#but mainly just so hardworking and so good at their jobs and so awe inspiring
that-soccer-guru · 4 years
Tell us more about the Colombia NTs 👀 please
I have a wonderful thing about the colombia wnt.
Gay. So Gay. So Many Gays. And empowered as FUCK
Yoreli Rincon, gay af, plays in Internazionale Milan, seemingly banned from the NT for the foreseeable future, has a whole fiance who plays for the Venezuela NT. She hot hot (Yore is on the left and her fiancee, Jay is on the right)
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Natalia Gaitan, believed to have hoes in area codes. Jk, my capi is an icon. SHE HAD LEUKEMIA AS A KID and went through a full recovery to kick ass in the Woso world. Currently on extended injury bc of an ACL tear but, she's fucking awesome BUT I MEAN LOOK AT HER!!!
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Daniela Montoya, on top of being one of my favorite players active rn, also gay as fuck. Also a twin? what's with woso and twins. But her and her girlfriend are super cute, her girlfriend plays with her in Junior, she posts adorable things for Dani's birthday, they are eachother's biggest fans, it's AMAZING.
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Leicy Santos, smol and mighty. I firmly believe she's gonna end up dating half the Atleti Squad, though I really root for her and Deyna (even if Deyna is also like, a baby, but still).
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Catalina Usme, fucking CANNONS for legs, woman can and will rip nets off goals given the chance, absolutely amazing player, also big gay vibe but also gives off the vibe that she just supports the gays, who knows
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Isabella Echeverri, went through a whole controversy about maybe having bought her place in the NT, great fucking player though. either a lipstick lesbian or the straightest straight, I really cannot tell.
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Lady Andrade, Y'all Americans have beef with her because she pissed you off by punching Abby Wambach, we wanted to throw her a party. She calls it like it is, if everyone had the same resources as the uswnt, the US would not be as dominant (not as bad as the men who are the laughing stock of the world but still), I'm pretty sure she's straight but her vibe with Carolina Arias is WONDERFUL
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There are a lot of players in this team and they're all amazing. Nicole Regnier who recently came out of retirement, Melissa Ortiz, former player (actually signed for NY Flash for a bit) and current sports caster, Catalina Perez, goalkeeper extraordinaire who actually played for a university in Miami, Damiela Caracas, Manuela Vanegas, Orianica Velasquez, I can literally go on for ages.
And I stand by the Lady Andrade thing. If the federation gave the girls as much support as they do the guys, we'd be fucking ballers. All of South America is full of talent, amazing dedicated hardworking players who are fighting against insurmountable odds. They're literally RUNNING full throttle at a wall that refuses to crumble. These women have been fighting for years for every fucking inch, and I love them so much. They're fighting a hard fight and I'll support them in everything they do.
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clareisa · 5 years
Ateez In Hogwarts
- I added a couple of random facts about their life in Hogwarts in this post. Do you like it? Should I add it to other Harry Potter posts in the future as well?
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- gifs and pics are not mine, credits to rightful owners
- English is not my first language, so please let me kindly know if I did a mistake
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House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Personality: loyal, helpful, friendly, smart, hardworking, determined, emotional, bright
Pet: ferret
Wand (WOOD): Alder wood -  Alder is an unyielding wood, its ideal owner is often helpful, considerate and most likeable. When an alder wand is happily placed, it becomes a magnificent, loyal helpmate. Of all wand types, alder is best suited to non-verbal spell work, whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards
(CORE): Phoenix feather core -  Learns most varied magic, hard to be chosen
Patronus: Dolphin
Favourite Classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms
How Amortentia smells to him: Fresh flowers, Chocolate, Cherries, An ocean breeze
After Hogwarts working as: Auror - He became Auror because of his protective nature and sense for justice. He wants to destroy and punish those who could endanger those who are innocent and protect his loved ones 
head boy
always helps the new students with anything and everything
Hufflepuff won a house cup couple of times mainly thanks to him
music is always coming from the Hufflepuff’s common room when Hongjoong is composing on his piano
his ferret is always on his shoulder, even he is trying to hide her in classes
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House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Personality: Intelligent, curious, mom-like, polite, sassy, honest, ambitious, dependable
Pet: Birman cat
Wand (WOOD): Vine wood - Vine wands are among the less common types, and their ideal owners are nearly always those witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best. Vine wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths
(CORE): Thunderbird tail feather - Powerful, but difficult to master. Can sense danger and cast curses on their own
Patronus: Orca
Favourite Classes: Potions, Herbology
How Amortentia smells to him: Pancakes, Jasmine, Petrichor, Vanilla
After Hogwarts working as: Healer and alchemist - Combination with his intellect, curious nature and the need to helping others he will be the head of St. Mungo’s. In the future, he will be known for creating lots of new medicine 
almost everyone has a crush on him
protective of his best friends group “Ateez”, no one want to cross him
with Yeosang, helping to Madam Pomfrey with sick students in Hospital Wing
