#but the fallen link AU is very interesting and will hopefully go somewhere
gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Ngl my best friend and I are doing a kind of rewrite of totk for fun and like. We had a more nuanced story in around thirty minutes, and I kind of want to work on it more. Here's the thing though, it's so easy to write this as a good story because it has so much potential, and it's like you said!! Taken at face value it's so boring!! I'm genuinely so frustrated with this!!
I know, right? Something I've noticed is that like literally anytime I mention the story being kinda shit, it takes like maybe a minute for people to look at the existing setup and think of something more interesting. Like, I briefly complained about the boring writing in a youtube comment, and I've seen three different people reply to that with more compelling takes on the story using very minor fixes. There's just so many bad decisions in the writing, I have no idea how the fuck Nintendo thought this was acceptable.
I mean goddamn, even putting aside all of the Everything with the imperialism in the memories, the memories existing at all is a horrible decision! They seriously made a role playing game where 95% of the story occurs in the past, where the only involvement the player has is our character being namedropped a few times. It worked in BOTW, because Link was there the whole fucking time, and also the memories WEREN'T the story - that was everything leading up to the actual plot kicking off! If a player just totally ignored the memories, the only real consequence was that you didn't really get to know Zelda! If you ignore the memories in TOTK, you are missing the entire fucking plot.
It's such an easy fix too, I mean ffs if the ancient past is where everything interesting is going to happen, just send Link and Zelda back in time together. Link can actually interact with the story and characters, he can develop his own beef with Ganondorf instead of them literally having nothing to do with each other beyond other people saying they should fight, and it'd fix the gaping plot hole of literally all the Sheikah tech being gone - none of it's been built yet. The story could take Link through working with the Sages, finding a way to heal the decayed Master Sword - fuck, he could even wield the ancient Master Sword in its place while he's in the past! They fight Ganon, seal him away, then for the grand finale Link and Zelda return to the modern day Hyrule shortly after they left, and discover it's basically an apocalypse kicking off, because why would Ganon bother to just wait for his enemies to get ready to stop him, he can just go apeshit the second he's free of the seal. This works in story, but also excuses the finale having some railroading - the chaos of the apocalypse stops Link from going off track, ensuring the devs don't need to put in the entire BOTW map just for that one finale sequence. Link retrieves the formerly decayed Master Sword from wherever he left it to heal for the last ten thousand years, and then him and Zelda go fuck up Ganon together, for real this time. Bam, problem solved. Link's in the actual plot, Zelda gets to actually exist for more of the story than just the ending cutscene, there's a reason for the map being completely different, and the Sheikah tech isn't just retconned into non-existence. Fuck, they could explain the runes being gone as just Zelda dropping the Sheikah Slate in the chaos before being yeeted into the past, or the slate being hit by Gloom and destroyed as well. Also, the expanded list of monsters and old monsters having different designs to include the new horns makes sense; they're ten thousand years in the past, of course things are different. Yeah it'd suck that we wouldn't really get to see the characters from BOTW, but... come on. They barely did anything with them anyways.
Alternatively, they could just do the story in the past with Zelda as the player character, if they're that hellbent on ensuring Link isn't allowed to do anything. It'd be a really cool twist! They wouldn't even need to change the gameplay that much, it's been years since the Calamity and Zelda's been travelling around with Link the whole time, it makes perfect sense that she would have learned how to fight over the years, and Link teaching her would give her a very similar fighting style.
It would have been so easy to give the game a more interesting story, it's just embarrassing that they fucked it up so badly.
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
Even If it Kills Us (but it wont hopefully) pt8
hey, Hey, HEy, HEY! Sanders Sides mafia au! That erased itself four times and made me cry twice. :) Sorry for the long wait, I rage quit for a few weeks.
Part Seven is here for those who need a refresher (aka me) and Part One is here for anyone new around! Summary: Virgil is a normal college student, who is also the heir to a mafia he didn’t know existed, and he’s currently being arrested for it. At least he knows to wear a seat belt.
