#but thats just bc he's more heat tolerant
lily-ohfally · 1 year
Clear spring/summer nights, preferably with the moonlight shining brightly down on him. It washes over him like a sense of belonging, knowing that Lily is not the only one staring up at the road carved by the stars. He is not the only one who feels lost and takes to the stars for a guide.
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an-inspired-eternity · 6 months
breaks into your inbox
hi, please, sell me on akirui, tell me all about them please. ive been thinking about them after the devil’s manner april fools thing and i just need to hear someone go insane about it i think
uh, yeah!! :]
first of all the "like oil and water" trust rank title (that ensekai butchered but what doesnt ensekai butcher involving queer ppl lbr)
okay first of all i just think the premise of where their dynamic starts is so funny bc they r so >:3 >:| core and i love that for them.
BUT. goes under the cut bc i have thoughts and feelings
the thing i LOOOVE tapping into with akirui (and akikasa/akiruikasa) as well is that for all akito bitches and moans hes more like rui (and tsukasa) then he insists he isnt.
i made another post before about akito and tsukasa both push themselves beyond their health limits for their dreams (and as well in my fic 'the balsam, fallen silent' it comes up that tsukasa's stunt in phoenix pissed akito off BECAUSE of how much it reminded him of himself with what happened in sbd)
with rui you have to read between the lines a bit more but there's a big deal made of how they're both very passionate about what they create and making what they create the best they can be
similarly to the phoenix/sbd stuff, rui does also push himself in a different but similar way, as seen in darkfes, where akito chastises him for downplaying his injury and to let people help him for the sake of putting on the best show possible.
you could argue there's a point of comparison to be made about how much they mask. akito with his polite front he uses around people he doesn't know, and rui reigning himself in at best or acting completely detached from what hurts him at worst. there's an excerpt from a fic i really like that summarizes rui's state well i think:
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(taken from 'summer heat' by cepheide, a very good, 10/10 recommended akirui read from me)
and also as well as of the most recent event, we have rui asking akito who does and doesn't know about the latter's fear of dogs because he's trying to be delicate and careful regarding discussion of what is described to be trauma for akito, and akito is shown to be surprised and very touched by this act.
i don't think akito ever truly fully hated tsukasa or rui, but in the case of rui you can really see how much akito grows to tolerate and enjoy his company, to the point he can enjoy himself in rui's presence so long as rui doesn't try to treat him like tsukasa (ie: the situations)
also if i can ever finish the wip i have w/ them. the topic does come of shinei being a shithead, and i don't think we talk enough about how of the times we've seen rui genuinely pissed off and ready to throwdown it was about someone harming (emotionally or otherwise) a person he cares about. rui would hear about shinei and experience a rage unlike anything he's experienced since the scuffles with shosuke emus brothers. ive said this before but if akitoya is "lets run away together and we can escape everything and everyone thats ever hurt us", akirui is "you can run to me, i'll protect you. i won't let anyone hurt you ever again"
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heartscrypt · 1 year
For the miraculous au
would it not be silly and goofy if when not as superheros and in their like school. normal teenage life. like. yaknow. in canon. jamil has a big (in denial) crush. bc hes ladybug. idk where im going with this
i love your miraculous jamiazu au i think thats the main idea from this ask
using this ask as an excuse to pull out the love square map (i'm actually fucking crazy)
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OK SOOOO. so. i was not kidding when i said the love square was different from the show. ive kind of swapped around the dynamics from the original to fit the characters better
everything under a read more so as to not intimidate anyone with how severely ill i am about them
jamil -> azul: in contrast to the mlb canon jamil will NOT have a big ginormous stalker crush on azul. in fact he does not like azul and will often clam up / go quiet around him. will excuse himself from interactions with the other and generally avoid the hell out of him because he thinks the other is so clearly hiding something and he does NOT want to get wrapped up in it
azul -> jamil: think pre-book 4 incident where azul's had an eye on jamil for a very long time. if anything he has the big ginormous stalker crush. but honestly its not full on crush territory (yet) because jamil refuses to talk to him and he hasn't interacted extensively with the other. however does think there is something going on with jamil avoiding him and relentlessly pursues him in response
scarab -> léopard: scarab just instinctively works better with léopard by his side. there's sort of an implicit trust between the both of them that the other is fully capable of whatever they set out to do which is. really nice. and they rely on each other in the heat of battle which is strange because scarab's ego means he often takes a lot of shit on himself under the idea that he's the only one who can do it. but also léopard is just an enigma to him because they'll work so well in battle but out of battle léopard's constant flirting gives scarab a headache... but it's also kind of flattering. in a way. because léopard is constantly Looking for him and shows a lot of interest in who he is as a person which doesn't happen a lot for scarab in his civilian form
léopard -> scarab: léopard is a mercenary which means that he's not partners with scarab. he just happens to "run into" the other "by coincidence" (not coincidence) and you know. he's so benevolent. why not help scarab out with the akuma. he is charmed by how much scarab is NOT like a hero. scarab thinks like a villain and is unafraid to use and manipulate others in order to accomplish his goals. but the end result is perceived as heroic of him. léopard wants him so bad for this it is fucking CRAZY he thinks scarab's capabilities and range are so attractive and will constantly make passes at him whenever they cross paths
jamil -> léopard: from jamil's experiences with léopard as scarab, jamil finds that léopard may actually be tolerable when he's not flirting constantly. jamil's still not keen on letting this guy save him from akumas (because jamil is scarab and by god if léopard ever finds out he saved scarab in civilian form he's going to be so full of himself) but he trusts léopard and is willing to let his snarkier side show, more than he usually does when he's jamil
léopard -> jamil: léopard is ecstatic at the fact that jamil is actually talking to him. yes it might take a whole other secret identity and a leather bodysuit to do so but. you know. a win is a win. uses his position as léopard to pry for more info from jamil, but it's always a push/pull back and forth where jamil seems to tolerate and even occasionally be amused by hus presence but will shut him down once he gets too close. his infatuation with the other in civilian form is fed by these small interactions he has with the other that shows there's more to jamil that meets the eye
azul -> scarab: azul is scarab's biggest supporter. naturally. praises the superhero's diligence and duty to the city loudly and vocally to anybody who will listen, and wants to get scarab involved in his future business ventures. may intentionally put himself in situations where the other will come save him so he can entrap the other into talking with him in civilian form to see if he can get any more clues into scarab's identity. also desperately tries to impress scarab when unable to transform with the skills he learned from being léopard.
scarab -> azul: scarab, drawing off his experiences as jamil, finds azul's persistence a little daunting and definitely a danger to his secret identity. however it's also odd to see a second side to azul pop out when he's trying to impress scarab. almost cute. if he didn't fail so much at it. gets scarab reconsidering his civilian form's thoughts on azul because azul somehow seems Less fake or. worse at being fake whenever jamil is scarab.
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mahi-does-some-art · 10 months
How good are Servamp characters at handling spice?
Mahiru: 10/10, to everyone's shock. He'll buy spicy snacks if he feels like treating himself and more often than not would lean into the spicier options of recipes if they give good flavor to the meal and not just heat. He could eat hellfire, probably. This is a distinct Shirota Family Trait.
Kuro: This is a European vampire born in fuck knows when. He stole one of Mahiru's spicy snacks once without looking at the label and nearly died. 0/10. Mahiru has adjusted his cooking accordingly.
Tetsu: 6/10. Can handle a normal, decent amount of spice! He prefers more cleaner tastes rather than spicy stuff but he has a few snacks he likes to indulge in. If you give him any raw hotter peppers though, he'll suffer.
Hugh: 2/10. Better than his older brother but not by much lmao. This is another old European man and while he was raised with riches and access to a wide variety of foods, he never had the pallet for it. Cannot bite into raw garlic. Hilarious~
Mikuni: 6/10. All of the Alicein's tend to prefer sweets but he can handle spice well! He loves to be a snob about anything he can be knowledgeable about and that includes many different cuisines, some of which happen to be spicy! So even if he didn't like spice too much at first, he'd grow into it. I feel that he'd make it a point to try and heighten his tolerance but had to stop bc his throat started closing up.
