#but seriously I need my mind on mdzs for now so holding off for real for a while!
I'm surprised people see Tadashi as the victim in his relationship with Ainosuke, when it's Tadashi the one who time and time again takes away Ainosuke's agency, without being able to see that he is throwing him unto unhappiness. I can't help but think that if Tadashi was not working at Shindo's house, Ainosuke would have maybe left or broke with the family. But he can't do that if he wants the relationship with Tadashi going on, seing how Tadashi is set on enforcing the family rules...
Hmm.. I def agree with the fact that Tadashi is not what most fandom makes out of him, my man (I mean, Adam’s man) is a 100% Slytherin. But I disagree with blaming him for this, after all the revealed info. The environment they were both raised in made their situation complicated.
I like Tadashi a lot, he’s probably my fav thing about this anime, bc he’s a dark horse, and I’m once again surprised, that so little ppl see him for who he really is, portraying him as an innocent puppy, which he is definitely not.
Now to why I think both Tadashi and Adam are victims of the dad and aunties in this situation. 
We can of course say “if only they told each other how they really feel...”, but like we can say it about any love story really. Every author knows it’s no fun. The truth is that yes, they both hurt each other, and yes, if they were honest about their feelings things would’ve been different, but as I’ve already wrote under that “toxic” commentary on YT, lets look at the whole situation from both of their point of views:
We know that Adam when he was little always treated Tadashi as an equal, he never ever thought of him as someone lower than him and after their fall out, the only reason for this “harsh” treatment (well, besides their confirmed kink) was that Adam tried to get a reaction out of him, so Tadashi would stand up for himself, bc Ainosuke got mad about Tadashi caving to his dad’s wishes and abandoning him, when he needed him the most. 
But now, knowing the fact that Tadashi was his dad’s secretary and was under his control, let’s see it from his perspective: Tadashi wanted to stay by Adam’s side, Adam’s dad implied that if Tadashi did say smth, he’s gonna be.. well, dismissed and they won’t see each other ever again. That’s what caused Tadashi to stay silent in that moment. Ainosuke instead saw this as a “he’s not on my side” thing, well, because. Tadashi won’t tell him his problem, bc dad and aunties control everything, so even if he does tell him, what a teen would do really? He didn’t have any powers back then to make his dad do anything. 
And that’s when it all gone to shit, since they both were hurt for their own reasons. It’s easy to say leave the family, but 1stly nobody explained to Adam still that he’s physically and psychologically abused by his family, he sees it as them “loving him” and sadly also loves them, bc nobody told him, that love wasn’t supposed to be like that really. He definitely feels that smth is not right and feels emotionally exhausted there bc of this treatment, but did he ever consider leaving? I really don’t think so. He feels obligated to be worthy of a family, who “loves” him.
Do you think, for example, that Akashi Seijuro hates his dad for what he did to him? No. Does he understand that he wasn’t at fault for what happened to him and that his dad instead of comforting his child after his mother’s death, who was his only safe haven, made everything worse? I don’t think he does. Like his mom gave him basketball, an escape from all that family’s obligations and strictness. After her death, it was the only thing left that brought him joy, but his dad ruined even that, saying that if he’s gonna be bad at it/lose, he’d take it away from him too. Does Akashi see this as emotional abuse? No, he sees it like “well, I have to be the best bc I was born in such powerful family, so if my dad says that I must be best at everything, then I must.”
I personally hate such parents a lot. To me it doesn’t matter if Adam’s dad didn’t know about aunties hitting his child. Like if he was too busy to notice this and have no time for his kid and made his childhood miserable, it doesn’t make it any better really. 
Same as with Akashi’s dad. Some are like “he was probably also grieving about his wife”. Emm? He was like this from the beginning, bc he treated Akashi not as his son, but as his heir. And yes, that’s different things. Same with Endeavor and Todoroki. Your child is not your post production thing.
2ndly they were too young, even if they knew about each others feelings and he didn’t feel obligated and told everyone to fuck off, they’d be on the streets now, but also Adam’s dad doesn’t seem like a guy who’d leave them alone really. Also eloping seems very romantic, but I don’t think it is, esp when you’re teens. Did you want him to sell some expensive watch and go live on Hawaii or smth? Bc finding a decent job there would be difficult at this age, esp with everyone knowing who your dad is. Chen Ke from “Antidote” survived bc he was 27 and had connections and some great friends. Adam was in high school, where would he go exactly?