scolding his friends for dirty or unironed robes
number one student in the whole school
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House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Half-blood
Personality: cheerful, lively, friendly, loving, peaceful, diligent, warmhearted, daring, charming
Pet: Golden Retriever
Wand (WOOD): Cherry wood -This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power. For cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind
(CORE): Horned Serpent horn core - Exceptionally powerful and sensitive. Can warn its owner of danger by emitting a low musical tone
Patronus: Dragon
Favourite Classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration
How Amortentia smells to him: Cinnamon Rolls, Apple pie, MOrning breeze, Honeysuckle
After Hogwarts working as: Dragonologist - He always aspired to be one. He admired and was fascinated by them since he was a little kid. After he found out his Patronus is a dragon as well, Yunho knew he was destined to work with those dangerous but awe-inspiring creatures
best keeper Hufflepuff’s Quidditch team ever had
often secretly going to Forbidden forest, curious about creatures living there
classes are never boring when Yunho is in... if San is around is a mess
always brings a yummy food to his friends from the kitchen elves
often seen chasing after his golden retriever who is as energised as him 
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House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Personality: cunning, passionate, savage, charming, bold, perfectionist, clever, humane, kind, tolerant
Pet: Serval
Wand (WOOD): Elm wood -  Elm wands prefer owners with presence, magical dexterity and a certain native dignity. Of all wand woods, they produce the fewest accidents, the least foolish errors, and the most elegant charms and spells; these are sophisticated wands, capable of highly advanced magic in the right hands
(CORE): Phoenix feather core -  Learns most varied magic, hard to be chosen
Patronus: Black Swan
Favourite Classes: Astrology, Potions
How Amortentia smells to him: Mango, Gardenia, The beach, Wine
After Hogwarts working as: Hogwarts Potions professor - Actually started with Seonghwa at St. Mungo’s. After he received a letter from the headmaster he immediately agreed and quickly became a favourite teacher at Hogwarts
new students are often afraid since his gaze is sharp and quite intense 
not the teachers' favourite thanks to his straight forward nature
rumoured to be half-siren thanks to his angel-like appearance and voice
love the wintertime when he can snowboard on the hills in the Hogwarts area
always with Seonghwa in Hospital wing
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House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Personality: creative, happy virus, caring, crazy, warm, humble, easily fooled by fake sincerity, skilled
Pet: Slow Loris
Wand: Red Oak wood- The true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Red oak wands are among the most handsome
(CORE): Dragon heartstring core -  Powerful, easy to learn spells though can easily be committed to another owner
Patronus: Capuchin Monkey
Favourite Classes: Herbology, Charms
How Amortentia smells to him: Orange, Chocolate Cosmos, New Books, The Moment Before It Rains
After Hogwarts working as: Curse-Breaker - Employed by the Ministry of Magic, but doing lots of work for the Gringotts.  Almost the equivalent of archaeologists, San loves the travelling included when he is tasked with bringing back gold from tombs and often have to break curses to enter them
messing around in classes with Yunho
with Wooyoung, they have the cutest Hufflepuff-Slytherin friendship in the school 
often the victim of pranks cuz of his sweet and naive persona
has his own little garden in common room with exotic flowers
often gets detention for causing everyone to laugh in class
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House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Personality: passionate, optimistic, jolly, enthusiastic, heroic, reckless, gallant, lovely, sweet
Pet: pink pygmy puff
Wand: Ash wood - Ash wands cling to its one true master. Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands are not lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes. The ideal owner may be stubborn, and will certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant
(CORE): Dragon heartstring core -  Powerful, easy to learn spells though can easily be committed to another owner
Patronus: Lion
Favourite Classes: Flying, Charms
How Amortentia smells to him: Cakes baking in the oven, Bacon, Freshly washed hair, Lemon
After Hogwarts working as: Quidditch player (Seeker and captain) - Is not the safest job in the world but the euphoric feeling of soaring through the air on a state-of-the-art broom surely just can’t be beaten for Mingi. He has natural talent and can make his teammates always ready for anything
too soft for his little pink pygmy puff, but always loses her somewhere
sometimes clumsy in casting spells
Yunho is his best friend but in Quidditch he is his biggest enemy
always late to classes thanks to his love for sleeping
supporting his friends no matter what, often cheering for them in Quidditch games if they don’t play against Gryffindor 
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House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Personality: ambitious, gracious, smiley, driven, fair, cultured, observant, sociable, keen
Pet: Russian Blue cat
Wand: Hawthorn wood -  Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and one should only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent
(CORE): Unicorn hair core - Consistent magic, bonds strongly to the first user
Patronus: Black Mamba
Favourite Classes: History of Magic, Ghoul Studies
How Amortentia smells to him: Wisteria, Clothes Fresh Out of the Drier, Morning dew, Pumpkin pie
After Hogwarts working as: Ministry of Magic official - started his journey at Department of Magical Law Enforcement in lower positions. But Wooyoung thanks to his talent, ambitions, manners and skills quickly became head of this department
