#but srsly they are the most roman couple
otaku-tyriq · 6 months
Because someone already asked those questions about your fav anime/manga, can I ask your top 5 favorite western animations (can be movies or series)? Why love them?
Certainly you can dear anon ^7^
So some of my favourite western animations of all time include
1) Tangled
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Why do I love it so much? Well it has been my absolute comfort movie since I was like 10 years old and watched this movie in theatres with my older sister. I also highly relate to Rapunzel, both due to her personality and her experiences with Mother Gothel. Also to this day I fully stand by the believe that Flynn/Eugene and Rapunzel’s relationship is the single most romantic and beautifully written Disney couple in this studio’s entire history. Lastly: THE ANIMATION IS GORGEOUS! And I think few people understand just how ground breaking this movie was in terms if 3D animation as back then animating hair, and most importantly that amount of hair that Rapunzel has, was a nightmare to animate in 3D, so the Studio had to essentially come up with an entirely new animation program specifically for the protagonist’s hair to move around in a natural way.
2) Lego Monkie Kid
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Created by the Australian Studio Flying Bark Productions, the same Studio behind Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this show means EVERYTHING to me. Because one thing rarely talk about on Tumblr: I am OBSESSED with Mythology. Greek Mythology, Roman, Mythology, Yoruba Mythology, Chinese Mythology, Norse Mythology etc. you name it. Like my bookshelf is nothing but Manga, history books and an astronomical amount of mythology and fairytale books. The show follows MK a hyper and optimistic boy as he is chosen to be the Monkey King Sun Wukong’s successor and learning to be a hero. So as you may have gathered this show is not only inspired by chinese mythology but essentially it’s equivalent of what Percy Jackson is to Greek Mythology. What I adore the most about this show are its characters and the GORGEOUS ANIMATION! I swear the fighting animation especially in this cartoon is smoother than butter!
3) The Owl House
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Aka "What if Harry Potter was not written by a biggot”. If you’ve seen the pinned post on my blog, you know that Lumity is one of my absolute favourite sapphic ships. But honestly this ship is only the peak of the iceberg for why i adore this show. The beautiful artstyle, Luz’s character arc over the course of the show, EDA SIMPLY EXISTING AND BEING FANTASTIC, the beautiful world building and magic system, Emperor Beloz being an absolute irredeemable asshole in the most entertaining and bone chilling way. Srsly if you can dear Anon, give this show a watch.
4) Infinity Train
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An Anthology Series who up until recently you could watch on Max HBO. This show is both delightfully funny and absolutely gut-wrenching and dark. The show essentially follows on a new set of characters each season who all end up getting trapped on a train with an infinite number of cars and they cannot leave the train until they essentially come to terms with and/or face some sort of trauma or other psychological issue they may be struggling with.
And as you may have guessed those themes of working through psychological issues is something that my mentally ill ass highly relates to. Not to mention these are some of the most well handled depictions of mental illnesses in animation i have seen in years. Especially given the show was originally targeted towards children and teenagers. I cannot recommend this show enough.
5) Nimona & Over the Garden Wall
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I know you asked for only Top 5 Favourite western Animations but I seriously could not decide which one I prefered so they gotta share the spot. Hope you don’t mind 😊.
Starting with Nimona: I mean what else is there to say about Nimona that has not been said before? Fantastic and unique world building? Check. Absolute comedy gold? Check. Openly Queer characters? Check. Said characters also being absolutely loveable? Check. A heartfelt message for both adults and children? CHECK. Seriously this movie is just gorgeous and on Youtube FOR FREE! Like there is nothing stopping you from watching it right this instant.
Now onto Over the Garden Wall: I come from a country where we don’t typically celebrate Halloween. So due to a lack of direct cultural ties to Halloween I never truly had any super strong interest in Halloween movies and never had the urge around October to bundle up in a blanket and watch those classic Halloween movies and shows, like some of my friends do. The most I did was carve pumpkins with my sister and drink hot cocoa cuz it’s genuinly fun. Until this Mini Series came along. The atmosphere just absolutely perfectly manages to capsulate the feeling of autumn and the eeriness of that season. Far more than any other Halloween Classic in my humble opinion. Also again I’m a huge mythology Nerd and this show is basically Dante’s Inferno for children in very weird way. But yes ever since this show had come out I instantly rewatch it the second the leaves start to fall outside.
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janiedoe · 7 years
the only deaths I’ll be ok with
In order from most ok with to less ok with to PLEASE NO.