Now let’s go back to now. Obviously all this time it didn’t even cross Tadashi’s mind that for Ainosuke he comes first and that he would throw everyone under the bus to make Tadashi stay with him. As we see at the end, he legit believed that Adam was planning to send him to jail and didn’t get that he said it just to shaken he up and that he knew who he’d set up for this from the beginning. 
To Adam obviously it doesn’t matter whether they’re in a quarrel or not, he would never him go. Yes, he’s mad at him, he’s angry and hurt, but Tadashi’s still the person he needs the most, he’s still the person who brightens his days, even tho he deliberately behaves like he annoys him. He always looks at him and looks at him and looks at him, but then hisses smth to hurt him. Bc he knows that he needs him, but he also hates that he needs him, bc he thinks it’s unrequited.
And that’s how their classic romance goes in hellish circles. No one wants to talk as usual. Adam is mad Tadashi is like that bc his dad turned him into a slave with no opinion, while Tadashi is scared that Adam would be taken away from him bc of his ugly family. 
Now I still think that no one and I mean no one can take Tadashi from Adam now, he is his precious. So my plan is... if Tadashi made aunties do smth against him or to get rid of him, aunties will go for sure. The problem is Tadashi still doesn’t get that he comes first, so we’re stuck in this hell still.
So anyways, my point is Adam’s heart basically sings “you got a hold of me, don’t even know your power” to Tadashi, but he doesn’t hear it, bc of his insecurities, the way he was raised and his status. But yes, he holds all the power. He’s both Adam’s sanity and insanity. No matter how cheesy it sounds he was basically his only ray of sunshine in the darkness, if you take it away, that’s what it leads to, that’s why Ainosuke-sama needs more ppl who care for him. I don’t want anyone to die next time, just cause Tadashi and Adam fought about where to put their new couch lmao. I’m kidding, but you know what I mean. And kill the aunties, pls seriously, we need to be free.
Also ppl need to remember that like lots of animes/characters are parcially inspired by some other animes/characters, also the chosen seiyuus are also very important, there are lots of stuff like jokes and references, that creators use, from characters being fully inspired by smth like “Assassination classroom” characters based on KNB, to little stuff like Levi dressed in Akashi’s uniform in chibi AOT bc Hiroshi Kamiya. Utsumi already said before stuff like she sometimes think of a perfect voice for the character and then fully forms him, we also know her clear love for sports animes. So yes, I doubt Tadashi/Kuroko thing is a coincidence and even tho someone was like “zone? is this knb or smth?” I was like no, zone is actually a common thing in sports, even tho most associate it with KNB including me, it’s not like its their invention, but there were things inspired by this for sure, and from other sports animes too and no, I don’t mean the basic sports anime tropes, I mean, like way too specific things, some character designes, too. And yes, Langa appearence and personality wise is a rinharu child for real, I can literally split his scenes in “that’s Haru”, “that’s Rin”.
That’s why I’ve said that this situation in fandom reminds me of Kuroko/Akashi situation a lot, bc same as here in KNB ppl for some reason automatically thought that Kuroko is this innocent sheep and Akashi is the wolf (but also like it was Akashi who chose to dress as red riding hood, while Kuroko was a wolf lmao), not even seeing who is in reality more dangerous and who can easily control who. It just buffles me bc it’s not some deep analisys really. I mean once again there’s a reason for the saying that the sub holds all the power over the dom. 
And like just bc someone yells or threatens ppl constantly doesn’t necessarily mean he is a psycopatic killer, and just bc someone is quiet and doe-eyed, doesn’t mean he isn’t. I didn’t think we needed to explain this to someone, but aparently we do?
And it honestly kills me just how superficially ppl are watching things these days. It really gives me war flashbacks to stuff like the last mdzs s1 episode, where ppl started to comment things like “how LZ can be so heartless” lmao. Or that anonymous ask “do you think haru misses rin?”. Like you don’t see thing at all? Grey substance no needed, while watching things?
P.S. I also would die to see Adam vs Tadashi race just bc I for some reason can bet all my money, that it’s the same situation as with Akashi refusing to ankle break Kuroko, no matter how mad he is. I just can’t imagine Ainosuke hitting Tadashi in the face with a board. Like 100% sure he wouldn’t even try tbh.
