#but now we're really fucking good at making bread because of them practicing and only failing because of the poi thing lmfao
rie-092 · 6 months
⟡﹒ ashioki oushi x nagi! reader
summary : oushi doesn't like you, period.
⊂ rei: i'm a sucker for this guy and i haven't seen fanfics about him >:/ i'm so close on making a ff about him, i swear. ⊃
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everyone could see how much oushi hates your guts. but he swears, he has good reasons why the fuck he hates you so much. first, because you are annoying. second, because you are too lazy for his liking (he made the whole damn project on that one project when the two of you got assigned together as partners which is so unfair) and third, but not the least, you are itsuomi's younger sister.
whenever the two of you were together, it's either oushi was so pissed and dragging you around or yelling at you. or he practically gave up and accepted his fate and just seat next to you, blankly eating bread since there was no vacant seat in the cafeteria. and everyone really prefers the second one because they only have a peaceful time whenever the two of you aren't together or whenever you and oushi aren't fighting.
but it was different in the perspective of selected individuals. like yuki, who always notices the change of expression in oushi's face whenever he sees you. sure, he still has that resting bitch face but— yuki couldn't deny the fact that oushi's face always softens a little bit whenever he sees you. while on the other hand, your older brother, itsuomi knows how lazy you are and how much you hates interacting with humans. but it was different when you were with oushi.
he can see the change in your behaviour, he noticed how you smile more often than usual. or how your face brightens up whenever your eyes see oushi. or how much you were enjoying school because of oushi. both yuki, itsuomi and the others can see the fact that you and oushi like each other. but the two of you were way too stubborn to notice that fact and it was frustrating for them.
actually, despite claiming that you hate each other. the two of you often hang out with each other. arcades, movies, eating in your and oushi's favourite fast food chains, taking you out for shopping— just name it, because oushi was sure that he already visited or done it with you. while others exclaimed that it was date— you and oushi are dating. you and oushi was like 'wtf are you talking about? we're just bored and he/she happens to be free that day?'
i can see that the first one who realized their feeling was oushi. you see, this guy despite his grumpy attitude was very well aware of his surroundings and his own feelings. i can see how awkward he will be when he realises his feelings. but when he saw you being dense as hell — he was pissed. it was much easier when he fell in love with yuki, but it wasn't the same for you 'cause you were so stupid in oushi's eyes.
but seeing how you unconsciously showing your affections to him. like letting him rest his head on your shoulder, staying with him whenever he has problem, giving him small gifts (mainly handmade) was enough to convince oushi that you like him too. and he fucking loves it.
wanna hear how he confessed his feelings? oh, i'll tell ya. so, you got invited to a certain gathering with your seniors along with oushi and they started teasing you and oushi, asking things like ‘are you guys dating~?’ and you denied it. and boy, you made a wrong move because it only pissed oushi so much. and by the time that the gathering was finished, oushi grabbed that chance to confront you about it.
“what made you think that i don't want to date you?”
“i'm pretty sure that your ears are working properly, (first name).”
“and you're a big idiot.”
so, we all know the fact that he eas rejected by yuki. and that was the main reason why he was scared to fall in love again. but damn, you just came into his life— wrecking the damn wall that he built around his heart.
and now you're saying that it's impossible for the two of you to date because he hates you? what are you, and idiot? or you just hates using that damn pea-size brain of yours?
so while you were happily telling him the various reasons why he doesn't want to date you. he mumbled an apology which you didn't heard properly and before you could react— you already felt his lips on you. you blinked, surprised. while on the other hand, oushi smirked seeing the pink dust on your cheeks.
you were about to ask what was that for when oushi rested his forehead on yours, not even bothering to break the eye contact as he spoke with the most gentle tone that he can. saying the words that you didn't expected to hear from him outta all people in this universe.
oushi is a sweet guy, i swear. despite of being grumpy and short fused. he was more than willing to do anything for the girl that he like.
oh, by the way. expect a lot of cuddles, kisses and gifts from him once you agreed to become his girlfriend. don't worry, he will make sure that you won't regret agreeing to become his girlfriend because he is more than willing to give the whole world. also, expect that he will probably tutor you when you fail the exams. jeez, what an idiot— but you are his idiot.
“i like you, idiot. happy now?”
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pabit · 5 months
good evening. my best wishes to you, and habit’s recovery.
i also see you made cookies. do you like to bake?
Ah. A question about me, hm? I’m flattered - no one else usually gives a shit.
