#but put on top of how he doesn't get involved with girls like his rowdy friends do
inferablossom · 1 year
Only Emil could talk about falling in love with a girl in a way that somehow makes him sound more gay than before.
He first starts talking about meeting this girl, his "Beatrice" right after leaving off talking about how he's salty about how when he tried to write to Demian he never heard back. When describing Beatrice he repeatedly refers to her as having boyish features. When he tries to paint her the first attempts fail, and when he finally does end up succeeding at painting a face that "pleased him", he realizes it looks like Demian. And then, despite the influence over his life he claims she's had on him, he gets so caught up in musing over the painting and thinking and dreaming over Demian that he completely forgets about her.
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bronx-bomber87 · 11 months
Happy Tuesday wonderful Fandom :) Already 5 eps into s4. Insane. Thank you to everyone who liked, commented and reblogged my answer of my top eps meant a lot. 😊 Solid moments in this one just not a ton. This is a Lucy centric ep with one of my all time Lucy moments in it. I’ll let you read so you can find out what that is ha Off we go.
4x05 A.C.H
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I love any and all scenes we get with Tamara and Lucy. She’s such a mom to her I can not. They’re sisters but also a massive mom/daughter dynamic in there too. Lucy is making a morning smoothie and asking for blueberries. Tamara checks the fridge finding none. Lucy getting all mom-like on her. Saying she needs to put stuff on the list when she finishes it. Tamara swearing she didn’t eat them.
Lucy doesn't believe her but lets it go. Pick your battles and all that. She gets all excited about dressing up for the West Hollywood parade. Trying to get Tamara excited about it too. Lucy in such a mom mode here. I love it. Tamara is sassy by saying her suggestions suck LOL Their dynamic is so cute I love it so much though.
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They get a knock on their door interrupting their convo. It’s one of their neighbors asking if Lucy is a cop? Lucy confirms this and asks what's going on? She continues on and says she lives in 604 across from the lady she’s coming to her about. Apparently ghost hunters are trying to commit elder fraud with her neighbor. Charging her outrageous prices. Lucy handles it like the confident BAMF she is. Directing everyone involved on what to do. Gah I love that we’ve reached this stage with her. I enjoy the growth journey don’t get me wrong, but I also truly enjoy the results too. So nice to see her settled and confident. Handles this rowdy group like a pro. I'm so proud of her.
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We join everyone in roll call. A.C.H. Is written on the board. Grey is handing out candy for right answers. He asks Nolan what today is and what that acronym means? He says Halloween and doesn’t know the other half. Still expecting candy... such a putz. Harper replies correctly with ‘Anything Can Happen.’ Lucy asks what kind of crazy stuff might happen? Tim starts running down a list of things. Teenagers trying to steal kids candy, masked people running into liquor stores. Discerning if they’re late for a party or have a gun?
Grey is waiting for Tim to list one more thing. He is pre-smirking and Tim is confused af. Wade elaborates asking Tim how his uniform was torn 3 Halloween’s ago? Lucy looking perplexed as well. Poor Tim looks like he’s reliving something so uncomfortable. Like he’s seen things he shouldn’t have with that LOL
That dead behind the eyes look. Poor love. Lucy’s reaction is the best part. You know she’s enjoying his embarrassment for this. Delighting in it really. For that party it was a fair assumption i’m sure haha I mean look at the man. He’s beautiful and when they got to the yummy muscles underneath i'm sure didn’t help his case. Heh
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First off I love this cute moment of them handing out candy together to kiddos. Could they be any cuter doing this? Also you know I love the Tall/Smol shots. Look at the smiles and closeness. My heart. I can just imagine them handing out Halloween candy together now. Most likely at Tim’s house. Since he lives in a neighborhood and being this damn cute about it. Handing out candy and dressing up while doing it. *sigh* A girl can dream eh?
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Earlier in the ep before roll call Lucy got a phone call. She found out her mother has paid for her to freeze her eggs….Naturally this is upsetting to Lucy. How could It not be? Minute the kids step away Lucy goes off about it. Tim clearly not excited about this talk LOL I’m dying his reaction is too funny. Lucy is so valid in what she’s feeling though. It’s a pot shot at her. At her insecurities. Straight from her mom.
The way her mother treats her I can totally understand why she feels this way. How it looks is exactly what Lucy is venting about. Makes it seem like her mom is giving her a fail safe in case she never finds someone. Which is so damn rude but in line with her mom as person. Tim is trying to do logic instead of empathy. Thinking it’ll help her but it does not....He is looking at it with analytical eyes instead of empathetic ones. He is playing devil's advocate on this one. Telling Lucy her mom is probably just looking out for her. Knowing how busy she is. When he really shouldn't because it's her mom...
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Lucy is so offended by his POV on this. Hating him trying to justify her mother's motives. I think if this was anyone else Lucy might've considered this. But its not...it's her mom who she has a very strained relationship with. Basically trying to plan her life for her. Control some aspect of it since she has no say in Lucy's career. Also let’s also note her touching his arm while berating him LOL. No need for that madam... but she is a moth to the flame in touching him. hehe Can't say I blame her. The sassy banter here is on point as usual though. Her face after Tim says he’s not taking her side. I’m rolling. They could not be more married if they tried.