TW: knives, tasers, poisons, 
Quick Taglist: @a-she-monster @average--human @calvindientesblancos @crysthefangirl4ever @deathshadowrules @dierotenixe @drmephistofaust  @emo-nithtmare @enderperson43 @fandomobsessed-nerd @fireflysinmystomach @ilovemygaydad @iolanomsgranola @itsrandompostime @jadeace115  @just-another-rainbowblog  @kindly-falling  @laragazzadellluna @lefaystrent @levy-the-b00kw0rm @logicality-vs-prinxiety @meep-by-boredom @mirror2thespirit @my-analogical-romance @ninja-wizard101 @oodlemydoodle @pattons-cookies @punsterterry  @reeama-the-slytherin @sanders-sides-rebloger @seaspider10 @skittlesun  @skullfire2004 @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @superwholocked-for-life @sylveon-lover-crazyfangirl1415 @that-ghost-in-the-corner @the-anti-virgil @the-parentheticals  @theradicalrainbow @chelsvans @felicianoromano @jemthebookworm @holliberries @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @treasureofpriam
(lmk if you want to be added!)
“I am Logan Ackroyd, Undercover FBI,” Logan says, one hand-- his non shot hand-- casually fixing his tie, “And I’ll be taking these two into custody.”
Virgil thinks of all the times he’s previously been arrested.
There are none.
Instead he’s stuck with all his limbs unresponsive like a computer that’s been disconnected, his head worrying with a faint buzzing from where he’d head hit the ground after Logan shoved him away (hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy slipped past his shirt collar and his jacket), and his mouth overwhelmingly tasting like burnt popcorn.
Virgil’s knowledge of police procedures come completely from the stolen few minutes of Criminal Minds he caught on TV occasionally as a child 
(before his mother caught him, before she yelled and tore at his hair and told him never to let the police get near him)
And really, what more had he needed to know? 
Don’t do illegal things! That was easy enough!
Virgil thinks, as his rights are read to him, and his hands are cuffed behind his back, and he’s loaded into the back of a police car in front of a crowd of bypassers coming to the diner for a midday brunch, he failed, majorly.
He doesn’t even know what crime he was being arrested for.
Was it the suspicious activity of people shooting at him in the movie theater? Was it the reckless speeding through town that he had been a passenger in? Was it the murder of two assumed police officers in the diner five minutes ago?
All three?
“Wow, the real deal!” A local police officer says from somewhere Virgil can’t see
(which is pretty much everywhere, considering the only thing he can see is a black ant scuttling through the grass inches from his nose and getting closer)
“Hey, Wally, check these guys out! They’re real FBI!” The officer says again.
“Wouldja look at that! A real FBI badge!”
Virgil wonders if they knew the difference between a real one and a fake one. He has his doubts concerning the two officers who tried to apprehend them inside the dinner.
“Yes,” Logan’s voice says coolly, coldly, icily, “I am a real FBI agent with real paperwork to complete and this mess to take care of.” 
Virgil is really not a fan of how he says “mess”. 
Like Virgil is month old take out that started to reproduce, like the sticky mess of spilled energy drinks that Virgil carelessly left across his desk which ended up gluing the entire back cover of his Western Civ textbook to the wooden surface, like the aftermath of an execution and the blood had spilled into the grout.
“Remus,” Logan’s voice calls out, “Time to go.”
Then someone picks up Virgil by his shoulder and another by his feet and all Virgil can think is people touching him, hands on his body, and he cant move. 
He wants to scream, but the effects of the taser are long lasting (apparently) and he can’t even get his tongue to unstick from the top of his mouth, much less open his jaw at all. 
The idea of forcing air out of his already uncomfortably compressed lungs?
forget it.
He’s vaguely aware that on other side of him, Dee was carefully loaded in, completely useless, completely unconscious.
Virgil gets the feeling he’s just a passenger in his own body. Part of him wants to feel humiliated by the way the he’d been manhandled into a police car in front of a dozen families and two news crews.
Part of him wants to revoke Dee’s kneecap privileges for being so fucking dense that he hadn’t even noticed anything was weird about the dinning experience.
Part of him wants to lunge forward and wrap his arms around Logan’s throat, and strangle him between the links of his handcuffs and the headrest. (not that Virgil would act on that one; there’s clearly a metal mesh between the backseat and where Logan has slipped into the driver’s seat to prevent that exact scenario from occurring)
Because really, he was FBI?! He was undercover?! He had been playing each of them in oh so many ways-- How long had he been fooling Roman? What had he done to Roman and Patton when Virgil had left? What was his actual goal here?
And did it involve Virgil being alive at the end of it?
(Virgil wants to think so. Logan wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to keep him alive just to kill him--)
Logan’s partner slaps a hand on the window, inches from where Virgil’s head had fallen, and grins at him as he opens his own door and slips into the seat in front of Virgil.
The look Virgil gets is brief.
And also terrifying.
