#but like. i keep thinking about. ‘even if I end up hurting others. i want you and my brother to live marcille’
bluesidez · 24 hours
Firefighter!Miguel Part 3
content warning: fluff, some mentions of Christianity because a lot of southern grandmothers are Christian (it shouldn't be anything that makes non-Christians uncomfy)
word count: 1.5k, not proofread
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Firefighter!Miguel who listens with a skeptical face as the trio of teenagers in front of him explain how their car ended up upside down in a lake.
“We saw a squirrel and we couldn’t just hit it, that’s inhumane!”
“So, you roll your car down a ramp instead?”
The trio stare at him with building panic.
“There’s not a single scratch or bruise on any of you.”
It takes about ten seconds of empty space before one of them crumbles to the ground in faux pain.
“I-I can still feel the sunroof on my head!”
“And you’re grabbing your stomach to show that."
The three of them stared at each other for a second, then one of them starts to cry, "We didn't mean it!"
"We're sorry!"
"I told them to just drive over a bump, they didn't listen!"
They started to crowd Miguel, each telling a different story. Miguel didn't believe a single one of them but their dedication to this bit was admirable.
"Ok. Let's get your parents on the phone," Miguel's voice demanded attention. "The totaled car is enough of a lesson, but I'm sure none of your names are on this vehicle."
The boy in the middle curses and runs his hand through his hair, "My dad's going to kill me."
"I would hope they'd be more happy that you're alive," Jess came up next to Miguel with a helmet under her arm. Her slicked-back hair has started to frizz up from the sheer amount of work it took to get a car full of water back on the ground. "If you all didn't think fast enough, there's no guarantee that we would have made it here in time to rescue you."
Firefighter!Miguel who tried his best to calm down the worried parents.
Yes, their children were ok. No, no one was hurt. Yes, with the right insurance totaled cars can be covered. No, he's not sure how the car ended up upside down. Yes, firefighters do these rescues regularly.
No, he was not giving out his number.
"What did I say about that face?" Jess sang as she sat in the passenger seat of the truck.
"Just because you say it, doesn't mean I want it to happen."
"Maybe you should get a ring. That poor mother looked so hurt when you rejected her."
"A ring doesn't stop wandering eyes or hands," Miguel gripped the steering wheel tighter.
Jess sighs, "True. That's not stopping you from staring at your phone like a sad seal while we're waiting on calls."
Miguel tried his best not to let his shoulders slump. He was a captain, not one of those reckless teenagers, "You think I did something wrong? It's been a few days."
"Maybe they think you're busy? Maybe they're nervous. Maybe they're busy. I'm sure you'll get a text soon."
Firefighter!Miguel who jolts from his sleepy daze at every notification from his phone. The 24-hour shifts can be grueling.
One glance at his phone showed some magazine emails and the reminder of a show he was excited to see.
Firefighter!Miguel who finally gets your text message on the way to his car.
You wanted to take him up on the offer of stopping by your house to check out the gas line.
His sleepy state gained a new jolt of energy and he was able to utilize it to tap along to the radio all the way home.
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"When you add this, he'll never even think about finding someone else."
"Is that so?" You laughed as you listened to your grandma explain her secrets of keeping a man. Even if you found it a little funny, borderline ridiculous, and extremely outdated, you knew she was dead serious. "And how do you get the man?"
Your grandma paused and smiled, "Are you sure you're ready to hear that?"
"If you're laying out all of your secrets, I might as well!"
Your conversation was interrupted by a knock and the ring of a doorbell.
"Well, looka here!"
You can hear the glee in your grandmother's voice as she opens the door.
"Look what the Lord brought me," she comes back to the kitchen with her arm wrapped around Miguel's arm. She's smiling brighter than ever. "And he had enough sense to bring back my good dish. Won't He do it?"
"Of course, I had to bring it back. How else could I thank you both and ask for some more at the same time?"
Miguel looked funny in your childhood home. A little out of place. Though when he opened his mouth it was like everything seemed right. He looked even funnier out of uniform. The joggers were doing something for you.
"You ready?"
You blinked a couple of times, coming back to Earth and steadying your wandering mind.
"Ready for...?"
"My poor child," your grandma grumbled to herself. "He came to go check on the house. Remember?"
"Oh! Yes, yes. Of course! Let's go."
As you made your way to the door, your grandma made sure to pull you back.
"And remember what I told you, ok? You just need a dash of it."
"Grandma there won't be any cooking until I get my gas line fixed."
"I don't mean the cooking, child, I mean the-"
You coughed loudly to cover her growing voice. The older she got the more her brain-to-mouth filter faded away.
"I got it, grandma."
You were sure she was going to say something about a bedroom technique, but Miguel was probably standing closer to you both than your grandma thought.
He didn't need to know whatever your grandma was trying to say.
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Firefighter!Miguel who was happy to have someone that truly piqued his interest after so long.
Some of his hookups were either growing too attached or getting too ballsy, stepping over several boundaries. The last girl he dated was in it for all of the wrong reasons, and the woman before that sunk him so low he never knew he could bounce back.
He told himself he wouldn't try to date any of the people he saved, but life was growing longer and he wasn't getting any younger. Plus, you did look really lovely in your patterned pajama pants and flour in places they shouldn't be.
Something about your struck a match against him.
Firefighter!Miguel who walked into your house with a calmer state than the last.
There was a blue tarp plastered over the hole in your home and some debris left over from the accident.
"Sorry for the mess," your voice was quiet enough that he had to hone in on it.
"I've seen worse."
You look back at him with shock then laugh when you see the silly grin on his face.
He walked deeper into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets, "It's not too terrible. I actually went ahead and called the gas company because something like this needs to be solved immediately."
Your eyebrows raise, "So is it already fixed then?"
"Took them about a day, but yeah. Now we just need to focus on getting the rest of this worked out."
"Thank you, truly," you smile up at him as you shift your weight. "Well, I guess I should do something else then, huh? I don't want to waste too much more of your time.
He was off work. "I don't mind. Glad to help in any way I can."
"Do you know how long the repairs might take?"
Miguel clicks his teeth repeatedly, "From about a week to a couple of months. From what I see, you should probably grab a few weeks of clothes."
"Roger that, Captain," you salute him as you turn to go to your room.
Miguel quelled the tiny spark that those words brought to him.
Firefighter!Miguel who watches you kick something out of the way when you enter your room.
He caught a flash of purple as you turned the lights on, but whatever it was under your bed in one swift motion.
Firefighter!Miguel who leans against the doorway as you bend deep to pull out more clothes.
Why you didn't grab things that were already on hangers, he wasn't sure, but he wasn't upset at the view at all.
Firefighter!Miguel who wanted to see you again, so he invited you to the annual charity car wash that his unit gave.
"We wash cars for a decent price, sell some goodies, and we take some pictures for the firefighter calendar."
He saw your eyes light up at those words, "I think I would love to see that."
"And I would love to have you there."
"Would you, now? Should I invite more people?"
"Yeah, for charity. I think I'm mostly going to be happy to see you."
Miguel picked a bin full of your clothes up and walked them through the door to his car, not really ready to process whatever look you might have on your face.
He may have nearly slammed his hand into the door with how fast he was moving, but he hopes that he can see you again soon.
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divider by: @gigittamic + @/benkeibear (Idk if you'll see this, but I hope you're doing alright!!!) ❤️‍🔥
a/n: It's so late and I definitely have work tomorrow but here I am because I have no self control.
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gibberishfangirl · 1 day
I didn't see if your requests are open so if they are closed, please ignore this message. I would like to request furin boys + togame by going to the reader's house in the morning and being greeted by the reader with a sleepy face, a men's shirt that doesn't belong to the boys and being hugged from behind by another guy when, in fact, it's just the reader's gay friend who went for a girls' night out and everything really was just a misunderstanding 😁
WIND BREAKER | misunderstandings
Synopsis ✰ what happens when a misunderstanding occurs between the two of you involving another guy
Characters ✰ Hakura Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Akihiko Nirei, Jo Togame
Contains ✰ sfw! some violence, everything’s resolved at the end, mistakes, misunderstandings, content of the boys reacting differently to the situation
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★ hands thrown immediately, pray you or your friend have fast reflexes enough to break up the fight from truly escalating. he reacts now, asks questions later. quite literally gets blindsided by their emotions and doesn’t think straight ★
-> Hakura Sakura ᡣ𐭩
Sakura couldn’t even wrap his head around the situation. all he saw was you in a shirt that wasn’t his with a guy who wasn’t him either. his body reacted quicker than his mind could’ve, before any of you even knew it he walked past you and immediately shoved your friend into the ground away from you. your body jolted as all your tiredness disappeared from the commotion. you had to jump in front of your friend to prevent Sakura from doing more. “wait Sakura! it’s not like that.” is all you could manage to get out as Sakura paused confused by your words. you explained what happened the previous night to him and he was quickly embarrassed by his reaction. of course he offered an apology to your friend, which he didn’t truly mean since you still wore a shirt that wasn’t his. after your friend left, the two of you had a conversation where you reassured him that you would never do something like that to him.
-> Jo Togame ᡣ𐭩
Togame was already having a rough morning, which is the reason why he went to your house. he just wanted to see you so his day can get better. at least, that’s what he thought he needed until someone who wasn’t you opened your door. at first he assumed that he must’ve gotten the wrong house but that was debunked as he saw your figure pop up behind the guy. all he had to do was take one look at you and than your friend for all these crazy assumptions to enter his mind. he grabbed your friend by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall before flinging a fist into his direction. you had to pry Togame off of him and once you did he left before you could even explain yourself. you caught him later that day to explain what happened and why your friend was there. of course you were furious with him because of the way he reacted and he understood why. you both understood each others perspective and apologized to one another after that you both apologized to your friend for getting caught in the crossfire.
