#but she still wore that rifles jacket and is literally Baby.
sailorpants · 1 year
unfortunately, as i continue watching Sharpe, the quality of plotlines they give to women markedly decline. in Regiment they're throwing blondes at him like there's no tomorrow and each one of them has a plotline involving sex or marriage; also they feel like they weren't written to be as complex or in control as some other characters who also have plots that revolve around sex or marriage (specifically, I'm thinking of Helene from Honour as well as Lucy Kiely and Juanita from Battle).
when i'm watching this show i try to appreciate when the women on it have agency to affect the plot and make their own decisions (aka The Bare Minimum). but if the women characters are relegated to episode's side plots/their situation is but a piece of a larger Adventure as opposed to being part and parcel of the Adventure they don't get that chance to act on their own terms!!! even within a Sex and Marriage plot!!! and that's frustrating.
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lolathepeacocklord · 3 years
Chapter 2 – Run Rabbit Run     God… It was such an awful day. He was given the day off from work for feeling sick, and on his way to his dorm right around the corner to his hallway he stepped on something… Red. Blood. It looked fresh too. He just thought alright- maybe some girl was having a messy day, but there was more. Droplets were now little puddles of red. All the way to his room where it looked like some ketchup monster fell over against the door. And started… Crawling. All the way to the bathroom. Smith gently opened the door.    He could remember it in so much detail. Most of it just being blood. Lots and lots of blood everywhere- all coming from his roommate who was bleeding to death in the bathtub. He literally looked like he was tossed into a cage full of angry tigers. And that’s only slightly exaggerating. It looked like something just out of a horror movie. After his friend got sent to the hospital for several days, he got asked a lot about what happened- always giving them the strangest response. He kept saying that a man did this to him. All these gashes and tears were caused by a… Human male. They weren’t sure if it was just the anesthetics when they first asked him, but he stuck to the story.    He thought he saw this woman getting attacked, and he ran over to try and help. But when he got closer, then man who pinned her to the ground was… Eating her. Tearing her apart with his hands and teeth. And then he went for Hunter.   Smith was really worried about his friend after he returned home. Almost immediately when he thought he was okay he returned and then they were both sick as hell. Then the emergency broadcast came on TV, and Smith was just suddenly in- immense amounts of pain. He couldn’t see right, and it literally felt like his insides were moving around in him. He tried to go get his friend. Tell him they were a lot sicker then they thought. Right in front of the door he collapsed on the ground, and everything went black from there. That was his last memory. The last moments in a normal world.
   Common infected littered the streets- dead and alive. Most of them just wandering around aimlessly, sleeping in any place they found fit, and some just starting random baby fights over who would get to eat this person’s body. Being infected was at least handy in the aspect the commons didn’t pay much attention to you. Sometimes they’d try and attack you just because they’re brainless morons now. But a full on horde was never really a problem to him. Just crowded. He was one of them, they were one of him. He hated to think about that, but it was true.    The rain let up on him finally, which was the first convenient thing that happened to him today. He wasn’t gonna get absolutely drenched anymore. But he still kept an eye out for anything that could be… Following him. From the few things he’s seen, he knew that special infected could be very efficient hunters. And they may not hesitate to attack their own kind- so he moved along swiftly down the street.    Smith wandered out to a giant intersection in town, and took a moment to look around at the buildings surrounding him. He’s gone quite a distance from home. A thing or two here was ever so slightly familiar. But whatever it was It was now in shambles, and either on fire or it looked like it was about to collapse at any moment. He continued along, trying to stay concealed under the shadows of buildings. He already drew enough attention to himself with the occasional coughing and wheezing. At least from what he’s seen most smoker’s have a green mist around them. He was gifted enough to not have that, unless a tumor got popped open or punctured. Then there will be stink mist and weird goo dripping out of him. It was… Really gross. He hated it. There was still a lot to get used to with this mutation. But he felt like he was never going to get used to it. Who can just suddenly get used to a new body like this after living with a normal human one for 27 years?    