#but my brain is head empty tarlos thoughts
rmd-writes · 2 years
okay but now I am thinking about TK and Carlos getting into those tuxes together and helping each other tie their bow ties (let’s ignore that Ronen’s bts showed us they were clip ons) and giving each other little kisses because they can’t help it and the soft little oh Carlos lets out when he tucks TK’s pocket square in and then steps back and looks at him and his eyes go big and soft and the way that TK smiles and covers his mouth with his hand when he sees how handsome Carlos looks in a tux and then Carlos reaches out to take his hand and kisses the back of it and TK looks at him and asks, “ready?” and Carlos nods and takes a breath before TK calls out to their family waiting to see them
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melofanish · 3 years
Subtly Un-Subtle
Heyo @detective-giggles, I'm your @tarlos-santa Secret Giftee!!!
Your prompts were a whole load of fun to work with, and I gotta say, they definitely brought back my love and motivation for writing, so I thank you for that!
Anyway, I went with relationship reveal from your prompts, and it IS a 5+1. I hope you enjoy it, and happy holidays!
As always, a giant shout-out to the one, the only, the wonderful, @lire-casander, for being the bestest beta I could have ever worked with, and for helping me out with this fic. I couldn't have done it without you ❤
Gwyn didn't know who the shirtless man TK was cuddling was. Paul, Marjan and Mateo seem to agree that they're definitely more than friends. Judd and Grace didn't expect to see people they know in this restaurant. Tommy and Nancy try to give them as much privacy as they can in the back of an open ambulance. Evie and Izzy need to find the truth.
Five times Carlos and TK get caught living their life in a relationship, and the one time they decide they're done hiding.
AO3, G, 7956 words
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, Gwyn Morgan, Owen Strand, Paul Strickland, Marjan Marwani, Mateo Chavez, Judd Ryder, Grace Ryder, Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian, Evie Vega, Isabella Vega, Mentioned Charles Vega.
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, Fluff, Secret Relationship, Relationship Reveal, Established Relationship, Minor Injuries
Maternal Mission
A fourteen-hour flight was a pain in the ass, Gwyn knows it, and yet, she still thought it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Her only son being hurt — getting shot and entering a four-day coma — while she was fourteen hours away was definitely the worse thing to ever happen. She knows it’s been a month since he was discharged, and that he’s been home and resting and healing ever since. But her heart won’t slow down, and her brain won’t shut up, until she sees him with her own two eyes.
As she walks through the airport, standing in lines and moving from one queue to another queue at the pace of a snail, she can’t help but mutter a few choice words in anger. TK getting hurt while she was away wasn’t enough. No. It had to happen while a global pandemic was starting and travel restrictions were being put up. It’s by a mere miracle that she was able to leave and find herself a seat on a flight returning back to the States. And after that, she’s had to quarantine in a hotel before being allowed out into the public. And so, she finds herself coming to Austin much later than she would have liked.
It’s sad, and it hurts her entire soul, and she’d like to blame it on everyone and everything around her. Her brain somehow goes to Owen, and she hopes she could make this his fault, but she can still recognise that that’s a stretch, even by the standards of their rocky relationship.
The man in front of her moves, and Gwyn focuses her attention on the woman behind the counter, supplying all the required paperwork, hoping that this goes as smoothly as possible; she just wants to get to TK’s side, to hold him in her arms, make sure that he is indeed safe and sound, and alive.
When she’s finally done with that, she heads to baggage claim, thanking the universe that her bag appears moments after she stops in front of the belt, and then she’s out of the door, getting into the first empty taxi she sees, rattling off the address from her phone.
The drive is no longer than thirty minutes, yet it feels like centuries. She usually stays alert, eyes on the roads they’re travelling down, but she’s got better things on her mind right now.
She must have dozed off, for one moment she's staring out at the vast expanse of land surrounding the airport and in the blink of an eye she's suddenly rolling through big, beautiful houses all lined up in perfect rows.
“Excuse me, ma’am, we’re here,” a voice calls, and Gwyn feels her brain reconnect with reality, thrusting her consciousness back to the back of the cab she’s currently seated on.
“Oh, oh, okay,” she stutters her way out of the taxi, rounding the vehicle to take her luggage bag out of the trunk and then paying the man. It’s only when he moves that she turns around and comes into view of the house.
The suburban two storey home is as classy as Owen himself can be — it’s very much classy and pristine. It reminds her of the late years of their marriage when their lives looked nice from the outside. She can only hope that the inside isn’t nearly as much of a mess.
Dragging up her bag, she crosses the expanse of the white-picket front lawn before she bends at the door to retrieve the extra key Owen said he’d leave out for her under the mat.
There’s a string of thoughts that remind her TK might be asleep, so she makes sure to make as little noise as possible, fighting the urge to call out to him the way she really wants to. Instead, she pushes the door just open enough to get her and the bags through, then she closes it just as slowly.
Owen had given her a basic tour of the house, so she knows that Tk will either be in the living room to her left, in the kitchen to her right or the bedroom a little further after the kitchen.
A quick scan of the living room reveals vacant couches, so she immediately crosses to the other side of the house. When she finds the kitchen and dining room bare as well, she makes her way towards TK’s bedroom. It takes everything in her to stop in front of the closed door and softly knock, but when there isn’t an answer, she opens the door anyway.
Gwyn fully expected to see a completely sick and bed-ridden TK, wraps and bandages covering more skin than showing, or a full moving and healed TK singing and dancing around in the room. What she finds instead was a seemingly normal-looking and sleeping TK, hair spiked in every direction from rolling around on the bed no doubt, a blanket low on his hips, and the edge of a bandage visible in the high of his collarbone. That’s all expected though.
The man whose chest is currently being used as TK’s pillow isn’t.
There’s a full man, dark hair curled into the picture of a perfect mess on top of his head, one hand intertwined with TK’s hand on his chest while the other arm wraps around TK’s shoulders. TK’s head seems to find a comfortable pillow on the man’s chest — if the small and satisfied smile on her son’s face is anything to go by. He doesn’t look like a casual visitor either; with no shoes in sight and soft sweatpants, a jacket thrown over the back of a chair in the corner of the room, he looks like he’s been here for a while.
The scene would be cute, if she wasn’t endlessly confused. She doesn’t remember seeing him, even though she’s met the entirety of the team numerous times whenever she's Facetimed TK and someone from the crew is over to help out. This man is definitely not Marjan or Michelle, and he’s not Judd, Paul or Mateo. There’s one more person that she’s only ever heard of, never actually saw, a friend of TK’s — Carlos.
“Oh,” she finds herself whispering. Owen mentioned a Carlos once, and it elicited a deep blush and a mumbled “no, dad, it’s not like that” from TK.
Is it Carlos?
There’s no way this is the just friends that cuddle and hold aren’t platonic, she doesn’t think.
This is more like the, at least, friends with benefits stage she's seen TK have with other boys before. She's never seen him so at ease with any of them, and she's walked in on TK with his boyfriend several times throughout the years.
With a final glance, she decides that the sight of an asleep TK is enough to calm her heart for a bit. And the sight of a happy and comfortable TK with this mystery man is more than enough to soothe the pain she feels for him.
Troublesome Trio
Paul had the entirety of his focus on the game, he really did. It’s not his fault that TK is being suspiciously tense around a person that he claims to be very close friends with.
He’s aware that TK has been in a bad mood from the moment that door was opened, probably carried over from his house. But he still keeps his eyes on him, watches as Mateo asks if he got the cheeseballs, and TK goes on a rant about how ”my friend goes through a lot of trouble to make us healthy snacks and provides us with a safe place for us to gather, so we can at least have some human interaction in this uncertain age, and I’m going to spoil that with cheeseballs,” only to gingerly admit that he forgot mere seconds later. He watches as TK makes his way straight to the kitchen, opening the fridge and moving things around like he knows where things go and where they are. He watches as TK leans in close to Carlos only to appear as if he suddenly remembered where he is and tense away.
Mateo, who was half bent over the dining table thus far, turns around and makes deliberate eye contact with Paul, almost as if to say did you see this?
Paul sees it. He thought he was the only one that saw it, but he’s starting to think otherwise, especially when Marjan proclaims her win and then, as she’s dancing, throws a smirk at an oblivious TK and Carlos, still in the kitchen, still talking amongst themselves, in their own world.
The three of them take a moment to stare at the pair, and then at each other. Paul is almost entirely positive now that they’ve all noticed the two before, just never said anything. Yet, as Mateo makes his way towards the living room and sits with wide eyes full of gossip, Paul knows that they’re now discussing it.
