#the boys that chatted about how their favorite superhero could totally beat up all the bad guys
dragonwolfe22 · 2 years
I started feeling bad that I've been super into DC movies and comics this last month, but y'know what? Fuck that. I am living the teenage boyhood I didn't get the first go around.
Comics and superheroes aren't a boy thing, but they weren't really presented as an option for me. So now I'm going to like them in a BOY way and no one can stop me! MUAHAHAHAHA
I'm going to the COMIC BOOK STORE today! I'm going to be a weird little nerd about it! I want batman sheets! And spiderman pajamas!
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btsfan15 · 3 years
Love in London
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It was time for the encore of the Love Yourself in London. It was the last day and the members were getting ready, so I gave them their privacy. I was also dressed like them. Black LYS t-shirt, ripped jeans, and black Converse. My hair was curled and I had little makeup on.
Finally, the members rushed to the lift and got on.
"Good luck, guys! Have fun!" I say.
They all smile at me and give me a thumbs up. The lift goes up and So What starts playing. So What is really addicting. It's so good and I love singing along. There was a TV where you can watch them perform under the stage, so I dashed there and got settled. The lights were flashing beautiful colors and I could hear ARMY cheering.
I wish I could join them on stage....
It was sad to think about not being able to join them on stage, but I didn't let that get to me. I shook the thought and enjoyed the performance. I laughed cause Jin was behind Jungkook, being silly and swinging his ARMY bomb.
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The performance ended and Anpanman was next. This is one of my all-time favorite songs cause it's about superheroes and the song really gets me going, like So What. I was enjoying the performance when the camera showed Jin. My eyes widened and I gasped so much that I forgot to breathe.
His hair was thrown back, exposing his entire forehead. He looked really handsome...and hot.
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Every time I see Jin with his forehead exposed, he gets more hotter and handsomer. I go feral for his gorgeous forehead and here I am, controlling myself from screaming. I manage to enjoy the rest of the song without going crazy and I clap and cheer.
Now, it was time for the boys to talk how they feel. I listened to each member carefully. What they said made my heart hurt.
Awww...they really love their fans a lot.
I cheered for each member after they finished. I gasped and jumped out of my seat when Jin appeared. He was wearing glasses and holy shit, did he look even hotter.
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First the forehead, and now this?
Lord, kill me now, please.
I ignored my heart beating fast and listened to Jin's words. The rest of the members went and they performed the last song, Love Myself. They said bye to all their fans and confetti was falling all over the stage. I pouted. Saying goodbyes is always hard to see.
The lift comes down and the staff and I clap. The members all bow their heads and thank us. We head to the waiting room and I give each a member a hug.
"Amazing performance! I really loved it!" I grinned.
"Yep, we always put the best concerts ever!" Namjoon said.
"That's right! Our fans love our concerts!" Yoongi said.
We chatted for a while and the members went to do their things. Hoseok and Taehyung came up to me and we talked for a while. We talked about some funny things that happened during the concert and I laughed.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jin looking at me. I wanted to look, but I was busy with Hoseok and Taehyung, so I ignored him. A few minutes later, Jin came into our conversation.
"Hyung, why do you always interrupt our conversations?" Taehyung asked.
"Yah, no I don't! I didn't even say anything!"
"Always teasing the oldest, huh?" I giggle.
"It's a daily thing for us." Hoseok said.
I roll my eyes and shake my head. Jin shakes his head.
Then, Taehyung whispers something in Hoseok's ear and he nods.
"I think we should leave you two alone. We'll go back to the others." Taehyung said.
"Oh, you guys don't have to. You can stay." Jin said.
"That's nice of you, hyung, but we have other stuff to talk about. Let's go, Taehyung." Hoseok drags Taehyung, leaving me and Jin alone.
I stare at them for a little longer and turn to Jin. My eyes widen a little. He was even more beautiful up close than on the TV screen. My breath was taken away and I was staring at him, totally zoned out.
"I heard that you had fun." His voice snaps me back to reality. I smile at him.
"Yes, I did, but I think you guys had way more fun since you were the ones up there on stage."
"Yeah, it was! I really enjoyed being our fans. It makes me really happy."
"If you're happy, then I'm happy. I just want to see you all happy."
We both smile at each other.
"But, what?"
"It's just that...I really wish I was up there with you guys. It looked really fun singing and dancing with ARMY. I always think that whenever you have a concert, but I don't let it affect me. I want to be happy and see you all perform together. I know that it won't happen anytime soon."
I look down at my feet, not making eye contact with Jin. We just stood there for a while until Jin spoke up.
"Yes, it will."
I look up at him and there was a small smile on his lips.
"I said it will happen."
"How? I'm not Korean or a K-Pop star and there's no way Bighit will let me."
"I'll convince them."
My eyes widen.
"Jin, you don't have to-"
"No, Navya. I want to do this."
I could feel the tears coming, so I looked down. I didn't want Jin to see me cry. He took a step forward and put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He stared right into my eyes and my heart was pounding out of my chest.
I blinked and the tears roll down my cheeks, but Jin cups my face with both hands and wipes the tears away with his thumb. His hands felt soft and warm against my face. His face was inches away from mine.
"Navya, there's no need to cry. Don't worry. You will get to be on stage with us, okay?"
I sniffle and nod.
"Thank you, Jin." I whisper.
"You're welcome."
Then, I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight. He wraps his arms around my waist, squeezing me even more. I could feel my cheeks heating up, not to mention how warm and safe I felt in his arms.
"What would I do without you?"
He chuckles.
I break and look at him right in his eyes. The glasses on him...the forehead, god, he's so fine. And hot. Just looking at him made my knees weak. We both just stand there, staring into each other's orbs. Jin still had his arms wrapped around my waist and I still had my arms wrapped around his neck.
"Feeling better?" He asks.
"Yeah...I'm fine."
We both lean in and our lips touch. I feel his fingers rub circles on my waist. We break and catch our breath. I take his glasses off and put them on me. Jin laughs.
"You look cute in them."
A blush forms on my cheeks.
"No, I look like a nerd."
"Yah, don't say that!" Jin comes to my ear and his breath tickles.
"You're beautiful just the way you are." He backs away and I smile at him. I punch him in the chest.
"You really need to stop making me blush."
"Same goes to you."
We both laugh and I shake my head. We chat for a little longer and then join the other guys.
"Finally decided to join us, huh?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.
"We just wanted to join you." I roll my eyes.
"So...what did you and hyung talk about?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.
"About the concert. What else?" Jin said.
"Oh, I think you know." Jungkook giggled.
"Shut up, or no food for you tonight."
Jungkook pouted and we all laugh. We chatted together for a while. The members kept on teasing Jin and I for all that lovey dovey stuff we did. Jin kept telling them that we're just friends, but they didn't believe him.
"Hey, guys! The fireworks are going off! Come on!" Namjoon said.
We all rush outside and gasp at the beautiful fireworks.
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"Wow, so pretty!" Hoseok exclaimed.
"OMG, I love all the colors!" I grin.
Then, I feel someone's fingers intertwine with mine. I gasp a little. I had a hunch on who it was and I was correct.
"They're so bright and beautiful."
I turn and see him smiling at me. I smile back and turn back. I rest my head on his shoulder and enjoy the rest of the fireworks. It felt like a dream, but it wasn't. I was standing right here, at the stadium, with my wonderful friends, enjoying the fireworks.
It was simply magnificent.
A/N: This is one of the LYS concerts I cannot forget cause of Jin's exposed forehead and glasses. I think we're all feral for his forehead and him with glasses on. 😅
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fenheart87 · 4 years
Mark of the Butterfly
I have a soft spot for Marc being the true Butterfly holder and another for Nooroo getting the love and care that little beautiful creature deserves! Slightly angsty but its mostly good feels and bonds being strengthened. also on AO3
It was over. The loud sound of the sirens and screaming of Gabriel was completely drowned out by the beating of her heart, adrenaline still flowing through her body. Marientte hugged a newly revealed Adrien closer as he slipped into shock, the reality of his father's actions finally sinking in. All this time and all the terror, sleep deprivation, injuries, property damage and emotional strain just so he could have a shot at a pipe-dream to revive Emilie... It was finally over.
"Gabriel Agreste, your reign of terror is over. Your control of Paris and it's people's emotions is no more. Most importantly, your time as the holder of the butterfly miraculous and torturer of Nooroo is done." Ladybug cradled the butterfly miraculous gently and steered Chat Noir away from the still raving former designer. Tossing her yo-yo and latching onto a building, the din of reporters firing questions and screaming for answers went ignored as she took her partner to her safe apartment where the rest of the miraculous holders were waiting.
"He's in shock and Plagg needs a break at least, if he wants to suit up again then he can after Plagg eats." Max jumped into action and grabbed Adrien's favorite blanket to wrap around him, a flash of green came from under it.
"There's tea and all kwami related snacks in the kitchen, even some Marinette favorites." Luka murmured, taking a quick moment to hug his girlfriend and by extension Adrien who had yet to let go of Ladybug.
"Let Tikki rest too Nette, you know she loves group hugs like this too." Nino joined in, bringing Alya and everyone one else followed to create a giant group hug.
"Spots off." Marientte whispered and felt the tears start. "I'm so sorry chaton, I never wanted to be right about him being Hawkmoth. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, and more I'm sure you never told me about. I failed you and I'm sorry."
"Milady, you didn't fail me." Adrien whispered, still not moving his face from her shoulder. "Not as Ladybug and not as Marinette. You were always there from the beginning. I love you but you know that already."
