#but she is still insane is the membrane
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Ok sorry I’m long overdue for a follow up of these tags I left on your post lol. Here goes: In my brain, the role of a cop is a very masculine one. Like obviously there are female cops but whenever they appear in media ( at the ones I’ve seen) they always are very masculine. So with Hayward whole thing about performing the role of a standard cop I think he was also performing masculinity in a very standard way. His whole arc in season 2 has also been about learning who he is outside of that performance so he I think he can also start to experiment with gender and get silly with it. I think that’d be good for him. maybe this only makes sense to me but thank you for the space to expand upon me ideas.
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This is paige and Hayward season three. my final message
I just saw this response omg loving where you head is at... gotta get this out on the record before s3e3
#he can be gnc like harry dubois never let himself be#the silt verses#investigating officer hayward#hayward's gender has GOT to be weird like his whole thing with his wife who doesn't exist is SO gender#god I need to go back and rewrite 'come hell or high water' to make Hayward's wife not have been real#I think Jon and Muna have heavily implied that Hayward's wife was supposed to exist at the end of s1#but Jon decided to make her fake retroactively just to fuck with us#(in a 'just to fuck with us (affectionate)' kinda way#I don't believe in rewriting fic to conform to canon but the fact that THAT'S the fanon they canonized is *so* fucking good#a tasty tasty treat for us gremlins#but his wife that doesn't exist... he's like an alien in a human body doing a dane cook routine at work#whenever he talks about his wife who doesn't exist hating him I'm reminded of that John Mulaney bit#of 'my wife's a bitch and I don't like her? That's not a comedy routine! That's a support group for men in crisis!'#like Hayward. you invented this woman#she isn't real#why did you make her a bitch who doesn't like you????#and who YOU are pathetically still in love with#Like that's the craziest thing he doesn't even portray himself as in a failing marriage#he portrays himself as being desparate to stay in a failing marriage even though he isn't in love because he's afraid of being alone???#like hello am I speaking English here that's fucking insane in the membrane#siltposting#anyway thank you for answering my ask sorry to write this tag novel when you were just trying 2 help
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fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
I’m never beating the “grew up in Innsmouth” allegations forreal
#this memory surfaced of me being.. maybe 8 at most and i was at a sleepover with some of my friends#and they were comparing their webbed fingers and toes. they weren’t in costume and this was not a bad dream either#literally 3 or 4 of my childhood friends had a webbed membrane between at least a couple of their fingers and toes#i know this is not an insanely rare thing to happen but 4 different people… and we were 8 years old and it had never been corrected#worth mentioning that i grew up in a small coastal town where the economy was primarily built on fishing#also Everyone was related somehow. and it’s very insular. i moved there when i was 3 and was still considered an ‘outsider’#the people who were willing to be friends with me were always fellow outsiders or poorer kids whose families had lived there a long time#but they weren’t counted among the ‘old’ families because they didn’t have money#all of these kids with webbed fingers and toes? from that town. and probably related to each other#honestly it’s probably just genetics but i find it very weird how many similarities my town has with innsmouth lol#i told one of my friends about this today and she was like ‘are you from a fucking hp lovecraft novella’ i don’t KNOW#i will never beat the allegations at this rate though#personal#also i wanted to mention i looked up syndactyly and none of my friends had any of the related conditions.#another thing to mention is i wasn’t alarmed at the time. i thought it was soooo cool and was kind of bummed that none of my fingers#were webbed. i think i asked my parents why and they were like ‘??? they’re not supposed to be’
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agent-flyingfox · 11 months
((HEARTBREAKING: girl who just loves layers and coats and cotton and long sleeves and fancy suits. and winter and autumn. but she is trapped in a tropical island in the middle of the equator💔💔💔💔💔💔💔))
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 months
hi hi!
your writing is amazing <3
could i request batboys headcannons, sfw and nsfw, where reader is an Illyrian and she has wings (and they're not clipped) please? thank you <33
aww thank you soo much, here you go❤️ NSFW content!!!
Azriel - SFW
Azriel will often absently brush his scarred fingers over your wings
he also helps you massage knots that have formed during flying
since you probably grew up in Windhaven where you weren't really allowed to fly, Azriel takes it upon him to teach you how to fly
he won't push you off a cliff....
but he will be soft and slow with you, rising into the air with you, helping you fly
later on he will put oil on your wings, massaging them
he also loves, absolutely adores kissing your wings - tiny soft pecs to the leathery membrane
Azriel - NSFW
him touching your wings while you touch his wings and you are riding him - yes, sir
he loves when you do it simultaneously, both taking care of the wings of the other
and he loves, obviously only if he has your consent, to wake up with teasing you by touching your wings, kissing them and licking over them
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★
Rhysand - SFW
Rhysand gets a large bed for you, so your wings never have to hang over the edges
he also owns a whole basket of a variety of products for your wings - oils, lotions, soft clothes
he loves washing your wings when you sit together in the bath
and later also tending to them
he will often massage the hard knots for hours, always careful to not touch the sensitive parts - you should find comfort and everything else would be out of place in this moment
just like Az, Rhys also really likes to place soft kisses to your wings
he also always reminds you how amazing the wings are, that you can be proud of being Illyrian despite everything they did
that you can be happy about your wings
and of course, he will remind you daily about how beautiful you are with your wings, how stunning you look
Rhysand - NSFW
Rhysand is a generous lover, alright, he loves making you come by simply touching your wings
he loves to do it soft and gentle, just to ease your mind and body
but he also loves to tease you, accidentally touching them
while he is not so keen on doing it simultaneously, he loves it when tends to your wings first, sometimes in the bathtub, sometimes in bed and then you switch positions and you take care of him
he loves the noises you make when he touches your wings, the soft whimpers and moans are like music in his ears
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★
Cassian - SFW
Cassian will love hardly anything as much as going flying with you
he adores flying and sharing it with you is absolute perfection
he will often nudge you with his wing while flying
and when you return he will always tend to them, easing the knots, helping you wash, putting lotion on them
he always checks on your wings, always making sure nothing hurts, nothing is twisted
he also always reminds you that you are allowed to be proud of them and that you don't have to feel bad about you still having them while others got them clipped "it is not your fault," he will tell you while massaging your wings
Cassian loves drawing small patterns or circles onto the leathery membrane and making you guess what he is drawing
Cassian - NSFW
him touching your wings, while you suck him off?