Virgil knows that face.
Knows that face as well as he can, the partial of it seared into his brain as the moment Virgil’s life ended and this twisted nightmare began.
Its the face of the gunman that had tried to shoot him in the face at the movies, the gunman who Logan had tackled to first save his life, the gunman who Virgil hadn’t spared a second thought about because since his appearance, it had been run and duck and please don’t let me die. 
“Oh! He’s pretty cute back there!” The partner says, “I love when they’re all tied up like cute little piggies!”
Logan’s head shakes in a way that suggests he’s rolling his eyes.
The car hums to life, and Logan breezes by the crowd the second the police line widens enough for them to escape. Once they leave the public eye, Logan’s partner’s seatbelt comes off and his feet go up on the dashboard with something dancing between his fingers causally.
“FBI!” The partner laughs, “I can’t believe they really bought those fake badges of yours!”
“Remus, seatbelt.” Logan says without looking away from the road. “And they are real.”
Remus laughs. He makes no move to reattach the belt.
Virgil’s eyes flick to the side mirror in front of them, just in time to catch sight of the butterfly knife the man is expertly twisting around his index and middle finger. Remus catches his gaze in the mirror and blows him a kiss with a wink.
Virgil wishes he was in control of his body, enough to shudder, enough to snarl, enough to throw himself from the car and the oncoming traffic hits him just right--
“What a kid,” Remus sighs, perhaps dreamily, “Do you think I can keep his head for my mantle?”
“You don’t have a mantle.” Logan says, “You don’t have a house.”
“Yeah,” Remus agrees. “But also he’s a kid.”
Logan uses turn signals, Virgil notices, faintly. He feels very faint.
Like a balloon that’s floating away.  And one day he’ll reach the upper atmospheres where the decreasing air pressure will cause his insides to expand until he explodes into a 
that Logan will have to clean up.
The air in the car is tense. Virgil can’t breathe
It might also have to do with the fact he can’t move and there’s a murderer in front of him talking about killing him and-- and--
“Interesting,” Logan says, using one of his turn signals to switch lanes, “I wasn’t aware you got metaphoric cold feet over assassinations.”
The knife flips in the air. Virgil squeezes his eyes closed, forcing his chest to move. 
“You’re telling me you don’t have any qualms about killing a college brat? Any at all, Mr. Undercover FBI?”
“I’m not paid to have morals, Remus.”
Logan sounds cold, colder than ice. The vibrations of his tone wash over Virgil like a ocean, and suddenly he’s drowning.
He’s drowning on dry land and Remus is laughing.
“Surely if you want to-- how they say, “flake out”, you’re welcome to open your door and take a walk.” 
Virgil’s pretty sure Logan speeds up as he talks; the white line on the edge of the road blurs, Virgil’s head’s rumbles against the window until he’s sure he’ll never be able to see straight again.
“Aw Specs!” Remus laughs. Logan’s head twitches at the nickname, the same nickname that Roman had called him oh-so-long ago. “No way I’m gonna let you handle all the juicy stuff yourself! You already got all the credit for Roman Prince’s!”
All the energy in the car turns to white noise.
Virgil’s chest,
in the middle of a breath.
and he can’t think
because that’s not right
can’t be right.
Roman-- Roman trusted Logan.
Logan had taken a bullet for him.
why did--
how did--
Logan fixes his rear view mirror with his non shot hand. Perfectly fluid.
Virgil can see it in his mind’s eye suddenly: the memory of Logan throwing himself into Roman and taking that bullet and bleeding and getting close to Roman, being right next to Roman, demanding that Roman equip him with another gun despite his dominant hand being out of commission. 
He can see it suddenly: the second that Virgil had stormed out, Logan had put two in Roman’s distracted gut. While Virgil had been racing the in the purple car, Roman had been bleeding out on his own kitchen floor, and Patton must have joined him. While Virgil was arguing with Dee, Logan was getting paid for the murder of two people who trusted him.
Logan was ambidextrous.
Virgil doesn’t know where the strength comes from.
All he knows is he threw himself forward battering against the metal mesh with an angry ferocity that made Logan’s injured hand lose hold of the steering wheel. The whole car shakes as Logan swaps hands and curses.
It’s barely a breathe between his tense jaw and his thick tongue and numb lips. The word itself feels like a dagger in his own chest just to say.
“Interesting,” Logan says again, this time with his eyes in the rear view, and they stare directly at Virgil. A scientist’s gaze. “The box jellyfish poison should have shut down most bodily functions but it appears that it is wearing off faster than I anticipated.”
(Hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy, slipped past his shirt collar, and leaving the skin numbed. The poison sinking into Virgil’s skin while the taser had him immobile)
“It’s a good question!” Remus!! Says!! excitedly!! He turns in his seat, flipping the knife close with one hand and wiggling his fingers through the mesh with the other, like a taunt. 
“Why did the straight and narrow, hard working FBI agent Logan Ackroyd, decided to throw it all away so suddenly?” Remus sings. Virgil can see something left in his mustache, a something red like jam.
Logan switches lanes again.
“If you must know,” He says his fingers curling on the top of the steering wheel. “The pay is more suitable to my tastes.” 
Which is a fancy way of saying Logan had managed to put a price tag on people.
That Logan looked at Roman and actively thought, “I could kill this annoying man for X amount of dollars in cash”
That Logan looked at Virgil and saw dollar signs rather than the terrified kid he was.
“Oh, you nerdy little dork!” Remus hums, “You’re speaking my language now!”
“Of course I am. English is both our first--”
“Dork means whale penis. Basically, I called you a whale penis!”
Virgil wonders if Logan was being paid enough for this; by the way the car speeds up, he doubts it.
Virgil clings to the anger in his chest. He squeezes his eyes closed, thinking of the past twenty four hours, of Roman in his house, of Roman talking about his cars, of Roman speeding down the street and laughing, with those stupid sunglasses in his glossy mused hair. He thinks of the feel the gravel under his knees, of the sound of his best friends voice, of Patton’s elbow on his hooked and swinging and even if it was all a lie and Virgil was just an assignment Patton had completed--
Virgil thinks of the boy he was closest too, and thinks of how the feel of his broken glasses under Virgil’s knuckles and the look of shock on his freckled face. 
And of the hollowed hours since where Virgil swore to himself he didn’t want Patton by his side.
Where Virgil lied because he wants Patton here very badly even if hes mad even if they’re fighting even if he can’t ever forgive Patton.
Where Virgil was busy being angry and upset and his best friend was being killed by the cold hearted, side switching, asshole in the seat in front of him without a seconds hesitation.
 Virgil clings to that, clings to the anger that explodes in his chest, and the thudding of his heart that breaks his own ear drums. He reaches out of his limbs--
Because he was not going to just sit here and let that bastard take kill him for money, kill his friends for paper and coins and get away with it.
For once, Virgil breathes a thanks to his mother for telling him all the ways to kill a person, a bedtime story that Virgil felt for the first time he was willing to actually implement. 
And if he can get angry enough, his limbs will move, because that’s what always happens in those movies.
He thinks his heavy numb fingers manage to twitch when Remus speaks again.
“I don’t know if I’m alright with the split we agreed on.”
Logan’s head tilts ever-so-much. The car pulls on to a single lane road. The trees come next, covering them in the flickers of shadow and sun.
“I want seventy percent.”
Logan scoffs.
“It just seems that I deserve more than you!” Remus says, “In fact, I think I’ll take it all.”
Virgil blinks and the butterfly knife is at Logan’s throat.
“Let’s talk math, kid genius.”
the car swerves as Logan’s eyes leave the road for a second to look at the death at his throat. Virgil feels as his foot comes off the pedal, slowing down in the middle of a forest that looks like private property.
“Keep driving.” Remus hisses delightedly.
Logan presses down the gas pedal and the trees begin to blur by. Virgil has a hard time watching.
It has nothing to do with the stirring that suddenly comes to his attention next to him.
“Isn’t this fun?” Remus asks, “You’re going to drive to the clearing and park the car. I’m going to kill you, and the little emo in the backseat--”
“You said we were going to talk.” Logan says indifferently, “I’m afraid I have some bad news in regards to that course of action.” 
“Remus?” A voice speaks up groggily. 
“Oh hey, Dee!” 
“Wha--” Virgil thinks its a weird to see the other heir so disorientated, and he’s only known the other heir for a maximum of three hours.”What are you doing--?”
“Me and Logan were having a chat about how we’re going to divide the reward for the death of Virgil Sanders!”
“Yes, and unfortunately, Roman Prince informs me I’m a terrible conversationalist.” Logan says, and then slams on the breaks of the car and sends seat-beltless Remus straight through the front windshield.
