#but now they just make me sadder
heretherebedork · 2 years
I cannot believe that Wynn has been more comforted by a literal pair of strangers and the guy who tried to lock him a freezer than his actual, literal boyfriend who's been in love with him for years.
And that same boyfriend blames their communication issues on age rather than, you know, a complete lack of communication on his part. He literally stops responding to his messages at all and never responds to the message about the car accident.
What is Wynn supposed to do to communicate with Liang again?
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fairy-spring · 11 months
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Sooooooo anyone wanna take bets on that new Zelda movie?
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Hot take: Eurylochus' death is sadder than Polites' death in Epic.
For one thing, we got to "know" him longer. He is in more songs. We got to see this friendship as it was and how it soured. There's a REASON why Eurylochus was his 2nd in command. He was smart and knew what he was most of the time. Most likely, they were fine in the war but the monsters and everything else in the Odyssey are very different from a battle among mortal men.
Odysseus calls him his brother. I don't know if Jay plans to have Eurylochus be Odysseus' brother-in-law like he is in the Odyssey, but regardless, that does add to it.
We get to see the fear Eurylochus has, we get to see his doubt. His struggle to believe that Odysseus, his captain and "brother", actually knew what he was doing. As Odysseus WAS attempting very scary things that they've never really done before. Was he wrong most of the time? Yes. But can you blame him if you look through his point of view?
In some ways, I think Eurylochus almost KNEW his fate. Someone has mentioned it on tumblr but the fact that Eurylochus was so skeptical about Aeolus' island but was suddenly fine with eating Helios' cattle, shows that he just...didn't really care anymore.
Maybe he hasn't since he opened the bag tbh. Odysseus never says he "forgives him" after he admits to doing it. Odysseus was always the one to go back for their friends, the fact that he's changed so dramatically probably terrified him. As they were friends, and what happened with Scylla is now how he "treats" his friends, what does that mean for Eurylochus? Odysseus never said that he forgives Eurylochus, especially after what happened with Scylla.
The crew's "you relied on wit, and then we died on it" is almost a "prophecy" as these men are still alive but they DO die very soon after this. Odysseus "relied on wit" in how he chose himself over them. It's a reach, but I think you could even say that Penelope is his "wit" in this decision. She is the reason why he chose himself over them because "I have to see her." me too, Ody
His "But we'll die" doesn't even sound too desperate. I think it was one last try despite him knowing that "You will never choose us" because Odysseus would choose Penelope over anyone and everyone (Telemachus being the only other person who he'd possibly choose over her. I mean she'd be pissed if he put her before their son.). He already knew that Odysseus would choose her, I think he wanted some sort of answer or response from Odysseus. Maybe even an "I'm sorry" or something but Odysseus understands what this means but that doesn't matter as he has to see Penelope again.
Whether Eurylochus' and by proxy, the crews', deaths were already fated like in the actual Odyssey or not, there's just something so sad about seeing this bond go sour and how it'll never get the chance for forgiveness or resolution. It's done.
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ryllen · 4 months
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Please don't crucified me if this headcanon is deemed unrealistic in real life. (´;ω;`) More notes / detailed notes:
stayed & travelled with the Figs for awhile -- after being found, before finally dropped of to an institution, as the Figs think their travelling life style is not really suitable to raise a child
quickly picked up civilization as he is an intelligent child (that's why he is a ravenclaw)
exchanged letters with the travelling Figs during his time at the institution / orphanage
was a really helpful child during his time at the institution / orphanage that he is close with the staff
he thinks of befriending people is a way of learning & by helping them he gets to experience a lot of different things
a mellow temperament child in general (just like how it is ingame)
likes exploring (bcs damn! we really going places in that game)
picked the silly 'Alex Xander' name himself, maybe he heard a mother called her child with that name once and he is obsessed with that name ever since.