Luka raised a brow to Sass, who mimicked the expression as he held Tikki and Plagg closely. 
"And I love you too chaton. We will always be partners, we were destined to be in each other's lives. Don't forget that you have everyone else here for you too."
"I know..." She could hear the smile breaking through and felt one on her own face. "I was thinking of asking my girlfriend to come with me on a trip and maybe my best friend who happens to be an awesome superhero if her and her boyfriend would like to go."
"Dude! Totally knocked out by the superbug?!" Nino complained, causing laughter to spread through the solemn atmosphere. "I get it though she is pretty awesome."
"Well you got the pretty part of that right." Luka smirked as the blush forming on pale cheeks.
"She's always been awesome, just a little preoccupied you could say." Alya teased.
"Preoccupied enough to walk into doors and walls." Alix chimed in, now sitting on the couch.
"Or tripping up the stairs." Juleka muttered. 
"One time! One time!" Marientte whined embarrassed but smiling as she felt Adrien chuckling. "And i think best friend is a pretty big spot for me to fill..."
"Nino is my bro, I am unofficially a Lahiffe. I don't want anything to do with being an Agreste anymore." 
"Adrien, I understand that you don't want the connection to Gabriel and his nonsense but don't just give up your connection to your mom either. She loved him before he became the Gabriel of today and you know her better than anyone. " Tikki flew in, wiping away the tears that spring forth from her words. "Why not step away from the bad stuff but keep the good?"
"How do I do that?" The blonde miraculous holder finally raised his head and stared at the Tikki with such heartbreak in his eyes.
"I don't know, do you Luka?" She smiled mischievously.
"What are you talking about?" The guitarist was confused and looked at his girlfriend who was slowly turning into a tomato. "I missed something?"
"Oh my god Tikki! Do you really have to bring that up now? I like only freaking out for a day- okay okay like a week which considering wasn't all that bad but this really isn't the time!" Marientte babbled and then realized what her kwami was actually talking about. "Adrien... That's it!"
"I don't follow bugaboo."
"Instead of Adrien Agreste, follow your mother- okay not really because you'd be changing your name and she didn't but you could become Adrien Graham De Vanilly. Oh it's perfect!" She hugged the surprised boy to her tightly and bounced in place, causing those left in the group hug to laugh and step back a bit.
"I mean you're always a Lahiffe bro but you're pretty awesome as you."
"Guys, I don't-" Adrien broke into happy tears, launching himself at Nino and pulling in Tiki for a forehead kiss, irritating Plagg who stole her back with a playful hiss.
"I think we're going to be just fine... Just one last thing to do." Marientte leaned into Luka's side fully, letting everyone party for the moment before she would have to collect the miraculous' and let them visit with their newly reclaimed lost brother.
"I see your thinking face and I trust whatever you decide next Songbird." Luka whispered, sneaking a kiss when his sister wasn't looking because she was looking to get revenge.
Ladybug loved the feeling of flying through the air and running across the many roofs of her city. It was a freedom she loved and willingly shared with the other heros even if they could not keep their miraculous full time like she could being the Guardian. For a long time she had worried and thought until she was dizzy about the end of this fight and what would happen after. More importantly who would be best for poor Nooroo as Duusu would need a long time to recover and special help before the peacock would be ready for use again. Seeing her target clad in red made her smile and Ladybug swooped down, startling the boy.
"Marc Anciel, I have a very special request for you. Should you accept, I have a very special friend who needs someone like you."
"Wait, the fight is over, are you giving me a miraculous?" Marc squeaked, green eyes as wide as dinner plates.
"This miraculous is quite different you see, this is the butterfly miraculous that was misused by Hawkmoth and the kwami Nooroo wasn't treated well. I was hoping you would accept and become the true butterfly holder to inspire and help sort through the crazy amount of emotions that everyone will be feeling now that the reign of terror is over. To do good and spread love." Ladybug waited, watching the emotions flash across his face and pulled out the miracle box she had been saving for this moment.
"I accept." Marc smiled and opened the box, flinching slightly from the bright light. A butterfly kwami shook a bit as he opened his eyes and looked at his new holder, awe slowly shining through his countenance.
"Nooroo, this is Marc and I think you'll be in very good hands from now on. There is still much to fix and balance but for now I want you to take some time to spend with each other."
"Oh Guardian Ladybug he is truly inspiring!" Nooroo flew close and stared deeply into frozen green eyes. "Such a beautiful and gentle soul to have been through so much and still so very strong..."
"Well if I can do it, so can you- Nooroo? Right?"
"Yes Mas- I mean Marc. It's very nice to meet you." The kwami settled in his shoulder and seemed to glow with happiness.
"What is your favorite food? I was just going shopping for some stuff." 
"Oh I love cinnamon rolls!"
"Oh I almost forgot, here!" Ladybug handed the new holder a coupon for free cinnamon rolls at the one and only Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. "Bug out!" She winked and threw her yo-yo to head home.
"Thank you Marinette."
"So now we get to adjust to actually finishing dates and having to come up with actual excuses and finding things to do when bored." Luka mused aloud, making Marientte giggle from her place tucked into his side. "Only good things from here."
"Well emotional aftermath and work through a lot of issues but with Marc and Nooroo I think things will be on the right path. I think Adrien needs to visit him eventually once he gets more settled."
"Speaking of Adrien, I hear he is going through with the name change and the courts are having a tough time with the company in shambles."
"I'm out of a job at the moment, debating if I should wait for the reboot or move to another design house."
"I think MDCC has a nice ring for a new design house, to avoid confusion could just keep MDC."
"Luka! It was just something you said and I was sleep deprived and you know how my mind is. I won't freak out again unless it happens."
"And how long did you calculate for that possibility miss planner extraordinaire?"
"I just want to know my time limit…"
"Shut up and kiss me."
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janaikam · 4 years
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You - Eye Contact
Here is the start of my multichaptered luxy fic that I hope you all will enjoy! Special thanks to @macaronsforchat for betaing every chapter in this fic and the Adrien Protection Squad for helping me figure out XY’s character. I appreciate all the help. 
Summary:  All XY wanted was a little revenge. That’s all. Why couldn’t things just go as planned?
Read on AO3
“Look I would love to go and record music, but I’m getting my hair voluministically shiny today,” XY said to his agent over the phone.
He couldn’t really remember why he even had an agent. His dad always took care of everything for him, from his popularity right down to his music. It didn’t make sense for XY to waste his agent’s time on something his dad already did.
On the other end of the phone, his agent spluttered, not really forming a coherent word. At least not one XY could understand. Instead of letting him talk, XY interrupted, “You know what. I don’t really think I need you around anymore, so you’re…”
XY trailed off as a biker sped past him on the road. He wasn’t really sure what drew him to the biker. Perhaps it was how fast he was going, or maybe it was the lightning blue pieces of his hair. But XY knew it was those eyes, the ones that were a startling cerulean blue. They captivated him and reminded him of his favorite hair gel. The one that allowed him to shape his hair in a cone.
He was snapped out of the moment when the biker sped right through a puddle. The puddle itself was pretty large, so it caused a large splash when the biker went through it. The splash ended up soaking XY completely, making his hair flop flat onto his face. The biker continued on as if he hadn’t just ruined XY’s hair and clothes.
“THAT WAS NOT CASH MONEY DUDE!!!” XY shouted at the biker.
The biker ignored him, probably too scared to own up to his actions, but XY caught the name of the delivery company on the back. ‘Speed Bunnies.’ It sounded kind of sketch to XY, but it probably explained why the biker didn’t see him. But if the biker’s manager heard about what his employee did, then he would probably get fired.
No, that wouldn’t work. If the manager was anything like the biker, his complaint would be ignored.
If XY wanted revenge, he would have to do something himself. A good punishment would be to do the exact same thing to him.
“Hello?? Xavier??” The muffled sounds from his phone reminded him of the conversation he was having.
“I gotta go, Paul,” XY said, bringing the phone to his ear.
“But my name is Ste-”
"Hello, this is Jarl, spelled with a ‘j’ pronounced as a ‘y’. Welcome to Speed Bunnies, may I take your order?" the man on the other line wheezed out. He sounded so bored and done with his job that XY couldn’t help but feel this was a cover for some shady business.
"Yes, hi, is this where you guys sell meth?” He didn’t feel like beating around the bush. If he busted a whole meth operation, he would become even more famous. He could already imagine it: XY the talented singer and detective extraordinaire.
"Sir, this is a fried chicken store.” The man sighed. “I know our logo is questionable, but we do not sell meth.”
“Oh, well, in that case, can you send your blue-haired delivery boy, the cute one, to Le Grand Paris. I don’t care what he brings, just make sure it’s yummy. The order name is under Yves. Thanks,” XY instructed, hanging up on the guy, Yawn. It didn’t really matter. His plan was in motion. Now he just had to make sure that he had a bucket of water for the delivery guy. He’ll know what it’s like to have his clothes and hair ruined.
Maybe he shouldn’t have hung up on Jean. It had been about 45 minutes since XY had placed his order, and no one from the shop had appeared.
Figuring they probably just ignored his order, XY stood from his spot behind a pillar. He bent down to pick up the bucket of water he had just for the blue-haired biker. He would just have to find someone else to dump the water on. It couldn’t go to waste.
Just as XY was about to make his way to the elevator, the same guy from before walked in with a large brown paper bag. He still had his helmet on which covered the top of his head, which made it hard for XY to get a good idea of what he looked like.
