#but that electro was ESSENTIAL
yanfei-impact · 7 months
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oceanxveiined · 1 year
          “–then we just need to carefully turn the dial here to expose the Pyro and Electro components to each other, and…!”
         Danae grimaced as the soft clicks registered, shaking out the slight tremor in her free hand.
         The last time she’d tried this, the whole thing had blown up in her face and caused a nasty slew of injuries she’d nearly been permanently blinded by. Which had only been avoided by a prompt trip to Durene, who upon healing her had elected to make Danae’s life utterly miserable for the next hour with the ensuing lecture. And considering she couldn’t even speak, that had been a feat in and of itself. She would have almost preferred getting verbal nagged than dealing with the extra impact Durene’s facial expression gave her signing.
        Now, one would think wanting to avoid such a thing would discourage Danae from trying again. If not wanting to avoid the scolding, then in not wanting to face agony and risk permanent injury should the healer not get to her soon enough this time. Most anyone would. But anyone who knew her well would also damn well know she only only ever took such things as a challenge rather than anything cautionary.
        She feared no monster nor god, so why should Durene be any different?
        That said, if she did happen to keep the device at a safer distance away from her face this go around, it was purely out of practicality.
        Still…hubris aside, having to go back to Durene for help if the reaction repeated ( especially if it resulted worse, considering the changes she'd made since then ), more so after specifically being told not to ever try this again still added a lot more pressure now. Especially since the woman would surely be so damn glad for the opportunity to gloat about how right she was. And having bear Durene’s all-too expressive face and stupid little name sign once she saw the thermal and electrical burns again would definitely make the matter all the more humiliating, too–
         Danae’s eyes flashed open as an odd sensation suddenly thrummed ( Odd, odd, was it painful? No, that wasn’t it- ) through her body, concentrated at her hand where she held the device. Thrummed along her frayed nerves and burrowed deep into her sore muscles.
         Her lips parted in surprise as she swayed in place, brain trying to place just what it was she was percieving. Hand trembling in the wake of and direct contact to such a sensation, her grip on the device slackened a slight, even while the other tried to steady it. “Wh-what'n th–?”
          Luckily, a deft pair of hands managed to cup it beneath hers, preventing it from falling to the floor and shatter. Even while her hands had instinctively gripped the thing tighter–
          The name and the growing uncomfortable buzz under Danae’s skin where they touched had her fully snapping out of her haze, jerking back and holding her device closer to her chest. Perhaps a bad idea, considering how volatile the last one had been and the particular composition of this one, but– “M'fine.”
          Da-Lun raised a brow but raised his hands placatingly and backed away all the same.  “I thought it yet another adverse reaction. Though different from the last, I didn’t want it to break, so–”
          “Well, you thought wrong,” she hissed, fingers moving the scratch at the still-tingling skin. “Wait for the damn thing to leave my hand before makin’ a grab for it. Got it? Or need I drill it into yer fucking skull?”
          The man huffed out a breath, but nodded curtly. “Understood.”
          “Good.” Even decently satisfied with his response, Danae still couldn’t help pressing her nails into the ebbing tingling on her skin to ease it. Though…huh, usually that feeling took longer to go away–
         “So what was it then?”
         Danae turned to glance over at Ozzy, the man idly tapping his pen against the parchment as he tilted his head. Wait, not idly.
         You look like an idiot, the pattern read, when he'd repeated it. Calm down.
         "Tch." Biting back an otherwise snarled retort, Danae rolled her eyes. And realized she’d been slumping against the work bench, straightening up immediately with a sharp jerk. Fuck, when had she lowered her guard like that–? “It–works.”
         “I know it does, sweetheart,” Ozzy remarked, an insufferable, amused grin at his lips. He gestured a slight with the pen. “I could see the tension leave your body an' you gasping instead a' howling in agony or gettin’ crispied like I was hopin’–"
          ”We made a bet on its success,“ Da-Lun explained, ”I, in your favor, of course," as if that made it any better–
           ”–so clearly it must work as intended. Or at least, to your insatiable standards.” Ozzy snickered, rather amused in spite ( or perhaps because ) of her glare as he added, “I was curious as t'just how much so had it. Since it got you of all people to relax like that.”
           Danae glanced down at the device–fuck, she was slumping again, curled around it too, what the hell– 
          “It doesn’t…!” She hesitated.
          “Tell us honestly, now, sweetheart,” Ozzy chided. He offered another stupid grin as he waved the pen. “If not for me, then for your results. You care about those, at least, don’t you?”
          Danae pursed her lips.
          …ah, she couldn't argue with that. Or him, as much as she'd want to. She had to ensure the necessary observations were recorded, after all. Embarrassing as her reaction was though–
          “It doesn’t make the pain go away completely,” she admitted, sighing as her favorite sound of scratches of quilltip on parchment began to fill the air. The sounds added to the otherwise quiet of the room, the hum of the device, the dimmer lights save the lamp at her bench behind her...oh, that was nice. So nice; she almost felt tempted to lean back and close her eyes to indulge in it all. Almost–
          “I can still feel it," she continued, drumming her tingling fingers on the iron casing. "S'no magic cure-all or anything, it’s just…compared to how I usually feel, it’s…it’s…” Dammit, how did she explain this- “It–I feel lighter? Nicer??? Like it...it–”
          “Makes the flare ups tolerable?” Da-Lun supplied gently.
          She narrowed her eyes a slight.
          No mocking. No teasing. Simply aiding her to find the right words. Huh...
          “Yeah...that.” She carefully moved to press the device against her hip, sliding it further along her bad leg. And promptly let out a soft sigh as she gingerly stretched the limb out. “Note, closer contact to the more sensitive areas provides a far more effective use of the…th'–” Fuck, wait, why’d she say that? That gave too much away, too much that was highly exploitable, if the odd look on Da-Lun's face was any indication–
          “Maiden’s Solace?” Ozzy offered, pausing to look up.
          Danae’s mouth opened and closed, once, twice, before her lips pressed into a fine line.
          He didn't go for mocking, either. Nor seem to have any apparent intents to take advantage of said fact, if his lack of reaction was any tell. Which was odd, because she would have figured he would keep more of an ear out for such things than Da-Lun. No, the only real problem she had with Ozzy piping up with his little suggestion now was–
          “M'not a maiden,” she remarked, wrinkling her nose. Even if, sure, it was made for one in mind, but she was the one who made it, so– “Brigand’s Solace?”
          Ozzy scoffed, chuckling as he pointed the pen accusingly. “Now you just stole my idea and made it sound more cool than it is, Morc.”
           “Oh, come up with a better one then! I dare you–”
           "Bettin' on what that I CAN, then–"
           “Everflame Lenity?” Da-Lun interjected, before their bickering could escalate. He nodded his head at the device. “Considering the Pyro component.”
           Stilling, Danae and Ozzy exchanged a glance.
           “That works well enough,” Danae decided, shrugging as Ozzy gave a noncommittal hum ( ’I like the contradiction,’ he might have muttered, she didn’t care to make sure right now ). “For this version, anyways. I might want to change the Pyro source further down the line.”
           “Already thinking of advances for it,” Da-Lun noted, with what sounded suspiciously like an amused laugh. “You really never change.”
           “Well, I can’t afford to just settle after a victory,” she told him, rather matter-of-factly. “‘specially not when I’ve finally gotten a real breakthrough with SOMETHING now.”
           “Cuz yer a shit inventor, sweetheart–”
           “Oz,” Da-Lun warned.
           Danae rolled her eyes, rather than dignify it with a response of her own. Though the fact that the–yeah, okay–Everflame Lenity helped keep her usually simmering temper at bay may have also contributed something. Sue her, she felt nice and relaxed right now, thank you very much. And ruining it to bite the bait Ozzy set out just wasn't worth the effort.
           But like hell would she explain THAT to them.
           Still…okay, yeah, this thing was definitely an immense help when the relief was closer to the worst of the pain. Especially pressed directly against her skin. It was enough to help bear with more than simply physical ailments, with the steady thrum soothing her usually hair-thin nerves enough to keep her calmer than she'd felt in a long time.
          Did that perhaps have an effect on why it felt so pleasant overall, too?
