#but the additions about a ‘mass grave’ or that we know those men were murdered? we don’t have any evidence of that. at least not yet
yobaba30 · 4 years
Long article by Eric Garland- this dude knows his shit . . .
That Donald Trump has been a front for organized crime [like his father before him] is not much of a secret. And yet he became president. Just as in many countries, democracies have been seized by organized criminal elements. How did this happen and who knew?  The most stunning historical development of the past 30 years - a multi-decade crisis - has been the merger of Russian organized crime, the Russian intelligence services, and the Russian state. We were warned by Sasha Litvinenko that the world had changed.  Litvinenko was an officer in the Russian FSB (the domestic successor to the KGB) who warned Western intel services AND law enforcement that they didn't understand - Russia had become something entirely new in history: A Mafia State. Because of his warning he was poisoned with polonium tea.  
To understand how tectonic Russia's transformation was, you have to understand how nation-states dealt with security of militaries, spies, and organized crime: Separately. Usually with discrete agencies. FBI for criminals, CIA for foreign intelligence - that kind of thing.  When Russian organized crime propelled Vladimir Putin to power, the rules of modern national security changed for the first time in 100 years. The Mob was the State was the Intelligence services. Not identical, to be sure - but centrally controlled, and DANGEROUS.  Understand that, while every true government servant in the U.S. and its allies are thoroughly dedicated to the same mission - cultures, attitudes, and techniques are vastly different. FBI's history goes back to Al Capone. CIA is a product of the post-WWII era. NSA is [REDACTED] and FBI hunts spies on domestic soil, of course. But they're in a different section from organized crime. CIA is looking outward at governments, spies, terrorists. DOD has a different view. Litvinenko told us THE WORLD DIDN'T WORK LIKE THAT ANYMORE. IT WAS ALL ONE THREAT NOW.  Russia had fused its best-in-class intelligence capabilities and the ruthlessness of its Mafiya and taken over a nation-state. The totality of this change no longer fit any one single agency, in any country, and the threat was evolving at a breakneck pace.  Understand, especially, that government intelligence work does NOT look like anything in the movies. These are tightly controlled, regimented bureaucracies that maintain strict roles and are fanatical about secrecy. They don't do light speed evolutionary threats very well.  So imagine, if you can, working your tightly controlled role in an intel or law enforcement agency, and instead of a spy, or a Mob thug, or a white collar financial criminal, you have to track a new hybrid. Like, for example, Rudy Giuliani patron Dmitry Firtash.  Instead of Mob boss like Whitey Bulger (FBI territory) or a government agent you recruit like Sergei Skripal (CIA) or Wall Street-type criminal (IRS treasury) or an arms dealer, you get dudes that do ALL OF THAT SIMULTANEOUSLY. WHO HANDLES IT? HOW?  Spies infiltrate, they don't buy half of downtown Cleveland. Captains of industry consolidate economic activity, they don't run spy operations. Diplomats don't run drugs. Except when they do and they're all interchangeable. That's what Russia innovated. SO WHO TRACKS IT?  This is the world that Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama inherited, along with their intelligence and law enforcement agencies understandably not designed for this new threat. Forget terrorism. THIS was the real change in national security since 2000. And it's been a bumpy ride since.  This still may be abstract, but let me break it down as an intelligence analyst with over 20 years’ experience: If the world doesn't match the design of your intelligence services, nothing will work right. You can't collect, analyze, or disseminate properly.  If you're looking at a transnational criminal intelligence government syndicate where criminals, spies, and regimes used to be, nobody will know whose job it is. None of the questions will match. The answers will be weird. The policies will be hard to implement.  When the transnational organized crime threat doesn't match the shape of your intelligence and law enforcement, then even when professionals are ultimately dedicated, they still may not be able to get leaders to make the necessary decisions.
Which gets us back to Trump.  
We arrive back at a few terrible problems that need exposure at long last. Our intel and law enforcement agencies KNEW Trump was owned by foreign mafia and yet he became President. It was not their fault. Their hands were largely tied. And yet - the truth must finally emerge. I brought this to the world's attention in a thread about a month after the election, my personal reaction to people expecting the Intel Community to Save America From Trump, Now! These were my colleagues. I knew they were BUSY. And doing far from nothing.  And for those who still thirst for a quick fix (I am regularly part of that group, too) I am still as aware as I was over three years ago of how unorthodox and horrible the options for the USIC were. Totally against everything they stand for.  You don't want a spookocracy. That makes us like the Soviet Union or East Germany. The USIC knows that because they studied those regimes. So they can't just "save us" from an election even where we were attacked – BUT - this time may need to be different.   Donald Trump is a treasonous sack of shit willing to let millions die. Not because he's a "dictator" or a "narcissist" - because he's a piece of property. Transnational organized crime owns him outright. He must be stopped, now more than ever.  Donald Trump has been a mortal threat since 2015, part of the hybrid national security assault we were ill-equipped to fight. But now, his role as president is at the phase of mass graves of Americans, the very ones national security is here to protect.  Our entire national security and law enforcement apparatus exists to keep a lunatic owned by foreign enemies from being president. Because that might lead to a person allowing a pandemic to slaughter Americans in a barely-concealed attempt to look "incompetent." For those crying "why didn't Mueller do his job?" or "Where is this so-called IC of yours?" you don't understand - these silent professionals, never seeking self-aggrandizement, willing to die for our freedoms - they are sick to their stomachs over this.  Understand this from the Intel perspective, this is a picture of a diseased criminal TAKING A SHIT IN FRONT OF A CEMETERY. One of his first acts was to attack those in the IC that Trump *knew* understood what he was. There are people you never met, never heard of. They died without saying goodbye to their families. They were perhaps tortured on the way out. They did it for us. Trump defecated on that duty and honor and brought a crowd to cheer him.  And now, in addition to everything for which they've given their lives, we may need to hope that the Intelligence Community may be willing to break tradition and tell us just why this pathetic, simpering blasphemy happened.
Mitch McConnell will rot in hell for ignoring what Robert S. Mueller III told the nation and refusing to remove this traitor from office. Mueller and his colleagues did their level best only to be betrayed. We now sit hoping for an unredacted report.  We expect, we say we are a better nation because our intelligence and law enforcement professionals stick to the rules. But we have to ask this time at what cost. And to prepare for what may be a breach of protocol that could save civilization.
Americans still don't understand what trump is. That is the fault of politicians, the media, propagandists - and of course his sincere supporters as well. But some know the truth. That he isn't rich, that he's Mob property. That's he's tasked with destroying anything his bosses say to.  Donald Trump was acquired by Russia when its Mob overtook the Five Families of La Cosa Nostra, his family's old owners. But now he's the joint property of murdering despots. The intelligence communities of many allied nations know this. The common people must know, too.  
I know, like LincolnsBible, the complexities and contradictions of what I'm suggesting. We already ask so much of such men and women. And this moment may call for yet more. In 2016, I said I understood why the USIC didn't "act." In 2020, I wonder if they must - lest we be lost.  I don't think American institutions will survive four more years of damage from foreign enemies being allowed to destroy us from within the White House. I don't know precisely who would reveal what, when, but I pray it is soon. The truth is simple and hideous. Let it out.  I think we all do what we can, whether it's to wear masks and stay home, or take care of our neighbors or fight crime or rise up yell the truth from the rooftops. We do our best. Which makes me think about my own last four years.  My colleagues and I knew Trump was a unique danger in 2016. Few of us thought he'd be elected. Then he was. I slept an hour a night for a month, talking to everyone. Didn't think I'd still be writing every day like this.
Somehow mainstream news isn't interested in this... but it is time.
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miairviin · 5 years
Nie Vergessen
Yesterday was a cold day. It was cold in every sense of the word. When we woke up and began making our way to the Brandenburg Gate to meet up with our tour guides, a steady chilled rain began to fall. It persisted as we wound our way through the streets of Berlin. Photo ops were now inhibited by numb fingers slipping on screens as we scrambled across sidewalk in search of temporary shelter. So, the day literally began in the cold. 
The plan for the day was to tour Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, the blueprint for all other concentration camps to follow. Originally, Sachsenhausen was designed for political prisoners and initially, they were not designed for the insidious Final Solution. Rather, they were designed to get the communists off of the streets. When the Nazis came to power, the Communists were the rival political party and Hitler did not want any competition for the throne. But the communist threat died down, as once they were imprisoned in places like Sachsenhausen they broke and renounced their beliefs. However, Heinrich Himmler insisted that concentration camps just like Sachsenhausen should become a part of the German landscape. Bad people went to prison, he argued, but people who were simply inferior and tainting German blood should go to a concentration camp. And from there, horrors like Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Dachau, and countless other killing factories were gradually built. Sachsenhausen became a model for these other camps, and Himmel even ran the other camps from a T-shaped building in Sachsenhausen. 
I had been prepared by others who had visited a concentration camp that it was going to be a heavy day. I had read books like Night and The Diary of Anne Frank and seen movies like Schindler’s List and The Pianist. I knew it was going to be a tough day. But as soon as we were led inside the gates, everything shifted. The wind began to whisper, people began to grow silent, and there was an indescribable chill, not just from the temperature, that stayed on my skin under my jacket. We began by learning about the Schutzstaffel, or as they are more commonly known, the SS and what exactly it took to become a guard at a place like Sachsenhausen. The path to being an SS officer? Terrifyingly simple. It was a position of brute strength, not necessarily smarts. Guards were encouraged to be cruel. The more cruel, the better. They began as 16-20 year old boys who were trained with the ideology that when one makes a mistake, they must be humiliated and punished so it does not happen again. By the end of their training, they were hardened, but they were still boys. However, boys who were ready to teach their newfound philosophy to the prisoners they were now tasked with guarding. 
Life in the camp was dismal. Through vivid stories and with the help of a few museums on the grounds, our tour guide was able to stitch together many different accounts from different prisoners to construct what a day would be like in Sachsenhausen. The entire tour, I never truly warmed up. That chill lingered the entire time I was walking through the camp grounds. There were certain instances of cruelty that were so shocking, so horrifying, all I could do was look at my shoes. What could possess a person to act out so violently and in cold blood? To torture someone by pouring cold water all over their body, which is already dressed in a single layer of clothing, in the dead of winter? The guards would even give prisoners the wrong shoe size intentionally. They were starving, stripped of their identity, stripped of their home and their possessions, turned into a number, and for sport, the guards would give them the wrong size shoe? I could not believe it. I have always known evil exists, but this was in a class all its own.
The anguish and discomfort I had been feeling the entire time reached a crescendo towards the end as we made our way to the equally aptly and horrifying named portion of the camp, “Station Z.” Prisoners entered through Tower A, where there was a gate with the signature Nazi slogan written in iron bars: “Arbeit macht frei” which translates to work makes you free. Upon arrival, the guards pointed to the chimney and told them that through their labors, they would meet their demise, and through that demise, they could be free. It was eerie to hear those words coming out of the mouth of a tour guide but to be a prisoner in the 1940s and hear that? I cannot even pretend to imagine. 
Station Z was at the very back of the camp through a small gap in the wall that had been added when Sachsenhausen was converted into a memorial and museum. We walked in and to your immediate left was a short building that stood in a circular pit, a dirt ramp led down past the building and into a small circle at the edge. I stopped in my tracks. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened there. The narrow walkway that ended in an ominous alcove. It was for a firing squad. For executions. Station Z also had a gas chamber which was nothing short of exhausting to look at. I did not know where to even begin my grieving as I surveyed the area where so many people met their ends. In addition to the gas chamber, there was also another equally horrifying way in which the Nazis carried out murder. It involved a series of rooms meant to resemble a medical check up prisoners had grown accustomed to and as comfortable as they could be with. Once they reached the final room, the prisoner was toId to stand up against the wall to measure their height. When they did so, a small hole opened up in the wall and a German soldier on the other side pulled the trigger. It was an assembly line murder which could be carried out over and over and over again. It was so much. It was all so much. I decided all I could do was take a moment of silence, again, just watching my shoes. Our last stop in Station Z was at the site where about 30,000 Soviet POWs were massacred. It was a mass grave which was marked by seven photographs of men taken by the Germans. According to our guide, those particular men were selected to be photographed by the Nazis because they might look odd, or scary to the German people. We observed a moment of silence here as well.   
Since International Holocaust Remembrance Day was only a few weeks back, the entire camp was littered with beautiful flowers. Especially white roses because of the White Rose Resistance headed by two siblings who went to the University of Munich, Sophie and Hans Scholl. They were executed for handing out anti-war leaflets at their university. They were executed for standing up for what was right. Before we left, our tour guide left us with one plea: be empathetic humans. It’s easy to sit back and say that would never be me, I would never have been apart of this but the truth is we don’t know because we weren’t there. Would we be like the Scholls? Would we be the impressionable German youth? We cannot say. What we can do, however, is learn. We can learn about this atrocious era of human history. We can go beyond the movies and the books and go to places like Sachsenhausen. We can be empathetic people. But no matter what, we must absolutely remember. Never forget. Nie Vergessen.  
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from-a-distant-end · 7 years
original short story: Wilt | Chapter 1
The Elder Beaconmire is an elite subterranean society, submerged profoundly beneath the darkened bowels of the Volga River in southwestern Russia. We rest in solitude with towering buildings of stone jutting from the smoothed riverbed roads, our walls and homes, our temples and shrines all sat imbued with veins of natural luminescence, granted silver life by some unknown, worshiped force or entity. Sentient or inanimate, there appeared to be little mind paid in either direction. We are not proud, generous and cheerful citizens of a concealed city-state, nor prisoners unkindly and unjustly fated to live our lives hidden under waves and rocks, kept away from the entirety of the world. We are not spies, despite our secretive location. We are not assassins, nor any other mass produced, trained murder machine. Unless of course, we’re requested to be.
By Elder’s standards, we are and perfectly maintain to be, a large assembly of rigorously refined and forcibly gifted individuals, who not only excel unmatched in nearly any field, profession, and practice anyone could muster into fruition from even eccentric imaginations, but orchestrate the necessary and paramount competencies of said systematically inculcated tasks and actions with utmost decorum and polished skill. We are what we’re asked to be. And we’re better than you.
Oxial College, I realized gravely, was vividly bright and lively, endowed with blissful smiles and myriads of laughter from every and all, as though not a single fellow student had ever dealt with a fraction of an ounce of sadness. Even once in their lifetime. Grins were wide, from ear to ear, proud and eager, surely overcompensating for something I had accidentally overlooked. It was fake, they were fake, I pleaded silently with myself as I sauntered across the plush green lawn, books gripped tightly in hand and pressed against my chest this chilled morning en route to the headmistress’s office. The institute itself was structured as though a fortified castle and stretched into the heavens with grey and white walls of rough stone, with cobblestone paths winding from building to building.
It had to be facetious. I couldn’t conjure a single reason these strangers, these stressed, caffeine-driven college students, would discover any logical means to sustain themselves in such damn endless and potent happiness. And experiencing the equivalent of that intense joy was a task I, at least during the time of its presentation to me, thought impossible to mirror. To harbor emotions so deeply and genuinely without fear of an audience and their ever-growing, ever-changing opinion of me? Unthinkable. I was too immensely self-aware and had my emotion’s ease of access bled out of me years ago.
Yet there I stood before a porcelain sink as I straightened my tie, about an hour later, smiling vacantly at my reflection. It wasn’t as though we found or were gifted with something earning us the desire to carry these positive sensations, I determined with almost sickening immediacy. Somewhere inside me, my opinions were staunched, increasingly suffocated, natural reactions discarded absent of my commands. The giddy sentiments were so overbearingly strong, were forcibly commanded to be felt by our mind and hormones, and shared between everyone like a deadly virus — without permitting input from the various additional emotions humans held. Happiness consumed everything in its orbit, allowing itself alone to portray its glory upon our very faces at any and every waking moment.
No. I was nearly certain we were being drugged. My journey, my mission, was to determine why, how, and by whose hands.
The manner in which we could be subjected to any opiates or another drug of the same nature escaped me entirely and I accepted the unyielding weight as it lay resting on my shoulders. Over serving my life in the very hungry belly of Elder Beaconmire, I’d learned my preferences: It was enormously more rewarding to participate in an assignment one desires to witness unravel, one longs to see the result of. Besides, I had reasoned, it was likely due to the drug itself within our bodies that we lacked a reliable ability to recall any dire instances we may have been presented an opportunity to consume it. So where? Where could I have fallen victim to it, keen as I regarded my senses to be? An outsider aware of unusual and dangerous happenings?
Were the students given these drugs at mealtimes, mixed inside their food or drinks? Released through the vents and wafting from room to room, entering their lungs and bodily system like a haunting incubus? Injected with a syringe while they slumbered, unconscious to those awakened and prowling in the night with malicious intent to spread joy?
My chestnut hair rested sleepily unkempt upon my head as I allowed myself to remember the previous morning, a near lifetime ago:
“Priantierre,” my name had been barked sharply, like stinging venom, the bellowing voice drooping down from the Doyen’s balcony overlooking Elder’s hushed mess hall. She bore her stern gaze into me, through me, as murmurs fluttered about and eyes took to me with both bitter jealously and aggravated interest. I elected to, once again as I had for months now, ignore their attempts at evoking a reaction, and rose from the table I had been sitting at alone with just my older brother and sister.
Both were certainly less keen on concealing their worry regarding my summons than our lifelong peers. Sharing your life beside the same young men and women since birth, only to be pitted against one another in a daily battle of skills, decorum, and deftness proved to sever even the strongest of friendships and alliances.
“Hey,” my brother had mumbled dubiously with a wink before I could manage another step, “O Gracious Overlady has been ruthless since that recent accident. Don’t get wise with her today.”
“That had nothing to do with me, Illarion,” I defended.
“Like Hell it didn’t.” He scoffed lightly with a single wave of his hand. “Go, Priantierre, whatever. Trying to be supportive and offer caution. Forget it.”
My sister chimed in, her voice kept quiet. “Good luck, Priantierre. Tell us if it’s another task assignment this time, okay? Please don’t pack your things and disappear. Mother was devastated, you know. She didn’t need that coupled with,” she seemed to struggle for a moment. “Her illness.”
“Of course, Averniria,” I’d vowed hollowly, stalking away and towards our Doyen’s conference chambers. “I won’t leave without a goodbye.”
High walls loomed around me, lined with heavy tapestries. A grand fireplace warmed the room with a sensation differing greatly to that of the cold, blue sunbeams dancing upon the stone ground, distorted in their flow, and permitted entrance by the thick glass ceiling opened to the river above us. I’d be endlessly enraptured by the swaying swaths of light and their mesmerizing motions while within the confines of this space. Somehow, it was equally paired with prickling intimidation and a rising sense of unease that neither waned nor waxed despite my many visits, confrontations, and meetings I would be invited to attend. I had the cracks in the floors memorized, yet I still feared they’d swallow me whole.
Our Doyen then spoke as I stood myself before her, studying the puzzling manner in which she always somehow embraced both tragedy and benisons so intimately close to her. All while she proceeded to manage balancing her wholesome being with each and every person she was expected to portray — divide herself and her morals between the innumerable tasks of questionable ethics and values that befell her. Well, I resigned, she earned her title and position with ease and rusted elegance. And with her auburn hair and sparkling chocolate eyes, she kept most adolescent boys here on their toes, eager and dedicated to answer to her every order.
“Something arrived in our files that might be of preference to you, specifically,” she had been informing me before pressing a thin stack of crinkled papers bound in twine across her wooden desk.
My interest had instantly been piqued at the information they’d reserved the mission with knowledge I’d prefer it, however, needless to say it wasn’t quite a strenuous accomplishment to achieve. I proceeded to leaf through the sweetly scented pages, grinning to myself as I skimmed its contents. My grin fell just a second later.