pulls pranks on San very often, but he always takes care of him
always get what he wants
in Hogwarts, he can enjoy the muggle music and art dancing that his pure family hate and judge
always makes girls around blush
a charming gentleman with best manners
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House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Half-blood
Personality: strong, energetic, athletic, observant, bold, spontaneous, principled, gentle
Pet: Sugar Glider
Wand: Beech wood - The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry not seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation
(CORE): Veela hair core - very individualistic and temperamental 
Patronus: Shark
Favourite Classes: Ghoul Studies, Defence Against the Dark Arts
How Amortentia smells to him: Wood, Fresh Waffle Cones, Lemon Grass, Coffee
After Hogwarts working as: Auror - working alone with Hongjoong.With Jongho’s power and talent, no one was surprised that he became a one. One of the best Aurors out there, feared by many dark wizards
MIngi’s most trusted team-mate and beater in Gryffindor team
often hanging out with Hongjoong and training for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class 
best in duelling club along with Hongjoong
often asking Yunho to teach him more about magical creatures and how to defend against them
Part of the frog choir, angel voice along with Yeosang
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haikyuu-matches · 4 years
❛   𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾  w i l d  𝗍𝗈  𝗆𝗒  f i r e  ❜
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@ultra-umu x yaku morisuke !!  ♡
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reporting … an excellent match !
when two feisty spunky liberos are a power couple? oh absolute perfection. yaku literally adores you because a) he feels an overwhelming sense of pride because he’s taller than you and b) you check off all the points for his ideal type. on a superficial level, you have short hair, which is something he finds appealing. however, on a deeper level, your personality really resonates with him. he finds your cheery, hardworking & energetic tendencies so cute, and the fact you are no pushover definitely is a bonus.
you two definitely work really amazing together-- it’s probably how you became a couple from previously being two very close friends. study dates & volleyball dates are definitely a thing because you two work hard & care about both academics and athletics. you two are very passionate & strong individuals, who will ultimately push each other to be better & work harder. there are not many people who match your caliber of energy & dedication, so in that way, you two inspire each other.
he’ll affectionately call you “embarrassing” if you’re up to your antics like screaming lyrics to a song in the middle of the mall, but that’s only because he’s too shy to voice how lowkey highkey in awe & even proud he is of you? like, a girl who doesn’t care too much about what others think & is able to be her best self? gosh, he has never met a girl like you before, so his own insecurity may take over & he’ll wonder if you’re too good for him. . . but, overall, he’ll end up smiling and maybe even join you because you have that effect on him.
also, because you are his closest friend & girlfriend, he will spoil you tremendously. you say you have a sweet tooth? well, he will of course indulge you with buying your favorite sweets (candy, cake, ice cream . . . whatever it may be ! ). he’ll especially do this as a way to reward/congratulate you for your hard work & meeting your goals. 
his teammates (mainly lev & kuroo) may see yaku as whipped for you , but the libero learned a swift, perfectly-timed kick does the job of shutting them up. in reality, they may be right about their assumptions, but there’s no way he would let them outright tease him in front of you like that. honestly, whenever that happens, you always get to see his flustered & peeved expression. not a bad sight.
in the later stages of your relationship, yaku definitely becomes more touchy-feely?? for instance, cuddles are definitely a necessity- he likes the close feeling & being able to wrap his arms around you protectively. also, he’ll hug you unexpectedly because he “felt like it” (not that you complain; he does give the best hugs-) or he’ll surprise you with a spontaneous kiss. it’s small things like that for which he keeps you on your toes-- of course, do it back to him & he’ll fall for you all over again.
i touched on this pro earlier but you two really are a super match because you will always strive to improve & work relentlessly. you both have similar core beliefs-- and one of them is that sense of pride & commitment. although . . . one of you may have to keep a somewhat level head & call it when you two are working too hard (because that is a thing)- however, for the most part, you two truly are a great fit not just as romantic partners but as life partners.
you’ll never feel like you’re second-tier or less than-- yaku knows firsthand about insecurity, and due to this, he’ll always be there to uplift you & support you even if adversity hits really hard. he won’t sugarcoat things for you, but he will show he cares by standing by you. the two of you are so dedicated in all areas especially when it comes to each other that this leads to the fact you guys will stubbornly bring strength & encouragement to each other to keep going. it’s that constant approval & sense of belonging that really cements your relationship.
adding on to that previous point, you don’t have to question where you are with him nor would he for you. your relationship is very open & transparent-- no mind games, no power trips, none of that. you two are simply a couple who can talk to each other about anything & everything. with both your strong & earnest personalities, you guys don’t have to worry about things being left unsaid-- in fact, most of time, everything is out in the open & you guys deal with it head on.
