#but tbh most people who bring this up think they've cornered me and are trying to get something
softbutchthatlovesyou · 4 months
Could a 'straight' man attracted to lesbians be called a lesbian then?
Stop asking loaded questions where you try to bend backwards to find this Lesbian Straight Man that doesn't exist because ur average straight man wouldn't even know any definition but wlw. Most "straight" men who are Lesbians are trans men/masc who aren't just gonna pack up and leave bc they came out of a gender closest.
But for the record if a straight man identified as a Lesbian who would stop him? You? Are you the pride cops? Are you gonna grill him on how queer he is or grill the Lesbians that sleep with him on their sexuality? Are you gonna ask invasive questions about his or his partners dating life to determine if he's Lesbian enough? Are you gonna make sure he only has "Lesbian" sex you approve of? Make aure he takes his totally exist Lesbian License everywhere?
No You arent cause that's chronically online shit. No one walks up to anyone at pride to grill them on their attraction, what it means, or if they have the "correct" label at the event. Like I've been to pride multiple times and no one does this. No one gives a shit. Pride is about acceptance, not labels that keep us in restricted defined boxes. If O wanted strict defined boxes I'd get back in the closest.
What happens is we all go and have a good time and watch the cops warily because they are dangerous and not a friend to queer people. We kick out aggressors who pick fights becuse theu made up a guy to get mad at
I wnt people to stop coming on my blog to try and get some gatcha about other queer people secretly being invading straights by asking question about something they've never even encountered unless the person was being a bigot :)
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mematryoshkame · 1 year
Some more thoughts on The Situation:
It's not about "picking sides" it's about facts. And sadly, as international fans the best we can do is wait and see what happens, and be able to think critically about the information being bombarded from all sides. Because the versions of "facts" being thrown left and right at the moment are triple-filtered and unconfirmed.
I do not support either of them until something is proven, officially. Whether her allegations are true or not, the fact is that she's not dealing with it like she should. She's destroying her own case before it even gets to court.
They've *both* exhibited Shit Person behavior in the past.
As for him... I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt last time, and although it took me awhile, I supported him. Until the allegations are proven false (*if they're proven to be false) I'll be in my corner mourning the image of the person we were presented with. Fact of the matter is we don't know these people, to us, they're only faces on a screen. But humans are complex creatures. And as inter fans we see an even more curated image, and lose a lot of nuances in translation.
I really enjoyed seeing him do his thing, but I honestly have very low hopes of him coming back from this one. Again, I'll miss the image he presented, and the entertainment and happiness it used to bring me. I was never blind to the possibility of him turning out to be a shit person (and I say this about the entire cast tbh), but elected for benefit of the doubt.
Right now it's soo hard to engage with any kp content, because being in the fandom since last year was an awesome experience but with so much shit that has happened with that company, it's best for me to probably file away my kp brainrot era. (I finally closed my 3,000 AO3 TBR tabs!)
I hope to see the guys succeed in the future, as they are all very talented. And I hope that the right information comes to light, justice is served to whichever party it corresponds, (or both, atp who tf even knows), and we can all move on from this.
And remember to be objective about things, and please be kind to those who choose to support him (or her) until something comes out of this. Everybody deals with things in their own way, and because of the prevalence of parasocial relationships, it's a big loss to some people. Let them mourn and grieve in their own way. If they support her, you don't need to understand why. Just respect it and stay out of it. You'll waste time trying to change people's minds that have already been made up. Such is the power of Trial By Twitter.
To My Coconuts:
I love you, and will not disappear completely. You have become important to me even though I haven't been around much these past few months (2022 was a shit personal year). Thank you for always being there, for being the most mature, realistic, funny, and overall wonderful people I have met in the fandom 💚
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mkstrigidae · 2 years
1. are you a nickname person?
2. your go to coffee shop order?
3. one piece of media you love but don’t usually recommend to people (for whatever reason). and one piece of media that you love to recommend to people (for whatever reason).
ooooooooh such fun questions!!! Under a cut because i wrote a small essay oops.
I am ABSOLUTELY a nickname person. I both have several nicknames, and will use them affectionately for anyone who allows them. My fam uses 'Emmy' and the kids i used to babysit (and their parents, embarrassingly enough xD) call me 'Emmy-Emmy'. Those are pretty basic, but my favorite one is that my dad used to call me 'Tweety-Bird' when I was younger- partially because we both loved looney tunes, but mostly because I never stopped talking and chattering like a little bird
If the coffee shop has nice black teas, I am SO there- I'm not a coffee drinker actually! (I mentioned this in front of one of my friends in college and she went 'yeah, and I don't know how, because you never fucking sleep'). But yes, nice black tea (english breakfast or something spiced/with citrus) and I drink about one salted caramel mocha a year in the fall because they are extremely tasty but i don't like, crave them really. I once ordered a strawberry basil smoothie at a coffee shop that was so good I've been trying to replicate it for years, with limited success.
