#but the actual meeting->kiss->dating pipeline happened pretty fast
clericbyers · 5 years
can you imagine hopper's face when he's back and gets together with joyce, if after a while Will comes out to his family, and when hopper's finally come to terms and accepted that his new step son is gay, he gets ready to meet will's "new boyfriend" just to open the door and see mike wheeler there hdjshdsjhdjs
[ find on ao3 ]
Hopper cradled Joyce’s sobbing face in his hands and wiped her fast-flowing tears with gentle thumbs as he smiled down at her. She was covered in dust and dirt with blood dripping from a scratch above her eyebrow but she was alive and safe and Hopper couldn’t ask for anything more.
“Hopper,” she choked out desperately, “Jim, I thought I lost you forever.”
“You could never lose me, Joyce. Finding my way back to you is kinda what I do.”
She laughed and choked on a sob and he pulled her into his chest for a warm hug. He rocked her gently, leaning down to kiss the top of her head as he took in the moment and the reality of the woman he loves being alive. At the sound of a branch cracking, Joyce and Hopper pulled away, Joyce with her hands raised to punch and Hopper reaching back for his gun. They thought they had cleared this area of evil scientists, but the battle wasn’t over yet.
Instead of being greeted by the enemy, Will, Mike, and Dustin came tumbling through the trees gasping for breath. They halted when they saw Hopper and Joyce, who ran straight to her son and pulled him into her arms. Hopper smiled softly at the scene before turning back to Mike and Dustin. Mike was watching the Byers hug with an softness in his face Hopper only remembered seeing once before early on when Mike and El started dating. Dustin was smirking and he nudged Mike, who blinked his way out of his stupor and sent his friend a glare before realizing Hopper was still there.
“Chief,” the brat said haughtily, “it’s nice to see you alive.”
“Likewise, Michael.”
“I’d love to stay and chat but we need to go get El and find the others before Brenner can start unleashing more monsters.” Dustin tugged on Mike’s arm and pulled him toward Will. “Will, are you good to use your electricity stuff? Lucas said he found the power box outside and Mike and I can grab El while you do your thing.”
Will, who was holding his mom somewhat protectively but let her go at Dustin’s words, nodded. “Yeah, I got it. I can do it.”
“Will,” started Mike carefully, “don’t hurt yourself. We can’t lose you again.”
Hopper watched Will’s face melt into something even more gentle than what he had when he hugged his mom. “I’ll be fine, Mike. Trust me.”
“I do, always.”
Will smiled and squeezed Mike’s arm before turning to give Hopper a nod of recognition. The kid was running out east a second later and Mike turned to Joyce. “We’ll be back and meet up at your old place, yeah? We’re almost done with this shit for good.”
Joyce pulled Mike into a surprise hug and murmured something Hopper didn’t quite catch but it made Mike’s cheeks pink so he assumed she was probably thanking the boy for taking care of Will. Dustin and Mike soon made their way north and left Joyce and Hopper on their own.
The rest of the night went by in a blur but Hopper didn’t think he’d ever be able to forget seeing Will and El with linked hands and one hand each pointed out toward the Mind Flayer using paranormal powers together. Watching Will, who was so timid and quiet, stand up to a fucking demon, screaming and yelling with tears dripping down his face and blood dribbling from his nose made a mark on everyone, but Hopper especially. He wondered if Joyce was proud of Will for having powers, and then laughed at himself. Of course she would be proud.
Her son helped save the entire world from being destroyed by a psychotic demonic shadow force from another dimension. Everyone should be proud.
When both kids dropped to the floor with exhaustion, Mike rushed toward Will as Hopper ran to El. He missed her so much, missed hearing her laughter, missed seeing her smile, missed being able to show his daughter how much he loved her. Hopper cradled her and cried, wiping the blood from her nose with a gentle swipe. She looked so much more grown already in the time he had been captured and he hated that he couldn’t be there for her always like he promised.
El’s eyes flickered open and once she was able to focus, her face crumpled into tears and she launched herself into his arms with a sob. “Dad,” she cried into his neck. “Dad, you’re alive.”