Jeje: 3/10. His face gets red very easily and he gets unsightly looking fast. Mikuni laughs at him for it. Also he does not like the scorch even if he doesn't think the flavor is bad. If he wanted any kind of burn, he'd drink alcohol, thank you.
Iduna: 8/10. I think she'd handle spice exceptionally well! She loves any of those fast food items thats whole purpose is to make your mouth feel like its on fire and has a couple times gotten these items for herself and her coworkers when she drew the short straw for who pays for lunches. Watched them all choke. One time she asks for a bite of Mahiru's indulgent spicy food and Mahiru gives her a portion. She was not prepared.
Freya: 5/10. Prefers heartiness to spiciness. She'll just politely push her plate aside if its too spicy for her.
Licht: 5/10. Actually not too bad handling spicy stuff but will curse at anything that makes his nose start running. In shock of Mahiru and Iduna's ability to down things that look like red hell. Prefers sweet.
Lawless: 6/10. Just barely a noticeably higher tolerance than his Eve but will start sweating fast and start to look unkempt if he eats too much spice for too long. Has deliberately raised his tolerance but won't go any farther than he is now.
Niccolo: 4/10. Decent but also Italian foods are not much known for their hotness. Will start crying and his ears will get extremely red-- Honestly its kinda a cute sight aside from his suffering.
Ildio: He couldn't taste anything for the vaaast majority of his life to flavor in general is new to him. His reaction to spice is him being thrown on his ass bc they made the mistake of giving him something not mild first lmaooo. He gradually keeps trying however and he builds up a very good tolerance! Unrelated but the first time Niccolo gave him a lemon, he bit into it like an orange and puckered his face so hard he got cramps. Niccolo has that on video. 7/10.
Misono: 1/10. DO NOT MAKE THIS BOY SUFFER LIKE THAT. He already has it hard enough trying to brave his way through drinking bitter black coffee to look Cool, he'll pass out. Also I wouldn't think it'd be very good with his allergies.
Lily: 2/10. Not a fan and cannot handle it very well. He'll start coughing and his skin will get all sweaty and red and blotchy and he absolutely refuses, thank you.
Tsubaki: 5/10. Normal! But is sensitive to the strong smells so he usually gets something safely below his capabilities if he wants to indulge. Like Tetsu, prefers cleaner tastes.
Tooru: 9/1o! Again, loving spice is a Shirota Family Trait and while his nephew shadows his capabilities, he still puts all of his coworkers and underclassmen to complete fucking shame. It has saved him from his lunches being stolen in the break room.
Touma: Look, he's fucked the Shirotas but does not have their genes. 0/10. He cannot handle spice for shit and was the one who was stealing Tooru's lunches. He learnt the hard way.
Sakuya: 3/10. Ok at spice but has also shared the fate of unknowingly eating the Shirota's food. In his case, he asked Mahiru to share his delicious (as usual) looking lunch during their time in school together. Mahiru warned him that it was a "bit spicy" and Sakuya make the terrible, horrible, no good mistake of brushing that aside while Ryuusei and Koyuki watch on without saying anything, already paying their respects to their poor friend. Needless to say Sakuya is put on the floor. The other two couldn't interrupt. It's a canon event to being one of Mahiru's close friends. He prefers sweet things, actually!
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anatolypilled · 3 years
periods + trans freddie
thinking abt periods n trans freddie and like. freddie being used to coping w it by himself bc its much easier to do so. anatoly doesnt really bother him about it bc freddie just wants to be by himself usually but anatoly always helps in any way he can. one month it comes earlier than expected and freddies like. sitting in the bathroom in so much pain not only bc of cramps, but also bc theres a red stain on their bedsheets, it's around 2 am, and he ran out of pads. he has no idea how hes going to clean the sheets, go to the store, without waking anatoly and without making himself hurt even more. not to mention the goddamn dysphoria
but!!!! as anatoly is a light sleeper, he wakes up and notices that freddies gone, and the bathroom light was coming from under the door. and he sees the stain and like. oh. so he gets up and knocks on the door and hes sleepy but he asks freddie, "what do you need?" and freddie's first filled with. embarrassment and humiliation—but its soon replaced by warmth and comfort and the overwhelming feeling of—he's there and he cares for me and i think its gonna be ok. (before, the feelings of humiliation and embarrassment would simmer in him for days on end. but it's different now and he feels different now and hes glad that he doesnt feel like it anymore.)
and freddie says, "i need.. i need the pads down at the store. you know, the ones with the—"
"i know, freddie. do you forget i always buy them?"
"yeah, yeah—i don't know what i'm thinking. and don't worry about the sheets or me bc i'll clean them—"
"can you move from the toilet?"
"not really?"
"then it's ok freddie. dont worry. ill leave some water and tylenol by the door before i go."
and then anatoly shrugs on his coat and grabs their keys, he leaves the water by the door and he'll go down to the 24 hr market just a few blocks away. the man at the counter looks at him funny but anatoly couldnt care less.
he'll go back home, he'll find the shower running and he'll quietly place the little package on the counter and freddie will thank him. he'll replace the sheets and he'll try to clean the stained one the next day. he'll go to their kitchen and heat up milk for freddie bc thats what he likes to drink when he gets his period. then freddie will come out of the bathroom and anatoly will wrap him in a hug and reassure him again and again that just because you bleed, it doesnt make you any less of a man til he knows freddies alright again. he'll talk to freddie as he drinks his milk and gently rub his stomach and sides.
then the two of them will go back to bed, freddie feeling thoroughly loved—and what used to feel like the most grueling aspect of his life, suddenly felt absolutely tolerable.
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honexjams · 3 years
just was watching an ftm tiktok compilation that featured kalvin garrah and it got me heated, i have a LOT to say about him and his influence but i will condense it to this:
all trans people have an era of discovery and experimentation, for some that includes experimenting with pronouns online to see what theyre comfortable with. the rise in people IDing with they/them or they/she or they/he is infinitely more to do with more trans kids feeling comfortable to experiment than it is with unconcerned cis people wanting clout. (i know some cis people do ID as lgbt for attention, i grew up in a very depressed/depressing and drug-laden small town where its not unheard of for people, especially young people, to go to strange lengths for relief, comfort, and entertainment. this small amount does not tend to go through the worst of the treatment i had as a young, binary trans person in this parish, which alone will garuntee those folks didnt ID this way 'for funzies' very long)
writing off all of these young people as simply wanting attention is harmful to both nonbinary people directly and binary trans people who are young and trying to figure out what theyre comfortable with.
i can say for myself personally, that i am very sensitive so if the trans online sphere was as critical in 2012 as it is today, it probably wouldve thrown a wrench in my personal process of understanding my feelings and realizing the transphobic responses i got from coming out were just that and not the absolute truth. which wouldve in turn left me IDing as non-binary or nothing at all online for a longer time because i wouldve been more concerned with my fear of seeming like i wanted attention online than actually trying to nut up and come out at school or do anything i needed to do irl for my comfort.
i first listed my pronouns on a writing site thats mostly barren last i checked, and what i put was "he/him/they/them" because i was at a place where i was caught between what i felt was true about myself, and having just come out to my mother as an 11-year-old and her not believing me.
demonizing non binary pronouns and identities will 100% effect this generation of trans kids because for those with no support, they will turn to the internet. when both their real life and the online spaces they go to are highly critical and unaccepting of nonbinary identities, any kid less than 100% sure theyre a binary trans person will suffer at the very least an extended period of confusion and denial, and at worst never fully come to grips with who they are.
ive always felt really strongly about this but i feel as i hit the 10 year mark of knowing i was trans (and still being pretty young at 20yo) its a good time to express these feelings a little more formally than i tend to. especially because i fit into the like, Ideal Trans Experience of knowing i was a boy at a young age (i mentioned finding trans people at 11 but i have Very early memories of telling other kids on the playground that 'i was born a boy who looked like a girl so my parents raised me as a girl' which is dummy accurate to a trans experience often shown in media yk).