This was a HARD one! Probably 'Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden' which is a shojo manga series written as sort of a prequel to 'Fushigi Yuugi'. The original is something I read in high school, doesn't have a ton of actual plot, and feels immature when I go back to it, but Genbu Kaiden (which the author wrote two decades or so after the original) is actually a wonderfully mature tragedy/love story that's still a bit fan-service-y so i feel kind of embarrassed to love it as much as I do. It makes me cry every time I read it, in the best way possible. It's about how love and duty can both be our greatest strengths and the things that finally bring us to ruin- how we accept the love we think we deserve and what it's like to crave love from someone who fundamentally can't give you what you need until that love is the only thing capable of destroying you. About giving everything you have even though it's a thankless task because you're so determined to make yourself matter in some way. And eldest daughter syndrome, tbh. The art is lovely and while there are definitely some problematic elements, it's a series I'm really emotionally attached to.
As far as a piece of media I LOVE to recommend: the podcast 'You're Wrong About'. Initially hosted by Michael Hobbes and Sarah Marshall, now hosted by Sarah Marshall + weekly guest, it takes an event or person or concept from (usually) recent history or pop culture and reexamines how it actually differed from our perception of it. It is the most wonderfully empathetic and nuanced show I've ever listened to. You will learn SO much, and it will make you reconsider how you perceive the people and the world around you in the long term. It is also absolutely hilarious. They've done a (so-far) 19-part series about Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman's murders and the OJ Simpson trial as a snapshot of american culture and society and masculinity and it is genuinely incredible thing. The Kitty Genovese episode will both rewrite your understanding of the myth of 'Bystander Empathy' and make you cry. The Anna Nicole Smith episode will completely upend your perception of her life and all its ups and downs and tragedy, and will prevent you from ever being able to ever blindly mentally label someone as 'trashy' ever again. It's a show about how people are fundamentally complex and nuanced and fundamentally good even if some of us do some really inexcusable things. The challenger episode is a masterpiece. I love the Iran Contra Episode so so much. I corner my family members in cars and have forced them to listen to episodes. It's the best podcast in existence.
These were so fun!!! Thank you so much for such lovely asks! You are so wonderful and i hope someone has told you that lately 💕💕💕
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punskina · 5 years
But what about what happens after..? Danganronpa v3, that is. They've kinda written the whole plotline into a corner, and while it's ridiculously meta, and they have like 50 more opportunities to make new games, what about what comes next? There was hardly any closure in the ending, but there isn't exactly room to write a game afterwards..
What happens after..? Well, I’ll keep loving the games, that’s for sure! If any new games come out, I’ll definitely check them out.
Then I have this question: do we really NEED another danganronpa game? And wasn’t that a part of the point the ending was trying to make?
I mean, I fucking love danganronpa obviously, but it can’t go on forever. Kodaka said that V3 was the best dr game he could’ve written, and that probably means that he won’t be very involved with potential future projects (from what I’ve gathered, and I think he is a big part of what made the games great). That being said, I’d love to see if there will be another game and how it will play around the fact that V3 (quite literally) destroyed itself. If anyone can do that in a good way that is?
Just the idea that someone had the guts to fucking demolish everything they had built like that is kinda awesome imoIf the ending is a massive hint that it is the last of its kind with Kodaka’s influence, then I think his decision to have this ending be what it is, is him letting the series quite literally going out with a BANG….
Only a well established series such as DR could have done it. They had this chance and they took it, and I applaud that
To conclude that little topic: the game destroyed its future from the inside and out, and I think that is pretty damn cool and kinda genius (even if it’s not what most people want, and Team DR clearly knew this) because it proves the point it is trying to make; that fiction CAN effect reality!That makes sense to me at least lol…
Other things that I wanna mention:
The ending is also meta af in the fact that we as the player can decide how much it ruins/supports the games leading up until that point. To me, I just come to see how much fiction means to me, and the experiences i’ve had with the dr series is still very real and are for the most part well written. The ending doesn’t ruin that for me, even if that’s what it tries to do… The very thing Tsumugi says about “bringing the audience the same despair”, ya kno? But we as an audience, and like Shuichi and co, we can choose to oppose that. We don’t HAVE to do everything the game tells us to do, because the game itself at that point has proven that it can’t really be trusted.
We’re used to playing the game, and the game is trying to play us. You choose who wins! You literally have the control lol..
