#but ofc u have to . bc he’s staring at u . waiting for u to do it . and iwaizumi everywhere else is ur loving bf
seiwas · 10 months
iwaizumi tells you that if those barbell hip thrusts aren’t making your legs shake the same way he does, then you aren’t doing it right 😔
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chrissdollie · 7 months
matt with a short gf hcs
bends down to kiss u just bc he doesnt want u to hurt ur neck !
constant teasing (only if ur comfortable with it ofc!!)
and its stupid shit like: "huh? i cant hear you from all the way up here" and then bends down, putting his ear to ur lips cough
picks u up ARGHHH
^ twirls u around too and makes u feel like a princess c:
scooches up the passenger seat in his car hehe
head pats and "good puppy"/"whos a good girll?" as a joke LMAO
if ur trying to grab something from a cabinet above u and matt walks in, he'll silently stare at ur ass jiggling as u bounce up and down, not making a sound. anyway eventually he comes to ur rescue, looming over from behind and handing you what u were looking for. "that'll be one smooch please." he folds his arms and bends down, tapping his cheek. you grin and kiss his cheek.
leans on u hehehe. depending on how short u are, he'd lay his entire arm on your head and put some of his weight onto it, pretending to fall asleep. like he'd do this if u were waiting in line for smth lmao
ur contact names. i think all of the triplets would have a very generic contact list, just opting to have everyone by their name/nickname and maybe like a silly pic. but for u, matt changes it up every once in a while. he'd probably start with smth simple like "shorty" or "tiny" and then go to "shrimpy" or "bug" idk!! maybe "shortcake" if hes feeling sweet x
ur always in his lap just fyi. hes holding u like ur a tiny baby and giving u his warmth wahh
bought u a kitchen pink stool LMAO
^ also buys those dumb ass t-shirts that have short jokes on them
nsfw below
throws u around in bed LISTEN!!1!
i dont mean throw as in mean rough dom. in a way that hes tossing you from position to position just bc ur so easy to move wefufhap
u could be on top, riding like ur life depends on it and he'll just grab your hips, flip u over and oh we're in missionary now !!
he LOVES when ur pissed and wanna be in control cuz ur so tiny and seeing u full of rage is just so arousing
fucks u wearing his shirts that are way too large
plants kisses on ur head when u guys are standing up cough
sits u on the counter and ur just so cute and small and suddenly his dick his hard
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purinfelix · 2 months
I didn’t see anything on your requests about not doing a fic based off of a song? I was wondering if you would want to do one based off of Thunder by Lana Del Rey!
just do it, don't wait ✶⋆.˚
pairing: joao felix x reader summary: in which it dawns on you that your 'no-strings-attached' relationship with joao might've become more than you bargained for w/c: 838
a/n: absolutely love this!!! i typically write most of my fics based off of songs so i'm totally open to taking requests of songs you guys want fics based off of - also anon hope you don't mind bc u didn't specify who u wanted it for so ... ofc its joao <333
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It was a peaceful morning, and you were lying in bed thinking about how you had never noticed how quiet this time of day could be before. Not until you had had another person in your bed, and their soft snores were the only things you could hear, until you had to worry about how turning over might wake them up, or how loud your own thoughts seemed to be in comparison.
Shifting as quietly as you could, you watched the morning sunlight drip in through the shades, speckling Joao's features. Your eyes traced his nose, his cheeks, his lips, a small smile spreading on your own. You think about it for a minute - reaching out and touching him, waking him up so you can tell him face to face how you feel. But the thought is forgotten as fast as it comes to you.
You weren't sure how this thing between you two had started, but every memory since then was as clear as it could be. Every dinner date, sneaky kiss, midnight meeting - just thinking about the time you had spent with him, regardless of how sparse, was enough to make you blush. But a couple weeks ago, on a morning not unlike this one, it suddenly dawned on you just how far you had let yourself go.
Since then every glance, every brush of a hand was enough to send you spiralling with the horrible realisation that you had in fact fallen for him. What had begun as an occasional hook-up had in fact turned into the last thing either of you wanted it to be, and you didn't know how to bring this up to Joao, because you were sure the minute you did you'd be kicked to the curb and left for the next girl - not that you had any evidence that he had a rotating roster, but considering that he was a famous footballer, you didn't need any.
So you set out on a mission to break up with him before he could break up with you, which you were sure he would do the minute you mentioned your feelings. That way, you would be saving yourself the pain by getting to walk away from this as the one having made the decision. If it was your choice to break up, surely you'd be happier.
The next time you saw him though - at a dinner he had arranged for the two of you, which you were sure cost more than your rent for a month - you couldn't do it. Sitting across from him, indulging yourself in playful conversation and the game of exchanging increasingly daring glances, your own cowardice got the best of you and your mission was forgotten.
Since then, you had been trying to find a big enough pocket of conversation to slip in the suggestion as casually as possible, running into a ridiculous excuse each and every time. One time it was too late and the thought of leaving him to go to bed after that hurt too much, another he had just paid for your lunch and you didn't want him to think you had used him. Any scenario you avoided, your mind was eager to do as many backflips as possible to excuse it.
And here you were, waking up in the aftermath of yet another late-night rendezvous you couldn't bring yourself to turn down. Sitting up in bed as gently as you could, you stared at his bedside table as you had come to do so many times. You looked at the bracelet and watch he had taken off last night before climbing into bed with you, the cologne you could recognise with your eyes closed, the book you had let him borrow - without a single page turned.
Standing up and gathering your things, a routine you were ashamed to have known so well, you were eager to leave before Joao woke up and had a chance to rope you into spending more time with him. As you did you thought about how, regardless of how much you tried, you couldn't bring yourself to hate him. Through all of this, he had been nothing but absolutely perfect with him and it was your fault for falling and ruining what you had going. You had been right with him when you had agreed to keep your relationship casual, and a secret for the sake of his career, you had agreed to every invitational and reciprocated every move.
You found yourself stopping once more in the doorway of his bedroom, looking back. As you did, you watched Joao stir ever so slightly, he really did look beautiful in the morning light. He was mumbling to himself, and hearing your own name amongst his other incoherent words caused your stomach to flip. Watching as he turned around to reach for the now-empty space where you usually lay next to him, you bit your lip hard. Resisting every urge within you to rush back to him and the knowledge that you'd likely be back far too soon, you turned around and walked away.
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nataliesfirefly · 7 months
You and I Walk a Fragile Line - Farleigh Start x F!Reader - Part 4
a/n: hey everyone! i know it's been a while but the next part is finally here! not sure how many parts i want this to be bc i dont want to fill up the tag, still waiting to make an ao3 account haha- but anyways im getting a taglist started just of people who have shown interest in this series, if i put you on it and you don't want to be on it just let me know. and ofc if u want to be on it lmk! i also made a playlist if anyone wants to check that out :))
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/60Kll9HCoQru14J18bT21C
series masterlist
word count: 3.9k
warnings: language, suggestive stuff?, alcohol, smoking, emetophobia
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Things are extremely awkward with Felix. He’s too nice to kick you out of Saltburn, yet he’s too prideful to apologize, so you two are stuck dancing around each other with small talk and short interactions.
Things with Farleigh, on the other hand, are surprisingly good. You never would have expected how close you two became in the past few days. In fact, you can’t remember the last time he insulted you, at least not in a playful way. You must have bonded over your shared dislike for Felix at the moment.
But for some reason, you worry if you get too close, he might push you away.
Tonight was dinner with all of Sir James’s friends, and as the Cattons tend to call them, the Henry’s. The actual dinner was full of awkward conversations with people much older than you about the future of your life and what you were going to do after graduating college. You actually had no idea what your plan was or what you wanted to do with your life. You used to push all the questions away and blamed it on the fact that graduation was pretty far away. It only recently dawned on you that you would be graduating in about two years. 
After dinner, you sit in the dimly lit living room with Farleigh on the couch as everyone else participates in karaoke. You and Farleigh snicker at some of the guests’ performances, whispering things to each other as if you are judges of some competition.
Eventually, Farleigh sighs and stands to his feet. “I’m going to go smoke,” He tells you, putting his hands in his pockets. He turns and looks at you expectantly. You take it as his way of asking you to come with him, so you stand up and snatch the bottle of wine you were drinking off the coffee table.
You follow him up the stairs, down the long, dark hall and eventually into his bedroom. He shuts the door behind you and draws out the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lights one. “At least open the window,” You walk over to the window and open it to let the smoke out.
“Oh, right. Cause you hate the smell so much.” He rolls his eyes at you as he exhales some smoke. “Weren’t you the one that asked me for one of these the other day?” He points the cigarette at you and you glance down shamefully.
“Yeah. I wasn’t at my best, okay?” You shake your head and slump down to the floor, leaning against the wall and stretching your legs out.
“Okay, sure, miss goody two shoes.” He chuckles and sits down next to you. You take a swig from the wine bottle and sigh, leaning your head back.
“So, Felix…” Farleigh trails off and looks over to you. You continue staring up at the ceiling. “Can we not talk about Felix right now,” You reply, closing your eyes. “We need to,” He says, nudging you.
“What is there to talk about?” You ask, turning to meet Farleigh’s gaze. He presses the cigarette to his lips and inhales. “You said it yourself, that he only hangs out with me out of pity.” 
As he breathes out, the smoke passes over your face but you don’t care. “And what’s your problem with him? It seems like you’ve been waiting for someone to turn on him so you could join in,” You continue, and his eyes tell you that you’ve just read him like a book.
He quickly recovers and remains expressionless. “You’re projecting,” Farleigh responds. “Then why have you been so nice to me?” You ask.
The room goes silent and you are stuck in a moment where time doesn’t pass, it’s just you and Farleigh. His usual cold and dark gaze is replaced by something softer, warmer. Something in the air shifts and you can feel some kind of tension rising.
But then he looks away, breaking eye contact. “Because Felix is just stupid sometimes,” He finally replies, nodding toward the bottle of wine you are holding. You hand it to him and your fingers brush against his.
He takes a drink. “I don’t think he ever had bad intentions. He’s just an idiot,” You consider this. Maybe he’s just extremely out of touch with reality like the rest of the Cattons.
There’s a pause as you think of something to change the subject to.
“So… How about that Sadie girl?” You ask, turning to him with a grin. He gives the wine back to you and you take a quick swig.
Elspeth is, for some reason, attempting to set Farleigh up with a daughter of one of James’s friends. Her name is Sadie, and she is very pretentious and fake, from what you can tell. You hadn’t spoken to her, but you watched from afar as she and Farleigh engaged in a conversation.
“She’s alright,” He shrugs and stands up to press the cigarette out on his ashtray. He sits back down next to you and sighs.
“She was like, hardcore flirting with you,” You chuckle and observe his exasperated expression. “Oh, I know.” He smirks smugly and you roll your eyes.
“That’s weird, usually you hook up with someone the moment they show interest in you,” You smile at the way he frowns slightly. “That’s not true,” He furrows his eyebrows and glances at you. “Okayyy,” You say sarcastically.
A while later, you are still upstairs with Farleigh, but you are now feeling the effects of all the alcohol you’ve consumed. You both had gone downstairs to steal more booze, and you ended up drinking almost all of it. Your whole body feels tingly and warm, and your brain is fuzzy.
You run a hand through your tousled hair and sigh, turning to check if Farleigh is as wasted as you. He seems slightly better off than you, but his dark eyes are half lidded and glossy.
“Do you ever miss Sasha?” He glances at you, seeming surprised at your random question. Sasha is Farleigh’s ex from Oxford, who he had endured a tumultuous and rollercoaster ride of a relationship with. You had met her once or twice, she seemed kind, but slightly possessive.
“Sasha?” Farleigh repeats her name and takes a moment to process it. It seems like memories are returning to him and replaying in his head.
“Sometimes. But not really. She was crazy,” He raised his eyebrows and stared straight ahead. “You guys broke up and got back together, like, ten times,” You giggle foolishly and he turns to look at you, slightly offended by your amusement.
“It was too hard to keep up with,” You sigh after your laughter subsides. 
“I didn’t know you were keeping up,” You make eye contact once again with Farleigh, and this time his gaze is more intense. You can’t tell if it’s one of his usual sarcastic comments or if there was an underlying meaning behind his tone. Your face burns red with the realization that you had been studying his relationship so closely. But, really, everyone in your friend group knew about Sasha and Farleigh’s dumpsterfire of a romance. Break up, random hook ups, they said they love each other, then they argued again.
“It’s just.. what friends do,” You reply, your speech slurred. “Friends keep up with each other’s relationships.” You shrug and wave your hand as if to dismiss the seriousness of it.
“You consider me a friend?” Farleigh chuckles, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Well, what if I do?” Your voice comes out softer than you intended. 
There’s another long moment of silence and prolonged eye contact between you two. The tension is so thick, you can feel it in the air and your heart pounds. It’s almost like you are waiting for who will make the next move. Your brain is all muddled and you can’t seem to think clearly.
Your eyes flicker down to his plush lips and you can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or not, but your instinct is to kiss him. You grab him by the face, a hand on either cheek, and pull him in, smashing your lips together sloppily. You pull away, shocked at yourself, dropping your hands into your lap as your lips hover over his.
You expect him to be disgusted and stand up and walk away, but there’s a slight pause before he is grabbing you and pulling you back in, kissing you almost aggressively. Like he’s been starved, like there’s not enough of you.
You squeak with surprise before you melt into him, softening as one of his hands travels down to your neck and the other settles on your waist. You both have to gasp for air in between sloppy kisses, but you don’t mind. Your heart races and your hands travel up into his hair, running your hands through his unruly dark curls. You find that you’ve been waiting so long to do that, to feel his hair in your hands.
He bites your lower lip and your eyebrows pinch together. “Sorry,” He mumbles, although his voice disappears into your mouth. You feel yourself losing balance and beginning to fall back onto the floor.
Before you know it, he’s on top of you, refusing to stop kissing you. It’s messy and you know you’re both drunk, but damn does it feel good. The tension feels like it’s being lifted off of you, and it’s relieving. You don’t know how long it will last but hell, you’re enjoying it. Both of his hands have moved to your hips and his fingers are pressing into you.
You feel his lips move from yours, moving down from your jaw to your neck. He’s kissing and sucking on your skin so passionately that you know you will have bruises tomorrow. You moan quietly and you hear him groan in response, his low voice vibrating against your neck.
You attempt to catch your breath as you suddenly feel something in your stomach, something unpleasant. Saliva begins to build in your mouth and it’s like you have an internal clock telling you how much time you have left before you absolutely hurl.
“Far-Farleigh,” You place your hands on his shoulders. You whimper and slightly push up on him. He glances up from your neck, staring up at you in confusion. You can’t deny that you enjoy viewing him from this angle, but you have other concerns at the moment.
“Gonna throw up,” You manage to get out before he’s rolling off of you, allowing you to get up. You clamber to your feet and scramble into the connecting bathroom, barely making it to your knees in front of the toilet before you throw up. 
You grip both sides of the toilet for support as you practically spill your guts, coughing loudly. You would have liked some help or something from Farleigh, but it seems like he has just left you here to deal with it yourself.
You groan and wipe your mouth, sitting up and staring straight ahead in some sort of daze. You eventually come to your senses and stand up, flushing the toilet. You feel dizzy so you grab onto the counter of the sink to not lose balance, catching your reflection in the mirror.
Your hair is very messy, and your mascara is slightly smudged around your eyes. Your cheeks are warm and rosy, but in an unflattering way. You look like a wreck. 
When you walk back into his room, he’s gone. You sigh in frustration and press a hand to your aching and pounding forehead. Somehow, you stumble back to your room and flop onto your bed. You managed to avoid the small number of guests left in the house, along with Venetia and Felix. You just want to get some sleep after the shitshow that just happened. And you know you’ll be paying for it in the morning. 
You, Felix, and some of your other friends were gathered at the pub on a Friday night. There was chatter and the smell of cigarette smoke all around you. Felix returned from the bar and handed you a tall glass of beer.
You were focused on Farleigh and the girl who sat on his lap. Her hands were all over him, and he seemed totally enamored with her. She had a short skirt on and her wrists were covered in bracelets. She was pretty, you had to admit.
“Who’s that?” You asked, glancing up at Felix and pointing to the two. “Oh, that’s Sasha.” He replied. “She’s obsessed with Farleigh. And from what I can tell,” Felix sat down, pulling his chair closer to yours, “He’s liking it.”
You chuckled and took a sip of your beer. “Good for him,” You said, shrugging. “Bet they’ve already fucked,” Felix remarked and you snapped your head towards him. “Ew, Felix. That’s none of your business.” You made a disgusted expression.
“What? Everybody shags around here, it’s no surprise,” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Except you,” He added, grinning and nudging you. You rolled your eyes and looked back towards Sasha and Farleigh.
You didn’t want to imagine them… doing that. But for some reason, your mind kept trying to paint a picture of it. You shook your head to clear your thoughts. 
You didn’t know why, but for some reason, you felt jealousy bubbling up inside of you. Why was it so easy for her to get what she wanted? You had liked a few men at Oxford, but you didn’t really even want a boyfriend or a commitment like that.
But as you watched Farleigh and Sasha’s hands intertwine, you felt envious.
“Hey, Felix, who was that guy you were going to introduce me to?” You asked, tapping your fingers against the table. “What? Oh, Joshua? I thought you said you didn’t want to meet him,” He replied. Felix was trying to set you up with one of his friends who seemed like a player. At this point, you didn’t care. It was like you were trying to prove that you could actually get a guy. Prove to who, though?
“I know. I changed my mind,” You said decidedly. “Well, he’s actually here tonight. Would you like me to go grab him?” Felix stood up and pointed towards the other side of the pub. You nodded. “Sure,”
You waited patiently and took a few swigs of beer for confidence. A minute later, Felix returned with a man who was a few inches shorter than him, with fluffy blonde hair and hazel eyes. Freckles were dusted across his nose and his skin was nicely tanned due to the warmer weather of spring. He looked sweet and innocent, but the rumors you had heard about him told you otherwise.
“Hello,” He greeted you, holding out his hand. You stood up to shake his hand, smiling as you introduced yourself. “Nice to meet you, I’m Joshua.” He grinned brightly and Felix seemed amused by the interaction.
“Hi, Joshua.” You tried to make a good first impression, although you weren’t good at this stuff. But it seemed like he was already interested, looking you up and down.
You both sat back down and began small talk about classes and life and friends. Felix left you two alone, but you’re not sure where he went. It was good, talking to someone new, but still a bit uncomfortable since you were so introverted. The conversation flowed nicely between the both of you.
You couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching you. You glanced up, seeing Farleigh’s cold gaze drilling into yours, flicking back and forth between you and Joshua. It was like he was waiting to see who would break eye contact first, and of course, it was you. Your gaze faltered down to the table and then back up to Joshua.
“You alright, love?” He asked, placing a hand on your thigh. You nodded and your face turned a shade of pink with embarrassment. “Sorry. Just thinking,”
“Hey, what do you say when we go back to my dorm? To just chill, relax, you know.” He tilted his head and you could already tell what he was implying. “Uh- Sure, yeah. Let’s go,” You smiled and stood up, grabbing your bag and walking past him toward the doors. He placed a hand on your lower back as you stepped by him.
You woke up the next morning unsure of where you were before memories of the night before came back to you. You were in Joshua’s bed, tangled up in the sheets, with your clothes off and scattered on the floor.
Your eyes widened as you realized you had lost your virginity to Joshua Brown. You sat up and scratched your head, not sure what to do next.
“Oh my God…” You whispered, looking down at Joshua, who was sleeping on his stomach, his face pressed against the pillow. It didn’t look like he was waking up anytime soon.
You stood up and winced as you realized you were a bit sore. You tried to be as quiet as possible as you picked your clothes up off the floor, hurriedly putting them back on.
Joshua stirred in his sleep and groaned, rolling over. You grimaced as you took your bag off of his desk chair, tip toeing to the door and opening it slowly.
You sighed with relief once you had closed his door behind you and you were safely out in the hallway. You know you probably looked like a wreck, but your main goal at the moment was to get back to your own dorm going unnoticed.
You heard your name being called, fairly close to you. You froze before turning to identify where it came from, and you swear your heart dropped to your ass. Farleigh was standing in the doorway of his room, which was conveniently right next door to Joshua’s, smirking at your frazzled state.