A large percentage of partially visually impaired students. Professors with medical degrees. Toxins? Drugs? Unknown sources and methods. Students returning home, without having graduated, harmed with no recollection of who or what caused their injuries. Students never returning home whatsoever, and letters from parents, loved ones demanding to know what became of their children. Several lists of varying lengths consisting of those students’ names who fell under either circumstances.
“We’ve located an all-male college centered in the core of the Oxial Gardens. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?” Our Doyen continued as I read. My reply was a single, curt nod, urgency and confusion silently beginning to boil inside me. “We have reason to believe the members of the staff, whether its professors, custodians, or some third party, are somehow harming the attending students. Blinding them,” she clarified, her fists shaking at the disturbing details of the job. “There’s been far too many concerned reports for the abundance of recorded cases on file to be mere coincidence. We task to you the secure operation of infiltration and information gathering. But we stress no action is to be taken without our approval beforehand. If this concludes to be the worst case scenario, it will do you no favors to be caught where you cannot escape. Is that understood?”
“Of course.”
Despite the unfortunate situation surrounding it, my heart swelled at the notion of catching sight of the famous roses growing within the walls of the Garden with my own eyes. They were supposedly breathtaking, the blooms as crimson as blood and as large as a hand, fingers splayed and all. Fields and fields as far as one could see of those beautiful roses stretched across the land, lying just a short distance from the school grounds. Marriages were largely popular there, several hundred a year, I believed I had once studied, and visitors flew by plane or traveled by ship for such a sightly tour. Botanists flourished both in research and vivacity, a faultless vacation destination for lovers of flowers and shrubs and trees, flocked as though it was a holy site of sanctity and redemption for sinners or nonbelievers discovering the warmth and freedom of faith.
“You will have no companion beside you but those you make inside those buildings,” she’d guided me with finality towards the door. “Examine these papers. Know them better than your life. I grant you permission to keep contact with your family during your time away. I doubt it would draw unwanted attention to you. We’re giving you two months, sixty days, to complete this. However, with your history and skills, I expect it solved within half that time.”
Her words dripped from my lips softly as I allowed my finished tie to drop back down to my chest. “Yes,” I spoke to myself as I had to her that day, “your bidding is my blessing.”
I meandered my way across the large, plush lawn of the campus once more, enjoying the softness beneath my shoes as opposed to the rough and rigid stone floors of Elder’s main thoroughfares. Students huddled together in small study groups under the shade of tall oak trees or near bushes of sweet smelling rose bushes, or lay splayed with books and papers about them, dozing and relaxing before class. The light grey jackets of our uniform were scattered, mingling dots among one another as distant as I could observe, sharing laughter and smiles and conversation.
I understood then, in a rush of trepidation, I’d been the lone soul wandering without a friend or entourage — a surefire method to gathering that undesired attention to myself the Doyen had warned me against. I had received an abundance of distasteful glances and glares, envy doused remarks and scorns back between the walls and under the waves of my home, and sincerely pleaded not to find myself in the same predicament here. At the moment, I reveled in the knowledge that I was a stranger. A nameless face in the crowd. A single body amongst many.
My schedule lay squished in my classwork folder, and suddenly, like a ton of bricks, my heart slumped heavily at the notion I’d be a student. Regarded as a normal, functioning college freshman, a local boy from a local town, seeking mere education for the upcoming, unknown and terrifying chapters of his life. That was the role I was expected to flawlessly portray for these two months. I was no longer Priantierre of Elder Beaconmire, and had been stripped to simply Prian Chesnokov, a transfer student hailing from the neighboring country of Russia. It had been decided by the Doyens my silvery hair was to be dyed the more natural color of brown, to effortlessly blend in and camouflage with my new peers and I had been reluctant to conform. It was the lone attribute I possessed reflective of my sickly mother.
My absent, unpleasant attempt at a human facial expression must have morphed into some defeated glower, as I appeared to have caught the distressed scrutiny of another boy who’d been hovering over a textbook on a nearby bench. The aerated drug I may have caught a drift of earlier perhaps wore off, I thought, that’s the reason I don’t feel insanely amiable. Assuming, of course, my conjecture was correct on the matter and it was indeed a stimulant of some sort. The informational packet I kept stored away held blank spaces and potholes, and I sincerely began to wonder if I could perfect every piece they were lacking, or if I was merely expected to fill in only the absolutely necessary gaps.
I carried myself a touch more hurriedly as the stranger stood with just as much haste as I had adopted. “Excuse me?” He called out. His voice was sweet, calm, if not rather panicked at the moment, and resonated with me the memory of choir and churches. “Are you doing alright? You seem troubled, is there a way I could maybe assist you?”
Words fought in my throat as I continued swiftly. “No, thank you. I’ll be fine, but your concern is admirable. I really must be heading to class.”
With a world-shattering disappointment, and a dainty wisp of his fingers past mine in an effort to halt my escape, I realized he’d covered the distance I created between us with undying determination. He was hunched over, hands on his knees and breathing deeply as I pivoted to study my relentless pursuer.
“You walked about half the front of the school to catch up to me.” I frowned. “Can I help you with something? I told you I’m alright. I promise. Just a late starter trying to memorize the grounds before I find my way down a sewer grate somewhere.”
The stranger chuckled at this and stood upright, and I was able to analyze him much more closely. Jet black hair with a pair of small, round obsidian earrings, skin kissed with a warm tan, and a build similar to my own with slender shoulders and a fine waist. Yet he was taller than me, grinning wide, and I stood before him growing threatened by his mere forthright and mindlessly considerate manners. The minute stains on his wrist cuffs explained writer, where he favored blue inked pens, his thin calloused fingers suggested he’d mastered the violin or cello some years ago and hasn’t placed it down since.
“My name is Thomas,” he informed me simply, then inhaled slowly to calm himself. “Yes, I was worried about you because of your face and how,” he grappled with himself, then changed his mind. “You looked constipated, I’m sorry. You don’t anymore, which I’m really glad about. But I was nervous when I first saw you, then I thought maybe you were lost and that I could help you find your way. You still look sort of ill. Could I get your name?”
I wanted to die.
Was that a pickup line? I sensed danger, of somewhat homosexual proportions, and I cursed myself for my unique name for what I imagined was the very first time of my entire life. “No,” I blurted.
He was crestfallen, but managed to save his smile. “Okay. I’m sorry. Could I escort you somewhere then? Maybe the nurse, or even your class if you’re having trouble getting there easily. The campus is rather huge, and even took me a week to find my own bedroom. You could imagine how foolish I felt,” he chuckled.
“No. Thank you. I have to know where I’m headed without guidance. You won’t always be there for me,” I attempted lightly, as nausea sprouted inside me. I had to vacate immediately. I’d requested an additional audience with the headmistress, both as an excuse to wander the corridors, and in hopes to gather a second glimpse at her office and the layout I’m expected to have committed to recollection.
“Oh, but I could be,” he offered gently, with a bit too much amorous urgency. “May I just say that you caught my eyes for more than just how nauseated and angry you looked. You…” he allowed himself an entire glance up and down my body at least three times. I felt myself retreat a step. “Well, you’re beautiful, lost stranger.”
A rose, plump and the deepest red of love and adoration, suddenly sat in his grip, outstretched to me. A love confession? “Listen,” I began, and, as tenderly as I could manage, guided the rose back to him. “This isn’t a Western movie, and I appreciate your gesture. Honestly, I do. But I’m a freshman and I can’t subject myself to distractions like love and relationships. I have to focus every moment on school and homework.” I presented a kindhearted smile as well. “My parents would kill me if I get anything less than top grades,” I added for measure, begging with every deity and divinity alive and ruling that Thomas would accept my declination, depart the way he’d come.
His eyes certainly teared at their corners, yet he nodded. “Of course. Please, just at the very least, graciously take the flower to your dorm. Maybe by the window in a vase, so I’ll know where to find you again?”
I’m not interested. “It’d be my pleasure. I’ll do so upon my arrival.”
Thomas beamed at me as though I was the Sun, Moon and Stars. After a shy moment’s hesitation, he tossed me another kind smile and nodded again, slinging his bag back over his shoulder to begin walking, thankfully, away from me. I sighed listlessly as I observed the rose, my upset over the whole ordeal deepening at the perfection he’d gifted to me. With my own eyes and in photographs, computers, television or otherwise, I’d never seen a flower so flawlessly crafted by nature. It would be a heavy crime to discard of it, truly.
A large piece of me yearned to sustain its life as the stranger wished of me to do, never witness its petals shrivel or its stem bend under its own weight. The fragrance was sweet and bold, and I found myself gazing at the place Thomas had been standing patiently mere seconds ago. Guilt slammed into me. I longed for his return so I could express my more sincere gratitude than what I had presented him with. There wasn’t a purpose to my chilled words, how readily I turned from him, turned him from me, as he had only meant the very best.
Well. It’s done, and I could no longer locate him in the scattered sea of grey uniforms even if I agonizingly endeavored to. I dropped the rose to my side, wondering then where I’d come across a vase accessible for student use, and ambled on to the headmistress’s office, allowing myself to regain focus to my original obligation. If I was to gather the information Elder sought, why shouldn’t I begin at the very heavens of this towering totem pole? As far as I was concerned, Thomas wasn’t even a piece of a carving let alone a face on the pillar.
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  Modern society came into existence during the industrial revolution, when large portions of the population were driven from small towns into big cities in search of work and opportunity – instigating the birth of a mass society. While the development of a mass society generated benefits through the intensification of the division of labor, it also brought perilous problems. “This new form of existence…produced an individual who was unstable, insecure, and suggestible.” (Carl Jung, The Fight With the Shadow)
I’ve spent the last 5 years studying causes of mass violence, war, social unrest, residual trauma and it’s viral infectiousness… black sheep effects and finger pointing on a social range. This isn’t a second amendment issue, it’s a crisis in humanity.
“Riley said that he was incessantly bullied at a high school in Washington State, where he was a straight-A student. After he stood up to a bully, he said a group of kids followed him home in retaliation.” (reference from  Article titled: Man Explains Why He Nearly Shot His Classmates When He Was 14)
ARTICLE: https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-explains-why-nearly-shot-174723529.html?.tsrc=fauxdal
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Maybe Riley wasn’t mentally ill, sounds to me like he was trying to protect himself against people who had gone out of their way to follow him home, intimidate him, and with the aim of hurting him into submission as a group… they might not have had guns but those little animals are the kind of weapon that without a safety, will bully someone into an early grave, or cause someone else who didn’t deserve the pain and wrath to end up with the brunt force compiling behind peoples awful treatment toward each other.
Notice the venues, where are the ‘attackers’ taking out that anger and hatred? Where is the rage being unleashed? The latest shooter reportedly was kind and respectful to the couple that took him in, always followed the rules, never hurt their animals…
The guns might be there and accessible, but would he have even entertained the idea if kids weren’t such unregulated assholes? Where are the parents? (working, providing, busy) Where are the kid’s hobbies? (Social media, peer acceptance, online presence, posting about memorable cupcakes they made for likes and nothing more, video games, Netflix, sometimes sports if you are into that)… Why are kids so heartless in hoards when they are so capable of love and uniqueness left to their own devices? Wake up America, it isn’t our tools being the tools…
While reading about the most recent tragedy, I read through so much hate… People telling others who disagree with their side of things that they hope they die, to go kill themselves, one that especially struck me, “I hope you have kids and I hope they get shot right in front of you, and I hope I care enough to remember your name so when the story breaks I can laugh in your face…” What???
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Also, look at the gender difference.
How many female mass murderers have you heard of? Because at a biological and foundational level we are built and programmed to care for those weaker than us. We, women, are more likely to personalize an issue and execute domestic implosion than to take it out on a mass of potential strangers.
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With the addition of higher testosterone levels and biological set points found in men, I think they are more likely to see a problem and act out a solution. Bar fights are a good and less extreme example, actions build pressure until a reaction is unleashed. It isn’t always the best action and sometimes it is downright traumatic, but the outcome contains a silver lining if you are willing to look for it.
The personal stories coming from the horrid aftermath of loss and pain is that those who remain are working toward bettering their environment in the best ways they know how. Survivors reach for change, they are appreciative of what they have and because they are human, they are resilient. Survivors will either find a way to continue and better their environment, or they will struggle and require others to come in around them and lift them back up, either way, promoting unity.
Recently that process is being tampered with by people with NO direct involvement. Mass communications allow us all to add our spice to the mix, and most of the current flavors being tossed about make for a royal s#!t sandwich. We, spectators, have a responsibility to offer support and nothing else. Let the survivors carry their torches and don’t allow situations to sway our movement as a whole.
People outside of the trauma situations recently, are using the awful loss to further agendas, prove a point and spread a more hateful and nefarious agenda, passing blame so the true root or cause can remain in the background.
To me, the gun argument feels a lot like the one used in defense of abortion, “I have a right to do with my body what I want.” Yes, you decided to have sex with it… and then against all odds, and maybe in spite of contraceptives, you magically became pregnant. Weird, enter biology 101… mixing sperm, with eggs makes babies and those little swimmers tend to be good at their jobs… instead of taking responsibility and dealing with the consequences that come with buying into the tinder nation we’ve conjured for your pleasure ‘needs’… you are looking for ways to back peddle to a previously unpregnant, irresponsible state… and why? So you can go right back to having sex irresponsibly?
With great power comes Great responsibility…
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This violent pandemic is a problem of personal responsibility, teaching kindness is done through action, not repetitive telling and advising. We should know by now as a society, no one listens to words they hear what they want, but how can you dispute a kind action. No one attacks their fellow men without feeling cornered, coerced, directed or trapped. Maybe instead of for years talking about how someone was going to shoot up a place, try to change that by taking them under your wing and redirecting, helping to expand their interests or point out the fact that maybe they are obsessing and you care enough to try to make them aware in a nonjudgmental way.
With the Shooter in FL it is reported that he tested positive for autism and was medicated, whether that is true or not I can’t say but what kind of society have we become that even our children kick the injured while they are down? When do we stop to think that maybe he tried reaching out for help through aggression because nothing else seemed to work?
My heart goes out to all involved in the most recent tear in our countries tapestry, but moving forward I suggest we stop blaming inanimate temptations and look at the situation with a little more heart AND head, not the synthetic sympathetic parasite we all tend to propagate in the wake of tragedy. Mental Health isn’t about whether or not you are mentally ill, it is about the individual’s ability to experience a level of joy, satisfaction, and wholeness, within themselves and their environments.
Violent actions are most often reactionary as a country and as individuals, we need to start thinking bigger than ‘pussy hats’ and blue armpit hair and start tapping into humanity long enough to think through our reactions before putting them into motion and allowing them to govern us.
PUT DOWN YOUR STONES, LET’S PICK UP MIRRORS FOR A MINUTE Modern society came into existence during the industrial revolution, when large portions of the population were driven from small towns into big cities in search of work and opportunity – instigating the birth of a mass society.
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resistancebed · 8 years
May Trump’s Balls Fill with Spiders: Why I’ll Register as a Muslim
I’m Greek-American. My father was born in Greece and emigrated to the U.S. in  1952. My mom is 100% Greek but was born in Seattle. Her family has been here over a century. All of us in my immediate and extended family are U.S. citizens. 
My maternal grandmother, who went to high school in my neighborhood, was of Maniati descent. Or as that part of Greece is known in the U.S., “Sparta”. 
It’s well-established the Maniatis do not fuck around. They value loyalty above all. If you betray a Maniati or someone they love, you damned well better run.
I’m only one fourth Maniati, but I’ve always identified as full-blooded. Because I’m convinced it’s the dominant gene. (I’m discussing this colloquially, not scientifically.) Sure, that part of Greece is traditionally sexist as hell, but so is almost every place on Earth if you go back far enough. Or, you know, if you look around today. If sexism precluded cultural identification, we’d all have to identify as Martians. (Though if life does exist there, I’m sure a good chunk of it is sexist, too.)
One of my favorite parts of being Maniati? The Curse. 
For centuries, the Maniati have put curses on their enemies. It’s a matrilineal tradition, passed down from mother to daughter. (Maybe to counteract the sexism. Seriously, my great-grandmother’s sister was killed by her husband in Mani. It was an “honor killing” because she spoke to her husband’s friend on the front porch of their house, ostensibly bringing shame on the family. It seems likely the women needed some way to retaliate.) 
Yes, my mother taught it to me. And, also in keeping with the tradition, she taught me it’s to be used sparingly and only on those who truly deserve it. 
She’s a retired attorney and one of the best-read persons I know. I’m an author, freelance writer, and an inveterate reader, too. As such, neither of us really believes in The Curse. We know it was created by people who didn’t know what germs were, or who would have been terrified of electricity. 
And yet. 
And yet, and yet, and yet.
Each of us has employed The Curse from time to time. Because, really, why not? It’s legal, blows off stress, and doesn’t actually hurt anyone.
I ignored DJT during the primaries because I think he’s an idiot. If his dad hadn’t bailed him out financially, DJT would be a third-tier huckster in Queens, anonymous and married to a miserable woman his own age. (Broke 70 year-old men who look and act like him aren’t married to former models young enough to be their daughters. We’ll skip the obvious punchline here.)
Then the Republicans actually nominated the asshole and made it irresponsible to ignore him. Being informed now meant paying attention to a man of limited vocabulary who uses the words he does know to spread hatred and intolerance of everyone who is not also a rich, white male. (Sure, Kellyane Conway is a woman. But as a Native American friend of mine says, “Even Custer had Indian scouts.”)
The only way I could read about DJT each day without putting my fist through a wall was to enact The Curse. Performing the ritual (sorry, it’s secret), I wished for his balls to fill with spider eggs, so that one morning he wakes and finds hundreds of tiny spiders crawling from his testicles. I told friends and “Spider balls!” became a sort of rallying cry.
Now I’m almost nostalgic for that time, a mere few months ago when I thought there was no way in hell he could become POTUS. I donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign several times and openly, enthusiastically supported her in life and online. I would have phone-banked for her, but this past year I’ve been extremely symptomatic, my ill father has been hospitalized three times, and my beloved aunt died suddenly. I did all that I physically could.
But for good measure, I periodically re-upped the Spider Ball Curse. During a maddening campaign season, I found it calming. Also, the man’s identity centers around his dick. Why not hurt him where he lives?
It’s been two and a half months since that awful November morning we learned he would be the new POTUS. Since then, even when I’m laughing, nothing really seems funny. He is profoundly dangerous and demonstrably unhinged. And as we knew he would, during his nine day tenure (yes, amazingly, this is only Day #9), he has triggered a Constitutional crisis. 
Yesterday’s Executive Order banning persons from seven Muslim majority nations--Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen--and, in addition, ALL refugees from entering the U.S. is blatantly Unconstitutional. It is bigoted, illogical, murderous, and comparable to Hitler’s treatment of Jews. And notably, Muslim majority nations where DJT has business holdings were excluded.
We knew this day was coming, but hoped to god it wouldn’t.
I’m enraged on behalf of my Muslim friends and colleagues and feel sick when I think of the thousands of innocent persons whose lives were ruined with the stroke of a pen. 
DJT says he will create the Muslim registry next. Like the ban, the registry will trigger myriad lawsuits. But with the House and Senate in GOP control and with a DJT Supreme Court nominee on the way, it’s unclear what the end result will be.
Like former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, my friends and I will be registering as Muslims. 
Out of solidarity with those whose religion is being criminalized--Islam is not ISIS, as all thinking persons know--and because there is no other moral choice. Particularly for those of us whose families lived under Nazi occupation, as my father did in Greece. His mother--my namesake--is buried in a mass grave. We don’t even know her birthday because the Nazis destroyed the town records. 
I confess I’m uneasy. I’ve twice been pulled from airport lines because my last name is similar to one of the 9/11 hijackers. Charitably assessed, the TSA agents in question weren’t just “doing their job”, but were openly, repeatedly hostile. In one instance, it took hours to get my luggage back. And even then, they wouldn’t tell me where it was. I had to find it on my own. Please note I was walking with a cane and I made clear I’m legally disabled. They didn’t care. 