Hirst - I mean... BIATCH, she can be used as a sacrifice to the Gods or whatever, I don’t even care
Weitz - Useless piece of nothing, he’s only bad news
Nas - It’ll hurt like hell but it isn’t something we won’t get over it in, like... a few days. Sad but true
Blake - Like, she doesn’t even go here
Borden - Isn’t he like a zombie or something? srsly though, how dead should you be to be considered dead? go back to afghanistan, Nigel
Keaton - Yeah, you helped Jane but you tortured her and you’re shady and, yup, I’d mourn your death two seconds and then I’ll move on
Conor - The fuck? We don’t even know who he is but better him than Roman
Allison - I’ll cry because Weller will cry and he’ll mourn for months but that’ll be all, I never liked her too much and even though I can tolerate her now and that awful hairstyle, I’ll just... shrug it off
Boston - I’ll cry the fucking Niagara Falls if he follows the light at the end of the tunnel but we only see him a couple of times in the season so... Sorry Rich, I really am
Rich - If he dies, we’ll lose the only thing that isn’t drama in this show, but knowing him, I know he has recorded tons of videos of himself and the team will find them at some point so it’ll be as if he never left
Avery - I don’t even approve this death to be honest, I already love this girl but if they don’t send her abroad, then she has nothing to do in NYC that’s plot-relevant, but I hope they do send her abroad to Nepal so she can chill out for a moment and stop hating Jane
Roman - LORD FUCKING NO. First of all, Luke was killed in agents of a fucking shield that doesn’t work apparently because he ended up dead anyway, so he can’t die again, I mean, HE NEEDS A JOB. Second, the fuck? NO, Roman’s death is in no way a good thing or something that needs to happen, not even if he sacrifices for the people he loves, just no. Third, there’s a lot of things to be done with this character, can’t think of them right now but there are and if there aren’t, which I doubt, then THEY FUCKING MAKE THEM
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moralityblurred · 7 years
( hopefully ) quick rundown of my muses & their powers, maybe even ranked by most likely to fuck your shit up to smol bean don’t hurt me
thor - MCU CANON - literal god. okay, an alien that humans revered as a god. brings many thunders, but that’s not the part you gotta worry about. i mean, it’s thor. you know who thor is. playable at any point in mcu canon.
tony stark - MCU CANON - human but built himself his first robotic suit of armor out of scraps from his own company’s weapons. once called the most famous mass murderer in the history of america, but he’s changed now. just wants to protecc, but does it in a bad way. his armors have significantly advanced now, they’re made of nanotech. ooh, ahhh. soft for one girl and one woman, but there’s plenty of time to play with before pep put a ring on it.
bobby drake a.k.a. iceman - XMCU/616 CANON - omega-level mutant with cryokinesis & related powers, can even send his consciousness through ice or water and form and reform from water vapor, thus lending him an almost-invulnerability; weak to dry environments with v little moisture in the air, but also his own self-doubt and fear of harming ppl w/ his powers
pamela isley a.k.a. poison ivy - DC CANON - resident angry plant lady. humans are bad, they keep fucking her over. plants are much better. hot af, but like all pretty things, don’t touch. literally has a poison kiss. can manufacture toxins in her body like it’s child’s play. also magic spores that make everyone go ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ and then they dead. ultimate femme fatale meets environmental terrorist. but also can feed you apples and shit if you’re nice.
dalton jaynes - WITCH OC - thinks he’s completely human but he’s not, comes from a long line of male witches who are dreamwalkers but he also has some swanky electricity/computer magic ( such as being able to tap into the internet as a second brain almost & instantly translate languages he’s never even heard before ); currently his powers are awakening still so he’s low on this list, but if given the right guidance, could easily be on par with bobby’s level of power
kieran jaynes - WITCH/JURASSIC WORLD OC - knows he’s a witch and a dreamwalker and has been learning magic & training his skills from a very young age. oh, he’s dalton’s long lost cousin & they just found each other since dalton’s dad cut off communication with their family ( probably to save him from the magic & the slightly greedy, ambitious, elitist family. ) has been known to use nightmare magic to give himself an edge over a rival, but generally a charming guy otherwise. plays in a band. also works at jurassic world as a gallimimus handler. not as much power potential as dalton, but his is almost fully manifested.
victor zsasz - GOTHAM CANON - human, we think. possibly weird alien dna. jk, he’s human. he’s just an extraordinarily good hitman / bodyguard / enforcer of criminal empires. great guy to have on your side if you have dirty work to do, veeeeeeery bad guy to face if you pissed off someone in high places. might invite you out for a milkshake before you die though.
seth gecko - FDTD CANON - completely human, but he works out -flex- ok but srsly he’s a pretty damn good shot and he’s a skilled thief & conman with little regard for anyone standing in his way
stella woods - WEREWOLF OC - seems like she’s pretty human, a raging lesbian ( she doesn’t do labels though ) rebel child just doing her thing as a successful fashion photographer. except she’s also a werewolf and her senses go from ‘gee you have excellent senses!’ to ‘100000′ when that moon turns into a glaring pearl in the sky. hates it, hates herself for it, starts going a little batshit when the moon starts waxing full again. could fuck you up when she’s wolfy, but definitely doesn’t want to. unless you’re a misogynist.