Hopper couldn’t speak but he really tried to. All he could say was, “Yeah,” as they both cried in each other’s arms and took in the sweet relief brought by surviving a situation meant for death.
Things were easy afterwards. The Byers moved back and even though Joyce knew being here came with a lot of troubles, she couldn’t take splitting the Party or being separated from the life here. Hopper took her on that dinner, and in a few months time he was basically living with the Byers. Will and El had turned out to be the best of friends and tight knit siblings who would spend breakfast trying to see who could make Hopper’s pancakes float the longest.
Will always won that one, no thanks to Hopper teasing El until she lost concentration and started laughing.
Everything was a little too perfect so when Will gathered the family at dinner with nervousness in his eyes, Hopper knew some not-great news had to be coming down the pipeline.
“I need to tell you guys something,” he started hesitantly.
Hopper stiffened in his seat. “Don’t tell me you got some girl pregnant, Byers.”
Will, who Hopper had caught sneaking out far too many times, paled and shook his head. “N-no, Hop, that’s definitely not it. Actually, the opposite I guess.”
“You got a boy pregnant?” El blurted with awe in her voice. Will turned bright pink as Jonathan laughed and he quickly shut her down.
“No, no pregnancies. I just—I’m dating someone.” Will wrung his hands and took in a deep breath. “I want you to know I’m still me. I’m still Will no matter who I date.”
“Of course, sweetheart,” started Joyce, “you’re always you and we’ll always love you.”
The young boy’s eyes darted to Hopper before looking down at the ground. “Yeah, but I’m gay.”
Silence consumed the room only interspersed by the sound of Will’s heavy breathing. Joyce had a hand to her mouth but from the angle Hopper was at beside her, he could tell she was covering up a smile. El blinked twice, looked between Will and their parents, and then jumped out her seat to give Will a hug.
Will started but then collapsed into the hug as he returned it fiercely. El was smiling with her eyes closed as they pressed their foreheads together. They were obviously talking telepathically, which was so annoying, but they didn’t do it often as Will found it far too distressing to feel another voice in his head. The fact that it was happening now only meant El had to say something she wanted no one else to hear.
Hopper was still processing the fact that Will had been sneaking out to see a boy. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it exactly, but he was also unsure how to react positively enough to not seem like he hated Will for it. Will was literally speaking with his mind to his sister, which was far more abnormal than Will having a boyfriend. Still, Hopper couldn’t ignore the initial wave of discomfort that hit him at the fact that Will likes boys.
Jonathan climbed out his seat to join his younger siblings and Joyce turned to Hopper with pride in her smile and happy tears in her eyes. Hopper found it hard to keep feeling discomfort toward Will when Joyce looked at him like that. He let her tug him into a family hug and for a moment, Hopper felt tears sting the back of his eyes as he was once again reminded of the loving family he had become a part of so easily.
It took a month or so for Hopper to truly stop feeling the initial uncomfortable waves of dislike when Will would mention his boyfriend in passing. Mike started coming over more too, which was bothersome as usual. Hopper was over the moon that the damned kid wasn’t playing tonsil hockey with his daughter anymore, but his face was still the most annoying 16-year-old face to look at. Hopper definitely wasn’t keen on coming home from a long shift at the police department only to see Will and Mike playing games on the couch, but he couldn’t ever really stay mad when Will looked so happy to have Mike at his side.
“He’s a good kid, Jim,” Joyce reminded him one day when Hopper went on a small rant about Mike taking Will and El’s time away from him and Joyce. “He wants to spend time with his friends after watching them almost die all those months ago; there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Maybe if Mike wasn’t his friend, there wouldn’t be a problem.”
“Hopper!” Joyce swatted his arm playfully and he chuckled before taking her hand in his and pulling her in. The vegetables on the stove were probably going to be roasted black but it would be worth the kisses shared between them at the moment.
It turned out that Mike wasn’t really Will’s friend anyway. Well, not just his friend.
“I think it’s time you guys met my boyfriend.” Will said one night right before dinner. El perked excitedly, Jonathan raised a curious eyebrow, and Hopper crossed his arms with narrowed eyes.