well yes
he loves it
and just like Azriel, he also loves it when you touch each other's wings simultaneously
Cassian can also easily make you come by touching your wings, kissing them or licking over them
he somehow is a natural at it, and it drives you nearly insane
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dib-thing-wannabe · 6 months
Okay, so I have a smaaaall idea for a possible fanfic/fan comic/au, so I'm just gonna say it in the lamest of terms that I can, feel free to take this idea and make it yourself as long as you give some credit and also tag me in the posts. Pre Enter the Florpus btw.
Zim realizes just how big the impact that Professor Membrane has on planet earth, and he tries to use it to his advantage. He kidnaps him one night without anyone knowing (somehow) and quickly makes a clone of him, programming it to be almost completely identical to Professor Membrane himself, except the clone is now loyal to the Irken race, making it to where if Zim told him to go do something in the name of the Tallest or whatever, he'd do exactly that. Though Zim made one tiiiiny mistake. You see, Zim isn't aware of what Dib's or Gaz's home life with Professor Membrane is like, and since Professor Membrane himself was still unconscious as he made and was programming the clone, he couldn't have asked him about it. So what did Zim do as to try and not get Dib suspicious about his new plan? He tried to make his father's clone as close as possible to the original... Except Zim ended up making him loving. More compassionate. More emotionally supportive and available, like how most of the other parents on earth act towards their children. So imagine the surprise that Dib experienced when he was just rambling on about ghosts and para-science to his dad, thinking that he'd not care at all about it like always and maybe even lecture him about believing in it once again, only to hear the first words out of his mouth be, "Wow son, that's amazing! Say, where did you learn that from? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you taught yourself that though, as my boy has always been a smart one!" Immediately, Dib and Gaz noticed these differences from him, though Gaz was the only one who had gotten suspicious about it, as Dib was just so happy that finally his dad was actually being there for them!
The rest of it is basically Gaz doing a Dib and practically going insane as she tries to figure out what happened to their dad, meanwhile Dib doesn't believe that anything happened at all, despite the already clear evidence that something did infact happen, all the while Zim is trying yet failing to get "Professor Membrane" to do his bidding, as the clone is now mostly on Dib's side when it comes to their beef. I'm calling this the Professor Memfake Au, do with it whatever you like (besides gross pro shipping shit, never do that with my creations).
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wolfawaycamp · 3 months
Would it be possible to get a Furblyg drabble where the roles are reversed and Nick is taking care of a sick/slowly turning Abi 👉👈
🌦️ um. infected abi wanted to go a little feral my bad. she's insane in the membrane
Something was pulsing, red-hot and crawling, under Abi’s skin. She had never felt so hungry before. She wanted to take that cup of water Nick was trying to give her just to pour it over his stupid pretty hair. She wanted to kick him in the shins, watch him fall to the floor, then kiss him at her height. She wanted to sink her teeth into the flesh of his neck and—
“Abi? Do you… want this?” Nick asked, with awkward posture and with his eyes flitting around. She could hear the water sloshing quietly in the cup and it made her sick to her stomach.
“No!” was what came out of Abi’s mouth before she could even think about it— sharp, angry. She had to be normal. This wasn't her. She was just… tired. “Um— no… thank you?”
Nick looked worried, but put the cup down by Abi. Fuck off, Nick. She was fucking fine. He sat down by her and she found herself salivating. She felt like she was losing her mind.
“Are— are you okay?” Nick asked gently. Why did he think he had the right?
Abi looked at him directly then, anger gnawing at her insides like a wild beast. “Do you like me, Nick?”
Nick flinched back as if he was scared of her. “Yeah,” he murmured.
“Then why did you let me get fucking mauled? Big strong six foot man would rather run than help the girl he likes?” she said, pissed off but distantly aware that she wasn't one to voice things so directly.
“I thought you were behind me— I swear. Then I looked back… and you were gone,” Nick said, on the verge of tears, and Abi felt like she might cry too.
“Oh,” Abi said, wrath still still thrashing inside her, now aimless and making her feel like she was burning. It turned back to Nick with no other target in sight— she grabbed him by the collar, and asked, “How am I supposed to trust that?”
She watched his Adam's apple dip in his throat. “I don't know. But— but I'm not lying, Abi.”
Then she was looking at his lips— they were going to kiss in the woods, but something in her had been… hesitant. She wasn't hesitant anymore. What if they kissed right here? Someone could walk in at any moment but his lips just looked so… biteable. His blood would probably taste good. It smelt good.
His hand was over hers on his collar and pulling it away. “You— you look really sick,” he said, shuffling backwards.
Dizzied by her own mind, she admitted, “I feel it.”
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ragequeen94 · 1 year
Hi! Can you write something about Nubbins x female reader period sex? Maybe he doesn't understand periods too well because of isolation, and grandma probably stopped having them before he was old enough to understand?
