#ls spec i guess?
rmd-writes · 2 years
okay but now I am thinking about TK and Carlos getting into those tuxes together and helping each other tie their bow ties (let’s ignore that Ronen’s bts showed us they were clip ons) and giving each other little kisses because they can’t help it and the soft little oh Carlos lets out when he tucks TK’s pocket square in and then steps back and looks at him and his eyes go big and soft and the way that TK smiles and covers his mouth with his hand when he sees how handsome Carlos looks in a tux and then Carlos reaches out to take his hand and kisses the back of it and TK looks at him and asks, “ready?” and Carlos nods and takes a breath before TK calls out to their family waiting to see them
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wwraithsart · 3 months
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Updated reference sheet for Mags' team! More about each team member below
Mags (he/they)
Main gear: FishFry Biscuit Bandana, Choco Layered LS (though any layered shirt will do), Orca Passion Hi-Tops
Black Slopsuit
They're straightforward and hardworking, though they sometimes refuse help from others. They don't show emotion with their face very strongly, which they're trying to work on.
If the rotation is right, they'll go for 9s or overfish. They like having something to put all of their energy into. Now that they have a team they can reliably play with, this has become much more fun.
Mags uses extra money from grizzco to pay for college classes, which he usually attends at night. This sometimes results in a lack of sleep.
He is also very skilled at tableturf. This was his main pastime between shifts for a long time. Out of everyone he knows, Skip is his closest match in skill. They also both share a dry sense of humor and deadpan delivery.
He doesn't play turf war very much, but he occasionally plays anarchy battles. He's really picky about which rotations he plays, tower control is his favorite. He likes the Splatana Stampers, though he dabbles in chargers.
Joan (they/them)
Main gear: Fake Contacts (pictured, I guess?), Gray Vector Tee, White Lo-Vert Hi-Tops
Berry Gloopsuit
They love being challenged, they will intentionally take on difficult salmon run rotations for fun. Their favorite map is Marooner's Bay, which started as an ironic statement but has since gained some truth.
When they're not doing salmon run, they work as a food delivery driver. Splatoon equivalent of uber eats or doordash. Glubhub?
Some players find them intimidating. On top of being larger than most other players, when they're really 'in the zone,' they have a serious expression & speak tersely.
They joke around with friends and acquaintances a lot. Outsiders may see this as them not taking their job seriously enough, but their friends know they work hard. Sometimes they can be too blunt.
They met Mags after he quit working with his old teammate. Joan was already working with Carly and Skip at the time, so they invited Mags to join their team.
They don't play turf war or anarchy battles often, but their weapon of choice is either of the Flingza rollers.
Carly (she/they)
Main gear: Bucket Hat (not pictured), Pink Hoodie, Swirled DC Toejamz
Polka-Dot Slopsuit
She is somewhat passionate about salmon run. She likes to overfish and seeks out optimization, so she naturally likes eggstrawork events.
To make extra money, they train new salmon runners (think of the inkling you see in the salmon run tutorial-- teaching new players how to revive teammates, strats for certain bosses, etc).
Loves the Explosher inside and outside of salmon run. They'll rarely miss an explo rotation.
Outside of salmon run, she likes to be social. She loves live music, you are likely to find her at some underground rock show. Her biggest brag is seeing C-side live and meeting Kikura before the band blew up.
She and Skip have been together since high school.
Skip (he/him)
Main gear: Retro Specs (not pictured), Chompers Varsity Jacket, Piranha Moccasins
Brown Gloopsuit
Quiet but hardworking, very analytical. He has a dry, straight-faced sense of humor. He shares Carly's passion for trying to optimize salmon run.
Outside of salmon run, he works for Sheldon at Ammo Knights. He helps with repairing and fine-tuning weapons. It takes a great deal of self restraint for him to not take apart grizzco weapons out of curiosity.
On that note, his favorite grizzco weapon is the grizzco splatana.
He also loves tableturf. He is Mags' closest rival, and they often try to fit rounds between salmon run shifts.
He uses the E-Liter in anarchy battles, and was actually who convinced Mags to try chargers. He doesn't care much for turf war but will play with his friends for a few matches during splatfests.
He and Carly have been together since high school.
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Also that rehab flashback stuff presumably? Yeah gonna kill me 😭😭😭
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howtosingit · 3 years
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Not me staring at this picture for 30 minutes trying to 🔍🔍🔍 for as many clues as I can...
I think it’s the script for 3x08, due to the “308″ that I can see in the top left corner of the pages. This would confirm that they’re currently filming 3x08, which fits the current production timeline.
I think Carly Soteras co-wrote this episode, due to the “RAS” that I can see on the title page where the writers’ names usually appear. She has an “&” above her name, implying that she wrote it with someone, specifically someone who has a shorter name than her. Looking at the current list of known writers, that could be Tonya Kong, but we also don’t know all of the new s3 writers yet. I will note that while Carly (1x05, 2x04, 2x12) and Tonya (1x08, 2x08, 2x09) have co-written episodes before (2x04 and 2x09), they have never written one together. They were both supervising producers in s2.
TK and Paul have some lines of dialogue on page 3 of this script. It looks like Paul says “He looks pleased?” and TK responds, “He looks pleased.” Seems like maybe they’re down in the bay looking up at Owen’s office a la 1x07. (Read on to see who he might be meeting/on the phone with...)
At the top of page 4, Paul asks “What about us?” Owen responds with an unseen line (that include the words “...stick with...”). Marjan’s name appears right below that line, either in a line said by someone or in a stage direction. 
On what looks like page 8, Owen also begins a monologue with “The Deputy Chief” after “A STEADY(?) SILENCE FALLS OVER THE ROOM”. I can’t read much of the monologue other than a few words here or there, it’s too fuzzy.
So, if these page numbers are accurate, the first scene of 3x08 might included Owen speaking with (in-person or on the phone) The Deputy Chief and it seems like some decision needs to be made. (Could possibly be a continuation of the Billy business/future of the 126 or something completely new.) Paul seems on-edge about the meeting and concerned about the decision and how it will affect the members of the 126, but TK says Owen looks pleased during the conversation, so who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️
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vespertine-legacy · 5 years
Hey, y’all want to meet some of my placeholder toons that I haven’t actually developed that are just sitting at level 1 in starter pajamas?
Mostly they’re so I can eventually try out the other specs for the various classes and also lots of dudes so I can experience the class romances with the lady companions because the class stories are homophobic.
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Sihsan’ahk’ir aka Anahk, Concealment Operative Imperial Agent. Will probably change up in appearance editor at some point, because when I made him, my hellbrain just went “make boy!Raz!” but now I don’t like it as much. Name means “trouble maker” in Cheunh. I don’t have any backstory or any solid plans for this little blueberry. Will definitely flirt relentlessly with Watcher Two at every chance though and hey, guess what any flirty responses from her can be screenshotted and thrown into my Raz folder with him edited out.
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R’chivan aka Archie. Saboteur Gunslinger Smuggler. Will probably change up in appearance editor at some point, because like Anahk, hellbrain said “make boy!Zuvi!” No solid backstory or plans for this avocado. And hey, like Anahk, if he just so happens to romance Risha and I just so happen to screenshot everything and throw it in the Zuvi folder and edit him out of it, whoops.
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Ayadi Morora aka Dee. Virulence Sniper Imperial Agent. She pretty. She angery. She gonna be LS and betray the whole-ass Empire and defect, so I have to somehow not get attached to Shara on her run. ;-; Pray for my dumbass soul. Her last name means “poison” in Catharese.
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Hinah Ulresse. Seer Sage Consular. No backstory or plans. May actually delete and start over because I feel like I fucked up/rushed her design.
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Khynan Xandal aka Khy. Immortal Juggernaut Warrior. Name means “small,” because I’m an asshole. No backstory or plans except “hehe tiny tank.” Gave him the traitor mohawk so he can feel taller.