while it is a definite pro that you guys aren’t the type to shy from confrontation or conflict, sometimes your arguments & fights can escalate and cause an explosion of sorts. it’s not to say you often have big-scale fights because you two do have natural arguments/bickering, but it’s more or less these fights may have tough consequences in regards to brutally harsh words exchanged and whatnot. however, the good thing is you two can never stay mad at each other & when it blows over, things end up being better than ever.
you guys may end up being pretty busy-- with academic & athletic roles that play in your lives, sometimes it may seem you two don’t get to do as much “couple-like” activities (like fun dates) as you two would like to have because of your schedule. you two would have to find a balance in between academics & athletics to find that social component or aspect to keep your relationship alive.
yaku can be like a “mom” sometimes, and he may come off as overbearing or overprotective. it’s simply in his nature to look out after others, but sometimes his way of doing so can be stifling, and you may just want your space. overall, it’s not a huge deal because you’re more or less likely to talk to him about it  . . . even so old habits die hard.
TRUST- 96% ; competent
COMMITMENT- 90% ; competent
KINDNESS- 93% ; competent
RESPECT- 97% ; competent
COMMUNICATION- 94% ; competent
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comment: hope you like it, lovely !!
— lily ! ♡
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Ouran High School Host Club REVIEW:
Hello there, everybody. My name is JoyofCrimeArt and welcome to the first cartoon review in my month long "Deviant-cember." event. For those of you who don't know every Friday for the rest of December I will be posting a new cartoon review, because I really enjoy making these reviews and hopefully you really enjoy reading them. Plus why not make something extra for the month of December. I mean all of those Youtubers are doing it. Anyway, I think I've gotten a bit off track, it's review time!  So a couple months ago my little brother decided to randomly pick a show off of Netflix and start watching it. After he saw the first episode he decided to ask me if I was interested in watching it with him. This show was none other than the 2006 anime series "Ouran High School Host Club!"
For those who are unaware, "Ouran High School Host" is an anime series produced by Studio Bones and based on the long running manga by Bisco Hartori. This manga series seems to be pretty big in Japan as this series not only got an anime adaptation but also a live action series that aired on the Japanese version of TBS. And THAT series was apparently popular enough to warrant a live action film based on the series to be created. I didn't even know that Japan even had any live action shows! Like what!? Man, what will those Japanese people think of next...  Anyway Ouran High School Host Club is a comedy anime that pokes fun at the Shojo genre of anime and manga. The Shojo genre seems to be defined as, quote "Them anime's where people don't spend all of there time powering up, fighting, and blowing stuff up." I didn't even know that Japan even had any anime like that! Like what!? Man, what will those Japanese people think of next...All jokes aside Shojo is apparently anime that is mainly targeted mainly at teenage girls. I've never seen any other "Shojo" anime before this but if this parody series in indication I would guess it features a lot of roses, fancy outfits, and flamboyant men. But enough background information, let's talk about the series plot!  The series focuses on Haruhi Fujinoka, a first year high school student who is attending the illustrious private school Ouran Academy on scholarship. (SIDE NOTE: the show makes a big deal about, even though we actually only see our main characters actually DOING schoolwork in like two episodes out of the twenty six. And even in those episodes all we see are characters do is like a fitness exam and planning a school fair. Like does anybody actually do like, math and stuff at this school? Like, I know this show is about an after school club and all, but dang! Okay tangent over.) Everything is going well until Haruhi accidentally walks into the room of the Ouran High School Host Club. Now, I know what you may be wondering if you aren't Japanese or haven't seen this show before, "What is a host club?" Now, I'm not going to say that I'm an expert on the subject or anything but based on my limited research a host club is basically a less sexual and gender flipped version of a Hooters. There basically bars or clubs that feature attractive men who's job is to charm and flirt with female customers. This show takes that idea and just puts it into a high school and removes the alcohol. Haruhi accidentally knocks over a vase that belongs to the club and, since this is a precious private school owned entirely by rich people, the vase is valued at 8,000,000 yen, or a about 70,561 dollars American (give or take inflation. Thanks Google!) And thus, Haruhi is forced to work at the host club in order to pay off her debt but, shocking twist, Haruhi is actually a girl! Wah Wah Wah! So now Haruhi has to disguise herself as a man in order to work of her debt to the host club, and many shenanigans ensue!