“This boyfriend of yours better understand that he’s not free from my wrath just because you’re a boy.”
Will snorted into his cup of milk and then spent a good minute coughing out what he accidentally inhaled. “I think he knows that pretty well.”
Joyce smiled sweetly and reached out to grab Will’s hand. “You should invite him for dinner one night.”
“I kinda already did.” Will looked over at the door and then smiled to himself. “He’ll be here in a minute.”
As if on cue, a knock rapped against the door. Hopper shot up to his feet and stomped his way over to the door, ready to give this kid a talk about how to treat his step-son. Hopper paused at that thought. He always thought of Will as Joyce’s son no matter how close he and Will had gotten, but this was the first time he thought of Will as his son, too. Hopper’s step-son was Will Byers; his step-son was gay, telepathic, telekinetic, electrokinetic, could walk between dimensions, and had a boyfriend.
Hopper’s step-son was so fucking badass. Yeah, he would definitely fight any boy who dared to break Will’s heart.
He opened the door, looked into shocked brown eyes, and then shut the door. “Will, why is your wretch of a friend here?”
“Mike?” Will rushed to Hopper’s side and yanked the door open. Mike was still standing on the porch but the anxiety in his posture disappeared when he made eye contact with Will. “Hey, you look good tonight.”
Mike was wearing a hoodie over his curled hair along with a pair of black jeans and simple kicks. He pushed a stray curl behind his pierced ear and laughed. “Yeah? Gotta look nice to meet the family, right? You look good, too,” he pointed out, “but you’re you so no surprise there.”
Hopper wanted to melt into the porch floorboards. Will though made things worse when he leaned forward to give Mike a chaste kiss on the cheek. Hopper’s sensibilities came crashing back to Earth with a dizzying speed.
“You’re dating Michael Wheeler?” He quickly turned on Mike. “You’re dating another one of my kids? Didn’t you have enough fun being an eyesore next to El?”
“Hopper!” Joyce yelled from back inside. Will was silently laughing behind his hand and Mike sent him a glare.
“I’m not an eyesore. You can ask El and Will yourself. No need to be jealous that your kids happen to have good taste.”
Will burst out into giggles and Hopper narrowed his eyes. “They have bad taste if you’re the one they fall for. Will, I need to teach you and your sister how to find a man.”
Mike’s jaw dropped and even El was giggling from the dinner table. Will wheezed and patted Hopper’s arm a couple times before reaching out for his boyfriend’s hand. “Thanks but no thanks, Hop. I’ve got all I could love right here with Mike.”
Mike blushed furiously and the look that passed between him and Will made Hopper’s breath catch in his throat. He had seen it before during the final battle against the Upside Down. In fact, he’d seen it a lot since then but never really made note of it. Now that he knew Mike was with Will and they were, well, in love, he knew what exactly that besotted look was.
It was the same way he’d look at Joyce before he realized how deeply he loved her, after he realized, too. It was the look he received when she realized he loved her and that she loved him back. To see such unashamed and joyous love between Mike and Will almost made Hopper’s reservations about Mike dissipate.
He grabbed Mike’s shoulder and the tall kid turned to him with unamused raised eyebrows. “Watch yourself, Mike.”
Mike nodded twice and motioned for Will to go in before him. The boy turned to face Hopper straight on with a strong and serious look on his face. “I love him, too, you know. He’s important, he’s everything, he’s just it for me, you know?” His brown eyes turned to Will before making contact with Hopper once more. “I know I didn’t make a good impression when I was with El and I’m not here to make a good impression with Will, either. If you don’t like me, that’s fine, but we both love Will and you’re not gonna scare me from doing that.”
Hopper had to say Mike was kinda cool standing up for his love for Will. He had definitely matured since dating El. He almost wished El would have dated this Mike, but he also knew El was far happier not worrying about romantic entanglements. Plus, Mike said Will was it for him. It wouldn’t be fair for El or Mike to be together when Mike fully realized who he loved.
“The only time I’ll scare you is if you hurt him.”
“I’ll beat my own ass if I do, but yeah, you’re welcome to join in.”