Part Nine
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Yuto: (Mis)Understood
Tumblr media
Characters: Yuto x gender neutral reader (featuring Jinho)
Genre/warnings: hybrid au, angst, fluff, instances of abuse
Word count: 6,331
a/n: if you’ve seen Kitbull, it’s literally that but with Yuto (also I couldn’t think of a good summary so......I didn’t make one dsjkfhdsk)
It wasn’t odd to find a hybrid or two sleeping in the subway or on park benches. You, however, chose to hide away alone because you didn’t trust anybody. Your ‘home’ was a large cardboard box that was tipped over so you’d have something to lay on that wasn’t the ground, and a makeshift roof over your head. It was located behind an abandoned warehouse which meant you got as much solitude as you wanted after a long day of trying to find food to keep yourself alive.
Luckily, there was a little flower shop owner that seemed to be fond of you. You weren’t sure of his name but he had a warm smile and always left a tuna sandwich for you because he knew you frequented that part of the city. He had tried to get you to go near him a few times but you always kept your distance, not trusting anybody since you were abandoned. Still, he never gave up but he was patient.
So with your tuna sandwich wrapped in clear wrap in hand, you avoided the public as much as you could before agiley hopping a fence to get back to the place you called home. Once you were sitting inside you box, you unwrapped the sandwich and ate silently as you enjoyed the warm afternoon. By the time you were done, you laid down and wrapped your tail around your body to doze off for a little bit.
You woke up to a loud crash. You jolted up, eyes wide before you were tugging the blanket that hung over your little ‘home’ further down to cover the opening. Then you slowly moved a little of the fabric aside to peek outside and see what was happening.
Two men were dropping a very large crate onto the pavement. It looked like a dog crate made of wood and with a door with metal fencing in it, but you weren’t sure what kind of dog was big enough for the crate to house it.
Appearing from the back doors of the warehouse was a man, followed by a hybrid that appeared to be a dog. He had tanned skin and dark hair with a face that just looked terrifying from how his expression rested. He wore a tight black t-shirt, and black jeans that were ripped at the knees. He had a thick, black, leather collar around his neck with a large hoop in the front. You’d never really seen a hybrid that was forced to wear a collar, but you knew each owner had a preference.
“Place is perfect for fighting,” one of the three men commented in a gruff voice. “Nobody’s gonna bother us here.”
“Just gotta move the crates around a bit,” the man that had come out with the hybrid nodded. “Maybe we’ll find something valuable in them.”
“Better get to work before tomorrow night,” the third man commented with a chuckle before following the first man inside.
“Right,” the man with the hybrid nodded before he turned to the hybrid, pointing toward the crate. “You stay out here. Don’t go anywhere, got it?”
The hybrid nodded before replying in a deep voice, “Understood.”
He even sounded scary. You didn’t like it.
The three men disappeared into the warehouse before the heavy doors closed, leaving the hybrid outside alone with you -- though he still didn’t seem aware of your presence.
He walked slowly around the area, looking and sniffing around with his hands shoved in his pockets. When the street light would hit him just right, you could see scars on his arms, and even one on his face just at the peak of his right cheekbone. 
You weren’t sure what kind of fighting those men were talking about, but you were sure this hybrid was involved in it in some way.
In your fascination with this new hybrid, you let your hand push the blanket out of the way a little too much. You let your face poke out a little too far. So the dog’s eyes suddenly peered in your direction toward the shadows, narrowing as he made out the features of another hybrid.
In excitement, his ears perked up as his tail started to wag. He hadn’t seen another hybrid outside fighting in months.
He started walking toward you, and you quickly dropped the blanket and tucked yourself away into the farthest corners of the box, barely letting out a scared squeak. But the hybrid kept walking forward until you could hear him sniffing outside your makeshift home, his fingers reaching up to brush against the blanket to find the corner.
You hissed, reaching out to swipe at him. Lucky for him, his hand retracted before you could scratch him.
“H-hello…?” his voice was soft, but still that deep tone that terrified you. “I won’t hurt you. My name’s Yuto…”
You didn’t care if he insisted he was friendly. The flower shop owner said the same thing but you didn’t trust him, either. It didn’t matter if people insisted they wouldn’t hurt you. In your experience, they would still hurt you and leave you anyway. So you ignored the dog hybrid called Yuto.
Normally, Yuto wouldn’t go talking to strangers. He liked to keep to himself, not only because he was shy, but also because he was afraid of the consequences if he got caught. But he knew his owner and his friends were too busy with getting their new arena ready that he wouldn’t be noticed.
