devotions by Mary Oliver (i adore her poems! they’re a very nice change after Siken haha) and then some uni stuff for a course about culture and mental health plus my thesis
Currently Watching: Douluo Continent, Word of Honor, The Long Ballad 
all of these are amazing and make me feel different things! i started Douluo Continent just a while ago and am now on ep 16 i think? it’s been very pretty and very chill and i watch it during the weekend while i wait for new episodes to the other two :’D it’s nice to see Xiao Zhan again and i’ve enjoyed the rpg game type of feeling in it? the group of seven is doing amazing and it’s interesting to watch them craft their team work! Word of Honor again has reached the ending and i just hold my breath with it. am not too far gone with it so i am not getting as heavy feelings about it as i probably could but i enjoy it  alot still and i do cry at times ^^ and then The Long Ballad has just blown me away! i didn’t expect to love it this much and be this invested in it but everything about it has been such a positive surprise and it keeps making me super emotional! i love the characters and the story and the romances even! it’s a great accomplishment for me. also yes i cry on the daily bc of hao du and bc of ashile sun’s hair haha
(i am also rewatching Ultimate Note kind of and been thinking about getting into rewatching Reboot bc it has been on my list ever since i finished it)
What is antipoetry to you: okay hmm i had to google this too and have to agree with Kiddo here. i don’t have strong feelings about poetry tbh, i wasn’t into poetry that much before maybe a bit over year ago? Siken has really blown me away haha. but i have always loved song lyrics which i never thought as poetry but then Kiddo said to me that they consider them poetry and yeah ok. i agree? so idk poetry can be whatever i suppose. i’ve never seen any rules in it anyway. i know there are many rules for different types of poetry but then again. i feel like poetry has always been just words put together to feel things and i guess that is the core purpose of every written type of art in the end right? 
Currently craving: a drama as good and as personal as The Journey Across the Night. that show really just stole my heart and i want that feeling back. i think about that show every day. i miss Li Jia and his two partners. i miss the vibes. i miss sitting on my floor watching it and just sobbing my heart out haha. also! craving a properly subbed, whole version of Anti-Fraud League. only the first 12 eps are badly subbed out there. wetv has... blocked? deleted? the whole show??? i need it to my life, i wanna see Xiao Yuliang being cute as Mi Ruo and i wanna know where the story goes smh 
thank you so much for these both! i had fun ^^ also am sorry this is so long but haha if you’re asking me to talk about myself and my interests then this is what you get :) 
tagging (to do which ever part you want or both!): @cross-d-a @jockvillagersonly @humanlighthouse @kholran @xcziel @minmoyu and @leonzhng ♥
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humanlighthouse · 3 years
Get to know me memes
I was tagged by both @vishcount and @jockvillagersonly <3
Part I
name: Anna :)
pronouns: she/they, i don’t care either way 
star sign: Sagittarius all the way baby~ (sag sun, Gemini moon, cap rising for my fellow astrology bitches)
height: 181-3cms depending on who measures it, 6 ft for the Americans :p
time: 4:06 pm, it’s a rainy afternoon and i’m trying to relax~
birthday: November 23rd 
nationality: french 
fave bands/groups: i super super suck at picking out favorites for music because my playlists are a MESS and i listen to a lot of random things. still gonna say The Midnight because they’re the only ones i’ve ever seen live (with @czeriah <3)
fave solo artists: same problem. Zhou Shen or Liu Yuning, these days, maybe?
song stuck in your head: i’ve had Divine, by Girls Generation stuck in my head for the last THREE FUCKING WEEKS and it’s good, i like this song, but please, brain, i’m begging you-
last movie you watched: i think it was Yin Yang Master (Straight Edition) with @jockvillagersonly ?
last show you binged: i finished 2gether recently, i’m gonna binge the last five episodes of Vincenzo this week
when you created your blog: 2012, i think? 
the last thing you googled: “1er mai suisse” because the 1st of may is a national holiday in France, but i came back home late yesterday and wanted to go out for groceries only to find every shop on my side of the border closed ^^” so i was hoping the shops Swiss side would be open (they’re not) 
other blogs: i have some but none i actually use, i’m not organized enough for side blogs lol
why i chose my url: i don’t even remember anymore? i’ve never ever changed it, i just like the idea of lighthouses a lot, like a tiny light in the night guiding people back to safety <3
how many people are you following: as of today, 3936. yeah. i know. 