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Niebo’ksallarhsop aka Lark. Bodyguard Mercenary Bounty Hunter. Name means “made of stardust” in Ryl, but goes by Lark because I always name my Twi’leks after birds. Pretty boy. No real backstory or plans.
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Litost Pergaleas aka Peri. Concentration Guardian Knight. First name is a Czech word that means basically “being humbled by the sight of your own suffering,” and last name is a Sith word for victory. Only the vaguest bit of backstory and plan.
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Aristinade aka Stin. Telekinesis Sage Consular. Don’t know shit about this dude.
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Tengaanar Niku’r aka Tenga. Innovative Ordnance Mercenary Bounty Hunter. Name means “show me the money” in Mando’a because haha I think I am funny. Gentle boy but will not take much of your shit. No real planning beyond that.
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Teonine Lunulata aka Teo. Ruffian Scoundrel Smuggler. I just wanted a Nautolan as close to based on a blue-ringed octopus as I could, and I put zero planning into that endeavor.
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Azi’kesti aka Zeke. Gunnery Commando Trooper. Name means “he brings suffering.” Made exclusively for delicious angst reasons.
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Zydras Nesanto. Darkness Assassin Inquisitor. Name means “blue bastard” in Sith because why the fuck not. Maybe his Master had a good sense of humor. Absolutely no planning went into this boy.
If anyone has suggestions for backstory or how these idiots should play out, lmk. Or if your OCs see someone they like *winkwink*, give a whistle.
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fxckashlyn-blog · 6 years
Disney Princess age + Sexuality headcanons
In order...
Snow White, 14 years old, ace panromantic. We shall discuss the child and her 18 year old boyfriend Phillip no further
Cinderella, 19, biromantic heterosexual
Aurora, 16, bisexual disaster
Ariel, 16, pansexual mess
Belle, 17, pansexual and distinguished
Jasmine, 15/16, heterosexual?? I can't see anything else??? I want to say bisexual, but I feel like thats not true. Aladdin is a bisexual disaster tho
Pocahontas, (Disney age) 18, Bisexual big dick energy (not the real Pocahontas, RIP to that poor girl that we love and support)
Mulan, 16, she and her bf Shang are bisexual warriors no doubt
Tiana, 19, I get some straight vibes from TPATF but the Wreak it Ralph film? Either heterosexual or asexual, or bisexual ... Could be asexual hetero-romantic? Asexual bi-romantic? Grey ace heterosexual or bisexual? Fucked if I know, I could watch TPATF many times and Tiana is still closeted to me
Rapunzel, 18, bisexual or pansexual, she probably switches between the labels. She might use polysexual. Big m-spec gurl
Merida, 16, big bisexual disaster (I would say lesbian but when I watched Brave I saw genuine attraction for a dude, so makes me lean towards bisexual. Plus the idea that she's a lesbian BC she didn't want to get married, while valid, still a bit strange to me)
Anna, 18, big disaster bisexual energy (18 because there is no real canon, just hints, and Kristoffs face shape makes me think he's of a similar age and I'd guess late teens for him, maybe 20 at the eldest, plus I see Hans as of age and I dont wanna be too uncomfortable at the idea of him manipulating Anna)
Elsa, 21, disaster lesbian no doubt about it. Girls gorls. Gurls gorls gurls gir ls (as for 21, Anna seems of an age with Rapunzel, with a more mature face. Elsa looks to me like her 20s, maybe Anna is 16 and Elsa is 19, or whatever but Elsa is def of age, and I see Anna being at least late teens)
Tbh shoot me asks and I'll give other headcanons to characters
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thelegendofsplattim · 2 years
Chapter 2: Return
There I was, lying on my bed. It was pretty early in the morning, and I was still sort of half-awake from the adrenaline of seeing Rose again yesterday. It almost felt like a dream...
But I was oh-so abruptly reminded that it wasn't.
Before I knew it, music was blasting throughout my room, just loud enough to knock the drowsiness out of me. And honestly, I take that back. It's not even music. It's just bass, bass, and more bass. Judging by the fact that I couldn’t hear grandma reacting to it, I assumed she was off running errands or something.
Annoyed, I turn over and cover my ears with my pillow to try and drown out the "music", but the sound still seeped through. Slowly, I could feel the anger build up inside me, to the point that my tentacles started to glow and flail wildly, as it does when my special is charged. I try to keep It together, but ultimately my emotions take over. In a fit of anger, I quickly get up and instinctively throw my pillow at the doorway to my bedroom, where Rose stood and narrowly dodged the bundle of fluff I threw at her. 
“WHAT THE SHELL WAS THAT FOR?” I scream at her, knowing for a fact she was the one playing the "music". Getting the message, she turns to her phone and turns the music off. "You know, I remember we had a rule when we were younger..." She says, with a smug look on her face. Near instantly, my tentacles calm down, but I'm still kinda peeved. "Lemme guess: whoever wakes up first gets to blast obnoxious music to wake the other?" I say, vividly remembering all the times I used to do it to Rose. She was not an early bird at all back then, but I suppose times have changed. 
She nods, and points backwards with her thumb, pointing at the front door. "Mhm. You still wanna go to Shellendorf, right?" She says, reminding me why I was supposed to be up this early. "Oh, right!" I exclaim. "Uh, let me get dressed and we'll head out. Okay?" Rose nods, and closes the door to my room, leaving me by myself to get dressed. I put on a Baseball Jersey instead of the Octoling Armor Replica I was wearing yesterday, because I felt Rose might feel uncomfortable seeing me wearing that. Y'know, she doesn't like Octarians, what with being in the military and whatnot. I still keep the Octoling Boots, as they're not as obvious, and I turn over to my nightstand and put on my Sennyu Goggles, which I've never left home without; not after Rose gave them to me. And even then, I'm pretty sure she got them from mom...
Aaaaaanyway, I then head out of my room, and after a Pop-Tart, me and Rose head out on our way to Shellendorf Institute, with the blues of the late-morning sky as our backdrop on the way. "Man, it's so nice out today..." I say, taking in the scenery. "The sun is shining, the birds are singing—" I say, before doing a quick little twirl, and hitting someone in the face with my tentacles. "Owww..." says the unfortunate girl who I hit. She was about my age, with pale skin and freckles just above her cheeks. She had short hair, and was wearing a Choco Layered LS, some Turquoise Kicks, and a pair of Retro Specs; at least before I oh-so gracefully knocked them off of her face. 
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I say, giving the girl a hand. "Are you alright?" She grabs my hand and gets up, rubbing her face where I hit her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Won't be seeing much without my glasses, though."
"Then let me help with that." Says Rose, who was lagging a bit behind. She pulled out a Point Sensor from her pocket, and held it up in the air, causing it to send an echolocation signal to each of us, and showing the girl where her glasses were. Immediately, she bends down and picks them up, plucking them back onto her face where they belong. "Thanks." She says to Rose, before turning back to me. 
"Scarlet, you seriously need a haircut." I roll my eyes. "I've been told, Mina." "Wait, you two know each other?" Says Rose.
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"Yup!" I say, pulling my friend closer. "Mina, this is my sister, Rose." I say. "Rose, this is my friend Mina. She works at Shellendorf." Mina holds up her hand, as if to interrupt me. "Um, about that..." she says, her voice getting slightly nervous. I turn to her. "Wait, did you get fired or something?" I blurt out, momentarily forgetting that I should think before I say anything. "Wha—No!" Mina exclaims, before fidgeting with her glasses. "Well, not yet, anyway..." Me and Rose tilt our heads in confusion, so Mina clears her throat to give us the rundown.
