#but now i have to do homework rip dis pussy
sheseuph · 3 years
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🍓 strawberry picking
0 notes
forever--darling · 4 years
the frat boy’s boxers - s.m.
 college frat au: part five
warnings: 12.9k words of cursing, flirting hockey players, and being a stealth ninja
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College was no joke. It was impending, heavy, and made you question everything about your worth. Stressed and unsure of every decision, balancing your time seemed impossible. You had figured that out quickly as your four other classes started and within two weeks the homework started to pile up. The lectures were long and your notes were messy and barely legible. You had no extra time to redo them and it drove you mad. It was all starting to get to your head and you hadn’t even been accepted as a sister yet or moved forward on the black op. mission. If you were already falling apart now, how were you supposed to survive midterms or finals? It might kill you, you were convinced. 
From studying to talking strategies with Maggie about Becca’s next planned moves and being an ear for Emily to talk for hours about Geoff, you were easily fried. Maggie wouldn’t tolerate any of Emily’s boyfriend talk, which meant you had to, as your roommate seems too consumed in other things. All having to do with Becca Bradley. You hadn’t heard from her in two weeks. Those fourteen days gave Maggie time to prepare as much as she could, listing any possibilities or conjuring ideas of what to do to Becca once you all got in. She was so sure of the fact that she got used to ditching her usual leather ensemble for sweaters and ripped jeans, but she swore as soon as this was all over she was dying her hair again and putting her lip piercing back in. 
On another note, Emily seemed consumed in her newfound fling with the hockey player. After their first date to a drive-in movie, your friend had easily become smitten. Though you all had been warned about the wandering ways of a Washington hockey player, Deja and Kiara agreed that if she were to be involved with any of them, Geoff was the best option. This was deemed true as he seemed to fall just as fast as she did and they had quickly become the news across campus. “Hockey player Geoff Warburton has a thing for freshman sorority pledge” was the gossip. He hadn’t officially asked her out but it was safe to say he would be soon with how much time they had spent together in the last few weeks. In other words, Geoff Warburton was basically a taken man. 
The others continued with their fuck boyish ways waving off any idea of a monogamous relationship. As the season was a mere week and a half away, their focus was shifting slightly away from their typical bullshit. They were focused more on early workouts and captain practices. You hadn’t even thought about Shawn or seen him in weeks. Only slight glimpses across campus and the looming meeting of the two of you was still up and coming. As for the other jock, you hadn’t spoken since the scavenger hunt. 
Henry seemed uninterested in you at this point and it was like the two of you were stuck in a silent fight, though there was nothing neither of you should be mad about. So he was a part of the hockey team. It wasn’t like he was entitled to tell you or needed to mention that he also was in the douchiest fraternity on campus. You weren’t even that mad about it. It was more about how he seemed to be angry at you for wanting to rush to become a member of ADPi. Was the idea of you being in a sorority that bad? You weren’t sure but you couldn’t waste time thinking about that or his lingering stares during the one class you shared. 
As for Becca herself, after the scavenger hunt, initiation had become stone silent. Becca had not sprung on any of you about the next step of rushing and it left you unsettled and waiting for it every second of every day. Until now…. That impending call had come. Finally, the next stage of rushing was going to commence and you were just as nervous as the first. Make any sudden movements and you might be kicked out, killing all of your chances of becoming a sister of ADPi which meant kissing those pretty plans of yours goodbye. 
This morning, you had woken up to find a pretty pink envelope slipped under your door inviting you, Emily, Maggie, and the rest of the pledges to a brunch styled meeting. Set in between two of your classes, your mind was a jumbled mess from the moment you left your dorm all the way to the end of your Psychology class that was well forgotten as you couldn’t pay attention. 
It was set in the middle of campus at the courtyard near the cherry blossom trees and you had never felt so out of place, more so than the pledges dinner and the scavenger hunt. As always the few sorority sisters present were pressed and perfect without a single hair out of place and like a set of copy cats most of the pledges appeared the same. Which as you scanned the few tables was only six, including you. Your teammates from the scavenger hunt all sat among the few chairs, with combed hair and neat makeup, plates filled with food. Deja and Kiara huddled close together and waved once they saw you appear. Hana was basically in her own little world as she stared at her freshly turquoise painted nails. 
Maggie and Emily sat at another table nearby, whispering with their heads bowed low, still oblivious that you finally were there. The sisters themselves stood off to the side of the two tables in a small huddle, all surrounding Becca, the ruler of all evil, herself. You couldn’t help but glance down at your leggings and a three-quarter zip-up hoodie as you saw the Chanel purse in her hand and her blush ruffled skirt. Even Maggie was dressed in a pair of nice jeans and a silk tank top. You sighed, running your fingers through your hair and adjusting any loose pieces before you sneaked over and slipped into the third chair by your friends. 
Quickly their conversation died as they noticed you and offered smiles but both disappeared as they noticed what you were wearing. “What’s going on?” 
“Dude, what are you wearing?” Maggie gasped, completely ignoring your question, “You couldn’t have changed?” 
���I didn’t have time.” 
Emily patted your arm softly as over your shoulder she found the huddle of sorority gremlins starting to disperse, “I’m sure it’s fine just act natural. You’ll blend right in.” 
“Em, there are six of us, they are bound to notice,” Maggie mumbled just as Becca stepped forward, her eyes trained on the six of you, the final pledges. 
“Wait,” you spoke softly, “What do you mean there are only six of us? Where are the rest of the pledges?”
“No idea, but my guess is we are about to find out,” Maggie replied through gritted teeth ending all further comments to form around the table. 
You were chewing on your lip at this point, fear making itself comfortable in your stomach. Even as you tucked yourself under the table as far as you could, it didn’t hide you away from their stares. The hawk-like eyes of the power-hungry and malicious girls that you never had to deal with in high school but instead had the pleasure of meeting now. Who knew after high school, girls couldn’t get a pair and grow up. Turns out college was a lot more like high school than you could ever expect, just a much bigger playing field. 
Becca clapped her hands together gaining not only the attention of the six of you, the pledges, but anyone close enough to eavesdrop. You nervously gulped too as her gaze scanned over the remaining survivors and did a double-take when they found you. She smirked slightly before clearing her throat which only made the tension so much thicker and unbearable. 
“Ladies,” she spoke, putting on that overly fake tone, she only used when she wanted to impress, “It’s so nice to see all of you again. It was longer than I expected our time apart to be but there are reasons for it.” 
Pausing, briefly, she snapped her fingers and like a path formed, out from the back of the group, Amanda appeared. Her hair was just as red and bright as it had been weeks ago. She handed a bottle of water over to Becca and silence washed over the courtyard as she unscrewed the cap and went to take a sip. No one else spoke and she didn’t continue until the lid was put back on the bottle and she had handed it back to Amanda. 
“I wanted to congratulate you all on being the final six pledges and making it to the last step of rushing. There was one more thing we had for you to do after the scavenger hunt but since the other six pledges were disqualified we didn’t think it would be necessary for you to have to do it.”
Deja suddenly raised her hand, like a student to a teacher, and it was a surprise that anyone would dare interrupt Becca, “If you don’t mind me asking why were the other girls disqualified?” 
You noticed at the simple question, Becca’s jaw lock as she took in a deep breath and answered, “They cheated their way through the scavenger hunt. Someone from outside of rushing was following you all around and repeating your answers through a walkie-talkie to the other team. I do not tolerate people who take shortcuts to win.” 
The answer alone made your fear and worry disappear for a second. And within that second it gave you a chance to bask in all the glory that was Lindsey getting exactly what was coming to her. You weren’t even in the sorority yet but already Emily’s side of the plan was almost complete. She beat out her roommate and now she was only one step away from locking the deal and making Lindsey go clinically insane. There was a chance. A very slim chance that this all could work out in the end. You had doubts, many doubts but it was already headed in the right direction. 
“As for the rest of you, your final challenge is here. Individually over the course of this week, randomly and at any point or time each of you will be given one task. They will all be different and something you must complete on your own. If you decide to pussy out and refuse to do it, then clearly you just aren’t Alpha Delta Pi material. But if you do do it, then you will have successfully made it through initiation.” 
Chloe, Becca’s most trusted sidekick who stood proudly attached to her hip, leaned forward a playful look on her face, “From there we will move you into the house and you can start getting comfortable with how things work and the tasks we as a sorority are in charge of.” 
The other girls stood silently behind Becca and Chloe, probably too having gone through such a lengthy and crazy process. You wondered if rushing was like this every year for the pledges or if they came up with new ways to torture the initiates so it was always different. Suddenly though the question seemed irrelevant as your questioning was replaced with hoping above all things that you wouldn’t be the first pledge to be given a task. You didn’t know if you could handle that especially when you had no ideas of what they could ask. They could make you do anything and it would be less nerve-wracking to have another girl or two go before you. 
“Okay, so I think that’s everything,” Becca announced, pulling her purse higher up on her shoulder, “I will be seeing all of you at one point this week.” 
“Good luck,” Chloe added. 
“Yeah, they’ll need it,” you heard another sorority sister whisper towards Chloe or tried as it came out far louder than a whisper.
You sighed loudly, hand wiping at the sudden sweat across your forehead as one by one in a line behind Becca they began to leave, not even daring to sit down and eat some of the food. They were all laughing as they left too and you were beginning to think that this was all a scam. That maybe they weren’t trying to find new members at all but a group of freshman girls to force into doing stupid stuff to only make fun of them. It was an idea but it wouldn’t be proven true until you did such a stupid thing and find out if you were accepted into the sorority or not. 
Your thoughts and silent worrying quickly came to an abrupt stop as a buzz from a phone on the table filled your ears. Eyes locked onto it, you watched as Emily picked it up with a soft smile on her face not the slightest bit affected by the sisters or Becca. But as fast as the smile appeared it was gone. Her brows furrowed and her lip found a place in between her teeth as she thought deeply. Both you and Maggie had picked up on this and shared a look before your attention solely was put on Emily. 
“Em, what is it?” you asked.
“It’s me,” she responded, it coming out like a mumble but enough to get the three other girls at the next table to lean closer in anticipation, “I have the first task.” 
“Woah, they work fast,” Maggie commented as she leaned over to read the text message over the blonde’s shoulder.
“What do you have to do?” 
She took in a deep breath before releasing it slowly, “I have to set up a car wash on the edge of campus by myself in only a bikini.” 
Maggie chuckled but covered it quickly with a cough, “Well, I can already tell that Geoff is not going to be very happy about that.”
“How’s she doing?” 
“Oh, Emily, she’s fine. Geoff on the other hand not doing so well,” your roommate said as she took the extra cup of coffee you handed to her. 
It was two o’clock in the afternoon and Emily had started the car wash at eleven. She couldn’t be done until four. For five hours, she was supposed to be giving out free car washes while dressed in a hot pink triangle bikini. You remembered earlier this morning the look on the girl’s face after the brunch as she was given the ensemble. She had been on the brink of having a small panic attack, but now as you looked at her across the street it seemed she didn’t even acknowledge it anymore. After three hours of wearing it, she didn’t even notice it or the creepy stares she got from the random old dad’s that stopped as they saw the sign. 
As soon as it was eleven, Maggie had claimed a picnic table at the edge of campus, close enough that you could see the show from across the street. For the past couple of hours, people have been filtering in and out, between their classes, checking in to see how she was doing. In the morning it had been Maggie and Kiara. Then Deja and Hana stopped while you were stuck in your back to back classes. Now you finally had been able to stop, only to find Geoff and Marcus there as well. Maggie had mentioned that among all the chaos, Becca had stopped earlier. 
She was with a few of the other girls and at the sight alone she couldn’t stop laughing. It took her minutes to calm down before she subtly raised a single eyebrow and gave a nod of approval. The action alone led Maggie to believe that Emily was in and had passed her individual test. Which meant one down, two to go. You weren’t going to lie, you gave Emily credit. You didn’t know if you would have been able to do that which only worried you. If you were scared about the first task, there was a chance they were only going to get worse from here and your’s, the one Becca decides to bestow on you, could be ten times worse than doing a car wash by yourself half-naked. There was that greater chance and it left you completely terrified. 
Geoff sat on top of the picnic table, hands folded over his face like he couldn’t even watch. Though he and Em weren’t official official, you had noticed in the last few weeks how he felt just by looking at her. He seemed so much different than most of the other hockey players, even his best friend who stood on the other side of him. 
“Geoff, will you take a fucking breath she is fine,” Maggie snorted as she took a long sip from her iced drink. 
He shook his head as he sent the smallest glare, like a child who was being scolded, over at Maggie, “I can’t, knowing that some of those guys have already gone through the line twice.” 
You laughed underneath your breath, it mixing within the sound of Marcus’s. You were only talking to the pair of frat guys because of one sole purpose, Emily. Since she and Geoff got together, the friend groups were mixing more since they hated to be apart for too long. Which was another thing Maggie was not used to… sharing Emily. She had become slightly overprotective of both her and you. After hearing everything from both Deja and Kiara, she wasn’t ready to trust all of Geoff’s intentions which only led to them bickering like siblings.
“Well, do you blame them? Look at her,” Marcus slapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder, ready to push his buttons further, “She do be lookin’ fine.” 
Geoff’s glare shifted away from Maggie towards Marcus, except this time it deepened. Then all at once, he raised his fist and punched the other boy hard into the shoulder. Marcus flinched grabbing at the sore arm as a loud groan escaped from his lips, “Oww. What the fuck?” 
“Don’t talk about her like that… EVER. You got it?” 
Marcus backed down, his smile wiped clean from his face, “Okay, okay. I was just kidding anyway. Blame Becca man, not me, and if you’re going to act like this why don’t you just ask her out already?” 
“Yeah, Geoff,” you perked up, sending your own smile over at the guy your friend was crushing on, “Why don’t you ask her out already?” 
He shrugged, suddenly becoming a fumbling blushing teenager, “We’re taking things slow. We’re just trying to get to know each other first.” 
“Taking things slow, mhmm okay. I didn’t know we were back in middle school! What, are you going to ask her dad’s permission first too before you take her out on another date?” Marcus mumbled underneath his breath, causing a giggle to slip from your mouth
Across the street, Emily was spraying down a soapy Honda civic with a hose, while soaked from head to toe. Her hair was slicked back into a ponytail and though she was no doubt uncomfortable, she smiled at the customer, who was a man, definitely in his early fifties, like she was having a good time. 
“I think it’s fine that you guys want to take it slow,” Maggie announced getting a surprised look from Geoff, “But let’s make one thing clear. If you do anything to hurt her, I will fucking kill you.” 
“I would never hurt her. Why would you think that?” 
“Oh, no reason at all,” she mumbled, not bothering to meet his eye. 
“No, what? Because that’s another thing, why do you always make comments like that? Like I’m bad news or something?” 
At his question alone, both you and Maggie shared a look, long enough that the two other boys saw it and understood that you two had a mutual understanding. Clearing your throat, you leaned against the picnic table in between your roommate and Geoff, your gaze moving back to the car wash. Marcus and Geoff shared a look of their own before zoning in on you and you alone. 
“What was that look about?” 
“None of your business, Marcus,” Maggie barked.
Geoff leaned closer towards you, “Y/N?” 
You sighed, giving in, “Well... you’re in a fraternity and an athlete. You are pretty popular on campus, and we’ve heard some stuff.” 
“Stuff what kind of stuff? From who?” his eyes narrowed and his mouth dropped as his tone was nothing short of offended.
Maggie raised her head high, stopping you from slipping anything else to the pair of hockey players, “We’re not allowed to reveal our resources.” 