★ skeptical but proceeds with caution, he knows you would never do anything to hurt him. he tries to keep a clear mind and asks what happens as calmly as possible ★
-> Hayato Suo ᡣ𐭩
Suo’s not a violent person for the most part… he knows better than to respond with violence or blow up. what he also knows is that you would never do anything to hurt him. especially not anything that involves cheating or being unfaithful. he simply asks what happens and you two explain the chaotic night you had. Suo wasn’t necessarily thrilled about the outcome since he would’ve preferred to be the one who went home with you. he politely asked that next time you just call him when you’re in trouble or need to get home. he’s very understanding and nice about everything.
-> Hajime Umemiya ᡣ𐭩
Umemiya’s a rational person, he has to be. That doesn’t mean he has to like what he sees, he dislikes it but won’t react before getting a response as to what is even happening. not to mention, he trusts you so much. “hey, what’s going on?” are the only words that leave his mouth after entering your house. after you explained what happened he’s relieved that it wasn’t what it seemed. however, his first time meeting your friend was a bit awkward due to the situation itself. he still wished you would’ve called him instead to go get you from your hang out with friends. he would’ve made sure you got home safely. don’t be surprised if he comes back to your house the next day with a bunch of his spare tees so you can use them as sleeping shirts from now on.
★ emotional wreck, walks out without wanting to hear an explanation. genuinely feels so much heartbreak and doesn’t know what to think ★
-> Akihiko Nirei ᡣ𐭩
Nirei took one look at the two of you and instantly walked out. he felt his heart shatter right in that moment as soon as you opened the door. his entire day went from 100 to 0 in a matter of seconds. you tried to call out for him but he ignored you and proceeded to walk away. you had to move fast in order to catch up to him to explain yourself. you found him eventually on the side of the road clearly upset. “Nirei. it wasn’t like that, i swear.” fortunately enough for you he was willing to listen. poor guy was definitely caught up in his own mind, he always felt like he wasn’t good enough for you and after seeing how you looked like with someone else he convinced himself it was true. you went the extra mile to reassure him nothing like that would ever happen.
-> Hakura Sakura ᡣ𐭩
Sakura was furious. he was angry, upset, sad, frustrated, and most importantly he felt betrayed. he was used to being outcasted and hated by those around him. he was used to everyone treating him poorly but he thought you were different. he felt stupid for thinking someone out there could have loved him or wasn’t like everyone else in some way or another. you couldn’t find him after he left, in fact he went pretty much m.i.a. since the incident. it took some convincing but he agreed to meet up with you so you can explain what happened. you felt bad that you had accidentally triggered him in that way. the two of you had a long conversation about everything and managed to work things out. he was a bit shy after being so vulnerable about his feelings but it helped you two create a deeper bond with one another.
a/n <3 : hope you enjoy this one! hopefully i did your request justice :’D i did two for Sakura simply just because i feel like his reaction can go either way. as for Togame, that man’s throwing hands regardless of how his morning is going. i also decided to try out a new format for these kind of scenarios, lmk if you guys like it? :)
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nvuy · 2 days
would u ever write jy w/ a reader who was a part of the high cloud quintet? ig u would say sextet here (insert sex joke) but just curious!!!
i would, maybe. i have this idea of a very short fic bordering on less than 10 chapters if possible surrounding the idea, though.
like something to do with lan, how they pierced the sky, and you are a piece of it that holds the skies together for the xianzhou. something like that.
it would be unbridled angst because i can. this post is so fucking long sorry. i definitely don’t have problems…
i think what would hurt the most is that jingliu would’ve accepted you into the hcq had you been able to join them.
something something, you wanted to stay, but if you remained here, the sky wouldn’t be able to hold itself together anymore, and the stars would fall, and the xianzhou would perish. so, you return to the sky, and hold it together, because that’s what you are: a fragment of the stars.
you definitely knew them all.
yingxing crafted you a weapon on the basis that maybe if he finished it, you’d return. dan feng would be so so happy to see you again, with that pleasant little smile he always wore (and sometimes if he thinks it’s appropriate he’ll let you examine his tail).
you did not return. not in his lifetime, at least.
jingliu would’ve trained you in the art of the sword. not to the extent of jing yuan, but enough to put up a decent fight. so, if none of them were there to help you, at least you could help yourself.
baiheng would’ve been like the fun aunt, to be honest. always up for a good chat, telling you stories about her travels across the galaxy. throws in a little “don’t tell jingliu, but i think you’d be better at archery, than swordsmanship.”
and jing yuan, oh boy. you two would always sneak away and talk and lie together and be idiots. he’s young, only barely creeping towards one hundred, but so are you, and he brings you to places he loves to show them to you.
there’s one particular spot he loves more than the rest.
there’s a little path in an abandoned stretch of trees towards the edge of the luofu ship. the path is barely visible amidst the tall grass, but jing yuan shows you through every step of the way until you both come into a clearing. it’s a field of flowers. private, closed off, with enough sunlight to keep the area warm. and it’s beautiful.
if you die, jing yuan buries you there. he also buries what remained of baiheng, and carves yingxing, jingliu, and dan feng’s names into headstones as a memoir of the past.
if you do return, for whatever reason it may be, it has been centuries. centuries are long enough to forget, as everything yields to time. wherever you have been, it has been long enough to forget.
returning is odd. the xianzhou luofu has changed, as have the other ships. you’re not sure how long it has been, and you’re not sure why you’re trekking this particular path. it feels familiar, and you have the faintest notion that there is supposed to be someone at the end of wherever this path leads.
who it is, you’re not sure. perhaps, if they are there, they can provide you an answer. maybe they can even tell you who you are, and what purpose you serve, other than to keep the sky together.
jing yuan never changed this area. not only was it his favourite, but he, as well as his old friends, had clung to the idea that you would return eventually.
if he changed it, jing yuan feared you’d forget even more than you already had. so, he kept it the same.
at the end of the path, for your first return is not a person. there’s nobody here, but four headstones buried in the grass. you read the names, but there is nothing. you don’t remember these people, but still your heart twists, as if you should have known them.
so, with grief heavy in your heart, you return to the sky.
the next time you return is because you realise you’re forgetting again, though it is one hundred years later. you walk down the same path because it is familiar, expecting to see someone, or something.
you see both. a man, and four headstones. you don’t recognise him, but it must have been the person you’ve sought, for you only had the faintest idea that there should’ve been somebody here. so, it must be him.
you explain to the stranger you feel as though you should recognise him, but you don’t. you also tell him his eyes are like the sunlight in the sky.
to that, he responds that you’ve told him that before. and you have. many, many times and many, many years ago.
jing yuan knows you can’t stay here, but it has been such a long time since he’s seen your face. so, he lets you examine the headstones as you did centuries ago.
he wasn’t there that day. the sky had darkened on the days you first returned, and though jing yuan had an inkling of an idea it had something to do with you, he had been bested by his own mind at the thought that you were gone, and had thus disappeared to grieve by himself.
truly, today, he came to grieve once the sky darkened again. seeing you here was not what he expected.
you ask him questions that visit. about the people beneath the soil—he responds that there aren’t any bodies buried here. baiheng’s body withered, dan feng never truly died, and neither did jingliu or yingxing.
“they all float aimlessly,” he tells you. “baiheng is gone. dan feng has a new identity, and what existed before is lost. jingliu and yingxing’s minds are scattered to the clouds. i cannot say what they will do if you cross paths, or whether they will remember you.”
you ask if you can meet them someday, as perhaps maybe one of them can jog your memory. jing yuan promises it is a possibility, but it is nearing impossible. fate will draw your paths together, he deduces. one day.
so, after a while, he tells you to return to the skies. it hurts, because he wants you to stay. he wants to tell you everything you did together. why you would trek this path, and only this path, and who the headstones were once. but he can’t, and so you return once more.
it is an endless cycle of you returning once you’ve realised you’ve forgotten the man who waits for you at the end of that path. an all too familiar path that seems new, but somewhere, you know you’ve walked along it before. sometimes it is only fifty years, sometimes it is two hundred, but jing yuan ensured that he is always there to greet you.
he tells yanqing of you one day. that’s only because he knows he won’t be around forever. he will be mara-stricken, or perhaps he will be killed in battle, but whatever it is, he tells yanqing, as his retainer and potential successor, to take over this position, and to pass it onto his successor, and then generations will pass.
but, for the moment, each time you return, jing yuan remains. and jing yuan promises you, though he knows you will forget, that when he does inevitably perish, he will find a way to join you in the skies.
dan heng asked him once after learning of you if it is difficult to love someone who you cannot be with.
jing yuan replied it’s easy. and it is easy, because every time the sky shifts from night to day, and the sun rises, and the clouds pass, he knows you’re up there, and you’re safe.
tldr: batty old general jing yuan talks to the clouds sometimes.
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kaeyx · 1 day
I started playing WuWa and I can't tell if I want to fuck Scar or if I want him to fuck me
I can't be blamed tbh
He's such a pretty boy and he gets hard so easily when you fight, every day he hopes you'll find him and challenge him to a match, better yet he doesn't even have to pretend to lose because you can genuinely overpower him! Scar gets so turned on when he struggles against you with everything he has and loses anyway, ending up on his back with your weapon pressed to his throat. You're straddling his thighs and holding his legs down with yours, so it's the perfect position for him to grind his bulge against you, letting you feel the outline of his cock straining through his clothes...
From then on it's a tossup really, and Scar doesn't really mind what happens. Sometimes you ride him right there, undressing just enough to fuck yourself on his cock with your hands around his throat for leverage. He looks pretty and he knows it, his face flushed, his hair tousled, his clothes covered in dirt and blood, arching his back and gripping your hips as you wring orgasms from him until you're satisfied.
Other times you fuck him from behind, spitting into your hand and fingering him open just enough to fit inside without hurting him too badly. His poor cock slaps uselessly against his thighs as you pin his head to the ground and rut into him, Scar relishes in your moans and the rough edge of your voice when you call him a disgusting whore and in the same breath tell him how fucking good he feels, how tight he is, how much you hate that you can't keep your hands off him. The moment you start jerking him off Scar cums explosively, arching his back and wiggling his ass, moaning like a whore as his cum splatters all over the ground to give you a show.