“You guys see that, right?” Mateo whispers the moment his butt touches the surface of the armchair, elbows on his thighs as he leans closer to where Paul and Marjan sit.
“Oh, I see it alright,” Marjan whispers back, looking over at the pair and then back at Paul. “What about you, Mr. Know-It-All?”
“I ain’t blind, you know,” he snarks, rolling his eyes at them. He’s glad the conversation was started by someone else, because he wouldn’t have allowed himself to speak on it. If TK and Carlos didn’t say anything to him, it has to be for a reason, and he’d rather cut his own tongue before he breaches their privacy.
Marjan and Mateo stare at him, agape at his outburst. He sighs. "It's one thing that we've noticed, and it's another that there's something there, or, you know, that they want to make it known."
"So you admit you think they're more than friends," Marjan says with a sense of finality.
"I'm not admitting to anything," Paul insists, reaching out for the remote to keep his hands busy. He's never liked talking about people who aren't there to defend themselves, and he's not one to gossip. If TK and Carlos have something going on, it's their decision to tell everyone or to keep it to themselves.
"Well, for what it's worth, I think they're a cute couple," Mateo intersects, grabbing a snack from the bowl in front of him and grimacing when he sees it's definitely not a cheeseball. "Let's hope that next time TK isn't so blinded by love that he doesn't forget about the good stuff."
"I think he was a bit mad," Paul points out, but Mateo isn't listening to him anymore.
"Hey, guys," TK makes his presence known by flipping down on the couch between them. "What are we talking about? We ready to watch a movie?"
As he's speaking, Carlos brings another bowl to the table and sits on the floor, in between TK's leg, eliciting a knowing glance between the three of them.
"Sure thing," Marjan says. "It's Mateo's turn to pick."
And while Mateo takes his sweet time choosing between Thor and Superman, Marjan and Paul share another glance, more intimate, silently agreeing to not say anything if TK and Carlos aren't open about their relationship.
Even if it means turning a blind eye to the way they think they're subtly holding hands, right in front of them all.
Curious Couple
There’s a jump in Judd’s step that’s been following him around the entire day. From the moment he got a call from Grace’s favourite restaurant informing him that a reservation was cancelled and he was pushed up from the waiting list, he’d been on cloud nine. There was no denying that they were in need of a break — between Grace’s physical therapy and the pregnancy and his own unforgiving job lately, they’ve been stretched thin and have been craving a moment to breathe.
What better breath than a fancy, upscale restaurant that will be followed by beer on their deck?
So he keeps his head steady, does the job well and safe, and then races home. By the time he’s walking into the house, Grace is out of the shower. By the time he’s done with his own shower, Grace is almost ready. And fifteen minutes later, they’re both walking hand-in-hand out of the door and towards the car.
The car ride is like every other car ride with Grace, Judd thinks. They’ve got their hands intertwined, they’re talking and joking and having a good time, so much so that he doesn’t even realise they’re at the destination until the GPS alerts him to the last turn into the restaurant parking lot.
It’s a quick thing to get from the car to their table, and then they’re sitting across from each other between dozens of other couples.
Judd is so engrossed in Grace and the happiness that he’s experiencing, the food and conversation keeping a wide grin stapled on his face, that the time passes and before he knows it, it’s an hour later and they’re waiting on dessert. He takes the lull in conversation to look around the restaurant, the dim lights and chandeliers giving the place a perfect date sensation. As he lets his eyes roam though, he notices a familiar mop of brown hair a few tables to his left. But once he sees him — once he sees the salmon shirt that fits him like a glove and the watch on his wrist that seems to be heavy and expensive, even if he can’t pick up the actual brand — Judd seems to be entranced by the mere sight of him here, let alone why he might be here. So much so that he finds himself pulled out of his brain by a snap of fingers in front of his face.
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beeexx · 3 years
A little Tarlos moment fron 2x09
Read on ao3
TK’s headache has moved further down from his forehead, to settle like a blanket of pain wrapped over his eyes instead. It makes sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chair all the more worse, the bright light doing nothing other than adding to his growing discomfort and slight nausea. He is tapping his leg, the sound bouncing off the quiet sleepy room, and he thinks that the only reason Marjan hasn’t whacked him to make it stop is because she’s still pitying him over his brief spell in a room similar to the one Judd is in for a concussion that still hasn’t completely gone away. He moves his head between his legs, closes his eyes to try and drown out some of the blinding lights and breathes through his nose. 
He keeps bouncing his leg though.
TK hates hospitals. He has many reasons for disliking them but he’s never had to spend a night on the edge of his seat, worried sick for people he cares about before, not in this capacity at least and it’s making him feel sick.
The worst thoughts rush through to the surface unbidden. What if he never gets to see either one of them again, hear them laugh, joke around with Judd, dinner at their place every other Sunday. What if Judd doesn’t make it? What if Grace dies? What if -
“Hi, you okay?” It’s Carlos of course, back from his coffee run, who gently places a hand on his shoulder. TK tenses for a moment, caught off guard and suddenly ready to bolt right out of his seat. He can’t fully tamper down his reaction and Carlos notices of course. TK thinks he’s probably frowning and it doesn’t take long for Carlos to start to shuffle around until he’s sitting on the ground in front of TK, coffee cup left forgotten on the chair. TK opens his mouth-
“Don’t tell me you’re fine, it’s very obvious that you aren’t.” Carlos chastises making TK look up from the ground he’s been staring holes at. His lip twitches though and he nods.
“Yeah, I won’t.” He promises and it makes Carlos’ worry lines less prominent for a moment. His hair is still a little sleep tussled, a few strands of curls at the back Carlos spends ages on each morning to lie flat are now loose and he looks tired, he is probably as tired as TK feels. 
It’s been just a few days since the kidnapping and TK’s gotten used to having a particularly sort of nasty headache as his daily companion since then, ruining both his days and nights with spells of pain that won’t go away. Well, it’s probably ruined Carlos’ nights too, judging by the growing circles underneath his eyes, and TK’s constant tossing and turning every time they’re in bed. It’s been a few days of bad sleep and lounging around the house with Carlos worrying. It makes TK feel really bad, he hates it when Carlos worries about him. 
Both he and Carlos had however gotten their best night’s sleep in days when the call came through, waking them both and sending TK into a near panic attack when he heard what had happened. He’s strung so ridiculously tight he’s scared he’s going to snap in half and he goes back to bouncing his leg, trying to distract from his discomfort, averting his eyes.
“Hey, no shutting me out.” Carlos gently cups his chin and forces him to meet his eyes, thumb stroking up and down in comforting motions, eyes kind and understanding. TK sighs but he nods.
“Sorry.” His voice cracks and he clears his throat, trying to get the lingering thickness away. He looks away for a moment, sees Mateo is asleep with his head resting on Paul’s shoulder while Paul is reading, frowning slightly as his eyes move across the text, flipping pages now and then. Marjan left with Tommy a while back to go do something TK isn’t sure of exactly and he hasn’t seen his dad for a while either. They are all somewhere near of course, lurking, in case something changes.
“I’m scared.” TK keeps his voice down though, just in case. Carlos nods and moves his hands to cover TK’s thighs, pressing gently down on his right leg to stop the movement. It’s an involuntary reaction on TK’s end that he stops, the effect of Carlos’ touch on him, anchoring, calming him down almost immediately. Carlos gently squeezes his knee.
“I know baby, I am too. But the doctors are optimistic and we have to believe them.”
“They are cautiously optimistic and I don’t know what that means in doctor lingo but cautiously sounds like it’s not something to celebrate yet.” He mutters. 
“Maybe not, but it’s not cause for sitting here looking close to fainting either. I don’t think Judd would like it if you ended up in a hospital bed yet again after getting out of one so soon.”
“I would do it if it would make him wake up and bust my balls.” 
Carlos' mouth twitches.
“He’s going to wake up.” Carlos says with such conviction TK believes him.
“But what about Grace?” He whispers, dread filling his stomach. Grace with her kind eyes, easy smiles, never ending patience and generous support TK’s not realised he’s cherished this much until she’s suddenly been hurt, with the outlook not seeming good. He is scared, terrified even that she might not make it. He doesn’t know what it would do to Judd if that was to happen. Carlos grows serious and his eyes travel to the room she is in, sadness passing over his features. With Michelle gone a lot Carlos and Grace had formed an easy friendship to fill up that empty space, and so it wasn’t totally unusual that when TK came home after shifts to find Grace and Carlos out on the patio together, drinking lemonade and chatting away, smiles wide and whatever task they had said they would do, long forgotten. It’s not just TK it pains to see Judd and Grace hurt, it pains Carlos just as much and TK immediately reaches forward, cupping Carlos’ cheek and leaning his forehead on his, offering his comfort up like it’s second nature. They both exhale, breathing through it together. 