“You should work on keeping it down. I couldn’t sleep last night because I kept hearing you and Joshua.” He chuckled and you could feel your face heating up.
“Sorry,” You muttered, casting your glance downwards to the floor. 
“You finally got some after all,” He teased. “Can you shut up?” You groaned, facepalming and shaking your head. “Oh, I will if you can figure out how to,” He raised his eyebrows. “Was it really that good?” He questioned.
You considered the question. You didn’t really know if it was or not, you were just trying to be loud because you thought guys liked that. Were you satisfied by the end? No. But Joshua certainly was.
He seemed to notice your puzzled expression and he nodded. “Oh. So the rumors are true about him.” You tilted your head with curiosity. “What rumors?” You asked.
“Oh, you poor thing.” He cooed sarcastically. You narrowed your eyes at him and crossed your arms. “Well, you’d better get back to your place so you can study,” Farleigh mocked. “Make up for that time you lost last night, huh?”
“Can you just not tell anyone? Please?” You knew it was useless asking him not to tell. He had the biggest mouth in the whole class. He just snickered at your pleading and stepped back into his room and shut his door.
That night you hung out with Joshua in his dorm once more, but you told him you didn’t want to have sex again. He respected your decision, so you were just drinking some alcohol with him and making out occasionally.
“Yeah, I don’t really know what I’m going to do with an English degree. I just had to pick something.” He shrugged. You were talking about your futures after Oxford and what you were both majoring in.
“Hm. Well, there’s a lot you could do,” You replied, trying to reassure him, although you weren’t too sure yourself. “You could be-” Your sentence is cut short by a loud moan coming from the room next to you.
“Ah, shit. It’s Farleigh and Sasha again,” Joshua shook his head like it was a regular occurence. “They’re usually at it for a while,” He informed you. “Do you want to go somewhere else?”
Some odd, depraved part of you wanted to stay and listen. “No, that’s alright.” You shrugged. “Surely it can’t be that bad.”
The walls seemed paper thin. You swear you could hear every little noise, like the bed springs squeaking and the wanton sounds that came from Sasha. But then you heard something different. It was Farleigh, whimpering and moaning in a way that you couldn’t even believe what you were hearing. You didn’t know men could make sounds other than grunting during sex, let alone sounds like that.
“Oh fuck,” You heard him breathe heavily and Sasha was practically screaming at this point. 
“Damn. They’re really getting into it,” You whistled and raised your eyebrows. Joshua nodded. “I wish I was as good as people say he is,” Joshua looked down. “What?” You asked as you tried to ignore the continuous noises. He was really telling you to be quieter earlier today?
“Farleigh. People say he’s really good in bed,” Joshua explained. You were surprised that he was okay with discussing this with you. “Oh.” You chuckled nervously. You didn’t expect that, but for some reason it made sense. “Was I bad?” Joshua asked suddenly.
You froze at his question and wondered if you should tell him the truth. “I mean… I don’t really… know the difference, you know? It was my first time, remember?” You told him. He nodded but you could tell he seemed hurt and defeated.
“Right,” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and you leaned back in your chair. You could say this was one of the most embarrassing moments of your life, having to listen to Farleigh fuck some girl while having an awkward conversation with the man you had a one night stand with.
The next day around noon, you were walking to a café near campus when you saw Farleigh walking ahead of you on the sidewalk of the cobblestone streets.
An idea popped into your head and you smiled mischievously, jogging to catch up with him. When you appeared at his side, he glanced down and made a face.
“Are you following me?” He asked, glaring at you as you fell into step next to him. “No. I just had a complaint,” You tried to hide the smile threatening your face. “What’s that?” He quirked an eyebrow.
“Me and Joshua were trying to have a nice conversation last night,” You started, and his playful expression immediately dropped. “Maybe try to keep it down next time, right?” You grinned and he stopped in his tracks.
“You were there last night?” He seemed annoyed and a little bit shocked. “Yeah.” You nodded and stopped next to him. “I mean, I couldn’t even hear my own thoughts,” You laughed to yourself and he narrowed his dark eyes at you.
“And it wasn’t even Sasha as much as it was you–” “Keep your mouth shut,” He ordered, and you knew you got a rise out of him. “Practice what you preach, that’s all I’m saying,” You waved and skipped along the sidewalk, leaving him standing there in shock.
taglist: @isla-finke-blog @ibimbogrl @drunkmysticsquirrel @alonia-olivia @novemilady @saltburnsworld
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tremendum · 1 year
Mr. Miller's Show
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[not my gif]   pairing: joel miller x fem!reader (afab, some use of she/her, use of the words girl/woman)     rating: explicit. (18+. mdni.) word count: 7.3k  (back to regularly scheduled programming) requested: yes thank you all for all the patience srsly <3 summary: “'like how sweet you've been t'me, sugar," he mutters gently, head tilting, "why y'gonna go and fuck all that up now?'" warnings: gendered words (girl, woman, etc) allusions to PTSD, porn with feelings, guys theyre like getting healthier, SMUT (PiV unprotected), oral (M receiving), deepthroating, rough sex, face-fucking, shower smut, counter smut, reader is a tease, masturbation (f), marijuana use as always lol, brief voyeurism, canon-typical violence, age gap (undefined but mentioned), ass play (spitting, fingering, only a bit sorryyyy), mirror sex again bc im a whore, reader has hair long enough to grab, hair pulling, lots of choking, spit kink, light slapping (f receiving, consensual), dirty talk, praise kink but also degradation, use of words like slut, brat tamer!joel, overstimulation, MEAN!JOEL YALL, but he has feelings so he’s also kinda soft!dom in this again, once again sooo unedited that it hurts.  notes: finally finally after over a month im back!! hope you enjoy this chapter, ive been having rough writers block with this story so any suggestions and requests are very welcomed!!! thanks for all the love and as always, comments & reblogs w tags are motivation and help out so much!!! love u all <3 also for the taglist, it's too big now and i may consider stopping my taglist, just letting everyone know!!! ill lyk if i do ofc but im reblogging with the list this time.
[this is part six of the Mr Miller series. read previous part sympathy for the devil.  main masterlist here. ]
"you're wearing earrings." 
Joel's voice cuts through the serene chill in the air, shocking you enough to have your head turning away from where you stare ahead - you crane your neck too much, but you can just see the dusted gray and dark of his curls behind you as your brows raise. 
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it takes you a second to understand the sentence he's just uttered to you out of nowhere- but you blink to life, clearing your throat as the dead trees pass you by. 
"oh. yeah, it's... they're new. didn't really wear stuff like that until..." you shrug, trailing off as you stare forward yet again. your heart thumps as his chest rumbles against your back - jesus, he's so close to you. it's been weeks since he's been this close, even if this is just work.
your body wants what it wants, you suppose.
your lips purse, lost in the press of his thick body behind you.
your lip twitches in a smile for a split moment; he's waiting for you to finish your sentence. as if he cares.
he's been so normal recently. or as normal as you could ever imagine Joel Miller to be; full sentence-conversations full of questions, full sentences, and even an occasional joke or dry line littered in with his glares and eye-rolls. he's even taught you and ellie to woodwork, nodded in hello when you picked up Ellie on your way into town - hell, he'd actually gotten a drink with you after patrol a few days ago and held eye contact for a whole thirty minutes.
a fucking miracle.
and even, on rare occasions, you are rewarded with that mind-splitting, earth-shattering smile - a very rare but rewarding sight. the kind that shocks a room, silences you and Ellie both, lights the sun and makes the birds sing. makes your stomach flutter.
so perhaps things have changed. 
it makes you almost laugh to yourself, recalling that day so many moons ago when you had walked into the Bison and first stared into those stony eyes; how big his calloused hands were, the way his lip lifted in distaste at your crass words. 
the sway of the horse makes your hips move gently; your ass is starting to feel sore at the constant motion and as you rock forward with the decline of the hill, you feel Joel's body slide slightly as though he tries against everything to press fully against you. even though you wish he would. 
heat paints your face as you feel his breath on your neck, waiting patiently for you to finish your sentence.
your sharp breath exhales as you realize you've hesitated at his questioning, a bit too long - you smile sheepishly, shrugging. "-sorry, didn't..." you clear your throat, "couldn't remember the last time I wore earrings. not that it matters, but I just..." you thumb the makeshift earring back, grinning to the mane of the horse as he trudges you and Joel both along. 
"-it feels nice. makes me feel like myself." you finish, shrugging awkwardly. 
for all of the steps Joel has taken in the last few weeks to change, there are some things you still have a hard time with.
talking about yourselves and opening up is a very large, unmovable hurdle that you and him are still clearly trying to pull yourselves over. it's quiet for a second as your words seep into the dead surroundings, less than an hour from town. 
"look nice." he grunts quietly, his arms pressing slightly from where he straddles the saddle behind your frame. 
your eyes widen at the seemingly random compliment, face flooding with flattery and embarrassment. your grin betrays you, but you don't dare stutter out a broken thank you for fear that you will sound like a croaking frog; instead, you purse your lips over the giddy grin that spreads over your cheeks and hope that as he stares at the profile of your face, he can see the flattery written across your features. 
"Ellie has a matching pair." you say instead, sparing a quick glance back at Joel. his brows raise, jaw ticking as he takes in the information - your voices both echo at the same time as you speak over each other suddenly: 
"she doesn't have her ears pierced."  "in case she ever gets them pierced." 
you let out a short huff of laughter, nodding sheepishly at having accidentally interrupted each other; Joel shakes his head with a ghost of a smile. 
"got it." he nods, "s'real nice of you." he nods, "making a pair for her, too." 
his chest is right on you - broad, warm through all the layers, and smelling of pine, whiskey, sage. amber. it's intoxicating as his drawl rumbles in the back of your ear - you silently thank Tommy or whoever the hell it was who ordered half the horses to rest after a bout of sickness spread through the stable; sharing a horse has never once before today seemed like a good idea. 
but the good idea sours quickly when you kick speed slightly, the horse leaping over a small creek as your hips shift back into Joel's and your ass presses into him. 
your mouth dries as you shakily exhale; he's so close to you - smells so good. your hands grip the reigns tighter and you nearly jump when a large, calloused hand falls onto your hips to steady you after the change in pace. 
your mind travels back to that morning after you'd stayed with Joel in his own bed - how gentle his hands had been as he'd guided you towards your own house under the early morning sunrise; your eyes bleary with sleep but his smile still cracking bashfully when you'd kissed his cheek, muttering about how maybe Ellie'd missed your boots by the front door when she'd come home. 
she and Joel certainly haven't said anything you if she did notice, anyways. 
you clear your throat, ignoring the searing desire that spirals from where his hand touches your clothed hip; you shrug, "she said she liked mine, so I figured we could match." 
he hums lowly at your word, his nose brushing slightly over the crown of your head. shivers roll over your shoulders as you swallow, retreating into the silence that you've lived in for the last few weeks since the two of you were put back on patrol. 
but you stiffen when a hand runs down your side, over the jagged stitching of your jacket, and you suck in a sharp inhale. his other hand slides forward, hooking gently around your hip, fingers splaying over the very top of your thigh and your throat dries up; a faint desire awakened and soon screaming at you. you squirm under his touch.
Joel's hips adjust behind you gently in the next second, your eyes fluttering shut as you imagine him pulling you into him, his hard cock sliding between the round globes of your ass and through your dripping folds, his hands greedy and hungry; his words sharp, teasing. his touch, sweet. intoxicating- 
your eyes open again and your heart skips a beat, his knees hitting the outside of your thighs. 
christ. your whole body tingles as you shift slightly, rotating your hips as the buck of the horse's cant tilts you further away from the heat of his broad chest. no, you can't stand his teasing - intentional or not, Joel is making you nearly melt in desire.
you're barely pulling the horse to the side of the path when, with barely a crane of his neck,  Joel mutters, "the hell are y'doin?" 
you suddenly pull the reins and mutter woah, slipping yourself off of the horse and onto the hard ground with a burning face, your lungs screaming for air as Joel protests. 
"what-" he grunts as he pulls himself down from the stirrups, face etched with irritation and concern at your sudden evacuation, "is there an issue?" 
you can hear the irritation in his voice and you sigh, shaking your head - your heart's thundering, face hot and surely laced with poorly-hid embarrassment. god, what the fuck is wrong with you? there's barely forty minutes back to Jackson, why couldn't you just suck it up for a few more torturous minutes until you could return home to your trusty drawer and hot shower? 
"no." you snap, "no problem, Joel." your heart is thundering with surprise at his concern, eyes glaring daggers at him before shooting down towards the heat that nearly blisters on your forearm; his hand, warm and gentle, asking silently if you're okay. your eyes soften before you can school your expression - he reads you, as always, like his favorite novel. 
his hand falls away gently, grazing your finger tips like the gentlest breeze on your face and it still surprises you. 
"alright," he says softly, eyes searching your flustered appearance. "can we get back on the horse, then?" he asks - his voice is surprisingly patient, though his eyes are wary. irritated, but concerned. 
you clear your throat, unable to contain yourself much longer. "we could- take a break." 
his brows raise, tilting his head, "a break? we're nearly back. s'almost nightfall." 
you shift your weight, avoiding the way his corded arms cross over each other, his frame towering over yours as you dully throb in arousal. 
"you're-" you squeak, shaking your head, "you're fucking crowding me, and I need- fuck-" you groan, "just- just fuck off for a second, Joel." you snap, bursting in frustration, unsure how to just admit you are being driven fucking crazy with lust by his presence. 
his head tilts, "fuck off?" his eyes are darker every second you stand, facing each other- "the hell's gotten into you?" he sounds offended, and your heart flips as you feel bad - you're trying, you're trying so hard to be normal around him, as he is with you - so one touch, one innocent adjustment of his hips and now you're freaking out on him again?
you need to get a grip, or at least be honest. 
your face burns as his stern gaze rolls over each curve of your body; "Joel, you're driving me fucking crazy." you snap, glaring at him.
he looks shocked, hands flying out, "I barely said anythin' this whole goddamn day, how the hell am I still fucking this up?" he snaps back, irritated - his eyes incredulous as he stares down at you.
flames lick up your sides as you grind your teeth - his hair looks much more wavy with his curls today, and the green of his jacket it making the golden on his skin nearly glow; you nearly growl as you jump towards him. he's too much. too fucking much.
your hands lock on his shoulders, tugging yourself up towards his face as your lips fall against his. 
the kiss is a shock to you both. 
you're not sure what really compelled you to do it - the stubble over his sharp jaw, his hair, the way his thighs pressed against the outsides of yours just minutes ago, the way he pressed on about the earrings - whatever, it doesn't matter, because he's kissing you back and you're melting like butter over a campfire. 
his lips press hard back against yours through his shocked inhale, surging against you in a dizzying haze of Joel.
but the kiss is seared away from your lips when Joel suddenly shoots his thick hand out, rising to grip hard at your throat, shoving you backwards. 
it's more shocking than the sudden kiss - the speed in which he pulls back and pushes you hard backwards by his warm grip, causing flutters of arousal to course through your stomach.
you stumble in shock but he keeps his hold on you, passionate as he movers the two of you back. you're torn away from his warmth as he presses you with one hand on the small of your back and the other on the beating pulse of your throat - right against a tree, nudging you as he tilts his head down to your height once more. 
he's back on you in no less than a split second; his heat swirling around the cold air, teeth nipping at your lip when you take a moment longer than he'd like to open your lips to his tongue. he groans against you, a warm and deep thing that you feel in your own chest as your hand slides up to his hair, tugging at the base of his neck. 
the fingers around your throat flex and tighten in reaction to your own grip and the moan that rips from your throat sends his hips in a slow thrust against yours. 
you've been desperate for his touch for fucking days - he's been walking on eggshells even after you'd spent the night with him a few weeks ago. he'd barely touched you, taking his time trying to make up for all the lost time you'd spent trying to rip each other's heads off instead of your clothes.
and sure, you don't know who you are with him still - nothing defined, and a lot of things still unspoken - but for the first time since this whole mess started, that doesn't bother you. there's not much anger, nor jealousy - just... Joel. and you. 
it's not bad. 
his lips leave yours as he breathes against your lips, "like how sweet you've been t'me, sugar," he mutters gently, head tilting, "why y'gonna go and fuck all that up now?" 
his hand slips from your back lower, tugging you against his semi-hard cock as his fingers squeeze your ass. his hand lies just below your jugular, thumb soothing over your cold skin as his dark eyes glint with desire. you feel a rush of arousal pool between your legs as you raise your brows. 
"-you need to stop fucking touching me like that when we're riding, Miller." you growl against his lips, staring back at him. you lean slightly to catch his lips with yours once again but he pulls back with a strong hand against your neck to stop you - teasing.
he tuts, "you need to learn how to use your words, sweetheart." he growls against you, teeth catching on your bottom lip.
you whimper at the sharp sting, chasing him as if you could steal a kiss. he tilts his head just out of reach, his hand pressing against you until your breath comes out slightly ragged; your pussy flutters as he squeezes, knee sliding against your clothed core. 
"if you want it, ask for it, baby." he all but demands, hands rough against you, "can't just throw a fit every time you're aching for my cock, or else you'll be whinin' all goddamn day. how am I supposed to know-" 
but there's a snap of a twig somewhere behind you and you both spring apart, straight as boards, hackles raised.
it's almost like deja-vu as you're both thrown from your stupor - ripping away, your voices cease as your hand flies to your hunting knife - in your peripheral, you see that Joel's slung around his rifle so quick you're almost impressed as you both stare to your left. 
christ - just the fucking horse, tied to the tree. stepped on a twig. 
you let out a shaky breath, hand falling onto Joel's chest as you almost wheeze out a relieved laugh. but your hand feels it, suddenly - you notice how stiff Joel is, even after you've both realized there's no threats. 
his heart, thundering in his chest wildly. like a caged animal surrounded by a pack of wild, ravenous wolves; Joel's heart tries to scramble right out of his chest and onto the dead ground. 
that feeling - the one that creeps around at night when you wake up with memories of that cabin, of those raiders - of your past, visions of Joel, surrounded by red. that feeling that creeps up, squeezing at your throat and banging on your chest.
he's feeling it, too.
it's not from arousal, though you can see enough of that in his eyes, in the way his lips part and ragged breaths puff into the air - no, not arousal. 
your heart hammers similarly, you suddenly notice. your hand shakes as it hovers near your knife; his hands grip the rifle so tight the blood may burst forth from the roughened skin any second. 
"hey," you whisper, suddenly worried to speak above any quiet noise. his eyes are sharp and his jaw clenched as he looks back at you, wild and alarmed. 
as if he were ready to fight for his life and yours. 
"let's go home," you whisper, thumb running over the shoulder of his jacket, muscles strained and still below the layers.
he snaps out of it, eyes falling to rake over you as if assuring that you're still in front of him in one piece. his hand finds yours on his chest, sliding it off - not unkindly; his hand squeezes yours before boosting you up onto the double saddle silently. 
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Joel insists on walking you back to your house; he's brooding, as normal, as you both trudge back from turning in your patrol log and tracking the mud from the stable through the quiet streets.
you don't speak about what happened in the woods - the kiss, nor the twig snapping, but you ache and as you walk, every brush of the backs of your hands send shooting sparks up your arm.
"damn it," he grunts under his breath as you lead him up your driveway. you lift a brow at him, silent prompt to explain his expletive. 
he shakes his head, "s'nothin'. forgot Ellie said the water heater ain't workin', said she was stayin' with her friend Dina till I fix it. cold shower for me tonight." 
you grimace; the air nips at your cheeks, you can't imagine a cold shower in this weather. you shrug, "use mine." you suggest, tilting your head. "no point in turning into an icicle, Miller, you're cold enough as is." you tease, sending him a small wink.
something in you wonders if the shower really is broken, or if he just can't bring himself to ask; not that you can blame him. you can't bring yourself to ask, either.
your heart flutters when Joel rolls his eyes but still trudges after you, through the entrance of your home. his eyes look just as tired as you feel but there's a spark to them, one that coaxes more warmth between your thighs.
you see his eyes catch on the partially-smoked joint put out on the ashtray on your kitchen table as you slide past it; you have a mind to grab it before you make your way up the stairs, pretending not to feel too hot when you feel Joel's eyes graze over the sway of your hips. 
he showers first, you insist. 
while he does so, you strip out of your clothes and into a more comfortable sleeping shirt and shorts. you sit, smoking lazily on the joint, savoring the sharp herbal taste as it flows into your blood and trying to ignore the throbbing desire when the sound of the shower shuts off. 