Hopper laughed, Mike smiled, and maybe things were perfect all along. At least Hopper could sleep at night with the fact that he lived with the most badass family ever and he loved them with all his old man heart could give.
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aerialsquid · 6 years
Things That Are Broken
Found some old robot shipping from Transformers: Cybertron era on my hard drive and posted it up. Contains robot makeouts but doesn’t go over PG-13 by whatever metrics we’re measuring robot sex.
Original Synopsis: There are a lot of things Crumplezone doesn’t understand, and most of them involve Ransack. Contains slash and het, but no spoilers.
Ransack could taste dust and cheap motor oil on Rallygate's neck. His thin glossa found small pockets of congealed grease, thinned by the heat of what was a sizzling day even by Velocitron standards, that came off with a single lick as Ransack worked his way up to his girlfriend’s jawline and discreetly spit the black glop over her shoulder. Rallygate moaned softly, her small orange fingers wandering over Ransack’s breastplate. The dim light from the one window let in just enough light to illuminate the dirt and clutter of their love nest of the moment, a storage room with graffiti on the walls and a pair of mechs on the grimy floor in the most compromising of positions. Ransack gasped as the scooter femme started working on his front axel, pulling her down and kissing her as she giggled.
Rallygate was smooth, not as clean or polished as some of the fancier femmes, but she took care of herself. Her paint job was light green and bright orange, although it had been light purple less than a month ago before pastels went out of fashion. Not that Ransack cared about fashion, but it was always good to have a femme who cared about her appearance as long as she didn’t care that Ransack himself rarely got a full cleaning more than twice a year.
And on top of being reasonably good-looking, Rallygate was a short, curvy femme who was currently lying on top of him and running her fingers over his back with her lips against his chest and you couldn't really ask for more, could you?
Crumplezone peered through the crack in the wall, watching as the pair stroked and moaned, their arms and legs twining together in an odd combination of clashing colors. He wasn't quite sure what was going on the other side of his peephole, or why he felt that odd twinge at seeing them together like that. It was like the twinge he got when Rallygate tweaked Ransack's wheel or kissed him, but more so. Crumplezone had never felt the twinge before they’d parked themselves in the small city of Rust Valley for a few months and Ransack had started dating Rallygate. After that, he’d had it almost every time Ransack looked at her. And he didn’t like it.
Rallygate was a nice enough scooter, as city-bots went. She worked the counter at the general store and while she was a little on the ditzy side, she lacked the typical arrogant attitude of the mechs who lived in the more populated areas. In general Rallygate was pretty good to Crumplezone, giving him tools and such to play with when he and Ransack came in to visit. If she ever made fun of his lack of intelligence (and lots of people did that to him when they thought he couldn’t tell they were laughing at him, not with him), she had the courtesy to do it when he couldn’t hear it. Most of the time, Crumplezone liked her. And Ransack thought she was great, so she couldn't be that bad.
So why did he sometimes feel like breaking Rallygate in half with his bare hands and throwing her off a high bridge, not necessarily in that order? Crumplezone didn't quite know, nor did he know why the urge was the strongest when they went in the back room and started stroking each other, not knowing about the hole in the wall next to the shelves of paint cans. He didn't like the feeling, because he liked Rallygate all the other times when she wasn't in the back room or touching Ransack. Crumplezone was usually a pretty peaceful mech when he didn’t have reason to slam someone into the wall at speeds matched only by large trains. And besides his lack of violent tendencies, it might make Ransack upset, and Crumplezone hated it when his friend yelled at him.
Ransack and Rallygate were being louder now and talking about Primus, which meant they were almost done. Crumplezone quickly went out into the main part of the shop, where he sat down and started stacking the oil cans into interesting patterns. They’d be out soon enough, and Crumplezone didn’t want to be caught watching them. He had a feeling that the stroking wasn’t something that you were supposed to look at when it wasn’t you doing the stroking.