I’ll register as a Muslim, though, because I can’t NOT register as a Muslim. 
The Maniati in me won’t allow it. 
Spider Balls, motherfuckers.
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serein-333 · 4 years
A letter from -Viggo Mortensen
Mount Rushmore
A little historical perspective to keep in mind about Mount Rushmore, site of Donald Trump’s controversial Independence Day celebration this weekend:
The Mount Rushmore National Memorial, in the sacred Lakota He Sápa (Black Hills), was created by sculptor Gutzon Borglum nearly 80 years ago.
He had previously been hired by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to carve out of Stone Mountain, Georgia, a “shrine to the South” – an enormous sculpture commemorating military icons of the Confederacy, including generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. He became involved in Ku Klux Klan politics, joining them for a torch-light ceremony atop Stone Mountain in 1915. It is notable that for the next 50 years, until 1965, an annual Labor Day KKK cross-burning ceremony was celebrated up on Stone Mountain.
Like Mount Rushmore, Stone Mountain, prior to European occupation and seizure of the property, had been a sacred Native American site. In the case of Stone Mountain, when Europeans first learned of the place in 1567, it was inhabited and venerated by the Creek and, to a lesser extent, Cherokee peoples.
Mrs. C. Helen Plane, a charter member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy who had been instrumental in advancing the Stone Mountain project, welcomed Borglum at the Atlanta train station and took him to the mountain for an exploratory visit, introucing the sculptor to the owner of the property, Sam Venable, an active member of th KKK. After the release of D. W. Griffith’s Klan-glorifying “The Birth of a Nation” in 1915, the revived KKK was riding high. Despite Borglum’s Klan connections, Mrs. Plane “would not shake his hand – he was, after all, a Yankee”. In a letter to Borglum, she had written about the proposed monument: “I feel it is due to the Klan, which saved us from Negro dominations and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain. Why not represent a small group of them in their nightly uniform approaching in the distance?” Borglum, impressed by the vast granite face that would be his enormous canvas, gladly accepted the offer to create the Confederate monument. But things gradually turned sour between Borglum and his employers.
Borglum was dismissed from the Stone Mountain project in 1925, after it had stalled owing to financial confilcts with his employers and infighting within the Ku Klux Klan itself, the group funding a significant part of the project. An additional reason for Borglum’s dismissal was that he had accepted an offer to carve the heads of U.S. presidents in South Dakota – in particular of the Confederate South’s sworn enemy President Abraham Lincoln.
After many stops and starts, begining with the hiatus during World War II and then political complications following the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling and the birth of the Civil Rights Movement, the work of a series of sculptors that took on the job after Borglum’s firing culminated in Stone Mountain Park, “as a memorial to the Confederacy”, which was officially opened to the public on 14 April, 1965 – exactly 100 years to the day after Lincoln’s assassination.
After the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, many people across the country began to call for the removal of Confederate monuments. Georgia State Representative and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams called for the erasure, by sandblasting, of Stone Mountain’s carving. She called it “a blight upon our state”. As we know, the demand for Confederate monument removals continues to grow today as a result of the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests across the nation and around the world.
Although numerous tribal groups have insisted that President Trump cancel his Mount Rushmore 4th of July celebration, he will, of course, go ahead as planned, in yet another insensitive effort to sow division in the country and gratify extremist elements of his white nationalist base. Native American groups have long tried to get the monument of presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt removed from the sacred Black Hills of the Oglala Lakota people. Recently, the president of the Oglala tribe, Julian Bear Runner, has ordered Trump to cancel today’s event. As he said to The Guardian newspaper, ““The lands on which that mountain is carved and the lands he’s about to visit belong to the Great Sioux nation under a treaty signed in 1851 and the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, and I have to tell him he doesn’t have permission from its original sovereign owners to enter the territory at this time”.
It is fitting that Borglum, a native Idahoan with white supremacist leanings who claimed to be worried about what he termed “mongrel hordes” overrunning the “Nordic” purity of the West, should have been tasked to create the gigantic affront to the Oglala Lakota people and to all indigenous peoples of the U.S. About Native Americans he once said “I would not trust an Indian, off-hand, 9 out of 10, where I would not trust a white man 1 out of 10”. That is the legacy that Trump is celebrating today, apart from his egomaniacal desire to be seen as a worthy heir to and member in good standing of the collection of giant heads of previous renowned Christian presidents of the United States of America, a country supposedly created as “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. As Nick Tilsen, president and CEO of the NDN Collective, a national organization dedicated to building Indigenous power recently said, Trump is “pushing these narratives of white supremacy, and he’s digging in deeper and deeper, using these symbols of grave injustice, and couching them as part of the great American story”. Tilsen, a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, addressed native tribal views on Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills during his recent interview by Amy Goodman on “Democracy Now”:
“And so, the act of, one, stealing our land, and then carving the faces of four white men, who were colonizers, who committed genocide against Indigenous people, is an egregious act of violence. And then, furthermore, for it to be celebrated as the shrine of democracy, you know, some people just don’t know — people talk about Abraham Lincoln as being one of the better presidents in the history of the country. Well, you know, people don’t realize that, on one hand, he signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and then he also ordered the largest mass hanging in the history of the United States, when he ordered the execution of 38 Dakota people after the uprising in Dakota territory in southern Minnesota.
These parts of our history are the truth and the reality. This is an act of violence and aggression against us, and it’s also pushing this false narrative about American democracy, when we actually really should be uplifting the truths of what happened throughout history and how those truths are directly connected to the disparities that exist today in society amongst Indigenous people.”
From Perceval Press we wish all citizens a happy and peaceful Fourth of July weekend, and ask that you bear in mind the words of Oglala Lakota leader and holy man Heȟáka Sápa (Black Elk) after his visit to New York in 1866, following the devastating Civil War:
“I did not see anything to help my people. I could see that the Wasichus [white man] did not care for each other the way our people did before the nation’s hoop was broken. They would take everything from each other if they could, and so there were some who had more of everything than they could use, while crowds of people had nothing at all and maybe were starving. This could not be better than the old ways of my people.”
And, after meditating in the Black Hills:
“And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.”
Heȟáka Sápa:
-Viggo Mortensen
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dipulb3 · 4 years
Descendants of Tulsa's 1921 race massacre seek justice as the nation confronts a racist past
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/descendants-of-tulsas-1921-race-massacre-seek-justice-as-the-nation-confronts-a-racist-past/
Descendants of Tulsa's 1921 race massacre seek justice as the nation confronts a racist past
The weight of that legacy weighs heavily on Vernon A.M.E. always — but especially in recent weeks, as the city marked 99 years since the massacre, an anniversary that came at a time of protests and upheaval nationwide over the killing of George Floyd in police custody.
Tulsa’s black residents say that it is impossible to disentangle what happened to their ancestors in Greenwood from the broader national conversation about the impact of racism on black Americans today. They have spent decades seeking justice that they still have not received, and they say that there is still a reluctance — especially among white residents of the city and the state — to fully acknowledge the events of 1921.
On a recent Sunday morning, the sanctuary of Vernon A.M.E., which was rebuilt by hand by survivors of the massacre, is virtually empty — a dozen or so in-person attendees are spread out, socially distanced among the pews. As much of the rest of Tulsa eagerly reopens, this church’s doors are open cautiously — they are keenly aware of the disproportionate toll that the virus has taken on black Americans across the country.
“If God can preserve this building of brick and mortar and brick and wood and plaster, in its feeble, fragile condition that every time an 18 wheeler drives by the interstate, our windows shake,” the Rev. Robert Turner billowed from the pulpit, his voice ringing out over the drone of an organ. “If God can preserve a building, if God can preserve this inanimate object. How much more can the lord preserve you?”
That Vernon is still standing is both a source of pride and a symbol of all that has been lost.
“We’re the only thing on the original Greenwood Avenue that’s still black owned and the only thing that’s still black owned in the Greenwood District,” Turner told Appradab in an interview.
In the years before the massacre, Greenwood was known in the early 1920’s as Black Wall Street — a beacon of black prosperity in the nation. Greenwood boasted more than 300 black-owned businesses, according to Mechelle Brown, a program coordinator at the Greenwood Cultural Center.
With doctor’s offices, hospitals, lawyers, shops and newspapers, it was virtually self-sustainable and distinct from white Tulsa, south of the train tracks. Mary E. Jones Parrish, a black woman who gave a written, first-hand account of the massacre, called it “a city within a city.”
The success and wealth of this black community, however, made poor white people in the neighboring areas envious and resentful, Brown and historians say.
Tensions boiled over when a white woman named Sarah Page accused a black man named Dick Rowland of assaulting her in an elevator. Page worked as the elevator operator, and Rowland would frequently use the elevator because he had been given special permission to use the restroom and drink water in the building, Brown said.
Rowland was arrested, and soon there was a rumor spreading that Page had been raped, according to Brown. An angry white mob showed up at the jail with the intent to lynch Rowland.
A group of African Americans, many of whom had just served in World War I, came to the jail to defend Rowland. Brown said the group of African Americans came to the jail not to confront the white mob, but to speak to the sheriff and protect Rowland, whom they believed was innocent.
Outside of the jail, there was a struggle over a gun and shots went off, according to Brown. Chaos ensued, and by the early morning hours of June 1, 1921, the white mob started to loot and set everything in Greenwood on fire.
“The mob looted those homes before they set them on fire, so the tension was the jealousy over material wealth that African Americans had that poor whites did not have,��� said John W. Franklin, Cultural Historian Emeritus at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. Franklin’s grandfather was a lawyer in Greenwood at the time, and survived the massacre but had all of his belongings looted.
Franklin said there were airplanes that dropped turpentine bombs on the community. He said it is still unclear who the planes belonged to or who the pilots were, but said it was the first time a US community was bombed from the air.
“You would either stay in your house and burn to death or try to run out in the street and hope not to be felled by bullet,” said Oklahoma state Rep. Regina Goodwin, whose great grandfather, a leading businessman in Greenwood at the time of the massacre, was able to survive. “That that was the decision that folks had to make.”
In the aftermath of the killing, local white officials put the estimates of the dead at just a few dozen. But historians, bolstered by eyewitness and descendant accounts, estimate as many as 300 people died and about 35 city blocks were burned to the ground. More than 10,000 African Americans were left homeless, according to the Greenwood Cultural Center, and more than 2,000 business were destroyed. Franklin said his grandfather was one of the thousands of African Americans rounded up and detained for several days after the massacre.
“There’s no real way of knowing how many of those people actually escaped and never returned to Greenwood, and how many of those people were murdered and discarded in mass grave sites,” Brown said. She said after an upcoming investigation into potential mass grave sites, “I think we will find that there were many more than 300 people that were murdered.”
‘No one was ever accused, charged, convicted’
Goodwin told Appradab that although the massacre wasn’t openly talked about or taught in schools in Tulsa for decades, the oral history of the massacre has been passed down through generations of her family.
African Americans for years were afraid of speaking about the massacre for fear of retaliation, she said. Despite the hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in damage, Goodwin said, “No one was ever accused, charged, convicted.”
In addition to the loss of life, “you’re also looking at the loss of property and the loss of dreams,” she added.
“There were women that were pregnant, right, and we talk about the babies that were stillborn,” Goodwin continued. “And so, not only did you talk about property and those very lives, but the generations that were affected, the generations that were not allowed to prosper the generations that were not allowed to be the best that they could be. That is something that you can’t put a price on.”
Goodwin criticized President Donald Trump’s decision to hold a campaign rally in Tulsa. The rally was initially scheduled to be on Juneteenth, the day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, but the timing and location drew heavy criticism from African American leaders and Democrats, given Tulsa’s history of racial violence. Trump bowed to pressure and moved the rally, which will be his first in months, back by one day.
But Trump has also faced criticism for his reluctance to address racism in America head on. He has suggested that a strong economy is the solution to systemic racism.
“What’s been happening, is the greatest thing that could happen for race relations, for the African American community,” Trump said in the Oval Officer this month when asked what his plan is for addressing systemic racism. “That’s what my plan is, we’re going to have the strongest economy in the world.”
With the world’s eyes on Tulsa, Goodwin says the massacre shows that economic prosperity alone cannot drive out prejudice.
“You had wealthy folks in Tulsa at the time,” said Goodwin. “They were men of industry. They had great minds, and they were run out of town. Matter of fact, they were charged with inciting a riot.
“So their wealth did not protect them from racism. Nor would anyone’s wealth today,” she added.
‘The white mob really won’
What remains of Greenwood today is very little, though for years residents here have fought to preserve and correct the history that has been told about the massacre. In the years after the massacre, Greenwood’s black residents rebuilt — but never to its past splendor.
Today, it is a fraction of its former size and the wealth that characterized Greenwood then is virtually gone.
“The white mob really won, because they weren’t just trying to kill people, they were trying to divest us from land,” Turner told Appradab. “And even though we rebuilt after the massacre, if they could see what Greenwood is today they’ll be pleased, because they took it out of the hands of black people.”
Turner said the African Americans attacked and killed by the white mob never received justice, and blamed the city for not doing enough to stop the massacre.
“They never got their due process. Never. To this day, insurance companies deny their claims. The city has yet, to this day, claim liability even though it was the city, and sheriff’s police department that deputized 2,000 members of the white mob, it was the city’s fire department that watched the city burn, it was the state’s National Guard that watched the bodies be dumped in mass graves,” Turner said.
Of Trump’s upcoming visit to Tulsa, Turner said he hopes that Trump supports reparations for the descendants and institutions that were destroyed in 1921.
The damages at the time came out to more than $2.7 million, according to Brown, which would be more than $39 million today, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ CPI Inflation Calculator.
Turner said he hopes Trump “sees this area as the crime scene it still is, because not one person was ever charged with a crime from the worst race massacre in American history.”
“I hope that he can truly for the first time say that Black Lives Matter, you know, and the black lives that were killed most recently matter and the black lives that were killed here in 1921 matter,” Turner said.
‘A deep responsibility’
The oldest cemetery in Tulsa sits adjacent to a busy highway. In the shadow of that highway, Chief Egunwale Amusan has spent years searching for the remains of hundreds of black Tulsa residents who were massacred in 1921.
“Before this highway was built, this was a one-way rail system. The witness said that his grandfather took him up to the tracks and told him that during the massacre they brought in rail flats right here where this road goes down the middle of Oaklawn Cemetery, they built a trench, they dug a trench and dumped bodies down into the trenches,” Amusan said. “He said there had to have been an excess of 300 bodies in that one location alone.”
There are only two headstones where the date of the massacre is inscribed, in what is referred to as the Potter’s Field, a burial place for the poor.
A few feet away, a large rectangle has been fenced off marking an area where researchers believe remains of other victims might be found.
In 2018, Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum, a Republican, announced that he would reopen the investigation into mass graves, calling it a murder investigation.
This year, they had planned to excavate in that area to search for “anomalies” that could indicate that human remains might be found. But because of the coronavirus, those plans are on hold indefinitely.
“Our goal is to retrieve those bodies,” Amusan said. “The mayor has called it a crime scene so we want it thoroughly investigated.”
Amusan said that before there can be true reconciliation, there must be an acknowledgment of the totality of what was taken from black Tulsans nearly 100 years ago.
“When my grandparents lost their home to imminent domain, that was the second, no actually it was the third atrocity. They experienced (19)21, then they experienced ‘urban removal,’ then they experienced imminent domain. Three cycles of devastation where each generation each time they had absolutely nothing to pass on to me or my offspring,” Amusan said. “This concept of generational wealth — we understood that in Greenwood.”
“We were building it in Greenwood,” he said. “So to have someone to strip that from you it leaves you with a deep responsibility.”
0 notes
hermanwatts · 5 years
OTHERSCIENCE STORIES: The Pleistocene Murders, Part 5
[Part 1] …[an] insidious gang of possible accomplices… we’ll need to investigate a little further before passing judgment.
The Winter of Life
At the worst of the Ice Age, the Arctic of now was the Europe of then- ice to the North, then permafrost all the way south to the Alps, then tundra and steppe to the Mediterranean. The sea level was more than one hundred meters lower than today. The Solutreans were able to walk across, or skip along the edge of, the sea ice from Iberia to America more than 20,000 years ago, there to become the Clovis people. The North America they discovered was not much different from Europe; a massive sheet of ice covered half the continent.
Yet, at the same time, Siberia had no icecap, nor did most of Alaska. These places were temperate at the time, even though they are further north, a major mystery stashed under the rug somewhere- don’t bother asking Dr. PhD how that’s supposed to work. On this particular point, a pole shift, or a giant electric blanket, are just as good of stories as any. We know these regions were temperate because of, among many other things, the undigested flowers, leaves, and grasses found in the mouths of the frozen Mammoths.
A group of awesome human hunters demonstrate the proper Sapien-guy form. Dr. Mammoth’s colleagues are just out of picture, to the left and to the right. Artist: Paul Jamin, 1885
The comet story is some part of the picture. The broken-up comet/asteroid (these are two names for the same thing, a Rock-That-Moves-Through-Plasma-Space) might have come in hyperbolic, at a low angle from the Southeast, ploughing into and vaporizing parts of the Canadian icecap, scouring the Canadian Shield. Part of the ensuing insta-muck was launched onto suborbital trajectories over the Arctic Ocean, to land on northern Alaska and Siberia. In this unauthorized version of the story, the Carolina Bays would be the precursors, with the similar features in Northern Siberia as chunkier pieces that overshot the space-muck. The atmospheric blast wave, then blast wind, attended the monster tsunami coming in from across the Arctic Ocean. These fluids carried the forces that uprooted, tore asunder, and finally entombed the millions of shredded trees and animals in the frozen muck. The volcanoes that lit up as a result could have plunged the northern world into darkness for some time, while the liquefied ice cap flooded all the coasts. A great deal of the lofted water would have ended up in the upper atmosphere, enough to provide heavy rain for, say, forty days and nights. Whatever did cause the mass destruction also instantly changed Siberia from a temperate climate to the subarctic climate of today, like turning out the lights.
Though the comet/asteroid story makes the grazing fly-by, it doesn’t quite land with the punch we are looking for. To be sure, something Terrible visited the North around the time of the major extinctions- maybe to wipe out much of the Clovis people in the process- but, in addition to the undesirable litany of iffys, maybes, and perhaps seeminglys, the Terrible didn’t visit South America, which suffered the worst losses. It also happened too quickly to account for the spread in the putative dates of the various extinctions, unless there were multiple hits coming in on similar hyperbolic trajectories over the centuries. That’s middling-plausible, since the Taurids always radiate from Taurus, but all the pairings of the orbital elements have to line up just so. The Terrible also destroyed all kinds of plants and animals that did not end up going extinct- the comet crept in through the window but the dog didn’t bark for them.
We want something even more terrible than an asteroid strike, that is worldwide, and that takes place over a period of centuries, hence the desire to blame climate or humans. We also don’t want to have to drag our tropey Space Brothers in to get ‘er done as part of their off-world mining operations- that’s so last ice age.
Dear Human Hunter:  Mama Giant Ground Sloth would like a word with you.
The human-hunting idea has what amounts to a military problem. Our ancient parents were as bands of Hobbits surrounded by armies of giant Orcs numbering in the hundreds of millions between their different kinds. A field marshal, reviewing his rag tag tribe of midgets armed with sticks and arrows, would have to weigh those facts against his enemy’s tooth and claw, tusk, armor, size, and troop strength. He would have to retire from the field, discretion being the better part of valor.
We saw this dynamic play out in North America in historical times. The Great Plains Indians could not subdue the immense herds of Bison that ranged across the prairie lands. Save the occasional Hobbit-Indian, these were prey almost without predators, the layovers of a devastated ecosystem. These wilding Pleistocene survivors could not be fenced, or tamed, or stopped. Bison Army Field Marshal Old Logan, Pennsylvania Division, was quite insistent on this point. Most instructive. On this point:
“… When they were gone the barn was still standing, but the fences, springhouse, and haystack were gone, as if swept away by a flood. Six cows, four calves, and thirty-five sheep lay crushed and dead among the ruins.”