                                                 by request only
roderick douglas - KELPIE OC - a kelpie with an extremely high level of intelligence & adaptability, so much so that he learned how to consume only the souls of his victim in order to avoid detection in the modern age. also his power shifted from his native waters in scotland to the hudson river after some asshole captured him & brought him to new york for a world’s fair. basically he’s an evolutionary marvel. but if you fuck with his silver bridle/necklace if he’s in human form, he’s fucked so that’s a thing.
hæilvi aflasdottir - WITCH OC - 1209 yr old witch & good bean, is kind of an ‘ancient’ norse priestess basically except not many ppl practice norse paganism anymore so she basically raises her plant babies & sails in her boats. but uh, if she needed to, she can lay the hurt on. she won’t like it, but she’s not a pacifist & if you’ve given her a reason to fight you, RUN. her biggest weakness is prob that she’s got dyslexia and has difficulties with spells sometimes & there’s not really anyone around to teach her/refresh her knowledge the way she learns best
tamandani fatsani - RAVAGER OC - alien evolved from cats on a planet called nadiiru. sharp claws, sharp teeth, heightened senses & quick reflexes. can totally see in low lighting & yes her pupils reflect demon light in the dark. ok but she’s also very morally gray & lives to steal. she’s a ravager.
lucille sharpe - CRIMSON PEAK CANON - completely human but severely mentally ill. prone to violence, has basically lost everything good in her life except for her brother who is also her lover, so she ain’t even care if she gotta fuck ur shit up. p.s. don’t drink the tea. p.p.s. did i mention she has a scientific curiosity in anatomy & biology & also how poisons work on the human body?
vanessa styles/gecko - FDTD CANON - also completely human, does not work out but she’s got some fair good guns herself. also a good shot, also can be ruthless, especially if your name is kate or you’re trying to steal her man
roman hayes - HUNTER OC - more or less human but he’s got some supernatural tingly senses. he’s a twin & unfortunately always been pretty sickly and fragile, but he tries okay. oh, and he’s also recovering from brain cancer that killed him a couple yrs ago ( long story short his bro basically enslaved himself to Death & became a reaper to bring him back )
nathan ingram - PERSON OF INTEREST CANON - completely human, software engineer ( tends to walk while his buddy runs ), alcoholic & if it’s in his survivor verse, he’s pretty seriously maimed by the explosion & suffers from breathing issues & general deterioration of his joints anyways
                                                  moved to separate blogs
loki ( of no surname ) - MCU CANON - um, a lot of magic, literally hundreds of years spent studying magic of various types with an emphasis in illusory magic & combat magic; weakest in healing magic, his magic does not seem to ‘bend’ to it very well; natural-born shapeshifter ( but limited to species/forms that ‘suit’ him )
ari niceta - ASSASSIN OC - human but a nice human, kinda. you see, he’s a hitman-in-training, an apprentice, a little pup growing up to be a wolf. he’s got good reflexes and good instincts to match, and an intuitive touch with weapons that only gets better with training. the fact that he’s genial makes him a good candidate for safeguarding vulnerable prisoners, but that doesn’t mean he can’t and won’t kill when the order is given.
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janiedean · 7 years
Question, I'm working on a fic with a character born and raised in Roma. Do you have little tips about the fic he'd like to do/go: we're speaking about a giant scientist nerd with not much money and a giant anticlerical atheist attitude. Thanks for the help!
PS: Because I just realized I forgot about this. The character also has a unhealthy addiction to caffeine. Thanks :)
Roma anon: He's in his late teens/start of twenties. So born in the 90s.