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Tim starts comparing her situation to car insurance and her clock ticking. Oh Timothy no...what are you doing my love? He is so damn insightful with her most of the time. Then is such a man in certain moments like this one. Telling her doing this appointment is just insurance. That you don't get car insurance hoping you get into an accident. The policy is just a waste of money.
That she needs to view this the same way. Might as well have her mom pay for it. Lucy does not let him get away with that though. Saying she's going to pretend he didn't just compare her fertility to a car crash LMAO Seriously the marriage vibes with this scene are off the charts. Their ‘fighting’ always bringing me such joy.
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The cuteness continues when a mom comes up asking them to help find her daughter. Her daughter was dressed as Stitch. They both point (in-sync btw) at the table where a kid is wearing that costume. They realize this kid's not her daughter. That the parent must’ve taken her daughter and left his kid. This next part is ovary explosion time for me. *fans self*
Tim coming over all soft asking this kid questions. He’s in dad mode and I’m melting. Look at how soft he is above. Naturally good with kiddos. Despite his wonderful demeanor the kid has no clue how to answer any of Tim questions.... It’s so funny. His answers are so matter of fact. Daddy. Duh. Ha
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I love them tag teaming to get this kid to talk. Lucy telling Tim she's got this. (Not really but she sure tries haha) I adore him just letting her step right in. Taking her shot at it. This is a look into them as parents and my heart wants to implode ha How they would talk to their kid. Lucy takes a slightly different approach at it. She fails just as miserably as Tim. It's so funny how they both crash and burn in their tactic's. They could not be any cuter in this scene if they tried.
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This is my favorite part of the episode right here. More proof of how far we’ve come with them. This entire scene is a beautiful result of the last 3 seasons. They’re able to locate the missing girl and return Alton home. The guy didn’t even realize he picked up the wrong kid… Lucy stating once they’re back in the shop ‘That poor kid. Imagine having that idiot as a father.’ Tim notes there are a lot worse out there... trust me.
Like a foreshadow to 4x09 and all we learn about his father. Tim knows first hand how much worse a father can be. Hurts my heart for him to think he wouldn’t be a good father. Just because his own was awful coupled with his damaged past. If anything it’ll make him an even better one. Someone who would want to break the toxic cycle of what he grew up with. You can tell Lucy wanted to fight him on the dad comment. That she wants to reassure him he would be a wonderful parent.
She is respectful and doesn’t press the issue. Personal stuff while it’s more common for them now she knows when to press and when not to. This is one she doesn’t push on. Let's Tim just speak his piece on it. What is absolutely wonderful is her follow up question to that. Lucy keeps them in the personal life zone with it. The best part of it is Tim’s answer. He takes a beat and looks at her first before he dives in. He's intensely thinking before presenting his reply.
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Look at our boy just being so openly vulnerable and answering her. Very honestly too btw. No push back or him shutting down. Just an honest and vulnerable answer. How far we’ve come I could cry. The amount of trust he has with her. To be this open and vulnerable about Isabel of all people and what their plans were once upon a time. My heart.
Tim spills his guts about where he thought his life would be now. He thought he would have kids already. He and Isabel had all these life plans. 3 kids, watch them grow up and everything that comes with that. Sharing with her what he thought his life would be by now. Willingly just talking about these things with Lucy. It's insane how natural this whole convo is. Lucy absorbing it all as he speaks.
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Tim ends it on a sad note of ‘But…’ Lucy finishes it for him. Saying things don’t always work out. Lucy then connects the dots as to why he was playing devils advocate earlier with her appt. She says as such to him. That life doesn't always pan out the way you expect it to. This would be a way to protect against that. It's what he was trying to convey earlier just poorly ha. Difference being this time he was genuine and empathetic. So it gets through better like it always does when he's soft with her. Will say it breaks my heart Tim telling Lucy about his family plans that never happened. Like it's a distant dream he'll never achieve now. The beautiful thing to take away from this is he told her freely. Used it as advice even to bring home his point.
Tim didn’t hesitate to open up when she asked him. Saw it as an opportunity to give her advise on her problem. The growth in this man is incredible. I'm in awe of him. Remember in S1 when personal life was a dirty word? How he instantly would clam up and shut her down immediately? Now we're here. With them talking about wildly personal stuff in the shop. The progress is wonderful. Makes me teary thinking how far they’ve come. How far Tim has come because of that wonderful sunshine woman in his life. How closed off he used to be. Now they’re casually talking about their personal lives. Not only that but Tim sharing his past life goals with Isabel.
They’re making me all emotional lol God I love this ship. Their slow burn is so worth every bit of waiting. Because they got to develop as people and grow. Be the best versions of themselves when they did get together. This scene is a wonder to behold. To see them get to this place from where they started. *heart clutch* S4 is this beautiful payoff of the bond they’ve forged. How they’ve both grown. Hell Lucy driving is driving and it’s not a thing. Just natural. Their progression makes my soul happy and even happier that I get to write about it. This is their last scene together but it's a damn fine note to end on.