The Indians couldn’t build cities because cities need farms, and farms would be plundered by the Million Bison Army. They had to move their teepees around, always being careful not to pick a place that was too lush, too open, too attractive. Even with the gifts of the carbon-based horse and the iron gun there were still too many Buffalo and not enough Indians. The mighty new iron-based horse had to charge, to build the requisite mountains of skulls, to clear the table for the next course on evolution.
As with all the higher animals, there is an innocence and a sweetness about the remaining Bison despite their formidable appearance. The men on horseback could ride right into a herd and fire at will. The Bison have no concept of this kind of predation. Poor Old Logan was doing what he could to protect his tribe in the only way he knew. The landed farmers were as enigmatic as UFOs to them. In the end, all they really wanted to do was to eat the grass. It is no stretch to imagine that all of the other Pleistocene animals, both predator and prey- even the Orcs- were of similar disposition- as long as you are not on the menu, and don’t mess with their kiddies or their doggie bowl.
A few thousand years ago there were several North American bison models to choose from, from the deluxe Texas-sized edition on down. The little guy on the right is the only kind left, the only one we know. This striking pattern is echoed across many types of Ice Age animals: the big ones went under, their little cousins pulled through. Artist: Roman Uchytel
The idea that the biggest animals were sought after is a complete inversion of the basic rules of predation.
I’zzz jjjusss lovesses meezz sssome humanzesz hunter, tse-tse-tse. ////ssss//// Megalania Prisca
A predator cannot afford grave injury. He who fight and run away live to fight another day. The injured wolf cannot run with the pack anymore; it has to be left behind to die. The predator always looks for the easiest kill, not the most difficult. The predator, the bureaucrat, the businessman- the cleaning lady- all seek to make the necessary gains while spending the minimum amount of time, effort, and risk. Tracking prey over long distances would be quite perilous where packs of more capable predators are roaming the same territory. The hunter becomes the hunted. This is also a numbers game: one million or less Hobbits vs. 100 million or more Orcs per continent, with each Orc requiring several Hobbits for the dicey take-down. Additionally, each such operation has to be done while all the other Orcs are looking the other way, times 100,000,000.
Many of these Pleistocene animals had enormous ranges, spanning continents and even over several. A fanciful, blitzkreig annihilation would have to be coordinated between all the little tribes of warring Hobbits both in time and in geography, otherwise some of the animals would always be left to re-populate. The minor inconvenience caused by starting prairie fires over here isn’t going to stop the animals from simply moving over there for a bit, there to anticipate the lush new vegetation coming in after the burn. All those little stone arrowheads are clearly designed for small game, not the big stuff.
Some stories are better than other stories. The “Horrible Human Hunters are Awful” narrative has too many insurmountable problems to stand up to scrutiny, unless the absence of evidence can be entered to prove. It reads like badly-written fantasy: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Ugh: “Nice pix, yo. How’s bout we roll on these lion and hippo packs and stuff?” Og: “Cool idea, brah. But I gotta hang here and finish up another 10,000 years of art class.” Artist: Og the Chauvet Caveman
The debate about the causes behind the Quaternary Extinction Event has gone on for a long time without resolution. The pattern of extinctions doesn’t make sense. Things don’t add up. Into this vacuum other theories- stories- about exotic diseases, comets, and black swan events, have been put forth. I made up a new story awhile ago too, about Earth’s gravity increasing just a tiny bit, just enough to make today’s elephant and giraffe the biggest and the tallest possible animals, and the condor or albatross the biggest possible birds.
Any of these things may well be a part of the truest story, but none of them can stand on their own. There are too many specific cases that don’t fit.
The Pleistocene Murders were so very selective. Very discriminating.
The bit about a lower carbon dioxide level can’t explain either why only certain animals went extinct and others did not; it’s much too capricious and indiscriminate. Climate change- the Ice Age, the cold, the drier air, less rainfall- can point to a great part of it, but it also runs into the specificity problem. That should have affected many more plants and animals, not just certain ones. But there is another diabolical piece to this puzzle, one the Prosecution had failed to fit to its proper place before.
The players and their furniture have been entered and examined. There will be war…
OTHERSCIENCE STORIES: The Pleistocene Murders, Part 5 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
0 notes
wetrumpfeed · 5 years
I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend and I'm here to deliver everything spicy & dank from the past week! If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!
Sunday, May 5th:
I am pleased to inform all of those that believe in a strong, fair and sound Immigration Policy that Mark Morgan will be joining the Trump Administration as the head of our hard working men and women of ICE. Mark is a true believer and American Patriot. He will do a great job!
The Kentucky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough & tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch. Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!
For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars.... ... ....of additional goods sent to us by China remain untaxed, but will be shortly, at a rate of 25%. The Tariffs paid to the USA have had little impact on product cost, mostly borne by China. The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate. No!
After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents - all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION - why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller....... ... ....to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!
“The Report sounded an awful lot as being Comeyesque, in other words, I’m not going to charge this person (there wasn’t even close to being a crime), but I’m going to criticize him on the way out the door. That’s unfortunate because it’s stepping outside of the role.” Robert Ray
“This is not Congressional Oversight, this is bullying.” Jason Riley, The Wall Street Journal
Pending the confirmation of Mark Morgan as our Nation’s new ICE Director, Matt Albence will serve in the role of Acting Director. Matt is tough and dedicated and has my full support to deploy ICE to the maximum extent of the law! #MAGA
Once again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens.... ... ....To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace - it can happen!
Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back..... ... .....The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Urban Dictionary is a treasure trove
Well that poll is backfiring. Let’s keep it up pedes!!
YouTube bans Tommy Robinson for talking about Muslim gangs sexually exploiting white girls, but I can go to YouTube and watch Muslims rapping about sexually exploiting white girls, and it was played by the BBC.
Just going to leave this handy chart here.
Is it acceptable for the attorney general to say this?
When Democrats Are In Power...
Happy Cinco De Mayo Pedes!
Trump for 2020
Who would TRADE creepy non-human ZUCK for TOM? I hate reptilians.
Monday, May 6th:
Three Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Trump Welcomes Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic to the White House
President Trump Presents the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the U.S. Military Academy Football Team
President Trump Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods
“Democrat Texas Congressman Al Green says impeachment is the only thing that can prevent President Trump from re-election in 2020.” @OANN In other words, Dems can’t win the election fairly. You can’t impeach a president for creating the best economy in our country’s history..... ... Also, there are “No High Crimes & Misdemeanors,” No Collusion, No Conspiracy, No Obstruction. ALL THE CRIMES ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE, and that’s what the Dems should be looking at, but they won’t. Nevertheless, the tables are turning!
The United States has been losing, for many years, 600 to 800 Billion Dollars a year on Trade. With China we lose 500 Billion Dollars. Sorry, we’re not going to be doing that anymore!
Scott Walker is 100% correct when he says that the Republicans must WAKE UP to the Democrats State by State power grab. They play very dirty, actually, like never before. Don’t allow them to get away with what they are doing!
Just spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan concerning North Korea and Trade. Very good conversation!
Congratulations @ArmyWP_Football!
Today, it was my true honor to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy—for the second year in a row, to the @ArmyWP_Football Black Knights. Congratulations once again on your historic victories, and keep on making us proud!
Finally, some support for POTUS!
imagine if the parties were swapped
Pres. Trump Pardons Army Lt. Michael Behanna, Convicted Of Murdering Al-Qaeda Detainee
This 👇🏻
Is it just me, or are things getting crazier out there?
Today on “They Asked, So I Answered”:
He’s still standing on the graves of his classmates for his own self serving purposes
Free Speech Cafe (No Conservatives Allowed)
I was asleep in 2016; this time I'm signing up for the meme war.
Tuesday, May 7th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration Posts
First Lady Melania Trump's Be Best Anniversary Celebration
Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the 49th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas
Democrats in Congress must vote to close the terrible loopholes at the Southern Border. If not, harsh measures will have to be taken!
(Retweeting The White House) On the one year anniversary of @FLOTUS' initiative, Be Best, take a look back at some of the highlights! #BeBest
Congratulations @TigerWoods - you are truly one of a kind!
'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive http://bit.ly/2VKPFNq via @BreitbartNews
He wants to impeach because they can’t win election. Sad!
I am pleased to inform you that THE BIG FIREWORKS, after many years of not having any, are coming back to beautiful Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Great work @GovKristiNoem and @SecBernhardt! #MAGA
CNN Contributor: ‘When a Woman Is Pregnant, That Is Not a Human Being inside of Her’
Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election 🤬
Over 35.4k upvotes and climbing on r/all. Good job pedes!
TWITTER Bans Account that Tracks and Reports on Epidemic of Violence Against Trump Supporters
This is serious
Looking forward to warmer weather. How about you?
Some people just can’t comprehend this
Careful lads, he's high on truth.
Wednesday, May 8th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration Post
Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of Iran
Vice President Pence Visits Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Louisiana
President Trump Departs the White House in Marine One
McConnell Backs Trump: Mueller Report Is 'Case Closed' | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VNaqIl via @BreitbartNews
The reason for the China pullback & attempted renegotiation of the Trade Deal is the sincere HOPE that they will be able to “negotiate” with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats, and thereby continue to ripoff the United States (($500 Billion a year)) for years to come.... ... ...Guess what, that’s not going to happen! China has just informed us that they (Vice-Premier) are now coming to the U.S. to make a deal. We’ll see, but I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers...great for U.S., not good for China!
“The real “Obstruction of Justice” is what the Democrats are trying to do to this Attorney General.” Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). @MariaBartiromo
“Shouldn’t 2015 and 2016 be revealed, how Intelligence Agencies, FBI, tried to sabotage a particular campaign - never been done before?” @SteveForbesCEO @MariaBartiromo
Big Court win at our Southern Border! We are getting there - and Wall is being built!
“Everyone wants to know who needs to be accountable, because it took up two years of our lives talking about this Russian involvement. It proved No Collusion, & people want to trace it back to see how this all happened?” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends TREASONOUS HOAX!
“This British Spy, Christopher Steele, tried so hard to get this (the Fake Dossier) out before the Election. Why?” @kilmeade @foxandfriends
Real estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered “tax shelter,” ...... ... ....you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes....almost all real estate developers did - and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!
GREAT NEWS FOR OHIO! Just spoke to Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who informed me that, subject to a UAW agreement etc., GM will be selling their beautiful Lordstown Plant to Workhorse, where they plan to build Electric Trucks. GM will also be spending $700,000,000 in Ohio... ... ....in 3 separate locations, creating another 450 jobs. I have been working nicely with GM to get this done. Thank you to Mary B, your GREAT Governor, and Senator Rob Portman. With all the car companies coming back, and much more, THE USA IS BOOMING!
Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn’t treat Native Americans equally! 14,996 replies 18,369 retweets 69,053 likes
Our Nation grieves at the unspeakable violence that took a precious young life and badly injured others in Colorado. God be with the families and thank you to the First Responders for bravely intervening. We are in close contact with Law Enforcement.
Thank you @NewtGingrich & @FoxandFriends!
Getting ready to leave for one of my favorite places, the Florida Panhandle, where we’ve given, and are giving, billions of $$$ for the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael. Even though the Dems are totally in our way (they don’t want money to go there) we’re getting it done!
“The reality is, with the Tariffs, the economy has grown more rapidly in the United States and much more slowly in China.” Peter Morici, Former Chief Economist, USITC
Big announcement today: Drug companies have to come clean about their prices in TV ads. Historic transparency for American patients is here. If drug companies are ashamed of those prices—lower them!
Just landed in Panama City Beach, Florida for a rally beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eastern. Will be live on @FoxNews! #MAGA @tuckercarlson @seanhannity
Big crowds in Panama City Beach, Florida. See everyone in 30 minutes! @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson @SeanHannity
Beautiful evening in Panama City Beach, Florida. Thank you! #MAGA
After a great rally in Panama City Beach, Florida - I am returning to Washington, D.C. with @SenRickScott and Senator @MarcoRubio, discussing the terrible abuses by Maduro. America stands with the GREAT PEOPLE of Venezuela for however long it takes!
This young patriot bravely sacrificed his life to tackle a deranged school shooter yesterday. He stopped the gunfire, saving lives. Kendrick Castillo is a hero. You won’t see this on redacted because WE are the side that honors selflessness
BREAKING: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warned UK PM Theresa May that if she allows Huawei Technologies into Britain's 5G, "U.S. will not share America’s national security secrets in a network we don’t have confidence in and is controlled by China"
FBI opened obstruction case against Trump before Mueller was appointed, court files show
Two young men, who did what was right. No matter what it took.
Watch Party: President Donald J. Trump MAGA Rally Panama City Beach, FL 5/8/19
Word of the day: "Baizuo"
OMFG DED 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀
Line for the Trump rally in Panama City Beach. Three and a half hours before the rally begins
Thursday, May 9th:
Proclamation on Military Spouse Day, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individual to a Key Administration Post
President Trump Delivers Remarks on Ending Surprise Medical Billing
President Trump Welcomes the 2018 World Series Champions The Boston Red Sox to the White House
U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost Testifies About the Border Crisis
Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America!
Today, it was my honor to welcome the 2018 World Series Champion Boston @RedSox to the @WhiteHouse!
House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security. Up for vote tomorrow. We want to do much better than this. All sides keep working and send a good BILL for immediate signing!
(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) Great to be at R&J Johnson Farms in Glyndon, Minnesota today! Since the earliest days of our administration, @POTUS has promised to keep fighting for our farmers - & that’s exactly what we’ve done!
(Retweeting The White House) President @realDonaldTrump hosted the 2018 World Series Champions, the Boston @RedSox, at the White House!
James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans & Democrats thought he should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s campaign accepted large and illegal donation from the sex slave cult NXIVM
THE HILL: FBI's Steele story (completely) falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
President Trump and his admin distributing AIDs preventing medicine to hundreds of thousands of people - why do I feel like Democrats will still find something to bitch about?
Senate Panel Approves Trump Nominee Jeffrey Rosen as Deputy AG
Trump to Nominate Patrick Shanahan as Defense Secretary
One important takeaway from Google unpersoning us
Another nugget of gold from twitter:
Rosenstein's last day at DOJ is tomorrow. I got him a card. Who wants to sign it?
Got 'Em 👌
Friday, May 10th:
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the Celebration of Military Mothers
We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!
V.P. Mike Pence will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner - there is absolutely no need to rush - as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S.... ... ....The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy..... ... ....agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!
Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!
Tariffs will make our Country MUCH STRONGER, not weaker. Just sit back and watch! In the meantime, China should not renegotiate deals with the U.S. at the last minute. This is not the Obama Administration, or the Administration of Sleepy Joe, who let China get away with “murder!”
The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!
....If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!
Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!
Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS, the greatest anywhere in the World!
Great Consumer Price Index just out. Really good, very low inflation! We have a great chance to “really rock!” Good numbers all around.
Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!
“We have been engaged in an unfair relationship with China for a long time. They have reneged on the commitments they made to the WTO, particularly around intellectual property.” Carly Fiorina @MariaBartiromo
Great Republican vote today on Disaster Relief Bill. We will now work out a bipartisan solution that gets relief for our great States and Farmers. Thank you to all. Get me a Bill that I can quickly sign!
Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the status of the trade relationship between both countries. The relationship between President Xi and myself remains a very strong one, and conversations.... ... ....into the future will continue. In the meantime, the United States has imposed Tariffs on China, which may or may not be removed depending on what happens with respect to future negotiations!
Military spouses share an admirable legacy of unwavering devotion to their loved ones in uniform and to the cause of freedom. On Military Spouse Day, we honor our Nation’s military spouses and express our deep appreciation for all that they do!
Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!
He did it..Name change
This is the funniest damn thing I’ve read today! The left is so triggered over this!
Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country's probes may be 'very, very helpful' for Trump
Biden goes crazy. Backs health care for illegal immigrants, says 'we have an obligation' to provide it
JUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails
"SSSHHHH....just keep playing..."
Babylon Bee with the spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Lock. Him. Up.
Movie posters we really want to see..
Saturday, May 11th:
Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!
Another false #metoo, but this time it ends in death.
President Trump: It would be 'appropriate' for me to talk to DOJ about investigating Biden
Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns
Red Sox fans hanged a "Trump 2020" banner over Fenway Park tonight
Trump’s ‘Uplifting’ Letter To Cancer Patient Meets With Hateful Response From Libtards On Twitter
It's Now A Neck and Neck Race
The Ultimate Red-Pilling
OVER TARGET! Dems and fake news are shitting themselves over Guliani going to the Ukraine. They're calling for investigation into Guliani, and ignoring the the Ukrainian investigation into Bidens. Even Fox cut off Guliani when he tried talking about Biden. Guliani connecting Steele with Ukraine now.
Just spit out my coffee from laughing so hard.