SMUT, blood
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Nubbins didn't really know WHY you were so annoyed lately. he assumed it had something to do with his family bothering you. But he assumed that when you both went off to bed you'd be back to normal but you continued to just be off...
you mentioned to him that you were on your period to which he replied that if you were unhappy you should get off your period. honestly he had no idea what you were talking about, maybe some strange name for the chair you were sitting on. if you were on something and uncomfortable... get off of it. why was he the only one with any brains in this family...
you chuckled, and tried to explain but the finer details got a little confusing for him to understand. he had women in his family... mainly grandma and she had never brought up anything like what you were describing... and besides you were only acting up this week, grandma had been a bitch everyday.
but then you explained the blood, and that he HAD to see. when he asked without so much as missing a beat you weren't exactly shocked. but a little suprised still. it wasn't something you considered exactly attractive about yourself. you implied that it was "a murder scene down there " which only egged him on more, he was practically drooling at this point. he needed to see, this insane trick his lover could do, they could bleed? for a week? and not die?
it took time but eventually he wore you down. the second your blood stained panties peeled away from your body he was locked on. he insisted on undressing you and exploring himself, reducing you to little more than a play thing to capture his interest. he wanted to use his camera but you talked him out of it. he would just have to commit it to memory.
he touched you with his fingers first, sliding through surprisingly wet folds, but instead of the creamy slick he was used to, his fingers were stained red, bright red. the smell was intoxicating, sweet and delicious and iron-y. he licked his fingers, and electricity jolted through his body, his cock pulsing in his soon to be removed pants. but he was to transfixed for the moment, he couldn't think of anything else. his fingers reached in again, sliding around your clit and hole collecting as much blood as possible for another taste.
then the tips of his fingers slid into you, easily gliding. and you noticed a the sudden lack of discomfort you hadn't even noticed was there. maybe you were a bit crampy and hadn't noticed? but the second his dexterous fingers curled and pumped into
you nearly died when he pulled back a blood clot... and it wasn't small. thick dark membrane and congealed blood clung to the tip of his finger like a parasite, his eyes locked on it as he played with it between his first finger and thumb. His gaze drifted to you slowly, licking his lips, his bloody hands pushing down his pants to his knees, his bloody hand gripping his cock, his other slipping back into your bloody hole. he fucked his own hand for a while, fingering you and using the blood from you sopping puss as lube, his eyes dull and dilated, he was focused on the center of your spread legs. The very image of your bloody cunt enough to turn his brain into nothing more than animalistic instinct.
the iron smell of you mixxed with your natural sweetness, grew too much, and he collapsed down onto the bed, laying on his stomach, still humping into his hand and rubbing his cock into the sheets below you his free hand spread your folds wide, pressing our your aching clit. Nubbins sucked it into his mouth, cleaning it of blood. You'd never heard a groan like that come out of him before, you covered your eyes with your arm as you panted desperately, having been played with for too long it was starting to become to much without him inside you... the ache in your lower stomach to painful, to tight.
you begged and begged but were all ignored. Nubbins refused to leave his meal. He sucked directly from your hole, tounging you as deeply as he could, his poor nose crushed up against your pelvic bone he snorted and gasped for breath in his desperate attempt to not miss a piece of you.
you begged again, screaming at him for more than his mouth could offer. and this time his eyes looked at you, and they reminded you of the eyes of a shark, black and empty and animal, a predator, sent into a frenzy at the taste of blood. be pushed himself up off the bed in a fluid motion, you held your legs open for him, cupping the backs of your knees to accommodate his hips as he nestled between them, his hand gripping his cock, using his thumb to press the head into your hole, and instantly he was completely filling you.
he slowly pulled back, he was looking down with a sick grin on his face. usually he humped like an animal. wild and without rhythm, desperate for his release, you'd never experienced him moving slow and calculatory in your life. He watched as his cock slid out of you, stained red, dragging your blood and honey with it in long sticky streaks. He pushed back in only to do the same. watching the easy glide, the pull at your insides due to the snug fit of his cock, the way it dragged the blood from you... the metallic scent mixxed with sex...
he couldn't keep his slow observatory pace up for long, his dilated eyes showing how far gone he was. He leaned down over you, his blood covered hands gripping your breasts and squeezing, spreading more blood over you. his hips started snapping hard, chasing his own pleasure. one of his hands reached down between you both, sometimes he would play with you clit for you, so it didn't seem strange, but instead he brought his blood and precum coveted hand up, thick ropes of slick hanging between his fingers, and brought a finger to his mouth, sucking it clean.
what possessed you, you'll not know, but you opened your mouth to moan, and he took it as an invitation. his filthy hand covered your mouth, running blood over your lips and tongue and you accepted it. his eyes locked on your now blood covered face, and brought his lips down onto yours. it tasted like you... as you opened your mouth to encourage his tongue, Nubbins groaned, stuttered, and stilled with his cock buried deep, pulsing against your cervix. he wrapped his arms around your head, holding you close, you could FEEL his heart beat against your chest. you waited until he could catch his breath, then tried to wiggle free, you felt disgusting.
"we can bathe together... lake gonna be warm if ya' want." he sighed, "you' jus' perfect you know ..."
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ZADF Headcanons in the Irken Dib AU:
*Zim is basically the same as in canon.
*But Irken Dib is quite different from Canon Dib; since supernatural stuff doesn't exist on Irk, Irken Dib focused on the path of alien science and didn't become an outcast like Canon Dib did.
*Professor Membrane is the Irken Tallest Blue.
*Gaz is the Massive's Main Pilot and she's well respect by Tallest Blue.
*Dib and Gaz used to be training partners together, before Dib and Zim meet.
*Dib became a successful scientist that Tallest Blue respected, but despite this Dib was very bored with his life.
*Then Dib met Zim and sees how chaotic/interesting/fun Zim is.
*Zim's quirks amuse Irken Dib and make Dib feel alive.