This session of moping was suddenly cut off when he heard something. Something small was flashing red in the distance, and… Beeping? It definitely got the attention of several common infected, and they all ran over to start hitting and attacking it. Then just like that the thing exploded- sending zombie part flying everywhere    “WHOO! That was a BIG one!” Some dude ran over to the gorey aftermath and laughed about it. Four other people followed behind him- three girls and another guy it looked like. The boy who just threw that bomb looked pretty young- maybe in his last years of high school. He had messy brown hair and wore a torn up leather jacket. He seemed… A little too happy about there being zombie guts everywhere. One of the girls started scolding him for running over and laughing about the bomb explosion. “This isn’t a game you know!” She was a short blonde woman, looking like she may have been Asian. Her hair was in a bob cut and oddly neat for it being the end of the world. The other three people was a girl with light brown hair up in a ponytail, and seemed a lot sharper then the rest of the team. Seemed like she was maybe the leader?    The other woman had shoulder length hair that was pitch black, with a little bit of purple faded into it. She looked like she could have been your junior high bully, or the biggest mcr fan you’ve ever met. She was a little gruff, but in more of a charismatic way. She also seemed to get along with the leader girl.    The last man was taller then everyone else, had neat brown hair and glasses, and had a neat turtleneck sweater that was now covered with blood and other stains. He was trying to help lead around the rowdy boy, who was very disobedient and kept trying to screw around with the infected before he chopped their head off with an axe. “Look Ed- I know we’ve been in the safehouse for a few days, and you’re excited to be out! But you can’t just run off and be a reckless idi-” “Cram it, Goodman.” Ed shoved a pistol into a sleeping zombies mouth and fired. He snapped his head to the right real fast and stared blankly into the alleyway. “You coming?” The queen of emo asked him. Goodman had a map with them and they were trying to figure out where they were, and where they were gonna be heading. “Yeah sorry, I thought I saw something.” The boy shrugged and went back to the rest of the group.    ‘Shit.’ Smith thought frantically- hiding behind a dumpster. If it wasn’t so damn dark here they may have saw him. Shit- He seemed to have… Misjudged how far away the survivors actually were. Good god- how could he get out of here. Should he just wait it out? They might go in the direction he wanted to go. But he also wasn’t going anywhere specifically. Just away from this place. He put his hand over his lumpy neck for a moment, feeling… Odd? And quickly he slapped both his hands over his mouth. God damn it- another coughing fit. At the worst possible time too. He tries to hard to make these stop, but he just… Can’t. It’s too difficult, and not to say painful as well.    Ed looked down that same alley again, squinting a bit and only half listening to what the group was discussing. Sounded like something was… Wheezing? Crying? Coughing? He couldn’t really tell. “Where are you goi-” “Chill out pipsqueak, I just think I head something.” He readied a sniper rifle and cautiously approached the area. “Uh… Hello? Any zombies making love back here?” He asked, peeking around the corner. Smith’s heart almost stopped right there and then when he heard how close he was getting. He proceeded to press himself against the dumpster and think of what to do. He was gonna need to act fast if he wanted to live. He looked to the side very slowly and saw the tip of the gun… “Hey! What are you doing back there!?” The emo girl yelled over. Ed turned around and responded “Something back here smells like shit, I wanted to see wh-”    Before he could finish that sentence he got socked in the face and someone’s knees slammed directly into the crotch. He fell on the ground writhing in pain, and Smith took the chance to grab his gun and start running off. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-” Everyone was on him now, and there was a dead end. Wonderful. It was mostly covered by wooden planks, but more to the side he could see the fence was made of chains. He was probably gonna die right now anyways, but he may as well go down trying to save himself. The survivors ran over to see their injured friend, who had a bloody nose and probably no more balls. “What was that!? Did you see??” Goodman helped him up and watched the leader chase the attacker. “Megan’s going after it. I think it was a… Zombie? Pen, did you see him?” “Yeah, he looked like a zombie I’m pretty sure.” The short girl said. “Looks like he came to avenge his fallen comrades.” She looked at Ed with a small sneer.    Megan chased the smoker down all the way to a dead end, where he just dropped the sniper rifle and started climbing the fence. Right as he got to the top she ran to snatch the gun, quickly took aim, and fired. With a shriek he fell off the fence on the other side, writing and pain. She got him in his left arm, and he was bleeding out fast. He was on the other side though, so he pushed himself back up and started booking it out of there. Megan sighed softly and returned to her friends. “I drove him off. Don’t worry, I don’t think he’ll be coming back.”
