#but some people also aren’t caught up so i guess Yay for those people…?
literaphobe · 1 month
you’ve heard of And There Was Only One Bed, now get ready for There Were Actually Several Beds, Including Ones You Built With Your Bare Hands, Because You’re Really Good At Making Beds, But I Shared A Bed With You Once And Now I Can’t Sleep Unless You’re Next To Me Anymore, Sorry I Know You Put A Lot Of Effort Into My Bed, Can I Still Crawl Into Yours?
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regurgitatedskeleton · 3 months
Breath of the Wild part 3:
- found another nut thing because I stacked some boxes, but the guy wants two
- got to the village
- bought a stealth hat yay
- spoke to an old lady
- she said come back when I wanna risk my life so I left
- but then I had nothing to do so I came back
- climbed a mountain looking for a shine
- found one but saw a bunny
- bunny vanished
- found a big cactus asking for money. I don’t trust it but whatever here goes nothing
- damn she’s big
- I guess she can enhance my stealth mask then. That’s nice of her
- oh she’ll let me enhance my pants too, that’s nice
- that robot in the shrine was kinda hard and it broke half my weapons but I guess it’s nice to know how to dodge
- Nevermind these chests just gave me better weapons lol
- heading towards the other village
- killed a couple of deer (?) with a boomerang. I caught on the second one. Also killed a fox with an arrow. I hope there’s no inventory limit on materials
- I see a giant. I hope he is friendly
- he wasn’t friendly. I jumped off a cliff
- travelled back to the duelling peaks tower and climbed a mountain for a shrine. It had a riddle so I went to the other one
- copied the pattern. Didn’t find a chest??
- went to the first one again and found the chest
- got another Korok seed because I pushed a boulder between some trees after getting the second chest
- plan was to glide into that spike shrine I found earlier and it worked well
- I liked that one, it was fun
- hey it’s Beedle. I remember him from Phantom Hourglass
- sold him a sapphire hope those aren’t useful
- the (second) greatest horse trainer challenged me and was very offended when I refused lol
- tamed a horse. I got a brown and wanted grey but it’s okay I guess
- something about Misko treasure
- tried horse combat. Didn’t like it
- who plants flowers like this. I get it’s a maze but Magda’s a bit silly imo
- turns out you can blow up chests. Good to know
- I wonder if Magda will be mad if I use my sword on her flowers
- meh she just seemed a bit upset
-found another stable. Some guy wants me to go to apparently the most dangerous place to ever danger and find a cookbook? He’s gonna be waiting a while lol
- floated around with a chicken. Just for old times sake lol
- found another temple/shrine thing
- those climbing things took a while to line up but we got there
- some rocks tried to kill me so I threw some bombs at them
- there was a big tower but too many guardians. I couldn’t climb the tower without being targeted so I give up
- imma climb a mountain
- found heaps of herbs
- found a shit tonne of apple trees so I’m cutting them down
- I hope this lightning won’t be an issue
- I picked up a rock in a tree and found another Korok seed that’s nice
- I dropped the rock on the guy oops
- almost got hit by lightning but it just set the tree on fire. Starting to think this lightning isn’t just for aesthetics
- that tree got hit a lot. I did not. Happy days
- I’m in Shae Loya shrine if that means anything
- yeah idk what to do I’m leaving
- this guy at the stables gave me 500 rupees to find a fairy. I wasn’t planning to but I found her pretty easily
- this is like the fifth person to complement my appearance lol
- found another shrine with a bunch of big trolls (?) everywhere
- got into the shrine but it’s a combat trial and I’m scared so imma just go
- gave the fairy guy the good news, he seemed happy
- went back to the leaf guy to get more bag space and now he’s gone off somewhere idk
- okay I should probably get beck to the area I should be in
- started heading towards my actual objective, which is Hateno (?) village
- found like a graveyard of guardians and one started shooting that’s rude
- I tamed a horse on the way, I’m starting to like them it’s faster
- the horse got stuck in some rocks while I was looking for somewhere to register it. RIP that I guess
- got to Hateno and got a lovely tour
- committed some arson for the lovely people and can now take pictures
- heading towards that other guy they said could help
- ran into some fish guy guess I have to go to his house now
- it was an interesting trail full of running away but the fish people seem to think I’m courageous enough. Except for the ones that hate me of course
- I never knew that Link had a love interest but here we are I guess
- gotta swim up some waterfalls next time guess
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Self-Worth Spirals
Bananas are in the dehydrator, refrigerator pickles are chillilng in the fridge, and I’m taking a break (sort of; there’s some uploading shit to do because I’m determined to get this all done this week) between that and boiling up my beets. I didn’t sleep well because apparently either the floors are way thinner than they need to be or my upstairs neighbours are unspeakably loud during sex. So I got treated to about a half-hour of that. Which, I mean, cheers to the stamina, I guess, but please, for my sanity, get a carpet. And I can’t go take a nap now because a) the expected pain flare from last night’s Great Vanilla Fudge Experiment has caught up with me, and b) one of my neighbours on this floor (next door or across the hall; I can’t tell) are doing some quite loud home maintenance. Yay.
My brain is weird. Not bad, not even particularly inefficient, but weird nonetheless. I was slicing bananas and going kind of Zen about it, thinking about the comments I get from mutuals who are enjoying reading about my forays into kitchen and garden experimentation, combined with the people at my office being like, “Oh, but that sounds like so much effort, though”. Somehow, those thoughts collided to actually answer the question of why I spend so much time and effort on stuff like this, and why I started in the first place.
Answer: “I’m having to make an insane effort to feed myself anyway; might as well have some fun with it”.
Because, seriously, all of this started after the fibromyalgia diagnosis. I mean, even before that, food was more of a chore than it is for a lot of people. Not all people, but a lot of people. Because dietary requirements. Dairy I can just about do with proper preparation and the right supplements - that or very small amounts. (Butter on a potato won’t upset me too badly; a bowl of ice cream will.) Gluten? Thaaaaaaat’s a problem. It doesn’t take much at all to set me off, and so much convenience food has wheat flour in it somewhere, either as a base ingredient or as a thickener. While you can get ready meals and the like that are gluten-free, the range is very narrow and it’s expensive for what you get. Hell, even getting things like gluten-free pasta is tricky, since every brand has a different recipe and some aren’t bad while others are awful, so it’s a crap-shoot at best. (So far Sainsbury’s wins for gluten-free pasta. I will no longer touch Tesco gluten-free pasta, because it is really gross.) So effectively I was living on a fairly limited menu.
And then the fibromyalgia came along and made things worse. Couldn’t work full time anymore, so reduced wage. A lot of money was going on painkillers, and the price of prescriptions went up. Brexit plus Covid meant a lot of shortages and higher prices. (That’s not even going into the mess we have now.) Most of all, everything hurt. Every activity just hurt, and was going to, forever.
This, you can imagine, got depressing. Still is, sometimes. But somewhere along the line I guess I thought, “Well, if I’m going to cause myself pain, it’s going to be for something inventive, something fun, instead of just whatever seemed easiest”. So I started my garden - yeah, watering the plants every day is a struggle sometimes, but strawberries and herbs and tomatoes! I knew that fruit was a good idea but it always went bad on me before I could finish it all, and buying bags of dehydrated fruit was expensive, so I got the dehydrator and it’s still one of the best investments I’ve ever made. I got my baking dish and learned to make lasagne and pasta bakes and cottage pie, because that meant one evening’s effort in the kitchen would feed me for almost a week instead of just a day or two, which meant less effort and pain in the long run. Kind of like buying in bulk, but for physical pain instead of sticker shock.
Not only is all this fun, but it also gives me a sense of ... accomplishment and self-worth, which are two distinct things in this instance. The accomplishment is easy - “I made that! Go, me!”, but the self-worth doesn’t have anything to do with having to make these nice things to be worthy of the space I occupy in the world. See, I’ll make this kind of effort for others without a thought, but the fact that I’m willing to make this effort for myself? For my own comfort and enjoyment and happiness? It’s basically me saying, “I am worth this effort. My long-term happiness is worth a little pain, effort, and inconvenience”. I guess if I can think that about myself, I can accept it better when others think it about me. And I have examples of it almost every day. I can sit down to a lasagne full of fresh herbs from my own garden, or go to the fridge and snack on some refrigerator pickles that I made just because I don’t like how most pickles in this country taste, or pack a work lunch that includes a dried fruit mix tailored exactly to my tastes. Yes, it’s nice when others enjoy these things, and I will always try to share when I can. But at the end of the day, I made these things for me. I thought I was worth it. For me, that’s new, and it matters.
Honestly, it’s nice when the self-worth spiral is going upwards, instead of the usual downward trajectory.
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quickspinner · 3 years
Oops - Part 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | AO3
Summary: A little too much alcohol, a drunken hookup, it happens all the time, right? Marinette didn't mean to drink so much, and she didn't mean to wake up in a stranger's bed, but she did, and now this morning isn't going at all the way she expected. When Luka asks to see her again, she can't think of a good reason to say no...and the one night she never meant to have turns out to be the beginning of something she never could have anticipated.
Alya thinks its hysterical--only Marinette could take home a one night stand and end up with a date. But when the one night stand turns into a series of hookups, Alya's starting to get concerned. Clearly it's up to her to rein Marinette in before the girl gets seriously hurt.
Rating: M - this is a little spicier than my usual fare but not really explicit? There’s a lot of off screen sex and reference to sexy things and adult activities, some drinking (obviously), cursing/foul language. 
Credit to my tumblr followers for this one, because one day I went "hey, you guys want to see some bits from the folder of fics I'm never going to finish?" and one of the bits I posted was the beginning of this story, and people liked it more than I was expecting, and then it was "well, you know, I did think about doing blahblah" and "I'd sure love to see that!" and the next thing you know I've added five thousand words with no sign of stopping. In Marinette’s words: Oops. So, with much love to my followers and readers across platforms, here's the fic I never intended to finish, and I hope you enjoy it!
I'm splitting it into two chapters but they'll both be uploaded within a few minutes, so if you finish the first part and the second one isn't posted yet, just wait a little and try back. Also, much love to @livrever for talking me down off the ledge and beta reading this one. 
Marinette woke up with a mouth that felt like cotton and a pounding headache. She groaned, and pressed her face into the pillow. It...smelled funny. Not bad, just...not like home. 
Oh. Because she hadn’t gone home last night. At least, not to her home. 
“Are you shitting me right now?” 
Marinette jumped, and sat up, clutching the sheets to her still-naked body. Her head reeled and she whimpered as she pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead. The door to the bedroom was cracked and she could see a sliver of light beyond it that blinked in and out. It seemed her...friend, was pacing in the other room, and from the sound of it, he wasn’t very happy. 
“—crosses a line, Jean. What? No, that’s not the point, Jean, you got me hammered without my consent! How can you not see the problem here? No, you know what, my head is killing me and I’m sick of yelling at you, obviously this can’t be fixed. As of right now, we are no longer friends. Don’t call me, don’t talk to me, if you see me coming just walk the other way. I’m done with you.”
There was a thump and a sigh and an emphatic “Fuck.”  
Marinette just sat there, holding the sheet over her chest, and blinked, trying to figure out what she should do and think through the fog in her brain. She didn’t exactly have a whole lot of experience in these situations. Was she supposed to just…
Before she could form any ideas, he came in with a glass of water and a bottle of painkillers. He had a pair of tattered but well-fitting jeans on with patterned boxers peeking out from the waistband, but no shirt, and there was a lot of muscle and bare skin on display and oh God he had sex hair, and it was her hands that had done it. Marinette swallowed and twisted her fingers tighter in the sheets, suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Hi,” he said gently. “I’m Luka, in case you don’t remember. Sorry if I woke you. How are you feeling? I mean, hung over, obviously, but on a scale of just let me die to I might conceivably want to live to tomorrow …” He gave her a smile that perhaps wasn’t entirely confident, and Marinette couldn’t help a small smile back. 
“I think I’m not quite up to dancing to the metal band playing in my head, but pretty far from oh God where’s the bathroom, so I’ll take it, all things considered.” She took the glass of water he offered and he opened the aspirin bottle and shook a couple out into her palm. That was sweet, she thought. At least he wasn’t just tossing her clothes at her and kicking her out. How could she have let herself end up in a position like this?
Luka sat on the edge of the bed and watched her take the pills. “Man, you’re really gorgeous. I thought at least some of it would be the booze, but—“ He looked away, clearing his throat. “Lucky me.”
Marinette’s face burned. “Thanks,” she said softly, not sure what else to say. At least he was nice, she thought. At least she hadn’t slept with a jerk. And he’d certainly been...considerate. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t enjoyed herself, just...
“How much do you remember about last night?” he asked. His voice was rough, but he kept it soft. “I’m sorry for asking but I was way more drunk last night than I ever let myself get and I don’t think I blacked out but some things are...spotty.”
“Most of it, I think,” Marinette flashed him an embarrassed smile. “The good parts for sure. The details and...transitions, I guess, are a little hazy. I don’t remember how we got here from the club, for example.”
“But you remember being here, with me.” His eyes fell to her neck and shoulders and he winced. “Man I really marked you up, I’m sorry. I hope that’s not going to get you in trouble.” His eyes widened slightly. “Please tell me you aren’t married.”
“No,” she yelped. “No, I’m not married. Totally single.” She put her face in her hand. “Absolutely, devastatingly, recently single.” 
Luka let out a sigh of relief and gave her a sympathetic smile. “Bad breakup?”
She sighed. “Very. Bad breakup, bad best friend applying bad breakup logic that lands me my very first one night stand. Yay me.”
“Um, I’m honored?” Luka grinned sheepishly. “Although, I mean...it doesn’t have to be. Just the one night, I mean. Not that—” He cleared his throat and looked away. “Even as drunk as I was, I know I had a lot of fun last night.” He rubbed his hand through his hair. “And even before I got too drunk to function I wanted to get your number.” He rolled his eyes. “Apparently one of my so-called friends decided I needed a little extra liquid courage.” 
“I wish I had an excuse,” Marinette muttered, shoulders curling inward. “I just...didn’t want to be sad anymore.” She frowned as what he’d said and the conversation she’d overheard connected in her brain. “Are you...okay?”
“I’m pissed off,” Luka huffed, and then smiled again. “But I’m fine. I didn’t do— much I wouldn’t have done anyway. Just, not necessarily in that order, or that soon. As long as you’re okay, I’m okay.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“I’m...not sure,” Marinette sighed, adjusting her grip on the sheet she held to her chest. “I don’t know how I feel. I definitely did some things I wouldn’t have done sober. You, specifically,” she joked weakly. “Not that you aren’t—not that I didn’t—“
“I get it,” he chuckled. 
“But...I’m on birth control, and…” she turned and craned her neck to look at the spilled box and empty wrappers on the nightstand. “We used protection, and…” she looked at Luka, worrying her lip. 
“I’m clean,” he supplied.
“Me too,” she whispered, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “And you’re hot and you seem nice and it’s not like it didn’t feel good, and I definitely wasn’t sad for a while, so…” She shrugged. “I’m a little embarrassed but...I think I’m okay too.”
“Well, no need to be embarrassed with me,” Luka grinned. “I’m definitely not judging.” 
They sat smiling at each other for a moment, and then Luka seemed to remember something, because he winced. “Umm...about your dress,” he coughed. “I am so, so sorry but it seems drunk me was kinda impatient and your dress is in pieces on my living room floor.” 
Marinette just blinked at him for a moment...and then she started to laugh. Luka grinned, and then started to chuckle along with her. She laughed harder and grabbed her head. “Ow, ow, oh my God.” Without thinking she leaned forward to drop her head on Luka’s shoulder. 
He stiffened up for a second, but then relaxed, and one of his hands slipped into her hair. His fingers began to rub in small circles. 
“Mmm, that’s good,” she sighed, and felt Luka’s chuckle.
“Well that sounds familiar,” he said, his voice going a little deeper. Marinette shivered. She felt him swallow, and his face dipped slightly towards her. “I like your perfume,” he said, and had to clear his throat again. Marinette’s face warmed.
“Thank you,” she said quietly. His fingers continued to rub her aching head, and the pain actually seemed to be receding a bit, though whether from the massage or the painkillers he’d given her, she wasn’t sure.
She should sit up. He was a stranger, after all, and just because they’d—she wasn’t exactly experienced at this kind of thing but this wasn’t really fitting in with what she imagined a morning after to be like. She probably looked weird, leaning on him like...like they were a couple or something, and—
Luka’s hands shifted and began to comb gently, slowly through her hair, and Marinette let out a small moan. She felt his breath hitch and bit her lip, embarrassed. “Sorry,” she whispered.
“What for?” he asked, but there was a rough edge to his voice that—she was being silly though, he’d performed last night, and then they’d done all that drinking, and...and those other things, and it was no wonder if his voice was—
That voice was doing things to her, though, and reminding her of—things, and this time it was her breath that caught as the fingers that had been moving through her hair kept going down this time, sliding along her spine, raising goosebumps and reminding her that she was still very much naked. 
“Do you, um,” Luka began, in the exact same deep tones that had made her leave the club with him last night. “Do you have anywhere you need to be right now?” 
His fingers stilled, resting at the small of her back, and Marinette couldn’t see his face since hers was still buried in his shoulder. It was hard to think when he was so warm, and her nose was brushing his collarbone, and she’d hardly have to move to press her lips against his smooth skin. 
She barely knew him. But...well...that hadn’t stopped her last night, so...
Marinette took a deep breath, and lifted her head, sitting back slightly to look at him. His breathing was steady as he looked back at her, almost too steady, but his eyes were dark. 
“No,” she managed, barely above a whisper. 
Luka’s hands moved up her back to trail up and down her arms. “Then, do you want to stay for a while longer?” They were swaying towards each other. “Maybe…” They were kissing before he could finish the thought. Marinette put her arms around his neck automatically, but as his arms went around her, pulling her closer, she dropped her hands back down again to rub over his broad, firm shoulders. 
“Again?” he managed to get out between the fevered kisses, and Marinette made an affirmative noise, but he didn’t move until she broke away long enough to gasp, “Yes.” 
He was pulling away the sheet between them even as he wrapped one arm around her and dragged her more fully onto the bed, settling her below him with surprising gentleness. Okay, that was hot, Marinette decided, burying her fingers in his already-messy hair as he began retracing the path he’d marked along her neck last night. Last night had been a really, really stupid decision, but this? As he pulled back to look at her, eyes clear and sharp instead of the hazy, unfocused gaze he’d had the night before, and brushed her hair tenderly back from her face before kissing her again, softly, and then deeply, Marinette began to feel that this morning was by far the best decision she’d made in a long time. 
He should get up, Luka thought hazily, listening to his shower running. He should at least put his boxers back on or something. Change the sheets. Make some coffee. Something.
Instead he lay there, limp and relaxed, listening to the shower, and trying to hold on to this feeling of languid contentment.
God, he felt so good. Marinette was an amazing partner, sweet and so responsive, practically melting under his touch, firm and toned but soft in all the right places, and her little gasps and hums drove him crazy. She was bolder than he expected, an amazing kisser even drunk off her ass last night, and her mouth was so pretty and soft, and this morning...his body hummed with echoes of pleasure as he thought about it. 
He rolled over, hugging his pillow, and grinned. He could still smell her perfume. That scent was engraved in his mind; it was one of the things that was clearest to him from the jumbled mix of memories of the night before. Luka remembered dancing with Marinette, dropping his head to hear something she was saying, and inhaling that scent, vivid despite the riot of smells that permeated the dance floor. He remembered being surrounded by it in the blur that was the cab ride home. He remembered gasping it in on the living room floor...did they fall? He thought he remembered one of them tripping over the doorstep. Even just now, with all his senses full of her, he had found traces of it on her skin, at her jaw and right behind her ear. 
Luka shivered, buried his face in the pillow, and breathed deep. 
He’d played a killer set last night, he’d gone home with a beautiful woman who was great in bed, had somehow managed not to humiliate himself despite his spiked drinks, and he had nowhere to be today. This morning would be perfect if he wasn’t dead certain that Marinette was going to leave and he would never see her again. 
He really wanted to see her again. 
Which was why he hadn’t wanted things to happen this way, damn it. He sighed, this time burying his face in the pillow to muffle his groan. He was supposed to flirt with her, get her number, ask her out, think with his brain and not his—hormones. 
He was still going to kill his so-called friend. There was no justifying what Jean had done. If Victor had been working it never would have happened, but he’d called out for the night and apparently whoever had replaced him had been more than happy to make sure Luka’s drinks were stronger than advertised.
Bastards, both of them. 
Even if it hadn’t turned out too badly. 
Rock Giant blared out from his nightstand, and Luka flopped on his back and grabbed for his phone, forcing his eyes open as he answered it. “Hello?” he grumbled. 
Silence. Luka frowned, and opened his mouth, but the person on the other end finally said, “I’m looking for Marinette.” 
What? Luka frowned, and then pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it. It was pink. 
Right. Because he’d found Marinette’s dead phone on the floor this morning when he got up, and he’d picked it up and set it in his charger, while he took his own to the living room to call and yell at Jean. Then he’d hurled his phone into the couch and left it there.
“Ah,” he said, reaching up with his other hand to run his fingers through his hair. “She’s, um, in the shower. I can tell her to call you when she gets out.” 
