#but no somehow i thought I'd be fine
silverskye13 · 2 years
Im in awe if your writing - Ive stumbled over your Welsknight/Helsknight writings and instantly fell in love. They way you work and describe the connections they have, the feelings they share and this maybe-respect they might develope(?) Its great to see that Hels isn't just the evil guy here; at least, he has his own motivation and his own tennants that he stands by and Wels the one, who fails them! Great job, i hope to see more!
Ah I’m glad you’re liking the writings so far! I’m having a lot of fun with them! And I wholeheartedly plan on writing more, when I get the time and the ideas for them :D
I’m really excited about these two so I’m throwing a rant under the cut, I hope you don’t mind!
Hels is slowly turning into like, my personal love letter to the idea of the paragon knight and it’s really fun to play around with? I’ve always really loved high fantasy, and most knight characters in high fantasy novels at some point have the stereotypical arc where they figure out what “being a knight” means and overcoming their personal shortcomings in order to be this lofty ideal - normally to the tune of finding courage or the power of friendship, etc etc. And normally when they go through this arc at some point they have a mentor figure coaching them patiently the whole time, who represents the paragon ideal the main character is striving for [the Dad who always dies, RIP fantasy dads].
And I thought it would be really interesting, since we already have these two spending a whole song basically arguing about who’s the best knight -
“You call yourself a knight but you’ve never slain a foe.” vs “You say I’m not the real deal but what good have you done?”
- and we already have this idea that one of them is the dark side / inner demons of the other, if maybe Hels is this paragon knight ideal that Wels finds himself failing at? So his hels version / evil twin is literally all these unreachable expectations normally tacked on the term “knight”. And Hels has his own autonomy in this. I imagine the hels dimension, whatever that’s like, sucks [everyone is unyielding and rebellious, and trapped in some way], so his version of an ideal knight is probably very cruel and meticulous when compared to like, a conventional paladin knight. But that’s the thing about knighthood - it’s kind of romantic flavor text that a knight be kind and generous, and give wholly of themselves to others. In a lot of the original tenets of chivalry, all a knight needed to do was pay tithes and kill as many enemies as possible.
I also really love the idea of the street going two ways though. If Hels is the paragon knight in all its [terrifying, cruel, unattainable] glory, then to him, Wels is every time he’s ever considered breaking his code of ethics. Wels doesn’t like to fight, he’s more merciful and peaceful, and even when he decides to draw his blade, after all his grandstanding, he says he’s going to banish Hels back to his dimension, not kill him exactly. So then to Hels, Wels is a coward, the idea of breaking a code of ethics for selfish reasons, and a weakness in his impenetrable armor of “paragon knight”.
They are each other’s own darkside, while also, for the most part, not being wrong? Wels makes a pretty good Knight Defender archetype. His character talks a lot about defending hermitcraft, and showing mercy to people who need it, and fighting injustice. And then Hels is a pretty good Crusader archetype. He roots out his enemies where he finds them, he pursues relentlessly, he doesn’t compromise his morals just because of the nature of what has to be done. I think if either character fails its less because the other is right, and more because they’re starting to define themselves based off of someone else’s right. Welsknight’s weakness isn’t the fact that he’s a merciful defender, it’s that he compares himself to Hels and sees that as a fault instead of a feature. Helsknight - well he doesn’t have weaknesses. He’s a paragon. But if he did admit he had a weakness, it’s that in his relentless pursuit of rooting out this impersonator knight at every turn, what started out as a moral crusade has turned into something deeply personal, deeply cruel, and incredibly un-knight-like.
I dunno, it’s fun. It’s cool. I love pitting two concepts against each other that stand up fine on their own but are contradictory when removed from their original context. Fight little block man knights! Fight! And while you’re fighting maybe confront some of your issues and learn from them? And turn into better people by taking on attributes of each other? Haha? Maybe?
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tj-crochets · 3 years
Hey y’all! Crafting updates might be delayed for the next few days because I fell down some stairs. I managed to catch myself and was only a few steps from the bottom of the stairs, but I caught myself with my forearm against the corner of the wall and that means my arm is already pretty sore. It was, unfortunately, my right arm. More fortunately, I caught my dog about five minutes later as he almost *also* fell down the stairs (we do have a door at the top of the stairs this was a total fluke) 
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alittlebitgoofy · 2 years
i should probably get started on chapter 2 bc i’m sat here at 3am just simply vibing bc i had a redbull and i am no longer tired or capable of feeling sleepy ig 
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i wonder if my exbestfriend is really this stupid or if they just weren't thinking when they sent me and my fiancee anon hate lmao
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sanguith · 3 years
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Just two photos I took last night. They’re not perfect and the focus is all messed up because I took them with my phone, but I actually really like how they turned out regardless. Just edited some colours.
