#but no. here's fontaine festival. liyue festival. mondstadt festival
chinarle · 7 months
sadly i think the 4.x era is going to be the worst one by far
the archon quests were great but everything that came after was so mind numbingly boring that it's making it hard to care about the game outside the aq. the endless festivals events are driving me insane, i miss when events had a plot and a smaller cast :/
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fantasticarcadefan · 9 days
The Stream
Part 0:The Crash
Warning:Talks about the Natlan drama,references to recent plague outbreaks, other games mentioned
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It was a quiet night today, with it raining outside, and you taking refuge in your home. Your parents were on vacation, celebrating their 25th anniversary in Las Vegas for two weeks, leaving you in charge of the house, due to you being the sole occupant of your home.
Currently, you are playing Genshin Impact, having just beaten Divine Consort Radahnn in Elden Ring and needed to make sure that you didn't lose all the runes that you gained. It was sad to lose Sir Ansbach there, with him seeing you as an equal in a land where most saw you as either a lesser being, due to your status as tarnished, or prey in the eyes of the many monsters that inhabit both the lands between and the land of shadows. You couldn't help but wonder what life was like before the game, with all the monsters and beasts that lived in the lands between, especially during the shattering, where the children of the goddess Markia all fought each other for the great runes, fragments of the Elden Ring, which governed the lands between and setting up the rules of nature there.
With the release of Natlan here, you decided to go ahead and travel across Teyvat for one last time before heading off to the nation forged for war. Starting with the plains of Mondstadt, to wandering the streets of Liyue, swimming across Inazuma's islands, traversing Sumeru's forests, and hazing under Fontaine's peninsula, Teyvat was a beautiful place. One where you, like so many other players, wished that you could see with your own eyes. But alas, you couldn't, for no matter how much you could wish for it, the lands of Teyvat were kept behind the eyes of screens, preventing you from traveling there. But as you traveled across Teyvat, you couldn't help but notice new, unseen events occurring.
All across Teyvat, festivals were occurring everywhere there was a population, revolving around a "creator" of Teyvat and their "imminent descent".
In Mondstadt, the festival of freedom was being prepared, where songs were sung of how the creator gave Barbatos the strength and knowledge to help lead the revolution against the tyrant God during the Archon war, and help design the teachings of freedom for the rebels and their descendents to learn. The people of Mondstadt honor the knowledge with them helping remind their children the meaning of freedom and how they should keep it alive so their kids can have the gift their creator blessed them with..
In Liyue,the festival of the trade was occurring, which revolved around tales of the "deal of deals", where Morax made a deal with this creator, where in exchange for the knowledge to form contracts and make divine beings for his nation to be safe in the form of the Yakusha and the Adepti. he had to listen to the advice given to him by the creator, The people of Liyue honor this deal by offering deals that benefit the buyer in the long term, while having a system of favors established for when this festival is done.
In Inazuma, the nation completely changed, with it becoming a merge between Japanese culture, and something unknown with the only point of info there being based on a general history note on the corner of a planner found in Inazuma City talking about the event. "The new decor and style, now found across Inazuma, is based on a combination of Inazuman and Telaki culture, the same culture that the great creator wrote about in their scripts and desires for Teyvat, granting us the power to help make their desired eternity." EI approved the change, with her reasoning being "The creator has means to help carry their will. When I was made aware of my transgressions against the concept of eternity, I knew I had to change my ways to show eternity in the creators image", based on her new voice line regarding the festival.
In Sumeru, the festival of knowledge was occurring, where the Akademia was retelling the tales of the various scholars that had made great achievements in progress over the years,some of which had been blessed by the creator, leading to great discoveries that helped revolutionize the world of Teyvat into the world that they know it as today. Some of the other activities there involved an open house day at the Akedamida, where parents could visit their kids to see life on the campus, as well an engineering competition between the students, with the winner being granted a position at the Research Institute of Fontaine. Nahida was seen there with Scaramouche, trying to get him to be more social and comfortable with the others there. She seems to be enjoying herself there, happy to be celebrating with her people.
In Fontaine, the festival of justice has retellings of the old myths performed at the Opera Epiclese, mainly those on how the creator set the ideals of the world all day. Outside, some of the other activities there was a fireworks show at midnight, a demonstration of all the recent technological developments across the Nation's institutes, and a new short single player game mode similar to Among Us was established, partially funded by Spina Di Rosula, and helped constructed by the prisoners at the Fortress of Meropride.
With the sudden insertion of a creator for Teyvat, players have begun to draw theories on them, what they're like, and questioning Mihoyo for allowing self-inserts into the game, altering the currently established lore. However, Mihoyo denies purposely inserting a creator into the game, and is conducting an internal investigation to identify how something this big went under their radar with how big it is, with this affecting all of the versions of the game.
Yet, a small percentage of people are questioning if the game is sentient, for modders have been unable to change games files, with attempts to access them failing and being met with the phrase "No false god shall change the design set by our creator", leading to theories that this is some kind of virus, meant to attack Mihoyo for their current Natlan designs and whitewashing.
But you put those thoughts aside, thinking about how chaotic things have been this decade. From Covid at the start of the decade, to a disease called Monkeypox spreading now, this decade went off the rails. But for now, it is not about real life, for it is time for gaming, an escape from reality, you could relax in a world where you are someone else that could make direct changes to another world.
As you begin to travel to Natlan from the outskirts of Sumeru, you find the game starting to look more realistic, with the graphics improving significantly while maintaining the style often found in Mihoyo's games. The land looked amazingly beautiful and lifelike. Yet, something felt odd. It felt familiar, despite you never seeing this land before. Your gut told you to stop playing and turn off the game, oddly, but you decided to ignore it, thinking it was nothing that would put you in danger, but you built up your guard in game in case of an ambush by monsters.
As you kept traveling in the game, being wary of monsters, you felt odd. You felt tired, yet you'd only woken up 6 hours ago. You assumed that it was just boredom and tiredness and kept walking in the game slaying monsters you came across and activating way points. Despite all this, the tiredness didn't go away. Instead, it grew, with sleep becoming heavier and heavier, before you couldn't keep your eyes open. 'Is this what those with Saint Trina feel?' you wondered, falling into a slumber. As you fell asleep, you weren't sure if you heard the traveller, Aether, tell you something, but it was just a murmur to you, as you fell asleep, unprepared for what's to come.
As you fell asleep, Genshin Impact went down for everyone, with them not being able to join on any mode. The developers were unprepared for this, for they haven't released any patches for the game, and believe this to be a cyber attack on their servers, yet only Genshin seems to be the only game down as of now, and no contact has been made with any groups claiming ownership for it.
Across video streaming platforms, Genshin Streamers and Voice Actors alike are talking about the shut down, with streams ranging from theories about its origins, purpose, and those responsible occurring, with lore streams from what has been found in the new update being talked about as well. As the streams about Genshin rage, a new stream emerges. Simply dubbed "The Hunt", there's no account on each of them, with it only showing a timer on it.
Stream will start in 1:08:00:00
Greetings Readers this idea was given to me by @valeriele3, and I Hope you enjoyed it.
Once more, if you have any recommendations on how to improve my writing, please send it in by an ask me.
See you in the next story!
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
Imagine Yandere Cyno and Tighnari’s darling decided to try again but this time it was impulsive. No further plans other than getting away from those two and Sumeru. Abandoning everything because they are so desperate to getting away.
Somehow some way it work. Luck finally gotten on their side and now their on a ship as stowaway that will take them to Mondstadt. When they got there, they still feel as if it’s not far away enough and decided to go to Inazuma instead.
Living in Inazuma as foreigners are hard but they’ll take anything just so they wouldn’t go back. Perhaps they manage to get a job as a maid in the Kamisato’s or they manage to find refuge in Watatsumi. It’s as if they’ve been gifted with immense amount of luck. Now their on the path of healing and getting comfortable in their new identities. It’s only a matter of time however until their luck runs out.
I just wanna know how Cyno and Tighnari will react to this? Maybe their darlings manage to hide away for a couple of years. Either by luck alone or by the help of their new friends in Inazuma.
I have a wild imagination, sorry that this became so wordy. 😬
Tighnari and Cyno's wife escape
Don't worry, I enjoyed reading this 🥰 Oh darlings worked hard! Luck is on their side…for now.
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TW: yandere, escape, kidnapping, abuse of power
It took some time for Cyno and Tighnari to be sure that you were not in Sumeru territory, there is no place here that would dare harbor you. They tracked you down to a ship bound for Mondstadt. The crew and guests have given some clues as to where you might be, but not in Mondstadt. There is no such possibility. They already knew. Your thoughts can guess.
Maybe Liyue…? Snezhnaya? Fontaine? A few years had passed when they set their sights on Inazuma based on clues and sightings. Without you, irritability and frustration took hold of them, and as time went on - they were pretty sure the two of you were in Inazuma.
If you're settling down in Watatsumi, the kindness of the Divine Priestess will soothe your heart. You never tell her or anyone why you are here, but Kokomi and Gorou don't care. They also often send some daily necessities to your home to take care of strangers who are not familiar with this place.
If you work as maids at Kamisato's house, it's a really good job. You just need to follow Thoma's instructions to clean and pack a few things to help prepare for the festival. The accommodation is provided by the Kamisato family.
Live your new life in tranquility, you occasionally recall what happened in Sumeru, your husband's face, their sweetness and… some uneasiness chews your heart like ants.
Certain pictures of your figures, your smiles, your frowns, were sent back to Sumeru by certain people. They pinched the photo.
Based on the original intentions of the three gods, Inazuma, Mondstadt, and Liyue are not the kind of country that betrays the people, even if they are only residents from foreign countries. Still, what separates Inazuma from the other two is the corruption that exists within. Watatsumi Island can be infiltrated. If you are a maid in Kamisato's house, it will be more difficult to capture you than on Watatsumi Island. Still, it's just a few extra weeks of preparation.
Although Cyno is desperate to see you as soon as possible, he has kept his sanity and will not go there himself - to avoid any diplomatic trouble for Sumeru. One day, the two of you might go out to buy some veggies, sushi, and exchange small jokes, but someone covers your mouths from behind, and a sudden sting hits you, forcing you into a coma.
When you wake up, you find yourself in "that home". Forest Ranger's tree house, General Mahamatra's house in Sumeru city. Time freezes as if nothing has changed, passed. The difference may be that you have an extra chain around your neck, and they keep telling how to find you, finally.
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a-998h · 7 months
Creator's POV
I'm back in that dream world for when I was in Inazuma. The god me was staring at me, looking angry.
"What are you doing in Mondstadt?! You need to get the hypostasis cores and get your ass to Musk Reef before you get trapped here," It yells.