Marcus rolled his eyes, “That’s code word for my sister and her friends.” 
“Pfft, is not.”
“Y/N, you are a shitty liar,” he grinned, leaning over Geoff to get closer to you.
“I am not.” 
“You are though,” Geoff said, agreeing.
“I am not a shitty liar,” you replied, jaw tensing.
Marcus smirked, “Okay, whatever you say, but answer me this. Has anything that they’ve said about me ruined all chances of us going out?” 
“Oh, yeah,” you replied, laughter laced into your response. It seemed with Marcus the more you talked, the more flirty he got, and you weren’t the only girl he was talking to. It was flattering but you would never go down that road especially with Marcus who you loved turning down daily. 
“Point proven,” Maggie pointed over at Marcus as he was shoved off of Geoff back to the other side of the picnic table and away from you. 
“What do you mean by point proven?” 
“Marcus, you flirt with every girl you meet like you’ll get a prize for each one you can charm into your bed.” 
“Okay true,” he admitted, his smirk stretching at his own words, “But we didn’t have to acknowledge it.��� 
Before Maggie could say anything else to argue because it turned out she liked to argue with both of them and not just Geoff, she bit her tongue as both of your eyes fell back to the boy with long hair. His hands were once again folded in his lap and his icy orbs were focused back on the girl across the street. There was a crinkle in between his eyebrows and his lips were curled up into a pouty look. He was such a puppy dog, you had realized. 
“Are you sure she is okay? Maybe, I should go over there and make sure everything is fine,” he announced, moving to stand from the table.
Instantly, as fast as he tried to stand, your arm stretched out across his chest halting all sudden movements. Your eyes were wide as you stared at him, practically begging as Maggie turned with another threatening look forming on her sharp features. “Don’t you dare move!”
“What?” his voice shook and his eyebrows rose to his forehead.
“Becca has eyes everywhere,” Maggie hissed.
“Geoff, if you go over there someone will report back to Becca and they’ll think you tried to help her. Which will kill Emily’s chances of getting in,” you explained, softly and calmly. 
Slowly, he relaxed back into his previous position and you retracted your arm that was acting as a seat belt. His shoulders dropped and he went straight back to pouting. You watched his every move carefully, in case he decided to get up and make a run for it. You were prepared to go after him and tackle him to the ground if it meant Emily got a spot in the sorority. Nothing was going to get in the way, especially a love-struck hockey player. 
“Look on the bright-side there, Warburton,” Marcus said as he patted his friend on the shoulder, “She’s the first one to go out of the other pledges.” 
Geoff sent a cold glare over to his friend, “How is that supposed to make me feel better?” 
“It’s only going to get worse from here. You know how Becca is which means that these two are going to get it far worse than Emily did.” 
At his words alone, Geoff’s glare softened and was replaced by the largest grin. He laughed and covered it poorly with a fake cough. You and Maggie’s head’s slowly turned away from your friend to Marcus, the guy who had been testing your patience all day. Your mouth fell open slightly and your brows furrowed, wanting nothing more than to punch him in that moment. 
His chocolate orbs looked past everyone else once again to you and he smirked proudly, “I’m not making my chances with you any better am I?” 
“No, not in the slightest,” you replied, scrunching your nose at him as your glare only deepened. 
“Shit! Well, I guess there is always tomorrow. Right, sweetheart?” he winked. 
You were not amused in the slightest, though some days you didn’t mind the flirting and on occasion found it funny but right now it was nothing short of annoying. He was entitled and had the biggest ego just because of his athleticism and six pack. Because god forbid, girls actually wanted better for themselves than a fuckboy fraternity brother. You were starting to think finding a boy with an actual personality and a decent bone in his body wasn’t possible. Henry was the single exception but now, you were starting to think that the exception didn’t exist. 
Maggie shook her head as she huffed loudly underneath her breath, “Marcus, you are such a fucking dick.” 
“Thanks,” he smacked his lips as if he were chewing gum, “Right back at ya, Mags.” 
“Okay, I should not be associated with him,” Geoff announced raising both of his hands for it to be noted among everyone else, “I am not like my friends when it comes to girls.” 
“Alright, you keep telling yourself that man,” Marcus, cackled only for it to fall silent at the buzzing coming from his phone in his pocket. Pulling it out, he let out a noise of approval at what he saw, “Well, look at that. Okay, we gotta go.” 
Geoff’s brows furrowed and annoyance dripped from his words, “What? Why?” 
“Shawn’s at the rink and he wants us to come work on some drills with him.” 
“Again why?” his tone deepened with both irritation and sass, “He has been on our ass nonstop lately. Coach isn’t starting official practices until next week and the home opener is still two weeks out.” 
Marcus took in a deep breath before letting it out, “Dude, chill, you know how he is. He just wants us to do well this season especially since everyone is convinced we are going to win the conference and the Frozen Four tournament again.” 
“Yeah, fine, whatever,” Geoff grumbled as he peeled himself from the picnic table. He looked over at you and Maggie expectantly, a single brow raised high in the air, “You’ll keep any eye on her until she’s done?” 
You nodded, “Yeah, we got her.”
“In case, you forgot, we’ve been taking care of her longer than you have, Warburton,” Maggie waved, fake sweetness sounding almost too sarcastic coming from her tongue. 
He just rolled his eyes at her comment as he was used to her attitude towards him at this point, “Yeah, okay, we'll see you guys later.” 
“Bye Geoff.” 
Expectantly, Marcus turns towards you, his arms raised as if waiting. Sighing, you send him a soft smile, “Bye Marcus.” 
“See you, sweetheart, don’t miss me too much while I’m gone.” 
“Oh, I won’t,” you reassured one last time, knowing it wasn’t going to make your feelings any clearer to him. He was a verified flirt and to confirm every thought you have about him, he sent one more wink before he went jogging after his friend and teammate. 
Once the two of them were finally gone leaving you and your roommate in peace, you visibly relaxed back into the picnic table, elbows leaning against the table top and a sigh left from your parted lips. Maggie’s actions mirrored yours. She shook her head, drawing your attention as she frustratingly ran her fingers through her dark black hair. 
“What did Emily get herself into?” she whispered, eyes once again back on the blonde across the street who herself looked to be getting tired, “You know we were warned about the hockey players and what does she do? Decides to date one. Then she drags us into having to hang around them.” 
You chuckled, now knowing Maggie better than almost anyone else as you had spent the last how many weeks together straight. You knew when she was genuinely pissed off or actually bothered. Though her words were nothing short of being annoyed and angry at Emily, her tone gave away that it was not as serious as it seemed. “To be fair, I was the one who pushed her on that date with Geoff and let’s be reminded that all of this is only happening because you wanted us to rush.” 
“You’re right,” she groaned, “This whole thing is on us and we are the sole cause of having to deal with Geoff Warburton and Marcus Jackson.” 
“It’s not all that bad. Geoff’s kind of nice and I mean Deja and Kiara said he is the best choice if she were to be with someone from the team.” 
“Yeah, except I don’t trust him. Look, we can’t deal with Em getting hurt right now. We have to stay focused on the plan,” Maggie explained. 
“Yeah, I know,” you mumbled out, looking over at Emily to find her waving off the last car in the line. As soon as it was gone, her welcoming over cheery smile was gone and her exhaustion came out for anyone close enough to see. 
Your head snapped back over to Maggie as you heard her cuss loudly. She stared down at her phone clutched tightly into her palms. You peered curiously over her shoulder, “What? What is it?” 
“Becca texted me, I’m next,” she said as she turned her phone for you to read the text. 
“Tonight at 1, teepee the Gamma Gamma Sigma sorority house.” 
It was Thursday, the weekend was looming and things were closing in on you. Every single pledge had gotten their task and went through with it. Every single one of the six pledges had gotten a text, gotten through what they were being forced to do and were accepted into the sorority with open arms, except for you. You were the last one standing, the one left waiting for her task. Waiting and worrying about the humiliation that would come with that text and whatever it would say. They only did get worse just like Marcus had said and by Wednesday when you were officially deemed the last pledge he laughed in your face. 
On the first day, Emily set up a car wash in nothing but a bikini. That night, Maggie tee-peed another less popular sorority house. The next night Deja egged the least liked professor’s car. Then on Wednesday, Hana had to set up a kissing booth. Hours later that night while at a football game, Kiara had to run out on the field and moon the quarterback. 
It only got worse, which meant what were you going to be made to do. It was Thursday and you were the last one. The week played in your head over and over, all of your friend’s humiliation or almost getting into trouble flying around your mind. How they felt and how they all got in and now were a part of the sorority. It was all bringing anxiety into your life, in a way you hadn’t felt in years. You were terrified and beyond scared about a one sentence text you were waiting to get from a college girl. 
All of this happened to be on your mind as you sat in your Cellular and Molecular Biology class that morning. You needed above all to pay attention if you had any hope of passing the next lab but all you could think about was hockey players, roommates, and horrifying sorority sisters. You were thinking about how stressful it was which only made you more stressed the more you thought about it. It didn’t help that you got a text from Kiara in the group chat saying that there were videos and pictures of her pulling her pants down at the game floating around online. Your class no longer was of as importance as your worry trumped it easily. 
Finally, as the time seemed to pass the professor dismissed the class. Jumping from your seat, you desperately weaved your way through the crowd towards the door. You were running on three hours of sleep and one cup of coffee and were sure that whatever Becca had planned you wouldn’t be ready. A jumbled mess, more texts began to flood in. Emily. Maggie. Kiara. Deja. Hana. You needed to get to your dorm room, as it had become your safe haven from the campus and the world. You would calm down as soon as you were in that room and you could unplug from this college massacre. 
As another text came in from Hana complaining about how her bottom lip had gotten cut from kissing the president of the chess club, you began to pick up your pace into a fast walk. The sun was lingering through the clouds and the wind was hitting you in the face which eased the slight panic attack building in your chest. You were glancing up and down from the sidewalk to your phone as you tried to respond to the texts with your notebooks slipped between your side and elbow. 
You were not paying attention as your mind was locked onto the phone screen in your hand and each terrifying sentence sent in from your friends. Each getting worse by the second. Suddenly, walking with your phone out seemed just as damaging as out of nowhere you collided straight into someone else like an intersection crash.
Notebooks went flying in the air, loose pieces of paper flew out. They floated slowly down, raining over you as your notebooks slapped against the sidewalk at your feet. Sighing, sadly, you shoved your phone into your pocket and dropped to your knees. Hands dancing for all of your stuff, you were trying desperately to catch your breath. 
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” you sputtered out as you reached for your scattered notes. 
The vibrating from your phone had quickly became ignored and every text disappeared from your head-space as the sound of a bag dropping to the ground let out a loud thud, startling you. Glancing over at the black duffel bag, you felt a sudden intake of breath as the person crouched to help pick up your mess. “Don’t worry about it. It’s all good.” 
Just like that, other things were thrusted in your line of sight, making your head spin and shake with all new thoughts. You were no longer worried and on the verge of having an all out panic attack. Your breath was cut short for a whole different ray of reasons and as he spoke, it felt like you would never be able to release the breath you were holding. 
You were frozen, unable to move, or think as he continued to pick up your jumbled and barely legible written notes. His head was tilted down, focused on the task at hand but would spare you a glance here and there which only made your stomach lurch up into your chest. You were already a mess way before and he was not making things better in the slightest. Your head was a mess itself so trying to talk or have a conversation at this point was borderline impossible. 
The hockey player was dressed in the same white hoodie that he wore weeks ago, his name and number printed on the back. That familiar red flush to his skin was nowhere to be seen like you had seen it at the rink and up close you had to agree with Kiara that he was completely gorgeous. She wasn’t wrong and after so long not wanting to admit it, you knew she was right. It was the way, his hair even when it didn’t look brushed seemed styled and didn’t have a stray of hair out of place. Or how he had a small scar on his cheek that seemed less like a flaw and more like a perfection. Or how the gold chain he wore around his neck and tucked into his shirts was now revealed to be a St. Christopher pendant. 
There were so many more things you could name in your dizzy state but you were having an issue focusing on saying them as his eyes, his warm almost golden eyes flicker up at you. His long eyelashes brushed his cheeks with each time he looked back down to his hands where he continued to pick up your shit, that you had dropped upon you running into him because you weren’t paying attention where you were going… again. That single ‘S’ shaped curl fell across his forehead. Except this time, it appeared a little shorter making you wonder if he got a haircut.
You were staring and it was evident as he had picked up the last of your notebooks and met your gaze. He wasn’t even surprised to find you already looking at him and as his warm brown orbs found yours, that aching knee-weakening smile appeared on his face. The kind that will make your body tingle every single time and your brain to malfunction and turn to mush. As you saw that smile, up close, in person, and directed at you, it snapped you back into reality. This was Shawn Mendes. 
He wasn’t just some cute guy on campus you stumbled across. He wasn’t a nobody. He was the guy. A somebody. His face was littered across campus on every poster and sign you saw. He was the star who scored the winning goal at the Frozen Four last year. His figure alone demanded attention. He was the frat boy at the party who had all the girls’ attention and usually took one home at the end of the night. He was known as Becca Bradley’s main hookup and forever dream man. He wasn’t just a normal guy as much as you wished he was. And above all things, he was the only man on campus you wished and dreaded to eventually meet because you knew like everyone else you would fall for him and that damn smile. 
Blinking, you snapped yourself out of the impending staring contest and lingering silence. You stood up from the ground, clearing your throat and wiping the dirt from your leggings. At the sight, you internally groaned because on this certain day you wore a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie. Your hair was tangled and falling out of the makeshift bun you made quickly this morning at the back of your head. You couldn’t bother with makeup or a mint after your coffee and knowing that the guy was in front of you, you felt very self-conscious. 
Shawn grabbed a pen that had fallen out from your notebook and handed you the materials as he stood up. You visibly gulped as you noticed him now looming over you. He was tall, so much taller than you expected, now that he was in front of you. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled, glancing around the two of you to see so many people staring at the interaction. 
All of a sudden you became very aware of how many eyes were on you. As Shawn Mendes, captain of the hockey team, was seen talking to some girl who wasn’t either Becca or anyone remotely known around here. A freshman instead. It seemed whatever these people were doing, whether it was walking, or sitting and studying or just minding their own business became a thing of the past. They were focused on you, now. Waiting and watching to see if anything happens because god forbid they miss Shawn have a conversation with any girl on campus. 
“Yeah, you okay?” 
He looked you over carefully from your scattered appearance to your wandering gaze at everyone around you. The anxiety in your eyes had heightened to a whole other level and he could see it. Taking a step forward, he bent forward enough until your gaze snapped back into his direction. Once his golden orbs became what you focused on, you relaxed slightly but not enough to ignore the scratching stares on your back. 
You cleared your throat, your next sentence coming out small and quiet, “Uh, yeah. I’m okay.” 
He was still smiling as he bent over and picked up the duffel bag from the ground. He swung it over his shoulder, eyes never leaving you. Hugging the books to your chest, you were squeezing them so tight, your knuckles were turning white. Your head was pulsing and it suddenly felt like two worlds colliding that shouldn’t be. 
“I’m Shawn, by the way,” he grinned as he scratched at the back of his neck, that pink tint returning to his cheeks suddenly, taking you by surprise, “I didn’t know if you knew that or not but uh yeah.” 
For once, since the week had started a giggle had slipped from your lips and from all of the people it was because of him. It still couldn’t process in your mind that after weeks you were finally talking to him and that you were officially meeting him. It just seemed so weird because he had always been in arms length but you could never reach each other. The timing was never right and now by chance you had just ran into him. The world worked mysteriously and quietly and you weren’t entirely sure with how you felt about this action they pulled. 