“It’s going to be okay, it has to.” Carlos says quietly and gives himself over to the worry for a moment before he pulls himself together, pushing the worry down. TK knows compartmentalising like Carlos can do is something that isn’t always the healtihest of coping mechanisms. Right now though, TK isn’t going to say anything, god knows he has a terrible track record of bad ways to deal with things, and he wishes at this moment that he could do it too, push it down and focus on something else. 
“The doctors say Judd is going to wake up but it will be a few hours until then, so we’re going to have to believe that everything is going to be okay. In the meantime why don’t we go home and shower and change clothes.” He suggests.
“Not to sleep?”
“I’m not aiming that high today, I don’t think either of us will be able to do that. But you don’t look too good right now and it’s worrying me a little, so instead of checking you into this hospital myself I suggest we go back to mine and recharge for a moment and come back with food for everyone. I’m sure they’ll all need it.”
It’s a distraction, probably as much for Carlos as it is for TK, but it’s a distraction born out of kindness and a big heart, the need to do something other than sit here and worry sick. Carlos, TK has learnt during this year, is the kind of person that needs to do something, he’ll feel absolutely useless sitting still. His brain works best when he’s doing things while TK tends to be the other way around, shutting down, unable to do anything other than freezing, standing still in his growing anxiety, until everything boils over and the urge to either get high or do something almost as equally stupid gets too much and he can’t stop it, sending him down bad paths. 
So he takes the opportunity and nods. Carlos gets to his feet and holds his hand out for him. TK takes it and gently and carefully Carlos pulls him to his feet and wraps an arm around him immediately. For a moment TK snuggles close, nosing at Carlos’ neck before he moves his head away, focusing on walking instead.
“How’s your head?”
“Sore.” He admits out loud and Carlos frowns. “It’s feeling more like a migrain though so maybe it’s just stress?”
“Maybe, do you want an ice pack?” TK thinks of saying no but he isn’t looking forward to getting into the car with the raging monster banging against his eyelids so he nods. Carlos gently kisses his forehead, squeezes his hand before he walks away, leaving TK alone in the mostly deserted hallway, with his thoughts again. 
Being a firefighter has made TK somewhat immune to certain high risk situations, gruesome injuries, fright so visceral people become unpredictable, or shock so silent it feels it lasts for days unable to break free of, and death too, to some extent at least. His dad’s cancer, which had been a suffocating presence, expanding each day inside of TK’s ribcage, making it impossible to focus on anything other than it, giving him little room to exist outside of the anxiety and constant worry. Tim more recently, which had been quick and taking the breath out of him, slamming straight into TK like a block of concrete, catching him unaware. 
His own overdose is a reminder that it takes different shapes.
And then this. Relentless, big, sudden. Impossible to escape. Scary.
They all wear their worry on their faces and clinging desperately to hope that feels like it’s dimming with each moment he stands here. 
He twists the string of Carlos’ APD hoodie, the first thing he had gotten his hands on when they were rushing to get here in the middle of the night. It was a few hours ago now and there hasn’t been an update for a while now, other than that they can only wait which anyone knowing him should be aware he’s terrible at. 
Carlos comes back shortly after, holding the promised ice pack, TK looks behind him at a nurse with red cheeks and a bright smile as she watches them. 
“Carlos Reyes did you flirt with a nurse to get me this?” But he accepts it gratefully and presses it to his face, exhaling in relief at the cold seeping onto his clammy skin. 
“I charmed her more likely, by talking about my very cute but bratty boyfriend.”
“Yeah I’ve changed my mind, I don’t care how you got it, I’m just happy that you did.” Carlos snorts and ruffles his hair. 
They drive back and Carlos helps TK up the stairs before he disposes of him gently onto the bed. When he goes to leave, TK tugs him back, holding tightly onto his hand.
“Where are you going?” He sounds small, he feels small right now.
“Just to get some water, I’ll be right back -” But TK shakes his head, moves the pack of ice away and pulls harder on Carlos’ hand until he gets the hint and climbs into the bed. TK pulls him close, arms wounding around his neck and tucks his face into Carlos’ neck. Carlos' hands come to rest on his waist, big and strong, secure around TK. He feels the heath of them through the shirt he is wearing. He can feel Carlos’ heartbeat against his ribcage too, riverbating through him.
Still here. Still alive. 
TK is used to danger. 
But he isn’t used to this kind of danger, when it feels deeply personal, like an attack. 
And it’s all so sudden, after Carlos’s suspension that has luckily been lifted but had given him enough stress and worry making TK wish he could march into Carlos’ precinct and yell at his boss that one of their best officers deserved better. It comes too soon after he was taken hostage and hurt, the wound hasn’t even begun to heal and it’s been roughly torn open again making TK feel so goddamn unsteady, the fear he’s suddenly been slammed with so tangible as it presses down on him from all sides. He feels he’s been edging closer and closer to a panic attack all night and the only thing that hasn’t sent him completely over the edge is having Carlos near. 
But he’s also so goddamn scared suddenly. He’s suddenly terrified of losing Carlos. A car accident, those happen so often and maybe TK’s been naive but this has never felt like such a palpable threat to him before, until now. Until Judd and until Grace. 
“Talk to me?” Carlos whispers, forcing TK out of his thoughts for a moment and TK hugs him closer, biting down the tears that have come unwillingly. 
“You can never leave me.” The words come pouring out of him and his voice breaks, unable to be kept steady. He bites down hard on his lip but an audibly sniff escapes and when Carlos tries to move his head away TK hugs him tighter, not wanting any space left between them.
Carlos is quiet for a moment, but no longer than that. He takes his hands away from TK’s waist and wraps them gently around TK’s wrists to gently tug them away from his neck so he can look at him. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks and takes TK’s hands in his, holding them delicately, stroking his thumbs soothingly across TK’s skin. TK angles them slightly against Carlos’ chest, closer to his ribcage, where he can feel the thumping of Carlos’ heart underneath his shirt. It comforts him, the only steady rhythm to latch onto at the moment, to try and steady his own breathing, copying the unwavering rise and fall of Carlos’ chest. 
“I don’t know…” TK whispers, unable to meet Carlos’ eyes. He focuses on his and Carlos’ tangled hands, trails the blue veins with his eyes, Carlos’ slender and long fingers, trying to find the right words, while also buying some time. 
“No?” Carlos gently pushes and TK shakes his head. “TK.” Carlos sighs before he cups TK’s cheek and angles it up so he can meet his eyes. TK blinks a few times to clear his watery eyes and Carlos wipes a stray tear away with his thumb, expression stricken, like it gets when he wants so badly to help but doesn’t know what to do. 
“When I was taken hostage…” He begins, clears his throat a few times, can’t bear watching Carlos upset. “I didn’t really stop to consider how awful it was for you during those hours, and I haven’t been able to grasp the intent completely behind your worrying these few days and now it makes me feel like such an ass. But I understand it now too, what happened to Judd and Grace, it could happen to us too and it’s so scary, so scary Carlos, what if -” He stops, gulps down more tears and bites his wobbling lip hard. 
“Hey, hey.” Carlos says gently and TK’s eyes snap to him. They are sad, but determined too. “It could, but even so I will always promise to fight to get back to you.”
“I wish you could promise me you won’t leave me or that I could promise that nothing’s going to happen to me.”
“Well knowing you, letting you out of my sight has proven to be a massive mistake, I swear you’re the most accident prone person I know.” TK wetly chuckles and Carlos’ mouth twitches, the joke easing the tension between them.
“I get scared too, all the time…” Carlos confesses and TK searches his face, reaches out automatically to smooth over the worryline on his forehead, itching to kiss it away.
“Yeah?” TK asks. Carlos nods.
“Yeah, all the time. Especially where you are concerned. But I do think it’s only normal with our jobs and so on. Just… I don’t know, try and be more careful?” The frown grows into a wry little smile and maybe if TK wasn’t so shook from earlier he would have joked it away, but he nods seriously instead.