*Although Dib does get annoyed with Zim sometimes, when Zim goes too far...
*The Tallest (especially Tallest Blue) are shocked and disappointed that Dib is wasting his genius potential on such a small and insanely defective irken.
*The giant robot Zim used to ruin the first invasion plan was Dib's creation that Dib gave to Zim as a gift, so they were both banished to Foodcourtia.
*Zim and Dib escape the planet then Dib tries to convince Zim that they should fly away to a different world to live on, but Zim insists to return to Irk.
*The duo get the fake mission (with Dib knowing it's fake from the start, but not saying anything cause it's better then being executed) and when they get Gir, Dib somewhat fixes Gir, so the robot would be more competent (but still childish sometimes)...
*When they arrive on Earth, Dib is frustrated at how lazy Zim's human disguise is and still can't believe that most humans fall for it...
*When they meet a genius kid named Louie, Louie is one of the few that sees through Zim's disguise...
*Louie's parents are older sibling are all brilliant scientists and they're all too busy to be with Louie; they also think that Louie's dream is silly (Louie dreams of being a gadget-filled superhero like Batman or Ironman).
*Louie is calmer and humbler then Canon Dib, so he doesn't shout that Zim is an alien to the whole class and the class doesn't think Louie is crazy.
*But Louie does follow the aliens to their house.
*Zim hates Louie, but also sees him as a worthy foe (similar to how he feels for Canon Dib).
*Dib respects Louie a bit more then Zim, but he's still willing to destroy Louie if necessary.
*Dib LOVES the supernatural stuff on Earth; Irken Dib has a fondness for weird, strange and unusual things.
*Skoodge likes both of them.
*Tak hates Zim, but surprisingly respects Dib.
*Sizz Lorr hates both of them, but hates Zim much more.
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Invader Zim except it’s a rodeo au. Which means the Membranes are actually a rodeo family who compete in rodeos all over the country.
They’re world famous, with Professor, or I guess in this case something different (Rancher Membrane? Cowboy Membrane? Just Membrane?) being a multi time national rodeo champion bull rider. He was forced to retire after a bull gored and crushed his arms to the point of needing amputations. He now lives vicariously through his children, specifically Dib, while managing the ranch and doing sketchy science (because he’s still insanely good at it). Said sketchy science is possible due to him becoming friends with an even more sketchy scientist with even less regard for people. The horse he rides the most is a very sweet and caring quarter horse mare named Clementine, who is a bay with a white blaze.
Gaz is a barrel racer and a damn good one. She’s won first in a couple big rodeos, with her quarter horse named Shadowhog. Shadowhog is a black mare with a white blaze and socks and is just as standoffish and angry as she in. Gaz still enjoys video games, but not as much. She also is the best trick roper in the family, and has experience in break away roping. She’s really good at it, but prefer barrel racing since she thinks it takes more skill. Dib thinks she’s making fun of him, but she really isn’t. She’s dabbled with bronc riding but is too lightweight. She is using in charge of herding on the ranch. She also is still one of Membrane’s creations.
Dib is a tie down roper who desperately wants to get into team roping but like. He has no friends. He’s fairly good at tie down roping, though hasn’t won anything. Membrane wants him to be a bull rider. Dib would rather die. He has a curious, playful dappled gray quarter horse mare named Mothman, and is still in love with the paranormal and would rather explore it than compete. Membrane hates this. Dib kinda loves horses and spends a lot of time with not only Mothman, but the other horses on the ranch like Shadowhog, Phoenix, Megera, ET, and Professor. Dib is also still a clone because Membrane is still stupid smart and has access to less than ethical equipment.
Zim is still an alien. He still wants to take over the earth. He was still banished. The only difference is that he lands in the country when Dib is about 15. Membrane happened to have a flyer for a ranch hand up and Zim decides the human thing to do is take a job. His base is in the shape of a barn that’s right outside of Membrane Ranches. Membrane gives him the job and a cowboy hat and Dib is immediately like “that’s an alien Wtf” but Membrane ignores him. And then proceeds to insist on having Zim trained as a steer wrestler due to his strength and gives him a palomino quarter horse gelding named ET (Dib finds the irony hilarious), who is irritable and must be bribed with treats.
The ranch is named Membrane Ranches and has thirteen horses (four ranch horses- Clementine, Peggy (Appaloosa mare), Foodie (paint quarter horse gelding), and Generator (bay quarter horse gelding); two barrel horses- Shadowhog and Megara (chestnut quarter horse mare with white socks); one tie down roping horse- Chupacabra (paint quarter horse stallion); one steer wrestling horse- Covenant (buckskin quarter horse mare); four generic roping horses- ET, Mothman, Phoenix (nearly white quarter horse gelding), and Doppler (black quarter horse gelding); and one bronc- Wildfire (bright chestnut mustang with a white blaze and socks); as well as sixty head of cattle.
Dib gets tasked with teaching Zim the ropes of steer wrestling and ranch work. They try to kill each other between the very much forced lessons.
Zim is a shit ranch hand at first hates it because of germs. Dib uses this as an opportunity to lie and say all humans are fine with germs and Zim very reluctantly agrees. He does eventually start to get used to it, eventually becoming a fairly good ranch hand. He gets surprisingly protective of ET. ET gets surprisingly close to Zim, always nickering when he comes in.
Zim eventually gets told his mission is fake and Dib awkwardly comforts him. The next week he’s dragged to a rodeo (a massive one) and immediately starts getting very overwhelmed by the extremely loud noises and scents and the bumping. He’s not competing but Gaz and Dib are. Dib completely missed the tie down roping because he’s taken Zim away from the crowds and noise to decompress. (Not because he cares but because he’s not gonna let the alien do something stupid clearly).