Say, why don’t I tell you all a little bit about myself? I’ve got the time to type.
Hundreds of lives ago, our mother taught Michael how to bake when we were ten years old. Michael got really good at it, so I also decided to pick it up too. I would practice making bread in the middle of the night and rob him of sleep so he couldn’t practice during the day. I thought it would make me feel as good as it did for him, especially if I was better than him at it. Well…
After dying in that life, we start all over again somewhere new as always. One summer- we're about 15 years old and just wandering aimlessly on the beach while we talked and enjoyed the sunshine. Then we started bickering over something so stupid I didn't bother to remember what it was. We're just throwing around petty insults and then I say, "I bet you couldn't bake a cake even if the only ingredient was shit."
We stop walking and Michael goes, "well duh, I don't even know how to bake." I didnt say anything for a moment, and Michael continues humorously, "but I bet I could still bake a better shit cake than you!”
I couldn't keep up the bickering after that...even though Michael remained cheerful, I just felt this horrible, aching sadness; like a hole had opened up inside me.
We went home without further argument.
Just the life prior Michael had been an amazing baker in his own right. It made him happy. I may have hated it before, but it was true. Now he knew nothing, straight back to square one, completely unaware of this fact.
Except I knew, and I felt terrible because...well, I could still remember how to bake. I've never forgotten. But Michael would have to relearn everything, including the things that helped us both survive the darkness we were stuck in.
How awful is that? Never being allowed to keep even the most innocent of memories, only for me to be the one stuck with them all. What am I supposed to do with that? Let it all go to waste?
15 year old me was pretty fucked up by this awareness for sure. I kept going over it in my head trying to make sense of things, and what I concluded was this:
My job is to protect Michael's happiness, not rob him of it for myself and do nothing with it. I felt like I stole something precious from Michael that day. I was a selfish fool; being “better” at Michael never actually made me happier in the grand scheme of things. So…
I decided I'd continue baking, from that life onwards, in honor of the memory Michael lost. I’ll hold onto it for him. I had the power to make him a little happier, even though I felt like I could only bring him pain.
Despite the tall cunt and despite my own destructive tendencies, I still managed to leave a tray of Michaels favorite treats by our bedside at least once a week.
So you could say I enjoy baking…but only because I know how much it makes other people feel better. I get nothing else out of it. It’s taken a long time to not be bitter, and I’ve done a lot of fucked shit because of it, but I’ve learned how to channel it into something positive now I think.
Anyways, that’s my story about the baking thing. I have many stories, but I should probably leave it at that for the moment.
Habit looks to have stopped shaking so much, but still hasn’t touched the cookies. Rude I say - my cookies are freaking awesome. I’m going to put my phone down and try talking to him again soon. -P
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astranite · 1 year
Funny story: today I rescued a chicken.
This got kinda long but it is fairly funny and has a happy ending. Also there is Thunder and Birds involved, but not in the usual way. And I have no one to give the blow-by-blow account of the saga to, and I Need to Tell Story. So dear friends, *drags you to sit around my figurative fireplace* enjoy my tale!
(Minor warning of reference to past animal death.)
Because the universe really does have a sense of humour, this all started when I was sitting outside, because it was a nice sunny day, while reading @gaviiadastra's 'Chicken Dad' series. (its great, Im only 5 chapters in, go read it!)
And then I hear loud chicken clucking noises. Which I am understandably very surprised to hear. There is some *looks at laptop* *looks up again* "What the fuck???"
So I go out to investigate. I find a chicken. A very cute, fairly large black hen with the slightest green sheen to her feathers. In all likelihood a Black Australorp.
Outside my yard, just chilling. And still bok-bok-boking loudly.
And I'm like, "huh." And wow, that was not just my imagination.
Now backstory time: My family used to keep chickens, a small flock of them living happily in our yard. I loved them very much, and I kinda still miss them even though it was years ago now. They also had ridiculous triple-barrel names.
Tragic backstory time: One of our chickens got eaten by a fox. (it was extremely upsetting, the chicken was our friend.)
There are also a whole bunch of outdoor cats around the neighbourhood, and a highway nearby, and generally a lot of dangers to escapee chickens. So I'm understandably pretty worried about this chook, because its also lateish afternoon and will get dark. And just leaving it there really doesn't fly with me.
Time for the rescue plan: I'm going to catch that chicken, then figure out where it lives and return it. Because I vaguely remembered some neighbours keeping chickens, and a door knock around should point me in the right direction. (Or if not, I get to keep chickens again, y'know, if it still needs a good home.)