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Angela comes over to update Lucy and Tamara on the ghost hunter situation. Tells them the creepy history attached to the building. Tamara is sufficiently freaked out. Says they should move haha Lucy tells her ghost's aren't real. Lucy is more worried about the hunters coming back to bother her neighbor. Angela says 99 percent of the time when a close friend or nice neighbor i.e. Lucy report it they go away and don't return.
Lucy then makes a statement that has me wanting to hug her. Saying she hopes she has a caring neighbor like herself when she’s old and alone. (Just wait Lucy we're almost there...sorta ha) Angela asks her if she’s having bad dating week? Lucy laughs tells her no. Then explains what her mother did. Angela tells her to go for it since it costs so much and she doesn't have to pay for it.
Lucy’s line above is everything. I do not blame her. Just be one more thing to hold over Lucy’s head. I know that life well… To Lucy it's just more guilt to have poured on. Something her mother can use against her later on. Better to limit her to the ammo she currently has. Tamara is sweet and says she can adopt if nothing else. Lots of kids who need a home. She’s not wrong. Also her mom must be out of her damn mind if she think's she can be apart of her kids life. She would have to do a complete 180 in how she treats her before that happens.
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Lucy and Tamara decide to get ready for the parade. Lucy thanks her for coming with. She comments how cold her bathroom always is. Tamara cracks a joke about it being cause 20 people died in their building LOL Lucy accidentally knocks over some makeup and watches the dust get sucked in behind the mirror. As if there is a draft. They pull it off together and it reveals a giant hole in the wall leading to all sorts of nooks and cranies.
Tamara refuses to let Lucy climb into this creepy hole by herself. I just love their back and forth so much haha Lucy lets her come with. Leads to this creepy hallway where someone has been staying. They find the blueberries Lucy was looking for earlier. It's on this creeps make-shift bed. It’s so eerie. The ‘ghost’ that’s been living in their walls has been eating their food. Entering everyone's apt's at his convenience.
That’s so unnerving tbh. Just coming into their apt whenever for food through the hole. Lucy calls Angela and says it’s not a ghost. Someone has been living in their walls. Tamara walks over and sees a collection of women’s jewelry and bras. Saying she’s getting stalker vibes. They see mail down there too. It’s for the girl that reported the ghost hunters this morning. Margaret in 604.
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Lucy hears creaking and wants to investigate it. Angela says she’ll call It in for them. The more they delve into this area the creepier it gets. They find his peep holes too. It’s then in the holes they see Margaret doing laundry alone. The creepy dude comes out of the shadows after her. Lucy calls for her but she doesn't hear her.
Then comes one of my favorite Lucy moments. She finds a weak spot in the wall and goes after the creeper. She handles herself like an absolute bad ass. What a fight sequence with just a broom stick. Tim would be so proud. It’s so impressive to watch her take this guy down. One of the best parts is Tamara gets to see the whole thing. Cheers her on and jumps up and down with Lucy dispatches him. It’s amazing.
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We catch them the next morning Lucy in mom mode once again. Default setting with Tamara is you ask me. She is asking her if she slept at all? If she wasn’t feeling safe they could go to a hotel. Then Tamara gives her the best compliment she could. She is a certified bad ass. I would feel safe with her too. I love Tamara getting to see Lucy in action. Seeing what a strong bad ass woman looks like. And it’s her.
They get a knock on the door and it's Angela to update them on the wall guy. This next portion is pretty sweet and funny. Let's them know if they hear anything just the scene being processed. Angela then asks what Lucy wants to do about her appointment? She says she’s going to do at least the consultation. (I think this is partially Tim's influence from their earlier convo in the shop.)
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Angela goes off on a rant about how babies don’t sleep for more than 3 hours, can’t tell if they’re smiling or have gas, and they pee on you when you change them. It's true my nephew had a Pee-Pee TeePee LOL But to not to let that dissuade her from motherhood ahhaa. Tamara pulls her leg some and it’s so funny how easily she riles Lucy up. Mom/Daughter vibes in this scene and I love it. Angela gets serious saying Jack best thing ever happened to her. Wishes Lucy the same whenever she’s ready. She will be when it’s her kid with Tim ❤️ I love this season so much. Such goodies almost every single ep.
Side notes non-Chenford
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Did enjoy Pete coming back. Him helping Tim And Nolan with their drug bust of the zombie drug. Also never hate seeing Tim in civvies mmm. That tight sweater and jeans. Glad I had the room for this gif above. To see him in said sexy outfit. Watching him in action and that outfit? Have mercy.
Thank you to those who continually like, comment and reblog these reviews. Makes my heart so happy. I shall see you all in 4x06 :)
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trixeraptops · 2 years
My second ever commentary post how fun
This time it's Enola Holmes 2
This is a live reaction so there is no context, suffer.
Warnings for swearing and all capsAnyways let's hop in the carriage and travel back to Victorian(?) England.