(this next paragraph is all personal anecdotes which are important to my point but if you dont care feel free to skip over it)
I do very much believe and accept nonbinary people as truth because i can understand how someone can feel like something that isnt understandable to the society they grew up in because that was my experience as an lgbt person in the deep south. I remember hearing my mom at a local parade (a Very Community-Focused thing where i grew up), see two teen girls holding hands walking down the street and saying "theyre a little young for that, huh?" to a friend, I remember asking her what 'gay' meant as a kid bc ofc i heard it at school and just wanted padding for if i ever said it out loud because as i knew it, wasnt a curse word but it was Bad Word (bc i knew from hearing it around school that it was a Bad Word)i wanted to know what it meant, she said "some boys date boys, its not really a Good lifestyle, but sometimes they do it". Ive heard many transmedicalists say 'how can you have dysphoria for nothing?' as in how can someone be agender. I am a binary trans man in a committed relationship with another man and I am frankly bewildered as to how a binary trans person can believe such a thing as 'the only genders that exist are ones i know about, even after discovering my own queerness' because I can perfectly understand the correlation between binary and nonbinary trans people. For me, growing up as a teenager in the south in the 2010s, gays were vaguely accepted but still ostrisized, and in school i had a classmate who i knew is a binary trans man because i still know him now, and I, my insecure, weak, self concious self emailed my teachers about my pronouns and name while he was still being called his birthname in class and my cousin, who sat in front of me next to him (thats how small a fown this is) was the only person who called him his chosen name, which was how i figured he was like me.
I personally dont want bottom surgery even tho i Fully identify as a binary male, I simply came to the understanding that a 'cis penis' is not something I will ever have so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ may aswell get used to the things i can tolerate, unlike my chest and 'feminine' features that T has changed.
Long story short if You are a binary trans person who doesn't get what the whole nonbinary thing is all about, simply try describing your own trans experience as if you were really not a boy or girl. As if you really, through your deepest soul-searching, came up with the fact that you simply dont identify with neither male nor female.
Back to the original point of binary trans people in a self descovery phase, if You are a binary trans person? try to remember the first time you felt really invalidated in a way that truly struck you as like, a direct attack on how you feel (like how those depressing 'relatable posts' do), did you ever feel like if that was something you experienced in a crucial part of your discovery period that it wouldve hurt a lot? maybe even to the point where it surpressed how you felt about yourself? All i want from the trans community is to not let anyone else feel that way. I truly do fear for young trans people and how this exclusive environment stunts them.
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viriyanon · 3 years
that one (or two) #jesusreference that i absolutely love from ep 15
today i officially throw all my biases away and admit that tdj's approach towards finale is super delicious. this episode is the real definition of chef kiss. making the antagonist step on the almighty protagonist an episode before finale? other-worldly. "killing" both yohan and gaon without touching any of them? show-stopping. #jesusreference throughout the episode like hansel and gretel's bread crumbs? love it. this is the first drama that successfully reels me back to my early excitement and anticipation, after those two dreadful episodes full of tug of war, uncertainty, and pessimism.
i kinda had seen it that kang yohan would not actually back down after min jungho and kim gaon's press con. (talking about min jungho i really want to know this man's background) he's always on the civilians' side, never leaving them from his consideration. although it seems like he's pulling a pontius pilate (damn, another #jesusreference), shifting the power of his decision to his people in the name of democracy, it's not entirely wrong. theoretically, it is democracy that we all wished for but couldn't achieve. for the sake of law and order and quick process. but really, it made me question myself again, who are those people to decide that progress should be quick? that the democratic process to reach a consensus must be done in several days, weeks, months? well, i'll get back to this very very later.
then at one point, during yohan's quarrel with gaon in his office, a thought flashed in my head. i used to... question myself, what kind of madness a kang yohan is? what makes his monstrosity more tolerable than jung sunah, cha kyunghee, heo jungse, and their gang, even the jukchang and madame chacha's son? yohan also manipulated people, caused casualties, beat up people, and almost shot a bus driver. even though it's for a good purpose but what is good and what is bad is always subjective to the owner's moral sense. then, it came out clear to me.
"ah.... kang yohan is not a monster. he is a child."
it appeared to me that yohan's childishness didnt stop at his endless bicker with elijah and his pouty pout whenever gaon pulled him out of his tough turtle's shell. he was trying to bring down all hell that these powerful evils created with his childlike mind.
when he said he's just providing "the quick way", and he apologized for all the accusations min jungho threw to him, and the mass didn't give up on him, it clicked. when he was mad at gaon for calling him a monster, and insisted that he's just giving "the quick way" for the poor and oppressed in this corrupted society. it freaking clicked.
kang yohan, people's guardian angel, was a child in a middle-aged man's body. look back to the day he killed the bird for the girl. he SAW fear in the girl's eyes (thats why dont be an overdramatic bitch) and immediately responded to it. he lived with fear every single day without knowing the safe solution to it. he knew how it felt to be very scared and noone stood up for you. so he "killed" the source of fear for the girl.
but then? his friends couldn't understand it. hell, even his teacher just spacedive into conclusion. i assume they didnt even call his dad to resolve the situation. cus it'd be no avail with his jackass dad. plus, self-righteous brother, ignorant maid, and psychopathic same-age maid. young yohan who was not well cared and taught to be empathetic had his character building imperfect and impeded.
im not a psychologist cant really talk abt it but i felt like kang yohan was pictured as a child who was responding to the world, well, in his child way. this reminded me of thag one verse from Matthew about having an innocence of a child. it goes like:
He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
that's why kang yohan placed himself among the poor people, giving justice to the wronged and weak ones. that's why no matter how cruel the accusations he received, he still could humbly admit it and everyone supported him. it's cus yohan was seen and depicted by the writer as a child.
he was like a little boy who hadn't known abt bureaucracy and the nook and crannies of this crooked world, encouraging him to take the dark, quicker alleyway. generally, children are innocent and simple. by opening a live court, he quickly took an action and solved a problem without much complication. therefore, his straightforward approach was more favourable than other formal courts. but some people thought he was being a barbarian.
when he asked gaon to let go soohyun to be able to finish their goal, it felt like a baby's babble. "i want this car toy, i dont want other toy! if you dont buy me this toy, i wont eat." smtg like that.
soohyun needed to be avoided bcs she didnt know anything abt yohan while yohan's just executing his plan that only gaon knew. the people surrounding yohan didnt try to understand yohan too and could possibly mislead her. with soohyun giving gaon false information abt yohan while theyre working tgt, their goal could fail as the judge had to reassure gaon over and over.
lastly, the thing that differentiate yohan and other antagonists is yohan didn't kill, even in the heat of the moment. because the "child" in him knew killing wasnt acceptable and a child usually doesn't have the mean to hurt others completely even until die, unless there are other factors. while those antagonists, their dirty works must consisted of killing one or two men. and that's why they're the real monsters. yohan was a guardian angel that has a monstrous facade.
and he couldn't be understood by the "older" people (gaon, soohyun, the maid, elijah is just another baby, min jungho, the devil gang) bcs he was simply a child who was extra careful to handpick the person he could trust his little secret to. and gaon was the only person who could do that.
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Discord pt 89
[Date: 17/03, 12.53 PM GMT - 17/03, 02.33 PM GMT]
[This conversation was going on in #arg, partly simultaneously to another in #general2.]
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Maxwell: “Give me one sec I’m gonna go check on the buds....
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Maxwell: “....you guys
We might have a slight problem
Or well it’s a big
Jack the Observer: “Right.
Hit us”
Maxwell: “The buds
There’s more
And the ones from yesterday....they’re opening up and blooming”
Jack the Observer: “Unfortunate. But not surprising.
Maxwell: “what do I do”
Maxwell: “I’m....gonna have a nap...”