Joel's respectful when he leaves your bathroom, pants on and shirt tugged over his chest, speckled with dots of moisture. his hair is much darker and more curled just after a shower; you're transfixed as you stand in front of him, joint smoldering between your lips, an exhale of smoke swirling lazily from your nostrils. 
"may I?" he asks suddenly, causing you to nod, pulling the joint out from your lips and noting how his own dark eyes follow it like a horse to a carrot; you smirk, tutting. "and to think, all this time you've been judging me for it?" you shake your head. "shame on you."
his jaw ticks and you just smirk, shaking your head as you hold the joint up to his lips boldly. "you're a bad influence on me, aren't you, Mr. Miller?" you ask, voice sultry as you peer up at him through your lashes. his eyes flick to yours as he inhales, your fingers ghosting over his plush lips. the ones you kissed not an hour earlier.
the air is thick in your room, steam from the hot water creeping through as Joel inhales the weed, ember lighting up your eyes in his. you leave the joint between his parted lips, opting to strip down as you walk towards the shower, hoping Joel had the mind to watch as you go. 
your heart thuds in arousal and excitement when you hear his sharp exhale, still refusing to turn around as you leave the door slightly open once again. you and your innocent habit of leaving the bathroom door open when you shower.  
you're relieved there's some fog over the glass door of the shower, but you take your time cleansing your hair, running soap over your face and then slowly, slowly lathering up your skin. 
you can feel him watch the entire time.
his eyes are like a hawk's; you can see his shadow through the light of the bathroom, the ember of your joint glowing occasionally as your hands run over the wet planes of your skin.
your shaky fingers cascade down, over the skin of your stomach, lower until they just barely graze where you ache. it's like he's been waiting for you to finally start to touch yourself; just as your fingers find your slit, the amber of the joint is tamped, ashed on the windowsill. 
you hum lowly as your fingers swirl through your velvet folds, so wet you're dripping onto your upper thighs as your head thumps against the wall.
"Joel," you let yourself whimper, eyes fluttering shut before opening again languidly. 
Joel's footsteps are gentle as he slowly strides up to you; he lasted, admittedly, longer than you through this torturous game. through the glass, you see his tall frame and your legs quiver with desire - your aching cunt throbs as you move your hand over yourself, rinsing off the rest of the suds from your clean body as your fingers tease your bundle of nerves. your hips jolt; a choked moan from you as you slide the glass open slightly, cocking your head - "it's a shame you already showered," you mutter, fingers not ceasing as Joel's eyes rake over your naked for ravenously. 
he leans on the doorframe to the bathroom, eyes stern as he takes in your silhouette through the fogged glass, slowly rolling over the curves of your body to meet your eyes with flames alit in his own. 
"-it'd be nice to have some help." you shrug, gesturing to the bar of soap in your spare hand, eyes swimming with desire as your other hand continues the slow, torturous movements on your aching clit.
your eyes catch on his crotch; through the jeans, his cock is hard and straining already as if being stirred by just the sight of you, naked and whimpering for him in your shower. 
"I know you've always liked a show, though, haven't you?" you tease, lifting a brow as you recall the night Joel'd first seen you shower.
his jaw ticks at your words but it's like something in his snaps; he wastes little time ripping his shirt off, his patience clearly gone as you bite your lip, stepping back for him as his jeans finally slide off. 
his glowing, naked form crowds into your own as he slides into the shower with you. his eyes are sharp as his hand takes the soap from you; yet instead of running it over your skin like you'd hoped he would, he's tossing it to the side until it hits the wall of the shower and splinters into two. 
you gasp slightly as his hand grips your neck, tugging you close. his cock is hard, tip glistening with beads of precum already as he presses to your lower stomach, his body glued to yours; his nose slides along the plane of your collarbone gently, the shower water pelting rolling off your meshed bodies like some sort of sick baptism. 
"you smell clean, darlin'," he mutters against your kin, one hand sliding up to your scalp, threading through your hair. his tongue peeks out to lick a stripe up your throat. "taste clean, too-" 
his hand tightens suddenly, tugging your hair until your head snaps up to him - his eyes are dark, face full of desire. "so why're you pretending you need my help?" 
the condescension in his voice is intoxicating - your legs weaken, hands sliding up onto his hot skin under the water that cascades over him. 
your throat dries as you swallow, eyes wide as a rush of arousal threatens to drip down onto your bare thighs.
his head tilts, "s'because you want to put on a show, 's that it?" he asks, voice condescendingly sweet as he once again tightens his grip. you whimper at the sweet feeling, nodding slightly.
he smiles against your neck before pulling away, "fine. you can give me a show. get on your knees." he hums, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. your head feels dizzy at the words he says and the sweetness of his kiss; the most delicious juxtaposition.
"a show." he chuckles to himself, shaking his head darkly. "gonna make you a goddamn star."  
christ. your cunt squeezes around nothing, aching for him as his hands slide down to your shoulders. you nearly moan as he smirks, water cascading down his broad chest as he pushes you down; you sink to your knees, your wide eyes on his own as you move until you're close to his aching cock. 
he stands, towering above you as the shower head sprays directly onto his back; water runs off the broad expanse of his chest and you follow the droplets as they smooth over his stomach, down over the sprinkling of hair that trails to the base of his dick. you swallow, heart thundering impatiently as you sit on your haunches, waiting anxiously for him to tell you what to do. 
his brows raise, though, flush high on his cheeks from heat - or arousal - as he hums, "well?" 
you blink at him in surprise as he shakes his head down at you, his own hand falling to pump his long cock in languid strokes, the skin so close to you that you can almost feel the heat. if you were to lean out, just a bit, to taste- 
"christ, darlin' do I gotta tell you how to do everything?" he grunts, other hand cupping the back of your head, carding through your wet strands of hair as he tuts, "you were practically beggin' f'me earlier, now you're suddenly shy?" 
your face blooms in heat, "no, sir, I just-" at your words, his eyes fall back and a groan echoes through your bathroom, "-just suck my cock, darlin' c'mon." 
his impatience, desperation sends shivers down your spine and your mouth opens eagerly, tongue flattening as he slaps your tongue gently once, twice- 
you're always surprised by the size of Joel - each time, it catches you off guard; the head of his cock breaches your lips and his pre-cum smears over your tongue; the taste of him has you keening forward, eager to feel him in you, filling you up. 
"there you go, 's much better." he grunts, muttering as one hand slides around to hold your jaw. your eyes flutter up through your lashes and the falling shower water to stare at him, how big he is towering above you. his cock pushes into your warm mouth and you try your best to breathe through your nose, tongue sliding up the vein which reaches up towards his tip. his groan spurs you on and you gently start to bob your head, spit gathering at the sides of your mouth slowly as your knees press against the wet porcelain.
"you feel better like this, baby?" he mutters, your stomach tingling at his words. you can't nod - can't even make a noise as his hips slowly buck into you; you gag slightly and moan around his cock as it pushes to the back of your throat. 
"fuck-" he grunts, one hand leaning forward to place against the wet shower tiles; he's crowding you, now, pressing you into the back of the shower as his body takes the brunt of the water and takes and takes from you. 
anything Joel wants, he can fucking have it. 
"that's it, sweetheart-" he grunts, "fuckin'- take me." 
his hands grip yours, pulling them onto his thighs, muttering gently that if it's too much, you can slap his thigh; you nod, tears gathering at the corner of your eyes as you keen towards him again, hungry to feel him in your throat again. 
your nails dig crescents into the meat of his thighs as he pushes your head right against the wall, fucking into your throat as his head tilts back. "tha's- right, look at you." he grunts, his lips parted as groans fall from his lip. the steam rises like tendrils from hell as you take Joel's length in your mouth, barely able to breathe in the most delicious way as he uses you. your spit trails over your chin and onto your bare chest as you stare up at him. one hand soothes over your forehead, wiping wet strands of hair plastered to your forehead, "you're a fuckin' star, baby." 
you heat at his words, stomach swirling as you shift uncomfortably, cunt puffy and aching for relief. 
your fingers grip onto him as he takes you in the shower, fucking your throat until you're dripping and aching and a writhing mess, his moans echoing around the empty home. 
"water's cold." he grunts, pulling his cock from your lips; you, weakly, chase the heat of him as he leaves your mouth, gasping for air and coughing slightly. 
he shuts off the water, suddenly, and you swallow as he turns back to you, eyes significantly softer than they'd just been; "somethin' wrong?" he teases, a dark smirk on his face as his eyes flicker to where your thighs press together to soothe the ache. 
you grit your teeth, shaking your head, "jus' want you to touch me, sir." you mutter, face burning at the way Joel never ceases to reduce you to a whimpering mess. 
he smiles one of those brilliant, radiant smiles. 
"that's all you had to say, darlin'." he shrugs, "told you, if you just learn to ask for it nicely, I'll give it to you." 
you shiver as you nod, taking his hand as he pulls you up off your sore knees, wrapping a towel around your form gently. he's so- commanding, yet still somehow keeping his kindness that often hides deep beneath his layers. 
you can't tear your eyes away, though - even as Joel starts to walk towards your open bedroom - your hand stops him on his naked shoulder. "will you please fuck me?" you ask, voice stronger than you'd expected it to be.
his eyes flicker with something as he tilts his head, "right here?" he lifts a brow as his hand snaked over your neck to pull you flush against him once again. "y'gonna beg me to fuck you against the sink because you're too desperate for my cock to walk to the bed?" he whispers it into the shell of your ear; a shiver as you whine, eyes blinking up at him, "been waiting all day, Joel, stop fucking teasing me." 
you notice your mistake too late; his jaw tenses as he bites down at the junction of your neck - you let out a sharp, whining moan as his teeth mark a love bite bright and center on your skin. "fuck- fuck, s-sorry, sir." you groan, eyes clenching shut in pleasure as his hands push you into the counter. 
"bet you're fuckin' sorry." he mutters lowly as he pulls away from you, flipping you quick to bend you over the vanity of the sink. you gasp as the cool wet porcelain hits your breasts, your nipples hard and sensitive as a sharp smack lands on your ass. 
"christ," he groans as you bend over, puffy lips soaked and glistening for him, "look at this pretty pussy." 
you move your hips slightly and his hands grip onto your waist - "quit that." he snaps, hands resuming their exploring. he grazes over the backs of your thighs, up the expanse of your spine. 
over your ass, groping and slapping, relishing in your small moans and sharp gasps. "don't move." he orders.
you sigh, head falling onto the sink as you nearly whimper - you're aching, throbbing as Joel teases you - "Joel," you whimper quietly, voice whiny and small. 
"what's wrong, y'tired of being teased?" he asks, voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. your cheeks are hot as you groan, "please, need to feel you inside of me-" 
he hums, smacking the flesh of your ass, "'f I don't warm you up you'll be sore, baby-" he tuts, "y'know I gotta get you ready." 
"I don't care, I can take it- I like it, just-" you stutter, face heated as you nearly scream in frustration, unable to voice how badly you just want him inside of you. 
he likes that - a thumb sliding over your cunt to spread your lips, exposing your pussy and ass to him as he hums. "too fuckin' eager, have to have my cock right now, 's that right?" he shakes his head with a dark smirk, hand teasing over your swollen lips as he nods, "yeah, s'alright, I'll give it to you whenever you ask." 
"thank you," you wheeze, letting out a shaky sigh when Joel leans down, spitting directly onto your asshole, thumb sliding over the tight ring as he hums, "so desperate for me, couldn't even wait 'till we get back to town, could you? had to try an' fuck me right there in the woods." he doesn't wait for you to respond as he spits down again, this time the slick spit sliding down onto your seeping cunt. his hand leaves, replacing with the thick, teasing head of his cock.
you gasp, rising on your toes as the blunt tip of his dick spreads your cunt, teasing your clit before notching at your entrance. "gonna fill up every hole tonight, baby, y'gonna let me?" 
you let out a whine, "fuck, yes, please." you nod, cunt fluttering around the tip of his cock. 
the stretch is painful; you expected it, craved it - you let out an animalistic moan when he slides in a few inches. "oh-" you whimper, legs tensing as Joel kneads the flesh of your ass, pressing his bare chest to your spine as he mouths along the base of your neck, "relax, baby, so fuckin' tight-" he groans as he slides in slowly, "let me in, sweetheart, c'mon-" 
a rush of arousal and he's fully seated within you, the sting of his cock in you subsiding as a growing desire mounts until you can't take it. "move- m-move, now, please." you rush, hips pushing back against Joel's impatiently. 
"shit," Joel hisses as he pulls out of you slightly - a long, thick drag against your velvety cunt and you groan at the sweet bliss of being filled up. you moan as he thrusts forward, tip hitting the perfect spot that already, as his pace builds, has a simmering coil deep within you. 
"thought- thought about it all day," you admit, hands finding purchase on the counter as he starts to fuck into you, your tits sliding as they press against the sink. "on the horse, thought abo-" you moan sharply as his thumb grazes over your asshole, spreading the slick and his spit around the tight ring. "fuck, sir- that feels good." you moan. he groans in response and the words fly from your lips - "you drive me crazy, so big, t-touching me all the time. dream about you filling me up- s-stuffing me full, even out in the woods-" 
your words are too much for Joel, apparently, because his hand slaps over your mouth and his voice whispers, "sh-shut the fuck up, darlin', y'needa be quiet or I'm gonna finish before this even starts." he grunts, hips snapping into yours as he picks up the pace. 
you whimper at his words, arousal gushing from you and coating his cock in your slick; the wet slapping of your bodies echoing through the bathroom. "fuck-" he drags out the word, fingers sliding over your lips to prod at your mouth, "here- suck, darlin' - there you go, good girl, that's right." 
your tongue slides over his fingers, eyes fluttering closed as you feel his thumb breach your tight hole; a sudden rush of pleasure runs through you as it hits you - Joel's everywhere. he's filling you completely - his thumb slowly fucks your tight ring of muscle as his cock spears your cunt; his fingers, pressing down on your tongue as you whimper and moan around him. 
a groan leaves his full lips; "fuck- look at me." he grunts, hand sliding up your throat to pull your jaw towards your reflection. "look at me, baby-" his fingers slide back into your mouth as your eyes meet the fire in his through the mirror. 
"always tell me when you feel like this, 'kay?" he asks, brows stern as he rams his hips into you; his thumb fills you and fucks into you at a slower speed than his cock, sending searing pleasure through your entire body.
your flesh moves at the impact of his hips and you cry out as his cock hits the delicious spot inside you that curls your toes. his thumb slips from your ass and you whimper dejectedly; the full feeling subsiding slightly as his hand grips your tits, pinching your nipple as he hums in your ear.  "don't want my pretty little slut feeling so needy all the time, right?" he mutters, nosing at your hair as he fucks into you with no abandon. your fingers clench to the sides of the sink as you let out a strangled, "yes, sir-" 
"so if you use your words, I'll give you anything you want." he groans, hand smacking your ass as the other squeezes your jaw. you nod, agreeing with his words though his cock has rendered you nearly speechless. he hums in approval before muttering, "now you're goign to play with your clit until you cum." 
you let your eyes roll back at the commanding tone as your hand snakes down to rub tight, blisteringly pleasurable circles over your bundle of nerves.
but it's immediately too much so soon; you're already so close to your orgasm that a jagged gasp falls from your lips, jumping at the feeling.
"no, 's too much," you moan, head falling back as your finger teases your clit, flames of pleasure licking up isnide you.
but Joel smirks, "why're you still doin' it, then?" he teases, cock hitting so deep and bruising that you think you may see stars. 
you moan out, "w-wanna cum, wanna make you happy, Joel." you whimper, completely forgetting to call him sir; but you feel his brows furrow as a moan ripples from his lips - "y'makin' me real happy right now, darlin', look at you. fucked out on this old man's cock, doin' whatever I say, desperate and willing. you're perfect, aren't you?" 
you shiver in pleasure at his praise, fingers shaking as you rub your clit, trying so hard not to ruin your orgasm by cumming too soon. his cock spears into you at a pace that will certainly bruise your hips; your breath is punched out of you, your gasps and moans painting the air.
"say it, baby." he orders, hand stroking your breast a staunch contradiction to his brutal pace. "tell me how perfect you are for me." 
you wail, head falling back onto his broad, thick shoulder as he runs his mouth over your shoulder, nipping as he goes. you're out of breath - "p-perfect, I'm perfect for you Joel, fuck, don't stop. so good, so good-" you mumble, fucked out after only a few minutes. 
he hums, nodding into you. "taught you well, didn't I? you're my perfect little star." 
you nod, "yes, sir, thank you-" you squeal in pleasure as he strokes long and slow, pushing you nearly to the brink as your legs shake. you can't take it, though - your fingers stop their ministrations, shaking and burning as you pull away from your clit, so close from just his cock and-
a slap to your cheek as Joel's lips bite into your jaw, "put your fuckin' hand back right now. you don't stop 'till I tell you to." 
you swallow shakily, shaking your head, "I can't- it's too much, I can't-" 
"fine." he snaps, slapping your cheek again before one hand slips to grip hard at your shoulder, lifting one of your legs up onto the sink; his other hand snakes down to pinch your tortured clit and you scream as he grunts in your ear, "I'll do it myself."
he's unforgiving on your quivering cunt, barely able to stay upright as he pushes you down, your cheeks pressing to the cool counter as he pounds down into you, shooting you into a hurtling race towards your orgasm. 
he brutally fucks into you in a blinding pace. you nearly scream as white-hot pleasure rips through you, your hands falling to the counter as he coaxes a mind-bending orgasm from you. you see white as you cum, pulsing and writhing over his cock as it spears into you, splitting you open. 
"that's it, baby-" he lets out a loud moan, biting into your neck as he continues the brutal pace, "jesus- s'fucking tight, baby, can barely move-" his hands fall to your hips, using you as a fuck toy to finish himself off; you're still writhing with the ecstasy of the orgasm, relishing in the way his hands hold you. 
"where're you gonna take me, baby?" he grunts, voice strained: he's so close. 
you scramble, holding his hips as you nearly pass out - pleasure too much. "cum on my ass, please sir." you mutter, heat licking up your throat as the words come out. 
he moans and pulls out of you suddenly, hand flying from your skin to his cock, a slick noise as he quickly tugs himself until hot spurts of his cum paint the skin of your ass. "pretty girl," he grunts to himself, "an' you're all mine." 
you hum, moaning quietly as his thumb soothes over your skin, spreading his cum over your ass and pressing it slightly against your ass. your cunt flutters in arousal at the action and he hums, "y'like that, don't you, pretty girl?" 
you nod as you let out a shaky sigh and he presses a kiss to your spine, "good." it's a whisper on your skin, a promise. 
he's barely grabbed a towel to wipe his cum off your skin before you're turned around on jelly legs - his strong arms pull you in so fast you barely have a second to straighten out - he's nuzzling into your wet hair in a way that has your heart thumping and your throat dry.
his heart beats against your cheek, body warm, chest heaving along with yours.  
heat, affection - they swirl in your chest as his bare body cradles yours. intimately. 
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your sweet skin is sticky with sweat when Joel comes to, out of the bliss of his and your orgasms. 
he's just as sweaty as you, though the clean skin and foggy mirror have started to clear up. Joel nearly huffs a short laugh at the thought of taking yet another shower - christ knows the two of you are once again filthy - but he kind of likes it, in a way. a secret. 
he brushes it off when he feels your fingers curl around his arm; he had barely noticed that he'd tugged you upright and right into his chest, holding you as tight as he could. for some reason, his mind reaches back to earlier in the evening, when he'd heard that branch - the fear, the panic that'd risen in him. he's not sure why, or at least, he won't think about it. you hadn't mentioned it, but he'd seen your hands shake and your eyes cloud with fear.
something for another time, because he has you warm and pliant and naked in his arms. he barely noticed how his lips press at your hairline; it's just... well, feels natural.
like you both need it. 