“Tell her to call Alya. If I don’t hear from her in fifteen minutes, I’m calling the police,” the girl on the other end of the line said coldly, and then hung up.
“Oops,” Luka muttered, setting Marinette’s phone back on the nightstand with a sigh. He hoped she wouldn’t be too mad at him. He probably should have come up with a more ambiguous excuse, something she could use for a cover if she didn’t want to admit to this Alya person that she’d gone home with a guy, but he wasn’t exactly thinking on his feet this morning. 
He should get up. He sat up with a groan and swung his legs over to sit on the edge of the bed, scrubbing his hands over his face. 
He registered that the shower was no longer running at about the same time that the door opened. Luka looked up and his jaw dropped as Marinette shuffled shyly into the room.
Shit, he’d seen her naked less than an hour ago, why was he still blushing?  She was wearing two of his shirts, a t-shirt with one of his button-ups over it, open at the front and with the sleeves rolled up, cinched at her waist with her scarf from the night before. He couldn’t look away from that scarf for a moment, a pink, gauzy thing the sight of which brought Luka another vivid memory of pressing his face against her neck to inhale her perfume as he untied it. His eyes flicked up to the lovely pattern of bruises along her neck. 
“Thanks for letting me raid your closet,” Marinette said, tugging slightly at the hem of his shirt. She had what looked like a pair of his black bike shorts on underneath. They were too big for her but damn did her legs look good anyway.
“No problem,” he coughed, and cleared his throat, reaching for the glass of water that was still sitting on his nightstand. Ugh, when did he become such a horn dog, drooling like this over a woman who had already more than satisfied him. Why did Jean have to decide to be a jerk last night, of all nights. Luka didn’t want things to end like this. 
“Well, I should...If you maybe have a bag I can put my dress in? Then I can just go and get out of your hair.” Marinette couldn’t seem to be still, feet shuffling, hands fluttering, not looking at him.
I have to fix this, was the only thing he could think as he stared at her. I’ll regret it forever if she just walks out.
“Actually,” Luka said quickly, trying desperately not to sound too desperate, “I was going to ask if I could buy you breakfast.” 
That stilled her. She froze, staring at him, and he forced himself to go on. “No pressure,” he shrugged, “But the café on the corner has a great all-day brunch menu. And I’d like to make it up to you, about the dress.” He grinned sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. Marinette’s eyes followed the motion and he thought he saw pink tint her cheeks. Well, at least it wasn’t just him. “Breakfast probably doesn’t begin to cover it, but it’s a start. If you don’t mind waiting for me to shower.” 
Marinette was shuffling again. “O-okay,” she said. “I’ll, um...I’ll wait for you in the other room?”
Luka chuckled. “Sure.” He waited a moment, but when she just stood there, he tossed aside the sheet covering his lap and stood. “I’ll be quick,” he told her with a grin that he was extremely sure she didn’t see. She squeaked as he passed her and he had to smother his laughter, even as he closed the bathroom door behind him. She was too cute, and her ogling made him feel less like a creep for his own.
Then he cursed and opened the door again, leaning just his upper half out. “Oh, I need to tell you, you need to call, um, Alya? I’m really sorry, but we have the same ringtone and I answered without thinking. Can you call her back before she sends the cops after me? I can’t deal with Officer Roger this early in the morning.”
Marinette paused, and then let out a strangled laugh, dropping her head into her hand. “Yeah,” she sighed, but she was smiling when she looked up at him. “Sure, I can do that.” 
Luka smiled back. “I'll only be a few minutes.” 
He did want to be quick, but he also wanted to be clean and attractive, so he throttled back his impatience as best he could to make sure that he both smelled and looked good. The bedroom was still empty when he came in, but the door wasn’t shut all the way and he could hear Marinette on the phone. He felt a little guilty for eavesdropping, but it wasn’t as if he could help it. 
“—about that but it’s not like I ditched you on purpose. Well obviously I was wasted, Alya, so I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly.  No, I’m really fine. I’m kind of embarrassed and I feel really stupid, but...it turned out okay. Hmm? No, he’s really sweet and considerate. He’s, um, buying me breakfast, so…what? No, Alya, I’m not stupid, I know that. He’s just being nice and—okay that is none of your business! ” There was a giggle that followed that, and then her voice dropped too quiet for him to hear, and another giggle, one that made him smile from the sheer joy evident in it. “I guess I got lucky in more ways than one.” She sighed. “Anyway, you don’t have to worry about me. I really am fine. Not even sick, much. I mean I had a headache for a while, but...” She giggled again. “Luka took care of it. Mm-hmm, so good, Alya, oh my God.” Luka grinned to himself as he dug in his closet to find the stack of leftover merch he had crammed into the back corner. “Nuh uh, also none of your business. Anyway, I’m not dead in a ditch somewhere, and I’ll text you when I’m on my way back, okay?”
Stop being a smug bastard , Luka told himself, but it wasn’t working very well. Given the state she had reduced him to, it was gratifying to know she’d enjoyed herself too. Well, he had known that, he’d made sure of it, but it still felt good to hear it from her. Maybe his odds were better than he thought. He found what he was looking for and tried to turn his smirk into something less incriminating before he opened his door and emerged into the living room. From the way Marinette’s face turned red, he failed. “I really gotta go,” she mumbled into the phone, eyes on him. “Bye, Alya.” 
“I hope this will do,” Luka said, offering her the cheap mesh tote with his band logo on it. “You can keep it, we use them to bag up merch when people by t-shirts and stuff for the band...I hope it’s…”
“It’s fine,” Marinette smiled, taking the bag. The pieces of her dress were already neatly folded on the couch, and she turned away from him to put them in the bag. 
“I’m really sorry about that,” Luka told her, frowning a little. “I’m...not usually like that.”
“It’s okay,” Marinette sighed. “It was kind of flimsy, with just those straps to hold the pieces together. I’m not usually like this…” she gestured with one of the folded pieces, “either. I’m not, you know, sexy like that. I made it because I thought...well, I thought he would like it, and maybe I could wear it for a special occasion at home, but I never meant to wear it out , and then when everything happened, I thought I’d never wear it at all, but then Alya insisted that I had to wear it at least once and…” She shrugged, and slipped the handles of the tote over her arm, smiling up at him. “I’m just as happy to have an excuse not to wear it again.” 
“Well, you looked amazing in it,” Luka told her, the corner of his mouth twitching. “But I have to disagree with you about not usually being sexy. My clothes have never looked so hot.”
She tried to hide how much she enjoyed the compliment, but couldn’t quite manage it, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She’d had a breakup, he remembered, and probably wasn’t feeling too good about herself when she walked into that bar last night, dressed to the nines, and started knocking back drinks. 
Then her blue eyes flicked up to give him a look through her lashes. “I find that hard to believe,” she murmured, and then blushed. 
Oh he was gone. Luka found himself reaching for her, but stopped his hand before it touched her cheek. “Can I kiss you, Marinette?” 
Her eyebrows shot up. “Now, you’re asking?” 
“Yes, I’m asking,” Luka replied, amused. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Marinette’s eyes darted to his mouth, and then back towards the bedroom. “I don’t, um...think I can…” 
Luka chuckled. “Thanks for your opinion of my stamina, but frankly, me either. I’d be more than willing if I could, but, right here right now? I just really want to kiss you.” 
“Why?” Marinette blurted, and then covered her mouth. Luka blinked, but before he could come up with any kind of answer, Marinette straightened and squared her shoulders. “Look,” she said briskly. “I’m sorry, I just...I’ve never done this before, and I don’t know what...I don’t know what the rules are? The...etiquette, or whatever...I mean I kind of thought once we were done with…” Her eyes shifted towards his bedroom again. “I thought it was just, over? And I would go home? So I’m...I guess I’m confused. About why you’re still...um...breakfast and kissing and all that, it just…why would you still want that, after you—I mean we—aren’t we, you know…” She floundered. 
“Okay, hold on,” Luka raised his hands placatingly. “Relax, Marinette. That was kind of a lot to take in.” Luka chuckled, and looked away for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. “I’m not gonna say I’ve never done this before, but...listen, I don’t have a playbook. This isn’t...a business transaction, or whatever. I just do what feels good. Dancing with you felt good. Kissing you felt good. Everything we did after felt good. This morning felt really good.” Marinette blushed, a smile tugging at her lips. “I just feel good with you. I don’t see any reason to put a time limit on that, just because we’re, um. Worn out.” They both giggled self-consciously, and Luka reached for Marinette’s hand, cradling it in his. “If you want to go, or you need to be somewhere, or if you’re just tired of kissing me—”
“I don’t,” Marinette said quickly, taking a half step forward. “I’m...not.” Luka smiled.
“Then just do what feels g—” 
She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him, dropping the bag on the floor. Luka’s hands found her hips automatically, steadying them both from her hasty move, and the kiss softened as they both relaxed into it. 
“You’re right,” Marinette breathed, sending a shiver up his spine. “It does feel good.” 
Luka kissed her again softly, savoring the soft plumpness of her lower lip between his, and rested his forehead against hers. “I could kiss you all day,” he rumbled, and cleared his throat. “But fainting from hunger probably wouldn’t feel so good, so. We should probably go.” 
“Okay,” Marinette said, and then bit the lip he’d just been enjoying. “But maybe we could...keep doing what feels good? For a while? Until I have to go?” 
“Hell yeah,” Luka grinned, and grinned wider when she rose up and kissed him again. He picked up her bag and offered it to her, and walked her to the front door and opened it for her, his other hand still entwined with hers.
They made it to the landing when Marinette hesitated at the top of the stairs. Looking over her head, Luka saw one of his nosier neighbors staring up at them, judgment in every line of her body. Marinette was frozen under the stare, red slowly creeping up her face. He could sense the sudden panic in her, and put a hand on her hip. 
Luka leaned down by her ear. “You were the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen last night,” he murmured, smiling when Marinette shivered and turned her head slightly to listen to him, jolted out of whatever spiral she’d been in. “You completely blew my mind this morning. You’re a goddess. Own it and walk out of here like one.”
Marinette felt as if Luka’s words sank into her skin, warming her in such a way that she almost forgot what they were talking about. She was busy reliving the way he had arched against her, the praises he had whispered into her skin, the way he had clung to her, moaning as he came apart. She did that to him. 
Luka watched as Marinette bit her lip, fighting the smile that was suddenly trying to break out. He brushed his lips against her temple and she looked up at him, still blushing but with a sparkle in her eye that did things to his heart. She reached back and caught his hand, tangling her fingers with his, and marched down the stairs, offering a cheerful smile to the old lady at the bottom. “Good morning,” she said, and Luka grinned shamelessly as they walked out of the door.
When they made it out of the building Luka suddenly pulled back on her hand, and Marinette gasped as he whirled her up against the wall and leaned down. Marinette rose up on her toes to meet him, cupping his face in her hands and they kissed fiercely. Luka braced his hands on the wall and leaned into her. 
“Perfect,” he breathed, though even he wasn’t sure whether he meant her performance just now, or her in general. 
Marinette’s hands slid from his face to his shoulders as she blushed and looked down, but then she looked back up at him, beaming, and Luka couldn’t help smiling back at her as he cupped her cheek and kissed her lightly one more time. “Breakfast,” he sighed, and pushed off the wall. He held out his hand, and Marinette put hers in it, and they were both grinning as they meandered down the sidewalk. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, and Marinette sighed blissfully. 
“I feel...really good,” she answered. “Thank you.” She paused, and scrunched her nose. “Is that weird to say?” 
“No,” Luka laughed, and brought their hands to his lips to press a kiss against her fingers. “Thank you too. I had a really good time. I’m glad you did too. I’m glad that...well, with the way things started. It could have all gone really badly, or not at all, and...I’m really glad I could show you a good time.” 
Marinette blushed. “It was good. Really, um. Really good.” She sighed. “I promise I know more words than this.” 
Luka chuckled. “It’s okay. Here, it’s this one.” He opened the café door, but he didn’t let go of Marinette’s hand, following right behind her into the café. They were directed to a booth, and he tugged at her, urging her to sit next to him instead of across. 
Marinette only hesitated a moment. Do what feels good . Luka’s arm felt good against her shoulders as he laid it along the back of the booth, and he leaned down and kissed her without any trace of self-consciousness. Marinette’s fingers curled in his shirt. Kissing him felt really good. She should be embarrassed; she should be pushing him away. Hadn’t she heard over and over how important image is, and here she is making out with her one night stand, wearing his clothes, in a public diner booth. 
Do what feels good . 
It definitely felt good. 
“God that feels good,” Luka sighed as they parted, and Marinette giggled. He kissed the top of her head, and then picked up the menu as a slightly wary waitress approached. Marinette glanced up at him in surprise at the rather domestic gesture, but then quickly away again. Stupid. They’d already had that conversation. It was just an impulse, not something to read into. Marinette looked up at the waitress instead, feeling her cheeks heat. 
The waitress didn’t look phased at all. If anything, she looked bored. “Coffee?” she offered in a disinterested tone.
“Um, no, thank you,” Marinette managed to smile. “I’d like some lemon tea with honey, please.” 
The waitress nodded, and glanced at Luka. “Usual, Lu?” 
“Yeah, thanks,” Luka said, flashing a quick grin before looking at the menu again. 
“Come here often?” Marinette teased, and Luka chuckled, then coughed lightly.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “It’s close and I’m lazy, so…” He shrugged. 
The waitress returned and set down a little pot of hot water, a cup with a tea bag in it, and a container of honey. 
Marinette pulled away from Luka slightly to prepare the tea, but his arm remained behind her on the back of the booth. 
“Here,” Marinette said, sliding the tea over to him when it was ready. “This’ll help your throat.”. 
Luka blinked, and then smiled. “Thank you,” he said, and Marinette found herself blushing under his suddenly soft gaze.
“No, thank you,” she said, and he laughed as she reached over and stole his coffee cup. She sipped it carefully. It wasn’t quite as sweet as she liked it, but it was good enough. She glanced up at Luka over the rim, and he was still giving her that soft look. 
“I should figure out a ride,” Marinette murmured, looking away, and she picked up her phone.
“I can get you a cab if you want,” Luka offered, but Marinette shook her head. 
“My roommate’s boyfriend works nights around here, and he should be getting off soon. I’ll see if he can pick me up first.” She smiled at Luka. “If not, we can revisit the offer. Thank you.” 
He leaned down and kissed her again, and she kept him close for another, and her next text to Nino wasn’t entirely coherent. 
They had to disentangle from each other when their food came, but Marinette remained very aware of Luka’s arm brushing her own, and the soft smiles he gave anytime she glanced at him. She glanced away, tucking back a lock of hair to cover up the fact that she was grinning like a fool. Is this what it’s supposed to feel like? she wondered. Was this just like, afterglow or something? Would it fade away once she left?
Luka touched her shoulder and Marinette jumped. He blinked. “Sorry. I was just asking if you got your ride worked out, but I guess you were a bit zoned out.” 
“Sorry,” Marinette said quickly, and stuffed her phone back in her purse. “Yeah, Nino’s going to pick me up here in a little bit.” Luka nodded. 
He put his arm back around her when they were finished eating, and he ordered another lemon tea instead of the coffee she expected. “You were right,” he smiled. “It did help.” 
Marinette mixed it up for him again when it came, and then settled in and leaned against Luka’s side as he sipped it. He smelled nice, and he was warm, and she loved how easy he made everything feel. 
Luka watched Marinette’s eyelids begin to droop. He nuzzled her hair and kissed her temple, but she just smiled, her eyes still closed. She was adorable, and Luka sighed before jostling her slightly.
“Don’t fall asleep on me,” he warned, and Marinette blinked her eyes back open. “I don’t particularly mind, but we can’t stay in this booth all day.”
“Can’t we?” Marinette sighed. “I’m so comfortable. You’ve been...really great Luka. I’m kind of sorry it has to end.” 
Luka took a breath, and took the plunge. “Well, about that. I was hoping maybe we could see each other again.”
Marinette blinked uncomprehendingly, and then blushed as she sat up and looked at him. “Y-you mean, like a...a b-b—” 
“I mean like a date,” Luka corrected, mouth twitching. She was really too cute. “The kind with talking and dinner and movies or whatever. I’d really like to spend more time with you, Marinette. Talking, and not just...well. I’d be lying if I said I wanted to stop doing everything else, but...I want to get to know you.” 
Marinette’s eyes widened. “R-really?”
Luka tilted his head slightly. “Why are you surprised?” 
“I just don’t—I mean I didn’t think I’d be…” Marinette ducked her head, drawing circles in the ring of condensation forming around the base of her water glass. “You don’t even know me.” 
“True.” Luka raised his eyebrows, and shifted his gaze away so he wasn’t looking quite so fully at her. “That’s why I’m asking you out. I don’t know you, but I want to. If you want to call it quits now and go home and never see me again, I’ll accept that, but...it’s definitely not the way I want this to go.”
“I…” Marinette looked down, twining a finger nervously in her hair. “I don’t know, Luka. You’re really sweet and—I really did have a great time with you. It’s just…I don’t want you to get hurt because I’m on the rebound, I…I don’t know if I’m ready for another, um...relationship, right now. I mean...”
Not what he wanted to hear, but...“Okay. That’s fair,” Luka nodded, the fingers of his free hand beginning to tap the table lightly.. “What if we just keep things casual for now? We can go out sometimes, and have some fun together...do what feels good…” he squeezed her hip, and watched her try to keep back the smile that wanted to break out, “get to know each other, and if you want to see other people or whatever, I’m cool with that for now. I’d just really like the chance to spend more time with you. If it doesn’t go anywhere then…” He shrugged, “at least I tried. You’ve put me on notice now, so it’s my choice to take the risk. I think you’re worth it.” His heart was beating so fast, and the tap of his fingers picked up tempo as he watched Marinette consider. 
“Why?” Marinette whispered at last, with a sigh that hurt his heart. Her last relationship must really have done a number on her. 
Luka cupped her cheek in his hand, coaxing her to look up at him. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just...have a feeling about you. I’ve learned to trust my instincts about people. I can’t explain it logically, I just...know. You’re someone I want to know. I felt it from the moment I saw you, before I’d even had a single drink.” 
Marinette pursed her lips, looking up at him. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to live up to that,” she said after a long moment.
Luka let his thumb stroke lightly against her lower lip. “You don’t have to live up to anything. Just be you, and let what happens happen.” He bent and kissed her, slipping a hand behind her neck to get a better angle as he plundered her mouth in a way that was definitely not appropriate for a public place. Luka was pretty far beyond caring at the moment though. That this gorgeous, sweet, vibrant woman, could question that someone might be drawn to her, attracted to her for more than a passing moment...it just wasn’t right. 
Marinette relaxed into him with a quiet moan. Her hand slipped under his jacket and pressed into his chest, feeling him up shamelessly, and his own fingers tightened on her hip. 
“So,” he breathed, when he finally let her slip reluctantly away. “What do you say?”
Marinette looked up at him, and bit her reddened lip, and then quietly asked, “Are you free this weekend?”
Luka grinned. “Actually, not so much, I’m usually playing gigs on weekends...how about Thursday? That way I don’t have to hurry away.”
Marinette hummed, and pulled out her phone. He watched the fingertip she pressed against her lips as she considered her schedule, and admired her bright eyes when she smiled up at him. “Okay, Thursday works.” 
“It’s a date,” Luka smiled so softly that Marinette’s heart fluttered. How did he do that, kiss her like that and then do something so—so sweet . 
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, she thought as he got out his own phone to swap numbers with her. What if she fell for him? 
But...he sounded like he wanted her to fall for him. Maybe? But what if he fell for her, and she was just using him for sex? Because he’d made her feel so, so good...important and beautiful and wanted and…
It might not even be like that again, she told herself. Maybe I just imagined it because I was lonely and depressed and feeling unwanted...maybe I would be thinking about anyone who gave me some attention that way. Maybe we’ll just...fizzle out and it won’t even be an issue.. 
Luka curled his fingers under her chin and tilted her face up. “You okay?” he asked softly. 
“I…” her voice was shaking, and she took a breath and forced a smile. “Yeah. Just. I’m tired.” 
He didn’t believe her. “You’re okay,” he told her, kissing her cheek gently, and then the corner of her mouth. “Whatever’s going on, it’s going to be okay.”
Marinette’s phone beeped, and she picked it up with relief. “He’s almost here.”
She slid out of the booth, and Luka followed. He left some bills on the table and took her hand as they walked out. 
“That’s my ride,” Marinette gestured as Nino pulled up at the curb. She turned to face Luka, stepping close. He set his hands on her hips and squeezed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek, but she paused, and then turned and caught his mouth instead. Luka moved easily to meet her in one of those slow, deep kisses that made it seem like he had no other place in the world to be. She stroked his cheeks with her fingertips and kissed him again, and then again as she slid her fingers back up into his hair. “Goodbye, Luka,” she whispered, and he shook his head. 
“See you later,” he corrected softly.   
As he let go of her she felt something slide along her hip and looked down to see the pink scarf that had been tied around her waist slipping away. She looked up at Luka’s grinning face as he winked at her and draped the gauzy scarf around his neck. He raised the fabric to his face and inhaled. “See you Thursday,” he told her, eyes twinkling, and turned to walk away. 
Marinette’s knees felt shaky as she stepped down the curb and opened the car door. 