I try and explain what happened with the festival and the shock about it causing me to pass out. It's expression softens, I think, and it sighs. It warns me that I have three days left. The panic sets in as I worry about how to defeat the hypostasis in order to get the cores. It tries to calm me down, and tells me that I'll find my weapon of choice in a chest. That's would've comforted me if it wasn't for the fact that I am absolutely shit at finding chests in game to finding when in the game world is gonna be hard. I asked where the chest is and it tells me that it'll be neat the tree roots of the giant tree in Windrise.
"Ok, I'll find that chest and leave this hell!" I yell.
It nods and... I wake up. I notice that I'm in the cathedral and Barbara is in front of me.
"Your grace! It's nice to see that you're awake!" She says.
I rush up and out of the cathedral and towards Windrise. When I get to the tree I turn everything upside down to find the damned chest. When I do find the chest and open it I find my favorite weapon inside. Making my way to the electro hypostasis, I manage to get its core. When I touch I hears Ei's voice telling me to stay. I make my way to the anemo hypostasis and also manage to get its core. This time I hear Venti's voice telling me that the people need me. I'm getting more scared, but I must keep going or I'll never make it home. I find a teleport waypoint and go to Liyue to get the geo hypostasis core. This ritual will happen, no matter what.
In Fontaine
Neuvillette's POV
I was waiting for the usurpers to arrive. As much I hate to admit it, with their powers the Creator would not be here. I remember being told by my brothers and sisters that the Creator made Teyvat for the elemental dragons. After the death of my family, I remembered the attendants and all the devine could hear the sobs of the Creator. Back then I could do nothing, but now I can protect to one who tried to protect us from those who sought to kill us.
The doors to my chambers open and th usurpers walk inside and take their seats. I notice the cryo archon is not present, in her place is a woman with a robot.
"Who might you be miss?" I ask her.
"Adress me as Sandrone," she responded.
She explains that she is there on behalf of the cryo archon. I nod and she just stares in reply.
"I have called you all here, due to reports of incidents happening with the Creator and how to prevent any future problems from arising," I explain to them.
Barbatis goes first, it seems that there have been two documented incidents in Mondstadt, one in Sumeru, and none in Liyue and Sneznaya. When it is my turn to speak I tell them the report I hear from captain Chevreuse. Sandrone is smirking. Plans are suggested and in the end we decide to keep the Creator in Fontaine for the time being. As the meeting ends a melusine hands me a piece of paper. Apparently the Creator has been collecting hypnosis cores and they believe one is in Fontaine. I send her away and begin trying to get Furina to help planning a welcome festival for the Creator.
"We will not lose you, your grace," I mumble to myself. We have three days left, before the tethering ritual is ready. I feel a small smile creepy across my face at the thought, of protecting the Creator within Fontaine's walls... forever
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
!!!Yandere Genshin/Reader 2.5k Follows Mini-Event: Secret Penpals (Masterlist)!!!
cw: contains yandere themes, including stalking, possessive behavior, etc. do not engage if you’re sensitive to the topics mentioned. prioritize your mental health first, you matter.   
Time remaining: █ days, █ hours, █ minutes (closed!!! please wait until Thoma delivers all the letters <3)
✧ Inazuma is currently holding another Irodori Festival and the Yashiro Commission and Yae Publishing House has a secret pen pal service going on... Perhaps you should write a letter and hand it over to Ms. Hina! Who knows, maybe you'll find another Paimon!
Possible Rewards: A new friend : )
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“How is the list, Gorou?”
“Well, I got the names of some of the penpals. We got Always-So-Busy Sakabashira, Widower Momiji, A Headless Knight, Calx, and a couple more weird and whimsical names… There’s like… around 10 or something.”
“Ah, I see, Sakabashira is █████ isn’t it– wait, even Calx is joining? Isn’t he a Mondstadter?”
“Aren’t you one too? Now that you mention it, there’s a couple of foreigners joining this event– we even got someone from Snezhnaya.” 
“Haha, where do you think Blue Eyes White Dragon could be from? Betting on Liyue.”
“Hmm… I have a hunch that they’re from Fontaine...”
“But what if they’re yokai, though?”
“... Do yokais play TCG?”
"... I know Itto does…"
[match-up event guidelines under the cut]
SALUTATIONS! Mx. Ansy here– thank you so much for the 2k follows! I don’t celebrate White Days so this will be the reason why this event exists. No clue why that happened, but for the celebration’s sake, here’s a mini event as my thanks!!! (Even though it’s long overdue since I’m at 2.5k hahahaha…) 
Thank you to everyone that followed, liked, left comments (omg), reblogged, etc. ILYSM!!!! <3 (Don’t worry, I’m still working on the idol au ehe. I need you all to know about music composer!Tighnari’s mental fatigue.)
Here are the event guidelines and an example of how this works provided by “Ms. Hina” and “Fixer”!
Event Guidelines ✥:
NO NSFW MESSAGES. (Please remember someone is writing behind all this lmao. I’m asexual so my humblest apologies.)
Feel free to go nuts with your pen pal's name! No need to use the word “anon”. As long as you kept your identity a secret, you’re safe! There’s no real rule, just make sure it’s not longer than 6 words. 
Why is six words the maximum? Well… My best friend, Fried Tofu With All The Frills, “suggested” that it’s better that way…
Remember who runs this event behind the screen. Expect stalkers, monsters, etc. to respond to your letter.
You don't know who your pen pal is. Don't name who the receiver of your letter is. This is luck-based, and if I'm feeling like a gremlin I might just send your letter to Reckless Pallad if you do this lol. 
As the event name suggests: some might get villain NPCs & non-yandere character/s. Welcome back to another round of RNG if you aren’t already fricking tired from artifact grinding.
Only one penpal per person. No repeats. Every time I do an event, the yanderes are loyal.
Are you reading the guidelines? Good. Take note of this specific instruction or else I won’t add your letter to the event registration: greet your pen pal with a “Happy Irodori Festival!” or anything similar. That’s how I’ll know you’ve read everything.
Your letter could be around 200 words max but don’t feel forced to hit that threshold haha. Talk about whatever you want then send it in this blog’s ask box! I’ll pass it on to Ms. Hina or Fixer ♡
The response you’ll receive varies, but expect a minimum word count of at least 100 (some characters just won't write long). Hard to fit things with a single letter. Maybe your pen pal would be desperate enough to write 2 pages on their first reply. But don’t count on it. I’m trying my best to give out short replies to this event. The last idol event had 2k-6k word counts (when my plan was 1.8k max). This is me trying my best to exercise self-control lolololol.
Every letter is made on Canva. Huge shoutout to that website for carrying my SHS career and this event because I have S-tier garbage handwriting.
Also, a huge shoutout to @/watatsumiis! General inspired me to do this event, so please check his works if you want to read fluffy fics that’ll make you giggle! He provides such amazing brain rots, I swear. Unlike this gremlin right here, he’s wonderful and wholesome both as a writer and a person.
Well then, time for an example! Please copy Ms. Hina’s lead when you write your letter &lt;3
Tutorial/Example ✥:
“Dear Secret Penpal,
Happy Irodori festival! My name is Miss Hina, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I know that festivals tend to make everyone exhausted, so whoever this letter is addressed to, I hope you’re taking care of yourself. Remember to eat and drink water regularly! Even when to be honest, I already know who you are. I’m not great at talking about myself, but if anything is troubling you, don’t keep it all muzzled up inside.
- Ms. Hina”
The “penpal”’s reply (example only!!!):
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Hmm, wonder who that could be? /s
Have fun!!! Happy Irodori Festival!!! (even though it’s windblume rn. I just can’t think of a book-based genshin event so lol here’s an advanced irodori patch for everyone.)
List of penpals/Masterlist:
Don't get too cocky, though. Some of them aren't who you think they are ehe
"Calx" - Luthien
"Deshret" - Lisa
"Blue Eyes White Dragon" - ????
"Always-So-Busy Sakabashira" - Second Hand Of Time
"A Headless Knight" - Choco Found In Puppy's Tummy
"Widower Momiji" - Starlight
"Big Ears" - Honey On A Stick
"Fixer" - Tofu
"Fratello" - ????
No name - Vermiculis Creatio
No name - ????
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gnostichymns · 11 months
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Greetings, travelers! As Autumn settles across Teyvat, its nations are in search of plenty of helping hands for the season's festivities! We've gone ahead and gathered the most important of the tasks here, so take a look and see for yourself!
[ Any commission labeled for a specific nation requires one affiliated muse to complete. ]
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[MONDSTADT]: An old tradition in the city of winds has become quite the fun festivity for newer generations. It was once said that during these spooky months of the year, dead relatives would come to visit their families as an act of love and respect, but ghosts happen to be a little clumsy. As such, the people of Mondstadt would hide their knives, and prepare little cakes for their loved ones to eat before lighting a large bonfire outside of town to guide them back to the world of the dead. While ghosts are clearly not real, the tradition of taking the silverware out of the house, preparing a large feast, and lighting a bonfire as part of an Autumn festival still remains. Of course, there’s a lot of work to do, so hustle and help the citizens of Mondstadt out!
[LIYUE]: Qingce Village once had a tradition that during the waning months of fall, the spirits of the deceased would rise from the earth. To appease these spirits, part of this month's harvest was to be given, along with flowers and other gifts to guide these lost souls back to their resting place. Despite allegedly being nothing more than a folktale, there have been increasing reports of crops and other foliage disappearing, as well as strange dirt patterns appearing on the ground. Whether it's a couple of brave weasels, or the myth is true, head to Qingce Village and put these superstitions to rest.
[INAZUMA]: “I just want to play with the humans, but they keep throwing beans at me!”  (A little image of a rather sad looking Red Oni, sitting next to a Blue Oni is depicted).  A tale as old as the nations of Teyvat, a thrilling and heartwarming story of love and sacrifice, The Red Oni and The Blue Oni will be presented during the Mikawa Flower Festival in Inazuma., hosted on Narukami Island. Come see this endearing folktale given life on the main stage, and experience the shocking twists, turns, and bumps along the way. With an average rating of 4.5 stars among InazumaToday and sponsored by the Yae Publishing House, it's a must see for anyone in the area.  (We are also looking for stagehands, actors, and assistants with any background in creative fields or with an artistic mind. Please stop by the Yae Publishing House if interested. )
[SUMERU]: During the previous reign of the Great Sages, many festivities and celebrations were banned in the pursuit of complete control and knowledge. As such, it’s about time we revive and create some new special events to be held. One bright student at the Akademiya read about ancient parties held where people would disguise themselves as monsters to ward off lingering evil energies. While dressing up as a Hilichurl or a slime may not be the hip thing amongst the newer generation, the point still stands that you are hereby invited to the first ever Sumeru Akademiya Costume Party Extravaganza!!! Held in the Rtawahist main hall. Snacks will be provided. :)
[FONTAINE]: Bartholomew, a member of the Fontaine Fishing Association has noticed some invasive fish. Spiny, ugly lil things that are incredibly venomous have been absolutely destroying the ecosystem of Fontaine’s aquatic life. While the Fishing Association has been diligent in reeling in as many as they can, they seem to be spreading like wildfire. They must be stopped. Harpoons will be provided to any set of hands willing to use it for justice and honor! And for shooting these slimy cretins out of the sea.