Membrane is very annoyed.
A couple years later and more rodeos later Dib is nineteen and wins first at one of the largest rodeos in the country. Zim also competes and gets second. Dib (and Gaz who gets first in a lot of big rodeos) are invited to another big event. Zim comes with.
The night before the competition, Dib and Zim notice a runaway steer. Dib gets it around the head and Zim gets it by a hind leg. Dib realizes that holy shit they could be a roping team. At the same time a roping team is forced to drop out so the pair sign up.
They wind up getting forth. Gaz is thrilled that Dib is able to do what he’s wanted to do. Membrane is angry because he wanted to get Dib to bull riding after tie down roping inevitably wore him out.
Dib and Zim eventually become world champion team ropers. And they eventually make their own ranch. And maybe kiss.
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hhi could i. could i ask if you have any portal ford headcanons im being insane about him right now and your headcanons are So 💥‼️🎉🌈💥/pos
hi hello hows it goin
-he didn't get all of his tattoos in one sitting, and he actually has a few he gave to himself. some of the tattoos look like normal earth tattoos, but theres also a few that have cool effects to them. color-changing, moving slightly, shapeshifting from one creature to another, etc. etc.
-he gave himself a little sailboat tattoo in case he ever lost the photo. he also gave himself an axolotl after he met Jheselbraum
-when he was fresh into the portal, hed join other interdimensional travelers, make companions...he stopped after a while because the grief he felt every time he inevitably lost them became too much. he still misses the ones he did have, though. he gave himself a constellation tattoo to remember them- a star for each one.
-he has perhaps too many tattoos. most of them end up being covered up by scars, though
-speaking of scars- ford lost his right arm sometime while he was in the portal. An "anomaly" bit it off. He has a prosthetic now (in the future, he's going to keep forgetting to mention this to stan. which is. definitely not going to cause any problems at all (sarcastic))
-he has several scars that either look weird (slightly glow-in-the-dark, shimmers, etc.) or healed in strange patterns because they were caused by weapons very much not intended to interact with human flesh
-he has a lot of "speckle" scars all over him. theyre from corrosive rain
-Jheselbraum has been thoroughly established as a sort of secondary mother figure in his mind. She has also been given this role by many, many other versions of Ford. she is the space mom
-he once met a moth version of himself who borrowed a gun from him and never gave it back. hes still upset about that. no, he has not realized the connection
-he once held a full conversation with another version of stan without noticing who he was talking to. in his defense, it was dark out
-at some point, he developed a tapetum lucidum and nictitating membranes. this is the incredibly self-indulgent biology-hyperfixation-induced headcanon
-he thinks he can handle smoke and toxic air better because of how much time hes spent not being able to breathe properly. its actually made him more sensitive to things like that
-he has gotten better at not being poisoned though. this comes from years of eating random mushrooms and plants and bug-adjacent creatures. this doesnt apply to raw meat as much, but he can definitely handle it better than most other humans
-every now and then, the hyperfixation excitement will outweigh how horrible he feels all the time and he'll just end up staring at some sort of weird creature and taking mental notes about it for a really long time
-sometimes he'll name random creatures he sees just to kill time. waiting for your food to finish cooking? give your local fish-bird-thing a name
-he doesnt know this, but hes actually seen a few creatures that are considered cryptids in those dimensions
-his favorite dimensions are the ones filled with wildlife and starry skies and vibrant colors. theyre not nearly as common as youd think they are
-hes gotten more used to speaking non-earth languages than earth-languages. as such, hes started using lots of phrases that have...interesting translations in english
-he forgets how to speak sometimes. it used to be more distressing, but he doesnt typically come across many creatures that can understand language anyway. its more of an annoyance than anything at this point
-hes gotten really good at mimicking the calls of other creatures. really good. possibly too good (he will use this power for evil in the future. to terrorize his brother with seagull noises)
-this is technically post-portal, but he adapts the creatures hes seen into homebrew enemies and races in his DD&MD campaigns
-also post-portal, but he'll sometimes forget that that weird thing hes looking at is. yknow. weird and not just a normal part of life in this dimension. this is one of the two reasons why he asks stan to point out anomalies to him
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
Building off this idea that Dib and Gaz’s mom went missing after she went out into space to look for an alien signal, what if she got sucked into a wormhole and ended up on Irk in the distant past?
Like, let’s say her name was Peg (Membrane named the Perpetual Energy Generator after her) and she couldn’t give birth, so she and Membrane found a way to combine their DNA to make two kids who were biologically their children, not clones, but born through artificial means. Then when Peg ended up stranded on Irk she found their civilization on the brink of collapse due to climate change and pollution making the planet uninhabitable and the Irken people infertile. She decided to help them by developing the PAKs that would allow them to survive and creating the smeeteries to automate the same process she and Membrane used to make their kids. She never intended for these to be permanent solutions, it was always her hope that they would fix the conditions of their planet so they could go back to natural births and living without machine assistance, but she expected it to take longer than her lifespan to get there. So she created the control brain system to store her knowledge and the collective knowledge of all Irkens so they could all draw upon that pool of information and build on it to continue her work. This of course, didn’t go as planned and Irk became the hyper-consumerist dystopic empire we know today. The control brains deliberately suppress knowledge of Peg’s contributions to Irken society and life before the PAKs and the smeeteries, fabricating a completely different origin story in which the control brains themselves created the Irken race, which were always artificial half-organic beings with no natural need or desire for “family”.
Evidence of Peg’s existence can still be found on Irk however. Aside from the information the control brains themselves keep on a highly secured server, there’s some ancient art and writing mentioning or depicting Peg which has spawned a cult that worships her as “the mother of us all”. Irken society largely considers them heretical degenerates for even suggesting their kind has anything that could be considered a “mother”.