If the guy wasn’t good-looking enough, it would be pointless to dump the water on him, since he wouldn’t care about his appearance either way. After all, everything was dependent on him understanding what XY went through.
XY quickly ducked back behind the pillar to avoid being spotted. The guy must’ve seen XY’s movement because he looked in the direction of the pillar. XY was able to catch his stunning blue eyes again. The sheer beauty of the eyes froze him in place, causing a flurry of emotions to run through him.
The guy didn’t spot XY behind the pillar, so he continued on to the front desk. When he reached the receptionist, he dropped the paper bag on the counter and took off his helmet.
It was like slow motion when he took off his helmet. The guy shook out his hair so dramatically; it was as if he was begging XY to run his fingers through it.
“What are you doing?” a nasally voice asked from behind XY.
Scrambling to turn around, XY almost spilled his bucket of water. He promptly became confused as he came face to face with a blonde Ladybug and red-headed Chat Noir with glasses.
“Ladybug!? Chat Noir!? What are you doing here?” XY hoped that she hadn’t noticed him staring at the delivery boy. That would totally hurt his image.
The girl flushed, almost embarrassed about something, but XY couldn’t fathom what Paris’ superhero would be embarrassed about. “I, uh, I am making sure there aren’t any akumas out and about. You looked awfully suspicious staring at that delivery boy, so I had to make sure.” She paused, thinking for a minute. “Don’t tell anyone I was here. Hawkmoth might catch on.”
XY nodded his head furiously in agreement. Satisfied, ‘Ladybug’ smiled and turned towards the elevator.
“Uh, Ladybug, do you happen to know who that guy was?” He just wanted to get his revenge. This attempt didn’t work, but he was sure the next one would. Besides, it’s not like there’s something more to his want for revenge.
“I don’t associate myself with pathetic delivery boys,” she responded. Flipping her hair, ‘Ladybug’ continued her walk to the elevator. ‘Chat Noir’ on the other hand hesitated following after his partner.
“That’s, uh, that’s Luka Couffaine. I think he’s an aspiring musician,” ‘Chat’ informed him. XY was a bit surprised at his feminine sounding voice but didn’t think too much of it, and he ran off after his partner.
He had what he needed. The name of his tormentor, Luka Couffaine.
After picking up his order from the front desk, XY headed upstairs to look up Luka. He was determined to learn everything about him, so he could find the perfect way to get him back.
Three pages on Google later, XY learned that Luka was a guitarist in a band called Kitty Section. He found that he was about XY’s age. Based on the photos, he could tell that Luka was a ladies’ man. He was just that handsome.
Pulling up the group’s website, XY scrolled through to see if there was any way he could meet this dude and learn more. A pop up for a concert in the park appeared on the page. He was about to close it but noticed that the ad was for Kitty Section, and the concert would be tomorrow. The perfect way to meet Luka to gather more information.
Luka Couffaine had no idea what he was getting into when he splashed XY.
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spider-man-lover · 4 years
Nightmare (Irondad)
Notes: I have had this on my computer forever. In fact, it’s on my Wattpad @/love-peter-parker y’all should check it out. 
Tony Stark’s POV
I adopted Peter when he was a young boy. Only about 6 years old. That was before I created the Iron Man suits. Before everyone I loved was put at risk for being my family. 
2008. Peter was 7. This was at the press conference where I revealed my identity. 
“Truth is…” I took a deep breath and glanced behind me. My young son and Happy. I didn’t believe in bodyguards. There was really no use for them if I could fight them off myself “I am Iron Man.” Everyone cheered and asked questions. “I have to go. I am sorry to everyone whose questions didn’t get answered.” I walked out, Happy by my side and Peter on the other. I was making sure Peter wasn’t recognized so no one would touch my son. 
I got in the car, Happy driving so I could be in the backseat with Peter. 
“Hey, Pete.” I smiled. I really love him. He brought so much joy into my life. Every late night I would spend in my lab, I would spend time with him, too. If only I wasn’t so busy. It was my fault who made myself busy. I’m such an idiot.
“Hi, Dad.” Peter looked extremely exhausted. Poor kid. I must have really worn him out today. “Why do I have to hide?” I heard him ask. 
“To keep you safe from the bad guys.” I explain to my son. 
“But I could totally fight them off!” Peter shows me how by punching the seat in front of him.
“Please don’t punch the seats,” Happy rolled his eyes. I chuckle softly as I look at Pete. 
“Bud, I know you could, but I need you to be safer than fighting them. What if you got hurt fighting them off?” Now I really sound like a worried parent. God, having a kid really has its effects on you. 
“But dad…” Peter whined. 
“Ah-ah! Dad’s always right.” I say as Pete giggles. 
We get home to the tower and I walk in, Peter in my arms as he is sleeping. 
“JARVIS!” I say throughout my household. 
“Welcome home sir…” I hear JARVIS’s voice distort as I see a guy sitting in my living room, looking out the huge window. He isn’t facing me.  
“‘I am Iron Man’ You think you’re the only superhero in the world?” He turns around, but isnt in the light. I have a heavy, sleeping kid in my arms and really don’t want to talk to this guy. “Mr. Stark you’ve become part of a bigger universe. You just don’t know it yet.” 
“Who the hell are you?” I look at the man, confused as why and how he got into my living room.
He steps into the light. “Nick Fury. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.” He states, looking at me confusingly. 
“Ah,” I nod my head ever so slightly. 
“I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers initiative.” 
“We can talk about this later. I, on the other hand, have a sleeping 7 year old in my arms.” I walk past him.
“Of course, Mr. Stark. We can have a chat after you put him to bed.” Nick Fury insisted as he sat down on my couch. I roll my eyes as I walk over to the elevator. I press the button that goes up to the bedroom floor. I get out, Peter slightly shifting his head. I go to his room and tuck him in. I kiss his forehead and tell him ‘I love you’. I am really not looking forward to talking to ‘Nick Fury’. 
“Alright,” I am down in the living room again and have already sat down in a chair across Fury. “What’d you need?” 
“The Avengers initiative.” Fury talks to me for an hour before he gets called away. Everytime he spoke I would usually just say “Okay,” or “Ah,” as a response because I didn’t really know how to respond. 
“Nice meeting you,” I usher him out of my house. He only nods in return and I take this time to notice that I am actually tired. I go up to my bedroom and change into pj’s. I fall asleep watching my favorite tv show. 
3 hours later. Around 3 am.
I wake up suddenly to sniffling coming from the other side of my room. 
“Buddy?” I croak, my voice hoarse from talking a lot the day before. 
“Dad? I- I had a bad dream…” Peter sniffled and walked over to me. 
“Aw, wanna talk about it?” I pick him up and set him on my bed. “JARVIS? Put the lights on dim please.” 
“Of course, sir.” The lights turn on to the lowest setting. It was still bright enough to see my son, though. 
“U-uh… sure.” Peter sighed.
“You don’t have to. It was a suggestion.” I softly smile at my boy. 
“Well, I kinda want to talk to you about it because it involves you.” 
“O-oh. Then by all means.” I say. 
“So, it started out as this giant purple guy fighting me, you and all of these other peop- Well, not all were necessarily people.” Peter takes a deep breath before starting again. “Dad, you were really getting the punches though. You looked so rough and beat up.” 
“Oh, buddy,” His dream sounded terrible. 
“But, wait, it gets worse.” How could it get worse? My 7 year old is envisioning me kicking someone’s ass, but I am losing. “You end up taking these ‘stones’ and put them on your armor. Kind of like your Iron Man armor, but that was broken. The purple giant says “I am inevitable” and snaps his fingers. I am not sure of what was supposed to happen.” At this point, Peter and I were fully awake. “But, then, Dad, you lift up your hand and say “And I… am Iron Man.” and then you snap your fingers.” 
“W-what happens after that? Please don’t say it gets even worse.” 
“Oh, no. That wasn’t even a bad part.” Peter gulps as he continues. “Everything goes white and I see you practically dying-”
“WHAT?” I exclaim. 
“Y- yeah..” He sighs. “I go over to you and say “Me. Stark? Hey, Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It’s Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark- We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it.” You didn’t respond at all. I continued talking, “I’m sorry,- Tony-” That’s when I woke up, crying.” By this time we were both in tears. 
“Oh, Pete,” I hug him so tight to make sure that his demons go away. “I assure you… That- That will never happen.” I sigh. “Why don’t we watch a movie?” I suggest, to lighten up the mood. I can’t believe my kid dreamt that I died. 
An hour later, we found ourselves next to each other, sleeping. God, I love this boy more than anything and I would do anything to protect him.
Note: Hey! I had to watch Tony’s death scene again just to get a better image of it- AND I CRIED. Oh well. 
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1111ljk · 7 years
Request: Name
Tumblr media
 Anon Request #1: 6/8/17 
count  ➵ 1,403 words
genre  ➵ angst, fluff, a lil comedy, [WARNING: some cursing in there]
theme ➵  bestfriend!jungkook
characters  ➵ jungkook, you
PART 1/2
   Jeon Jungkook. It was a name so familiar to your lips that saying it would be no different to breathing air. It was a name you found comfort in, a name you called at times of trouble, misery, despair, happiness, and all sorts of things. It was also a name you screech at the top of your lungs at seven in the morning at a bus stop. 