“I promise. I will always come back, always. Even if I leave.” It’s a painful reminder of TK walking out on Carlos a few months back, still making TK feel ashamed of how he acted. But things are different between them now and walking away from Carlos and from everything they have built together and are going to continue building, that is not an option anymore. “Good.” Carlos whispers and kisses his nose making TK smile. “I will always come back too. Always. I will fight every day to make that promise true.”
“Me too.” TK promises, takes their intertwined hands and kisses the promise into their hands, hoping that the day will never come where he doubts it, doubts them and their future. 
“We’re going to be okay.” Carlos promises and TK closes his eyes and rests his forehead on Carlos’, slowly starting to accept it. 
“Yeah.” TK whispers. 
“And so is Judd and Grace.” 
TK isn’t fully there yet where he dares believe it to be true, but he isn’t giving up hope that it’s all lost either. 
“So, how about a shower?” 
TK opens his eyes, yawns before he stretches, pops his back and nods.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
Carlos helps him to his feet and in the bathroom they undress each other before they get in together. TK hums in content as the hot water washes over him and with it the last doubts he has about the future, down the drain where it belongs. As soon as Carlos joins him inside TK walks close, presses his body to Carlos’. It’s not sexual, but it’s a need, to have him near, to let the calmness of Carlos’ wash over him and bring with it a comfort only Carlos can bring out in him and judging by the harsh breath escaping Carlos’ he craves the contact almost as much as TK does. TK presses a soft kiss to Carlos’ heart and it grows comfortable between them. That’s until Carlos decides to squirt shampoo loudly on top of TK’s head, breaking them out of the moment. TK’s glare turns into a laugh and Carlos’s eyes sparkle, so very much alive and TK’s insides flutter.
They shower for longer than what they had planned and when they do make it back to the hospital, carrying food from a place Carlos knows to be one of Grace’s favourite takeaways he feels better, more hopeful and willing to believe that things will work out. Carlos’ hair is messy from TK running his fingers through it, but his arm is secure around TK’s waist and TK’s leaning on his shoulder, watching their family help unpack the bags.
And then Judd wakes up.
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tngrace · 3 years
Firey Situation
TK & Carlos's apartment complex catches on fire trapping Carlos inside.
Pt 3 of my Tarlos College AU Series. Thanks as always to @moviegeek03 & @justkillingtimewhileiwait for their constant support on my writing. It means the world. 
Tarlos/911 LS Masterlist; Read on A03
TK had been on shift for the last twenty-four hours. The calls hadn't been too terrible, but he was exhausted and missed his boyfriend. Carlos had sent him a couple of selfies in their texts throughout the last twenty-fours hours, but it wasn't the same as seeing him in person. He knew Carlos was at home asleep even though it was only eight pm. He'd had a long day of classes and he'd text TK that practice had been brutal. TK thought Carlos’s allergies were acting up and he just didn't want to admit it, so he was hoping his boyfriend was getting some much needed rest.
When B shift arrived, TK slung his bag on his shoulder and headed out. He was very much looking forward to crashing alongside Carlos once home. What he wasn't expecting was to pull into their complex to see fire and smoke. Adrenaline kicked in faster than he thought possible, and he was out of the car heading for the crowds of people searching for Carlos. He was single-minded in his desire to find him. When he couldn't, when he didn't see those curls and brown eyes he loved so much, he ran for their apartment.
It was a challenge getting through the crowds, but non-ems personnel didn't even try to stop him. When he saw the front door already engulfed, he did his best to bite back a sob. He looked around one more time to make sure he hadn't just missed Carlos, but he still didn't see him. He ran around the back of the building; they had a back door and a window, and when both were still closed, TK felt his heart sinking. "Carlos," he screamed, the smoke outside already starting to get to him without proper equipment. He screamed his boyfriend's name again, but was once again only met with the sounds of the fire eating the building, the smoke alarms, and the sirens.
He knew all the firefighters would be out front working on putting out the fire and making sure all the apartments were empty. He knew no one would notice him on the backside of the apartments. He did his best to look through the window, not able to get in the backdoor having left his keys in his car. He banged on the window screaming Carlos’s name but nothing. He had to stop a few times to cough, but then he saw it. Carlos was laying in the hallway floor not moving.
TK's heart kicked into overdrive; he couldn't lose him. He just couldn't. He finds the largest rock he can and throws it through the window. His heart is racing, and the little smoke he is breathing in is almost too much. He takes his hoodie off and wraps his hand clearing away as much glass as possible. He grips the edges heaving himself up into the window. He just barely fits but he makes it. The living area is totally engulfed and creeping closer to his unconscious boyfriend.
He screams Carlos’s name as he rights himself in the back hallway, but Carlos never moves. There's no telling how much smoke he's inhaled. He scrambles to Carlos’s side once he's on his feet; he checks for a pulse first thing, relieved to find one, even if it's faint. He maneuvers Carlos over his shoulder and then he's headed for the back door. He throws it open just as the fire reaches where they just were. He gets Carlos outside breathing in his own fresh air. He's not sure how he got from their back door to the front of the complex so quickly, but the next thing he knows he's yelling for a gurney.
The next little bit passes in a blur for TK. They’re both loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. TK tries to stay with Carlos, but they get seperated when TK needs to be checked out himself. He has some minor cuts from the window on his arms, and they put him on a little oxygen to help clear up the smoke he inhaled. He tries to get updates on Carlos, but he’s not his boyfriend’s emergency contact. That would be Carlos’s parents, and TK doesn’t know them. They’d never thought to change their contacts, never thinking they would have a need for it. TK is released in a couple of hours, and he moves to the waiting room unable to leave. He needs to see Carlos, needs to know he’s ok. He's been sitting there about an hour when Judd and Grace appear in front of him. TK gives him a confused look before Grace is pulling him up into a hug. TK is still getting used to relying on his fire fam, but he loves Grace and Judd treats him just like a brother.
"How?" He manages to get out when Grace passes him off for a hug from Judd.
"I took the call earlier, and we've known the Reyes family a while," she says when they sit down with TK between them.
"Of course," he murmurs as he runs his hands up and down his thighs. "I don't…. I haven't… we…"
"It's ok. Just take a breath," Judd tells him as he rubs a hand up TK's back to calm him.
TK gulps in a big breath and slowly let's it out. "I haven't heard how he is. He was… he was unconscious when I got him out. We haven't, we never changed our contacts so I can't get any information on him." His voice is almost a wounded whimper making Judd and Grace share a look.
Grace pats TK's arm and then she's up and moving. "You got him out?" Judd questions softly.
TK nods. "Yea I got home from shift, and the whole place was in flames. I couldn't… I couldn't find him so I went in."
"Without gear?! TK have you been checked out?!"
"Yea. Yes.. I was released about an hour ago. They cleaned the cuts I got from climbing in the window and made me stay on oxygen for an hour."
"Why didn't you call one of us?!"
TK looks at him like he's grown a second head. "We just got off a twenty-four. I wasn't bothering any of you."
"TK," Judd groans, running a hand down his face.
TK huffs and turns his attention back to trying to find Grace.
"Family calls family no matter what. You haven't slept either. Next time call ok?"
TK just stares at Judd for the longest as the reality of finally having a real family sinks into his exhausted worried brain. "Ok," he whispers with a nod. Judd ruffles his hair and TK is too tired to stop him. They sit in silence til Grace returns. "Come on," she says motioning for them to follow.
"Where are we going?" TK asks nervously, but he jumps up to follow her.
"You are going to see your boy," she tells him in that nonsense way only Grace can perfect.
TK stops dead making Judd run into him with an oooff. "TK," he grunts managing to keep them both upright. Grace turns around giving them both an unimpressed look. "Is there a problem boys?"
"I don't think they know Carlos and I are together. I mean… I don't… we haven't talked in detail… but he just… I can't."
"You can and you are," Grace counters, grabbing his hand. She's careful with his injuries, but she tugs him on. "You're his roommate right? If nothing else roommates check on roommates."
She leads him to Carlos’s room. Carlos is on oxygen and ivs, luckily he escaped without any burns. His parents are on one side of the bed, his dad's arm around his mom's shoulders keeping her close. TK can tell she's been crying. "Gabriel, Andrea, this is TK. He's Carlos’s roommate, and the one who got him out," Grace says quietly as Judd props up in the doorway as Grace drags TK further into the room. He's staring at her like she's crazy that she offered up that little tidbit, but she just shrugs and pushes him closer to Carlos’s parents before stepping back by Judd's side.