how many followers do you have: 864 apparently?? who are you people??
average hours of sleep: ahahahahahahahahahahahahah (either like...two, or sixteen. sometimes a very nice average of eight, but rarely between, like, 10 pm and 6 am…)
lucky numbers: NINE
instruments: ahah no. music is math and i Don’t Vibe with math. i can sing fairly decently though?
what i’m currently wearing: home clothes so nothing interesting :p (sweatpants, a floral jersey dress, a giant sweater, and bare feet, which is the most comfortable thing ever)
dream job: mushishi, or magical doctor, or something of the sort. doctor, in general, but i already spent a decade a uni and i’m NOT ready to spend another one lol 
dream trip: anywhere in Asia, or Scotland with @czeriah 
fave food: pizza 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: DMBJ because i’m a masochist (and also a girl, so i would probably die within minutes :)), H2G2 but only if i get a ride on a spaceship too, Star Trek for obvious reasons, NOT Star Wars for equally obvious reasons, any romance drama universe (or Dramaworld, while we’re at it) ToT
Part II
Last Song: this 
Last Movie: answered above, so last thing i watched: an episode of Saiki Kusuo no Psy Nan while i ate lunch 
Currently Reading: The Fate of Rome for article writing purposes, it’s a book about what biological/ecological elements helped bring about the fall of the Roman Empire, but it’s very well-written and interesting! (also that guy is the only one to ever mention the particular plague i’m writing about soooo)
Currently Watching: so many things at once dear god where does the time go (Vincenzo, Word of Honor, Fairyland Lovers, Killer Healer, Saiki Kusuo, Devil Punisher, The Way of the Househusband, Cobra Kai…) 
What is antipoetry to you: okay, i ADORE poetry, and this is a really fun twist on it imo. ironically, i think it only serves to elevate the mundane rather than lower poetry, making it…. kinda poetic in the end? lol. back when i was doing Japanese Studies, my favorite was Matsuo Basho who wrote a lot of what could, i guess, be considered antipoetry? like mosquitoes annoying him, and sleeping beside his stinky horse, in the same way that he wrote about stunning imagery and very moving emotions. King. 
Currently craving: a new obsession, please, please, please, i’m begging you brain, i need the dopamine ToT also some focus to work on my fics would be nice? 
Thanks for tagging me guys <3 I love you both so much <3 
Tagging @czeriah @tiredsosleeping and @etherealwhistler as usual, also @psychic-waffles and @golgafrincham if you guys haven’t been already! 
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Fic Writer Interview Game
thank you @jockvillagersonly for tagging me! you're the absolute sweetest 🥺💖
name: susu (苏苏)
fandoms: honestly, a lot. but of the works i've posted on ao3, the list includes the following: Qing Ya Ji (The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity), Dao Mu Bi Ji (The Grave Robbers' Chronicles/The Lost Tomb series), Zhen Hun (Guardian), Chenghua Shi Si Nian (The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty), and Good Omens
if we include fanart though, then there's also Shan He Ling (Word of Honor) and Chen Qing Ling (The Untamed)
two-shots: i genuinely didn't think i had any but here we are lol.