“I knew,” you nodded, that smile seeming to be permanently imprinted on your lips in front of him, “I’m Y/N.” 
“You’re a pledge right? For ADPi? I’ve seen you around,” as soon as he began he became a stuttering mess and you were confused if this was actually the legendary hockey golden boy of campus or someone else, “Not that I’ve been actively looking for you or anything. That would just be creepy.”
You laughed again, “Right, uh yeah I am a pledge.” 
“How’s that going? I mean it’s Becca so…” he trailed off, shrugging and careful of his words because if you knew who he was, he knew you were probably aware of his involvement with the president of your hopefully soon to be sorority.
“Yeah, it’s uhhh…” just as you went to answer with whatever came to your mind first, your words stopped altogether at the vibrating from your phone in your pocket. It had gone quiet for a while but now it was picking up again as the girls never knew to shut up. You sent him an apologetic smile as you reached into your pocket and took it out. 
How the universe liked to pick their moments, you thought. As you stared at that screen, you realized that your bad luck and not been all dished out yet and that God was still saving some to give to you at random. It was convenient that was the only thing you could think as you stared at that text message. Your demeanor had gone back to worried and anxious and a physical mess. That smile, that soft smile you had been unable to get rid of and suddenly seemed reserved for the frat boy in front of you was gone. Your reality had been kicked straight back into your face and you wished that you could go back to sleep in a place where Shawn Mendes was nervous around you and Becca Bradley did not exist. 
You couldn’t look away from the message and your throat had suddenly become very dry. Your mouth parted slightly and you were convinced the world was ending and that there was no way you could pull this off. “I uh, I’m sorry but I have to go.” 
Even as you were on the verge from running away from him, he still smiled that damn large beautiful smile and it made your stomach clench all at once with one look. Suddenly, that shy college guy had turned back into, with the flick of a magic wand, what you expected him to be. He smirked that signature arrogant look and he casually slipped his hands into his pockets. “No, you go. I get it. Becca calls and you run. It’s the drill.” 
Silently, you sent him a look of gratitude though you didn’t appreciate his cocky response whatsoever but you couldn’t worry about it at that moment. Just as you slipped past him though, your name once again echoed into your ears, and it was coming from his lips. “Y/N!” 
You looked shyly over your shoulder, still consumed with worry and doubt to face that smirk and those gorgeous eyes. He nodded softly and in a single look that smirk dropped into the softest smile you had ever seen, “I’ll see you around.”
The only thing you could muster was your own smile as your heart had been pushed from your chest into your throat making you unable to speak. You shared one more look before you turned and continued to make your way to your destination; your dorm. Even though you could barely fathom that you had finally met Shawn Mendes it did not compare to what you were feeling now as that one sentence alone was now going through your head on repeat. 
STEAL sophomore hockey captain Shawn Mendes’ boxers without getting caught…
“Y/N, just take a few deep breaths for me, okay. Everything is going to be fine. Right Mags?” 
Emily looked desperately to Maggie for help as they stood in the doorway of the closet to find you sat underneath the clothing rack, your head put in between your legs. Your breathing was scattered and uneven and they weren’t sure how long you had been in there as they had found you when they walked in.
“Y/N, you’re going to be fine. This is nothing we can’t handle,” Maggie said, staring down at you intently.
You sniffled and lifted your head to face your two friends. Emily’s eyes screamed worry as Maggie waited patiently. Tears filled your waterline as finally after weeks from being away from home, everything was finally setting in and you were beyond overwhelmed. You shook your head wiping the water from your eyes before they could fall down your face. 
“Nothing, we can’t handle, you’re joking right?” you laughed sadly, “How am I supposed to steal his boxers? Anyone have any ideas because I am the clumsiest and loudest person. Nothing about me screams stealth ninja. Which means, I’ll get caught and he is going to think I am some weirdo and tell all of his friends. I will then become the laughing stock of the whole school.” 
“At least, we’ll all be getting laughed at together,” Maggie shrugged. 
You stared at her silently, a small glare evident in your eyes. Emily glanced between the two of you before she dropped to her knees and rubbed your arm softly and comfortingly, “What she is trying to say is that none of what any of us had to do was easy. We were all forced to do these things we didn’t want to do and we all are getting made fun of because of it.” 
“Yeah, in case, you forgot Emily was basically naked and cleaning strangers cars. And Kiara showed her butt to the quarterback in front of most of the school and Hana kissed all the guys from the chess team twice. We’re all embarrassed and we’re all getting laughed at,” Maggie tried again, sinking down to sit on your other side, her back leaning against the closet door, “And this is all because of Becca which means we haven’t gone this far for you to back out and ruin everything. I almost got in serious trouble for this so let’s stand up and pull ourselves together and do this because I know that you can.” 
Taking in a deep breath, you closed your eyes and sniffled one more time, letting for the first time all day your anxiety slip away. When your eyes fluttered back open, you nodded with a soft smile which brought one on each of your friends’ faces. Maggie’s quickly grew into a huge grin, one where her eyes squinted and her dimples showed. You had yet to have seen one so big. 
Sending you a wink, she clapped her hands together, “Okay, so now that we have that settled we need to get you ready. If you are going to be going on a black op. mission, that means you also need to dress the part.” 
“Oh god, what do you have in mind?”
She didn’t respond but only wiggled her eyebrows up and down. 
Hours later, at dark, the three of you found yourself making your way back over to the sorority house as Becca demanded to see you beforehand which was different from what she had done with the other five pledges. After all, you were the last one though. You were feeling better since earlier that day when you previously had gotten the text. Once Maggie and Emily had given you a pep talk, you realized that you couldn’t go into this thinking you couldn’t do it or that you weren’t going to be able to do it. You had to go into this being positive and doing everything you can to make it possible to steal those boxers. 
Your confidence had come on quickly and as promised Maggie wanted you to look the part. Putting on a pair of black leggings and black long sleeve shirt, you suddenly felt like you looked the part. Your hair was pulled tightly into a sleek high ponytail and there were two smeared lines of eye black under your eyes, reminding you of the softball days. At first you protested, knowing that Becca was going to make fun of you but as you left you decided to not give a shit because all that mattered was that you proved her wrong and got through this final task of initiation. 
Entering into the house, you found the girls littered out into the living room, no doubt waiting for you. Stepping in, you stiffened up. You crossed your arms over your chest and stood with your head held high. Maggie and Emily stood off to the side from you grinning like two proud parents. As for the other three pledges, they were busy getting their stuff ready to move into the house and once you told Maggie that Becca had texted you, it was getting sent out into the group chat ASAP. They were sending wishes of luck and love your way from across campus. 
The sorority girls’ attention finally fell to you and their phones and boring conversations had quickly been forgotten. Some of them laughed, unable to control themselves while others whispered. Becca appeared from down the hallway, dressed in her typical attire. Short skirt and cropped shirt. Heels on her feet, clicking against the tiled floor, though there was no one there besides her sisters to judge on what shoes were on her feet. 
As soon as her eyes fell on you though, a loud laugh bursted from her mouth, “Oh wow, this is too good. I knew I had given you the right task. Love the outfit.” 
Taking in a deep breath, you let it out as your arms fall slowly to your sides, “Okay, so what else is there?” 
Her head tilted to the side innocently as her manicured fingers folded together over her stomach, “What do you mean?” 
“Well, you called me here so I have to believe there is more to this than just having to steal Shawn Mendes’ boxers. So what is it?” 
“Oh, honey, no,” she waved you off as another icy giggle made its way from her lips into the air, “I just wanted to come with and watch. Each pledge gave me some sort of show and secretly this has been the one I have been waiting for. I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it.” 
It was late, dark, and the sun was no longer looming over campus. Your pulse quickened and your palms were dripping in sweat as you stared up at the three story house. The window was left cracked open and you watched as the breeze swayed the white curtains from side to side. This was insane and beyond anything you had ever done but you knew it was unavoidable. If you wanted to get into Alpha Delta Pi, it had to be done. 
You could feel the lingering eyes of the sorority girls as they crouched behind a line of bushes and you internally cursed. Emily had to set up a car wash by herself, Maggie had to teepee another sorority house, and those both sounded better than this; standing in front of frat boy central, forced to steal sophomore and hockey player Shawn Mendes’ boxers
You almost couldn’t breathe properly and everything was hitting you at once as you finally had a minute to process the whole thing. Even then as you stared up at the brick house and the lights that illuminated from inside, you knew you could do this. You weren���t sure but you were pretty sure. After all, what was this? Really? How much of this was going to decide your future or even matter in the next five years. The answer was nothing. It would mean nothing. Instead, it all just felt like a game, a shrivel in time that seemed completely irrelevant against the bigger and more important moments in life. 
There was no way you weren’t going to do it. You knew it as you stared up at the slightly cracked window and were aware of your two friends behind you. It was maybe not going to matter in a year or maybe even now but that wasn’t going to stop you. Not even the exhaustion or the emotional wreckage would keep you from getting inside that house. Almost a month into the semester and you were drowning yourself. 
Shaking your head to rid all of your thundering thoughts, you squeezed your fists together and decided to say fuck it! Taking a deep breath, you darted forward without so much as looking behind you at the girls hidden in the bushes. Tiptoeing forward along the side of the house, you hopped up and over the short fencing that led to the backyard. You landed softly in the grass on the other side and suddenly, you were on high alert. Hugging the wall as you walked, your eyes were darting everywhere from the backyard to behind you as you now felt like you were on the verge of being caught. 
The large backyard was empty besides the trash cans full of beer cans, the white fold out table used for ping pong, and the bonfire pit. No, Pi Kappa Alpha boy was in sight and it eased your worries somewhat. Sliding around the corner, the back of the house came in view exactly with one sliding door and three possibly unlocked windows. You took a risk and headed for the glass sliding door and peered in. The basement was carpeted with leather couches, a bar, and a pool table. As for the large room, there wasn’t a person in sight. Grabbing at the outside handle, you sighed with relief as it gave away when you pulled and it opened slowly. Once the opening was large enough, you slid in and pulled it shut behind you as quietly as you could. 
You looked left and right before you began to make your way slowly across the lit room to the staircase and walked up them. The door at the top of the steps was left open and ajared. Leaning forward, you stuck your head out to again be met with a silent hallway, lights all on and not a voice or other person heard. 
Your nerves had returned and the hair was sticking up straight on the back of your neck as you stepped into the hallway. It was short as on one side led to a kitchen where there were uncleaned counters and the sink was full with dirty plates. On the other side there was a bathroom and a bedroom or two. Checking once more that those rooms were clear and didn’t appear to be the hockey captain’s, you walked forward and the hallway brought you straight out into the front living room which was the first thing seen when you entered through the front door. 
Just like the basement it was littered with a few nice but slightly torn up couches and a big screen TV. Empty cans and cups were left scattered across the coffee table and there were random articles of clothing tossed around the room. Your nose scrunched up in the air as you finally took notice of the musty and suffocating smell that appeared when a bunch of boys decided to live together in a barely cleaned house. Another staircase caught your eye right next to the front door that led upwards to not doubt the third and final floor of the house and where the remainder of the bedrooms were. You cracked out a smile as you made your move for them. 
Before you could even make it to the first step though, the front door opened. Panic appeared on your face and your eyes widened like saucers as two voices filled the otherwise quiet room. Just as it swung open, you dropped to the floor behind a large L-shaped black couch. 
“Dude, why did Mendes have to schedule another evening practice? We already had three this week,” the first guy said, the voice unrecognizable to you.
The other one responded quickly as the sound of two bags being dropped onto the hardwood floor echoed in the room, “I don’t know because whatever captain says it goes. At least it’s over and we’re the first one’s home because I want a shower.” 
“I want a pizza, should I order one?” the first one asked. 
“Fuck yeah.” 
Crawling to the right end of the couch, you peeked from behind it to see the two hockey players' backs as they headed for the back hallway you had come from initially. They were sweaty and practically limping showing just how exhausted they were from being pushed day in and day out by their team captain a week before official practices were set to start. Once they disappeared from sight, you glanced back at the front door to see no other hockey players appear and knew this was your chance. Standing, you darted for the stairs and climbed them quickly and as you hit the top step you heard the door fly open again and a chorus of more voices filled the house. 
A loud gasp ripped through your throat as you heard a few pairs of footsteps following you up the stairs. Your head began to snap back and forth at each doorway you saw on either side struggling to pick one to go through. You stumbled down the hallway until you grabbed at the knob of the last door on the left. With one push on the door, you were falling into the dark room so out of breath as the voices only seemed to get closer from the staircase. You couldn’t recognize who the players were and weren’t worried about it as you were solely focused on running and not getting caught. 
Peering through the dark, you were able to piece together the room from the large queen sized unmade bed to the desk pushed against the opposite wall and an additional door to the room’s very own bathroom. Stepping forward your foot suddenly caught on something sending you tumbling to the ground. You mentally cursed as a loud thud sounded in the room meaning whoever stood on the other side of the door and in the hallway would have heard. Face smooshed into the carpet, your fingers touched lazily at the object you tripped over which happened to be a small pile of laundry. Through the dark, your fingers traced over what appeared to be a t-shirt and as you squinted, you were able to see the familiar number eight and Mendes written across the back of it. 
By chance you had stumbled into the right room and then of course tripped and fell, but at least you were in the right room. Then with the amount of clothes scattered along the floor that meant there had to have been a pair of boxers somewhere. You freeze though as fast as you had fallen, the fabric of the t-shirt threaded in between your fingers as the sound of the door handle being turned set off an alarm in your head. Then when the light clicked on, you crawled and crawled for dear life until you were under the bed. 
The shirt was still clutched tightly in your fist and you were holding your breath as the voice you had heard hours ago for the first time once again filled your ears. “I think that was a good practice. Do you think that was a good practice?” 
The second voice turned out to be just as familiar as the first and you couldn’t help but smile knowing exactly who it was. Geoff. “Yeah, except for the fact half of the guys almost passed out on the ice.” 
“Okay, my bad,” Shawn sighed as that duffel bag he had been carrying earlier was dropped onto the ground right next to the bed. Your eyes followed it before they went back to the two pairs of feet in the room. “Man, I just want to have a good season. I don’t mean to be THAT captain but I just-” 
“No, no I get it. You don’t have to explain. I want to have a good season too.” 
“Thanks, Geoff. So...” Shawn clapped his hands together before changing the subject all together, “How’s things going with Emily?” 
You swear you could hear the smile in Geoff’s voice when he talked which gave away truly how crazy he was over your friend, “Great, amazing, I don’t know. Dude, she’s just... I don’t know. I really like her.” 
“I’m happy for you, man! You deserve it.” 
“Thanks, except I might have to have a word with Becca though. I mean what she made Em do was crazy and humiliating,” Geoff snapped his voice rising slightly at the end.
The hockey captain chuckled slightly, “Well what did you expect? It was the same way last year for the pledges and she will do it again to the ones next year. That’s just how she is.” 
“Yeah, but still Emily just isn't like Becca or the other girls. Neither is Y/N or Maggie. I just don’t get why any of them wanted to rush.” 
“Speaking of, I met Y/N today.” 
At the mere mention of your name, your eyes widened and your hand clasped even tighter around the shirt. Your mouth parted slightly, waiting and completely on edge wanting to know what this drop dead gorgeous guy was about to say about you. 
“Shawn!” Geoff warned. 
“I know that look on your face and don’t!” 
“Don’t what,” Shawn said, laughter heard in the simple two words he said. 