Andrea pulls him into a tight hug and repeatedly thanks him. "No thanks needed," TK tells her quietly. "Your son is amazing and means a lot to me. He'd do it for me."
Before they can say anymore, Carlos makes a whining noise catching all their attention. TK goes to step towards him before remembering he's just a friend in this instance. He let's Gabriel and Andrea surround him, and he barely holds in a gasp when Carlos’s first wheezy breath is TK's name. TK freezes as all eyes turn to him. Carlos wheezes TK's name again; "Shhh hijo, él está aquí*," Andrea murmurs as she runs a hand through his hair. His eyes are searching for him as Andrea replaces his oxygen mask. "I'll get the doctor," Gabriel says as he heads out the door. Andrea holds out her hand to TK to come closer so Carlos can see him.
"I'm here," TK says softly coming up on the other side of the bed opposite Andrea. "You're ok Carlos." He gives him a watery smile and grabs his hand before Carlos can connect with his face. He gives it a pat and then lays it back on the bed as Carlos scrunches his forehead at him in confusion.
"You rest. I'm gonna…. I'll go see if anything was salvageable from the apartment and let you know."
Before Carlos can say anymore TK is out the door. He doubles over in the hallway panting for air as tears stream down his cheeks. "Ok. Come on you're going to get some sleep," Judd says as he rubs TK's back. He knows it's hard only being Carlos’s friend that moment, and they've both been through a lot. "We'll sort the apartment later." He doesn't give TK a chance to protest, just leads him out to their truck with Grace following. Judd stops by the apartment complex and gets TK's duffle and keys from the jeep. It's hard seeing their home in ruins, but at this point he's too exhausted. He dozes off in the truck and only wakes when Judd shakes him awake. He takes his bag with a thanks, and follows Grace to the spare bedroom. He kicks his shoes off and falls face first into the bed. He let's the tears fall until he falls asleep.
The doctor checks Carlos over after Gabriel informed them he was awake. His eyes kept straying towards the door hoping TK would come back. They want to leave him on oxygen for a while longer and tell him he needs to rest and let his body heal. Carlos is too tired to question his parents on where TK went, and he falls back into a fitful sleep. The next time he wakes his parents are murmuring quietly over food. He still doesn't see TK, and it's really stressing him out. He doesn't know if TK was injured as well. He doesn't know where he's staying. He needs TK. He does his best to push himself up, but his body still feels exhausted. "hijo fácil. Qué ocurre?" Gabriel asks, having seen Carlos trying to move.
"TK?" Where's TK?" He asks before Andrea is putting the oxygen mask back over his face. Gabriel and Andrea share a knowing look. They had gathered from the brief visit with TK that he was more than just a friend to their son. "He's at the Ryders. He's resting. Judd said he was exhausted."
Carlos keeps looking between them; he knows what they're saying is true, TK had worked a twenty-four, but he needs to see him. "I'll call Judd," Gabriel says reading his son so easily. Andrea continuously strokes her hand through his curls to help relax him. A nurse and doctor cycle through to check on him. They step him down to a cannula and are hopeful they'll be able to release him tomorrow.
Once the doctor and nurse are gone, Andrea sits on the edge of the bed and resumes her hand stroking through his hair. "Carlitos you know you can tell us anything right?" She asks so softly. The look of panic on her son's face breaks her heart. "Baby. We love you, so much."
"I… I know." He won't meet her eyes as he fiddles with the blanket. "What…" he clears his throat and she holds some water for him to sip. "Gracias, mamà."
She gives him a nod and squeezes his hand for him to continue. "What do you think I have to tell you?"
Andrea let's out a soft sigh and before she can answer Gabriel returns. "Judd says TK is sleeping. Says he hasn't moved since he hit the bed. He'll wake him if you want, or as soon as TK's awake they'll go get his jeep and he can come down."
"It's fine," Carlos says shaking his head and clearing his throat once more. He inhaled quite a bit of smoke and it's taking some getting used to the hoarseness and scratchiness of his voice. Andrea gets him to drink more water as she shares another look with Gabriel. Carlos is too tired to deal right now, so after thanking his mother once more, he drifts back off. He wakes a couple of hours later, and his parents are still there. Andrea checks to make sure he’s feeling ok, and he gives her a nod. He can still feel the tension from their previous conversation, and he knows they're going to have to discuss it before TK gets there. “Mama? What were you thinking I had to tell you earlier?”
Andrea and Gabriel move closer, one on each side of his bed. Andrea runs her hand through his hair; it’s always calmed him, and she hates seeing this tension her son is carrying. “TK’s more than a friend, si?” Gabriel says just as soft Andrea had been talking earlier.
Carlos stares at his dad wide eyed; his body unconsciously tensed, panic flowing through him. He should’ve known though that his dad would be the one to figure it out. “It’s ok Carlitos. It’s ok,” Andrea says trying to help him relax.
“Si,” he barely whispers. “He’s… he’s my b…. B.. boyfriend. We met at ACC. He’s a dual certified EMT and firefighter. He works at the 126 with Judd.” He won’t look at them the whole time he’s rambling. He knows they love him, that’s never changed, but after he came out, they never said another word about it. He’s never brought anyone home to meet them, not that there’s been many to bring home, but he can’t lie to them about TK. Not when he knows they figured it out.
“Are you happy? Does he make you happy?” Andrea asks, picking up on her son’s nerves.
“So very much,” he doesn’t hesitate.
“That’s all we’ve ever wanted hijo. We just want you happy,” this coming from Gabriel.
Carlos finally looks up at them, tears swimming in his eyes. “You… you never said anything,” he hiccups, his breath catching on a sob. Andrea gives him some more water and then she pulls him into a hug to try and calm him. His breathing still isn’t the best, but the oxygen helps; she just doesn’t want him to stress himself out too much.
“We thought you would want things to go on like normal. Nothing changed for us. We didn’t realize that by not talking about it, we were hurting you,” Andrea said softly wiping at her own eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos whispers to which both his parents shush him. He hates seeing his mom upset though.
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for son. Nothing at all,” Gabriel reassures. “How do we make this better?” he asks Carlos as Andrea wipes her eyes.
“Just be here, talk to me, love me,” Carlos says with a soft smile.
“Done,” they say at the same time.
They let Carlos rest for a few more hours before TK shows up. Carlos properly introduces TK to his parents, and he manages to catch his boyfriend when TK falls into his arms in tears. The last forty-eight hours had been really stressful on him, and he’s so glad to be back in his arms. Andrea and Gabriel leave for the night with the promise to return with breakfast. They also offered to let the boys stay at the ranch until they decide what they’re going to do for housing. Carlos feels like he’s living in a dream, but he couldn’t be happier. He and TK talk about everything that happened after his parents leave. He kisses TK in thanks for saving him, before softly lecturing him about coming in without gear. “I couldn’t leave you. You mean too much to me. I can’t live without you Carlos.”
“I can’t live without you either TK.”
Carlos is discharged the next day with an inhaler just in case. The doctor is almost positive his lungs are clear enough not to need it, but he’d rather be safe than sorry. TK promises to keep an eye on him, and Carlos gives him an affection eye roll knowing TK will be hovering for a little bit. They take his parents up on their offer to stay at the ranch just until they figure out their next move. Things aren’t perfect with his parents but it's a start, and with TK by his side, he knows they can tackle anything that comes their way.
*shhh son he's here
**easy son. What's wrong
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The Way That It Is Right Now
Day 1 of Tarlos Week: “Are you wearing my hoodie?” + Fluff
Read on AO3
Carlos yawned as he stepped into his kitchen, his gaze immediately settling onto the coffee pot in the corner. It would save him from his exhaustion, he knew it would. However, he barely refrained from groaning as he saw that it was indeed empty because he neglected to set the timer. Though maybe he didn’t have to blame himself, a certain green eyed firefighter was also surely to blame. Carlos smiled at the thought, shaking his head. He and TK had only been official for three weeks but that was enough for Carlos to completely fall for him. They had shared a lot of their nights together, talking and getting to know each other further. It had been the best three weeks that Carlos had known for a long time.
He was just reaching into the cabinet where he kept his coffee when he heard the front door open behind him. He nearly dropped the container as he turned, ready to hide his naked torso from his mother or sister or whoever decided to walk into the door. But Carlos wasn’t met with an intruding family member, but instead TK. He watched as his boyfriend kicked off his shoes and turned around to face him, a tray of coffee in his one hand and a bag in the other.