Ooh letter burning for the logo fun
Ok I doubt any of this is true don't lie to me bitch
Why is she running away from the police?What did she do
I will say she looks good
Yeah you should explain and I do remember you
Oh yay she opened a detective agency
Awww she kept Dash how cute
But didn't she give it Sherlock in the end of the last movie?
She forgot how sexist and ageist her time period is lmao
Hah they all just want Sherlock221B!!!!!
Trying not to draw attention, blows up a mailbox
Tewksbury is champion for change and progress I love it
Girl you have time for a little distraction you fucking tsundere
Oh her agency is already shut down
2who is it
Aw a little girl she's so. Cute I love her scarf
Ooh the cinematic shot
Enola looks so out of place lol
I hope this is pro Bono I don't think this girl has much
Enola don't look so put off, not everyone is rich as you
Ew rat
We weren't sisters in the usual way, love that
It soesnt mean anything to the Lil one but to Mae it clearly does
Aw this is so sweet
The game is afoot Jesus your finding a missing person not hunting one
Changed her name to Hilda
They're looking for disease at the entrance omg
Bruv you're gonna get yourself and bessie in trouble bruv
That was smart tho
Ooh torn pages that's sus
She stole the pages?
Oh that woman has such a soft voice it's so pretty but I can't hear her
Mae definetely knows somethingMae was involves in the theft o.o
Haha 'young lady I'm afraid I'm married'
Damn she's in a bar and it's fucking rowdy in here
Mae is a showgirl isn't she?
She is
That was a fun jaunty number
The missing worked with Mae as a showgirl
Jesus Mae
Lol fake knife
False bottom! I knew she was a top lmao
It's a sappy romance poem
She ran away to marry someone didnt she?Ooh drama
Dun dunbdun mysterious blurred fellow in the background
Ew he's following her
He hid but he's very loud what is cane made of metal?
Sherlock! He's drunk
Lol roasted
His bullshit tips are everything
Now sh I'm thinking you should write that down
You shouldn't get so drunk ehen you have no way home write that down
Wait is she gonna live with her brother or is this is a John reveal?
Jesus christ he's really fucking observant even when drunk and hungover
I don't need tour help! But I'm still taking the food you offered
Don't speak with a mouthful
Ooh she sits where he walks to work so they can run jnto each other.
She looks so upset after making a joke
That was so awkward lmao
Feel a need?
It's a coded poem! Open mouth
She's so excited
You didn't have to say you don't sew bruv we get it your not like other girls
I doubt this case will get media coverage
The doors open o.o
Suspecious...But not as sus as her for breaking into someone's house
Oh this shows a struggle and abandonment
MAE she's dead!
This case just got alot more interesting
It'd mr.clangy
Sarah is wanted oof
Oh he tried to be respectful but superintendent is a bitch
I hate this guy I'm calling him mr.clangy forever now
Lestrade is so fucking calm, your boss just got punched in the gut
Hah he doesn't remember you bruv
Just a friendly visit cause your sis is running away from the cops
I cant I can't, maybe I can
He's such a fangirl omg
Damn she roof hopping
Shit she almost fell, she gone die
Wait what the fuck
Enola Holmes is turning all the men in England trans lol
I wonder if the cases are related
Wait Moriarty maybe?
I'm a slut for BBC Sherlock so forgive all the speculation that's purely based on BBC Sherlock, I know they aren't related
He has this walk
Immediate recognition lmao
Enola looks weirded out
You tell Sherlock! She made it bout herself, she wants media attention not to help
Haha callback
He just walks past them lmao
I think Poppy might be a chick but I could be wrong
A hat! Dun dun dunnn
It's not a date it's a place!
Williams for reds not a Poppy at all
I'm going to a ball yay! Ew
Smh Enola
I love her cloak
Her dress is so pretty
Why is the music so sus when they light the cake
Lol the chaperone
She keeps forgetting what her society is like
Bitch you live here how do you forget this shit
He's actually leading Sherlock in a dance lmao
Oh she gone get caught
Tabitha Timothy lol
Fan language!!! Oh thats so clever and cute!
But she doesn't know fan language hahaha she immediately messed up
Omg Tewkesbury
Of course he's doing something with plants
This is so weird and cute i love their little relationship
Haha I love her
You're a man when I say soShe's such a bitch
She's a natural at dancing or maybe just with Tewksbury
What does that mean lmao
Don't touch the ginger cake!
Wait dance cards are an actual thing lmao
ID the writing ON SIGHT
jealous bitch
Cicely seems nice, she complimented Enola even if she had an outdated dress
Dislocated and I'll scream, ICON
He knows Bessie!
Ooh a secret meeting how funBunch of random letters returns
I hope their as gay as the BBC
Not the police barging in
She gave him her evidence! How sweet
Cecily is the only one who looks concerned for her everyone else is making fun of her
Keep silent Enola!
Shut up mr.clangy no one likes you
Oh no he's gonna kill Bessie isn't he :(
His job is to kill match girls who are needling out the corruption?