"You see, not long ago, a group of archeologists excavated an artifact from Piranha Pit. Only, it wasn’t just any old artifact..." She rummages through her bag, and pulls out a picture of said artifact. "It was an artifact confirming the existence of the legendary Splat Tim!" I stare at the photo in awe, but Rose has a confused expression on her face. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but who's Splat Tim?" She asks. Me and Mina look at her like she's crazy. 
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO SPLAT TIM IS?!" We both shout in unison. "He's only like, one of the biggest legends in Turf War history!" Mina exclaims. "I heard he once crushed an entire team with an Inkbrush!" I add. Overwhelmed, Rose cuts in. "Okay, okay, I get it! But, what does that have to do with you losing your job?" Mina nervously tugs on one of her sleeves. "Well... The artifact was stolen yesterday." She says, her voice getting a little quieter at the end there. "WHAT?!" I exclaim, fully not expecting to hear this news.
"Mhm. And everyone thinks I’m the one who stole it!" Mina says, her face visibly distressed. Doing what I'm pretty sure best friends do, I put my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. "Don't worry, Mina. I'll help you find it." I say. She turns my way, her face in (apparent) disbelief. "Y-you will?" She asks. "Of course!" I say, shaking her shoulder slightly. "That's what friends are for, right?"
Rose then comes up behind us, putting her hands on both of our shoulders. "I’ll come too." She says, a determined look on her face.
With a renewed sense of vigor, Mina then turns to the both of us. "Well, what are we waiting for, then?" She says, starting towards Shellendorf Institute. I nod to Rose, and follow behind, with Rose lagging behind yet again.
Though in the moment, I can't help but feel like we're being watched…
Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing.
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larrybo3 · 4 years
To you. Pt 1 million
Here I am again, except the “you” is different. Same script, different characters. Same emotions. But I realize that I’m the villain.. I’m the bad guy. Everything goes wrong because of me. And I don’t mean that in a woe is me type of way...
I mean it for what it is. I get too emotionally attached to people who aren’t. I get excited quickly and in my head I’ve made them my family, my sister, my mentor... meanwhile they don’t even know how to spell my name correctly. It’s me. And I have to accept that L. It’s not your fault that you didn’t choose me. It’s my fault for expecting that you would. It’s not your fault for being rude to me and lowkey being bothered by who I am... it’s my fault for even accepting it and not walking away sooner. You don’t have to choose me. You don’t have to be kind to me. You owe me absolutely nothing. And that’s fair. I’m not mad at you for not doing those things... disappointed but not mad. You aren’t obligated. And to be honest, you never gave any clear sign that you were even willing. I guess In my excitement, I created yours. I guess In my excitement, I mistook your acceptance of my love as confirmation and validation of yours. And that’s not the case. I guess you accepting my efforts felt like the go ahead to keep loving, keep doing, keep showing up, etc but it wasn’t. It was simply accepting it. It wasn’t reciprocal. We never loved each other the same. It was clear. You never valued me and esteemed me in the same manner..that was clear too. I was so excited about you to care or to notice.. except I did notice. I noticed when you wouldn’t ask me about myself. I noticed when you would go on 20 mins long tangents about YOU even when it was about me. I noticed how you would greet me with petty things often, how your tone changed when you talked to me, how there was no excitement when it came to me, how your attitude was horrible with me. I remember telling you I was selected as jewel and your tone... I even remember asking “are you okay?” Because your tone was that unconvincing. You said “that’s great.” Although your mouth said something sort of nice, your tone betrayed you. You even told me whatever Barbara and Tracy told me (when they reached out to me about being a jewelry) you didn’t need to know... it’s between y’all. Well, what if I wanted to share? What if I was excited about what they said? And you shut me down because of what? Whatever beef you have with them? I remember lowkey regretting telling you because I was SO excited... you were not. I remember calling you to ask you to fix an issue with the scholarship app and you getting rude “well I asked for feedback and nobody said anything and I’m suppose to stop what I’m doing and jump to fix it.” I never said you had to jump and fix it. Literally I was just relaying the message from the chair. It’s like you have no issue getting rude and slick with me... but are so incredibly docile In situations with people who ACTUALLY deserve to be told off. You are kinder to people who are rude to you. I’ve watched it. And let’s not even discuss my LS’s. I’m your “favorite” I’m your “spec” yet you treat them so much differently, so much better. You are kinder, you have a heart for them, you are warm, you are affectionate in words and actions, you want to know them, you reach out to them, you support them, you encourage them...
You are NONE of the above with me. And can I be honest? That kills me. Sure, I don’t need hand holding and I expressed that. No, I don’t need to be guided step by step with everything. I also expressed that which you don’t like and clearly took personal. But I’m not worthless. And I don’t deserve to be treated poorly by someone I admired and respected so much. My LS’s are great... but so am I. My LS’s deserve good things and people... but so do I. I am not the exception... yet I continue to be treated as such. It kills me to hear them gush about how great you are because I never got to experience that. From the moment you heard things that you didn’t like (me not thinking the process was hard, not needing hand holding, not feeling like there’s a huge lesson in every single thing) you wrote me off. And THAT isn’t fair. Your actions made me feel so useless and used. They made me feel so overlooked, so unseen and disregarded. They made me feel forgotten. And THAT hurts.
Currently in the middle of a depressive episode.. I’ve been this way for at least two months. You haven’t even noticed or at least cared enough to reach out. It’s business as usual for you... yet my LS is enduring a similar struggle and you’re present for her. How can I not take that personal? You may say I’m quiet and I don’t open up... it’s because from the beginning I didn’t feel like you cared. I didn’t feel like you were invested enough in me as a person... maybe this is wrong but I feel like you sometimes only wanted to know stuff “first” so you could say you knew against anybody else. Not because you actually cared. I told you I was struggling with lust and a married man... you haven’t brought it up till this day. You’ve never even mentioned it. I told you I felt lonely, that I was having a hard time in life... NOT ONCE have you even tried to really understand what’s going on. You rely on sending texts and telling me God got me....
But you don’t. It’s like if it’s not your family, Kim, or my selected few LSs who you really love, there’s no space for anything or anyone else. I am not on your radar, I’m not your spec. You are not mine anymore. I am nothing to you and because of that, I’m forcing you to become the same to me. It’s so hurtful. This hurts like Josh. This feels like that. And it’s unfortunate because I love you so deeply... and thought we would be so close. But I just have to accept that from the beginning you never saw me or wanted me. And that’s okay.
You don’t have to choose me. I still love you. And I will respect you as long as we are together In org. But I’m not subjecting myself to the pain that happens through a relationship with you. There were good moments. It was kind of fun while it lasted. But I promise you that you NEVER have to worry about me again.
I don’t deserve to be treated like nothing... especially when I treated you like EVERYTHING.
I hope it was worth it.
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infernalslice · 7 years
*there are positives at the end, promise. 
gw2 is still a fun game but after playing a game as polished as ffxiv i can understand why people prefer pay to play vs free to play / buy once but no sub. the writing is a big thing tbh- i really hate how a lot of people will excuse the really bad writing- like PoF was great, i loved it- the pacing was nice, the writing actually felt good for once, but it still doesnt really excuse the uh. drop in quality during the LS segments. And doesnt really excuse how trahearne, caithe, braham, have been treated within the last year or so. or really how some things never get resolved, or the fact that like... trahearne was killed for no good reason. other than the forumbase hating him. Like okay you could argue that on the FFXIV side as well, but FFXIV has the uh.