Due to a mistranslation of her name in old Irken writing, she’s known as “Pig Mom Brain”, which is why Zim never makes the connection between her and Dib’s mother “Peg Membrane”. He used to think people who believed in her were insane, but upon finding out the truth he suddenly feels relief to know the craving for family he was always told was “unnatural” is actually perfectly normal.
Bonus: Zim is a reincarnation of sorts of the first smeet Peg created and raised like a son while she was stuck on Irk unable to return to her own children. His memories of her were supposed to be deleted by the control brains so they couldn’t be passed on to future generations. But before Peg died she created a hidden encrypted backup copy of his memories that remained in that same PAK throughout the many generations before it was reused for current Zim. Once Zim becomes aware of this he’s able to decrypt the memories hiding in his subconscious and remember his past life being raised by Dib’s mom.
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unholybabes · 4 months
ghoulettes in.. the sims 4...
baby's first long post!! woah! got a little inspired and decided to make the ghoulettes (mist, sunshine, cirrus, cumulus, aurora) in the sims 4!! reminder that these are just my hcs, and also inaccurate to all of my thoughts because ts4 is limited. :(
cool pictures and blurbs under the cut!
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1 . mist!!
everyone's favorite water ghoul gal! in my silly hc world she's very serious-looking, with tight, stern features that hide the most sincere and genuine personality. they have a bit of a rbf, but she's so honestly real that it makes the other ghouls' stomach hurt/pos. they're pretty short, but make up for it with the sheer height and weight of her horns. you really can't see it because it's a head shot, but she's covered in scales, along with the gills on her ribs, obviously. they also has nictitating membranes, like an amphibian! she also has webbed hands and feet, and an extra row of backwards facing teeth. just a sharp gal who wants to spend their time solving logic puzzles and sitting in wet grass.
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2 . sunshine!!
i need to kiss her oh my GOD. third tallest of the group and makes sure everyone in the group knows it. i hc her as having very soft, rounded-out features, round eyes, big irises, etc, that contrast heavily with her build. she has what the internet would call a soft sleeper build. i.e, having an insane amount of muscle under those soft features. she has a tummy and lovehandles, and she could probably take most of the bigger ghouls 1.v.1 and come out on top. i think her hair would fluctuate between deep pinky-orange and blonde, always super warm colors. she practically radiates heat. like, she's a living furnace. also covered in faint scars, mostly on her torso and back! pit life wasn't kind to her, and she came out of it, somehow, an incredibly sweet ghoulette.
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3 . cirrus
okay i'll be totally honest, this is my absolute favorite design. cirrus embodies stern discipline and still manages to be the goofiest nerd out there. i almost, ALMOST gave her a pair of bayonetta glasses. almost. she's the tallest of the bunch, with this straight posture, regal horns, proud and strong features, she fucking exudes this otherworldly confidence. but she's just. she's cirrus! she's the musical theater nerd who spends her free time trying to teach dew how to play magic: the gathering and failing. she's a drama queen. she has carefree girls-only sleepovers with aurora and cumulus every saturday night. if someone were to crack a stupid pun in her direction, she would level them with an unimpressed, downright terrifying look before bursting into tittering cackles and shaking the nearest person's shoulder. she's just cirrus!!!!
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4 . cumulus
oh cumulus the woman you are. she's just an absolute gem. almost everything about her is cool-toned, which funnily enough, couldn't match up with her personality if she tried. if cirrus is the level-headed nerd of the group, then cumulus is the impulsive pseudo bodyguard. she's incredibly passionate about every little thing, and has severe trouble ignoring her impulses. she was one of the last ghoulettes' to give into a more human way of living after being summoned, and even then, she still tends to prefer a feral way of life. she's snarky and quick-witted, willing to drop everything if the smallest thing catches her attention, following it and leaving nothing but the smell of ozone in her wake. her teeth almost seem sharper when she grins juuust right. cirrus might sometimes jokingly call her 'the meanest air ghoul she knows' and, yk what? she might be onto something!!
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5 . aurora
oh. oh baby. oh aurora. god i love her. shortest of the group, i really only have one descriptor for her; little fuckin' spitfire. she came out of the pit swinging, all gnashing teeth and swiping claws, and people thought huh??? this little pink thing?? aurora is the most physically aggressive of the ghouls she's come to call her pack, but not in a mean way. she's tactile, always hanging off of someone's arm or bumping her horns against theirs, twining her tufted tail around someone else's until they flush. and in the same breath, tackling them. biting and shaking her head not unlike a dog with a bone, all in the name of good fun. she's viscerally protective. aurora struggles to show affection through words, and more often than not turns to physical touch. i just love the idea of the slight-statured, pink-skinned and pretty ghoulette not knowing how to kiss and instead just punching people don't perceive me too hard.