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
My Song
American Girl
You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 5 years
HAPPPPY SATURDAY DEPLORABLES!!I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend and I'm here to deliver everything spicy & dank from the past week! If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!Sunday, May 5th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I am pleased to inform all of those that believe in a strong, fair and sound Immigration Policy that Mark Morgan will be joining the Trump Administration as the head of our hard working men and women of ICE. Mark is a true believer and American Patriot. He will do a great job!The Kentucky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough & tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch. Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars.... ... ....of additional goods sent to us by China remain untaxed, but will be shortly, at a rate of 25%. The Tariffs paid to the USA have had little impact on product cost, mostly borne by China. The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate. No!After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents - all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION - why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller....... ... ....to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!“The Report sounded an awful lot as being Comeyesque, in other words, I’m not going to charge this person (there wasn’t even close to being a crime), but I’m going to criticize him on the way out the door. That’s unfortunate because it’s stepping outside of the role.” Robert Ray“This is not Congressional Oversight, this is bullying.” Jason Riley, The Wall Street JournalPending the confirmation of Mark Morgan as our Nation’s new ICE Director, Matt Albence will serve in the role of Acting Director. Matt is tough and dedicated and has my full support to deploy ICE to the maximum extent of the law! #MAGAOnce again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens.... ... ....To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace - it can happen!Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back..... ... .....The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Urban Dictionary is a treasure troveWell that poll is backfiring. Let’s keep it up pedes!!YouTube bans Tommy Robinson for talking about Muslim gangs sexually exploiting white girls, but I can go to YouTube and watch Muslims rapping about sexually exploiting white girls, and it was played by the BBC.Just going to leave this handy chart here.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Is it acceptable for the attorney general to say this?When Democrats Are In Power...Happy Cinco De Mayo Pedes!Trump for 2020Who would TRADE creepy non-human ZUCK for TOM? I hate reptilians.Monday, May 6th:TODAY'S ACTION:Three Nominations Sent to the SenatePresident Trump Welcomes Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic to the White HousePresident Trump Presents the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the U.S. Military Academy Football TeamPresident Trump Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“Democrat Texas Congressman Al Green says impeachment is the only thing that can prevent President Trump from re-election in 2020.” @OANN In other words, Dems can’t win the election fairly. You can’t impeach a president for creating the best economy in our country’s history..... ... Also, there are “No High Crimes & Misdemeanors,” No Collusion, No Conspiracy, No Obstruction. ALL THE CRIMES ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE, and that’s what the Dems should be looking at, but they won’t. Nevertheless, the tables are turning!The United States has been losing, for many years, 600 to 800 Billion Dollars a year on Trade. With China we lose 500 Billion Dollars. Sorry, we’re not going to be doing that anymore!Scott Walker is 100% correct when he says that the Republicans must WAKE UP to the Democrats State by State power grab. They play very dirty, actually, like never before. Don’t allow them to get away with what they are doing!Just spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan concerning North Korea and Trade. Very good conversation!Congratulations @ArmyWP_Football!Today, it was my true honor to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy—for the second year in a row, to the @ArmyWP_Football Black Knights. Congratulations once again on your historic victories, and keep on making us proud!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Finally, some support for POTUS!imagine if the parties were swappedPres. Trump Pardons Army Lt. Michael Behanna, Convicted Of Murdering Al-Qaeda DetaineeThis 👇🏻TRUMP: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE OBAMA FOR WHAT HE DID TO OUR MILITARY... AND MANY OTHER THINGS THAT I WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IN THE FUTURE 😁🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Is it just me, or are things getting crazier out there?Today on “They Asked, So I Answered”:He’s still standing on the graves of his classmates for his own self serving purposesFree Speech Cafe (No Conservatives Allowed)I was asleep in 2016; this time I'm signing up for the meme war.Tuesday, May 7th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsFirst Lady Melania Trump's Be Best Anniversary CelebrationVice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the 49th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Democrats in Congress must vote to close the terrible loopholes at the Southern Border. If not, harsh measures will have to be taken!(Retweeting The White House) On the one year anniversary of @FLOTUS' initiative, Be Best, take a look back at some of the highlights! #BeBestCongratulations @TigerWoods - you are truly one of a kind!'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive http://bit.ly/2VKPFNq via @BreitbartNewsHe wants to impeach because they can’t win election. Sad!I am pleased to inform you that THE BIG FIREWORKS, after many years of not having any, are coming back to beautiful Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Great work @GovKristiNoem and @SecBernhardt! #MAGASIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:CNN Contributor: ‘When a Woman Is Pregnant, That Is Not a Human Being inside of Her’Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election 🤬Over 35.4k upvotes and climbing on r/all. Good job pedes!TWITTER Bans Account that Tracks and Reports on Epidemic of Violence Against Trump Supporters🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:This is seriousLooking forward to warmer weather. How about you?Some people just can’t comprehend thisCareful lads, he's high on truth.Wednesday, May 8th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration PostProclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United StatesExecutive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of IranVice President Pence Visits Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in LouisianaPresident Trump Departs the White House in Marine One🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:McConnell Backs Trump: Mueller Report Is 'Case Closed' | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VNaqIl via @BreitbartNewsThe reason for the China pullback & attempted renegotiation of the Trade Deal is the sincere HOPE that they will be able to “negotiate” with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats, and thereby continue to ripoff the United States (($500 Billion a year)) for years to come.... ... ...Guess what, that’s not going to happen! China has just informed us that they (Vice-Premier) are now coming to the U.S. to make a deal. We’ll see, but I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers...great for U.S., not good for China!“The real “Obstruction of Justice” is what the Democrats are trying to do to this Attorney General.” Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). @MariaBartiromo“Shouldn’t 2015 and 2016 be revealed, how Intelligence Agencies, FBI, tried to sabotage a particular campaign - never been done before?” @SteveForbesCEO @MariaBartiromoBig Court win at our Southern Border! We are getting there - and Wall is being built!“Everyone wants to know who needs to be accountable, because it took up two years of our lives talking about this Russian involvement. It proved No Collusion, & people want to trace it back to see how this all happened?” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends TREASONOUS HOAX!“This British Spy, Christopher Steele, tried so hard to get this (the Fake Dossier) out before the Election. Why?” @kilmeade @foxandfriends“CASE CLOSED!” @SenateMajLDRReal estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered “tax shelter,” ...... ... ....you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes....almost all real estate developers did - and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!GREAT NEWS FOR OHIO! Just spoke to Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who informed me that, subject to a UAW agreement etc., GM will be selling their beautiful Lordstown Plant to Workhorse, where they plan to build Electric Trucks. GM will also be spending $700,000,000 in Ohio... ... ....in 3 separate locations, creating another 450 jobs. I have been working nicely with GM to get this done. Thank you to Mary B, your GREAT Governor, and Senator Rob Portman. With all the car companies coming back, and much more, THE USA IS BOOMING!Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn’t treat Native Americans equally! 14,996 replies 18,369 retweets 69,053 likesOur Nation grieves at the unspeakable violence that took a precious young life and badly injured others in Colorado. God be with the families and thank you to the First Responders for bravely intervening. We are in close contact with Law Enforcement.Thank you @NewtGingrich & @FoxandFriends!Getting ready to leave for one of my favorite places, the Florida Panhandle, where we’ve given, and are giving, billions of $$$ for the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael. Even though the Dems are totally in our way (they don’t want money to go there) we’re getting it done!“The reality is, with the Tariffs, the economy has grown more rapidly in the United States and much more slowly in China.” Peter Morici, Former Chief Economist, USITCBig announcement today: Drug companies have to come clean about their prices in TV ads. Historic transparency for American patients is here. If drug companies are ashamed of those prices—lower them!Just landed in Panama City Beach, Florida for a rally beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eastern. Will be live on @FoxNews! #MAGA @tuckercarlson @seanhannityBig crowds in Panama City Beach, Florida. See everyone in 30 minutes! @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson @SeanHannityBeautiful evening in Panama City Beach, Florida. Thank you! #MAGAMAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!After a great rally in Panama City Beach, Florida - I am returning to Washington, D.C. with @SenRickScott and Senator @MarcoRubio, discussing the terrible abuses by Maduro. America stands with the GREAT PEOPLE of Venezuela for however long it takes!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:This young patriot bravely sacrificed his life to tackle a deranged school shooter yesterday. He stopped the gunfire, saving lives. Kendrick Castillo is a hero. You won’t see this on redacted because WE are the side that honors selflessnessBREAKING: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warned UK PM Theresa May that if she allows Huawei Technologies into Britain's 5G, "U.S. will not share America’s national security secrets in a network we don’t have confidence in and is controlled by China"FBI opened obstruction case against Trump before Mueller was appointed, court files showTwo young men, who did what was right. No matter what it took.PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Watch Party: President Donald J. Trump MAGA Rally Panama City Beach, FL 5/8/19🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Word of the day: "Baizuo"BackfiredOMFG DED 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀YesLine for the Trump rally in Panama City Beach. Three and a half hours before the rally beginsThursday, May 9th:TODAY'S ACTION:Proclamation on Military Spouse Day, 2019President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individual to a Key Administration PostPresident Trump Delivers Remarks on Ending Surprise Medical BillingPresident Trump Welcomes the 2018 World Series Champions The Boston Red Sox to the White HouseU.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost Testifies About the Border Crisis🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America!Today, it was my honor to welcome the 2018 World Series Champion Boston @RedSox to the @WhiteHouse!House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security. Up for vote tomorrow. We want to do much better than this. All sides keep working and send a good BILL for immediate signing!(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) Great to be at R&J Johnson Farms in Glyndon, Minnesota today! Since the earliest days of our administration, @POTUS has promised to keep fighting for our farmers - & that’s exactly what we’ve done!(Retweeting The White House) President @realDonaldTrump hosted the 2018 World Series Champions, the Boston @RedSox, at the White House!James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans & Democrats thought he should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s campaign accepted large and illegal donation from the sex slave cult NXIVMTHE HILL: FBI's Steele story (completely) falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISAPresident Trump and his admin distributing AIDs preventing medicine to hundreds of thousands of people - why do I feel like Democrats will still find something to bitch about?Senate Panel Approves Trump Nominee Jeffrey Rosen as Deputy AGTrump to Nominate Patrick Shanahan as Defense Secretary🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Yup.One important takeaway from Google unpersoning usAnother nugget of gold from twitter:Rosenstein's last day at DOJ is tomorrow. I got him a card. Who wants to sign it?Got 'Em 👌Friday, May 10th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the Celebration of Military Mothers🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!V.P. Mike Pence will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner - there is absolutely no need to rush - as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S.... ... ....The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy..... ... ....agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!Tariffs will make our Country MUCH STRONGER, not weaker. Just sit back and watch! In the meantime, China should not renegotiate deals with the U.S. at the last minute. This is not the Obama Administration, or the Administration of Sleepy Joe, who let China get away with “murder!”The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!....If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS, the greatest anywhere in the World!Great Consumer Price Index just out. Really good, very low inflation! We have a great chance to “really rock!” Good numbers all around.Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!“We have been engaged in an unfair relationship with China for a long time. They have reneged on the commitments they made to the WTO, particularly around intellectual property.” Carly Fiorina @MariaBartiromoGreat Republican vote today on Disaster Relief Bill. We will now work out a bipartisan solution that gets relief for our great States and Farmers. Thank you to all. Get me a Bill that I can quickly sign!Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the status of the trade relationship between both countries. The relationship between President Xi and myself remains a very strong one, and conversations.... ... ....into the future will continue. In the meantime, the United States has imposed Tariffs on China, which may or may not be removed depending on what happens with respect to future negotiations!Military spouses share an admirable legacy of unwavering devotion to their loved ones in uniform and to the cause of freedom. On Military Spouse Day, we honor our Nation’s military spouses and express our deep appreciation for all that they do!Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:He did it..Name changeThis is the funniest damn thing I’ve read today! The left is so triggered over this!Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country's probes may be 'very, very helpful' for TrumpBiden goes crazy. Backs health care for illegal immigrants, says 'we have an obligation' to provide itJUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:"SSSHHHH....just keep playing..."HABabylon Bee with the spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️Lock. Him. Up.Movie posters we really want to see..Saturday, May 11th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Another false #metoo, but this time it ends in death.President Trump: It would be 'appropriate' for me to talk to DOJ about investigating BidenComey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political CampaignsRed Sox fans hanged a "Trump 2020" banner over Fenway Park tonightTrump’s ‘Uplifting’ Letter To Cancer Patient Meets With Hateful Response From Libtards On Twitter🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:It's Now A Neck and Neck RaceThe Ultimate Red-PillingOVER TARGET! Dems and fake news are shitting themselves over Guliani going to the Ukraine. They're calling for investigation into Guliani, and ignoring the the Ukrainian investigation into Bidens. Even Fox cut off Guliani when he tried talking about Biden. Guliani connecting Steele with Ukraine now.Just spit out my coffee from laughing so hard.WEEEEW LAD!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:FeelsMy SongPromisesAmerican GirlYou Took the Words Right Out of My MouthMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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delwray-blog · 6 years
Exposing the Enemy
By Pastor Del Wray
All “Political Correct” speech is Jewish Censored speech.
“Before Americans Can Take Back America, They Should Know Who To Take It Back From”.
The TRUTH is always "anti-Semitic" to the JEWS!
The single most way to determine if anything you read, regarding the "Jewish Problem", is factual and true is to observe if the Jews have labeled it "anti-Semitic". If they have, then it is factual truth, as they HATE being exposed for what they REALLY are...the children of SATAN! John 8:43-44
 “Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word, Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
 In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men... All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easy-going weakness of Christians. Oh! If I might ask the Divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit:
 “What are those wounds in the midst of Thy hands? The answer would not be doubtful: With these was I wounded in the house of them that loved Me. I was wounded by My friends, who did nothing to defend Me, and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of My adversaries. And this reproach can be leveled at the weak and timid Christians of all ages, of all countries.”
 Communism as Destroyer
 Of all revolutionary systems, which throughout human history have been devised for the destruction of our civilized values, Communism is without doubt the most perfected, most efficient and most merciless. In fact it represents the most advanced epoch of the world revolution, in whose postulates it therefore not only acts to destroy a definite political, social, economic or moral institution, but also simultaneously to declare null and void the Church Jesus Christ founded as well as all cultural and Christian manifestations which represent our civilization.
 All revolutionary currents of Jewish origin have attacked Christianity in its different aspects with particular one-mindedness. Communism, spawned from this same revolutionary stream of thought, seeks to banish Christianity for the purpose of causing it to vanish from the face of the earth, without even the slightest trace remaining. The
Destructive fury of this satanic striving, which brings before the eyes of the world the most terrible pictures of terror and destruction which are possible to imagine, can only be based on the essence of Nihilism and the most evil, hate-filled rejection of everything hitherto existing. For otherwise, one would not be able to understand the indescribable
Insanity of its criminal acts and the spirit of destruction, of annihilation, of insult, of contradiction and of resistance by its leading personalities against everything, which represents fundamental features not only of Christianity but of religion in general.
 The purpose of Communism is, as we have indeed seen in Russia and in the other lands where it has been introduced, none other than to enslave the people in the economic, political, social, human and super-human sense, in order to make possible a minority rule through violence. From an international aspect, the goal cannot be clearer:
 "To attain through violence world domination by an insignificant minority, which destroys the rest of humanity by means of materialism, terror and, if necessary, by death, completely indifferent to whether in the process the enormous majority of the population must be murdered."
 The urge to murder, which has characterized the leading Soviet personages, is known well throughout the world. There are few, who upon learning of the bloody purges, which have been undertaken by the Marxists in Russia, will not be seized by shudders of horror.
One needs only to recall a few details to fill the most stout hearts with fear and alarm.
 "In its beginnings the Red Terror strove above all to exterminate the Russian Intelligentsia."- As proof of this assertion S.P. Melgunow affirms the following, in which he refers to the "Special Committees", which appeared in Russia in the first period of the Social revolution:
 "The special committees are not organs of law, but of merciless extermination according to the decisions of the Communist Central Committee. The special committee is neither a commission of investigation nor a court of justice, but itself determines its own powers. It is an instrument of battle, which acts on the internal front of the civil war. It does not pardon whoever stands on the other side of the barricades, but kills them.
 "It is not difficult to form ideas of how in reality this extermination proceeds, when in place of the nullified legal code only the revolutionary experience and conscience command. This conscience is subjective and experience allows complete free play to the will, which always, according to the position of the judge, takes on more or less furious forms."
 "Let us not carry on war against individual persons" - wrote Latsis - "but let us exterminate the Bourgeoisie as a class. Do not investigate, through study of documents and proofs, what the accused has done in words and deeds against the Soviet authority. The first question to be placed before him runs as to what class he belongs to, what is his origin, his education, his training and his profession".
 During the bloody dictatorship of Lenin, the Committee of Investigation under Rohrberg (Rohrberg, C), which after the capture of Kiev entered this city with the White volunteers in August 1919, reported the following:
 "The entire concrete floor of the large garage (this was the place where the provincial Cheka of Kiev had carried out executions) was swimming in blood, which did not flow but formed a layer of several inches; it was a grisly mixture of blood with brain and skull fragments as well as strands of hair and other human remains. The entire walls, holed by thousands of bullets, were spattered with blood, and fragments of brain as well as head skin adhered to them.
 "A drain ditch of 25 cm width and 25 cm deep and about 10 m long ran from the middle of the garage to a nearby room, where there was a subterranean outlet pipe. This drain ditch was filled to the top with blood.
 "Usually, immediately after the massacre, the corpses were removed in Lorries or horse-drawn wagons from the city and buried in a mass grave. In the corner of a garden we came upon an older mass grave, which contained about 80 corpses, in which we discovered signs of the most varied and unimaginable cruelties and mutilation. There were corpses from which the entrails had been removed; others had different limbs amputated and others again were cut into pieces. Some had had the eyes poked out, while the head, the face, the neck and the torso were covered with deep wounds. Further on we found a corpse with an axe in the breast, while others had no tongues. In a corner of the mass grave we discovered many legs and arms severed from the trunk."
 The enormous number of corpses, which have already been laid to the account of Communist Socialism and which increase terrifyingly all the while, will perhaps never be exactly known, but it exceeds everything imaginable. It is not possible to learn the exact number of the victims. All estimates lie below the real figure."
 In the Edinburgh newspaper "The Scotsman" of 7th November, 1923, Professor Sarolea gave the following figures:
 "28 Town officials; 1,219 Clergy; 6,000 Professors and teachers; 9,000 doctors; 54,000 Officers; 260,000 soldiers; 70,000 Policemen; 12,950 estate owners; 355,250 intellectuals and of the free professions; 193,290 workers and 215,000 peasants."
 The Information Committee of Denikin on the Bolshevistic intrigue during the years 1918-1919 records in a treatise about the Red Terror in these two years "one million, seven hundred thousand victims." In the "Roul" of 3rd August 1923, Kommin makes the following observation:
 "During the winter of 1920 there existed in the USSR, 52 governments with 52 Special Committees (Chekas), 52 Special Departments and 52 revolutionary courts. Besides countless subsidiary Chekas, transport-networks, courts on the railways as well as troops for internal security, there were mobile courts, which were dispatched to mass executions in the places concerned."
 To this list of courts of torture must be added the special departments, i.e., 16 army and divisional courts. All in all one must estimate 1000 torture chambers. If it is borne in mind that at that time district committees also existed in addition, then the number rises further. In addition the number of governments of the USSR increased. Siberia, the Crimea and the Far East were conquered. The number of Chekas grew in geometrical ratio.
 According to Soviet data (in the year 1920 when the terror had still not ebbed and the reporting of news was not restricted) it is possible to establish an average figure for every court; the curve of executions rises from one to fifty (in the great cities) and up to one hundred in the regions recently conquered by the Red Army. The crisis of terror was periodic and then ceased; in this manner one can daily estimate the (modest) figure of five victims..., which, multiplied with the thousand courts, gives a result of five thousand, and thus for the year roughly one and a half million. We recall this indescribable slaughter, not because in its totality it was either the most numerous or the most merciless to arise from the special situation and inflamed passions consequent on the first victories of the Bolshevist revolution, but because today, one hundred years after these mass executions took place, all this might otherwise be obliterated from the present Communist picture, even for the persons who were contemporaries of the events and who today, still alive, have forgotten those tragedies with the ease with which people forget not only unpleasant events which do not directly concern them, but even those to which they fell victim.
 Unhappily, time has shown us a truly demonic excess of Communism in its murderous activity, about which we give no details and do not present the monstrous statistics because all this is known to us. Several of these cruel bloodbaths have only taken place recently, so that one still seems to hear the lament of the persecuted, the death-rattle of the dying and the dumb, and the terrible and haunting complaint of the corpses.  
 It may suffice to recall the recent giant bloodbaths in Hungary, Poland, and East Germany and Cuba as well as the earlier mass killings by Stalin and the annihilation of millions of Chinese through the Communist regime of Mao-Tse-Tung. But also the Communist attempts at revolution, which failed to achieve lasting permanence, such as that of Bela Kun who occupied Hungary in such a brutal way in the middle of 1919; of Spain in 1936, where the Bolsheviks gained control of Madrid and parts of the Spanish provinces and murdered more than 16,000 priests, monks and nuns, as well as 12 Bishops; further the happily unsuccessful attempt in Germany, its most successful realization in the Red Republic of Bavaria in the year 1919. All these attempts were in fact orgies of 1918, which was directed by Hugo Haase, and which had blood and unrestrained bestiality.
 One must also not forget that this apocalyptic storm, which brings a flood of corpses, blood and tears, falls upon the world with the sole goal: to destroy not only the Christian Church but the entire Christian civilization. Before this shattering picture the world asks itself with heavy heart: who can hate our Christian features in such a form and try to destroy them with such Godless fury? Who has become capable of instigating this bloody mechanics of annihilation? Who can with such insensitivity direct and order this monstrous criminal process? And reality answers us completely without doubt that the
[Bolshevik] Jews are those responsible, as will later be proved.
 There is absolutely no doubt, that the Jews are the inventors of Communism; for they have been the instigators of the dogma, upon which that monstrous system is built, which at present with absolute power rules the greatest part of Europe and Asia, which stirs up the lands of America and with progressive certainty floods over all Christian peoples of the world like a deadly cancerous growth, like a tumor, which steadily devours the core of the free nations, without apparently an effective means of cure being found against this disease.
 But the Jews are also the inventors and directors of the Communist methods, of effective tactics of struggle, of the insensitive and totally inhuman government policy and of aggressive international strategy. It is a completely proven fact that the Communist theoreticians were all Jews, unheeded of what system the Jews lastingly use, as well as the theoreticians and the experienced revolutionaries, which has veiled from the eyes of the people, where they lived, their true origin.