          Shit, were it any closer to her center, the ease it had in spreading the feeling to the rest of her body would definitely be inconvenient. It left her feeling too lax as it was; not focused enough nor willing to keep moving, like she ought to be. It made her want to take it easy, let her body rest. Left her feeling vulnerable, much too vulnerable-
          “What is it then? Th'Everflame seed’s really not good enough for you?” Ozzy asked, back to scribbling down his notes. “Picky, picky~ What’s the issue?”
          Yeah, better tell them any of that. They'd never let her live it down-
          “Well, it works sufficiently enough,” Danae explained, looking back down at the device. She ran her thumb along the dial slowly turning it back. Hesitating when the sensations dulled to mild discomfort began to swell again. “And it will supply an adequately continuous source of Pyro energy to resonate with the Electro Crystal; thus inducing the energy reaction that triggers the relaxant properties I wanted. That is exactly why I'd chosen it initially.”
          “So that’s how that works,” Ozzy muttered, more to himself than her. And being kind enough to mark the inscribed explanation over for ease in locating it at a later time. Which she would normally be worried about, him considered–
          “But?” Da-Lun urged.
          “But,” she amended, tone firm to ensure Ozzy heard, and heard it well– “The Everflame seed, like its source, can be…unstable.”
          Ozzy stopped writing. A flurry of thoughts seemed to cross his mind before he met her gaze, head tilting a slight.
          “So…it’s useless for dear Eliza, then?” he asked. Oddly calm, at that, she reckoned, with hardly a trace of his usual jesting. Enough to make even Da-Lun shift uneasily. Which in and of itself should have been a warning. Anyone else who really knew him well enough sure would have.
          Still, deliberately ignoring it and the little hint of something in his tone ( bitterness? Yeah, that was probably it– ), Danae shrugged. “Not entirely, I would think. But it’s better than nothing.” She paused then tilted her head, a mocking grin at her lips. “What? Scared to risk yer precious little ward, now? When she could FINALLY get her much-needed relief?”
          Ozzy bared his teeth in a laugh. "I just don’t recall clearing her to be one of your little test subjects, love.“
         ”She just needs to say yes,“ Danae retorted. ”I don’t think Eliza needs your permission to be a part of my little–"
          A spark of violet had her voice choking back–Da-Lun had suddenly moved to stand next to her before she could taunt Oz any further. Whether to shut her up or because he had a thought he’d impulsively acted on, she wasn’t quite sure. Probably the former. Especially since he knew how much she hated when he flash-stepped like that–
          “May I?” Da-Lun asked. He remained in place even at her glare, though kneeling immediately once she gave him a curt nod. He reached to handle the device–careful not to touch Danae in the process this time, thankfully.
          Surprise flickered across his features as his shifted his hold on it–ah, so even Da-Lun was taken aback by the odd sensation it gave off–and looked it over. Once, then a second glance-over, gingerly rolling it over across her leg a slight ( oh, that...felt a little better; making a note to write down the way he'd moved and placed it later- ) to ensure he didn’t touch anything more than the points he was holding it by and where it rested against her. 
           Danae shook off the slight daze the sensation brought on her, determinedly looking over at Ozzy, who begun to lean forwards. Staring so intently he didn’t notice the ink dripping off the pen tip splattering on his pants–
          ”Report," Danae demanded immediately.
          “It looks to stable enough so long no truly jarring movements are made,” Da-Lun affirmed, pulling back. “Which unfortunately means Morcant here can’t bring it along in-battle–”
           “Oh, the horror,” she drawled, rolling her eyes. “Please, not dealing with agonizing flare ups while on duty. I’ve never experienced that before–”
           “–but it should be safe enough for Eliza to use for herself,” Da-Lun patiently finished. ”Since she is usually at rest and in tucked away in bed."
           “And surely I’ll just up and let you just test that on her?” Ozzy remarked, raising a brow.
           Recall exploitable connection, certainty and magnitude higher than original assumption, Danae's brain chimed in. Factor unpredictability, should be constant enough to use–seek gaining favor, ensuring no repercussions amid self-benefit–
           “I can tote it around while here at home base for awhile longer, if you want,” Danae offered. ”Just to be sure." Compromising as it was, but if it meant getting on his good side here-
          ”Mm, I do like the heightened chances of you getting blown to smithereens,“ Ozzy mused.
          Danae snorted. ”Ha–when boars fly maybe–"
          ”It could do some good in helping Morcant stay in a better mood during its trial run,“ Da-Lun wryly remarked. Gods dammit, there was the mocking she'd been hoping to avoid– “That would save us from plenty frustration. Or…why not try it yourself, Oz? For Eliza’s sake?”
           The man blinked then huffed, leaning back as he pointed at the other with the pen.
          “I like the pain I feel, thank you very much,” Ozzy drawled. “Makes me feel alive. S'like a badge of honor for all I've been through. What I've survived, an' all that shit–” Excuses-
          “And I pride myself in that badge of honor as much as you do,” Danae retorted, rolling her eyes. She carefully rolled the device a bit more over her skin. ”And feeling the relief I do from it right now is just downright weird, I’ll admit.“ She paused a moment to brace herself, then fully pulled the device away from her body in a swift motion. Curling her lip a little at the growing, gnawing want to put it right back into place– “But believe me, try this. Just this once. Or what? You scared?”
           Ozzy barked out a laugh. "Of one of your contraptions? Oh, very, sweetheart."
            "Aww, truly?" Danae goaded. "Stars, and here I thought there was no gamble you wouldn't take!"
            "Say I do, then," Ozzy chided, rolling his shoulders a bit. Ooh, had that annoyed him? That was a first- "I highly doubt it'd even work right–"
           ”And with any luck, he’d fumble it and it’d blow him halfway to Celestia,“ Da-Lun muttered, the corner of his lip twitching a slight at Danae's snicker. ”Spare us all his clownery.“
           Ozzy eyed him at that, eyes narrowing just a hint before holding his hand out for the device. "Oh, I'd like to see Celestia tryn'n handle me, Da."
           "You really think gods can't do what we have already?"
           Danae scoffed a laugh then handed it off to Da-Lun, who passed it over to the man. Grimacing when Ozzy swiftly snatched it from his hands.
          Seriously, was he trying to make it explode?
          Especially since he'd immediately pushed against his belly, just under his ribs at his right side, the moment he'd gotten it. Which, recklessness aside, was already odd in and of itself, because Danae could have sworn his back ought to be where it goes. Pain relief considered, anyways.
           Huh. So his weakest physical point was closer that area then?
           A breathless sound in surprise had Danae's thoughts stuttering to a halt as she looked back over at the others.
           Ozzy’s jaw had dropped, eyes wide as he clutched the Lenity to his body. Pressing it a little tighter, even while Da-Lun had tsk’d and tried to ease his grip, tried to stop him from fully turning the dial.
           ”Good then?“ Danae asked, moving to hop back up onto her workbench. A hand moved to idly dig the heel of her hand at the joint of her hip, once, twice, pushing down towards base of her knee, then her lower leg as she glanced him over. ”Looks like it, if yer all dopey now. Stars, did I actually discover the means to finally sedate you?"
            Ozzy managed a chuckle. “Okay, so that…that really…!”
            Da-Lun stepped to scoop up the pen and parchment from where the man had discarded them, then moved back. Oh, good, he knew the priorities here, as always– “Yes?”
           “Morc, when you said resonate, you really…!” Ozzy let out a soft exhale, gesturing a slight to Da-Lun with his head, "C'mere, Da," then promptly pressed against the other for support once he drew close enough. No sooner, Ozzy's eyes fluttered shut, a content little hum rising in his throat.
           He lay still a moment, two, before adding to his recount, “Feels lovely. Like a gentle...buzz? No, a hum, all through me." He waited a moment for Da-Lun to catch up, then added, "S'very soothing. Like…like a song–”
            “Like Sister Barbara’s healing song?” Danae teased, shifting a slight as she eyed the Lenity. Stars above, the fact that she still wanted it back was a bad sign weak, weak-
            “Oh, no–no, I don’t like that.” Ozzy’s eyes scrunched up a bit in distaste. "Th'shit gives me headaches just hearin' it from afar. I fear I'd burst into flames if she tried usin' it on me."