do not speak as loud as my heart: DMBJ & Guardian crossover 💙💚
i love(d) you: Star Wars AU for Good Omens ♡♥
in another time (UNFINISHED): TSOMD immortal!Ding Rong 💜❤️
and may we tie our hearts together again is technically part 1 of something too: red string AU for QYJ ⚫️⚪️
most popular multi-chapter fic: well, i mostly write one-shots haha! but by hits, kudos, comments, and bookmarks, it's a string of paper cranes (red string AU for TSOMD 💜❤️)
actual worst part of writing: i think just getting into the groove of things, trying to find enter flow state? i'm unfortunately really particular about the music i listen to when i write, so i tend to spend hours trying to find the perfect song to serve as my soundtrack instead of, you know, writing LOL
how you choose your titles: it's usually a quote lol no matter if it's a line from the show/book, a lyric, or from a poem (i've been doing more translation work recently so i take stuff from Chinese songs too). and on the occasions that i actually come up with something original... man, i couldn't even tell you how it happens; it's like when the DVD logo finally hits the corner of the tv screen and suddenly i have an idea once in a blue moon
do you outline?: yes. i've outlined for every fic i've written so far except the upcoming PingXie Exchange one (and for that reason, it was so much more difficult to write even though it's one of my shorter fics lol); i really need outlines so i won't miss any of the details i want to include
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: the thing is, i really think i WILL eventually get around to all my ideas, but i just have a lot of things going on :') but some of the stuff catching dust in my folder include an Orpheus & Eurydice retelling of CQL WangXian and some PingXie and Iron Triangle post-canon fluff. the Story of Yanxi Palace AU for TSOMD is still there, and i'm still not satisfied with the second chapter of "in another time" lol. other WIPs include a "Wu Xie dies but the DMBJ world has to continue on" AU and also the red string AU for QYJ from Qingming's pov. there's a huatubing (hanahaki) AU for RongZhi + focus on Wan Tong idea that i've discussed with @rongzhi too, and @naiwong-bao and i are of course still working on our QingYa derivative fic :)
and i'd love to write something for Xin Zhai Lie Ren (Psych-Hunter). the ending of that show left me so unsatisfied LOL
OH actually, i think the one idea that i'll truly never write is something for Shi Shen Ling (The Yin Yang Master). that movie... anyway, i just want to give all the characters so much more development dammit. it'd be post-canon; Baini and Boya become unlikely friends, and Qingming is still doing his stupid i-have-to-be-alone-to-protect-the-world nonsense or whatever. but he's always watching out for Baini and making sure she's safe.
callouts @ me: um... write faster? haha and... try to work outside your comfort zone a little more. try and write something without any angst at all. a rated-E fic maybe. and remember that even if only one person reads your story, even if that one person is you, then that's all you need.
best writing traits: i think i tend to have pretty strong dialogue. i'm good at showing love stories without necessarily an "i love you" in there. and, as much as i whine about it, i think i'm pretty good at making the "angst with a happy ending" pay off; it's exhausting to cope with the characters as they go through losses and tribulations, but i think i tend to handle it pretty realistically for the most part.
spicy tangential opinion: well, i don't think this is particularly anything newsworthy, but read what you like and don't read what you don't like. remember that most people are doing this out of an interest in the fandom, that it touched some part of them, and even if they're angry at the creators and writing fix-its out of spite, they're still doing it for free. so be kind to each other. and be kind to yourself; don't purposefully consume anything that will upset you.
and also. if you are not the intended audience for which a work was originally created and you're unfamiliar with the socio-historical and cultural context of the work, i am telling you not to speak over the voices of the fans who do belong to that culture. i am not asking nicely anymore. be respectful, do the proper research, and ask questions. if you are genuinely willing to learn and be educated, then people will be excited to answer. REMEMBER. you are a guest.
tagging (only if you want to!!! and if you've already done this, i'm so sorry for missing it): @naiwong-bao, @rongzhi, @lqcoups, @astarlitwishforyou, @aloverdestroyed, @ftw-wolvie, @inrainprose, @laireshi, @thosch3i, @a-universe-of-almosts
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naiwong-bao · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Game
thanks for tagging me @extraordinarilyextreme!! (and enabling more of my procrastination lol)
name: e***** (eve)
fandoms: i’ve written for My Roommate is a Detective, MDZS, The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, DMBJ/Grave Robbers Chronicles, Yin-yang Master: Dream of Eternity/Qing Ya Ji, a Guardian (if a derivative counts), and the Three Worlds Three Lives: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms.
i read just about anything that catches my interest though. if i’m recommended a fic by a friend, i’ll read it even if i’m not familiar with the fandom. 
quality of light (Qingya xianxia AU) is meant to be a twoshot but...... it’s not done ahahahahaha......
love me like that and whispered or shouted (Sui Zhou/Tang Fan/Wang Zhi post canon OT3) is technically a two-shot? 
most popular multi-chapter fic: i mean i only have the one so.
through the cracks of dreams (Pingxie SP*N AU)
actual worst part of writing: summaries
how you choose your titles: i steal a quote from something. lol. i have notebooks where i’ll copy down quotes, poetry, lyrics that i like so i’ll usually flip through those and see if anything calls out to me. or i tend to listen to music when i write so i might take a line from one of the songs that has been on repeat during writing.
do you outline?: yes. sort of? kind of. it depends on how long the fic is going to be/if i have a good idea of what i want already. i write my first drafts by hand, so that’s a jumble of scenes that i already have kind of mapped out and just random ideas/a timeline of where i think i want everything to go.