he always writes Xander as his 'family name' to show that he is complete even without a family
actually a bit older than his classmates, as he went through extra few years to catch up to civilization as a feral child
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#anyhow i really love our barn owl; she's so beautiful but with a face like biscuit
#i can't stop thinking of how he is a child raised by the forest; so ... ; like; that's why he got clawed scars on his face and all .......#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy mc#character sheet#student id#hogwarts legacy fanart#fanart#i was torn between the thought of fig adopted him for several years already; exactly after he retired from travelling#or they never had any contact with him after they dropped him off#and literally only met again when his magic awakened & noticed by hogwarts; and Fig be like; Aren't u that child?#and during their time together Fig is considering to officially adopt him as their child#it makes the end game so much sadder ; ~~ ;#like; they were just going to be family for real; and suddenly AUGH; and then what's gonna happen to him; that's another story#anyhow what's gonna happened with seb; i don't think he has any other guardians in the family; tho @nne can just whoosh! without guardian;#is legal matter doesn't matter in this world; ok ; no more headache; just independency & fantasy#fsh; knowing how his family is financially stable; 0minis would want to just adopt; but he would hate adopting @nne & seb to his family#pondering i wonder if any other prof would like to take custody over my child#or probably Figs have kind relatives that would take him in#aieehhh let's not think too hard for that part now#i am not a novelist for a reason#plot holes; plot holes everywhere#fshsfh anyhow i don't know wand flexibility is a thing#i was confused what to pick and just went with what they chose for me first#is that information even important or has any meaning at all
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the-storyteller78 · 24 days
Ok, the livestream of the Wisdom Saga broke me a little inside. And by a little, I mean a lot. Utterly. Entirely. And once I have all my thoughts together, expect a whole series of rants about every detail I managed to notice beyond the haze of my tears. But one realization I had was about Athena, Odysseus, and Telemachus.
Like many others, I thought it was hilarious that Athena would be up in arms defending Telemachus and openly calling him her friend when she knew Odysseus for much longer and was still in denial about their friendship. I thought there was something about Telemachus that was just more endearing to her, something that Odysseus lacked in character, in attitude, what have you. But with the release of the Wisdom Saga and all the reveals regarding so many of the unfinished little lyric blurbs we’ve heard before, one thing is clear: Athena would not be able to love Telemachus if not for Odysseus. Odysseus is the one who taught her what it is to have a friend. Odysseus is the one who held out his newborn son for her to hold, a privilege I doubt many had.
Without Odysseus, I honestly don’t think she would’ve given Telemachus a second glance. After all, she was searching for a warrior of the mind, and I don’t know that he would’ve lived up to even her prerequisite standards. Not worth the investment of her time, so to say. But because she does know Odysseus, because he showed her what it means to be more than a warrior of the mind, that there is more to life than walking alone, she changes.
She admits it. Odysseus is her friend. He is her friend, and she left him. And that acknowledgment brings her so much guilt she is unable to sleep at night. Guilt is not something she or any of the other Olympians would feel, especially not in relation to mortals. Why should they? Human lives are brief and meaningless. So for Athena to regret is not normal. Yet, she does.
She has learned humanity, and that is what leads her to Telemachus’ side. It is what allows her to cast aside old hurts and face up against Zeus to save Odysseus. It is what causes her to remember holding baby Telemachus in her arms all those years ago, and it is why that memory gives her the strength to persevere against her father’s onslaught.
It is why when she is on the ground, bloody and broken and beat, her last conscious words are used to beg for Odysseus’ freedom.
Her friend.
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colddeepwater · 1 month
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The fact that TBoB confirmed that Mable is more mentally mature than dipper and is AWARE of that and is always trying to protect dipper is just heart breaking
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alexjcrowley · 3 months
Just saw the F1 (Brad Pitt) movie trailer thanks I hate it
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missycolorful · 8 months
hallo there o/
I wanted to piggyback off your last post on the 'birdbrain/abandonment' post:
I feel this particular situation was bound to happen sooner or later. It's not the first time of late(within the last month) the children have felt abandoned/left behind by qphil. During Prison Event you could see the eggs thoughts on being left behind due to possible escape or interactions with other residents and lore.
Day 3 after the interview tallulah said, "I dont like it here.." and chayanne said, "Let's stick together today..". Qphil then turned it into a joke, "...STICK together.. cause he's holding a stick.." but I do not believe these words were said for nothing. Day 3 had dark themes surrounding the residents(inmate crucifixion) and as a child paying attention I would be scared and want my parent in sight much as possible.
Now of course we give grace to the ccs because streaming and events can take a toll. Phil had stated several times during the event he felt overwhelmed/stimulated, along with others agreeing with him.
At one point the eggs eventually burried them selves in hole, in which wasn't addressed until after a guard Tubbo and Charlie noticed. On the walls chayanne signs say: we are a ghost - we will die here and bit later tallulah states: we were wondering how lo g it took u to find us, we were thinking you were leaving us here.