“Hey you.” TK said, his own beautiful smile on his lips as he approached Carlos, quickly leaning over to kiss his cheek. Carlos felt warmth spread through him at the simple act of affection. “I brought coffee and some muffins from that cafe you like. Blueberry, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Carlos whispered, amazed that TK had remembered him saying that fact about himself. He watched as TK set the stuff down onto the counter before wrapping his arms around Carlos’ neck, giving him a proper kiss. Carlos melted into it slightly before pulling away. “Aren’t I supposed to be bringing you breakfast? How is TK Strand feeling about his first day back on the job in three weeks, by the way?”
TK sighed, shrugging. “I’m pretty excited. Although I am sad that I can’t spend all my days with you anymore.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Sap. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll always be here to welcome you with open arms when you get off shift.”
“I like the sound of that.” TK whispered, poking his finger to the end of Carlos’ nose before turning around towards the tray and bag. “Now, let’s eat before I have to go.”
Carlos stared at him for a moment, taking him in, unable to stop the smile that slipped onto his lips. TK Strand would never fail to amaze him. He was clean shaven and had done his hair to its perfect standards. He was dressed comfortably in a pair of worn out jeans and - Carlos tilted his head, squinting. There had been something familiar about the hoodie that draped from TK’s torso. It was navy, missing the string, and when Carlos looked; there was a hole near the neckline.
Carlos cleared his throat. “TK?”
“Yeah?” TK asked without looking up from unwrapping the muffins.
“Are you wearing my hoodie?”
TK’s head shot up, a blush furiously spreading across his cheeks as he stared ahead of him for a moment. Carlos stared at him, almost able to see TK’s brain moving to try and come up with an excuse. Finally when TK turned, Carlos saw clear as day that it was in fact his favourite hoodie. Carlos looked up from it, to TK.
“Uhhhh,” TK started, holding the syllable as if to stall. “No?”
Carlos raised an eyebrow, a smirk falling across his lips. “Mhm, sure looks a lot like my hoodie.”
TK folded his arms across his chest in a sorry attempt to hide the article of clothing, the blush deepening. Carlos started walking towards him, almost feeling the warmth that was radiating off of him.  
TK shook his head, biting his lip to stop a very obvious smile and looked away from Carlos to a point somewhere else in the kitchen. “Must be a coincidence.”
Carlos nodded. “Oh yeah.” He whispered as he approached TK, putting his hands onto TK’s biceps. “I’m sure it is.”
After a few moments of silence, TK finally looked back at Carlos, a smile breaking across his face. “Stop staring at me like that, gosh!” He said, gently nudging Carlos. “You look at me like that and I want to tell you all my secrets.”
Carlos felt proud at that. “Now you know what I had to deal with growing up. That’s my mama’s stare. She gave you that and you were hiding something? You’d sing like a bird. Take note of that when you meet her. You’ll want to tell her the truth about everything. And my sisters - What?”
TK stared at him in a sort of awe that Carlos couldn’t place. “You want me to meet your mother? Your family?” He asked softly as if it was the biggest surprise that he had ever heard.
“Of course I do, silly. I mean not right now, but sometime soon. I’ve already told her about you and don’t worry, she already adores you. But we can go as slow as you want, there is no pressure for you to -”
Carlos’ words were cut off when TK’s body collided with his and Carlos suddenly realised that TK was hugging him. He stood confused, unable to move for only a second before he wrapped his arms around TK’s waist. They stood there, peaceful and content in each other’s arms for a moment before they pulled away, only enough for them to look at each other.
“What was that for?” Carlos asked.
“For believing in me and believing in us.” TK said.
“I will never stop believing in you or what we have.”
“You’re so incredible, how do I deserve you?”
“Because you, TK Strand, are very incredible yourself and you deserve everything good in the world. I will always be here to remind you of that.” Carlos whispered, touching his forehead to TK’s.
“I’m sorry I stole your hoodie, it was warm and smelt like you. It was just begging to be taken.”
Carlos chuckled. “That’s okay, between you and I, it looks better on you anyways.”
“I know it does.” TK whispered.
He shook his head and kissed the tip of TK’s nose. “Okay, let’s eat and then I’ll drive you over to your house and then to work. How does that sound?”
“Perfect.” TK mumbled. “Everything sounds perfect as long as it’s with you.”
TK stepped away from Carlos to grab the food and drinks, bringing them over to the table. Carlos couldn’t help the completely overwhelming feeling of happiness wash over him. It had a funny way of sneaking up on him when he was around TK. He knew he would continue to feel it every time that they were together in the days following. This would be a perfect morning among many that awaited them.
TK was right, Carlos thought. Everything would be perfect as long as they were together.
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bellakitse · 4 years
Have you considered any Tarlos Au's yet? What if Owen took the job in Texas when TK was 18 so he went to college there and met Carlos and Iris. He and Carlos are BFFs who pine over each other for years, and when TK returns from visiting his mom in NY with a tongue ring, Carlos' life gets a lot harder (pun intended). Best friends to lovers ftw
Flashes of Silver
Carlos is fine with silently pining away for his best friend TK until the boy comes back to campus with a new accessory that makes Carlos’ brain melt with desire. 
nonnie, you should know that this request made me scream with delight, thank you for the idea!!
“Are you even listening to me right now, Reyes?”
Carlos Reyes looks up from his phone across the small table wherehe sits with Iris Blake, to find her giving him an unamused look as she muncheson her chips.
“You ask me to have lunch with you here in the courtyard, just soyou can ignore me and stare at you’re phone?” she questions, making him winceat her tone. “I could be in the library; I have papers due.”
“We all have papers due, chica,” he shoots back, even though he’sseconds away from being in the doghouse with his friend, he’s never been ableto keep from poking the bear. His family has always said that for such amellow, quiet kid, he’s always had a reckless streak. “Besides you needed toeat, and not in the library, you know Mrs. Powellhates that.”
Iris rolls her eyes at him, but there is a hint of a smile on herface. “Goodie-goodie, no wonder that old bat loves you so much.”
Carlos gives her an unconcerned shrug. It’s true, the university’slibrarian, a grumpy sixty-eight-year-old woman with grey-blue hair, loves him.“She just wants you to respect her books and the sacred space they are held in,is that so hard?”
Iris gives him another roll of her eyes, scoffing at his words asshe bites into her turkey club. “What’s TK saying?” she asks through a mouthfull, pointing at his phone.
“He’s got a surprise, said he’s joining us in a few – “ Carlostrails off, he looks up to see a smug smirk on her face, and Carlos goes redrealizing that he never actually said that he was texting with their friend TKStrand, Iris just figured it out. “How did you –“
Iris snorts loudly, drawing the attention of a few people aroundthem. “Your face, of course,” she starts, pointing a delicate finger in hisface as she waves it around in a circle. “You had ‘TK’ face; it’s verydistinctive. All soft and lovesick, kind of like when someone shows you a puppy,and all you want to do is snuggle it close and love it forever. TK is the puppyin this analogy.”
Carlos’ face is so hot; he’s sure he’s going to catch flame. “Shutup.”
Iris lets out a laugh at his words; her delight is unmistakable.“Great comeback, Reyes,” she says, still chuckling, though her expressionsoftens when he says nothing. She sighs as her laughter trails off. “Carlos,when exactly are you going to do something about the massive crush you have onour friend?”
Carlos feels his pulse spike at her question, his mouth going dry.“I don’t have a crush on TK.”
Iris raises an eyebrow at him; she looks both unimpressed andsympathetic all at once. “No, you’re right, it’s not a crush. It was a crush senioryear when he moved to Texas and flashed those pretty green eyes at you. Afterthree years of secretly pining, never dating for long, moping when he startsseeing someone and being overjoyed when it only lasts a month, I think we cancall it what it is, so…. When are you going to do something about being in lovewith your best friend?”
Carlos opens and closes his mouth, not sure what he wants to say,when they hear their names being called out. Looking across the yard, they seeTK waving at them with a wide smile on his face as he quickly walks towardsthem.
Carlos looks back at Iris panicked. “Please, don’t say anything,”he begs, feeling his hands sweat.
“I would never,” Iris says quickly, just as TK gets to theirtable. She flashes a smile up at the new arrival. “Hey, TK! How was New Yorkand your mom?”
“Crowded, dirty, and fun,” TK laughs as he leans down to hug her.“Mom was in top mom form,” he continues turning his smile towards Carlos.
Carlos gets up to hug him too, letting out an oomph when TKall but slams into him as he hugs him.