“Do what you always do. Okay, she’s not like every other girl you get involved with,” Geoff explained and in that moment there was nothing you wished more than to see the look on either of their faces as they spoke, “Y/N is nice and one of Emily’s best friends, so stay out of her pants.” 
Was Geoff seriously being protective of you? It sounded like it and suddenly everything you had thought about him; being a hockey player and frat boy meant he couldn’t be boyfriend material. Or that he was just using Emily. Or that he was built like all of his friends. All of that disappeared because in that sole moment you knew that he was a good one. Geoff Warburton was a good guy and deep down more than anything you hoped that Shawn Mendes was too. 
“Yeah, Geoff I know Y/N is different and you’re so right. Even with just meeting her I realized she isn’t anything like Becca or any of those other girls. I don’t know there is just something about her-” 
Your breath was stolen and you knew this was a position you never expected to find yourself in; hiding under the hockey star’s bed as he gushed about you to his best friend and teammate. 
“Which is why you should stay away from her. I have enough to deal with keeping Marcus away from her and I can’t be in charge of you either.” 
“Okay, but honestly, we both know I would be a better option for her over Marcus any day,” he joked. 
“Okay, fine, alright. I’ll stay away from her since you asked me too.” 
Geoff’s feet stepped for the door and a moment of silence passed between them and you were starting to worry that maybe they saw you or they finally remembered the thud they had heard earlier. You were toast. That’s what you thought, but when you thought you were going to be pulled from under the bed with all chances of becoming a sorority member of ADPi being ripped from existence, it never did happen. “Okay, now that we are on the same page. I am going to shower because I need to meet Emily and she won’t like it if I’m late.” 
“Have fun!” Shawn called out as Geoff stepped out of the room and into the hallway, “Do you need any condoms? It’s better to be safe than sorry.” 
“Goodnight Mendes.” 
Shawn laughed, one of those belly laughs that instantly could make anyone else in the room smile and happy. You were trying to hide your own smile from under the bed as his previous words about you were being repeated over and over in your mind. Suddenly, though the task at hand became your focus once again as you heard the door shut and then lock. He walked forward towards the bathroom and the sound of the shower being turned on made you tense up all over again. This was it, you decided as you found no pairs of boxers slipped under the bed or on the floor. Music filled the bathroom, Drake’s voice filing out into the next room. The hockey player spit the words of the song underneath his breath as he kicked off the shoes on his feet. Each one being placed at the bottom of the bed and then one by one his socks. 
The process was painfully slow and you were close to sneezing from the amount of dust bunnies tickling at your nose. You also knew deep down that if you weren’t hidden underneath his bed and you were there able to watch the show, it would be less painful. Instead, you had to imagine what each sight was when a new article of clothing was stripped off. When the sight of his sweaty practice t-shirt hit the ground, you had to fight a groan from slipping out because of how much you wanted to peek your head out and look. 
It became even harder as that shirt was joined by his sweatpants. You were starting to count the seconds of how long it took him just to slip off those boxers and by the time you got to five they were at his ankles. He kicked them off his feet and the black Calvin Klein boxers were left near the rest of his discarded clothes. 
A small smile lifted at the corners of your mouth because of how close you were to pulling this off. That smile dropped quickly though and your jaw hit the floor as he moved away from the bed to the bathroom where you were able to see his full backside. His curls were fluffed up and at each step, you could see the way his back muscles rippled and tightened. Not to mention his ass, oh god, you swear you were close to drooling. Athletes and guys who worked out really did have the best butts. 
As he pulled back the shower curtain and stepped in, you turned your eyes back to the prize sat right before you. Shawn Mendes’ boxers. This was it, you decided. Sliding out from beneath the bed, you hopped to your feet and snatched up the black thin fabric. Bunching it into your hands, you made a beeline for the partially cracked window in his room, knowing you wouldn’t be able to face trying to go back downstairs to the sliding door. Plus, you remembered seeing a ladder leaned up against the side of the house up to the roof. Your escape plan was now put into motion. Glancing back over your shoulder one more time to make sure he was still safely in the shower, you slowly pulled up the window enough for you to climb out. 
You stepped out onto the roof and moved slowly towards the side where you remember where the ladder was sat. Except when you peered over to where it was initially standing you found it nowhere to be seen. You looked over to where the girls had been standing before behind the line of bushes to see they were no longer there. Not even Maggie or Emily was there. You knew that Becca must have taken the ladder because there was no way it had just disappeared. She wanted to make this as hard as possible for you and was set on you failing which only made you determined in the end. 
Taking in a breath to resettle yourself, you began to move around the top of the roof to try and find a second escape route. You didn’t know how long you had been up there for but as you tried to sneak past Shawn’s window again, you jumped as you found him standing in his room, towel hung low around his hips and staring at his phone. You suddenly couldn’t move, unable to run as you stared at him, water dripping down his chest and curls pushed back out of his face. He was a daydream and a drop of heaven and you had his boxers in your hands.
You were snapped back into reality as he moved towards the window and he lifted his head. Without thinking you dropped to your stomach but as soon as you landed on the roof you began to roll. Unable to grab onto any of the shingles, you rolled right off the roof and in mere seconds of falling off the three story house into the yard, your hands caught the very edge. 
You hissed as the material scratched at your fingers and your feet swung back and forth. Looking forward, you found yourself hanging right in front of a window on the second level of the kitchen. You peered down to see that ground still seemed so far away, but it became your best bet quickly as one of the boys moved past the window. It was Marcus, and just as he went to look out of it, you let go and dropped. It felt endless and like you were going to die for sure before out of nowhere your feet meet the ground. Your knees bent slightly and from the harsh pressure, your left ankle rolled from under you. 
Collapsing to the ground, pain shot up from the area and you cursed loudly. Your hands reached at the skin feeling it pulsing and already starting to swell. Of course. Bad luck. This was stupid. Stupid. Why did you sign up for this and why would you go through with it?
Rolling your eyes, you took a minute or so before you picked up the pair of boxers on the ground next to you and slowly pulled yourself up. Walking was brutal and you had acquired a limp as pain shot up from your ankle with each step you took. You had risked something so much worse for a pair of boxers and what could only resemble a DARE. If you didn’t get in, you were going to kill Becca for sure. 
The whole walk back to the house felt horrifying and like your foot was being ripped from it’s socket. As you limped up the front sidewalk, you found your two most trusted companions sat on the outside step completely silent. They waited for you, worry shown on their faces. Maggie tapped her foot against the concrete ground while Emily chewed relentlessly on her nails. Both of their heads lifted from their gaze on the ground at the sound of your dragging steps. 
They jumped from their spots on the step as they quickly noticed you struggling to move. Rushing over, Maggie grabbed you by your arm while Emily stared down at your wrecked ankle. “Oh my god, what happened?” 
“Em, I’m okay. I’m fine, I just took a small fall.” 
“A small fall,” Maggie scoffed, “You can barely walk.” 
“Okay,” you half smiled, “It was kind of a big fall.” 
“Look,” Emily started her brows furrowed in that way they did when she was scared, “We wanted to stay until you came out but Becca forced us all to come back and when we tried to stay she said she would automatically just end your rushing process.” 
“No, no, it’s all good, but I’m guessing she was the one who moved the ladder that was on the side of the house.” 
“Uh, yeah,” Emily cringed, “We’re sorry.” 
“No, seriously, Em it’s okay I understand.” 
Maggie rolled her eyes and butted in once she knew you were alright, “Well?” 
“Well,” you repeated her word, putting on your best poker face. 
“Did you get them?” 
A large smile tugged at your lips revealing your teeth as a small giggle slipped out, “Damn straight, I got them.” 
Revealing the pair of boxers you were hiding from behind your back the other two girls squealed and pulled into a bone crushing hug. You had done it. All three of you had successfully faced and passed the god-awful tests that came with Becca Bradley and you were oozing with pride for yourself. High school you would have never been able to do something like that. You would have blushed, denied such an offer, and gone back to reading your books. Here you were though, even with a swollen ankle you were smiling and genuinely happy. 
After a few minutes, Maggie and Emily pulled away from the hug and helped you up the front steps and into the house. Laughter echoed from the living room and as you slowly made your way into the full room, it all became silent. Becca was sitting in a white chair facing the doorway and when her eyes met yours, she quirked an eyebrow curiously. Her slow gaze scanned you from head to toe. From the grass sticking to your knees to the way your leg buckled from simply standing. 
“Oh, you’re back,” she smiled, it was fake. 
“Yeah, thanks for waiting by the way,” you replied, unable to hide your annoyance or glare. 
“Well, we weren’t going to wait all night for you. Which reminds me so?” 
Unfolding the black boxers in your hand, you held them up to her and sent a proud smirk her way, “I’ve got your boxers.”
Glancing to Maggie and then Emily on either side of you, you found them looking at you the same way. Excitement gnawing on them on the inside as they tried to hide it with their smiles aimed towards you. Your attention though was brought back to the sorority president though as she tutted softly. 
“Mhmm, there’s just one thing though.” 
“One thing?” you asked, a frown lacing over your lips. 
“Where’s your proof?” she raised a hand and a few of the other sorority girls nodded in agreement as they found amusement in the current situation, “I mean, how do I know these aren’t from one of the other player’s? How do I know you didn’t just pick up a random pair once you walked in. Where’s your proof that these are actually Shawn Mendes’ boxers.” 
You clicked your tongue along the roof of your mouth, trying to hide the feeling of wanting to run her over with a bus. Instead, you pulled a sickening grin on your face and aimed the back seam on the boxers towards her. You had her right where you wanted her and this time you were destined to win. It made it so much sweeter that her face screamed success. 
Like she had outsmarted you as she had done to so many others but under all that confidence you knew she was scared. There was a crack seen behind her smirk and her entitlement. She was actually worried that you had come out on top of her. Letting a second pass as the tension prickled at your skin, you hummed and thrusted the piece of clothing in her direction. And at your next sentence, her facade crumpled to pieces. 
“How about the fact that there is a number eight written on the back tag in sharpie.” 
a/n: let me know if you wanted to be added or removed from the taglist. 
taglist: @particularnarry​ @magicalmugshepherdpony​ @probablyshouldbesleeping​ @gamma-xi-delta​ @imbjapan​ @itrocksmysocks​ @thatkidwhodreams​ @fandomlolzor​ @wwyitm-mendes​ @brook1232​ @fanstories​ @burkylover​ @badreputationlove​ ​ @imsuperawkward @bubbashawn @shawnsreputation​ @littlebabymendes​ @avsensio​ @bluebellwoods​
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jennadrawsandgames · 3 years
Don’t Go Alone - A Creepypasta OC Story
Before I get into the story, I want to tell you all that this is an original character I created. A story told in a different person’s perspective. Other than that, I hope you enjoy.
I’ve never expected that this town was the heart of missing people. Just the other day, a report of three middle school children went missing. I was fazzing out whenever the news reports talked about the children, and their names. I mean, they didn’t matter. I’m not some type of investigator or police officer. I’m just an average teacher at the prep school downtown that opened just months ago. If I needed to know the children’s names, then I would care. Besides, their just about to become high schoolers. They can take care of themselves.
“Mr. Johnson, the principal was hoping to see you.” Katie, my TA told me as she dropped the class phone, snapping me out of a minor transition.
“Oh, okay. Thank you Katie.” I replied to the high schooler.
She looked kinda disappointed in me when I was just leaving the empty classroom. It’s like she’s missing something. I brushed it off so I can focus on what’s coming to me now.
The empty halls filled with lost papers of homework, little doodles, and missing papers of students. Just having the feeling I’m missing something myself. It must’ve been the coffee from this morning.
I managed to get into the office to meet with the principal, but everyone seemed to be depressed over something. It’s just washing over everyone. I just see the man waiting for me in the doorway like always.
“Good morning Johnson.”
“G-good morning sir.” I just felt so hesitant when the words came out of my mouth.
“Come in. I need to chat with you for a moment.”
He let me into the office. It was just filled with many papers of bills and missing papers of students and some teachers over the last few months. You can’t even see his desk with all of these papers from worried parents and government officials and complaints of how unsafe the school can be from the amount of people going missing.
“You must be wondering why I wanted you in my office.” William Woodrow gave me a grin hoping for the response I’ll give back.
“I was sir. You called me while I was preparing for my English classes with my TA when you called.” I replied back still feeling worried on where this conversation is going.
“Look, we’re not getting a good reputation with all these complaints of missing children and one of our own students going on a homiside just in October. I also looked into your resimay and your were in the army. Aren’t I correct Johnson?”
“Whoa-wait. What does being part of the military 4 years ago have to deal with being a teacher?”
“We need your help to find those missing children. I hate the school getting a bad reputation because the parents are coming to me instead of the government about their children.”
“Sir, I don’t want to look back into my military past. I never wanted to speak about it ever again. Please just let me be the thing I wanted to be-.”
“That’s why I’m not giving you an option. You do what you’re told to do, and you’ll do it.”
I went silent when he stated that to me.
“That’s what a thought. You and some other teachers will begin the search tonight, 7 pm. You’re the only one who knows how to use a gun, so you’ll be leading the group. I hope to see good results from you like always.”
I started to leave the room since that was the only thing he needed me for. My question is why Principal Woodrow making me and other teachers be a search party? Most of these children could be faking of going missing just to make is an excuse to not do school. I only signed up to become a teacher after leaving my past life behind. The tactics they’re teaching in the Army were very sketchy like we’re going for war against each other. I’m just a black individual trying to live a better life, not make it worse for myself.
The day continued on like how it should be, but I can’t get that thought out of my head. The principal has now gone insane. I just had to accept this offer. I need this job. If I lose the job, I lose everything. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.
It’s about 6:30 pm when some other teachers started to arrive at the meeting point. Most of them will back out of it and lie about the search. They eventually left at 7:00 out of the fact there’s no use to it. I went into the entrance of the woods all by myself. It sucked to not have others around me for support.
“Pussies. They pretend to be something they aren’t. Just man up and we’ll find out the truth.” I told myself since nobody was around.
The entrance to the woods is gone even from not making that much progress in. It gave me the chills to see only trees and freshly made foot prints from last night. This must’ve been where those children went.
It’s been getting darker, almost pitch-black. It feels like forever since I last entered in. Especially how I still found nothing. I was at the point of giving up when I found a stench coming from around the area. It smelled like flesh being cut opened just recently. I stepped onto a log, but it felt so squishy? The stench grew stronger the more I stepped onto these logs.
I looked down to see exactly what I was stepping on and was shocked. These weren’t logs at all. These were the children that went missing last night. I was so shocked that I couldn’t move at all. Fear just swallowed me up whole.
“You know, it’s funny to say for a man like you to be a fucking wimp and stand up for yourself.” A voice giggled around me.
“Who-who’s there? I got a gun and I’m not afraid to use it!”
“Andrew Johnson. English teacher at Pacific Prep. A private educational school for middle schoolers and high schoolers. It sucks how shady the government is to use students from that school as extermination weapons.”
“The fuck you’re talking about and how do you know my name?”
“That’s a secret for another day, if you can last. Everyone knows not to enter into my woods alone, or at least my father’s woods.”
I shine my phone’s flashlight around, hoping to find where the voice is coming from. This has to be a student prank.
“Show me your fucking face you bitch!”
“Aw.. You called me a bitch. Such an insult from a ‘holy man’ like you. You can say I’ve known you for a while now. Just hiding behind a mask.”
I managed to finally find some movement of a girl wearing one of the school’s uniforms? Half her face was covered with a mask that’s covered in blood. The worst part was how bloody the uniform was. I can see her holding a pistol of some kind. It was a custom made pistol.