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desperatepleasures · 4 years
Guess What! Every Song From ‘The Sound Of The Life Of The Mind’ By Ben Folds Five Is Secretly About MDZS!
Erase Me
as all breakup songs, this is very clearly about wwx and jc’s falling out. lots of anger and resentment and oh no they’re really not complete without each other!
What was our home Paper not stone A lean-to at most And when you pulled your half away Gravity won
Michael Praytor, Five Years Later
this baby’s about all the people wwx runs into a bunch of times throughout his life! some of whom he forgets exist (su she, jin zixun), and some of whom he simply did not think would reappear in his life. then he gets yeeted into mxy’s body, almost immediately runs into lwj, and:
It was the opposite of 'Fire and Rain' You know the song I never thought I'd see this guy again But I was wrong
Sky High
one of many wangxian songs you’ll find on this album. this one’s particularly bittersweet. vibes of their falling out before the guanyin temple scene?
Last night at the bar, I was wrong, I was only hurting And you were acting too polite When we held onto the pain, through the storms and the rain Like a crumpled, empty, discarded Newports box
and WORSE: vibes of their parting at the end of cql. :(
The brightness of air Out walking somewhere, and when they ask you Just tell em that you knew me back when, under the blue sky
The Sound Of The Life Of The Mind
this is a blatant lwj character song. a character who thinks themself Above all the Teen Drama going on around them and tries to focus on Learning? who is quiet on the outside but on the inside their thoughts are running wild? that’s hanguang-jun babyyyy! 
But Sara, well, she just can't bear The stupidity, the boredom, the grind She stays at school so that she can hear The sound of the life of the mind
And it's noisy up there
On Being Frank
ben folds really thought he could fool me into not realizing this was a wangxian song by explicitly writing this song about frank sinatra’s tour manager. but he went and wrote a song about dealing with the death of a person you shaped your entire life around.
don’t worry mr folds. i saw your wangxian vibes.
But home for me was always someone else, you know That shadows always fall when the sun goes down
Draw A Crowd
this song has wwx vibes in a way i can’t fully articulate. maybe because it’s a seemingly jokey song but it’s really about being miserable and disconnected with the life that you worked really hard to achieve. gives me vibes of sunshot-era wwx trying to convince his family he’s the Same Old Wei Ying but really he’s dead inside. 
I ordered something, it took a while This morning something was on my doorstep What's this I'm holding? Time capsule order 'Cause I'm a brand new man, and I don't think I want it I don't think I want it A row of flags hangin' behind me A garden of mics and questions, and photo-flashes blind me And I'm so high, I can't recall my statements I only know I made 'em because my face vibrated
Do It Anyway
ah yes, the most fanmixable ben folds five song of all time. this song rocks. the bassline absolutely fucks. the music video has fraggles in it. and it’s a wangxian song..... 
There will be times you might leap before you look There'll be times you'll like the cover and that's precisely why you'll love the book Do it anyway
No, seriously guys, it’s a wangxian song!
Tell me what you said you'd never do Tell me what you said you'd never say Read me off that list of things 'cause I used to not like you But now I think you're OK
Call it surrender but you know that that's a joke And the punchline is you were never actually in control But still, surrender anyway
AND a solid wwx character song!
Despite your grand attempts the chips are set to fall And all the stories you might weave cannot negotiate them all Do it anyway
....and that’s me being restrained and not just posting all the lyrics. seriously, guys, what was ben thinking? he was thinking wangxian is what he was thinking.
Hold That Thought
as always i am gonna ignore the first verse of this song. HOWEVER. more wangxian but from lwj’s perspective this time. 
I was shown the thirty-six Ways I'm not available On a simple, easy chart
Later on that evening On the beach in Santa Monica It was a very risky start
Suppose the stupid chart is right In a year will you still feel the same way? Ah, well, you hold that thought And I'll hold that thought, too
Away When You Were Here
well lads. we’ve reached the strongest jiang “daddy issues” cheng character song in existence. congratulations, ben. you wrote a narrator who is mourning their father’s death while simultaneously mourning the relationship they never had with their father even when he was alive. 
Sometimes a phrase or a manner that's you Comes through me, it goes in a flash It's a frame, it's a blink like life Oh and how much now should we pay for the past Cause you could age with grace if I freed you in my mind
But I loved you then And I love you now All the things I wished I'd asked When I'm lost in clouds I remember how I was robbed and I was blessed And you were away even when you were here
every day of my life i think about the line “how much now should we pay for the past?” in a jiang cheng context and that is like 95% of the reason i need therapy. 