WARNING. THERE HAVE RECENTLY BEEN SIGHTINGS OF RUIN GUARDS WITH STRANGELY PAINTED MARKINGS NEAR LARGE TRADE ROUTES. IF ENCOUNTERED, FLEE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY.  While most ruin guards either wander aimlessly, or are deactivated until within a certain vicinity, several ruin guards have been found to be quite peculiar as of late. They’ve been collecting whopper flower nectar, slime condensate, and terrorizing local trade routes. These ruin guards all appear to have strange markings as well. We are only looking for reconnaissance, do not try to approach the ruin guard mechs as they are incredibly dangerous. 
Allan, a local ranger and trader, is having some issues with his transport balloon. It appears to have been intentionally sabotaged. Pieces of rope have been burnt, holes have been pierced, and wooden boards are just missing all together. Whether done by a band of lost hilichurls or a tactful saboteur, this is malicious to say the least! Please help Allan repair his balloon and if possible, find the source of what caused this heinous crime.
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reuska · 7 months
How things I make for my HC end up being in Genshin
I will share with you a matter of great pride for me ♥ I've wanted to write a post like this for quite some time but there was never enough time.
Some of you might be familiar with my Genshin OC Hette (eventually known also as Vesna and Silver). I created her sometime during Year 1 of Genshin and her story started and was meant to remain in Mondstadt first. But as my preferences changed (the interaction target moved from Diluc to Zhongli), her story just naturally, in small chunks, progressed from Mond to Liyue. I didn't rewrite it, I simply continued. It was incredibly fun to watch as I had no idea how far her story would actually go.
But the probably most amusing thing on this journey was watching, how things I made for Hette and her story, with no or very vague base in the lore at THAT time, ended up happening or being verified by the game not so long after. Some of them visual, some in worldbuilding and some ABSURDLY and unbelievably accurately happened in the story. My biggest trophy is that I basically came up with whole Furina's story concept long before Fontaine aired. If you're interested, just keep reading ♥
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Hette's green patterns
The first thing that comes to my mind are the green patterns (and palette) on Hette's scarf and coat-thingy. We didn't even have Inazuma when I created them. What I had in mind was that she used to study botanics in Sumeru and I wanted it so seem somewhat oriental. Well, as things have it, when we got the Sumeru academia, we learned that all students wear berets with lining color specific to their darshan. Here's the beret for the Amurta darshan which would naturally include Hette's botanics studies:
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It just seriously looks like she just loyally wears an Amurta scarf. Thanks, lore ♥
2. Outfit
Speaking of clothes, let's focus on the outfit as a whole. When Genshin first teased Collei's outfit, it instantly became one of my fav designs in Genshin. And there was no wonder, I CLEARLY have a type. Just look at the similarity and placement of design elements (even the ombre on tights xD). Hette was created roughly one year prior Collei's first reveal - outfit-wise, with no basis for future Sumeru visuals. I wanted to combine her being from Mondstadt with influence from her studies in Sumeru. Well, and as coincidence has it, Collei is from Sumeru, influenced by Mondstadt. Same design concept.
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3. Silver's palette
Since we're at visuals now, I will go fast forward to Silver. If Hette is a Bulbasaur, Silver is Venusaur. She's a sword user with affiliation for Dendro.
Now if you think she looks like fem version of Alhaitham, with his secondary blue color substitued with her magenta, you're not wrong. She totally does. Only I designed her sometime in March/April 2022 while the first leaks of Haitham's didn't come sooner than July of the same year.
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4. Time and leylines
When I started with Hette's story, I made few blind reaches with the worldbuilding. I wanted her to communicate with slimes, I decided it was plausible for the slimes to reside in leylines and as such her ability needed to use leylines in a deeper sense than your regular catalyst mage. She's not OP but she has this niche ability to reach into leylines. After the moonchase festival, I yolo decided I wanted to send her back in time to meet the adepti of old (also would give her the much needed knowledge of Morax). There was no known time travel nor time relativity in Genshin by then so this was the most baseless move I ever did with my lore. I used her leyline ability to make the accidental time travel - she would drop back in time when using her ability near leyline disorder. Meaning I decided to connect Genshin time with Leylines.
The next Genshin update gave us Raiden's second story quest which confirmed both time relativity and its connection to leylines. Pretty wow moment for me.
5. Zhongli pulling his fav peeps from different spaces
This one is still insanely riddiculous to me. So you know how Hette involuntarilly traveled back in time. Long story short, MANY things happened there but eventually she got sucked in the time stream again and had the choice to attempt to move back to her original time. And she did just that. However, when she reached the moment she believed lead to her OG time, she lacked the ability to crack from the leyline space back to the normal one. However, dendro slimes see her there and they manage to call Zhongli to help. That's where I made another completely baseless move and had him pull Hette out of the leyline space using his powers.
What happened two updates after I estabilished this fact? Yes, this.
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Different space? Checked. Zhongli pulling someone out? Checked. HOW THE HELL???
You think this is crazy coincidence? Weeeelll, wait till you hear this one. When Hette's back in the early Archon War era, she has her Vision still with her, in time of no Visions. In another baseless move, I decided that her Vision would thus have strongly amplified powers, almost akin to a Gnosis. This eventually leads to her being mistaken for a god. Trying to not bring attention to her time travel (to not change anything), she has to roll with this claim. She ends up being part of the adepti but she doesn't engage with them in fear of being revealed. Meanwhile common people revere her so there is this invisible wall between her and others, she's lonely and this act is extremely painful for her. She's not aging at this point because the dendro is so strong with her it just keeps instantly correcting her. And she has no idea how long she'll have to keep it up.
Zhongli, who got to meet her in the future(Hette's original time) had no idea about this connection between her and the weird god who used to fight alongside them for a brief time in the past. He figures out this connection when he realizes Hette was sucked in by the Leylines. So you have this god figure learning that a mere mortal was forced to play a god role in a lonely selfless act and said god figure is pained by that realization.
(And yes, I estabilished this headcanon over a year before Fontaine came).
For the record, Furina had it worse. She was truly alone. In Hette's case (or Vesna's, that's the name she went by back then), she had the luck of Marchosius being too people-person (bear) and too nosy. He eventually got her to spill the beans and confide in him. Ever since then, he kept mentoring her in a way, looking out for her and providing moral support. Which is the only reason she didn't go insane.
7. One more outfit thingy
So we estabilished Hette traveled there and back again in time, after which she becomes who I call Silver. An identity she estabilishes because she feels her Hette self is dead and doesn't want to have anything to do with her Vesna self. But a lot of leyline stuff happened, right.
When I was designing her outfit, I wanted to put a pattern on her gray sleeves. I chose hollow circles with dots because this has been one of my fav designs for a looong time, there was no real underlying thought for it. And as far as I knew, it had never been used in Genshin in any way (and they have a lot of symbols there).
Well, guess where the hollow circle with a dot appeared for the first time in Genshin? If it isn't Irminsul, aka the tree which's roots are the FRICKING LEYLINES which Hette can enter...?
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For the record, I later realized Paimon has something a little similar - a big star and half a circle around it in a constellation on her cape. But Paimon is widely theorized to be affiliated with time. Time is somehow connected to the leylines so the funny coincidence still stands.
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ragnvinedr · 7 months
[Lantern Rite]
"Elida, don't run around, you're going to runー"
"... into someone," Neuvillette finishes with a sigh, too little too late, as he approaches. Elida, who had been sent tumbling backwards and forced to sit on the ground, groans as she picks herself up awkwardly, all while looking up at the man she had crashed into with uncertainty in her large eyes.
"I-I'm very sorry, sir. I was careless, and um... Melusine feet don't make for good brakes," she explains herself quickly, bowing in apology. "You're not hurt, are you?..."
"This place is more crowded than Fontaine, Elida. You need to look where you're going," Neuvillette says once close enough, before switching his attention to the red-haired gentleman, placing his hand on his chest in a gesture of greeting and apology alike. He doubts that Elida could hurt the man by tackling him even if she actively tried, but it is nevertheless still important to make amends. "I'm sorry for this accident. She and I will be more attentive. Please pay us no mind."
he figured chihu rock was worth a trip before he started heading back to mondstadt, especially considering the reputation for the local food that could be found there -- and... much to diluc's disappointment, it wasn't any less busy than the main terraces or docks of liyue harbor during the festival.
( in fairness, considering what was about to happen, he wasn't doing his best to look carefully where he was going -- diluc's attention is way more set on the selections advertised by the food stalls and open-air restaurants that face the street. )
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maybe that's why he's not too surprised when a thud against the back of his knees announces the presence of something... small? running into him... he's initially expecting a child, but looks a little more puzzled when he turns around and sees a strange little creature who can talk picking herself up off the ground. "......?" lips part, but words don't really manifest as diluc tries to parse out what exactly he's looking at. melusine feet? is that what she said?
... attention turns upwards as a tall man following the little creature walks up and apologizes again to him on her behalf, noting that they're from fontaine as he speaks -- then, diluc looks back down to the smaller, and finally manages a few words. "... it's fine. barely felt it." must be a race of beings unique to their nation, then. though... they look even more distinct and distant from humans than mondstadt's kätzlein. still, she was about the same size as diona, and if she had an adult with her like this... a glance back up to the man -- "no apologies needed. there's lots for kids to be excited about around here."
( she was a kid... right? )
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glacialheart · 1 year
archon, venti, vision, freedom, delusion, adventurers guild, guizhong, rex lapis, barbara, sakura blooms, lantern rite, ganyu and dainsleaf <3
archon: which nation’s known ‘ideal’ do you like the most: freedom, contracts, eternity, wisdom, justice, or war?
freedom, definitely!! i'm all about freedom. and i also really vibe with wisdom and justice for some reason
venti: which character(s) do you think you’d actually get along with if you were to meet in person and who do you think you’d actually dislike interacting with?
if i went into detail about this with all the regions we'd be here all day so i'll just pick a few!! i'd get along with xiangling, jean, kaeya (we have banter hehe) kaveh, thoma, myyyb alhaitham on a good day, ayaka and navia!!
as for the ones i think i'd dislike: itto, myb? it always takes me time to warm up to the more louder people (and dori, i'd avoid her)
vision: if you were visionless, how would you compensate for the lack elemental boost? pure skill and wit or would you invest in some premium fatui-made delusions…
ew no delusions for mika, i'll just pick a god and pray (and also use my brain jsjdhsdjds)
freedom and delusion answered here!!
adventurer’s guild: which genshin group would you align yourself with?
the sumeru boys are entertaining i love him (not sure i'd fit in though) i'd def get along with people a lot in mond it's just so chill <3
guizhong: which characters have your favorite aesthetic and/or design?
i love kaveh's design for some reason?? and i love alhaitham's whole headphone thing but i'd definitely wear clothes like tighnari (love his hoodie thing)
rex lapis: what’s your favorite cultural aspect of each of the released nations?
i love mondstadt's festivals, liyue and fontaine's music and architecture, inazuman traditional decor and (i'm biased) sumeru's food and names and the familiarity jdshjsdhd
barbara: you’re a tourist traveling teyvat, which locations in the game would you want to visit in person?
sakura blooms: what is/are your favorite world quest(s) you’ve done?
i tend to slack off on doing world quests so i don't really remember sjdhjsdhdsj
lantern rite: what is your favorite cutscene in the game so far?