“Do you have a name?” he wondered, his voice still quiet so he could seem less menacing.
Suddenly, the doors were shoved open, slamming against the sides of the building. Yuto tensed, turning to see the dark silhouette of his owner.
“Yuto!” he barked. “What the fuck did I tell you?”
“I-’m sorry,” Yuto stammered, quickly scrambling back over to the area he was told to stay in.
“C’mere,” the man growled, grabbing Yuto by the hoop on his collar and yanking him forward. The man reached down onto the wooden steps and grabbed a heavy chain before linking one end to Yuto’s neck. Yuto coughed as the weight suddenly pulled on his neck as the man went to tie the other end to the faucet on the side of the warehouse. “Now you can’t go wandering off. Stay. Put. Don’t piss me off.”
Yuto nodded, staying perfectly still, “Understood.”
The man stomped back up the few stairs before he went back into the warehouse, slamming the doors closed again. Yuto wasn’t sure how he was found out, but he learned his lesson -- for now.
As Yuto went to go into his crate, he turned and looked back at the box he found you in. Then, he disappeared into the wooden structure for the night.
The plan was to sneak out before Yuto was awake and would notice you. He was asleep when you woke up, so you figured you could get out and find some food before coming home later when Yuto would hopefully be inside the warehouse with his owner or asleep again. Currently, he was fast asleep with the door to his crate open, his head right at the opening and one of his arms hanging out and onto the pavement. So you carefully tossed the fabric of the blanket upward before crawling out of the box to make your escape.
You made it to the fence, ready to climb up it and make your way over. However, you pushed off the ground with one foot and gripped the side of the fence, your foot that was now hanging off the fence hitting something as you tried to swing it up and over. A small pile of garbage slid down toward the ground, and you cringed at the noise. You hopped down and hid behind another pile of rubble, checking to see if Yuto woke up. Thankfully, the slide was only minor, so it was nothing too loud.
Your eyes moved toward the garbage that had fallen. You saw something that looked oddly brightly colored, so you decided to slink over and see what it was, your eyes flashing over to Yuto’s sleeping form every now and again to make sure he was still asleep.
On the ground in the trash was a brightly colored bouncy ball. It had swirls of pink and green and blue, and it reminded you of your favorite toy from when you were with your old owner. You always were a sucker for bouncy balls because they could keep you entertained when you were left alone. But you hadn’t played with one in so long…
You knelt down on the ground, picking up the ball before lightly bouncing it on the ground to test its bounce. When it bounced perfectly and landed back in your hand, you tail twitched slightly with interest. So you bounced it harder, watching it bounce higher than your head before you caught it perfectly in your hand again.
Your pupils widened.
The next few minutes were spent completely distracted, bouncing the ball off of the pavement, tossing it in the air while you were laying on your back, and batting it around. You had completely forgotten your plan to leave before Yuto woke up, but he hadn’t stirred anyway, so you were free to play as you pleased. As you were laying on your back, tossing the ball in the air, the ball missed your hand and hit your fingertips, bouncing onto the pavement by the top of your head before it started bouncing away.
“No,” you whined quietly, rolling onto your stomach to get up and go after it.
You crawled forward once before you saw where it was headed, bouncing and bouncing until it was only going a few inches off the ground. It hit Yuto’s hand before it stopped bouncing, rolling a few feet away before stopping.
Your eyes widened seeing Yuto stir. Then you were trying to scramble to hide somewhere.
Yuto’s eyes had opened before you could hide. Truthfully, he wasn’t completely asleep anymore considering the noise of the ball and the excited little giggles coming from your mouth. But he didn’t want to get up and scare you back into hiding, so he kept his eyes closed and just listened.
But feeling the ball hit him, his eyes opened in time to see you hurrying to hide behind some trash before he looked down at the ball. He could’ve taken it for himself to pass time since he was equally as bored as you probably were, but if he was honest...he was hoping he could maybe play with you.
So he rolled the ball back in your direction.
You were huddled down behind a pile of rubble as you saw the colorful ball roll by you. Your eyes followed, ears perking as your tail twitched. You lunged at the ball before you were back to giggling and tossing it to get it to bounce. But the short moment of happiness was stopped when you heard a soft, deep chuckle. Yuto was standing now, halfway between your space and his crate. You didn’t even realize how huge he was until he was standing closer to you, and you were sitting down on the ground. But not only was he tall, he was broad.
Your claws started to extend as you frowned at him, the hair on your arms and the back of your neck standing up.