Nino was hunched down in the front seat, both hands pulling his cap over his face. “Geeze, Nette,” he muttered as she fell into the seat and tucked her feet inside. “I really didn’t need to see that.” 
“Sorry,” she said breathlessly, but as she flipped down the visor to check herself in the vanity mirror, she saw pink cheeks and sparkling eyes and a broad smile, and knew that she wasn’t convincing. She pressed her fingers to her lips and, for Nino’s sake, fought down the urge to squeal. 
Her glow dimmed a bit as she followed Nino up the stairs to the apartment she shared with Alya. She loved her friend, but...she wasn’t looking forward to this conversation. She tugged the collar of Luka’s shirt a little higher on her neck, and tried to remember what Luka had told her. She had nothing to be ashamed of. 
“Well well well,” Alya drawled as Marinette slipped into the apartment after Nino. “Your very first walk of shame.” She smirked. “Marinette, I didn’t know you had it in you.” 
“What I had in me was a lot of vodka,” Marinette huffed, and came over to the table, accepting the glass of ice water Alya pushed across to her.
Alya waited until Marinette had the drink at her lips to add, “And a hot guy, apparently.” 
Marinette choked, just as Alya had intended. “Alya!” 
“Don’t tell me he wasn’t, girl,” Alya snickered. “You, my friend, look very well fucked.” 
Marinette blushed hard. She was, at that, but Alya didn’t have to put it so...crassly.
Nino groaned. “You know what, just...knock and let me know when you’re done. I don’t want to think about it.” He went down the hall into Alya’s bedroom and shut the door. 
“So you said goodbye to Mr. Right For Tonight?” Alya asked, tapping her fingers against her own glass. “You have all your stuff, right?” She frowned. “Are those his clothes? What happened to your dress?”
“I have it with me,” Marinette defended, picking up the bag she’d dropped. “He just...thought I’d be more comfortable in something else.” Not for a million euros would she have told Alya the whole truth about the dress. “And yes, I said goodbye. For now, anyway,” Marinette muttered, and caught Alya’s gaze when she looked up. Something in that look made her squirm. “Actually we have a date later this week,” she admitted. 
“A date?” Alya raised her eyebrows. “Marinette, maybe I need to clue you in on a few things about this whole one night stand business. As in, one single night. After which you…” She made a fluttering motion with her hand. “You’re not supposed to get a date.” 
Marinette shrugged, and reached over to pluck a croissant from Alya’s plate, just to have something to do with her hands. “Oops.” 
Alya’s frown deepened. 
“What? It’s no big deal,” Marinette defended, though she wasn’t even sure why she felt the need. “We just...thought we’d like to see each other again.” 
Alya looked troubled for a moment, and then grinned. “It was that good, huh?”
“Well—” Marinette squirmed in her seat again. “It was fine, okay? He just...seemed nice.” 
“Uh huh.”  
“It was your idea anyway!” Marinette pointed out defensively.
“My idea was for you to go out and get buzzed and enjoy being drooled over,” Alya grinned. “You decided to get hammered and then get laid all on your own. I hope you’re satisfied .” 
Marinette couldn’t cover the silly smile that wanted to come up at that, but when Alya snickered, Marinette shook herself back to reality and sighed. “It was probably my imagination making things better than they were. I was feeling pretty down last night and I did have a lot to drink. And it has, you know. Been a while.”
“Maybe started seeing through beer goggles?” Alya teased. “Not that I blame you, I thought he was pretty cute when you were dancing, but I’d had a few myself by then too. Not your usual type, but it’s good to branch out.”
Marinette blushed. She didn’t want to tell Alya that while her memories of the evening were hazy, she remembered Luka in the morning very clearly, not only the lines of his body but the broadness of his back beneath her arms as she clung to him, the ripple of the muscles tensing and releasing against her as he moved, the dark intensity of his eyes and the way they fluttered closed when she did something he liked. 
She picked up her water glass and took a long gulp. No, she hadn’t needed the liquor to be attracted to him. Not at all. 
Still. She wasn’t exactly thinking clearly, even now. “Watch,” Marinette sighed, setting the glass down. “The date’ll be a bust and that’ll be the end of it. We probably won’t have anything to say to each other and we’ll exchange awkward texts for a few days and then we’ll never speak again.” 
“Hmm,” Alya raised her eyebrows. “We’ll see. It’s fine if you want to have fun, Marinette, you sure as hell could use some. Just be careful, always use protection, and don’t let him take any nudes.”
Marinette blushed deeply, and bit into her croissant. “Thanks so much for your concern,” she muttered around the mouthful. 
Marinette knew she was in trouble as soon as she locked eyes with Luka and her stomach started doing somersaults. The slow smile he gave her was so distracting that she barely heard his greeting, or the compliment that followed. She didn’t remember putting her hand in his, it was just there, his fingers rubbing lightly over her knuckles. They hadn’t even made it to the restaurant when Luka tugged her into a shadowed corner and kissed her in that slow, purposeful way he had. His voice surprised her a little, smoother than it had been, without the roughness of hard usage, but, she found, just as seductive. Any resistance Marinette might have had crumbled the second he turned them out of the light and breathed may I ? against her lips. 
When they did finally make it to their table, Luka was just as easygoing as he’d been on their first...night, and he meant it when he said he wanted to get to know her. He asked her questions, and seemed interested in what she said, even when she babbled, watching her with a quietly amused smile. He was interesting, too, telling her about his travels for the past year with his band. They had a surprising number of tastes in common. His eyes were fixed on her whenever she spoke, and he was touching her whenever he got the chance, taking her hand or playing with her fingers, brushing her hair back or letting his hand rest on her shoulder. Despite the kisses they shared whenever one of them couldn’t help themselves, his touch didn’t feel like seduction, just tenderness. Marinette felt like the center of his world, and after so long living on the sidelines of someone else’s life, she reveled in it. 
They were laughing as he walked her home.
“You did not,” Marinette gasped, one hand over her mouth and the other curled around Luka’s arm. 
“We totally did. What can I say, it was a full moon and my best friend is crazy.” Luka shrugged, and grinned while Marinette laughed.
“Wait, so are you a werewolf?” Marinette asked teasingly, as they approached the awning of her building.
“No,” Luka chuckled. “Unless you’re into that. If so, I can see what arrangements I can make for the next full moon.”
“You’d get bitten by a werewolf for me?” Marinette giggled. “How sweet.”
“I’d rather be bitten by you,” Luka teased back, and his hand found her hip, and her arms came up around his neck, and then they were kissing. Heat welled up in her, making her push up against him. Luka made a sound low in his throat and his hands slid to her lower back, pressing her closer. Oh, she wanted him, and by the feel of him he wanted her too, and…
Well. There really wasn’t any point in denying their mutual desire, was there. Marinette pulled away to press her lips along his jaw, and he made that sound again as he tilted his head for her. 
“Do you want to come upstairs?” Marinette asked, toying with his collar. “My roommate’s out of town tonight, so we won’t be, um...bothering anybody.” 
“I’d love to,” Luka told her, voice deepening. “I’d hate for you to be lonely, all by yourself.”
“Oh, I can entertain myself,” Marinette said daringly, looking up at him through her lashes. “I have an excellent imagination. There’s definitely advantages to having the real you here, though.” 
“Play your cards right and I’m sure we can manage the best of both worlds.” Luka bent and kissed the join of her neck and shoulder, sucking hard enough to make her shudder. “You can start with telling me how you imagine we get upstairs. Are we making out in the elevator or am I chasing you up the stairs?” 
“Elevator,” Marinette sighed, head tilting as he retraced his favorite route up her neck. “I don’t want to wear your legs out just yet.” She paused to consider. “Maybe you could chase me that far, though.” 
Luka pressed another long, slow kiss to her mouth. “Then you’d better run,” he told her, grinning playfully. “I won’t be responsible for what happens when I catch you.” They both giggled, and then Marinette broke away, running for the building doors. Luka darted after her, staying just at her heels, sweeping her up in his arms just in time to carry her through the elevator doors. Marinette spared a brief moment to wonder what she was doing, being so bold, and in sight of the entire lobby, too, but Luka grinned at her, and she forgot to care. Marinette leaned over him to press the button for her floor, and then forgot everything but his mouth under hers. 
Later, when they said a lingering goodbye at her door, and he asked her if she’d like to go out again, she didn’t even hesitate before agreeing. She’d figure out a way to explain it to Alya later.
Fiction Master Post
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onesillybeach · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 18
F!Reader x Liu Kang/Kung Lao
This one is short and I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. Also, yay Helena cameo~ But also, aw, Helena cameo ;-;
@ancientowlgirl @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @shang-hung
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 *15 16 *17
You two hadn’t had sex. You’d made out. You’d talked. You’d made out some more. You’d talked some more. You’d fallen asleep with Liu in his bed. His light snores had lulled you to sleep comfortably. Finally, relaxed.
You’d woken up the next morning when Liu had shifted. You felt his lips on your forehead and smiled before opening your eyes to look at him.
“Good morning,” Liu said softly.
“Sure is,” you said, then returned the kiss, but to his lips.
“Didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s alright.”
“Did you want to train with me this morning?”
Yes. You did… But you trained with Lao in the morning. And today was supposed to be Lao’s day with you as well. If you ditched him for Liu… You didn’t want to think what would happen. But, instead of telling Liu that, you shook your head and snuggled under his covers, inhaling his scent. “I’m gonna sleep a bit more. I’ll see you at breakfast?”
He grinned and nodded as he got out of bed. “Take your time,” he told you, grabbing his gi-top from the floor and tossing it into a basket. He took another moment to watch you with a smile before stepping out into the hall.
As weird as it was to notice, Raiden had not been acting like himself lately. Him being distant wasn't new. Raiden had seemed to keep a distance between everyone. But as you trained with Kung Lao, you noticed Raiden watching with a solemn expression.
When you finished training, Lao had given you a kiss. Oh, that kiss. It wasn’t a simple kiss. No. You’d learned that Lao wasn’t a fan of giving you those little pecks. When he kissed you, he did so with purpose. He’d held your face. His lips engulfed you. That alone could be all the encouragement you needed to train harder. As he pulled away, your smile brought him to smile in return. You could tell the kiss encouraged him as well. It was a reward for both of you. But instead of following him to Breakfast, you told him you would catch up later.
You watched Lao walk off… watched his ass a bit selfishly, then turned your attention towards Raiden. He was watching you.
You gave him a respectful bow.
He gave you a bow of his head.
"Lord Raiden," you addressed as you approached him. "Are you alright?"
He raised his brows to you. "Of course I am, Y/F/N."
"You don't look it," you pressed.
Raiden took in a stiff breath. "I assure you, I am fine."
"You can't lie to a nurse," you told him. "We know better."
That got a little chuckle from him. "You are quite observant."
"I was trained for it."
"I suppose you were."
"So what's bothering you? Is it me? Am I not training hard enough?"
"You are doing well."
“The kiss? Was that awkward for you?”
"Then what is it?"
Raiden sighed. His glowing eyes shifted away from you. "Your issue has painfully reminded me of my own."
"Of the person you loved?" You’d remembered.
"I still love," he corrected you.
"Didn't you say it's been like five-hundred years?"
He nodded.
"They're… still alive?"
"Oh..." You weren’t sure what to say.
Raiden sucked in another breath. You could tell this was difficult for him to talk about. "She was killed in a tournament."
"What was her name?"
Raiden frowned a bit. "Helena Morana," he'd breathed.
You blinked at him. "A human?"
He nodded.
"What was she like?"
“Just and selfless. She used her magic to help others, even myself.”
"She was a witch?"
“A sorceress.”
"Like Shang Tsung?"
Raiden frowned. "No. Not like Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung is a snake corrupted by evil… Helena Morana… My Helena… Was once a beacon of light and hope for me." As Raiden stared at you, you could tell he was hurting. You could see the pain in his eyes. He wanted to say something else, but no words came from his lips. You frowned to him.
"You are concerned for me?" Raiden asked, now amused.
You nodded. "She must have meant a lot to you.”
“She still does.”
You were quiet then. The way he spoke of Helena, as if she still existed, made you wonder. He must have read your mind again, because he chuckled and nodded. He then offered you his arm. You took it carefully despite your confusion. He began to lead you through the halls.
"What do you know of Mortal Kombat's history?" He asked you curiously.
You cringed. History was never your forte. You barely passed your history classes in highschool. And you honestly didn't remember much of what Liu had told you. You blew out your cheeks.
"Ah." Raiden nodded, not at all disappointed. "It is a complicated history. Do not worry."
"Liu told me all kinds of things. I just…" You made a vague motion with your free hand.
"It is alright. You are being forced to learn much in little time."
"Yeah…" You frowned despite Raiden's understanding.
"He did not mention my Helena?" He asked.
You shook your head. “I don’t think so. I know he told me about a bunch of people, but I think I would have remembered your girlfriend. It’s kind of… odd.” He lifted a brow to you then. You quickly tried to explain yourself. “I mean. You don’t usually hear about gods falling in love with humans… Except for like, Greek mythology.”
Raiden laughed. A good laugh. But he said nothing as he continued to lead you through the halls. Eventually, they grew totally unfamiliar. You'd never seen this part of the temple, but you knew you were deep in. The air smelled different… musty.
Raiden stopped before a large wooden door and turned to look at you. "Prepare yourself. I know mortals are rather uncomfortable with what rests behind this door.” And before you could answer, the door had opened and revealed to you the source of that musty smell.
Tombs. Catacombs. Hundreds--No, thousands— of bodies were at rest, lined neatly along the walls, dressed in robes. Most of them were nothing but skeletons now. Some seemed mummified. You quickly realised who these people were as you stepped in: Monks. Your brows knotted. Why had Raiden brought you here? And why weren’t you grossed out?
Probably because you’d seen your fair share of disgusting things. Being a nurse wasn’t all bandaids and booster shots.
“Come,” Raiden said, pulling you from your head. You turned to see him walking further into the catacombs. You quickly followed. “Those who perish in my service, do not go forgotten,” Raiden said.
“Are all of these people… Did they all serve you?”
“Yes,” he simply answered. The further he led you, the more you were grateful he was there to guide you. The catacombs were an absolute maze.
“This place is insane…” You whispered as you looked from one body to the next.
“Those here are only the ones who wished to be here… or had no other place to go.”
You turned your head to look up at him.
“You may be put to rest here as well, if you choose.”
Your jaw stiffened. You were sure Raiden meant that as a simple offer, and not a warning of what was to come. “Thanks…” You said. “But… I don’t think I’d match the dress code.” Joke. Humor. Always when awkwardness hit.
Raiden glanced to you. “There is no dress code.”
Maybe he just didn’t understand that it was a joke. “The robes… And the… bones. I think I’d look too fresh.” Oh, God, what was wrong with you? You weren’t a slab of meat! “I mean—”
“They were not all just bones and robes when they entered here.”
“No, I… I guess so. I just… I’m sorry. You just threw me a curve ball and I wasn’t expecting it.”
“Ah,” He nodded.
You must have followed Raiden for several more minutes before you began to notice a change. Some of the bodies wore armor instead of robes. Were those… fighters? Former Earthrealm defenders? Wait, if those ones were here… “You’re taking me to her, aren’t you?”
Raiden let a small grin pull his lips.
“How did she die?” you asked. “I know you said in a tournament, but… how?”
“Shang Tsung defeated her. He took her soul.”
The catacombs had twisted and turned the whole way so far, but Raiden now led you into a large, circular room. The walls were lined with more remains, all in different clothing. Some with beautiful armor, some in simple clothing. One section of a wall in particular caught your eye. Nine bodies, each with their own burning incense, were lined up on their own shelves. And the shelves and remains themselves were neat and clean. Stepping closer to them, you could hardly see a speck of dirt nor dust on either of them. It was such a stark contrast to the rest of the bodies in the room, and in the rest of the catacombs, where the bodies had mostly seemed left alone. But these nine seemed actively taken care of. Why?
“Kung Lao’s ancestors,” Raiden answered your curiosity.
Lao’s ancestors. Nine of them? Surely there were more...
“This room is for Earthrealm’s former defenders,” Raiden answered your thoughts again.
“So these are all the past Kung Laos?” You asked, stepping back to look them all over as a whole. “Then this one here—” you pointed to the one you figured was the oldest.
“The Great Kung Lao,” Raiden answered. He sighed then and rested his hand on the edge of a raised, open, sarcophagus in the center of the room. “And this is my Helena,” Raiden said slowly, painfully. He wouldn’t even look at his lover’s remains. It was too painful. You looked, though. You couldn’t help yourself. You’d stepped right over and peered down into the stone sarcophagus.
She wore a dark dress. You weren’t sure what color it used to be. She wore simple shoes, not too different from the ones you were offered by the temple. Her hands were folded neatly over her stomach. Her hair was long and black and draped over her shoulders. And you could tell, even with how horribly sunken her face was, how mummified she was, that she used to be pretty… gorgeous even. You frowned at the sight. “She’s beautiful, Lord Raiden,” you said softly.
A small, single sound of disbelief left him. “She is nothing but brittle skin and bone now.”
“Well… Yeah,” Your frown sunk. You supposed it did sound silly to say such a grotesque sight was beautiful. “But… That’s not how you remember her.”
Raiden nodded, then let his grin come back to his face. “No, it is not.”
“She’s beautiful, Lord Raiden,” You repeated.
“She is,” he agreed.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Can u do a dad Tom holland x mom black reader where they have a 2 year old son ( Elijah ) and a 1 month old daughter (Ellie ) and his fans are being mean because your baby girl is darker than her big brother and Tom tells them to stop on a livestream but they don’t and he takes a break because he more frustrated than reader is . And the next day y/n go to Toms parents house and y’all talk about it and y/n sobs ending in fluff
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Tom smiled as he posted the picture, cuddling into his small daughter as you took care of your son. You both weren’t really doing anything just binge watching Soul Eater because you refused to watch love island.
“I don’t get this show, it’s terrible” “your terrible” you chuckled at him, noticing that Ellie was slowly starting to tear up. “I think someone’s hungry yeah? Come here Ellie” you cooed, Tom picking up the small child and placing her into your arms while he took Elijah, whos currently side tracked from TV, you pulled down your, Toms, oversized shirt to feed Ellie. Smiling as she sucked the soul out of you.
“You know-“ “we can’t have sex” “but Ellie gets to get your nipples and I don’t?” “Do you want her to starve?” “No I want to have sex” he clarified, rolling your eyes you placed some of her hair behind her ear.
Toms phone started to ding and he furrowed his eyebrows, he opened his phone and read the comments “it’s the girl being darker then the boy for me” “why is Ellie darker then Elijah?” “she’s a cheater- I told you Tom” and some trying to defend “y/n is literally darker then Tom, what did you expect? I’m so sorry this is happening” “did y’all really have to put the baby in this? We all know y/n doesn’t play about her kids”
“What’s wrong Tom?” You say, now playing with Eli’s hair. Tom only frowned at you “I’m tired of people thinking that they know most, at this point it’s really annoying” “what’s wrong Thomas?” You asked, more sternly as you pulled lee away, but she starts to cry some so you put her back.
“Nothing love, you hungry though?” He asked, trying not to make you feel anyway at the moment. “No I want you to tell me what’s wrong and right now Thomas, forreal” you made eye contact with him, raising an eyebrow. “I’m not telling you y/n” he simply says, getting up forgetting his phone and walking into the kitchen.
“I have to find out myself then!” You yell, taking his phone and scrolling through your guessing comments?. You aren’t the one to scroll through his phone at any cost because you trust him entirely, but he’s pissed and you need to find out why.
Patting lees diaper you sequenced you’re eyes to read the comments, zendaya saying “they are both so cute! Where have y’all been be seen I need to come over, like right now”, Jacob B commenting “look at lil man!” And others but as you continued to scroll down you found the negative ones.
Just reading them so fast as your blood line ran cold, you didn’t notice that Tom was coming back. “Y/n stop” he says, putting the glass of water down and reaching over Eli to take the phone but you snatched it back. “Is this what they think of me? Of my kids?” You say weakly, showing him the phone as your eyes started to water.
“Don’t listen to them, we brought Eli and Lee for ourself, not for them. Let’s just take a-“ his heart dropped as tears silently trailed down your cheeks, still reading the comments. “You are only making it worse, give me the phone Y/n” “no” “give me, the phone” he said madly, not at you but at others. He reached all the way over, watching out for the kids and taking the phone without a fight.
You detached lee and fixed yourself, lifting your knee and placing her on the pad of your thigh wiping your tears and you took her small hands.
Tom only through his phone on the nightstand and turned off the TV “what are you doing?” You ask him, “let’s take a nap yeah? I’ll when we wake up I’ll do a live or something to communicate with them” he took off his shirt and sat on the bed, sighing as you only seen the back of his head, he ran his hands through his hair, not letting them, his so called ‘fans’ get to him.
Tom laid down and threw the blankets over him, turning off the light and making it as dark as possible although it was only about 1 in the evening. “I don’t think I can go to sleep” you say as he turns in your direction, “then try darling, I really don’t want us to be stressed out love” he gave a smile, playing the the loose curls in Eli’s hair while looking at you.
