#text: jetra
mazqueen · 6 years
the look on jane’s face in that hug with petra makes me feel like gina is jello that yael gets to live petra’s bi life and jane doesn’t
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bethansrps · 5 years
If the JTV writers wanted people to stop shopping Jetra, they shouldn’t have had Petra and Jane sit in a tent and stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. Just saying.
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alicenthightower · 7 years
Tonight's Jane the Virgin, though...I'm so doubtful the writers will actually make Jetra or Jetra 2.0 a real thing, but I also can't help but get my hopes up because a) what a great love story if Jane and Petra get together after the rocky start they had, plus they have been SO good for one another and b) in the second ship, it's Rosario Dawson and it's gay. Enough said. Still more on board with the original, but it would be a good first step for Petra.
After the whole bi episode earlier this season, I feel like there's such a good setup for this plotline, but I know I need to lower my expectations.
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kerwinpaguay · 7 years
So anyway I'm glad j*fael is over and Jane realized she belongs with Adam/ Lina/ Petra
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aspiringcryptid · 7 years
thinkin of Rogelio officiating Jane and Petra's wedding :')
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doandroids · 8 years
matteo pushing jane 2 rock a stereotypically Gay hairstyle in the ep her and petra r interacting a lot like Okay
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helmarok · 2 years
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there was a horrible accident at the jetra factory, 63 killed and 1 finger injured writing blocks upon blocks of text like this isnt even a comic its more like fanfiction with scribbles. hand wrote. i cant feel my finger 😭 and ive got two pages done. who is this for? like duh me but what the fuck. im basically drawing an entire chapter of my canon and writing (HAND WROTE) entire paragraphs to go with it but im dedicated i will sell my soul to the jetra devil to finish this drawn and hand wrote alternate canon of sun and moon's ending
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number-thirteen · 7 years
It’s that time of the week for yet another JTV recap. I have facepalmed so many times, I’m surprised my whole face isn’t bruised.
Spoilers for Chapter 78 ahead.
First of all, Petra, girl, you need to get. a. grip. But also, I love what a bi disaster you have become.
LOLs at leaning into the Jetra. How did we ever deserve the Jane writers?
Petra texting is literally my life story
Honestly love the millions of expressions that Yael could do in the span of like, 1 second.
Hehe. “Ew”
Also, in the moment after Petra clarifies that she meant JR, Jane V’s reaction was a literal and immediate: “Smokin’ hot”
Petra rambling about all the things she likes about JR is exactly what I needed. I wish they left in all 45 minutes of it.
Oh. my. god. The whole thing that Petra set up for JR at the hotel… I almost passed out from second-degree mortification.
JR, your laugh was like an ice pick piercing into the depths of my heart. How dare you.
Honestly, after facing a rejection as cruel barbaric blasphemous cold as that, I’m pretty sure Petra would survive hell itself. JR is short for jerk.
Petra, you’re my type.
Ugh, Petra’s monologue was A+. Yael, you gem. Every time she makes her voice go higher than necessary in panic, it gets me. Who would have ever thought that I needed Bi Wreck Petra so much.
Petra. is. moping.
So, JR was turned on by Petra’s stalking? I knew they were meant for each other.
fuck. They cute af. How on earth did we ever deserve this. 20gayteen is real. It’s a great time to be alive.
Sidenotes about the other pressing storyline — Andrea Navedo’s performance and Xo’s character development (here and the last episode) has been amazing. JTV can’t get enough love and respect for always ‘going there’ and addressing the difficult issues head on. This show has my heart.
To end back on a lighter note: Matteo. What a freakin little cutie, am I right?
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opemain · 7 years
Tag Même
Tagged by @puppenkitsch , otherwise known as The Best Rules. tag __ people you wanna get to know better Relationship status: Hasn't answered my texts in 2.5 weeks now Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick Last song\music I listened to: the theme song to The Office ;'))) Top 3 shows: Psych, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Jane the Virgin Top 3 characters: Petra Solano (I've got a whole blog about this one ;) ) , Odysseus, and my original babby Frederick Top 3 ships: Canapain-I mean, CanPan , Frying Pangle, Jetra/Petrane :') Tagging @wingsandknives and @aph-history-nerd if ya wannaa
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jetrafied · 7 years
Unlikely pairing Krishna the assistant and Lina, Jane's best friend (I think, where'd she go?) team up and try to get Jane and Petra together because those dummies obviously love each other Lina's like, "Petra's an asshole, but she's Jane's asshole. ...Wait." And Krishna tells Lina how much Petra talks about Jane and the stuff she's done for Jane and Lina is freaking out and she's like, "They're so gay!!" I don't know how Lina and Krishna met each other don't worry about it but it works. And they have each other's numbers and anytime Lina or Krishna is with Jetra they send the other texts with winking emojis. One day Lina is with Jane and Petra and Jetra are smiling at each other and there's hands are on arms and they either don't realize how gay they're being or they're in denial and Lina is practically shaking so she texts Krishna: "When're they gonna fuck???? I'm going to kill them!!!" So they start setting up meetings and friend dates for all of them but Lina and Krishna keep canceling at the last minute so Jane and Petra have dates on their own. When Jane and Petra finally admit they like each other, Lina and Krishna have to pretend it's a surprise and tell them congratulations. Jane and Petra don't see Lina slip Krishna a $20 bill because she thought it would take another few months (like she's happy for them but she's out 20 bucks and as quiet as Krishna is she's a smug bitch)
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mazqueen · 6 years
I don't think Jetra is end game and I ship them as my brotp but I would love to read a really good fic of them. Do you have any recommendations?