I put shoes on, because stomping around in my slippers is likely ill advised, grab a crust of bread because it the best chicken attracting thing i can quickly find, and yell to a family member where i'm going, getting the underwhelming response of, "Uh huh, sure."
Plan A: Lure chicken close to me with bread and catch it once it is in arms reach.
There is some throwing of pieces of bread, me making inviting clucking noises (actually one of my talents, I have fooled people with it before,) me staying very still, the chicken slowly coming closer.
Eventually the chicken is pecking the bread piece from my hand. I take my moment. My fingertips brush feathers. The chicken runs off. Note to self: chickens are fast and I'm very out of practice at chicken nabbing.
Takes two through like eight or something: Lure chicken in, gain its trust, wait until it gets really close, then catch it.
And nope. The chicken is having None Of That. It still gets a fair bit of bread bits, thrown out around me. And its having a merry old time, wandering around, pecking at grass, and being adorable. (I really like chooks, they're cute.)
By this point my butt's gone numb and my shitty knees are Complaining. And I've been at this more than half an hour, like seriously, this chicken has mastered the art of 'close enough for snacks, but not close enough to get got.'
And I am Very Patient (in some circumstances, such as these, though not all), but I can also hear thunder as a storm is coming in. And this clearly isn't working. And the chicken is wandering away. And I'm at least ten times its size and supposedly the cleverer one here.
So onto Plan B: Get me close to the chicken. Catch the darned chicken.
I get up, shove the bit of bread in my pocket, stretch, then calmly walk after the chicken. Because panicky chicken could definitely out-sprint me. And we're gonna avoid that. I'm also hoping the whole 'persistence predator' thing pays off.
Additional context notes: I live right next to a park. Sort of. There's several metres of rocky cliff between the row of houses and the park. And a narrow strip of land between said cliff and houses. Which is where me and the chicken are, of course.
So there is the additional difficulty of 1) dont chase chicken off cliff (the chicken would be fine, its only couple of metres high and it has unclipped wings. Also would be new problem of chicken running loose in big park.) 2) dont fall off cliff because i dont want to explain it to family/curious strangers/paramedics that this was all because of a chicken.
There is a lot of very careful manoeuvring. Some tactical retreats because that chicken really likes that cliff edge. An amount of bush bashing. Some strategic climbing of slopey parts where it's not so cliff steep. I run into sticks and tree branches and spiderwebs. I Follow That Chicken.
There is a stand off. A rout. I direct the chicken towards the houses and manage to corner it with a fence. And then I've got an armful of somewhat flappy chicken until I get the wings under control. Then I've just got a chicken. A very sweet chicken who is now pretty chill with being held.
Return of the Chicken: It's the first house I go to. I ring the bell, no one answers. I wander round the side a bit thinking maybe I ended up at the back door with all the chicken chasing. A dog spots me in the window and starts barking. So I stand there to wait for that to get someone's attention because I'm 90% sure its the right house.
Person appears in window. Me: *waves* *points at chicken*
Epilogue: It was confirmed that the chicken belonged there. The person was very grateful for the return of their chicken. And wasn't too put out by a rando showing up at the door with a chicken in their arms. Me in my red chequered flannel and possibly covered in leaves. The chicken did not have a name, I asked. I suggested Jailbreak as a suitable one.
I gave the chicken one last pat then handed her over (somewhat reluctantly. She was a very soft, fluffy, lovely chook) (and I named her.) (I really miss having chickens, if you can't tell that already.)
I went home and after a while it stormed, seriously like right on top of us with no break between thunder and lightning. Very glad I got the chicken before that. And got inside. I also won't tell you how long it took to find the bread still in my pocket but I'm very glad it didn't go through the wash. Now I blogged on tumblr about it.
And so the chicken rescue saga comes to an end, with all parties safe and dry and no one even fell off a cliff. Also I got to hold a chicken and that was a major win for my day!
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(We're moots but going anon because you're too cool for me and I'm shy sksksksss) Chu help me, I want to adopt a second dog but I'm still in uni and realistically I know it's a bad idea, but he's been at the shelter for so long and he's become so skinny and sad 😭😭 I'm lucky that I live in a house with a large backyard and roommates atm and I have a steady source of income and some money aside but idk what the future holds... But winter is here and I'm scared that he won't make it...