   “Jeon, do you even use your new phone for the right reasons?” you hissed, fingers crumpling the collar of his blazer as soon as he was in your reach. You drag him up to the bus, scanning both of your cards (which you kept at all times because Jungkook, that darned boy, could never remember to bring his own shit).
   “Duh,” he answered matter-of-factly, panting as he uses your shoulder for support. “Gotta catch all them Pokemons!”
   You rolled your eyes at his statement, about to head to your usual spot until you felt yourself slightly pushed to the side. He beats you to the window seat this time, focusing his attention on Seoul’s lovely morning sight. Meanwhile, you stood with your arms crossed, a foot tapping against the soft floor of the bus. “Excuse me?”
   Jungkook looks up to you, eyes fluttering as he innocently hums a ‘hm?’.
   “That is my spot.”
   The boy blinks, turning his head to check the headrest. “Don’t see your name written on it.”
    Jeon Jungkook, you almost forgot, was a name that irritated you as much as it comforted you. But instead of arguing for it, you grumpily took a seat next to him, hugging your bag in annoyance. He chuckles in return, a breathy light-hearted one, as he slung his arm around your shoulders. It gave you a good view of him as he focused back on the scenery.
   You never really noticed how good-looking Jungkook really was. That was an understatement. Jungkook was a total definition of a man. He had a jawline that even guys would fawn over, veins in the right place that girls would gladly count(creepy thought though), and big sparkly eyes that you would give in to any time you fought. Jungkook was breathtaking.
   Jeon Jungkook was more than just a name to you. It was more than just a popular example at college that girls threw around when asked about their ideal type. 
   It was the name tag you first read in fifth grade after a couple of guys picked on your for your quirky pigtails. The owner being a chubby classmate of yours who helped you up and told you your pigtails were cute after he pulled both of them and ran. You cried, yes, but he scared away anyone else who made you cry, claiming only he had the right to do so. 
   It was your playdate in sixth grade that your mother had endlessly and excitedly talked about the previous night. You were definitely surprised to see him on the playground with his mom. There was an awkward silence for the first few minutes, until he spoke what you’ve been holding back to say. ‘Aren’t we too old for playdates?’
   It was your first girl friend’s crush and a name she later on hated. Jungkook was notorious in his younger days for being such a heartbreaker. Unfortunately, you were his bestfriend and the target of stickly thin, baby-faced eighth grader girls’ hatred. It was alright. He promised to buy you pancakes every morning.
   It was the caller ID you see every day after school in the ninth grade and up until now. It was ddukbokki on Mondays, kimbap on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and ramen on Thursdays and Fridays.
   It was a name you grew to love and hate at the same time. Jungkook was your bestfriend, your other half, basically your family. It was a name that was like air to you, you were so used to it - yet why did your heart suddenly decide it was okay to skip a beat?
   It had been weeks since you felt that first thump in your heart. Every day, you started to understand why Jungkook was so appealing to the rest of the female population. Sure you knew he had a very nice face, you knew he wasn’t particularly good at books and papers, but he was the star of each and every sports team there was at your institution. Of course, you knew that if he gave enough interest, he would be the class genius as well. Jungkook was a modern prince - courageous, attractive as hell, and most importantly, he was so kind. At least to you. It scared you. It scared you how the reasons were getting clearer and clearer.
   Jungkook always sits next to you whenever a chance is given. Today was one of those days. He slides ever so smoothly to your right poking your cheek as you chugged a glass of milk. “Whatcha doin’, ugly?”
   You roll your eyes, an instinctive response at whatever he says. “What do you want?”
   He let out an overly-dramatic, high-pitched, K-drama laugh. “Watch a movie with me,” he whined.
   “Don’t I always? Like, every Friday?” you raised an eyebrow.
   Jungkook grins, suddenly pouting and poking his index fingers at each other, before clinging at your arm. “I wuv you.”
   Normally, you’d wince, throw something at his face. You’d be repelled by his ugly cutesy act. But there it was again, that thump. Then another, and then it got to the point where your heart was a beating mess. Fuck, you thought.
   He looks up at you, smirking smugly. “Are you blushing?” he coos. “Cute.”
   Then your heart was on overdrive.
   Days had passed since then and now you were at his house, in the lousiest outfit you have ever put together, not really minding it since it was only Jungkook who’d seen you this way. You let yourself feel comfortable on his bed, which was almost like a second bed to you anyways. 
   Waiting for him to come back, you decided to set up the movie on his laptop. To your surprise, he had a password. It was strange. Jungkook was a careless and reckless man. He had no time for such things as passwords. Hell, he’d probably forget his own password. You shrugged it off anyways. You had no idea what his password would be though, but you tried anyways. 
   You searched through all the possibilities in your head. Jungkook may have put a password but you were sure it was nothing complicated. After all these years, the one thing you really learned about him was that he was not a man who was into complication.
   What an idiot, you thought. An idiot fanboy. Of course, his love for IU never ceases. You roll your eyes and waited for it to load. He left his Facebook page open and your heart crumbled a little. Everything was the same as you had always seen except for that open chat box beside yours. Jungkook was seeing someone?
   A gasp snapped you out of your ten second misery and, in your panic, you minimized the browser.
   “How did you know my password?” he breathed out, placing a hand over his mouth. 
   “Well, genius, leejieun97?”
   He blushed and threw a chocolate bar at you. “Shut up! IU gives me life.”
   He jumps into the bed, an awkward silence filled you both as you stared at the desktop view. You could feel a tense aura. 
   “So, you saw, huh?” he finally spoke up.
   It took you a second to answer. “Yeah.”
   “I was gonna tell you, I swear,” he tries to apologize, hugging you from behind. You didn’t see why he needed to. It was his life after all.
   You let out a half-hearted chuckle.” Congrats, loser, your ugly ass finally got a girlfriend.”
   “Um, sweetheart, this,” he points to his face. “...is almost as good as your Hyungsik.”
   You blinked. “Okay, coconut head ass lookin bitch.”
   “Excuuuuuuse me?!” he bellowed as he pounced on you to tickle you.
    That was the first time you felt uncomfortable being in the same room with him. For some reason, you wanted to go home, stay in bed all day. You didn’t understand why you hated it, but through out the thrilling scenes of Iron Man where Jungkook gleefully cheered for his favorite superhero, you realized.
   You liked him.
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kekepuaa · 8 years
Ladyblogging, part three
Summary: in which marinette realizes that the internet is a lot smarter than she thought and that the only way to protect her identity is to join the ranks. identity reveal. adrienette.
Notes: Here’s a list of blogs/twitter accounts; they’ll be updated regularly as I go along c: 
Mari: @littlestutterbug/Ladybug Alya: @theladyblogger/The Ladyblog Adrien: @adrienagreste/chatblanc (AHA!) Nino: @djxbubbler Chloe: @queenbee Sabrina: @pastelprincess
part three: theory [Previous][AO3]
Saturday had been a rather peaceful and uneventful day for the most part. The weather was lovely and Marinette had woken up bright and early to help her parents out in the bakery. Since costumers usually didn’t start coming in until 11 or noon, Marinette was allowed to man the register while her parents caught up on some work out back.
Marinette spent about half an hour doodling in her sketchpad before taking her phone out: No new news. 
Looking over her shoulder to see if the coast was clear, she opened up her internet browser and went to her blog, which was at this point more popular than the Ladyblog. Marinette knew what to expect from creating a blog under her superhero alias and she was somewhat aware of the risks it came with, but never had she ever imagined how much closer her blog had brought her to the people who frequented it.
She talked about her favorite movie yesterday, of all things.
No Hawkmoth, no akumas--just one lonely Parisian bellringer and some friendly banter with a few commenters, one of which who spoke like Chat Noir.
She shook her head: Ladybugs seemed to attract eccentric cat-themed characters where she went. Nevertheless, despite the risk she was taking, blogging was proving to be a very interesting pastime that she had invested in. 
It wasn’t until early evening when Marinette was relieved from register duty, the young teen skipping up to her bedroom, two steps at a time. She was expecting Alya any minute, and her room was still a disaster from the stroke of inspiration that had struck the girl the night before.
As Marinette ran around her room, quickly picking up discarded slips of fabric haphazardly scattered across her bedroom floor, Tikki zipped up to Marinette’s bed, snuggling deep into the warm sheets. 
“You gonna sleep, Tikki?”
“Mmhmm,” the kwami sleepily replied, “Just for a bit. Wake me up if there are akumas.”
Marinette climbed the loft and found Tikki, dozing on her pillow. Smiling softly, she learned forward and pressed her lips against Tikki’s forehead, who hummed and burrowed herself deeper into Marinette’s bed. 
With Hawkmoth’s Akumas attacking more frequently, Ladybug’s kwami had been exerting more energy than usual, which left Tikki fatigued and often dozing away in Marinette’s purse, a half-eaten cookie by her side.
Marinette wondered if Chat Noir’s kwami was the same too.
If his kwami was anything like her overdramatic, pun-loving kitty cat, then she was more than positive that he had his hands full right now. 
Marinette had just finished putting everything away when her bedroom door swung open. Alya hopped into her room, her curly, dark and red ombre locks looking slightly disheveled. 
“Hey!” Marinette greeted her best friend and gestured for her to take a seat, “I was wondering when you were gonna get here.”
“Sorry,” Alya said, “I had some stuff to go over. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“I figured,” Marinette replied, eyeing her friend’s appearance, “What kept you up? Have you been stalking Ladybug’s blog again?” she added playfully. Alya stuck her tongue out at Marinette and huffed indignantly.