Or he could be the one fucking you, he could be the one taking you apart. Planting his feet firmly on the ground for leverage and fucking up into your heat, laughing as you claw at his chest and throw your head back only to whine when you tighten around his cock. Scar also loves fucking you against a wall, trapping you against it and kicking your legs apart, twisting your arms behind your back and fucking you until your legs buckle. He can't stop himself from thinking about taking you away with him....
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peppermintquartz · 7 hours
Some headcanons:
Buck hates Tommy's habit of leaving his mugs around the apartment/house. He's found mugs in the bedroom, the living room, the garage, next to the sofa, on top of the washing machine... This bad habit leads to their first fight, where Buck says something pretty cutting about Tommy not giving a shit about how he leaves messes for others to deal with
In the end Tommy has one single large mug with his name on it that he drinks out of at Buck's place, and he has to circulate the house before he sleeps to put away his mugs if Buck's staying over at his place
Tommy hates when Buck puts down one of Tommy's hobbies, even if Buck doesn't mean it at all. It feels patronizing when Buck's all "I think there are better ways to spend a weekend than see a bunch of sweaty guys in spandex pretend to fight" when Tommy asks if Buck wants to watch WrestleMania with him
Tommy ends up watching it with Eddie and happens to mention this when Eddie asks why Buck isn't there, and Eddie picks up on the underlying upset. He tells Buck that sometimes, what seems stupid to him is just Tommy's way of asking to spend time vegging out together, and that Buck should have at least given it a shot before shooting down the suggestion
They each get annoyed by the way they fold the laundry. Tommy does it army style, Buck does it Marie Kondo style, and to keep the peace they sort out the clothes into respective piles before folding them
Channel surfing. Tommy knows what he enjoys so he has just those few shows that he watches at specific times, and if there are MMA fights or NBA matches he wants to watch, he marks them out on his schedule. Buck's interested in lots of stuff and just surfs through all the channels until something catches his eye. Usually it doesn't bother Tommy much but this one occasion, Tommy's like "can't you pick something and stick with it?" And it's the critical tone that ticks Buck off, and that leads to their second fight, where Tommy snaps that Buck never seems to know what he wants
Maddie gets the brunt of Buck's rants (over the phone or in person), Eddie a close second, while Tommy works it out of his system by pummeling a heavy bag and then he calls Chimney (and later Bobby) to ask how to explain himself in a way that Buck would understand
They know exactly how they can hurt each other because they've learned a lot about each other. And they both give each other the cold shoulder after their arguments but they also can't bear not seeing each other on their days off
The good thing is, they're both mature enough and know the danger of their jobs enough not to hang on to their resentment for too long. Usually, they apologize a maximum of two shifts later
Makeup sex is fun, but they both agree that's only in small doses. Regular happy sex is better
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heavenlyakin · 2 days
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Burning For You
warnings: Fem!Reader is a mortician for the Demon Slayer Corps, loosely canon-compliant, pajamas mentioned are traditional jinbei so they’re time-accurate (I do the weirdest research for these fics sue me), BLOOD, fingering (f!receiving), reader calls kyo daddy, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, reader rides kyo, and other general smut warnings, creampie. Minors DNI. (also not edited so forgive me or correct me hehe)
wc: 1.4k
You’re reading in your bed, a candle used for light rather than the lamp beside it. It’s softer, making it easier for you to get tired while you read and try to keep your mind off anything but him. 
Everything you’re feeling tonight is the exact reason why you didn’t want to involve yourself with a corp member, let alone the Flame Hashira. His life is not his own, nor is it yours. He is devoted to the Demon Slayer Corps and always will be until he meets an untimely end or ages too far to fight. Even then, he wouldn’t step away, you know this about him. 
It’s something you’ve struggled to come to terms with, but it’s not like you can ask him to step down. It would go against everything he believes in and you don’t think you could forgive yourself if he actually did it. So you cope, the best you can while he’s gone on a mission. 
Every noise outside your house drags you away from the words on the page, but you insist on keeping it open and in your hands. It will at least make time pass faster. The clock on the wall ticks away, just as slowly as usual. Your eyes dart to it every few minutes, despite your best efforts. 
An hour passes and you feel your eyes getting heavy, your book falling on your chest, crinkling the pages you were on. Just as you feel the haze of sleep upon you, a crashing sound jolts you awake. 
Kyo stands in the doorway, blood dripping from a gash on his chest, his clothes torn around it soaked in blood. The smile on his face contrasts the way he must feel, absolutely wrecked. You throw the covers off you, getting ready to jump from the bed when he raises his hand. 
“-----,” his voice is hoarse as if he’s been yelling. 
The mission he’d been sent on wasn’t supposed to end this way. He’d only been asked to inspect a village of some rogue demon sightings, but no one had gone missing or been killed. There was much debate about whether wasting the time of a Hashira was even worth this. 
Whatever had happened, must have been brutal if Kyojuro was this cut up. Luckily, they sent him instead of another member of lower rank. 
“What happened?” You ask, sitting up as he drops his swords by the bedroom door and sheds his haori and then his uniform. 
“Shhh,” he hushes you, his palm caressing your cheek. “I’m okay.” 
“You’re bleeding,” you plead but his lips meet yours before you can say more. 
His lips are rough, moving against yours with the force of missing you. You grab his shoulders, holding yourself close to him. You feel him shudder as your pajamas rub against the cut on his chest. You try pulling away, but he grabs you and pulls you tighter against him. 
“I didn’t say it hurt,” he tells you against your lips, his forehead against yours. 
You nod gently as his hand reaches for the bow you’ve tied your top together with. It falls open, revealing your breasts to him. You gasp as he cups one in his hand, biting your neck before licking over it. His tongue is hot on your chilled skin, making you arch into him for more warmth. 
His fingers pinch your nipple, dragging a groan from your lips. Gently, he lays you down, crawling over you and kissing down your collarbone. Blood drips from his chest onto your stomach, the warm droplets igniting something in you you’ve never felt before. You try and push it away, but each one makes you burn hotter. 
His tongue circles your right nipple, his right hand caressing the other breast. You moan, closing your eyes and arching your breast, pushing more of your breast into his mouth. He sucks gently, his teeth grazing the sensitive bud. Your nails dig into his skin as he does, making him smile against your skin. 
“I’ve been thinking about this my entire journey back to you.” He tells you, looking up at you as his hand wanders between your bottoms. “What you would do when you saw me? How you would sound when I did this,” his fingers slip between your lips, finding your clit and slowly rubbing circles. 
Your breath catches in your throat, making you sound out a loud gasp. 
“Just like that, actually,” he answers himself as he slips a finger inside of you. “You’re even wetter than I imagined.” 
You smile, letting him finger you as he pleases and enjoying every fluid movement of his fingers in you. He knows your body better than you do at this point, so why would you ever ask for more? He will give you exactly what you need. 
“D-daddy,” you moan, the word slipping from your lips earlier than you usually would have allowed it. 
“That’s it,” he grins, kissing your cheeks. “Are you gonna cum for me?” 
You nod, squeezing your eyes shut tight as you feel that burning between your thighs. He kisses you, his tongue slipping between your lips and past your teeth as he devours you. His fingers curl inside of you, and you come undone beneath him. 
“That’s my girl,” he praises against your lips as you cum, your thighs squeezing together around his hand. 
You open your eyes to see his, a smile on his face. His eyes glow with pride and admiration, something you’ve come to crave every time you’re with him. You pull his face down to yours, kissing him forcefully as you use your hands to push him down on the bed on his back. 
As you slip your pants off, you notice you and him are both sticky with his blood, but he’ll be fine for the next few minutes at least. You straddle him after pulling his underwear off his body. He’s hard against you as you grind on his cock, letting your slickness coat him. 
He moans as he grabs your hips, letting you maintain control for now. You know it won’t last, but for now, it’s all you want. Guiding his cock inside you, you sit down on him, moaning at the fullness of him inside of you. 
“Fuck,” he curses, his eyes rolling back before he closes them and thrusts up into you. 
You take this as a good sign to start moving up and down on him. Leaning forward, you place your hands on either side of his head, watching his face contour with pleasure as you slowly ride him. His fingers dig into your hips, but you don’t mind. The bruises are always sweet reminders of the times spent with him. 
Part of you wonders if that’s all you’ll have of him one day, but you push that away. 
He starts to guide you, thrusting to meet each movement you make as you come down on him. Your breathing becomes heavy and you feel yourself coming close again, but you don’t want to cum too soon. You want him to cum first. 
“God,” he groans. “You feel amazing, baby.” 
“So good, daddy,” you moan, kissing him after. 
He grins against your lips as he thrusts harder into you from below. You gasp and he bites your bottom lip, eager to pull more and more noises out of you. It works, every time. You give him what he wants and he gives you what you need. 
“Need you to fill me up,” you moan against his lips between breaths. “Want to be so full of you.” 
His grin is all you need to know he’s going to do just that. He cums, a loud groan coming with it. You hold onto him and kiss him through it, letting yourself cum with him and clench around his cock. 
He pulls you off of him, and you lay beside him. Laying quietly you listen to the sound of his steady breathing. It’s become the most comforting sound you are familiar with. That, and his heartbeat. 
His eyes start to close, so you shake him. “No way are you sleeping before I clean you up.” 
“Baby,” he whines. 
“Infection,” you warn. “You need stitches.” 
“Only after I’ve covered us both in blood and made you cum a few times do you actually care about my injuries.” He grins, sitting up and teasing you. 
You shrug, “A girl has her needs. Besides, you started this.” 
He kisses your cheek before you get up to go search for your medical supplies in the bathroom.
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gallierhouse · 12 hours
i might as well stay off anon lol so: to what extent do you think amand and louis are actually 'in love' in the 2022 present?
I think there’s love there; I don’t necessarily think they’re “in love” anymore. It’s hard to say because we really don’t know how much Louis remembers. At the start of the interview, when they’re doing their little Rashid routine, I’d say there’s something there. It’s clearly an extension of their D/S role play, especially when Louis drinks from “Rashid” while making eye contact with Daniel and telling him how “Rashid” tastes, how Rashid only exists to pleasure him (he stuffs himself with honey, or something, he swims…), when he gives out “Rashid’s” measurements to Daniel, and then offers “Rashid” to Daniel (Louis asks if Daniel wants to try). “Rashid” looks uncomfortable towards the end, like it’s encroaching on the boundaries of their role play, but it’s also clearly a sex thing. Like, they were definitely still fucking. Good for them.