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Jack the Observer: “Rest well, max
We’ll... work on it”
Maxwell: “Thank you”
[People discuss possible ways of getting rid of the buds that had been brought up the previous day.]
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wear hat 24/7 so no light?”
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Maxwell: “I almost always wear my hood but I don’t know if that’ll help
It grew from last night”
donti (e): “if light is hitting the bud its not enough,,,”
Maxwell: “There’s more buds and some are starting to open”
donti (e): “oh no...”
looks like we have til the 20th to figure things out, if that speeds anything to go by”
Maxwell: “I think little leaves may be forming too although they’re very tiny...”
donti (e): “max.. we got this.. you can trust that we'll help you”
Jack the Observer: “Does it hurt to touch?”
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Maxwell: “Not really it just feels sore, I can’t feel my hair touching it but I can feel my hands on it
donti (e): “... are you feeling the BUDS or like, the feeling of bUDS being touched
like,,, do the buds have.. nerves
or is it more like you can feel it bc its physically attached to you”
Maxwell: “I think i can feel it cause it’s attached to me like I can feel my hood on em...
It’s not super noticeable but I can still feel it”
donti (e): “alright thats good so theres,, not any nerves that are based on sense of touch,,, thats good thats good”
Maxwell: “Isn’t it technically though?
Since I can feel through em a bit”
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LLyr: “is it like how you feel nails?”
Maxwell: “Like if something touched them I could tell cause I would feel it...”
donti (e): “or like hey someone is punching my backpack type of feeling”
Maxwell: “More like a skin thing....”
Jack the Observer: “Like if someone touched your fingernails you can feel it”
donti (e): “uh oh...”
Jack the Observer: “Even tho ur nails have no nerves”
donti (e): “nerves,,,”
Jack the Observer: “And you can cut fingernails safely”
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LLyr: “hm. thats not good.”
Jack the Observer: “If there are actually nerves in there. That’s more complicated.”
Maxwell: “Yeah....”
[This means that cutting the buds out is not an option anymore]
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Maxwell: “.....”
[But perhaps cutting the buds out could be done as a last resort?]
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Maxwell: “Please no”
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donti (e): “max, its up to you, would you rather have to keep the laurel or have it be cut off as a last ditch effort”
Maxwell: “I don’t know neither is a good option—”
[Methods of potentially slowing the buds’ growth are discussed instead]
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donti (e): “we can also try like,,, straight up trying to freeze the buds off”
Maxwell: “I’ve been outside in the freezing cold a lot cause I’ve been to go to school in person some days and it hasn’t done a thing”
donti (e): “.... im talking colder than that. artificial cold.”
[Were the flowers like spring flowers then? Could they be destroyed by intense heat?]
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Jack the Observer: “I feel like anything hot enough to melt metal should not be getting near Max’s head.
Might just be me /s”
LLyr: “no i’m with you there 3:”
Maxwell: “Also if this wreath does have nerve endings that will not feel nice”
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[donti (e): “max try the light thing for now... and take a hot bath later”]
Maxwell: “I actually had one yesterday....
donti (e): “did it help at all?”
Maxwell: “It didn’t do anything”
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Maxwell: “Maybe it would help if we know what’s gonna bloom from them....?”
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fetch: “mona's got hella farmers almanacs and gardening books
somewhere on the bookshelf in the living room, so you can nose around over there”
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Maxwell: “But there’s so many different flowers...”
Jack the Observer: “They’re unlikely to be very delicate.”
Jack the Observer: “I would say check early spring flowers. Snowdrops and the like.”
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fetch: “also before yall ask yes I've accepted the fact that it is in fact a circlet and not matted hair and no I don't want to talk about it”
Mothbo: “Totally understandable Fetch”
Jack the Observer: “Uh huh.
Very cool, fetch.”
fetch: “what were you expecting?”
Maxwell: “If they’re flowers...did page ever say what his flower was? If this is meant to be like a new circlet maybe it’ll be that”
Jack the Observer: “Oh! That’s a good idea actually
Let me check”
fetch: “page liked freesia flowers”
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Maxwell: “Hm...I looked at the meanings and white ones mean innocence and yellow mean friendship...sounds fitting”
Found more stuff on em
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Maxwell: “They require minimum maintenance....”
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Maxwell: “They don’t all look like freesias though....I can barely see but the inside seems to be a different a flower? Hold on ima try to find which one it is”
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Maxwell: “I think I know which one it may be...”
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Maxwell: “I think they may be marigolds”
donti (e): “... i see”
Maxwell: “I don’t think it’s the average one though”
donti (e): “huh. whats up”
Jack the Observer: “Marigolds are usually quite large. If they do end up growing in, it would be quite the sight.”
Maxwell: “Calendula
Or pot marigolds...”
donti (e): “it says overhead watering is bad, but once again, bath. so these are probably way more sturdy”
Maxwell: “I’ve always liked them....”
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donti (e): “ah.”
Maxwell: “They can be used to treat different things so they can be helpful for survival
Jack the Observer: “So a mixture of what you like and what Page likes.”
Maxwell: “Funny....”
donti (e): “... yea”
Jack the Observer: “It is, a little bit. But it makes sense.
Maybe you should make a memory list for yourself, by the way.”
donti (e): “so guessing from what we've already notices, the flowers that are budding do not have the same characteristics as their natural counterparts”
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Maxwell: “Says the plant can tolerate a lot of conditions...
A memory list?”
Jack the Observer: “Marigolds are quite sturdy.”
donti (e): “but the other flower isnt”
Jack the Observer: “A memory list is a list of things you’d want to remember if you were wiped, given to someone you trust. For example, Marcus couldn’t remember his name or his sister right away when he took the circlet off. And there’s some speculation that it could help you “snap out of it””
Maxwell: “Hm...”
Jack the Observer: “Some people have made them already.”
Maxwell: “Do you have a list of things I should add to it perhaps? Knowing me I’d forget important things to add heh....”
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Void: “not to distract from the current convo, but have yall checked the doc recently? (please Internet connection let me send at least this message)”
donti (e): “! whats wrong with the doc?”
fetch: “the doc is fine?
trust me I'd know if something was wrong”
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jaynoblade: “i can't see anything that's really changed? just a bit of an update to include baroness in the court”
donti (e): “yea,”
fetch: “Yeah, thats all I been doin
Adding baroness, and all we know about her”
Void: “just. about sunflower seeds? well maybe not”
fetch: “:?”
Maxwell: “Seeds?”
fetch: “no clue what you're talking about bud”
Maxwell: “.....lemme check”
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fetch: “I mean sunflower seeds are a good snack”
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Maxwell: “Where do you see that?”
[This is the referenced doc change, written by fetch:]
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matoitech · 4 years
galo likes the typical toony fursuits with digitigrade legs and lots of colors and probably the bonus features of detachable eyebrows for expressions. he has the extra fabric on the inside of the bodysuit that can b added for sensitive skin so he can tolerate wearing it and not brushing that weird texture thats on the other end of faux fur. he doesnt mind the heat as much so that doesnt rly bother him but he just switches to a partial more often bc he dislikes clothing so suits wouldnt feel that great after a while either. lio likes resin bases and semi realistic plantigrade suits more bc they feel more snug and comfier for him (the heat is comfy too). he also likes the toony suits though he just prefers the resin. he likes bright and pastel colors though! galo doesnt like resin bases bc theyre too heavy but in fantasy world where they just have the capability to Make these thigns for themself he has one just because lucia could equip tech onto it easier and it does cool shit like blink and snarl. lio would prob dig one of those too.. no i dont know what either of their fursonas are. thank you for coming to my post
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aphcupcake · 6 years
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In more recent years he’s become a very sympathetic demon/human who loves his boyfriend and four friends who are basically family to him. He’s the type of friend who listens to your problem, gives you advice and then a big ol’ hug afterwards. He’s laid back, doesnt get angry often and just loves to bake cakes, bread and anything thats bread-y. However he’s super lactose intolerant and it makes his job mildly harder but he suffers for his craft. He has p serious depression due to losing his mother when he was in high school and has mild relationship fears due to his abusive father. 