“Uh oh.. You found me~.”
“G-get away you monster!”
She jumped down from the trees cocking the pistol up. I felt so defenseless when I met eye-to-eye.
“Who are you?”
“You can say I died in October, but never did. You can say the one who helped the government kill protesters that were fighting for their rights. You can also say I’m the girl who was falsely accused for many fights I’ve never started before getting suspended for breaking a bitches’ nose.”
“Evelyn Brooks? Holy shit. How are you alive?”
“I never died. I only escape. They thought I was the mouse, but I was really the cat with the mouse in my hands. Well bummer that you now know a lot. I could keep you alive, but that would never be fun.”
She didn’t answer my question. Well she did, but why like that? I just realized I still have my gun fully loaded, so I can get back alive. I quickly aimed at her arm and tried to shoot her, but she was already gone.
“Oh now we’re playing. Only one gets out alive.” Her voice rings inside my head as my hands gripped right onto the gun barrel. That’s when I felt a sharp object hit my back. I turned around to see nothing, but it happened again.
Shit, she’s too fast. I don’t even know where she is anymore. I need to think to get out alive. I’m already losing a lot of blood were also too deep in for anyone to hear a person. I just grabbed the gun and shot around the area hoping to hit the girl.
I ran out of ammo just at my second turning. This became bad, to worse. From at top, I see the girl firing shots at me. She was only grazed by some of the bullets, but nothing else. I was in complete shock how this girl survived that without being badly hurt. She definitely knows what she’s doing which makes it the worst part of it. She shot 5 times and all of the bullets hit me in my arms and legs. It just hurts to move anymore and dropped to the ground on top of the dead children’s bodies.
“You know, that wasn’t a bad fight you put up. The first one to manage a hit onto me. And I don’t go by ‘Evelyn Brooks.’ I go by Eve.” She says as she shoots the final bullet into my head and rips the knives out of my back. My body lies there as everything goes black.
“This is the daily news for today. This morning police officers found 4 bodies known to be the 3 children that went missing and the fourth one being the man of Andrew Johnson. A teacher for Pacific Prep. Before he was found dead, some teachers saw him enter into the woods near the town around 7:00 pm. He was the only teacher that fully consented to search for the missing children which the school funded a search party to find the students. Police also found a pistol that was there at the crime scene and looked into the gun and saw something they would never expected. Engraved within the gun, ‘Project EVE.’ Were theorizing that this gun to the owner was responsible for the murders of all of those peaceful protesters from October, to December.”
“We also heard about another student that goes to Pacific Prep, Skylar Evans, was considered dead by the government. Before she went missing last month, she was last spotted walking from a small cafe before heading to the school. They claimed to find her dead in the woods as well during the search party that happened earlier this morning. We’re not sure this is true, so we’ll keep the investigation ongoing. That’s all of the news for today.”
The television turns off with people surrounding the area.
“It’s nice to know you’re back from keeping the people away from our territory.”
“I did find someone hiding that was eating some flesh while I was on my way back. Her name, Skylar Evans, but she would be preferred to be called ‘Patient Ø.’”
“Thank you for the information Eve. We’ll have you get her to us tonight, so we can meet her.”
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seems a bit like an unfair game
Dromophobia - The second phobia I experienced. Basically, I was too scared to cross the street. I feel like this is something that is going to stick with me even though the drug has already worn off.
Again, Hayong here. I’m not going to introduce myself again, you can see it all on the previous post anyways. Yesterday, my father passed away, and a comment stuck out to me. It asked me why I acted so nonchalant about my dad dying, but to be completely honest, I’m still in a state of shock. How would you feel if you just experienced absolute fear for the first time. I was not myself, and even when I took the second pill this morning, it felt like something else was making me take the pill.
I want to tell you a memory I had when I was a child before showing you my log from the next phobia.
When I was twelve, I started to go through a rebellious phase. I would refuse to do my homework, I would lash back at my mother when she would yell at me, and homework was the last priority on my list. My mother would lose her temper sometimes and take me to a dead-end street and grab the soft parts of my body and pinch as hard as she could. Yes, it left bruises, but they were in places people wouldn’t be able to see. I know, it’s abuse, but hell, I don’t blame her. My father went to Korea constantly leaving us behind, and even with the money he would send us, we would barely scrape by month after month. Sorry, got off track a little bit.
I want to tell you why my mother stopped taking me to the dead-end street. She was in the middle of yelling and pinching when we both noticed a man standing behind our car. He looked visibly upset, and my mother quickly straightened herself out and started the engine. She tried backing out of the street when the man ran back to his car and blocked us in. A kid about my age was sitting on the passenger side. The man ran back out of his car and up to my mother’s window. She didn’t even look up at him. I remember being absolutely scared. Although my mother wasn’t the best person in the world, I still loved her and I didn’t want to lose her. I looked back up at the man and noticed his son was standing behind him with the barrel of the hunting rifle placed on the back of his head. Before I could yell anything out, the window was covered with gore. Bits of skull, skin, and brain matter slowly slid down and I threw up in the car.
The kid never ended up going to jail for it. He ended up going to some psychiatric ward. Funny, how memories that I tried to hold down for so long start coming up at the most inconvenient times. I never liked streets after that, and this drug made it even worse.
08:12 - I took the pill as soon as I woke up. I have my alarm set at 8:15 but I always end up waking up a couple of minutes earlier. Still don’t know how I should feel about my father’s death, honestly, one part of me feels like I will never really feel sad about him dying.
08:45 - Huh, I don’t really feel like this pill did anything. I need to pick some stuff up from the store, also, I guess I should go ahead and let my manager know that I need to use the rest of my sick days. I think I have 3 left?
09:12 - Well, the good news is, I figured out what I’m afraid of now. As soon as I walked out of my house and got ready to cross the street an old memory hit me like a tsunami. I’ll tell you what the memory is somewhere on this post. Maybe near the beginning. I still tried taking a step on the street, but as soon as I did, I saw blood everywhere. In the grass, in the streets, on my body, I couldn’t do it. I just ran back inside.
12:48 - I ate some lunch and went into the living room. While I was sitting on the couch, I looked out the window and saw the neighbor from across the street, Ben, walk out of his house. He gave me a wave, but I noticed he was coming over to my house to talk with me. Without a second thought, I ran out of my house and asked him what he wanted. He wanted to pay me back the 20 bucks I loaned him last week. I tried telling him it was okay, but with the bill in his hand, he walked half-way across the street. Suddenly, a loud rumble filled the street, and before I could open my mouth, Ben’s body was obliterated by a speeding truck. I wanted to rush out and see if he was alive, but my body wouldn’t let me. Defeated, I walked back into the house and sat on my couch.
14:12 - I got a call from Max. It was a private number. He only said one thing. “Face the fear, and you have a chance to save lives. If you let the fear take over you, there is a chance that the phobia may never leave.” I managed to squeak out, “okay” before he hung up the phone.
16:28 - I walked on the sidewalk until I got to the other side of the convenience store. I waited for the light to turn green and managed to walk three steps before it felt like I was about to die. Sweat started to drip down my face, my hands started to shake, and my stomach felt like it was ripping out of my midsection. Two guys walked up to me and asked me if I was okay, but I just turned around and walked back onto the sidewalk. I heard screaming coming from behind me, and I quickly turned around and saw one of the guys had a pocket knife in his hand. I didn’t want to watch, but it was the strangest thing. The other guy stopped screaming and slowly walked into the knife. It slowly plunged into his chest, and once the knife was all the way in, he just stepped back out and repeatedly walked into the knife. Around the seventh time, he fell to the ground and remained still. The man holding the knife walked across the street with a blank look on his face and kept walking.
19:07 - I don’t know. I just want this to stop. I don’t know what these pills are, but they have to be the thing causing all of this fucked up shit to happen. I’m taking a bath now, it was hard to get in the bath today. Thoughts of my father’s cracked opened skull keep intruding my mind and I feel like I’m close to giving up, but I know I can’t. I’ve gone too far after taking the first pill. I need to figure out why the fuck people are dying whenever I take these pills. I need to figure out who Max really is.
20:48 - I tried driving, but no. I can’t. It started off with me being afraid of crossing the street, but it’s so much more now. I’m scared of being outside. I’m scared of talking to anyone. I don’t want to see anyone else die.
22:51 - Getting sleepy. Going to bed. Hopefully Max will call me tomorrow and I can try to get some more info out of him. Fuck. Everything seems fake now. Even the thought of having to go to work makes me feel sick to my stomach.
07:34 - Woke up a little extra early today. Checked my phone, but there wasn’t any missed calls or messages. I tried eating breakfast, but I accidentally looked out the window and immediately felt sick. Closing all the curtains now, and waiting till this shit passes.
9:24 - It’s been over 24 hours, but I don’t feel any better. I tried looking out the window, but I couldn’t convince myself to open my eyes. I didn’t want to risk seeing anyone. Max called. He was a little less pleasant this time.
Max: ”I’m sure by now you have realized you’re pretty much screwed right? I mean, you could stop taking the pills, but then you would be losing the only tool to save people’s lives. You may be living in fear, but if you stopped being such a little pussy and pushed through the fear, you would be able to do something about it. Instead, you’re just letting people die. If you ran across the street to your neighbor, neither of you would have died. If you just walked with the two men, you could have stopped the man from killing himself.
Me: ”Can’t you just tell me what is going to happen instead? I can’t keep living like this. The fears aren’t even going away. I can’t leave my house, I can’t look outside, and I’m too scared to even look at anyone. Why can’t you just help”
Max: ”I’m going to cut you off right there. What makes you think I want to help? Like I said, I’m just researching. I just thought if you had even a speck of courage inside of you, you would have been able to save a lot of lives already, but it really is entertaining to watch you squirm in pain as you see people dying left and right. Haaaaa. Save ‘em, let ‘em die. It’s all the same to me. Just try to keep your sanity.”
He hung up after that.
Fucking dick.
I still don’t know what the fuck is going on, and I just feel like no one else does either. In the off chance that you possibly know what is going on, please send me a message. I really do need all of the help I can get. I really do appreciate all of the suggestions in the comments on the previous post, and I hope you guys continue to help me.
Max, if you’re reading this. Fuck You.
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Furious Flying Fur (Lost and Found Arc)
About 2 weeks after their first therapy session, Frisk, Chara, Asgore and even Asriel started feeling a lot better about themselves. Things were starting to look up for them all. Even Toriel's tune changed when she saw that Chara and Frisk stopped harming themselves. Frisk started feeling more confident and stable, and Chara's hatred toward humans ebbed down to a minor annoyance.
Then came one day when the evening rolled around. Toriel was grading Frisk and Chara's assignments from their homeschooling sessions. As she decided to take a break, she saw Frisk and Chara in the living room, sitting next to each other as they watched a bad movie.
"Well, isn't this a fine sight for sore eyes." She said, noticing the couple's sedated moment.
"So, no appointment today?"
"Nope. We're just watching a bad movie together." Frisk said, still staring at the screen.
"Besides, we finished our homework, so we have some free time to just do whatever."
"Well, that is good. Just be sure to come into the kitchen to help me cook dinner when I call for you."
"Sure. Whatever."
"Hey mom, wait." Chara said, realizing Frisk was talking to Toriel.
"Yes, my child?"
"Can we talk?"
"Well, sure. What did you want to talk about?"
"It's about...your former relationship with dad."
Toriel instantly seized up in anger that remained hidden until that moment.
"What...about...your father?" She asked, clenching both her fists.
"I just wanted to ask if you would like come with us on our next appointment so we could really talk about your old flame a little."
"He was never an 'old flame'. He was a whiny little bitch that I raped because he was too fucking spineless to DEFEND HIMSELF BEFORE I LEFT HIS FUCKING ASS!"
Toriel became profane, and she set her left arm on fire. She ignored the flame that danced on her fur.
"He is NOT spineless! He's just a nice person that-"
"Oh, don't give me that bullshit, Chara! You honestly think that's the truth?! The truth is he's a fucking pussy, AND YOU KNOW IT!"
Chara made her creepy face in frustration and anger.
"He...is not... A PUSSY, MOM! You just never treated him like he mattered until it was too late to! Stop trying to act like what happened is all his fault!"
Toriel started to get savage with her language, and she threw in a hint of sarcasm to add insult to injury.
"You know what? You're right. It ISN'T all his fault. It's all YOUR FAULT, YOU FUCKING CRETIN!"
"Excuse me?!"
"No, you're not excused yet. If you hadn't tried to kill yourself like a fucking dumb little cunt, none of this would've happened!"
Chara lost her creepy face and started to cry with anger still present.
"I know you don't mean that, mom."
"Oh, I did, you dumb fucking bimbo. Since when do you know anything about anything? Your parents died because they had you, and-"
Frisk punched Toriel in the face hard enough to knock her down.
"Stop talking to Chara like that." He said as his eyes glowed red and black.
"Fuck you, you little mutt. Or should I say son of a bitch, because THAT'S BASICALLY WHAT YOUR MOM IS?!"
Frisk lost his temper, and lunged at Toriel, ready to brutually kill her. Chara grabbed him as hard as she could, holding him back.
"LET GO, CHARA!" He snarled with murder in his eyes.
"No, please! Don't kill mom!" Chara asked with tears in her eyes.
Frisk relented, but he didn't lower his guard as he growled at Toriel. Toriel had enough of this.
"Get out." She said in a low voice, not noticing Asriel was watching from the doorway.
Chara was shocked. She couldn't believe what she just heard.
"What? What did you say?"
Chara gasped in shock, and started crying harder.
"Fine. I'll pack my stuff and go to dad's."
Chara cried silently as she went upstairs to quickly pack up her things, ignoring Asriel as he watched in shock and awe. Frisk followed angrily and went to his room to pack his things as well. Asriel got angry as he heard what happened. Then after a few minutes, Flowey started talking to Asriel in his mind. Let me out; I have something to tell that bitch, the alter-ego said to the prince. Asriel obliged, and Flowey came out to ruin Toriel completely. He violently grabbed Toriel, ready to shout her head off.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He said as Toriel started to tremble.
"Wha? Asriel, why are y-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! ASRIEL AIN'T HERE TO SAVE YOUR FUCKING ASS, YOU GOAT BITCH! In fact, the only things saving you from me are about to leave!"
"What do you mean the o-"
"Mom, if you need Frisk and I, we'll be at dad's place." Chara sadly declared as she and Frisk carried their luggage to Asgore's house through the front door.
Frisk closed the door behind him, but not before flipping Toriel off with black eyes that had Toriel's reflection in them. The elder boss monster became petrified, realizing what Flowey had said.
"See that? Your only arguable protection, and you kicked them out of your life FOREVER! Now you have nothing to save you, nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run! I can make you suffer as I wish now!"
Asriel's horns grew longer and curved down a little before curving back up. Then Flowey laughed at Toriel's now hopeless situation...which was actually well deserved, especially since she did cause it!
"Now then, since you and I have some alone time, and your son isn't going to interfere, I want to know what the fuck is wrong with you, Toriel."
Toriel trembled in fear as Flowey asked the question.
"Isn't it obvious? Nothing's wrong with me."
"Then why did you rape your husband and threaten to kill him, throw him and your entire kingdom under the bus, and let six children go to their deaths before finally deciding to do something about it?"
Toriel didn't have an answer.
"That's what I thought."
Toriel scowled at Flowey while he was in control of Asriel.
"You don't care about Asgore. You don't care about anyone. The only person you would care about is Chara, Flowey. You said it yourself. And even then, you can't TRULY care about them."
