#but srsly go support them they're amazing
aungcha · 1 year
Hey, I just wanna share this commissioned Apollo art by CCB
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Bust up : 5—9 usd
Waist up : 7—13 usd
Head-Knee : 10—14 usd
Srsly, they're underselling this. The detail in their art is just amazing.
And again, you can talk to them here in case you'd like to support them!
☀️ / ☁️ / 🌿
They take gore/nsfw/sfw/oc/fandom cms, almost anything, really. Or just check their art out, give my pookie some love, thanks♡
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lostusagis · 1 month
Aaaaah! Is it Shower Dee With Love Day?! Well it IS Munday heheh! *Taps on mic* Ahem. Is this thing on? Can you hear me? Ok so first I'd like to say...
I'm so happy to have met you. I still think about it so tenderly to this day. I'm really really happy to have you not only as my rp partner but also as my precious friend ❤️ You're my favorite person to see on the dash! Anytime you reblog or post something, I can't help but send you my support by giving a like or a comment or both~! You're so fun to write with and super sweet and funny and talented and smart and considerate and patient and supportive and kind and caring and- *BREATHES* I just think ur neat :) SUPER NEAT!!!
You put so many wonderful writing ingredients into all your muses and I want to eat all of them in one big pot of soup... Yes I want to eat them wyd about it? JNHBYUGTCFRTFYVUBHINJ LIKE I REALLY LOVE LEARNING ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR MUSES! It's why I always like to send headcanon asks. Your answers are always so good and interesting and I can't get enough!
You deserve all the support and love and recognition like fr people are MISSING OOOOOOUUUUUUUUT!!! I absolutely adore you and our interactions and I'll never stop expressing that. ALSO PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE POST THOSE DRABBLES I KNOW YOU HAVE THOSE GEMS DRAFTED I KNOW YOU DO DON'T HIDE THEM FROM ME THEY'RE CARRYING DUST OVER THERE THOSE FUCKING GEMS NEED TO BE SEEN I TELL YOU SEEN!!! Haha sorry I just love reading your drabbles like seriously I'm your #1 fan! I love your writing and your ideas a lot! Always the best stuff aaaahhhhh. Ok but srsly no pressure about posting those drabbles if ur not ready, but just letting you know that if you have doubts on them just know that they always come out great in the end ♡ I can tell you put so much thought and detail into writing them. It really does shine through. Actually, it's because of you that I ever wrote drabbles here for the first time! I've done a lot of first times here on this blog because of you, in fact. You inspire me in many ways, Dee! 😊
Haha sorry this got long wow. I could go on and on tbh, but basically you're the best and ily so so so so so soooooooooooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
( its 5am and im fucking skdjdjs gonna cry. you really know how to make me emotional huh? I really needed this though thanks. since as of late I've been hating my writing a lot. But man, you're honestly my favorite to see on the dash too. All those feelings are mutual. I LOVE seeing your reactions to my replies or asks, i always look forward to seeing that hahaha. And i definitely always wanna show my support to you too. I like seeing the stuff you rb related to Namida's character, helps me get a better understanding of her y'know? I adore her so much. I want to kiss her on the forehead and hug her tightly and tell her how amazing she is.
You're also super fun to write with, MAN. I still go through old threads and reread. That's how much every interaction was soooo great for me. But you're literally so sweet... So so kind. You're one of the few people I'm confident is interested in my writing & muses. Never had any doubts about that literally. I know I'd literally die for yours. Hmu if you ever write a book I'd buy that shit quick. Every reply, every ask, it's like a dessert. You've truly given me the best rp experience ever. And i wanna do my best to give you a good experience as well because im as invested in your content as you are in mine. You're awesome, amazing, so, so talented and creative. You're also such a great friend, thanks especially for sending me messages currently since it's just been rough haha. Just... Thanks for everything. I've had tough moments on this blog but having you as a mutual is why it still remains :))
But AAAA the ones i havent posted are unfinished, since i keep getting stuck or lose confidence in what I'm writing. I know i started the one i mentioned where the siblings talk about namida recently I'll try focusing on that next. You remain the only reason i still consider posting drabbles ajdjdjsksjd thanks i know i always look forward to your comments on them. But DUDE I'd love to read any other drabbles you'll write. I think so far you wrote the one where Namida got really upset and made a mess in her room & the really smutty one. I really wanna reread the first one so if you have a link pls send i read the most recent one a couple times already jesus. So good. Top tier stuff. Also if i forgot any others you posted please lmk 😩 but also just for u I'll make sure to try finishing more drabbles.