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theotherace · 3 years
it is insane to me how quick people (read: me) can go from on the ground screaming to mindlessly scrolling tumblr. like. did that first thing even happen?
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Ziva must have told her. She knows me.
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bornt-urnge · 4 years
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pinejay · 4 years
yeah i do have a serious problem with racism in tma. every time jude perry comes up it just reminds me that they basically cast some cis white woman for a canonical asian butch lesbian. if u think u can't tell from voice, sorry but it literally matters like I'M a chinese butch and i sound extremely different from that white woman hannah walker, because of my butchness and because of my ethnicity.
same with georgie being voiced by a white nonbinary person when everyone draws her as a black woman, when she sounds so fucking white it's painful (as least canonically she doesn't have a race i guess). this is just a pet peeve but it honestly feels like tma fans have never talked to a person of color in their life. and i wish the voice acting cast wasn't so white.
not to mention the john han bullshit, which has been bothering me every since i listened to it. i cannot believe they literally had an episode with a chinese man running a chinese food restaurant who sold ppl mystery meat, implied to be human meat, as the source of horror. like do i even have to explain why that's fucked up?? it's just so deeply hurtful to me as a chinese person it's actually shocking
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loverdudearchive · 4 years
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houseki no kuni is a manga
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midotakaism · 5 years
can we get your hot takes on the chapter ?? :)) I'm... :))) everything's fine...
okay but seriously, im still not calm enough to write down any coherent thought, and so many people already did that better than i ever could, but i’ve really been loving the past few chapters and the amount of parallels old xian is making with tianshan’s first ones, it really shows how much they have grown and what a difference just a couple of weeks can make
the two things that make me absolutely lose it are the way he tian sees guan shan and the way he tian sees himself
he tian lost his mom at an incredibly young age and has known since then that his father wasn’t a good person, so much so that he even genuinely believed that he cheng would bury him too if one day he tian didn’t follow their father’s orders. he tian only had his brother, but somewhere along the way he lost him too, even if in a different way than their mother, and even if it meant walking a lonely path and alienating himself from his family, he decided to walk away from the life his father had set for him and build one of his own. like many people said tho, he tian is still dependent on his family in a lot of ways, and all the things he admires in guan shan are things he actually lacks himself. he tian wears a mask for the world to see most of the time, so it can be hard to perceive, but i feel like deep down he has a lot of self loathing and is incredibly aware of his own faults and short comings, however it’s not easy to fully be himself, especially with other people, because he tian comes with a lot of baggage and it can be hard to accept, which is why it’s easier for him to pretend to be the golden boy and only get a fake version of what he wants (love, affection, someone to be near him) rather than face abandonment and lose people again
and then there’s guan shan. i do agree in saying that guan shan is the light of he tian’s life, but i also think that even more than that guan shan is someone, the only one, who can walk in the darkness with him, which is why he tian chose him: guan shan is everything he tian is not, but he is also someone who was able to see through he tian’s mask from the very first moment and is never afraid to call he tian out for his bullshit and say what he thinks of him, which is something he tian really needs. guan shan is strong enough to make he tian grow, to look at he tian and see the ugly in him but not be scared away and actually push he tian to be better. it’s no wonder then that he tian is so scared to lose him and that he reacted the way he did when she li said he enjoyed seeing guan shan hurt
it’s also interesting to notice how in the flashback in chapter 183 he cheng told he tian that he needs to become strong if he wants to protect people and then in chapter 251 their father actually doubted he tian’s ability to not rely on him in the future: it makes me wonder about he tian’s future development, and if at one point he will need to face the fact that he actually isn’t as strong as he thinks he is, which will make him start to work hard to finally not having to be protected by he cheng and not rely on his family in any way anymore
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sassymulder · 5 years
im die
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tyrannuspitch · 5 years
decided i cldnt take any more stress. said fuck it. bought the ebook. read it in one sitting.
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raposarealm · 2 years
I’ve gotten memu up and working on my main computer, so maybe I’ll actually get around to doing the challenges early enough to farm now >:(
Also my dumb exam is over (I passed the second time despite having the second worst teacher I’ve ever had) so I’ll be back to working on the quest victory quotes and other usual shenanigans tomorrow ‘cause it’s 2am here and I have an appointment in the morning- 
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emmi-kat · 6 years
What if I just reshoot most of that video that I did in October?  Redoing 3 facepaints and just doing it on greenscreen would be easier than editing what I have now.  I may do that.
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