“Go away…” you mumbled, trying to sound scary.
You didn’t. Not at all.
Yuto lowered his head as he took a cautious step forward, “I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanna--”
He stopped as the chain pulled on his neck. He frowned as he turned to see that this was as far as he could go, a soft whine sounding in his chest.
You, however, realized this meant safety. Yuto couldn’t come near you, and you could play with your ball as much as you wanted without being bothered.
Realizing he couldn’t do much of anything, Yuto wandered back to his crate. He sat down at the opening, arms on his knees as he just watched you bounce the ball around by yourself. At least watching you have fun was sort of entertaining. He wanted to try to talk to you, but it was clear you didn’t want that, either.
Suddenly, the ball slipped from your fingertips, rolling toward Yuto again. Both of you watched as it rolled until it hit his foot, and then the two of you made eye contact.
Quickly you turned away from Yuto. You knew he still could speak to you, but you figured if you looked away, he’d get the message.
Feeling something hit your tail, you gasped and jumped away from the object, landing clumsily on your side. Your gaze moved until you saw the ball in front of you, pupils widening once again.
You pushed yourself to sit up, and Yuto could see your tail laying beside you, twitching with excitement. His eyebrows raised as he watched you bat the toy around, smirking to himself. You were pretty easily amused -- then again, you were a cat hybrid. The small, brightly-colored toy seemed to be stimulating you too much as you rolled around on the ground, so wrapped up in the toy that you all but forgot Yuto’s existence. You didn’t even notice him scoot toward you again, sitting criss-cross on the ground as he watched you sit there for a moment without moving before bouncing the ball as high as you could and catching it again.
You bounced it again, only this time, it went into the air and bounced in front of Yuto’s legs before he caught it like an automatic response. His gaze moved to meet yours, seeing your wide eyes on the ball and your tail swaying, ready to catch the ball again. Almost like you bounced it to him on purpose.
“Do...d-do you want me to bounce it back?” he asked carefully.
You nodded, “Uh huh.”
Your voice was still quiet, but it was something. So he smiled a little and bounced the ball back toward you. You giggled as you fell back on your back, catching the ball between both hands. You sat back up and bounced it back to him again.
“You’re pretty excited over a ball,” he chuckled, holding it between his thumb and forefinger as he looked over it. He assumed there must’ve been some kind of catnip or something in it to make you go crazy over it.
“You’re a dog,” you commented, slightly louder than you’d been speaking to him, “don’t you like balls too?”
Yuto shrugged before bouncing the ball back to you, “Never played with one.”
“What?” you asked sharply as you caught the ball without even looking. “What have you played with?”
You bounced the ball back to him before he answered, “Nothing.”
You’d never met a hybrid that didn’t ever get to play with toys. You wondered what exactly Yuto did for fun, then -- even though his owner hadn’t even come to check on him since chaining him up last night. Did Yuto even have fun?
“But,” he spoke up, noticing how your brows furrowed and your face fell, “this is fun! I kinda like playing.”
When you looked at Yuto, his pointed ears were perked up straight as his tail bounced on the pavement. He did seem like he was having fun.
“Really?” you asked, your voice quiet again as you bounced the ball back to him. “So...Y-Yuto...what do you do?”
Yuto stopped before he could even say anything else, ears twitching toward a sound he heard off in the corner of the property. He knew it was somebody walking around, but he wasn’t sure of who. Still, from his experience, he didn’t like human strangers. So he let out a low warning growl that had your eyes widening -- this time in fear rather than excitement.
Quickly, you made yourself scarce. But instead of scrambling to hide in your box, you leaped up to the fence and went over it before you ran quickly away from the property, hoping to find Yuto asleep when you returned.
Yuto watched you go with a frown, unable to even get out an apology or a reassurance before you were over the fence and bolting away from him.
Yuto’s jaw set as he pulled his arm back and threw it forward with full force, punching the dummy in front of him.
His owner barked, “Harder!”
Yuto was used to the harsh training, but it didn’t mean it ever got any easier. His owner always seemed to expect more than he could give, but it took a good few tries before he would finally be satisfied and would give Yuto the praise he was looking for. Even if he did get hurt and hate that he was hurting other hybrids, Yuto wanted nothing more than to please his owner.
“C’mon, you can do better than that!” his owner egged him on.
Yuto snarled, lunging at the dummy and latching his teeth onto the head of it before ripping it off of its body. As he spat it onto the ground while stuffing drifted onto the pavement, his owner clapped and gave a pleased laugh.