THE LIYUE CUTSCENES ARE JUST SO AAAAAA but the one with the divine damsel of devastation is just so <3 i like wanderer's story cutscenes too
ganyu: which character’s rerun are you waiting for desperately?
no one in particular at the moment!! but i remember i was most desperate for kazuha
dainslef: what theory do you have about the lore and the archon’s involvement with the destruction of khaenri'ah
oh this is interesting!! atm i don't have very many thoughts but i suspect that celestia is the bad guy, so to speak?
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sunshineyuuji · 2 years
Pure Imagination (pt. 2)
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Genshin Impact characters' voicelines about me (Liyue Edition)
Characters: Beidou, Xingqiu, Ningguang, Chongyun, Qiqi, Tartaglia, Xinyan, Zhongli, Xiao, Yun Jin, Yelan
Warnings: repeat after me, everyone! Maybe bad English, Genshin characters talking about me
Notes: Yes, I'm doing a part two of this lol. I know no one's going to read these messy posts, but at the end of the day I write and post because I enjoy it. If I don't enjoy writing something then why am I even doing it?
Link to pt. 1 here
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That girl sure has the spirit of an adventurer! More than once she asked me to take her to Inazuma. I'll tell ya', her fascination for legends and myths make the night go more fluidly when we're bored. You can often find her reading or creating poems with Kazuha. Haha, I wonder how her journey is going...
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Ah, Lady Genesis. Yes, I had the honor to meet her once. I look up to her in terms of writing stories. From what I know, she works with Mr. Kreideprinz... I hope to work with her one day.
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Genesis, you say? Yes, I know who she is, but I've never made business with her. All I know is that she has a variety of books and also publishes some, but her work as an author does not interest me at all. Now, about her adventures...
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Xingqiu has told me about her, but I haven't read any of her works. Now that I remember, she once published an announcement that she wanted to interview an exorcist for one of her books. Xingqiu insisted that I should go, but... I admit I was nervous to attend, so I didn't go...
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Tall. Quite chubby. Reads me stories when she visits.
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Gene, you say? Haha yeah, I know her. Question is, who doesn't? Everyone knows her one way or another... Me? Well, she helped me find a limited-edition book for one of my sisters, so we're good... For now.
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Oh ho ho~! I'm honored to say she's a fan of rock 'n' roll. Sings her soul out at each of my concerts. When someone looks at us weirdly or says anything, she quickly goes to defend us. Hehe, she's a bit fierce sometimes.
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She is quite known for her books, but also for having the ability to work on various jobs. It is surprising how she doesn't possess a Geo vision, though I suppose... Celestia has its reasons... Last thing I knew was that she was soon leaving Fontaine to arrive to Mondstadt for the Windblume Festival.
About Gene: Myths and Legends
She told me that a large sum of people told her about me when we met. She was looking for someone to educate her in Liyue mythology for a book she planned to do. As you can see, I agreed to help her. We had a long talk about Liyue's mythology and legends where she seemed to shine brighter than the fireworks in the sky when Lantern Rite arrives. Few people enjoy these topics, so I thanked her for our long talk. Hm, I hope she's doing well...
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I find her annoying. Always insists on buying me Almond Tofu and offers to help me. Tch, she's way too naive for her own good. She's not a bad person, but... Well, her liveliness is something I can't understand.
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
Yun Jin
Oh, she's a fan of opera and enjoys rock 'n' roll. We've started hanging out more after an interview she did with me where she told me she was interested in theatre. I feel deeply happy whenever she's taking notes of things I say regarding opera. And she's a good friend.
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
I've never worked with her, but I know who she is. Not because of her work, but because I've seen her often at Wanmin Restaurant. As you may know, I often go to Wanmin Restaurant to eat dried Jueyun Chili. That's where I met her. Quite the friendly lady, I'll admit.
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ventee · 3 years
Come Get Your Flowers in Liyue!
Tags: Crack and Fluff, One-shot, Tartaglia x Reader, Childe x Reader, Ajax x Reader, Childe x Y/N, Tartaglia, Genshin Impact, Childe x f!Reader, Liyue, Lumine, Genshin Impact Childe, flower shop!au, florist!y/n, language of flowers
Synopsis: The younger generations in Liyue had recently begun to embrace the foreign holiday of Valentine’s Day—first originating from the region of Fontaine. The people of Liyue had just gotten off the euphoria of the Lunar New Year celebrations, yet the festivity still remained as people began to slowly clean up to return to their normal livelihoods. Here you were, setting up a new flower shop in the bustling Liyue, trying to take advantage of the new trends despite hating crowds. But you had to make enough to keep your flower shop alive. And that’s when he stumbled upon you.
Aren’t flower shop girls in the stories supposed to be kind and accommodating? Why are you so mean to him?
Word Count: 2.8k
[Tartaglia x Reader]
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»»————— ☼ —————««
You scowled.
The incessant chattering grated on your nerves, and the nearby merchants shouting out their prices over and over again did nothing to quell your ever-growing irritation. Festivities still persisted, still on the high of the new year’s—children obnoxiously laughing; opera singers echoing over the balconies of the stages; Liyuen sailors singing local shanties near the docks; tourists from other regions pouring in last minute to try to nab themselves discounted lanterns to make their wishes come true. You heaved a sigh as you harshly placed down a terracotta pot with a sharp thump on the concrete. Even the floor was something you weren’t used to, the intricately-carven pavement of the sidewalks contrasting so drastically with Mondstadt’s rough cobblestone sidewalks.
Even then, you never really liked being in the center of Mondstadt City either, choosing to spend most of your years selling your specialty bouquets in the quiet corner of the Mondstadt Cathedral. It was nice for your sanity, but it was never nice when it came to your business, never getting enough traffic to make a comfortable living this way. Even still, you always scraped by with enough to purchase necessities and extra indulgences once in a while. You never went to your customers… you’ve always let them come to you. Because if you were selling quality and giving the supplies they wanted, they’d always come back to you to have those demands met.
But that all changed when that damn Flora girl waltzed into Mondstadt with a blinding smile, setting up her new flower shop establishment with Donna right in the smack dab of the busy hub of Mondstadt. And she was stealing your customers. Hell, your “loyal” customer of three fat years suddenly flocked to Flora’s Floral Whisper the moment he heard Donna was one of the women running the shops. Apparently, he had a life-long (unrequited) infatuation for her.
It was so evidently clear: there was only room for one local flower shop here in Mondstadt. Diona would beg to differ that all you needed was something unique to fill in a niche; she somehow miraculously swept a rug underneath Diluc’s monopoly on the wine industry with her “alcohol-free” drinks, after all. But you strongly disagreed. Flowers were just flowers. It wasn’t like you could come up with an entirely new species or import exotic flowers from distant regions to keep the upper hand. That required an insane amount of mora, and mora was not something you liked to splurge incessantly.
And this was why you were here in a whole new region, trekking thousands of kilometers over mountains and streams to finally found the obnoxiously flamboyant city of Liyue Harbor. The architecture was so grand—clearly meant for thousands of people to reside, explore, and mingle around. You were at least somewhat glad that there wasn’t much of a flower commodity shop here other than the sleazeball Bolai located below the docks.
What you hated the most was when customers doubted your judgment on flower choices—for Archon’s fucking sake, you were the expert on these types of things… not them! You had your fair share of them in Mondstadt, but in Liyue? The proud, stubborn people here refused to accept things as they are without poking and prodding the topic until they’re all but mentally exhausted.
This first instance with your stay in Liyue came in the form of a young adolescent girl last week, no older than fourteen at least, looking over each flower display on your impromptu shop booth.
“Do you have Valentine’s Day flowers?” she once said, giving you a suspicious brow for some reason.
“There’s no such thing as ‘Valentine’s Day flowers,’” you remember correcting her, crossing your arms before sighing. “You have to be specific, miss. Are you trying to confess romantic feelings or show platonic appreciation? Are you giving these to a family member or do you just want to admire them?”
“No!” she insisted, stomping her feet while glaring up at you. “Valentine’s Day flowers! I need to have those and give them to Chen before the other girls get to him first!”
“Who—?” you began, but then stopped yourself to give your nose bridge a firm pinch. “I’m not going to argue with a kid, so I’m assuming you want to romantically confess…” You sighed, turning around to collect the appropriate flowers for the perfect bouquet, finally delicately handing the bundle into her arms, but she roughly snatched it into her possession. You winced when you saw a few petals falling to the cement from the sudden movement. “White chrysanthemums and silk flowers, the Golden House Maiden variety.”
“Ugh, this doesn’t look good enough.” She held the bouquet away with a disgruntled face that made your eyes twitch at the sight.
“Excuse me?”
“There’s no ‘wow’ factor here! There’s no way I can impress Chen with this…”
“Kid, the chrysanthemums represent pure love and these particular silk flowers symbolize youthfulness and sweet feelings. I don’t know what else I can do to make this more obvious with this arrangement.” You finally gave in to shoot an even glare. Customer service was not your specialty. “So will it be 12,000 mora, or a scuffle with the Millelith soldiers? Your choice.”
She practically chucked the coins at you with a huff, muttering “damn old hag” as she stormed down the bridge with the bouquet clutched tightly against her chest. You finally allowed yourself to run some fingers through your hair as you stared down the gold in one palm. Was moving to Liyue for a business boost really worth the hassle?
Your mood soured when you recalled more of your “bad customer” experiences as you set up the shop once again for the day, gently coaxing the buds to bloom despite the harsh frown on your face. The sun was high up, but you couldn’t see it anyways thanks to the high overarching, eaved roofs—if not, the Lady Tianquan’s Jade Chamber was overshadowing the entire region by now. It was still rather humid, though, and you hauled a large watering can to care for their wellbeing. After all, they have to look at their utmost best today, not like they didn’t look their best any other day, but today was especially crucial. Because today was February 14th.