I already bought him a coat to protect him from the cold bc he kept shivering and I feed him extra food each time I go to the shelter since I'm a volunteer but he's not getting better, and now he's bonded to me on top of everything else. He's a high-energy breed too and I know I could provide him with the exercise and stimulation he needs (my first dog is actually too lazy for me and happy with one walk a day if even that despite being young and a "working breed" lmao rip). I dunno, I'm just scrambling my brain trying to think of a solution, I'd suggest fostering but the shelter really only does it for elderly or very young animals... I'd probably end up foster failing anyway lmao.
I guess I'm looking for a neutral outside pov from someone who has several dogs??
I'm so far from cool what is this perception of me
Id say your practical concerns are valid: if your roommates will accept him, if you can comfortably afford him, if you have help taking care of him if necessary etc. It sounds like most of those are answered. Have you asked your roommates about it?
The other concern is -- is his health so poor that you may lose him young? And can you afford that unfortunate possibility?
But I'd say If you're bonded and can handle it and have the means and safety net to care for him as well as (or better) than the shelter...I mean...I'd take him.
I think you've been extremely thoughtful and rational about the process and know the situation best. Talk to your roommates and don't doubt yourself. You know if you can handle him. And you'll certainly make it work if you have to, being a good match just helps lessen the stress.
Read more for a "how I met my puppers" story and why I'm not the best person to ask T.T
But my mother and I want around the whole family to shelters before surprising them with meeting the dog we wanted. Aka kinda rudely but not irresponsibly bc we had a yard and supplies fr the previous dog we had 🥺.
And I got bread while living alone in an apartment with no yard at all to speak of bc my friend heard our other coworker freaking out that her roomate let a street dog in her apartment and my friend was like (without talking to me, just knowing I needed/wanted a dog) "oh vi will take that dog"
She came up to me later like "oh hey I got you a dog." I met her after work (LITERALLY ON MY WAY TO ANOTHER STATE FOR A THREE DAY VACATION) And fell in love with my idiot 🥺 said I'd take her with ZERO SUPPLIES or preparation and a messy ass apartment and left her with that friend who watched her those first two days and I came back early) whipped my shit into shape real good real fast.
It was rash and irresponsible as FUCK but we're doing just fine now bc we needed each other (she's laying next to me in bed with her snoot on my shoulder rn 🥺✨)
All of that to say I may not be the best person to ask lololol
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irawhiti · 2 years
one of the first things i'm doing when i move out is setting up another rewena bug
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autisticlalna · 2 years
🦙 (llama) give us a list of your favourite Minecraft mobs! Why are these ones specifically Your Little Guys?
UHHHHHHHHH endermen are my beloveds. i leave them alone and they leave me alone. we good! as for non-hostile mobs i LOVE cats and foxes. ALSO FROGS i finally saw a frog recently ingame and was stunned by how absolutely SHAPED it is
i love cats for reasons of I Love Cats IRL but foxes are my Little Guys because.. man what were we even doing. shay went out into the wilderness with a friend on shadowrealms for ? something ? and ended up in a taiga out in the middle of Fucking Nowhere. they built a little temporary house until they could figure out a way back to spawn bc they were like a thousand blocks out, and then suddenly shay found a fox and got Instantly Attached and the mission upgraded from "return home" to "return home with fox". the mission was a success and shay named him Reggie :D
🌲(spruce) what are some of your favourite blocks to build with? What blocks do you think should be added to Minecraft?
i am a birch planks enjoyer. i also really like polished andesite and deepslate tiles! also warped wood and blackstone. and mossy cobblestone + mossy stone brick.. or stone brick in general.. i've been doing a build with a lot of stone varieties lmao
i'm not really sure what should be added? maybe a lighter wood that's not quite as bright as birch, idk
🍎(apple) preferred food to munch on in game?
you would not BELIEVE how much pumpkin pie we have on surefire (not a lot, actually, we need to afk for eggs more. we have a double chest+ of the other two ingredients)
other than that, uhhh. bread? leontids is currently living off bread on dominionerds. shay mostly had baked potatoes on shadowrealms i think. whatever's available and quick to make (asides from the pumpkin pie thing which required two (2) farms and 12+ hours of insanity because we've never done redstone farms before)
💀 (skull) how often do you die? And what is the thing that kills you the most?
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(this actually isn't true right now because we have slowfall on surefire and total immunity to falling damage + experiencing kinetic energy on dominionerds)
on surefire i think most of our deaths have been spontaneous combustion? because we're a phantom and keep forgetting about it in daytime. we've only died twice on dominionerds and those two times were 1) to the warden and 2) intentionally getting mauled by a polar bear because we got very, very lost and needed a quick trip back to spawn
🕊(bird) are you to be trusted with an elytra or are you going to fly face first into a wall? Are you good at parkour? Good at pvp?