Also, trying to get the characters to realise that their whole existence is a fabricated thing for other people’s enjoyment–to make them upset over it–makes them feel even more real to me. I tried coming up with a reason as to why I feel that way, but it essentially just boils down to empathising with the cast that learns this “truth”. Rebelling along with Shuichi then is really awesome then! You’re kinda also rebelling against yourself, but you can do it out of empathy for the characters you’ve come to love.
Now I feel like I have to say some things that were not that great initially for me, and might even still be rubbing me the wrong way, because this shit is far from perfect. I didn’t expect it to be, because Team DR took upon themselves one hell of a project….
Sure, I was kinda like “…..seriously? c’mon now....” about the whole reveil as well when I figured it out, but now I just think it’s kinda cool with what it was going for. It wasn’t super clear (which I think? was intentional) and the way it was trying to portray the audience was kinda insulting and confusing… it fell a bit flat on its execution in the way that it seemed like it was trying to blame me for enjoying the game (I kinda thought that was funny and laughed at it tbh). I’m not sure what I feel about Tsumugi either atm, and things got really preachy and cheesily anime af at times, but I didn’t really expect much different because the other dr endings have been similar in that regard. It has its charm? lolCould I even have made something better for the dr-series myself? Personally I don’t think I could’ve, and I wouldn’t want to
My FINAL conclusion: Nothing is perfect. It’s a work of fiction, and I can take what I want from it and give it whatever power i want it to have on my life, so why let this one ending ruin everything for me? The more I think about this ending, the more I come to like it, and I like to stay positive
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mazqueen · 6 years
I'd totally rather see petramos endgame over jetra tbh. Jetra have cute scenes Bc Gina and Yael are friends, but overall their characters haven't always treated each other very well. They've spent a lot of time sabotaging each other, and Petra always comes out the bad guy even when Jane is a bit of a gray character too. Also I've never gotten over Petra telling Raf that none of them noticed Anezka was pretending to be her for months even tho she'd been trying so hard to be good 😭
It was actually Jane who realized it was Anezka, haha. But I do think that’s partially coincidence. If Anezka hadn’t yelped in her typical Anezka style, I feel like it’d have taken them even longer to realize it wasn’t Petra given she was doing a relatively good job pretending to be her sister. But anyway, moving on to Petramos and Jetra..
I mean I definitely feel like Jetra have the potential to be a great couple, but I agree with you in that their characters don’t always treat each other that well. Jetra is great, and whenever they have cute scenes, I have to say, they’re really REALLY cute that it brings all the feelings back and I really do ship it so hard too. But realistically, I feel like there’s still stuff that needs to be reconciled for me to ever be able to get behind them as an actual couple. My biggest issue about them is the insecurity that Petra feels in relation to Jane that never seems to truly fade out. It’s always there, underlying, subtle but you can see it. It’s not Jane’s fault that Petra feels that way, but the fact is that she does, and I don’t want Petra to have to be in a relationship where she feels insecure. Apart from that, there are a lot of things that they don’t agree on. Jane and Petra view things quite differently, and they react to the world quite differently. As friends, it’s easier to let that go but as a couple, it’s more crucial to have unity in decision making and whatnot which means there are a lot of things that would need to be bridged between the two and so far, the writing for them tends to go more with them blowing up at each other more often than not. Lately, Jetra’s relationship has definitely been a lot better than earlier this season, but consider, too, that Jetra’s scenes almost always falls on the light side of the story and not on the heavy parts. Petra was there for Jane when she found out that Xo had cancer, and that was beautiful and incredible, but apart from that... we haven’t gotten anything much. And for me it’s just so important to see, beyond words and cute forehead kisses, that they would go out of their way to pull through for each other, you know? Kind of how Jane was with Rafael when the Katherine Cortez stuff went down. I want to see Jane and Petra be what Jane was for Raf then for each other. And like I said earlier, I do think they have the potential to get there, but right now they’re not yet there and I don’t know if the writers will even move them in that direction or not ( even just as family ) but yeah..
And as for Petramos, all I’ve seen so far between them is the support, and that JR is willing to go through lengths to protect Petra, and coincidentally, it’s been JR who’s been there for Petra at her lowest point, and she was in that place partially because Jane and Raf got mad at her and left her all to herself when she needed someone to be on her corner the most. I’m not blaming Jane and Raf for how they felt, but it goes to show that people are different and idk, I feel like there are certain people who would understand Petra in that situation and see past her mistakes and realize she didn’t do it out of ill will. I feel like JR would be one of those people... and that’s what I want for her. For someone to stand by her when she needs it the most, when she’s at her lowest. So yeah, I’m definitely more Petramos especially if I want to be logical in what I feel would fit Petra the most. 