“Yeah okay” you nod, Tom taking lee again while you took Eli. Eli smiled as he gave you a slimy kiss “ew!” You smiled, you let out a sniffle and Eli frowned at it, kissing your nose. You giggled and wiped it off, noticing an arm around your waist trying to pull you closer you came closer, Toms hand going down to yours and putting his fingers in between yours as you did the same and gave a squeeze. “I love you, y/n” he mumbles, his thumb brushing your knuckle. “I love you too”
“Ready?” He asked, you sitting next to him and the babies are sleep, you nod, “ready”. He started the live, about two minutes in everyone started to join. He took your hand and smiled down at you, returning it you kiss his cheek. Sooner or later he had about 6-9k and he cleared his throat,” I’m pretty sure you’ve all seen the comments and I’d like to ask all of you to stop” he simply asked, the comment bar flooded of hurtful words, they weren’t gonna stop anytime soon. “Lee is a child she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way, you not only hurting her your hurting my wife, MY wife” he pointed to his chest “you also hurting me, y/n doesn’t do SHIT-“ he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, rubbing his back.
“She doesn’t do shit but tries to show you how happy we are, for all of you saying that she’s cheating she isn’t, she’s been with me, do you see her skin?” He asked, looking at you and kissing your cheek “she has color, I don’t of course Ellie is going to be darker then her brother, they aren’t fucking twins!” He yells. He gets tired of it and pins one of the comments “maybe you should stick to your color and this wouldn’t of had to happen, you shouldn’t even be here”. “That’s the shit nobody should say, don’t talk to my wife like that you fuckin-“ “that’s it Thomas you asked, calm down” you whispered, his face red as his jaw is clenched, he bites his lip as he apologizes “I’m sorry, but please I just- I’ve worked so hard and found love, I found a wife. It makes me mad that you can’t accept that-that I can’t be happy without one paparazzi and news about me, I want a break and I want a family, and now that I have one none of you support me- or most” he refused to cry infront of them but is was heart clattering. “I-bye” he simply says, grabbing his phone and ending the live.
“You did your best-“ you get cut off by his phone ringing. His mom was calling, he instantly answered “yeah mom- yeah” he sighed “alright we’ll be over”. “They want us to come over” he stood up and took your hand, pulling you up with him he gave you a peck on the lips. “I love you Thomas” you wrap your arms around him. “I love you to, and I’m not going anywhere”
You and Thomas walked to the door with one car seat each in your hands, he knocked on the door and was instantly met with Sam “hey! Give them here-“ “wait give me lee!” Harry said, running up and taking the car seat from your hand making you laugh, Sam took the other and they both walked off to the kitchen with distant talks like “please be my taste tester” “I wanna take photos with you!”
Tom put the keys in your back pocket, walking in he called for his mom and she told them both to come to the livingroom. As you both walked dom sat up and gave you a hug while Nikki gave Thomas a hug. “I’m so sorry about those twats, your children are so beautiful” he rubbed your back slowly.
“Thank you” you whispered, hugging him back tightly. He let you go and rubbed your arms as he gave you a sweet smile, soon treading and Nikki gave you a hug “I love you and your children, we both support you so much and want you to know we are here for you, come sit” she stops hugging you and takes your hand, pulling you to the couch.
Tea was on the white coffee table and you and Tom sat on the mint grey couch, the couch you don’t touch if you live there. “It’s just-“ you sighed, Tom rubbing your back as you fought the tears. “I love your son so much and to think that I would ever hurt him-or you guys in anyway is just so hurtful, and having the pressure of everyone going against me and our child- comparing them as if they can stick up for themselves” you cried, you didn’t fight it. They are your family now, and forever will be. Tom didn’t like seeing you cry at all, it almost makes him cry, seeing you weep and vulnerable isn’t well for him because when he met you you were a strong, independent woman, and you still are but it hurts him too much.
“Yeah” dom nods, passing you a tissue and Tom takes it, pulling your face to him and patting under your eyes. “But they don’t matter, we are your family and we know from our hearts and our mind that you didn’t do anything wrong” Nikki weakly smiles, seeing you cry really is heart breaking, you just gave birth a month ago and depression is so severe. “We love you y/n, your child is our grandchildren no doubt” dom smiles, reaching over and holding your hand gently. “I love you, you are so important to me, our children are so important to me, just all of us in general are so important to me, so important that I’d quit anything for you, for my children, it’s us, a household, a family” Thomas pulls you close.
Eli saying “yum! YAY! More!” In the background with Sam making you laugh, he ends up running to you with a spoon filled with pasta. “Taste! Yummy!” He smiles at you, his baby face and small teeth “hurry mommy!” You smile and open your mouth Eli feeding it to you and you hum in satisfaction. “It is yummy, who made it?” You asked, “I did! I helped sam” Sam walked up to the livingroom, leaning on the wall. “I’m coming!” Harry yells, airplaning lee into the livingroom “pshhhhh” Harry does sound effects, lee laughing making you all smile. Eli jumps in your lap and looks at your face “why are you crying mommy?” You let out a chuckle “because I love all of you” “love you to mommy” he hugs you, Harry handing lee to you and hugging her back, Tom joining as Sam walks closer and sits next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and soon everyone is group hugging. “Umm- your squeezing me!” Eli whispers, everyone laughing as you all just take in the whole thing, happy that this is your new family, other then your other precious family also.
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fandomtookoverlife · 3 years
Friday night
Pairing: Hotch x reader
Gn!reader (if I missed anything please lmk) 
summary: you are a part of the bau and dating Aaron Hotchner, after a long week you go to the bar with the “children” of the bau. 
Note: italics are readers thoughts 
Warning: drinking, mention of guns, swearing 
Words: 2200
Category: fluff
A/N: idk what this is 😂😂 a short little cute thing about a night with the team and being loved by Hotch, what more could anyone want 😂 I hope you enjoy 
Don’t mind the fact that I am horrible with names when I say this is the only name I could come up with I’m not joking, I couldn’t for the life of me even think of another name. 
Other blog: @mac99martin
You looked over at the clock- 8:30. “Fucking shit.” 
Derek chuckled beside at his desk beside you, “you just realise the time sweetheart?” not even looking up from his report. 
You scoffed at his mocking tone, “whatever” bitterly you shot him a glare and stood up. ugh god, you haven’t stood up like 3 hours, internally whining you get up to get even more coffee.
“Oh! Hello, there my beauty!” the one and only, sunflower of a woman; Penelope Garcia, with a bright smile on her face despite being still being here at 8:30. She wrapped her arm around you into a tight side-hug as the two of you walked into the break room, smiling, because how could you not smile with someone like Penelope around. You rest your head on her shoulder letting yourself relax into her warm hug.
“Pennnny, why is there so much work?” you look up at her from your spot on her shoulder and give her your puppy dog face.
“Oh baby, I don’t know” she smooths down your hair, something you absolutely adore. Unsatisfied with her answer you sigh and fill your cup to the brim and take a very long sip. “Ooo! I know” you raise your eyebrows amused at her sudden outburst, “we are going drinking tonight!” 
You considered it a moment, it was Friday, you did just get back from a case yesterday, and you have been doing paperwork-all day… “Okay! I’m in!”
“Eeeeek! Okay, let’s go tell every else their Friday night plans!” 
You grab her hand and run out to the bullpen, yes your team was the only one left in the building-Again. No! No bad thoughts, only thoughts of drinking! “Alright, everyone!” you and Pen glance at each other smirking before turning back to the team whose attention you have now grabbed. “Penelope and I have decided what we are all doing tonight,” you say playfully but firmly.
“And what’s that sweetheart?” 
You direct your attention to Morgan as Rossi comes out of his office, “We are going drinking.”  
Derek smirks “Hell. Yes.” 
Penelope claps her hands and squeals  “Yes! Okay who else is in?” excitedly you both look around the room. 
“Well, I sure as hell am.” 
“Yay! Okay, we got Derek, Emily, who else, JJ?”
She considered it for a second while you started at her with an eyebrow cocked. “Okay okay, I’ll come.” 
Doing a 180 looking above the bullpen at Rossi, “how about you? And before you answer just know, there are no adults allowed.”
“Ya only stressed out sexy workaholic FBI agents that are going to act like teenagers all night”
Laughing you look back at Rossi, “Sorry kiddos, not tonight.”
“What? You’re seriously not coming?” Penny said in the saddest voice 
“Dave, come on, I was just kidding, pleassse.” you give another puppy face. 
“Sorry Bella, not tonight” sending you a smile before going back to his office.
Shaking it off you look at Spencer who is the last to answer in the vicinity, “and you?”
“Umm….I-” he looks like he’s about to say no when Derek claps his shoulder,
“Pretty boy’s in!” 
Spencer looked around at the team, “um, okay I guess I’ll come.”
“Okay everyone finish your last report and then we gettin our party on!”
“Alright, will do babygirl.”
Everyone turned back to their work while you climbed the stairs, knocking on the door and opening it, “Hey!” Aaron smiled at you and stood up as you closed the door behind you, and with the blinds already closed you put your arms around your boyfriend’s neck and pulls him in for a kiss, 
“hmmm” comes from both of you as you pull apart smiling. The team definitely knew about your relationship with your boss to some degree but the two of you hadn’t slipped up so no one has caught you-yet. Some of the team, more confrontational than others will give you looks, snide comments, but they don’t know anything. And you guys aren’t keeping it from the team, you’re just, riding the wave while it lasts. “So did you hear the plan?” playing with his hair at the base of his head. 
“mhmm, we’re all going for drinks,- minus Rossi.” he gave you a pointed look at that last part. 
“Is that why I heard Emily yell something about ‘sexy workaholic FBI agents’” 
You drop your head on his shoulder, shake your head and laugh, “Um...yes?” 
“Ya, I think I’ll pass.”
“Babe, come on, it’ll be fuunnnn.” 
“Mhmm, no”  
You went on your tippy-toes, moving closer and closer to his lips, whispering, “pretty please” 
He closed the gap between your lips softly, but deeply “no.” 
You dropped down and gave him a slight glare, which he smiled at. He kissed you again and went back to his desk, “if you’re not coming, you’re definitely not staying here all night.”
Sitting down at his desk, “I’m not, I’m simply waiting on the last of the reports, if a certain agent would hurry up and finish hers…” 
“Alright alright, I’m going,” walking over to his chair, “seriously don’t stay too late alright?” 
“Alright.” kissing him one last time, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course.” smiling before making your way to the door, 
“Hey,” you turn towards him at the loving sound of his voice, “be safe?” 
“I will. I love you”
“I love you too” 
You return to your desk hoping you can finish your last report quickly and get out of here, “Hey, sweetheart,” 
“Yes Morgan?” replying sightly animated.
“Anything fun happen in there?” 
“No.” you glare, “I asked him if he was coming; he’s not.”
“Mhmm, sure.” turning back to his work and you do the same. 
“We got shots!” 
“Hell ya!” 
“Gimme gimme gimmie!” 
“Patience babygirl” 
“No.” penny grabs a shot and take it while the rest of you laugh, “woo!” 
“Alright our turn!” 
You all let loose enjoying some fun and each other’s company. Your look at the people around you, yesterday you had guns and people’s lives in your hands, right now, you were all smiling, enjoying yourselves and life to the fullest, you couldn’t ask for better people to do it with. 
It’s so loud in the bar and you’re all laughing so much you barely hear your phone ring, seeing it’s Aaron calling you is a little worrying, “Sorry, I’ll be back in a sec.” everyone looked around suspiciously but didn’t say anything. “Aaron?” walking outside,
“Hi Y/N!” 
A little taken back, especially with the alcohol in your system, “Jack?” 
“Hiiiiiii Y/NNNNNN” 
“What are you still doing up mister?” 
“Well daddy said since it’s Friday I can stay up so we watched a movie”
“Oh ya what movie did you watch?” 
“Well first we watched frozen and then we watched spiderman!” 
You laughed, you’ve watched each of those movies with him at least three times yourself, “that sounds fun, did you have popcorn?” 
Oh my god isn’t he just the cutest fucking thing? you think your heart actually melts at his cuteness “So where’s your dad now?” remembering he’s calling from his dad’s phone, 
Jack whispering, as if he wasn’t just yelling a few seconds ago, “he said its bedtime,” even quieter, “so I’m hiding”
You cover your mouth with your hand trying your very best not to laugh, composing your self, “well Jack that’s not very good of you” 
“Ya… but I don’t wanna go to bed” 
At that, you let a little laugh, “I know buddy… but what made you took your dad’s phone?” 
“I wanted to call you” 
You paused you were a little taken back, “and why is that?” 
“I don’t know, I like you, and my daddy likes you too!” 
That makes you smile, “well, I’m glad you both like me-” you were cut off by a gasp from Jack “Jack, you okay?” 
He whispered into the phone, “he found me.” and yet again having to put your hand over your mouth to stop from laughing, “I have to go” in a very rushed voice, “I love you.”
Your mind went blank for a split second, he had never actually said that to you, “I love you too” 
“Jack who are you-”
“Goodnight-” and the line cut off
Sitting down, your minds a little fuzzy and it’s not from the alcohol. A minute or two later your phone starts ringing again, “hey Aar,” you said, still smiling, you also expected this call. 
“Hey baby, sorry about that, um, what exactly was that?” 
You both laugh a little, “well apparently daddy was making him go to bed, so naturally he stole your phone, hid and called me.” 
“Naturally, sorry about that I know you’re out.”
“Oh don’t be he’s cute... he said he loved me”
“I know”
“I like that”
“Me too”
You both sat there smiling for a few seconds, what did you do to get such a perfect life? “alright I got to go, have fun, be safe, call me when you get home?”
“I will, love you.”
“Love you” 
“Hey sorry” you came back to the table smiling, which everyone was suspicious of but oh well, what are you going to do, I came here for a good time and I’m going to have one! 
“Who was that?” 
“Oh no one, what are we talking about?” picking up your drink.
“Actually we were just talking about how 27% of women in the US have slept with their boss.” immediately you choked on your drink and quickly trying to recover, but the damage was done
God fucking damn it Reid! Seriously you just had to throw me under the bus like that? 
You shot him a nasty glare, “ that was not what you were talking about.” 
“Nope, you’re right it wasn’t.”
That bastard is smiling 
Everyone is killing themselves, and you? You just down your drink, “Anyone want another?” 
Leaning against the bar you shake your head, out of all the people I did not expect REID to call me out. 
“Hey, sweet thang” you drop your head, 
“Derek.” you acknowledge him
“I gotta say I’m surprised, I really am, I didn’t expect Reid to be the one to call you out.”
You laugh, “Ya, Neither Did I.”  
“Soooo, you admit it?” Derek said, very amused 
“I have said nothing.” 
“Come onnnn, say it.”
“We should really get back to the table,” already halfway there.
“Oh come it’s not going to be better over there!” he’s not wrong 
“Oh, my sweet Penelope how are you?”
“NoNoNo you’re not getting out of this!” grabbing your arm
“Pen that’s my arm!”
“Y/N you have to tell us!”
“Emily’s right”
“Come on JJ you too, can’t someone be on my side.” 
“Absolutely not!”
“Soooo how long have you been together?”
Shit you look at the people around you, there’s no way out of this, “fine!” a stream of yeses and shrieks courtesy of Penny, “we’ve-” SHIT “we’ve been together, 6 months”
“6 months!”
“No fucking way!”
“Oh my god! How couldn’t have you told us!”
“Were you just on the phone with him?”
“Do you guys sneak into each other’s hotel rooms?”
You were doing so much drinking tonight. 
Somehow you made it home safely, but you were pretty drunk, I mean what did you expect 
When you woke up you saw 3 missed calls from Aaron and 3 text messages, ya you were a little drunk last night. After you’ve been awake for a whole 45 seconds you call Aaron, “Hey! Are you okay? you never called me back last night”
“Alright I get it, I’ll be at your place in 30, with coffee” 
And a half an hour later he showed up, with coffee as promised, using the key you gave him to let himself in, as you were not getting out of bed. “Hey,” in a hushed tone. 
“Hi” you smiled at him, you were still a little sleepy and probably hungover, he put the drinks on the table and you pulled him into your bed, he chuckled but laid down and you put your head on his chest, “mhmm” he’s so warm 
“How late did you stay out?”
“I don’t know”
“You don’t know?”
You shock your head into his chest “uh-uh.” you laid there comfortably for a few minutes, you immensely enjoying the warmth and happiness that your boyfriend brings you, “soooo I got cornered last night”
“Mhmm, about us, after our call I went back to the table and they called me out.”
“Oh really?” he was chuckling not only that it had happened but in the cute, sleepy manner of which you mentioned it, “actually, I didn’t think they would, figured they were just waiting for us to slip.”
You scoffed, “ya so did I. you’ll never guess who called me on it tho.”
“Seriously,” see it’s not just me that didn’t expect it to be Reid of all people, “I mean I thought Morgan or Prentiss but Reid?”
“Ya, I got caught a little off guard.” Aaron laughed “Hey!” you swatted his arm “don’t laugh! It’s not funny!” 
“Never.” he kissed the top of your head and started playing with your hair, you spent the next few hours lying, sitting, drinking, talking, the perfect morning, after a perfect night, with the perfect man, and the best friends anyone could ask for.
211 notes · View notes
bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Runaway Room (Part 1b)
Last time: We (and by we I mean Ryunosuke and Susato) arrived in England, and were almost immediately sent to play lawyer by Daemon Gant’s ancestor, who is definitely going to either die or kill someone later. Despite our client being only the richest of able bodied white men, we quickly found ourselves on the ropes thanks to the worlds least impartial jury. Fortunately we now get to put the buggers on the spot and demand they give us their reasons for convicting my client (and boy had they better be good).
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Ryunosuke, the more we learn about that man the more of a cad he becomes. I say we should be very thankful we aren’t doing that.
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Let me get this straight, instead of smashing their half baked ideas to smithereens and laughing as I go, I have to use the worlds weakest bricks to build my argument.
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Susato, one of them knows one of the witnesses.
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Oh, so that’s what we’re doing.
Ok, Ryunosuke, lets get shit stirring!
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Well firstly, either the drunk juror’s wrong or Beppo’s overcharging people, so jot that down.
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Ooh, we’re pacing!
(Also, I’d like to thank Juror No.4 for backing me up, ma’am you are the only member of this group bothering to make even the slightest bit of effort. For this I thank you.)
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Of course! Thank you for putting two and two together like that for me!
(Wait a second, I’ve just realized that we’ve got the KBS slung on our hip! That’s amazing!)
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And this lady’s and gentleman, is why we don’t let people who know those involved stand on the Jury.
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(You are my favourite juror, you can tell the others if you’d like.)
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Excellent work Ryunosuke!
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Have you not even been listening?
(Susato is explaining the last ten minutes to him because she has more patience than I ever will.)
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And Juror No.2’s crossed over to our side as well!
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And she’s doing it for much better reasons than Juror No.5!
Juror No.2 you’re winning me back!
Just two more jurors to convince now, so let’s go on to the discrepancy about how the victim was stabbed, and maybe point out that the body was left in the seat it was stabbed it.
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Old Lady vs Jack the Ripper, here we go!
(Ten guineas on the granny!)
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Haha! His knife got stuck in the table!
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(I put it again that this man should have that knife taken away from him.)
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Yes judge, and if we’d been allowed to go through the whole trial before the jurors jumped the gun, you’d have known that already.
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Yay! We’ve won Granny Thickle back!
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And he’s being really racist now.
Fortunately he’s also rubbing the rest of the jury up the wrong way!
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Well I consider this to have been a success Ryunosuke.
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Well given that the body was found on the seat and there was no blood on the floor... I’m going to say no.
He wants evidence.
Ok then.
As a wise man with a cool sword once said: I will shove it down your throat and make you choke on it.
(Yeah, we should really have seen Kazuma’s moral dubiousness coming...)
Anyways, let’s show him the crime scene photo then.
Of course! The autopsy report shows he was only stabbed once!!!
Meaning that there was only one incident where the witness was stabbed!
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Yes, kill each other!
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My Lord, Juror No.3 has started licking his knife and threatening the witnesses now...
I’m a little bummed we didn’t get to convince Juror No.4 seeing as she’s the one putting in the hours up there, but never mind. We’re back on track baby!
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Oh my god Ryunosuke, we’ve got a prosecution shut up button!
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Oh please, we all know perjury doesn’t exist in this here!
Oho, so apparently Beppo’s been overcharging his customers. Given the conditions he’s been working in I can’t exactly blame him though.
Unfortunately that does kind of rule out the possibility of an extra passenger though, so I’m not sure it helped us much.
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Damn right I do!
‘Absolutely’ Ryunosuke and I share one mind.
Now let’s see if we can clear up that whole ‘I saw the victim stabbed on the floor’ bs.
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You know, I’m rapidly warming to Mr Furst. Unlike the other witnesses and the god damn jury, he’s not telling lies, or overinflated by his own self importance. He’s actually taking it seriously and doing his best to be as clear and close to factual as he can.
I mean he could well be the killer for all I know, but right now I’m just enjoying him as a nice gentle guy who’s trying his best. It’s refreshing.
Barok’s trying to point out that we still have one witness who saw the stabbing, to which I say: Yeah, a witness with a reason to lie!
Still, Beppo’s the one I should probably be focusing on here, as he’s saying he saw the victim stabbed in places he couldn’t have been.
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Well that was easy.
Mr Fairplay on the other hand is going absolutely ham on his cane.
What’s the matter Mr Fairplay?
Got something to say?
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Again Mr Fairplay, being a banker in an Ace Attorney Game is not the commending statement you think it is.
Anyways new statement time!