   Smith had been running for a good long while- grasping his arm tightly and breathing heavily. The troubling thing now is that he was bleeding a lot, and things started to get… Blurry. He leaned against a wall real quick, trying to catch his breathe. Problem was it didn’t feel like he was catching his breathe. Ever. He wheezed loudly with each inhale and exhale, but it felt like almost no oxygen got into him. His legs were shaky, he felt weak… God, he was so tired. He glanced at his shoulder for a second and-
”SHIT!” He screamed and saw someone reaching over to him. Once more he socked them in the face- sending them onto the ground. They scrambled away for a moment, and then Smith pulled out his shotgun. ”DON’T FUCKING MOVE!” He screamed, wheezing loudly afterwards. ”Waitwaitwait don’t shoot don’t shoot!” The man shouted back, sounding terrified. He was holding his hands up, and neither of them moved for several moments. The guy was in a spot Smith couldn’t really see him. Damn it, the sun was about to set soon. Everything was dark.    “Okay… I want you to stand on up, and walk over here slowly.” Smith sighed. He felt like he was gonna faint any moment now.   “Okay-! Alright. Just… Don’t freak out, okay?” The man was a lot calmer now, and proceeded to stand up. He took each step forward with caution, and didn’t take his eye off Smith or the shotgun for even a second. And the smoker right there and then almost fainted from what he saw.    “I’m sorry, you just looked… Wait, you’re injured.” Was what the man had to say. The guy had his brown hair in a small ponytail, he was terribly obese, he wore a blue coat with a white shirt underneath it, and he looked at Smith not with fear anymore. But with concern. “I heard gunshots not too far away. Were people trying to hurt you.” Still frozen in place, Smith just continued staring at the man. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The guy seemed completely normal, yeah. Except for the bulging tumor covering his right eye, and the two smaller ones visible on his neck.
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angelical-sinner · 5 years
The Sacred Hunt
Seraphina (OC) finds herself being hunted by the Seed family because now they know her secret; about what she truly is. And they’d stop at nothing to get her.
Warnings: Swearing, mild violence, guns, drugs
Her feet stomped through the forest floor, leaves and vegetations crushing beneath them, arms pushing twigs and foliage out of her way with a ferocity that left scratches on her already scarred skin, the flimsy black tank top not providing much shielding, while panicked and labored breaths escaped her mouth.
She didn’t know how long she had been running, didn’t have the time or the luxury to count either. After her secret got out to the Seeds it had been actual literal hell since. They didn’t give her any break, knowingly waiting for her to give up or tire out if they didn’t catch her, whatever came first.
The added foreign weight from the protrusions on her back didn’t help either. They’d catch her at this rate, unless she found some superb hiding spot soon, by some fucking miracle, it would game over. The wings made her too easy to spot and slowed her down.
And now they were using some new… bullets of a kind on her. Well, they weren’t bullets, didn’t sound like them, not the one they used to use with the stupid Bliss, they had apparently lost their effects on her. Of course, they were quick to improve on that.
She could hear those damn peggies distantly yelling through the forest, their voices echoing through the endless walls of trees everywhere, probably tight on her heel. Someone in particular was relentless in their pursuit; a certain Seed to be specific.
“I’ll find you girl!” the voice taunted, words echoing through the trees. Fucking John Seed, with his stupid fucking coat, and stupid fucking face. He managed to rile her up like no one else she has ever encountered before. But she had to give it to him, he was nothing but not good at annoying ever-loving shit out of everyone. Also, he was a bit of a speedy bastard too. While Jacob was the better hunter of the brothers, the youngest brother was quick on his feet.
“Come out my dear, I just wanna talk!” Sure you do. His voice broke at the last word, sounding almost panicked and distressed. She wasn’t sure if he actually was, most likely not. Her own mind was too panicked and she couldn’t let him coax her out and reveal her position. If he was panicked it was only for himself; afraid of failing. She was told to be cautious around him, cautious of all the Seeds and their goons. She really did try to be. Of fuckin course it backfired on her, just like everything else in her life did.
She had just made it up past a smaller hill, and slid down at the other side, the many leaves making it easy. And she found something worth vile, a hollowed tree trunk, connecting through the hill she just slid down from. It might be either her best or worst option. She couldn’t keep going like this, she needed a break desperately, her lungs burning and breath being as erratic as it was. And John was too close for comfort. She made her decision then.
Hiding it was. Just for a moment she told herself. Just for a moment…
“We are not here to hurt you! We only wish to help you! How many times do we need to tell you?!”
As many as you like, since I’ll never believe you!
She crawled inside the tree trunk, it luckily being spacious enough for both her and the added pair of feathered bits that adorned her back. Okay, it was actually a bit crammed but it was passable as a hiding place for now, and had an exit in back if she needed it. She tried to calm her down her breathing, as it had almost spiraled out of control.
There was a crunching outside then and she sat completely still. He was almost right outside, the leaves crunching underneath his feet, giving his position away. “You can’t hide forever my angel; you know that…” He was right outside; she was sure of it now. Her hammered heart hammered uncontrollably; she was almost sure he’d hear it.
“…and I know that. So…”
He stopped right outside of the tree trunk, his jeans and shoes now visible in her view.
Shit… did he know?
She held her breath, not trusting it to go unnoticed. She decided to close her eyes too for good measure, and for the first time in years she prayed; prayed to fucking god and hoped he would hear her plea for once in her life.