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(You know that the vase is going to break because they have an arrow pointing at it for the entire scene before Haruhi breaks it. It's because the show thinks that if there wasn't an arrow pointing at the vase, we might forget that the vase is important.)  So let's talk about the members of the host club. First we have Haruhi. She's smart, hardworking, and independent to a fault. She acts as the straight man of the group and honestly she serves that role perfectly. Her default emotion ninety percent of the time seems to just be "indifference," and I mean that in the best possible way. Her deadpan attitude acts as a perfect foil for the other members of the host club. That being said it's not like she's a static character, as she does show emotion when a scene calls for it. Without Haruhi down to earth attitude the show would not work at all, as without it the show would just become to zany. You really need that voice of reason character to balance out the wackiness, even in a show as silly as this. Also, while I don't know how much this applies in the Japanese version her American voice actress, Caitlin Glass, does an excellent job delivering her lines as this character. Also yes, I did watch this show dubbed and not subbed and that is because I am a FILTHY CASUAL PLEBE!  Next we have Tamaki, the leader and co founder of the host club. Tamaki is very much the dumb but beautiful type of character. He's self absorbed, though it seems to come less from a place of ego and more from just a place of ignorance. And despite him being so self absorbed he isn't selfish. He is shown to be a kind person who cares deeply about helping people, which does keep him likable. Tamaki is just such a passionate character it's hard for you as the viewer to not get as passionate as he is. He has a crush on Haruhi, which is obvious to everybody except himself. Many episodes focus on him trying to impress her, or focusing on his jealousy of anybody else who wants to get close to Haruhi, leading to many comedic situations. The obvious irony here is that Tamaki is in love with the only girl in the school who isn't madly in love with him. Like for real, every other girl in the school just melts in his hand, except for Haruhi. This is something I simply do not get, Tamaki is a doofus. I just don't see the attraction.
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I mean sure he's attractive, I guess! What with that shaggy blond hair, and those deep blue eyes...that look like two glistening pools of water in the moonlight. And he does have a sort of innocent boyish charm to him...and those luscious, kissable lips....I-Ugh, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the review! Hehe, um...Where was I again?    Also in the dub Tamaki is voiced by none other then Vic Mignogna. Most people would probably recognize him as Eric Elric from "Full Metal Alchemist" but the role that I most recognize him from is Uncle Qrow from "RWBY." QROW IS TAMAKI GUYS! I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO TAKE QROW SERIOUSLY AGAIN!
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Then we have Kyouya, the other co-founder of the host club. He's in charge of all of the planning and actual day to day running of the host club. He also acts as a straight man for the group, though not as much as Haruhi. He's cold and calculated, being in the club more business reasons as oppose to Tamaki who does it in order to make women happy. He's an excellent foil for Tamaki and an excellent tool for exposition for the writers, because he always does extensive background checks on literally every character in the series because, well, he's kinda a creep. Though in all serious he is a good character, especially as we get to learn more about him and get past his calculating exterior, as we learn he truly does have a soft side.  Then we have twins Hikaru and Karou, who are in the club in order to appeal to guest who attracted to a certain, specific, type of yaoi....And this has gotten weird already if you get what I'm saying. Though to be fair it is left a bit vague how much of there "brotherly love." is real and how much is just an act for there clients. They are mischievous and overall pretty awful people overall, doing really jerky things pretty much just for the fun of it. Luckily they do get character development over time that fixes this a little, but yeah. They look completely identical to each other and act pretty much the same for the first half of the series too. There's even an episode where the dye there hair differently so it'd be easier to tell them apart.
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(...I think this how Akira Toriyama got his inspiration for the "Future Trunks Arc" of Dragonball Super.)  They do however start to divulge more in the second half with Hikaru being more rash and more of a jerk while Karou being a bit kinder and more sensitive. But don't worry, if you think that that's the last of the awkward and possibly unfortunate implications this show presents, you'd be way off-  -Cause we also have Honey! He's a seventeen year old who's whole gimmick is that he both looks and acts like a five year old...God damn it, Japan. Okay to be fair the girls in the host club don't seem to actually seem to be "attracted" to him per say, they seem to just like to fangirl over how cute he is. So at least there's that. Honey is the cute one of the host club, who loves naps, stuffed animals, and cakes. While the anime gives no explanation on why Honey looks and acts the way he does the creator of the original manga gives one, and it's the dumbest answer ever. Bisco Hatori has jokes the reason Honey looks and acts so young is because Honey was born on February 29th, and thus only ages every four years. Well played Hatori, well played.  There's also the host club manager, Renge. Now according to Tvtropes at least, she's kinda a base breaker character, meaning people either love her or hate her. I personally love her, but I totally understand how people might find her annoying. She's doesn't really serve much purpose to most of the plot, probably because she was only in one chapter of the manga. She's an insane Otaku who's only real purpose is to be genre savvy. She also always rises from the grown on a platform powered by a powerful motor. Even when there outside or something. Don't ask, there is no explanation.
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...Oh, there's also Mori. Yup. Mori's was definitely there too.
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here are some other characters, like Nekozawa, Haruhi's dad, and Zuka club but I don't want to go into all of those characters here. I don't want to spoil the entire show. Oh! I almost forget everybody's favorite side character, John Cena Senpai!