I FUCKING LOVE ELYTRA i like to think i'm good at it! i had a lot of practice on shadowrealms and that was fun. only just got an elytra on surefire and i don't really use it, but on dominionerds i have an elytra built-in and i am a menace with it. especially combined with the kinetic damage immunity combined with a launch meaning i just fire myself straight at the ground and win
parkour is something i WANT to be good at but very much am not i think. i am determined but perhaps not determined enough. meanwhile with pvp i need a very specific loadout and very specific terrain or else i die instantly because i'm a bit of a weenie, but shay did a lot of fight club stuff on shadowrealms with his trident and that was cool
🧨(tnt) preferred way of blowing your world to pieces? Boom? Boom? Boom? Boom?
I HAVEN'T ACTUALLY HAD TO DO ANY DEMOLITION YET SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH but like. you can't go wrong with TNT. asides from going wrong with TNT. it's fine
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arnold-layne · 4 years
sorry for the late reply, the electricity was ✨gone✨ since 8 am (technically it still is, but at least my tumblr works); it's 2:20 pm as i write it
ohhh in this case it's okay, even tho we we're worried about you, it's good that you crawled back a bit. it's okay to take a break, even flowers don't bloom all the time <3 and how are those new meds? any better??
the shitty sound was my fault, i didn't hit the notes many times and sounded just unlistenable :( well, mom said it's not as bad as i say, but i know i can do better and that low-key kills me, but i'm trying my best to not choke myself with pride&perfection, i swear :(
syrniki!!! i miss taste of those, so basically it's very similar, but it's a cake and it's not fried on pan.....but now i'm thinking about making syrniki.....yeah totally will make'em 👀
ah i forgot Moscow is well known as gray city not without a reason :( but!!! it's gonna be better soon!! as spring is closer and closer the sun is gonna come out even for a while!! :) also here it's similar, but one day we have snow and other we have sun....that sucks too!
omg go, comrade, go!!! fingers hurt only in the beginning, the more you practice, the less you feel it!! i don't have the toughest fingers, but they don't hurt that much! :) oooooh i love your writing, it's so 🧚✨🍃👁️🌈 (sorry, i couldn't fit it in words 😂), can't wait to see new stuff coming from you!!!!
....and i almost forgot to say that i'm fine, still a bit unmotivated, but fine overall! :) drink your water and stay safe <3
Dude don't ever apologise for late replies I'm replying this a day late and I'm very bad at replying in general so. It's okay.
Yeah I kinda took a break, I was isolated and didn't have to go to uni so it was like a holiday at first but then I slowly began to go insane from loneliness (I was there alone, in a small room with like a bed, a table and a nightstand) and an episode happened. And I was also really stressed about studying then so I was also super anxious which didn't help. But the test week in uni passed so I can exhale a little and relax. Yeah, about new meds, not really new I tried taking them a year ago but it didn't go well then (I had super strong side effects, I couldn't even think straight), but, surprisingly, it goes alright now since I take a very small dose. So let's wait an see how it goes.
Hey yeah you know you can do better, but you know what? You're a human, and humans aren't perfect all the time! Your best varies from day to day depending on a lot of factors, so while I'm sure you can hit those notes alright I'm also sure you don't need to stress over it too much.
Ahh I know, like syrniki and cheesecake kinda have the same ingredients but they are shaped and cooked differently....still delicious, both of them 😋 I'm no good at cooking, here at the dorm I don't have needed appliances (or like, I have...but they're super old and these fucking gas stoves take ages to cook, besides, the kitchen is infested with cockroaches so I'm not going there for the love of my life), so I just eat like. bread. apples, a lot of them. frozen pancakes. sandwiches. Overall, things that are tasty and don't need cooking. Unfortunately, there's not many of those so I kinda eat the same three things over and over.
Today is a very sunny day and I'm glad :) but these days happen like once a week. I remember it was a sunny day last Saturday. I felt heat from the sun on my skin!!! for the first time this year!!! Spring, man 💕
Oh yeah I know it just takes practice, doesn't mean I won't complain about it 😂 I really fell behind on my guitar practice, I need to play more. But now it's kinda a choice: you play or you write, you don't have time for both. And I choose writing....