 1. Karl Heinrich Marx was a German Jew, whose real name was Kissel Mordekay, born in Trier, Rhineland, and son of a Jewish lawyer. Before his famous work "Das Kapital" which contains the fundamental idea of theoretical Communism, whose concepts he strove with inexhaustible activity up to his death in the year 1887 to spread over the world, he had written and published with the Jew Engels in the year 1848 the Communist Manifesto in London; between 1843 and 1847 he had formulated in England the first modern interpretation of Hebrew Nationalism in his articles, as in the publication in the year 1844 in the periodical "Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbiicher" (German-French Year Books) under the title "Concerning the Jewish question", which shows an ultra-national tendency.
 2. Friedrich Engels, creator of the "First International", and close collaborator of Marx, was a Jew and born in Bremen (Germany). His father was a Jewish cotton merchant of the city. Engels died in the year 1894.
 3. Karl Kautski, whose real name was Kraus, was the author of the book "The Beginnings of Christianity", in which he mainly combats the principles of Christianity. He was the most important interpreter of Karl Marx and in 1887 published "The Economic Doctrine of Karl Marx Made Intelligible for all." "The Bloodbath of Chisinaw and the Jewish Question", in the year 1903, "The Class Struggle", which for Mao-Tse-Tung in China was the fundamental book for Communist instruction; and the work with the title "The Vanguard of Socialism", in the year 1921. He was also the author of the "Socialist Programme" from Erfurt, Germany. This Jew was born in the year 1854 in Prague and died in 1938 in The Hague (Holland).
 4. Ferdinand Lassalle, Jew, born in the year 1825 in Breslau. He had interfered in the democratic revolution of 1848. In the year 1863 he published his work entitled "Open Answers", in which he outlined a plan of revolution for the German workers. Since then he worked tirelessly for a "Socialist" crusade, which was directed at the rebellion of the workers. For this purpose he published a further work under the title "Capital and Labour."
 5. Eduard Bernstein, a Jew born in Berlin in the year 1850. His principal works are "Assumptions concerning Socialism", "Forward, Socialism", "Documents of Socialism", "History and Theory of Socialism", "Social Democracy of Today in Theory and Practice", "The Duties of Social Democracy", and "German Revolution". In all his writings he expounds the Communist teaching and bases it on the views of Marx. In the year 1918 he became Finance minister of the German Socialist state, which, however, could fortunately only maintain itself a few months.
 6. Jacob Lastrow, Max Hirsch, Edgar Loening, Wirschauer, Babe, Schatz, David Ricardo and many other writers of theoretical Communism were Jews. In all lands are found writers, almost exclusively Jewish, who preach Communism to the masses although with many opportunities they strive to give the appearance in their writings of a feeling of humanity and brotherhood. We have indeed already seen in practice what this means.
 However theoretical all Jews mentioned may have been, they were not satisfied with setting up the doctrinaire bases, but each one of them was an experienced revolutionary, who busied himself in whatever particular land he found himself, to factually prepare the upheaval, to direct or to give it support. As leaders or members of revolutionary associations known only to one another, they took more and more active part in the development or Bolshevism. But apart from these Jews, who in the main were regarded as theoreticians, we find that almost all materialist leaders, who develop Communist tactics, also belong to the same race and carry out their task with the greatest efficacy.
 As indisputable examples two movements of this type can be recorded:
 A) In the year 1918 Germany was showpiece of a Communist, Jew directed revolution. The Red Councils of the republic of Munich was Jewish, as its instigators prove:
Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner and many others; with the fall of the monarchy the Jews gained control of the country and the German government. With Ministers of State Haase and Landsberg appear Kautsky, Kohn and Herzfeld. The Finance minister was likewise a Jew, had his racial fellow Bernstein as assistant and the minister of the Interior, likewise a Jew, and sought the collaboration of his racial brother.
 Doctor Freund, who helped him in his work.
 Kurt Eisner, the President of the Bavarian Councils Republic, was the instigator of the Bolshevist revolution in Munich.
 "Eleven little men made the revolution", said Kurt Eisner in the intoxication of triumph to his colleague, the Minister Auer. It is no more than right to preserve the unforgettable memory of these little men, who were, in fact, the Jews Max Lowenberg, Doctor Kurt
Rosenfeld, Caspar WoUheim, Max Rothschild, Carl Arnold, Kranold, Rosenhek, Birnbaum, Reis and Kaisser. These ten with Kurt Eisner van Israelowitsch led the presidency of the Revolutionary court of Germany. All eleven were Freemasons and belonged to the secret lodge N. which had its seat in Munich at No. 51 Briennerstrasse.
 The first cabinet of Germany in the year 1918 was composed of Jews.
 1 . Preuss, Minister of the Interior.
 2. Freund, Minister of tlie Interior.
 3. Landsberg, Finance Minister.
 4. Karl Kautski, Finance Minister.
 5. Sciiiffer, Finance Minister.
 6. Eduard Bernstein, secretary of tfie State Treasury.
 7. Fritz Max Colien, director of the official information service. (This Jew was earlier correspondent of the Jewish "Frankfurter Zeitung").
 The second "German Socialist government" of 1918 was formed of the following Jews:
 1 . Hirsch, Minister of the Interior.
 2. Rosenfeld, Justice Minister.
 3. Futran, Minister of education.
 4. Arndt, Minister of education.
 5. Simon, State secretary of finances.
 6. Kastenberg, director of the department of science and art.
 7. Strathgen, director of colonial department.
 9. Wurm, secretary of food.
 10. Merz, Weil, Katzenstein, Stern, Lowenberg, Frankel, Schlesinger, Israelowitz, Selingsohn, Laubenheim, etc., took up high posts in the ministries.
 Among the remaining Jews who controlled the sectors vital to life of the German state, which had been defeated through the American intervention in the war, were found in the year 1918, and later:
 1. Kohen, President of the German workers and soldiers councils (similar to the Soviet council of soldiers and workers of Moscow in the same year).
 2. Ernst, police president of Berlin.
 3. Sinzheimer, police president of Frankfurt.
 4. Lewy, police president of Hessen.
 5. Kurt Eisner, Bavarian state president.
 6. Jaffe Bavarian finance minister.
 7. Brentano, Industry, trade and transport minister.
 8. Talheimer, minister in Wiirttemberg.
 9. Heimann, another minister in Wiirttemberg.
 10. Fulda, in the government of Hesse.
 1 1 . Theodor Wolf, chief editor of the newspaper "Berliner Tageblatt."
 12. Gwiner, director of the "Deutsche Bank".—
 B) Hungary in the year 1919. On 20th March 1919 the Jew Bela Kun (Cohn) took over power in Hungary and proclaimed the Hungarian Soviet republic, which from that moment on was submerged in a hair-raising sea of blood. Twenty-eight (28) Commissars formed with him the new government and of these 18 were Israelites. That is an unheard of proportion, when one bears in mind that in Hungary lived one and a half million Israelites compared to 22 million inhabitants. The 18 Commissars held the actual control of rulership in their hands and the eight Gentile Commissars could do nothing against them.
 "More than 90% of the members of the government and the confidence men of Bela Kun were also Jews. Here follows a list of members of the Bela Kun government:
 1. Bela Kun, general secretary of the Jewish government.
 2. Sandor Garbai, "official" president of the government, who was used by the Jews as a Hungarian man of straw.
 3. Peter Agoston, deputy of the general secretary; Jew.
 4. Dr. E. Landler, Peoples commissar for internal affairs; Jew.
 5. Bela Vago, deputy of Landler, a Jew with the name Weiss.
 6. E. Hamburger, Agriculture Commissar; Jew.
 7. Vantus, deputy of Hamburger; Jew.
 8. Csizmadia, deputy of Hamburger; Hungarian.
 9. Nyisztor, deputy of Hamburger; Hungarian.
 10 Varga, Commissar for financial affairs; Jew by name Weichselbaum.
 1 1 . Szkely, deputy of Varga; Jew by name Schlesinger.
 12. Kunftz, Education minister; Jew by name Kunstater.
 13. Kukacs, deputy of Kunfi; a Jew, who in reality was chilled Lo winger and was the son of the director-general of a banking house in Budapest.
 14. D. Bokanyi, Minister of labour; Hungarian.
 15. Fiedler, deputy of Bokanyi; Jew.
 16. Jozsef Pogany, War Commissar; a Jew, who in reality was called Schwartz.
 17. Szanto, deputy of Pogany; a Jew named Schreiber.
 18. Tibor Szamuelly, deputy of Pogany, a Jew named Samuel.
 19. Matyas Rakosi, trade Minister; a Jew, who in reality was called Matthew Roth Rosenkrantz, present Communist dictator.
 20. Ronai, Commissar of law; a Jew named Rosentstegl.
 21. Ladai, deputy of Ronai; Jew.
 22. Erdelyi, Commissar of supply; a Jew named Eisenstein.
 23. Vilmas Boehm, Socialisation Commissar; Jew.
 24. Hevesi, deputy of Boehm; a Jew named Honig.
 25. Dovsak, second deputy of Boehm; Jew.
 26. Oszkar Jaszai, Commissar of nationalities; a Jew named Jakubovits.
 27. Otto Korvin, political examining Commissar; a Jew named Klein.
 28. Kerekes, state lawyer; a Jew named Krauss.
 29. Biro, chief of the political police; a Jew named Blau.
 30. Seidem, adjutant of Biro; Jew.
 3 1 . Oszkar Faber, Commissar for liquidation of Church property; Jew.
 32. J. Czerni, commander of the terrorist bands, which were known by the name "Lenin youth"; Hungarain.
 33. Illes, supreme police Commissar; Jew.
 34. Szabados, supreme police Commissar; a Jew named Singer.
 35. Kalmar, supreme police Commissar; German Jew.
 36. Szabo, supreme police Commissar; Ruthenian Jew, who in reality was called Schwarz.
 37. Vince, Peoples Commissar of the city of Budapest, who in reality was called Weinstein.
 38. M. Kraus, Peoples Commissar of Budapest; Jew.
 39. A. Dienes, Peoples Commissar of Budapest; Jew.
 40. Lengyel, President of the Austro -Hungarian bank; a Jew named Levkovits.
 41 . Laszlo, President of the Communist revolutionary court; a Jew, who in reality was called Lowy.^
 In this government which for a time held Hungary in thrall, the chief of the Hungarian Cheka Szamuelly, besides Bela Kun, distinguished himself through countless crimes and plundering. While the latter rode through the land in his luxury automobile (with the symbol of a large gallows mounted on the vehicle, and accompanied by his capable Jewish woman secretary R. S. Salkind, alias Semliachkay), the former travelled through Hungary in his special train and sowed terror and death, as a contemporary witness describes:
 "That train of death travelled snorting through the black Hungarian nights; where it stopped, one saw people hanging from trees and blood which ran on the ground. Along the railway line naked and mutilated corpses were to be seen. Szamuelly dictated his judgments in his train, and whoever was forced to enter never lived to tell the tale of what he saw. Szamuelly lived constantly in this train. Thirty selected terrorists ensured his security. Selected executioners accompanied him. The train consisted of two saloon wagons, two first-class wagons, which were occupied by the terrorists and two third-class wagons for the victims. In the latter executions were carried out. The floor of this wagon was stiff with blood. The corpses were thrown out of the windows, while Szamuelly sat comfortably in the elegant workroom of his compartment which was upholstered in rose-coloured damask and decorated with polished mirrors. With a movement of the hand he decided over life or death. "
 There exists therefore not the slightest doubt, that the Marxist theory (Communism) is a
Jewish work, just as is also its every action, which aims at putting this doctrine into
 Before the final establishing of Bolshevism in Russia the directors and organisers of all
Communist movements in their entirety were almost solely Jews, just as the great
majority of the true organisers of the revolutions were to which they gave the impetus.
But in Russia, as the first land where Bolshevism finally triumphed, and where it was and
still is the fulcrum or driving force for the Communising of the world, the Jewish
paternity of the system of organisation and of Soviet praxis also allows no doubt or error.
According to the irrefutable data, which has been fully and completely proved and
recognised by all impartial writers who have dealt with this theme, the Communist work
of the Jews in the land of the Czars is so powerful that it would be useless to deny this
disastrous triumph as their monopoly.
 It suffices to recall the names of those who have formed the governments and the
principal leading organs in the Soviet Union, in order to know what one has immediately
to think of the clear and categorical proof of the evidence.
 (Council of Peoples Commissars)
 1. Ilich Ulin (Vladimir Ilich Ulianov or Nikolaus Lenin). President of the Supreme
Soviet, Jew on mother's side. His mother was called Blank, a Jewess of German origin.
 2. Lew Davinovich Bronstein (Leo Trotsky), Commissar for the Red Army and the Navy;
 3. losiph David Vissarionovich Djugashvili-Kochba (Joseph Vissarianovich Stalin),
Nationalities Commissar; descendant of Jews from Georgia.
 4. Chicherin; Commissar for foreign affairs; Russian.
 5. Apfelbaum (Grigore Zinoviev), Commissar for internal affairs; Jew.
 6. Kohen (Volodarsky), Commissar for press and propaganda; Jew.
 7. Samuel Kaufmann, Commissar for the landed property of the State; Jew.
 8. Steinberg, law Commissar; Jew.
 9. Schmidt, Commissar for public works; Jew.
 10. Ethel Knigkisen (Liliana), Commissar for supply, Jewess.
 1 1. Pfenigstein, Commissar for the settlement of refugees; Jew.
 12. Schlichter (Vostanoleinin) Commissar for billetings (confiscation of private houses
for the Reds); Jew.
 13. Lurie (Larin), President of the supreme economic council; Jew.
 14. Kukor (Kukorsky), Trade Commissar; Jew.
 15. Spitzberg, Culture Commissar; Jew.
 16. Urisky (Radomilsky), Commissar for "elections"; Jew.
 17. Lunacharsky, Commissar for public schools. Russian.
 18. Simasko, Commissar for health; Jew.
 19. Protzian, Agriculture Commissar; Armenian.
 In the Appendix at the end of this volume can be found the interesting and illustrative
lists of the Jewish officials in all the government bodies of the Soviet Union, the
Communist Party, the Red Army, the Secret Police, the trade unions, etc.
 Of a total of 502 offices of first rank in the organisation and direction of the Communist
revolution in Russia and in the direction of the Soviet State during the first years of its
existence, no less than 459 posts are occupied by Jews, while only 43 of these offices
have been occupied by Gentiles of different origin. Who then has accordingly carried out
this terrible revolution? The Gentiles perhaps? Another statistic, which was published in
Paris by the counter-revolutionary newspaper "Le Russe Nationaliste", after the victory
of the Jewish Communists in Russia, reveals that of 554 Communist leaders of first rank
in different offices the racial composition was as follows:
  Jews 447
Lithuanians 43
Russians 30
Armenians 13
Germans 12
Finns 3
Poles 2
Georgians 2
Czechs 1
Hungarians 1
 During the Second World War, and from then on up to our present time, the Jewish
clique which rules the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, continues to be very
numerous, for at the head of the names stands Stalin himself, who for a long time was
regarded as a Georgian of pure descent. But it has been revealed that he belongs to the
Jewish race; for Djougachvili, which is his surname, means "Son of Djou", and Djou is a
small island in Persia, whither many banished Portuguese "Gypsies" migrated, who later
settled in Georgia.
 Today it is almost completely proved that Stalin had Jewish blood, although he neither
confirmed nor denied the rumours, about which mutterings began in this direction. -
 Let us look at a list of the Soviet officials in the government of Stalin:
 1. Zdanov (Yadanov), who in reality was called Liphshitz, foriner commander in the
defence of Leningrad during the 2nd world war. Member of the Politbiiro up to 1945 and
one of the instigators of the decision which excluded Tito from the Cominform in the
year 1948 and who shortly afterwards died.
 2. Lavrenty Beria, Chief of the M.V.D. PoUce and of Soviet heavy industry, member of
the Soviet Atom industry, who was executed upon orders of Malenkov, and in fact for the
same reason for which Stalin liquidated Yagoda.
 3. Lazar Kaganovich, director of Soviet heavy industry, member of the Politburo from
1944 to 1952, then member of the Presidium and at present President of the Supreme
Presidium of the USSR.
 4. Malenkov (Georgi Maximilianovich Molenk), member of the Politburo and Orgburo
until 1952, then member of the Supreme Presidium, President of the Ministerial Council
after the death of Stalin; Minister in the government of Bulganin since 1955. He is a Jew
from Ornsenburg, not a Cossack, as is asserted. The name of his father, Maximilian
Malenk, is typical for a Russian Jew. In addition there is a very important detail, which
reveals the true origin of Malenkov and also of Khrushchev. The present wife of
Malenkov is the Jewess Pearlmutter, known as "Comrade Schans chuschne" who was
Minister (Commissar) for the fish industry in the Soviet government in the year 1938. If
Malenkov had not been a Jew, it is extremely unlikely that he would have married a
Jewess, and the latter would also not have married him. There exists no official
description of the life of Malenkov. This is certainly to be attributed to the fact that he
does not want his Jewish origin to be discovered.
 5. Nikolaus Salomon Khrushchev, present chief (1963) of the Soviet Communist party,
member of the Politburo since 1939, i.e. since the year when Malenkov was chosen
member of the Orgburo. He is the brother of Madame Malenkov, i.e. of the Jewess
Pearlmutter. Khrushchev is a Jew and his real name is Pearlmutter. Also, the present wife of Khrushchev, Nina, as well as the wives of Mikoyan, Voroshilov, Molotov, etc., are
 6. Marshal Nikolaus Bulganin, at present first Soviet minister, former bank official, was
one of the ten Jewish members of the Commissariat for the liquidation of private banks in the year 1919.
 7. Anastasio Josifovich Mikoyan, member of the Politburo since 1935, member of the
Supreme Presidium since 1952, Trade Minister and Vice-president in the Malenkov
government. He is an Armenian Jew and not a true Armenian as is believed.
 8. Kruglov, chief of the M.V.D. after Beria. Upon command of Kruglov the imprisoned
Jewish doctors were released who had been imprisoned by Riumin, sub-chief of the
police, during the rulership of Beria, in the year 1953. Likewise Jew.
 9. Alexander Kosygin, member of the Politburo up to 1952, afterwards deputy in the
Supreme Presidium and Minister for light industry and food in the Malenkov
 10. Nikolaus Schvernik, member of the Politburo up to 1952, then member of the
Supreme Presidium and member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the
Communist party; Jew.
 1 1 . Andreas Andreievich Andreiev, who was known as the "Politbureaucrat" of 3 A,
member of the Politburo between 1931 and 1952, Jew from Galicia (Poland). He writes
under a Russian pseudonym.
 12. P. K. Ponomareno, member of the Orgburo in the year 1952; afterwards member of
the highest Presidium and culture minister in the Malenkov government.
 13. P. F. Yudin (Jew), deputy member of the highest Presidium and titulary of the
Ministry for building material in the Malenkov government in the year 1953.
 14. Mihail Pervukin, member of the Presidium of the central committee of the
Communist party since 1953.
 15. N. Schatalin, official in the sub-secretariat of the Central Committee of the
Community Party.
 16. K. P. Gorschenin, Justice minister in the government of Malenkov.
 17. D. Ustinov (Zambinovich), Soviet ambassador in Athens (Greece) up to the second
world war; defence minister in the Malenkov government.
 18. V. Merkulov, Minister for state control at the time of Malenkov.
 19. A. Zasyadko, Minister for the coal industry under Malenkov.
 20. Cherburg, Soviet propaganda chief.
 21. Milstein. one of the Soviet espionage chiefs.
 22. Ferentz Kiss, Chief of the Soviet espionage service in Europe.
 23. Postschreibitscher (Poschebicheve), former private secretary of Stalin, at present
chief of the secret archives of the Kremlin.