Oooh mr.clangy stopped Sherlock from getting her
Those fingerprints are blurry at best
Ohmygod I was typing the last line then Sherlock kicked a fucking sign and scared a cat
It's the jujitsu woman!
It's ok you can say it
Ew I don't like how that guard looked at Enola
Wtf whyd they push her into the center?They're gonna hang her? Or beat her? What?
No its jujitsu lady
Prison break bitches
Her mom really likes bombs huh
Carriage chase carriage chase
Theure giving people typhus or something
He's gonna jump on isn't heNot anymore lol
Mr.clangy you bitch stop shooting st them
You go girl
Holy shit he just broke their wheel
I hope the horses are all right
Probably are they disappeared with the crash
Fuck off you bitch
Aw they changed her into new clothes how nice
Her mother is initiating boy talk
He ain't my Boi
I love that's she's acknowledging her part in Enola self isolating
She's encouraging her to get allies ♡
I love these women
She just winked? Why?
Get a haircut as your parting word lmao
I knew it
They're killing the match girls by giving them typhus through the MATCHES
And Sarah figured it out
She and Mae were expirementing eith it
They tested flies, mice, plants
Extraordinary I love them
She went to Tewkesbury!!!
His flat is filled with flowers and plants ♡♡♡♡
I love him
Yay their allies
Jealous bitch
Shut up you awkward bruv
To be fair they spelled it out
She sent Ily to William too
We live we laugh we love
Just tell em your a lord, I am, then they'll believe you omg
The contempt in their voices I love this sibling dynamic
I knew they were connected I KNEW
Is that guy dead
He is
Moriarty is dead :(
Haha Tewkesbury
It's a set up!
Is Moriarty actually alive
He is
Ooh William thankyou for golding onto that
It's a letter isn't it
Nope map
Dora Dora Dora the explora
He can't fight lol
She's just beating him up until he pussies up and fights her
After she punched him multiple times lol
They're so cute
Secret treasure
She was wearing a wig this whole time damn
Uh oh they have to tell her he's dead
Aww poor Sarah ♡
Ew mr.clangy
Tewksbury is getting fucked up
Ooh but he's got a sword now
Fuck off clangy
Did Sherlock just kill someone?
How many bullets has he got? It's a small gun can't be too many
Retractable knife for the win!
Ah shit she got knicked in the head real bad
Yes Tewkesbury fuck him up and get your girl
Shit clangy is dead Enola full ass killed him
Now that murder charge is valid
Sherlock you dramatic bitch
Go off queen! Tell him, dick him down verbally
Society creates yet another villain
For now at least, love thatOh no is the bad guy gonna win?
He paper burning is beautiful though
But the movie isn't over yet
Shut up boss man
Sometimes an inspiring speech doesn't work
At least not right away
Yiu go Bessie I love you girl
This is amazing I love this
I think this music was at the end of the other movie too
She runs her agency out of the fighting place now :)
Holmes and Holmes ♡♡♡♡
But I glad she refused
The running write that down gag ♡
They're gonna meet with jne another ♡
Ah they're so cute
I love them so much
Ohhhh the true part was Match Girl Strike that makes more sense
I thought I heard of match girls before
♡♡♡♡/5 I loved this movie
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 73 Xs1)
"Pittsburgh Proposals"
📷 creds to @southsidequeenie
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"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!!???" Ashleigh snaps the moment Luna and Colson hit the bus.
He's bouncing from the adrenaline. Walking straight into the back room, she's focusing on how to save her ass.
"That Motherfucker hit me and I LIT HIS ASS THE FUCK UP!!!" Colson beams as he plops down and grabs his guitar.
Strumming he raps.
🎶We didn't talk about it🎶
🎶We just got gully🎶
🎶I sized up his body🎶
🎶Put some white chalk around it🎶
"NOOOOO!!???" Slim's mouth drops as his eyes get wide.
Luna calls Monica immediately. Explaining what happened and how she couldn't check for security footage.
"Fuck Luna, that's at least 3rd degree assault...." Monica sighs.
"I know... What was I supposed to do, Mon? That bitch would've jumped on me if I'd have left her hanging. You know how she is." Luna's rubbing her forehead as she sits on the bed.
"Fuck.... I hope I didn't fuck her face up." Is all she can think as she lights a joint.
"You could've just hit her..." Monica debates.
Using sarcasm to cover up her guilt, Luna replies. "I like props."
She puffs on the joint. Trying to calm her nerves. She doesn't know where her xanax is.
"Don't be a dick." Monica tells her curtly.
"I know. I'm sorry. I feel fucking awful. You think I should call Em myself?" She asks, having his personal number.
As it was said before, Luna and Marshall know each other. It's mostly professional but as with all of Luna's relationships, there's a personal lace to it. A genuine friendship. She has been in and out of Michigan for the last 5yrs.
"Absolutely fucking NOT. You call Mike, see if he can get me the tape. Then you sit tight. Where are you now?" Monica has a sterness to her voice.
"Uhhhh... Somewhere between Detroit and Pittsburgh." Luna answers, pulling on the joint.