At least has the ability to make ______’s death absolutely emotional. I actually cried. I didnt cry when trahearne died. bc i saw it coming from a mile away, because i knew they would give into the pressure. ppl dont like him, might as well kill him. there are a lot of things that, after taking a break for as long as i did, im noticing now in gw2 that i actually... kind of hate. or at the very least, dislike. not just from the writing standpoint- but also from the way that anet balance’s things, doesnt do testing before hand, doesnt try to right what they got wrong bc they dont actually realize how their classes actually work. people joke “haha necro’s dead, time to wait until the next big balance patch before they (maybe) fix it.” same with thief. that isnt right. no class should be absolutely nerfed into the ground every time theres a balance patch. 
like they nerfed scourge dps into the ground but I guess condi weaver, sitting pretty at 47-48k for single target dps, is fine??? i genuinely dont understand why anet does the things that it does to gw2. I feel like they... maybe dont know how to deal with it. that theyre understaffed and have to cut corners. I know its not pay to play, and they rely on the gem shop to help them out bc they have no sub, they have no other income than ppl 1: buying the game and 2: ppl buying gems from the gemstore. which is really unfortunate. because theres a lot of good in gw2, despite all the bad. the new maps are gorgeous, the new characters were dynamic, the new specs are fun. 
i think the most i love out of gw2 at this point is my characters. and thats kind of where the love ends. i loved raiding- i got pushed out of my own group. now when i raid- its almost... easy. It is easy. too easy. theres no challenge. the one thing keeping me in gw2 was that, and now its just... disappointing. im glad that people still enjoy the game, i really do. it has so much potential still, 5 years later, and i want to believe that anet can fix what theyve gotten wrong (over the last 5 years) and really pull gw2 out of the slump its been in since HoT dropped. bc i really want to hope and believe that anet can do that. 
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radmitsubishitalk · 5 years
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Mitsubishi Outlander 2019 review
Mitsubishi must have a thing for old cars. The Lancer, Pajero and ASX are all now much older than most other car companies would tolerate without them being given at least a vigorous going-over, if not replacing them completely.
The Mitsubishi Outlander is, comparatively speaking, a spring chicken, at just six years since its launch. That said, the pace of improvements has picked up over the past 24 months as new or updated competitors pile into the market.
This car has a couple of important things going for it; it’s cheap, and it also has a bang up-to-date plug-in hybrid model, the PHEV.
And as the MY19 Outlander has now arrived, virtually straight after the MY18.5, we thought it time for a good old fashioned shakedown.
Does it represent good value for the price? What features does it come with?
The Outlander has always been reasonable value and is probably the best-value seven-seat SUV out there, with the departure of the Holden Captiva. Though I would argue it already held that title, because the Captiva wasn't much of a car.
Our Outlander model comparison covers the entire range. We'll cover how much each model will cost you using the price list (RRP) pricing. Prices have moved a little bit, and in the case of the PHEV, they've moved a lot - happily, in a southerly direction.
There are 13 distinct models in the MY19 Outlander range, which opens with the manual front-wheel-drive 2.0-litre petrol ES. The ES manual distinguishes itself by being the only of the trim levels to sneak in under the $30k mark, weighing in at $29,290. It's also the only one of the cars with a 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine under the bonnet.
It's a bit complicated here in the ES arena - once you're past the bargain-basement manual transmission model, you've a choice of 4x2 and AWD versions, and the answer to the how many seats question is many, with five- and seven-seat versions available.
The ES specifications include 18-inch rims, a six-speaker sound system, reversing camera, central locking with automatic door lock, climate control air-conditioner, cruise control, leather gearshift and steering wheel, power mirrors, cloth trim and a full-size spare tyre. When you go for the PHEV, you also pick up reverse parking sensors to soften the extra cost.
To the ES spec you can add the ADAS package, auto headlights and wipers, partial leather interior with micro-suede inserts, keyless entry and start with smart key, electric front seats, heated and folding power mirrors and an electrochromatic rear vision mirror.
You can expect 18-inch alloy wheels, and on top of the LS's spec is a sunroof, full-leather interior, front and side cameras, front and rear parking sensors, LED headlights, daytime running lights, rear privacy glass, power tailgate (a very useful convenience feature), rear spoiler and rear cross-traffic alert. You do, however, lose the spare tyre.
The same multimedia system does duties across the whole range. The ho-hum infotainment software is supported by Apple CarPlay for iPhone and Android Auto. There is also DAB radio, six speakers and bluetooth. There is no radio CD player (but there is AM/FM and digital), and no inbuilt GPS navigation system. The 7.0-inch touchscreen, familiar from the ASX, is of the "it's alright, I guess" approach to touchscreen hardware. Looks good, though.
The accessories list has all the usual things: over-priced floor mats (a choice of carpet and rubber), nudge bar (but no bull bar), nudge bar with integrated light bar, cargo barrier, tow bar, roof rack and boot liner.
Absent from the list are a snorkel, DVD player, subwoofer, winch, tonneau cover, side steps, anything resembling a luxury pack, rear seat entertainment system, heated steering wheel, seat belt extender, lift kit or park assist. No doubt a good chunk of that list is available from aftermarket suppliers.
Mitsubishi hasn't gone mad with the colours -  black, red, silver, pearl white, ironbark (brown) and titanium (grey). Only Solid White is a freebie, the rest are $590 extra. If you want blue or orange, you're out of luck.
Where is the Mitsubishi Outlander built? It's built in Japan.
Is there anything interesting about its design?
Mitsubishi won few hearts with the Outlander’s exterior design in 2012, which looked rushed and unfinished. The years since have been kinder to the Outlander, with various styling improvements and a whole new front end arriving a few years ago. The chrome might be a bit much for me, but it's way better looking than it was and it now fits nicely with the rest of the Mitsubishi SUV range. This upgrade also added a new chin and a tweak to the Dynamic Shield (how Captain America is that name?) grille arrangement.
There is no body kit or side skirts, just a clean design save for some mouldings on the doors. The roof rails smarten things up a bit. You can spot the PHEV by the different design on the 18-inch alloys and requisite blue-accented badging.
Interior photos show a conventional interior. The materials are fairly basic - apart from the rather nice fake leather/micro suede seats in the LS - and the cabin is a mess of switchgear from different eras. Again, just like its ASX sibling, there is nothing avant-garde or exciting about the Outlander, which is perfectly fine. But you might want to know.
How practical is the space inside?
Whether a five or seven seater, the Outlander offers reasonable storage and load capacity. Front and second-row passengers score two cup holders for a total of four, which matches the number of bottle holders. Only the LS and Exceed models get seatback pockets on both sides, which is a bit grim.
The cabin is a very decent size given the car's modest footprint. Its interior dimensions mean you can get seven people in, although comfort is relative. I've had four adults and two teenagers ensconced without major problems, although the trip will want to be short.
Third-row access is fraught and made more difficult by the overly complex middle-row folding mechanism, and legroom is tight to say the least. The middle row is not at all bad for leg and headroom, though.
Luggage capacity is dependent on the number of seats in use. With all three rows upright, the boot is a measly 128 litres. That number rises to 477 litres with the third row folded and is the same for a five-seat Outlander. Once both rear rows are stowed - and it's an annoyingly tricky process to fold the second row - you have a hefty 1608 litres.
All loaded up, gross vehicle weight ranges from 1985kg for the 1410kg kerb weight ES manual through to 2370kg for the comparatively chunky PHEV (1860kg kerb weight).
What are the key stats for the engine and transmission?
Across the range there is a choice of four engine specs.
The ES manual starts off with a 2.0-litre naturally aspirated petrol motor developing 110kW and 190Nm of torque. It's the same engine as the smaller ASX and is just as uninspiring. The only Outlander with a clutch, the five-speed manual feeds power to the front wheels only.
The 2.4-litre petrol produces 124kW and 220Nm. Power reaches the road by either the front wheels or all four tyres, and no matter what, you'll need to like a continuously variable transmission. Or not care.
The 2.2-litre turbo diesel grinds out 110kW and a more respectable 360Nm. The diesel only comes with all-wheel drive and, according to Mitsubishi, a six-speed “sport” automatic.
Finally, the PHEV uses both a 2.0-litre petrol engine producing 87kW and 186Nm and two 30kW electric motors that bring the total combined power outputs to 120kW and 332Nm. A 12kWh/40Ah battery hides under the boot floor and takes around six hours to charge. Power goes out via all four wheels and a single speed automatic.