In the storage room, Ransack panted to cool his systems off as Rallygate collapsed on top of him, the faint light giving her heated body a dim, dingy glow. This was the good thing about short, curvy femmes. They wouldn't crush you when they were on top. And they were also more interested in a mech or femme that wouldn’t crush them should they choose to change positions, which made Ransack more appealing to them then he would be to taller transformers. For some reason, a motorcycle just wasn’t as attractive to most people as a larger mech with an extra pair of wheels. The world was cruel that way.
"Ransack?" asked Rallygate as she stroked the brim of his helmet, smiling shyly in that way she always did that drove Ransack absolutely nuts. Maybe she wasn’t skinny or tall like the people you normally saw in compromising positions on the datapads found on the top shelf of the periodical rack with titles like “Hot Wheels”, but she was a great gal and she knew how to use her hands in more ways than one. Ransack was pretty damn lucky to have someone like her around to be with on hot days and cold nights.
"Yeah, Rally?" the cycle replied torpidly, grinning back at her and putting his hands behind his head. His happy afterglow haze was brutally shattered a moment later by the five words no mech or femme needs to hear right after swapping kisses and paint with their girlfriend.
"Baby, we need to talk."
Ransack came stomping out the door ten minutes later, slamming it behind him as he stalked into the front of the shop. "Fine! There's plenty of scooters out there for me!" Crumplezone's elegant palace of polish tins, complete with a racetrack made of a fanbelt and a hot tub symbolized by a blue shammy cloth, collapsed as Ransack tugged on his arm with the insistence of a bulldog and the effectiveness of a chihuahua.
Crumplezone mourned the loss of his castle for all of one second before looking up with confusion in his large blue optics. "Ransack, what’s going on?" This didn't make sense; Ransack was usually very happy after the stroking. Maybe something had gone wrong this time.
Ransack tugged harder and Crumplezone obligingly got to his feet, "C’mon, CZ. We're leaving this dump."
Crumplezone allowed himself to be towed out the door by the angry cycle, assuming Ransack would explain it all later. Rallygate poked her head out the door as they left, a look of worry on her face. Crumplezone felt a mild flare of anger at the femme; why, he wasn’t sure. Somehow this was all her fault.
"Ransack, baby,” she pleaded, reaching out to him. “Don’t go-"
Ransack spun and pointed an accusing finger at her, his emerald optics flaring with a rage Crumplezone hadn’t seen since…well, actually Crumplezone had never seen him look like that. It was scary.
"Don't ‘baby’ me, you piece of slag!" he shouted, transforming and speeding off with Crumplezone close behind and still very confused.
Ransack went fast, very fast, the way he did when he was upset. Crumplezone easily kept up with him, but said nothing, letting Ransack deal with whatever it was in his own fashion. The rust-orange mountains that gave the city its name rushed past in a craggy blur as Ransack pushed himself as hard as he could, trying to burn the anger and pain out of his systems. He dodged the rocks on the road without even noticing them, his body acting mostly by reflex now.
Crumplezone made sure to stay a couple yards behind his friend, effortlessly crushing most of the rocks under his heavy wheels and rolling over the largest ones with quick jolts. They were leaving the city limits now and heading out of the valley, and judging by Ransack’s current mood they wouldn’t be back for a while.
Ransack stopped under an underpass, transforming and sitting down heavily. Crumplezone stopped a few feet ahead, skidded, and then backed up to meet the motorcycle. He also transformed and sat quietly beside him.
Ransack put his head in his hands, the burning rage rushing out of him like oil from a burst pipeline. "Where'd I screw up, CZ?" he groaned. “We were getting on so well.”
Crumplezone sat beside him and patted his back. He didn't like to see Ransack sad, which was why he'd never hurt Rallygate no matter how much he felt like catching her alone sometime and blasting her off the face of the planet.
"What happened?" Crumplezone asked, more trying to comfort his partner than actually figure out what was going on. Odds were that it was probably above him, like a lot of things Ransack did.
Ransack raised his head to look at Crumplezone, a mournful expression on his face. “Piece of…she broke up with me, CZ. Probably for some hot rod or other, femmes always go for the cars." He contemplated the ground again, muttering various curses directed at Rallygate and scooters in general.