"Pittsburgh. Then where?" Monica's trying to keep tabs on her client and also her friend.
Luna sighs, exhaling while thinking out loud. "CA, Philly, then DC. I'm pretty sure."
"Alright. Stay in touch with me. Call Mike. DO NOT call Marshall. Luna. Not even a FUCKING text. Do not incriminate yourself. You know you never admit fault." Monica advices her.
"I do, I will. And I won't." Luna tells her, taking her direction.
Hanging up with Monica, Luna finishes the joint. Looking for her xanax. She finds a bottle in her travel bag. Popping one she calls Mike.
Mike is a Fixer. You have a problem, Mike Fixes it. For a fee. Whether base to base or annually. Luna met him during the 5yrs she's been involved with Flint's community. It only being an hour outside of Detroit, Luna has made a lot of connections through the years. Mike being an irreplaceable one.
Placing the call she doesn't go into much detail. Just pleasantries and what she needs. Mike understands. Telling Luna he'll take care of it and get in touch with Monica. They know each and have worked things out on Luna's behalf before. He goes on to tell her to try not to worry about it until she hears from Monica and to take care. The old man liking Luna, never minding when she calls.
Walking back into the main room of The Bus, Luna looks for her school bag. Her shoulder is killing her and she wants her percs.
Everyone is loud and rowdy. Still hype from Colson and Luna's antics. Joints are being passed. Hotel Diablo plays in the background.
Luna sits in between Ashleigh and Colson, once she pops them. Sinking into the couch, she hits the joint Colson passes to her. He rubs her leg, going back to his conversation with AJ. Ashleigh noticing Luna's mood, she asks her.
"So, no coffee, hunh?" Trying to lighten it.
Luna sighs as she exhales.
"Nah, man... That shit's all over Kim Mathers face. She replies, feeling awful.
Hitting the joint again, she won't even look at Ashleigh. Colson overhears her, whipping around.
"What!?" He asks her.
"Yeeeeah... She could be hurt and I could be fucked...." Luna trails off, thinking more of Kim.
"What do you mean? Explain."
Colson's confused. Not seeing anything Luna had done. She goes on to tell him how she had popped the top off of her coffee to threaten Kim from jumping in but that she'd tossed it on her to stop dude.
"Wait! You fucking hemmed up a DUDE too!?" Slim interrupts. "You're fucking monster."
They're all listening. Luna still feeling horrible over Kim. Slim hitting the nail on the head.
"He was going for Colson. What else was I supposed to fucking do?" She asks, shaking her head.
Looking down while running her hands through her scalp of her loose bun. Luna's tired and cranky. Her shoulder hurts. She truly feels like fucking shit and is genuinely worried for Kim. She doesn't even really care if she gets in trouble. Luna's used to fucking shit up, but this one doesn't feel okay to her.
"I need to take a nap before we get to wherever we're going." Luna leans up and kisses Colson on the cheek.
Knowing something's wrong, he only says Ok.
"Rage on My Dudes." Luna throws her fist in the air to The Boys as she heads back to the room.
They toss her Feel Betters to another one of her tossed fists.
After a while of kicking it, Colson heads back to lay with Luna. With noise canceling headphones on, she's knocked. Before climbing in with her, he sits on the edge of the thinking about the things she said.
"Fuck... I hope she's not in trouble... I can't believe she did that... She really will do fucking anything for me." His heart pounds as butterflies flitter in his stomach.
Once in Pittsburgh, things pick up in their normal chaotic way. Only worse. They're so late, there's only 6hrs to build the stage and rehearse.
Standing together, with their arms wrapped around each other. Luna's head rests against Colson's chest.
"I don't think I wanna perform tonight, if that's okay?" Luna says looking up at him.
"Yeah, Kitten... Are you alright?" He asks her, concerned.
Before she can answer, Don comes storming over to them.
Pointing aggressively. "You two. With me. NOW." He demands.
Luna and Colson look at each other with scowls on their faces. Taking her hand, they follow Don to the side of The Bus.
"I'm not going to be putting up with your fucking shit. I'm not gonna stand for the bullshit you two pulled today with the coffee. Making us late. You two are gonna get in fucking line and follow the fucki..." Don tries to tear into to the couple.
Luna isn't having it. She interrupts him quickly.
"Who the FUCK do you think you're talking to!? You don't fucking tell me what to fucking do and you SURE AS FUCK don't speak to Colson that way.  You must've lost your fucking mind. Anything goes down, it's OUR asses. NOT yours. Don't forget who signs your fucking paycheck, BITCH." She spits with venom.
"Actually I'm paid by the lable, Little Girl." Don snaps back at her.
Sometimes Luna has no self control. This is one of those times. Don's words release a furry. Without thinking, she kicks out the side of older man's right knee. He howls in unexpected pain, leaning forward to grab it. Luna uses this as an opportunity to slam her right fist into his face. Knocking him off his already unsteady feet.
Colson watches in shock. "THIS bitch is truly a fucking LunaTic." He thinks, unable to help himself from loving her even more.
Stepping over top of Don. Luna stares down. Very calmly and coldly, she states.