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: 
- My Roommate is a Detective: ChuYao: Dirty Dancing AU
- Mystic Nine: Er Yuehong/Zhang Qishan: unrequited love, BE, not so much canon divergant as filling things in where there isn’t actually anything and kind of just... musings of how it must have felt to want someone, to have someone close and not choosing them in the end
- Mystic Nine: Er Yuehong/Zhang Qishan: running away the night before Er-ye’s wedding and being fucking farmers or something, living a simple life together (tbh this is halfway done but i think it’ll probably just rot in the wip pile forever rip)
- Mystic Nine: Er Yuehong/Zhang Qishan, and Er Yuehong/Ya Tou (poly): Er-ye and crossdressing
- DMBJ: Pingxie, 3H, Zhang Rishan/Liang Wan: Zhang Rishan and Liang Wan get married and the it’s the fucking weirdest wedding aka grave robers try and make wedding small talk with respectable medical professionals
- DMBJ: Pingxie, 3H, Zhang Rishan/Liang Wan: gift giving and sappiness. three part fic where they just... exchange things.
- Weilan Derivative: Pei Wende/Hua Wuxie: post Fahai movie. Pei Wende is still a demon hunter, Hua Wuxie is the little demon who has been following him for the past three days, watching him sleep, leaving him food
- DMBJ: Pingxie: Wu Xie doesn’t take care of himself, but everyone around him insists
- DMBJ: Pingxie: reincarnation AU where this time it’s Xiaoge who remembers and Wu Xie who doesn’t
- DMBJ: Pingxie, Kan Jian/Liu Sang: Qing Ya Ji AU with Kan Jian/Liu Sang as Qingming/Boya and Wu Xie/Xiaoge as Zhongxing/Fangyue. i’ve honestly done a stupid amount of work/put a stupid amount of time into this already but it’s just [shrugs]
- Qing Ya Ji: Qingya: Pacific Rim AU which i have also written the rough draft for already but [shrugs harder]
- Qing Ya Ji: Qingya: urban fantasy AU where Qingming is a fairy and Boya is a human and the portal that Qingming uses to pass planes only shows up during autumn. they meet, fall in love, and navigate a little extra complicated relationship
callouts @ me: it’s for you, it’s for the people who are good and kind and respectful of the source material. it’s for the love of the story that made you feel things. it’s for fun. you learn and you improve, it’s not “cringe” to not be super jazzed about every single thing you’ve posted in the past.
best writing traits: i feel like i do “dreamy” pretty well and i’m pretty good at painting an environment/making a feeling that kind of clings to the room clear. yearning maybe???
spicy tangential opinion: you are not entitled to anything except basic respect and human decency. just saying that you tried means nothing if it’s obvious that “trying” means “i have done as much as is convenient to me”, and “trying” is not a shield from all blame when someone tells you “hey, this is insensitive”. maybe this is hella spicy but not all Asian cultures are interchangeable, i know i just woke up and chose violence today. yeah, it’s obvious when you’re just fetishizing people for their race and just because you’re not white it doesn’t mean you don’t have yellow fever i am going to have to quarantine you goodbye.
tagging: no pressure at all to do this if you don’t want to!!! also i’m sorry if i didn’t tag you, please feel free to pretend that i did because i did in my heart. @vishcount @sillyfanturtle @lqcoups @a-universe-of-almosts @annadream
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ilgaksu · 4 months
9 people I’d like to get to know better
Tagged by @irregularcollapse who at this point feels like the person i regularly see at the bar where i go to drink about late stage capitalism's effects on fandom
Last song: Leviathan by Esprit D'Air.
Favourite colour: bright yellow!
Last movie/TV show: Last film was Poor Things (viscerally loved it, felt like being beaten around the head with pure dopamine for the whole runtime). Last TV show was, for my sins, the Cheng Yi DMBJ adaptation series whose title I can literally never remember but I have been being begged to watch for all of time. I was watching it with @difeisheng who has been thrilled at my rapid conversion to the Cheng Yi Xiao-ge gospel.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Savoury or spicy. My favourite comfort food at home is this specific brand of Korean ramen.
Last thing I googled: the literal translation of the Japanese word gaijin, which is made up of the kanji for outside and person (gai, 外 / jin 人).