He works out, bakes and overall is a really nice guy. It takes quite a bit for him to get angry, and even then he holds back bc he swOL AF AND CAN YEET A MAN. He’s Japanese american [that part is a whole ass can of worms to explain.] and hates summer; a lot. Like a lot a lot. His AC bills are stupidly high in summer bc he has a shit tolerance to heat
He has technically two backstories; his refined demon one and then his human one but I normally stick to his human self unless a story requires him to be a demon or magic. 
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constablegoo · 6 years
alright so i have. a lot of questions and thoughts on changeling physiology
tldr it’s quite unorganized so; asexual reproduction, shifting is a natural instinct but can be expanded through study and discipline, Form is easier to reproduce than Function, changelings passively absorb energy via background radiation, conservation of mass... ha, energy efficiency, regeneration is an aware but subdued/vulnerable state, you can sneak up on odo but not most changelings, exaggerated and inhuman movement, language and body language learning, Viscosity tm, vital organs exist, injury and physical tolerance, focusing the senses...
asexual reproduction. loads of possibilities here. they might split in two (which could mean they’re really all clones of one another or else slight variations on an original) or lob a bit of themselves off which then begins to form a new individual. they might fragment off and start growing more individuals from themselves until they’re mature enough to carry on, or they might produce spores!!! OR they might reproduce the way coral do. the main complication is that this is meant for simple or single-celled organisms and also maybe leaves them all more vulnerable to that Clone Problem of being wiped out by a single virus. but perhaps their ability to mimic other types of dna is involved in providing new individuals with a robust enough mix of original genes to be baseline Adaptable
also a problem with simple organisms is that they propagate Extremely quickly and tend to be short-lived and. unintelligent (think fruit flies) so - changelings could have a fair few ‘simple organism’ traits but are ofc complex in reality
the mimicry -- do they actually become the material?? if you scan a changeling as a rock, they have the make up of a rock. but what about more complex materials? or systems? like fire? that requires energy input. im gonna go with: 1. depends on skill level 2. some things like fire they can mimic visually, maybe even with proper light and heat, but does take energy to do so.
speaking of which HOW do they get energy. i think i rambled about this a little in another post, but basically im going with the idea that they’re sort of filter feeders on the dust of the universe... they’re just VERY energy-efficient and collecting these little bits of radiation being thrown around space is a passive activity. i.e. odo probs wouldnt even know he does it, even though he does it constantly.
um. conservation of mass. the biggest thing ive seen odo turn into is that blob-monster, which was maybe 10′x10′ ? 15 at most? large, but probably somewhat unstable, and not huge. the smallest thing in canon is probably the mouse. ive seen the idea that humanoid-formed odo might be. hollow? there’s no need for him to actually form internal organs or any of that, its all surface-level, and besides. if we’re going with the idea that they can reproduce Form more than Function, they wouldnt actually work. he doesnt even eat anyway, so why waste that kinda energy?
that said!! there are probably some basic object functions they can reproduce. im gonna say that maybe your average changeling isnt going to be able to make a microwave that actually microwaves (not without a great deal of practice and scientific understanding), but could more easily become a lamp, for instance, that does actually turn on. that means they have some ability for bioluminescence, but again that requires energy and would shorten the time they can hold that shape.
regeneration obvs. is a chance to re-acquire energy, but we’re told odo doesnt sleep - it’s still a resting state, but maybe he’s still at least somewhat aware of his surroundings, if a bit unable to focus. he certainly seems to still undergo thought processes, etc. but if attacked in this state, he’ll be quite vulnerable, esp if he’s just reached hour 16, but he wont be completely defenseless. WAY more likely to hide than retaliate though, esp depending on where in the cycle he happens to be at the time -- even if that werent also kinda his personality. maybe its like bein rly rly rly tired but ur brain wont keep quiet.
kinda enjoy the idea of changelings becoming a little translucent or misshapen when they zone out. it takes some effort, practice, skill to remain present. a habit!
im sure he doesnt really bother to maintain constant humanoid-shape unless someone’s likely to look at him. could see him MAYBE being caught unawares, on occasion, whoops. very rarely, but how embarrassing
on that note, if you’re able to sneak up on odo and surprise him, he might momentarily jump a little out of shape (like a cartoon, exaggerated). other emotions like disgust or haughtiness might come off a little exaggerated too
at large, humanoid body language is a learned language for changelings, even if they can pick it up very quickly
odo’s got his humanoid walk cycle down pretty good but probably not perfectly, actually. i sort of imagine it could be a little more flowing -- not always -- but if he’s doing something he normally doesnt do, he moves a little less like a human bc he hasnt practiced it enough
ok whats the viscosity of changelings? like..... really runny and liquidy? j.... jelly? i kinda refer back to single-celled organisms again. cytoplasm w control.
in fact odo probably has some very simple (or maybe very complex, considering, but able to disguise themselves accordingly. so simple-appearing?) organs going on in there as well as cytoplasm of some sort
they dont sweat, they dont bleed, they dont smell, they dont taste, they dont sleep
they DO see, hear, are tactile, and feel most emotions that humans do. some of that emotions stuff is cultural
losing a little tiny bit of themselves (injury, i.e., a bit chopped off by a weapon) probs doesnt really hurt much more than getting a scrape, but if u like chop em in half thats gonna be Bad. but most surface level damage is just like getting a haircut or something, no pain. re: that scene with odo stopping the turbolift like.... that could’ve been painful
FOCUS!! sight, sound, etc - im writing senses as things that dont necessarily need to be located in the. face. bc they dont. but im thinking odo tends to concentrate it of course to better interact with others. that means technically - he could. .. . ‘accumulate light sensors’ and see out the back of his head, for instance, even without forming eyes, but because odo’s odo and he’s really trying to fit in he usually wont do that sort of thing and you can still sneak up on him. sometimes he even forgets he can do that kind of thing, when he’s humanoid-formed (unless he’s startled -- then he might revert to more ‘natural’ reactions) - bc he really hasnt spent any time with his people at all
this doesnt even get into the Great Link and changelings being a little bit touch-psychic
another thought !! i like the idea of one limitation being that he has to have seen / experienced in-person / studied / encountered / been exposed to an object, person, or animal to really become it. that’s where skill comes in -- some things are going to come very naturally, like shapes that are common in the universe such as rocks or. plants, in star trek .  they can learn by description or by looking at images and making their best guess, but its not gonna be totally accurate. so - some shapes come from study, like humanoids, and others come more by instinct like rocks and dirt and water, like learning to talk.
so when did odo meet a klingon targ omg
also means they are instinctually EXCELLENT observers, both of material and behavior
but imagine a bird or smth speaking in odos voice yikes
speaking of speaking, odo speaks bajoran and doesnt really know any other languages on his own, except workable cardassian. i.e. he’d have to learn to speak seagull
what if bc odo’s learning and sort of stunted in skill bc of his upbringing and inhibitions his face is..... actually made of latex, sometimes, like when he needs to save energy he goes Low Poly Rendering cos its close enough, and easier, and he’s interacted with plenty of latex and other Made materials bc he’s hardly lived at all anywhere that wasnt built-up by life forms. (probs partly why he seems so interested in practicing other animals and plants -- natural shapes are not shapes he’s been as exposed to, so they’re more interesting - and dynamic - than say, furniture / appliances)
he gives off no body heat, but neither is he cold. room temp, with a wide tolerance
can survive in space and vacuums
they seem somewhat naturally stronger than humans, esp as a sturdy material
some of them can become a magnet, thats just aligning poles / can then reproduce some basic electronics functions
at least they seem to have pretty comparable intelligence to humans so that’s relatable
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themikewheelers · 6 years
i'm so excited for st 3 now like even more than i already was SUMMERTIMEEEEE sidenote how tf is the mindflayer gonna come back in the summer if he likes it cold smh maybe they will focus on brenner story more in s3 but i feel like thats not enough?