hmmmmmmmm okay I’d say (also pls link me this thing when you’re done because ATHEIST CHARACTER RAISED IN ROME I wanna read it):
depends on when they grew up but if it was pre-nineties they’d probably think about the times when they walked through the center and it was full of cats and taxis were yellow and now it’s all white taxis and no cats (I swear all of us who grew up in the 90s have the OH GOD I MISS THE CATS AND YELLOW TAXIS moment, the cats were more or less driven away at the beginning of the 00s and the yellow taxis as well) I wrote this before you specified so they probably don’t remember the yellow taxis and shit but their parents might
thing is, SCIENCE stuff here isn’t that great but if they grew up before the 90s/in the 70s they might have enjoyed going to the historical planetarium which used to be in the center near the main station but then it was closed and moved to the EUR in I think 2004 and now is in san lorenzo so if they grew up in between 80s/90s they missed that window, if they grew up in the 00s or were teenagers in the 00s they might have gone to the EUR one, this is the website - it’s supposed to be in english but obv it’s NOT but maybe you can figure something out? > post specification: if born in the 90s he DEFINITELY went to the planetarium u__u
if this person’s into animals he definitely would have visited the local zoo/the bioparco in villa borghese which has a lot of animals and is actually pretty ethical as far as I know, I personally never was much into it but it’s a favorite with kids (also back in the day you could pay to ride a pony always in villa borghese, I’ve done it a couple of times and it was fun so if they’re into horses they might have done that but it was like mid-90s I have no idea if they still do it), there’s also the zoology museum inside the bioparco so they might have liked that as well
these days there’s a cat colony in piazza argentina so if he likes to pet cats (which are all neutered/kept clean thanks to volunteers) he can go there once in a while
OR if he’s into physics there’s the physics museum in enrico fermi’s house which opened in 1999 that he might like to go to
that’s for the science stuff you could do other than going to libraries and check books out and stuff, sadly this city never was The Science Place, but about the rest:
if he’s atheist/anticlericalist, there’s two most likely ways it might have happened: his parents are also atheists and never baptized him, or he comes from a catholic family (either REALLY practicing or enough to baptize him/get him to take his sacraments) and changed his mind later. this brings to two fairly different outcomes/possible backstories.
if option one: he’s never taken the religion hour in elementary/middle/high school (you can opt out), he most likely was the only one in the class or maybe two people unless he had jewish/muslim/other-religions people in his class but a lot of people don’t opt out even if they’re not catholic, he thought it was weird af when his friends talked about going to catechism and stuff, he might have tried going to church with relatives once in a while and found it highly boring af, he never got the point of it and then got fed up with the church and stuff when he realized that they don’t pay taxes to the state and the various other church misgivings TM;
if option two: he probably didn’t get the point of sacraments but went through with them (and catechism) to make the family happy and took religion hour while hating it, at some point decided he was atheist during his teenage years or so on, he’d insist to not take religion hour and depends on how practicing the family is, that could have brought him a few issues because people actually do argue horribly about this and there’s the immortal BUT IF YOU DON’T GO TO CHURCH YOU’LL MAKE YOUR GRANDMOTHER SAD;
obviously it varies but those two are the most common atheist experiences around here as far as I know - if your entire family is or if they’re lowkey practicers it’s fairly fine, if they’re practicing it might cause you problems (unless he has enlightened parents who respect his choices ofc), but count that option two tends to make you a lot angrier at the church/at religion in general, like someone who comes from an option two background is a lot more likely to have the dawkins approach than to just appreciate him as a scientist lol
also: when you take religion hour, you’re put with a teacher who’s supposed to do something *alternative* with you. every time it happened with me, they asked me if I didn’t take religion hour because I was Jewish, then when I said no they went through a few other religions before going like ‘... wait, Muslim?’ until I went like ‘no I’m atheist’ and the last reply was always, ‘but then why don’t you try religion out’. always. at some point you just laugh so you don’t cry.