blame the stress, how do i love thee (let me count the ways), stealing citrus shampoo are really cute oneshots
marry me a little is 18 chapters so idk if you want to read something long but yes.
accidents happen is a three parter, it’s not that long, also cute 
do it yourself is smut lmao cute smut.
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ogdaya · 5 years
text: we should have. I was team Jane's happiness but also Jafael. And maybe even Jetra
gina: i could never say it before i’m so happy i can say it now
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mndzdr · 8 years
Najgori način da započnete godinu
Foto: Guliver/Getty/Thinkstock   Mnogi sebi svake godine obećavaju da će više vežbati, da će se hraniti zdravije, a neki odlučuju da novu godinu započnu malo ekstremnije - detoksikacijom organizma. Ukoliko ste pomislili da to uradite, nemojte. Najpre, da pojasnimo na šta tačno mislimo pod detoksikacijom. Reč je o originalnoj detoks dijeti koja se naziva "master klinser" (Master Cleanser), koju je četrdesetih godina prošlog veka smislio Stenli Barou, kao "prirodni" lek za čir na želucu. Da dodamo i da nikada nije dokazano da je detoks dijeta pomagala za rešavanje tog problema... Naime, originalna detoks dijeta podrazumeva dnevno ispijanje od šest do 12 čaša vode pomešane sa limunovim sokom, javorovim sirupom i mlevenom paprikom, plus laksativ pred spavanje, a naravno, tih dana se ne jede ništa. Neki zagovarači detoks dijete, poput Pitera Glikmena koji je pomogao popularizaciju "master klinsera" 2004. godine, tvrdi da se posle nedelju dana ovakve dijete ljudi osećaju euforično. S obzirom na to da je sada sezona praznika, kada jedemo i pijemo više nego inače, mnogi baš u ovo vreme odlučuju da je dobar trenutak za detoksikaciju organizma. I baš zato je pravo vreme da vam kažemo: detoksikacija vam uopšte nije potrebna jer je organizam već "opremljen" organima koji to savršeno rade - jetrom i bubrezima. Ovi organi imaju sasvim dobar sistem izbacivanja toksina koje smo uneli uz hranu i piće. Bubrezi filtriraju krv i uklanjaju toksine koje smo uneli uz hranu, a jetra obrađuje lekove i detoksikuje hemikalije koje smo uneli. "Osim ukoliko neki od ovih organa koji danonoćno detoksikuju organizam ne funkcioniše kako bi trebalo, vašem telu nije potrebna nikakva pomoć da se oslobodi toksina", kaže dr Ranit Mišori. Najnovije i najzanimljivije vesti iz sveta zabave, kulture, muzike, filma, lifestyle, putovanja i seksualnosti pratite na našoj Facebook stranici - MONDO Zabava, kao i na Twitteru @Mondo_zabava. This article passed through the Full-Text RSS service - if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers. Recommended article: The Guardian's Summary of Julian Assange's Interview Went Viral and Was Completely False.
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mazqueen · 6 years
ehhhhh i love jetra but killing jr off just for jetra is like killing Michael off for jafael. it's gross tbh
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mazqueen · 7 years
Do you prefer Jane with Michael or Rafael?
With Petra.
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mazqueen · 6 years
I won't be able to watch the new episode for a while, so could you spoil me on the turnout of JR not liking Jane?
so the double date starts, and jane is being super cute (for me) but trying to hard for jr and i think it was just... two people not clicking. it wasn’t any deeper than that. 
according to jr in her conversation with petra she didn’t like jane because jane tries too hard, and kept talking about the most random things and that she asked so many questions, jr felt she was on the witness stand
aaand jr and jane thing didnt get resolved not really, but the conflict earned us an i love you from jetra and i wanna be serious with you for petramos, i feel like overall it was a win. haha
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