Naturally, people of all walks of life curiously—impatiently—angrily—crowded over to your business to buy last-minute flowers for their significant others and their beloveds. Some even had the audacity to throw the mora at you before taking the bouquets in a rush. “Fucking hell…” you cursed under your breath, picking up the coins one by one as more people poured into longer lines, waiting for you to tend to their needs. You finally got up and stretched your back. It was going to be a loooooong day.
“Red roses, pink peonies, yes—glaze lilies are acceptable…”
“Sunflowers are adequate… yes, miss, of course purple asters are sufficient…”
“White gillyflowers are a great choice, sir—yes, it’s okay to pair them with daffodils…”
Before you knew it, it was past three (or you think it was). You finally closed the booth for a temporary break, ignoring the frustrated shouts and complaints of people who were waiting in line or barely stopped by for last-minute Valentine’s Day purchases. You merely rolled your eyes and slumped back on a wooden chair, finally allowing yourself to take a huge breather.
However, your plans of a short break were immediately interrupted by a cheery voice.
“Hey, girlie!”
You didn’t even bother to get up or even look at the source of the voice as you continued to look up at the sky from your chair. “Can you not read? This place is closed.”
“This place might be closed, but is your availability closed?” His voice took on an amused note, and if you strained your ears, you swore you could sense that he was even proud with the one-liner.
“Oh, go the fuck away.” You shooed a hand at the stranger, still not bothering to spare him a look. “Goooooo away. Thanks.”
“Oh, now don’t be like that!” He took on a more urgent tone of voice, trying to somehow plead you to reconsider. “I actually need your help, miss… uh… your name?”
“I said we’re closed.”
“Wait, no please!” You could hear faint footsteps getting closer to you, definitely feeling his presence right next to you in your chair. But you merely squint your eyes closed as if he was a whole new bug flying around you. “Please, ma’am, this is an emergency!”
You finally allowed yourself to open your tired eyes again, and lo and behold, his face was obscuring your entire field of vision. You blinked twice to clear up the blur, but you only registered a young man with ginger hair and very deep blue eyes. And his brows were also deeply furrowed. And his face was pulled into a panicked expression. You only glowered at his invasion of your personal space.
“Hey, do you really want to deal with the Millelith, because I sure as hell don’t want to deal with you.” You finally got up from your chair to take his entire figure in. How odd, he didn’t wear clothes you usually see on other Liyuen citizens. Very odd, indeed. Most notably, he wore quite a unique mask on the side of his head.
“How much? Whatever the price is, I’ll pay for your service as well as the inconveniences I’ve caused you.” You only raised a brow at him. Why did he get so cocky all of the sudden?
“O….kay…” You scanned around your surroundings out of precaution before your eyes landed on him again. It seemed that most of the people got the memo to leave your shop alone until an hour later when it reopens. “So you’re an extortionist.”
“No!” He immediately denied, and he hurried to explain himself before you got any other ideas about reporting him. After all, he already got into conflict with the Liyue Qixing governing body. He really didn’t need to add onto the already-massive diplomatic strain between them and the Schneznayan Fatui. “Look, listen. Humor me for a second, okay? I’m sure you heard of the courageous Traveler saving Liyue from Osial, Lord of the Vortex… reconciling Mondstadt with Stormterror, ending the civil vision war in Inazuma—you know, the works.”
“... Yes?” You narrowed your eyes at him. “What’s that got to do with me, though?”
“Now here’s the thing…” The man slightly tugged a collar before continuing. “So I’m… acquaintances… if you can say… with the Traveler, and we normally have our ‘friendly’ duels every so often.”
Why the hell was he being so vague?
“And long story short, I had my younger brother unexpectedly come back to Liyue to visit me, but I couldn’t see him because of… work. And the Traveler got really mad at me for continuing to lie about my real… job to him, but I told them that there was no way I could ‘fess up! Then they said they weren’t going to battle me anymore unless I did, but there’s no way I can!”
“Tell me how I came into the picture again?”
“Let me finish—so, battling with the Traveler is one of the greatest joys right now in my life, and I just won’t accept it! It’s Valentine’s Day in Fontaine, and I heard that more people are becoming familiar with the custom now, especially them. Do you maybe have flowers of reconciliation or forgiveness?”
“This is ridiculous, I’m packing things up.”
“No, wait! I’ll offer you 200,000 mora for this! How’s that sound?”
Your mouth dropped, your hands accidentally dropping a terracotta pot to the pavement. A loud crash echoed across the streets, but you didn’t care, your mind reeling at what he said.
“What did you say?”
“I knew I could count on you, comrade!” He slung an arm around your shoulders, clearly pleased with the outcome. You immediately brushed him off, cleaning up the pieces of the shattered pot. That didn’t seem to discourage him one bit. “People call me Childe as an alias, so you’re more than free to use it, too.”
“What a strange name,” you replied, looking over your inventory, back to him. “Do you not have a real name?”
“I’m more used to the alias. Keeps things simple.”
You narrowed your eyes at the flowers, as if they were the ginger man in question. “... Right.” With another resigned sigh, you deftly sorted through the buckets and pots, looking for the perfect flowers for Childe’s situation. A petty part of you wanted to give him flowers that represented the complete opposite of what he asked for, but you had pride in your flower arrangements. Work was work, unfortunately, so maybe you’ll find a different way to spite him. You finally pulled the appropriate flowers to form a bouquet.
“You know, girls running flower shops are usually very sweet and patient,” he hummed thoughtfully, with a finger to his chin and an arm to prop it up. You swore you felt a vein pop.
“Keep that up, and I’ll report you to the authorities.”
“Wait, wait, wait, waaaaait… let’s not be so hasty, (y/n)!”
“And how do you know my—” You sighed. “Never mind.”
“You know, you have to register your entire background through multiple procedures and safety checks to get a business permit.”
“Should I question how you managed to have knowledge on such classified information?” You turned around to give him a cool glare.
He shrugged good-naturedly with a light laugh. “I have my ways.”
“What’s your job, anyways?”
“Something along the lines of a huge toy seller, of course!”
You narrowed your eyes further. He’s lying, you thought. But I suppose I’ll let this go, for now. It’s not my business to pry.
“Blue hyacinths and pink carnations,” you said, clipped. “Here, and hurry up with these flowers before the Traveler decides to do something worse to you, which I sure hope they do. Whatever you did, you probably deserved it.”
“Come now…” He nervously laughed a bit, rubbing the back of his head with a free hand while he took the flowers with another. “You don’t really need to say it like that.”
“But you’re not denying it,” you mused, allowing yourself a little satisfied smile (at your handiwork or at Childe… who knows?).
“I guess I can be a bad guy, sometimes,” he chuckled, finally stepping away from you to be on his way.
Or so you thought.
He delicately plucked an orange rose from one of your stands before he twirled it skillfully in his gloved hand. With a growing smirk and a knowing look, he asked, “How much for one of these?”
You crossed your arms, your guard up immediately as you eyed the rose in his hand. “... 1,500 mora.”
“Sweet,” he answered, giving a quick whiff of the flower before walking towards you again. “So what say we have a quick date at Liuli Pavillion—my treat of course, with the price of that 200,000 mora and this rose? After I make things right with the Traveler, of course.”
“You can’t just buy your way out of things!” You stared incredulously at him, not knowing if he was 100% serious about the entire ordeal.
“I mean it’s worked most of the time,” he said, slightly sheepish about it. Still, he was unashamed about the fact he had money, and he knew it himself. He cocked a grin at you. “What do you say?”
“I have work,” you hissed, gesturing to your flower shop. “I can’t skip out on profits whenever I want, unlike you. Plus, I hate people—they’re noisy for no reason, and I really don’t want to associate with them anymore than I have to during work. And you’re one of the noisiest ones I’ve had the misfortune of meeting by a longshot.”
“Sure, I can arrange for a reservation in one of the VIP private rooms there.” He shrugged, disregarding your comments on him. “Any other preferences?” His attitude annoyed you, but if anything, it made you curious.
“What makes you so damn confident about this?”
“You didn’t exactly deny my invitation.” His grin grew wider at your rare show of a fluster. You quickly regained your composure before you retaliated.
“That’s because I’m not going to turn you down when you’re offering to pay everything. That’ll be your loss, not mine.”
“So we can continue doing this if I keep the same arrangements?”
His smirk still grew wider as he caught you turning stiff as a statue. But he could tell that you were about to raise all hell within any second now.
“You’ll sure be a fun person to hang around with, (y/n)!”
“Goodbye. Looks like I’ll be calling the Millelith, after all.” You immediately turned to the nearest patrolling soldier, who just happened to walk past by the two of you. “Excuse me, sir—”
“No, no, no, no!! Wait, please! Hear me out! I was kidding!”
End Note: Giving an orange rose means to have a “fascination” with the receiver of the flower. It was also actually a coincidence that he has orange hair too, to match the rose’s color… so it all worked out conveniently well.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Hi there. Can I request a poly relationship with Albedo, Xiao and Scaramouche ? A mix of fluff n a pinch of smut is this possible ?
First of all, what the fuck gave you this wacky idea? I thought at first, wow, this is so random, how did they think this. But then upon making the banner- IT'S ALL MY HUSBANDS IN ONE FICNWOFHLSNDLKSBSOANA
I'll do my best but oh gawd, I'm just so baffled right now HAHAHHA- brain juice GONE
Three Shorties Convention
Poly Relationship with Scaramouche, Albedo and Xiao... (event masterlist)
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Three individuals from three different nations somehow collated to love a single human, that of which is you. With how wide your range is for such individuals, we can greatly assume that you are an adventurer travelling the world.
You first met Scaramouche who was undercover, on the way to Mondstadt/Liyue through boat. As he was in the down low, he made sure to act friendly to avoid suspicion. When he heard you were on the same path, he thought of using you as an alibi.
The next person you came across was Xiao when you were passing by the Inn. You heard of the Adepti residing in the area and wanted to ask for blessings as your journey would be much more confusing and dangerous. You lit up incense and a small prayer before leaving.
The last person you met was Albedo. Mond was your last destination before you laid low again until your next long expedition, and you were looking for Alice who you met long ago during your expeditions. You last heard about Mond from her and wanted to talk to her about your adventures but ended up empty.
What made them stay/intrigued? For Scaramouche, he saw you messing with the meteors and your theories, your disarrayed thoughts and ideas somehow made sense when he looks past the lines. And you ended up being the reason he found the large piece of meteor in that... island thingy.
For Xiao, it was the incense I mentioned earlier. It was something you got as a souvenir from a commission in Inazuma, and the scent it gave off brought him to Teyvat Nirvana, the voices silent and his body soothed. His curiousity got the best of him as he tracked your path.