THAT SAID someone who’s into science and who’s an atheist AND MILITANTLY SO would totally read dawkins, hitchens and be into that shit a lot so like, consider that xD like it’s the magical combo ;)
if he’s a Proper Nerd he saves money to buy books at fahrenheit 451 in campo dei fiori;
(guys srsly fahrenheit is a staple of roman independent bookshops I love that place, also they have a signed bradbury copy of that book in the entrance made just for them and they also sell like science books and stuff so someone who maybe is also into scifi would totally love that place)
(if he’s desperate for cheap stuff there’s used books sold for not much in a small market in front of termini station though)
this person most probably wouldn’t like to hang around the vatican - like he’d go there to bring friends and stuff and he’d go to the vatican museums once in a while but unless you’re an art student you tend to avoid that area
also remember that john paul II died when I was in high school and it was what, 2005, and the funeral day all the schools were closed and for the previous two weeks you couldn’t move through the center/the vatican because it’d be full of people going to pay respects to his burial chamber and so on so like if he remembers it he’d probably be very ‘I don’t get what’s the deal about all of this’ about it (and anyway if he was going to school he definitely missed that day since they were closed for the entire city)
this person also would not go to churches in general if not for a) tourism, b) weddings, c) funerals and they most probably would try to avoid baptisms and further sacraments if they could (obv if it’s they’re little brother’s they would go but if it’s a cousin or smth they’d just tell their mother to say hi from them)
they might want to be an uaar volunteer;
also if they’re as lucky as I was, nine times on ten they say they’re atheist to someone they don’t know they get the usual horrid questions ie ‘how do you get up in the morning, how do you live without God, so do you think it’s fine to kill people since you don’t believe in heaven, so are you a satanist’ and so on. they might lie and say they don’t practice if they don’t want to have an argument. or they might tell those people to fuck off if they’re done. or they might try to argue. anyway you usually try to not touch the subject if you’re not sure of how people might take it especially if you don’t know them and especially if you’re older than you;
if their parents are atheists they most likely give the eight thousandth of their taxes to the waldensian church (they only use it for secular purposes) and he would too if he lived in italy and paid taxes there; he wouldn’t give it to the state because that money ends with the catholic church anyway;
if the parents are not atheists they might have gone to a nuns’ run kindergarten. spoilers: everyone I know in italy (catholic or not) except maybe two people has horror stories about kindergarten with the nuns so it could totally be a the reason why someone starts having issues with religion;
(if they’re atheists obviously they sent them to a normal kindergarten)
at some point he has read the bible so that he could tell people that no, reading it didn’t make him want to convert;
coffee stuff:
most people around here like espresso as all italians do, and you start drinking it at SOME POINT in high school (I started at fifteen/sixteen but I know people who started later and who never got any until uni for one, but they’re a rarity);
if he’s like me, he started drinking espresso made at home and then couldn’t stay awake through high school for six hours in a row so had always one or two at the school’s coffee machine (at some point when I was seventeen/eighteen I drank like six espressos per day DON’T DO IT IF YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE)
anyway most of us addicts make it at home with a regular moka
but if he has money to splurge once in a while or if he wants to treat himself/others he might go have coffee at sant’eustachio, it’s a historical bar in the center that has the Best Coffee Ever and IT COSTS A LOT BUT IT’S WORTH IT
if he doesn’t have much money he most likely goes around with public transport. the public transport is shit. always has. always has been. the 00s weren’t a good time. if he lives on the A metro line he hates that it’s full all the time, if he lives on the B line he hates that and that it has old-ass trains from the 80s still, if he lives outside any metro area it takes him at least forty minutes to go anywhere with the bus so he hates that, the bus company and both metros for not reaching his place, if he lives in the center sometimes he thanks his lucky stars
he most definitely doesn’t use taxis if he can’t absolutely help it
he might have lived to see the ending of the emos vs truzzi debate of the 00s. to give you a context: you remember emo music? people who were into emo in the 00s used to hang around piazza del popolo all the time so like the place was full of people dressed in black and singing evanescence and shit, and those people were picked on by truzzi who were basically... like, outskirts kids without manners who listened to hardcore rap music and shit, idk, in english it’d be something like hicks, you know those people who dress brightly and have no manners and speak terribly and think they’re the center of the world? more or less. anyway these people hated each other and there was an entire culture of making fun of how they hated each other and like it sounds dumb but is2 it was a fundamental part of our high school experience so idk if this guy went to middle school in the 00s he’d... probably know. and think it was ridiculous. I’m sorry this probably makes no sense but like let’s just say it was srs young subculture to make fun of this rivalry shit I DON’T EVEN KNOW and you probably don’t need it but here now you know it’s ano option
he was probably very politicized in high school. most likely went to marches especially if he had pOLITICAL ideas about the vatican. in the way 15yo people are anyway, but like italian high schools are all politics arguing where everyone thinks they’re communist or fascist no in between and especially here it happened
he most likely did like a thing we all did in hs where for a week every year students would organize lessons instead of teachers and talked about stuff they felt strongly about/know more about and he might have been a students’ representative
if he’s gay/bi, he’d probably go near the coliseum to find a date because there’s the so-called *gay street* nearby and most bars have rainbow flags outside and back then if you weren’t straight and wanted a date you’d go there
if he wanted to buy cheap stuff but decent quality he’d go around campo dei fiori for anything other than books
especially if he wanted good cheap-ish alcohol and absinthe (which btw is banned here but you could get for cheap in most bars in campo dei fiori bless them)
if he does cosplay and stuff he’d go to romics which is our... cheapass horribly organized comicon
he’d remember fondly the nokia 3310 that never got destroyed and you could only use to call, text and play snake
... I hope it helps if you need anything else just ask :)
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loonylongbottom · 8 years
jason and reyna are so ROMANtic
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