"stay here, please." you ask meekly, quietly. the first words spoken in a minute; you're swallowing around the nerves and anxiety that crawl in your chest, he can tell. he feels them, too. 
he's taken aback as he stares at you - you both have patrol again in the morning, is it not... aren't you going to get tired of him?
won't you find him annoying, or gross in the morning when he inevitably pulls you closer in his sleep, when the dreams are too real and he shoots up in bed?
the panic subsides as he stares into your warm eyes, hopeful, bashful. he smiles gently, biting through the smile in embarrassment at how willing he is to stay. he'd stay forever if you asked.
Joel nods through his surprise, though, his body and heart and head aching to lie with you once again, to feel the calmest sleep he's had in years. 
"course, darlin', I'll..." he pulls you in closer, so he doesn't have to look at those damn eyes when he finally admits it -
"I'll stay as long as you want." 
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feedback welcome as always :') <3
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
if it's alright may i request saitama, genos, and garou with a fem reader with massive tits? like just how would the boys react (nsf/w mixed w sfw hc's pls :D) to a reader with the big naturals, which if you do this request tysm!! :D
aight bruh. I have experience in this field
If he had a Big Tittied S/O
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He don't like you borrowing certain t-shirts cause you stretch them out and make that weird sag in the front. He specifically got 2 shirts a couple sizes up to avoid that
He comments often about your back hurting he doesn't know how you do it fr he feels bad
Crumb magnets, we can all agree. Always says some shit like, "Saving some for later?" when you eat something that he knows will cause that. Definitely laughing at you
Hope u like breast/nipple play bc it's basically mandatory for him (with consent ofc) Sometimes he just does it cause he's bored. Like he doesn't want to have full on sex he just wants to play with them and get you going like organic stim toys
Falls asleep on them midway through sometimes. Best sleep he gets
The internal struggle between wanting to fuck you hard enough because the way they bounce is just cool to him and not wanting to hurt you/temporarily paralyze you waist down so you can't do shit
If you wear any sort of pretty lingerie/leather it's gurenteed you won't be going anywhere for a few hours. Or days. The outfit might be ruined too. He gets quite animalistic
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He has the math on the actual size of them thanks to endless shameless staring to perform the calculations. So take him bra shopping with you, cause he WILL know what will fit or not.
Same with shirts he'll tell you if they'll flatter your shape or squish out wrong. And he don't care if you stretch his shirts out on accident
Somehow knows if someone is staring and will confront them loudly (a bit of possessive jealousy if you will)
I've HC that Genos loves all things squishy matter what part of the body it is, so he does like hugging/squeezing them. Not always in a sexual way, though. He's just been metal for so long he's forgotten what his own flesh felt like so it's more of fascination.
Aside from that he likes having you grind/hop on his dick while he's sitting up/against something, say like on a couch, as he sucks on your tits
How he had the conversation of getting micro vibrators installed in his fingertips, you'll never know. Might have installed them himself to avoid that explanation. Very handy for universal use!
You got polka dot tits always. That's where most of the hickeys go. You can't wear low collar nothing for SHIT. It might be done on purpose
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Dude is insensitive to how sensitive tiddies can be, pain wise. He likes fucking around and squeezing/poking them to get on your nerves. It's recommended if he keeps up his bullshit to punch him in his own tiddy.
Missing a bra? He's wearing it and waiting for you to notice. Always in the outside of his clothes or his head over his hair
He never realized how useful they were at holding shit and insists you help him with looting shit from places, or stores.
Absolute tits dude hands down he's got mommy issues. They make him more submissive if he focuses on them too much. So while he likes teasing/sucking them, if he gets too into it he starts switching up
While his preference is being on top, he can't help but watch how they move when you're on top. It's a consistent internal struggle. The visual of it makes him cum faster
Same with boob jobs, he's not lasting more than 3 minutes max. Essentially, big tiddies are the magic to get you a very whiney, submissive bitch if you choose embrace that power
He likes cumming on them so whether it's oral or vaginal/anal he pulls out to cum on them
(edit: corrected the spelling and took out "bitch" because y'all ain't bitches)
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erwinsvow · 7 months
I think fratboy Rafe has so much potential!! What do you think? In my opinion he’d be the perfect combination of cocky and annoying but also secretly and hopelessly pinning
-bk anon🤨
(Apparently I’m signing off now?? Lmao)
omg bae tysm for the message! love hearing from u and love the new abbreviation <3
and yesss i mean i've seen this trope tossed around for rafe a lot and i do lovee it because he's definitely CHASINGG you. like i can imagine like a lot of ideas but primarily running into you at a frat party and he can definitely tell this is your first time at one. tries to get you a drink but you don't take it because you think ur gonna get roofied, he's offended but then he runs around for 15 minutes trying to find you a hard seltzer thats not open in a can or something. he's like "high standards for a girl at a frat on saturday night. here, princess, i'll get you a brand new one." eeeeeee<333 ur friends drag you away but you don't miss the way he smiles at you while watching you go.
can also imagine like he comes to the party next weekend trying to find you, but not seeing you anywhere. super dejected until he runs into you in the library and just sits down with you at the table (WITH your friends.... he loves to embarrass you) and just start talking like the two of you are already a couple. "so my roommate was being crazy this morning, you remember him, right princess? yeah him, so he-" and "got more of those seltzers you like. you'll come with me on friday, right? theme's seventies or something-"
you'd be so flustered and trying to privately tell him you don't even know him and he's like "got plenty of time for that, don't we?"
however since i see him chasing you, you'd for sure deflect and not accept his offer to go get dinner this weekend before the party. you'd say you're busy and that ur sure he has some sorority girl to attend to. then begins the hunt: bringing you coffee everyday while you study (how he knows your exact order is a mystery...), quieting the loud guys sitting behind you that are annoying you, bringing you real food when you have an exam the next day because he knows you hate the dining hall crap. you don't even realize you're being chased, think it's crazy that the rafe cameron is interested in you, but then you get an a on your exam and the first thing you do is run to tell rafe who is waiting in the library at ur usual table.
he's sitting there with your lil drinky and a muffin to celebrate and you just leap into his arms to hug him smiling so wide because ur so happy!! not even the exam, because he's so happy that you're happy. you kiss him in the library. people walking by stare bc it's cringe.
ofc i love scummy rafe (or... yknow... rafe) as much as the next girl but i think pining chasing rafe is so good... ur so big brained because you described the perfect emotions in your message.... i love you & hope ur doing well!!!!!! <33333333
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
If it wouldn’t be too much to ask can we get an angst Adam x reader?
Where reader is a winner waiting in heaven for Adam to return from extermination only for him to never show and being told by Emily or lute directly he died.
Please and thank you!
🥀Pt 2 HERE
🥀Cw: major character death, angst
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the soft tapping of your foot against the marble floors echoed rhythmically throughout your shared home. shared with your lover of course, who had just flown off to this year's extermination. pacing up and down the kitchen floor, worries were seeping into your mind. despite your lover's reassurance, you still had the nagging feeling that something was amiss. you knew that Adam would be up against some of hells greatest powers, and while he had confidently assured you that the battle would be easy, you were still uncertain.
"dont worry toots, i'll be fiiiiine. i always am, eh? i'm THE Adam, i fucking rock! trust me babe, this fight will be over in minutes~" your lover leaned in to kiss your cheek before donning his helmet and taking off into the sky. as you watched him fly away, you tried to calm the worries soaring in your chest. Adam was right, he would be fine. he always was... right?
you replayed the scene in your mind again and again, trying to force yourself to remain calm. everything would be fine, Adam would come home and tackle you in a hug, then demand that you listen to him rant for the next few hours about each of his kills. suddenly, the rustle of wings and a loud thump outside of your door caught your attention. you ran towards your front door, excitement filling your body as relief curled into your soul. he was fine, of course he was fine! you tore open the door, expecting your lover's bright eyes and boastful expression to greet you. but it wasn't Adam at the door. it was Lute, looking bedraggled and worse for wear.
"Lute? what the fuck happened to your arm?!" you exclaim, motioning for her to come inside. Lute just shakes her head, a miserable look on her usually stern face. "Lute... where is Adam?" you try to remain calm as she just stares at you, pain and pity in her gaze. "he... in the battle, there were some... complications. Adam didn't make it," she whispered, handing you a bloody halo. ice cold shock flooded through you, soon melting into a burning pain coiled in your chest. you felt as though your insides were trying to break free, and you took the halo from her with shaky hands.
"where... where is his body," you whisper, voice low and sharp. Lute turned, refusing to even look at you. "we lost it, we had to retreat quickly and didn't have time to retrieve it..." your heart broke at her remorseful tone, and tears began to stream down your face. "i'm sorry y/n. there was nothing i could do-" you raised a hand to shush her, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself. your lovers cold halo was still heavy in your hand, just like the heavy ache in your heart.
"its not your fault, Lute. i just- i need some alone time to process- i don't know." you sigh, defeated and exhausted. "i think we all do," she whispered, looking at you again. then, Lute nodded understandingly, and flew off without another word. for a second you stood there, looking out at the beautiful skies of heaven. people always claimed that there were never bad days in heaven, but you felt as though your very soul was splitting in half. pain and remorse and anger seemed to be filling the empty pit in your heart, the fresh wound of Adam's loss already stung enough. you slam your door shut, throwing the halo across the ground and collapsing into your shared bed- now just yours. there was nothing you could do, and tears overcame you as the sound of sobbing echoed throughout your lonely home.
AUGHHHHHJH this hurts. i might make a pt2 where adam returns as a sinner and reunites with reader (only if yall want ofc) bc i HATe unhappy endings 😭
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toxic-libra · 2 months
moth to a flame pt.2 - csb (m)
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pairing: soobin x fem!reader word count: 6.6k genre: friends with benefits-ish (he helps her with dating tips and stuff), angst if u squint really hard, smut, fluffy, inspired a bit by moth to a flame - the weeknd warnings: 3rd person pov (as always), mentions of reader in love with another guy (haechan <3), slight fwb dynamic, mature content (big dick!bin ofc, oral sex, brief fingering, mirror sex hihihi, protected sex bc yeah important) tagging: @once27, @pageriviera, @gyuzlover, @kookley77-blog, @sendhelpiloveyeonjun, @bunnyspeach, @pagesoobinie, @acidsoju, @cheekycountesschoi, @pinkbabi
[a/n]: part one here, for those who want to read.
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Feeling his stomach swirl as he entered Y/N’s apartment wasn’t common, but so wasn’t having a heart-to-heart with Beomgyu minutes before going to a party… And both happened.
Soobin cursed his gullible mind and male weakness. All those weird thoughts and flutterings had nothing to do with real emotions, they were just his head clouded after crossing the line between friends and something else, plus a good blowjob – Beomgyu’s words, minus the ‘good blowjob’, for Soobin preferred to be ran over and buried alive than telling his best friend about his sex life.
Yeonjun was laying on the couch, reading something on his phone. “Y/N’s in her room.”
The muffled music made him hesitate in knocking. She was listening to some old EDM tracks, something she did whenever getting ready to go out. After the third knock, the noise stopped and he heard the low ‘Come in’.
Opening the door, he put his head inside. “How long until you’re ready?”
Turning around, she smiled. “Oh, hi Bin! And, uh… Five minutes at max.” She pointed to her jewellery box. “Just deciding on accessories. Why?”
“We’re all waiting for you.”
“Mimi too?”
“Good Heaven’s, I’m late then.” She chuckled. “Just give me a second.”
He stared at her dressing table, noticing an open bottle of soju. “Drinking already?”
“I’m quite nervous, so...”
“Just try to relax, everything’s gonna be fine.”
If by ‘going to be fine’ Soobin meant ‘dancing instead of trying to flirt with Donghyuck’, then yes, everything was fine. Because from the moment she arrived, until then, Y/N had barely talked to Hyuck, resorting to her own cowardness and seeking refuge at the safety of the dance floor.
It was too soon.
She wasn’t ready for it yet.
She’d probably never be ready for it.
Walking towards the bar, she asked for a shot of vodka. It was her third, and maybe by the fifth she’d be a bit more confident. However, while waiting, a pair of pretty hands rested on the counter by her side, the slender fingers and pale skin catching her attention.
“Choi Soobin.” She forced a grin.
“What are you doing back there? I thought we were supposed to put our plan into action!”
“I kinda… Chickened-out last minute.”
“I already told Hyuck a thousand times how pretty you look today, and how plump your ass looks in this dress, but if you’re not around, there’s no way he can see it!” Soobin rolled his eyes.
Y/N’s breath caught, cheeks warming. “You said that?”
“Of course I did! Wasn’t this the main…”
“You think I look pretty today?” She cut him off, wanting to sound cheeky, teasing even, but it came out shaky, laced by that unwanted shyness and self-doubt.
He frowned. “Of course I do.”
“Isn’t it for the plot, then?”
Soobin moved before his mind calculated the pros and cons of doing such. Hand on her chin, he tipped her face up, thumb trailing her lower lip. “Not everything I do is aiming at our plan, Y/N. You look pretty every day. You are pretty.” He stated as if telling her the sky was blue.
They stared at each other, atmosphere changing and charging with confused, risky thoughts. The way his palm smoothly flattened on her cheek, his finger still on her lip, eyes tender but darkened, and the absolute warmth that came with Choi Soobin himself… Y/N wanted to dive in so bad.
He was her safety-pin.
But before she could act on any emotion, someone tapped her arm, breaking their connection.
“Your shot, miss.” The bartender didn’t look guilty for interrupting.
“Oh, thank you.” Y/N cleared her throat, putting some distance between her and Soobin. Taking a deep breathe, she downed it and turned to him again, holding his hand and intertwining their fingers. “Ok, I’m good now. Let’s go. I’ll try to talk to him a bit.”
Soobin hummed, swallowing an annoyed sigh at the impulse to tug her closer.
First, they stopped by the dance floor so Y/N could tell her friends she’d rest for a while. Walking there wasn’t easy, for the crowd kept blocking their path. Twice, Soobin got elbowed for trying to protect Y/N against the dancers, who moved carelessly to the rhythm – each time, the feeling of her body pressed against his was enough to make the pain of being hit worth it.
Their table was pretty close to the side they got out, but Y/N felt the pang of insecurity again and dragged Soobin to the bathroom area, saying she needed a minute.
Knowing better than pressuring her, he stood at the hall, calmly waiting.
Once alone, she took a deep breath and went for the sink, where the mirror was.
“Get a grip of yourself.” Y/N murmured to her reflection. “Focus on your goal. You got this. Go there, bat your lashes, crack some jokes, smile prettily and go home.”
With Soobin.
She scowled, telling her mind to shut the fuck up.
However, it made sense. If she left with Soobin, they could sleep together and she’d be ready to finally pursue Donghyuck. It was exactly the reason she sought his help, wasn’t it?!
All her resolve crumbled when the first thing she saw after opening the door was a girl all over Soobin. As if on cue, his eyes found hers and he frowned in annoyance, silently pleading to be rescued. Y/N’s mouth twitched in some unexpected anger and possessiveness, jealousy slowly boiling up her blood. The nerve of some girls!
“I’m back, baby.” She smiled wickedly. “Did I take too long?”
“Not at all, love. Let’s go?” Barely looking at the girl, Soobin offered a bowl. And not missing a beat, he took Y/N’s hand.
“She looked like she was bothering you.” Although she didn’t need to explain, she did it anyway.
“She was.” He nodded, fingers intertwining hers. “Are you ready?”
“You want the honest answer or the expected one?”
“Hyuck’s a good lad, you two already talk, so no need to fret.”
“We talk, yeah, but we don’t flirt… I don’t know how to flirt!”
“He’s gonna do all the work, trust me. You stay there just being pretty, looking at him with your starry eyes and perfect mouth and he’ll be sold.”
Soobin thought she was pretty!
Though her eyes starry and mouth perfect!
God, why was her heart racing?! Why did she feel so proud of herself?!
Taking a deep breath, Y/N tried to push those sensations away. “Ok. Let’s do this.”
“You make it sound like a penitence.”
“Being insecure sucks.”
“Just try to relax, I’ll be by your side.” He squeezed her hand tenderly.
“Give me a second, then. Just a second.” She stalled, still quite far from their table.
“You’re overthinking again.” Soobin murmured. “You don’t have to jump his bones, love, but just... Try to interact a bit more, touch his arm while you talk, brightly smile at him and stuff.”
“I can’t.”
“Why’s that? You do it with me, with Yeonjun…”
“It’s different.”
“Because Yeonjun is your kindred spirit and I’m a mere best friend?” He jested, though his face was slightly serious. She rolled her eyes, recognising the banter.
“No!” Y/N groaned. “I mean, in Yeonjunnie’s case, yes. But in yours… It’s different too. A good different.” She quickly added.
“Such as…?”
The same words she uttered to Yeonjun not a day ago floated on her mind. Saying them to Soobin was a risky move – he shouldn’t be her focus here. However, Y/N hated when he acted like Yeonjun was more important to her.
“With you, things are easy. I don’t feel anxious, nor insecure. On the contrary.” She stared at the floor, quite embarrassed of herself. “I feel… Seen. Cared for. Special. It makes sense.”
Soobin blinked, surprised by her words. He never expected that whatever they were doing would affect her this way – she seemed so sure it would help her with Donghyuck and not change anything between them. He knew he’d prefer an easy, calm love over any turbulent feeling, but…
Oh, fuck.
He shut the thought before it fully took form.
“Well, love…” He cleared his throat. “It’s easy because you don’t have a crush on me.” It wasn’t a 100% true, for there were people that fell in love quietly (his parents, for example), but it didn’t apply to their reality. “So, naturally, since you do like Hyuck, you feel more pressured.”
Their eyes met, and her gaze didn’t hold the same assurance it did when she first asked him for help. No, it held a foreign emotion he had yet to see on her – it looked like a mix of confusion and agony… Like she was trying to decipher what she was really feeling.
Like she was second-guessing her crush on Donghyuck.
“How can I help you get more confident to face him now?”
Y/N knew it wasn’t ideal, but he’d proved her once that it didn’t mind how inexperienced she was. She just needed… Reassurance.
“Would you give me a kiss?”
He hesitated. “I’m sorry?”
“It’s cringe, but whenever we kiss, I get that adrenaline rush as if I’m actually a femme fatale or something like that… I don’t know. It stuck in my head ever since you refused my blowjob…”
Thankfully, before she could utter more nonsense, Soobin covered her mouth with his.
The mention of the night he fingered her, but the recent memories of the perfect blowjob, and whatever weird emotions brewed between them were enough to get him into action.
His tongue found hers immediately, a satisfied sigh leaving her lips as her fingers caressed from his long arms to his shoulders and neck, wrapping around his nape. He crowded over her, too tall that even being on her tiptoes wasn’t enough to ease the distance, so he needed to bend a bit more. He circled her waist, pressing her body against his and relishing at her warmth.
They kissed until her mushy brain gave in, deciding she wasn’t ready for Hyuck yet. But she was ready for Soobin. She had been since that night in his kitchen.
“Take me home.” Y/N murmured against his swollen mouth.
Putting some distance, he frowned, unsure if he heard right. “What?”
“Take me home.”
“Are you sure? What about…”
“Home, Bin. Now.” She cut him off, her clipped tone indicating only one thing.
He couldn’t refuse her. Not when the confusion on her pretty eyes had dissolved into lust.
They preferred to leave quietly, mostly because both were trying to ignore what that ‘impulsive’ move actually meant. The silence wasn’t heavy, but it did bother them a bit.
Instead of going to her apartment, Y/N went to his.
Through the darkness, they walked to his room and Soobin thanked God the city lights peeking through the window were enough for them at the moment. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise (not exactly a surprise, but anyway).
She turned to him, vexed, confused and desperate.
“Choi Soobin, I really, really want to sleep with you tonight.”
Although he felt the blow of her confession on his whole body, the only thing he did was suck a breath, letting each word perforate his heart like sharp claws.
“Are you sure, love?”
And if he was keen to melodramatics, he would’ve fallen to his knees at her consent.
He closed the distance, mouth on hers before she got to say anything else. Before she could even think of regretting what she said. It was manipulative and wrong, but Soobin wanted her too much to give her enough space to think thoroughly about their situation.
Her head fell back mid-kiss, body limp and pliant to his ministrations. Lips closing on the skin of her neck, he prayed the marks would last for weeks. And at the thought of seeing them, he was reminded of the new decoration of his room… The whole reason why he kept themselves in the dark until now, standing at the door like two fools.