 24. Ilya Ehrenburg, delegate for Moscow in the Supreme Soviet, Communist writer;
likewise Jew.
 25. Mark Spivak, delegate from Stalino (Ukraine) in the Supreme Soviet of Moscow.
 26. Rosalia Goldenberg, delegate from Birobudjan in the Supreme Soviet.
 27. Anna E. Kaluger, delegate of Bessarabia in the Supreme Soviet, Her brother, not
Koluger, but Calugaru in Rumanian, is a Communist official in the government of
 Also Kalinin, one of the great Soviet officials under Stalin who died some time ago, was
a Jew.
 It is only too well known, that the Anti-Semitism of Stalin was a misrepresentation of the
facts, and that the blood bath among the Jews (Trotskyists) which he carried out in order
to assert his power, was performed by other Jews. In the last instance the struggle
between the Jew Trotsky and the Jew Stalin was a struggle between parties for control
over the Communist government, which they created, it was purely a family dispute. As
proof, the following list of Commissars for Foreign Affairs, during the period when
Stalin got rid of some certain Jews, who had become dangerous for his personal power.
 1. Maxim Maximo vich Litvinoff, Minister for Foreign Affairs up to 1939, when he was
replaced by Molotov. He afterwards occupied high offices in the same ministry up to his
death in February 1952. He was born in Poland as son of the Jew Meer Genokh
Moiseevich Vallakh, a bank clerk. In order to conceal his real name Maxim Moiseevich
Vallakh, Litvinoff used various pseudonyms during his real career, among them
Finkelstein, Ludwig Nietz, Maxim Harryson, David Mordecay, Felix, and finally, when
he became an official in the Communist regime of Russia, he took on the name of
Litvinoff or Litvinov. When this Jew was replaced by Molotov in the Year 1939, the
Jews of the western world and the entire Jewish-Freemasonic press began to cry out that
he had been removed by Stalin because he was a "Jew", but they kept quiet afterwards
concerning the fact that up to his death Litvinov remained in the ministry. Why also say
this, if it was not of interest for the conspiracy? In the Memoirs of Litvinov, which were
published after his death, he wrote that in his opinion nothing would alter in Soviet
Russia after the death of Stalin. In fact, Stalin died a year after Litvinov and nothing was
altered in the Soviet's internal and external policies.
 What the West calls change in the policy of the USSR, is simply nothing further than a
skilled propaganda for the necessities of the plan for world rule through the Jews.
Nothing has altered since the death of Stalin. A certain unrest may have arisen on account of the lack of a new leader of the stature of Stalin or Lenin, that is all. For this reason the Jewish-Freemasonic conspirators of the West wish to paint the Soviet-Communist black raven over with the glittering colours of "Pacifism", "Coexistence", "Human friendliness", etc., in order to introduce it to the world as something harmless, until a dictator with the same lusts of his predecessors arises.
 When Litvinov asserted that nothing would alter with the death or Stalin, he knew very
well, that this would be so, because Stalin was nothing more than one of the handymen of the Jewish band, which rules the USSR, and because after him other Jews would be at
hand, to carry on the plan of world domination, for which Bulganin, Baruch, Reading,
Thorez, Mendes France, David Ben Gurion and many others are cooperating.
 In continuing the list of Jews in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, we
 2. Andreas Januarevich Vishinsky, now dead, who was foreign minister of the USSR
before the death of Stalin and afterwards permanent representative of the Soviet Union in the UNO. There he missed no opportunity to sling his obscenities against the non-
Communist lands, exactly as in the times when he was "Peoples Judge." His Jewish name was Abraham Januarevin.
 3. Jakob Malik, Soviet representative in the UNO and a great personality in the Soviet
diplomatic hierarchy; Jew.
 4. Valerian Zorin, for a time ambassador in London and likewise a great figure of Soviet
diplomacy, who changes his post according to necessity.
 5. Andrei Gromyko, diplomat. Minister for foreign affairs since 1958.
 6. Alexander Panyushkin, former Soviet ambassador in Washington, ambassador in
Peking during the year 1955, who is regarded as the actual dictator of Red China.
 7. Zambinovich (Ustinov), ambassador in Athens up to 1940.
 8. Admiral Radionovich, ambassador in Athens between 1945 and 1946, i.e., as the
Communist coup d'etat in Greece was prepared; Jew.
 9. Constantin Umansky, ambassador in Washington during the Second World War and
afterwards official in the Ministry for foreign affairs in Moscow.
 10. Manuilsky, former representative in the Ukraine and in the UNO, at present President of the Ukraine; likewise Jew.
 1 1 . Ivan Maisky, ambassador in London during the war, afterwards high official of the
Foreign Ministry in Moscow.
 12. Madame Kolontay, ambassador in Stockholm until her death in March 1952; Jewess.
 13. Daniel Solod, ambassador in Cairo in the year 1955. The latter, supported by a Jewish
group which belongs to the diplomatic corps in Cairo, directs the Israelite conspiracy
inside the Arab world under Soviet diplomatic protection, without the Egyptian
government noticing this. This government should not forget that David Ben Gurion, first minister of Israel, as well as Golda Meyerson, Israel's Minister in Moscow, are Russian  Jews like David Solod.
 At present, according to confirmed data, 80% to 90% of the key positions in all ministries in Moscow and the remaining Soviet republics are occupied by Jews.
 "I do not believe that there can be any doubt of the origin of all those who occupy the
highest posts in Moscow since the first moment of the revolution; for the Russians it is a
lamentable fact that after all this course of time things are much worse, for the number of Jews who live in Russia has increased in frightening degree. All important leading
positions are in their hands... "-
 As in Russia the countries of Europe where Bolshevism has gained control, are also
completely ruled by a Jewish minority; the latter always appears in the direction of the
Communist government with an iron, criminal and merciless hand, so as to attain the
utter enslaving of the native citizens through an insignificant group of Jews.
 More convincing than any other proof is an exact surveying of the most principal leaders
of the Bolshevist governments of Europe, which are always found in the hands of the
Israelites. We will quote the most principal ones:
 1. The most important Communist leader since the occupation of this land by Soviet
troops is Mathias Rakosi, an Israelite, whose real name is Mathew Roth Rosenkranz, and
who was born in the year 1 892 in Szabadka.
 2. Ferenk Miinnich, First Minister in Hungary in the year 1959 after Janos Kadar.
 3. Erno Gero, Minister of the Interior until 1954.
 4. Szebeni, Minister of the Interior before tfie Jew Gero.
 5. General Laszlo Kiros, Jew, Minister of Interior since July 1954, simultaneously chief
of the A.V.O., i.e. the Hungarian police, which corresponds to the Soviet M.V.D.
 6. General Peter Gabor, chief of the Communist political police of Hungary up to 1953, a
Jew, who in reality was called Benjamin Ausspitz and was earlier a tailor in Satorai-
Jeujhely, Hungary.
 7. Varga, State secretary for economic planning; a Jew, who in reality is called
Weichselbaum; former Minister of the Bela Kun government. He was also President of
the supreme economic council.
 8. Beregi, Minister for foreign affairs.
 9. Julius Egry, Agriculture minister of the Hungarian Peoples Republic.
 10. Zoltan Vas, President of the supreme economic council; a Jew, who in reality was
called Weinberger.
 1 1 . Josef Reval, the editor of the Hungarian press and director of the Red newspaper
"Szabad Nep" (The Free People); a Jew; who is really called Moses Kahana.
 12. Revai (another). Minister for national education; a Jew named Rabinovits.
 13. Josef Gero, transport minister; a Jew named Singer.
 14. Mihaly Farkas, Minister for national defence; a Jew named Freedman.
 15. Veres, Minister of State.
 16. Vajda, Minister of State.
 17. Szanto, Commissar for purging of enemies of the State, in the year 195 1 sent by
Moscow; a Jew named Schreiber; former member of the Bela Kun government.
 18. Guyla Dessi, Justice Minister up to 1955; today chief of the secret police.
 19. Emil Weil, Hungarian ambassador in Washington; he is the Jewish doctor who
tortured Cardinal Mindszenty.
 Among other important Jewish officials to be mentioned are:
 1 . Imre Szirmay, director of the Hungarian radio company.
 2. Gyula Garay, judge of the Communist "Peoples court of Budapest."
 3. Colonel Caspo, Sub-chief of the secret police.
 4. Professor Laszlo Benedek, Jewish dictator for educational questions.
 The sole important Communist of Gentile origin was the Freemason Laszlo Rajk, former
minister for foreign affairs, who was sentenced and executed by his Jewish "brothers" for
his "betrayal."
 1 . Clemens Gottwald, one of the founders of the Communist party in Czechoslovakia and
president of the country between 1948 and 1953; a Jew, who died shortly after Stalin.
 2. Vladimir Clementis, former Communist minister of Czechoslovakia for foreign affairs,
"sentenced and executed" in the year 1952; Jew.
 3. Vaclav David, present foreign minister of Czechoslovakia (1955); Jew.
 4. Rudolf Slaski, former general secretary of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia,
"sentenced" in the year 1952; a Jew by name of Rudolf Salzmann.
 5. Firi Hendrich, present general secretary of the Communist party; Jew.
 6. Andreas Simon, sentenced in the year 1952; a Jew named Otto Katz.
 7. Gustav Bares, assistant of the general secretary of the Communist party; Jew.
 8. Josef Frank, former assistant of the general secretary of the Communist party,
"sentenced" in the year 1952; Jew.
 1. Boleislaw Bierut, President of Poland up to 1954; Jew.
 2. Jakob Berman, general secretary of the Communist party of Poland; Jew.
 3. Julius Kazuky (Katz), minister for foreign affairs of Poland, who is well known for his
violent speeches in the UNO; Jew.
 4. Karl Swierezewskv, former vice-minister for national defence, who was murdered by
the Anti-Communist Ukrainian country population in south Poland (the mass of the
people is not always amorphous); Jew.
 5. Josef Cyrankiewicz, first minister of Poland since 1954, after Bierut; Jew.
 6. Hillary Mink, Vice-prime minister of Poland since 1954; Jew.
 7. Zenon Kliszko, minister of justice; Jew.
 8. Tadaus Kochcanowiecz, minister of labour; Jew.
 The sole important Polish Communist of Gentile origin is Wladislaw Gomulka who was
removed from political leadership since 1949, when he lost his post as first minister.
 Sooner or later he will share the same fate as Rajk in Hungary.
 1. Anna Pauker, Jewess, former minister for foreign affairs of the "Rumanian Peoples
Republic", and spy No. 1 of the Kremlin in Rumania up to the month of June 1952. Since
then she has remained in the shadows in Bucharest up to the present day, naturally in
freedom. This Jewish hyena, who was originally called Anna Rabinsohn, is the daughter
of a rabbi, who came to Rumania from Poland. She was born in the province of Moldau
(Rumania) in the year 1892.
 2. Ilka Wassermann, former private secretary of Anna Pauker, at present the real
directress of the ministry for foreign affairs.
 3. Josef Kisinevski, the present agent No. 1 of the Kremlin in Rumania, member of the
central Committee of the Communist party and vice-president of the council of ministers.
 He is a Jew and comes from Bessarabia; his correct name is Jakob Broitman. Also he is
the real chief of the Communist party of Rumania, although "officially" the general
secretary of the party is the Rumanian locksmith Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dez, who,
however, only plays the simple role of a political front. Kisinevski took his present
pseudonym from the name of the city of Kisinau in Bessarabia, where before the arrival
of the Red Army he owned a tailor's workshop.
 4. Teohari Georgescu, minister for internal affairs in the Communist government of
Bucharest between 1945 and 1952; at the present time he has been reduced to a second-
rank post, although he was "officially" "expelled" from the Communist party. He finds
himself in the same position as Anna Pauker. His real name is Baruch Tescovich. He is a
Jew from the Rumanian Danube harbour of Galatz.
 5. Avram Bunaciu, likewise a Jew, is the present (1955) general secretary of the
Presidium of the great national assembly of the "Rumanian peoples republic", i.e. the real leader of this assembly, for the "official" president Petru Groza is only an old
Freemasonic marionette, who is married to a Jewess and plays only a purely static role.
Avram Bunaciu is called in reality Abraham Gutman (Gutman translated into Rumanian
is the corresponding name for "Bunaciu", i.e. the pseudonym taken on by this Jew).
 6. Lotar Radaceanu, another Minister of the Communist government of Bucharest
"deposed" in the year 1952, but who in 1955 reappeared on the honorary tribune. He is a
Jew from Siebenbiirgen and is called Lothar Wiirtzel. Since the "Wiirtzel" in Rumanian
translates "Radicinu", this Jew has simply transferred his Hebraic name into Rumanian
and is now called "Radaceanu".
 7. Miron Constantinescu, member of the central Committee of the Communist party and
minister for mining and petroleum. Now and then he changes his ministerial posts. He is
a Jew from Galatzi (Rumania), who in truth is called Mehr Kohn, and as is customary
among them, uses a Rumanian pseudonym.
 8. Lieutenant General Moises Haupt, commander of the military district of Bucharest;
 9. Colonel General Zamfir, Communist "security chief in Rumania and responsible for
thousands of murders, which this secret police has perpetrated. He is a Jew and comes
from the Danube harbour of Braila. He is called Laurian Rechler.
 10. Heim Gutman, chief of the civil secret service of the Rumanian Peoples republic;
 11. Major-General William Suder, chief of the information service and of counter-
espionage of the Rumanian Communist army. He is a Jew, by name Wilman Siider and
former officer of the Soviet Army.
 12. Colonel Roman, former director of the E.K.P. service (education, culture and
propaganda) of the Rumanian army up to 1949, and at the present time Minister in the
Communist government. His name as Jew is Walter.
 13. Alexander Moghiorosh, minister for Nationalities in the Red government; Jew from
 14. Alexander Badau, chief of the Control Commission for foreigners in Rumania. He is
a Jew who originates from the city of Targoviste whose real name is Braustein. Before
1940 his family in Targoviste possessed a large trading firm.
 15. Major Lewin, chief of press censorship, Jew and former officer of the Red Army.
 16. Colonel Holban, chief of the Communist "Security" of Bucharest, a Jew named
Moscovich, former Syndicate (Union) chief.
 17. George Silviu, general governmental secretary of the ministry for internal affairs; a
Jew named Gersh Golinger.
 18. Erwin Voiculescu, chief of the pass department in the ministry for foreign affairs. He
is a Jew and is called Erwin Weinberg.
 19. Gheorghe Apostol, chief of the general labour union of Rumania; he is a Jew named
 20. Stupineanu, chief of economic espionage; Jew by name Stappnau.
 21. Emmerick Stoffel, Ambassador of the Rumanian Peoples Republic in Switzerland; a
Jew from Hungary and specialist in bank questions.
 22. Harry Fainaru, former legation chief of the Rumanian Communist embassy in
Washington up to 1954 and at present official in the ministry for foreign affairs in
Bucharest. He is a Jew named Hersch Feiner. Before the year 1940 his family possessed a
grain business in Galatzi.
 23. Ida Szillagy, the real directress of the Rumanian embassy in London; Jewess; friend
of Anna Pauker.
 24. Lazarescu, the "Charge d' Affaires" of the Rumanian government in Paris. He is a Jew
and is really called Baruch Lazarovich, the son of a Jewish trader from Bucharest.
 25. Simon Oieru, State under-secretary of the Rumanian state; Jew with name of
 26. Aurel Baranga, inspector general of arts. He is a Jew; Ariel Leibovich is his real
 27. Liuba Kisinevski, president of the U.F.A.R. (Association of anti-Fascist Rumanian
women); she is a Jewess from Cernautzi/ Bukowina, and is called in reality Liuba
Broitman, wife of Josif Kisinevski of the central Committee of the party.
 28. Lew Zeiger, director of the ministry for national economy; Jew.
 29. Doctor Zeider, jurist of the ministry for foreign affairs; Jew.
 30. Marcel Breslasu, director general of arts; a Jew by name Mark Breslau.
 31. Silviu Brucan, chief editor of the newspaper "Scanteia", official party organ. He is a
Jew and is called Briikker. He directs the entire campaign of lies that attempts to deceive
the Rumanian people concerning the true situation created by Communism. At the same
time the Jew Briikker directs the fake "Antisemitic" campaign of the Communist press of
 32. Samoila, governing director of the newspaper "Scanteia"; he is a Jew; Samuel
 33. Horia Liman, second editor of the Communist newspaper "Scanteia"; Jew with the
name of Lehman.
 34. Engineer Schnapp, governing director of the Communist newspaper "Romania
Libera" (Free Rumania), the second Communist newspaper on the basis of its circulation;
likewise a Jew.
 35. Jehan Mihai, chief of the Rumanian film industry. Communist propaganda by means
of films; a Jew, whose name is Jakob Michael.
 36. Alexander Graur, director general of the Rumanian radio corporation, which stands
completely and solely in the service of the Communist party. He is a Jewish professor
and is called Alter Biauer, born in Bucharest.
 37. Mihail Roller, at present President of the Rumanian academy, is a sinister professor, a Jew, unknown before the arrival of the Soviets in Rumania. Today he is "President" of
the Academy and in addition he has written a "new history" of the Rumanian people, in
which he falsifies the historical truth.
 38. Professor Weigel, one of the tyrants of the university of Bucharest, who directs the
constant "purging actions" among Rumanian students who are hostile to the Jewish-
Communist regime.
 39. Professor Lewin Bercovich, another tyrant of the Bucharest university, who with his
spies controls the activity of Rumanian professors and their social connections; an
immigrant Jew from Russia.
 40. Silviu Josifescu, the official "literary critic", who censures the poems of the best
poets like Eminescu Alecsandri, Vlahutza, Carlova, etc., who all died centuries ago or
more than half a century ago, and alters form and content, because these poems are "not
 in harmony" with the Communist Marxist ideas. This literary murderer is a Jew, who in
truth is called Samoson losifovich.
 41 . Joan Vinter, the second Marxist "literary critic" of the regime and author of a book
with the title "The problem of literary legacy" is likewise a Jew and is called Jakob
 The three former secretaries of the General Labour League up to 1950, Alexander
Sencovich, Mischa Levin and Sam Asriel (Serban), were all Jews.
 1. Marshal Tito, who with his real Jewish name is called Josif Walter Weiss, originates
from Poland. He was an agent of the Soviet secret service in Kabul, Teheran and Ankara
up to 1935. The true Brozovich Tito, in origin a Croat, died during the Spanis civil war in
 2. Moses Pijade, general secretary of the Communist party and in reality the "grey
eminence" of the regime, is a Jew of Spanish origin (Sefardit).
 3. Kardelj, member of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist party and
minister for foreign affairs; is a Jew of Hungarian origin and is called in reality Kardayl.
 4. Rankovic, member of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist party and
minister for internal affairs, is an Austrian Jew and was earlier called Rankau.
 5. Alexander Bebler, member of the Central Committee of the Communist party and
permanent representative of Yugoslavia in the UNO, is an Austrian Jew.
 6. loza Vilfan (Joseph Wilfan), economic advisor of Tito, in reality the economic dictator
of Yugoslavia, is a Jew from Sarajevo.
 Since not so many Jews live in Yugoslavia as in other lands, we find a greater number of
natives in the Communist government of this land, always however in posts of the second rank; for the above mentioned principal leaders in reality control the Yugoslav
government completely and absolutely.
 Have you read and seen enough? The greatest enemy of the Christian Church in America and the world is the Jews! Jesus warned us of the Jews “The Synagogue of Satan”.
Freemasonry Favors and Spreads Communism, Which Is a Jewish Creation.
They’re all Jews, people that run this country and they are America’s greatest enemy.