            Pen scratches stuttered as Da-Lun stared at him incredulously. "She–she has a Hydro Vision–"
           ”Y'know what I mean, Da."
           "No, I don't–"
           In spite of the resulting laugh, Danae sucked in a soft breath while the two were distracted in their bickering, easing to edge forwards.
           It was subtle, but now that she was a little closer, Danae noticed the usual slight furrow of Ozzy’s brow was gone, his jaw fully relaxed. Even his breathing seemed to be a little easier, too, with only slight hitches compared to the more pronounced rattle from before. A little quicker too, as though he were no longer carefully measuring each breath. His body didn't twitch and shudder as much either, no tension from how guarded and wound up he usually was; like a crossbow pulled taut and ready to fire at any moment.
          Stars, it was no wonder the man started sounding like he had his tongue made of lead now. And from the looks of it, whatever he felt on the daily must be a nightmare to deal with, if even this modicum of relief worked for him. More than the aches and discomfort she did, for sure. Unless...he was just playing it all up to snuggle up to Da-Lun. She really wouldn't put it past him to–
          ”Still wanna hold off on it for Eliza?“ Da-Lun asked softly.
          Ozzy hummed, eyes blinking open. “I still doubt it’s safe enough,” he mumbled, smoothly lifting it for Da-Lun to take. Rather unflinchingly, too- ”Especially with her…ah, clumsiness?“
          ”Ooh, don’t let her hear that. You know how sensitive she is about it."
          “Mako and Jade can help stay and manage it,” Da-Lun suggested, carefully taking it in hand then reaching for the cloth Danae held out. Awkwardly at that, as Ozzy still leaned heavily against him even with the thing gone. Well, he did have to readjust to not having it...that made two who did. What a massive downside- “We all could, in shifts.”
          Shaking her head to dash further thoughts,Danae wrinkled her nose. ”All of us–?"
          “Ugh, but then I’d have to increase your salaries to account for the extra hours you’d put in,” Ozzy groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes. “Then where does that leave me? Broke. Ruined–”
          “Mako and Durene would be more than happy to do it for free,” Danae pointed out, rolling her eyes. “Mako–here, Da, put it in this–loves making himself useful, spoiled brat as he is. And he adores Eliza, something about those Fontaine folk–”
         “And Durene?” Ozzy asked, tipping his head back in thought as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. ”What's her stake?“
          Danae blinked. She glanced over at Da-Lun then back to Ozzy. “You…can’t be serious.”
         “Dead, in fact,” Ozzy answered, eyeing her back out the corner of his eye. “What?”
         ”Well, I’ll be,“ Danae marveled, nudging Da-Lun's hip with her good leg as best she could reach. Ignoring Ozzy's groan in protest- "You hearin' this?"
          “I genuinely think he doesn't know,” Da-Lun remarked, disbelief clear in his tone. “Ozzy doesn't know.”
          “Dunno what?”
          “That is such an exploitable weakness.” Danae damn near felt amused enough to burst out in laughter. “So exploitable, I’ve been–Oz...!”
          "What?" The man sat up fast, almost childishly petulant in his demand, “What? Tell me!”
          “Durene and Eliza…"  Da-Lun emphasized. Gesturing a little for emphasis.
          Ozzy’s brow furrowed a slight, the gears slowly turning in his brain, then his eyes flashed open. ”Oh."
         ”Oh,“ Danae mocked.
         ”Oh, indeed,“ Da-Lun muttered. ”Now, Oz, don’t–”
         “What a fucking nightmare,” Ozzy choked out, horror blooming across his features as he clutched his chest. “My Eliza and Durene…!”
          ”Oh, stars, the unethics of a healer-patient relationship!“ Ozzy clapped his palm against his forehead. ”Durene’s been compromised!"
          Danae faceplamed as Da-Lun sputtered and clapped a hand over his mouth. What was he trying to stifle there– ”That’s what you’re worried about?“
          “My healer’s making goo-goo eyes at someone in her care,” Ozzy scoffed, feigned offense across his features. “Distracted, from her duties no doubt. Are you not worried?”
          ”I th-think it’s more of a benefit to you and Eliza that she is,“ Da-Lun managed. Clearing his throat and straightening up promptly at the odd look Danae threw him.
          ”Benefit to me?“ Ozzy laughed. ”Oh, no, you should see how she gets when I keep courtin' dear Eliza–oh...that explains a lot of her enmity to me now–, but, no, no, her feelings for Eliza are not a benefit to me–"
           ”But,” Danae pointedly suggested, “she can willingly watch over Eliza’s progress with the Everflame Lenity once she sees how much it’d help her.”
           Ozzy blinked. ”Oh. Yeah, that. She’d love that.“ Seriously–
           ”Then it’s Eliza’s,“ Danae decided. ”We could have her–or, maybe Durene–report more on it and how effective it is for her. For now. As for the rest of us–"
            ”Any solid ideas for a more stable Pyro source?” Ozzy interrupted. And normally Danae would snap at him for it. However…
           She rubbed the back of her neck. “Uh…haa, that–” She shifted under his stare. Alright, calculate the immediate outrage ( wait, why was she so worried? She didn't care ), bracing briefly ( oh, right, because they were more annoying than the others when they got worked up ), plunging the wound into saltwater– “A Smoldering Pearl should...work–?”
           “Archons, Morcant–”
           “Of fucking course you’d ask for that–”
           “Mako’s working on getting us into Inazuma as is!” she snapped defensively. “And I’ve been there before–”
           “Under Fatui diplomatic immunity,” Da-Lun scoffed, rolling his eyes.
           “How do you expect us to get off Ritou even then, hm?” Ozzy chimed in.
           “–so I know exactly where to go from there and what to do,” she stubbornly continued. “I can get us some disguises and use that Fatui Diplomacy to our favor if we really need all that, then a team of four can easily get in, get what we need, then get out. Simple!”
           “And you have your crack team all in mind, I’m sure?” Ozzy asked, crossing his arms. Genuinely, mockingly, probably both, knowing him–
           Still, Danae was undeterred as she just her chin out. Because, “As a matter of fact I do.” Mostly cobbled together from obsessive research she’d done on the needed source, sure, and perhaps all strictly hypothetical in its effectiveness, but– “One, I would be a key asset to this, since it’s a Pyro-based lifeform."
          "Obviously," Ozzy drawled.
          Danae huffed. "Then I would want you an' Da, as well as–”
         “The only other alternatives we have to fight it are Durene who possesses a Dendro Vision,” Da-Lun protested, “Jade who would be absolutely useless to us with Pyro abilties herself, and–”
           “Tua would be perfectly effective in providing ample distraction while the rest of us get to work and get it done!” Danae finished stubbornly. “Not to mention his Vision’s Geo reactions can get us shields while he's at it." Da-Lun’s mouth opened to protest again, her swiftly moving to cut him off in adding, ”I think that works just fine since I could help us finish it up promptly.“ Ignoring Ozzy’s snort- ”What, would you rather we ask some outsider for help? Da?”
           Da-Lun clicked his tongue. “I would prefer we don’t go through the trouble at all!”
           “Because you’re a damn coward!” Danae snapped, simmering temper at last igniting. Adamantly staying right in place to meet his glare, even as he suddenly flickered to stand towering over her again. Perhaps having instinctively made a grab for her screwdriver when he did- "This isn't anythin' new fer me. Fer us. We've been and always have–"
           “We aren’t just risking two people like back then, Morcant,” he snarled back. “And even with the lot of us working in tandem now, you know damn well THAT thing is entirely different than a Pyro Regisvine. What you’re doing now is just insa–”
          “We aren’t 'risking' enough! " Danae spat, slamming her free hand down. "And if you can’t see that, you gods-damned, half-breed beast, you oughta–!”
          A shrill whistle had both Danae and Da-Lun flinching, turning to glare at Ozzy.
         “Honestly, utter children, the lot of you,” he huffed, lowering his fingers from his mouth. Shaking his head, he met Danae's gaze. “Tell me, the Pearl will make it safer for Eliza? For certain?”
