#whisper network
victims-of · 1 year
Tumblr is Unsafe for Women
This post includes details about stalking and harassment
I started using this website when I was a teen girl. Almost immediately, I was followed by a man who started stalking me. He had already been on tumblr and part of it’s community, before I even joined and had already established stalking other women as well including 16 year old girls.
He post images of kids on his tumblr account, and images that were directed at us (the kids he was stalking.) He also had a youtube channel, and a twitter account where he made nasty jokes about us or jokes referencing sexual assault, jokes like “you’re fine - but how old is your little sister?”
I didn’t realize at first what was happening. It took time for me especially as a kid to recognize what was going on. One day on Facebook, one of my dad’s friends posted one of this man’s youtube videos. After that, I was no longer just being stalked by this older man on Tumblr, but also by more men twice my age that I knew in real life. At the same time, the pedophile on tumblr, he posted a bizarre rant one day. He started his post off by making a joke about masturbating to his ex-wife. He said he was stalking her and that he found her living in another country. He said he was mad that he dumped her and she moved on with her life. He was mad that even though he dumped her, she still had to be basically property to him. He started talking about how he was going to “travel”
After that heis tumblr account went silent. A week passed and one of the other young people he was stalking online, made a tumblr post about a strange man that tried to roofy them. A week passed, and another person he was stalking posted about a strange man waiting outside her apartments for her. The strange man told her “Don’t be scared. Let’s smoke weed together” but she was terrified.
I lived in fear during this time that he was traveling and looking for the group of kids he was stalking. I was constantly paranoid and ready to call the policed if I saw anything weird at all. I decided to block this man stalking me on tumblr. I deleted my tumblr account that he was following. I tried to make it so that he couldn’t stalk me anymore.
What happened after that, is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me in my life. The cruelty that I experienced is unbelievable and so disgusting. I tried to live anonymously online so he culdn’t find me. So no one could stalk me anymore. I was being harassed by a group of men twice my age at this point. It was this man stalking me on tumblr, who had definitely been in contact with men twice my age that were “friends of my family.” Basically creepy uncles.
But trying to get away from him pissed him off. He found my Facebook account, he found my anonymous tumblr account anyways. He started messaging anyone I followed on tumblr. Anyone I reblogged. Any page I liked on Facebook. He would tell these people to harass me for him, AND THEY WOULD DO IT.
I was a teen girl and this man was much older than me. They would join in and harass me anyways. Suddenly I was fully immersed in a wide scale harassment campaign. Everywhere I went online, I was being harassed for this pedophile. I know that employees that worked for Tumblr were part of it. On Tumblr, everyone called themselves “feminists” yet they still would harass and blame me for a man much older than me stalking me. They used homophobic cliches. They said that because I’m not straight, I’m the creepy one and I’m the problem and not the pedophile stalking me and other teen girls. It was the most homophobic hate campaign I’ve ever been through in my life.
On tumblr, they drew an MS Paint picture of me being sexually assaulted and reblogged it with each other to laugh about it and they purposely reblog it so I would have to look at it.  Every day I was being harassed by mobs of people online everywhere I went. I was being sexually harassed by them, and just harassed in general. Everyone just acted like it was funny, while still calling themselves “feminists.” I was just a teen girl, and I was contemplating suicide just to get away from the harassment. Eventually I had to stop using the internet all together. For a year I never looked at social media. I refused. It was all harassment.
I think because I removed myself from social media, that pissed off everyone harassing me and group-stalking me that they decided to dox me at my job.
I had creepy men showing up at my job and harassing me at my job. They talked to my coworkers, so my coworkers started harassing me to. I had to stop going to that job. And the harassment only continued to get worse after that
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kharmii · 6 months
When you thought things have cooled off again someone has to whack the anti-beehive yet again and call out pro shippers 😑
Hope nothing is thrown in your way but I am truly amazed by how well you deal with this here! Really if I wasn’t so terrified of being targeted with harassment not only supporting you (even if my thoughts on shipping are a little bit different <not into ships but everyone should be free to ship whatever if it’s making them happy and they don’t actively hurt others>) but also agreeing with you on so many topics that you’ve shared.
I know there must be more people out there just too afraid of the harassment that they could receive but agreeing as well! Keep up the good fight and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
I knew it! I knew there had to be some sort of drama going on somewhere I didn't know about. This morning, somebody sent me this message out of the blue that said, "You're disgusting. Don't reblog my art. Being autistic doesn't make you a terrible person." They then blocked me. This individual is a Volo artist who does reasonably good sketches but not good on backgrounds. I habitually reblogged their stuff because they are a committed Volo fanatic.
Out of curiosity, I went on the Volo Nation Discord to ask this person what that message was all about. I jokingly said something like, "The sneaky little spiders of the SJW whisper network must have started some drama. The traffic on my blog ebbs and flows because of this, and now recently, I'm at a descent". Whisper networks would be useful if the women involved called out actual rapists and sexual predators, but amongst the radical left, they're usually petty (fake males) biological females who gossip about people who disagree with them politically.