And what’s this I see? Both his hands were covered in blood? That looks like a new contradiction to me!
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You know he’s weirdly insistent about this, and I can’t work out why?
Like, regardless of whether or not he committed the murder, he’s clearly hoping that Mr McGilded’s going to be taken out of the picture as a result.
But if he wants that to happen then this is such a weird thing to lie about. It doesn’t add in any way to Mr McGilded’s ‘guilt’, in fact thanks to his gloves it kind of does the opposite.
But if he’s not lying then he has to be mistaken and I don’t understand what that would mean either.
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Wow, Juror No.6 is ready to throw down!
(Juror No.3’s going off as well, but I don’t think that’s anything to write home about.)
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I’m no longer so sure. After all, if he was it would be far more in his interest to keep quiet about it or say he was mistaken as soon as we bought the gloves out.
What I’m beginning to wonder though, is if there was a mysterious fifth passenger after all, and their hands were the ones Mr Fairplay saw covered in blood.
Come to think of it, he did say that he didn’t see the victim or killers faces, so that’s a good chance, and one that actually gives some hint as to what our suspect looks like: i.e. small.
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Debt time.
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Good to get proper conformation on that theory then.
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(If you don’t know about the House of Commons cry of Order you should look it up on YouTube. It’s basically the one good thing to have come out of that place.)
So he did lie about seeing the moment the victim was stabbed then. I guess that leave more room for the idea that the fifth passenger did it.
Actually, come to think of it did Mr McGilded ever tell us where he went to sit in the carriage? Could he have been on the open side, the one Mr Fairplay and Mr Furst couldn’t see from where they were?
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Huh, he’s still doubling down.
Again I really don’t think he’s lying here, but I do think he’s mistaken about who’s hands he could see.
Also given how much this statement relies on him being a witness I should probably rule him out of my enquires.
I’m rapidly going back over my notes to see if I ever accused him, but let’s be honest here I did. The False Accusations counter is up to a nice healthy 5/5.
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Of course Mr Furst, you’re an angle and we’re all thrilled you’re here.
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Ok, well now any doubts I had that Mr Fairplay was telling the truth have been put to rest, thank you Mr Furst. You, me and Susato should form our own breakaway courtroom, Juror No.4 can come if she likes.
Anyway time for more testimony.
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Certainly looks that way doesn’t it My Lord?
Now Barok want’s to examine the Omnibus again.
You know what, sure Barok, knock yourself out.
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Barok, keep up. It literally a huge contradiction sitting right there.
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Well thanks to Mr Furst, the one good witness, we know that the real killer wasn’t wearing any gloves. Again Mr Furst I thank you.
Wait a second, there was a space under the seat opposite the victim wasn’t there. I know it was full of stuff but was there any room for someone to fit themselves?
Barok’s telling me that there was no trace of blood on Mr McGilded’s actual hands. I’m glad you’ve finally caught up Barok but stop talking now so I can examine the omnibus again.
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Yes! A space!
And whoever it was who could fit inside there definitely fits the category of small!
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And right on cue it’s time to bring their blind spot to light.
Now, I need to work out if they want to know about the space under the seats or if they just want the seats themselves, because from where Mr Furst and Mr Fairplay were sitting they couldn’t see either.
Fuck it, I’ll just put my cursor half way between the two and hopefully it’ll except whichever one it wants.
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Haha, yes... exactly what I was going to say...
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Anyways, given that the killer was by all accounts sitting next to the victim with no gloves and bloodied hands, the only person who could have been in the concealed seat was Mr McGilded. Again, did anyone actually bother to check which seat he sat in?
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Well done Judge. Still as sharp as ever I see.
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Wow, that one hit the light!
Barok, that’s alcohol. If you start a fire in here I’m not going to put you out.
Oh he’s being racist again.
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Racist stuff Ryunosuke.
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Ok, well let me brake this down into words that a stuck up prick like you would understand. The witnesses never saw the attackers face, but they did see his hands and all agree that they were covered in blood. My clients hands were not covered in blood, and therefor he doesn’t fit the one thing we know about the killer. However we know he was on the omnibus, and the only place he could have been is in the seat that can’t be seen.
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... you guys, I think this man might be the OG “protégé” prosecutor. Hugh O’Connor and Sebastian Debeste were simply trending in this mans footsteps.
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I’m not really sure how much clearer you want me to be My Lord!
Van Zieks is still crawling blindly towards the light, and I suggest we just move on without him.
I know (or at least I hope) he’s just deliberately putting up barriers as the prosecution, but the way he’s doing it really looks like he’s packing his intelligence onto a bus and sending it out to destinations unknown.
(Credit to Ryunosuke for spelling it out for him though.)
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Thank you Mr Furst, I knew you’d have my back.
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Yeah on what grounds?
I mean this is literally the solution to all our problems.
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Yeah, well he probably lied (though I can’t work out why).
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Excellent point Ryunosuke!
Now Van Zieks is pointing out that if Mr McGilded lied in his statement there would have been a deliberate reason for doing so. To be honest, as the prosecution, this seems like all the more reason to bring him in.
Anyway we’re demanding his testimony.
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Well luckily for us the jury seems to finally be getting its arse in gear and has agreed (fairly unanimously) to let the god damn defendant make a statement in his own murder trial.
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Nothing to say here. This just feels like a meme.
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Wait an urchin?
Ace Attorney, I’ve already had a ‘don’t feel good’ case regarding who I’m accusing, don’t make me do that again.
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Yeah, they probably would have done, and unlike you I don’t think she’d have been able to pull the ‘I donated a park to this city you know’ trick to win hearts and minds.
I wonder if she was there as a passenger or as a stowaway? Because I’d say that gap under the seat could fit a child pretty easily.
Now Barok’s saying we have no reason to believe Mr McGilded. And he’s right except for, you know, all the evidence...
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Wait what.
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A smoke bomb just went off!
I really don’t like the face Mr McGilded pulled just then, and he definitely gave a signal for it to be dropped.
...Ah fuck, he’s guilty isn’t he.
And he’s using some kid to cover it up.
Well shit...
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misslilli · 3 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | AO3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Last Chance For Spotting A Rainbow
If you know you know ;)
[ FM ]
The second Friday in school marks the end of the grace period for the first-grade parents where they can accompany their kids all the way to the classroom. From now on, we wait for them in front of the school with the other parents.
It also ends the grace period where I can “casually” bump into Miss Scully in front of her classroom and I’m a little disappointed, to say the least.
This morning though, I get lucky because when we enter the school, we run into her on the way from the teacher’s lounge to the classroom, a stack of books in her arms and a cup of coffee perched perilously on top of them.
Felix is ecstatic. “Good morning, Miss Scully!,” he yells from across the front hall and tugs me towards her.
She stops and waits for us, her coffee cup wobbling. “Good morning, Felix! Mr. Mulder!”
“Good morning! Do you need help with that?” I gesture towards her books but the shakes her head no.
“No, no, I’m fine, thanks. So Felix, you got any big plans for this weekend?” They’re walking in front of me and I’m proud of myself that I steal a glance at her ass only once. Okay and one at her legs. ‘Those heels, oh boy. Another pair to add to my inappropriate fantasies, in most of which she always wears heels. And nothing else.’
“Yeah, we’re going to the farmer’s market tomorrow! Have you ever been there Miss Scully?” Felix swigs his schoolbag along, his gaze never leaving her.
“Actually, me and my friends go there every Saturday, so maybe we’ll run into you guys there!” I somehow get the feeling that if Felix gets any say in this, we’ll be spending the whole day there until we run into her.
When we reach the classrooms, she finally lets me help her out. “Could you get my keys please? They’re in my back pocket. Just pull on the lanyard.” ‘Oh Lord. They’re in the freaking back pocket of her jeans. Of course they are. I just can’t seem to catch a break.’
Biting back a dirty joke – which I’m 100% positive she wouldn’t appreciate – I do as told and tug on the lanyard, unlocking her classroom door and opening the door for her. I briefly wonder if I should just put the keys back where they were, but the thought alone almost gives me a heart attack, so instead, I loop the lanyard with her keys around her neck and she smiles thankfully.
“Thanks. Have a good weekend, Mulder boys!”
After school, I don’t see her again because they’re, as Felix informs me, in the gym already. But I’m treated to a story about her in recess in the car.
“So I was sitting on the teacher’s bench again today and Miss Scully was talking to Miss Anderson and you know how they’re kind of weird and only ever use the first letters of their names? Miss Anderson always calls her “D” and I’ve been wondering forever what it stands for.” Yes I do know, I had to get him the book of first names from our library’s top shelf. Also, a kid’s definition of forever will never cease to amaze me. It’s been a few days, tops. I wait for him to continue.
“… and then, Miss Anderson said it, dad! She said: ‘Dana, I’m not sure this is gonna work!’ Now I finally know! …Dana.”
I nod, but on the inside, I sincerely hope that he hasn’t made the obvious connection, that her name is almost eerily similar to his mother’s first name. Just one letter.
[ DS ]
That night, we order Chinese takeout, none of us particularly interested in cooking and we gather around the kitchen table. Sarah passes out the chopsticks while Holly opens a bottle of Shiraz, our classes clinking together for a toast. “Two weeks down! So girls, how was your week? Any juicy stories?,” Sarah asks, looking around at us expectantly.
“Well… I could tell you about that really awful date I had this week with Mark the banker, on which he made a move 10 minutes into the conversation buuuut I get the feeling someone else might have more interesting stories.” Holly points her chopsticks at me and grins, waggling her eyebrows. My own chopsticks pause halfway to my mouth.
“Me? Why?” I ask innocently, stuffing a piece of spring roll into my mouth.
“Very funny! You wanna tell me why I saw a very handsome dad leave your classroom all smiley faced on Tuesday?” ‘Busted.’
“What?! Mr. Mulder? How did I miss this?” Sarah looks at the both of us incredulously.
“Because your classroom isn’t across from D’s and you didn’t happen to look out through the window to see Dopey McSmileypants leave! So D, spill it, and don’t leave anything out!” I shrug nonchalantly.
“I asked a mom to help with read-alouds but her kid was sick, so since Mr. Mulder happened to stand there, I asked him if he could do it. Of course, the kids were all over him with questions, who are you, what are you doing here, you know how curious they are. He was a big hit with them, though, they absolutely loved him.” ‘They’re not the only ones though’
“Bet they weren’t the only ones who loved him, huh?” Damn Sarah for reading my mind! I laugh uncomfortably, shifting in my seat, but I nod. It was really nice to have him in my classroom. To cover for the fact that I’m not telling them the whole story, I help myself to some Kung-Pao Chicken. Sarah catches on anyway, of course she does.
“Wow, that’s mighty nice of him, to take an hour out of his workday to help you out! But I get the feeling that there’s more to the story, what aren’t you telling us, D?”
“Well… after he left, the kids had even more questions, they practically fell over each other, why are your cheeks so red Miss Scully, is he my boyfriend, or is he my husband? And… I caught myself thinking ‘Ya, I wish!’ …” I trail off, a little embarrassed at my admission.
“Man this is some serious Romeo and Juliet shit that’s going on here, D. So we’ve established that you like him, we suspect that he likes you too, judging by the glazed over look on his face when you walk by and he thinks no-one is watching. What’s the hold-up then?”
“Please don’t tell me we’re still hung up on the people talk – good reputation bs!” If I had hoped that the conversation would not take this turn, Holly quickly extinguishes it.
“I don’t know, guys… it’s not complete bs though, you know how I hate when people gossip about me behind my back, and dating the new guy in town puts me in a spotlight that I’m not particularly comfortable being in. I guess what’s worse however is that I’m scared. Like, terrified, of putting my heart out there again after that 2 year on-again-off-again shitshow with Steve last year.”
“That narcissistic asshole…,” Holly mutters under her breath and the others nod, remembering when I had finally hit emotional rock-bottom last year, after I realized that he’d gaslighted me over and over again, resulting in me having a mental breakdown curled up on the cold bathroom floor.
“My anxiety has been badever since, it’s getting better with therapy, but still… I just know I’ll screw it up. I’m damaged goods.” Alex, who hasn’t said anything yet, listening intently, finally speaks up.
“That’s not true, D. You’re getting help and you know we’re always there for you.” – “Yeah, we’ll kick anybody’s ass who dares to hurt you!” – “Don’t interrupt me, S. If he’d ask you out on a date, do you think you’ll say yes?” I consider this for a moment.
“I’m not sure. I don’t really know anything about him except that he seems to be a great dad and that he believes in aliens…” Holly bursts out laughing at the last part.
“What? Aliens?” I tell them the story that took place with the PTA parents in front of the school and the others join Holly’s laughter and I’m grateful that the conversation has taken a lighter turn.
“That’s too funny... You know, he could really learn a thing or two from his son, he asked us to his and his dad’s birthday party today at recess! It was so sweet, guys, I can’t even… We’re all invited, by the way – I think it’s going to be quite the event!” Felix had come up to Sarah and me today, holding out an official invitation and one that he had made himself, just for us.
“Yay, a party, I love me a good party! So, are we going to go?” Holly looks at us questioningly. Sarah only scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“Are you kidding? Of course we’re going to go!”
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
beach party | zuko
study group: a social media au where you work at iroh’s boba tea shop with zuko, try to keep up with your college courses, and stir up an irresponsible amount of chaos with the gaang 
prev. / part six / next
((author’s note: okay, so! this update wound up being over 3k words, oops! also, this one is just the written out scene, since none of this takes place over social media/text, and can be read as a solo piece if you aren’t caught up with the rest of the story! enjoy!!))
You stare at yourself in Katara’s mirror, still second-guessing the cut of your swimsuit.
“Hey, you look great,” she assures you from across the room. “Besides, just think about all the fun you’ll have getting to swim again!”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you smile at the thought, giving yourself one more once-over before turning away from your reflection. “How do you always know what to say?”
“It’s a secret,” she presses a finger to her lips before laughing. “Now, come on, get dressed!”
You glance at the clock and your eyes go wide. “Shit, why didn’t you tell me it was getting so late?” you ask, moving across the room to pull on a hawaiian shirt and a pair of shorts over your swimsuit.
“You were kind of distracted by the mirror,” she laughs again. “Don’t worry, you still have time!”
The drive to the beach is quiet, but not uncomfortably so, a local rock station filling the silence. You’re not sure what kind of music you’d expected to hear, but it seems… fitting, especially with the way Zuko drums his fingers along the steering wheel in time.
You realize as the buildings go by that you haven’t travelled to this side of the city in ages, and a somewhat childlike excitement builds within you when you see the shoreline come into view. The ocean.
“How long has it been?” Zuko’s voice pulls you out of your reverie.
“Since you’ve seen the ocean?” he explains. “You’re acting like you’ve never seen it before.”
“Oh, well, uh, I guess it’s been awhile?” You try to think back far enough. “It was before I graduated high school; what about you?”
He seems caught off guard for a moment, hesitant as he says, “I… haven’t been since my last family trip; so, yeah, awhile.”
Of course, you notice the edge in Zuko’s tone when he says family. Outside of Iroh, you know next to nothing about Zuko’s family. You’ve heard the name Azula thrown around a few times, usually in distaste or regret, but other than that… Zuko doesn’t talk about them, and you’re not going to pry.
“Do you think it’d be lame for me to pick seashells at a party?” you ask, only partly serious as you try to change the subject.
When you see the small upturn of his lips, you smile, even as he adds, “Yeah, I do.”
“Well, now I have to.”
“Oh my god! Zuko! Y/n!” you hear Ty Lee’s voice the second you step onto the sand, your bag and towel still in hand as she runs over to greet you. “It’s been so LONG, how have you been?? I’m so glad you could make it!!!”
Her smile is infectious, and you can’t help but grin as you reply, “Things are good! It’s so nice to see you again!”
“Why don’t you two find someplace to set up and then come join Mai and I for some volleyball! We’ve been trying to get a good game going, but no one can handle Mai’s serves,” she laughs, looking back toward her girlfriend affectionately before returning her attention to you. “What do you say?”
“That sounds like fun! What do you think?” you glance over to Zuko, whose expression is incredibly passive.
“Yeah… sounds fun.”
“Yay!!! I’ll go tell Mai!”
Ty Lee runs off toward the volleyball net while you find a place to set your things down, spreading out the beach towel you borrowed from Katara.
“Well, she’s just as sweet as I remember,” you comment, and Zuko shrugs. You watch him for a moment before asking, “Everything okay? We don’t have to go play—”
“No, it’s fine, I just… haven’t played in awhile, that’s all.”
You can tell there’s more to it, but again, it’s not something you’re going to press about, so you just smile instead. “I’m sure you’ll do fine! Now c’mon, get your ass into gear, we’ve got a game to win.”
He shakes his head, but follows you over to the net nonetheless.
“Just so you know, our games can get a little intense,” Zuko comments as you walk over, his tone somewhere between a joke and a serious warning.
“What, you don’t think I can handle it?” you ask with a laugh, not sure how to interpret the smirk he gives you.
“Just warning you, that’s all.”
Ty Lee enthusiastically waves as you approach, her other hand intertwined with Mai’s. She’s practically bouncing on tips of her toes, and you can’t fathom how a single human being is filled with that much energy… but honestly, it helps quell the anxiety you’ve been feeling all week.
“Hey Y/n,” Mai nods her head toward you, “Zuko.”
“Hey!” You don’t get the feeling that there’s any bad blood left, as you know Mai has never been much for words. The only discomfort that lingers in the air is emanating from Zuko, who still hasn’t said a thing.
So, you do the only thing you can think to do, and smile at him, trying to encourage him to loosen up.
“Hey,” he finally speaks, “so are we gonna get this game started, or what?”
Ty Lee laughs and claps her hands, and you can even see the smallest hint of a smile on Mai’s face as she rolls the ball over to Zuko. “Your serve.”
“Show us one of those killer serves, Zuko!” Ty Lee shouts, already in ready position, and you start to realize that this “game” might be a little more than you bargained for.
And when you hear the impact of Zuko’s serve, you know this is more than just a simple game of beach volleyball.
After starting to sweat and realizing how limited your mobility is, you decide to take off your outer clothes, causing Ty Lee to pause the entire game to run over and get a better look at your swimsuit, overflowing with compliments. You can feel the blush rise to your cheeks, but again, her attitude melts away most of the anxiety you’d been feeling over the swimsuit.
You find it slightly easier to keep up with them after that.
At some point, Zuko’s shirt also gets tossed aside, and you’re having trouble concentrating on your serve. It’s game point, with both teams tied, and the pressure you’re feeling is uncomfortable to say the least. Everyone’s moves are so fast and intense; you feel out of place with your simple underhand serve and wariness toward diving for the ball.
You shake your head, doing your best to avoid looking at Zuko in any… less than platonic way, and serve the ball.
Ty Lee receives it with ease, and Mai sets her up for a spike aimed directly at you. In the span of a few seconds, you have to decide between two options: duck out of the way, or try to receive the ball as it moves at what seems to be 70mph.
While every survival instinct in your body tells you to avoid the hit, you find yourself wanting to… impress these people? Or, at the very least, not let Zuko down, so you move your forearms and try to send the ball toward him.
The ball hits your skin with an impact that leaves red marks behind, but you barely notice as you watch Zuko run toward the ball at its highest point and spike it over the net, his muscles flexing with the movement. It hits the sand on the other side, Ty Lee unable to dive in time, but you’re still staring at Zuko. Hell, how do you look away from that. 
He’s genuinely smiling when he looks back at you, a small but invigorated smile, and you do your best to return the look and play it off like you hadn’t just been eyeing him up. 
“Aw, man!” Ty Lee pushes herself off the ground, but her pout quickly turns into a smile. “Good game, guys! That was fun!!!”
“Yeah,” Mai agrees, rolling the ball back over to her bag before taking Ty Lee’s hand. “Thanks for playing with us.”
“We’re gonna go say hi to some other guests, but feel free to grab a drink!” Ty Lee gestures to the little set-up of coolers nearby, somehow still bouncing with energy as they walk away.
“So, you didn’t feel the need to tell me that you guys were beach volleyball masters?” you ask as Zuko walks back toward you, your voice winded.
He laughs under his breath. “I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say that; I did try to warn you, though.”
“Look at my arms, Zuko,” you hold out your forearms, showing off the marks left from Ty Lee’s last spike. “Look at them! You’re telling me that’s not the work of an absolute pro?”
He rolls his eyes, showing you the lingering redness on his own palm. “Maybe you just need to toughen up.”
“Oh?” You flex your bicep, trying not to laugh at your own dumb joke before you even say it. “This not tough enough for you?”
Zuko just stares at you incredulously, then breaks out into a laugh.
You try to ignore the heat that rises to your face.
“You know what? Fine, if I can’t best you in strength then… race you to the water!” You’re already sprinting away by the end of your sentence, and you giggle as Zuko calls out “Hey!” from behind you.
Despite your head start, you can hear his footfalls close behind you, and glance back to see him only a couple steps away. “Nuh uh, no way,” you mutter to yourself, pushing harder to reach the shoreline first.
By the time you’re only a few feet away from the water, you’re toe to toe with Zuko, and in a last ditch effort, you barrel your shoulder into him. He staggers to the side, most likely only because he was caught off guard by the action, but regardless, it gives you that extra few seconds to reach the shoreline before him.