Soobin’s hands trembled a bit as he took her dress off. Her skin was ablaze, although goosebumps rose everywhere his fingers touched. He kissed her shoulder, cupping her boobs and pinching a nipple – the moan she let out was pornography, reaching his dick and making it twitch. “Lay down and close your eyes, love.” He ordered, reaching for the lights. When she thumped on the soft mattress, he took a deep breath, expectant. “Now open.”
Y/N was met with her reflection on the ceiling. “A mirror?”
“Got it installed yesterday.”
“Because I liked it?”
“That’s… Very kinky of you, Choi Soobin.”
The dimples showed up, warming her heart at the sight of his boyish smile. “You’re the first one to see it. I didn’t think much when I bought it, but you’re here and it makes sense now… You were right. Everything makes sense with you.” His knee dipped the bed. “Wanna try it?”
Thank God she was laying down, or else her wobbly legs would give in.
Everything makes sense with you.
“Of course I do.”
He gave her another one of his cute smiles, those that didn’t mirror any of his naughty intentions, and took off his shirt, throwing it on the floor. “Then keep looking up and see the magic happen.”
She giggled, for his words were a bit cheesy, but her smile died as soon as his mouth touched her collarbones. He left some tender bites while his hands kneading her boobs, then, as her fingers threaded between his dark locks, his lips circled a nipple, sucking and licking the hard bud. Y/N moaned, eyes begging to close, but too entranced by their reflection to do so. She could see his tall frame over her, the way her legs rested at each side of his hips, her own face filled with pleasure.
Soobin kept trailing her body with kisses, until he reached her navel. His teeth scraped near her panties’ waistband, his large hands fondling her chest before coming down to her thighs, grabbing them and keeping them open. Y/N held her breath, attention fixed on the mirror – his head was so close to where she wanted it, she could even feel the warmth of his breath. Then, he sucked her over the fabric, and her back arched, heart fluttering at the sensation… But it still wasn’t enough.
“Fuck, Bin.”
“Is everything ok, love?” His voice was tinted with mirth.
“It’ll be when you take my panties off.” She confessed, too hypnotised by him and blinded by her neediness to be bothered of expressing it.
“So impatient.” But his fingers rolled them down, tossing them somewhere on the floor. Before Soobin could dive in, he glanced above, seeing her now naked body splayed on his bed. “Isn’t it such a nice view?” He mused. “I wish I had eyes behind my head to witness everything.”
And then his mouth was on her, not wasting even a second.
His tongue rippled against her clit, soft, curious. His fingers dug into her thighs, pushing her legs as open as he could. Pleasure sparkled on her veins, the feeling of his lips on her pussy so good, so annoyingly good. She moaned, eyes glued to the mirror above, entranced by the erotic sight and caress. She could see his head moving, could feel his smart tongue bumping her needy bud, drawing figures and learning what she liked, what she tasted. Her hips found enough strength to move together with his ministrations, making one of his hands detach from her plump thighs and force her belly down, trying to keep her still.
Y/N’s eyes couldn’t stay open, no matter how wicked and delightful it was to see everything reflected. Her mind went blank at the buzzing of his mouth on her cunt, lapping and coaxing her orgasm. It was all too much – the weird night they had, being with him, the desperation she felt for him, the need to let him rearrange her insides if he wanted to.
A small cry escaped her lips, mixed with his name, body moving as the high crashed on her like waves at the coast. Soobin groaned in pure satisfaction when her thighs closed around his face, suffocating him a bit, but her release was too sweet of a death for him to mind. He kept licking her, drinking every drop, pussy drunk on her ectasis… Until she forced his head up, pulling at his hair with a painful but delicious tug.
“Fuck, sorry, I–”
“I’m good, love.” He purred in reassurance, knowing he couldn’t give her insecurity any space. “You good too?” He grinned sheepishly.
“Shut up.” She couldn’t help but chuckle, despite her racing heart.
“Is this the kind of treatment I get after making you cum?!” He tsked. “Maybe we should stop, then, if you’re going to be rude…”
“No!” Her eyes widened. “No, I’m sorry.”
His adorable dimples deepened. “Well, if you want to keep going…”
“Please! Please, I’ll be good!” Y/N shook her head like a little girl.
“You really want me to fuck you, huh?”
“Or else you’ll go berserk?”
“We can’t let that happen.” He moved a bit, lips touching her belly, then the valley between her breasts. “Think you can take my fingers now, love?”
“I can take anything you want me to.”
“Just two fingers, then, or if you’re feeling generous, three.”
Y/N softly hummed. “Anything you want, Bin.”
“Here, suck it for me.” He patted her mouth with his index and middle finger. “Get it wet.”
She obeyed, holding his wrist while her tongue coated his skin with glossy, warm spit.
His eyes never left hers, drowsy and hungry. And when he sunk his digits inside her, without as much as a warning, Soobin couldn’t help but get hypnotised by the way her breath hitched, head falling back on the mattress and legs trying to close around him again. She looked so pretty like that, all pliant to his ministrations, vulnerable and desperate for him.
He was rather uncomfortable in his trousers, but stretching her was his priority – it had to be good for her, she couldn’t get hurt or feel any pain that didn’t hint at pleasurable. He knew he’d feel amazing regardless, so there was no need to rush.
Their figures reflected on the mirror made Y/N’s skin tingle with need. She blinked, dazed by the overstimulation, her belly coiling at each steady move of his hand. Her mouth hung open, lewd moans and whines of his nickname leaving her ever so often.
“Feeling generous?” Soobin kissed her ear, then her neck.
“Magnanimous.” Her voice came out hoarse.
He grinned against her collarbones, inserting a third finger and feeling the immediate clench of her wet cunt. It took his breath away, too. “So fucking snug.” His dick twitched, impatient. “You want to cum again, love? Want on my hands now?”
And as much as she appreciated a second orgasm, she wanted to cum together. Finding his gaze, she shook her head. “Want it with you.”
“With me?” He echoed, biting another smile. “How magnanimous, indeed.”
“Please, I’m ready. I know I can take you!”
There was her clipped tone again, and Soobin knew he had her where he wanted. Brows furrowed in frustration, Y/N stared at him like a princess on the verge of a tantrum out of sheer pettiness. He slowed down until stalling completely, not holding back his smirk.
“You’re cute when you’re mad.”
Y/N supposed that being called ‘cute’ after begging for a guy’s dick wasn’t exactly the most flattering eulogy, however, her heart warmed at the compliment. She didn’t get to comment, though, for he left the bed, unbuttoning his jeans and dropping them on the floor, briefs coming along. Going for his nightstand, he took a condom off – although he knew Y/N offered him no danger (and vice-versa), it’d be better if they kept it wrapped for the time being.
She tried not to ogle him while he put the condom on, tried not to feel wetter at the expectation of having him inside her… And failed miserably.
When Soobin hovered her again, cradling her jaw and tilting her face up, stealing a slow kiss, any inch of doubt for the decisions she took that night left her like lightening.
It had to be Soobin.
It made sense, indeed.
And she wanted that more than she wanted a lot of things before.
He rolled around, bringing her body with his, putting her on top and ending the kiss with a bite on her neck. “You want to ride me? That way you can control how much you’re gonna take and I won’t hurt you.” He suggested, a hand pushing her hair off her shoulder so he could kiss there better. “And I get to enjoy the view a bit.” His chuckle was wicked.
“Hmm… We can try…” Her heart soared on her chest as he laid down against the headboard.
Well, they were doing that.
She was finally having sex again after ages.
Y/N spat on him over the condom and smeared it as she pumped his shaft. Frowning slightly, she wondered how he’d fit – yes, he was the famous cliché ‘big and thick’, not at all like the other two guys she had slept with. With wobbly legs and a pinch of insecurity, she circled his hips and aligned him on her hole. Soobin tried to keep his attention on the mirror, but as she sat on his dick, his focus diverted – he couldn’t help the deep groan that left his throat at her snugness and warmth. He was only past the tip when she stopped.
“Too big.” She gulped. “It hurts.” Her eyes weren’t teary, but they stung.
“Slow down, love. Don’t rush.” He gritted his teeth, remaining quiet despite the urge to thrust fully in. “Look up, it’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.” Maybe the visual stimulation would get her wetter and make it easier for him to slide in without the pain. She obeyed, her head falling a bit as she faced above. Before she could move again, one hand rested on her waist and the other on her boob, pinching a nipple. “How’s that?”
“Good.” Her voice came out breathy.
“Maybe if I…” His mouth landed on the beak, sucking it.
Y/N immediately moaned, sinking a bit further on him. “So good.”
He changed sides, and her fingers threaded on his hair, tugging at the locks. She was mesmerised by the sight, as he predicted. There was something rather intimate in seeing themselves on the mirror – his face buried on her bosom, her sitting on him, her pleasured expression…
“It’s taking everything in me…” Soobin swallowed a groan, hands now on her ass, groping the flesh with too much strength. “Not to thrust in fully.”
She let out an airy chuckle. It was painful for her, but he probably was having it way worse. So, gathering the remains of courage she still had, she forced her hips down, trying to get most of his length in. “Maybe if you weren’t so big…” Her voice came out strained, bottoming down. “God, this hurts. It’s like I’m a virgin all over again.”
Soobin moaned, dick twitching at the primitive idea of being her first. It was quite an outdated thought, but he was quite possessive and romantic himself, so he couldn’t control his own mind.
“Hi.” He murmured against her jaw, leaving small bites there, hoping they would distract them both – for completely different reasons.
“Hi.” Y/N smiled.
“You’re unbearably so tight, love.”
“No, no, don’t say that. It’s not a bad thing!”
“Just hang in there for a second, please? Just until the burn goes away.” She stole a peck, thumb caressing his cheek. “I promise it won’t take long.”
This time, instead of a peck, she kissed him. Their tongues met in a sensual dance, her torso pressed against his while his hands didn’t know whether to stay on her plump ass or go back to her waist. His digits left fire where they touched, and Y/N melted on the kiss. Instinctively, she rocked her hips just a bit… Soobin’s grip tightened on her.
“Love, don’t. If you’re not ready, don’t.” He warned.
“I think I am. Eventually, it’ll get better, right? So...”
They looked up briefly, grinning at the sight. Her moves were sloppy, slow, only testing how to work that out, how to ease the pain so it would become pleasurable. Then, Soobin kissed her neck again, leaving purple marks without caring about the aftermath. She found more stability, hips going up and down as he helped her, pushing her ass in sync.
“You’re driving me insane.” Soobin groaned, searching her mouth.
That made Y/N smirk. It was so weird how he made her feel this good. At his every reaction, she felt her confidence awakening, felt some sort of inner power brewing together with pleasure. The kiss was messy, teeth and tongues clashing unnaturally, while she tried to conceal her pace and the caress. She tugged at his hair, nails burning his scalp and making him see stars.
“Help me go fast.” Y/N begged. “H-How?”
“I’ll take charge now, ok? Feeling good?”
“Ok, yes. Please. Fast.” She panted against his lips.
Soobin let his weight on top of her, hands at each side of her face, the good ol’ missionary. The new position offered a perfect angle to hit her sweet spot, not to mention how intimate it was. Sure looking at their reflection was hot, however, witnessing her expression of pure bliss was hotter. And knowing it was him who made her feel that way was… Surreal. Picking up his pace, he tried to go as fast as he could, tried to make every wish of hers command.
She held onto his forearms, back arching with each thrust. It had been so long since she felt this good, and later on she’d regret wasting so much time with her ‘celibacy’ – but right now… Right now, she didn’t want to think of anything other than Choi Soobin.
She couldn’t.
Everywhere she looked, every breath she took, every one of her cells were filled with him. Pleasure boiled together with her blood, buzzing through her body, raw, conquering. Their gazes locked, her name leaving his mouth in that husky timber he had, his hair damp and sticking to his forehead, lips swollen from the millions kisses they shared…
It was too much.
“Bin,” She panted. “I’m coming.”
God, he almost collapsed at her words. Sneaking a hand between them, he found her clit, circling it and rubbing it just right. Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, legs trembling as her pussy clenched repeatedly when she reached her climax, moaning his name like a prayer.
Hypnotised, Soobin followed like a moth to a flame. If Y/N was the deathly light, he’d perish proudly, peacefully. Lost in her, he spilled inside the condom, thick, strong, intense. Her name on his lips like the only language he knew, her face the only memory he would dare to remember.
And in the afterglow, he secretly wished it could last forever.
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Y/N didn’t know much about ‘morning after’s to act like a normal adult woman would. As soon as she woke up, with Soobin’s tall frame pressed against her back, she started scheming how she could flee to her apartment without raising too much suspicion. If Beomgyu was already awake and at home, she was doomed – however, if he was asleep, she still had a chance.
Untangling herself from Soobin’s embrace, Y/N cringed a bit at her sore muscles. He stirred in his slumber, a delicious groan escaping his throat as he turned to the wall’s side.
Oh, dear Lord.
Not even aiming to the bathroom first, she opened the door and poked her head out, looking to both sides and listening to the quietness of the flat. Walking on tip toes, she reached the hall, noticing neither Beomgyu’s nor Mimi’s shoes and coats were there.
She couldn’t go back home because they were there.
Locking herself on the bathroom wasn’t her smartest idea, but she needed to pee and wash up. When she looked at the mirror, her reflection told her everything she didn’t want to know. The glow on her face, Soobin’s marks on her neck, her dishevelled hair… What a fantastic, dangerous night she had. How was she supposed to get back on track?
Was it even possible?
Turning on the shower, she ordered herself to breath. People had one-night-stands, there was no need for her to fret. Actually, when she asked for Soobin’s help, she had that in mind… So why was she so… Antsy? Confused? Dazed?
And then, after the kitchen episode, they agreed to talk about whatever made them awkward. How could she talk about last night?! When ‘awkward’ was absolutely the last thing it was, but…
She needed some time alone.
She needed to think.
Turning off the shower without even getting inside, she decided dealing with Beomgyu was easier than dealing with whatever was going on with her right now. Gathering her dress and panties from the floor, Y/N made to the door, wrapping herself on her coat and putting on her shoes.
It wasn’t the dreadful ‘walk of shame’, however, it wasn’t a prideful one either.
She knew Soobin would be disappointed at her for running away first thing in the morning. Well, he’d have to let her off the hook for this one.
Typing the password, Y/N made way to her bathroom, safely locking herself up. Drawing a bath would be better than showering, and so she did, promising to deal with happened later on.
The cold, short replies on their chat made Soobin’s belly churn unpleasantly. Well, he only had himself to blame. Was it too soon to push her to another man’s arm? Maybe. But if he didn’t do it now, he’d want her all to himself… And she didn’t want him the same, as his empty room so kindly illustrated when he woke up alone near lunch that Sunday (not even a goodbye message left!).
In trying to play cupid, he scheduled another PC Bang meeting. And as they walked there, side to side, avoiding to touch each other, Soobin realised he lost her. The nonchalant girl by his side wasn’t his best friend anymore, and he didn’t know what to do with all the emotions that brewed inside him – from last night, from this night, from the tragic but obvious future…
The PC Bang was too crowded for their liking, so they ditched it for fried chicken and beer. Instead of taking her usual place between Yeonjun and Soobin, this time, Y/N waited for Soobin to sit and sat in front of him. Although the distance was inexpressive, she felt a bit… Safer.
It was already difficult to focus on Donghyuck when Soobin was nearby. And now that she had slept with him, it was ten times worse. Before she could get a grip of herself, her restless mind was flooded by flashes of last night; and when their eyes met, she felt her stomach tighten.
Was he thinking about it too?
Was he aware of her uneasiness towards him?
Was he trying his best not to touch her at any given chance?
Because she felt like fighting a lost battle.
“Yeonjunnie texted.” She looked up from her phone. “They’re almost here. I’ll wait outside!”
“It’s quite cold, stay inside.” Soobin reached for her hand, stalling her.
“He’s a bit sour that we left yesterday without warning, so I want to appease him.” She explained, hoping the goosebumps were from the chilly air. “I’ll be back in a second.”
“You spoil him too much.”
“I spoil everyone I care for, Bin.” She held his gaze for a heartbeat later, then forced a giggle and left – hoping they haven’t noticed how desperate she was to be alone.
Going there was a mistake.
Soobin’s attention remained on Y/N until she disappeared through the entrance door. With a resigned sigh, he took a sip of his beer and relaxed against the booth.
“You two could stop eye-fucking each other in public.” Hyuck chuckled next to him.
“Y/N and you. I get it’s the beginning and everything’s quite out of control, but I’m feeling weirdly shy here. Like I’m intruding.”
“What about Y/N and I?” Soobin frowned, somehow knowing where that was going.
“Dating, duh. Everyone knows it already, you two aren’t exactly subtle.”
God, that was so wrong. That was so, so wrong and it would come to bite him in the ass later, but Soobin couldn’t help it anymore. “Everyone noticed, then.”
“I don’t know how you planned to keep it a secret when you two are going on dates non-stop, and I saw you making-out next to the bathrooms yesterday.”
“Oh, fuck. Sorry you got to see that.” His chuckle was forced, since he fought against despair for ruining Y/N’s plan and the unwanted triumph for people thinking she was his.
“Nah, it’s ok. I thought something was fishy when you started bringing her to our meetings often, and you just couldn’t stop talking about her… I just had to put two and two together.” Hyuck shrugged. “She’s a nice girl, bro. I’m glad you found someone good for you.”
He was so, so fucked.
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Three days later
Y/N had given it enough thought. For the past three days, she witnessed Beomgyu arriving at her flat with brownies, cookies and another Nutella bread… Apparently Soobin was thinking, too. About what? She wasn’t so sure. As for her, she went through all the pros and cons of ending their agreement, of still pretending to want Donghyuck. She knew maybe that was all she would get from Soobin – maybe her mind did play tricks and he actually didn’t like her back. She knew she probably would end up with a broken heart, however, she couldn’t keep that going.
It made no sense anymore.
Not when her feelings for Soobin bloomed like ivy, getting her covered in them.
That’s why, like the day she suggested their agreement, mid-Anime episode, she muttered:
“I think we should stop.”
Soobin didn’t react at first. He was so enthralled by the story, fingers mindlessly playing against her thigh, drawing figures and reminding her why that conversation was necessary. “Mhmm. The episode is almost finished, we can do something else later.”
“No, Bin. We should stop.” She put some distance between them. “Us.”
“What?” He looked at her, confused. “Why?”
“I… I think we should stop seeing each other for a bit.”
Dread pulsed through Soobin, turning his body rigid. Her face dropped, and he read all the wrong emotions there. Shaking his head, he forced himself to stand up, rage and guilt finding their way to his mouth. Before he could articulate any proper thought, his impulsiveness got the best of him.
“You promised nothing would change between us!” He quipped. “You promised we’d still be friends after everything, Y/N. You swore!”
She felt her eyes burning, but as always, she didn’t cry. “I know what I said, but…”
How could Soobin come clean, anyway? She wanted to stop seeing him, probably because after letting him fuck her in the best way possible, she really noticed how strong her feelings for Hyuck were… Although Hyuck thought she was his girlfriend.
They were doomed from the beginning.
“Now I’ve lost you twice.” He turned around, ready to flee from that overwhelming bubble of unsaid feelings. “I knew things wouldn’t end up good, but I still did it… And now I’ve lost you again.” Not even a step was taken when he felt her fingers on his arm.
“Bin, wait.”
“I don’t have the energy to deal with this now.”
“But if we don’t talk, then how…”
“He thinks we’re dating, Y/N.”
“P-pardon?” She froze.
“Donghyuck thinks we’re dating, that’s why keeping this is pointless. He won’t be interested in his friend’s girl.” Soobin looked at her over his shoulder. “But we’re not dating, are we?” He knew exactly what was going through her mind, knew those turbulent eyes better than anyone else. “And I didn’t correct him.” The words came out heavy, poisoned. “Aren’t you asking me why?”
She gulped. “Why?”
“‘Cause yeah, he might be a good match for you, you might have something in common and he’s a nice dude… But will he help you out of your shell like I do? Will he be alright with Yeonjun’s place in your life like I am? Will he…” ‘Love you like I do?’. It was on the tip of his tongue, however, Soobin remained silent. It was too soon for that. “I’m sorry things ended up this way.”
The hand around his pulse tightened. “Aren’t you going to fight for me, then?”