In season 2, their relationship’s more strained, even as they try to sell it to Daniel. But there’s also obvious love and affection when they recall their first meeting, how they fell in love, how they used to fuck, even. In episode 6, when Louis confronts Armand about wiping his memory and then accepts Armand’s explanation, there’s obvious love there. Armand can manipulate him (whether that’s manipulation is up to you) because he wants to believe the story Armand’s telling him. He wants to believe that Armand loves him, he wants to believe in their relationship. He’s not enchanted the way he used to be, but he still loves Armand. On Armand’s side, it’s obvious he still loves Louis. Not the way he was fascinated with him in Paris, but Armand wouldn’t go to all the trouble of keeping Louis if he didn’t love him. I think both of them want things to go back to the way they used to be, but because they’ve both changed over time, neither of them can go back. You can’t cross the same river twice. So when we see old, familiar affection flare up, it is real, but it’s also nostalgia and longing.
San Francisco also sheds some light on their relationship. It almost ends there. But Louis chooses to keep the relationship (and to spare Daniel in the process). Maybe he lied to protect Daniel, we don’t know. I don’t really think it’s that straightforward though. There’s love when he comforts Armand as Armand half-tends to, half-threatens him as he lies in the coffin. There’s real affection there, despite everything that happened. There’s real affection from Armand, too. Twisted, cruel, abusive, but still affection. Armand’s acting out because he’s upset that Louis doesn’t love and desire him (I clean up, picking lint off the sofa, etc.) and is no longer an active participant in their relationship. You really only act out like that if you still love someone. And he’s genuinely hurt when he’s denied Daniel’s life. You only react like that if you still love someone. In summary, I think they do love each other. It’s no longer the highs and electricity of passion, but love is there. More importantly, they want to want each other. But I don’t really know if that wanting is enough to spark “in love” love again. Have you ever been in a relationship that you know is on its last legs, but you can’t let go, because you still do love them? You’re not in love with them, not the way you used to be, but Christ, you wish both of you could go back and be the people you were before both of you did things you can’t take back and make your relationship go back to the way it was? But it doesn’t matter how much both of you want it, you can’t go back. That’s their situation.
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https-kreideprinz · 2 days
Cause you're so pretty !
Piper Mclean x GN! Reader
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A/N: could i order a piper secret romance with a child of athena and a bit of angst on the side??
Notes: Ma'am this is a Wendys. (Ofc you can pookie *smooches you* guys this was requested by my pookie Ryan <3
CW: Mentions of cheating. Reader discretion is advised.
ׂׂૢ Piper Mclean
You two probably met through Annabeth.
This happens while she’s with Jason, so you know she's taken and that you don't have a chance.
But gods she must be the most beautiful girl you've ever seen.
And watching her sit with Jason... it kind of hurt.
"It's just a crush... You'll get over it."
And yet, you never did get over it.
Athena children were known for being horribly stubborn.
And watching Piper fight, fight like her life depended on it, manipulate people with her charmspeak and brilliant smile.
It made you think she had you under her charmspeak spell the moment your sister introduced you.
Like your body was lit on fire when her arm brushed lovingly against yours.
A meaningless compliment from her will have your brain short circuiting.
"Sorry- Excuse me. You look lovely today... like... really good."
The real shock comes from when Piper and Jason split.
You thought she would go to Leo for comfort.
You thought that you would never have a chance.
So how did you find yourself kissing her under the stars months later?
It's like you woke up one day and she was already out of bed, asking if you wanted breakfast.
"Good morning my darling scientist."
She isn't worried about your relationship going public, children of Aphrodite are always dating and experimenting around.
She understands if you don't want other people finding out though.
I mean she broke up with Jason months ago, and now she's with someone already?
Rumours might fly that she was seeing someone while she was with Jason.
Ultimately, things are leaked by a certain son of Hephestus who cannot keep his mouth shut.
You might fight for the first few weeks because of it but eventually, neither of you can handle the tension and end up making up.
"I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to yell..."
Gives you the cheesiest nicknames.
All of them are either study related, or library related.
Finds your love for learning so endearing.
Please talk about your passion to her. She will sit there with this grin and lovesick eyes just thinking about how she managed to score you and how she can call you hers.
"What else do you know? It's really interesting."
Truth be told, she really likes hearing your voice.
She does make an effort to learn about some of your interests so she can hold a conversation with you, but she doesn’t mind sitting and listening instead.
Even if you two get into arguments, she truly loves you.
She really loves you for you.
Smart, nerdy, you.
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Taglist: @thementallyunwellapollochild, @apollos-coolest-child, @too-queer-for-school, @chaotic-child-of-apollo, @vintage-wanderers
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xieyaohuan · 7 hours
Barbara Findley and her relationship with Homelander
I have many thoughts about Barbara Findley and her relationship with Homelander, so I'm going to try to unpack some of them here. Their relationship is interesting and twisted -- she's more fucked up than Vogelbaum in many ways, and despite all that, Homelander is still trying to get a sign of approval from her in this scene, and leaves her alive in the end.
First, like the other scientists, she still calls him John. He recognizes her immediately (no big surprise there -- he was asking for her earlier and was disappointed she was offsite).
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Unlike with the others (or with Vogelbaum, for that matter), he does not berate her for calling him John or try to correct her. My guess is, in this moment, it doesn't even occur to him that he could ask her to call him Homelander, like he did with Marty just moments ago.
She gives him an order, to put Marty out of his misery.
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He tries to act nonchalant and like he doesn't care but follows her order immediately.
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He tries to regain control by taking her into the bad room. She's still calling him John, and it still does not occur to him that he could try and get her to call him Homelander instead.
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She interrupts him effortlessly when he tries to give her a piece of his mind:
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She does make an effort to save the other people in the lab by taking responsibility.
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He's clearly upset when she tells him the others were scared of him, "terrified from your first breath".
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Now here comes the first interesting part: Homelander tries to get reassurance from her that she wasn't scared of him. Or rather, he knows that she wasn't scared of him (since he can and could read her vitals) and wants a reassuring answer from her as to why that was:
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It almost seems like he's hoping for an answer along the lines of, "I was not scared of you because I knew you would never hurt me. I always knew you were a good boy." For a very brief moment, it looks like he's genuinely hoping she'll say what he's always wanted to hear (but has never heard) from her mouth, some kind of expression of love for him.
Instead, she tells him the ugly truth why she was so certain he would not hurt her.
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Now, here comes the second interesting part: Unlike Vogelbaum, she still works at Vought, and from the way she tells the story, I get the sense it may have been her idea to bring in the psychologists and try to engineer his need for love.
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It's pretty clear that, unlike Vogelbaum, she still takes pride in her work. She knows there's a really good chance she's going to die today, but she's still proud of what she did. Unlike Vogelbaum, she does not consider him her greatest failure.
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On the contrary, she seems to consider him the success of a fucked up but (to her) intellectually stimulating experiment, and she outright says so:
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It's a double punch because she tells him that engineering "human" needs in him, the thing he hates the most, was a greater success than developing his physical powers and making him the strongest man on earth, something he clings on to as a source of pride.
Homelander reasserts himself and gets his revenge by killing everyone in front of her. And it could be argued that he's punishing her by keeping her alive. Maybe he's telling himself he's letting her live so she can witness his rise to godhood, his overcoming his humanity, which she said he would never be able to do. But ultimately, I think that even after everything she's done and after everything else she's just confessed to him, he just can't get himself to kill his last parental figure.
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saintobio · 19 hours
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Ummm.... Yeah no maybe it's my fault for opening my mouth xdxdsdgadvd (also for some reason it wouldn't let me take a screenshot so enjoy these shitty pics I had to take from my phone 🤡)
It's a side tangent but since you came back with sn, one of the most fun things have been to theorize and see other people's theories hehe. I honestly read sy so long ago and it had such an impact on me, so seeing you and honestly everyone back here; talking about series and excited about updates makes me feel so giddy and at home. It's been a while since I've had so much fun in a fandom XD
Ok now back to the ANGST, I want you to know this was my reaction the whole time,
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I was honestly scared of even reading the chapter but my GOSHHHH.
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for TvT
They are both hurt, they are both suffering without each other; but they also suffer when they are with each other. TvT
Also, I understand Akemi's reaction but bitch 😭😭 Don't you realise this is exactly what y/n felt when you slept with Satoru. Her avoiding y/n to not make her angry or trouble her, I understand; but it just seems to me that she's making excuses to lessen her guilt and run away so she doesn't have to see what she did to her best friend. LIKE SHE'S SO FRICKING EAGER to play house with Satoru and when Sachi called her mama she was overjoyed. It's just so... sus. I might understand her but I lost all respect for her when she decided to betray her bff. I would never understand women who choose a man over someone who's been there for them through everything. I just think she's taking the whole "I can fix him" 🤡 thing too seriously but idk at this point.
And Satoru how THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP FUMBLING THE WOMEN YOU LOVE SO BAD. If you are gonna be an asshole atleast do it right!? I so badly wanna believe he only ran after Akemi to check on her and explain everything but... I just don't have enough faith in him now :<
I feel SO BAD for y/n. Girlll 😭, I don't even know what to say but I can only give her this message-
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(My asks always get so long so quick, sorry oof. But SIDE SIDE TANGET- I ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIDE OR DIE. I ATE IT UP FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER OH GODDDD. I was a certified Sukuna!hater but you have changed my ways... you have brainwashed me into falling head over heels for that gremlin xd the brainrot rn is so bad- like MOVE ASIDE GOJO)
thanks so much for sending this ask. yayy you finally made it to the askbox on time !! :’D and this was such a fun read for me. ty for sharing <3 it’s always nice to see such long asks abt sn/sy bc the theories and analyses are all so great, like how do u guys come up with those? they’re so detailed too!! 🥹
i agree i think what makes sy11 impactful is bcos it took so long for gojoyn to be honest with each other, only for it to crumble down the next day bcos of their trauma, external relationships, and distrust with each other 💔 like so close yet so far
and ooh interesting analysis on akemi! i like how you juxtaposed her reaction to gojoyn versus yn’s reaction to catching gojokemi. there’s definitely a big difference there :> but i won’t say anything more to avoid spoilers hehe
lastly, rod! omg thanks for reading, i thoroughly enjoyed writing it i was giddy the whole time !!! but same bb same that gremlin has me on a chokehold too 😆
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radioisntdead · 1 day
Hello hello,
It's been a while since I put in a request since I've been busy with tests, but I'm back with a new request!!