What do you know, but my intuition was right! -Turns out the message wasn't about autistic people at all. A bunch of them got pissed about my transgendered stance and had a cabal in a locked Discord channel. I got bombarded by the girlies (who will assuredly grow up someday and fall into heteronormative lifestyles) who all had to tell me about how they were 'non-binary' and whatever crap. I told them I was bored and left. When I peeked in just now, I noticed they booted me, which is fine because the algorithm on Twitter is better at throwing me good Volo art.
Srsly tho, transgendered people are BORING. Nobody gives a damn about transgendered people except other transgendered people. Nobody cares about your snowflake gender, unless you are super hot like the God-Emperor of Fuckableness. Then you can say whatever goofy shit you want, like, *flips hair* "I'm Giratina-gendered, and someday I'm going to subjugate the power of Arceus and kill every last mother fucker on this entire planet!" *does cute little skip*
Emmet: *eyes pointing off in different directions* That's really interesting honey! *pats ass* You can do whatever you want, and later you can throw on that cute chiffon tunic with the shoulders cut out so I can run my autistic trains gendered man meat down your subway tunnel. Keep some ice packs handy!
Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah, transgendered people are boring af. It's no wonder people in most of the fandoms I'm in have nothing better to write about than stupid werewolf porn because they can't think of actual good stories. Worrying about genders is the equivalent of how boring people with no personalities have to dye their hair funky colors and get piercings to be interesting. My guy Dabi is like that. His douchebag dad Endeavor didn't let him go to school and build character, so now he had nothing better to talk about than how many piercings he has on his dick, or how he likes to start fires, or how he wants to murder his douchebag dad for ruining his life. At least he isn't so boring all he wants to talk about is his stupid fake gender because he doesn't look like the kind of guy who gives af about what people think of him.
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shaggydogstail · 2 months
Another woman has come forward to disclose her experience of abuse by Neil Gaiman. From the podcast "Am I Broken: Suvivor Stories" episode description:
I Ignored It and I Believed Him Because He's the Storyteller
"Claire (she/her) uses a pseudonym to share her story about being groomed and sexually coerced and manipulated by world-renowned author Neil Gaiman. We discuss the power of stories and fame, and she shares how journaling, therapy, and friendships have helped her find her center in her own story. We originally spoke in 2022, and at that time she decided she wasn't ready, but said that if other survivors came forward, she would join them. Several weeks ago two women came forward and shared abuse stories about Neil Gaiman. Claire reached out to me to support herself and them and all survivors by sharing her story today."
The episode is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
I haven't listened to the episode yet and I'm not familiar with the podcast. As far as I can tell it's not well-known, and is hosted by a therapist who specialises in sexual abuse. Likely to contain upsetting and triggering content, naturally.
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anghraine · 1 month
Is there a good post outlining all the evidence against Gaiman? I know the podcast has it and that's what people pointed to me, but considering it has been days I was wondering if someone had gathered it all into seperate post so one does not have to listen to someone advertising their work every few minutes in order to listen to the important parts.
Belatedly (given that at least three other women have accused him since my post), there are some. The best of the original ones is probably "Manufacturing Consent" by Annabel Ross, but there are also transcriptions of the original accusations that, iirc, weed out some of the editorializing and focus on the raw material (which is, just be warned, very raw).
This (long) thread provides the important links in terms of the accusations conveyed by Tortoise, I think (a more to-the-point list is here at muccamukk's Dreamwidth account). I included the long thread because I'm in strong agreement with the final person in the chain that, Tortoise's many failings notwithstanding, they provided enough evidence for the SF/F community to judge and respond more appropriately than with a collective blanket of silence punctuated by occasional cavalier or desperate dismissals of the accusers, before the other accusations broke.
In all honesty, I'm pretty appalled by the idea that, well, now there's enough to start talking about it with a modicum of decency and respect but wasn't before, because apparently it was okay to use trans people (who had nothing to do with any of this) to justify defending a cis guy beloved of fandom from very thorough rape accusations.
I particularly feel this way about the parts of the community dedicated to publicizing news and major ongoing discussions that simply said and did nothing. Scalzi's "I'm horrified, might take awhile to process, here's a link to RAINN" personal statement was fine (Vernon's wasn't), and I don't think every random author was obligated to make their own statement as such. But spaces that exist specifically for covering ongoing discussions and news in the SF/F community not saying anything at all—even that the allegations existed—was far worse and really disheartening. So I wanted to link to a discussion that acknowledges how very few people lived up to their stated principles when there was solid evidence against an influential, popular man in their own circles who knows the right catchphrases and terminology.
I was particularly unimpressed with Mike Glyer's handling of discussion at File 770 and, as far as I could tell, Tor only acknowledging the whole thing on their German-language site. The German article seems to be very good, but ... they're based in NYC and Gaiman is an English-language writer, why was their only commentary for weeks shunted away from the English site? US law should absolutely cover acknowledging the existence of the accusations.
There was, let's say, a lot of disappointment to go around, so I'm also grateful for the other women who kept the ball rolling, awful as it is that they a) had similar experiences and b) had to reveal those to get the whole thing taken seriously.