Thank You For Breaking My Heart
this is a pretty straightforward angsty wangxian song. it hits hard in a “lwj after the cave scene in mdzs right before wwx dies” way, and in a “lwj asking wwx to come to cloud recesses” way. 
Thank you for breaking my heart Now I know that it's in there I left it wide open and asked you to stay But you know better
ben, you ended this album on such a depressing note. but it’s a great album! 
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enbyleighlines · 5 years
Hey dont know if you are still taking prompt suggestions but I would love to read MDZS Modern AU! Wei Wuxian & Jiang Yanli - Boyfriends. If you are done with prompts, thanks for all the wonderful fills!
Hey! I am absolutely still taking prompts, please and thank you~
This is actually the final prompt left in my ask box, so feel free to fill it up again! I’m having a wonderful time with this modern mdzs au!
Jin Yanli is out in the garden when Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan arrive for their playdate. Jin Zixuan greets them at the front door, and then just tells them to go around through the side gate.
It’s a bright day, with a refreshing breeze. A-Yuan rushes forward towards the backyard fence, kicking up dandelion fluff in his wake.
Wei Wuxian chuckles, and walks a little bit slower just to tease the kid. He knows that A-Yuan isn’t yet tall enough to reach the latch, so he can’t enter the backyard until Wei Wuxian opens the gate for him.
“Hurry up, Xian-gege!” A-Yuan calls over, bounding in place, reminding him of some sort of cartoon bunny.
(Ever since Wei Wuxian moved in with Lan Wangji, rabbits have never been far from his mind. Lan Wangji’s passion for the animal is rubbing off on him, apparently.)
“Okay, okay,” Wei Wuxian replies, slowing his gait even more, “Hold your horses.”
“Xian-gege!” A-Yuan pouts, enraged.
It’s impossible to take his anger seriously, though. Wei Wuxian starts laughing, watching with delight as A-Yuan’s lower lip juts out even further.
But Wei Wuxian also takes pity on the poor child. He reaches over the door to unlatch it without another word.
As soon as the door swings open, A-Yuan is bolting forward at full speed again. He runs over to where Jin Ling is pushing around a toy truck around the sandbox.
“A-Xian,” Jin Yanli says, standing up from her crouching position, “Hello!”
“Jiejie!” Wei Wuxian is suddenly twenty years younger. He leaps into her embrace, nuzzling his face into her shoulder.
She giggles at his antics. “A-Xian, how have you been?”
Wei Wuxian knows exactly what she wants to know. He heaves a loud, lovesick sigh and tells her, “I’m so happy, Jiejie! Wangji is the best boyfriend. He spoils A-Yuan and me rotten.”
A few days ago, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had kissed for the first time. Upon waking, Wei Wuxian immediately texted his Jiejie, along with everyone else he knew. His declaration had received many different responses. Jin Yanli’s reply was the most ecstatic, though. Though they indeed set up this playdate for the kids, the idea had originated from an ulterior motive. Wei Wuxian wants to gush about his new boyfriend, and Jin Yanli is all too happy to listen.
Jin Yanli pulls away to look Wei Wuxian in the face. “I’m glad you found someone you is willing to spoil you,” she says, “My A-Xian deserves nothing less.”
Wei Wuxian leans his cheek on her shoulder, which is awkward, because he’s long since grown taller than her. “He makes me so happy, Jiejie,” he whispers, wanting to make her understand just a fraction of the immense love he holds in his heart for Lan Wangji.
Jin Yanli’s smile softens. Then she pulls further away to say, “I made us some tea. Let’s sit down, and you can tell me everything.”
And so they do. Wei Wuxian barely pays his cup any mind. He is too busy blabbering— about the few dates they’ve been on, about Lan Wangji’s cutest habits, about all the thoughtful little things Lan Wangji does to show he cares.
“And what about you?” Jin Yanli asks during a pause, “Relationships are a two-way street. What have you been doing to show you care, A-Xian?”
Wei Wuxian thinks. “Well...” he begins, “I tell him how handsome he is! Every day! And I thank him for everything he does around the apartment. And... well.” Here Wei Wuxian hesitates, uncharacteristically shy. “I tried to write him a love poem, because he loves poetry, but... it turns out I’m not good at writing poems.”