Could we maybe have a flower demon that died from hanahaki disease (she still has a few symptoms in hell, just to the point where she doesn't feel pain), talking about her past love to the hotel?? (another song fic, Everything I wanted by Ms Billie eilish)
And heroes love could be someone like alastor or vox?? Idk rlly know, I just want some sweet angst to chow down on 🤤
Your Dearest,
-XIN 🐇🤍
Good evening my dear Xin! I WAS SO EXCITED TO GET THIS REQUEST FROM YOU BECAUSE I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE SOMETHING WITH HANAHAKI FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS NOW, I misread the bottom part of your request and that's why there's that part at the end, anywho! I hope you enjoy!
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Baby's breath
Hazbin x reader
Warnings: reader's past love is gender neutral you can make them whatever gender or if you wanna keep em' nonbinary it's up to you! I imagine the reader looking like one of those flowers from the animated disney Alice in wonderland, reader's lowkey victim blamed for their death.
Song used
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I had a dream
"[NAME]! Damn it, [NAME]! Open the door this instant! Please open the door! [NAME]!" The person that caused this shouted your name as they banged on the door, twisting and turning the knob desperately trying to open the door.
You were curled up on the cold tile of the bathroom flower, baby's breath flower buds were scattered across the floor covered in blood, you felt the plant squeezing at your lungs as more came up your throat, clawing it's way up.
I got everything I wanted
You didn't want to die, truly but you didn't want to give up your love for the by the way of surgery like a damned fool.
And now you pay the ultimate price for your love.
A pitiful death.
In your bathroom.
Not what you'd think
The flowers came and came out until it was too much, flowers filled your mouth and lungs effectively suffocating you to death.
The last thing you heard was the door finally being opened and a wail of pure unbridled agony following it.
And if I'm being honest, It might've been a nightmare
You woke up in hell, honestly not where you were expecting to end up but you suppose it might be related to how you die, you willingly chose not to get the surgery after all.
After the shock of being dead you realized you were a flower, a beautiful flower with human like mannerisms, like those flowers in Alice in wonderland.
To anyone who might care
You still had some of the hanahaki symptoms even in hell, it wasn't anything too extreme just, coughing up baby's breath and a stinging pain every once in awhile.
You eventually found yourself in the hazbin hotel, not as a resident per say but Charlie thought they could use a gardener, especially with the hotel rebuilt, and who better than the flower who died by flowers to be the gardener?
Although no one knew how you died.
Thought I could fly fly So I stepped off the Golden, mm
That was until Charlie organized a little activity, having everyone write a short story and share it with the others.
And Niffty, oh darling Niffty, the first man slayer, resident roach killer, wrote a lovely little story about hanahaki disease that left a couple of the residents misty eyed, Alastor making a comment about how it was a foolish way to die, especially when there's a way to be rid of it and Charlie flat out sobbing.
Nobody cried cried, cried, cried, cried
There was only one thing you wanted to correct about it, just a little inaccuracy and when she bit back with a "Welllll how do you know it's not accurate?" You replied with a "Because I died from it? I think I'd know how it happens."
The silence that followed was stiff, awkward and suffocating, not as suffocating as the flowers that killed you but suffocating nonetheless.
"It's not as bad as it sounds! I mean it did hurt like a motherfucker but it was baby's breath so it's not like there were any thorns?" You attempted to backtrack, but within a moment Charlie pulled you into a hug.
Nobody even noticed
And so you decided to recount to your dear friends your involvement with the person who was the reason for those blooming flowers that had caused your untimely demise.
Niffty had a notepad out to write things down for her next fanfiction.
I saw them standing right there
You were standing outside your college study hall waiting for the rain to stop.
Kinda thought they might care might care, might care
You had forgotten your umbrella and they offered to share theirs with you.
I had a dream
They had bright eyes, a warm smile, and a cheerful demeanor, they were like the embodiment of sunshine.
I got everything I wanted, but when I wake up, I see
After that a friendship bloomed the two of you would study together, walk each other to classes, get lunch together.
You with me and you say
They were there for you when no one else was, they were your soil, they were the one you would call when everything was crashing down around you.
Showering you with lovely words, saving you a seat, being a good friend.
"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you"
How could you not fall for them?
Don't wanna lie here, but you can learn to
Those feelings of yours were never going to be returned, no matter what you did.
If I could change the way that you see yourself
The two of you were taking a break from studying, they were laid flat on their back on your bed while you were leaning on your desk, chatting about recent events in your friend group, like how so and so got together with what's his face or how girl B got a new dog.
You wouldn't wonder why you hear
"Out of pure curiosity, do you like anyone? a bunch of our friends are getting together so.." you asked innocently enough,
They hummed, "in like a romantic sense? Nah-" they let out a nervous chuckle, "I don't think I'm really built for romance, I don't really feel romantic attraction, if that makes sense?" They moved to sit upwards, shrinking themselves into their yellow sweater.
"Oh, yeah that makes sense, no worries."
"Oh thank God, Anyways did you hear that-"
'They don't deserve you'"
The petals appeared soon after that.
I tried to scream but my head was underwater
You remember booking it into a bathroom, locking the door behind you as you struggled to stop your coughing.
Small white petals barely the size of a crumb scattered across the sink.
They called me weak
Hanahaki disease, not common per say but not rare either.
Like I'm not just somebody's daughter
You made no move to move on from these feelings.
You didn't want to get the surgery to remove the flowers growing within you, it would've been better to do so, but there was that small chance that along with those pesky feelings of yours, memories of that person would disappear with it, and did you really want to take that chance?
It could've been a nightmare but it felt like they were right there
And so you let it fester, and grow.
Petals turned into full baby's breath flowers, small but deadly if your coughing them up from your lungs.
And it feels like yesterday was a year ago
Day by day it got worse, until you ended up coughing up a handful of bloodied baby's breath in front of them during a dinner along with some of your friends, some who knew, and some who didn't.
But I don't wanna let anybody know
You booked it to the bathroom where it got progressively worse, they banged on that door and shouted until their hands were scratched and their voice was raw.
'Cause everybody wants something from me now
Another one of your friends got a screw driver and took the hinges off the door to get to you, but it was far too late.
And I don't wanna let 'em down
You were found surrounded by those white flowers, eyes glossed over and wide open and stems peering out from your throat.
I had a dream, I got everything I wanted
It looked hauntingly pretty.
But when I wake up, I see
They screamed as they covered their mouth.
You with me and you say
Eventually one of the other friends who knew decided to fill them in on your little crush on them, at your funeral, you know like an asshole.
They were filled with guilt.
"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you"
They did love you, just not in the way you loved them, and it wasn't their fault that you died, after all you were the one who refused to get help for it.
Don't wanna lie here, but you can learn to
But still, they felt guilty, maybe if things were different you would be alive, maybe if they never offered you their umbrella that day, maybe if they could feel those feelings you would?
If I could change the way that you see yourself
Yellow roses were left at your grave every death anniversary, birthday and holiday, it was the last thing they could do, maybe if you weren't in hell you would know about it.
You wouldn't wonder why you hear
It was a tragic and foolish situation either way, you made your decisions and you paid the price for it.
'They don't deserve you'
Although if you knew it was going to end like this, would you let yourself die again?
If I knew it all then, would I do it again?
Would you let yourself move on? Would you have gotten the surgery?
Would I do it again?
Or would you sit like a duck again waiting for death to wrap it's wings around you and drag you down to the firey pits of hell?
If they knew what they said would go straight to my head
No one shared any of their short stories after that, which was probably a good thing since Angel dust was next and who knows what filth he wrote.
It was a nice activity while it lasted.
What would they say instead?
Life in the hotel continued after that, you grew particularly close with Alastor who enjoyed lowkey mocking your way of death, and Niffty who liked showing you her fanfictions written with hanahaki as a plotline.
If I knew it all then, would I do it again?
"I'll be right there in a minute Charlie I need to use the restroom first!" You shouted down to the princess as you ran down the hallways into a bathroom.
Would I do it again?
You closed the door behind you as a flowery hand darted up to your mouth as you coughed.
If they knew what they said would go straight to my head
Red tulip petals fell from your lips, you stared at them as they laid in the sink, a sick sense of nostalgic deja vu filled you.
What would they say instead?
Are you doing to do something about it this time? Or will history repeat itself again?
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Good evening folks! I hope you enjoyed this, I had so much fun writing it! Me sending copy and pasted paragraphs about baby's breath meanings in the discord is proof lmao, anywho I hope you all have a wonderful night and as per usual thank you for tuning in!
Speaking of our discord you should join!
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acourtofthought · 3 days
SJM regressed the growth of both Nessian and Elucien from ACOWAR to ACOFAS.
Naturally, after Nessian's book I'd expect Elucien? I will admit, the HOFAS stuff seem to shine a light on Az, but I don't see why he HAS to be next.
I love Gwynriel, I love Gwyn and I love Az when he's interacting with Gwyn
But Az getting his HEA before Lucien and Elain would make me so mad. No because if he had a mate, and if another male went after her.. he'd end the guy. For someone who values his 'religion' (eye roll, the cauldron, mother whatever) he seems to disrespect it by going after another male's mate. Would he have done it to his brothers? Why is no one talking about this? And he's not even after Elain for a romantic reason!