“So you tell me all this, but don’t say the only thing that matters?! And you expect me to do what?! How can I feel safe enough to confess my feelings for you when you’re about to leave with a lame ass ‘sorry, I can’t deal with this’, as if it wasn’t obvious I feel the same?!” She sounded angry, and Soobin turned around, finding her scowling at him. “God, Bin, it stopped being about Donghyuck the moment I had your fingers inside me! I get I was kinda slow to notice, but you could’ve guided me to the right path! You’ve been guiding me all along anyway!”
“You realise you just confessed to me, right?” He was half amused, half confused.
Y/N hesitated. “I do.”
“You don’t get to take it back.” He shook his head, coming for her.
“I don’t.” She agreed.
“Say it again, full words now.” Soobin held her chin up, eyes locking with hers.
“I’m not being the one to take the first step again, Bin. I did it twice, it’s your turn now!”
He had some cheesy lines on the tip of his tongue, but she was right. She deserved something genuine after being brave enough for both of them.
“I love that you trusted me to take you off your shell, to help you find confidence and bloom. I love that you were crazy enough to cross the line for both of us, because if you haven’t… I wouldn’t be here now.” Without warning, he stole a peck, relishing on her surprised moan. “I love that you showed me all your versions and let me fall in love with each of them. I love that it’s you and that I get to tell you that it’s you, Y/N. I love you. For real.” She blinked, and Soobin’s eyes winded. “W-Wait a minute! Is this… A teardrop?”
Y/N chuckled, feeling the wet drop on her cheek. “Well, you can’t get all poetic and expect me to be unphased by it! Not after trying to give me up like the hero of a sappy book would!”
“I didn’t know, love.” He shook his head, wiping another tear. “I didn’t know you felt the same. You’re so good at channelling everything, I misread it.”
“I can’t hide much when it’s about you. You make sense, and you make me special.”
“You are special, love. To me.”
“You’re special to me too, Bin. Thanks for deciding on helping me despite the risks.”
“To have you in the end, I’d do it all over again.”
“I love you, Bin. Sorry it took so long.”
“It didn’t take long, we both were just… A bit blind.”
She smiled, agreeing and kissing him again. Now, with honest feelings out in the open, she noticed that the anxiety from before had disappeared. It wasn’t that she was insecure and shy, she was just focusing on the wrong gamer guy.
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thank you all for reading <33
as always, english is not my first language, so any mistakes please feel free to tell me!
147 notes · View notes
julilovesyou444 · 1 year
hey baee that last fic u did was so good i literally loved it tysm it was so cute!! i have another request - could you write smth where the reader is the 5th member of the band and tom has lit been in love w her since they were kids, and it’s only when they’re like 16/17 that he finally accepts it and confesses to the reader?? like it’s so unlike him to be all soppy and stuff so he didn’t wanna accept his feelings and he’s like super nervous bc he doesn’t wanna like ruin the friendship or anything but ofc the reader likes him back 😋😋 THAT WAS SO LONG LMAO and super specific again but anyways tysm 💗💗💗
i know you ~ tom kaulitz
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ty for requesting bb! I’m so happy you liked the last one!! hopefully this one is okay too! enjoy💗💗 if anyone wants, feel free to request
warnings: swearing, yelling, drinking, partying, kissing, thats it i think ??
a/n~ thank you for 100 followers!! I sound stupid saying that but seriously the support means so much to me, gustav req coming soon!! stay tuned and enjoy this little piece for now💟 also thank you for all the comments and messages, I LOVE YOU GUYS🫶
(okay but angry love confessions >>>)
sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes !!
“are we doing anything tonight?”, i asked, laying down on the tour bus’ couch. My legs were draped across bills, he had insisted. We had been on the schrei tour for about a month now. the change from regular life to tour life was insane. we were on the schrei tour, about a couple months or so in. We had a little trouble adjusting at first, we were all getting into a lot of arguments, but now we were fine. Bill and Tom still get into arguments a lot, though. Tom has been acting weirder than usual, and i kinda felt like most of this behavior was aimed at me. It felt like he was distant, and I couldn’t figure out why. I have had a crush on Tom for just about as long as I can remember, but I always pushed away those feelings because I loved our friendship too much, and I didn’t want to confess to him and for there to be a rift in between us. I knew for a fact he didn’t like me back. He had so many absolutely gorgeous fan girls who liked him, so there was no way he liked me. He was also kind of a player. That hurt a little at first, but just like the whole situation, I learned to live with it.
“Uhh, i dont think so. We could do something, though. I wouldn’t mind.”, Bill replied, typing something on his phone. The door to the bus opened, and Tom walked in. The smell of cigarettes followed him. We were waiting on Georg and Gustav to finish up the grocery shopping. I thought he was going to go sit down on his bed, but I was wrong. He was staring down at me.
“What?”, i asked.
“Sit up. I wanna sit on the couch too.”, he said flatly. I groaned and sat up for a second, my legs still over Bills. I looked back and saw that Tom was sat behind me, both of his arms resting on the top of the couch. I fell back onto his lap, my head resting on top of his legs. I felt him tense up under me. He raised his eyebrows at me in a judgy way and I rolled my eyes.
“Who said I’m allowing you to do that?”, he said in a bratty tone.
“Deal with it.”
“I guess I will because it doesn’t really seem like I have a choice.”, he huffed.
“Okay, I’m tired of your guys’ bickering, I’m going to go check on Gustav and Georg and see what is taking them so long. Hans is in the store too, I guess he got tired of sitting and driving all day. I’ll be back soon.”, Bill said, lifting my legs up and letting himself get up. Before either Tom or I could protest, he left.
The silence engulfed us. It felt awkward, and I hated it. I had known Tom since we were seven. He had always been a bit of an asshole, but he was nice too. Lately I had just been getting asshole Tom. He seemed somewhat normal with everyone else, except for me. I started to overthink. Did he find out I liked him? Was he uncomfortable around me now? Did he think I was weird?
“sorry for laying on you, I’ll get up.”, i quickly said as I began to sit up. Tom grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back down into his lap.
“No. You can stay. If you want.”, he said flatly.
“Oh… okay, yea.”
I looked up at him as he gazed back down at me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with him. What had changed between us? When he was a kid, he would treat me just like he treated everyone else in the band.
“Is everything okay?”, i asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
I could tell he knew exactly what I meant.
“Oh, I don’t know, it’s stupid, nevermind.”, I looked away.
“No, tell me.”, he used his finger to direct my chin back toward him. His eyes were slightly narrowed.
“I don’t know, Tom, you just seem different, that’s all. I feel like you haven’t been yourself lately, but I’m probably just dumb and it’s all in my head.”
He didn’t say anything.
“I’m sorry.”, i immediately apologized in fear of making him angry.
“Why? You have no reason to be.”
Everything he did confused me.
“Okay, well, I just feel like you’ve been a little distant.”
“I haven’t been.”, he said. He sounded a little bit annoyed.
“Okay, sorry.”
“Will you stop saying sorry?”, he lashed out.
I froze. He usually never yelled at me. He knew I hated when people yelled at me. No matter what the situation was, if someone yelled at me, I would cry. He knew that. I sat up and he tried to get me to stay. I shrugged him off and stood up.
“Um, I think I’m gonna go take a nap in my bunk, I’m pretty tired.”, I mumbled.
“Just wait-“
“Leave it, Tom.”, i said quietly before walking away and over to my bunk. I heard Tom curse underneath his breath. I laid down, and about a minute after doing so, I heard everyone load back onto the bus.
“Okay, we have about two hours left in our drive to Dresden and then you guys can get checked into your hotel and do whatever you want for the rest of the day.”, Hans, our driver, announced. Everyone agreed.
“Where’s did she go?”, i heard Bill ask. He sounded confused.
“Her bed, she’s taking a nap.”, Tom replied.
“What did you do now?”, Bill teased.
“Fuck off.”, Tom said back.
“Calm down.”, Georg said.
“Can we just go?”, Tom yelled up to the front of the bus at Hans.
I felt the bus start to move. I got under the covers. I was still very in love with Tom, and the way he was acting towards me hurt me so much. I didn’t know what I did wrong. I missed the way things were. I silently cried for a minute, I felt so stupid. He shouldn’t have this kind of effect on me. I hated crying. I felt like a baby. I fell asleep within a few minutes, trying to forget about what was happening.
I felt the bus come to a sharp stop. I blinked my eyes open. I could hear Tom and Bill arguing. I couldn’t see them because I was in the back of the bus, but whatever they were talking about, sounded serious. I stood up and walked over to the cracked door. They couldn’t see me, and I could only see a sliver of them.
Bill was standing up, lecturing Tom about something.
“If you like her, why don’t you just tell her??? I don’t get it.”
“I don’t fucking like her, just fuck off.”, Tom spat back at him.
“Yes you do! It’s obvious! You have since, forever! We can all see that you do. We also all see you treat her like she’s nothing, don’t you think that hurts her?”
“It is kind of obvious.”, Gustav trailed off. They were probably talking about one of the many girls Tom was leading on. He always did this. It didn’t surprise me.
“Shut up, Gustav. And so what if I do like her? How is that any of your business? I’m not going to jeopardize the band or anything else for that matter for some silly crush.”
“It’s not a silly crush, Tom. You’re in love with her.”, Bill said. It was silent.
My stomach dropped. So that’s why he’s been acting all weird. He’s in love with another girl. I couldn’t listen anymore. I stepped out the door and stretched, acting like I heard nothing.
Everyone’s eyes darted to me.
“Good morning, everyone! We are here?”, i said as cheerfully as possible. I wanted to play it off like I was completely fine and like the boy I’ve been in love with since I was seven wasnt in love with some other girl I didn’t even know.
“You just woke up?”, Georg asked. Everyone looked a little worried.
“Yea! Your guys’ fucking yelling woke me up so I figured you were probably arguing over the set list, of course you were dicks are deciding without me so I wanted to come and help choose.”, I laughed. Acting skills, on point. The band looked relieved.
“Well, if that’s over then let’s go get settled into the hotel.”. I suggested. Everyone nodded.
Hans went into the hotel lobby and got us checked in while we unpacked all of our stuff onto caddys. He came back, handed us our keys and told us our floor and room numbers. Georg and Gustav shared a room, as well as Bill and Tom. I had a room to myself, it had always been that way.
We took our stuff inside and went up the elevators into our hotel rooms. I unpacked my stuff pretty quickly before going over to Bill’s room to try and make plans for tonight.
I knocked on their door. Tom cracked it open and squinted his eyes at me before opening it all the way. I pushed past him but he grabbed me and pulled me back.
I furrowed my brows at him and tried to continue walking, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Can you not be so stubborn and just hear me out?”, he said. I stopped trying to get out of his grasp and crossed my arms over my body. I widened my eyes and shook my head a little, giving him a cue to start talking.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you earlier. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s with me lately, but you’re right, i havent really been myself.”
I sighed. I didn’t want him to feel bad, especially for loving another girl. It was rare that Tom genuinely liked someone, and I didn’t want to get in the way of that.
“I know why, Tom. Its okay, I understand now. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something. I wont get so close to you anymore.”
He looked so confused.
“Wait what? What do you mean ‘uncomfortable’? And I never said I didn’t want you close to me? What are you talking about?”
“Tom, I know you. You’re like my bestfriend, its okay. You don’t have to keep secrets from me. And im not gonna be upset if you don’t want me to be as touchy and stuff with you. I wouldn’t want to do anything to affect your relationship or whatever you are deciding to call it.”
“What are you talking about?”, he asked. He was acting so shocked. Then Bill walked out of the bathroom. Since he clearly wasn’t comfortable with telling me about the girl he was in love with, I wasn’t going to push, so I changed the subject.
“Oh, hi!”, he smiled, noticing me.
“I was thinking, what if we went to a club tonight?”
“OH MY GOSH, YES!!! please! I need to party, I’ve been so drained from always doing shows, that would be just what I need. you’d come too, right, Tom?”, Bill asked.
“Yea, I guess.”, Tom nonchalantly replied. He acted as if he was too good for that stuff.
“Go tell Georg and Gustav.”, Bill instructed.
“Why do I have to? Why can’t you?”, Tom complained.
“Because you know I take the longest to get ready! It’s getting late already so I’d like to leave sooner than later.”
“Ugh, fine.”, Tom said, rolling his eyes before leaving the room.
“What’s his deal?”, i asked.
Bill hesistated.
“Uhh, i dont know, he’s been weird. Tom will get over it soon though, don’t worry.”
“Oh, okay… it doesn’t have anything to do with me, right?”, i asked, trying to slyly investigate.
I saw Bill physically get taken aback.
“Uhhhhh no! No, I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”
“Uh i just feel like he’s been acting weird towards me I guess. We used to like jokingly flirt and be pretty close but we don’t ever really do that anymore and it feels kind of weird, but I think I know why.”
“Oh… and why is that?”
“He’s in love with somebody. I don’t know who, but it’s probably one of the girls he’s slept with. I think Tom just feels weird with me being how I used to be like with him because he is in love with her, y’know what I mean?”
“Wait-wait, where did you get this from?”, Bills mouth was agape.
“Don’t be mad but I heard you guys arguing on the bus. I heard only part of it. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything, but obviously the rest of the guys know and Tom is refusing to tell me too. He doesn’t know I already know, but I don’t really understand what is stopping him from telling me.”
“Oh… I see.”, Bill said, contemplating his next words.
“I think he will tell you when he’s ready, I think he just wants you to approve of him and he thinks highly of you. I also think you make him a little nervous.”, he finally added.
“Me? Make Tom nervous? Funny, but no way.”, I laughed. Bill made a face and shrugged.
“Okay, I’m gonna go get ready, I’ll see you in like 45.”, I said, turning for the door.
“I have a question, answer honestly, please.”
“What is it Bill?”
“Do you have feelings for Tom?”
I could feel myself immediately get flustered and my cheeks start to get red. Fuck fuck fuck.
“What?”, i laughed awkwardly.
“Please, I’m your bestfriend, you can tell me if you do.”
“Why do you even think that? Tom is my best friend just like you are.”
“You aren’t denying it.”
“Bill, please.”
“Do you?”, he asked again.
I gave him pleading eyes, asking him to leave it alone.
“You can tell me anything. I wouldn’t judge you at all.”, he placed his hands on my shoulders.
I sighed again. Even if I said I didn’t, I knew Bill wouldn’t believe me.
“Maybe?”, i scrunched my face up a bit.
Bill smiled.
“Why are you so happy?”, i asked, unclear on whatever was going on in his head.
“No reason…”
“Please, Bill. Don’t say anything to Tom. I don’t want to ruin our friendship, he means too much to me. And I don’t want to get in the way of his relationship with this girl.”
Bill smiled at me again. He shook his head.
“I promise I won’t. And if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about another girl.”
“I thought he loves her though?”
“Just dont worry about it, go get ready!! And look hot! Not that you don’t already, but go get more hot!”, he said pushing me to the door, a smile permanently engraved on his face.
“Bill- wait Bill-“I stuttered as he pushed me out the door.
“Please, I’m serious. Don’t say anything.”
“I won’t. Boyscouts honor.”, he held two fingers in the air before slamming the door in my face. I was greeted by Tom leaning against the wall. I flinched, I hadn’t seen him because he was standing behind the open door. His arms were crossed over his chest.
“Jesus, fuck! You scared me.”, i yelled.
“Don’t say anything about what? What were you guys talking about?”
“I hate when you keep secrets from me.”
“You’re one to talk.”, i replied, defensively.
“What? Was it about me? Are you embarrassed or something?”, he took a step closer to me, his face now adorned with a smug grin. I scoffed.
“Get over yourself, Tom. The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“Maybe not, but sometimes I begin to think you do.”, he teased.
I rolled my eyes and turned around to go to my hotel.
“Be ready soon!”, he called after me as i slammed the door.
Bill banged on my door, for the third time in the last five minutes.
“HURRY UPPPPP”, he groaned. I finished zipping up my shoe before opening the door. Bill looked annoyed but as soon as he saw me, his face lit up.
“Oh. My. God.”, he said, looking me up and down.
“You like?”, i asked, already knowing the answer. I was wearing a denim mini skirt that was way too short, a black lacy top that had long belle sleeves with a pretty cleavagey v-neck. It was cropped perfectly to display my belly button ring. I of course had a ton of jewellry on too, with a bit of makeup as well. I wore platform black boots that went up part of my calf. They were leather and I had been gifted them, but I rarely got the chance to wear them.
“Obviously!”, bill exclaimed.
I walked out to see the rest of the band waiting in the hallway. They all looked a little shocked when they saw my outfit. I usually didn’t dress-up too much, mainly because I didn’t have the confidence to do so. I decided to just let go and have fun tonight.
I walked past them and they just stood there. I clicked the button for the elevator and looked back at them down the hallway.
“Are you guys coming or…?”
They scurried down the hallway and got into the lift with me. We decided to go to a club that was only two blocks away. It was a pretty popular club, and we usually got into most clubs that we tried to because of our status in Germany. The bouncer recognized us and let us skip the line. Perks of being semi-famous I guess.
The music was so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts. Bill grabbed my hand to pull me away and get drinks. I turned away and grabbed Tom’s hand, dragging him along with us. At first he just let me hold his hand, but then he held it back, letting Bill and I lead him through the crowd of drunk people.
Bill ordered us all shots. Tom watched as i downed mine, and drank his not long after. Bill snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me away to the dance floor. We danced for a little before some random girl took it upon herself to steal him away. I couldn’t really blame her though. I danced by myself for a little but got bored and decided I wanted another drink. I made my way over to the bar and ordered a drink I saw another girl have. I began to drink it slowly, looking around. I made eye contact with a guy. He was by himself, looking me up and down. He smiled and i smiled back. He had to be at least 22. He approached me and asked if he could buy me a drink, despite me not even being close to the one i just got myself. I told him that if he wanted to, he had to dance with me first. He agreed, and we went over to crowd of dancing bodies.
At first, it started pretty innocent. Just giggling, drinking, and dancing. He started to get touchy, putting his hands on my waist. He had them slowly go from my waist, downwards. I would pull away whenever he got to close to the one thing he wanted, but no matter how many times I pulled away, he would always try to do it again. I looked over and was met with Tom’s eyes. They were staring at me, a sort of gross look on his face. Was he really that disgusted by me?
“can I get you that drink now?”, he winked. I internally cringed but said yes. Free drinks? Fine by me. He ordered me something, but nothing for himself. As soon as the drink was in my hand, he was urging and pressuring me to drink if. I did. Another drink, same deal. I downed the drink, wanting him to just leave me alone about it. Even though I told him not to, he ordered another drink. I tried to push it away, but he kept pushing it towards me. Finally, he put the drink down. I tried to back up, but he pulled me into a sloppy kiss that I wanted no part of. I tried to push him off but he was too strong, or maybe I was just to tipsy.
“get off of me.”
“please, stop”
but he wouldn’t.
“I don’t want this-“, i started, yet another plea for him to stop. a pair of hands yanked me back. before i could even see who it was, I saw Tom step in front of me and push that guy into the bar counter.
“She told you to get off her you fucking pervert. Is getting girls drunk enough so they hook up with you your only hobby. Pathetic.”, he spat. The guy looked like he wanted to say something back, or fight Tom, but he just cursed under his breath and stumbled away. I felt embarrassed. I shouldn’t have let myself get in that situation.
“Thank you.”, i mumbled to Tom. He shook his head.
“Just stop. You’re really fucking stupid sometimes y’know? Putting yourself in dumb situations like that.”, he rolled his eyes as he walked away. I wasn’t going to let him be that rude and just walk away, so I followed him. I watched as he weaved through people. I followed hom, but not to closely. I saw him open a door and go in before practically slamming it. It was too loud for anyone to even notice. I waited a minute before going into the door as well. There were a few flight of stairs. I climbed up them. I had finally made it to the top. I opened the door. The roof.
The cold air hit my face as I stepped out, the smell of cigarette smoke filling my senses. I saw Tom, standing towards the edge of the building, smoking as he looked out at the city. I began to walk over to him. The gravel crunched underneath my boots, making him turn around.
“What the fuck is your problem to me? You’ve been such a dick and I haven’t even done anything. I just want for things to be normal.”, i said, angered.
“They aren’t normal.”, he said, taking a puff of his cig.