The was a sound, the sound of… rustling clothes and leaves. She still sat completely unmoving.
“… won’t you please come out dearest?” his voice was gentle, amused, but gentle, inviting even, but she knew better than to trust it.
She reluctantly opened her eyes again and was meet with a pair of baby blues, staring at her like he couldn’t believe his own eyes, almost like she was a meal. He had kneeled down outside of the trunk and held out his hand to her. The bastard must have known the entire time, but was simply playing with his food.
“Please.” The smile he wore was warm and kind but she didn’t believe the act.
She remembered the exit in the back at that moment. At that thought Sera instinctively shrunk further back into the hollowed trunk, but the second she did his look hardened and the facade fell, as if a flip had been switched.
“Seraphina.” The warning was clear as a day in his voice. She sat unmoving again and starred at him.
He smiled lightly again, pleased that she stopped. Like she thought; an act.
“Good. Now take my hand.” The tone in his voice had gotten close to desperate.
Like hell she would take his hand. That got her moving.
“No stop- “
With all the vigor and might she possessed, she shoved herself backwards all the way through the trunk, got on her feet again and kept sprinting.
“Wait- Seraphina, we won’t hurt you, please stop running!” Nah!
Let the game of cat and mouse resume.
As she ran, she could hear the distant yelling of John behind her, no doubt announcing that he had found her. She didn’t pay it any mind and kept her nose forward. She had to leave the area. They evidently had planes too, the loud things flying by above, trying desperately to get an eye on her. Fortunately for her, the forest was too dense for them to spot her. For once she was feeling a little optimistic again.
But after she had failed to notice a truck full of peggies waiting on her when she tried crossing a road, she literally thought it couldn’t get any worse. They must have heard John’s radio call.
Well shit! That was just her luck striking again. Fucking forest. They really were closing in on her now. And she was getting tired at this point. Nonetheless, Sera wasted no time in dashing onward and disappearing into the horde of pine trees, the peggies shouting their lungs out behind her. No doubt they would reveal her location with every other search party out here.
Other than that, everything’s peachy, she thought sarcastically. She had to get out of the forest but it was fucking endless and she lacked a map. Conveniently, the forest was packed with everything forest and provided her with cover. Unfortunately, it provided cover for others as well, others she didn’t see, until they showed themselves, that is.
She had scampered past tree after tree for a good solid five minutes when something fired and hit the tree right behind her to her left, the wood splintering on contact. Shit! The sound startled the crap out of her and made her stop in her tracks instantly, trying to locate the source of the shooter. She had a feeling it was purposely meant to scare her to a hold.
Suddenly, the crack of a branch in the distance got her attention.
When he simply stepped into her line of sight from behind a tree, she realized she was right. Had that fucker had been waiting for her? Of course he had.
She’d recognize the redhead anywhere; Jacob Fucking Seed.
“Fancy seeing you around here, pup.” He was still wearing that camo jacket of his, holding onto his signature red rifle, the color contrasting to the rest of the green around them. He eyed her up and down with a smug look, especially her wings, seeming rather fascinated and taken with them, and obviously relished the alarmed expression she wore.
She didn’t stick around to reply, just turned and dashed, her brain having for sure entered flight mode now if it hadn’t already. Her legs were burning again with how much she kept pushing them, but the adrenaline kept her upright and going. She was so screwed now.
But before she could even think to glimpse behind her, she was tackled to the ground, falling forward into the leaves on the forest floor with a landing that knocked the air out of her lungs. With him on top of her he strategically held her down with the help of his weight and with a hand by the back of her neck.
“Gotcha pup.” That fucker really enjoyed this, hunting her and everything. She hissed and groaned underneath him.
“You sure can run, but not fast enough, eh?” He let out a hearty laugh. She attempted to flip the both of them with her wings, aiming to even the odds a bit, but he only pressed down harder on her neck and then on her wings in return, making her yelp in discomfort.
“Uh uh pup, you’re staying down.” He feigned disappointment in her, seemingly amused by her actions.
“Careful with the wings now. Wouldn’t want to break them, now would we?” John. She didn’t hear him get here at all. He did in spite of this sound concerned about the way Jacob was handling her.
She heard, Jacob she guessed, snorting. “They wont break that easily, John. Now take over, will you? She’s a feisty one.” John happily complied and was too swift for her to break free, and effortlessly wrestled her back down. John was a tad bit leaner than his redheaded brother but his strength wasn’t lacking. He couldn’t help but let out a giggle, finally having her in his grasp.
“Still, we should careful with her, especially something so…” he reached down to stroke her cheek, fingers grazing her skin affectionately. She snarled at his touch. “…divine.” He finished, completely enamored by her. She could only imagine the eyeroll Jacob conjured at that.