“I missed you too, needy,” he chuckles softly when TK doesn’t letgo of him right away. He catches the raised eyebrow Iris gives him and feelshimself blushing again, but he doesn’t loosen his hold on TK until the boy letshim go first.
“I just really missed that handsome Texan face of yours,” TKteases as he steps out of his hug, taking the empty chair at the table.
Carlos tells himself not to react to the comment. TK doesn’t meananything by it; he’s never meant anything by it. TK likes to flirt andtease; he’s a happy-go-lucky guy who knows he’s beautiful and likes to jokearound with everyone, especially his best friend. It means nothing.
“So,” Carlos clears his throat, hoping the smile on his face isrelaxed, and not an awkward mess the way he always feels when TK is around.“You said in your text you had a surprise?”
TK grins at him, his green eyes sparkling with mischief, and withoutsaying a word, he sticks his tongue out.
“Holy shit!” Iris exclaims in amazement, leaning forward to get abetter look. “That’s hot, TK!”
“Thanks,” TK smirks pleased, before looking over at Carlos. “Whatdo you think? Do you like it?”
Carlos hears the question, but he can’t answer. How can he whenhis brain is currently melting, and will at any second, ooze out of his ears.TK Strand has a tongue ring, a silver little round stud that was made with thesole purpose of ruining Carlos’ life.
“I – I, yeah, looks good,” Carlos croaks out.
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Iris biting down on herlip, probably to keep from laughing at how pathetic he is.  Looking over at TK, he feels a pang of guiltas he sees the previously bright smile on his face has dimmed, and he looks atCarlos with an unsure expression. He wants to say something, anything to bringthat smile he loves so much back, but he feels tongue-tied and silly. Hisstupid feelings feel right on the surface, ready for everyone to see, and hejust wants to hide.
“I should go,” he says, standing up, ignoring the sound of protestTK and Iris let out. “Gotta study,” he gets out, gathering his things haphazardly.
“Carlos,” TK says his name quietly, looking up at him with a smallconfused frown, his eyes a little cloudy.
Carlos flashes him what he hopes is a smile and not a grimace. Heplaces his hand on TK’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’ll see youlater, okay?”
TK looks at him a moment longer before giving him a nod, though hedoesn’t lose his frown. “Okay.”
With one last awkward wave, he turns on his heel and hightails itout of there, away from the boy he’s stupidly in love with, and his damn tonguering.
He hides out in the library like a coward. He gives Mrs. Powell awave, getting one back, and even gets half of a smile, which is the most anyonecan usually get from the older woman, before heading for the back to his usualtable.
The thing is he knows that hiding won’t help for long, not when itcomes to TK Strand. Where Carlos likes to be cautious, TK is bold. He stillremembers the boy when he first arrived in Austin, their senior year of highschool. It didn’t take long for it to get out around school that TK was gay,and it took even less time for people to try to mess with him for it. The boyhad a slimmer frame back then, dressed in tight skinny jeans, and had softpretty features. The guys they went to school with thought he was an easytarget, and TK quickly proved that line of thinking was incorrect. He wouldfight back like a hellcat, giving zero fucks about bloody knuckles as long ashis bullies were bleeding worse.
People learned not to mess with the boy quickly after that, andCarlos has been smitten ever since. Becoming his friend had given him thecourage to come out himself. After that, though at the time TK was almost ahead shorter than him, the boy had turned into Carlos’ own personal guard dog,glaring at anyone who even dared look at him wrong for being gay.
Between his sisters, the Blake girls and TK, Carlos never had toworry about anyone saying a single bad thing about his sexuality. No, TK neverbacks down from a fight, so really it’s no surprise when half an hour afterhe’s arrived at the library, nose deep into his forensic science textbook. Thechair across from him scrapes loudly against the wooden floor as it’s pulledout, and TK sits.
Carlos looks up at him, rolling his eyes as TK makes as much noiseas he can, taking out one of his books. “This is why Mrs. Powell hates you somuch; you’re so damn loud.”
“She hates me because she loves you, and she thinks I’m going tocorrupt you with my deviant ways,” TK flashes him a broad smile, and with it, Carlosgets a peek at a hint of silver.
Jesus fuck, that tongue ring is going to be the end ofhim.
“What she doesn’t get is that I have been trying to corrupt yousince the second I saw you, to no avail,” TK shakes his head sadly. “No matterhow much I try, no dice.”
Carlos rolls his eyes again at TK’s dramatics. “You act like I’msome saint, and you’re the devil here to lead me astray, calm down thetheatrics, Tyler,” he says, smirking when TK pouts at him at the use of hisname. It amuses Carlos to no end the way TK always reacts to it but yet nevertells Carlos to stop the way he does with others. Carlos tries not to give itmore importance than he does, it’s not a big deal that he’s one of the very fewpeople who knows and is allowed to call TK by his full name. It’s nothing.
They study quietly for a while, or well, TK studies,absently playing with the ring in his mouth while Carlos stares, his hand itchingto reach out for TK every time he sees the flashes of silver.
“Are you going to ask or just keep staring,” TK murmurs, his focusstill on his textbook even as Carlos spots the hint of a grin on his face.
Carlos clears his throat, feeling himself go pink at being caught,he’s had years of practice staring at TK, you would think he’d be better at it.
TK looks up from his book, he closes it and puts it to the sidebefore leaning in, elbows on the table as he smiles at Carlos, obviouslypleased that he caved. “Because I felt like it, and thought it would look good.”
Carlos nods; he can’t argue with the fact that it looks reallygood on TK, but then again, everything does. “Did it hurt?”
TK tilts his head to the side, thinking about it before wrinklinghis face. “Not as much as I thought it would. Afterward, it just felt weirdhaving something in my mouth.”
“Thought you’d be used to that,” Carlos mutters, smirking when TKlets out a dramatic gasp before he laughs, his green eyes dancing with amusement.
“I am curious about that,” TK comments, a mischievous glintentering his eyes. “I haven’t even kissed anyone since I got it, they say you’resupposed to wait three weeks at least.”
Carlos swallows hard as he does the math, TK’s been away for amonth. “When did you get it?”
TK looks at him as he leans back on his chair, a slow lazy smileon his face as he looks at Carlos knowingly. “The first week I got to NYC,” hesays softly, his eyes hooded as he stares at Carlos before he lets the littlesilver stud peek out again.
Carlos takes a sharp breath, his pulse spiking as he stares backat TK and reads the clear invitation on his best friend’s face. He’s not surewhat his face is saying to TK, probably all his love and the naked lust he’sfelt for him since he was seventeen, but whatever it is, it makes TK smile backat him bright and happy, his eyes dancing.
“Finally,” he breathes, never losing his smile. “I wasbeginning to think I was going to have to hire a skywriter.”
“You –,” Carlos licks his suddenly dry lips, feeling his stomachclench when TK’s eyes drop to his mouth, and he licks his own as he watchesCarlos.
“Since I met you,” TK admits softly, his face going gentle as helooks into Carlos’ eyes. “For such a smart guy, you’re so slow, baby.”
Carlos looks at him with wide eyes; he obviously has to bedreaming. His best friend in the whole world, the guy he’s been crazy about foryears now, can’t be telling him that he feels the same. There is no way he’s thatlucky.
TK’s expression softens even further, reminding him that TK canread him pretty easily. “I have to find a book,” TK starts, pointing towardsthe back of the library where no one ever really goes. Carlos watches him as hecomes around the table, holding his breath when TK runs his hand over the backof his neck, his fingers sending shivers down Carlos’ spine. “Maybe you canhelp me,” he says softly as he walks away, never once looking back to see ifCarlos is coming.
Taking a calming breath, it takes Carlos less than thirty secondsto make up his mind and stand from the table, following TK to the back. He’sfinally been given a chance to have the one thing he’s wanted forever. There’sno way he’s letting it slip through his fingers now.
He finds TK at the very end of the library, sitting on anotherreading table; this one a little dusty from lack of use. TK is biting on hisbottom lip in that nervous way of his, and when he looks at Carlos, gone is thecocky guy from a few minutes ago, and in his place is the not so confident boythat lies beneath his usual bravado. It’s the TK that always sparks Carlos’more protective instincts. He walks up slowly to him, stepping in between hisparted knees.  
With TK sitting, it puts them at a height difference that leavesTK looking up at him. Carlos brings his hands up to cradle TK’s face, tiltingit up even further, making sure TK is looking straight into his eyes.
“Are you sure you want this?” he can’t help but ask. The last thinghe wants is to lose his friend for a momentary case of hormones.