“And how is that in any way my fault? I haven’t done anything to you, yet you are treating me like shit. You loving some girl doesn’t mean you can act like that, it doesn’t have anything to do with me.”
“It has EVERYTHING to do with you!”, he shouted.
“What the fuck did I do?! I don’t understand what I did to make you despise me so much! Why do you hate me so much?!”, I yelled back.
“I don’t hate you, I’m in love with you, you fucking idiot!”, he yelled. His eyes widened at his own words.
I was so confused. It didn’t feel real. I could barely comprehend what he had just said.
“What?”, was all I could manage to say. He looked so nervous, his hands shaking.
“I’m fucking in love with you, okay?? I have been ever since I’ve known you. I’ve tried to push it away, I’ve always denied it, but i cant anymore. I’ve tried everything and I can’t! I’ve slept with countless girls but the only thing I’ve ever been able to think about is you. You’re always on my mind and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to get you out of my head. I’ve been being mean to try and distance you from me and make myself stop loving you but it’s fucking torture and it’s stupid and it hasn’t even worked in the slightest. Bill told me you heard us on the bus, it wasn’t some girl, we were talking about you. Its you, and it always has been. I feel sick when I see you with other guys, I get so jealous I can barely handle it. All I’ve ever wanted is you, and not having you is killing me. I’m sick and tired of pretending like I don’t love you because I do! Hate is the last thing on this earth that I feel about you. I love you so fucking much, and I’m sorry for treating you the way I have been.”, he yelled.
I could hardly believe anything I was hearing. Tom Kaulitz? In love with me? This is a prank, right? It felt like a dream.
“Are you serious?”, i asked.
“Really? After that long ass rant or about loving you, you don’t believe me?”, he dryly laughed.
“Tom, im serious, please…”
“Yes, I’ve never been more sure on something in my entire life.”
“Why now? Why haven’t you said anything?”, I asked, still unsure.
“I wanted to, but I didn’t know how to. We would flirt, but you always took it as a joke. I wasn’t joking. I loved you so much as a friend too, I was scared that if I told you, I would lose you. i also hate talking about my feelings and shit, i feel so stupid whenever I do.”
Part of me was still processing everything. Boy I had been in love with forever, loved me back. In the exact same way I loved him, he loved me. I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“fuck it, i love you too. I’ve been in love with you since we were like eight, and I never said anything because I thought I had no chance with you and I didn’t want to make things weird. The only thing I wanted was for you to stay my friend and for you to like me. When you started acting like you didn’t, I felt horrible and I felt like there was no hope for anything for us. I acted like I didn’t feel anything for you because all I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. Even if it meant you being with someone else. I love you, Tom.”, I rambled.
He closed the distance between us. He placed his hands on each side of my jaw, his thumbs slowly caressing my cheeks. I could feel myself get goosebumps, staring up into his dark eyes.
“you were going to let me be with someone else so I could be happy? even if it meant you weren’t?”, he softly asked. I nodded.
“what did I ever do to deserve someone so sweet liek you?”, he murmured. His eyes glanced down at my lips. He took one of his thumbs and pulled it across my bottom lip, tugging down at it gently.
“God, you don’t even know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you.”
“How long?”
He laughed.
“Forever. I want to kiss you now more than ever.”
“Prove it.”
He chuckled at my boldness. Tom leaned in, our noses brushing against each other. I couldn’t stand the teasing anymore, I had waited too long. I dipped his face and pulled him down. Tom, smiling into the kiss at my neediness. It was so passionate, I could kiss his mmm forever. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I pulled him in more, unsure if he was even able to get any closer than he already was. he tasted like Marlboro Reds and liquor. I loved it, I couldn’t get enough of him. One of his hands found its way down to my waist, while the other one tangled itself in my hair. He tugged ever so slightly, earning a soft groan from me. Tom smiled at this, getting the exact reaction he wanted. He pulled away, our foreheads resting against each other.
“fuck, you look so pretty. I wanted to tell you how good you looked earlier tonight but i was too scared.”, he mumbled. I smiled, the sweetness that I had missed was returning to Tom. I pulled him back into another kiss, the first one being incredibly addicting. Our tongues fought for dominance, of course he won.
The door to the roof swung open, startling both Tom and I. We attempted to pull away, but I before I could even see who it was, I heard Bill’s voice.
“I was looking for you guy- OH MY GOD.”, he said, a little shocked. his face quickly turned into a smile.
“What took you guys so long?”, he teased.
“Oh shut up.”, Tom laughed, his hand now around my waist.
“Well, I ordered us some more shots, so… c’mon. you guys can finish whatever this is later.”, he smiled, waking back into the building.
“let’s go inside.”, i said.
Tom kissed me again, this time with the full intent of being sweet and gentle.
“it feels weird to say out loud now, but I love you.”, he said into my ear. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I looked back up to him, seeing the very boy that i fell in love with all those years ago.
“I love you, too.”
a/n #2 ~ THIS WAS SO LONG IM SORRY. also sorry for this taking so long the first one I wrote DELETED😕 I’m on vacation right now but I hope you guys enjoyed this long ass story.
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isackwhy · 4 months
We need some girldad!nick hcs bc this is so cute😭 (“The thought of having a daughter doesn’t warm your heart? That warms my heart”)
nick just screams good older brother to a little sister which means he also screams girl dad so yes ofc ofc
softwilly girldad! hc’s!!!!
before that baby girl is even born he’s all about her
at the gender reveal when it lit up pink
you’ve never seen this man with wider eyes
he jumped so high and ran to hug u, nearly tackling u over and then kissed u. and kissed ur baby bump
when your daughter was born he cried for like 5 hours straight just staring at the both of u
spoiled. she’s so spoiled
has expensive jewelry that won’t even fit her till she’s like 6 but he says he can’t wait to give them to her
every little plushie she even glances at he buys
he’s the reason her toddler bed is stuffed w plushies by the time she’s 3
shit can barely fit her
he’s speaks to her so gently
“no, no, it’s okay sweetie. it’s just water. look, i can clean it.”
“my princess. look at you!”
u just melt every time
the boys also spoil her
there’s their daughter too i fear
sometimes he just stares at your daughter like playing in the yard or w bento and then at u and is like
“you guys are the best thing to ever happen to me”
u start crying everytime
u have to remind him that she can walk bc he just loves holding her
buys her those cute princess dresses. no questions asked.
“she needs actual clothes, nick.”
“she looks great as elsa!”
i’d imagine he’d show her his favorite video games so she ends up w a love for video games and they always play like kids games tg of course
when she’s way older though u bet ur ass you’ll hear them both screaming over some fps game
basically every single photo in is phone is of u. ur daughter or bento. or the three of u guys tg.
or bento ur daughter when they fall asleep together on the couch
very protective
gives the typical “now. u be careful w them boys” speech when she gets older
will research every partner ur daughter brings home like a detective and her uncles are definitely helping him do it
i have to pack so this is short i’m sorry AHSDHHF
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midnightmayhem13 · 4 months
Hii! Could I request the marvel ladies reaction to reader referring to them as her girlfriend for the first time <33
now i see daylight
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this is so adorable! and ofc coming rightt up(ultra delayed post)
warning!- some suggestive bits(nothing specifically said)
Carol Danvers
once awhile, u and the girls go to a fancy jazz club. usually it's an excuse for you guys to dress up and get wine drunk and wake up feeling refreshed, albeit a lil hungover. this time, you and your lovely gf Carol go as a together. you wore a stunning navy blue dress and she wore a casual navy suit. Carol was drooling over you and she couldn't stop staring at you but you were also obsessing over ur sexy buff ass gf. you walk in hand in hand and go around the party talking to ur friends. you and carol separate for js a moment. when ur friends head home u sit there sipping ur drink alone and a man comes to sit next to you and start bugging you. "hey beautiful, you here alone?" "no im actually with someone" you answer sternly. thanks to Carols quick reflexes, you don't have to suffer long. she puts a firm hand on ur back and kisses the top of ur head. but thanks to the drinks he doesnt take the hint. "why don't u take me home dove; i'll show you want i can do." you and carol giggle. as she's about to say smt, you interupt. "actually" leaning into Carol, putting ur hand on her stomach as her hand goes over ur shoulder. "i'm gonna be taking my beautiful girlfriend home so you can go now." Gosh you've never looked sexier to carol. she honestly js starts fawning over you and lets out a THATS MY GIRL and hugs you super tight bc her heart js melted. you're so proud about being with her and she cannot contain the blush that's on her cheek. you two walk out (ur lipstick all over Carols face and neck) she's so giddy about the events that happened and cannot stop kissing u all over. it's like ur first date all over again and honestly, she can't wait to call u her wife!!
Darcy Lewis
Darcy is the smartest girl you know. and naturally as an Avenger you introduce her to Tony and safe to say he's very impressed with her and pats you on the back for finding such a brilliant girl. everyone likes Darcy too!! she makes you happy, she's hot, she's loyal, and mf is a Dr and an astrophysicist!! you always flaunt that. well when a big company asks the avengers to come work with them bc some sort of anomaly (think wandavision but no one's dead bc i said so) has accured and they need some brains and brawns. while tony and bruce alone were smarter than all of the companies scientists; they bit off more than they could chew. after a few weeks of all the scientists working at it, they only advance a bit. you go home and darcy comes over and you rant to her about it bc ur fed up. and suggest the idea of bringing her to help and she considers it. she spends the night so she might as well tag along and see what she can do. at first the companies big boss disregards her and even tries to push her away from the monitors. you grab his wrist "don't you touch her. and just so yk my girlfriend is smarter than all ur stupid scientists so i suggest you let her take a look so she can fix wtv ur men can't" Darcy is actually frozen to her spot bc that was so hot. the heat from her cheeks spread all the way down and she's at a loss for words. her face turns bright red and she nudges you too stop cutting the guys circulation off (she's well aware you'll break this guys arm for her). she thanks you and kisses ur cheek as she sits down. give her a few hours and BOOM. she's gotten to the bottom of the problem and has two possible ways to fix it, they both end up working. Darcy bugs about how much you brag about her. you give her a whole speech on why she's the greatest women ever as you hold her. she loves you with her whole heart and has never felt safer in her big bad avengers gfs arms.
Maria Hill
Even though Maria is always incredibly busy with Shield, and you with the avengers, you always find time to be together. but being women of high power has never been easy. that being said, both of you get looked down on even after showing ur skill time and time again. so you arrive at headquarters looking for your bad ass gf, carrying with you a few treats so she doesn't forget to eat. as you make ur way towards everyone they seem to be doing their usual thing. you could spot her from a mile away away. she's the most beautiful women you've ever laid eyes on. you approach her. her eyes land on you and her face immediately lights up. she greats you with a tight hug, a kiss on the head and then the lips. she's gotten more comfortable with being affectionate at work, you notice. "thank you baby" she says sweetly, completely contrasting to the harsh tone she uses with her troops. "i'll be back in a second" she goes to tell her most trusted troop to take charge as she steps out for a second. almost as if she cannot live in peace, a scrawny, insecure guy comes out of nowhere and starts complaining about Maria being off duty (who even is he) he starts causes a scene and honestly makes you laugh a bit. you two go to walk off to ignore him and suddenly the hoe grabs you!! yeahh maria is not gonna let this go. but when she goes to interfere but yank your arm away "my girlfriend has all of this under control so why don't you turn around and get back to work, the nerve of you!" Maria jaw is DROPPED. i mean she knew you could get serious but seeing her adorable gf give commands does something to her body. almost as if she's shy being in ur presence. she's sure she's never smiled bigger. you turn around and grab her had and guide her to the break room. she feels like she has a silly little school girl crush as she giddily follows you around.
sharon carter
(this is power broker sharon bc she's hot but no one's dead BC I SAID SO) To say sharon was kinda nervous about telling you about her job was an understatement. i mean you were an avenger but also the love of her life. it was a long talk but you got it to work. anyways you hung around a lot at her place bc hello?? it's huge and you love seeing ur hot gf do illegal ass things bccc she wasn't an avenger level threat (yet) so by ur logic, we're chilling. and she was on okay terms with steve, bucky and sam. when she hosts her auctions you're always welcome to come to them too! you want to be there just in case the worse happens, even tho she's more than capable of controlling it. but that doesn't mean you're safe from any guys or gals that want to hit on you. if they know who you are, you're okay but if they don't know who you are or have a death note they'll hit on you. usually you hang low or by the bar bc sharon's busy at these events. as you sip your favorite margarita you feel a tap on your shoulder. a security guard? "uhm hi can i help you?" you ask politely. unbeknownst to you sharon's watching (she always is) and heading her way over to you. the guards are specifically told not to speak to you unless u speak to them. she's possessive what can you say. "i'm not sure you're on the list your gonna have to step out" he says roughly grabbing ur arm and tugging you off your stool. sharon is basically bolting at this point. "my girlfriends the owner of this place and is the reason you buy ur meals so get off of me" you say and push him back. he's about to tackle you bc yk ego. until he sees an arm snake around your waist. oh sh*t. "get the hell out my house" sharon says and he gets escorted out. you'll probably never hear from him again. sharon grabs your waist and pulls you impossibly close to her as she places her lips on yours. "that was so sexy baby" she says on ur lips. her stern demeanor almost broke when she heard you calling her your girlfriend so proudly. it made her knees want to buckle and she felt like kicking her feet. she finally got the girl of her dreams and u guys were a match made it heaven. she can't stop thinking of this moment for months to come and definitely shows how proud she is of you later that night.
nebula thought she was gonna be a lot of things in life. but never did she think she was gonna be the girlfriend of the most beautiful and kind girl in the galaxy. she seriously never expected to ever be blessed by your presence much rather be loved so deeply by you. although she's been weary of love her whole life, you've completely changed her perspective. you love her so deeply it's almost unfathomable. that being said, anything you guys are in a new planet and go explore you always make sure to stick to her side. who's gonna mess with ur big ass blue gf?? not to mention she's possessive with you and aggressive with anyone but you. she's also so gentle with her sweet girl. so you'd expect any on looker to stay away from you bc nebula likes to walk around with her hand on ur butt while holding you close. but when some weird looking dude approaches nebula immediately become alert but all he does is aggressively bump into her "hey watch where the hell your going u got ur dirty paws on my girlfriend!" you yell as you grab wtv the hell is on top of his (maybe hair??) and he has no other choice but to apologize to nebula. when he leaves nebula is left speechless. why are you so proud that ur dating her?she can't control herself tho and pulls you into an ally to passionately make out with you. that was so hot. she lifts you by ur butt and presses you against a wall. you giggle and pull away as she chases ur lips "what's with this nebby?" "i love you." she says hoarsely. she didn't know how to respond to the whole situation. she couldn't care less about what the guy said or didn't say. but you loved her so much and we're so open about it. she was gonna love you forever.
kate bishop
Kates sure you could do something so simple as breathing and she would get giddy. she's no kidding. she absolutely adores you and you adore her. that's why you two just work. and while not all things come to you guys that simple most things do. you to do have your fights but they can usually be resolved with a good talk followed by a movie marathon with pizza and Lucky cuddles. so that's what you guys are doing right now. don't get me wrong, this happens on a weekly bases not just when you guys are having an argument. it's just a chill saturday afternoon, both you and kate resting from having a hard week in training and working with adults who never seemed to be pleased with any improvement in any skill. but anyways. you kate and lucky are all cuddled up on her couch as you decide what movie to pick out. as if it's a 6th sense kate suddenly gasps "we didn't order pizza!" and even lucky pops his head up, distraught by this horrible news. you have a good laugh but kate is seriously concerned about this. you stroke her hair and kiss it and tell her you'll order it rn. kate js smiles snuggly at lucky (who she high fives) as she leans her head on ur tit and receives head rubs. you call her favorite pizza place and order ur usual order while she finds a few movies to binge. thanks to nyc, ur pizza arrives in no time. and when you hear the bell ring you and lucky go answer the door. kates too busy complaining cuz her pillows gone. as you answer the door luckys right there as ur security. "haha your dogs really cute!" says the delivery guy "thank you my girlfriend found him!" you say simply as you tip him and close the door. kate literally gets up and runs around as she squeals. you thought she was just really hungry but after she picks you up when you put the pizza down she tells you other wise. she spins you around and cannot take the big goofy smile off her face. she's left speechless but her smile speaks for her. when you ask her about it your heart melts at how pure she is. the rest of the night she's has that smile on her face as she's resting on ur favorite pillow, you!!
a/n- so sorry this took so long and it's kinda crappy! i was kinda stuck so they all sound similar but hopefully you guys enjoyed! send requests!!🤍🤍
stay safe hoes🤍
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luvsuperboard · 1 year
hyunjin, do you like having a dick?
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pairing: boy bsf hyunjin x f.reader
contains: crack, drama queen hyunjin, the word dick and a whole conversation about dicks (well, clearly, look at the tittle) and some other curse words, mentions of periods and menstruating. mdni.
note: hihihi, LFMAOAOA OK SO, idk where the idea came from but is so fucking random i swear 😭, i also chose hyunjin for this bc his dramatic ass is perfect for this silly scenario, hope u enjoy!
you came out of the shower, cheeks flushed from the hot water and hair smelling like your favorite fruit scented shampoo. once you had on some comfy pajamas on you walked towards your bedroom–were hyunjin was ofc.
“you took like five years” his back was resting on the bed’s headboard, he had been reading a book or something while you were showering.
“shut up” you threw him the little towel you were using to dry your hair as you just fell on top of the bed, letting a big sigh out “im so jealous of you right now” you said with your face buried in the soft pillows.
“first of all, how dare you throw your dirty towel on my beautiful face,” the disgusted face he made was crazy “and second, jealous of?”
you sat up, tugging your hair behind your ears before taking a deep breath “wait hold on before you say anything” he put the book aside and stretched, giving you that ‘let it out’ stare.
“it’s not that bad, it’s just..” you played with your hands but soon stopped when you remembered you were talking to hyunjin, the mf knows everything about you so why would you be ashamed of sharing this?
“i’m on my period, i’m cramping so fucking bad, and like do you know what is it to have to deal with cramps? imagine you are peacefully sleeping, on a friday night after eating the most scrumptious pizza ever and you feel like your life is perfect because oh man, what can go wrong? i just ate and i’m happy and i’m sleeping. WELL NO! A FUCKING CRAMP THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY TO SHOW UP IN MY SLEEP AND WAKE ME UP!” you slapped the mattress, okay well you maybe had to let some things out.
“AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WHEN I STOOD UP MY BED AFTER I WAS AWAKENED BY THAT BITCH? A BIG, oh hyunjin when i tell you it was big is because it was. A BIG ASS RED-“
“OKAY NO NEED TO GET SPECIFIC I GET IT, BREATHE” he caressed you back to comfort you.
he couldn’t help it but laugh at the way you were trying to catch your breath “come here” he patted his lap as in a way of telling you to rest your head on it, so you did. “you’re crazy” he said while playing with your now not so wet hair.
“it’s just so annoying sometimes like ugh”
“i can’t say i relate like i always do, but you’ll be fine. it’s normal, just make sure to rest and not be climbing the walls like the weird creature you are, yea?” he whispered and kept playing with you hair.
“hm, i guess”
you stayed for a while like this; completely spacing out and staring at the ceiling while your head rested on his thighs until he broke the silence “so, why were you jealous of me?”
you quickly lifted your head from his lap and sat again “oh yea, well i was ‘jealous’ because you don’t get periods? duh” his lips were in a ‘o’ shape and he nodded.
“so? that’s it?” his eyebrows furrowed as he was expecting you to say something else.
“yeaaa? wait oh my god”
“oh god please no”
you both spent the night talking and giggling about the most random stuff, but you enjoyed this, everything started because of your tiny rent about being sick and tired of menstruating. but for some reason a question popped up in your mind, yall were talking about anything. so, why don’t kill the curiosity and approach the moment by asking?
“do you like having a dick.” you said with a straight face, you were seriously trying not to laugh, you truly wanted to know.
“HUH?!” his answer made you burst out of laughter, his ears turned bright pink. cute.
“okay let’s calm down” he gulped and waited for you to speak again.
“hyunjin, do you like having a dick?” you said with a tiny smile, as soon as he heard you he started massaging his temple.