“My god, this is amazing…” he was muttering now, John, undoubtedly to himself. She couldn’t help but roll her own eyes at him.
She heard the crunching of the leaves and noticed some of the hunters had showed up to the scene, their eyes all on her, currently being crushed underneath the jerk head John. When she felt him stroke and caress her wings however, sensitive as they were, she got real pissed. She decided to busy herself with trying to wrestle John off of her, him being way to comfortable up there and too handsy with her wings for her liking. He needs to learn to keep his paws to himself. It proved difficult when lying on her stomach, and opted to smack her wings back into him in an attempt to shake him off. She succeeded in whacking him across the face, resulting in a wail and complaint from John. Moron.
“Hmm, seems she still got some fire in her. Let’s snuff it out, huh pup?”
She immediately looked up, not liking where this was going. One of the hunters gave him a… gun? Or a rifle, no a small rifle. It looked unusual. But he had that wicked smirk of his plastered on his face, that was never good news. When he pointed the thing at her, she instantly began struggling and thrashing about with all she had, nearly tossing John of in the process, who hadn’t expected the surge of strength from her.
“Relax pup and enjoy your nap.” Wait, what? She heard the gun click softly, and was immediately met with sharp sting on the back of her shoulder, a cry escaping her at the impact. Her whole backside became numb first, spreading quickly. It didn’t feel like Bliss… What… the hell did he use…?
“That should calm her for a while, give it a minute or two to work. I’ll radio Joseph in the meantime, tell him we’ll meet at your bunker.” Jacob spoke so nonchalantly. She thinks it was Jacob at least… he sounded so distant…
The whole world started blurring and spinning, and she found herself going completely slack underneath John’s hold. She thinks he lessened the grip slightly; she wasn’t sure of anything any longer, her body and head feeling heavy.
“Mhm…” that was all she could whimper out.
She felt someone stroke her hair before the world went black.
“Finally ours… finally mine.”
Should this have second part? Let me know! 👀
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bby-bxrnes · 7 years
Music To My Ears
Ship: Musician!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Your best friend drags you to watch her boyfriend’s band practice where the hot guitarist immediately catches your eyes. 
Words: 2232
Warnings: Fluff, Flirty!Bucky, Implied Smut, kissing, 
A/N: What else can I say but thank you once again to @myattemptatfanfic for all her help on this, she’s really such a great friend omg also I have no idea how a party works, I am a nerd and have never been to one.
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“Wake up, Y/N! It’s already 4!” you were rudely awakened by your best friends voice ringing out through your apartment. You grudgingly got up and stomped dramatically over to your door and threw it open to see Natasha standing there, all dolled up, hands on her hips. “What do you want?” you groaned, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. “Get dressed. We’re going to a party.” she said, ushering you back into your apartment and walking straight into your room. 
“At 4 in the afternoon?” you groaned, shutting the door and trudging back to your bedroom to find her rifling through your clothes. “Party doesn’t technically start till 7, but I promised Steve I’d be there early.” she said, looking disdainfully at a pair of old mom jeans that were strewn across your desk chair. “Great. Third wheeling.” you grumbled, flopping down face first onto your bed. “Do you own anything other than jeans and t-shirts?” she huffed dramatically. “Nope. That’s all I wear.” you replied, feeling yourself start to drift back to sleep. “Guess it’ll have to do for today. Hey! Get up, get your ass in the shower, then get dressed.” she said, throwing a pile of clothes at you. “Yes, mother.” you snarked, getting up and taking your pile of clothes into the bathroom. 
You took as slow of a shower as you could, just to piss Natasha off, before drying yourself thoroughly and looking over what Nat had picked out for you. A pair of light wash ripped skinny jeans, a black Ramones shirt and an army green jacket, finished off with your favorite black Dr. Martens. As you unfolded the pile of clothes, a pair of black lacy underwear and a matching bra fell out, making you roll your eyes. Of course Natasha would pick out your skimpiest underwear in the event that you actually met someone at the party. You got dressed and half-heartedly did your hair before emerging from the bathroom to find Natasha lounging on your bed on the phone with her boyfriend. “Okay, yeah, we’re leaving now. See you in a little bit babe. Love you too.” she said before hanging up and standing, gesturing for you to do a twirl. 