And finally, you first piqued Albedo's interest when you mentioned your affiliation with Alice, and when he listened to your stories (you forced him to listen since Alice was not there) it remindee him greatly of his master.
All of them were attached so badly that on your way to the wilderness one day, the three of them ended up confronting you in some kind of JJBA way with you in the middle. Their Visions and weapons were raised in worry until you identified how you knew them all.
And when they found out of each other's interests towards you, they grew more wary but turned to you: who was busy picking up a mint flower to truly understand what's going on.
"I like all of you!" Somehow all three of them were smart enough to realize that you hold at least a drop of endearment for each of them.
It was supposed to be a silent competition, that then ended up to an ambiguous relationship through coexistence. The problem here is: all four of you barely understood the grounds of a proper relationship, and delved deeper into this polyamory without a second thought.
Equal Thirds
Oh geezus, this is the most confusing setup you've been through. Having to juggle between three continents, three men, three different occasions. They were so petty to the point that your schedule must be split EQUALLY or else the other two would ambush the place you would be in.
Albedo is the busiest and lax when it comes to your "relationship schedule." As a person of Alchemy, he takes days buried deep into his research and he is more than thankful for the existence of a schedule, as he struggles with the maintenance of human relations a concrete time and day for when he is needed balances this. Albedo requests your presence during the period after his major experiments where he wishes to unwind and empty his brain of the equations and machinations. His type of love deals with comfort and distraction.
Xiao has the most free time in your relationship in terms of work, but he is also the one tied down strictly to his code of conduct. His time with you comes from your visits to Liyue and he will always be by your side whether you're in the outskirts or within the mortal realm. His type of love, ironically, is filled with longing touches and whispers of adoration for your strength and light that silences the voices in his head.
Scaramouche is the neediest boy in this bunch, the most mortal of them and the farthest from your reach. Your relationship is a secret to everyone especially the Fatui, but he makes sure that every agent in Liyue and Mond does not lay a hand on you or else he's breaking that same limb. Your time with him comes when HE comes over no matter where you are or what you do. His 'love' is filled with materialism and feisty aura, revelling in strenght and power dynamics.
When you're in charge of the schedule is the rare times that all three of you are together, because you plan your expeditions well in par with their seemingly conflicting schedules. Soon enough you four would be a whole team of travellers going around Teyvat to indulge whatever curiousities you lay upon.
"Circus Festival in Fontaine? Sign me and my three boys the fuck up. No complains, I know you're free."
Camping and travelling with them is sooo convenient too because they're all incredibly strong in constitution and battle. You only need to hang back and watch as they bring you a fireworks of elements, which are thankfully not very harmful against each other.
You're NEVER hurt or even TOUCHED when they're with you, they always have keen eyes for danger and always stick close to you to make sure you are safe. But on a RARE occasion that you DO get hurt, they have a formation: Albedo is tasked in retrieving you, Scaramouche is the backup in clearing a safe area for possible first aid, and Xiao lets all hell break loose once you three are gone.
They help out as much as they can whenever you all go out to camp but ultimately it ends up being some kind of adventuring class for the three of them since you're the master in this field.
Cute stuff: You never keep watch because they always want to cuddle, so one would be up and the other two would be cuddling you on both sides, and the rounds would switch between them while you have your beauty nap.
Albedo is pretty chill with the other two, but Scaramouche and Xiao seem to have a tension between them due to his Harbinger status. Xiao is wary and protective of Albedo because of the knowledge of his background coming from Morax. And all three of you deal with Scara's chattiness.
Your Pet Names for them! Scaramouche: Darling; Xiao: Sweetie; Albedo: Beloved. If you go beyond that, they start to see favoritism so you picked them carefully.
Their Pet Names for you! Scaramouche: My Dear; Xiao: Beloved; Albedo: Sunshine.
Soon enough, their soft rivalries turned into friendly coexistence and they would start to at least see each other in a better light besides acquaintances. While nothing physical or lovey-dovey would happen between them as they only ever see you in that way, they develop respect and slight trust. Competition long gone as it dissolves into compassion in protecting you and giving you the loving you deserve.
@albaedhoe @struggljng @heisenwurst @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @kookieyachi @struggljng @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22
Softcore under the cut! No looking, my children
In this relationship, individual and multiple participating intercourse is normal, and they happen when all parties involved are ever comfortable. With the fact that you'll change continents in mind soon after, the boys have their little rituals with you.
The most prominent of all would be Scaramouche's signature hickey on your neck. He sucks it hard enough to make it stay for WEEKS, so that when the other boys move to kiss you on your neck, they see the apparent mark and groan to themselves in defeat. It was your sensitive and ticklish spot, and he makes sure he owns it.
For Albedo, he almost always (probably in a kink way) do it with you on a surface that's NOT the bed. Table, chair, sofa, his lap, it seems that the bed is a sacred place for rest. And he usually ends up doing it when he is about to finish his work, hence the convenience of such furnitures. You were conditioned to the point that if you even just innocently lean on a furniture, your mind and body immediately snaps back to those moments, making you back off with a flushed face.
Xiao is the most innocent and yeet friskiest of them all. He loves to litter you with kisses all over your body, no bites and no scratches, just innocent flutters of his lips that makes you tingle. But such moments of lovemaking... seem to always happen on the Inn's balcony. Most of the time it's when the door leading there is closed for the night, but you were sure there were occasions that someone at least knew or saw what was happening, but you two were too drowned in pleasure to notice.
Whenever all four of you were to participate, safe words are always emphasized. Because you're suffocating right after between their bodies with all holes filled to the brim with them. Usually the formation goes as: Albedo behind you, Xiao in front and Scaramouche in your mouth. They may switch up when you still have the stamina but that's their default order, and yes, you orgasm multiple times and are overstimulated a lot. To the point that you're getting used to it.
It's a golden rule to always shower before and after your session, and they would be very caring and gentle during aftercare. With this arrangement, you always have a large bed rented or in your arsenal for a huge cuddle session at night.
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windblooms · 4 years
childe scenario – after the golden house
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you, an ex-fatui executive, decide against your better judgment and tend to the wounds of the near-dead 11th harbinger following his duel at the golden house.  spoilers for the 1.1 archon quest.
gender-neutral reader.  enemies to lovers  soft spot syndrome.  sfw, but contains mentions of blood/injury.  also childe briefly in foul legacy armor.  canon-divergence.  2669 words (nice).  
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with the fatui’s nails so deep into the city, staying in liyue probably wasn’t your brightest idea in retrospect.  
you blame your sentimentality of liyue on the exact same thing that caused you to leave the fatui in the first place: wanting to live without fear.  while the fatui treated you well enough, as you were considerably efficient in your ranks, being part of a partially underground, partially illegal business wasn’t exactly the most liberating practice either.  it didn’t take long for you to realize that, behind their scheming and pretenses of fair economics, the fatui would have their underlings wound so incredibly tight around their fingers that their violent tasks would rapidly become suffocating. 
that is, once you were in the fatui, getting out would be akin to scaling qingyun peak with one arm tied behind your back.
the only reason you were able to?  because you ran.  you were desperate for a new life, sure, but also you weren’t below realizing when something was out of the question.  it took a few months to shake them off your trail, having to move constantly between fontaine and mondstadt, but you finally settled in liyue.
it was a quiet, peaceful city.  the governing body was fair enough with its jurisdictions, and after a year of hiding, you were able to enjoy the lantern rite festival without fear.
that is, until the northland bank sat its obnoxious ass down the street.
archons, really, once you found a place you thought was safe enough, you’d have to start moving again.  initially, you reasoned that it had been over a year, and that the fatui surely wouldn’t go hunting for a runaway executive.  hell, you weren’t even that high on the ladder.  however, a few run-ins with scaramouche and pulcinella had left you paranoid enough that, if they spotted you, they would surely put an end to your traitorism. 
honestly, you should’ve ratted them out to the knights of favonius while you were in mondstadt.  make a quick bargain, have jean toss a few coins your way, and you would be set.  it would’ve definitely been worth the trouble, now with the knowledge that the fatui were your neighbors.  
now, there’s no time to dwell on what you could’ve done.  it’s either run again, or hold your ground right under the fatui’s nose.  you might, sort of, maybe, probably do not have the funds to move for the third time in a row, but maybe counting couldn’t hurt –
no, yeah, it hurts, you grimace as you slide the coin bag back in your bedside drawer.  outside, it’s dark, and the sky seems a bit more disturbed than usual.  it isn’t usually overcast in liyue, and the blue lightning does nothing to quell your unease.  the streets are also empty, but lights illuminate each building.
from your window, a quick glance towards the northland bank reveals to you that it is uncharacteristically dark.  no lanterns, no lights.  you frown, troubled that the individuals you were so alert to monitoring, had a lifeless stronghold.  not typical of them at all. 
so, you decide while your long-time enemies are plotting (or whatever they’re doing that prompts them to close an entire bank for), now might be the best time to potentially make a run for it, light coin bag be damned.
hastily, you rid your apartment of personal belongings by unceremoniously shoving them into your bag.  if it’s one thing you were grateful for in this world, it’s archon magic.  you don’t fuss over the science behind it, but whatever made your bag feel like a bottomless pit was an actual life-saver.  packing is extremely efficient with it, and in less than fifteen minutes, you’re ready to go.
all that’s left is to write a thank-you note to the liyuen couple who let you stay while their son was out exorcising.  at the time, they assured you that you would be no trouble for you to take up a guest room, but nonetheless you tried to pay them with whatever you had left over after commissions.
you grab a writing utensil, still feeling a bit rude to leave on such short notice, and swear to yourself that you’ll visit in the future.  for good measure (after sullenly looking into your coin bag), you leave an acceptable(-ish) amount of mora on your former bed.
all right.  now, time to leave, with your foot out the door and wind scratching at your face, as if the odd overhead weather wasn’t already an omen.
you’re barely past liyue harbor, headed towards the luhua pools, when a comet shoots above you past mount tianheng.  no, not a comet, you realize as it dips from the sky, headed for landfall around a kilometer away.  a comet of water?
if a dead northland bank wasn’t the nail in the coffin, this surely is.  you’ve been around enough in the fatui to know that whatever fell from the sky has to be the work of a vision user, or some more powerful being.  turning towards where you estimate to be the crash site, you weigh your options.  you’re already outside of the city, and the fatui are probably preoccupied.  you can manage a detour for now and inspect the hydro-apparition.  regardless, you deem that the farther away you are from the water you are, the safer you might be from what’s about to happen – you look back towards liyue harbor, and nearly shudder at the rising tide and choppy waves. 
after about fifteen minutes of walking in the rain, you find yourself between the slope of the dunyu ruins and mount tianheng.  it’s vacant, save for the weathered ruins, and a sizable crater meters wide.  cautiously, you approach the edge, summoning your sword with one hand and conjuring your vision in the other.  you’re not going to let curiosity kill the cat, especially not if this turns out to be a prank by the archons.
in the center of the mess is, well, another mess.  you blink a few times, wary, as you discern that an individual lies in the rubble.  they’re actually conscious, you soon find out, as they righten themselves from the fetal position into a kneel, supporting their body weight with their arms.  their body is covered head-to-foot in dark, purple armor, and a red mask with a broken, center orb gleams faintly in the night.
it is only when you the individual looks up at you, straight at your head, do you realize that you should not be here this was a bad idea –
and then they collapse.