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jesncin · 6 days
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John Constantine and the Golden Boy stacked between bone goombas for @lilith-sd! Who made an incredibly kind donation to DC Gotcha for Gaza (requests now closed)! I drew the Martian twins last time, so I figured I'd do more evil twins again >:3c
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bunabi · 14 days
As someone who is in a love/hate relationship with BG3 at the moment, it was truly disheartening to see the absolute GAP of content between Wyll and the vampire. Like, Wyll has a really killer introduction to the story, but the fact he doesn’t react when you do his companion quest IRKS me like… stand up for yourself brother, please 🧍‍♀️
(also this is my praying Davrin doesn’t receive the same treatment from the devs/fans when DAV releases)
And it's fine to feel frustrated about it 🥲
Things like that are read so often as negativity, shipper jealousy, a desire to see the creator destroyed, bad faith arguments
But it's really just: hey I bought this product too, I'm a consumer like anyone else, I make fanart and fanfiction and cosplay and videos like anyone else, and I have concerns I would like acknowledged like anyone else
It's not deeper than that
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strawberrystepmom · 1 month
if there's one thing about me it's that i will make every single last bit of lore when i self insert as unnecessarily complex as possible. i will fill in every blank i find. i will design the rest of society we don't see in canon. it's really annoying but it's really fun ngl
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notasouleater · 19 days
ART, upon getting visited by Mensah:
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mar-saturn · 1 year
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guys……. i think they like each other (devilish ways)
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magusarchives · 10 months
sooo if i ran a rusty quill network horror fanzine would people apply?? 👀
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meyerlansky · 1 month
also i think this is fairly clear by the general tenor of my blog but if you're the kind of person who thinks "we need to bring shame back into the culture" and you're okay with people publicly naming and shaming other members of a fandom who write shit you don't like, i do not want to know you and i do not want you to read my fics or reblog my gifsets
block me and i'll block you and everyone's fandom experience will be way more enjoyable
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drumlincountry · 22 days
I was writing a loooooong post about what a frustrating interpersonal mire queer events in small towns can be, but I guess the THING is: its wild how many people will use the first 3 sentences they say to a new person, to point out who at the gathering is an irredeemable monster who must be avoided.
It's even wilder how many of these people will then be unwilling to answer the follow up question: "wait, why?"
Like, sorry! I don't want you to have to talk about something horrible when we met 30 second ago! But you brought it up so I do need to know if you're being conflict avoidant about someone who didn't invite you to their wedding or if there's a fucking rapist here or what.
Either someone is in active danger right now and we need to act. Or you're a rude gossip! Please clarify!
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 months
oh yeah when the fuck did alicent have an extra son? how many kids are there??
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idkwidatp · 1 year
My interpretation of otgw and my theories
●First of all im pretty sure most people know that it is supposed to be like Dante's inferno
Wirt (and Greg) are Dante
Sara is Beatrice
Ironically Beatrice is closest to virgil.
● I at least like to believe that the unknown is real and I have a couple of actual reasons why aside from just wanting it to be real
One we see what happened to the characters from the unknown Beatrice, the woodsman, auntie whispers,ect
Two Jason funderburker glows because of the bell
Three we see endicott's grave (which I will bring up again later).
● the unknown is either purgatory or hell maybe a little bit of both.
● this is less of a theory and more of an au that I thought of that I haven't seen anyone else talk about or think of
Beatrice's family and the corduroy family are related. That's it that's the whole idea.
● I like the theory of everyone in the unknown being dead
Like I said we see endicott's grave in episode 9 (which also makes that whole "so you're not a ghost" thing wrong at least a little)
Also like I said the unknown is either purgatory or hell probably a combination of the two so it would make sense for everyone to be dead
And we literally see living skeletons so yeah
●someone pointed out that in Dante's inferno they say that suicides take form of trees and...
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●this is not necessarily just about over the garden wall but
●I hate the idea of wirt being related to the pines family because I ship pinescone
Also at most there's a three year age gap between dipper and wirt and I think it's less
●"I don't really like labels i-i'm kind of just me" QUEER WIRT
●I love and hate the idea that Greg has been to the unknown before because as much it would make sense that would mean that either Greg has died before or had a near death experience before
●less of a theory more of a fact but the fight is over is about drowning
●I don't like the theory of Greg being Greg universe.
One Greg never mentions having a brother
Two Greg is a much happier kid than Greg was, like Greg talked about how not super happy his childhood was
●wirt's costume is very similar to the Dante's costume in Dante's inferno
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●i love Greg
And I feel bad for the woodsman
I love Jason funderburker (frog)
I love Lorna and auntie whispers
I love Beatrice
I love wirt
●Bad end friends reminds me of nicktoons unite
●"I was never any good to him alive either" I SWEAR WIRT WAS AT LEAST I LITTLE SEWERSLIDEAL
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guilty-feminist · 1 year
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dadsfungi · 2 years
people who haven't watched the owl house describe this image.
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(the character's pronouns are they/them)
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