          “Yes.” Danae huffed, crossing her arms. Both to press them against the gnawing sensation at her gut and in gesture. “It’s much more stable and has a more constant flow of Pyro energy. Likely will last longer, too.” She shot Da-Lun a proud look at Ozzy’s appraising hum. “And if we’re able to get more than one, not only is it extra insurance, but I could also tamper with them and see if it could help us not be so caught by the relief of the Lenity. See if we could possibly be able to control the intensity of the feeling a lot easier. Y'know?”
          Da-Lun raised a brow. “You’re fully sure of it?”
          “It’s…an estimation,” Danae grudgingly admitted. “On that latter bit, anyway. But, for certain, the Lenity would be safer for Eliza to use with it. And for far longer periods of time, without much–if at all–risk of the continuous exposure to Electro causing a terrible reaction. Especially compared to the Everflame seed.”
          “Hn…” Ozzy nodded slowly. “I like that. We’ll draft plans for it come morn, then. In the meantime–” He reached to tap the box the device now rested in. “You let Durene know what to do, Da. She likes you best.”
          “She thinks I’m the only one of us with sense,” Da-Lun corrected, snorting. “And after all that transpired now? I am fully inclined to agree.” Still, he made his way to the door without further protest. Pausing, he looked back.
          “I’ll stay with them on the first night trial run, as well,” he told them. “For the notes. And extra security.”
          “You’re the best, Da,” Danae called to him. Grinning completely unfazed at his withering glare.
          “Not bad for a gods-damned, half-breed beast, right?” Da-Lun drawled, before turning and heading off. Slamming the door on his way out.
          Ozzy's gaze lingered there until the sound footsteps retreated, then gave Danae a sidelong glance. “Oof, I think you really hurt him with that one, Morc.”
         “Ah, he’ll get over it,” she muttered, waving her hand dismissively as she hopped down and turned to start clearing her workbench.
         “Y'know, his kind don’t take so kindly to insults,” Ozzy chided, coming up behind her to take the box she held up. "They seem rather the smite-y sort, if y'know what I mean."
          As he moved to set it on the shelf behind them, Danae snorted.
         “Aw, what’s he gonna do? Cry to Rex Lapis about it?” She rolled her eyes. “I’d like to see that old fossil drag his ass on over here'n try anything. Oh wait, he can't. An' not like the others could do any better-” Shutting the toolkit, shuffling to straighten then setting her notes to the side, thank fuck they were actually well-done–
         She paused.
          Wait, why didn’t Ozzy laugh at that one? He usually liked her prideful little commentary–
         “You better hope that doohickey of yers doesn’t hurt her.”
         Danae rolled her eyes at the genuine seriousness in his voice. “Really? Open vulnerability in front of me, Oz?" Fingers drummed against the tabletop. "How bad did the thing get you, genuinely–”
          “I mean it, Mare.”
          She stilled, exhaling slowly. Alright, so…no joking around. Whatsoever.
          A breath, two, then Danae turned around, leaning back on the desk. “We, of all people, know Da is the best person to protect her if it risks that.” She puffed her chest out. "Plus it's one of my works, Oz. I wouldn't hand it out for use unless I was certain it would work. One-hundred percent."
          "Mm, true." Ozzy hummed, leaning in. Not to cage her like she'd anticipated, but to scoop up the toolkit, before pulling back to kneel and store it away. He glanced up at her. "Just I'm clear–we’re agreed. Yes?" A hand reached out. "That we can’t go near that thing again, I mean.”
           Danae eyed him curiously, then sighed and held out a hand to help him to standing. "Hn." Even if awkwardly, considering he towered a near foot over her- "S'not good for folks like us."
           It felt safe. Too safe. Damn near a trap of her own making, undoing forged by her own hands. An illusion of something just waiting to be shattered. One that most certainly would be. Something that'd definitely leave them at risk of being shattered themselves, especially in Ozzy's case, where the pain seemed to ramp up harshly once it was taken away–
           "Right, agreed, then," Ozzy said, gripping her shoulders uncomfortably tight as he pushed to stand back up straight. "Glad you fed Da that bullshit of us wanting one of our own, too. Absolutely brilliant, he won't nag us to–ah, ah, don't you get all smug on me now."
           He released his hold, moving to smooth the wrinkles from his clothes. Pausing to eye the ink stain on his pants, before adding, "So, we’ll never speak of this again, nor risk messing with that ever. 'nless absolutely necessary."
           "I can power through pain just fine, Oz," Danae huffed, crossing her arms as she rolled her shoulders. "Have for years now, same as you. M'not Jade, for that matter."
           Ozzy laughed, moving to bump her cheek with his knuckles. "But I still don’t want you compromised, Morc." A pause, baring his teeth in a grin. "It’d look bad on us if you collapse mid-mission or show weakness again, y'know."
           A harsh flush rose in Danae's face as smacked his hand away, baring her teeth and snarling, "That was one time, Oz. Let it go. I told you, it won't happen again–"
          "We never know." Unfazed, Ozzy shrugged and moved to see himself out. "Keep pushing yourself like that, sweetheart, it might just happen. Not that you've ever been a good listener–"
            "I don't wanna hear that from the man who keeps using a Delusion against his healer's orders," she snarked. "Damn hypocrite."
            "Ooh, perhaps." Hand on the knob, Ozzy paused and turned back. "Keep working on that, for me, yeah? And for your trouble today–"
            He reached to rummage in his pocket, tossing her a small item.
            Swiftly snatching it from the air, Danae glanced at her palm. Brows furrowing a slight as she held it up.
            "A key?" she scoffed, raising a brow. "That's my reward?" 
            "Da and I got our hands on an Abyss Mage," Ozzy explained, looking rather proud at her now startled disbelief. "Pyro, mind you. Tua's keeping them company now as we speak, keeping them nice and weak for you."
            "You brought one for me?" Danae's grip on the key grew taut as her eagerness grew, the metal biting into the soft meat of her palm. "Here?"
           "A rather tricky feat to manage, mind you," Ozzy remarked. "But I knew you would earn it. In spite of all your hopeless little setbacks–"
           Pearl-white teeth flashed as he laughed. "Have fun with them, sweetheart. I might just join you t'get in on the fun." He opened the door and slipped out, casting one last look inside, "And good work, Morc. You did well," before the door shut behind him.
            Danae let out a soft breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding. Slumping a slight against the desk now that the others had gone.
            The praise churned in her gut, bubbling like air beneath the frothing ocean waves. But more than that, far more importantly than that, what gripped her the most now was the utter eagerness that thrummed in her veins at the thought of seeing their little prisoner now. In being able to carve information out of it herself, wringing every last bit of information it possibly had to offer. And if it didn't cooperate? She'd make every last moment the most miserable of its wretched existence, out of spite, in a bit of fun and stress-relief–fuck, after today's success, this was the cherry atop the sundae!
            And if all went well, maybe she'll even indulge in one in the capitol, too. Maybe catch that little girl with the Valberries along the way and get some of those as well, stars, that would be a delight!
            With that thought, Danae grinned as she tossed then caught the key, and rushed out the door.