“shit,” you murmur to yourself, vision still pulsing in your palm, which has become increasingly sweaty.  you step back from the edge as an orb of water surrounds the armored-being, encasing him like a cocoon, before dissipating to reveal a much more vulnerable, tired man underneath.  his hair is matted to his face from the rain, yet a much smaller mask rests on his eyes; his clothes are somewhat torn (you suspect that whatever had happened, his armor absorbed most of the damage), and you can very faintly see his chest heave. 
but, ah, speaking of his clothes,
they were the colors of the fatui.
“no, no, bad idea,” you tell yourself over and over again, sword put away yet vision still bouncing in your hands.  you walk away from the crater briefly, before walking towards it again, peaking down to check on the fallen man, and then scamper back.  the whole idea was to run away, not go straight to them, as if you had managed to doom yourself after all.  
pacing back and forth, you contemplate for another minute.  he’s clearly injured, with how he’s laying on the ground and not moving, so the nice, not-so-hardened part of you wants to help him.  if he was a regular civilian, surely you’d already be down there and trying to take him back to liyue and patch him up, but he’s with the enemy.  no way someone who can transform into armor is just an underling, so he’s probably someone exceptionally powerful –
“i see you,” a voice comes from the crater, and your vision nearly explodes in your hands from your nerves.  summoning your sword quicker than you ever have in your life, you steel yourself towards the bottom of the crater.
except, he’s not holding a weapon to your face, or threatening to skewer you into a million pieces.  except, he’s not scowling at you, or demanding you assist him at once before he blows something up.
instead, he’s on his knees.  looking up at you with the desperation of a man completely robbed, crippled from something he can’t speak of yet wants to scream about.  his eyes, now free from the mask, pierce into you with a vividness that could rival the richest hues of luhua, and archons damn it do you melt. 
you melt, and realize you should run away.  you melt, all while cursing yourself, that this man might not be so kind as to spare you in the future, when he’s back at his full health.  you melt, thinking that, well, you haven’t seen him before, so maybe he doesn’t know who you are either.  you melt, even as you extinguish your vision and put away your sword, and slide to the bottom of the crater to lug his limp body back to the top, to the shelter of the ruins, and rummage through your bag for medicine.
he hasn’t said anything for the past ten minutes, and you’re thankful that there’s finally someone from the fatui who can keep their mouth shut, even if this is half-beaten to death.  “you’re not dying on me,” you insist, as if your words could will him back to full consciousness.  “not when i’m risking my life for someone like you.”
as you work on bandaging his arm, out of the corner of your eye you swear you see his mouth twitch.  is he trying to speak?  no, you want some silence for a bit longer, but pause as you notice a gash on his torso.
“this is medically consensual, okay?”  you wait two seconds to see if he objects, before unbuttoning the lower part of his coat and applying pressure on the wound.  the blood has soaked through his clothes, and just as eagerly, seeps into the cloth you’re shoving against it.  the man stirs as you continue to clean his wounds, and when his eyes open, you’re too preoccupied with your short supply of towels to notice.
when you’re aware of a gaze on you, however, you turn towards him with a hardened face.  you already know what you’re going to say.  even if he doesn’t know who you are, you’re going to make it clear that, for your own satisfaction, you won’t help him back to liyue and he’ll have to make the walk himself.
“you were out there,” you say simply, motioning towards the crater with a nod of your head.  “i’ll patch you up, but you’ll have to get further help yourself.”
the man with eyes of the deep regards you, but you busy yourself by applying gauze.  he’s propped up against a pillar, and you’re crouching at his side.  when you’re about finished, only then do you meet his eyes.
he beats you to whatever you’re about to say.  “i didn’t think,” he starts, and you’re already frowning, “that you’d come back.”
ah, referencing when you practically left him in the crater.  his words are vague enough when he says that you ‘came back’ that you aren’t too tense, and you indulge him in a bit of silence before responding.  “not like i’m used to rescuing people who fall from the sky.”
despite his injuries, the man manages a laugh.  he seems almost flustered at your statement, although you can’t understand why.  underneath his soaked bangs, his eyebrows rise, and he seems almost . . . nervous?  you can’t possibly fathom as to why, but dismiss your curiosity.  the more small talk he coerces you into, the longer you’ll spend with him.
you finish sealing the gauze, tossing the roll back into your bag before commanding it to disappear.  blood has soaked into the ground at his sides, also you’re sure that it’ll was away with time.  you’re about to stand up, satisfied with your good-samaritan duties for the day, when he stops you by locking his fingers around your wrist.
he’s in the middle of saying something, but you refuse to let him, drawing your sword and pointing it directly at his throat, his mouth agape as he releases his hold on you.  you consider each other, and when you’re certain you have the upper hand, you draw your line.
you spit the words like venom.  “do not touch me, fatui.  i’ve done what i can for you, and you won’t be getting anything else from me.”
your blade doesn’t lower from his form, and as you stand above him, you regard his hands, as if he might summon his own weapons in an instant.  if he’s smart (which you think he is yet simultaneously pray he isn’t), he’s probably plotting how to get out of your sword’s reach.  you’re not going to let him, after you’ve been so self-sacrificing, putting your life on the line for someone affiliated with the organization that suffocated the life out of you.
a tilt of the head, yet silence from his mouth.  he seems surprised that, while you allowed him to laugh mere moments earlier, you’re now pointing your weapon at him, although something in the ease of his facial features tells you that he’s not concerned in the slightest.
“i wanted to say thank you,” he breathes finally, and you look as if he’d just punched you in the gut.  “being in your position probably isn’t easy, and i’m the last one you wanted to see, but you still . . . ”
fuck, no, not this.  you don’t know if he’s a prophet, if he knows who you really are, or the ‘i’m on the run’ stamp on your forehead is that obvious, but you aren’t going to fall for the fatui’s words.  your fists clench, and you once more prepare to denounce his organization,
and you’re disarmed in an instant, sword thrown to the side and fingers restricted by his larger grasp.  archons, you couldn’t even see him move, what a deceptive bastard, feigning injury –
“stop,” he hushes, and despite your fury you register it as a plea, not a command.  the man repeats himself, before continuing,  “we won’t haunt you any more; i’ll make sure of it.”
five seconds, then ten.  you had determined that his grip was too strong to break free of, and are left in no position to move unless he releases you.  he holds your gaze without a hint of malice, even though you try your hardest to find any in his eyes.  
when he does let go of you, fingers skimming past your flesh, you run faster than you ever have before.
you run, past the ruins, past the harbor, and until you can’t see liyue behind you any more.  you run, unable to see a palace fall from the sky and crash into the ocean, and until you’re surrounded by mountains and there’s not a ginkgo tree in sight.  you run, unsure if his words are true, but certain that he knows who you are.
you won’t trust him.  as you lay on the ground, wheezing to catch the air that’s left your lungs, you once again swear to yourself that you can’t trust the words of the fatui.  
as the northland bank lights ignite themselves in welcome of its master, childe presses a hand to his bandaged torso.  a spark of your vision lingers between his fingers, and he observes it before it disappears.
he’s already hurt enough people.  he heads to the second floor, and erases your name from the fatui files. 
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catcze · 3 years
I saw a tiktok of someone drawing Diluc as Flynn Ryder from Tangled earlier today and ‘at last I see the light’ was playing over it, and I,,, it sounded so much like Diluc?? Idk but I wanna make a Tangled AU for the man now I––
warnign mild spoilers for Diluc’s past + the manga
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Like like like,,,, Just some rough ideas, but maybe this takes place after his dad dies n before he comes back to the winery, so he’s on like his full vigilante mode rn right. And like,,, what if the reader is like some sort of monarch from Fontaine or smthn that’s set to be married to someone they don’t know around the time of their next birthday, and they’re scared because all their life they’ve never seen much outside their prim and proper family estate, and they know that after being married off, all that awaits them is another set of closed doors. So they’re desperate to get out for even a little while, right?
So when a certain vigilante comes into their estate one night, looking for a member of the Fatui that the reader’s family had been housing as a guest, the reader somehow unarms and subdues him (maybe with the element of surprise + their own vision idk) and they take Diluc’s Delusion from him. The reader makes a deal with Diluc for him to bring them,,, somewhere (idk where yet Im still undecided, but I’m leaning to either the Moonchase / Lantern Rite festival of Liyue) before their birthday, because they’ve heard stories of how beautiful the place gets from their house help that originated from Liyue, and to bring them back home before their parents return from a business trip to Sumeru or smthn, they’ll return his Delusion. So obvs queue the travelling montage + some other stuff, and they fall for each other along the way. (but I wanna add that the reader doesn’t find out that Diluc is Diluc Ragnvindr. They just think he’s some rando lmao)
I don’t want this to have as much drama as the actual movie lmao bc I’m not good at that, so instead, the two of them realize their feelings at the Liyue festival, n they kiss n maybe fuck idk we’ll see kajsndskja But at the end of the day, they both know that what they have going on can’t last bc of both of their situations, so there’s that sorta quiet acceptance, and making the most out of their time together before Diluc returns the reader back home and the reader gives him his delusion back.
When he does bring him home safely (thankfully before their parents arrive home–– I like to think that the house help love the reader, and were super supportive of Diluc bringing them out aksjdjs) they share a goodbye kiss at the reader’s window, the reader gives him his Delusion, and they part ways.
kjsnda OKAY so skip a bit forward until it’s the day before the reader’s birthday (btw, just wanna mention that the reader n Luc are of the same age here akjsdsa) and they’re gearing up to meet their future spouse, right. The reader’s got some sort of memorabilia that Diluc got for them when they were in Liyue on their person or in their hand, and the reader was wishing that the person they could be with was the dashing, sorta socialy awkward vigilante that gave them the most memorable few days of their life. 
So the reader is getting prepped for their future spouse to come in, right, when one of their parents comes into the room, hair frazzled and eyes wide with shock bc guess who just sent a message expressing his interest in the reader, and his desire to have the reader’s hand in marriage instead? No shit, it’s mf Diluc Ragnvindr, uncrowned king of Mondstadt, one of the richest men in Teyvat, incredibly influential even in Fontaine, runs one of the most profitable businesses anywhere, and he’s asking you to marry him. 