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ROTTMNT Headcanons: I finally finished moving so y’all get me back
Here’s how I think the family would react to moving (cause I have no imagination) 
April: would try to hide how much the move affects her 
She would move all her stuff out of her old apartment the second she got the keys 
And she would unpack the second she gets into the new place 
She would also throw a housewarming party/multiple sleepovers so she doesn’t feel so alone 
The boys have moved a lot but some handle it better than others 
Raph: would try to stay strong for his siblings 
He would try to stay optimistic and help his siblings plan out their rooms 
But he is a very emotional and sentimental person 
So the second they get to the new place he’s bawling like a baby 
And it takes him a long time to get adjusted to the new place 
Leo: would handle the move the best 
Even though he’s a sentimental person he’s also a firm believer that home is not a place it’s the people he surrounds himself with 
He also thrives under pressure and craves change 
He makes an internal schedule so the moving process is swift and efficient 
But he also gives his siblings just enough time to grieve 
Donnie: handles change the absolute worst 
At first, he would refuse to move and he would make a whole PowerPoint presentation about how their home is just fine the way it is
And when he realizes it doesn't matter what he says they’re still going to move so he shuts down 
His siblings pester him to help 
He’ll try to pack and unpack but he kind of gets in the way cause he’s stuck in his head 
Casey: is right alongside Donnie 
He fucking hates moving it reminds him of the future 
The family tries to give him some stability but they also know they can’t stay stagnant forever 
Unlike Donnie, Casey is really helpful during the moving process but he does mope during the entire process 
Mikey: it really depends 
Like Leo, he loves change and hates staying in one place for too long 
But the second he notices how it’s affecting his siblings he starts getting sad too 
April Leo and Mikey try to cheer the group up and sometimes it works and sometimes they let their siblings go through the cycle of grieving the past 
So Leo has a lucky rock in “air turtle” and has enough rocks on him to replace his siblings in “flushed but never forgotten” 
He definitely has a rock and crystal collection 
He gave them all black tourmaline, and amethyst after season 2 for protection and to help with grief 
He gave April citrine for good luck 
Raph got a Rose Quartz to help with his anxiety (and to improve his self-love) 
Donnie gets a Pyrite to help cleans him of all the bad juju technology brings 
Casey gets Hematite to help ground him
Mikey gets Carnelian to boost his creativity 
And there are times when Leo will force the whole group to stop because he saw a sick ass rock on the sidewalk 
Donnie has gotten into serious arguments that go something along the lines of “no Leo I won't stop the tank so you can go get a dirty disgusting rock off the side of the road I’ve already done that three times today”
So it’s pretty obvious that Leo will say random shit in Spanish every once and a while 
And I was thinking “the boys definitely copy that right?” 
Like every once in a while you just hear Raph go “dónde está my wallet?”
And sometimes Mikey will say shit like “he’s a little… cómo se dice insane in the membrane” 
Donnie also has a terrible habit of yelling “WHAT?” When he can’t hear someone 
And it annoys the shit out of Splinter 
He always tells him “don’t yell ‘what’ that’s rude” 
So he yells “QUÉ?” Instead (cause he’s technically not saying what)
Leo also has a tough time saying “I love you” 
And for some reason saying it in Spanish is easier (probably cause he was under the assumption that his siblings didn’t know what it meant)
So he always ends the conversation with “te amo” no matter how pissed he is 
And it wasn’t until his siblings responded with “te amo más” that he realized they knew what he meant this whole time 
And he’s weirdly okay with that
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sugarepoxy · 1 year
hey sorry if this is weird but this is @chip-and-the-bastards (it's a sideblog so I can't ask with it) and since we're up against each other for the jrwi au showdown I wanted to ask about Blood in the Deadwood‼️ it seems like a cool au but tumblr search function isn't showing me if you have anything for it on this blog! So here take this as an opportunity to ramble about it and also maybe give some propaganda!
anyway feel free to ignore if you don't wanna aha :]
well first of all @tobeywobey was also very involved in making it so make sure you also give them creds ! ! He worked on a LOT of the lore so i really wanna give them proper creds lol. Also the search didnt work because both toby and I haven't post much of anything publicly about it LMAO
BASICALLY its the prime defenders characters but in a kind of Galloway/Deadwood hybrid place if that makes sense. Each character fills the role of another character(s) in blood in the bayou (for example cantrip basically plays the role of Becky in this au.) its pretty cannon compliant to the events of blood in the bayou, except for a few changes, like things happening for different reasons and events being changed. Also there is no superpowers in this au :)
the thing Toby and I changed most was probably the events leading up to the main three going back to deadwood. In this AU Dakota is the one that knows Ashe the best, Will and Vynce are less acquainted with her. This is because she fills the role of Rachel so we wanted it to closer match the relationship that Kian and Rolan had with her when they were younger. so basically Dakota introduces Ashe to the other two a couple years before the events of this AU take place in deadwood, and they all eventually leave for w own reasons. Will dies like in PD canon, is resurrected as a bug sorta like how Rolan is, except he knows that he's a bug and keeps it secret. Ashe goes missing suddenly and Mark immediately starts investigating. The boys talk to mark about any leads or information, and it all leads to Deadwood. Also somewhere along there Williams "parents" die. Some more noatable things that happen in these few years is that vynce and cantrip have a relationship thats more like a situationship, and the three of them start a dnd campaign but never finish it.
They all go to Deadwood Because of Ashe's disappearance but vynce and will also have other reasons. Vynce really wants to finish this fuckin dnd campaign, and will felt the most obligated to go because he's part of the hive (and also his parents funeral was happening there anyways.) Will is also the one that is the most hesitant to go in the first place.
Then the BITB cannon stuff happens! They greet Doug (who plays the role of rat in this AU,) go to quickstop, see The Horrors, all that stuff. They obviously react in different ways and do different things than the BITB pcs, but it all still leads to them going to points of interest and having the big events happen to them the same. One notable change is that Will sees doug in the alley, pasteified, but is really curious about what actually happened to him instead of being horrified of the human sludge (Will is so fucking insane in this au.) Another is that will convinces Dakota that they need to leave (like how kian does) but while they are driving away will and dakota get into an argument wich leads to dakota grabbing the wheel from him and they end up swerving into the membrane wall.
Unfortunately thats where we stopped writing stuff down lmao so for the propaganda section of this ramble i will be taking from the character info toby wrote
Vyncent is a huge fantasy nerd and he has those hot topic elf ear cuffs. Half of his character motivation is wanting to finish that godamn dnd game!!!