Ohhh haha thank you I understood what you meant 😂❤️ I even wrote a poem based on the fic, my poetry sucks because I write it like once a month but I just felt it, man. Idk if I will post it with the fic or not so far. I need to finish the fic first 😭
Love u ❤️
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tarajenkins · 5 years
Given what you've said of Vauthry, about how we're never given any chance to even try and redeem him, help him become a better person, I'd like to ask: how would you go about "saving" him? When he transforms into that Lucifer/Archangel Michael-looking guy, he seems permanently lost, but how would you write out a redemption narrative for him?
I love this ask, I hate the answer I have to give. But it’s gonna be a long response anyway, because context and because you already know I don’t know when to shut up about characters, lmao. 
SO I HOPE YOU LOVE HEARING ME RAMBLE UNDER THIS CUT (but I won’t blame you if you don’t)
I don’t think the in-game narrative allows Vauthry any chance at redemption in the current time, even if he had the agency to take it.  I don’t think we ever saw what he actually could have been. I think what we saw in Shadowbringers was the Lightwarden he’d been carrying finally “awakening”, as Innocence’s Triple Triad card put it. Or, as the X-Files put it in their eighth ep: “We are not who we are”.  
Even if that Lightwarden could be driven out of him (I know an “Aethertech” who would do anything to make that possible cough), I don’t know if he’d regain clarity he may never have had to start.  I’d love to think that he did, a long time ago. The Minstreling Wanderer tells us he can’t say whether or not Vauthry was a monster as a child, when you unlock Crown Of The Immaculate EX.
I believe the Lightwarden’s influence was driving a lot of his brutal acts of “justice”, because that is kinda their whole thing.  As for the man inside the monster?  I have a hunch he was desperate to not be seen as unnatural, and was trying to make sense out of what was happening to him in a way that would not make him a hybrid abomination. Because if he wasn’t a God, if he wasn’t this divine thing he was told he was – then what was he? The way he worded it, “this is why I was born…as man and Sin Eater both…” – it makes me feel he had, at some point in his life, at least once, ASKED why he was born as he was. That he had perceived it was wrong. He needed it to be right. And that was just fuel to the corruption fire.
The talk of godhood actually seemed to be a recent phenomenon, as no other NPC mentions a thing about it – they refer to him as “Lord Vauthry”, and speak of him in mortal terms, apart from his miraculous ability to keep the Sin Eaters at bay. He freely boasted of being a God to the Crystal Exarch, yet we’re to believe he didn’t say a word to his own people, all this time? Or that no one, in turn, would mention to us “Yyyyeah, about this guy….” Mayor Punchable Face may have told him he was a God, but it doesn’t sound like Vauthry bought into it enough to spread the good word for at least twenty years. 
Also consider he called his transformation into Innocence a “trial”. Why would a god need to be tested? And by whom?
By the time we see him in-game, it seemed he was in a rapid decline of sanity, or at least the ability to keep up appearances, and whatever was left of him was fervently clinging to the only purpose he was ever apparently given – which is exactly what that Lightwarden (and Emet-Selch) would want. 
 He was really cynical about the rest of humanity. Given his father, I can see where he’d get that from. Not that daddy told him people suck, it’s that Vauthry probably learned that by his father’s example. Maybe by the rest of Eulmore, too, but I got the impression he was kept seriously isolated from society before his inauguration. He seems to prefer being alone – he only leaves that room when he moves the Sin Eaters against Lakeland. He gives no indication he knows how to socialize, period. You either come to him, or you don’t see him. (He may be keenly aware humes don’t typically reach at least fifteen feet tall. Seriously, look at Cruelty’s size compared to player characters, now look how Cruelty makes a comfy couch for him.)
Cynical, and yet, he wanted to see the people of Eulmore’s “dreams fulfilled, their wishes granted”. Just so long as he was the one responsible, and he was the one recognized for it. He needed their acceptance. 
ANYHOO.  On to stuff I still have zero idea what to make of. 
I should preface the rest of this infodump with the fact I found the Eulmore arc to be the weakest of the expansion, between Vauthry and Ran'jit. Most of the MSQ was given nuance. Eulmore was given a Saturday Morning Cartoon sledge. A -lot- of questions, with no answers, unless Squeenix decides to be generous in a fifty-buck lore book later. (something I hated Warcraft for. I should not have to pony up for a book to understand the main story quest chain in a game.) So, here are some of the questions I’ve got:
They don’t really explain why Emet-Selch thought corrupting an infant was a good plan, as the Sin Eaters seemed guaranteed a win on The First, if only by outlasting the survivors of the Flood. Impatience, maybe? Why not give it to the mayor? That dickpickle would’ve said yes. Maybe we’ll get more answers with the Eden raid. IT’D BE NICE *COUGH*
- The meol thing.  