As to whether the 4B11 petrol engine uses a timing belt or chain, it's the latter.
None of the Outlanders have startling 0-100 acceleration figures - despite being a relative lightweight in the class, the horsepower isn't there for strong performance. Amusingly, however, I have it on good authority that Wakefield Park race track occasionally sees a brave Outlander owner cutting laps.
For any reported automatic transmission problems, or general problems, complaints or feedback, keep an eye on our owner's page.
How much fuel does it consume?
You might expect the smallest engine size to use the least fuel, and you'd be right - but only just. The sole 2.0-litre engine-equipped Outlander will use 7.0L/100km according to the official fuel ratings figures.
The 2.4-litre petrol consumption figure is 7.2L/100km in AWD and front-wheel drive guises. Either way, we didn't see less than 11.2L/100km from a 50/50 split of highway and suburban running in a two-wheel drive LS.
The 2.2 diesel fuel consumption figure is listed at 6.2L/100km. Our time with an Exceed diesel saw us almost double that figure in a mix of highway and suburban running.
If fuel mileage is your overall goal, the PHEV is for you - the official figure of 1.7L/100km is scarcely believable, but that's partly to do with the way the figure is calculated. You can expect, in normal driving at least, a 4.0-5.0L/100km result, which isn't bad at all. Charging from a the plug consumes 9.8kWh and Mitsubishi says you'll cover 54km on a charge.
Fuel tank capacity is 63 litres for front-wheel-drive cars, 60 litres for most AWDs and 45 litres for the PHEV.
There is no LPG version or one with a supercharger.
Towing capacity varies. The PHEV can manage 750kg unbraked and 1500kg braked. The 2.0-litre petrol can "only" tow 740kg unbraked and shares the same 1600kg braked ratings as the other petrols. The diesel can haul 2000kg.
What's it like to drive?
Like the ASX, driving the Outlander is not an outright pleasure. It's not bad - in fact, it's much better than its smaller sibling - but there's little true joy.
The front-wheel-drive LS is shod in what can only be described as deeply ordinary tyres, and even with such little power available, an immodest throttle application results in (admittedly mild) torque steer. For both of those reasons, I'd strongly recommend an all-wheel-drive Outlander. The Eco mode further dulls the driving experience without a useful effect on the fuel economy.
The front suspension is by McPherson struts, while the rear suspension is a multi-link arrangement. Sadly, this doesn't translate to a particularly accomplished ride and handling setup. Add to that the Outlander's vague electric steering and you've really just got a transport device. Which is perfectly fine if that floats your boat.
Road noise is kept to a minimum - for its faults, the Outlander is quiet in the cruise, no matter which version you choose.
This isn't an off-road review, but we can tell you a few facts about its capability.  Unladen ground clearance (mm) is just 190, which isn't super high. The wading depth isn't listed in the official spec sheet and there is no diff lock, so don't get too excited about its river-fording ability. You wouldn't call the rubber all-terrain tyres, either - this car is meant for the city, with some mild weekend excursions thrown in.
What safety equipment is fitted? What safety rating?
The Outlander range scored a five-star ANCAP safety rating when it was last tested in 2014.
Standard across the range are seven airbags, ABS, stability and traction controls and a reversing camera. The ADAS package - optional on all ES models, standard on the rest - includes reverse parking sensors, forward AEB, lane departure warning, active cruise and auto high-beam.
The Exceed also includes lane change warning, lane change assist, around-view camera, reverse cross-traffic alert and blind spot warning.
It seems you can only put a baby seat in the second row. On offer are two ISOFIX and three top-tether child seat anchor points.
What does it cost to own? What warranty is offered?
Mitsubishi offers a five-year/100,000km warranty with four years roadside assist in the form of a motoring organisation membership. Also included is a capped-price servicing regime to limit each service cost.
The warranty also includes a five-year guarantee against rust and similar body faults and covers any reliability issues or defects.
A sweep of the internet forums suggest there are no obvious automatic gearbox problems, diesel problems or any other transmission issues, which figures, given the long history of each of the components.
The owner’s manual features useful information such as oil type, turning circle (10.6m) and top speed.
Resale value is pretty standard, retaining around 50 per cent after three years, although it’s a little lower vs some of its more accomplished - and more expensive - rivals.
The Outlander does trade a bit on being a lifestyle SUV. With a bling exterior and a big interior, it looks like it could pull it off. The only problem is, it's old and it's lagging behind its main competitors on various technologies. The lack of AEB in the lowest ES models is also a bit stingy, but Mitsubishi isn't alone here and it isn't as expensive as its rivals.
It's a very good suburban knockabout if you need the space. The LS with its standard ADAS package and better interior trim is the pick of the range, and I'd go for an all-wheel-drive version to improve the experience.
At its heart, the Outlander is cheap reliable transport. Being able to make choices around engine and seats means there's something here for everyone - if you're willing to look past its age, ride and handling and dull drive.
For pricing on all Mahindra Outlander models - simply visit Group 1 Mitsubishi.
Article source: https://givememoremitsubishi.blogspot.com/2019/05/mitsubishi-outlander-2019-review.html
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inkspot-fox · 8 years
2, 5, 7, and 8 for the swtor ask meme? ^v^
Eeeeee! Good ones!
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite
Man, I really, really want to say Jedi Knight is my favorite, but if I’m being completely honest…Sith Inquisitor. The storyline is ridiculous, inventive, and has more replay value for me than any of the other stories (except maybe agent, but…I’ve done one agent playthrough and 3 SI playthroughs so yeah…). It helps that I fucking love assassin playstyle, too. The stealth, the aesthetics, the fact that tank spec doesn’t suck and has legit AOE, and the Hatred dps spec is actually both simple and v good? And has a spammable gap-closer? Mmmmmm. 
Jedi Knight has a very special place in my heart because that was my first character, my first intro to the story, I picked the absolute best character to get invested in (and I got invested), and it panders to so many of my fav trash tropes. And there’s Scourge. I…I don’t have to explain myself shhhh. Sith Warrior also has a special place in my heart because of how well done the storyline is. The fact that you can actually legit be a secret LS Sith, there’s Jaesa (oh Jaesa my whole heart), Timmns, and fuckin’ Vowrawn.
But hot damn, I love Sith!Kat, and I love Sikai, and the Inquisitor storyline is such a fucking disaster train from start to finish, I love it. So yeah, SI, followed very closely by JK and SW.
5. Favorite advanced class and discipline?
This is gonna sound weird on the heels of the previous question, but…Sentinel Watchman/Marauder Annihilation. I just. It’s a complicated, tricky dot spec that’s easy to use and difficult to master and I’m really good at it. Like there’s that bit of pride associated with the spec because I can do that, and I can do it well. Not top-parser by any means, I don’t grind enough to get the top tier gear in any patch, but like…in a 3 or 4 dps gf flashpoint, I’m usually the last one standing if there’s a wipe, and if there’s no tank I’ll end up out-dpsing everyone else enough to hold aggo and act as the tank for boss fights. I don’t like the aesthetics as much as I like assassin aesthetics, but there’s a lot to be said for the “I’m legit good at this” factor.
7. Which player voice actor is your favorite and your least favorite?
Oh gosh. So, I can only speak to the one’s I’ve played, and I haven’t played all genders. I’m not sure I can pick a -favorite- per se, because how much I like a voice is really, really dependent on how well it fits the character I’ve made. Like, male SW voice actor is phenomenal, but does not fit Ashlan at ALL. Male Jedi Knight VA isn’t brilliant (he tones the inflections way down because Jedi….ugh), but is a close enough fit for Kat that it doesn’t jar me when I hear it (especially when he’s being sarcastic or angry). 