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(All credit to twitter.com/thaniasenpai for the original tweet/joke.)  If there was one word that I would use to describe this show it would be "farcical." This is a really frickin' silly, especially in the first half. There's lots of yelling, over exaggerated facial expressions, and even some fourth wall jokes. Also this show has this weird thing with banana peels. Like y'know how in most slapstick comedies you'll see a character eating a banana, and then they'll drop the peel and later on some character will slip on it. This show just skips the set up and just has them slipping on the peel from the get go. The banana peels seem to just, kinda spawn. It's really kooky. The comedy is definitely over the top, but it's a really fun kind of over the top that I found to be very enjoyable personally. When your "Alice and Wonderland" episode of your show is actually one of the more serious episodes, I think it says something about the tone of your story.
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(Example of Kooky.)  About half way through the series the show starts to change in tone slightly. The show still remains goofy all the way through, (That image above me is actually a shot from one of the last scenes of the last episode.) but we start to get some more serious episodes mixed in with the silly ones, or episodes that have both silly and serious elements to them. We start to get more backstory on the various members of the host club and it's actually pretty effective the majority of the time. It's really weird because you wouldn't expect the show to go off in that direction but I think it's good that it did. They know not to ever make things get to heavy and give us just enough drama to be drawn into the story a bit more without substituting the shows original appeal, which is the comedy. We see the characters open up and develop as time goes on, becoming more complex and interesting.  Honestly after watching all twenty six episodes of this show I didn't really have much to complain about. The only problems the show has is that the jokes don't always land and some of the unfortunate implications. And I don't just mean the stuff I mentioned earlier with Honey and the twins. When you get right down to it a lot of the host clubs antics, if placed in a less comedic setting would be a lot more creepy. Like how Tamaki claims himself as Haruhi's "Daddy." and tries to stop her from having any romantic relationship with someone else, and is kinda forcing Haruhi into his weird love club until she starts to actually start enjoying the club, almost like stockholm syndrome. Now obviously that's not the implication we're suppose to take away from all of this, as the show's tounge and cheek attitude prevents any of this stuff from getting too weird, and the bond between Haruhi and the members of the host club are genuine, I'm just saying that there's an great darker and edgier horror movie in here waiting to be made!  So in conclusion is Ouran High School Host Club the greatest anime ever made? Yes. IN YOUR FACE "Hayao Miyazaki!" No, while Ouran High School Host Club may not be the greatest anime ever made by any stretch, I found it surprisingly enjoyable. It has great characters, good comedy, and a surprisingly well told and heart warming story. I think a lot of the parody and and some of the weird implications the series would work a bit better if I know more Japanese culture and the shojo genre, but regardless I do think it's a good show that is worth watching. This show will not be for everybody. It's comedy may be seen as "too goofy" for some, some of the implications might be a bit squicky for some people, and some people may not be able to get over how flamboyant and cheesy it is. But if your willing to look past all of that, and your just in the mood for a silly, nonsensical farce featuring a lot over the top characters, a lot of yaoi overtones, and a lot, and I mean a lot of roses, Ouran Highschool Host Club might just be the show to give you all of that, plus maybe a little bit more. While the show is no longer available on Netflix it is still available on Hulu both subbed and dubbed. You can also watch the series on Funimation.com for free, or buy the series on DVD and blu-ray. Check if the show sounds interesting to you maybe check it out. It'll most likely be time well spent.  So that's my review of Ouran High School Host Club. Have you seen the show? What do you think of it? Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments down bellow. Even if you disagree with my opinion I'd love to hear yours. Feel free to fav, follow and comment on this post if you liked the review. And don't forget to come back next week for the second review in my multi-part "Deviant-cember." where I'll be talking about the 1992 Holiday "classic" Frosty Returns. See you guys then and have a great day.
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(And here we have Tamaki, about to break through Wall Maria, releasing the titans onto the citizens of the Shiganshina District.) (I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.)
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Ouran-High-School-Host-Club-REVIEW-650271772 DA Link
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imagineyourstars · 8 years
Hey there >.0 Can I request how the Knights react to their s/o overworking so much to the point that they're worried for her but she's too stubborn to rest?
first knights request ! i took it as the s/o being the tenkousei and working hard on producer stuff, i hope that’s what you wanted ! if not you can still send another request;;;;; - admin mademoiselle
Izumi’s the hardworker type himself, so he won’t especially notice you’re overworkingyourself at first.  He’ll just act as though it’s natural for Knights’ producer to work a lot.
It doesn’t helpthat he tends to add more work for you, by planning more idol jobs ortasking you with things he can’t do, like outfit making. He’ll getangry if you don’t answer your phone within two minutes, or if youtake too long on some odd job he sent you away for. Overall, he tendsto treat you as his personal assistant.
Soon, the things you had to do piled up. You had to work hard on costume making, concert planning and let’snot even mention your homework. This caused you to stress yourselfquite badly, and one day during costume fitting you couldn’t help butburst into tears when Izumi’s jacket wouldn’t fit.
It was the firsttime you saw Izumi be confused about a situation. He quickly got ahang of himself but you witnessed him being at a loss for words for amoment. Ultimately, he decided to take you out of Knight’s small andstuffy studio for some fresh air.