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ayakahimeehe · 4 years
── just some fluff to honour the fact that this bard finally came home ; a bit of angst cause i can't be satisfied without it ; brief mention of injuries ; s h o r t
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You sighed sadly as you found yourself standing next to Barbatos' statue, right in front of the grand Windrise tree. Your eyes remained glued to the statue itself which was decorated with Cecilias and crowns of Windwheel Asters for the Windblume Festival. A little frown crossed your face as you pondered about your lover's whereabouts. You haven't seen him at his statue, next to the Cathedral, nor did you find him at Angel's Share, or playing his lyre by the Starsnach Cliff, and it looked like he wasn't here either. It felt like he disappeared in thin air, all the while you finally returned home.
For the past few months, you've been in and out of Mondstadt, running commissions around Liyue and Fontaine, many of which left you with the little scars that now painted your skin, and which might've been the reason why you and that cheeky little bard had not seen each other for so long. Even if you disliked admitting it, you missed him dearly, everything about him felt so far away and unreachable at that moment that your eyes would almost well up with tears. You wanted to burry your face in his chest and take in the fresh Cecilia scent he always carried around, giggle as he would send a little wind to ruffle your hair up, as he would come up with witty verses. You wanted to lose yourself in the sensation of his lips meeting yours in a kiss so gentle that it could've been mistaken for a zephyr instead. You wanted to be with Venti.
"Oh, you tone deaf bard, just where are you?" You sounded so utterly defeated, that even the nearby creatures seemed to stop and watch. The wind did not blow, and the river around the tree felt almost static, you swore that if you listened carefully enough, you'd be able to hear the sound of a butterfly's wings flutter nearby, yet the silence did not last long, and before you knew it, you were falling face first in the grass, a loud "Aha!" scaring away the birds nearby as the bard merciless jumped on your back.
Your mortified shriek filled the air, your hands flying in front of you as you tried to catch yourself before colliding with the ground, yet which proved to be nothing but a useless trial as you tumbled downwards, all the while your attacker laughed with his whole chest. There was no way you were getting up anytime soon, not with Venti burying his face in your shoulder, so you decided to only turn around and not fight him.
The second your eyes met his beautiful teal ones, you felt another set of teas gather up as it had only downed on you just how much you truly missed him. "You're home." he affirmed, a heartfelt smile tugging the corner of his lips up. He stared at you with fondness, like he had just uncovered a precious treasure forgotten by time, and he could not stop staring at you, afraid you'll disappear once more before he even had time to kiss you goodbye.
Barbatos had never been one to tie someone down, letting his people witness the freedom that he treasured so much, and so he refused to stop you from experiencing it yourself, he refused to keep you in Mondstadt only because of his own desires, no matter how sickening your absence got. However as he bent down, letting out another giggle as one of his hands came to cup your face gently, and claim your lips in a loving kiss, he allowed himself to be as selfish as he usually feared to, just for this one time.
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gshinisalesbian · 4 years
Midnight Moon
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Kaeya x Reader (Part 1 of 3)
Living in Khaenri’ah was harsh and brutal. Those who could not fight would not survive, and even those who did survive would not do so for long. Children were so desperate for Mora and food that they would give their lives to train as spies before even hitting puberty.
Such was the same for you.
You had no parents, at least none that you knew of. It didn’t bother you at all. Most children in the land where the God’s turned away their eyes never knew such things as “family” or “home”. You weren’t special in that manner, and so you never felt like you were missing anything. Regardless, when you were 11, you decided you were tired of living on the streets. You knew the Gods would never help you, and that you were the only one who could help yourself.
So you, like many others, became a spy for Khaenri’ah. That was where you met him, Kaeya. His father had been a spy, so it seemed expected for him to become one too.
You didn’t associate with him much; you had no reason to. All you cared about was becoming stronger, so strong that the Gods would be forced to notice you. Your superiors eventually began to notice your growing power too, so it didn’t take long before you were considered the top of your class.
So really, it was no surprise when they started to prepare you and Kaeya, who’s “ranking” was just under yours, for a special mission.
“You’re still out training this late?” You heard a voice ask, stopping you current activity of slashing through wooden targets with your sword. You frowned, turning to see who had interrupted you.
Kaeya grinned at you, his hands placed on his hips. He had only recently hit puberty, his tan baby fat slowly growing into a strong face. His limbs were long and gangly, and his voice seemed uncertain of what octive it should be at.
Despite the oddness of his appearance, you had grown attached to him over the past year. Even though your superiors refused to tell you what your mission was, they made you train even harder than you had been for it. Their were many nights were you went to sleep with bruises littering your arms and dry tear stains on your cheeks.
But then, there was Kaeya.
After being told of your future assignment, the two of you had started to train together. You had started to look out for each other, making sure the other had enough to eat and went to sleep early enough. You even met his father, and even though you only felt coldness from him, you loved how excitedly Kaeya would talk about impressing him.
Smiling in recognition at the boy in front of you, you carefully placed the sword on the ground. “Yeah. I couldn’t sleep.” You moved closer to him, easily wrapping you arms around him.
He wrapped his arms around you waist, completing the hug and and smiling against your neck. Having hit puberty before him, you were just a brush taller than him, though you were sure that wasn’t going to last for long. You were going to enjoy it while it lasted.
“You could be doing something more interesting.” You heard his muffled tease reply.
You pulled away from him, glancing at him skeptically. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
He rolled his eyes in that playful manner he loved, grabbing your arm and dragging you away from the training area.
“Hey-! Kaeya, wait!”
“Hurry up!”
You rolled your eyes, walking faster as he pulled you to some unknown place.
“How did you find this place?” You gapped, eyes taking in the sight before you. It was high mountains surrounded by frozen valleys; there was a gentle nip in the air, a certain serenity that you could never feel in Khaenri’ah. “Where even is this place?”
“The border between Khaenri’ah and Snezhnaya.” Kaeya was sitting on the ground, his legs crossed and blue eyes watching only you. “Technically we aren’t supposed to be here, but what they don’t know won’t kill them,” he said with a small shrug.
You glared at him out of the corner of your eyes. “If this place wasn’t so beautiful, I would kill you.”
“Eh, go for it, my dearest partner.”
“Shut up.”
You watched the snow fall, trying to catch some in your hands. “It’s such a shame that these people follow the Cryo Archon’s rule. What has she ever done for them? The gods only know corruption and power.”
“I see your going into your rant about the Archons again,” Kaeya fondly replied with a playful laugh, though watched the snow himself curiously. “But you do have a point. Mondstadt would do anything for Barbatos, and he hasn’t been seen for years. Why do they worship a God who clearly doesn’t care for them?”
“Exactly!” You turned to him, a fire lit in your eyes. It was a strange thing to be passionate about, you knew. However, in Khaenri’ah, you had never known that divine love that people often described befitting an Archon. There was no Archon to watch over your home; it was every man for himself. You had been alone your whole life, until Kaeya came along.
You moved to sit down next to him, stretching out your legs in front of you. “And Rex Lapis only visits Liyue once a year. Even your father is better than that.” You scoffed, placing your head in the palm of your hand.
Kaeya frowned at that, but brushed aside the comment. “You know, people can say whatever that want about Khaenri’ah, but we get to choose our own lives and “fate” here. It’s not demanded of us by some Archon.”
You nodded in agreement, shooting him a small smile. “I’m glad. That I can choose my own fate.”
Kaeya let out a small laugh, an amused gleam in his eyes. “Yeah. Me too.”
A wave of silence washed over the two of you as you simply watched the snow fall down. Snezhnaya was truly beautiful, you thought, and you wondered what it would be like to live in a world where you could choose to go see it fully if you so desired. However, you were certain your surperiors would no hesitate to punish you if you even tried to do so.
“If you could go anywhere in Teyvat,” you heard Kaeya begin to ask, “where would you go?”
You considered the question, eyes turning to gaze up at the sky. You had never been anywhere outside Khaenri’ah, and even then, you had barely seen much of your own home. You had lived on the street for 11 years, but even then had stayed in the same area. Even now, you weren’t allowed to leave the training barracks or the watchful gazes of your superiors. This was the first time you had ever seen one of the “official” nations of Teyvat.
“Fontaine,” you answered eventually, thinking of the nation ruled by the Hydro Archon and the Goddess of Justice. “I’ve heard they have a lot of festivities there. It’s hard for common folk to ever see them, but I’ve heard that it’s still always so colorful and vibrate. It sounds so different from here.”
“I’ll take you there, some day,” you heard Kaeya promise, his voice steady and sure. “When we have enough Mora, we’ll go there together and see all the bright colors. The festivals too. We’ll be that rich.” Kaeya smiled, grabbing your hand near him as his blue eyes gazed into yours.
You smiled, a small laugh escaping your lips. “I’ll hold you to it.”
You and Kaeya were sent to Mondstadt, where you were supposed to secure intel for Khaenri’ah to use against them. Kaeya’s father had taken you there, anticipation building in your young body as the three of you made the long walk. You were finally seeing new horizons around you, and you felt so... free. You found it a bit ironic that you always looked down on Barbatos, the God of Freedom, and yet that was the only feeling that coursed through you as Mondstadt’s wind wove through your hair.
You glanced over at Kaeya, who seemed deep in thought. Over the past year, he had grown taller than you, his face and body slowly growing more defined, and his jaw sharper. His eyes had become more shadowed and masked, a result of the constant training he was put through.
You could say the same about yourself. You had learned how to bite your tongue and keep your thoughts buried inside you. You no longer talked so openly about your distastes for the Archons, and you no longer dared to sneak off again. The last time you had done so, when you and Kaeya snuck off to the border, your superiors had noticed you missing and had struck you until you could no longer stand. You were unable to see Kaeya for months, and the next time you saw him, you could no longer see the “him” you had known when you looked into his eyes. It all just seemed to be a facade, a well put together mask that he wore.
Still, you reconignzed the boy that you had grown close with still there, somewhere hidden behind the icy walls he had built, harsher than the snow falling that you had seen with him in Snezhnaya. You saw the boy that had promised to bring you to Fontaine one day, and you could not get rid of the fondness that settled over you.
Regardless, the two of you were to arrive at the Dawn Winery, where you would find a way to win the favor of Master Crepus and be taken in by him. His family was the most influential in all of Mondstadt, and you could certainly find out the nation’s darkest secrets through him.
Kaeya’s father kissed his forehead, shooting you a look out of the corner of his eye. “Be careful. Care for eachother.” That was all he said before you left you two, a pair of 13 year-olds with an impossible mission before them.
Terrified, you reached to your side and laced your fingers with Kaeya’s. You squeezed his hand tightly, trying to tame the pounding of your heart.
Whether to reassure you or himself, he squeezed back.
Here for Part 2!
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