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clubofinfo · 7 years
Expert: Freedom of expression includes not saying what you don’t want to. So these updates which may give some insight to ‘truth management’ in Canada start out with the journalist’s right to protect his/her sources. Refusing to reveal a source to the court in both the U.S. and Canada can place a journalist in jail. The extremes of countering an individual’s wishes not to reveal information have become the state’s domain due to current policies on torture. U.S. officials who have approved torture are allowed to enter Canada although torture is clearly against Canadian law. And the law is further compromised by government agencies accepting from other countries information which is obtained by torture. 1. The House of Commons has unanimously passed Bill S-231, allowing journalists to not reveal confidential sources unless required by a Superior Court judge.1 Superior Court judge approval will also be required for the police investigation of a journalist or search of his/her premises. While this seems to protect the journalist’s rights by taking such decisions out of the hands of lesser court judges, it still officially grants the state the right to criminalize a journalist for protecting his/her sources. Decency and professional standards stand in contradiction. 2. The Supreme Court has decided unanimously, that the records concerned with the abuse of native Americans at Canada’s residential schools, 38,000 accounts, will be destroyed.2 Individuals will have fifteen years to retrieve the records of their abuse. The destruction of records deprives the future of the truth. Without history the lessons may have to be learned all over again. Canada’s government wanted to archive the documents for historical record: analysis of church and government’s roles in the abuse of First Peoples remains incomplete. 3. In Ottawa a plaque at Canada’s new Holocaust Memorial Monument has been removed in response to protests that the text didn’t specifically deal with Jews. The text read: “The National Holocaust Monument commemorates the millions of men, women and children murdered during the Holocaust and honours the survivors who persevered and were able to make their way to Canada after one of the darkest chapters in history. The monument recognizes the contribution these survivors have made to Canada and serves as a reminder that we must be vigilant in standing guard against hate, intolerance and discrimination.” However the monument is shaped as a Star of David, during the Holocaust an emblem which applied only to the Jewish people.3 The monument also specifies the experience of Europe’s Jewish communities on the interior walls.4 Text of the replacement plaque has not been released. In addition to Jewish peoples and depending on the region of Europe, millions of people who weren’t Jews were rounded up and killed, Roma, Poles, Russians, Serbs, Non-Aryans, communists, nationalists, dissidents, homosexuals, handicapped, old people, sick people, prisoners, prisoners of war, resistance fighters died in labour camps, concentration camps, by injection, gas chanbers, on scaffolds, in the fields of resistance, at mass graves or through starvation and disease. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau inaugurated the monument on September 27th, 2017, but was publicly chided for not specifying Jews in his speech, and for the lack of specific reference in this particular plaque. Historical note: Edwin Black in his book, War against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Attempt to Create a Master Race,  relies less on the concept of the Holocaust as a war against the Jews, than on the Nazi’s attempt to create a genetically ‘superior’ race. Since the early 1920’s German eugenics research and resulting programs were heavily funded by the U.S.’s Rockfeller Foundation. Nazi programs of “racial hygiene” paralleled the rising anti-Semitism of the laws. In 1933 Reich Statute Part I, No 86, the Law for the Prevention of Defective Progeny was a mass sterilization law for those considered feebleminded, schizophrenic, manic depressive, and those with chorea, epilepsy, physical deformities, deafness, inherited blindness5 While the Rockefeller Foundation didn’t officially approve of the Reich’s policies in eugenics it continued to fund German eugenics mightily. If one considers the Holocaust a war on  Jews rather than a war of racial hygiene for the purity of a Nordic master race, then one needn’t investigate the wealthy and powerful sources of the crime, or reject the human sacrifices of eugenics. 4. As an alternative to re-writing history the perception managers have the option of not letting history occur – if it counters business interests. And Canadian courts have the option of placing publication bans or gag orders on what the public is allowed to know about what happens in legal proceedings. In Vancouver under the Conservative Harper government, environmental groups mobilizing to understand and counter the claims of large corporations to place pipelines across native lands, were infiltrated by government/police agencies. The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association is taking the government to court6 for allegedly spying on environmentalists of Lead Now, Stand Earth, the Dogwood Initiative and Sierra Club of B.C.; government spying criminalizes groups and people attempting to contribute to National Energy Board hearings on pipeline approval. Objections were initially raised before the Security Intelligence Review Committee (the watchdog committee for the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency) which rejected the case and forbid the environmentalists from publicly revealing evidence about the review. The environmentalists’ lawyer sees the gag order as a violation of freedom of expression. The Review Committee has used its authority as a tool of oppression. The gag order doesn’t benefit the people but CSIS protected corporate interests, and currently these are under some pressure. In what the Mayor of Montreal Denis Coderre finds a victory for the people, TransCanada has cancelled the 15.7 billion dollar Energy East pipeline.7 Its destruction of the environment will simply not occur. An estimated 236 million tons of carbon will not pollute the atmosphere. TransCanada also cancelled its Eastern Mainline pipeline. Reliant on freedom of expression and information sharing, grassroots mobilization across Canada has won an initial victory. 5. Information on the case of Alexandre Bissonnette remains tightly controlled and slightly…awry (“At the suspect’s court appearance on February 21, 2017, the judge ordered a publication ban”). There’s restricted release of any police evidence or the results and extent of any investigations into Quebec City’s Mosque murder of six Muslim worshippers this past January 29th. On October 2nd another charge was laid against the single suspect, Alexandre Bissonnette, for an additional attempted murder.8 So there are now six charges of “attempted murder with a restricted weapon” and the six charges of first-degree murder remain. To avoid time limits before the case is nullified, with the judge’s warning, the CBC assures us the Crown is passing over holding a preliminary inquiry, to simply proceed with the indictment. The CBC reports that the Mosque’s Muslim community still wants to know why Alexandre Bissonnette hasn’t, logically, incurred terrorism charges. The Crown Prosecutor has replied that murder is the most serious crime in Canadian law. This doesn’t really address a public understanding that charges of terrorism increase the terms of prison time at sentencing. So Canadians are denied the privilege of understanding the prosecutor’s compassion for this only suspect in a rather complicated and thorough murder of six Muslims at worship. The case goes to trial in court, December 11th. 6. The Huffington Post notes that Canada leads the United States in the number of corrupt companies blacklisted by the World Bank.9 We remember that this is the same World Bank which forced “austerity” on Greece in an attempt to sway the country to a more profitable fascism. The World Bank is not considered morally or ethically “fussy.” But #1 in the world Canada has 117 companies (mostly SNC-Lavalin-related) which the World Bank considers too corrupt for even them to do business with, while 2nd in the world U.S. has only 46 companies which are actually named. A difficulty with economic corruption is that it translates into the infrastructures of entire populations. For instance, one of Canada’s SNC-Lavalin companies is Candu Energy, famous for designing nuclear reactors. 7. An article by Tony Seed reveals that Canada’s Defence Cooperation Agreement with the Ukraine, not only allows expanded arms sales to a fascist government of the Ukraine but allows increased sales to Saudi Arabia by Canadian companies; i.e., Pratt & Whitney Canada, Esterline GMC Electronics.10 Saudi Arabia is currently bombing a poverty stricken Yemen where a million cases of cholera are expected before November. According to Democracy Now!:11 “The ongoing U.S.-backed, Saudi-led bombing campaign has destroyed Yemen’s health, water and sanitation systems…”.  An ongoing but ignored genocide warning continues for the people of Yemen.12 Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and former International Minister of Trade, Chrystia Freeland, currently negotiating the NAFTA agreement for Canada, has found it difficult to resist Canada’s anti-Russian, pro-U.S. policy in the Ukraine which blends easily with her own beginnings as a journalist for a Canadian Ukrainian nationalist newspaper (See “The Tactical Use of the Ukraine“). Supplying Saudi Arabia with weapons at this point should be considered a crime against humanity of major proportions and not concern simply the Canadian weapons suppliers but their government facilitators. Which leads us to the purpose of lies, of perception management, of suppressing news, of hiding the truth from the people. If capable of perceiving the damages they cause, surely the people would object. * Gloria Galloway,”Ottawa passes legislation to protect journalists’ anonymous sources from police,” The Globe and Mail, October 4, 2017. * Kathleen Harris, “Indigenous residential school records can be destroyed, Supreme Court rules,” CBC News, October 06, 2017. * Senator Linda Frum in “Conservative MP wants answers after National Holocaust Monument flub,” CTV News, October 5, 2017. * Bruce Campion-Smith. “National Holocaust Monument plaque pulled after panel omits mention of Jews,” thestar.com. * War against the Weak, p.299. * Mike De Souza and Carl Meyer, “Trudeau government taken to court over alleged spying during Harper years,” National Observer, October 4th 2017. * Jake Johnson, “Huge ‘People Over Pipeline’ Victory as TransCanada Forced to Kill Energy East,” Common Dreams, October 5, 2017. * Catou MacKinnon, “Crown charges Quebec City mosque shooter with attempted murder of attack witnesses,” CBC News, October 2, 2017. * “World Bank’s Corrupt Companies Blacklist Dominated By Canada,” September 18, 2013, The Huffington Post. * Tony Seed. “Background on Canada-Ukraine defence agreement: A ‘rich, mutually beneficial’ arms trade,” June 11, 2017, Tony Seed’s Weblog. * “Yemen: ICRC Warns of New Outbreaks as Cholera Cases Near 1 Million,” October 03, 2017. * Nightslantern.ca has carried genocide warnings for the people of Yemen since 2015 here. See 2015; 2016; 2017. http://clubof.info/
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/aaron-hernandez-saga-ends-funeral/
Aaron Hernandez saga ends with funeral
Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez's wild ride of a life will be finalized today with a private funeral, but his apparent suicide only leaves more questions than answers. A brief lifetime’s worth of aspirations and transgressions will be laid to rest today, leaving many unanswered questions and three families’ cries for justice that may linger for months or years. Former New England Patriots tight end and convicted killer Aaron Hernandez — talented, charismatic, wealthy beyond the imaginations of most, yet driven to deadly violence — will be remembered at a private funeral. The invitation-only service will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at the O’Brien Funeral Home in Hernandez’s hometown of Bristol, Conn., according to a statement from the Connecticut Funeral Directors Association. The burial will also be private, and no date or time was given. Hernandez, 27, acquitted just 10 days ago in the 2012 double murder of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado, was serving a sentence of life without parole for his conviction for the 2013 murder of Odin L. Lloyd. Hernandez’s family released a statement thanking members of the public for their support. “The family of Aaron Hernandez wishes to thank all of you for the thoughtful expressions of condolences,” the family said. “We wish to say goodbye to Aaron in a private ceremony and thank everyone in advance for affording us a measure of privacy during this difficult time.” It remains unclear who, if anyone, from Hernandez’s playing days will attend the ceremony. Mike Pouncey, Hernandez’s teammate at the University of Florida, posted a tribute to his friend soon after he committed suicide early Wednesday at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Facility in Shirley, Mass. “I will forever miss you and love you bro,” Pouncey, now an NFL lineman, wrote on Instagram. Pouncey’s brother, Maurkice, another NFL lineman who played with Hernandez in college, echoed those sentiments in his own Instagram message. “[T]he world may think wateva but to my brother, I LOVE YOU,” Maurkice Pouncey wrote. The former NFL star was found hanging from a bedsheet in his cell at the state’s maximum-security prison in Shirley early Wednesday, according to the state Department of Correction. Hernandez’s body arrived at the funeral home early Saturday afternoon, Laura Soll, spokeswoman for the funeral directors association, said in a short phone interview on Saturday. Legal wrangling over his assets will continue long after the troubled athlete is laid to rest. Wrongful death lawsuits brought by the families of de Abreu, Furtado, and Lloyd are still pending against Hernandez’s estate. In addition, lawyers for Hernandez’s family have said they may file a negligence lawsuit against prison officials for failing to prevent his death.
Aaron Hernandez's Final Days
For most of his life, on the football field and off, the former New England Patriots' tight end wore a mask. It finally cracked moments after a jury in Boston declared him not guilty of a double homicide last Friday, when tears filled his eyes. It was the first emotion other than a smirk, a smile or a scowl he'd shown since June 26th, 2013, the day the former New England Patriots' Pro Bowl tight end was arrested on a separate charge of murdering his friend Odin Lloyd. Hernandez had already been convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in the Lloyd murder before this second trial began, so even though he was exonerated in the drive-by shooting of two office cleaners named Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado, nothing really changed for him except those tears. An hour or so after acquittal, he was back in his cell at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, Mass., alone with whatever demons put him there with little reason to believe, despite the bluster of his high-powered defense attorney Jose Baez, he would ever walk free despite a pending appeal of the Lloyd conviction. As it was, he'd just been convicted of an additional gun charge that carried an additional five-year sentence to be served after the Lloyd sentence so even if he somehow won his appeal he wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Or was he? Two days later was Easter Sunday, a day of redemption for many Christians – but not for Hernandez, whom some say had begun to find jailhouse faith himself. Just over 48 hours later he talked with his loyal, long-suffering fiancée Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez until the phones were cut off at 8 p.m. and all inmates were returned to their cells. Hernandez went in alone, prison officials say. There have been, as yet unsubstantiated, reports he smoked K2, a powerful synthetic marijuana, then applied soap to the floor of his cell to make it slippery in case he had second thoughts about what he was about to do. Hernandez was alone until 3:05 a.m., when a guard making a routine tier check found him hanging from a bed sheet tied to his window and frantically tried to open the cell door. Hernandez had jammed it shut with cardboard. What the guard found was a dead man who had once signed a contract worth $39.5 million on his knees wearing one last mask. Scrawled across Hernandez's forehead in red ink was a Biblical reference: "John 3:16." It is a gospel about salvation, something Hernandez could not find in life, no matter how fast he ran or how many footballs he caught. By his side was a Bible opened to that passage, which reads: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Lined up neatly next to it were three notes, one to his four-year-old daughter Avielle, a second his fiancée. None relieved the shockwaves from the final act of an apparent psychopath who was more confounding than a chameleon. "He was a master manipulator," Bristol County sheriff Thomas Hodgson told media outlets. Hodgson got to know Hernandez intimately during the 18 months he was locked up in the Bristol County jail before the Lloyd conviction. "He never showed anything but complete control. This is something I never would have expected. I've known Aaron Hernandez to be somebody able to completely control – almost like a metal trap – things he'd let in and let out. All the time he was here he never showed much emotion.'" Because of that Hodgson found Hernandez's tears odd and troubling. "It was a deviation from a pattern of controlled behavior," he says. Tha­t left Hodgson wondering if a jury siding with him had somehow penetrated the iron façade of indifference to the world he'd worn seemingly since his father Dennis died unexpectedly from a routine hernia operation when Aaron was 16. By all accounts, Hernandez and his father had been inseparable and when he died the budding football star put on his first mask, one of cold refusal to mourn the loss of the most important man in his life. His brother said he never cried. His mother insisted he was never the same. He told Hodgson he had gone to his father's grave only once and never returned. Not long after that, he drifted into constant dope smoking and what appeared to be a fascination with gangs, guns and thug life. His body became a tapestry of tats, some reminding him of his father's wise counsel, others of smoking guns. One with five bullets missing and the words "God Forgives" written backwards so it could be read in a mirror led prosecutors to believe it was in commemoration of the shooting of Furtado and de Abreu. His gifts caused him to become an All-American at Florida but repeated brushes with the law and failed drug tests turned a first-round talent into a troubled fourth round draft choice. But his pass catching skills convinced the Patriots to hand him a five-year, $39.5 million contract extension one month after the Cape Verdean cleaning men were shot to death by an unknown assailant. At the time he signed, Hernandez cryptically said, "I was one of the persons that, I came here, I might have acted the way I wanted to act, but you get changed by Bill Belichick's way. You get changed by the Patriots' way. Now that I'm a Patriot, I have to start living like one and making the right decisions for them.'" By then he'd been a Patriot for nearly three years. By then de Abreau and Furtado were also dead. Four months later an associate of Hernandez's, a smalltime drug dealer and enforcer named Alexander Bradley, was shot in the face and left for dead. Later he would say Hernandez did it. Eleven months later, Lloyd's body was found riddled with bullets a mile from Hernandez's home. In nine days, Hernandez was arrested on murder charges, released by the Patriots and never spent another night outside a prison cell like the one where he was found dead by his own hands at 27. In six years he'd been either a suspect or a defendant in six shootings in which three people were killed. He'd been incarcerated longer than he'd played in the NFL. And he’d become an enigma to all who encountered him. "I'll tell you, this guy Aaron Hernandez was the best I'd ever seen at manipulating, at being able to use his personality to make you believe he was somebody very different,'" Hodgson says. "You had a hard time not liking the guy, but he was also volatile. He could go from 0 to 60 like that. His trigger was always around feeling disrespected." But something pierced that armor at some point, but we may never know what. A vulnerability had been created for which he had no answer but final escape. According to several sources, Hernandez had begun to read more. Hodgson reportedly encouraged this habit, suggesting he begin with a book of life lessons, Tuesdays With Morrie. Hernandez talked with friends about it and allegedly his old college teammate, Mike Pouncey, who stayed in touch with him, told Hernandez he read it on his recommendation. He also began reading a Bible in his cell at Hodgson's suggestion. When Hodgson later asked him if he was reading it, Hernandez had a startling response. "He told me he used to read it with a coach at Florida. He'd gotten away from it but he liked it,'" Hodgson recalls. "I asked him if he was reading the one in his cell. He told he was. He said he opened it randomly 'and it was all about me.' He had a way of only letting in what he wanted." In his last days, court sources claim, Hernandez was more engaging with guards, court officers and his legal team. He joked with one clerk about his need for a haircut even though he was bald and reportedly had given away to other inmates many of his possessions. Was his new-found elation a result of knowing how his story would end when others did not? Was his suicide a desperate act or one last defiance, a statement of total control? Back at Souza-Baranowski, he spent his final hours outside his cell socializing with gang members, having started a fitness program for some of them and joining in pickup basketball games. After his death, a long-held rumor went viral alleging Lloyd had caught him in a "compromising position" with another man and was killed for fear he would out Hernandez. This was an unpublished rumor among investigators and some long-time court reporters, and one that Hernandez allegedly denied to a jailhouse confidant several days before his death. Like so much else about him, we'll never know. An autopsy was performed, confirming suicide and finding no signs of foul play. Hernandez's family requested that his brain be released to Boston University's Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center to test for the presence of CTE, the protein that causes dementia and brain damage in victims of concussions and brain trauma that has been found in unusually high proportions among former football players. But before the chief medical examiner could do that, Baez called a press conference outside the medical examiner's office claiming the state was "illegally" refusing to turn his client's brain over to researchers. To the end, Hernandez had proclaimed his innocence and, in an odd way, his suicide will support that because of an obscure Massachusetts' legal principle called "abatement ab initio." Although he was convicted of the Lloyd murder two years ago, because his appeal was not complete before his death the case reverts to its original status as if the trial and conviction never happened. This can be challenged by the Bristol County D.A. or Lloyd's family, who already hold a summary judgment against Hernandez in a wrongful death suit. Both Lloyd's mother and the IRS have attached his estate, which includes an unsold mansion on the market for $1.3 million after $200,000 was slashed from the asking price when it failed to gain an offer, but their chance of prevailing after his death is unlikely in the opinion of legal experts familiar with the law. That legal technicality could also result in the Patriots having to return a multi-million dollar bonus payment to Hernandez's estate after having withheld it following his first arrest in 2013 claiming the arrest alone voided his contract for conduct detrimental to the team. The Patriots are likely to win that argument but even in his grave Aaron Hernandez will wear one last mask. He will go there an innocent man in the eyes of the law. A master manipulator to his final breath. "I've wondered about that," Hodgson says when asked about what finally led Aaron Hernandez to soap his cell floor and then wrap that bed sheet around his neck. "Was he thinking, 'I'm going to go out with people wondering if I'm truly innocent. I'll write the ending for myself.' With a mind as complicated as his, we'll never know."
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