“Alright, let’s go.” she said, tossing you your phone and keys then grabbing you by the arm and literally dragging you out the front door. “What kind of party is this anyways?” you grouched on the way there, slouching sullenly in the passenger seat of Natasha’s car. “Steve’s band is having a house party. It’s gonna be small but it’ll be fun. Now cheer up, don’t want you to be a party pooper.” she said, pulling up to the curb outside her boyfriend’s house. “Whatever.” you grumbled, following her up the driveway into the open garage. “Tasha!” her boyfriend exclaimed, rushing to her and picking her up in a bear hug. “Hey baby!” she laughed, pressing a peck to his lips and making you make a gagging noise. Third wheeling sucks. Your noise made Steve turn his attention to you, who then set Natasha down and picked you up in another hug. 
“Y/N. So glad you could make it!” he said, practically squeezing the life out of you. “Yeah, yeah. Not willingly though.” you grumbled, still grumpy from having your beauty sleep interrupted. “Well geez, miss grumpy pants.” he chuckled, finally setting you down. “Feel free to make yourselves at home, we’ll be making sure everything is in order before the party actually starts. Hopefully Buck will make it here on time for once.” Steve said, showing you where everything was before walking back to the makeshift stage and talking to his bandmates. You dropped onto one of the couches and sulked for a bit, glaring at Natasha as her and Steve played grabass. After you realized that they were too caught up in each other to pay any attention to you, you pulled out your phone and started scrolling through your various social media. 
“Bucky, geez finally!” Steve exclaimed as a figure walked by you. You weren’t at all interested in the new arrival until you heard his voice. “Hey, Stevie. Sorry I was almost late.” he snarked, voice low and gravelly. You glanced up, and practically did a double-take. The newcomer, Bucky as Steve had called him, had short- cropped brown hair and wore an old leather jacket on top of a black Rolling Stones muscle shirt, long legs covered with ripped black jeans and black boots on his feet. You sneakily watched him over your phone as he took his guitar out, which was covered in stickers and had the initials ‘JBB’ in red tape as well. 
He started setting it up, laughing as Steve attempted to lecture him on being punctual, not at all seeming intimidating with an enthusiastic red-head hanging off of him, occasionally peppering kisses all over his cheek. “Tash, I’m trying to intimidate him.” he whined, making both Natasha and Bucky fist-bump. “Don’t be late next time, Barnes.” Natasha said in a mock serious voice, making Bucky give her a joking salute before slinging his guitar over his head and adjusting the strap. Your eyes flicked back to your phone as to avoid being caught staring. The band began running bits of their songs, checking to make sure everything was working properly. 
Natasha walked back over to you and handed you a cup of something, you hoped it was alcohol. “Enjoying yourself, grumpy?” she asked, a broad smile plastered on her face. “Whatever. I’d rather be at home watching Netflix.” you grumbled, taking a sip of what she handed you, frowning when it wasn’t alcohol. “Liar. I saw you ogling Barnes.” she teased, nudging her shoulder into yours. Your face flushed and you hid it by taking another drink from your cup. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you denied, sneaking a glance over to the stage where Bucky was already watching you. You blushed bright red and looked away, right into Natasha’s knowing eyes. “Shut up.” you grumbled, chugging the rest of your drink and setting the now empty cup on the table in front of you. 
Soon it was 7 and more people began filling into the garage, mingling, everyone seeming to know the other. You continued to sit by yourself, messing around on your phone as you waited for the band to start playing. From what you had heard during practice, you thought you’d enjoy their set. “Hey, I’m glad you guys came out, I hope you enjoy the show.” Steve’s voice rung out through the small space, prompting you to finally stand up and shove your phone into your back pocket. You pushed your way close to the front of the crowd, close enough to have a clear view but not close enough to be in the very front. 
You were mesmerized by Bucky as his nimble fingers danced over the fretboard of his guitar, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him even as some not-so-pure thoughts began to invade your mind at the sight of the dexterity he obviously had with his hands. He was so engrossed in the song, eyes closed, head tilted back as he played. He had removed his jacket before he started playing, the low cut sleeves on his tank showing off his toned stomach as he moved around and got lost in the music. He was downright sexy without even trying and even you couldn’t deny it. You began to let loose and enjoy yourself, following Bucky as he reveled in the rush of performing. You started to dance, hips swaying to the beat, hands running through your hair, mussing it up. 
Little did you know, Bucky’s eyes were locked on you as he saw you let go of your bad mood and just enjoy the music. He was transfixed by the way you moved, blocking out the other girls who were trying to catch his attention near you. Near the end of the set, you began coming back to your senses, coming back to reality, allowing yourself to listen to the conversations around you. “Do you see the guitarist? He is so hot!” some blonde exclaimed from beside you. “I know right! I’m gonna talk to him after the show.” her friend said. Your mood suddenly plummeted again, realising that someone like him wouldn’t go for someone like you. 