Jin Yanli giggles demurely into her wrist. “Ah, A-Xian,” she teases, “You have been bitten hard by the love bug, I see.”
“Do you blame me?” Wei Wuxian flails his arms, flustered. “Wangji... he’s so good,” he murmurs, stricken with the sheer force of his affection, “He’s really... such a good man. I knew I was gone the moment he offered to foster A-Yuan, so he could have a permanent home. And— and he can be so ridiculous! He calls me ridiculous but you should hear about some of the things he says and does! He named his bunnies Cabbage and Carrot! He hasn’t even flinched at the any of the horror movies I’ve shown him, but the first time we watched a cheesy romcom, he got so flustered that he muted the kissing scene!”
Wei Wuxian grabs Jin Yanli’s hand, desperate to make her understand. “I love him so much, Jiejie,” he says, “I know it’s only been like four days, but I’m so in love with him!”
“You’ve known him for how long?” Jin Yanli shakes her head, visibly amused.
“Hmmm...” Wei Wuxian thinks back to their first encounter. “We met in high school, freshman year... when we were both fourteen. Ah! And we’re twenty-four now!” Wei Wuxian jolts back at the realization. “A decade! It took me ten whole years to kiss Lan Wangji!”
Jin Yanli laughs. “Well, better late than never,” she points out.
Wei Wuxian is not so easily soothed, though. He sticks out his bottom lip and pouts. “I can’t believe it. I could have been kissing Wangji as far back as high school! We could have gone to senior prom together! We could be married by now!”
“It’s no good to dwell on what-if’s, A-Xian,” Jin Yanli says, “Remember how long it took for Zixuan to return my feelings?”
“That’s because he is— was an idiot.”
“And now we’re married, and we have A-Ling.” She looks off towards her son, practically radiating contentment. “Focus on what you have right now, so you can savor every minute.”
Wei Wuxian follows her gaze.
The boys are building a sand castle. Or so Wei Wuxian assumes. It mostly just looks like a heap of sand with some twigs poking out of the top.
“Jiejie,” Wei Wuxian says, “I... I want to ask Wangji if we can adopt A-Yuan for real.”
If Jin Yanli is surprised, she doesn’t show it. She just gives Wei Wuxian a loving grin. “Have you talked to A-Yuan’s family about it yet?”
Wei Wuxian nods. “Granny Wen mentioned it before, actually,” he admits, “She said A-Yuan already talks about Wangji and me like we’re his fathers. Wen Qing’s Uncle also gave me his blessing.”
Jin Yanli lights up. “A-Xian, that’s wonderful!” She claps her hands together. “So when are you asking Lan Wangji?”
“I don’t know.” Wei Wuxian worries his lip. “I mean... we only just begun dating. Don’t you think it’s too soon? I don’t know if Wangji even wants children...”
“A-Xian.” Jin Yanli waits until she has Wei Wuxian’s eyes back on her. “I’ve seen Lan Wangji with A-Yuan. He clearly loves children. You don’t have to worry about that. But if you think it’s too soon, then wait. There’s no need to rush. You’re already fostering him, and A-Yuan isn’t old enough to know the difference.”
Wei Wuxian feels the oppressive weight lift right off his shoulders. “You’re right,” he realizes aloud, “There’s no need to rush.”
“Exactly,” Jin Yanli says, “Like I said, enjoy the present. Don’t spend too much time regretting the past or fretting about the future. You’ve got a doting boyfriend, and an adorable kid who loves you.”
Wei Wuxian feels like tearing up. He valiantly avoids doing so.
“Now drink your tea already,” Jin Yanli chastises playfully, “I brought this brand just for you. It’s a chai with extra spice.”
“Jiejie!” Wei Wuxian puts a hand to his heart. “Still spoiling me, after all this time.”
“I will spoil you forever,” Jin Yanli promises, “No matter whether you’re eight years old or eighty, I will always spoil my A-Xian rotten.”
Wei Wuxian laughs, delighted. He knows she means it, and that makes it all the more endearing.
The rest of the day is spent sipping tea, weeding the garden, watching the kids, and making plans for a double date. And, as Jin Yanli so wisely advised, Wei Wuxian savors every last minute of it.
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mystictickles · 6 years
A dumb ass tickle fight on a rainy day (MDZS || Wei WuXian & Jiang Cheng)
Wow…. Finally…. A fic!!! For REAL!!!