“Cheater!” he calls out as you wade further into the water, now swimming away from him. You’re about to turn around and taunt your win, albeit dubiously achieved, when a hand wraps around your ankle and pulls you back.
Suddenly, Zuko is in front of you, arms crossed. “You know I should’ve won.” There’s a glare on his face that doesn’t hide the amusement in his eyes, and you feign innocence.
“Who said there were any rules involved, hm?”
His eyes narrow, and you take the opportunity to splash a small wave of water at him, attempting to swim away before he can retaliate.
You make it a little bit farther away from him this time, but again, he grabs your leg, this time pulling you into his arms so he can pick you up and dunk you back into the water.
You resurface sputtering, both from the water in your mouth and the sudden physical contact from Zuko. Deciding to firmly ignore any thoughts sparked by the touch, you frown at him, shouting, “Oh, it is on.”
By the time the sun goes down, you and Zuko are sitting beside one of the bonfires, listening to the chatter of everyone around you as you warm up. You both have your outer layers on again, the sea breeze carrying a chill that would make you shiver otherwise. Someone’s party mix is playing in the background, on a speaker small enough that the bass doesn’t sound right, but people are dancing around it anyways, drinks in hand.
 Neither of you add much to the conversation, instead opting to listen and shoot each other looks at particularly interesting quotes. It wasn’t all that different from your shifts at the Jasmine Dragon, overhearing the weirdest things from customers and judging them together. When Zuko’s eyes meet yours, brow raised after an incredibly stupid comment from a nearby frat boy, you have to stifle a laugh.
Despite all the strangers, it’s familiar, and it’s nice.
Zuko excuses himself a few minutes later, going to grab another drink, and you nod, watching the flames dance in front of you. Without someone there to make fun of everyone with, you find the fire to be a much more interesting sight, from the embers beneath the logs to the small sparks that float off the highest flames. It’s almost hypnotizing.
So, you hardly notice when someone takes Zuko’s place.
“Hi,” a voice pulls you out of your trance, and you look over to see a girl with dark hair and golden eyes. She’s smiling, but there’s something unnerving about the expression, something you can’t place. “I’m Azula, Zuko’s sister,” she reaches out to shake your hand. “You must be Zuko’s date.”
You finish the gesture, and her fingers squeeze just a little too tightly around your hand as you explain, “Oh! No, we’re just friends!”
She throws her head back with a laugh before looking you up and down. “Of course, that makes much more sense; I’ll admit, I was confused when I saw you two in the water earlier. I must say, it is so brave of you to wear a swimsuit like that.”
You feel your throat constrict, staring dumbfounded for a moment as you try to process her words. “Excuse me?”
“I mean it!” She smiles. “I admire the courage it must have taken just to put it on, let alone wear it to a party like this. You should be proud.”
There’s a glint in her eye that tells you she knows exactly what she’s doing, and you don’t know how to respond. Without Zuko next to you, you feel completely alone, surrounded by people who won’t take a second glance in your direction. It’s like you’re drowning, and the girl in front of you is holding you under.
“I— I should go,” you manage to get out, moving to stand up, but she grabs your wrist.
“No, please, stay until little Zuzu comes back! I’m sure we can find something to talk about, like how bold it was for you to show up without wearing any makeup, I mean, wow.”
The pure joy in her eyes as she meticulously picks you apart burns straight through you. “I really should go.”
When you try to yank your wrist away, she pouts, gripping it tighter. “Don’t you know it’s rude to leave in the middle of a conversation?”
Your mind struggles to keep up with the sudden change in atmosphere, how quickly the anxiety from this afternoon returns, almost doubled. Any hint of joy, any spark of laughter, it’s all fading under the piercing glare of those molten eyes… you feel trapped. 
“Azula? What the hell are you doing?”
Zuko’s voice has never filled you with such relief, and thankfully, she releases her grip. “I was just introducing myself to your new friend!” She shoots him a grin before turning back to you. “What was your name again?”
Your mouth goes dry as you try to answer, and Azula laughs.
“Oh, come on, don’t be shy now. All I’ve done is compliment your confidence!”
“What are you talking about—just leave them alone, Azula.”
“Fine, whatever you say, Zuzu.” She turns to walk away, sighing, “Sue me for being nice...”
“What was that—”
“Can we go?”
Your voice is small, and you’re staring at your feet, unable to look at Zuko. You want to fade away, or disappear into the sea, or sink into the sand—anything to get away from the eyes surrounding you.
“Yeah, sure.”
Whatever questions he has, he doesn’t ask, simply follows you back to where you left your bag and towels. You can feel your hands shaking as you gather your belongings and you bite your cheek, hoping the night helps to at least somewhat mask your trembling. Get it together, idiot.
You hate that you were letting a few comments get to you this badly. Somehow, Azula managed to hit every single point of insecurity and anxiety within seconds of meeting you, and it takes everything you have to keep from spiraling right then and there.
Once you’re back in the car, you let out a sigh. It’s quiet, the music from the party faint and muffled in the background, and you can feel Zuko looking at you.
Before he can say anything, you tell him, “I’m sorry I pulled you away from the party; it seemed like you were having fun.”
Even you can hear the shake in your voice.
“Don’t worry about it; I was starting to get tired anyways.”
He starts the car, and radio static plays for a few seconds before tuning into a local station. Old rock music pours from the speakers, and you’re thankful to have something to fill the silence.
But Zuko doesn’t put the car in reverse, doesn’t so much as move to take it out of park.
“...are you okay?” His voice sounds stiff, like he’s not sure how to phrase his question, or if it’s something he should ask at all.
When you open your mouth to try and come up with some little lie, you find yourself muted by that tight feeling in the back of your throat, and all that comes out is a strangled, “I...“
Zuko sighs, a bitterness to his tone as he tells you, “Whatever Azula said, she’s just— she’s just a narcissist that gets off on putting everyone else down, her words don’t mean shit.”
It’s not like you haven’t cried in front of Zuko before. After a particularly nasty burn at work, you couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down your face. He didn’t say anything when it happened, thankfully, just let you take your time taking care of it as he covered both register and tea-making for you. Now, though, it’s different. You don’t want to cry in front of him like this. This isn’t a burn or a bruise; it’s pure shame and embarrassment and frustration. It’s searing emotional pain and you can’t let him see you like this.
“I shouldn’t have dragged you to this—“
“No, I had fun,” you insist, despite the strain in your voice. “It was a lot of fun. I’m not gonna let one bad moment ruin an entire night.”
But that isn’t up to you. Your mind has been fast at work clouding every memory with the realization that you were out there, in front of all those people, in front of Zuko, looking like that. It hurts.
“Do you… still wanna get frozen yogurt?”
The idea of trying to eat anything, let alone something so sweet, makes you feel nauseous, your stomach already turning in unease. “I think I’m gonna have to take a raincheck.” You try to keep your voice steady, try to force a smile. “You still owe me, though.”
He doesn’t tease you back. There’s no amusement in his eyes, just… worry, and you have to look away. “Can you take me home? I’m feeling tired and I— I can just get my things from Katara’s place tomorrow.”
The drive home is silent.
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jpegjade · 4 years
Hot girl summer - Spencer
yay requests :)) I would love something where the reader is insecure about her body, but spencer comforts her and reassures her that her beauty goes way beyond her body. no worries if you can’t get to it! thanks 🥰
Warnings: a couple swear words and a little suggestive thing at the end. Also it’s about the reader’s low self-esteem and general unease with her body so if you have a problem with reading it at any point, do not feel inclined to continue. Seriously mental health first. 
I MAY HAVE GONE A LITTLE OVERBOARD. I struggle with this so this one hit home (thank you anon for this one, like genuinely). IM SO SORRY IF YOU WANTED SOMETHING LIGHTER. 
It was hot, sweltering even. Your fan did almost nothing to cool the apartment off and there was no other way to cool off. The hotter it got the more layers Spencer took off. Right now, he was down to being shirtless and wearing a pair of khakis lounging on the couch with his hands behind his head. He was a marvel to stare at like that. You were thankful for the hot day but damn were you hot.
“You’re still wearing that hoodie? We’re at the beginning of Summer. Statistically, hyperthermia is bound to set in if you don’t shed a layer or two and stay hydrated. You haven’t been drinking enough fluids lately. I can tell because you aren’t sweating. Shedding a layer or two would help your body cool down. And I wouldn’t mind, also…” He said, sheepishly. He had the cutest grin on his face. He was so proud of himself for being smooth. 
The relationship had been steady the past couple months. It was nice to have someone who cared so greatly about you. It was also nice to know that he paid attention to you in such detail. You smiled at him as he sat up on the couch. You looked him up and down, wondering how long it had been since- 
“Y/N? Are you okay? I’m really concerned.” His brow furrowed a little as he scanned your face for any sign of recognition. You being unresponsive was concerning him. 
“Yeah… I just don’t really feel like taking the hoodie off, I guess.” You said, not able to meet his eyes. 
“Please, I’m begging you. I really don’t want you suffering from heat stroke. It can be extremely difficult to cool your body down and while I have the knowledge, I don’t have the right equipment to correctly care for you. If it’s a life or death situa-” 
“I don’t feel comfortable in my body and I hate when you see me without anything on.” You blurted out. Suddenly, everything started to come out. “I’ve gained weight since the quarantine, I’ve gotten bigger. My clothes don’t fit like they used to and you haven’t changed. You’re fit without even trying and you don’t have to worry about this stuff because you’re you. You’re skinny. You fit your clothes. You haven’t gone through what I’ve been dealing with for weeks and I’ve worked so hard to hide it from you but I’m tired… I’m tired of looking at myself in the mirror and hating every inch of what I see in the reflection. And I hate that you see me like this. Okay? Can we drop it now?” 
You didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did. You didn’t want to attack him or make him feel like you meant to hurt him. You watched as he tried to say something, his mouth opening and closing. He licked his lips and didn’t say anything. That’s when you started to feel it rising up, the anger. The frustration. The hatred. All at yourself. You couldn’t believe that you said that to your boyfriend, the only guy who had ever loved you as you were. So many people had come and gone in your life, people that taught you how to truly hate yourself and it stuck. The words, the feeling, everything stuck. And now, it was coming back to bite you after you worked so hard to keep it hidden from him, especially during these past few months. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve said something to make you feel like you… I didn’t mean to pry or make you feel uncomfortable. I thought it was-” He started, looking down at his hands.
“Spencer, it’s not you. It’s me. I’ve always been like this. It’s not your fault. You’ve been nothing but good to me. I promise. It’s always been me and especially now, I don’t… I’m sorry. I just don’t like when you look at me the way you do...” You stared at your feet, covered in mismatched socks. You couldn’t find the matches and all you wanted was to cover up today. 
There was a silence, uncomfortable and suffocating. Everything was wrong. It was your fault that this happened… All you had to do was-
“Come on.” Spencer left the couch, grabbing your hand and  leading you to the bathroom. All you could think was how he was going to break up with you now that he knew you weren’t as confident as you made yourself seem most recently. 
“Okay. Stand right here, in front of me.” He put his arms around your waist from behind and bent over a little to sit his head in the crook of your neck and your shoulder. 
“Spencer, if you’re going to break up with me, just do it. Don’t mess around and…” You felt the tears building up at the thought of living without him. 
“Shhh. Okay, tell me what you see. Be honest and don’t hold back.” He said looking in the mirror. 
“I see a really cute man with stubble and soft hands and glasses that frame his face very well.” You said, trying to hold back the tears. You hated the view of your body in the mirror, even if you were still in your heavy hoodie.
“Thank you but what do you see about the girl in front of me?” His face remained straight, unreadable. 
One tear fell. Then another. Then another. 
“I see someone who doesn’t deserve the person behind the person behind her. I see someone who is overweight, out of shape, someone who isn’t good enough because she doesn’t…” Your voice caught in your throat. You breathed a deep sign. “I see someone I hate. I hate her more than anyone in the world.” 
“Okay, my turn.” He said, still unreadable. “I see a brilliant, kind, loving, soft, unique woman in front of me. I see someone who would rather be late because she stopped in the road to help baby ducks cross the street than be on time. I see strength and power in her shaking hands. I see someone who lives their life at a pace they can handle, never letting anyone dictate who they are. I see a woman who would do anything for her loved ones. I see someone who deserves all the good in the world because that’s what she gives out. I see light and love and peace and joy all wrapped up in the body of someone who is soft, gentle, and beautiful. I’ve noticed changes but I see the changes on the inside. So what if you’ve gained some more squish? I love it like I love the rest of you. So what if I’m built like a stick? I can’t fill a dress with curves like you. You don’t deserve me. You deserve better. And I want to be better for you, in any way that I can. You deserve the best because you give the best type of love there is: Pure, innocent, and bright.” 
You looked back up at your reflection, suddenly feeling warm inside. He thought all those things about you… He thought such nice things about you… Why couldn’t you think of those things? 
“I don’t see it.” You said, your voice small. 
“It’s okay. You won’t now but being better for you means that I remind you. And you’ll slowly see it.” He said, kissing your cheek. “But for now, I would like to cool off with a cold bath.” 
“Oh, okay. I’ll go read my book.” You said, pulling away from him. Or at least you attempted to. Spencer pulled you back to where you previously were standing. 
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” His voice was low and soft but there was something else mixed in. “You’re going to get in with me and I’m going to wash your hair and massage your shoulders and help you cool off because it’s really hot but so are you. I don’t care what you say, you could literally be a cardboard box and I would still want you the way I do now. And I mean now.” 
“Spence…” You said, feeling your face grow hot. He rarely got authoritative but when he did, your world was rocked.
“That wasn’t a question.”
I WRITE SUCH LONGASS ONESHOTS. DEAR LORD I NEED TO GET TO THE POINT FASTER. unless you guys like the longer ones. i get carried away
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vixenpen · 4 years
Caged Hearts
(Hawks x Miku)
(((Chap 2 Cat&Mouse)))
((Pt. 1)) ((Pt. 3))
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The loud smattering of applause finally made Hawks look up from his second serving of roasted chicken dinner, and he nearly choked when he saw the winged goddess herself gliding through the crowd in a silver gown.
Oh my god, oh my god, what is she doing here? What the—Shit! I need to get an autograph.
Thanks to his dizzying train of thought, it took him longer than necessary to register that the lady of the hour was actually gliding towards their table. In fact, it didn’t register until Mirko and Lady hopped to their feet to pull Syren into one of those squealing group hugs girls did.
“I’m so glad you guys could make it!” Syren exclaimed.
“You kiddin?” Mirko pulled back with a grin, "we wouldn’t have missed it for the world! You were amazing, girl.”
“Thank you.” She beamed
“Seriously, you were incredible,” Lady added.
“Oh, hey, we have some friends we want you to meet.” Mirko gestured to their table.
“This is Kamihara Shinya, aka Edgeshot.”
“Nice to meet you,” Syren smiled.
“Likewise,” Edge gave a curt bow of his head, “your show was a delight.”
“And this is—“
“Oh my god, you’re Hawks!” Her eyes widened.
He could only gawk in response.
It wasn’t until Mirko cleared her throat pointedly that Hawks finally dropped the fork, which had been half way through its journey to his mouth, to reply.
“Heh, yeah, th-That’s me.” He gave her—what he hoped—was a charming smile.
“It’s so great to finally meet you!” Syren said, beaming brighter than he had seen her beam all night.
It should have eased his nerves some that she seemed to be a fan of his. It didn’t.
“Same here.” He replied.
“Well,” Mirko clapped. “I’m going to go to the little lady’s room!”
“Great idea,” Lady hooked her arm through Mirko’s. “I’ll come with.”
“You kids have fun!” Mirko winked. Hawks could have sworn that was directed at him.
“I actually think I saw someone I know earlier,” Edgeshot spoke up next. “I’m going to go say hello. Ms. Syren, why don’t you have a seat?” He gestured to his spot beside Hawks as he stood.
With that, Hawks’ last buffer was gone.
Those slick assholes.
He didn’t know if he wanted to kill the lot of them when they got back or thank them.
Syren slid into the booth next to him, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him. Her ivory wings brushed against his own.
The singer’s excitement was literally palpable. His feathers were picking up the enthusiastic fluttering of her heart.
Alright, Keigo, play it cool.
“It’s so great to finally meet you, Syren gushed, "I’m such a huge fan."
“Well, that makes two us, Angel.”
Syren blushed. Hawks felt her heart rev which eased his nerves.
Wow, she really is a fan of mine. Alright. This is good. This I can handle.
After all, fans were easy. All he had to do was turn on some of that old Hawks Charm™️, and he would be back in control of his frazzled nerves.
“I have to say, beautiful, I loved your show.”
“Really. I gotta say, I’m surprised you didn’t end with The View from Up Here.”
If it were possible, Syren’s grin grew even wider.
“Oh, you really are a fan! I decided to debut Take Off on a whim. My managers were like: ‘you can’t do that; the audience won’t recognize the song merp merp merp!’ but I told them: ‘this is a meaningful artistic choice! It’ll resonate more with the audience.’ You know, it’s easy to talk about the view from the top once you’re already there, but the scariest part for most people is taking that first step, 'The Take Off,' so to speak so—oh I’m sorry, I’m talking to much aren’t I?”
Hawks snapped his gaping mouth shut and shook his head.
“N-no, not at all.”
I love your view on your craft. Also, your voice is so textured and expressive it almost feels like a constant massage. I could literally listen to you talk for hours and never get tired.
He was definitely keeping that little anecdote to himself.
“I can’t speak for everyone else, but it definitely resonated with me.”
a soft grateful smile danced on her face. “Thank you,” She placed her hand on his arm and gave it a squeeze. “That means Everything coming from you.”
The gesture, friendly as it was, lit a fire under his skin. So much for getting his nerves under control.
Luckily, Syren quickly moved on. Her lavender eyes landed on one of Hawks’ most prized possession, his gold Rolex.
“Oooh!” She trilled. Her wings fluttering excitedly.
God she’s adorable.
“You like this, sweet heart?” Hawks chuckled, holding up his forearm to give her a better view of the jewelry.
She hummed in agreement, reverently stroking the band.
Hawks unhooked the watch, and motioned for Syren’s arm. Even fastening the watch as tight as he could, it still slid
Down her delicate wrist, making her giggle. He smiled.
“It’s so pretty.”
“Heh, it is nice, huh?” He replied, fastening it back on his arm.
A thoughtful smile crossed Hawks face as he stared at the pearl face and reminisced.
“it was the first indulgent purchase I made after becoming a hero. Pretty shallow I know, but hey, when you risk your life every second of everyday, you deserve a little indulgence I say.”
He’d meant to play that as a joke, but he almost couldn’t help the bite in his tone.
“Hawks,” Syren said gently.
His golden eyes met hers.
“I know we just met, but I have a proposal-“
“Woah, already?” He interrupted with a chuckle. “That’s pretty sudden, Angel, can’t a guy get dinner first?”
A flush lit up Syren’s brown cheeks as she giggled.
“Not like that, silly. I was going to ask if you’d come to my birthday party next weekend? I know we just met, but I would really love it if you came.”
“A personal invitation from the birthday girl, herself?” He brought a hand to his chin and rolled his eyes to the ceiling thoughtfully. “Now what kind of guy would I be if I refused an offer like that?”
“An asshole,” she replied.
Hawks let out a bark of surprised laughter at her frankness.
“Well that does it, huh? I can’t have my favorite singer thinking I’m an asshole. Alright, Miss. Syren, I’ll be there.”
She bounced giving a giddy little clap. “Yay!”
Hawks smiled, relaxing in her effervescent presence.
“So,” he inched closer to her, feeling suddenly emboldened. “What does the birthday girl want?”
“Oh no, Hawks, you don’t have to buy me anything,” she waved her hands, dismissively. “just you coming will be enough.”
“Syren, I promise you, babe, it’s no problem.” He threw an arm over the back of her chair.”
A blush colored her cheeks. He smirked. He was still nervous, but the more flustered she got, the more at ease he felt. Not to mention the thrumming of her pulse was sending a sweet little vibration through his wings.
“Hawks, you really don’t have to-“
“Angel,” he drawled in a low, warning tone, “if you know my reputation, you know I’m very persistent in getting what I want.” His golden eyes ran over her body, suggestively. “So, you may not wanna play cat and mouse games with me, beautiful. Unless you like getting caught.”
He didn’t even need his quirk to pick up on Syren’s flustered energy. It was written all over her adorable, blushing face.
“W-well, I, um, I love jewelry, sparkly things, anything to do with music, and backless dresses like this one.” Her voice cracked as she stammered out her reply.
Her nervous energy excited Hawks. He found himself wanting more. Wanting to see just how far he could push her.
“Oh?” his eyes ran over her once more. “Let me see.”
Syren turned away from him. The silver gown she wore dipped dangerously low in the back, showing off a well-toned physique. Her ivory wings flexed, as if to showcase the muscles that kept them working. But what drew Hawks’ was the thin, sparkling silver chain that fell just above her ass holding the slinky little dress in place.
He almost couldn’t help himself as he hooked his fingers beneath the chain and allowed them to travel up the length of her spine. He marveled at the way her wings fluttered as she shivered under his touch. When he reached the juncture between where they protruded from her back a pretty coo escaped her.
Holy fuck.
His voice took on a low, suggestive tone as he asked: “Like this, baby?”
Syren turned to face him, whipping her curtain of silky white hair over her shoulder, and hitting him in the face.