Well I mean, first off just bc the temperature is hot out I don’t think that’ll stop it? Like okay for s2, the Mind Flayer was in the cold Upside Down the whole time. But it was able to possess Will and like, you gotta think, Will’s body temp was somewhere around 98.6 which is PRETTY HOT, but the Mind Flayer then cooled it down a lot. It had no problem entering his warm body, it’s just after it was in there it turned it into a more suitable environment. I could see smth happening maybe where the Mind Flayer is coming to Hawkins and we see news reports about “record low temperatures for the season” bc as it comes it’s cooling the area down with it. And you gotta realize, while the Mind Flayer prefers the cold, it’s got quite a tolerance to heat. It took actual FIRE to be hot enough to actually injure it. While the Mind Flayer may not ENJOY 80 degree weather in a Hawkins summer, it can still survive it. And also, idk if the Mind Flayer itself will even be interacting with Hawkins. It might just send other monsters, or be wreaking havoc FROM the Upside Down that somehow carries over. While hot environments aren’t the Mind Flayer’s favorite, I don’t think the fact that it’s summer will really make a difference at the end of the day. 
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princess-megz · 7 years
Who do you ship your mutuals with and why?
this post is basically me giving lots and lots of love to my dear mutuals; i don’t wanna spam y’all so it’s all gonna be under here! nfkajsndc also this is in no particular order i love all of y’all so much based off of broduce trainees! 💖
@simplicitwannaone • laulau🐮hi first of all i love you second of all i ship you with senwoo i mean what i ship you with me ???? ?? not me i didnt say that i ship you with pjh your ultimate bias ?? i ship you with me i need to stop and do this serIOUSLY i ship u with your ong!!!! i ship you with gong seongwoo because first, your introverted personality irl will match with his outgoing loud one, also hes 179cm perf for your giant height u hardcore tol!!!! third hes also down to kabedon you give you cuddles so yall can be tol softs together
@heochannies  • meike 🌸visuaL!!!! i missed you welcome back minhyun bc yall give me ceo couple vibes daniel!! bc yall would look so so soft at home just cuddling and just you cooking and him just hugging your waist i just- awwwwwwww buT THEN LIKE if yall were going to like a fancy gala and you just dressed up in a long fancy gown and your face beat and him with his hair slicked back o my gosh yall would look sO GOOD i need to stop but yall would be couple goals jsndckjnak
@laji-101 • krissy❣️krISSY !! huehuehue i ship you with gunhee? guanlin? me? hehehe i ship you with guanlin! hes so soft irl and you wouldnt crush him when you hug him!!!! hed probably crush u but thats besides the point you guys awww soft awks couple best ship wow one tol and one smol how cute and u cant forget!!! guanlin is such a meme hes a s-swaggy rapper ;))
@seungkwanslowqualityenglish • mom!!!mom!!!!!! i feel like wine mom would look good with ahjumma jisung!! aside from the fact that yall have a lot of motherly instincts i think that you would smother each other in love and treat each other to cute lil dinners and he would buy you cute lil rose bouquets and i feel that this would be a rlly cute rlly domestic relationship d’awww but i lowkey ship u with jaehwan
@thegentlemanukulele • natnat 👑naTTT!!! Official Visual™ whats good i ship you with minhyun wait no dingdong but also minhyun stop what about dingdong mINHYUN I SHIP YOU WITH MINHYUN yall will be the official ceo organised couple u cuties i feel like with your soft innocence and his hardcore exterior w his soft heart yall will be so cute and there will be lots of cuddles and and and and jusT EVERYTHING about this ship is so adorable and uhngkasdckn its so cute youre so cute
@dae-vil • daEDAE ♡( ◡‿◡ )daedae!!!! are you feeling better i hope you are
@jihoonslattee • chiii ( ̄ε ̄@)chiiii!!! i ship you with jihoon !! anD NOT BECAUSE YOU BIAS HIM nksndckjn but because your lovely welcoming personality would be able to support him when hes feeling down :(( also i feel like you would be able to tolerate his lil aegyo moments unlike christy who would probably just roast the shit out of him and his somewhat cute fashion sense aww ^^ anD yall,,,, dance couple,, need i say more? the potential duet covers yall could do,, :’) thE BEST!!!
@peachiejihoonie • jiejie 😍wow my actual jiejie hows life with our parents been in the us???? good????? thx for leaving me behind in hk thx sis rlly appreciate it sjNCKSJN anYWAYS back to the point i ship you with lowkey minki??? mostly bc yall would be able to roast the living shIT out of each other with no feelings hurt bc ur a highkey savage and hed also be able to make u laugh a lot whicH IS SO CUTE and he’d act all tough when hes out on a date with u like ‘smh stay away creeper dudes this is mY gIRL’ and youd probably smack him but youd lowkey be shimkunging aw speaKING of creeper dudes although minki is lanky i think hed also be able to prOTECC u not that u need it but i feel like he’d have a protective instinct over u idk why bUT awwww jiejie youre so cute pls dont fight chi bc i shipped her w jihoon
@wildereyes • rach (ノ*°▽°*)raCH!!!! hehe hi!! i ship you w donghyun!! hes so soft and adorable and if youre ever having a bad day i feel like he’d be the type to do anything to make you laugh again :’) anD JUST him singing and you dancing and nsdkjackjsndkacn amAZING i support 101% yall would be so cute and i feel like yall would have compliment wars u know!! like ‘you look so cute today’ and his entire face would just light up and ‘nOOOooOOo youre the cutest’ and cue a never ending bickering match wow i love this nsdjnk
@kakaotaeks • eggslurper #2 lenlen!!lennie!!! we miss you so much pls come back when you have the time !! u know i gotta ship my homegirl with hyeongseob,, both yall wILD i mean who could forget the time when you got into fnc and started twerking #neverforget but when yall are together.. its just so soft,, so domestic with the cuddles on the couch and soft pecks while watching probably like a horror movie or something idk some sort of action/romcom d’aww
@ladynightmareii • snazzy :’)snazzy snazzy snazzy i hope youre well and getting better :also pls dont hurt me yes i do realise the age gap but this is just purely hypothetical pls dont hurt me :c
@imagineproduce101 • rinaaaa (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)rinaaa!! local v*dka aunt i ship you with jonghyun! bc ur kinda wild aaand hes basically the equivalent of a clumsy big bear plush, yall rlly balance each other out well! i highkey imagine yall spending a day at the arcade and running around and winning all the tickets possible, ending the day with a light stroll in the park with ice cream in your hands and just u know that cute wartortle smile he has and he just grins and you and wOW shimkung everywhere and omg when you get chilly he just takes off his jacket and puts it on your shoulders aWWW yall suit each other so well this is so cute im so soft for this
@scorpionallday • m!!!ahh u closet fangirl i see u ;))) short but sweet; i ship u with woojin bc ??? hes basically your other half ndckajndak i sweAR yall just- d’awwwww skdn asndka jsnc him with his low voice raps??? u and your harmonies. couple dances?? yes. hiS satoORI ;))))))) u and ur claimed ‘american accent’ smH
hehe i hope you guys enjoyed reading your lil paragraphs
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b4kuch1n · 8 years
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and yet again I try to draw cool shit but cant decide what to go with in the end
also dont let yourself be fooled by the art bc here’s what I think abt it: this can be fucking hilarious
so heres a list of hcs aka a list of things I might have to draw sometimes later bc its ass oclock rn and I gotta travel tomorrow but this is rly good AU why is organization-type AUs so good
okay Im desperate for all of them to be cool ass young adults getting the job done too but. you know these kids. 