You retreated back to your spot on the couch, sinking into yourself and going back to playing on your phone. You heard the set finish and the crowd erupt in loud cheers. You couldn’t help but look up as the crowd dispersed and the girls from earlier closed in on him. From your spot on the couch, you could hear their entire conversation. “Hey ladies, enjoy the show?” he asked, and you could hear the smile in his voice. “Yes! You were so good. I’m Shannon.” the blonde said, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw her run her fingers over his arm. You felt your face flush in anger and you rolled your eyes. “Yeah, I’m Bucky. Look, I’m glad you enjoyed the show, but I’ve got something to do.” he said, suddenly sounding awkward and nothing like the confident man you saw on stage. You glanced up in time to see him push past the girls, who now have such offended looks on their faces, and walk over to you, settling on the couch next to you. 
He smirked over at you, letting his arm rest behind you on the couch. “What’s wrong with the two bimbos over there begging for your attention? Too easy?” you snarked, attitude from earlier back. “Nah, they’re not my style. You on the other hand,” He trailed off, a genuine smile replacing his smirk. “What classifies as ‘your style’, may I ask?” you asked, shifting your body to face him. “Badass, loves music, good music of course, sassy, must I go on?” he asked, making a small smile form on your face. “I’m Y/N.” you finally conceded, allowing your bad mood to slip away again. “Bucky. Nice to officially meet you.” he said, sticking out his free hand for you to shake. You and Bucky hung out for the rest of the party, just talking and getting to know one another. 
At the end of the night, after everyone else had slowly filtered out, you looked around the garage and found that Natasha and Steve were nowhere to be seen. You let out a loud groan, causing Bucky to stop talking and look at you, confused. “What is it, doll?” he asked, using the nickname he had given you about 10 minutes into your conversation. “Nat and Steve are probably off fucking and I have lost my ride home.” you said, hearing a suspicious thud come from somewhere inside the house. “I’ll drive ya home.” Bucky volunteered, standing up and offering his hand for you to take. You hesitated for a moment, then another thud was heard from inside the house and you took his hand and stood up, smiling gratefully at him. He gathered his guitar case from where he had left it and led you outside, you sending a quick text to Natasha, informing her that Bucky was driving you home. You slid into the passenger seat and gave him your address before the two of you fell into a companionable silence, each of you sneaking glances at the other when the other wasn’t looking. 
He parked outside of your building, immediately getting out and rushing over to the passenger side and opening the door for you, helping you out. “You don’t have to walk, me up, y’know?” you couldn’t help but smile as the two of you start to walk together up to your apartment. “I want to though.” he smiled, hands resting in the pockets of his jacket. “Well, this is me.” you said, leaning against the wall outside your apartment door and looking at him. You watched him lick his lips and look from your eyes to your lips, then back up to your eyes. “You gonna kiss me goodnight, or what?” you asked, surprising yourself with your forwardness. “Don’t need to ask me twice.” he smirked before stepping forwards and cupping your face between his hands, pressing his lips to yours. You kissed him back eagerly, hands clutching at his shirt. 
“You’ve been driving me crazy all night, doll. The way you danced, couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” he whispered between heated kisses, hands drifting down to grip your waist. His words along with his tight grip on you elicited a moan from your lips, causing him to pull back and look at you with lust filled eyes. “God your moan is fucking music to my ears darlin’.” he groaned, pressing his lips back to yours, attempting to draw more of those noises from you. “Let’s go make some more music then.” You suggested, making his eyes widen and he nodded furiously. You turned to unlock your door hastily, Bucky making it hard as he pressed his front to your back, decorating your neck with open mouthed kisses and grinding his now hard length into your ass. As you finally got the door open, pulling Bucky inside by his collar, you mentally thanked Natasha for picking out your clothes today. 
Everything List: @rick-morty-reblogs @myattemptatfanfic @feelmyroarrrr 
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ask-the-architect · 7 years
Chapter 1-The birth of a hero
In this world they say all men are created equal but that is never the case, especially in my world. In this world most of the population has some sort of power or quirk, but as I said not all men are created equal and it’s the same for quirks. With the rise of people with abilities there always has to be someone to cause chaos and those who try to restore and defend order.
These people are called heroes and villains, and the story I shall tell you is of the greatest heroes of our time, myself included so now I shall tell you my origins of me becoming one of these great heroes.
To tell you my story I must tell of the people who made me my father and my mother. When people with quirks became common the armies of the world began mass drafts replacing the regular soldiers with those with quirks which quickly became the norm. This particular soldier I’m talking about is one of the few quirkless people left in the army and one of the best soldiers ever. Colonel Jackson, my father.