Izumi understandswork can be a bit too much sometimes, but he’s afraid to give you advicewithout sounding condescending or like he’s lecturing you. So he optsto just shyly hug you. It’s a very brief hug, but you felt better allthe same. When he finally speaks, he’s not lecturing or being mean,but whispering in a gentle voice.
“You can relyon me a bit more, you know. If too many people give you things to do,you can just tell me. I’ll make sure they won’t ever charge theirwork on you again. Count on me like you’d do with a big brother,would you ?”
He sweetly kissedyour forehead and made you promise to never overexert yourself againbefore the two of you went back to work. But this time, he was the one who ranabout as everyone’s assistant, and you were allowed to sit in acorner and take a nap.
This you didn’tknow, but he was watching over you with a smile as you slept.
Sometimes, Knightsbeing so popular can be a pain. Especially when you have to make allthe goodies they’re going to sell at their concerts. The othermembers tried to give you a hand, but they were so terrible at itthat you decided to take care of it all by yourself.
As the live concertdate got closer and closer, you started to panick. There was no wayyou were going to be able to finish all of the goodies in time. Soyou started to stay at school after class for longer and longer, andsometimes only went back home when Kunugi-sensei forced you to.
You also took a bitof your sleeping time to work on goodies-making. Sometimes you didn’tnotice how late it was and only had a couple hours of sleep beforeyou had to go to school again.
Ritsu wasunderstandbly confused upon seeing you groggily wandering down thehallways during lunch break. “I thought I was the vampire here”,he slyly remarked. When he noticed you were too tired to even answerback with some wit of your own, he started to realize how wrong thesituation was.
He offered some ofhis soda to you (the truth is, there’s too much for him to drink).The sweet, fizzy drink didn’t even help ; you were dozing off all thesame. Ritsu then decided to switch to plan B and took you to hissecret room. Before you knew it, you were laying in a dark andcomfortable place, Ritsu’s hand gently stroking yours as he murmuredsweet nothings.
“Don’t worry,I’ll be watching over you. You can have some sleep. I hope you dreamof me…”
When you woke up,classes were already over. You got up in a panick, only to see Ritsuhad fallen asleep too, next to you. You tried to go back to youroriginal position to avoid waking him, but he lazily opened one redeye.
“Is sleepingbeauty awake yet ? It’s boring watching someone else sleep,y'know….” He smirked and hugged you close, leaving you nopossibility to move away from him.
And that’s how yougot trapped into Rei’s spare coffin with Ritsu for far longer thanyou intended. But hey, he brought some snacks and drinks. Andarranged for someone else to work on the goodies for the concertinstead. You deserved some rest, and he was more than willing tohelp you get it.
Being a producerwas a fulfilling job. You got to do many different things, meet alot of people and try so many new experiences. And one of them wasreviewing a new choreography for Knights’ next concert.
Of course, you hadto practice it yourself, to see if it was feasible. Then you had tolearn it, to teach everyone what they were supposed to do. Then, youhad to change it, because Leo would always fuck up at some point andrun into the others.
Dancing is a lotmore physical than you’d thought. You’re not an idol, so you don’thave to be perfect at it but you must know your idols’ dance moves byheart and be able to teach them. As you were a bit insecure overbeing able to do that, you practiced a lot by yourself. Including atnighttime.
Stress and lack ofsleep made you physically weaker, which in turn prompted you tobecome more frustrated at yourself and then train harder. How couldyou be Knights’ producer when you couldn’t even perform simple dancemoves well…. ?
As you were mopingin one of the dance rooms, Arashi allowed himself in. He felt youwere upset the past few days, and didn’t even have to inquire aboutthe cause. It was all too obvious.
Surprisingly,Arashi’s a very good teacher. He helped you memorize some of the moredifficult moves and perfected the choreography with you. He praisedyou a lot, smiling brightly whenever you’d get a hard part right.
“Wow, you’reso good at it ! See, I’m sure you can do anything when you give ityour best !”
He also is a goodlistener and you both sat down after practice, you saying how hardthe last couple days had been for you and him listening. He waspractically offended you didn’t come to him earlier for help. He alsotold you how worried he’d been over you, and made you promise tonever do that kind of thing again.
“I know I saidI love hardworking boys and girls, but I didn’t mean it like that,you know~  You should treat your body with respect and allow it somerest !”
Only one ofArashi’s warm and nice hugs was enough to make you feel instantlybetter. He also insisted on lending you his favorite concealer,saying with a wink that dark circles could ruin your pretty face.Arashi’s kind of like the resident big sister : you can and shouldcome to him for advice or help !
One of the thingsthat perplexed you the most about your new producer job was writingsongs. Lyrics were one thing, but writing one entire song by yourself? That sounded like a challenge.
At first, youdidn’t have to worry about it. Leo would take care of it all. Butthen, after one particularly nasty cold that lasted over a week andprevented him from coming to school, he decided he should name asuccessor who would make songs in his place from time to time.Obviously, you were chosen.