mob as stealth agent is so good bc hes so plain looking. hes basically invisible if he wants to be and also sometimes when he doesnt want to be which is a bit sad. more than one time he has walked into a criminal hq with a camera and just. stood in the corner until the meeting was done. nobody even noticed him 
but also he has a karma with motion/heat detection in general and has walked into automatic doors multiple times and gets vaguely sad whenever he has to use a more hi tech sink bc it takes so much for the automatic tap to work
and hes just not very tech savvy in general
ritsu here is the manga ritsu. full blown vacant smile and piercing eyes and a literal asshole when it comes to negotiation. he learns some from mob and builds himself a pretty nonthreatening look, but ten minutes into the meeting and hes gonna have you against the wall frantic for a way to climb out. 
also so fucking dtf (down to fight) its scary. like hes not gonna go around looking for a fight but do not give him a reason to fight bc he has so much melodramatic tendencies pent up and is so ready to unleash it whenever
reigen is basically confined in the office bc his moral codes are rly out of check. which mostly means hes not gonna eliminate when they ask him to eliminate and will not bring an actual weapon with him. when his and their agencys views aligned tho he can bullshit up wonders. the details of that can probably become a show on their own 
they tell the story of that one time he entered a hive alone and came out as their big boss. nobody knows whether thats true or not but it sounds rly fucking awesome so why bother debunking it
he is the one keeping the kids relatively independent from the agency tho. before their debuts he was rly fucked up and hated his job and was mostly aimless in his life so tbh he needs these kids as much as they need him
teru is literally james bond except hes younger and less about women and more about himself
has dabbled into all kinds of shit before tho so at the same time has a superiority complex and admirable humility and very high tolerance. also doesnt fuck his equipments up during every mission bc researches went into that shit yo
has gone rogue a bunch of times before but doesn’t call it that in his mind bc. he works for himself. got to “”know”” mob during one of an old mission he did for another organization but them mob just. disappears. teru literally cant find a single information about mob anywhere even though they run into each other some more times after that and he thinks thats rly cool
asked mob for help when he has to lay low after a particularly spectacular crash-and-go-rogue and boom here he is
shou is a mole in his own fathers org and everyones a bit wary abt that and shou is kinda done w/ people being wary. he takes to ritsu bc ritsu understands Angst enough to not bother him with it. 
and also ritsu has negotiated with touichirou and tbh do you need any more interaction than that to come to a correct conclusion
“why do you wanna fight your dad” “cause hes a dick. ask ritsu he can confirm” “yeah hes a real asshat” 
also is very dtf (down to fight) but is rly calculating and mature when it comes to that. which is the opposite of how his father acts. somehow both policies create kinda the same result if you look from the outside and shou rly doesnt like that
has an old motorbike that he got for himself during art college (which he had to drop out of and hopes to return to sometimes later when shit stops being so fucked up). looks ridiculous and also pretty cool riding it but he doesnt care at all he just like to go fast
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leaughrilke · 8 years
TELL ME! I always love your thoughts!
so the all the kids love their moms a Whole Heck of a Lot right and obviously kara and lena love their kiddos more than words can describe and its not that there’s any favoritism??  at all, like none, its just that stella is sort of naturally closer to lena??  in the same way that finn and maia are sort of naturally closer to kara, like there’s a certain sort of distance created when you’re a kid and you physically can’t Be a certain way around one of your parents
so there’s not distance per se but just....things that kara can do with finn and maia that she cant do with stella and things that lena can do with stella that she cant do with finn and maia 
and its not a Thing but then it sort of becomes a Thing ??  not so much for finn and maia bc lena and kara have gotten creative in making sure that lena’s always been able to be as involved in their lives as kara 
but heres the deal: maia and finn have kara’s powers and kara trains them.  that’s cool, thats fine, stella gets why she does; kara takes them to the deo with her a lot and they punch cars together (especially maia, she’s got a Lot of Rage to work through) and they go flying and kara helps them practice control over their powers and stella can’t help but feel a little left out??  bc for the most part, because her siblings are in control of their powers, they have the option to do everything she can with lena but stella doesnt have the same option with kara
and she hides it rlly well!  she does!  bc its not kara’s fault and its not finn and maia’s fault, its just how they are, and stella decides it has to be her fault which in turn feeds into the dark thoughts she already has bc, you know, empath that acts as an emotional sponge for the world
kara and lena both notice little stella withdrawing, kara notices its more around her than lena and is like..heartbroken.  just fucking devastated bc holy shit what did she do how did this happen she fucked up she fucked up and lena tries to comfort her but she’s p worried too like fuck whats going on 
and it doesnt help that stella can literally feel everything that they feel???  so she just shoves her feelings down even more and bounces back and then it boils over and this one in her class says her brother said that her brother is a word that makes stella shake with anger and she just hauls off and punches the girl
lena’s usually the parent the school calls first but she’s in opal city for a conference so lena calls kara, then the school calls kara and she’s in the middle of an interview and she let lena go to voicemail bc if its urgent she’ll call back but then she’s like “crap, it’s my daughter’s school” and her subject (idk wonder woman or smth) is like “omg no don’t worry, family first” and is super understanding when kara bolts
and like.......she would have expected this from maia, maybe (maia, who still takes the supplement that suppresses her powers bc she doesnt trust herself not to, maia, who gets so numb she just sometimes hits stuff just to feel something) but not stella??  not tiny little stella that used to sob when she accidentally pulled lena’s hair as a toddler or completely forgot kara had superstrength and would apply bandaid after bandaid when she bumped her elbow on the table
so she gets to the school and stella’s just Not Talking, in full shut down like she gets when she gets fried from the world (its sort of sensory overload??  thats the best way to describe it) and she shies away when kara reaches for her, tries to tip her face up to get a better look at the black eye she’s got forming
pls note that stella’s maybe eleven and still Small and she looks even tinier to kara now, looks more like the baby she pulled out of an abandoned car on the pier, and kara’s heart twists and twists at the way stella wont look at her
so she lays her phone on the chair next to stella and marches into the principals office and, while she agrees that stella shouldnt have resorted to violence, she also fully trusts and believes that her daughter wouldnt do anything without reason and she just verbally eviscerates the other mom, who tries to make it out like her daughter hasnt been harassing stella for years or anything (bc kara fucking commits every name to memory, every person that has ever hurt her kids, remembers their names what they said or did and she seethes bc she cant ??  fix all their problems for them???)