Thanks so much for being such a good friend / rp partner. Sending good vibes to you as well. You made me really happy by sending this sorry if its a jumbled mess ily )
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paperstorm · 10 months
Andie I have a very serious and important question for you. what the fuck are you putting in your fics???? It is currently 3:44am and I've been up since 8 but what am I doing? Crying as I read the end of Magnetic North that's what
The thing about me and sports fics is that I know absolutely nothing about sports except for 1 of them so usually they end up in my "Marked for later" for a while. But this is like the third time I've read a sports fic after putting it off to immediately questioning every decision I have ever made
I binged this fic like a fucking maniac but there was a logical part of me that was like "please...the assignment you've been procrastinating for 2 weeks is due tomorrow..." so I forced myself to put it down and go to sleep. That was yesterday. I brought my work with me from downstairs at 1am because "if I'm not gonna be able to sleep might as well finish this and then read Magnetic North the rest of the night" WELL I JUST FINISHED THE FIC AND I'M LITERALLY TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF MY THOUGHTS AND IT IS NOT WORKING-
Coherency...I know how to do that yes. Starting and ending it with Marjan's article was SUCH a nice touch I loved the way she wrote about them!
Also everyone who has ever been mean to TK can line up in an abandoned parking lot...You don't hurt my boy <3 :) . HIS GROWTH??? THAT'S MY POOKIE I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF HIM??? Picking him up and parting his head as we speak. No but seriously he's so awesome and he's been hurt so much but all he really wants is love 😭. NOW YOU GET TO HAVE SO MUCH OF IT BABY!!! Watching him slowly accept the love and care from others was beautiful. I fucking love fics where a character heals. HIM CHOOSING HIMSELF HELL YEAH YOU GOT THIS! Carlos saying how TK looked healthier and Marjan too!! YES MY BOY IS IN HIS LOVER ERA AND I'M SO SO HERE FOR IT! I am starting to sound like a broken record but he genuinely fills me with so much pride and he's not even real 😭. THE REHABILITATION CENTER!! and he named it after Gwen...I'm so okay about this...
Carlos...where do I even start. I need to hug him let's start there. It broke my heart so badly when he didn't even get the chance to come out on his own terms. That is such a real fear and I honestly saw a part of myself in it. The "questioning everything you do in case someone suspects" If I ever find out who that photographer was...Gabriel won't be the only one who will need an alibi 🩷 NO OF COURSE I'm not bringing knives now that would be absurd wouldn't it? /sarc. He deserves all the love and acceptance actually. I loved the scene where he goes to the ranch after he was outed it was so healing for both Carlos and I actually that's my projection guy ✌️💕. Jkjk. TK commenting how much happier and freer Carlos was...sobbing into my pillow oh my god I'm so proud of him. AND HE WON THAT BIG CHAMPIONSHIP WHATEVER I TOLD YOU IDK SPORTS!
These fuckers got engaged what the fuck is wrong with them I hate them so much no I'm not crying! /lh. The kiss at the parade oh my god I will literally never ever recover from this fic Andie you have broken me. I will never once again be a normal human. I still think about The Firehouse like 23 times a day now Magnetic North will join too
So I did actually end up watching some random hockey highlights so I would have some idea as to what's going on and also oh you used real team players that's cool!! Did not know those people existed in real life but good to know. Now I can say I've read fanfiction with NHL players /j. Okay but srsly the team was absolutely AMAZING!! The way they're all such a family! How supportive they were of Tarlos! Kissing them all on the head (the fictional ones idk about the real ones)!