"I don't give a fuck about a lable. Come at my boyfriend or myself like that again and I will rip your fucking heart out and eat it for breakfast. BEFORE I leave you along the side of the highway for the vultures to eat. You. Don't. Run. Shit."
She stares at him for a long minute, eyes daring him to speak. He doesn't. Walking away, she grabs a Roadie. Pointing at Don, she tells him he needs a medic.
Colson looks down at Don and shrugs. Sucking his teeth, he laughs.
"You heard My Lady." He confirms before running off after Luna.
Luna sits with Ashleigh as The Band rehearses. She's sipping on camomile tea and smoking a cigarette. Hearing what Luna did to Don, she asks Luna about it.
"You alright? You seem to be popping off today." She observes.
Luna takes a drag of her cigarette. Looking over at her, she lifts her sunglasses.
"I'm worried I fucked her face up." Luna answers honestly, referring to Kim. "Not because I could get in trouble but because it was mean."
"Why'd you do it?" Ashleigh tests her.
"Because I wasn't risking her hopping on me or Colson." Luna answers without hesitation.
Ashleigh knows it shouldn't but it makes her smile. Colson and Luna maybe crazy together but it's because they're crazy for each other.
"What about Don?"
Luna slides her glasses back on and into her seat. Sucking her teeth before inhaling again.
"Fuck Don." She says with no remorse.
Luna can be extremely sweet and then ruthless within seconds.
"Agreed... He's a dick." Ashleigh laughs.
Luna sips her tea, smoking away.
"You're not performing tonight?" Ashleigh asks noticing the change in the setlist.
"Noooo... I just... Today's already been a lot... And people kinda freak me out sometimes..." Luna rambles.
"I get it." Ashleigh pats Luna on top off her shoulder reassuringly.
Luna gives her a grateful smile as they continue to chat and watch The Band. It's another long setlist.
Before the show, Colson's phone rings in his dressing room. It's Diddy on FaceTime. Sitting on the couch next to Luna he answers.
Diddy starts in immediately.
"Tell me WHY, TMZ has cellphone video of what looks like you beating the shit out of who they're claiming is Eminem!?! It is the THIRD day of the fucking tour!" He explodes.
"Yo Man, that mothafucka had it comen'." Colson shrugs.
"I TOLD you not to touch him." Diddy warns Colson.
"He fucking snuck him!" Luna pops her head into the screen.
"OOOOOH!!! You're there too!? Perfect! What THE FUCK were you thinking, Loons? And what the fuck did you do to Don?" He digs into her now.
"What was I thinking? I got him the fuck up outta there, was what I was thinking. And fuck Don. He needs to learn his place. What's Marshall saying?" Luna asks.
"What's Marshall saying?" Diddy mocks her.
"FUCK you, Sean. What's he saying?" She demands.
"Nasty." Colson thinks to himself with delight. Listening to his girlfriend battle his boss.
"Nothing. No one can get him on the phone. Right now you two are a pair of lucky fucks." He points at the screen.
"Shit DUDE, what if he's not reachable because he's in the hospital with her." Luna worries.
"He snuck him, Sean." Luna says again.
"I'm sure his bitchass did. But that's not what the tape might say. Don't sweat it, I'll take care of it. You owe me two interviews for this bullshit though, Luna. Tomorrow before you leave and then NY." He tells her.
"Fine." Luna agrees, rolling her eyes.
"ATTT!! Don't you roll your eyes at me Girl!! I'll make you do Philly too." Sean teases her.
Luna laughs. "Yeah. Get another fucking road manager. Don sucks."
Shaking his head at her, Diddy tells them both to do the Fucking Interviews. They say Yes Sir in unison. Looking at each other and laughing as Diddy hangs up on them.
"Are we out of trouble?" Colson asks, looking at her inquisitivly.
"I don't know... But Sean's not pissed so that's a solid. I wanna say it's gonna really depend on how much damage was physically done and how deep their pride runs. He may not want it out because you beat his ass while she may because she's pissed I hurt her... I really don't know." Luna looks worried.
Taking her face in his hands, Colson kisses Luna. Stroking her cheekbone, he reassures her that they'll Figure It Out.
Ashleigh pops in telling Colson 10mins. Luna shoots Monica a text asking her to please check Detroit hospitals for Kim.
Sex Drive plays, hyping the crowd before Slim comes on to introduce Colson. The arena is pouring with overwhelming energy.
Colson has 27 songs lined up. The setlist only slightly changing from the night before. He kicks it off with Habits and Breaking News 2 again.
Luna watching and bobbing side stage with Ashleigh. Dancing with each other as they laugh and sing to El Diablo.
Loco, GTS and part of Wild Boy are played. Colson tearing up the stage. Running back and forth. Jumping on speakers. Talking to his family. As he rips through Let You Go, Luna's phone rings. It's Monica. She excuses herself from Ashleigh.
"Hey!!" Luna shouts, trying to find a quiet place backstage.
"Luna?" Monica asks.