and when she marches back out, stella’s playing candy crush and has managed to escape with only suspension for the rest of the day and she still wont look at kara but she grabs onto kara’s hand with surprising force and kara’s like Okay, everything is going to be Okay
eventually stella says it, not to kara, but to alex bc she cant face her mom, either of her moms, with this, not when she’ll feel everything kara feels and she cant handle how it’ll hurt her to know that stella feels so angry and so useless, feels like she cant keep up with kara so she doesnt feel like she should even try, like she doesnt deserve to be kara zor-el’s daughter 
so alex asks if she cant tell this to kara and stella sort of sobs out a please and alex is a lot better at compartmentalizing, which is a skill stella appreciates bc it means all she can feel is alex’s love for her, kindness, warmth, not the way alex’s heart is breaking for her youngest niece
so alex tells kara and kara is fucking devastated like holy shit how did she not see this and alex and lena both are like hey its okay, she buries her feelings, thats part of her powers and lena’s like i didnt see it either but none of it helps bc kara’s like i failed her, i failed my kid
stella usually carpools w/ her best friend home or to lena’s office after school but kara all but demands an afternoon off, storming into snapper’s office and throwing him for like.....several loops with the way she basically tells him she’s taking this thursday and every thursday hereafter off.  and she calls ari’s mom to tell her that she’s picking up stella and she’s the first car at pick up and she picked up stella’s favorite drink from starbucks on her way over and her heart sort of twists a little at the obvious surprise on stella’s face to see her but she works extra hard to box that up and it must be working because stella’s stormy expression has already cleared a bit by the time she makes it to the car
when they pull up to the deo, stella figures that it must be time for her like biannual brain scans, to see how she’s matching up with other telepathic aliens bc they still dont know that much abt her species, but then kara’s guiding her down a different hallway, still just chatting with her abt her day and stuff like that
they walk into one of the Many training rooms and stella’s like ?????  and kara tosses her a gym bag from a locker that stella notices has her name on it and is like i know it’s really hard to not be able to do what your brother and sister can and i am so sorry that i never saw how much you’re struggling.  and i know its not fair that you dont get to punch cars with us, but you can punch this punching bag and talk to me and stella’s sort of overwhelmed??  but in a good way for once
so thats how they start spending thursday afternoons.  kara has alex teach stella proper form after that first day and then they figure out a routine—kara greets stella with a snack afterschool and they head to the deo and dont talk about the heavy stuff until after stella’s changed, after kara’s wrapped stella’s hands, until stella’s gotten a few good punches in, kara steadying the bag.  then it all starts coming out, all the terrible thoughts stella has, all the horrible things she feels that arent even her feelings to begin with, all these awful orphaned emotions that she takes on without meaning to
the system works rlly well bc stellas too wrapped up in her own head, in her words and in making sure she’s in the proper stance, throwing her weight the right way to notice anything kara’s thinking or feeling which is good bc she’s a kid and she shouldnt be worried about her mom’s stuff, she should just feel safe enough to let kara carry some of the burden
finn is the Ultimate big brother but he is So Soft oh my god.  like??  he Will Not hurt anyone, he refuses to but the absolute second it looks like someone’s fucking with his sisters he makes it seem like he is absolutely willing to hurt someone.  he’s only hit someone once, and that’s this one guy that was pulling shit with stella he shouldnt have been (stella was visiting finn at college and definitely wasnt supposed to be at the omega phi party but well u kno how dumb teenagers can be) and finn punched him once, with nowhere near his full strength and the asshole cried and finn only felt a little bad
but !  for the most part he’s not the beat ppl up for my sisters kind of brother, he’s the do you wanna talk about it brother, the you’re on your period so i ran over to the corner store and got those stick on heat packs you like and also three pints of ben and jerrys brother, the your date bailed and youre crying in your room and think i cant hear it so i cancelled my plans and now we’re going to have a movie night on the couch, mama ordered chinese food brother
he’s the one that follows maia and cleans up the mess she’s made but only after he’s wrapped her up in the tightest hug he thinks she’ll tolerate and promised not to tell moms anything.  he’s the one that helps her keep a lid on it most days, appearing from a classroom and pulling her into it when it looks like she’s about to rip a locker door off its hinges.  the one that intervenes with teachers on her behalf after she blows up in class, smoothes things over so their moms dont have to get involved or ever know about it
he’s the one that acts as a buffer for stella a lot of the time, especially when they’re very little.  he keeps by her side when she’s very small, still unsteady on her feet and that’s their holding pattern, her stumbling and him right beside her and offering her his hand.  he’s the one that acts as a go between for her when the world overwhelms her and, ranking just below their moms, is one of her favorite people and one of her Certified Safe Places.  the list is a small one (basically consisting of lena, kara, finn, alex, maggie, eliza, and j’onn), it’s v prestigious in his opinion
sweet child of mine, i could wax poetic abt how soft and gentle finn is with his sisters and his mothers and the world in general
MAIA IS SUCH A FIRE STARTER OH MY GOD i love her i love her so much but she is destructive as hell.  like the best way to describe it is this—u know how soft finn is?  he’s kara danvers.  maia?  kara zor-el when angered.  she screams and she rages and she’s a hurricane and she breaks things and burns things but she is so fucking careful with the people she loves and even though she loves flying, she loves not worrying about hurting them more so she keeps her powers suppressed for like.....basically from birth to when she’s about twenty or so and she’s a mess but she’s a mess you call when you’re in a fight in a denny’s parking lot and you know she’ll show up even though it’s 2am and you started the fight
and she loves her family so so much??  so much it hurts???  and she’s not good with feelings like finn and can’t read ppl like stella so she doesn’t know what to do with the way she feels most of the time so she beats ppl up for her siblings without them even having to ask 
she finds finn locked in the girls bathroom once and doesnt even say a fucking word, she just storms into the boys locker room and starts threatening ppl until they point her to the ringleader and he well he never messes with finn ever again and quite honestly flinches whenever maia danvers walks into a room
stella gets called a freak?  technically maia doesn’t beat the kid up that said it, bc he’s like twelve, but she still intimidates the hell out of him.  in college, stella comes out and like most ppl r cool w/ it but this one dude in her freshmen seminar calls her a dyke and stella doesnt even necessarily tell maia, but she’s in the city and has brunch with her the next day and can fucking see it in her face and so she does beat him up
most ppl at school dont realize their mom is Lena Luthor bc she’s mostly known as mrs danvers or maia/finn/stella’s mom/other mom and she rlly looks v different when she’s at the school or at a recital or performance or game, usually in casual clothes with her hair down and sunglasses on, so no one ever rlly puts it together but once maia heard these kids saying that any luthor still standing is a threat, you know? and she sort of destroys them
i mean, to be clear, they r alive
they also dont ever say the name luthor within their high school ever again
when she gets older, she sort of mellows out thanks to age and maturity and also a fuck ton of therapy but she still verbally destroys ppl and is that person that’s always like they’re not treating you right?  leave their ass
and stella oh little stella
she’s like very much the baby of the family, like there’s abt five years btwn her and finn and three btwn her and maia and she idolizes her siblings even if she’ll never voice it
she is also a giant brat sometimes like she mercilessly blackmails them for rides and party invites and whatever else she wants (obviously not mercilessly, never about the big stuff, never about anything real) and they know she’d never follow through on her threats but they give her whatever it is she wants anyway bc that’s sort of part of the game they play, you know?
she also takes like.....a lot of care for them.  like as much as they protect her, she protects them.  she’s usually the first line of defense when things get shitty, bc she feels it??  and is sort of forced into noticing first.  when finn starts getting nightmares, it’s stella that clambers into his bed and starts telling him stories.  she’s the first to get a Bad Vibe from maia’s bf and she fucking acts on it, tells their moms.  she knows when her siblings are happy and she cheers them on so fucking loudly and she knows when theyre hurting and she’s the first to bring them kleenex and snacks
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thevldimagines-blog · 8 years
Could you do headcanons about Keith & Lance w/ an alien s/o or close friend (she/her) w/ great heat tolerance, draws energy from sunlight, can use heat energy for healing,melting metal,etc and she rarely ever feels cold because of it and is like the ideal cuddler bc they're like a literal heater? In terms of appearance, she has dark skin w/ beige spots on her forehead, ears, collarbone, shoulders and hips + her ears are wide/pointy but she feels insecure about them so her hair covers them up.
;; she sounds so cute wow!!!!
Keith -
I like to think that Keith is a sucker for warm weather (given the characteristics of his lion & how they mirror their pilot and all) so having her around would definitely make him feel good bc its like carrying a piece of the sun around with him
Esp likes it if she ever hugs him from behind and warms him up that way, soothing his joints after a long day of training
He’d think she’s the overall prettiest alien in the universe like hands down keith would die for her (also always looking for ways to put her in the spotlight like pointing out how her powers could help out in a mission, etc)
When they’re alone he’ll subtly brush her hair back so that her ears are Exposed because he’d think they’re one of her best features. He wouldn’t verbally say it but little actions like that would suffice as a hint
Lance -
He’d like counting the little beige spots dotted over her, he’d grow familiar with them and often be like: (pointing to a spot) “was this one always here? I swear it wasn’t last time I checked. [Name], I’m telling you-”
Since heat is pretty much his counterpart he’d believe that they’re meant for each other because! wow they balance eachother out!
One time he literally asked her if the sun is her mom
Whenever he’s cold he’ll just. Lay on her. If you’ve ever seen big hero six, that scene when baymax becomes a heater and everyone just plops onto him - thats lance
Sometimes pulls her ears out of their little hiding spots just to tease her - but when he finds out that she’s self conscious about them he’d totally shoot that idea out of the sky and urge her to wear her ears out more often
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