No but seriously, MDZS owns my whole hecking heart atm. I’ve had so many ideas for fics for a while, not writing them would just be a shame. I’ve caught up with the novel, and I can really use some MDZS tickles. I’ve been picturing Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng having a tickle fight to the death so many times, I just absolutely had to write it. So here we are, I hope you enjoy! ♡
(Also sorry for the lame title lmao, I couldn't think of anything and this is pretty much what it is heheh)
To avoid any confusion, this happened in the past, after they returned from the Cloud Recesses!
Word count: 1522
"Jiang Cheeengg..."
Today was an unlucky day for Wei WuXian. Unlike the past few days, when the weather was warm and sunny, ever since this morning it had been raining non stop.
Wei WuXian had planned to go hunt for pheasants today, as well as picking (stealing) lotus seed pods. However, seeing how hard the rain was pouring down, he and Jiang Cheng were stuck inside.
Of course, Wei WuXian was bored out of his mind. With nothing to do, he kept pestering Jiang Cheng by repeatedly calling his name and poking his arm to get his attention.
“Jiaaang Cheeenggg...”
Jiang Cheng had been trying to read a book in silence, ignoring Wei WuXian’s cries for attention. However, considering this had been going on for quite a while already, he finally couldn’t take it any longer. As a vein popped in his forehead, he shouted, “One more word and you can say goodbye to both of your legs!”
Wei WuXian pouted. “How cruel… Jiang Cheng, you’re always so mean!”
Jiang Cheng, “You..!”
Before Jiang Cheng could kick him, Wei WuXian dodged his leg. “Jiang Cheng, you’d better be careful! What if you break something?”
He was actually only half joking. Considering Jiang Cheng’s temper, he really could break something if he wasn’t careful.
Jiang Cheng scoffed. “Would you look at that. Who’s the one always going around causing trouble wherever he goes? That’s right, you! And you have the balls to tell me to to be careful? Don’t make me laugh!”
Wei WuXian crossed his arms and gave him a ‘what-are-you-talking-about’ look. “Who’s causing trouble? If you’re talking about what happened with Lan Zhan, I apologized to him! Besides, it wasn’t even entirely my fault either. Out of all the times we fought, Lan Zhan was the one who started them,” he argued.
“You’re unbelievable. Here, let me do you a favor by killing you right here and now so you won’t have to embarrass yourself even more,” said Jiang Cheng as he was about to pick up a vase, ready to smash it against Wei WuXian’s head.
Wei WuXian, “Jiang Cheng… Think about it. You’re telling me that killing me here and now would prevent me from embarrassing myself more, but wouldn’t me dying so easily and randomly here in the hands of my own shidi be the most embarrassing thing?”
Jiang Cheng clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white. To him, it sounded as if Wei WuXian was saying that he was weak and that it would be embarrassing to die in his hands for that reason. Needless to say, that wasn’t Wei WuXian’s point at all.
However, Jiang Cheng had already been angered too much to hold himself back and swung his fist at Wei WuXian’s face. “You jerk, wanna fight?!”
Wei WuXian grinned widely. “Guess what? I’ve been waiting for it!"
Blocking Jiang Cheng’s fist with one hand, he used the other to aim a punch at his stomach. Jiang Cheng jumped away, but Wei WuXian’s hand still brushed against his stomach. A loud giggle came out of Jiang Cheng’s mouth.
His face turning beet red, he covered his mouth with his hand immediately and covered his stomach with the other.
Wei WuXian froze due to the sudden unexpected reaction. He carefully looked at his hand that brushed him and soon came to a realization. No way, could it be..?
When Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng were younger, the two would start tickle fights with one another all the time. Though as they grew up, they replaced having tickle fights with fist fights.
He knew that Jiang Cheng was extremely ticklish back then, but to think that he still would be! Quickly enough, Wei WuXian forgot about punching him and got other ideas instead.
As he slowly walked over to Jiang Cheng with an amused expression, he spoke, “did I just hear that right? Jiang Cheng, you couldn’t possibly be ticklish, are you?”
Hearing this, Jiang Cheng froze.
Wei WuXian, “Oh my… So it’s true! Jiang Cheng, this is dangerous! What if this happens during a real fight? People will think that you’re making fun of them!
Jiang Cheng backed way everytime Wei WuXian got closer, until his back was pressed against the wall. Knowing his shixiong, this would not end well.