William wisp is 10x more insane
wiwi carries a shotgun around locked and loaded from the very beginning
vynce gets some cool buggy limbs :)
Ashe is trans mtf and in the notes we referred to getting bugged as "contracting malaria" so we called her "our malaria girlfriend" and now in my head ashe will always be my favorite malaria girlfriend ❤️
Mark kind of plays the role of John Rand and he is also in love with that stupid caveman show
Mark and tide have a perry and doofenshmirtz dynamic. They both have radically different theories on what is happening to the town and argue constantly, but when they aren't being crazy people they get along
Tide fills the role of Mr. Dickman and he has a secret bunker chalk full of beef stroganoff. He also has a huge fucking blackboard where he writes all his theories (he just has "MALARIA" written down in all caps)
Tide has a little bit of a crazy old guy reputation in town
Cantrip gets fucking shot by William because of a one sided rivalry wiwi has had since middle school
This concludes the ramblings, i wish everyone happy voting and good luck in the au torment!!! :D
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dib-thing-wannabe · 6 months
Okay, since no one seems to be really doing it, I'll just do it myself (/j). Here are a few fun facts/events that happen in the Professor Memfake Au!
I feel as if I forgotten to mention this, so I am sorry about that, but despite this au taking place before Enter the Florpus, all characters do have their designs from the movie instead of the show!
Professor Memfake (yes, that's his official name according to Zim, though oftentimes he's referred to as Professor Membrane as no one really knows that he's a clone) is infact aware of the fact that he's a clone! Though he doesn't really care about that fact, as he still considers himself everything that Professor Membrane is, like the smartest man on earth and Dib's and Gaz's father.
No, Zim didn't kill Professor Membrane once he was finished with his clone. One, because if something was to happen to the clone, he'd just be able to easily make another. Two, he knows that if he did, then Dib truly wouldn't hesitate to hurt him in every way possible if/when he found out, so he'd rather not take his chances. The reason that Professor Membrane hasn't escaped or tried to is because Zim convinced him that he was in a coma and was currently dreaming, and that since Zim was the last person he saw when he was awake, he could only see him at the moment.
The event that ended up reaaaally triggering Gaz in a way where she knew that 100% something was up with their dad was the day after Professor Memfake had officially taken Professor Membrane's place while he was still kidnapped. Dib had gotten in trouble at skool for something that Zim did, and since everyone has deemed Dib as insane, they instantly blamed him with zero evidence against him. They called Professor Memfake up to the skool, and explained everything about the situation once he got there. Now normally, Professor Membrane would take the teachers side without further questions asked. So imagine everyone who was in the room surprise when instead, he started yelling and berating the principal and teachers for their lack of evidence against his son. Then, to top all their confusion, surprise and fear off, he proceeded to not only take Dib home for the day, but also Gaz, as he "didn't want another one of his children to end up going through this as well!!" Now, not only does Professor Membrane rarely take either of them home unless something is really bad, but if he needs to take one for them home, he never just automatically takes the other one as well, which Gaz quickly recognized as a red flag. While Dib is grabbing his stuff from his locker or whatever, and Gaz and Professor Memfake are alone for a moment, she decided to ask him what had happened to cause him to take them both home early. He answered by saying (or rather, ranting) that they were accusing Dib without reason and expected him to believe them. Now, here is the sentence that really caused Gaz's suspensions about something not being right about her dad to be now 100% true. "Not only that, but they DARED to call my son and your brother insane! Why, I had to let them know that he was anything but that! It's just not scientifically possible!!"
Small bonus to the above, Dib proceeded to cling onto Professor Memfake for the rest of the day, think like his arms and legs wrapped around Professor Memfake's arm or leg. It wasn't like Professor Memfake minded it though, he actually quite enjoyed his son wanting to be as close as scientifically possible to him!
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mcltiples · 2 months
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whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick 10 songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse !
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Coming Undone by Korn ; Keep holding on / When my brain's ticking like a bomb / Guess the black thoughts have come to get me / Sweet bitter words / Unlike nothing I've heard / Sing along, mockingbird, you don't affect me
American Horror Show by SNOW WIFE ; I'm a stone-cold monster / I can be your little- / I kiss freaks that treat me like an animal / Fuck on me and eat me like a cannibal / I'm miss Fish, that Rocky Horror Picture hoe / They call me an American Horror Show
body bag by Rei Ami ; Fucked up, wanna die / Fill me with formaldehyde / Sharp tongue, sharper knife / Drown you out with cyanide / I need that autopsy, toxicology / Cause of death 'cause you shit talking me
Werewolf by Motionless In White ; Will the man become the monster or the monster become man? / I could be up all night, but I'm paralyzed when the creature comes alive / 'Cause it's fight or fright in the full moonlight / You can run, but you can't hide
Dance In The Dark by Lady Gaga ; She looks good but her boyfriend says she's a tramp, she's a vamp / But she still does her dance / Baby loves to dance in the dark / 'Cause when he's looking away, she falls apart
Hell Above by Pierce The Veil ; Cannot spend another night in this home / I close my eyes and take a breath real slow / The consequence is if I leave I'm alone / But what's the difference when you beg for love?
Soft by Motionless In White ; You're mine, motherfucker / I'm insane, I'm insane in the membrane / I wanna fuck your face with a switchblade / I'm not broken, so don't fix me
Your Betrayal by Bullet For My Valentine ; I was told to stay away / Those two words I can't obey / Pay the price for your betrayal
Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless ; You make me wanna die / I'll never be good enough / You make me wanna die / And everything you love will burn up in the light / Every time i look inside your eyes
Applause by Lady Gaga ; I live for the applause, live for the applause / Way that you cheer and scream for me / The applause, the applause, applause
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