"At least I was fine with that! At least I was okay with not being able to genuinely care about Chara! I'm the one whose soulless! You, on the other hand, I know what you wanted. You wanted to use Asgore for as long as you saw fit, and then discard him. So if you really think about it, you're why I'm like this. All being soulless did was give me a reason to not feel bad about it. As for you, you have a soul, but never ONCE did you act like you need or deserve it. I'll admit it, I did kill a lot of people before Asriel got to come back and have us both become one person, but at least I was honest about it! You, on the other hand, you almost killed Asgore by bringing him to such a desolate mindset. YOU'RE the one who should be ashamed of yourself, not Asriel, not Chara, and ESPECIALLY NOT FRISK!"
Toriel started tearing up. She couldn't believe how horrible Asriel's soulless side was being to her, despite technically both sides having at least one soul.
"Stop it. Why are you being so heartless? You think I'm wrong to have wants?"
"WANTS?! YOU CALL MAKING THE KING YOUR SEX SLAVE AND TREATING HIM LIKE SHIT 'WANTS'?! Why are you trying to defend yourself? And why do you do that stupid high class bullshit? You know you're beyond terrible."
"What, I'm not allowed to have hope that people don't think of me as despicable?"
Flowey dropped Toriel back on the ground, laughing uncontrollably at her despair. He found a lot of pleasure in seeing this boss monster cry her eyes out.
"Stop it." She meeked begged.
"Why should I?! The only decent people in your life cared about you, and you threw them out like a piece of trash! And now you're deciding to take them back because you think you can make amends?! The very notion is comical to me!"
"Why are doing this to me? Stop treating me like this. Stop hurting me so much."
"I'm not even hurting you, idiot. And plus, I'm not treating you badly or anything. All I'm doing is giving you a taste of your own medicine. Doesn't taste so good, does it? Now that 'hubby' isn't here to take your meds for yo-oh, pardon me- 'EX-hubby'. Anyway, you're getting back what you put out. You got your privacy, but you lost your protection and family. You got what you wanted, but in exchange, you lost what you had. And to make matters worse for you, what you had and what you needed most of all were your family, and you gave it all up, all because of one little argument that escalated into something it shouldn't have been! That's why it's so funny for me to watch people's lives go up in smoke!"
Flowey cackled evilly as Toriel started getting angry.
Toriel was angry enough to set both of her entire arms alight. She was sick and tired of having to feel so bad about her past and get judged through its entirety.
She stopped caring whether Asriel was still there or not.
"Oh, so you're gonna fight me, eh? This is great! THIS is what I've been waiting for! It's one thing to remind people of how horrible they really are, but it's WAY more amusing if they start trying to 'prove it all wrong'! Those are the people that are actually interesting to me because they're willing to defend themselves until the end!"
Toriel became angry enough to completely engulf herself in flames, similar to a respective aura. Flowey simply laughed at her as the fight commenced.
"Look at you! Trying to make me scared of you like it's gonna make a fucking difference! Don't worry about that, lambchop! I'll wipe that pride off your face in no time!"
Toriel used her fire magic in a propulsive manner, charging to Flowey, only to have her supercharge get abruptly interrupted by a knee to her chest, literally knocking the wind out of her and extinguishing her flames at the same time. Flowey violently grabbed her again and stood her up, holding her by her neck. After she was steadied, he landed a punch to her face. She dodged another, only to have a vine spring up out of the wall and sucker-punch her in her cheek. The force was enough to knock her down to the ground. She got up and tried to claw at Asriel, missing every time except for the last one, which resulted in nothing but a light grazing that couldn't even break his skin. Flowey guffawed mockingly and jabbed her stomach again, causing her to cough a little blood. She fell to her knees to catch her breath and recover from the blow to her stomach as Flowey stood over her in a domineering manner.
"I can't believe it. Is that all you got? 'Cause if that's all you've got, then I can't believe you're really this weak."
Flowey forcibly slammed his foot into Toriel's back, causing her to bellow in pain. He kept kicking her while she was down, listening to her cries of anguish and enjoying every impact like it would be his last. After 30 seconds of "playtime" with Toriel, he stopped as he saw she was thoroughly defeated, crying in pain.
"Please. No more." She tearfully begged.
"Please, just...please stop."
Toriel couldn't dry her eyes, no matter how hard she tried. She felt weak and powerless.
"I'm sorry, Asriel. You must hate me so much now."
Toriel was completely aware of what she just said to Flowey and Asriel. And why wouldn't she be? She got herself in the mess she created, and she couldn't get out. I don't deserve to be with anyone anymore, she said to herself. I had it good, and now my family fervently hates me. With a passion. I should just tell Flowey to end this PATHETIC farce I call a life. As Flowey looked down, he got bored seeing Toriel's pathetic frame. Then he noticed the locket Asgore gave to her. He took it off of her.
"See, Toriel? I got your precious heart locket, or should I say 'soul' instead?"
Flowey dangled it in front of her, trying to get a reaction out of her. His efforts worked perfectly.
"That's my locket...give it back to me." Toriel grunted, trying to pick herself up through her tears using her rage.
"Aw, what's the matter? Oh, you want your ba-ba? You gonna cwy if you don't-"
Toriel swiftly punched Asriel in the groin, causing Flowey to scream in pain and drop the locket. She quickly scrambled to it and latched on, almost like if she let go even for a second, it would be gone forever. Flowey quickly recovered from the cheap shot Toriel took.
"Damn, that fucking hurts! Still up to actually fight?! GOOD! I WAS HOPING YOU-"
"I mean 'no'! I'm not fighting you anymore."
Toriel was still angry, but she was also beyond sad.
"I am PISSED THE FUCK OFF BEYOND ALL REASON, but I am NOT fighting! I concede. I yield. I cannot continue. I don't know why I tried to fight you in the first place, especially since I knew it was a doomed bout. You are correct about everything you said. I was right to be bested by you. I give up. Do what you will at this point. I don't care. Just make it quick."
Toriel gave up, completely relenting to whatever mercy Flowey had for her.
"Fine. If that's how you want it, then consider this meeting done, Toriel. I think it's time Asriel got a say in this."
Flowey went back to Asriel's mind as the young boss monster looked at his mother in disappointment.
"You know, mom, you're lucky Flowey decided to spare you. You're lucky to get away from him with your life." Asriel said, looking down at his mother.
"Asriel..." That was all Toriel could say in her shock.
"Wait. Hold on. Did I say 'lucky'? And with such a dreaded life like yours? How cruel of me to remind you of how abysmally awful you feel because of your mistakes from your past finally catching up to you. For shame!"
Asriel turned away from his mother, facing the stairway as he took a few steps to it, but not ascending. Flowey came out one last time to berate Toriel, but Asriel was still in control, so they both spoke in unison with a distorted voice.
"You are so wretched that I don't need to meddle in your PATHETIC life to make it more miserable than it already is. So you know what, Toriel? I'm not going to kill you, and I'm not taking your soul either. No. Now I have a much better idea. Instead of what I did in the past, I'm gonna take a more pacified option. I'm gonna let your own pain end your own sad existence. Yes. If there's one thing I know best about people hating themselves, it's that there's no worse punishment than being yourself. Except maybe being yourself all BY yourself. But look at the bright side. You don't want Chara or Frisk in your life anymore, so you'll never be forced to see them ever again. EVER."
Asriel walked upstairs and quickly packed his bags, not letting his anger abate even slightly.
When he got back down in less than 5 minutes, he headed straight to the door. Toriel desperately clung to Asriel's leg.
"NO, PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME!" She beseeched with tears flowing endlessly.
"No, mom! I'm leaving."
"But Asriel, why? Why are you leaving me?!"
"Because...first, you kick dad out, then you kick the kingdom out, NOW YOU KICK MY BEST FRIEND AND HER BOYFRIEND OUT?! Who's next, me?! Well, I'm not waiting for that, so I'm leaving on my own! That way, you CAN'T kick me out! That's right! I refuse to give you the satisfaction! Goodbye. And don't follow me, either. Unless you're ready to make amends. And I mean actually do it, not just pretend and do this shit again."
"But Asriel-"
Asriel kicked Toriel in the face, forcing her to let go.
"Worthless. Don't show your pathetic face around me again unless you're ready to grow up..."
And that was it. Asriel walked out with everything he packed, slamming the door forcefully behind him, and he headed straight to Asgore's house. Toriel was left in the wake of it all as she was left battered, bruised, and isolated. All she could do was cry on the ground, curling up in a ball. For hours on end, she just wept to herself with no one to hear her cries. She finally understood what she did to herself. She had a great life, had great friends, and had a great family, and she gave all of that up. She would never be able to live down this soul-crushing, unfathomable sadness for as long as she was alive.
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cryoreal · 7 years
Day 2 of @jonsasmutweek: Jealousy. A follow-up chapter to yesterday’s prompt. Explicit under the cut! Also on Ao3.
Sansa was very familiar with the green-eyed monster.
Harry had been a serial cheater, and spent every moment in public staring at some poor girl’s ass. Joffrey was just an asshole, and liked to shout lewd comments out of the passenger side of his best friend’s car at women walking down the street.
But watching Jon behind the counter, blending drinks while chatting a little too happily with one of his co-workers… this was different.
Sansa clutched her latte in front of her, trying not to visibly grimace when the girl brushed her entire front along him because there “just isn’t enough room in here!” She had to bite her tongue when Jon tossed her a bottle of whipped cream and she winked at him.
They weren’t dating yet, but Sansa felt more strongly about the way Jon watched this woman toss her honey-blonde braid over her shoulder than she had ever felt about Harry or Joff.
Jon caught her eye again and smiled at her, and Sansa tried her best to smile back nonchalantly over the screen of her laptop.
Margaery was right - she had taken to doing her homework in this Starbucks more often than anywhere else after she and Jon had hooked up that first time. And so what if it was nothing but hooking up? The sex was good - better than anything she’d had before - and Jon seemed happy with their arrangement.
The blonde pressed up against him again so that she could lean around him and Sansa swore she felt steam coming out of her ears.
He’s not your boyfriend, Sansa chanted to herself, but now all she could see was the way they had been pressed together. She shut her laptop with more force than necessary and tossed it into her bag on the way out, making sure that she didn’t give Jon another glance. She didn’t think she could control her grimace if she did.
She was two blocks away from the Starbucks and three blocks from her apartment when her phone buzzed in her pocket.
You left without saying goodbye, sweet girl.
She wanted to be the kind of girl who could leave him on read, but she was too angry.
You seemed pretty occupied.
Well, a job is a job. We were pretty slow, though, and I should get off in about 20 minutes. Did you wanna hang out?
She couldn’t help herself then, and her fingers flew across the keys as she stomped down the pavement.
I’m sure that blonde would be happy to hang out with you.
Her phone didn’t buzz again for the rest of the walk home, and she let herself into her apartment, still stewing inside.
She really had no reason to be angry, and as Sansa began to rifle through her pantry for a snack, she could feel herself calming down.
Jon didn’t belong to her. They weren’t dating, or even exclusive. She hadn’t even thought to discuss that with him when they started fucking. She had no legitimate reason to be angry.
Yet the tight feeling in her chest wouldn’t go away.
She had decided that chips and salsa were an appropriate snack to eat her feelings away and had just pulled the bag out when there was a knock on her door.
When she looked through the peephole, she saw Jon standing there looking almost ashamed.
Sansa pulled the door open a crack. “Can I help you?”
“Can I come in for a minute?”
He is not your boyfriend. “Sure.”
He had been in her apartment a few times before, but she assumed he had never paid attention to much because he was looking around like he had never seen her home before.
“You don’t normally just pop by like this,” she said casually, crossing to the fridge to find a jar of salsa.
“I wanted to talk about Val.”
“My coworker,” he supplied, still standing by the door.
“Oh.” Sansa busied herself with pouring the salsa into a bowl, refusing to look at him.
“She’s just a friend.”
“Just a friend,” Sansa echoed. “I don’t know how this is relevant.”
“Sansa…” he groaned, and she suddenly found him at her side, turning her around. “I know you were jealous.”
“I was not,” she defended herself, refusing to meet his eyes.
“Val is nothing to me. But you…” his eyes wandered down her body and back up, “you are everything.”
“I’m your fuck toy,” Sansa stated blankly, trapped in the cage of his arms.
“You know this is more than that.” His breath ghosted along her neck and she shivered, still fully dressed. “I know you feel more for me than that.”
She was beginning to melt in his arms as he suckled on her neck, his tongue tracing the shell of her ear gently. “Admit it. You were jealous.”
He bit her ear then, just enough to make her yelp. “You want me all to yourself.”
“I want no such thing,” she responded primly, despite the fact that his hand was tweaking her nipple over her shirt.
“You want me to be yours.” His tongue slid across her collarbone, making her flush in the best way.
“We’re just friends.” Her breaths were coming shorter now as his mouth made its way across her chest, pausing only to pull her shirt over her head.
“Would a friend do this for you?” One hand slid down into her leggings, brushing against the top of her sex.
“Depends on what kind of friend,” she gasped out, unwilling to give in just yet.
“Would a friend do this for you?” His teeth scraped against the small of her waist and she squirmed, ticklish.
“You’re my friend,” she pointed out, her hands clutching the countertop for support, and he chuckled as his nose nudged against her hip.
“I think we’re more than friends, Sansa.” He ripped her leggings down to the floor and buried his face in her, inhaling deeply.
“Friends with benefits,” she protested weakly, letting her head tip back as his hand drifted over to part her folds.
He hummed against her, pressing a kiss right above her sex, before reaching up to take her hand and carding it into his curls. “Which benefit would you like today?”
“This one,” she moaned, tugging his face into her.
She groaned loudly when he pulled away, kissing her thighs instead. “You have to say it, sweet girl.”
“Please!” Sansa whimpered, his fingers tracing along the edges of her folds. “Please, Jon, please.”
“Tell me what you’d like.” His eyes gazed up at her, so dark they looked nearly black, and she whined wordlessly for a moment.
“Eat my pussy, Jon, please.”
“Good girl,” he murmured, stroking her gently before spreading her folds again and sliding his fingers up them, moving slickly between her pearl and her opening, diving in with one finger before pulling back and teasing her again.
“I swear to god, Jon,” she mumbled, yanking on his curls to get him to focus in, and he chuckled against her skin before lapping at her with his tongue, making her toes curl already.
It wasn’t the first time he had done this for her, and she doubted it’d be the last. Every single time, it got better.
The first time, she thought she had died for a moment. Joff refused to even entertain the idea, telling her that it was just “gross” to think of it. Harry had tried, but his patience wore out after thirty seconds and he told her it was just too difficult for him. Jon, though…
Jon was a master at patience, at drawing her out of her shell. When he circled her nub with his tongue, she cried out loudly. When his fingers started to pump in and out of her with a slick, wet sound, she keened quietly in the back of her throat. And when her peak began to spiral up around her, she practically wailed, both hands clamped down into his curls to hold him to her as her hips snapped into his mouth.
When she was finished, trembling and sweaty against the countertop, he brushed a kiss against her hipbone before standing up again.
“Never doubt again that there is anyone in my life but you,” he told her, clutching her face in his hands, and it was all she could do to nod weakly, eyes wide. “Consider this the beginning of our relationship, Sansa Stark, because I don’t want anyone but you.”
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mermaidfan76 · 7 years
Homeless Autistic Girl
Hey guys... this really kills me to ask, however right now I’m homeless at the moment.