No slander to Elain though, girlie is new to all this. I understand her even if she frustrates me at times (like tryna kiss Az when Lucien was there, I totally get her wanting a fling, but I wish she'd literally picked any other day plz my heart hurts for Lulu)
And honestly, I see why announcing Azriel's book would make E*riels seethe.. but, I would feel more vindicated if Sarah announces an Elain book with Lucien. Given how much they keep crapping on Lucien, it would stun them.
Something you said above stood out to me and is a bit different than the way I usually approach Elucien being next. I do think she deserves her time to shine after so many books of being pushed to the side by the other characters, same with Lucien. But I also think it's time for readers to understand why she is treating Lucien this way, what she was thinking on Solstice when her mate was nearby. That is such a topic of debate in the fandom. The other side claims it's proof Elain doesn't care for Lucien, some Gwynriels and Elucien's are a little put off by her seeming lack of concern, and some don't hold it against her but they want to understand why she did what she did. I think it would be odd for the author to let yet another Solstice pass by with zero insight as to why it happened that way (especially if at that point an Elucien endgame is all but confirmed if Gwynriel were to end up together). That's another book where readers are left puzzled by her actions with no explanation. Another book where readers are still frustrated by those actions with no explanation. At some point the author has to begin providing reasons for why a character is behaving the way they are and I think we're there with Elain. Why is she often absent from important IC meetings? Why are people noting different expressions on her face, watching her do things and deciding what those things mean but then being given information that contradicts their initial impression? Why was she warm then cold towards Lucien? Why did Feyre think maybe she wanted her hands cut up which is why she didn't use the gloves Lucien gave her but the following year we have confirmation that Elain is wearing gloves (just not Lucien's)? Why did Nesta think she was so happy and settled only for Elain to confirm she still has trauma? I personally love Elain but I can't pretend she's a fan favorite and I think the main reason for that is Sarah has her character remaining a bit of a mystery, giving us varying opinions through the other characters which confuses many. I think she has a lot of depth and there are very valid reasons for the way she's behaving but since we don't have confirmation of anything, to others it is at times going to look as if she's being unkind or thoughtless. Again, I think an author can only write this kind of narrative for a character for so long before the character ends up being written off by the fandom and I do feel this is a perfect time for Sarah to finally reveal Elain to all of us before the hate of her becomes worse.
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lovelyo · 2 days
You Can’t Spell Polin Without Colin
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Let me be clear. This ain’t a Colin appreciation post. Colin is an entitled, selfish dweeb but even I can see from his POV.
And somehow the Polin fans who swear up and down they love him can’t.
“Colin is a bitch boy”
“Colin stayed mad at Penelope for too long”
“Where’s supportive husband Colin? Where’s Colin ‘My Wife’ Bridgerton?”
“He just needs to forgive her already, get over it!”
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This is gonna be a long one.
“Colin is a bitch boy”
That’s a perfect way to invalidate a man’s feelings. Let’s rage about misogyny but talk shit about guys who has feelings 😒. How is he a bitch boy for being upset at someone he loves for lying to him for years, even before they came intimate and when they were just friends.
He was open and transparent with Penelope every step of the way, bared his heart to her, was vulnerable with her and was happy to see that what he wanted was right there in front of him… only for him to find out she’s LW, the person who has been dunking on him and his family, LW whom he loathed. He cried ffs when he found out. The reason that hurt the most wasn’t that she was LW, it’s that she lied to him. She didn't spare a thought that he needed to know about such secrecy i.e, not giving a shit about his feelings. It mirrored exactly what Marina did. (On top of that, he realized that it was her that sent Marina to her doom) She didn’t reciprocate that same vulnerability he did for her and by the end of the season, still chose LW over him and he just had to sit there and take it.
You wanna talk about men not giving a shit about women’s feelings but it’s alright for women to do the same for men in the name of “girlbossing” 🤢
Colin in 2 weeks simmered down about the hurt Penelope has caused him while it took Penelope several months to get over one comment he said about her, which isn’t even detrimental because COLIN DOESN’T OWE PENELOPE A GODDAMN THING! You can’t get mad at someone who doesn’t want to date you. Who do you think you are to even believe you have a claim to someone like they’re a possession. She ghosted him for months over this while he had and did get over lies, shame, and betrayal in, again, a small amount of time. Who’s the bigger whiny bitch?
“Colin stayed mad at Penelope for too long”
Staying mad for too long? He didn’t stay mad long enough! Please contextualize. This man has been in scheming scandals with the Featherington family since season 1 lol. People are forgetting the trauma that he got from the pregnancy scandal, mainly the embarrassment from it being exposed by LW and having the whole ton know his business, which is humiliating as fuck and made him look like a fool(this is why I keep telling you ding dongs to stop saying LW saved the Bridgertons, she did not!) He had to null the engagement with the diamond of the season.
The start of his hatred for LW started from season 1. Colin told Penelope that she should’ve told him to his face about the pregnancy.
“Aschually 🤓☝️, she did try.”
Actually, she did not.
She tried to hint that Marina was still in love with a soldier, not “hey, the misses you trying to spit game at is preggo.” So his friend, knowing this info, instead of telling him the proper information privately to his face as a fricking friend should, printed out his business.
And let’s play devil’s advocate. Ok, Pen told Colin about the pregnancy and Colin didn’t listen. In the same season, we saw Violet do damage control and spinning the rumor windmill to help her daughter get the fuck away from Berbrooke. Penelope knows how supportive and protective the Bridgertons are with each other and also knows how much they like her since she’s friends with Eloise and Colin. Violet would’ve definitely listened, told Colin, and stirred something up to aid the situation.
But nah.
So that happened plus before that scandal came out, LW mocked Daphne for her lack of suitors and said Marina was incomparable, not Daphne. And then the Eloise scandal, all because of LW. Three Bridgertons struck. Even Season 3, LW talked shit about Colin being fake, so Penelope embarrassed him in front of the ton twice. And of course, she had an excuse, “I just wanted the old Colin back!” So you embarrassing him in front of the ton was gonna make him sweet and kind again? 😬
The woman he loves belittled him twice and clearly stands by it 'cause she’s not giving up LW, just not writing it under anonymity. 'So imma acknowledge that I hurt you, the person I love, but I’m not gonna do anything to fix it, but I want you to still support and love me, regardless of what I do,' is essentially what she's saying.
What utter shit, and then we got Pen stans/Polin fans: “Stfu Colin, your angst is ruining my fantasy ship, go kiss, finger, and fuck Penelope already.”
Oh Christ. It’s like whoever doesn’t cater to Penelope deserves the noose.
“Where’s supportive husband Colin? Where’s Colin ‘My Wife’ Bridgerton?”
Where’s supportive wife Penelope? Where’s Penelope ‘I Love You’ Bridgerton? She has declared her love but hasn't really shown it throughout season 3. Show > Tell. Action > Words. With the lies told to him from past to current, this guy undoubtedly has trust issues. How can he believe her? We the viewers saw Pen Hilton pining after Colin through season 1 & 2, but Colin himself doesn't know that she liked him before then. He even said that he thought she wouldn't feel the same about him as he did about her. So when the feeling is finally mutual, Penelope just doesn't do much. It's like she tells him, "I love you" just so he can shut his fucking piehole.
We've seen, despite Colin being upset, him still loving her, wanting her and working through the pain so he can look at Penelope and not immediately think of LW.
"B-B-But, uh, the entrapment comment was too harsh!"
First off, you people act like you have never said mean things to someone out of anger during a fight.
Second, like how you guys say LW is harsh but tells the truth(which is a complete lie, but nothing surprises me anymore with this fandom) that comment was harsh, but he told the truth. She did trap him. While he did ruin her previous proposal, he did chase down her carriage, but right after he proposed, she blabbed to the whole ton the next morning about the engagement(this showed how much the Bridgertons are morons, but I digress). If anything happened, it’d be hard for him to back out without everyone knowing and questioning his honor. It’d be his second time cutting off an engagement and it’d be his 3rd time being humiliated.
He asked if she wanted to be intimate, she immediately said yes. Eloise told her to tell him even before they had sex, but she didn't. Penelope knew Colin hated LW but still agreed to sex before she told him. She didn't even tell him, he had to found out tailing her carriage! So screw you freaks, that comment was well needed for her ass. As said before, Colin has been duped by the Featherington family so him lashing out and saying that is him telling her, 'Prove to me you're not like Marina." (She isn't. She's worse).
"Book!Colin was more supportive!"
Of course he was; LW didn't hurt him, his family, or anyone else. LW wasn't vicious like she is in the show. When Book!Colin found out about LW, him and Penelope were still friends, they weren't engaged, they didn't have sex; Book!Colin didn't hate LW. He was just jelly that Penelope made a legacy own her and he was there still purposeless at age 33(something the show tried to emulate but fell flat in a pile of horse shit). The situation in the show is way worse than what it was in the book. Book!Colin would hate Show!Penelope.
Where was Penelope's support when she saw that he was emotionally damaged by the LW reveal? Where were her attempts to mend the drift when she saw that he wouldn't sleep with her in their marital bed? Where was the comfort when she saw him lying on the couch, mentally worn out? She just passed by him and even suggested leaving in separate carriages. She did not support him when he was at his lowest, his own wife. Now if the show showed Penelope trying to talk to Colin and comfort him and he responded, "Give me more time.”, then fine.
But that didn't happen. He had to be the one to fix the relationship when she was the reason he was depressed. He never considered giving up on her, clearly with him still marrying her and sleeping on the couch they screwed on right outside their room door where he could’ve slept in another room in that huge ass house. He wanted her to try and reconcile but Penelope gave him nothing.
But he’s being too sulky and not supportive enough though Penelope ain’t returning the favor.
We get drowned with LW drama with the Polin fans admonishing Colin for not being a proper pet to Penelope.
Isn't this show named Bridgerton? What in the fresh hell?
He chose her over his own pride, pain and emotions. Penelope didn't do the same but people want to act like Colin isn't supportive or barely supported her, when in a relationship, it goes both ways. His purpose shouldn't be to prop up Penelope but that's what the show limits him to, F his feelings, f his mental health, girlboss Penelope deserves her man and her HEA as if he's a reward or a consolation prize, not a person deeply hurt by someone he thought he knew.