#;mun drabbles#//Takes place for certain before the Inazuma quests in canon game events; if not v early on in them like in the Liyue stuff#//Tldr on the important bits; she came up with a device to help w chronic pain; but needs materials from outside home base in Mond#to help make it; more so to make it Stable and safe for constant usage considering it relies on Electro-Pyro reactions#//Thus enabling reason for her to interact/be placed in locations such as Inazuma and Liyue. For ease of plots; regardless of timeline#//The former having more complications; but w/ reasonable work arounds for it in the form of exploiting Fatui diplomatic immunity#v; intertwined fates (genshin verse)#//And now fun hc tidbits that matter to no one but me mjdnkdfg#//1) Durene's name sign for Dani is ASL-based; the sign for smart but with v instead of single pointed finger & a pause before flicking#//Bc it's got influence from the sign for stupid/idiot in it. So; her name sign is essentially Smart (Derogatory)#//But Danae being Danae can’t read the fondness of it; so she thinks Durene just hates her#//2) I realize I need to clear up a tidbit bc I hadn't added it in the bio yet#//Morcant is her code name working among the group; kept from when she had been with the Fatui#//Danae is her secondary name; and is what she'll most commonly give out in social settings otherwise#//Mare is her actual given name; but only a very select few actually know it and she's willingly given it out to fewer#//If I had to give a comparison; it's like how Childe w/ his names. Childe/Danae - Tartaglia/Morcant - Ajax/Mare; respectively#//3) Her reaction to Da-Lun’s touch is both her aversion to it & just bc of how their Visions/abilities (Hydro & Electro) react#//Since he constantly has energy thrumming through him as is and she tends to usually have the Wet status on her#due to how her abilities work. So she just naturally cringes away & anticipates she’s gonna get electrocuted by him at all times#//Yes; it has happened before; no; the others will NOT let her live down the exact reaction they'd both had to it#long post for ts#//Need to write rundown of allies/charas important to her story at some point. Make stuff easier to comprehend & then some#//Bc as good as she talks them up as a team at times & her thoughts on them in general; she is V unreliable a narrator#//They aren't as cohesive as she implies; so even with folks like Da-Lun being half-adeptus & having a capable healer in Durene#or even a merchant ally in Mako; they still have fair share of setbacks. Esp with Dani's own lack of trust in them & sheer ambition#to the point of disregarding her own allies' safety and comforts as secondary to the Main Goal she pursues; as seen in drabble#//But also they ARE friends; or some at least WANT to be (not that Dani realizes); but everyone's varying intentions/lack of#understanding of each other SEVERELY impede that at times & will bite them all in the ass eventually. Especially her#//They are a bit like a Jenga tower; steadily being picked at each time they cross each other's lines; but they make it work. For now#//That's the important bit to know while I get the other charas' brief descriptions up lmao
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darudedogestorm · 15 days
I need to get back into worm brain mode after i'm done with plants vs zombies brain, no clue when that'll happen but i'm sure by this time next year something will be different
#i need to reread worm because i'm starting to blank on specifics in the middle and my prior understanding of the characters is waning#so i need to reinforce my knowledge so that when i explain worm to people it'll be accurate and normal#Unfortunately my brain is too full of specifically garden warfare knowledge rn#maybe... maybe i can reassign pvz characters to worm characters again to trick my brain into getting back into worm#i disagree with most of my prior assignments of plants#and i have newer (though not fully formed) ideas on worm character mains for gw2#for example i'm certain regent would be electro pea (broken character = number go up + electric) or hover goat (he can have hover board)#aisha could totally be a chomper I totally forgot how essential stealth is for chomper. But future cactus silliness is good for her too#brian being plasma pea.. i feel like i can find a better fit for him#i need to stick to One Theme. either 'plants they Main' or 'plants they Are'#brian i can see him Maining a peashooter but i'm not 100% certain he'd Be one. there are better options#lisa is still a boss mode main. rachel is still chomper main#maybe not a fire chomper necessarily bc while the color is perfect i think a spray chomper is less fitting than a regular biting chomper#she wouldn't main a character purely bc i can't see her playing the game long enough to pick a class and main it#BUT MAYBE I'M WRONG AND THERE'S ESSENTIAL WORM INFORMATION THAT CONTRADICTS ME SOMEWHERE. I NEED TO REREAD WORM#taylor i still think works fine as a peashooter. Fuck wait i've been forgetting the 3 new classes in gw2#i've been playing gw1 for 10 years so i have a good feel for how gw1 character mains generally act but not gw2#need to set up some sort of diagram for me to more coherently organize my thoughts#pvz#worm#low pitched finite woofing
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voltrixz · 2 months
having to reference the 5 stages of grief for this electroshocker playlist to flow coherently is crazyyyyyy
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writerman · 3 months
Really strange writing what is essentially a RomCom drinking beer and listening to T[ERROR]
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gallaxowelcome · 10 months
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The Oceans - Super Snooper (1981)
Dureco Benelux 77.007 (NL)
NM/VG+ (40)
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rubys-domain · 1 year
saw a bunch of teapot designs on youtube and i am ENVIOUS 😭
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w.count: 2k - he who is the most patient also yearns the most
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zhongli met you for the first time when you came to the harbor on a extensive, work-related trip. some sort of negotiation at the port with certain shipment partners and possible trade opportunities. you had come from port ormos in sumeru, so he imagined you would get moving onto inazuma for the same thing before long. as luck would have it, you never made it that far before the nation of electro closed its borders. so, at that point, you were now essentially stuck in land of geo for the foreseeable future.
he had run into you when you were appraising some goods that had come in with a group of merchants ; those specific good were on your list to inspect to see if they would offer anything worth decent mora. perhaps it was fate that when he had passed behind your back, he heard you murmuring something about not knowing enough about a certain vase's story painted it on with aged, chipped paint. zhongli was the walking know-it-all of liyue, so of course without prompting, he flit over to your side and explained what you were looking at for you (after scaring you since you didn't hear him walk up beside you and instead of a proper 'hello' he just jumped straight into the explanation).
from then, he would often see you at the docks. clipboard in hand or a ledger of some sort that you would be reviewing. on the rare occasion, he would just see you strolling around with nothing on your hands so he took it upon himself to occupy the free time you seemed to use by relishing in the sea breeze.
you had been in liyue for over a year when zhongli's heart dropped deep into his stomach. his very core filled with dread as you inform him that since inazuma had finally lifted their restrictions, your work would soon resume as usual. you would soon be relocated to the far-off islands of electro. the tea he had been delightfully sharing with you previously now tasted too bitter on his tongue to continue drinking at the news.
"will you ever return?" his voice was quiet, not nearly as confident and proud as he usually was. it resembled a child asking if their best friend who was due to move away would ever visit them again.
the relationship you grew into with zhongli was special to both of you. he treated you so well and educated you in things you were clueless about. you confided in him and when liyue was at risk of drowning, you were the one who he ran to first when all was settled. you still remember that night so vividly.
you were at the harbor- as usual- but instead of working, you were helping pull stranded milieth out of the sea or helping people getting further inland as the waves violently warned you of doom. when the ocean calmed and the storm clouds that plagued the sky dissipated, you felt a weight off your chest. as you checked around to make sure people were alright, you were quickly snatched away by your wrist. being dragged off to a more secluded corner of the harbor docks behind a stack of, now storm weathered, crates.
zhongli had never understood the phrase 'word vomiting', but what he told you behind those damaged and rain-soaked crates was most definitely so. his gnosis had just been traded, no longer in his possession, and he could finally, finally tell you everything. it definitely wasn't how it was supposed to happen. his whole identity spilled in the span of a several ramble while shakily holding onto your wrists like you'd float off to sea if he didn't anchor you down next to him.
"of course i'll come back." you reassure him. his hand releases it's soft grip around his teacup and lays the back of it on the table like it had given up on keep any sort of grip on anything. you understand his silent offer and place your palm on top of his. "i promise. as soon as my work in inazuma is finished and i get everything completed in sumeru, i'll come and visit you as often as i can."
feeling your pulse on the junction under the heel of your hand, he knew you were being truthful. of course, you hadn't lied to him before so he would believe anything you said regardless of the circumstances; though perhaps that was his own personal bias in a way. you could tell him you were the reason the sun rose every morning and he'd believe you- you shone so brightly in his eyes, so naturally that must be why.
you chuckle from across the table and he looks at your quizzically. you tap your fingers rhythmically across his wrist that's covered in brown fabric. your opposite arm comes to rest its elbow on the table and your palm supports your cheek.
"what me to make a contract just so you feel better?" zhongli blinks before he's craking a smile back towards yours.
"you jest too much."
"do i?"
"it's endearing."
your 'contract' is just sealed as an earnest promise he'd keep in his chest until you come back to him. on the day of your parting, zhongli kisses the back of your hand, your knuckles, and your cheek.
"for safe travels, swift work, and my sincerities," he had justified. you returned his affection with a kiss to the underside of his jaw.
"for no reason other than i want to." zhongli kisses your lips for the very same reason before you board your ship that takes you far, far away from him. he doesn't account the time he spent watching your ship sail further away with his hands behind his folded ever so neatly back until it was completely out of sight. he stares at the horizon and almost wishes that it would bring you back.
it doesn't.
it doesn't.
so, zhongli waits.
the lord of geo has been alive for millennia, so the passage of time was something inane to him now. a few years is attuned to that of a blink in the grand scheme of his long, long lifetime. however, those years he spent without you at his side or in his shadow felt like centuries.
mortals squander their time, fleeting at it is, and they know they will never live forever. they will fill it with new things every day because it could be their last- they would never know when their time would come.