"Yeah, I'm here!!" Luna tells her as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
"Oh Good, I can hear you. I got the tapes. It's nothing. It only focuses on the register and counter. Wherever you were, was off camera thankfully. I checked the hospitals too. A woman came into Harper with minor facial burns. She was treated and released."
Luna let's out a relieved sigh.
"We look good but we're not out of the woods yet. They could still press charges or file a civil suit."
Luna understands. She informs Monica of the cellphone footage. She's asks if Luna's on it.
"Not that I know of." Luna tells her.
"Okay, I'll contact Sean. He doesn't know what you did?" She asks.
"No...." Luna trails.
"Keep it that way. I know you guys are friends but the less that can link you, the better. I'll take care of Colson too." Monica reassures Luna.
They hang up to Luna's immense gratitude and Monica's words of safety.
Luna gets back SideStage as The Band is finishing up The Break Up. Luna presents Ashleigh a bottle of Jameson with a grin.
They happily swig and sing together as Colson nails his part of I Think I'm Okay before heading into Hollywood Whore. The riff always breaks Luna's heart.
He changes the lyrics. Rapping the words:
🎶Imma get me a wife🎶
🎶Because she's the baddest bitch🎶
🎶I trust🎶
Ashleigh looks over at a blushing Luna.
Playing Ocean Eyes, Colson glances side stage to find her. She's right there.
"She's always right there. With those beautiful fucking eyes. He thinks grinning at her.
See My Tears is next before Colson and Rook switch off. Colson slamming into the drums as Rook nails Shout At The Devil. For the second night.
Luna and Ashleigh lose it along with the erupting crowd.
The Band slams through Rap Devil, Till I Die, Golden God, Alpha Omega, Lately, Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab, 27 and Sail.
The lights go down. The stage is black and silent for a moment. Colson catching his breath before he speaks to his family in the dark. Moving things around. Moving things around. Voice quieting the crowd.
"Being here tonight makes me miss my friend." He's referring to Mac. "You know you guys are my family. We're all family. If you're hurting talk to each other." Tears are welling in his beautiful eyes. "Talk to us because we love you. And we don't want to lose you too." The tears drop down his cheeks. "I've never played this before, but it means a lot to me. And I hope I do Clapton proud."
He laughs, wiping his tears as the lights go up. Playing the opening chords to Wonderful Tonight, he pulls up a stool to the mic beside his.
"Luna get the fuck out here!!" He calls.
Luna's heart is pounding. Tears falling from her blue eyes. Ashleigh takes the bottle from her and pushes her on to the stage.
"FAM!! This is my girl and I'm gonna sing her a song if you don't mind."
The crowd roars as Luna slides onto the stool. Still picking the chords, Colson leans over to kiss her red cheek.
🎶It's late in the evening🎶
🎶She's wondering what clothes🎶
🎶To wear🎶
Colson grins at Luna, recounting all the times he's watched her get dressed.
She harmonizes with him, asking.
🎶Do I look alright🎶
He answers her singing.
🎶And I said Yes🎶
🎶You look Wonderful Tonight🎶
Leaning in to kiss her through the chords.
Watching him, Luna can't contain herself as the chords rip through her soul. "Fuck, I love him." She thinks as tears drop.
Colson continues singing.
🎶We go to a party🎶
Remembering the night with The Paul Brothers, he chuckles to himself.
As she harmonizes with him again asking.
🎶Do you feel alright🎶
His mind floats to the moment she had asked him that during his birthday party.
Continuing to serenade Luna.
🎶I feel wonderful🎶
🎶Because I see The Love🎶
🎶Light in your eyes🎶
🎶And the wonder of it all🎶
🎶Is that you just don't realize🎶
🎶How much I love you🎶
Luna's heart explodes, right there on stage. Colson finishes out the last verse effortlessly. Leaning into kiss Luna as the crowd Awwws them.
Kissing him back, Luna grabs her mic as Colson takes off his guitar.
"Isn't he fucking wonderful??" Luna sniffles as she asks to the crowds cheers.
Walking around the stage, she agrees.
"He's pretty fucking wonderful, hunh? He's so wonderful that I got a Baaad Thing for him. Can I tell you about it?" Luna asks the roaring crowd.
Singing acapella.
🎶I know I'm outta my head🎶
🎶But I haven't lost my mind🎶
Her voice stops the crowd and Colson.
The range and strength of her voice is unbelievable. Colson picks his guitar back up as he kicks in with her.
Their sexual energy is undeniable. Luna snakes around him as they both weave around each other. Colson ripping his guitar through the air.
With her hand on his heart, they sing together.
🎶Tattooed you on my body🎶
🎶So I can take you wherever🎶
The Band slams hard as Luna belts out the last lyrics, running her hand down Colson's cheek.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
He throws his guitar over his shoulder. Grabbing and lifting Luna up, he kisses her hard.
Grabbing her mic, he shouts "Thank You Pittsburgh!! WE OUT!!!!"
Kissing Luna again, he wraps his arm around her shoulders as they walk off stage. Her hand on his chest. Voice buzzing in his ear. The energy between them is insane.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued....
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