It’s using Sin Eater’s non-existant flesh to make a bread, and through that bit of Sin Eater, Vauthry could control whoever ate it.  The fanbase loves the “soylent green is people” angle, but it’s done pretty haphazardly, when you think about it like that? Sin Eaters have no lasting corporeal body. They are Light, mixed with a bit of the lingering essence of whatever they originally were – and what they originally were did not have to be humanoid. They dissolve into sparklies in the air upon death – and arguably, they would not have to die to contribute sparklies to somehow mix into food. Forgiven Cruelty lost a whole wing to Thancred when Thancred first took Ryne from Eulmore, and it seemed to have grown back just fine by the time we see Cruelty again. Killing Sin Eaters also would be entirely counterproductive to a nation that devoted themselves to NOT killing them. Also – we are shown the Afflicted, people who are falling to corruption from a SIn Eater attack they’d survived. How is it people who eat meol don’t become corrupted themselves?
Where did the idea for meol  even begin? Vauthry’s father was ousted by the people as mayor before Emet-Selch said hey there, friend, you have a punchable face, let’s make a deal – and Vauthry only took control of Eulmore 20 years ago. He looks a LOT older than 20, or even 40. So his father must’ve rode his child’s coattails before then.  Did Mayor Punchable Face think that was a wise countermeasure against future insurrection? In any case, Vauthry did not exert that control until the WoL and allies were coming to kill the Lightwarden of Kholusia (him), so it did not seem to be a priority of his. Alphinaud confirmed the people were of a free mind until they were made to fight the WoL and allies. (and dialogue stressed it was very noticeable when someone was not of a free mind.) Squeenix: *throws meol into purse* I have to go plotholes came up
- The “Perverted Paradise”.  (I at least giggle every time Alphinaud says this.)
Vauthry is presented as the pinnacle of vice, yet the game does not really show this well – in some cases, not at all.
Gluttony: He isn’t shown to indulge in drink, let alone overindulge. Apart from the meol scene at the end, which was related to controlling the Eater-corrupted citizenry, not gluttony, he was not shown to have so much as a snack. There’s food in his chamber, all of it untouched. But! In the Shadowbringers trailer, Squeenix thought the best example to showcase Eulmore’s decadence was – three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
Not the creepy-ass old patron who thinks that  since his pretty servant can’t sing anymore, she should be “Ascended” as a kindness, although it was implied she could have recovered her health, just not her voice. Not the guy who tossed his servant from a balcony because reasons and wanted us to bring him back. Not even the noblewoman trying to have her servant killed because her lecherous husband put designs on the poor girl.
Three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
We get it, Square, we’re supposed to see he’s fat and think that is bad. Moving on.
Lust: He doesn’t visit the adult nightclub downstairs (the adult nightclub that is shown practically empty and behind closed doors, the lewdness of it all – I clutch my pearls.) He doesn’t  creep on your player character like Magnai did in Stormblood – he doesn’t creep on anyone. He doesn’t want you to be his steed. No interest is shown in the Sin Eaters apart from them fighting for him, as much as some people in the fanbase theorize he is fucking them. (They probably think that Spirited Away is about the sex industry and My Neighbor Totoro is about dead girls, too.) This game is pretty blatant when they intend that sort of thing, see: Yotsuyu, Sastasha, any number of things in Ishgard or Ul'dah. I’ve found nothing here, except the German translation for “Consort Of Sin: Forgiven Obscenity” is “Purified Fornication: Playmate Of The Redeemer”. Since this is not implied in any other translation, I put my trust in Koji Fox and the fact Obscenity’s job seems to be Official Nose Petter to Forgiven Cruelty.
Greed: I am not going to hold his rings and his robes against him, as Urianger has just as much bling (more, actually), The wealthy are made to give up ALL their fortune to be permitted to stay in Eulmore – but that wealth is then used to provide everything for free to those who live there, and the free citizenry are apparently given funds for private use to boot. If they intended to show that Vauthry was using all that for hookers and blow for himself, it did not convey well.
Wrath: If one has broken the rules of the city (or has thrown shade that takes him a full two minutes to catch), Vauthry definitely has this in spades, with a temper tantrum a lot like Philia’s Fierce Beating attack.  But again, the writers don’t really show the extent of the wrath they are trying to tell . Because if you don’t break the rules? Nothing happens, apparently. Trouble seems to have to be brought forward to him, he doesn’t go looking for it.  It didn’t feel any different to me than the Grand Companies, yet this is the one that finally makes Alphinaud do the *GAAAAASP*.