"it's been a long year" or month or day; all those phrases zhongli hears and agrees to in mundane conversations- but mostly just so he can identify and align with the masses as an unquestionable human. he never understood those phrases. yesterday was as long as today and will be as long as tomorrow and so forth.
the years you spent gone with only letters sent back and forth between the both of you made him feel closer to morality than anything else before. the days did feel longer. the years felt dragging. the months felt stretched. it felt like time was slowing down, dawdling and twiddling its thumbs while he was stuck suffering in its demanding sluggish waves.
it made him feel human. the terrible impatience for something or someone to come back home. the agony of the wait and the suspense on if it would happen at all. and while he wishes to feel closer to mortal life and connect to his people in such ways- this way- this game of time just made him irritated.
zhongli didn't remember the last time he had felt impatience so thick, but it began gnawing at his insides with the last letter he had received.
'my work has finally concluded, so i'll be coming back to liyue as soon as i send this letter out to you!'
those were your final remarks penned by your hand before it made it into his. when did you send this? a week ago? two? he didn't know. you neglected to date it. every day he goes to the harbor, checking morning, noon and evening to see what ships have sailed in and if you'd be on one. or perhaps you would be coming from sumeru by means of the west by the chasm, coming on foot and would simply waltz into the city.
zhongli didn't know and each day felt longer and longer.
it turns out, the horizon did bring you back to him. it just took it's sweet time in doing so.
out on the harbor once again, a ship was docking, and he saw you before you saw him. the back of your head moving as you help people unload their cargo and help them off the ship before you dismount yourself. it had been years since he had seen you, but he would never forget what you looked like. the features that wouldn't change.
walking- gaiting- down to the harbor's lowest levels was the giddiest he had probably felt in his whole life. antsy. his chest was a mess, it felt like farmers were tilling into his insides. as he stood off to the side of the dock, mindful not to block anyone's path into the harbor. his foot tapping, and hands opening and closing in repetition just for something to do with all his antsy jitters.
you must've spotted him when he was lost in his own mind since it was his name coming from the voice he memorized years ago that turned his head. you were leaning over a stack of crates that you were previously helping unload, waving so enthusiastically he was afraid you'd swing your arm into someone's head.
zhongli is someone who is very aware of affection in public areas with lots of eyes darting around. he was reserved in a way that he feels his affections were best left to the privacy of him and his choice partner. this day was an exception since the moment you were within his reach, you were crashing into his chest, and he was holding you prisoner there.
he could feel your pulse under his hand that held behind your neck to keep your head pushed against his chest. your warmth from the sun that had bathed you the morning voyage back to him. the smell of the sea breeze against your clothes and skin.
it was evident that you had changed over the years- an evitable happen stance he expected. you were only human after all. but you were still the same as he remembered. you were comfortable and warm and safe and here.
when zhongli finally returned some freedom to your range, which wasn't very far since his hands still settled comfortably on your hips, he mapped out exactly how you changed in comparison to his memories with his roaming gaze.
"how long will you be staying?" he asks.
"how long can liyue put up with me?" you answer and you feel his chest rumble in a chuckle under your palms that rest there. "i'm not sure yet. i plan on staying at wangshuu inn for the time though."
"nonsense." zhongli shakes his head and one of his hands leave your hip to brush the back of his knuckle against your cheek down to the corner of your mouth. "my home has more than enough space to accommodate your presence."
"i was going to ask," you pout and feel your face get hotter, but it wasn't because of the sun, "but i didn't want to feel like i was imposing."
"please do. you're more than welcome to 'impose' on me anytime you wish." you give in quickly much to his delight. you hoist your bags up, which he promptly takes from you without so much as breaking a sweat, and offers you his other arm. "we have much to catch up on."
when hu tao hears that you had come back to liyue, she suddenly isn't so upset that zhongli never returned to work that day.
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roach-master · 1 month
my personal theory about Vox’s death
cw: discussion of mental illness, transphobia/homophobia, typical 1950s shit
also i am very tired rn so this might be confusing as hell xD
So Vox died aged 30-40s, during the 1950s. I’m going to start this off by saying that if Vox was a fit young man in those times, he likely would have been drafted into WW2. Now you could say he died then, but the war ended in 1945.
So my first assumption is he was deemed unfit (due to mental illness or the fact that he is bisexual), or he is a transgender man (that’s mostly me projecting, though).
For the sake of this I’m just gonna say it went both ways.
I think during life vox was a television broadcaster of some sort. Since WW2 opened up opportunities for more genders to work, he could still have been quite famous.
However, he was also greedy, selfish, a huge attention seeker, and overall pretty unhinged. He might have gone and tried to kill someone who he saw as a rival. And that, along with how queer people were treated, could have easily gotten him thrown into a mental institution.
Now, asylums in the 1950s were absolutely awful. They were overcrowded, the patients were experimented on, etc. just generally NOT where you wanted to be back then.
They used (and still use, although it’s much safer now) a treatment called electro convulsive therapy (ECT). During these times though, they were unmodified, which is now considered unethical. Now, ECT is a treatment that involves essentially shocking the brain, forcing a seizure. My theory is he died from that, and thus ended up in Hell.
I think this would explain his general paranoia, and need to keep his true, more evil personality secret. He clearly tries to appeal to the public as much as possible and fears imperfection. He doesn’t show his true side, not even to his apparently closest friends. He’s scared of being seen as crazy.
Vox is incredibly smart. He knows that nobody in Hell is a good person (Fuck, he would probably use that as an excuse on why he doesn’t need to genuinely change. He’s still evil, after all.) but he’s terrified of what might happen if he doesn’t present himself as perfect. People might reject him, and of course he doesn’t want that. He craves attention, his worst fear is being worthless, irrelevant, and tossed away like nothing. Just like he was before he died.
But that’s just a theory. A VOX THEORY (im sorry)
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Hello lock <3
Today I bring you Yan Scaramouche with darling who keeps poking at the electro mark on his back, right above his shoulder blades. Poking it with a finger is bound to get you zapped a little painfully with a grumble from scara of how insolent you're acting with a divine being. However, a kiss on the mark somehow doesn't do anything. The zap was on purpose, wasn't it?
Do with this information what you will. I have converted to a Scara enjoyer
hi zuri!!!
him and his little zaps. he's probably scrubbed the skin of his nape raw, hoping that it might erase the proof of the divinity fate has doomed him incapable of achieving, only this desperation never worked. it's a sensitive spot and subject. he snickers at you demanding privacy if you wish to get changed when he's around, yet for the longest time, slinks off elsewhere when he has to. don't mistaken this as the behavior of a prude. scara wants you to exalt him, to consider him a being worthy of your praise and infinite adoration, so the mark threatens this esteemed image. bitterly, he'll liken it to the trademark details blacksmiths etch onto the weapons they forge, as proof that they were the ones who created it.
this due diligence cannot last forever. eventually, you happen to spot the electro mark, much to his chagrin. what a grating pest you are, buzzing around with your questions as he tries to wave you off. you've always been irritatingly persistent about how he can channel elemental energy without a vision — he'd pridefully remark that it's proof he's of superior quality compared to mortals, who must have power bestowed upon them — but this never sat right with you. who is your oppressor, exactly? or, to be more specific, what is he? he freely gloats that he's (essentially) immortal, but from what you can tell, he isn't a youkai, adepti, or any other mystical being that should have such a long lifespan. it's very perplexing. while he normally enjoys conversing with you, he closes up like a clam whenever you approach this taboo topic.
eventually, you will get to learn the full extent of his story. for the time being, your pointer finger traces the lilac lines, following the ebb and flow. should you linger for too long, then expect a warning buzz. it's reminiscent of getting shocked by metal from static electricity. enough to ward you off, by his estimation. except it doesn't, because the one he's chosen to give his adoration to is nothing if not tenacious. every synthetic fiber in his body goes taut when impishness leads you to brush your lips against the nape of his neck. his voice raises in pitch as he demands to know what you're doing, acting brazen like you're the one in charge here and not him.