“Just like that, daddy.” She purred.
Hawks choked.
He choked on literal air.
Hawks: 0
Syren: 1,00,000,000
Damn...was not expecting that. Alright, bud, you can bounce back. Smooth and witty, kid.
“Thank you.”
Syren laughed.
Hawks: -1
Syren: 1,00,000,001
“Hey kids, we’re back!” Mirko’s booming voice announced as she and Lady slid back into the booth arm in arm.
Saved by the bunny.
“Hope you two didn’t have too much fun while we were away.” Lady winked, smirking at them.
Hawks aimed a pointed look at her messy hair before glancing at Mirko’s smeared lipstick.
“Not as much fun as you two had, I’m sure.” He shot his friends a smirk of his own.
Lady blushed; Mirko just chuckled.
“Say, you guys didn’t tell me you knew my number one hero!” Syren piped up, placing a hand on Hawks knee.
His heart skipped a beat, both at the title and her touch.
“To be fair, we also didn’t tell him we knew his number one celebrity crush either.” Mirko replied.
Whelp, guess I’ll just die of embarrassment now. Good bye cruel world.
Before he could commence with dying, however, Syren nudged him.
“Your celebrity crush?” She quirked a brow playfully, but he could see the hopeful gleam in those crystal eyes of hers too.
“Guilty as charged, Angel.” He grinned back at her.
The pair held each other’s stare for a beat until Mirko coughed something that sounded a lot like: “She’s single!”
I swear I’m gonna skin this rabbit.
“So, since you two got acquainted, I take it Shiro told you about her birthday party coming up?” Lady asked, leaning forward on her elbows.
“She did, and I agreed to come.” He replied, coolly.
“I can’t wait for you to come!” Her bubbly tone didn’t match the suggestive glint in her eyes or the way she licked her lips slowly as she glanced at his.
Was everyone at this table conspiring to kill him slowly or what?
Mirko smacked her his arm.
"Hey, you better not be coming to the birthday girl's party empty-handed either, Hawks!"
He smacked her back. "C'mon Cotton Tail, what do you take me for? Of course, I've got something special in mind for the lady."
"Oooh!" Syren bounced again. "What is it."
He turned to her, playfully wagging a finger in her face.
"Nuh uh, Angel, it's a surprise. You'll find out soon enough. Promise."
“OK Hawks," she smiled back. Her voice rolled down his spine pleasantly. He had a sudden urge to hear her say his real name the way she said 'Hawks.'
She laid a hand on his thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze as she leaned forward. His golden-brown eyes dipped straight to the abundance of cleavage spilling out of her low-cut gown.
"Now that you know what I like, I can’t wait for you to give it to me.”
Hawks: -3
Miku: 1,000,000,003
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maprron · 3 years
Crush Culture 
Chapter 3
chapter 1| Chapter 2
Summary: Lucy is your average teenage girl... but she's not, it's complicated but not in a "OH I'm actually a supernatural being" but in a "OH I have to get married as soon as I turn 18" type of way. Problem #1 she doesn't like anyone and problem #2 she might have to marry her dad's friend's son... yay
Disclaimer: This story was created mainly for my friend and has no romance but they are gay so...  also I did read over this a bunch but if something doesn’t make sense blame my dyslexia... okay let’s continue
“Can you two get over whatever it is and can we go?” Wendy whined pulling on Natsu’s crossed arms with all her strength but to no avail. 
Lucy glanced down to Natsu’s side at the girl for a moment, noticing that at some point while they had been staring at each other from opposite sides of the kitchen counter in silence she had managed to put on clothes more suited for the weather. Lucy didn’t even notice she was gone.
“Lucy clearly doesn’t want to be near me” Natsu began “maybe we should just go without her” 
Wendy frowned “but I want her to come with us” she whined, gripping onto Natsu’s arm’s even harder 
“Well then Lucy is just going to have to get over herself” he smirked. Lucy rolled her eyes at that cocky smirk that she knows far too well. She wanted to slap it right off his face 
“So you are Wendy’s cousin?” Lucy finally asked the obvious question 
“Ain’t it obvious” 
“But she’s so nice and cute and you are… you” Lucy looked him up and down with a look of disgust. At one point in her life she wouldn’t have said that but we are long past that part of her life.
“Natsu’s nice” Wendy whined louder “can we just go please” 
The two looked at the little girl in silence. Then back up at each other. Then Natsu glanced towards the door, then the clock on the wall, and tilted his head a little. Lucy sighed. Natsu smiled. At one point in both of their lives they had learned how to communicate with each other with only their eyes and body language 
“Wendy, go grab a jacket, don't want your heart to be frozen like Lucy’s” he laughed. He didn’t mean it. Maybe he did. But Lucy knew that deep down he didn’t. So she smiled at his stupid remark.
Lucy had known for years that Natsu had motion sickness ever since she was forced to sit next to him in a car when they were eight. It was the worst hour of her life. So she was surprised when she saw a car parked outside the home that wasn’t there when she arrived. She was even more surprised when Natsu got in the driver’s seat.
“You drive?” Lucy stood in disbelief outside of the car
“Yes now get in” Lucy rolled her eyes but chose to listen to him instead of asking any more questions outside the car in the freezing temperature. “How though?” Lucy asked as she settled down in the front seat next to him
“What?” Natsu asked as he searched through the compartment in between the two front seats
“How do you drive, don’t you have motion sickness?”
“Oh” is all he said before pulling out a bottle of pills and shaking them a little to signal her to look at them. Lucy looked at the bottle he had in his hands and noticed that the label on them said that they were for motion sickness.
“Oh…” Lucy simply said as she internally wished that these had existed that time when they were eight.
“Here Wendy” Lucy looked over to Natsu who was opening the bottle and getting two pills out of it. In his other hand he held a bottle of juice to help Wendy take the pills.
“She has it too?” Lucy asked 
He nodded “It runs in the family I guess” Natsu shrugged once he placed the pills and juice in Wendy’s hands “My dad has it, her mom has it, and our other cousins and uncles have it.”
“That must suck…” Lucy looked behind her to Wendy in the backseat
Natsu chuckled “oh so now it sucks because it is Wendy”
“What?” Lucy looked back to Natsu instantly 
“You didn’t seem to care when we were eight, you kept trying to push me away from you” he remarked. She was surprised that he also remembered that day.
“That was different, I didn’t want you to puke on me” Lucy pointed at him and Natsu found it funny, mimicking her motion which she quickly slapped his hand for 
“Yeah… sure” he laughed at her 
“We’re all ready just drive” Lucy fell back in her seat, crossing her arms, and looked forward to the house across the street.
He rolled his eyes at her but did as he was told, knowing that if he didn’t listen to her he would soon have to listen to his little cousin’s whines.
Once during the trip Lucy caught herself staring at Natsu’s hands, but not in a ‘coming of age romance movie’ kind of way where she found them strangely attractive but in a ‘they tell so much of a story while still being a mystery’. The hands have clearly worked in his life and as Lucy looked closer she swore she saw his hands covered in ash from a fire but she wasn’t sure. Most of all she saw herself staring at the two rings he wore on each of his ring fingers. On one finger there was a white ring and on the other there was a black ring, they interested her, she almost found herself asking him about it but chose to keep her mouth shut.
Wendy wanted to go to the mall, which was a first for Lucy in babysitting. Typically if the kids wanted to go anywhere they would ask to go to the park, or a water park during the summer months. Usually Lucy had to tell the kids no unless their parents allowed it but they typically only approved it if they had known Lucy for years and the place is within walking distance. But this time there was no parent saying no and so they happily took Wendy to the mall.
“Look Wendy, this stuffed animal looks like Happy!” Natsu yelled towards Wendy while pointing at a blue plush cat in one of the stores.
Wendy skipped over to Natsu with Lucy right behind her “OH and this one looks like Carla” she pointed towards a plush white cat with a big smile on her face “can I have it?” 
“Of course” he smiled at her while she grabbed it off the shelf
“Whose Happy?” Lucy asked as she watched the little girl walk through the rest of the toy store
“Oh he’s my cat,” Natsu smiled. Lucy looked back at the blue cat on the shelf, odd she thought
“Your cat is blue?” She looked back up at him 
“Accident with blue paint a few years ago” he rubbed the back of his neck “couldn’t get it out so he is blue now” 
Lucy stared at him for a minute before nodding “makes sense I guess, but why didn’t you just dye him back?”
“Well we took him to the vet just to make sure it wasn’t harmful to him and they said it was fine and… well Wendy, who was four at the time, had already seen him blue and wouldn’t let us dye him back if we wanted to” he chuckled at his little cousin
“Oh well that makes more sense” Lucy giggled “most kids are like that after all.” She hated that she kind of enjoyed this conversation, no matter how strange it is.
“Natsu, Lucy! Can I have these too?” Wendy asked as she ran up to the two with a couple more toys in her arms
“Of course you can, '' Natsu smiled at the beaming little girl in front of him. As Wendy turned and skipped away towards the counter Natsu turned to Lucy and whispered “Grandeeny is going to kill me” in her ear. Lucy giggled at his comment “she should” Natsu rolled his eyes and they quickly followed after Wendy to pay for all the things she had found in the store.
After leaving the store they walked around the mall, soon finding their way to the part of the mall outside. It was cold but this area was always so pretty during the winter months. Wendy walked ahead of Natsu and Lucy but not too far so they could still see her. The other two walked together across the snow covered sidewalk that was illuminated by Christmas lights. Lucy remembered that Christmas was coming up, she forgot.
They watched as Wendy skipped down the sidewalk carefully, trying not to slip on the slippery surface in the process.
Lucy laughed
“What?” Natsu looked at her, confused on why she was laughing
“This feels like a hallmark movie” she crossed her arms under her chest “how it is Christmas and two people who despised each other-“
“I never despised you” Natsu cut Lucy off 
“Okay well that isn’t my point, the two people they are forced to spend the day together with a kid who brings them together or something… I don’t know” she laughed at what she was saying, it was stupid “and then right now would be the time they kiss and BOOM fireworks magic oh look they love each other” 
“We’re not going to kiss, Lucy,” Natsu spoke. Lucy watched Natsu’s breath in the cold air as he spoke then looked at his face which had a tint of pink along his nose and cheeks. Lucy knew it was from the cold and not from her words. She knew now that they both were on equal terms on how they feel about each other. Lucy knew something new now that she was just too afraid to admit 
“I know” she smiled, she doesn’t know why she smiled “I just wanted to know what you would say”
“So that was to get a reaction out of me?” He looked over at her 
Lucy thought before she spoke “do you ever wonder what the people in those movies feel?” She avoided the question and Natsu stayed quite “I mean they go from despising each other for some reason to slowly falling in love with each other… I don’t think that is realistic”
“What part?” Natsu softly said 
“The falling in love part” she bit her lip “maybe it is just because I’ve never done that”
“I think it is realistic but only if both people want it,” he paused and grabbed both of her hands. It was warm, odd “but trying to force it on to two people who aren’t in love with each other doesn’t work” 
“Are you sure you are still talking about Hallmark movies or us?” Lucy asked as she looked back at the two rings on his fingers, black on his right and white on his left, she wanted to know if those had a meaning or not.
“Does it matter?” He gently spoke, a voice she had never heard him use
“What about these rings” she saw him look down at his hands, his chin dipping into his signature white scarf that it seems he has had forever “do you have a deep thing to say about these too or has the smarts all run dry for today?”
She saw him bite his lip before bringing her hands up to kiss them “always stay yourself, Lucy. We don’t love each other but I do enjoy your company when you aren’t trying to argue with me” he chuckled “one day I’ll tell you what they mean”
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five-rivers · 4 years
Based on a prompt by @kinglazrus! A Phic Phight Phic! (Yes, I know I already did this prompt.  I had two ideas.)
Before Danny even opened his eyes, he knew he was about to have a bad day. This was primarily because he wasn't in his nice, comfortable bed, which was where he last remembered being. No. Right now he was propped up against a cold, hard wall.
He was also gagged, with something extensive that went all the way into his nose and throat and rested uncomfortably against his vocal cords. Not that it was resting comfortably against any other part of his face or mouth. His jaw had been forced all the way open and everything aches.
This lead to a number of conclusions: One, he had, yet again, been kidnapped, and, two, his current kidnappers are probably aware of his ghost powers. Otherwise, they wouldn't see the need for such an elaborate gag.
Danny believed he was also tied up or chained, but, due to sensory fatigue and his general disinclination to open his eyes or otherwise move, he hadn't checked yet.
He really hated being kidnapped. He was also sleep deprived. His kidnappers could wait.
(Or were those the drugs talking? He had to assume he was drugged, to get him here.)
"Hey!" hissed a sharp, male voice. "Hey, kid!"
Apparently, his kidnappers didn't agree. Ugh. On top of everything, he had to get rude kidnappers. Couldn't he get polite kidnappers for once? The kind that would treat him like an honored guest, except for letting him leave? Or who at least would let him have a bed? He'd still hate it, of course, but he'd be more comfortable while plotting his escape.
"Kid!" said the voice, more urgently.
Jeez. Couldn't they wait? Danny wasn't going anywhere. That they knew about, anyway. Since, obviously, he wasn't going to stay here. For long. Hopefully.
Something jangled and the voice grunted. Internally, Danny rolled his eyes. What were they even doing? Worst kidnapping ever. Zero out of five stars. Would not repeat.
Must be a new kidnapper, then. Didn't know the ropes. He giggled internally. It was better when kidnappers didn't know the ropes. That meant they were easier to untie.
Actually, wait. That jangle... That sounded disturbingly like someone else in chains.
Great. So he had a kidnapping buddy. A kidnapee buddy? Whatever. A fellow victim. Yay. Joy. Someone Danny would have to rescue without revealing his secret. At least, the voice sounded human.
The guy had probably never been kidnapped before. Most humans hadn't been. Danny didn't know about ghosts. Ghosts got up to some weird stuff in ghost land.
Ghost land. Wow. These guys had really laid on the drugs, huh?
If he were alone, Danny would would have pretended to sleep until the drugs completely wore off and he could think clearly and move properly. But he wasn't alone. He needed to know what and who he was working with.
He forced his eyes open, despite how heavy and sticky they felt. What he could see, that is, nothing, didn't change. He blinked, several times, then shook his head. This revealed that, in addition to the gag, he had been blindfolded. Also, he had been right about being chained up. There was a collar around his neck. He reached up, but the chains shackled to his wrists weren't long enough for him to reach.
Well, Danny officially hated this.
"Hey, hey, kid, don't panic, don't panic. Breathe in, breathe out, okay?"
Danny rolled his eyes. He wasn't panicking.
"If you can understand me, uh, nod, or something."
Not the best way of communicating, but, whatever. He didn't have a lot of options. He nodded.
"Good, good. So, uh, you're probably wondering what's going on."
Danny nodded, and tried to point at his face.
"Well, they've got sort of a mask over your whole face, kind of like that one movie, you know, with the French king? Except yours has a hole where your mouth is, and I guess you can feel that, because it looks like it's going in to your mouth. Yeah. And no eye holes. And from my side of the room, it looks like it's locked on, from behind."
The man stopped. If Danny had use of his vocal cords, he would have groaned. While he had wanted to know what was on his face, that wasn't all he wanted to know, and, honestly, that should have been immediately obvious.
This guy wasn't very good at being kidnapped.
Danny rotated his hand in a gesture he hoped would be interpreted as 'continue.' His wrist chafed on the inside of the cuff.
"Anyway, the people who have us... They aren't people. Are you from Amity Park?"
Danny nodded. He already knew where this was going.
"Thank god. I was worried you'd think I was crazy. We've been kidnapped by ghosts. Don't worry, though! I'm a GIW agent! We're trained to fight ghosts!"
The guy, the actual Guy, the agent, kept going on about how he'd rescue them, or how the GIW would come and get them and fight off all the evil, kidnapping ghosts, but Danny was too busy trying to keep his heart rate under control to pay attention.
Danny could handle being kidnapped. He had done it before. But escaping with a GIW agent? Without blowing his secret? That was a different story, and he suspected it was one his kidnappers were fully aware of.
His jaw clenched painfully hard around the gag, but he couldn't relax his muscles. He was aware that he was shaking.
A single, presumably tied up, GIW could scare him this much when the prospect of being kidnapped by unknown ghosts hadn't fazed him at all. It was hilariously pathetic.
The GIW agent, judging by his continued reassurances as to the prowess of the GIW, hadn't noticed Danny's panic. Good. Great. Perfect. At least he was oblivious.
Danny felt the ghost coming, icy mist clouding his lungs, long before the agent saw anything. It was obvious when the agent did see something, because he stopped talking in the middle of a sentence about how 'the GIW are looking for us even now!'
Reassuring. Not.
Something creaked, high-pitched enough for him to hunch his shoulders around his sensitive ears. A door opening? A swirl of air seemed to confirm that.
He hated this so much. He didn't even have his go-to coping mechanism: sarcasm. Well, he had internal sarcasm, but that just wasn't the same.
It would also be a lot easier to figure out how to escape if he could see.
The ghost wasn't walking, didn't make any sound or move the air, but Danny could still track their silent presence moving around the room. Just a perk of being him. Well, that and his ghost sense.
The ghost began speaking, but not in English. "Do not be so afraid, little one," she said in a ghostly language that had always reminded Danny of spiders. Ghostly claws skimmed the soft skin beneath his chin, and he tilted his head up, reflexively, away from the touch. "I swear on my own grave and the Black River, we will do you no damage we cannot repair."
Reassuring. Not. Wow. This ghost and the GIW agent were much more similar than one might think on first... listen? Not sight. Well, probably sight, too, unless this ghost was a Walker lookalike, but Danny couldn't exactly confirm that right now.
"You may have deduced by now that the fool is here to prevent you from fighting your way free. We know you are clever." The claws poked him again, and he leaned away farther, pressing the top of his head into the wall.
"Hey!" said the agent. "Leave the kid alone! Pick on someone your own size!"
The ghost ignored him. "While we have no quarrel with you, we require your presence. At the end, we shall return you to your home, and, should you desire it, we shall return the fool as well." She was pushing against Danny's chin with the back of her claws, pushing his head as far back as it could go. The collar pushed sharply against the nape of his neck. He squirmed. "This, we promise."
Then she dumped something down his throat. At least, he really hoped it was something she 'dumped' as in, from a bottle, rather than, say, for example, drool, but Danny couldn't exactly tell, either way. All he knew was that something liquid had hit the back of his throat, and now he was choking and sputtering, trying not to inhale it. He didn't have much choice about swallowing it.
His throat and the back of his nose burned. He wheezed, gasping for breath that, strictly speaking, he didn't need, and tipped sideways. He caught on the collar's chain and nearly strangled himself, but the ghost had mercy and pulled him back upright.
"Cooperate," said the ghost, "this will all be over soon."
There was a tug on his collar from the other direction and a clank. Was there a chain on the front of the collar? He tried, weakly, to twitch away. The chain went taught.
This was not ideal.
"It's okay, it's okay, kid," said the agent. "The ghost- it's just chaining us together, that's all. I think."
Abruptly, the chains attaching Danny to the wall vanished. The chain on the front of the collar tugged him forward, and he almost toppled. Not 'just chaining them together,' then. Why did he have to be stuck with this guy? Why not someone actually useful? Like Mr. Lancer? Or Tucker's mom? Heck, he'd take Dash. At least Dash would have his back if he found out Danny was Phantom.
The chain tugged up, and Danny struggled to his feet which were, predictably, asleep. His knees felt weird. He was tugged forward, slowly, but insistently. It took a few seconds for Danny to register what was happening.
The ghost was using the chain as a leash, leading him, and presumably the agent, out of the room. His shoulder hit something warm and alive, and he almost fell, but a pair of human hands steadied him.
"Sorry, kid," muttered the agent. "I don't know what's going on. The ghost came in and talked in that gibberish before, but this is the first time I've been out since I woke up."
Danny focused on not falling, after that. He didn't want the agent to touch him again.
This was humiliating.
(Also, what had the ghost put down his throat? He'd been thinking 'drug,' but he didn't feel any different. Yet.)
The air grew warmer as they walked down hallways and navigated up stairs. Hisses and whispers of ghostly speech caught on Danny's ears, but the snippets he caught weren't enough to explain anything to him. The few he could interpret were about housekeeping and cleaning.
Then they passed through a doorway into a room where the air was hot, wet, and floral. A greenhouse? A solarium? A garden? A jungle? It didn't smell as earthy as Sam's greenhouse, the odor was... sharper, more chemical, but Danny knew Sam liked to keep her plants as natural as possible. It might not mean anything.
Beneath his feet, though, the floor was tile, smooth and glazed. That didn't strike him as something that would be used in a greenhouse, or even a garden. Definitely not a jungle. Although... ghosts were weird. They often blended natural and unnatural in ways humans wouldn't.
"You know what you must do," said the ghost.
"Yes, mistress," answered a chorus of ghostly voice, both male and female.
He was pulled forward one last time and suddenly there were hands on him. Many hands, tugging at his clothes.
"Hey!" said the agent. "What is this? What are you doing? I'm not going in there! I'm perfectly- I'm perfectly clean! No bath! Back off!"
There was a great tug on Danny's neck and he went sprawling. The ghosts hissed.
"Oh, hell, kid, I'm sorry, I- stop touching me!"