I guess I’ll have to go with the one voice that made me go “holy shit this is perfect” the first time I heard it: male Imperial Agent. Like goddamn. Also, female Republic Trooper, because goddamn, Commander Shepard, please continue talking forever.
Least favorite, however, is EASY. Female Jedi Consular. Like holy FUCK, that VA managed to obliterate any and all inflection and emotion from her voice throughout the ENTIRE class story. And it doesn’t change in the expansions. It’s so dead and empty that I actually cannot connect to the character I made.
8. Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).
….Lord Scourge. I know, I know, his book introduction was handled TERRIBLY and I 100% understand why people hate him, and the game doesn’t actually use a lot of the neat lore he was introduced with (ALTHOUGH the dialogue you get from Master Ranos when you recruit her SEEMS TO IMPLY that the pain aspect of the Emperor’s Ritual is all canon again). But oh man, he’s a Sith EMPATH who’s had his ability to feel ripped from him due to pain overload. Like what an interesting character to play with. Also I love his voice and y’all can leave me alone.
T7. T7 has my whole entire heart. He is so pure. So earnest. So FUNNY when he doesn’t mean to be. I adore him.
Vette. VETTE. The #1 reason I will never be able to do a 100% bastard SW. Shit I even have a Dark 5 Sith Warrior and like…all of his LS points have been from being nice to Vette because SHE DESERVES BETTER AND CANON CAN GO FUCK ITSELF. She’s brilliant, she’s hilarious, she is Ashlan’s best friend.
…Gault. Oh my god. I mean, yes, Gault is an unrepentant TRASH BAG of a person, he’s AWFUL, but holy shit, he’s funny. His dialog is the fucking best. I’m 90% that he’s very slightly force sensitive and it’s all gone into Charisma, but he’d be so offended if you even suggested such a thing. He’s audacious, he doesn’t know when to S T O P, and his freakout over realizing that he actually has Feelings about Hylo Viz is the funniest shit. Gault you Garbage Bag, you make BH storyline worth playing through.
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acura rsx insurance
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Kubernetes This Month - Making Kubernetes Easier for Devs
hello cloud gurus I'm Nigel Paulton and this is episode three of kubernetes this month we'll follow our usual format of a quick review of the major news in our quick catch-up section then we'll pick on one or two items and dive a bit deeper finally we'll wrap things up with our guru of the month segment so as always grab a seat and enjoy [Music] for this month's news IBM finally closed out the deal on acquiring Red Hat and that's important to us because Red Hat brings us enterprise-grade kubernetes in the form of open shift more on that in a minute sticking with enterprise-grade kubernetes though docker enterprise 3.0 is finally here so having been in private beta for over 2000 customers it is now generally available and this release among other things has a big focus on scene apps or cloud native application bundles switch into a couple of new products but in the same space of trying to make kubernetes easier for developers pivotal application service on kubernetes or pieas was announced as an alpha product and IBM announced Carbonero a platform that brings together K native sto and Tecton as well as some new products with the aim being to allow developers to deploy to kubernetes without them actually having to know much about kubernetes now moving away from platforms kubernetes itself took a significant step towards better support for ipv6 clusters linker d 2.4 was announced we'll talk about that in a minute there's a new kubernetes special interest group or cig called cig usability and as the name suggests it is about making sure our experience as a kubernetes user is as good as it can be and wrapping up the news this month there's been a bunch more talk including an official blog from the kubernetes website making users aware of the upcoming API deprecations in kubernetes 1.16 but we talked about that in last month's episode so that about wraps up the news in the kubernetes universe this one [Music] so Big Blue has finally completed the deal to buy big red I don't know but what I do know is that both IBM and Red Hat are major contributors to open source and especially to kubernetes so there's obviously a ton of synergies and other buzzwords stuff surrounding the deal but I think it's important to understand that IBM intends to operate Red Hat as a distinct unit within IBM now not qualified to say exactly what that means but I can tell you that it means Red Hat keeps it name and branding it keeps its leadership team and things like corporate HQ and the likes but for us openshift should continue on its current path I don't want to make too many assumptions here so just in case you don't know OpenShift is red Hut's enterprise-grade kubernetes for both on-prem and hybrid cloud users so kubernetes all nicely packaged and available with a support contract I think kind of like what Red Hat Linux was in the early days of Linux so remember if you didn't fancy compiling Linux from source maybe you wanted Linux for mere mortals yeah oh and you know what it'd be magic if you could pick up the phone and call someone when things went wrong well Red Hat Linux was what you needed and openshift isn't too dissimilar just this time for kubernetes anyway IBM loves kubernetes Red Hat loves kubernetes and they are part of the same company now and openshift marches on magic on to link at e 2.4 so link eating is one of the leading players in the service mesh space and it's an incubating CN CF project but I think its biggest plus point is that it makes service mesh simple anyway we've just got version 2.4 which supports the service mesh interface spec graduate support for an H a control plane from beta to GA and it gives us traffic splitting traffic splitting and an H a control plane of both great and important features don't get me wrong they really are but the big one for me is this service mesh interface spec I mean this is what's going to drive adoption and make deploying and managing service meshes easy if the you and me so congrats to the folks at Linc addy I mean not only is this release hot off the heels of version 2.3 that brought us automatic MT LS but the SMI spec itself that was only just announced a couple of months ago at cube Conny you so I think this shows us that the link Rd team are really serious about the SMI finally for a deeper dive this month ipv6 clusters now most of us probably know that there's this shortage of ipv4 addresses and then ipv6 has been around since like I don't know about 20 years ago and it addresses this issue only it's never really been a thing yeah like it's only now that the major cloud providers and the major apps are starting to offer support for it and it's the same with kubernetes now kubernetes are supported ipv6 in alpha since about version 1.9 but that's quite a while ago now and it's not progressed well just this month it took a major step forward bypassing conformance testing so a massive congrats to the folks involved with that and I mean that sounds great yeah but what does it mean for you and me as kubernetes uses well not a lot right now but a major blocker has just been removed opening the way for beta and eventually GA support of ipv6 clusters and I guess even dual stack clusters where you're running some ipv4 and some ipv6 and on that note let's finish up with our guru of the month segment [Music] last month's question was about where kubernetes service objects get their list of healthy matching pods from and the answer was endpoints objects so every kubernetes service will at least the ones that have a label selector get a corresponding endpoints object that is a list of healthy pods that match the services label selector and this month's winner is Bharat chopra bharat is a subject matter expert from New Delhi in India so I mean of course a huge thanks to everybody who got involved but Bharat you're our winner this month so you'll be receiving a Guru of them on the swag bag yes this month's question is on the forum link on the screen now and if you think you know the answer get involved for a chance to win and on that note I'll see you next month same cube time same cube place
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itsworn · 6 years
A 5.3L that shows you don’t need to go broke to enjoy some LS power in your Chevy
The biggest complaint about LS-type engines is they cost a lot of coin to get into. Yeah, the typical LS mill will bleed more cash from your wallet compared to a traditional small-block, but if you’re careful and don’t need a bazillion hp, then it can be more of a flesh wound instead of a gushing flow of Benjamins. You see, not every LS build has to be a dry-sump LS7 or 600+ hp stroked LS3. There are many LS variants out there and some of them are downright affordable. Shop smart and set realistic expectations and you can have modern LS EFI goodness under your hood for not much more than a quality Gen I small-block.
The term to keep in mind is “economy of scale.” That’s to say, you need to think about what is plentiful in the marketplace. If it’s easy to find (large supply) then the prices will typically be less. So, with that bit of Econ 101, the most affordable LS variants on the planet would be the 5.3L and 4.8L examples. Hundreds of thousands of these have been produced and are now easy to find parted out online and languishing in salvage yards.