(he says that as if you both don't know that he's under your thrall, beneath all the posturing).
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m1d-45 · 3 months
welcome to teyvat !
before you begin your journey, here’s my original take on the logistics of sagau, as well as an update after some more information from fontaine. while not essential, here are my thoughts on how nations worship.
if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see in the future, please send in your request to my ask box.
1k event m.list
(host to: aether, alhaitham, bennett, collei, cyno, diluc, dottore, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, keqing, nahida, razor, tighnari, venti, wanderer, xiao, xingqiu)
warnings [⏵] : yandere / heavy cultish || obsessive
genre [title] : angst || fluff || hurt/comfort
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traveller from afar — aether
‘I'm saying that I'm having a lot of fun traveling with you… It'd be nice if we could just go on like this forever.’
⏵ a new tomorrow
—⏵ my love, my god
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twilight sword — dainslef
‘No, it’s just… I’m still waiting for my drink.’
⏵ will you promise that i'll see you again?
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ah, the city of freedom. a wise choice as a first stop, to best wind up for what’s to come. a calm atmosphere and a soothing wind across your shoulders… truly, the only thing better is the wine.
choose the winds of anemo ?
(host to: diluc, venti)
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the land of contracts… perhaps it’s a fitting choice, to visit the land so recently abandoned. the realm of illuminated beasts and host of history… unless it’s the music you prefer?
choose the stone of geo ?
(host to: baizhu, ga ming, xiao, zhongli)
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eternity… a false ideal, one impossible to chase, but i must commend ei’s determination if nothing else. all her effort, and the only thing permanent is its beauty.
choose the spark of electro ?
(host to: ayato, heizou, kazuha, thoma)
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hmph. the akademiya still runs rampant, and the desert is still a wash of ruin. i can’t promise much about here, except a few familiar faces. care to visit your friends?
choose the root of dendro ?
(host to: alhaitham, tighnari, wanderer)
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a nation submerged in water, surrounded by mirages at every turn. perhaps we could go see an opera, or catch a magic show… or have a cup of tea and catch up. what do you say?
choose the court of hydro ?
(host to: neuvillette, wriothesley)
…hm? ah, my apologies, but it looks like this destination isn’t available for travel just yet. thank you for your patience!
choose the ember of pyro?
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the land of ice and love, led by the lady of contradictions. have you found comfort in the snow?
choose the frost of cryo ?
(host to: il dottore, regrator, tartaglia)
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⏵ dearly beloved — complete trilogy
8.7k — being hunted across half of teyvat wasn’t exactly on your bucket list. but if he’s the one you keep seeing… maybe it’s worth it.
—⏵ on broken bones
—⏵ death, rebirth, new life
—⏵ the scottish play
⏵ abiogenesis — complete duology
10k — after being abandoned, albedo didn’t have the brightest hope for his future. travelling to mondstadt, he finds the closest thing to ‘purpose.’
—⏵ from soil…
—⏵ …was birthed chalk
⏵ secret contributions — complete trilogy
8.2k — false faith has forced you to flee to inazuma, barely surviving the trip. thankfully, the kamisatos are here to help.
—⏵ small miracles
—⏵ hidden blessings
—⏵ silent conclusions
⏵ spoken across stars — episodic
2.7k — voicelines characters would have in sagau
—⏵ kaeya, diluc, thoma ft. noelle + candace
—⏵ kazuha, wanderer ft. tighnari + baizhu
—⏵ zhongli, ayato, heizou ft. xinqiu + chongyun
—⏵ lyney, lynette, freminet ft. arlecchino + navia
miscellaneous / multiple
⏵ in excess (ft. zhongli + xiao)
⏵ new hopes (ft. the arataki gang)
⏵ emotions (ft. mondstat)
⏵ the young (ft. your main!)
—⏵ still too young (ft… a lot of ppl)
⏵ plagued (ft. diluc + kaeya)
⏵ reverse isekai drabble (ft. your main!)
⏵ slapfight (ft. a lot of people-)
⏵ mea maxima culpa (ft. zhongli + barbara)
⏵ in the stars (ft mona + your main!)
⏵ replacement (ft. kaeya + venti + albedo + xiao)
⏵ discretion advised (ft. mondstat)
⏵ warmth (ft. every pyro character as of 3.4)
⏵ a soft place to land (ft. zhongli + kaeya + diluc + alhaitham + tighnari)
⏵ constellations (ft. barbara + thoma + heizou + collei + kujou sara + sucrose + candace +ganyu)
⏵ connection (ft. diluc + kaeya + kazuha + albedo + kaveh)
⏵ your shield, a sword (ft. thoma + tighnari + zhongli + alhaitham + cyno + albedo)
⏵ divine favor (ft. yae miko + itto + kazuha + kaeya + chongyun + noelle)
⏵ dead leaves (ft. ..people)
—⏵ new sprouts (ft. chongyun)
⏵ the rule of threes (ft. albedo + his brother)
⏵ darling, my dear (ft. diluc + tighnari + childe + xiao + kazuha)
⏵ sandy refuge (ft. nahida + wanderer)
⏵ dancing soldiers (ft. aether)
⏵ a break in routine (ft. alhaitham + kaveh + sethos)
⏵ snapshot (ft. tighnari + neuvillette
please report any missing entries or misleading content as soon as possible !
thank you for reading !
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fuzzkaizer · 2 months
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Maestro - W-2 sound system for woodwinds
"In an age where more and more pedal companies are cropping up and more and more esoteric circuits are resurrected to broaden the total tonal spectrum, it’s surprising when new old circuits crop up. Circuits like the S. Hawk Tonal Expander and SRS EQ Exciter ended up enjoying their time in the spotlight by virtue of being undiscovered one-off devices. But it’s even rarer when one such circuit hides in plain sight, but stays obscure for one reason or another. This is the Maestro W-2.
To be clear, there’s a definite reason why the W-2 didn’t get much due, and we’ll definitely get into that. And there’s a strong possibility that you, the reader, have actually heard of this unit. But the Maestro line is well celebrated in gear circles, both from its individual units and clones of more obscure devices becoming more popular than the originals (the DOD Carcosa becoming more well-known than the FZ-1S, for example). Instances like this are becoming less and less common, but there’s at least one more unit in the Maestro line that I don’t think many folks are talking about—stay tuned for that.
However, the W-2 remained in relative secrecy for three reasons, chief among them that it’s designed to be used in conjunction with a woodwind instrument (saxophone or clarinet) and special pickup. This generally implied a couple things: One is that the unit would only be purchased by reed effects enthusiasts or studio owners. Secondly, if you lose the pickup you were well out of luck. Even though a handful of units at the time used the same pickup, later models didn’t include the strange output configuration, making them harder to find as time goes by.
The second reason for the lack of recognition is the fragility of the unit itself. Finding them in good working order is a difficult feat, and finding someone to work on them is harder still. The units are notoriously hard to repair; because they feature a handful of moving parts, finding replacements can prove difficult. This leads right into the third reason.
Plugging a guitar into the W-2 is not feasible unless you provide some outboard equipment, which isn’t included with the unit, nor did Maestro offer such a device to make this conversion. Essentially, your guitar outputs a signal that’s low, relative to the expected input level of the woodwind mic. Such a device is a simple preamp booster, which Electro-Harmonix had been offering for a handful of years, but Maestro did not provide such an offering, and made no effort to divulge this info to non-woodwindists. To make matters worse, the input jack is a eighth-inch type, so you had to chase down an adapter.
In short, there just weren’t many of these produced, and the pickups were similarly scarce. When trying to redeem the value of the W-2 with a guitar, players will wonder if they’re connecting the device up properly at all, and when no sound comes out, they’ll assume the unit is broken. And given its reputation, that’s the end of the line. It’s a perfect storm for cult status, really.
Knowing this, once everything is hooked up and dialed in, you’re treated to a rich synthy sound along with many different horn emulations. Like the USS-1 in the same line, the W-2 is multi-effect unit, but unlike that unit which sought to transform the guitar into some type of malleable synth spectre, the W-2 cleanly emulates a variety of instruments, while adding tone controls for each section and a nifty tremolo section.