Danny reached up and grabbed a section of chain, giving himself a little slack. The ghosts converged on him again, and he froze, tensing for signs that he was about to get beaten up.
Instead, they started to cut away his clothes, which was bad in a completely different and terrifying way. The agent loudly protested similar treatment.
"For your bath," said one of the ghosts.
Oh, that made it so much better. Except it didn't. What the heck did these ghosts want him for that required a bath?
The bath was- Well, it was a bath. A bath where he couldn't see or close his mouth or nose. A bath where he had to let a bunch of people who had kidnapped him touch him. A bath where he was increasingly affected by whatever drug he had been given. He could feel parts of his mind going soft and docile, feel his ghost-child instinct to submit to adult ghosts unexpectedly kick into gear.
Worse, the bath attendants apparently thought he was funny, or cute, or something. They kept giggling. Danny wanted nothing to do with it.
Except... the drug apparently had yet to reach its full effect, and, gradually, Danny found that he did. He wanted them to be happy. He wanted them to like him.
At least, parts of him did. The rest was furious.
Eventually, he was toweled off and brought back to the GIW agent, whom he had all but forgotten.
"Damn, kid, whatever drug they gave you really did a number on you, huh?" he asked.
Danny couldn't exactly respond. They were led away, back inside the building, where it was dry, and they were dressed. At least, Danny was dressed, and in something that felt thin and gauzy. Then they were moved yet again.
At some point, Danny wasn't sure when, what with the gag and blindfold, the first ghost came back. Danny was starting to have trouble understanding words They all felt like they were underwater, and he was becoming very unsteady on his feet, even without being pulled along.
The ghost, the first ghost, was touching him, tracing over his bones, mumbling things. He tried to hold still. He really did.
Something new was dumped down his throat, and his legs abruptly decided that they weren't going to support his weight anymore. He dropped to the floor, taking the agent with him.
"Follow the lights," said the ghost. "Find the sun. There is a key in the crawlspace."
Then she left. She left him alone.
Alone with the agent. Which was bad bad bad bad bad.
The agent came closer, and Danny hissed, but he couldn't exactly fight back in his current state. Soon, the agent had him pinned, and he was doing something to the gag and blindfold, and it hurt every time the piece in his throat moved.
But then- it was gone. The agent had, somehow, managed to remove it. The blindfold followed shortly after. Danny spent several long seconds just breathing and blinking, adjusting to his newfound freedom and returned senses.
Being able to see grounded him in reality somewhat. He sat up, only vaguely listening to the agent. The room they were in was cavernous and dark, lit only by a dim chain of lights on the ground that incongruously reminded him of the floor lights at a movie theater. They lead into a tunnel at the far end of the room and out of sight.
Well, now he knew where he was. He groaned.
"Kid? Are you alright?"
"No," said Danny, hoarsely. He decided not to ask the agent's name, because then the agent would ask for his. He looked the agent up and down. "They gave you a knife?"
"Yeah," said the agent, frowning at the sleek metal thing.
The reflections made Danny's eyes hurt. This was a bad trip. He never wanted to take drugs, especially these drugs, ever again.
"You should get rid of it," said Danny, recalling some of the 'rules' this particular ghostly ritual had.
"It's our only weapon."
"Do you really trust something a ghost gave you?" Danny said, trying to inject disgust into his tone. It worked too well and almost gagged. "It's probably cursed. Why else would they give it to you?"
The agent, as expected, tossed the knife away like it had suddenly turned into a snake.
Danny swallowed hard, fighting back a wave of dizziness. He could feel his ghost half sparkling under his skin, and the impulse to do what the nice lady from before said beating with his heart. The darkness crawled with herringbone patterns, pointing on.
"Okay," said the agent. "Okay. So, we've got to get out of here, and I don't fancy taking the path they've lit up for us, so let's feel around, see if there's anything off to the sides." He stood up, dragging Danny with him.
"We've gotta follow the lights," said Danny. He swayed. "They're-" he coughed. "My parents research ghost legends, and I think I know what this is."
"Right, you're the Fenton kid, aren't you?"
Danny shrugged. Figures the guy would know.
"Well, what is it?"
"They want us to find the sun." Danny blinked hard as a memory of light blinded him. "A sun. Their sun. They want us, probably me, really, to find their sun. Because it's their new year. It goes to sleep. Beddy-bye." He yawned.
"Stay awake," said the agent.
Danny shook himself. "They want us to wake it up."
"And the bath is because...?"
"Ritual puri-purification," said Danny, stumbling over the word. "The drugs, too, I guess. We need to be clean, or we'll be burnt up and they'll send someone else." He rubbed his eyes. Speaking of ritual purity, would his status as a half ghost keep him from actually attaining that?
It didn't matter. The drugs in his system were driving him on. His bones were practically vibrating with them. He had to go. He had to follow the lights.
He stumbled forward and tugged on the chain. The agent obviously didn't want to come, but just as obviously there weren't all that many choices. He followed.
It was hard to follow the little lights. They hovered, intangible, just above the ground and made all of the shadows weird. Danny wished he could summon an ectolight, but his fingernails hurt and the agent was right behind him. Stalking him. Waiting for him to trip up.
They reached a wall studded with lights. "We have to go over," said Danny, craning back his head.
The agent grunted unhappily. "I'll boost you up, but don't go over the side or we'll both be strangled."
"Uhuh," said Danny. He didn't need to breathe.
It might have tempted him, at the top of the wall, to go over and get rid of the agent. He wasn't sure. It could have just been the drugs talking. It could have been the call of the void. He didn't know, and he felt so guilty that the weight of it bore him into a hunch and turned the agent's words into gibberish.
There were other obstacles, beyond the agent, beyond the wall. There was a glowing river full of skeletal fish. A field of mushrooms with purple-glowing gills. A monster that chased them until they passed through a door to small for it.
The lights led to a tiny hole, barely large enough for Danny to crawl through. A green-yellow light flickered in the depths.
The agent started to curse. "I can't fit in there," he finish, finally.
"I can," said Danny. "That's why they want children, I guess."
"This chain isn't long enough."
"There's a key in the tunnel," said Danny.
"How do you know?" the agent sounded suspicious.
"The ghost lady whispered it to me," said Danny. He didn't really want to see her again. He was fairly certain that the drug was still running strong in his system, and that he would be ludicrously pliant with whatever an adult ghost, any adult ghost, told him to do at the moment.
He didn't want to see their sun, either. They were probably a ghost in their own right. A powerful one.
But he did want that key.
"No," said the agent, shaking his head. "There has to be another way. This is a trap. Like the knife." He started backing away.
Danny dove for the tunnel.
He got about a quarter of the way down when the agent found the presence of mind to haul him back with the chain. Danny grabbed it with both hands and braced himself against the walls of the tunnel. He could see the glimmer of a key, less than an arm's reach away.
He pulled, reaching, trying to get it. Despite his best efforts, the collar dug painfully into his neck. The agent was shouting but he was under water again. Danny didn't care. He wanted that key.
He got it.
Finding the key hole was a whole other ordeal, but he got that, too, and then he was free. He shot down the tunnel, into-
He froze. There was a giant, burning skeleton in the cave in front of him. Its bones were an incandescent white. It had curled into a ball. Sleeping.
This was the sun.
Danny could leave, now, though. He could phase through the floor, now that the collar was gone. He could go home and forget about the agent. Physically speaking.
Mentally? That was another story.
Besides, he was in the drugs grip again, and didn't he want to talk to the nice adult?
He shuffled closer to the sun skeleton. It felt hot, but not unbearably so. As he drew closer, he had to squeeze his eyes shut against the light. He reached out, and put his hand on one of the skeleton's bones.
The sun woke instantly.
The celebratory feast was one of the most bizarre events Danny had ever attended, and not just because he was high on ghost drugs. An unconscious GIW agent chained in the corner and a living 'sun' as the guest of honor had that effect, he supposed. Not to mention everyone's insistence on feeding him by hand.
At least he would be able to go home after this.
He hoped.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 18
Tides of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because HEY PERISS WHATS THE BIG DEAL?
Last times on book: Amri and co are on a quest to unite all the Gelfling clans against the Skeksis. They’ve crossed Maudra Ethri and the Sifa off the list and have headed into the desert to meet the Dousan clan at the Wellspring gathering place. After spending some time at a lake and eating some melon and stressing about a storm that’s not supposed to be hitting the Wellspring at all, the gang is further alarmed when their guide Periss takes Kylan hostage and forces them to come with him.
Chapter 18
Quest Log updated: Save a tree
Periss directs the team to a cave in the cliff wall. There’s a bunch of astrological carvings on the cliff face but Amri doesn’t have time to look at it. What with the storm. And the hostage crisis.
The cave is large enough to hold several dozen Gelfling and yet its just Periss and his captive audience. Which raises some questions from Amri.
“What were they doing back there?” he cried. “I saw them -- the Dousan, all just... just sitting around the lake! While the storm destroyed the Wellspring! Why?”
“Because that’s how they are.”
I’m still seeing why Periss was at odds with Dousan culture.
Periss lights a torch letting all the people without darkvision (everyone who isn’t Amri) to see how nice this cave is.
On the walls, reaching up about as high as a Gelfling stood, were carved and etched illustrations. They showed Gelfling with shaved heads and tattoos, bearing incense, all standing in a line in sets of three. The row of Gelfling ended facing a beautifully articulated tree, with long gnarled roots surrounding by a pool of water. The tree branches and leaves spread wide and tall over the heads of the Gelfling. Above the canopy were the jagged depictions of lightning and storms, and at the tree’s base sat a long-backed creature with a heavy tail. Four big arms and a mane tied in knots and braids.
“A Mystic,” Naia gasped. “The ancient sage?”
Ooookay. The puzzle pieces are starting to come together now.
If an urRu was the sage who taught the Dousan their rituals and traditions, no wonder the clan is passive and stagnant!
Kylan asks about the tree in the picture since there was no such tree at the Wellspring, although there were a lot of roots.
Periss tells him that the songs say that the tree was once so tall that it could be seen from any part of the desert. But the tree - and the lake which once filled the entire valley - started to shrink. And the tree was just a dried up old trunk eventually felled by a summer wind by the time Periss was a child.
Amri assumes that the tree died but Periss firmly denies it. But that’s what the rest of the Dousan think too.
They gathered the dried up branches and burned them.
But Periss knows that the tree is still alive because if it weren’t the lake would have dried up. He’s sure that the tree is the source of the water.
“Maudra Seethi was the first person I went to. She told me I had to let go. That clinging to things that have passed on will only chain me to an effigy of the past. She even gave me a part of it to burn. Can you believe it? A pyre for a tree that lives! That is the ritual taught by the sage, from hundreds of trine ago. But she wouldn’t understand that rituals must change with time, and circumstance.”
This still does sound like the kind of sidequest you’d get when rolling into town in an rpg.
Heck, I think fixing a tree IS a quest you get when rolling into Whiterun in Skyrim.
Can you imagine though going ‘you just need to let things go’ ABOUT THE DEATH OF ONE OF THE GREAT TREES? Because that’s what I’m assuming this is. A tree big enough to be seen through an entire desert? That’s pretty great. And the Dousan just shrugged and went ‘i guess it’ll die.’
(At this point since the group is listening to him and engaging and not having to be threatened, Periss puts away the knife. Good call, Periss.)
So Periss left the Dousan in anger, traveled the world for a solution, found some of those exposition petals, recognized the group in Cera-Na and thought ‘these protagonists will definitely be able to fix the tree.’
I mean, good call there, honestly.
But specifically its because of how Kylan dream-stitched the petals and how Naia healed the Cradle Tree in the first book. An event that was included in the exposition petals.
I love how Kylan’s quest concluding at the end of the second book has driven so much of this book. He shotgunned a bunch of petals out into the world and it keeps paying narrative dividends.
Periss also gives Kylan back the firca. Yay, best boy has his magic instrument again!
Naia agrees that the tree is probably alive based on what she sensed about the lake waters but she’s not sure that this is within their power to solve. The Wellspring tree is in a whole lot worse shape than the Cradle Tree.
“Well, we might as well try.” Onica stood near where the cave opened back into the valley. The storm outside was so dense, it was like the fabric of a Skeksis robe. “If we don’t, this storm will destroy everything. The Dousan, the Crystal Skimmers, the Wellspring. Even if we survive the storm itself, we may be trapped in this cave.”
“Caves aren’t really that bad, but I get what you mean,” Amri said under his breath.
With the fate of the entire clan and maybe them on the line, Amri steps into the silence.
“Onica is right. We have no choice but to try. But let’s make one thing clear” -- Amri faced Periss and held out his hand -- “we’re doing this as friends. Not as hostages. Got it?”
The Dousan boy hesitated, but one glance out at the storm sealed his resolution. From the strength of his grip, Amri wondered if he would have preferred it this way from the beginning.
There’s coffee in the waiting room when you’re not in the active party and you can order a team jacket through HR.
Amri is a cave boy so he’s the one who finds a direction in Naia and Kylan’s doubts.
I guess that Amri has rock sense? I mean, there’s been bits where he’s talked about hearing the voice of sand but I didn’t remember whether that was something he had been doing before. But if so, cool, another clan specific ability for anyone wanting to make an trpg or something. Grottan have rock sense.
Amri feels that there’s water under the cave floor and deduces that the water streams to the cave from the Wellspring.
He tells Kylan and Onica to stay in the cave while he, Naia, and Periss head back out to the lake where the tree was.
“The firca definitely won’t be heard by the tree all the way from this cave!” Kylan protested. Amri put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and squeezed.
“Mountain water is full of minerals. You tasted them in the Wellspring. The minerals will have formed crystals around the underground rivers. Minerals like that will carry sound just fine. The clearer the better. That’s how the Grottan speak when we’re spread out among the caves.”
“But I don’t know if I can -- I’m not a Grottan --”
“That doesn’t matter. I believe in you!”
Aw frens.
And another Grottan power maybe?
But Amri tells Kylan to find a spot with good acoustics and play the song of life. Find the life still in the tree and awaken it so maybe Naia can heal it.
When Amri (with special guest Tavra), Naia, and Periss go back out into the storm, its gotten even worse. And it was already pretty bad!
They reach the lake with all the Dousan sitting around it not reacting to the storm or to them really.
Except for Erimon who asks them what the heck they’re doing.
“Could ask you the same thing!” Amri cried. “I thought you said the storm wouldn’t come here!”
Erimon grimaced. “Where are you going?”
“Into the lake. We’re going to revive the tree,” Periss said, pulling Erimon away in defiance. “And you’re not going to stop them.”
“No!” Erimon shouted. He faced his brother. “Periss, listen to me! For once, just listen! The tree is dead. You have to let it go. This is out of our hands. There’s nothing more we can do except surrender to Thra’s will. Why can’t you understand this?”
“You may not be able to hear its song, but I do. I hear it in my dreams and in my nightmares. My own clan won’t believe me, so I brought someone who would!”
Oof. No wonder Periss is so prickly.
Erimon tries to convince Naia and Amri that diving into a lake could kill them.
“You could die down there, and for nothing.”
“If we stay up here, we’ll die anyway,” Amri said.
Anyway, Naia and Amri dive into the lake.
Its a very important two-person operation. Naia can breath underwater. Amri can see. They need both things.
And there’s a third thing that needs doing too.
Amri remembers from the last book that Kylan’s firca had driven off the spiders even before being refined into a firca. And Tavra is a spider. Amri can’t hear the song underwater because there’s water in his ears but Tavra can.
Glad you are with us, he thought to the Silverling.
Perhaps this spider body can be put to use, after all.
But also, its pretty cool how Amri thought of a plan that used all of the skills the group has. Except Onica but she’s done her part.
Also, Amri, Naia, and Tavra are dreamfasting to communicate underwater without blubbing bubbles at each other.
Its been a minute so woo another cool application for dreamfasting.
Also also, Naia can swim FAST with her wings which are not nonadjacent to a fish’s fins.
Amri held his breath as Naia pumped her wings and plunged, powerfully driving them into the murky deep. When his lungs screamed for air, Naia breathed life into him, gills open like lace around her neck. Tavra caught a bubble, holding it under her legs like a smooth, clear opal.
The lake seemed endless. It had been dark above, but as they dived, the lightning of the storm dimmed to a dull flicker. The sounds of the storm, the drumming, earthshaking thunder, died away, and as it did, Amri heard the sound of a flute. Through the underground streams and water it sounded like the eerie song of a ghost -- transcendent and unending, calling out to something that might no longer be strong enough to hear. Surrounded by the song, it was as if they were floating through a dream.
This sequence would have been very hard to do for the show but how I would have liked to see it.
They reach the lake bottom where Amri starts digging through the mud with his feet trying to find any sign of life. And he does.
Something “ringing, softly moaning in answer to Kylan’s song” under think layers of mud, there’s a spot of green among the decomposing roots of the once-Great Tree.
A stubborn tree. Still alive even in just one part of the roots. Amazing.
No wonder the Dousan thought it dead. They can’t breath underwater so they couldn’t check this deep. And they don’t have healers like Naia so what could they do even if they had found the sign of life?
Good thing a diverse group of trouble-solving protagonists rolled into town.
Naia gets on that spot of green and tries healing the tree but runs into a complication.
It’s calling for someone else. I can’t do this alone.
You mean me? Can I help?
No, it’s...
Naia closed her eyes, focusing. She had a gift; he’d seen it before. To hear the songs of Thra, to dreamfast with creatures other than Gelfling. He put his hand on her shoulder, lungs aching for his next breath.
It’s asking for the Dousan, she said finally. She looked up at him. Its people. Periss, Erimon. We need them here, now, or this tree will die, and the storm will kill us all.
Aw, dang.
Anyone know where we can rustle up more Drenchen on short notice? Or does someone want to invent scuba gear like yesterday?
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
Sinday special meme:- Richard from Bailey (cause some asks are in like 1st person) 👗👙😑🚪🤗💆‍♀️💫😳💡🌹👀🧴🍭🦷🎶🙊🕯💤😴[did a bitch just send basically the entire meme? yes, no regrats uwu]
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“Bailey really? Alright then” Sinday speical
👗 Have you ever dressed in a way meant to turn people on? Did you have a specific person in mind? Who?
 “Oh of course and often I should add, Bailey if you have to ask you really aren’t using your brain right now. You of course.”  👙 What's hotter, full nudity or lingerie?
 “Hmm hotter? I like both though. Full nudity is well very very good getting to see everything after all. But hm lingerie is also very good the way those outfits hug the right spots and draw the eye...damn no I say both.”  😑 Have you ever used sex to get your way? Would you?
 Clears his throat a moment, “Well yes I have in the past...many times at that too.”  🚪 Ever answered the door naked? Would you?
 “Of course I have, and yes I would again. Look it’s not my fault I was naked at the time. It whatever idiot keeps banging on the damn door not understanding I was busy and couldn’t get that I don’t have to answer the door just because someone is home.” Relaxes a moment after ranting “And I would for my husband just for a fun surprise.” 🤗 What would you do if I put my hands under your clothes?
 “Easy, take them off for you so to get them out of you’re pollito”  💆‍♀️ Can I massage you? Will you massage me?
 “Oh anytime you want Bailey, I do enjoy having you’re hands all over me. Hm Would I massage you? uh duh.” Smiles a moment “actually that sounds fun thinking about it more.” 💫 What do you consider your sexiest feature?
  Gestures to all of himself “Do I need to say more?”  😳 Any embarrassing kinks?
 “Embarrassing? well, I guess the hypnosis could be considering since I tend to favor control? I don’t know I don’t tend to get embarrassed for this at least.”
💡 Sex with lights on or lights off?
 “I prefer them dim if anything.”  🌹 You find a trail of rose petals leading to your bed. I'm in it, what do you do?
 “If I found a trail of petals leading to the bed, and found you in the bed? I feel we both know the answer already. I shut the bed room door and join you on the bed of course.”  👀 Is there anything you find attractive about me? What is it?
Eyes slowly looking Bailey over, taking in every inch of them, and just smiles. “Very. God everything Bails in truth. Your hips, you’re thighs, your ass your chest. Legs, eye yeah just it’s all just really working for me.”  🧴 Would you ever have sex without lube?
 “Sometimes there is too much need to wait.” 🍭 Edible underwear. Yay or nay?
 “Well I have never done anything with it before but I’d be interested in trying it out considering the concept of it.”  🦷 Would you ever use your teeth to remove someone's clothing?
 “Yes, I would actually pulling underwear off that way can be very fun after all.”  🎶 Sex with or without music?
 “Hmm thinking about it I guess I don’t have much preference nor can I really say I have ever turned the music on just for the sake of having sex. though...there is certain music I would enjoy listening to if I did.” 
🙊 Do you like dirty talk?
 “Oh yes very much, tell me what you want tell me how i’m making you feel, tell me how you’re getting all hot and bothered. I love it all and doing it as well,” 🕯 Thoughts on wax play?
 “I’ve done it, bit of a mess to clean up but I’m up for it again. in that i’m fine having on me or doing it towards my partner instead.”  💤 What was your last naughty dream about?
 “My last one uh? lets see here bit vague i’m not good at recalling my dreams much but it was at the beach. Risk of being caught since it was out in the open with only some rocks for cover.” 😴 Have you ever had a sexual dream about someone you know? Who was it? “See above, you and I were at the beach getting up to some heavy petting and well seems even in dreams we can’t stop our selfs.”
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