“Oh," said Crumplezone, unsure of what that meant. Ransack didn't look broken, unless you counted the anguish in his face and voice that made it seem as if some part of his internal wiring had snapped, giving him an injury that he couldn’t get at without the help of a medic. But Crumplezone could tell that it wasn’t that. Ransack always whined when something like that happened until Crumplezone fixed him.
"Maybe you should stay away from femmes if they're gonna break you for hot rods." He patted Ransack's back more, not quite noticing how with every pat his hand stayed there longer and longer.
“Can't help it, CZ. I'm a sucker for curvy types." Ransack prodded a small rock with his foot, then kicked it away. "Stupid scooter."
"Stupid scooter," Crumplezone echoed, with feeling. So Rallygate had broken Ransack’s happiness, that was it. Now that sort of damage, Crumplezone was familiar with. He got that every time he screwed something up so badly that Ransack ranted for a full five minutes about how stupid he was, or when people called him a dimwit halfclocked clunker. It was internal damage, true, but you couldn’t really fix it with an arc welder. It had to fix itself.
Crumplezone gave up patting and left his hand to sit lightly on Ransack's back. Ransack shrugged and moved a little closer to the large secure green thing that wouldn't ever go breaking up with him for a hot rod. CZ, he could rely on to cover his back. CZ, he could trust.
Funny, how now that Ransack was really mad at Rallygate, Crumplezone didn’t feel like hurting her. What replaced that urge was an odd desire to pull Ransack into his lap and just hold him in his big arms until the motorcycle felt better and his happiness was fixed by his self-repair systems. He couldn’t, of course; Ransack had a strict “no hugging” rule that apparently Rallygate was no longer exempt from. He settled for curling his arm around Ransack as the smaller mech continued to rant about life in general,
Mine, thought Crumplezone. And he wasn't quite sure why.
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I’ll Protect You part 3
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Don’t be shy to request things! if you request please request in my asks, it will be much easier for me to keep up with them thank you!
Part 1, Part 2
Jughead x Andrews!reader
Word count: 1944
Warnings: Mentions of blood, Spoilers for season 2 episode 3
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: I should have posted this sooner but here's part 3!  (Not my photo, credit to whoever made it! Text picture is mine ^_^)
“It was full on Carrie. Midge covered in Moose’s blood, screaming like a banshee. It was insane.” Kevin told us as we all sat in the lounge. “Kev, what were you even doing there? You could’ve been shot too.” Archie said walking in. “I was night-jogging, you know, as one does, and suddenly I hear gunshots.” I knew that Kevin was hiding something. “Can we just agree there’s a killer on the loose?” My brother asked. “With terrible aim.” Jug mumbled. “Jughead, he killed Ms. Grundy.” “We don’t know these crimes are related.” Betty said and even though she’s right that we don’t know for sure they’re related, there’s a pretty good chance that they are. “Guys, can we focus on what matters here? Midge and Moose are alive. Archie and Y/N’s dad survived. The Matchlerette starts tonight. You’re all coming over to watch.” “There’s a shooter terrorizing the town.” Jug said. “You really want us to watch a gross dating show?” I asked causing jug to smile at me. “What I want is for you guys to meet my dad officially. Back in New York, my dad was always in his study, doing bad things, as it turns out. I’m tired of closed doors.” Veronica sighed. “I need to know my dad’s life and he needs to know mine.” “Well, we’ll be there V. Can’t wait.” Betty said with a smile. I looked at Jughead and we both shared a look of annoyance knowing we had to go and watch a stupid dating show. “Thank you.” Veronica said with a smile. “Hey, Andrews, we’re going to the hospital to see Moose. You coming?” Reggie asked my brother. “Yeah, for sure. I’ll see you tonight Ronnie. Y/N I’ll see you at home later?” He asked. “Probably, tell Moose I hope he gets better soon for me ok?” “You got it.” Then he left with the team to go see poor Moose. “I better go too, I was supposed to meet my peer mentor at Southside High half an hour ago.” Jug said getting up and walking to the door. “Wait, are? Are you sure you can’t keep going here?” I asked. “I’ll be fine.” He said and kissed me to reassure me. Jug left and I turned around to see B and V left and Kevin was just walking out, I grabbed my things and caught up with him. “Okay, it’s just us now. Night-jogging?” I asked. “Yeah. I’m trying to get in shape for wrestling.” I gave him a look that said ‘bullshit’. “Okay, fine, I was cruising Fox Forest. But I’m going out for wrestling. I had to tell my dad I was jogging.” “He believed you?” “Yeah, he wants to believe me.” Kevin answered stopping at his locker. “Better not let Betty find out you know she hates that, but in this case I think she’s right. Moose and Midge were shot literally 300 yards from Fox Forest, and the person that did it is probably the one that shot my dad, they’re still out there. Please don’t go back out there till he’s caught?” “Okay, fine. Scout’s honor.” I didn’t believe him so I was going to have to tell Betty since I know she’ll make sure he doesn’t, I don’t want to tell her but I can’t keep an eye on him with that guy still out there. The bell rang and we went to our class.