Okay WOW this got long. There's a reason I typed this in my notes app first. Imma attach my real time reaction to the parking lot kiss here
I am in the car (love being a gay) and I just read the parking lot kiss and my anxiety SPIKED because I was like "no no no they're gonna get outed oh my god NOOOO" TEARS IN MY EYES READING NANCY CALLING THEM UP AND TELLING THEM TO CHECK TWITTER!!! I want that photographer to meet me in an abandoned lot...NO I'M NOT BRINGING KNIVES WHY WOULD YOU EVEN INSINUATE THAT- /sarc (last part)
I have a question! You must be really familiar with Hockey to write this fic. Do you play? /gen
Okay now I will sleep because I'm genuinely very tired. If this doesn't make sense blame it on the fact that I've been up for way too long. I loved this fic Andie, like and insane amount. It's all so beautiful and well rounded and I was so enthralled by it, it's crazy. Thank you for this fic, you're awesome!
All the tone tags I used: (I just have really bad anxiety and don't want anything to be misinterpreted so!)
/sarc: sarcasm
/lh: light-hearted
/j: joking
/gen: genuine
I am a little bit speechless about this 🥺🥺 thank you so so so much, I’m so happy you liked it!! Thank you for taking the time to send this to me, I’m swooning 🤩 and I played a lot of street hockey as a kid but never was on a team or anything, I just watch it a lot!
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kharmii · 6 months
When you thought things have cooled off again someone has to whack the anti-beehive yet again and call out pro shippers 😑
Hope nothing is thrown in your way but I am truly amazed by how well you deal with this here! Really if I wasn’t so terrified of being targeted with harassment not only supporting you (even if my thoughts on shipping are a little bit different <not into ships but everyone should be free to ship whatever if it’s making them happy and they don’t actively hurt others>) but also agreeing with you on so many topics that you’ve shared.
I know there must be more people out there just too afraid of the harassment that they could receive but agreeing as well! Keep up the good fight and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
I knew it! I knew there had to be some sort of drama going on somewhere I didn't know about. This morning, somebody sent me this message out of the blue that said, "You're disgusting. Don't reblog my art. Being autistic doesn't make you a terrible person." They then blocked me. This individual is a Volo artist who does reasonably good sketches but not good on backgrounds. I habitually reblogged their stuff because they are a committed Volo fanatic.
Out of curiosity, I went on the Volo Nation Discord to ask this person what that message was all about. I jokingly said something like, "The sneaky little spiders of the SJW whisper network must have started some drama. The traffic on my blog ebbs and flows because of this, and now recently, I'm at a descent". Whisper networks would be useful if the women involved called out actual rapists and sexual predators, but amongst the radical left, they're usually petty (fake males) biological females who gossip about people who disagree with them politically.
What do you know, but my intuition was right! -Turns out the message wasn't about autistic people at all. A bunch of them got pissed about my transgendered stance and had a cabal in a locked Discord channel. I got bombarded by the girlies (who will assuredly grow up someday and fall into heteronormative lifestyles) who all had to tell me about how they were 'non-binary' and whatever crap. I told them I was bored and left. When I peeked in just now, I noticed they booted me, which is fine because the algorithm on Twitter is better at throwing me good Volo art.
Srsly tho, transgendered people are BORING. Nobody gives a damn about transgendered people except other transgendered people. Nobody cares about your snowflake gender, unless you are super hot like the God-Emperor of Fuckableness. Then you can say whatever goofy shit you want, like, *flips hair* "I'm Giratina-gendered, and someday I'm going to subjugate the power of Arceus and kill every last mother fucker on this entire planet!" *does cute little skip*
Emmet: *eyes pointing off in different directions* That's really interesting honey! *pats ass* You can do whatever you want, and later you can throw on that cute chiffon tunic with the shoulders cut out so I can run my autistic trains gendered man meat down your subway tunnel. Keep some ice packs handy!
Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah, transgendered people are boring af. It's no wonder people in most of the fandoms I'm in have nothing better to write about than stupid werewolf porn because they can't think of actual good stories. Worrying about genders is the equivalent of how boring people with no personalities have to dye their hair funky colors and get piercings to be interesting. My guy Dabi is like that. His douchebag dad Endeavor didn't let him go to school and build character, so now he had nothing better to talk about than how many piercings he has on his dick, or how he likes to start fires, or how he wants to murder his douchebag dad for ruining his life. At least he isn't so boring all he wants to talk about is his stupid fake gender because he doesn't look like the kind of guy who gives af about what people think of him.
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Here are my interpretation of what @c-rose2081‘a children from their fic Guiding Light might look like. LET ME JUST SAY THEY ARE ALL ABSOLUTE CUTIES EVEN IF IT’S UP TO READERS INTERPETION ON WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE BUT I WILL DIE FOR THEM OK!!! I love them!! 😢☹️(❁´◡`❁)(●'◡'●)(❁´◡`❁)(┬┬﹏┬┬)╰(*°▽°*)╯
Highly recommend reading the story, it’s so beautiful 🤩. Just you’ll know the height difference is totally different cause I suck at that 🥲 I’ll fix it in the final design but they remind me a lot of my train kiddos, maybe they’ll be friends
* I imagined Elena in a dress to look like Dolores/Mariano fankid, I wouldn’t done her hair in afro puffs with bows which just left me 🥰✨ but I forget, maybe in the final design she has a blanket I would’ve done a toy 🧸 but I didn’t know what kind of animal
* For Juan and Hernandez, they remind me a lot of human ttte Bash/Dash and Bill/Ben designs so they are suppose to look like twins but also not really, Juan wears overalls with a striped diamonds shirt underneath while Hernandez wears striped suspenders and a shirt with u like designs on it, both wear scarves like Camilo’s concept art, with Hernandez being the more quieter, silent of the two
* Pablos is taller than them and the twins they‘re short ok, think Antonio height and I still see Pablos as the one who still get named up and be proud of his cuts, scraps and bruises, hence his rather raggard appearance even though he got new clothes but I forget his jacket but I’m figuring out the bull pose
* Adrianne looks up to Isabela so I imagined her like the village kids with braids to allude to Isa’s before she changed it with some flowers on her shirt and skirt
*Bianca is the second tallest and I know she looks like a young Pepa but she isn’t and doesn’t mind getting dirty and a bit sporty as well so I added that in the final design, she has curlier hair in a braid, she reminds me a lot of my human Molly design
✨ from skin tone I added some colored pencil but to a bit of imagination Elena is somewhere akin to Dolores/Mariano, Bianca’s is akin to Antonio/Felix/Alejandra, Adrianne I see as somewhat fair-skinned thanks to her hair being a fair color, maybe around Pepa/Cecilia the ‘twins’ are roughly the same except Juan has more freckles and wavy/curlier hair than Hernandez, who look like Antonio concept art, Pablos look somewhat like Camilo’s old concept art which is most of the inspiration alongside them trains gijinkas
But in all seriousness These characters belong to @c-rose2081 please check their tumblr out, they’re incredibly talented with many aus 🤩💖✨
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Man, you blow me away. 1) You said it's difficult for you to just sit and write out a fic sometimes, for which I must give you major props after learning why. You go girl! 2) The tickle scenes in your fics are amazing!! I'm never bored reading them; they're so much fuuuun omg! 3) Feet tickling is something I'm also kind of iffy on, but I'm growing more comfortable with it the more I write about it. The tickles in "Patterned Socks" were GREAT. You're doing great! You're amazing! Keep it up!! <3
UGH TYSM GODDD 😭😭 this all means so so much coming from you, seriously <333 and yea writing can be super tough with adhd and chronic pain, but honestly you guys keep me srsly motivated and are the only reason i actually have a lot of fun writing those fics, so thank u so so much for all of ur support <3 ur compliments are just far too kind, ur gonna make me cry one of these days i swear 😭✋
i hope you have an amazing night love, u are so so kind and an amazing person <333
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
vaguetweeting stranger things 4 ep 9: "the piggyback"
(originally at my twitter @girls_are_weird)
hot damn, harbour. (i don't think i'm supposed to find this hot, lol).