Qphil reassured them but I got to thinking: every where he went residents had their eggs with them. When escaping with Charlie fit and tubbo, ramon was with fit and sunny was with either parent...qphil was alone. When talking to the guard for the hat, pomme was with aypierr - rishas and pepito were with their guardians and em/dapper was with bagi and bad...qphil was alone.
Giving benifit of doubt he was trying to protect them.(the guard was a butt)
That being said: the separation was scary, anything could have happened. Yesterday situation could have went very differently as well. The eggs could have been mortal. Something more dangerous than the scorpion could have caught them along their travel back home.
And this ALL is off the talks/agreement of them sticking together as a family. Having each others back. The situation is so interesting because after concerns are said qphil does comply with not taking his sight off them rest of stream. I really enjoy this family dynamic for some reason
Sorry for long post
oh gosh don't apologize, I'm eating this whole post up. And it's given me more to say, so... sorry in turn, lol!!
honestly, a lot of the prison event felt like a blur to me (a lot happened lol), so I completely forgot about those small moments. Like a lot of other similar moments, they're jokes, yes, but there's a certain weight to them. And these jokes they've been making have had a certain weight for a while now. And.... looking back, I feel dumb for not even mentioning the one thing that's really brought this whole issue, and these "jokes" and concerns the kids have, into existence.
It's the Ender King.
q!Phil has made it clear that if the Ender King finds him and seeks to capture him and take him away from the kids, there's nothing he can do. He's not sure if he can come back, if he does get taken, even though he swears he'll do everything he can to return to his kids. But that reveal of the Ender King and Phil's concerns about his fate by his hands has affected Chayanne and Tallulah greatly. It's good that he's been honest with them, I'd rather he be. But there's no good way to handle this, in truth.
Chayanne, after Purgatory, has been more clingy with his father, but I think it's more noticeable as of recent. Tallulah has tried to distance herself a little like sleeping at her and Wilbur's house, most likely out of a need to feel independent and such, but within the last month or so, she's also been fairly clingy. I think her attempts at being independent fell to the wayside once the idea of her father just... disappearing, and possibly never coming back, came to mind. She sleeps at the sanctuary (and now their new house as of the reset) more often than not. They're both afraid of waking up and seeing that the most consistent parental figure in their lives is gone.
Like, we all know that q!Phil isn't actually abandoning them or even leaving them behind with any malicious or neglecting purpose, and I think the kids know he wouldn't do so with intention (which is why him being defensive yesterday was sort of a moot point, but anyway). Plenty of the parents will let their kids mind their business and do things without them around. This isn't new, and this has happened with Phil's kids plenty of times! For example, Phil didn't want his kids around during a lot of the prison stuff, because a lot of what he was doing was risky, and he didn't want them to get hurt. And we know that yesterday was a pure accident, and he wants to try to be more careful.
But technicalities and logic aren't really important here. What upsets the kids is simply the idea of him being gone, and the fear of him never coming back. It doesn't matter how many times he tells them that he will, because these fears are huge and real. You accidentally left the kids behind at Etoiles' house? It doesn't matter, you still left. You got kidnapped by the Ender King? It doesn't matter you're still gone.
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So is it just me or is asoue sadder when you’re an adult than it was when we were kids?
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alpinelogy · 4 months
I just realized that when I write dialogue I usually write out only the dialogue before any of the action and sometimes I even imagine the dialogues lines as if in a theater play… now im wondering how obvious it is in the final draft
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mxwhore · 7 months
mutuals. i am getting caught in my own bitterness again...
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perexcri · 1 year
happy one year to her and one of my better opening lines for a fic <3
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now, because i'm curious:
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blueparadis · 13 days
I was so happy until i played my daylist that contained sad songs
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thebigqueer · 25 days
its not even just seeing her that im worired about . im so dreading going back cuz everyones gonna be like 'so have you seen your pookie yet!!' and im gonna have to sit there and look embarrasing and stupid as fuck saying 'oh we broke up. yeah sorry i know i ranted to you guys all the tiem about how much i liked her and made you all listen to everything we did on some reandom date only for us to break up almost out of nowhere. sorry for letting you down and wasting your time' like fuckkkk . im gonna look so fucking stupid saying all this cuz they all knew how much we liked each other. theyre all gonna look at me in so much fucking pity and i dont want to deal with all that
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qmorningcrew · 1 year
my hc of the eggs in order of oldest to youngest
dapper & ramón (twins)
juanaflippa, tilin, & bobby (triplets)
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snaxle · 9 months
im just sick of feeling guilty for spending money 😭😭 ..
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