I was sitting in the kitchen with dad and Archie, he was talking about what happened with Moose and Midge. “Moose and Midge described him. Same guy that shot you and knocked Y/N out, same hood, same eyes. Dad, it’s him.” I shuddered a bit when Archie mentioned when happened. “If Sheriff Keller’s not gonna take that seriously, I think we should be ready. Like, maybe we should buy a gun, just to be armed in case.” I choked on my drink when he said gun. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, okay? Ease up on that. We’re gonna let the cops do their job.” “ “Armed?” What the hell are you talking about Arch?” I asked, is my brother crazy? “We don’t keep guns in this house okay? So, just cool it.” I get Archie is scared but a gun? We don’t need that!
After that happened we went up to our rooms to get ready for V’s little get together. When we got there Archie was still in his own world. He was sitting in a chair while me Juggie and V were on the couch, B was sitting in the other chair closest to us. “Why don’t you sit down next to me, loverboy?” Veronica said. “Archie?” I asked when he didn’t respond to her. “I’m sorry, this thing with Moose it’s like nobody cares! Dad keeps saying, “Leave it to Sheriff Keller.” I’m like yeah, he did such a great job of catching Jason’s murderer. Oh wait, I’m sorry that was us.” “Inside voices please.” V whispered. “No, don’t stop him. Archie going Travis Bickle is my favorite Archie yet.” Jug said mouth full of popcorn. “Doesn’t it feel like he’s targeting us? I mean specifically? I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.” Archie looked at me saying that last part. “When we had a getaway on the Cape, all of us got together and hired private security to keep out the riffraff, as an added layer of protection.” Veronica said, yeah like we can just hire a bodyguard. I rolled my eyes a bit. “I loved that house.” “Daddy.” We all looked at Veronica’s parents. “We’re on our way to dinner at the club.” Mrs. Lodge said. “I wanted to meet your friends first.” Mr. Lodge smiled at us. “Great, thank you. This is Betty Cooper.” “Hi” Betty waved. “Nice to meet you.” “And this is Jughead Jones.” “Hi.” Jug shook his hand. “You know my dad.” “I do. Good man, he values family. I hope his return come sooner rather than later.” “Yeah so do we.” Jug said. “And Daddy this is Y/N Andrews and her older brother-” “Archie Andrews. The boy who’s captured my daughter’s heart.” “Daddy.” “Uh, it’s nice to meet you, sir.” Archie shook his hand, I smiled at how nervous my brother was. “Ah, please call me Hiram. Nice to meet you as well Y/N.” He said smiling at me. “You as well.” I smiled back. “I couldn’t help but overhear your discussion and I, um I understand your frustration with Sheriff Keller. As for someone who’s had his own share of run-ins with the law, I can say that the police aren’t always the solution. Sometimes we need to take matters into our own hands. We need to protect ourselves.” Oh no, this is definitely going to give Archie some bad ideas. “We’re going to lose our table.” Mrs. Lodge points out. “Oh, yes, of course. Hey, it was nice meeting all of you.” He smiles. “Oh, and Archie?” “Yes?” “Why don’t you come over for dinner this week? I look forward to seeing what you come up with to save Riverdale.”