He yelled, “Fuck off!! What in the world gave you such a ridiculous idea?! I was simply just laughing at how stupid you really are, don’t make shit up!”
Wei WuXian, “I’m making shit up? Fine, let’s find out who’s the real liar here.”
Before Jiang Cheng could protest, Wei WuXian had already pounced on him and started wiggling his fingers all over his sensitive stomach.
Immediately, the room was filled with Jiang Cheng’s screams and laughter. “Wei WuXiahaahan!!! I’ll fuhuhucking kihill you!!! NO! STOHOP!! HAHA- FUCK!”
An endless stream of swear words left Jiang Cheng’s mouth as Wei WuXian was tickling him.
He never really intended to make this a full on tickle war. He just wanted to see for himself just how ticklish he was still. In the end, he also just wanted to prove his point. He decided to show him mercy and stopped tickling after about a minute.
….Bad idea, though.
“Wei...Wu...Xian!!” Jiang Cheng’s face was extremely red from laughing so much, as well as the extreme feeling of embarrassment.
He pushed Wei WuXian on the ground and glared down at him, breathing heavily. “Fine,” he spoke, “if this is the way you want to fight, that’s completely fine with me. But don’t think I’ll go easy on you, even when you start crying and begging like how you always used to.”
Oh no. He had this insane look in his eyes, the look that told Wei WuXian that it’s really over for him. Now it was his turn to watch as Jiang Cheng slowly came closer, until he finally attacked.
Within seconds, Wei WuXian was already screaming. Jiang Cheng gave him absolutely no chance to struggle or fight back. He sat on top of him while attacking Wei WuXian’s entire upper body with merciless tickles.
“WAAHAIT!!” Wei WuXian yelled out. He expected anything but this. He was more than ready to be kicked in the face, but he never expected Jiang Cheng to actually tickle him!
While it may have looked a little bit silly, Wei WuXian was actually having a hard time here. Jiang Cheng wouldn’t just have a playful tickle fight with anyone, especially not now. Jiang Cheng was serious. He wanted to win this stupid ass fight, and from the looks of it, he would.
“JIANG CHENG!! I’M DYIHIHING PLEASE JIANG CHEHEHENG!!!” Wei WuXian’s limbs were flying everywhere and Jiang Cheng had to dodge a few kicks. Not like it was hard, though. Wei WuXian was too busy laughing to focus on kicking him properly.
“Good. Die,” is all Jiang Cheng said.
Jiang Cheng went from squeezing his sides to spidering his fingers against his ribs. Sometimes he’d reach behind him to squeeze at the back of his knees, and after just a few minutes, Wei WuXian was crying.
Jiang Cheng never liked to hold back during tickle fights, but this time it was like he was more cruel than ever..! Was it because he’s older and stronger now? Whatever it was, Wei WuXian felt like he was standing right in front of hell’s door.
As tears were rolling down his cheeks, Wei WuXian begged, “Plehehease Jiang Cheeng!! I prohomise I won’t bother you anymore!! I will do anythihihing!!”
Jiang Cheng, “Oh? Anything?” He raised an eyebrow.
Wei WuXian, “Yehehes anything!!!”
Jiang Cheng thought for a second, before remembering that he said he wouldn’t show him mercy even if he cried and begged. Thus, he decided not to fall for it.
Jiang Cheng, “Yeah right. Just shut up and suffer.”
It’s not like he needed anything anyways. All he wanted for now was for Wei WuXian to know that if he fucked up, he’d pay for it.
After about 5 more minutes of continuous torture, Jiang Cheng finally stopped moving his fingers and rested his hands on Wei WuXian’s sides.
Wei WuXian was a mess. His bright red cheeks were wet with tears, his eyes were all red, his hair was everywhere, and all he could do was wheeze underneath Jiang Cheng.
Admiring his work, Jiang Cheng stood up and looked down at his shixiong. “This should be enough to teach you. Next time, think before you do stupid things. Unless you actually wish to suffer, then of course keep going and wait for your death.”
Wei WuXian was unable to even speak, so without saying anything else, Jiang Cheng left the room.
Wei WuXian flipped over on his stomach, but didn’t have the energy to get up.
He also had just realized that it had stopped raining. Just great… Well, he could always go pheasant hunting another time. For now, he’d just take a nap.
But he swore, that even if it’d be the last thing he does, he would get Jiang Cheng back for this. Just wait. Just fucking wait.
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