“He just needs to forgive her already, get over it!”
Y'all are trash for this. After all what Penelope has done to him, you want him to get over it so quick so you can have more cringe romantic scenes and soulless sex scenes. It took Eloise a year to forgive Penelope(and it happened in the dumbest fashion, but that's another can of worms). Just because they're together doesn't mean a speedy recovery. Actually it's worse 'cause they are together. He even told Eloise that she’s lucky she’s never been in love; it hurt that much.
The fact he chose to stay is already a big step of him getting over it, but that’s not enough it seems. You want him to get over the hurt she did to him, the lies, the loss of his own agency ‘cause like it or not, Colin still wanted to marry Marina even after knowing the truth but Penelope took away his decision to ensure his availability for her. She embarrassed his family a good number of times. But hey, get over it Colin.
He’s second when it comes to Penelope. He asked this beotch to give up the gossip column, a thing that caused him and others pain throughout the years, to be with him, forget the past and start their new life together. Nope, she chose her career. LW is power and she still wants that manipulative power so take the L from your wife Colin. Her ego won the day, not their love; Penelope is Colin’s first. LW is Penelope’s first, get over it Colin. It’s harsh af knowing you’ll never be first in the heart of the woman that you love.
If anyone needs to get over anything, it’s Penelope. She should’ve been got over Colin’s comment, now stew in her own shit for months; she’s not entitled to his feelings. She should’ve gotten over the damn gossip column that does more harm than good ‘cause if she’s such a great writer, then explore other avenues of writing. You’re already established, it’ll be nothing of you for your works to become popular since the ton already knows you’re a great writer.
The damage for Colin is deep but he must get over it to be the cushion for Penelope, for him to be in the shadows so Penelope can take all the shine ‘cause “feminism woo hoo!” She’s a career woman and Colin’s purpose is just to love Penelope and nothing more.
Penelope, Penelope, Penelope, it’s all about Penelope.
Their relationship shouldn't be imbalanced like it is. The ship is called POLIN. Colin is just as important as Penelope, but the show and even the fans don’t treat it as such. He’s turned to some irrelevant sidekick who’s an accessory for Penelope and his purpose: well of course it is Penelope.
The show made him publish his journals at the end to be like “see look, he does have a purpose of his own!”, though we rarely saw a lead up to that. It’s addressed once, the LW drama comes in, that part of him is buried until the final episode where it’s framed that his anger was jealousy all along, not him having a vendetta against LW for harming him and his loved ones.
Bullshit on top of bullshit.
Yeah, maybe he should’ve went up there and stood with her when she was giving her god awful speech, but his ‘If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you’ toxic feminism speech would’ve just dulled it. Plus, I don’t think people know how abusive that speech is.
They should’ve stood together, Queen deus ex machina gives her pardon, and then he gives her a speech about how the wound is still there but he knows it’ll heal, to be honest with each other going forward, to put the past to rest and continue on into the future, hand in hand as Mr and Mrs. Bridgerton. Cringe, but at least love is the focus. Him being the man behind the woman instead of the man beside the woman undermined their love story and undermined the ridiculous feminism narrative too, sacrificing the equality aspect of both of it.
I’m just ranting at this point but anyway, this ain’t the Penelope show. Give Colin some fucking grace like you do your Mary Sue.
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effy-writes · 2 days
A head canon of oc meeting striker and genuinely caring about him letting him know he doesn’t have to be alone and hurt showing him not all royals are bad. Oc isn’t Royal she’s a hell hound who like most treated badly by the imp who killed her family and poached her eventually sold her to crimson as an attack / guard hound .
ofc! i am changing some things but not too different, hope you enjoy <3
striker x f! hellhound! reader: caring about him/him caring about you HC’s
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• striker has been hurt by royals many times throughout his life. so when you met him, he was very hesitant to get close to you.
• you ended up telling him that not all royals are bad, only some. you proceeded to tell him about your past and how an imp has killed your family and sold you to crimson (striker was shocked that crimson “owned” you before), and crimson made you to be an attack/guard hound. striker interrupted you by saying, “how is this supposed to help me overcoming my deep hatred for royals who has hurt me in the past?”. you proceeded to tell him, “a royal took me away from crimson and adopted me. they’re all not bad.”
• striker believed you to a certain extent, but still hated them. you asked him why, and he replied that growing up royals had degraded him and treated him like pure shit. he simply felt alone.
• “you don’t have to be alone. i’m here, even though we just met but i want you to know that it’s okay.”
• you and striker ended up coming to the same bar in the wrath ring and talked just about every day. he would say some worrisome things, and you would always be there for him.
• later on, you went over to his house to hang out one on one. not all of the things you guys talked about were sad. some of them consisted of embarrassing things that had happen when you guys were kids/teens (without the trauma part), and yes some of them did include the trauma part.
• every time you see striker show a hint of sadness you will quickly reassure him that he’s not alone and that you’ll always be here for him. if he needed a shoulder to cry on you’re here, if he needs to talk someone you’re here. he’ll say something along the lines of “i don’t want to seem weak or have pussy emotions”
• you’ll tell him, “it’s okay to have these feelings and emotions, it’s about how you go about with them and how much it’ll take over you”
• eventually you guys did start going out and dating
• from the time you met him to now, you seen a huge difference in how he thinks about himself and knowing it’s okay for him to feel alone/sad/hurt. he’s thankful that he met you and will do anything to keep you safe from crimson/and your trauma.
• speaking of your trauma, you still struggle with some things (like fighting). he was hesitant to tell you about it his job, but decided to bite the bullet and tell you. you didn’t mind, but told him that you don’t want to witness it. he 100% obliged.
• some days is better than others, and on the days where you’re afraid to go out in public because of trauma he’ll stay with you and tell you it’s okay and that this will soon pass.
• the two of you helped each other so much that both of you saw the other grow healthier mentally
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caashmoneynae · 2 days
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KING VON x @msinterlude 🤎
SUMMARY: in which Miya runs into a creep at a party & Von comes to her rescue. ✨
"𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥: 𝗪𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗚𝗢𝗧𝗧𝗔' 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗬 𝗧𝗢𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗢𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧, 𝗔𝗟𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧?" Miya's friend Imani asked, looking between the three girls in the car, as Miya sat in the passenger seat adjusting in her half-up half-down ginger locs and silently nodded her head while Kierra and Breanna vocally agreed, making Miya chuckle softly under her breath because she knew that none of them would end up staying together that night.
honestly, Miya wasn't a party person, so she didn't even know why she was going with her friends to a house party, but peer pressure was a motherfucker. at each party they've been to, the group would always end up splitting up and Miya would be left with one of her friends while the other two wandered off and couldn't be found until 30 minutes to an hour later, which was no longer a surprise to the light-skinned girl.
almost all of her friends would end up either tipsy or drunk, and she'd be the only one sober, which meant she'd have to take on a parental role to keep all of her friends safe from the creeps that attend parties for the wrong reasons. sometimes she didn't mind it, but other times it was annoying having to take care of three grown-ass women like she was their mother. however, as long as they were safe and sound, she couldn't necessarily complain like she wanted to.
Miya wore a brown, mid-thigh-length, spaghetti-strap dress, Imani wore a mid-thigh-length turquoise tube dress, Kierra wore a mid-thigh-length red backless dress that had strings that were tied around her neck, and Breanna wore a yellow two-piece that consisted of a crop-top and a mini skirt. each of them had a different style than the other, and it was evident in their outfits and hairstyles because none of them looked identical.
"if it ain't no fine niggas at this party, 'Mani, we gon' fight," Kierra threatened, raising a brow, as she crossed her arms and Imani chuckled while parking her car on the curb near the house, "i'an get all dressed up for some weak ass niggas, girl."
"you think i'ma bring you to a party where it ain't no fine niggas at? you think of me that lowly?" Imani pouted, resting her hand on her heart, "i'm hurt."
"you did it like twice before, 'Mani, ain't nobody forgot about that." Breanna laughed as Miya and Kierra laughed with her and Imani playfully rolled her eyes.
"playas' fuck up, a'ight?" Imani laughed, tucking her black tresses behind her ear, as she picked up her phone and checked her lips to make sure they were still glossy, "but i got the drop that it's gon' be some fineeee niggas in here from Von, and i basically had to beg him 'cause he talkin' 'bout some "i'on fuck wit' that gay shit, lil' folks." like, nigga, just tell me if it's  gon' be some good-lookin' niggas there or not!"
"you shoulda' knew his ass was gon' say some shit like that." Miya laughed, shaking her head, as the two girls in the backseat laughed with her and Imani playfully smacked her lips.
none of Imani's friends had actually met Von, they just listened to the stories she would tell about their interactions. but judging by her getting the drop that it'd be some fine niggas at the party, they all assumed he'd be there also.
the problem is... none of her friends even knew what he looked like, so they wouldn't even be able to introduce themselves to him if they "saw" him unless he spoke first.
"you right," Imani laughed, taking the keys out of the ignition and handing them to Miya to put in her purse since she didn't bring one, as she opened her car door and got out, "time to go nigga-searchin'!"
"shitttt, you got that right!" Kierra laughed, opening the back door and hopping out, her brown ass-length boho braids moving with her quick movements while she pulled her dress down and shut the door behind her before following behind Imani.
Miya and Breanna got out in sync, Breanna's honey-blonde low ponytail swaying back and forth as she got out. the two shut their doors and Miya let out a chuckle as she locked the car doors and put Imani's keys in her purse before zipping it up and adjusting the strap on her shoulder while she clutched it to her hip.
"this 'bout to be a longggg night."
the sound of Snoop Dogg's "Gin N Juice" blared into the large house as Miya and Breanna stood side-by-side, cups residing in both of their hands while Miya held her phone in the other.
just like she thought, the group had split up yet again, and this time it was Imani and Kierra who had wandered off, leaving Miya and Breanna to tend to each other. neither of them had a clue where they went and assumed they were most likely in the kitchen refilling their cups with liquor.
either that, or they were flirting with some random ass niggas they found because they thought they were cute.
nonetheless, the party was lame for Miya, and she didn't know how long her phone could occupy her before she went to search for her friends so they could all leave. she had gone through damn near all the apps on her phone and was now in her Notes app, sorting and deleting some of her notes to create space in her iCloud.