"what does he want us to do, applaud?" robin i love you so much you better live through this
why no shoes? you wouldn't catch me dead in that place without shoes. 🤨
look at joyce channeling the gang with the hive mind discourse! i'm so proud.
love that they're giving him a flamethrower. they've owed that to me since season two.
omg. murray said the thing. 😂 #StarWars
thank you for pointing out what i've been saying ALL ALONG, enzo.
i'm with you, mike. 😂
oh, this scene between the byers siblings. 😭❤️️
okay, i'm not an eddie stan, but playing metallica to attract the bats is... pretty cool.
love me that moment of support between nancy and robin ❤️️ mah gurls
maxception, lol.
i love that they've all just incorporated "hive mind" into their vernacular. it makes my nerd self feel very validated, lol.
i also really appreciate how they've used flashbacks in this season. the PTSD is real, and i'm glad they're all feeling it. (i mean, not glad, but just, i appreciate the acknowledgment rather than them just ignoring it)
okay, eddie might be cooler than i originally gave him credit for, lol.
the sinclairs finally getting the moments they've been denied this entire season. i approve.
okay but "i piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer" might be the best line of all time
dang, but that shot of vecna and the splinters... amazing
seriously? he was that close? didn't he bike for like... a fair bit? 🤔
well... clearly SOMEONE hasn't read the evil overlord list. 🤦‍♀️
so he IS basically magneto, isn't he? yeah. i feel like that makes sense.
yeah the environmental/naturalist aesop here is still falling flat with me. just stick to the magneto vibes. the magneto vibes work.
wait. i'm lost. what? so he's the... or he created the... am i getting this right? 🤔 i'm so confused.
(ngl i'm also kinda scared as to what this means for will.)
who comes up with all these adjectives for these sound captions? "plaintive piano music," "claustrophobic" sounds... someone at netflix is having a lot of fun with their thesaurus
mike wheeler: still unable to carry his girlfriend on his own after four years. 😂 #Mileven
dude, i swear i've written this. lol. maybe a bit in "far away"? or in "i'd never lost it all" i don't know, i feel like i've written this speech before lmao. and i love it. #Mileven
"and i knew right then and there, in that moment, that i love you" FUCK, MY EMOTIONS #Mileven
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okay, i swear to god i've written this, lol. #Mileven
murray saves the day. who would've thunk it? 😂
you're gonna kill it with a fucking sword? oh my god. this is next level. 😂
petition for david harbour to someday play an older, wizened, mature king arthur leading camelot to prosperity. sure, why not.
okay, i feel like they may be overusing the slo-mo maybe a tiny bit here. or a lot.
okay but this shot of him burning... dang, the cinematography this season is soooooo good.
i just yelled "CHOP OFF ITS HEAD!" at the tv so i guess i'm into this hahaha
eh, not doing much for me. sorry, eddie stans.
max, on the other hand... 😰
i like how he's like "call an ambulance!" like where is she gonna find a phone in this house? in this block? remember, you're living in the 80s
holy shit. okay. i. just. okay. 😱
i just yelled "OH, COME ON!!" at my tv that cut was evil, man
80 miles outside of indianapolis, huh? my writer soul appreciates this little detail, thanks
i love that argyle just... came with them. i mean, why not? 😂
wait, did he? i can't tell. maybe he just lent them the van lol.
and they just traveled across the country without telling joyce? lmao kids this (those) days. srsly i wonder if they've even thought about where joyce might be
"the munson murders" 😬😅
oh yeah, argyle's definitely there 😂
aww, karen 😭❤️️
i don't know that i like that they're both, like... basically the same person 🤔 but i like the idea of them, i guess.
DUSTIN OMG 😭💔 damn, this season is just bringing out the best of all the cast, i swear
okay, jonathan and nancy need to friggin' communicate, alright?
fuck. will. i'm scared. (also, no body, no crime, right? we know this very well when it comes to ST)
i love that she can do it without covering her eyes/being in complete silence now?
"it's snowing" i mean it IS march... climate change, bitches
as the folks would say... "well, fuck." 😅
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