We decided to try a 5.3L since it’s by far the most common engine out there. Rather than buy a complete engine we opted to build one from various sources. Why? Well, when you buy a pull-out engine you typically end up with a lot of leftover bits and a complete engine tends to cost more than if you buy the components separately. We were going to go this direction with the block, but Summit Racing had 5.3L blocks so cheap it wasn’t worth the effort to hunt one down in a salvage yard. The rest is a combination of new and used parts to end up with a done and ready-to-run engine. Now, if your wallet is a bit light, you can do things even cheaper than we did by going with used parts. But keep in mind that running used lifters or a “broken-in” oil pump does up the risk factor a bit.
As for our goal, it was simple. To make at least 400 hp on the cheapest 87-octane fuel California has to offer. We wanted a ton of vacuum at idle along with smooth performance. Yeah, 600+ hp is cool, but in reality most rides are fine and a ton of fun with 400. Hell, a fifth-gen Camaro barely made over 400 and nobody considered it a slouch. If you need more than the 416 hp we made you can up the camshaft a couple of steps, mill down the heads to boost compression, or maybe treat the heads to massaging. Of course, our engine is only few psi of boost or a sweet shot of nitrous away from knocking down much bigger numbers.
1. Millions of LS engines have been produced, which means that parts are easy to find and pretty easy on the wallet. The “economy of scale” also helps lower the cost of new LS parts like this 5.3L GM block from Summit Racing. It priced out right around $300, which makes it one of the best deals around.
2. The Summit 5.3L block came ready to rock and already honed to the required 3.780 inches. After looking over the block we found that no machine work was needed. By the way, the smaller bores makes for a very strong cylinder wall just begging for some nitrous or boost. The block came bare (but with cam bearings installed) so we picked up an engine plug kit, with the needed oil restrictor plug, from Summit (PN SUM-G1584).
3. 5.3L LS engines are one of the most common ones on the planet and were stuffed into scores of SUVs and trucks. They’ve also been around long enough so there are rotating guts available for cheap at swap meets and online.
4. Of course, some of these parts have been beat down so you need to be careful when shopping. We scored a 5.3L rotating assembly from a friend but found that the crank must have tossed a bearing, resulting in a beat-up crank journal and two bad rods. To fix the crank, our friends over at Rancho Machine, in Rancho Cucamonga, California, were able to turn the crank 0.010-inch. But that still left us two rods short of a full set.
5. Overall, these parts, whether new or used, are pretty cheap so we weren’t too concerned about finding two replacement rod/piston combos, but then luck showed up to the party. David Freiburger of Hot Rod and Roadkill fame was doing a story involving swapping out the rods/pistons of a new 5.3L LS engine. So, instead of finding two used pieces we ended up scoring a full set of nearly new rods and pistons to go with our turned crank. I guess we owe him a favor now.
6. If you’re just building a cruiser and don’t need big power, the heads for your LS engine can be pretty budget friendly. We scored a pair of used early LS1 (1999-’00) 853 heads (GM PN 12559853) for under $300, which is about the going rate. They’re nearly identical to the later 241 LS heads and have 66.67cc combustion chambers and 200cc intake runners. Now, these will drop the compression ratio of our 5.3L since the combustion chambers are larger than what a 5.3L typically fields. If you want max power, these should be milled down a bit. But, we want a cruiser that will be happy on the cheapest gas we can find so we left them as is.
7. With our freshly machined and polished crank back from the machine shop we were ready to start putting it all together. First up, installing the crank using a fresh set of Clevite main bearings (PN CB1776A108).
8. The block came with main bolts but we needed a set of new cross-bolts. For this we picked up a set from Summit Racing (PN SUM-910230).
9. With the crank torqued to spec, we started sliding in our slightly used 5.3L piston and rod combos. The rings were just inexpensive stock-replacement pieces from the local auto parts store. The 0.010-inch undersize bearings were Clevite AL Series (PN CB-663P).
10. Big cams typically make for big power, but our goal here is a 400hp street mill, not a lopey street monster. Our choice was a stick we’ve used before with good results. The Comp cam (PN 54-414-11) spec’d out at 216/220-degrees duration at 0.050-inch, 0.525/0.532-inch lift, and an LSA of 114.
11. After securing the cam with a Summit LS thrust plate (PN SUM-150106) we went ahead and installed the timing set, making sure to line up the dots on the sprocket and timing gear. The sprockets we had and the timing chain was a new replacement from Summit (PN SME-143012).
12. Oil pumps are pretty critical, so resist the urge to reuse an existing one. We’ve had great luck with these new ones from Summit (PN SUM-121170) and, at just $70 it’s cheap insurance.
13. Our block came to us bare so we needed hydraulic lifters and a set of the plastic guide trays. The easiest route was a kit from Summit (PN SUM-HTLSKIT) that included 16 lifters, four trays, and even the four specialized bolts needed for installation.
14. Rancho Machine went through our 853 heads, cleaned them up, and surfaced them just enough so we would be assured of a good head gasket seal.
15. We also installed a fresh set of Comp springs (PN 26918-16), retainers (PN 774-16), Viton valve seals (PN 511-16), and spring seats (PN 4705-16) that matched up with our new camshaft.
16. After sliding on Fel-Pro replacement head gaskets, we put the heads in place and bolted them down with a torque-to-yield head bolt kit from Summit (PN SUM-910210).
17. To be honest, we have tons of used LS rockers laying around, but we doubt you do. So, we picked up a wallet friendly set from Summit (PN SME-K-143021) along with the needed bolts (PN SME-143005 x2). We had a set of stock GM pushrods on hand (7.400-inch), but if you need some, the part number for a set from Comp is 7955-16, or you can get a complete set from Summit for a hair over $30 (PN SUM-G6400-LS).
18. We then sealed up the 5.3L mill with a used top valley cover and a new front cover (PN SUM-G6320). The front cover was only $30, but we had to fork out another $25 for the required gasket (PN MRG-61030G) and $10 for some bolts (PN MRG-60900G) from Mr. Gasket.
Intakes can really eat up a large chunk of your budget. You could go with a carb, but by the time you buy the carburetor and the intake you’re well over a grand. And, while you won’t need an ECU to run the engine, you’ll still need a box from MSD to fire the coils. Given all of that, we opted to go with a factory-style EFI setup. The intake we chose is a new offering from Dorman. In testing, we found it to be better than a GM LS1 or even LS6 intake manifold. As a bonus, it came with bolts, gaskets, and new fuel injector O-rings. Ours ran $400 from Summit (PN RNB-615-901).
19. The fuel rail and injectors are actually used GM stuff from an old LS1 project. We’re looking at just over 400 hp, so even smaller fuel injectors will work. Just make sure they are the right height to work with your fuel rail.
20. Our early Gen III 5.3L LS uses a cam position sensor that mounts in the rear of the engine, just behind the valley cover. This one from Summit (PN RNB-917-715) set us back $34. Be sure to factor in the cost of sensors and such when budgeting your LS engine build. If you’re a bit of gambler, you can score used ones at salvage yards for pennies on the dollar. After all, most of the cars drove themselves to the accident.
21. Coils are another item that you could scrounge up at a salvage yard, but we opted for a new set from Accel (PN ACC-140043K-8). The LS valve covers and coil racks were left over from a Week To Wicked project. We did have an interference issue with the LS1 fuel rail and the more modern LS3 valve covers and coil pack rails. Our solution was to notch the coil pack rack a bit and flip the one coil forward using two small spacers (or a stack of washers in a pinch) to help the coil clear the coil rack.
22. We completed our budget 5.3L mill with a used GM oil pan and damper (both from the same Week To Wicked project as our valve covers) and added a set of Hooker long-tube headers. The Dorman intake accepts a four-bolt throttle body so we ran a Holley 90mm piece. Our guesstimate is that you could, with careful shopping and a few trips to the local boneyard, duplicate this build easily for under $3,500.