Currently he was a marine stationed in Japan and was walking around enjoying the culture and becoming accustomed to the country. After about a few months on a fateful day he met a newly graduated hero who was called Amaterasu, my mother. On this day there was a large break out of the countries worst villains and as a last line of defense If the heroes could not stop the villains they sent in both armies from abroad and home. When the soldiers gained their positions the heroes started taking on the villains. This battle became very intense and grueling for both sides and infront of the soldiers came a giant of a man with hulking muscles and super strength. Before he could make his way past the soldiers a woman wearing a costume blocked the man with a wall of flames.
She wore an blue flame mask that resembled Phoenix wings that stood infront of her fire red eyes and flowing blue hair. On her body she wore a light blue battle ready kimono that stopped at her knees with black tights. She wore black long boots that went up to her shins. She charged towards the hulking man with her flames to protect the soldiers behind her. For a few minutes it appeared she had the upper hand but she began to pant and grow tired because of her earlier confrontations with the earlier villains. Seeing this the villain known as Goliath. Slammed her to the ground with a punch and stomped on her legs causing her to scream out in pain. Colonel being the person directly behind her could not allow this to continue it just wasn’t in his nature. Even if he didn’t have a quirk he would fight. So he charged rifle in hand with the shouts of his fellow officers behind him trying to get him back into the form. But he paid them no mind and continued as Goliath had his foot over her face to kill her colonel sprinted and threw a flash bomb that reeled Goliath back and gave him enough time to scoop her up before the villain could finish his fight. Colonel carried her bridal style into the regiment. He looked at her now uncovered face and saw in his words pure beauty but he couldn’t be distracted. When he made it into the regiment they noticed steam coming off of her noticing that her wounds were healing very quickly. Colonel handed her to the nurses and told all those under him to protect her.
When his order was delivered he took off his helmet and gear knowing they would slow him and behind him his best friend named Charles called to him,
“What do you think your doing Jack, this is suicide”
“I’m going to fight, like we were trained to”
“Jack you’re quirkless you can’t fight him this is literally David vs Goliath you don’t have a chance, just let the heroes do it!”
“Charles, the heroes are getting pushed back what’re we here for if we don’t fight now if you all will excuse me I have a giant to topple” he took off the rest of his heavy gear leaving him in his jacket cargo pants and boots. With the only thing in his hand being his rifle and a knife on his belt.
With a war shout he charged towards Goliath who still slightly blinded from the flash bomb bellowed angrily at the soldier and swung his hands randomly at his outline to knock him away like a bug but colonel caught his hand and used the momentum he had and swung him around in his back with his own muscles screaming from exhaustion but he continued not wanting to give the giant a chance to regain his footing ran and used his rifle to shatter the giant’s knee caps causing it to roar in pain, but colonel was not done he continued and shattered his elbows and knocked him out toppling the giant. When this was done colonel called out to his fellow soldiers and moved his left hand and screamed.
“Come on its time to attack follow me!” The once fearful soldiers yelled a Great War cry and charged with a now healed Amaterasu. Seeing Goliath fall many villains rushed to escape or get payback. And to those who tried to attack colonel he battled them easily either knocking them out or putting them out of commission. When Amaterasu made it to Colonel she thanked him and told him to duck which he did as she sent a large blue fireball towards a villain knocking them out.
“You wouldn’t mind me working with me would you colonel?” She asked.
“It would be my honor now let’s finish this fight and get these scumbags back in jail!”
“I couldn’t have said it better myself!” The pair weaved a path of destruction through the villains and after about an hour of fighting with the help of All might it became a no win situation for the villains as they either gave up or were captured. In the aftermath the soldier and the heroine were talking when Jack asked her.
“Would you mind going out for dinner so we could know each other better? My treat of course”
“Well it depends on my schedule but I’ll definitely try!”
“Great, so Saturday night?”
“Yes that would be delightful”
They both indeed went on their date and that date became two, then three, and so on until Jack proposed to Hoshiko and she immediately said yes pulling him into a bear hug. They each travelled and met each other’s family and after they decided to have a marriage at the military base with Jack wearing his mess dress suit with Hoshiko wearing a white and blue dress. Eventually the two had a son.
“Congratulations Mr and Mrs Igarashi it’s a boy” the doctor said as he handed them the baby. When they received hem they saw tufts of black and blue hair and light brown skin. When Hoshiko received him They both had a peaceful and happy smiles as they both played with the child.
“Heheh so what should we name the little charmer” Jack asked. Hoshiko looked at the child again and saw his hair and how they reminded her of a storm.
“How about Arashi?”
“Storm huh, with that hair it sure does fit ha! Arashi Igarashi Jackson it is then” the baby giggled at his new name.
“He likes it alright that’s what his name is.” They each hugged and went home.
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