#but nonbinary in the bowling alley carpet way
spacemanrhys · 1 year
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Which labels do you use?
[deep inhale] Trans man, transmasc, genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, queer, gay! Any and all are acceptable and true and real!
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender
Space. Creature. Fangs and claws. Bowling alley carpet. Mullet. Mutton chops. Neon lights.
12. Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most?
Queer artists I like: Queen, Against Me!, Dorian Electra, The Stupendium, David Bowie, Left At London, She/her/hers, Gerard Way!
Songs: T Shirt (by Left At London), Tool For You (by Dorian Electra), Queen's entire discography, Famous Last Words (by MCR), also Queer As In Fuck You by Dog Park Dissidents and They/Them/Theirs by Worriers!
21. What message would you give to your younger self?
fuck dude idk. i don't know much more than he did, and even if i did, he wouldn't listen so. i guess i'd just kinda hug him tight while he tried to wriggle away and tell him to keep hope in his heart no matter what. idk
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moonssugar · 2 years
someone of my characters genders be like cis but in scare quotes
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
📖 🧡 💙 💛 🌈 for your favourites from VSITN & gfs
(also hi Nico. my ampo will be up in a few days at most)
Thanks for the ask! Picking favourites is Difficult but I will choose Mack and Oliver.
📖 What inspired you to make that character? Songs, other characters, vibes?
Mack: I needed a friend for Val. Another narrator/person to help carry the story. I then had the following sentences pop into my head: "Mack is a loser. Mack is a genius. Mack dresses like bowling alley carpeting." And lo and behold, Mack the vampire was born.
Oliver: I think he was vaguely inspired by some sort of forest witch from fairytales, skdjhkdhgk. I don't remember much else.
🧡 Share a song that portrays their anger.
Mack: "Choke" by IDKHOW.
Oliver: "S F D D" by Stacked Like Pancakes.
💙 Share a song that portrays their sadness.
Mack: "Numb Little Bug" by Em Beihold.
Oliver: "Mean" by LEO, or "Love, Me Normally" by Will Wood.
(Originally I had these two swapped, actually; they both kinda work for both of them.)
💛 Share a song that portrays their joy.
Mack: "Fresh" by Artist vs Poet (I just think they'd have a lot of fun singing it really loudly, it doesn't have a huge meaning like the other songs lmao).
Oliver: uhhh possibly "Missing You" by All Time Low. (My Oliver playlist deleted itself a few weeks ago so this was difficult lmao.)
🌈 Are they LGBTQ+? In what ways? How do they feel about that?
They both are! Mack is aromantic, unsure of their sexuality (she just uses "queer"), and nonbinary (he uses she/they/he/it). It's proud of it's identity.
Oliver is genderqueer (using mostly he/him), bisexual biromantic, and demisexual demiromantic. He's also "proud", though it's less of a deal for him because systemic homophobia/transphobia isn't really the same in gfs as it is here.
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eijispumpkin · 3 years
Eiji and Shorter have the nonbinary sense of fashion
they 100% do, in like... opposite ways. eiji is like “i am going to look like a polite prep who wears sweater vests, but a little to the left, and also my motif WILL be weird birds and everyone WILL look at them.” shorter, meanwhile, really wants to embody the carpet of a bowling alley from the 90s.
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leporellian · 3 years
gender is really weird for me bc like. the way i see it is that i am housed within a female-assigned body. i feel completely divorced from my body, as if it’s like a car or a bike that i‘m unable to get out of. (and not a vehicle i like at that- frankly, it’s quite an ugly little thing.) my Actual Self, when i close my eyes and think inward, is... i don’t know if it has its own nonbinary Secret Gender or none at all but it sure is doing something!
i get weirded out when i don’t interact with others for a while, and then i do and get called female by them. because while i guess my body does Look female and Act feminine, in my eyes it feels like if i drove a dodge minivan and then everyone referred to me as ”dodge minivan” as if i were the car... like, no, this is just the vehicle i happen to be showing up in!
but it also makes it really hard for me to ever imagine being happy with the way my body looks. because when i am asked to imagine what i would like to look like, i can’t imagine looking like any body let alone my own.
like... i just think i’ll never feel happy or fulfilled with it. and i especially don’t think i’ll ever find a romantic partner that will understand. but then again i don’t think i’ll be able to find anyone who loves me to begin with lmao.
(personally the most consistent answer for how i imagine myself, i guess, is as an amorphous cloud of bowling alley carpet pattern, but you know how it is...)
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