“I’ll have you know that I was doing research, not stalking.” 
“Okay, yeah, sure. Did you find anything?” 
To be honest, Marinette wasn’t exactly expecting any groundbreaking theorizes from her best friend other than the fact that she and Ladybug had the same favorite film. In the past, there had been a few close calls, but now Marinette could proudly say that there was no way that anyone was gonna find her out while she was still alive.
“I’m, like, 99% sure Ladybug goes to our school.”
...or, Marinette thought, I could just go into hiding until people forgot who Ladybug was. She knew that option was out, but Alya was already on her trail and drawing closer.
There was no need for her to panic yet, Alya didn’t exactly have proof that Ladybug went to their school.
“Check out this list I compiled of Ladybug sightings and why I think she’s a student at Collège Françoise Dupont.” Marinette willed her hands to remain steady as she gently accepted a worn notebook from Alya.
Tikki was going to kill her when she woke up. (Well, not really, she corrected herself, but this could be disastrous for her.)
Marinette opened the book.
Theory: Ladybug is a student at Collège Françoise Dupont  (A compilation of pieces of evidence that I literally just remembered and probably should fact check but will do that later)
Ladybug knew my name when Stoneheart was around (Source: ME, she called my name after she activated her Lucky Charm.) 
Ladybug has a history textbook that is only used by our school in all of France (Source: ME, see the Ladyblog for video footage of LB dropping the textbook.)
Ladybug appeared at school with the Horrificator had sealed up all entrances and exits. (Source: ME, and everyone else in class.)
Ladybug’s interactions with Adrien Agreste are reason for me to believe that she either knows the boy or is in love with him. Or maybe both. Most likely both. (See page 3 for details. Note to self: Ask Marinette for her opinion.)
Wordlessly, Marinette handed Alya the damning log, trying her best to not scream. Was this what criminals felt like when the police were just about to bust them? Marinette considered transforming and leaping off her balcony, but she knew that wasn’t even a logical option.
Okay, calm down, calm down. She wasn’t found you out yet, she told herself, she’s just put together some things in the past, so as long as I don’t slip up while I’m in the suit, I think it’ll be okay.
Marinette jumped, “S-So what?”
Alya didn’t seem to notice the nervous energy unraveling from within Marinette, as her attention seemed to be focused on her phone. 
“So do you think Ladybug likes Adrien?” Marinette stifled a squeak, “This is really important for my research.”
“I-I don’t know,” Marinette answered as calmly as she could, “I mean, s-surely she has a crush on him because he’s a m-model and she must have seen him somewhere before. H-His face is all over Paris.” 
Calm down, Marinette thought, You’ve got this. You can totally do this! 
To Marinette’s relief, Alya seemed to take in her response, nodding sagely. Feeling encouraged, Marinette continued, “And Ladybug is aided with magic, so I wouldn’t rule it out that things like knowing people’s names and even appearing in the school when Mylene was akumatized--maybe all of that was a result of magical influence?”
Of course, Marinette knew what she was saying was total garbage, but Alya didn’t need to know that. She could only hope that Alya would listen to her and keep her eyes off the school.
“Maybe...” Alya muttered after a few beats of silence, “...besides the only girls Adrien’s spoken to are the girls in the class, and as far as I know, every girl has been akumatized--” Marinette flushed pink, “--so Ladybug definitely couldn’t be in our class.”
“R-Right!” Marinette was quick to agree, “Remember when you thought Chloe was Ladybug?”
“Oh God,” Alya rolled her eyes, “Don’t remind me.”
It seemed that luck was on Marinette’s side today.
Ladybug Posted: 2016-04-30
Let’s just say that I am one lucky son of a bug. I won’t go into it, but phew. Talk about a nail biter.
You know when you get so anxious, your blood seems to feel cold?
Yeah, I had the pleasure of experiencing that this afternoon. The feeling passed quickly enough, but I had to drink, like, six cups of tea to recover.
Worrying about little things will be the death of me. I’m pretty sure my life span was reduced by 2 years.
I need a croissant or something. Maybe I should just go to sleep. Excuse me.
Response to DON’T YOU WORRY ‘BOUT A THING MAMA Posted: 2016-04-30 Subject: Just start breathing into a paper bag.
Chop Suey: Girl, you’re a superhero. Just knock out before someone gets akumatized again.
Response to Just start breathing into a paper bag. Posted: 2016-04-30 Subject: Hopefully it won’t get to that omg
Ladybug: T R U E.
Response to DON’T YOU WORRY ‘BOUT A THING MAMA Posted: 2016-04-30 Subject: Lavender & Chamomile tea should do the trick ;)
The Ladyblog: You act like someone was close to uncovering your secret identity ;)
Response to Lavender & Chamomile tea should do the trick ;) Posted: 2016-04-30 Subject: ALREADY BREWING IT. 
Ladybug: Wouldn’t you like that, Mlle Ladyblog?
Response to ALREADY BREWING IT. IT’S GOD’S GIFT TO THE WORLD. Posted: 2016-04-30 Subject: It’s God’s gift to this world. The Ladyblog: DANG IT. SHE’S ON TO ME. ABORT! ABORT!
chatblanc: If you’re looking for a good bakery, I definitely recommend the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie on Rue Gotlib? I happen to be friends with the daughter of the owners; their food is to die for. You’ll definitely gain back the two years you lost, especially if you try the salmon and spinach quiche.
Marinette frowned at chatblanc’s comment. She knew them? There was a possibility they could be lying to her (CATFISHING IS A REAL PROBLEM, FOLKS), but why would they lie about such a minuscule detail?
Maybe Marinette was just paranoid, but it was better for her to check to see who the mystery person was than to be surprised when said mystery person showed up at her bakery, screaming “hey Ladybug!” in front of all their customers.
She felt a headache coming on at the thought.
A click on chatblanc’s URL led Marinette to a locked blog. Well, that didn’t seem sketchy at all. The only lead Marinette had on this person was that they created their blog the day after the Ladyblog was created and that they had a whopping total of 3 journal entires.
Other than that: Marinette had nothing, left in the dust by a mysterious cat who had questionable taste in Disney movies, knew exactly what Stevie Wonder song she was referring to in her subject line of her last post, and who apparently loved her dad’s quiche. 
She made a mental list of who it could possibly be, but came up empty every time.
Frustrated, the young girl exited out of her browser and switched her monitor off. Sleep seemed like an attractive alternative to the headache pounding in her ears.
Curling up next to Tikki on her bed, Marinette rolled over and shut her eyes, clearing her mind of her overly-curious best friend and the stranger-not-stranger on the internet.
Alya C. @theladyblogger #AKUMAALERT: There is a child transforming cars into giant wooden trains...
Alya C. in reply to Alya C. #AKUMAALERT: The Eiffel Tower is falling!
Alya C. in reply to Alya C. #AKUMAALERT: #Ladybug and #ChatNoir are on the scene!
Alya C. in reply to Alya C. #AKUMAALERT: #Ladybug has been taken and tied down to railroad tracks!
Alya C. in reply to Alya C. #AKUMAALERT: #ChatNoir’s cataclysm has destroyed the track and the incoming toy train
Alya C. in reply to Alya C. #AKUMAALERT: Akuma cured. #Ladybug and #ChatNoir saves the day! 
Alya C. in reply to Alya C. Livestream will be on the site with a follow up article.
Ladybug Posted: 2016-05-01
Subject: Hawkmoth is literally the Most Inconsiderate person Ever.
LOL guess who was taken and strapped down to some railroad tracks like a Damsel in Distress in one of those classic American Westerns? 
It’s all good though since Chat’s cataclysm saved me :’) (sends virtual fist bump to my kitty cat)
WHO AKUMATIZES A 5-YEAR-OLD CHILD ON A SUNDAY MORNING? Sundays are for sleeping. 5am?! You should be A S L E E P. 
I had a bunch of things due this week, so I would have appreciated an extra five hours of sleep. Ugh.
What a jerk. 
It was a quick fix (insert insincere ‘Better luck next time’ here), but still. By the time I got back to my house, my papa was already making noise in the kitchen and my maman was checking my room to see if I was awake. 
I need some green tea, like pronto. 
And possibly 53 waffles to gorge on to make up for this morning.
Response to Hawkmoth is literally the Most Inconsiderate person Ever. Posted: 2016-05-01 Subject: Rise and Shine, LB!
chatblanc: 53 is a pretty exact number, Ladybug...
Response to Rise and Shine, LB! Posted: 2016-05-01 Subject: Don’t tell me what to do.
Ladybug: For your information, 53 is the perfect number for waffles. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some waffles to be devouring and some sleep to be catching up on. PS: Your friend’s bakery is 10/10. I may or may not have helped myself to 3 additional croissants on top of the first one I wanted. #carbqueen
Response to NO. Posted: 2016-05-01 Subject: Don’t be like that :(
chatblanc: !!!! My friend will be ecstatic when she hears that her food has Ladybug’s approval.
“So, I see you’ve developed an interest for blogging,” Chat Noir casually mentioned that evening. The duo had just completed a rather uneventful patrol around the city and decided to stop for a break, sitting side by side on top of an old brick building, a little ways away from the bakery.
Ladybug shrugged, keeping her eyes trained on her feet, which she swung back and forth.
“It’s a good pastime,” Ladybug admitted, “Sometimes I get so wound up from my day-to-day life that I just need some kind of outlet to let my brain decompress.” 
He nodded, and stretched out beside her, his glowing green eyes trained at the dark sky above him.