Technology, I’m living with a long time friend who is hounding me to find a job since she believes it’s just so damn easy and move out by The end of February. I’ve put out application after application and only maybe a couple have called back for an interview. Only for them to tell me the same exact thing over and over, “You don’t seem like you will do well for this job.” With out even giving me a garsh darn chance to show them I’m willing to work my butt off.
Yet, they hire people who are literally ALLERGIC to manual labor, and pay them twice the wage to appease them so they don’t get sued. It pisses me off. I have Autism and PTSD, I watched my mother and fathers beloved dog get run over by a car, I know these people have mommy and daddy’s that coddle them. My parents died on September 22, 2013. My sister’s threw me out in the cold and said I’m on own. I’m still here, sadly. Not one day goes by and I don’t think about giving up and killing myself. Love to give that bayberry (under a new name) Bitch and all the rest what they wanted in the first place! With heartless pieces off shit like them in this world, I definitely don’t feel it’s worth the aggravation!
You push, you kick, you fight, you bite, you bunch, but guess what you end up someone else’s lunch! It’s survival of the fittest and you’ve won the game if you have Money, Fame, and/or Power! Just 1 on these gives you the right to control poor peoples lives!
You can play the advocate for good all day, but turning a blind eye to the innocent people that are truly in pain by the very people you are advocating for. Who’s the real villain? Saying the people who did nothing deserve it because someone said its poetic revenge... read a book. Get your facts straight, you really think they would attack now? Why didn’t they attack back then? People don’t postpone revenge -_-...
(if I had a grudge against a person, I’d want to get them now, not expect my descendants to attack his descendants. 1. How do I know if they’ll follow through? 2. What if everything is patched up and my other descendants didn’t know that and still desire to take their revenge? (They don’t even know what the whole argument is about... could be about stealing the last slice of pizza) This is about taking over the world just like before! We stopped them once! They’re trying again, however they fooled you!)
So with politics, islamphopia (more like not wanting an ideology of woman haters who desire to take over any free country and turn it to a world of oppression and insanity), racism (a political term used when a white person doesn’t agree with you), feminist (because women are oppressed because they have tits and a vigina), fatphopia (because veggies don’t taste like cake, if they did we’d still become fat, why? Because we’d get sick of sweets and want savory tasting veggies that you only get from cake... oh the irony), LBGT without Q (Queers are just feminist men who are really flamboyant gays... and real gays try to avoid, ever heard the term, “Queer as a Clock work Mouse.” Man I miss my English mother! The LBG, The Les, The Bi, and The Gay, do as you wish... Hey I’m you Bi, I find shapely girls just Be A U Ti Ful to draw, have to get that full body motion. Gays, love ya, best guy friends and you give perfect fashion advice, Lesbians, you’re very easy going and easy to talk to, al yal are A O Kay in my book. Trans, um... look umm... I’m female... I have more of a male mind... we can find common ground here can’t we?) and that’s what I go through everyday. Half the words I’m called... how do they apply to me? Like racist? I judge by character, not by skin tone.
(All I see is another human being in front of me. If you act like you’re above a human being, than I’ll treat you the way you treat me. Not one human is above another. If you have earnt that privilege than you are granted that only by the people who gave you such power, however they have the power to take it away. That is the true purpose of the second Amendment! In short; “a president is a civil servant to the people of his/her country that he/she has sworn to protect! As such nothing is beneath them!”)
I really wish people would do their homework...
My friend I was talking about earlier; well she’s not only getting on my case about finding a job, but she’s also pissing me off about politics. Her plan is to be an American History Teacher. She wants to teach her class how America was founded on the “Socialistic” Principles we use today and that’s bullshit! We wouldn’t have many of our largest company products that I bet everyone of you see every single day, more than likely every minute of your day.
(For Starters:
Let’s start off with Ford, if America was a Socialistic Society, well then all of you who drive a Ford let alone a car in general, would walk everywhere. If it wasn’t for Ford’s Model T being a Successful test run clearing the way to Model A. Ford’s company could only up from there. (Btw: anyone who drives the VMW Bug- just a little trivia for you did you know that the original design was created by Adolf Hitler himself? Adolf Hitler was the original Designer for the shape of that car the VMW Bug, just a little tid pit I know from Graphic Design School, hope that doesn’t ruin your VMW driving experience:D)
Another one I’d like to point out: McDonald’s, that famous Golden Arches fast food places started as a ma and pa rest stop, now it’s one of the biggest fast food chains in the world! Mickey D’s started again in America! Again how is that possible in a Socialistic society?
Socialism is structured to where everyone is equal... equal pay... equal healthcare... equal quality of living... doesn’t count the politicians! In this system if you work you’re an idiot. Those who sit on their ass get everything handed to them, those who work their asses off barely survive. So why bother putting yourself through that much torture. Because:
No one working:
No power
No cable
No doctors
No teachers
No police
No food
No safety
No security...
Why? This would have been a good thing! This here proves Socialism doesn’t work!
If everyone decided to not work because they’re getting ripped off; than America shuts down! The government is screwed! And so are the moochers!)
Those are only two examples of capitalism being a good thing.
There is so much more... not to mention the feminist aspects like Susan B. Anthony: Voicing her “opinion” by voting for who she thought would be a good president. Of course the judge was going to let her off with a warning because “woman privilege” (woman today would be like okay and do it again), however she, Susan B. Anthony, A Real Feminist, (no Feminist is an insult to her, She a Real Woman, The Genuine Wonder Woman!) demanded she was sentenced to jail just like any man who broke the law! (Please oh please can we do that to these modern, pussies who call themselves women!) The first woman to fly a plane over the pacific Amelia, or the women who rose up against unjust treatment Rosa Parks, I mean come on. Worst of all is, she’s being taught tha John Wilkes Booth was Republican and Abraham Lincoln was Democrat... and it’s reversed. There’s a saying the liberals came up with: “if those damn n$&@€ must vote then they should only vote Democrat!”
My friend has become heartless and greedy, I’m in a fucked up spot because of a malicious brat who played innocent and didn’t understand what happens when you compromise. It’s not one side surrenders and the other gains, but what do I expects from the preppy college school type, (not all preppy girls are mean, I just have this personality that sends the wrong vibes and makes them more territorial)AKA mean girl type... however, this girl demanded everything goes her way or else. She’s from Georgia, yet she comes to higher elevation part and in the middle of the US, it’s winter yet she expects sunshine and beaches? All of us to be drinking out of a coconut? Yes, her hair is blonde at the roots, and she smokes pot in the apartment. Kind of gives you a clue on the person she is. Of and her Boy Toy is always there... when I stayed there. She blamed me for her messes, and her food she didn’t eat. Thing is I hate fish. Well another one to count she has a low IQ from the Mercury poisoning... and here I thought fish helped with brain development.
Anyway, it was hell, so my friend volunteered on the condition that I find a job and move out ASAP. I’m tryin as hard as I can here.
Being told no everywhere I go is very discouraging. I’ve made a gofund me campaign to maybe to maybe help a little... I don’t expect anyone to donate really... if anyone could click the link and share it to a friend they know and spread it around.
By February the only place I’ll be staying is my car on the side of the road... just sharing the story helps. Thank you.
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the--blackdahlia · 7 years
Elm Street Chapter 3 (Sam x Reader)
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Title: Elm Street Chapter 3
Summary:  Someone is killing patients of a mental hospital. Someone (Y/n) never thought her and Sam would have to face again.
Warnings: Language, violence, character death
Sam stared out the window as Dean drove into Kansas. He hadn’t said much about why they were rushing to Tipton. He seemed lost in his own mind and that scared Dean. With everything they were facing, the last thing he needed was for Sam to withdraw in on himself. Dean turned the music down, which caused Sam to sigh. He didn’t really want to talk about this. If his brother was allowed to bottle everything up, so was Sam.
 “So, why the sudden urge to return someplace we haven’t been since you were like sixteen?” Dean asked. Sam didn’t say anything, instead placing his hand on his thigh under his dark jeans were four scars laid. Four scars that he lied to Dean about where they came from. “Sam.”
 “Kids getting killed at a mental asylum.” Sam said with a shrug. “Just thought there would be something there.” Dean glanced over at him.
 “It’s more than that.” Dean said. “I can tell. You’re leaving out some juicy details Sammy.”
 “I’ll know more when we get there and I can research.” Sam said with a shrug.
 “Sam, who was on the phone?” Dean asked. Sam sighed.
 “Just a girl I used to know.” Sam said. Dean smirked.
 “You sweet on her or something?” He asked. Sam didn’t answer. “Why don’t I remember her if you had that big of a crush on her?”
 “Because dad told you to let me be my own man so you spent a lot of time the next town over sniffing out college pussy.” Sam grumbled. Dean raised a hand up.
 “Excusing me for having a good time.” Dean said, shaking his head. Sam sighed.
 “Sorry.” He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I don’t blame you. I know dad had his reasons for things…” Dean rolled his eyes but stayed silent. Of course Sam was going to stand up for their dad now that he was dead. But when Sam was sixteen and John was saying that he was too old to be babied by Dean, it was a whole other story.
 “Well, I want details when we get there.” Dean mumbled, reaching over and turning the music up. “Get some sleep. We still have a while to go.” Sam sighed and looked out the window. He wanted to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes, he went right back to where he was in high school. He listened to Dean sing as he rested his head against the window. A Dokken song that he heard years ago.
 “Sammy.” A voice said through the radio. Dean didn’t seem to notice, but Sam did. He turned towards the radio. “Sammmmmmyyyyy. Don’t you like this song? You little warrior. I’ll see you soon Sammy.” Soon, the voice was gone and just Dean singing filled the car. Sam squeezed his eyes closed and prayed he wouldn’t dream.
 (Y/n) and Sam grew closer with each day. It seemed like as soon as their dad’s finished one hunt, another came along, distracting them from their children. John was exhausted, but he was competing with her dad, so it seemed worth it to him. Tina and Dean kept watch over their siblings, even though (Y/n)’s dad asked for Tina’s help on hunts and John finally told Dean he had to let Sam have a little breathing room.
 It was about a month into the Tipton stay when the first kid died. John and (Y/n)’s dad, Carson, were out of town. Dean was doing a little self-exploration and working, and Tina was assisting another hunter on a hunt. (Y/n) and Sam were on their own to deal with it. And then another one, and another one. Three months later, four kids had died, the last being a girl.
 “They said she died in her sleep.” (Y/n) said as her and Sam set out on the football bleachers, doing their homework. “Is your dad hunting a dreamwalker?” Sam and (Y/n) bonded over the fact that their dads were both hunters. Even though they didn’t know the history between their dad’s, it was nice to have someone besides their older siblings to talk to.
 “No.” Sam said. “He’s hunting a werewolf in Kokomo. Yours?”
 “A haunting in Windfall.” She said. Sam nodded and finished up his last little bit of homework.
 “Need help with anything?” He asked, leaning over to look at her book. On her notebook that she was using, he saw hearts with his name in them. He couldn’t help but smile. He knew relationships never lasted, but he was thankful for the marathon of hunts.
 “Maybe a couple things.” She said. She turned her head and Sam immediately pressed his lips against hers. She closed her chemistry book and let Sam kiss her. It was nice not having Dean or Tina over their shoulders to tease them about their little romance. Sam was all smiles when he pulled back.
 “Was that one of those things?” He asked. Dean might not think his little brother had any moves or was very smooth, but in (Y/n)’s eyes, he was the best. She smiled at him.
 “Maybe. But I might need another, just to make sure.” She laughed. Sam kissed her again as the sprinklers on the field were turned on. “Guess that’s our queue to leave.” She pushed her books into her bag and stood up, holding Sam’s hand when they made it to the sidewalk. “Dad should be back tonight. So we’ll just have to wait and see if there are anymore.” Sam nodded as he walked (Y/n) towards the house that her, Tina, and Carson were staying in. Tina’s truck was in the driveway.
 “Hey, your sister’s back.” Sam said. (Y/n) nodded.
 “Oh joy.” She said, rolling her eyes. “Well, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.” She kissed Sam one last time before heading into the house. Tina was sitting in the sparse living room, sipping a beer.
 “Have fun at school?” She asked. “I see you’re learning all about sex ed.”
 “Tina…” (Y/n) warned. Tina just smiled at her.
 “Hey, I’m just glad to know that you’re making friends is all.” Tina laughed. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and went to shower. Minute rice and beans was dinner for the night and then (Y/n) headed to bed while Tina stayed up to see Carson. But about midnight, (Y/n) snuck out of the house with clothes in her bag. Sleep had evaded her and she thought maybe if Sam was awake, they could be awake together.
 She quietly shut the door as Tina drooled on the dirty couch. The motel Sam was staying in wasn’t far and she secretly hoped that Dean and John were out. She didn’t see any harm in sneaking out. Tina used to do it all the time. She would understand.
 Tina’s dreams were usually of the current celebrity she was into or whatever movie she had last seen. But this was different. She was inside the school. The one she had taken (Y/n) to a couple months and moves ago. It was run down and falling apart. Smoke lingered in the air.
 “Hello?” Tina called out, looking around. She could hear a little girl singing and saw a huddled mass on the floor. “Hey? Are you okay?” She asked, walking towards it. She just heard the singing more as she got closer. “Hey, kid.” She reached out to touch the mass when suddenly, it wasn’t there anymore. A burning hand wrapped around her neck.
 “Here’s Johnny!” This new figure said with a laugh. Tina gasped and cried out as her skin burnt. “You’re not who I was looking for. But you’ll do.” He laughed. Tina kicked him in the gut and took off running. But everywhere she turned, he was right there.
 “You can’t run forever Tina.” He laughed when she ran into him yet again.
 “Let me go!” She screamed. Something shiny caught her eye and, before she knew it, claws were ripping apart the soft flesh on her face.
 “I was going to let you live, but your screams are just too much for me.” He laughed. “Goodnight Tina.” With one swift motion, the blades pushed into her stomach. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell your sister you said goodbye.”
 Carson walked into the house to hear the TV in the living room on. He smiled at the thought. Tina always stayed up when he was on hunts late. He didn’t even bother looking in there right away. Instead, he headed towards the bathroom. But he stopped when he saw the room that Tina and (Y/n) slept in empty.
 “(Y/n)? Tina?” Carson asked. Screams echoed from the living room then. Drawing his gun, he ran in, hoping it was some cheesy B horror movie on TV. Instead, he was greeted with blood and burning flesh as Tina went limp on the couch.
 “TINA!” Carson screamed, running to his daughter. But it was too late. There was no saving her. He looked around, desperate to find whatever had taken his eldest daughter, but he found nothing.
 And along with that, he couldn’t find (Y/n).
Forever: @petrovadixon @aiaranradnay @theas-bedtime-stories @jjbabygirl98 @af112992 @policeofficerskeet @bandobsession98 @secretlyshycomputer @dekahg @marvel-af @crownedloki @cutie1365 @whatisauser
Elm Street Tag: @rashinyx2002
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wearetheveils · 7 years
[WARNING: THIS. Is a wall of text. Read on.
@nomdeplummy @thepurpah ]
He was rarely surprised, but…
The café was closed, for “renovations”. Unheard of for the day time hours, and unfortunate for the lovely day staffer Dorothy. She was spending more time with Xen, something about her genuine sweetness and care appealing to the fragility that Dorothy was feeling (and of course it was a place away from Lan). Dorothy was feeling particularly lonely, rejecting a man that will always love her because, in her eyes, he’d always be stained in the blood of her abuser. Then being rejected by a man that seemed softer but more cunning in his cruelty, rejected because he chose. She was a very old school gal, so neither Lan or Percy or Vaan could fault her for her choices for they were hers to make. Lan was a greedy lover and could’ve etched a place in his heart for her but she felt it was too crowded, by memories of the past and the pile of corpses that Lan had a hand in. She mostly certainly did have a type, the mischievous kind, those that were in their core very soft but enjoyed (and yes, Lan did enjoy it) the gloomier, lethal and morally ambiguous side to life.