The next day school went as normal as it could with my brother starting a ‘watch club’ as Weatherbee liked to call it. But that night Archie was hanging out with Reggie doing who knows what and I grabbed a teapot and a few other thing to take to Juggie at the Red and Black. “Oh.” I said as I opened the door smiling at my boyfriend, walking in a closing it. “Y/N?” He said getting up. “So this is the Red and Black.” “You cannot be here at night unless you are armed.” “Well I am.” I giggled as I picked up the teapot. “Okay, honestly? I hit dirt. Do you remember how no one could explain the local component of Clifford Blossom’s drug pipeline? That jingle-jangle, the stuff Moose and Midge were on?” “Mmhmm.” I nodded. “It’s coming from here. My dad said the Serpents never deal in hard drugs, but the Ghoulies do.” “Well then do you think it’s a good idea writing about them while you’re going to school here?” “Are you worried about me?” “of course I am jug!” “I thought you liked me reckless.” He smirked and kissed me. The kiss got a little too heated too fast. The door creaked open causing us to pull apart quickly but not before the person saw us making out. “Oh sorry guy, I didn’t see the sock on the door.” I turned. “Toni?” “Y/N? Hey how are you?” She asked putting her box down. “You two know each other?” “Yeah, we’ve been friends for a while now.” “Haven’t seen you since summer.” She said. “So what are you two doing in here?” She asked with a smirk. “Believe it or not Y/N is actually my girlfriend.” “No way, since when?” “Since a few weeks ago.” “Hey, look what Y/N got us.” Jug said pick up the teapot. Toni picked up one from the box she brought in. “Great minds.” We all talked for a bit more till me and Toni decided to leave Jug alone since I knew he was going to stay late anyway. “So Jug doesn’t know that you hung out with the Serpents huh?” I sighed. “No, if he found out he’d tell my brother who’d tell my dad and I’d be dead.” “Well I won’t tell him and I’ll make sure Sweet Pea won’t either but you know he’ll find out eventually, can’t hide it forever Y/N.” “I know but I can try, I hid the jacket from my family for this long even though I told FP I couldn’t keep it he made me just in case I changed my mind.” “Will you?” “I don’t know Toni, even if I did it’d be so much harder to hide it. I know you guys helped me when my mom left and you guys are awesome to be around, nothing like everyone says you guys are but god I can’t imagine how pissed my dad would be.” “Hey, I get it. We all know you’re there for us if we ever need help, nothing big of course, and the same for you. We’ve got your back.” “Thanks, well I should go before my dad wonders where I am, text me sometime, you have my number use it for something other than Serpent business.”  “You got it, see ya around.” She smiled and we went our separate ways.
It was the next morning and I woke up to text from Juggie saying he was in a motorcycle accident. I got up and rushed over to his house with my school supplies. “Can’t you take a day off?” I asked while cleaning its cuts up. “It’s not that bad. Just some cuts and bruises.” “Were you wearing your helmet or being a rebel?” “It was just around the block. Don’t blame me, blame the pothole.” “Well, I thought you were going to say you got jumped by the Ghoulies.” “The Serpents won’t allow that. They’ve got Jugs back, even though he’s not a member. It’s just family loyalty.” I nodded at Toni, knowing what she was getting at. “Great, well I’ve got school so Toni, will you keep an eye on him?” I asked grabbing my bag. “All over it.” “Thanks, I’ll see you later Juggie.” After I left I texted Toni, I knew something was up with Jug. 
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I can’t believe Jughead got jumped and didn’t tell me! I just hope he’ll at least sit with them now that he knows how dangerous those assholes are.
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untherapized-eddie · 5 months
btw not that anyone asked but i had an epiphany a few days ago and figured i might as well share. that i think i was predisposed to not care much about buck/tommy because of the setup. meaning i don't think i've EVER gotten super into a non-established pairing (canon or non-canon) that was just oh we met we're attracted a few days later we kissed now we're dating let's live happily ever after. i need some drama some spark some push and pull before they ever get together.
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