“Hawkmoth’s been so active lately,” Ladybug continued, laying back beside Chat, “I hardly have time to sleep, everything is picking up around me, I’m getting behind on my school work--”
“I thought you were 5,000 years old?” Chat joked and Ladybug slapped his arm, effectively shushing her partner.
“--it’s like he’s trying to wear us down or he’s getting desperate and is really trying to go for our Miraculouses,” Ladybug knew for a fact that Hawkmoth didn’t exactly work like her or Chat. He didn’t fight his own battles and could summon multiple akumas without needing to recharge his kwami. At this point in the game, Ladybug found it miraculous that he hadn’t sent out multiple akumas at once.
“Well, Buginette,” Chat sighed and turned onto his side, facing her, “It’s not like we can do anything to prepare for it. We just have to keep provisions on us at all times in case our kwamis have to recharge.” 
“I guess so...” Ladybug agreed, “...but you have to admit it, Chaton. Haven’t you been feeling a bit worn from all these akumas?”
“Not really,” Chat Noir confessed quietly, “I see this life as an escape for me, and if I have to fight some cranky old man sending off evil butterflies to keep it, then I will.” 
For the first time, Ladybug found herself wondering about Chat Noir’s other life. Never before had she expressed an interest (it was more one-sided on his part), but if chasing down akumas was something her chaton considered liberating from his day to day routine, she couldn’t help but wonder.
“And besides,” Chat Noir said, suddenly playful again, “I get to spend time with my lovely Buginette, so I’m more grateful to Hawkmoth for being so persistent.” 
Ladybug rolled her eyes and sat up, Chat quickly following her example. 
“We should turn in for tonight.” 
“Man, I would kill for a pastry right now,” Chat Noir grumbled, rubbing a clawed hand on his rumbling stomach. 
“Well, I heard from a little kitty that there’s a good one on Gottlieb.” Ladybug casually replied, “I’ve had some of their stuff before; I think you’d like the salmon and spinach quiche.”
Ladybug didn’t see the strange look Chat Noir gave her, turning in time only to catch the wide grin stretched across his face. He stepped closer to her, swiped up her hand, and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss against it.
Ladybug pulled her hand away from Chat’s with a small chuckle and pushed him gently against his chest.  
“I’ll try it out tomorrow then,” Chat Noir declared, “I’ll see you soon, Buginette.” 
It wasn’t until Chat had vaulted off the roof that his words had fully registered in Ladybug’s mind. I’ll try it out tomorrow then. 
“Wait. What?” 
Ladybug Posted: 2016-05-02
Subject: Foot, meet mouth.
You know how you get yourself tangled in compromising situations because of your big mouth?
Yeah, this seems to be a running theme this week. And it’s Monday.
Stay tuned, all!
No comments have been posted.
When Marinette walked into the classroom Monday morning, she wasn’t surprised to find everyone congregated around Alya as her best friend read her theory to their classmates; however, the words still made her rather anxious.
Here she was, here Ladybug was, overhearing her best friend openly talk about Ladybug’s secret identity with all their other classmates. She felt like she was on the edge of a cliff and the only thing keeping her from toppling over the fact that nobody had seen her transform.
Nor had anyone noticed the fact that she and Ladybug had never been seen in the same place and the same time, save for the one time when Alix was akumatized.
From the door, Marinette strained to listen to her conspiring classmates.
“Well, if Ladybug goes to our school and is in our grade, then who could she be?” Alix asked, “We already know that she isn’t in our class since everyone here’s been akumatized.” 
“Well,” Alya said, “There are only two other classes in our grade level, and according to my research, none of those girls match Ladybug’s body type, nor do they have black hair and blue eyes--”
“Hey, remember when Alya thought Chloe was Ladybug?!”
“--shaddup Nino. The point is, it’s unlikely that she’s there too. We already know that she’s in this school and in our grade because of the history book. We just need to think of someone who hasn’t been akumatized...”
Marinette’s heart pounded wildly in her chest.
She thought of things that could possibly save her: sneaking out of the classroom before they noticed she was there, dying her hair, changing her hairstyle, but everything was impractical. Illogical. She had been far too careless in the past to cover this up.
“Wait a second,” Max said, “Marinette hadn’t been akumatized yet!”
Soft murmurs grew in the circle. Ice settled in Marinette’s stomach and sweat began to bead at her temples.
“This is it, Tikki,” Marinette whispered, “They’re going to find me out and then Hawkmoth’s gonna find out and we’re all gonna be doomed--”
“Marinette, that isn’t true!” Tikki squeaked from Marinette’s side, “Just stay calm!”
“What’s the point? They’re already right there.”
“Marinette--” Tikki began to say, but clammed up with a yelp. Marinette watched from the corner of her eye as Tikki ducked back into her bag.
“Tikki?” she whispered, “Tikki!”
She didn’t get to investigate any further, as her sight had been obscured by one blonde-haired, green-eyed angel who smiled softly at her. The ice she had previous felt in her stomach melted, quickly forgotten, and, like second nature, a pretty pink flush rose in her cheeks.
Adrien grinned.
“Hey, Marinette!” 
And Marinette slipped, not noticing the class observing the exchange, now aware of their recent suspect’s arrival: Adrien caught her before she could sink any lower, prompting the girl to squeak, flail, slip and proceed to fall again, her descent towards the ground quickly halted as Adrien wrapped his arms more securely around Marinette.
“Woah, you okay?” he asked, “No bones broken?”
“Y-Y-Yeah,” she stammered, “You thank, Adrien! I mean, I love you! I mean, thank you, Adrien!”
Marinette scrambled away from her crush, nearly tripping over her own feet as she stumbled into the classroom. She overheard Alix whisper to the crowd, “There’s no way she could be Ladybug.”
In that moment, Marinette had never felt so lucky before. 
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melyaliz · 8 years
Summary: All Gigi wanted was that normal life everyone talked about. But it’s hard to know what that’s like when your life is so unordinary.
Set in the Young Justice Universe 
Notes: Was going to write the next chapter of Suprise but then got caught in a conversation with @speedypan and this happened... I put a little more information in here than I normally would because I’m still working on publishing these characters back stories so the time lines are a little out of whack. Sorry if things are confusing. 
Faith (Guardian Angel) more stories here. Also side note, Jennifer is Faith’s older sister who is taking care of her after the death of their parents. 
Gigi (Plastic-girl) only has one other story 
Maia (Willow) is owned by @batlog more stuff with her here and here 
Also a bit clunky in the middle.... it’s late and I kept adding stuff in. 
Gigi studied the cracks on the ceiling for a moment, finding one that looked like a clown’s face complete with large nose “I… I just do things, stupid things and I think ‘no normal person would do that” She turned her head toward Jennifer “I even started watching Reality TV to see how they did it, but Guardian Angel told me that wasn’t really true reality.”
Jennifer tried to suppress a laugh, “Yeah, but what about the kids at your school?”
“They are pretty cool, I guess you could call them normal. I’m a cheerleader and I met this guy who’s really normal. It’s just when someone asks’ me how my day was I never seem to be able to just say ‘just normal’”
“What do you say?”
Gigi jumped up excited, “All the amazing things that happen! Like today this one guy who plays the tuba told this really funny joke…”
“Sorry,” Gigi said laying back on the couch folding her hands over her stomach.
“You know, you don’t have to lay like that,” Jennifer said
“Really? Isn’t this how it’s normally done?”
“You can do whatever you want here, be whoever you want.” Jennifer studied the red-haired girl, “Who do you want to be Gigi?” 
Their conversation was cut off by Faith walked in throwing herself on the couch basically laying on top of her best friend, "hey sis, use your big brain to tell me my future." The red haired girl's eyes grew a little bigger than was normal for a regular human, it probably had something to do with her ability to stretch.
"You can do that?" She gasped
Jennifer just laughed throwing a pillow at Faith which the girl caught easily, "Get out of here you goofs."
After her session with her psychiatrist Gigi or, known by most of her friends at the Young Justice HQ, Plastic-girl headed over to the Young Justice HQ. Her mother had suggested she go to the psychiatrist after learning that Jennifer O’Neal had specialized in super powered kids. Gigi had been born with her powers and had grown up going from superpowered group to group being taught how to control them. In her mother’s words, her life had never been normal. So now that she was going to a “normal” high school and doing normal teen stuff. It was all she wanted to be.
“We’re HERE!” Plastic-girl sang as she walked into the large headquarters. Guardian Angel or, as most just called her, Angel smiled waving as she bounced from foot to food. A small group of heroes stood in the briefing room. Impulse, Blue Beetle and Willow. Willow was a few years older than the other teens and had just returned from a 10-year mission. Where she had gone, no one knew, but Faith and Gigi would come up with their own theories. They ranged from saving Santa and -by default- Christmas (Gigi’s favorite) to fighting Ninjas in the center of the earth (Faith’s favorite).
Impulse ran up to meet them, a large smile on his face that matched Plastic-girl’s.
“Impulse! How are you? Did you have a good week? Tell me everything about your life!”
“Total crash! I spent it with Grandpa and learning all this stuff about this time! You guys are so retro!“
“Ohhh have you tried ice-cream yet my favorite is mocha chocolate chip with strawberry frosting and extra sprinkles!”
Willow watched as if unsure of the flavor choice, “I can’t decide if that sounds good or not” she finally admitted. 
“It’s not great…” Angel said shaking her head still trying to get the taste from last week out of her mouth. Never again... never. 