It was a blessing she was being looked after by someone so sincerely sweet, Vaan could vouch for that. In all his years living, Xen was truly the sweetest creature he’s had the pleasure of meeting and working with. Didn’t matter that the lady of Blue Veil could clinch her fist and turn a diamond into fine powder, the same hand could rise to protect and gently handle the most delicate of glass. And Dorothy was most certainly made out of glass at the moment.
Still, whenever the café was closed, that usually meant something was going on with the owner. When one of his many eyes watched Vincent put up that blaring sign of “CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS”, of course he had to slip away from his nest to see what was going on. He knew Maas took on the enormous, daunting task of helping Red Veil with her nightmares. Doing that meant he had to learn about certain things, events, secrets, memories, and all of her dirty, dirty, dirty skeletons (some still bloody, some still rotting, some with only the flesh ripped off and muscles pulsing but useless) that she had. Because though Maas knew that she was very old, he didn’t know the scope of what she had done in her life. Not even a pinprick, no matter how much sin he could see with his keyhole pupils.
Slipping from behind a bookshelf to the café part of her store, Vaan ran his fingers along the spines of long dusty books (some quivered, others flinched from his touch) and paused when he saw the counter. He was surprised, and this one was very pleasant. Smirking face stretching into his trademark grin, he approached the bar top counter and sat at it. “Usually when you lay on counter, it means something is up,” He began casually, “Or something is really, really biting at your brain.”
She snickered, opening her eyes to stare at the ceiling. “No my friend,” She said and inwardly he shuddered in delight from hearing her voice, “I’m simply relaxing.”
“Relaxing?” He leaned onto the hard wood, closer to her and hovering above her head. “After being in a forced nap for how long? You’re still tired, duckling?”
“No, no.” Tano stretched out her limbs with a yawn, softly moaning in pleasure from the releasing pops in her joints before she deflated again, hands on her stomach with one leg dangling over the counter edge. “Physically I’m quite rejuvenated. I ate my weight for the past several days in my room when I woke up.”
Vaan snickered. That was about several dozen oil rigs worth of food.
“Then I slipped away and sunbathed for hours in the Summer Court of the faelands.”
Her skin did look particularly caramelized and a deeper shade that her normal warm brown color.
“Then it was business as usual. Getting in contact with all my clients, setting the flow of my business again. Easy, easy work.”
“No buts.” Yet again, he was surprised. “I’m not lamenting  how easy it was to fall back into my favorite hobby, I’m quite pleased how simple it is in all its complexity.” She turned on her side, facing him and cradling her head in her arms as she smirked at him. “I’m relaxing before I get back into my love life.”
“Ahhh…” Oh yes, that multiple tentacled monster. “Who gives you the most pause?”
“None of them.” Roses. Her aura began to smell very softly of sweet pink roses. Then the deep fragrance of jasmine, the teasing scent of daisies. The floral scents she associated with her boys. Softly, voice dripping with adoration, “I miss them…”
“Believe me, duckling. They miss you. Very, very much.”
Hades was raising his daughters in a slowly growing more hostile environment. Some of it from Persephone, starting to feel... something about having a husband (that she didn’t want) raising children with another woman (who she didn’t meet, though she most certainly knew of her). Demeter was feeling fouler towards mini Mica and little Ruby, who were only growing smarter and slowly losing their baby voices for the more refined voice of their father. Still puppies, still toddlers, sounding like mini ladies. And missing their mother, their mitéra. Zeus didn’t dare mess with Hades after getting a “firm talking to” from Tano herself, Hera was the supportive aunt of the twin were-pups.
But as with all godly domains, some worked like houses of royalty. Intrigue, misinformation, danger, and sabotage. The tiny ladies were in danger so long as Hades kept them as his, and honestly… Who would dare cross the manifestation of death? Vaan couldn’t wait to find out…
Timothy and Evangeline were happy, they had each other. Timothy however was feeling some guilt for there was this very, very lovely lady at Evangeline’s school who was laying it on thick about how attractive he was. Vaan wondered if he would nurse this possibly growing affection he was gaining towards her. Evangeline just missed her Ta-ma, being rocked to sleep by her, being tucked in, receiving help with her homework and her angelic growth. She didn’t know what was wrong, all she knew was that her Ta-ma was asleep and Maas told her that she was a little sick. Now, every night and with her father, she would pray for her to heal. Her pure heart only wished for the best.
Percival… Percival. He was in love, secured in loving Lan. His son Yutah was still a brat and growing into some behaviors of his Satyr blood that Percy wasn’t sure how to handle but he was doing his best (thankfully, it wasn’t making it worse). He was using Lan’s place as a new nest, going to and from there with Yutah. Yutah didn’t mind Lan, he knew his dad always loved the man, but he always made sure every day, right after school, he’d be in Goldleaf. Vincent had grown fond of Yutah’s sass and allows him to curse to his heart’s content, and Dorothy was like an aunt for him. Unknown to Percy, Yutah was making a flower chain for Tano, a suggestion by one of his classmates to sate his loneliness for her. A flower for every day she was asleep… Beautiful and sad. Quite like his father.
“I’ve been lying here, comfortable and meditating on a thought. ‘How can I integrate myself back into their lives’?” She chuckled humorlessly, rolling again to be on her back as she stared blankly at the ceiling. “There’s still the hope they’d forget about me… Move on. At least the twins, I know deities have infinite memories.”
“As much as Timmy boy made so much of himself from you?” Dramatically he emphasized his words with his hand motions. “Your blood courses in his veins, made him a special beast. Ghost human AND dragon, of wind! You pulled him from the limbo of his old shambles of home, nursed him back to health, made him feel both sweet, hard, passionate love?” He leaned so he was hovering inches over her mouth with his sharp, painful grin. Whispering, he said simply, “How could he stop himself from loving his savior?”
Tano looked at him with feigned disdain before she smirked, rolling her eyes. “You already know what I’m about to say.”
“Suuuure!” He cleared his throat, then began a perfect mimic of her voice. “He shouldn’t romanticize me like that, I’m not worth it.” He grinned wickedly at her. “I mean, yeah sure his dick is delicious.”
Tano put a hand to her mouth to muffle her giggles, he continued.
“I trained him well. Boy can get this pussy popping like hot grease at a tailgate party in the middle of July. And, yeah, so what he likes to put my ankles by my ears and tear my guts up?”
“That’s NOT TRUE!” Tano screamed out while laughter ripped from her throat. Something in him moved… how he missed that sound.
“And he can spell out the names of all his forefathers on this cat starting from, “We The People”---”
“Stop it Vaan!” She was begging, her arms clenching her sides while she rolled dangerously close to one edge then the other. This was… joy. She was feeling pure joy, without any of her sadness dulling down the edge, without reservations, without… This was like how she was before, before the loss of her son, before the terrible deeds she did for the sake of fulfilling her collection. Something tickled in his memory, reaching, struggling…
“And he got GALLONS of belly warming juice but that doesn’t mean that he---”
“Vaaaaaaaan! No!” She howled, and that’s when he remembered.
Huh… Maas… Did an excellent job. This would mean he deserved a reward… Later.
He wasn’t the only one responding to her laughter, to her happiness. The books on the shelves began to vibrate, shaking off months of dust from their spines, their roosts, their pages. Their guardian was back and they could feel it, they wanted to be presented at their absolute best selves for her. The ones that took up residence in some of the literature swept up the dust, removed cobwebs, shooed away the small bugs that nibbled at the lettering of some books. They too were glad, grateful, that she was home.
Tano was out of breath when her laughter finally died down, cheeks sore and sides still throbbing. Taking a moment to collect herself, she then looked at Vaan from her lying position. “Hey Vaan.”
“Yes, dear?”
“Cuddle me.”
Vaan tsked, licking his canine from her demand before swiftly scooping her up and teleporting to the lounge chair. It still smelled like her seadog stray (from another life, another time line), like his disease and his trembling love for her. Here is where Vaan sat, with Tano on his lap and on his chest, one of his arms draped lazily around her waist and the other resting on the top of the chair. She was still not quite to her normal weight, he could feel that, but she also wasn’t wasting away like Maas had witnessed, feared. He wouldn’t admit it out loud (unless she asked), but he did miss his Infrared Veil…
She hum-purred against his chest, adjusting so her legs would be draped over one of his knees as she laid against him. “Your skin has always fascinated me…” She mumbled into his shirt, nuzzling his chest. “Even now, it shifts from spots of frigid cold to painful heat, but never too long to hurt… Just… keeps you alert…” There was a steady shift to his body temperature, now it was at the burning warmth that would be very uncomfortable to humans but oh how she loved the burn as it spread along her body. “Much better,” She dragged out, sinking more into his lap and on his chest.
They sat in comfortable silence, Vaan looking at her while watching countless other things. For just this once however, he dulled down his vision on the millions of other things to focus solely on her. This wasn’t the first time he’s done this… It happened a few times before… Always when she was in crisis. This time, she was soothed, content. He wouldn’t dare say she was “happy”, happiness doesn’t come easy for someone like Tano Ridges. It tended to come with strings…
She twisted in his lap, now using it as a large chair as she laid against him. She was purring in thought, on a sound frequency only other dragons could pick up (or something like Vaan). Stroking his arm around her waist idly, she said, “I’m thinking about the past Veils for some reason.”
“Intriguing indeed,” He hummed with a curious grin, “What makes you think of them?”
A slight dip in her thoughtful purring. Guilt. “Lan…”
“The lovely boy that will love you from there, here, and back again. Your Soul Merge… Quite literally the love of your life.” He snickered happily. “And the next one, and the next one, and the the infinity thereafter!” Tilting his head to the side, he licked his teeth as he observed her. “Isn’t it wonderful to find one that will love you, breathe with you, die with you..?”
“I’ve been such a shitty friend…” She groaned, letting out a puff of smoke. “I can feel when I was hurting him, you know? I didn’t mean to do it, I don’t mean to do it. Even though he knows there are things I simply cannot tell him, for his safety and his sanity, it’s when I keep things from him that hurts him. Things about me, things like… my nightmares.” She grew more emotive, agitated, as she went on. “How can I tell him that there’s absolutely nothing he can do? That no matter how delicate and silky his love is for me, no matter how much he thinks he can love me through my pain, there’s nothing he can do?”
“Mmm…” He hummed pensively, “He’s smart enough to equate your depression to what he knows as human understanding of it. That it’s a hard, bitter and continuous pill to swallow. That there is, indeed, nothing he can do when you get depressed…” He took one of her red curls to wrap around a finger. “Except… Love you anyway.”
She was quiet as she digested his words, dissatisfaction coupled with guilt wafting off of her form. “The last Indigo wasn’t nearly so charming or murder-prone as Lan.”
Giggling, Vaan replied, “But she was just as talented and beautiful! A bird siren, with plumage of mint and soft blues… Smelled like fresh storm air and irises all the time.” He tsked. “Shame she got eaten by that dead snake god ghost…”
“Tell me about it,” Tano replied with a wince, “And finding the pieces of her left to put her ghost to rest was no easy task for me and Xen.”
“You remember the last Orange? The great and grotesque werewolf?”
“Poor thing. Disfigured in face and personality, because of her face, and yet still loved children though they were terrified of her.” She perked up. “Her and her wife are still doing wonderfully as foster parents though! Last I heard.”
“The last Yellow… Well…” His smile stretched to and past his ears. “Reminds me so much of Ryo-Lolli…”
“Is THAT why you allow her to get away with half the shit she says to you?”
“Both always keep in mind so long as they say “please”, “thank you”, and “sir” after every other “fuck off, you demon slug” or whatever, in Ryo’s case, Japanese slander she can say, all is forgiven! I’m a man of manners, duckling, you know this.” His voice added some growling to his cheerful tone. “The only difference between them is that Ryo-Lolli has never attempted to kill me…” He waved his hand, growling disappearing. “But! If I keep harassing her like I’ve been doing to pick up your workload, I’m sure that’s what it’ll eventually lead to.” Gasping, he added, “Do you remember the last Violet Veil?”
Tano groaned in displeasure, mouth twisting in an apologetic way at the memory. “That poor cursed fella. Body slowly turning into stone because of a family long curse.” She huffed, recalling something else about her old ally. “He was a dick, and not like how Maas is a dick. I mean, Maas feeds and sometimes thinks with his dick but THAT guy was just mean for no damn reason.”
Smirking naughtily, he held one of his hands to his mouth to nibble at a finger as he said, “He makes the most realistic lawn ornament.”
Jerking her head back, mouth agape, she exclaimed, “You didn’t!”
“You’re right. He was rude. Very rude. And exceptionally so during his last moments. He’s lucky I didn’t give him to a medusae to feast up, just an art collector of grotesque and sad things.” And he was most indeed grotesque and sad… Why, even though he was entirely made of stone, he was still very much aware of his surroundings and was growing old in the way stone could. Agonizingly slow… Vaan didn’t miss him. He’d pay him visits every now and then, to feast off the waves of rage the man still felt towards him, and nearly get drunk from it for his rage aged very much like wine.
“An inquiry for you, Tano.” He had her attention from how she gazed up on, body stiffening and prepared to withstand whatever request or question he had. “Lovers come and go, but kittens are forever. How do you plan on getting back into their lives?”
Before she could speak, the front door banged once. Twice. The third time, the hinges nearly popped loose, and the steady pounding was only getting more agitated. “Looks like I’m about to find out…” She whispered, her gaze softening as the door began to splinter.
With a heavy snap, the wooden door broke in uneven pieces as small, hooved feet pushed through. “VINCENT!” He called out with his tiny, gruff voice. “Vince! What is going on?! Wha--- ack!” Tripping over his handiwork and having to catch himself, Yutah huffed and dropped his book bag on the floor, preparing for a verbal fight. It’s been two days, no word from either Vincent or Tevin about why his home was suddenly closed for “renovations”. “What reno-whatever-the-fuck? Wha---” His breath hitched as soon as he saw her.
This… Couldn’t be happening. There was no way that… “Ta…” Before he knew it, his vision started to swim and blur from the tears that began to pour down his cheeks. His chest felt tight, he felt queasy, light headed. This… wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. Not with the Shadow Man sitting right there, his dad warned him about Vaan. That Vaan would play awful tricks that only he would find funny, that there wasn’t a thing Vaan found sacred that he wouldn’t gleefully violate.
But… But… She seemed so real. She… SMELLED so real, like the rosewater Evangeline would brush in her hair while she slept. Like the bubblegum scent of pink roses the twin pups would leave in small bouquets in her room. Like the summer day when she went to sleep… And she sounded so real when she said with a voice he had almost forgotten, dripping with honey and love, “Hey, little Yutah.”
“Mom?!” Drawing in the breath he didn’t know he was holding, he ran to her with his arms outstretched. “Ma!” He wailed as he met her breast, feeling her arms wrap tightly around him as he wept. He remembered the feel of her arms, how they’d make him feel protected from literally anything. She kissed at his forehead, stroked his ears and wiped his eyes in vain to slow the tears from flowing.
“I heard you…”
He gasped as he gazed at her. Her smile was like the sun.
“I heard you. Every time you read to me, Yutah. I heard you, little guy.”
For Yutah, this was the happiest day of his little life.
For Vaan, it was amusing.
For Tano. It was just the beginning of a long day.
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