Much has been made about the relative limbo of this unit, as well as the limitations and the lengths that one must traverse to simply connect an instrument. But like many other obscure devices from this era, this particular one was used by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention. Though many things are mistakenly attributed to the man’s sound, the Maestro W-2 is not one of them. Zappa’s clarinet section ran into the W-2 and through a particular patch called “Oboe D'Amore” on “Dog Breath in the Year of the Plague,” from 1969’s Uncle Meat.
While Zappa actually used clarinets to generate those tones, you can thank that simple fact for keeping the prices of the W-2 at relative bay. Had he plugged his guitar into one, the prices on these would be ten times as much and one might not have found its way into the cabinet, and the knowledge of its existence into your head."
cred: catalinbread.com/blogs/kulas-cabinet/maestro-w-2
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
Can I raise that anon's scenario for the Sumeru Hexagon, with a reader who gets their vision when they're with one of the hexagon members? Imagine reader manifesting a hydro vision when they go into the Desert with Tighnari, or an electro vision as they explore some ruins with Alhaitham and accidentally wake the dang Triangle machines. Or reader manifesting a Cryo vision when they're on an architectural inspiration run with Kaveh, to freeze the enemies in their tracks and prevent them from getting too close and disturbing him. Since Harmony covered anemo, how about a reader manifesting a Pyro vision when some hilichurls jumped them while they were with Wanderer? And maybe a dendro darling reader, who manifests their dendro vision when Cyno accompanies them out into the desert for their research, and they come across a plant that the reader ends up revitalizing?
Alternatively, imagine a powerful darling reader whose vision manifests when they're in a big life or death style fight. Like, all of them got ambushed by the Eremites and the Abyss order, and Darling is watching as members of the Hexagon hold out, and Darling realizes the group is barely hanging on. Darling's desire to make sure everyone stays alive and comes back with them to Sumeru awakens their powerful Hydro vision, which summons a massively powerful tidal wave that heals allies, pushes the enemies away, and douses the enemies with Hydro. And then due to the sudden explosion of power, Darling ends up collapsing after the fight is done, exhausted. Just more brainrot thoughts.
[Mentioned Scenario]
There is just so much potential with the SLH Reader hmm
My personal daydream about their vision was that they got it at a relatively young age and spent a significant amount training with it, in hopes that when they're strong enough they'll be allowed to venture Teyvat on their own and well, they fulfilled their dreams :)
But these thoughts are very aligned with triggering the yandere tendencies from the boys. Regardless of who was with Reader in the first case scenario, it's effective in rooting a belief in their heart that perhaps you and them are meant to be (not to mention, I see how you played with the synergies which is brilliant). There is some extreme vulnerability in this whole battle of life/death situation and vulnerability is essential to forming deep connection. To the yanderes the vision becomes a symbol of this connection instead of a recognition of individual strength and tragically, the very item becomes the catalyst for your own demise.
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thehellsystem · 10 months
i need you to talk about scararina
Fine I will talk about Scarina (these guys cause none of my mutuals do Genshin except KEVIN)
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Basically, Furina is a false god. She was assigned to be a god by the real hydro archon, Focalors. However, they are, essentially, the same person in seperate bodies. For 500 years, she upheld this role. She was the god Focalors, not the human Furina. Nobody could know she was faking her godhood, or the nation would fall. Scaramouche is also a false god. He was created as a puppet by the electro archon, Raiden Ei, to become the next electro archon. But she decided to "set him free" and after this, he experienced three betrayals that led him to believe humans were untrustworthy. After this, he joined the Fatui and became one of the harbingers. He was experimented on horribly, up until he was transported to Sumeru to become the false god in the place of Lesser Lord Kusanali. This failed, and he instead joined the Akademiya as a student. Notice any parallels? They're also both the only characters to have recieved visions on-screen. Furina recieving a Hydro vision from the Hydro Dragon, and Scaramouche recieving an Anemo vision.
They've also both become travelers after becoming "human." Scaramouche goes by "Wanderer" and pretty much just wanders. Furina has been wandering around Fontaine, enjoying her humanity for the first time. They are soooo parallels
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moonlight-tmd · 4 months
Hi! I just want to say that your headcanon and aus are so cool! I love reading every one of them! I'm really glad i saw your blog, because my favorite character is bumblebee and blitzbee is one of my otp.
The idea that bee is more than what his team think he is really excites me (like your celestial, electro, spark-eater, and warframe bumblebee aus), because i can read bee being a badass or have some hidden trauma.
I do wonder if electro bee have any side effect with his power?
I hope you are doing well! :)
Thank you so much!
I do enjoy giving Bee more than they expect him to handle- which he handles just fine in secret. The thrill of hidden danger is too good. And yes, angst is the best.
As for electro Bee- as I mentioned in earlier posts about it, he gets his power via EM field or touch, that's why he likes being in the city- it makes him more energetic than if he was in the forest.
He can drain of electric energy anything that has it- machinery and mechs alike. He wasn't aware he was doing it until Ratchet pointed it out to him after her handed him a tool with full battery and it shortly died after Bee gave it back. Guess that's why mechs always seemed tired when he hung around for too long.
He also gets hyper during thunderstorms. You can't get him to sit still at all.
For the "bad side effects"- before he had his stingers he was struggling to keep his ability under control- he still does sometimes, if he's holding in too much emotion his static charge will rise and make electric arches across his frame and to nearby things that conduct electricity. He accidentally zapped his teammates few times when they were arguing, they try to do less yelling and more reasoning in behavior so Bee won't get too mad and get the point across.
Since Bee's circuitry is fucked enough to not make him take shock damage I imagine he wouldn't notice if he has high static charge, he's just go about his business and it often ends up in his frying something/someone's circuit if it/they are too close. Ratchet has started checking his EM field everytime Bee comes back from somewhere so they won't get hurt nor something gets broken.
A funny one- Bee is essentially a walking battery. He has a lot of energy stored for such small size, if need be his teammates will sit him down plug those weird car battery clippers to his horns and make him the backup power supply for the plant. He often just plays games on his pocket console while sitting near the braker box all upset, Optimus always gives him baked sweets to make up for these situations.
That's all I can come up with for now, thank you for the ask! And ye, I'm a lil iffy from all the shit blooming rn but I'll be fine! Have a good one yourself!
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snezario · 6 months
Haz/bin Hot/el V/ox Headcanons
a collection of Thoughts by your fellow television demon enthusiasts, me & @stormyweaver
Different malware/viruses affect him differently. Some can cause cold symptoms, other flu, some mono, etc. Some just simply make him itchy and sneeze and he absolutely HATES IT BC THOSE ARE THE EASIEST TO CATCH
He doesn't have a nose/sinuses so it's just this all-encompassing sensation stuck in his head and he can rarely ever sneeze once and be done with it because it's just THAT intense of a feeling. He's at least gotta get two out before feeling any sort of relief.
Electronics and rain/water do not mix, if he's ever caught out in a storm he shortcircuits, which lowers his immune system (?) and makes him prone to catching a cold
His air filtration system for overheating is essential but if something gets in there and mucks it up, he's done
Allergies: dust (oh man do you know how much dust my pc tower collects? this is prime pickings my dudes), cats/animal fur (the hair gets trapped in his vents and it's game over for him)
When he first manifested, he didn't know that he could even sneeze in his new form until he came into contact with an allergen, which was a Disastorous event and memory he'd like to forget
Can lose control of his electro-teleporting abilities, especially if the sneezes sneak up on him or during extended fits
His sneezes have an effect on electronics and electronically-powered things - from lights flickering out to complete building power outages
Val and Vel have a nickname for him "Sparky" (that he hates ofc) because he has the tendency to give off sparks during particularly intense fits
Definitely one of those workaholic CEO types that would try to ignore/work through the beginnings of illness until the point of collapse
Building off the last HC, he would also be one to squirrel away in his office and avoid interacting with anyone when he's ill, probably the only time he's away from the multitude of screens
Downright terrible patient - will be in denial for as long as he can get away with it and hates being coddled when he's found out
I also LOVE the idea that Alastor is able to set him off with radio wave manipulation
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