The populace does not seem afraid of Vauthry. In fact, they feel free to pop ‘round to have a word if they think something needs doing. Chai-Nuzz did not seem distressed by his wife’s suggestion she would have a word with Vauthry to soothe the “hard feelings” stirred up in the quest “Emergent Splendor”.  
Pride: He has great pride in his ability to keep the SIn eaters under control, but doesn’t really display any vanity in himself. No portraits, statues, etc. When Alphinaud interfered with Kai-Shirr’s punishment, Alphinaud was told he’d be permitted to stay in the city if he made a painting – not a portrait of Vauthry, but of the city itself.
Sloth: We get it, Square, he’s fat and he sits down, moving the FUCK on.  No actually, hold up, to be honest? As tired and :| as he looked all the time, he struck me as depressed. What guy in Paradise looks that haggard?
NOW moving on.
Envy: If my theory holds, probably plenty of unresolved envy for folks who are not “half Sin Eater”. Otherwise, I can’t think of an example here.
- “Ascension” (Sure thing, Jan)
This is only made reference to in the Weeping Warbler quest chain. “As all know, the sin eaters exist to devour the sinful. But also do they serve to gather the souls of the innocent, and shepherd them unto celestial paradise.”
Sin eaters ate a meal that represents the sins of a household you fool oh wait this is The First
The thing I don’t get here is - why are there obviously limitations on who can be ascended, and when? If the idea is strictly to feed the Sin Eaters, or make meol, or just be an asshole, why is this the only time we hear of it?
It’s like if there are no more mortals, Vauthry wouldn’t have that reassurance he is doing good anymore. Either that, or since he’s never worked in retail, he doesn’t know how to push features.
But I’m betting on the former.
- LASTLY: the hypocrisy of the writer’s narrative (and the fanbase).
Tesleen was our first and horrifying sample of what Sin Eater corruption can do to a human. No matter how strong her will may have been, she was just lost to it. She scratches madly at her face when she uses one of her attacks in Holminster Switch, as though trying to stop herself, or punish herself. But she can’t help it. And we know this.
Titania was a tragedy, had to be stopped. But, a TRAGEDY. Whatever was left of the benevolent ruler was corrupted. There was never a moment where our heroes went “dis binch just evil, they gotta go down”. ( I had many choice words for Titania when I wiped enough times to them, but no actual game dialogue really says it. )
We, the Warrior Of Light, came this close to becoming a Warden ourselves. Somehow it was stalled (convenience!), but there was never a question corruption = bad and out of our control.
Vauthry, on the other hand, is treated as though he is in full control of his faculties, although the corruption before birth makes that questionable at best and he pretty clearly is not? Even as he did that Exorcist neck-twist, no one was like “oh fuck, the Sin Eaters got to another one, damn that poor man”.  (Which would seem a logical conclusion to me, I hate we have like zero real say in our characters’ reactions) Not even a “ahaha okay no seriously what the fuck is going on guys”. Nope. Their reaction was “EVIL”.  Trying to help somehow was never on the table. Watching him die slowly at our feet was.
We saw the Echo of the real circumstance of his birth. It had to come from the Sin Eater that corrupted him, because he wasn’t out of the womb to see that scene play out. Or Emet-Selch. Either way, we saw it, yet at no time afterward do we try to bring the truth out. We just let everyone believe he was evil by choice, and not another casualty of this mess.
And remember earlier, how I said Alphinaud confirmed the free citizenry were not under Vauthry’s control until the fight? Remember the noblewoman whose husband went after their bonded servant, and so she tried to get the girl murdered?
Yeah, we catch up to that noblewoman who tried to murder her servant. She feels really bad about that now.  And what is an option we get to tell her ex-bonded servant when she wonders how she could possibly trust the woman who tried to kill her?
“Vauthry’s society brought out the worst in people…”
Fffffffuck you Square lmao
In private RP land? In private RP land, where we can back the fuck up in the timeline at will? You are damn skippy that Lightwarden got purged before it took complete hold. (an Aethertech did it with SCIENCE.) And Vauthry is cynical and scarred and bitter and broken and betrayed, but he’s not evil. If anything, he’s actually pretty relatably human. And he’s actually pretty damn glad his father’s shitty legacy is over.
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