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kane-and-griffin · 7 years
Who do I have to bribe to get a hug out of Bellamy and Marcus? I feel like if they've gotten this painful part of their history out in the open maybe it's another step to actually being the father and son neither have known but it's really like a tease of when it'll happen. After kabby it's my favorite relationship.
So here’s what I think.
I think the theme of “from the ashes we will rise” is being applied very literally to a couple of these characters, most clearly so far Kane and the Blakes (which is ironic because a few episodes ago they were the three where I was the most concerned the show had no idea what to do with them, but they CLEARLY do after that fucking fantastic episode last night).  Kane, Bellamy and Octavia all are getting burned down to ashes.  They’re literally hitting their absolute lowest point.  We saw Octavia turn the corner in tonight’s episode, after being so distraught that she tried to kill herself by walking out into the black rain and then having sex with Ilian just to give herself something to feel besides crushing, miserable sorrow.  That was her “ashes” moment, everything burned away, reduced to her lowest, darkest point.  But then she woke up in the morning and she threw her knives into the water and left them behind, because after she almost died, she’s become a person who can’t kill anymore.  Ilian was right that whatever release that used to provide for her is gone.  And she’s already different, as we can see from the way she can see Ilian’s humanity in a new way that she couldn’t before because she was blinded by anger.  So now Octavia has come out of the ashes and she’s about to rise.  I don’t know what she’s gonna do but I know that every single person involved in the show who has been asked which character has the best arc this season has said Octavia, so it’s probably going to be something awesome.
I think for Kane and for Bellamy, both separately and together, what we got last night was their “ashes” moment, with the turnaround and resolution still to come.  Bellamy is overwhelmed by the sheer number of people he can’t save, by his feelings of failure, by his fear for Octavia, and by the collective series of losses he’s experienced that all came back up again at once when he was stuck in the Rover in the mud.  And Kane is in a similar position; all he wants to do is help everyone and he can’t help anybody.  He can’t comfort Bellamy, he can’t save his two stranded people, he can’t protect Harper from her guilt or heal the man she’s watching die, he can’t be there with Abby when she has to do the hardest thing she’s ever done in her life, he can’t bring Octavia home, and also - crucially - he can’t erase the things that he did on the Ark, even though he’s been trying since he landed on Earth to repent and be better as though that could wipe those sins away.  So they both end this episode at the lowest of their low points in four whole seasons, and I don’t think it’s accidental that it happens when Clarke and Abby - who are the people who keep both of them grounded and make them feel understood - are so far out of reach. 
But Octavia was down in the dark place too, and she turned the corner and came back around into the light.  She’s rising from the ashes.  So I think Bellamy and Kane are next.  I think Kane’s arc for the rest of the season was set up very neatly by this episode and that it’s going to connect in some way with Jaha’s, and that we’re going to explore the question of whether Kane becoming a better man made him a less effective leader, and whether Jaha’s political savvy and ability to manipulate a situation to his advantage was, as Clarke tells Jasper in that scene in the brig, a whole lot more vital to keeping the peace on the Ark than anyone (INCLUDING ME TBH????) ever gave Jaha credit for.  So I think a Kane/Jaha team-up where we see maybe an inversion of Season 1 (Jaha as Kane’s second-in-command instead of Kane as Jaha’s?) might emerge as the connective thread between the Cadogan story and the Arkadia story and that Kane is going to be instrumental in finding a way to lead his people and prove himself and save them.  And I think his relationship with Bellamy will be key to that; we got that “you turn the page and you don’t look back” moment from them in the season premiere that I think was really significant and it feels like the show is setting us up for their big “rise from the ashes” moment to be something that involves them working together. 
Because the important thing to remember is that every facet of their complicated relationship can be equally true at the same time; Kane is the man who floated Bellamy’s mom, and neither Kane nor we can dismiss that even if we want to; but he’s also one of the only characters in this entire show that Bellamy has ever opened up to like he does when he talks about his mom and baby Octavia in that heartbreaking scene over the radio.  So his anger at Kane for the loss of his mom, which is real, and which has always been there, does not erase the relationship they’ve built on the ground, because he’s still someone Bellamy feels safe enough with that he can let Kane see him cry.  I think looking at it like “ugh Bellamy was being a dick” misses the depth and complexity of all the different emotional truths that were contained in those scenes. 
This relationship is so, so hugely important to both of them individually and to the show, but they had to confront the one big thing between them that they’ve never confronted before - just the way Octavia had to finally, finally, finally really confront her grief for Lincoln - in order to burn all the way down into ashes so they can rise.
I’m not giving up on a Kellamy hug yet, and neither should you.  They’re still a family.
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