Leo did give youlessons on music and composing in general, but he’s so vague you canhardly make up what he’s saying. And he often gets distracted, eitherby something or someone else, or by himself. He always ends thelesson writing his new song in a frenzy anywhere he can, all thewhile excitedly mumbling stuff about “inspiration” and“fantasies”. Needless to say, he didn’t help you much.
Being stubborn asyou are, you still decided to work hard on it. For days. And nights,especially. But no matter what you’d come up with, it would alwaysseem tame and lazy compared to Leo’s songs. You couldn’t help but getfrustrated and unreasonably angry at yourself.
Leo’s prettytactless. You knew that already. But you weren’t expecting him toshout “Whooaaa, you look like a zombie ! Zombie-chan, pleasebite me~” when he ran into you. Did you really look that awful ?
As you hesitated between being offended and actually indulging himand biting him hard enough to teach him some manners, he took you bythe hand and dragged you to an empty classroom.
Once he closed thedoor, he looked at you dead in the eye. He was incredibly serious,for once. His eyes were grave, and his eyebrows tightly knitted. Whenhe spoke, his voice was considerably lower compared to his usualhappy pitch.
“Listen. Iknow you’re working too hard. It just shows on your face. But pleasedon’t. Work is for serious people, and serious people are not reallyfunny. Besides, I don’t want you to work yourself to death !”
Before you couldeven answer anything to that, he shoved a handful of papers inyour face. You took a moment to realize they were music scores. Leowas looking at you expectantly, and when he understood you weren’tgoing to say anything, he sighed dramatically.
“They’re songsI wrote thinking of you. You know… You don’t need to work harddoing the same thing as me. I just need you to be there, and smile asusual, and make everyone happy. Please be my muse !”
As soon as he’dblurted that out, he gasped, his face lit up by his latest idea. “Amuse ! That’s it, the inspiration is flowing !" 
You spent therest of the afternoon babysitting Leo and trying to prevent him fromwriting on the walls and floor, but you felt like a heavy weight hadbeen lifted off your shoulders. Just by being himself, Leo had thatkind of effect on you. Maybe that’s the power of love.
If there was oneword to explain what your producer job mainly consisted of, it wouldbe : phonecalls. So many damn phonecalls.
Planning concerts,photoshoots, meetings with the fans and radio interviews took a largechunk of your day, everyday. Maintaining a busy timetable for theboys was already hard enough, as you also had classes of your own toattend. But Leo seemed to think it wasn’t enough and often would planmore idol jobs on a whim, or ruin your plans by deciding at the lastminute that Knights wasn’t ready for their studio recording sessionand it would have to be postponed.
So, yeah.Phonecalls. At some point, you and the secretary from the nearbyrecording studio would become best buds if things went on that way.
As you tried beingthe best producer Knights could hope for, you had to dabble in a lotof stuff, like planning activities, managing Knights’ official socialmedia accounts, negotiate for a spot in a commercial…. The pressurewas considerable, but you kept pushing yourself further and further,even waking up in the middle of the night when you had a photoshootidea to take some notes of it.
During lunchbreaks, you could often be found in Knights’ studio makingphonecalls. Or finishing up new outfits. Or planning a dance routine.But never eating. You took a nasty habit of skipping lunch to favorwork instead. No one noticed, anyway.
Except someday, asyou were helping Tsukasa put on his new outfit for a music videoshooting, your stomach rumbled. Loud and clear. Your cheeks wereburning red and you were positively glowing of embarassment butTsukasa, being a gentleman, feigned to not having heard a thing. Butthen it growled again. Ten times louder.
As much as you weretrying to get out of this situation, Tsukasa wouldn’t have it. He wasvery polite, but also very firm.
"Onee-sama,may I wonder…. if you’re sustaining yourself properly ? It is veryimportant to eat three meals a day. Have you eaten yet ?” Youcouldn’t remember when your last meal was. You’d skipped breakfastthat morning, since you were late for class, and now you were alsoskipping lunch…
Seeing you sounsure of when you last ate, Tsukasa felt heartbroken. He ran to hisbag and gave you all the snacks he kept for later, urging you to eatsomething before you feel faint. He even went to buy you a drink andcame back in a heartbeat. Before you could even thank him, he’d leftagain and came back with your favorite sandwich from the schoolstore. You tried to resume your outfit fitting session, but he was adamant aboutwanting you to eat.
As there was waytoo much food for you to eat by yourself, you offered to share withhim and he shyly accepted. You two then snacked on pocky andcrackers, chatting about various things. Tsukasa inquired about yourhobbies and your family. You did the same. He also told a few jokes,and as much as you were surprised, they were good.
By the end of lunchbreak, you were feeling relaxed and happy, and your stomach was too.You’d managed to forget a bit about work, and all thanks to Tsukasa.
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