"aye, Bre', i gotta' use the bathroom! come wit' me real quick!" Miya yelled over the music, leaning closer to Breanna so she could hear her more clearly, as Breanna yelled back "okay!" and the girls went off to the bathroom, holding each other's hands so they don't get lost while Miya tossed her cup in the black trash can nearby.
Miya stepped inside the bathroom and locked it behind her as Breanna stood guarding the door so no one would go inside. the closed door muffled the loud music and Miya sighed in relief due to her incoming earache as she did her business, wiping her sex clean of urine before flushing the toilet. she washed her hands with the hand soap by the sink and was about the use the towel to dry her hands but paused, looking at it suspiciously.
"ain't no tellin' what somebody did to that shit." Miya mumbled to herself as she shook her hands dry and lightly patted them on her dress, being careful not to get her dress too wet in the process.
Miya adjusted her ponytail and watched it swing from side to side as she adjusted her breasts in her dress, protecting them from spilling out. she gently rubbed her temples with her index and middle fingers, preparing herself to be engulfed in the loud music for a second time.
opening the door, Miya thought she'd be greeted by Breanna, but she was unfortunately incorrect. Breanna was nowhere to be found once she opened the door, and this made Miya's eyebrows furrow in confusion and her heart drop to her stomach.
"where the hell..." Miya mumbled, yet it was inaudible due to the loud music and people around her, and she huffed as she ran her hand down her face, clutching her purse and phone tightly to her side while she began walking through the hall to try and find Breanna.
at this point, Miya was over the entire party. she just wanted to find her friends and go home, she didn't care about "enjoying" herself anymore. as long as she found her friends and left the party safely, that was all that mattered.
"ayo, light-skin! wassup with'chu, ma?" a man suddenly grabbed Miya by her wrist and pulled her towards him, making her face scrunch up in discomfort while she looked at the man, "you got a man, baby?"
"man, get offa' me. i'an interested in nothin' you sayin', take yo' hands off me." Miya retorted as she tried to snatch her hand back from the man but he tightened his grip on her, making her skin begin to crawl while the alcohol from his breath tickled her nose.
"don't be like that, light-skin, lemme' fuck with'chu," the man slurred, licking his cracked lips at the woman, as Miya cringed and tried to pry his grip off her wrist but to no avail, "you must ain't got no man, ma, 'cause if you was my bitch, i wouldn't let yo' fine ass out my sight."
"aye, nigga, get'cho hands off my girl, fuck you got goin', gang?" an unfamiliar voice spoke as the man carefully but forcefully yanked Miya's wrist out of the creep's grasp and nudged her behind him, confusing Miya even more but she was grateful for the help.
"oh, shit, m-my bad, Von, i'an k-know she was with'chu—"
"yeah, yeah, a nigga really ain't tryna' hea' all'at bullshit. keep it pushin', bitch ass nigga." Von retorted, bucking at him, as the creep flinched and quickly scurried away, nearly tripping over his own feet from how tipsy he was.
"Von? oh, so this is 'Mani's homeboy?" Miya thought in awe as Von turned to face her and gently grabbed her arm, analyzing her slightly-bruised wrist, "why she ain't tell me how fine this nigga is?"
Von wore a Dickies suit with a white tank top underneath his open top and white high-top Air Force 1s on his feet as an "O-Block" chain sat around his neck and jewelry rested on both of his wrists and his pinky finger, a red bandanna tied around his hairline while his two-strand twisted locs hung freely in his face.
if Miya's vibe hadn't gotten killed by that creep, she would've definitely shot her shot at that moment.
"you heard me, shorty?" Von's voice knocked Miya out of her thoughts as she looked up at him, subtly realizing the height difference between them.
"i asked if you was a'ight. you got a lil' bruise formin' right hea' an' shit." Von repeated, leaning down to her ear so she could hear him better, as his cologne flooded Miya's nostrils and she nearly melted in front of him.
"oh, my bad, i'm good. thank you for askin'." Miya assured, cracking a smile, as Von nodded his head and held out his hand, signaling for her to grab it and follow him.
grabbing onto his hand, Miya felt all her uncomfortableness wash away as her palm rested in his, following close behind him while he led her out of the crowded hallway and towards the front door. though Miya hadn't known him for long, something about him made her feel safe, and she didn't know what it was. regardless of what it was, she was grateful he showed up when he did, or Lord knows what would've happened to her.
the two walked out of the front door and Miya's eyes instantly locked on her friends. Imani and Kierra were flirting with what seemed like two men who were friends and Breanna stood by the car on her phone tapping vigorously like she was texting someone. suddenly, Miya's phone began buzzing over and over again, and once she checked it, she realized Breanna had been texting her the whole time and none of her messages had delivered until now because Miya didn't have good service in the bathroom or the hallway.
come to find out, Von spotted Breanna being hit on by the same creep that approached Miya, and he defended her and took her outside with Imani and Kierra, but because Miya's phone didn't have good service, Breanna couldn't warn her about the creep in time, so she sent Von back inside to go look for Miya because her intuition told her that something was wrong.
"aye, Bre', i got ha' fa' you." Von announced, making Breanna look up from her phone, as Von let Miya's hand go and Breanna quickly rushed over to the girl, engulfing her in a hug while Miya embraced her with a soft chuckle.
"you okay? you ain't run into that creepy ass drunk nigga, did you?" Breanna questioned, letting her go, as she tucked strands of her hair behind her ears.
"i'm good, Bre'. and unfortunately, i did, but i'm okay, i just got a lil' bruise on my wrist, that's all," Miya assured, showing the girl her bruise, as she looked up at Von before looking back at Breanna, "you should've seen the way he started stutterin' when Von came. if i wasn't uncomfortable as hell, i woulda' busted out laughin'."
"he did the same shit when i was in there, niggas don't ever learn they lesson, girl," Breanna chuckled, analyzing her wrist and gently holding it in her hand before letting it go, "lemme' get the keys off you, My'My, i'm 'bout to go sit in the car 'til y'all ready to go."
Miya took her purse off her shoulder and handed it to Breanna as she took it and walked off to the car, digging in it and grabbing the keys while she unlocked the doors and slid into the passenger seat. as if on cue with the car door closing, Von and Miya locked eyes, a shy smile creeping onto Miya's face while she broke away from his gaze and glanced at the ground.
"thank you for steppin' in back there with that creep. if it wasn't for you, i would've had more than just a lil' bruise." Miya thanked him as Von chuckled at seeing her purposely avoid his gaze and cracked a small smile.
"you scareda' me a'sum'?" Von joked as Miya's smile slightly widened and she laughed, their eyes locking for a second time while Miya slightly fiddled with the strap on her dress, "but that ain't nun', Miya, i'm just doin' what a real nigga 'posed to do, y'know what i'm sayin'? niggas ain't 'posed to be doin' no ho ass shit like that to no female."
"duh, i know that, but still... thank you for bein' there, Von," Miya smiled as Von smiled at her and nodded his head, "any way i can repay you for your heroic act?"
"yeen' gotta' do nun', shorty, it's cool," Von assured, pushing his locs out of his face, "but since you offerin', lemme' get'cho numba' and lemme' take you on a date."
"...you fo'real?" Miya hesitantly asked, raising a brow, as a large smile slowly spread across her face.
"i'm deadass, shorty. i'an call you my girl fa' no reason," Von chuckled as Miya's brows slightly furrowed before she quickly realized that he did say that when he came to her defense, "plus, i gotta' make sure you straight at all times, ma. can't have no otha' random ass creepy niggas fuckin' with'chu, gang."
"mhm... i guess," Miya joked, blushing, as Von laughed and she held out her hand, wanting him to give her his phone, "where you gon' take me, Von?"
"now, why would i tell you that, ma?" Von chuckled as the two swapped phones and exchanged numbers, "i want it to be a surprise. it wouldn't be a surprise no mo' if i told you where i wanna take you, Miya."
"okay, you got a point," Miya laughed as she took her phone back and her eyes locked on his contact name, "Von 🦁", making her smile before she turned her phone off, "it's gettin' late, i should probably go get my girls from them random niggas over there before they get kidnapped."
"aye, my niggas ain't no kidnappers, girl. 'Mani and Kierra in good hands," Von chuckled, catching Miya off guard because she had no idea he and her friends' acquaintances were connected, "but you should be gettin' home anyway. you got a curfew, lil' mama."
"oh, please, boy, i'm grown as fuck," Miya playfully sassed as the two laughed before Miya turned her attention to her friends, "aye, lover girls! time to go home!"
as if on cue with Miya's words, Breanna started up the car, the headlights shining into the front yard while Kierra and Imani came stumbling over to the vehicle with drunken smiles on their faces.
"well, i got kids to take care of. see you later, Vonny." Miya joked as Von chuckled and the two embraced each other in a warm hug, his hand gently grabbing her arm and kissing her bruised wrist before the two parted ways.
"let me know when you make it home and i'ma call you, a'ight?" Von asked as Miya smiled and heard a car door shut, making her glance behind Von to see Imani and Kierra in the backseat.
"I will."
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tennessoui · 9 months
Anakin’s really out there trying to make a poly triangle work (the sort where he's the one in the middle and the other two are Not Together) while having zero clue that he's trying for a poly thing at all... and neither of the two people he's in a poly thing with realize that's what's happening..........
I feel like couples counseling au anakin would very much not enjoy a poly triangle thing if it were to happen because the way I’m writing him and his relationship with obi-wan, Anakin would be very dissatisfied during any romantic time he isn’t spending with Obi-Wan.
The moments he’s spent with Padmé in the fic so far, at least half if not 75% of his attention is focused on his master even when the guy isn’t even there. It’s only gonna get worse from there—I think in his head if he thought about it briefly, he would like to be in a relationship with both Padmé and Obi-Wan.
But the fic progression and conclusion does hinge on anakin realizing that he actually does not want to be in a relationship with the both of them. He wants to just be with one of them and that person is his master.
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