“y/n you are so fucking weird-“
“FINE,” he looked around as if there was people in the room and as if it was some confidential information what he was about to say “it’s cool i guess”
“pft, you guess?” he just shrugged but you wanted him to say more “cmonnnn, for example; if i had a dick-“
“please don’t”
“i’d be hard all the time.“
“IM JUST SAYING BRO, LIKE, IS THERE ANY PROS AND CONS OF HAVING A DICK?” he sighed and shook his head dramatically “no there’s not, y/n, it’s just a body part”
“there has to be”
“THERE IS NOT. LEAVE ME ALONE IM GONNA GO CRY IN A CORNER OR SOMETHING” he hid under the blankets like a little kid, but you pulled them off him and continued with your mission of killing the curiosity.
“lord save me”
“hold on i just thought of an amazing question”
“does it glow in the dark? JUST KIDDING”
“wait but does it?”
“SHHH, oh also do you have a name for it?”
“i swear to god- wait what did you say?”
“a name for your little mate”
“no but thanks for the idea, AND IM NOT TELLING YOU ONCE I HAVE A NAME FOR IT”
“UGH, WHAT ABOUT WHEN IT’S COLD.. does the size chang-“
“oh my god, i’m gonna call chan”
“ARE YOU CRAZY?” he softly flicked your forehead with his middle finger “IM GONNA CALL HIM BECAUSE IM SCARED” you saw how he was about to pull his phone out his pocket but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“NO!” he jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom, locking himself in and resting his back on the door just in case you could enter.
“shit you’re right, anyway. HWANG HYUNJIN, LET. ME. IN.” this time the little trick of kicking the door didn’t work since hyunjin had put his weight on it.
“YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO LET ME IN! just answer the question..”
“i already did.” oh yea when it comes to tea you know you’ll have hyunjin there, so he opened the door slowly.
“really?” you nodded and he gasped dramatically, drama queen ass.
“so? what did he say?”
“come to the bedroom and i’ll tell you every single detail”
you spent like an hour or so telling hyunjin about what you asked han, plus more tea yall spilled through the conversation, which was enough for you to forget about the initial goal. as soon as you remembered you tapped his shoulder.
“just go to sleep, we’ve talked enough, it’s two in the morning” he said and it’s not like you’re dumb to not know he was fake-yawning too. you rolled your eyes and covered your body with the blanket. still curious, kind of mad, and not wanting to sleep since the talking had shaken your tiredness away.
he let out a deep breath when he felt your body relax underneath the blanket, he thought you had finally fallen asleep and-
“if i had a dick for a day i’d be laughing so hard like, does it just… hang there?”
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byuqi · 1 year
i loved ur nct dream post!! could u do how they plan to confess to u/how it goes pls? thank u 💗
EI’S NOTES: hihi tysm for enjoying it!! yes ofc :)
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pairing: nctdream x gn!reader, genre: fluff, warnings: reader gets called pretty, thats all!
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마크 MARK LEE — lil’ picnic date
— he would be so slick with it honestly
— plan everything out with your friends and stuff, you wouldn’t even KNOW what was happening
— mans would literally pull out all his receipts of what you told him you liked, ect
— you were going on about your day and your friends asked go to the beach at like 5pm
— you were like??? but still went
— arrived there and immediately ran on the sand thinking your friends were behind you but no
— you get to the main beach area and all you see is mark, standing there with flowers next to a lit up tent with blankets and pillows and stuff
— he was nervous as ever i wont lie but didnt look like it
— you would jus stand there like 😧😧😧😧
— he would find it so cute and pull you closer to him
— he would then confess to you about how much he likes you,, and luckily you like him too!
— the rest of the night is spent cuddling and laughing about memories you have with each other
런쥔 HUANG RENJUN — while cuddling in bed
— starting off, you two were childhood bsfs and you two were really close so cuddling was something normal between you too
— but it was extra cold this specific night so you were lying super tight against renjun
— his cheeks were red because of it and thats kinda when he realises he should confess tonight
— he had liked you ever since 4th grade but didnt know when to tell you honestly
— as you two are watching whatever was on the tv, renjun turns to you to look at you and he’s honestly so mesmerised by you
— you catch him staring and ask him “what?” while smiling and he kinda loses it there
— he thinks you’re literally so pretty cuddled against him that he literally cant stop looking at you
— “yn” he would call out while looking at you
— you would turn to him and smile with a little “mhm”
— and he would confess right there
— and to his luck the smile on your face doesn’t get smaller, but instead bigger
— once he finishes you kiss his cheek and tell him you like him too
— he feels like the luckiest man on earth knowing you’re his
제노 LEE JENO — while baking
— so wholesome omfg
— you two are like bsfs right?
— and hes spending the night over bc thats what you two always did on a friday
— tonight was different tho cus you both could feel like a tension
— so to get rid of it, you suggest that you two bake muffins
— everything goes well until jeno throws you with flour making your hair full of the white powder
— after that you two basically have a mini food fight which ends up with jeno chasing you around the house
— once he catches you he lifts you in the air and spins you around while youre laughing
— its like the most happy you two had been in a while too bc you both were smiling and laughing the whole time
— once he puts you down he spins you so that you face him
— you hold onto his shoulders for balance but soon realise how close you both are
— thats when he just confesses to you
— youre like “😧” and then you go “🤭” bc you like him sm
— after his confession you lean up to kiss him, which then leaves him stunned, and make a run for it
— best believe he will catch you and tickle you to death
해찬 LEE HAECHAN — after being away from you
— my man fr guys😍
— hes on tour living his idol life and youre at home lowk just waiting for him to come back
— its no secret to the boys that he likes you and is always teasing him about it
— you both are also used to him leaving for periods of time but this time was just too long
— he was gone for about 2 months this time which was the longest he had ever been away from you
— and it started to hit him real hard
— although the facetiming worked in the beginning, now it was just getting frustrating for the both of you
— by the end of the trip, haechan was so ready to just get out of there and be in your arms
— once he landed in korea, he quickly bought you a lil something and rushed to your house
— you knew he was coming today, but only later as he told you they were waiting for their managers to pick them up
— so you were super confused when you heard the bell ring
— when you opened the door you were met with haechan himself
— you stood there for a minute before actually realising it was him
— the moment he saw you, he knew he was home and he couldn’t wait any more to tell you how he really feels
— as you guys stopped hugging, he immediately leaned in to capture your lips
— you gladly accepted the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him deeper
— after that you both literally went to sleep while cuddling bc he jus missed you sm🥹
재민 NA JAEMIN — you confess to him
— see what i did here?😭😭😭
— honestly he would try to confess first to you but in your opinion he was taking too long so you too matters into your own hands
— you two were hanging out at the mall
— and when he would see something he thinks would look good on you, he would make you try it on and he would lowk spoil you
— once you both were done, you went to eat a little something
— this is when he decides hes gonna confess bc he cant help but feel some type of way when the guys at the mall look at you
— as you guys are waiting for the food to arrive you two would make small talk but you knew you had to say something before the day had ended
— so as you two are walking out the mall, finished shopping and eating, you decide to go get ice-cream
— as youre waiting for him, you sit on the bench gathering all your thoughts
— once he sits down beside you, you confess to him
— he sits there with his mouth wide open because he wanted to confess to you first
— so he looks at you with a pout and says how he wanted to confess to you first
— but nonetheless hes happy you confessed bc he confessed to you too
— and when you two were walking home, you were holding hands
천러 ZHONG CHENLE — in the heat of an argument
— okay so senario, you guys were arguing about you being super close with one of the other nct boys and chenle didnt like it
— basically you were hanging with the whole nct group right?
— and the whole nct dream group knew chenle had a thing for you but the others didnt
— so you were sitting next to chenle and jungwoo
— and you and jungwoo were having a good conversation and jungwoo then suddenly placed his hand around your shoulder
— and chenle saw this and started getting angry but didnt wanna show it yk?
— but then you sudden leaned into jungwoo while laughing at something he said
— thats really set him off and he suddenly stood up and walked outside
— you took notice of this and decided to go after him because you really did care for him
— once you get outside you decide to sit next to him
— “you alright?” you would ask and he would suddenly blow up in your face
— and you would be so shocked bc what tf??
— thats when you both start arguing about the whole thing and youre just trying to understand where hes coming from and stuff
— thats when he says “bc i like you! i like you so much and seeing you with him breaks my heart” and you could see how much it hurt him
— before he walks away you pull him closer to you and leave a little peck in his lips before saying “thats crazy cause i like you too wierdo” and smile at him
— he just looks at you for a moment before smiling and leaning back to you for another kiss
지성 PARK JISUNG — over the phone
— hes so cute mann
— he would be too scared to do it in person, so the boys told him to do it over the phone instead since they knew he wouldn’t do it in person
— so hes like okay
— and one night while you guys were texting
— he asks to phone you and you say yes
— as you two are sitting on the phone theres like an awkward silence between you two
— and youre kinda confused and ask jisung if hes okay and he says yes
— a moment later you decide to say bye and end the call bc it was late and you wanted to sleep but jisung was like “no! not yet uh- i want to tell you something”
— so youre like okay….? that’s wierd
— and youre sitting there he takes a deep breath and just started confessing everything to you
— and youre sitting there with a blush on your face waiting for him to finish so that you can tell him you like him too
— and once he finishes he lets out a breath
— theres another silence before he says “you know what ignore that im sorry goodnight yn!” and before he puts off you call his name again
— “jisung wait! i like you too, alot”
— his ear would turn so red omfg and his cheeks would too
— “o-oh okay, so are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?” he would ask softly
— you would laugh and say yes and then say goodnight to him
— “goodnight girlfriend” he would say excitedly
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perm taglist — @ixomiyu @jencthy @kynrki @love-4-keum @coalalalinha @viagumi @enhastolemyheart @strwberrydinosaur @w3bqrl @zuyairus
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mxcat777 · 2 years
So what if
Dream is sort of Shakespeare's patron, right? So would that make Shakespeare on of His™? And if so, would he reside in the Dreaming after his death instead of the Sunless Lands?
'cause if so. Consider.
He's still writing. (A lot)
He keeps up with modern literature, but keeps writing (at least mostly) in Early Modern English (that's it, right? Do I have my lit facts straight?). Imagine his recent plays littered with slang, disney references, (un)subtle references to shit that was based on his stuff that he either loves or hates, both are good.
He's kind of a favourite of Dream's. The same way Lucienne and Jessamy and The Corinthian are. He can get away with saying shit, because if he offends Dream he can turn around and start sprouting some poetry at that vain-ass bitch and all is forgiven. (In the worst cases it takes a new play about his royal majesty the Dream King and how generous and benevolent and regal he is)
Fishbowling happens, not sure what Will would do, the plot bunny didn't care.
Dream is back, all is well, he goes to the New Inn, Hob and Dream are now officially Friends.
They meet up more bc friends see each other more often than once a century. Oh yeah friends also know each others' names and such. So Dream tells Hob a bit about himself.
At some point he's like, hey hob u wanna see the dreaming?
Hob's like yES PLz??
Hob gets a tour, and from that point on usually gets the option at night to dream normally or visit the palace.
On one fateful night, Hob decides to take a stroll through the library, goes looking for Marlowe's shelf, because he kind of wonders what other stuff that genius would have written had he lived longer.
Only to (maybe literally) bump into, you guessed it, Will Bloody Shaxberd.
He stares.
Will goes 'hey'.
And then Hob goes somewhat feral.
(no he is not over it, sue him, he's allowed to hold a grudge.)
He goes off on a rant about, see, ofc ur still plagiarizing marlowe he was so much better i can't believe dream left me for you you useless twat you couldn't write shit without him so why did you get the fucking privilege of living with him and knowing him for fucking centuries i had to fight 600 years for his bloody name and i'm guessing you got it right that first meeting hm?
And Will goes oh shit it's you! And then cuts Hob off with a "you're so right! I was an absolute shit playwright before your friend helped me!"
And Hob is... Understandably lost. This was not how it went in his head.
And then Will continues, I was so nervous the time right after that meeting, I knew he was some sort of supernatural being, no clue what though, he's really not good at introductions, is he, so I sort of assumed you were too, and I was waiting for your revenge for stealing your date away, recently found out you're actually human, albeit immortal, and it was not a date, though, speaking of, have you sorted yourselves out yet?
And Hob, quite understandably even more baffled, sort of gapes for a bit.
Before very nervously denying anything of the sort.
Will just stares.
And goes, bruv, you weren't subtle then, still aren't now, spare everyone else the UST, please, for the love of god, you two need to fuck post haste.
And Hob is like, hahaha, eh, yeah, nope, fun seeing you, BYE.
So Will sighs. And goes to see Lucienne, as any sensible person would.
Lucienne sighs as well. At which point Will steps to Dream himself.
"My lord?" "Yes, William?" "Forgive my directness, but so as not to risk any misunderstandings, what exactly is your relationship with Hob Gadling?" "We are friends. Why do you ask? Is that not clear?" "Well, to be perfectly honest, m'lord, I assumed you were... Involved™." "We are not." "But you'd like to be though, right?" "You dare presume to know-" " I dare presume to know what attraction, romance, love, all that looks like, sire. I must do, after portraying it in my plays for over four centuries. After writing several hundreds of sonnets on the topic." "I-" "In my humble opinion, my lord, it is a good match. He understands you, you continue to fascinate each other, he can provide a safe place where you need not be monarch for a moment. And of course, you are quite obviously attracted to one another sexually." "WILLIAM SH-" "Oh calm down! I'm certainly not judging either of you!" "...he is attracted to me?" "..." "Is he?" "YES! Lord give me faith! Kiss him! Go to him and teleport the both of you onto a bed! Or if you want to be sappy go slow and bring him a rose, but please, for the love of the collective sanity, do something!" "But how do you know? What if you misunderstood? What if it is unwelcome? I cannot lose him!"
At which point Will turns around, leaves the throne room, goes back to the library and rant to Lucienne
"I swear I'm going to write a play about them, just to point out how stupid this is. I feel compelled to call it a tragedy, but I think it needs to have a happy ending, otherwise Lord Broodphius would get stuck on the but what if it does end in tragedy, so I suppose a comedy would be fitting, but then again, this is too painful to watch to qualify as a comedy. Tragic comedy? Comic tragedy? I'll figure it out..."
And Lucienne is like, if you'd like to perform it properly I'm sure there are a few dreams who would be more than willing to help out, take on a role.
Hob comes back to the Dreaming a few days later and finds Will up to his elbows in paper, reference books, thesauruses and rhyming dictionaries (handy things those), and empty mugs and the like.
Will looks up, somewhat manic, and is like, Hob! Great! Just the person I wanted to see! Would you help me, please?
Hob's like, sure? Kind of apprehensive, but he gave everything some thought and decided that as long as he could go on dunking on him, he could let go of most of his jealousy (cuz that's what is was, he's mature enough to admit)
Will goes, Awesome! Tell me about you and Morphius! How do you see him, what's your story, I only ever get bits and pieces from his lordship, so I'm in severe need of some context...
And Hob is somewhat suspicious, but he indulges him, and really, telling the story comes too easy, so he gets into it completely and doesn't even notice when he starts slipping into rants about Dream, about how beautiful, and magnificent, and misunderstood, and kind, and way-out-of-his-league-but-god-dammit-he-went-and-fell-in-love-with-the-bastard-anyway he is
And Will takes studious notes.
And then goes like, so some of the sonnets I've written were with you two in mind, you wanna give me some feedback? (Ahem, sonnet 24/29, some others work too, undoubtedly, but I am no Shakespeare expert, unfortunately)
And he does something similar with Dream, maybe citing Hob's dislike of him as the reason he wants to know more about him without having to bother him overly much, like, I want to set things right between us, but I need to know more about him to do that, will you help me, m'lord
And he does
And Will just sits back and takes notes as Dream also spirals into a passion fueled rant about Hob
And all those notes end up in the eventual play
Auditions for the roles happen when Dream and Hob are out on a Not Date™ in the Waking.
There are surprisingly many auditioning for Hob's role, and surprisingly little for Dream's
Until Will points out that Dream would probably be more offended by an unworthy portrayal of his Love that of himself, at which point some of the dreams bow out entirely, bc Will knows how vain their lord is, so they decide not to risk unmaking and tactically retreat
Will is in his fucking element, it's been way too long since he's properly directed a play!
Eventually Will comes up to the Mutually Pining Idiots like, hey m'lord, Hob, I've written a new play, and I've been working with some of the dreams to make it happen, do you want to see??
So they watch. They watch as two absolute fucking idiots stumble around each other, everyone on and off stage can see how stupidly in love they are except for them, and both start sweating profusely when they start recognizing their own words quoted back at them.
The end of the play is something of a direct call-out and a plea from the dreams to please just talk to each other, fuck and get married, preferably in that order, but they're not picky.
Then everyone leaves them alone for the Conversation that is most likely going to happen.
Will stays behing hiding unobtrusively in the shadows tho.
He's not about to let all his work go to waste if these idiots ty to play it off again. He will lock them in a broom closet if he has to, watch him.
They don't.
There are like three sentences total spoken. Then they're aggressively making out.
Will leaves the room very content about his matchmaking skills.
And hey! He got a good play out of it, if he does say so himself!
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thethreeeyed-raven · 1 year
i jus know bran would be nervous as heck talking to you for the first time while having a massive secret crush on you, he doesn’t know where to look because he’s afraid to make eye contact, even though he loves your eyes. jojen,meera, arya, and sansa keep “ooo”-ing whenever the two of you are trying to have a normal conversation bc they all know he swoons over you😭 (it’s super obvious, he’s a big show-off whenever you’re around and perks up everytime he hears someone say your name)
wanna go on a date?
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navigation | warnings : none? | a/n : sorry if this is crap, usernames are cringe af sorry abt that, lmk if u want a part 2 :) | bran stark playlist | tags : @knight-of-flowerss @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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Bran couldn't stop staring at your lips.
Was it weird? Maybe a little bit.
Maybe a lot.
Surely you would've noticed by now.
The conversation started when you mentioned to Sansa a video game that you enjoyed playing, and it just so happens that Bran plays that game too (only because you do).
Then you had stopped talking to Sansa and turned to Bran. Your voice didn't reach his ears, he was far too distracted with the thought of what your lips must feel like.
Catelyn had let Jojen and Meera visit, but it seems they were being ignored.
Bran swears he isn't ignoring them, he just likes you so much. So, so much.
He didn't answer.
"Bran. Are you listening?" You eyes flashed with concern. Oh how he could look into them all day long.
"Hm? Oh, yes. Yes, I'm listening." Bran shook all thoughts out of his head, focusing all of his attention on you.
"He's daydreaming about your luscious, red lips." Meera teased, causing a light pink to dust across his cheeks and nose.
"No I'm not." He barely whispered.
Jojen, Meera and Sansa laughed, but instead, you sat with a smile on your face.
You were quite aware of Bran's feelings towards you, and so did everyone else. But they didn't know of your feelings for him.
Bran grew tired of their mockery, sighed and left the room "Just fuck off!"
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You had waited for months now. Waiting and waiting for Bran to make a move on you.
And you were sick of waiting.
You got your phone out and pulled up his instagram, clicking message.
y/n.is.tongue.tied :
hey bran! i have a question PLEASE ANSWER😭🙏🏻
literal.3eyed_raven :
is it about [fav video game]? because girl you know i'm shit at it🫠
y/n.is.tongue.tied :
actually i wanted to know if u wanna go on a date?
literal.3eyed_raven :
y/n.is.tongue.tied :
a date-
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"Oh, my, fucking, god."
"Oi! Language." Ned warned.
"What did I say about phones at the table?" Catelyn held her hand out to take Bran's phone.
"Jon!" Bran shouted to his brother who sat at the end of the dining table.
He looked up, chicken still stuffed in his mouth.
"What do you say when someone asks you on a date?"
Robb laughed loudly, making Jon glare at him out of the corner of his eye. "What are you asking him for? He's never even looked a person in the eye!"
Jon picked up a piece of his food to throw at him, but Robb dodged it.
Arya was quite frankly getting annoyed with her brothers teasing each other, and Bran's unnecessary panic. "Just say yes, it's not that hard."
Bran rolled his eyes. "Of course you wouldn't think it's hard Arya, no one likes to talk to you."
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literal.3eyed_raven :
sorry for not answering
yh ofc!
y/n.is.tongue.tied :
do you wanna work out the details tmr?
literal.3eyed_raven :
y/n.is.tongue.tied :
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