“What did you do this week Plastic-girl?” Impulse asked
“OMG So many amazing things! Totally normal stuff. Went to a pep rally and I was on the bottom because of my AMAZING strength! Everything went totally normal! No mistakes at all!”
“Why would you want normal? You’re a superhero?” Blue Beetle asked an eyebrow cocked.
“Because, normal is great, I like normal.”
They didn’t get to talk much after that because they called to the briefing room before.
It was just a recon mission. Stealth to just get a few items.
Plastic-girl was chatting with Angel about her totally amazingly normal weekend over the mic when Impulse's hand was over her mouth as he motioned for her to be quite. A few feet away two guards were walking by.
Ever alert, Plastic girl stretched her ear across the wall trying to catch what they were saying. However her hazel eyes couldn’t seem to take themselves off the boy in front of her, there it was, that look that bothered he so much. 
Plastic-girl had only joined the Young Justice League a few months ago and while everyone was amazing the boy in front of her was someone who stood out to her. Something about the way he talked and moved. It was as if sometimes nothing seemed wrong than someone would happen and he would trip over his words or seem to back peddle. 
Growing up in the superpowered world Plastic-girl was use to seeing many strange things and people. But with Impulse, it was different. 
 To her, he seemed like a song that was just slightly off key.
“We have a problem” Willow’s voice crackled over the mic, a few yells could be heard in the background.
“I’m close,” Angel’s voice said before there was some gunshots and screaming. Impulse dashed off leaving poor Plastic-girl to run - much slower- behind.
When she got there she found a pile of heavily armored guards laying around the floor. Willow and Impulse standing by while Angel stood holding an unloaded rifle across her shoulders.
“You’re friend is kind…. Intense.” Willow whispered to Plastic-girl as one last guard charged at the small brunette. Angle whorled around swinging the gun’s butt across the guy's face with a sickening crack instantly knocking him out. His nose was broken for sure.
“What?” Angel asked turning to the team, “I’m short…” as if this was an explanation for her slightly dirty fighting technique. Shrugging Willow decided they had better hurry up and leave before more guards ended with broken body parts.
It only took a few moments for them to get back to their small ship and silently fly away. Willow going over the recon plans while the younger heroes talked among themselves.
The team was able to get the items they needed while also learning that the company, a medical research lab, had been testing chemicals to enhance humans. Using stolen blood and samples from kids like Plastic-girl who were born with their powers. They still weren’t sure where they had gotten the samples from but Kaldur said he hoped the information they had stolen would tell them.
“Ask her…” Plastic-girl’s voice took Willow out of her thoughts. 
“If you want to know so bad you ask her,” Angel said tapping her foot as she glanced outside the ship. From her seat in front of them, Willow turned.
“Ask who what?”
“Plastic wants to know what Santa was like,” Angel said with the largest mischievous smile on her face.
“Santa.” Plastic-girl said, her face completely seriously while Angel tried to fight back laughter, “When you saved him... “
“On your mission” Angel added for context, “You saved Santa and Christmas, right? That’s where you were for 10 years”
Across from the Plastic-girl Impulse burst out laughing and Blue Beetle just sat there mouth hanging open. “Is she joking?” he asked looking at Angel who shook her head.
“I mean… Santa lives in an alternate universe so 10 years would feel like a week…” Plastic-girl said calmly explaining her theory, “how else does he give presents all over the world.”
“Wait… wouldn’t it be the other way around? Like 10 years there would be a week here?” Impulse asked now wrapped up in the theory. Blue Beetle sat there completely perplexed trying to keep up or just understand while Angel sat back watching totally enjoying the insanity unfolding while. 
“I think time is just different there?” Angel offered. 
“Yeah,” Willow said nodding, “Time was just different there.”
Plastic-girl turned to her, eyes wide with excitement, “so you….”
“Totally did.”
“HA! I told you!” Plastic-girl said pointing a very comically large finger at Angel. (After all, with the power to stretch your body to crazy sizes and shapes what other use is there than to gloat to your friend that you had been right all along?) The brunette just shrugged.
“I never really doubted you.”  
After solving this amazing mystery both younger girls continued their many theories conversation as Willow went to give the information they got to Kaldur. Soon the conversation turned to Impulse. Gigi explaining her thoughts on Impulse and how there was something off about him  Mine as well solve the other mystery in her life. 
Why the youngest speedster seemed so… off beat.
“He’s not like you, you also seem too easy when you move while I feel like Impulse trips over himself or something… I don’t know… I can’t place it… ya know. It’s just not normal.”
“I mean he is from another time.” Faith said Gigi could tell she was mulling over her friend’s words. Thinking about all the times they had hung out and he had seemed off. “But if it’s bugging you why not ask him?” she added spinning around so she was facing Gigi while walking backward down the main hall. 
Their conversations was cut short by the short brunette almost bumping into the boy in question. It would have been a total collision but at the last moment, she dogged him without even looking. Sometimes Gigi was convinced her friend had eyes in the back of her head.
“Oh look! There he is… k see ya Plastic!” She sang off key as she skipped off to meet up with Robin and Nightwing to go back to Gotham.
“Huh?” Impulse asked watching Guardian Angel wave before meeting up with her little bat-team. Turning back to Gigi the speedster smiled.
“Are you sad?” Gigi blurted out. After all, the blunt truth had worked before.
“What?” the boy asked totally taken aback.
“I mean… like you are always smiling and laughing and acting like you don’t know what’s going on. But you seem to stumble into good things… and not like Faith who seems to dodge everything… it looks like it’s an accident but it’s not? Also, your eyes don’t smile… Are you sad?” It all made sense to her but poor Bart had no idea what the red haired girl was talking about. All her words, pouring out and mixed togeather. Or maybe he did, maybe he knew what she was saying and didn’t want to admit it. After all, can’t crash the mode.
So just brushed her off he shrugged, “haha I don’t know what you are talking about. Hey, got to go meet up with Gramps but catch you on the next mission!” he dashed off only to come back for a moment, “also, great job today! I like working with you!” then he was gone.
Gigi sighed, better be off too. She was a little annoyed? No, something else, she couldn't quite pinpoint it. Sure she wasn’t like Angel and her soul readingness, but she knew it when someone was faking. Hiding something deep from the world around them. Acting like everything was peachy keen when it wasn’t
As Gigi passed the kitchen the news was on. 
“And I can’t stress enough that she is NOT my prodigy,” Plastic-mam said on the screen, Gigi’s eyes flickered to the TV as her childhood idol spoke to the press, “whether or not these allegations about her being one of those that have been born with powers... mutants or whatever she may be. I don’t train kids and if she is a mutant, I urge those in charge of the teen heroes to take the proper precautions until we understand this gene better.” And with that, he turned his back on the reporters. Being swallowed up like by the crowd of inquisitors. She knew what it was like to act like everything was peachy keen, because even if her life wasn’t as bad as many of the other kids here, sometimes she felt like she could hide her feelings the best.
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emmaswritingdump · 8 years
Losing Focus
Words: 2287
Chapters: 1/1
Pairing: Adrienette, Ladynoir
AO3 // Wattpad
Summary: All Marinette can think about is Adrien, and it’s causing her to lose focus during battle. Tikki says she can help… but soon, Marinette finds herself attracted to a certain superhero.
“Tikki,” Marinette groans. “Why does all this have to be so complicated? Ladybug fights villains and saves Paris, and yet, Marinette can’t even say one coherent sentence to Adrien!”
“I know, Marinette, I’m always with you,” the tiny red Kwami says.
“How are my two identities so different?” Marinette says, pacing around her room as Tikki floats by her side. “In the Ladybug suit, I’m confident and…. invincible. As Marinette, I’m a loser.”
“You’re not a loser,” Tikki protests.
“And today,” Marinette continues, ignoring her Kwami. “I could hardly concentrate when I was fighting that akuma victim. Adrien got his hair cut, and it was all I could think about- Tikki, I have a problem.”
“I noticed,” Tikki sighs. “Marinette, you need to move on from Adrien! If he doesn’t like you, it’s his loss, but you’re not going to mope about it- you’re too good for that. You’re always thinking of Adrien- but what if I told you I had magic that can make you forget about him for a couple of hours? You can really focus on your own life, on saving Paris, or even on other boys that are smart enough to see how great you are.”
Marinette looks at Tikki, an eager look in her eyes. “Really? You can make me forget about Adrien?”
“Well,” Tikki says. “Not forget about him exactly, just forget how you feel about him. You’ll still know he’s, like, a person, you just won’t have feelings for him.”
Marinette thinks it over. “If it will help me concentrate, then let’s do it.”
“Okay,” Tikki says. “We’ll do it the next time you have to go into battle.”
That time comes soon- only a day after that, an akuma claims a new victim.
“Tikki, do the magic forget-Adrien thing! Hurry!” Marinette says, standing in the empty school bathroom.
Tikki does a quick and quiet chant with her eyes closed, and a glitter-like dust rains around Marinette.
“Okay,” Marinette grins. “Tikki, spots on!”
Ladybug’s senses are heightened. She can really focus now that she has no feelings for Adrien- she hasn’t been this concentrated since those days before he came into her life.
“Hello, m'lady,” Chat Noir calls out to her as he scales the school building.
“Hey kitty,” she responds. She swings her yo-yo up and flies to the top of the building in pursuit of today’s akuma victim: an underclassman from her school she’s never spoken to.
