#but sometimes theres this sad feeling when i remember all those birthday parties and shit with superhero themes
dragonwolfe22 · 2 years
I started feeling bad that I've been super into DC movies and comics this last month, but y'know what? Fuck that. I am living the teenage boyhood I didn't get the first go around.
Comics and superheroes aren't a boy thing, but they weren't really presented as an option for me. So now I'm going to like them in a BOY way and no one can stop me! MUAHAHAHAHA
I'm going to the COMIC BOOK STORE today! I'm going to be a weird little nerd about it! I want batman sheets! And spiderman pajamas!
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Birthday Thoughts (Vatya) - Polly
Authors note: So I got super emo over the fact that Brian is going to be 35 soon and this came about. Here comes your ultra Vatya fluff. They are Jason and Brian here and I refer to both of them with he. There is going to be a Part 2 that is going to contain serious smut to even out this fluff fest.
Brian stared at the cloudy New York sky outside of Jason’s window. While Jason’s breathing became deeper as he was falling asleep, Brian was suddenly wide awake, wondering when he started allowing himself to feel this content with Jason in his arms. He looked  down and played with a strand of Jason’s hair while he questioned himself when this happened. This certainly didn’t start out like this. They used to have quick make outs and maybe a blowjob if they got lucky enough to get a few extra minutes backstage. Soon they started to also visit each other in their hotel rooms, always leaving to spend the night in their own room. Brian recalled the first night Jason didn’t leave though. They were both lying next to each other exhausted after having had sex for the past hours. Once both of their breathing started to slow down, Jason looked at Brian just to look away immediately after Brian looked at him too.
„What?“ Brian asked „Do I have cum on my face?“ he laughed moving his hand to his face.
„No.“ Jason was quick to answer „It’s just that sometimes I feel like a prostitute when I leave right after we had sex, not that theres anything wrong with being a prostitute but you know…?“
Brian looked at Jason puzzled „Well you can always stay the night, I never said that you have to leave, you just did. But you can stay if you want.“
So Jason did stay. And Brian didn’t mind. Brian didn’t mind at all because this lead to them having sex again in the morning. He wasn’t sure when the cuddling got added into it and he didn’t know when he started to pull Jason as close as possible and he certainly didn’t care to remember when he started to miss Jason once he was alone in his bed in LA or a random hotel room somewhere in the world. With mixed feelings and Jason’s shallow breath on his neck he fell asleep.
He was woken up the next morning by the smell of fresh coffee and Jason’s lips on his ear.
„Time to wake up sunshine, I come bearing gifts.“ Jason whispered in his ear.
„If you’re talking about your dick, I’m not waking up for that.“ Brian joked while sitting up anyway.
„For once I wasn’t referring to my dick.“ Jason laughed „I got us breakfast.“ he continued while pointing at the coffee cup on the nightstand next to Brian.
Much to Brians surprise it for once wasn’t the horrible thin brew that maybe once resembled something like coffee that Jason served him usually, but instead a steaming hot take away cup from his favorite coffee shop in Jason’s neighborhood.
„You actually went out and bought us actual food and REAL coffee?“ Brian was baffled. This was very unlike Jason.
Jason just smiled at him „Well, you always complain about the coffee I have, so I went out and bought the one you like.“ he answered before revealing a brown paper bag that contained four different kind of muffins.
„Are we celebrating something? What did I miss?“ Brian asked, still majorly confused.
„Shut up, I’m nice sometimes.“ Jason laughed. „Anyway, I was looking at my schedule and I noticed that your birthday is the day after Drag Con and I won’t be leaving before Tuesday if that’s ok with you? I’d like to be there for your birthday.“
They had started to stay at each others places whenever they were having gigs in the other ones city. Brian had not allowed himself to think about the Drag Con weekend yet for multiple reasons. One being the fact that he would have to do his best to act normal around Jason and to not tell everyone how good the sex was. The bigger and more pressing reason though was having Jason stay with him for two nights. Usually they didn’t even get moments like the one they were having now. Most of the time one of them had to leave at the crack of dawn to catch a flight. Brian let the thought of having Jason stay with him not take up too much space though, constantly reminding himself that they wouldn’t even spend that much time together since they would be at Drag Con all weekend and probably way too exhausted to even talk once they got home. So the revelation that Jason wanted to stay two more nights just so he could spend Brians birthday with him unleashed the suppressed feelings. Brian had figured out that he was in love with Jason a while ago and was surprisingly good at hiding those feelings from Jason himself. But spending the entire day and two more nights with Jason without letting anything slip would be very hard. He was fucked. Of course he could’ve just told Jason that he already had plans for his birthday and that Jason still needed to leave on Sunday as they had previously planned. Now Brian could pretend that the reason he didn’t say that though was that he didn’t want to lie to Jason but he knew the real reason was that he would desperately take any chance to spend more time with Jason. Jason seemed to know that too as he didn’t even wait for Brian to give him the OK to stay for two more days. Instead he smiled sweetly at Brian while munching on his muffin.
„So any birthday plans yet?“ he asked with his mouth full.
Brian sighed, birthdays were always this big deal and everyone expected him to throw a party which he definitely didn’t want to do this year. He said as much to Jason „The thing is, I don’t want to spend my birthday at a party full of strangers and I don’t want to get dinner; I don’t want to do any of that, especially not after Drag Con, I’ll be exhausted!“
Jason looked at him confused „Well, but what DO you want to do?“
„I don’t know, I kinda just want to chill, watch a movie and just not get a hundred calls, I appreciate that but I just kind of want a moment by myself to think about me and my life and I don’t know, how far I’ve come. Like if you would’ve asked me 10 years ago where I’d see myself at 35 I would’ve guaranteed you that I’d be dead in a ditch. So going to a club seems kind of trivial.“
Brian stopped his ramblings when he saw Jason’s face, he looked almost sad. Brian watched him sigh before answering to Brians ramblings.
„I get that Brian, but do you really want to reflect on all that at home on your couch, alone? I mean I can try to change my flight to Sunday…“
„No!“ Brian interrupted him suddenly and way too loud, he watched as Jason smirked before taking a sip of his coffee. „That’s not it,“ Brian continued „I just don’t want it to be that big of a deal, I want it to be chill, I don’t know..“ he trailed of.
„And I get that.“ Jason spoke „But you can do that in a different way. Can I propose something?“
„…sure.“ Brian said not so sure, Jason looked way too excited for this proposition to be sane.
Unfazed by Brians lack of enthusiasm, Jason continued „Let me plan your birthday, all 24 hours!“
„No fucking way! You’ll make it a big deal and you’ll throw a party and shit and you’ll say shit like ‚but it’s only 50 people, that’s like super chill.‘ No way, Jason! No fucking way!“
Jason laughed before looking down. When he looked back at Brian he had a look in his eyes Brian never saw there before. „What if I plan 24 hours with just you and I?“ he asked quietly while drawing patterns on Brian’s arm. Brian was confused, he never expected Jason to be this.. soft, gentle, loving even. While Jason still let his finger trail over the other ones body, Brian couldn’t help but smile. He just nodded before grabbing Jason face to kiss him deeply. And while he was tasting the blueberry muffin and coffee on Jason’s tongue, he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe life could always be this good.
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