Current obsession: learning to cook. Every other obsession is not current but prolonged. This is a new one!!
Last book: I feel like it was Horrorstor?? By Grady Hendrix?? Incredible book actually, immaculately designed.
Looking forward to: finishing the current heihua pwp I'm working on (I find working on them relaxing so I use them as a reward system for other projects), the release of the first anthology where I've used ilgaksu as a professional pen-name with @duckprintspress, and I have a full back piece that I am looking forward to completing ahead of summer. I just got a new suitcase that fits under the plane seats and I'm excited to use it on my next international trip. Lastly, on Saturday I'm going to my friend's house and he is going to make coffee, and I get to pick the roast from a recent delivery he got, and honestly sometimes I think that - ambition and pressures aside - is all I actually ever needed from the world.
I am very tired and small and I will say if you see this and want to, you are tagged!!
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bardicindignation · 3 years
Get To Know Me!
thanks for the tag, @s1utspeare and @jockvillagersonly! 🥰🥰 name: Joy (at least on tumblr :) ) pronouns: she/her star sign: Taurus (ayyy Sierra!) height: 5'7″ : tallest woman who's related to me by blood on my mom's die of the fam lol time: 4:54 pm
Birthday: May 1st, aka Saturday!
nationality: American
fave bands/groups/solo artists: this question is just mean, ugh. Like, how am I supposed to choose? Off the top of my head, I'll go with...hmm...the Amazing Devil, Celtic Thunder (specifically the Take Me Home album) the Oh Hello's, Queen, Panic! at the Disco, Imagine Dragons and I'm gonna just stop there before I wind up with enough to need to put most of this under a cut 😅
song stuck in your head: In a really odd turn of events, none! Which is hardly ever the case lol, I perpetually have a song stuck in my head
last movie you watched: 4 Weddings and a Funeral, just the first half or so. I was really enjoying it though, so I'll probably watch the rest later!
last show you binged: well, I'm more or less being forced to watch the rest of it at a normal pace (*shakes fist* curse you Vicki uploading times!!) but the first, like, 16 or so eps of Word of Honor
when you created your blog: 2020
the last thing you googled: a recipe for carrot ginger soup! that I haven't made (yet) bc we have a bunch of carrots and ginger rn
other blogs: none! I bring all of my inconsistency to the same place lol
why i chose my url: bc I wanted smth different from my ao3 username (middleschool me was not the best at naming stuff) and it's also and inside joke with myself :)
how many people are you following: 158
how many followers do you have: 55 :)
average hours of sleep: eh, it ranges from, like, 6 or 7 to 10 depending on how sucked into fanfics i get while I'm supposed to be sleeping lol
lucky numbers: I'm not sure about lucky, but my favorite number is 12!
instruments: piano, a little bit. I had brief dalliances with the violin, french horn, and the ukulele, and I want to learn how to play my guitar
what i'm currently wearing: A red, long sleeved...lounge top? I guess? black leggings and purple and white striped socks
dream job: being a full time novelist would be awesome, but also recently I've been thinking about becoming a kindergarten teacher! (incorporates a lot of different stuff I really like to do, plus time during the summer for writing!)
dream trip: Ireland, again, (It was so fun, I want to go back and explore more so much) or Istanbul so I can see the Hagia Sophia and the Basilica Cistern
fave food: hmm, well, right now I'm craving a cajun turkey burger or Irish stew, so we'll go with that!
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: oh god, umm...I guess Star Wars when there's not, yk, a war on, Middle Earth would be pretty cool, esp the Shire (give me ALL the second breakfasts please) or...idk, one where I get to have magic powers but also don't almost die/get murdered every three seconds
Part II
last song: Take Me to Church by Hozier
last stream: um, if this is about livestreams, i...don't lol
currently reading: currently rereading deadcatwithaflamethrower's Re-Entry series, which is long and excellent while ignoring the pile of books that want my attention
currently watching: Word of Honor! I love this dumb assholes so much! Also, just started on Shadow and Bone, which I'm looking forward to getting more into :))
what is antipoetry to you: I'm...not sure? I'd never seen the term before, so I'd have to spend more time thinking about this one
currently craving: ice cream. always. No pressure tags for anyone in the dmbj game who haven't been already, @rhea-imagined, @flaim-ita, and anyone else who wants to!!!
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