The younger boy has been turned into a mad scientist-looking villain, a black lab coat draped over his skinny shoulders and plastic goggles over his electric blue eyes. He’s pulling different chemicals out of the bag at his side, combining them quickly in a magical beaker and tossing them on buildings and people, causing mass destruction.
Immediately, Ladybug knows the cause of his akumatization- there was a science fair today. He must not have done well in it.
“It’s gotta be in the beaker,” Chat Noir says, climbing onto the school roof beside her.
She glances at him. Has he been working out? She wonders absently, noticing the shape of his toned muscles in his black leather suit. She quickly chastises herself for her own stupidity- of course he’s been working out, he saves all of Paris on a regular basis and he just scaled a building, for crying out loud- and answers him.
“For sure. You distract him, I’ll get the beaker.”
Easier said than done.
Ladybug leaps into the air, being pulled by her yo-yo, and soars toward the boy, aiming to take the beaker out of his hand.
Unfortunately, Chat’s distraction works a little too well- Ladybug gets distracted as well as the boy.
Has his hair always looked so perfect? She wonders distractedly, before remembering the task at hand.
She almost misses- almost. She manages to snatch the black glass beaker away from him, just barely. She lands on the roof of the school, smashing the beaker into a million tiny pieces and freeing the akuma from evil.
“Pound it,” she and Chat say together, bumping fists. She looks into his vivid green eyes, and her gaze lingers for a moment, realizing for the first time just how gorgeous his eyes are.
Suddenly, realization hits Ladybug like the windshield of a big truck hitting an actual ladybug.
Chat Noir is sweet, brave, self-sacrificing, occasionally funny- even if his puns do get annoying sometimes- and he’s madly in love with her.
Her earrings beep, shaking her out of her daze. “I gotta go,” she says. “See you around, Chat.”
She swings her yo-yo and soars to a private place where she can release her transformation.
“What was that?” She asks Tikki desperately, trying to make sense of this feeling in the pit of her stomach. “What am I feeling right now? Why was I so easily distracted by Chat?”
An exhausted Tikki looks up at her from the ground. “I guess since you don’t have feelings for Adrien at the moment, you finally realized how great Chat Noir is.”
Marinette puts her back to the wall and slides down it into a sitting position. “That’s crazy. I don’t like Chat Noir. Hey, by the way, how long is this magic thing supposed to last?”
“Probably just a few more minutes,” Tikki says.
“Good,” Marinette says. “Because I think this whole Chat Noir thing is caused by this spell thing. Please do me a favor and never do that again.”
After about five minutes, the magic wears off, and Marinette suddenly remembers why she’s so in love with Adrien.
But still, a certain cat is constantly hovering in the back of her mind.
“Girl, what is up with you?” Alya asks the next day. “You’ve been totally out of it since yesterday. What happened?”
Marinette shakes her head in an attempt to clear away the thoughts of the green-eyed feline racing through her head.
“What? Nothing, I’m fine,” she insists, wishing she were a better liar. How have I not been discovered as Ladybug yet? She wonders.
Alya narrows her eyes at Marinette. “Mari, you can’t hide anything from me. I will get to the bottom of this.”
The school bell rings, dismissing class for the day, and Marinette quickly rushes out of the classroom, eager to escape Alya’s curious glare.
“Oh, come on, two days in a row?” Marinette groans upon seeing the akumatized citizen chasing terrified civilians outside her window.
Today, it’s a teenage girl, one Marinette recognizes as Haylee London, a contestant in a televised singing competition who was eliminated from the show less than thirty minutes ago.
She carries a microphone with her, singing into it. Marinette notices that many of the people who hear her singing begin to do exactly what she tells them to.
“Tikki, spots on!”
Ladybug climbs outside and leaps into action.
Chat Noir arrives at the scene soon after. “The mic, m'lady,” he wastes no time. He begins to advance toward Haylee.
“Not as easy as that, silly kitty-cat,” she sings. Suddenly, she belts out a high note that shouldn’t be humanly possible, and Ladybug and Chat Noir both double over in pain, covering their ears.
“Stop that,” Chat screeches over the noise. “There’s a reason you got eliminated, you know.”
Haylee immediately stops, glaring at him with extreme hatred.
“The kitty will pay for what he chooses to say,” she sings.
She begins to advance toward him.
“Uh, LB?” Chat says, unsure. “I hope you have a plan.”
Nope, not a thing. Think, Marinette, think, Ladybug thinks. How can we beat this girl? She looks at Chat, mind racing.
Wow, that suit clings to his body really well- she smacks herself in the forehead with a groan.
“LB?” Chat says again.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ladybug says. “Lucky Charm!” She swings her yo-yo in the air, catching a pair of scissors as they fall down to her.
“Hey, don’t run with those,” Chat Noir teases.
“Shut up,” Ladybug responds. That’s when she notices that the microphone has a cord plugged into Haylee’s electricity-charged boots.
“Of course,” Ladybug grumbles to herself. “It’s so simple. I’m stupid. Oh my gosh.” She stomps over to Haylee, who is still distracted by Chat, and easily cuts the cord between the mic and the boot. The akuma flies out from the wire.
“Time to de-evilize!” Ladybug says, cleansing the akuma. “Bye-bye, little butterfly.” She watches the butterfly soar away. “Miraculous ladybug!” She shouts, repairing the damage done.
“That was so easy,” Ladybug grumbles. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner.”
Chat Noir holds out his fist to her. “Pound-” he stops when she doesn’t join him. “…..m'lady?”
Ladybug stares at him, not speaking, then does something she knows she will regret, but she can’t stop herself.
She puts her hand on the back of his neck, pulls his head toward hers, and kisses him.
I can’t believe I kissed him, Marinette thinks. What was I thinking?! That’s just it, I wasn’t thinking.
She recalls the night before, how soft his lips were, how perfect it felt to have his lips on hers. She remembers how he stiffened up at first, surprised, but soon his lips began moving in sync with hers. She remembers the fireworks that went off in her stomach as they both melted into the kiss.
Then she remembers her earrings beeping. She remembers pulling away and leaving him there, just like that. No goodbyes, she just kissed him and left.
She kissed him.
All day at school, it’s all she thinks about. She hardly even notices Adrien- although she does notice that he seems especially happy today- and barely talks to Alya.
Finally, she goes home, and has no idea what to do. It’s all she can think about; she needs to do something to get her mind off it.
Screw it, she thinks. “Tikki, spots on!”
She spent the next few hours roaming through Paris as Ladybug. Still, she couldn’t get her mind off of the kiss. So, she decided to go to one of her favorite places in all of Paris: the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Unfortunately, someone else decided to go there too.
Her head snaps up in surprise, recognizing the voice.
“Oh my gosh. I’m sorry, I’ll go,” she says quickly.
“Wait, stay,” Chat Noir stops her. He reaches out and grabs her hand. “Come here, sit with me.”
Reluctantly, Ladybug obliges. She awkwardly sits down next to the handsome hero, dreading this already.
“So, how long have you been out?” He asks her, trying to make small talk.
She doesn’t look at him. “A couple hours. My Kwami is probably getting tired.”
Chat nods. “I’ve been out here for a while, too.”
For a while, they simply sit in silence- Chat staring at her, Ladybug avoiding his gaze- until he breaks the silence.
“You kissed me yesterday.”
She nods. “I know.”
“I thought-” He hesitates. “I thought you didn’t like me. And then you kissed me. And then you just left, and now it’s like you’re scared of me.”
“I’m not scared of you,” Ladybug says. “I just…. I don’t know how I feel about you. I mean,” Ladybug blushes as red as her suit. “I have feelings for you, obviously. But it’s just really sudden, and strong, and I don’t know what to do about it. Plus, I have a crush on a boy in my class, and I feel like I’ve betrayed him or something by kissing you- even though I don’t think he even likes me- and I just don’t know. I mean, the kiss was good. I liked it. I like you. But I don’t think I can be with you if I don’t know your identity, and I don’t know if I even want to know your identity, and you would have to know my identity if we were to be together, and I’m afraid you wouldn’t like me if you knew the girl under the mask, and it’s all just too complicated.” She sighs, glad to get all that off her chest.
Chat simply stares at her, trying to process this information. The love of his life has feelings for him. Actual, real feelings. But some guy is making her have doubts.
Ladybug feels herself beginning to tear up, all this stress making her emotional.
“Hey,” Chat says, noticing the tears. He wraps his warm arms around her body, comforting her. “It’s okay. It’ll all be okay.”
She wipes her tears with her finger, loving the feeling of having his arms wrapped around her body.
Ladybug lifts her head and looks into Chat Noir’s green eyes.
Somehow, she knows this is right.
She leans in slightly, and he does the same.
Both their miraculouses beep at the same time- their Kwamis are tired.
“We’re going to detransform,” he whispers, his face a mere inch from hers.
She hesitates for a moment. “I know,” she whispers back.
She continues to lean, and then they are kissing.
His lips are, again, soft and warm. His mouth feels like it’s molded perfectly to hers, and their lips move in a perfect rhythm. With him, she feels safe.
She feels at home.
She feels her transformation releasing, and a flash of green light tells her that his is releasing, too.
They continue to kiss until she can feel that she is no longer Ladybug in any way.
Full-on Marinette.
They break apart, but she keeps her head down, too nervous too look up. Too nervous to finally meet the boy she’s fought crime with for nearly a year now. Too nervous to discover his identity and have it all become real.
“Marinette?” He whispers.
Her head tilts up to look at him.
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