23. After some tuning, the best pull, with 29-degrees of timing, was 416 hp at 6,100 rpm and 394 lb-ft at 5,700 rpm. Best of all, the torque curve is fairly flat with over 300 lb-ft from 2,900 rpm on up. That’s great power from a budget engine that roughly displaces 327 cubic inches.
Clevite 662.893.2860 us.mahle.com/mahlemotorsports
Competition Cams – COMP 800.999.0853 compcams.com
Don Lee Auto donleeauto.com
Fel-Pro felpro-only.com
Holley / Hooker / Accel 270.781.9741 holley.com
Summit Racing 800.230.3030 summitracing.com
Westech Performance 951.685.4767 westechperformance.com
The post A 5.3L that shows you don’t need to go broke to enjoy some LS power in your Chevy appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/894713/ via IFTTT
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howtosingit · 4 years
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pkansa · 7 years
We’re on a bit of an Oris kick here at WWR, given some of the new releases, as well as the reviews that we’ve had here lately.  While I may have been late to the party in seeing their products in person, I’ve quickly become a fan of many things that they’ve done.  While I’ve sampled the Big Crown lineup before, the Oris Big Crown 1917 takes things in a much different direction.
I’ll say it right out of the gate – the Oris Big Crown 1917 scratches that vintage/heritage itch for me.  Sure, a purist may actually go looking for an original example, and I say all the more power to them.  However, unless it’s something particularly sentimental to me (say, looking for a birth year watch or something), then I am perfectly happy to accept a modern interpretation, along with a modern movement (and all that that brings along to the table).
Now, on paper, the Oris Big Crown 1917 wouldn’t seem all that interesting.  You’ve got a simple, rounded 40mm case (in steel), domed sapphire crystal, a simple silver dial with old-style (and shadowed) numerals, and a cathedral handset.  But that’s why spec sheets – while helpful – don’t tell the whole picture.  For me, you need to take things all together.
Sure, the Oris Big Crown 1917 espouses a design language that we can see in many brands (in fact, on my Instagram feed, some folks were commenting on those similarities).  Frankly, that can be said about a lot of watches, particularly those with vintage and/or military inspiration.  At that point, it really behooves the prospective buyer to go and survey the landscape, and find the example that fits what they’re looking for, both in terms of styling specifics, hard specs, and of course, price.
What struck me first with the Oris Big Crown 1917 is the dial.  At first glance, it’s just a flat silver, but closer examination shows that to not be quite right.  There’s a step to the inside, right where the hour hand hits, which is reminiscent of the inner ring on Flinger-style watches.  Then (and this shows in some of the photos), you can see that the dial isn’t just a flat paint, there is actually some variation to the finish.
Next on the dial (and what really seals it for me) are those numerals.  Oris hit the right shade of vintage lume in my opinion, and got the font of things just right.  What pushes the numerals of the Oris Big Crown 1917 over the edge for me is, of all things, the shadows they have.  This carries the feeling of hand-done sign painting (like what used to be done on office doors), and it’s not something I’ve seen much of.  Sure, you can get actual shadows from raised and applied indices, but this is something else, and it feels appropriate to the era this watch is calling home.
As I mentioned, this is not our first foray into a Big Crown model from Oris (the first one can be seen here).  I also mentioned that it does things quite differently, as my talk of the vintage cues should have demonstrated.  There’s another fairly significant difference here as well – that big crown does not pull out on the Oris Big Crown 1917.  Yes, you can wind the movement, and set the time, but the crown itself is fixed in place.
So, how do you set the time on the Oris Big Crown 1917?  Simple – you press on that button up at 2 o’clock, and now you’re in time-setting mode.  In my minds eye, I see this simply moving things in a similar manner to how pulling out the crown would do on another watch.  Is this appropriate to the era?  I have no idea, but I can see it being a solution that would help to keep things sealed (well, as much as you need for a 50m WR rating) while keeping the sometimes fragile winding stem from being subjected to abuse.  Here, it makes for even more of a novelty, and if you’re wearing the watch regularly, something you’d be interacting with infrequently.
The Oris Big Crown 1917 comes fitted on a leather strap tucked into it’s 18mm lugs, along with the second piece that runs under the case, making this a bund strap (again, another aviation sort of reminder).  What this meant for me is that the watch wears smaller than the dimensions suggest.  This is counter-intuitive, so let me explain.  Yes, you’ve got that bigger piece of leather, but it’s not particularly thick.  And since it’s wider than the watch case, it makes the case look smaller than it is.  Add in the rounded sides and smaller lug width, and you have a watch that wears smaller than you might think.
Speaking of wearing it – wear it, I did.  With the lighter brown bund strap, the Oris Big Crown 1917 fits very firmly into the casual realm (pulling off the leather backer, though, then you’re back into the territory of being able to dress the watch up).  I wore this watch around the house, as well as to the office, and it just plain worked.  The brown strap sort of dictates what it “goes” with, but the silver dial makes it a bit of a chameleon.  The leather strap was instantly comfortable (due to it’s thinness), and the curved case plus double-domed sapphire meant the watch slipped in and out from under a cuff without a second thought.
Perfect for family game time!
I thought I would miss having a date window on the Oris Big Crown 1917, but I really didn’t.  Aside from the complexities it would introduce with the pusher setting mechanism, I guess I don’t check the date as frequently as I thought I do.  I did miss not having the seconds hand (I like the visual reassurance that things are running), but that is not something I would call a deal-breaker.
So, at the end of the day, yeah, I did really enjoy the Oris Big Crown 1917, and liked having it on my wrist for the time it was on loan to us.  Now, not everyone is going to be a fan of the $2,600 price tag that the watch commands, but that’s partly due to coming from Switzerland, and partly due to the limited-edition nature of the watch (only 1917 pieces are being made).  If I were selecting a watch from the Oris catalog, I might instead opt for the GMT I reviewed at a similar price point, but that is not to say this is a bad watch.  The Oris Big Crown 1917 is actually quite superb in it’s own right – it just has a lot of great competition from within the brand when it comes to commanding your attention.  oris.ch
Watch Overview
Brand & Model: Oris Big Crown 1917
Price: $2,600
Who we think it might be for: You like vintage-inspired aviation watches, but don’t want something that is absolutely massive
Would I buy one for myself based on what I’ve seen? If I ignored the rest of the Oris catalog, indeed.
If I could make one design suggestion, it would be: I wouldn’t mind seeing a central (or sub) seconds hand
What spoke to me the most about this watch: Here, it’s the dial with it’s indentation, the shadowed numerals, and the blued cathedral handset.
Tech Specs from Oris
Reference:  01 732 7736 4081-Set LS
CASE:  Oris Big Crown, 40.00 mm, 1.575 inches, Stainless steel
MATERIAL:  Multi-piece stainless steel case
SIZE: Ø 40.00 mm, 1.575 inches
TOP GLASS:  Sapphire, domed on both sides, anti-reflective coating inside
CASE BACK:  Stainless steel, screwed, special engravings
OPERATING DEVICES:  Stainless steel screw-in security crown
MOVEMENT:  Automatic winding
NUMBER:  Oris 732, base SW 200-1
DIMENSIONS:  Ø 25.60 mm, 11 1/2’’’
FUNCTIONS:  Centre hands for hours and minutes, fine timing device
WINDING:  Automatic winding, bi-directionally rotating red rotor
VIBRATIONS:  28’800 A/h, 4 Hz
DIAL:  Silver
MATERIAL:  Silver dial
LUMINOUS MATERIAL:  Numerals and hands Light Old Radium
MATERIAL:  Dark brown leather strap, stainless steel buckle
EXTRAS:  Special box, certificate, additional leather strap, limited to 1917
Perfect for family game time!
Going back in time with the @OrisWatches Big Crown 1917 Limited Edition #review #over$1000 #vintage We’re on a bit of an Oris kick here at WWR, given some of the new releases…
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