“Do you want this?” TK asks back; instead of answering, itcomes out more teasing, but Carlos can still see the hint of nerves.
“I have always wanted you,” Carlos confesses, finally letting itout. His heart beats hard against his chest as he gives life to his secret, butthe way TK’s eyes widen makes it worth it. “Every second of every day, I wantto be with you. I want to kiss you, hold you, have sex with you.”
“Carlos,” TK lets out breathlessly, his hands coming up to gripCarlos’ arms.
“But I want more than that too,” he continues, now that it’s outhe can’t hold back. “I have feelings for you. I’m in love with you, TK.”
TK tightens his hold on him, pulling him closer. “You never saidanything.”
“I was afraid to lose you,” Carlos whispers, now feeling unsure. “Irather have your friendship than not have you at all.”
TK closes his eyes, smiling as he shakes his head. “Idiot.”
“Hey,” Carlos starts to grin, moving forward when TK bringshis hands to the back of his neck and pulls him closer. Letting go of TK’s face,he places his hands on his waist, pressing his forehead against TK’s as the boylets out a soft laugh, and Carlos feels the same kind of giddy joy.
“I’ve had feelings for you since I met you,” TK says quietly, hisbreath touching Carlos’ face. He aches to close the distance between theirlips. “Back when I was so pissed that my dad dragged us here from New York, andI hated everything about Austin. You were the only thing I liked about it, andthen as we became friends, you became the person that made it feel like home.”
“Can I kiss you?” Carlos pleads, not being able to take it asecond longer, not when the boy he loves is telling him he feels the same way.
Carlos feels TK’s smile against his mouth instead of seeing it; hesighs into the kiss three years in the making. He pulls TK by the waist andgroans into the kiss when TK answers by wrapping his legs around Carlos’ waist,bringing their bodies flush against the other, and Carlos can feel how much TKwants him, his own body reacting to it the same way.
“Ty,” Carlos gasps out before TK slips his tongue inside his mouth.He moans helplessly not just at the taste of TK’s mouth, but also at the feelof that smooth silver stud pressing against his tongue as TK takes his time, makingsure he pulls Carlos apart with each flick of his skilled tongue.
“Carlos,” TK whispers back when he pulls away to take abreath. Carlos can’t stop touching or kissing him, and he trails a path withhis mouth from TK’s lips down his jaw, to his neck, kissing and sucking on anystrip of skin he can, instantly addicted to the taste of TK Strand.
“I knew it would be like this between us,” TK moans, his headthrown back as Carlos sucks at the pulse point under his jaw. His hand’s gripat his shirt and Carlos pulls back long enough to pull it over his head.
TK looks at him, his usually bright green eyes darkening as hetakes in Carlos’ bare chest, the piercing on his tongue peeking out as he curlshis tongue and makes an appreciative sound. “Fuck, baby, you’re a workof art.”
Carlos feels himself go hot at the compliment, and the heated wayTK looks at him, he feels it from the top of his head and down his chest.
TK makes another noise, smiling up at him wickedly as he sees hisskin turn pink. “Oh, that’s pretty,” he says softly, his hand reaching out totouch Carlos, his thumb rubbing gently over one of Carlos’ nipples. He shiversat the touch, not being able to stop the whine that escapes his lips. TK’s eyesflicker back up to his, and his smile softens. He uses his legs, still aroundCarlos’ waist to pull him back in.
Hands cup his face, and Carlos closes his eyes as TK brushes hislips across his. “We’re going to be amazing, aren’t we?” he asks against hismouth, and Carlos nods, swallowing hard as he pictures what being with TK isgoing to be like.
Yes, they’re going to be incredible, starting right now.
Carlos goes to kiss him again, more than ready to get theincredible parts started when someone clears their throat behind them, causinghim to freeze.
TK looks over his shoulder at their unexpected guest before helooks back at Carlos; his eyes are wide, but there is a twinkle of amusement inthem when he mouths ‘oops’ at him, like the little shit he is.
“Hi, Mrs. Powell,” he says brightly. Carlos closes his eyes withdread, something tells him after today he isn’t going to be the librarian’sfavorite anymore. “Carlos was helping me find a book.”
Carlos looks at TK incredulously, finding a bright smile on hislips as he looks back at him with zero shame, and shakes his head, but in theend, he can’t feel anything but happiness. This is the crazy boy he chose tolove.
“I hear congratulations are in order,” Iris calls out as she walksup to them on the quad. Carlos looks up from where he’s been spending timekissing TK’s neck.
“Hey,” TK greets her back as he presses himself to his side, flashingCarlos a bright smile when he throws an arm over his shoulder and pulls himcloser. “Thanks, I honestly can’t believe we’re finally together and that ittook me sticking a metal rod through my tongue to get this going.”
“Hey, that’s not true,” Carlos protests as TK rolls his eyes.
“Don’t even try to deny it,” TK points at him. “I have beenthrowing hints forever and nothing. It took me getting a piercing, and honestly,me being tired of waiting for this to happen.”
“I didn’t know you were throwing hints!”
TK rolls his eyes again before leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.“I know,” he says gently. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty because you’re clueless.”
Carlos goes to protest again, but TK stops him by giving himanother kiss, this time on the lips. Carlos sighs into it, ready to get lost init when Iris clears her throat loudly.
“Yeah, still here,” she says sarcastically, giving him an eye rollof her own. “I knew you’d be annoyingly cute once you finally got your shittogether.”
Carlos blushes at the comment, while TK laughs delightfully.
Iris smirks back at them. “By the way, that’s not what I wascongratulating you two on.”
“Oh?” TK raises an eyebrow at her, and Carlos feels dread again asher smirk seems to grow.
She pulls a flyer out of her bag, passing it over to them, andCarlos feels his face turn bright red as he takes in both his and TK’s faces onthe sheet of paper, with the words ‘banned from the library until further notice’under their faces.
“Apparently even though she hates everyone, it takes a lot to getMrs. Powell to ban someone; you two are now legends,” Iris tells them with agrin, wagging her eyebrows at him.
“Oh my god,” Carlos groans, dropping his head into his hands. Heturns his head to the side when he hears a snicker and finds TK smiling wildly.
“You find this funny, Tyler?” he questions dryly, and though TKmakes his usual face at his name, it doesn’t diminish the smile on his face, orthe affection shining in his eyes.
“Hilarious,” TK grins.
Carlos shakes his head, unable to stop his own smile. “Why do I likeyou?”
“Love,” TK corrects, biting down on his own smile. “Yousaid you love me, you can’t take it back now.”
Carlos smiles gently at him, bringing his hand back up to cup hischeek. “I’m never going to take it back.”
TK starts leaning in to kiss him, when Iris groans, forcing themto stop.
“Once again,” she shakes her head at them. “I’m still here.”
Carlos flashes her an apologetic look, knowing it doesn’t come offas sincere when he can’t stop smiling; he’s just so happy.
“Whatever,” she rolls her eyes as she stands back up. “I’mleaving to let you two be gooey and in love, try not to get banned from all ofcampus for indecent exposure.”
They watch her leave before TK draws his attention by tugging onhis hand.
“She’s got a point you know,” TK starts, giving him a dirty smirk.“If I don’t get you alone soon, I’m going to jump you right here.”
Carlos smiles back, his stomach clenching with anticipation. “Luckyfor us, I have an apartment, and I live alone.”
TK curls his tongue, and that little silver stud meant to driveCarlos crazy peeks out. “Then what are we waiting for?”
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
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ignoring owen. buttercup looks cute though 🤩
and marjan is gorgeous.
also Carlos hair looks more curly???
okay one at a time
DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE CARLOS! i’m on the fence as to who he could be carrying - original instinct was tk but i think that was my idiot tarlos brain talking because it doesn’t really look like tk. grace maybe?
i’d say it’s safe to say grace is having the baby in the middle of the storm and YES i think we are definitely thinking the same thing wrt the hand. i think i see charlotte kennedy on the horizon
and yeah! i was wondering about the part with mateo too! going off tommy, it certainly looks like the same scene and those shots really added the kind of tension that i think could come with that rescue so……👀👀👀
in this house we always ignore owen 😌 buttercup is adorable and ofc marjan is gorgeous, when is she not. i honestly couldn’t tell who it was that jumped, that’s definitely going on the list of things to analyse when i can. same thing about carlos’s hair but i am PRAYING they’re letting it be more curly. i mean let’s be real, they’re in the middle of a snow storm. no way are his products holding up.
why is january still so far away 😭😭😭
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