“Good job, Yuto,” he praised as he pat the hybrid’s shoulder, glancing up at the sun that was almost completely set now. “Be ready in a couple more hours.”
“Understood,” Yuto nodded with a tired but proud smile on his face, watching as his owner walked up the small set of stairs before retreating back into the warehouse.
As Yuto went back into his crate to rest, he didn’t notice you watching through the fence, hair standing up on your body in horror. Yuto was a lot more frightening than you thought, so you decided to wait until he was either asleep or gone into the warehouse to return back home that night.
You weren’t asleep yet because of the rain and thunder, so you clearly heard the back doors to the warehouse open before you heard what sounded like dead weight get rolled down the wooden stairs. You decided to sneak a peek outside, slowly pushing the blanket away just in time to see the light from inside the building disappear as the doors slammed shut. But in the floodlights outside the door, you could see a dark mass laying in a puddle at the bottom of the steps.
Slowly, the figure lifted its head as a soft whine was heard, and you realized that figure was Yuto. He sat up, his whines growing in volume as he pushed himself to stand up, only to fall on one knee on the stairs. Viewing him from the back, he seemed to be cradling his right arm to his chest, but both arms were covered in red slashes that you could clearly see because of the tank top he was wearing.
Despite wanting to apologize, Yuto knew better than to go to the door and try to get back in. If he did that, he’d get worse from his owner than he did from his competitor. So he just let out loud whines he couldn’t stop as he collected himself and limped toward his crate.
You wanted to just mind your business. Yuto was terrifying enough as it is, and he could rip your head off if he wanted to. Catching him at a bad time like this was the last thing you wanted, so you let your blanket fall back to cover the opening of the box before curling up and trying to go to sleep for the night.
As Yuto managed to make his way back to his home, he looked over toward your makeshift shelter just in time to see the peak of a pile of garbage slide down from being slick with water, and land on top of your box. Not only did it crush your home, but it crushed you inside of it.
Yuto heard your soft cry of shock and slight pain before he started to limp toward you.
With your box now crushed in on you, you tried your best to find your way out. But there was too much weight and it was almost impossible for you to claw your way out.
Somehow, though, the weight started to get lighter, and you couldn’t tell if you felt relieved or more panicked.
With his good hand, Yuto cleared off the rubble to get to you. And when it was all cleared away, he reached inside to push up the top of the box so you could get out.
As soon as you looked over and saw the person in the opening of the box, your immediate reaction was to protect yourself -- even if you did register that it was Yuto. You remembered what you saw that evening. Yuto was still dangerous, wasn’t he?
Your claws connected with his face, scratching the right side of his face as you let out a warning hiss. His head turned to the left as he pulled away, and he let out a whimper from the stinging pain as his eyes squeezed shut. He was used to this treatment, but it didn’t mean it was any less painful.
His eyes opened and he turned to look at you with a whine as the cool air stung his new wound on his face, his brown eyes meeting your wide and fearful ones. He noticed how the hair on your arms, ears, and tail were standing up, your claws still out as you shook with fear. And then you quickly snatched your blanket and covered yourself in it in an attempt to hide from him, rolling over to face away from him on your side.
Yuto let out a defeated whine as he left you alone, limping back to his crate. His retreat was noisy so you knew when he was far enough away from you. You turned your head to look over your shoulder, seeing Yuto’s head down as he limped up to the crate and got down to crawl inside, whining and whimpering the whole time. He had realized that no matter what he did, he would be seen as bad. He was just one of those breeds that was bad no matter what they did. Anybody would look at him and be afraid because he looked scary and he did scary things, but that wasn’t his fault. But nobody knew that.
Something inside you felt bad as you watched Yuto curl up in the darkness of his crate, but you weren’t sure why.
His owner didn’t come out again that night, but neither did Yuto -- or you. You couldn’t sleep right. You just felt...bad. You could hear Yuto whining with almost every breath he let out and it broke your heart. You’d dozed off a few times but you couldn’t properly get to sleep. So when the sky just barely started to get lighter, you ventured out of your shelter to see if you could figure out what to do.
You were still afraid of Yuto, so you decided to use the ball. Yuto said he had fun with it, so you thought maybe bouncing it would get his attention. So you did, catching it in your hand before looking over to Yuto’s crate where the door was still open.
You thought maybe rolling it into his crate would get his attention. But when the ball hit the wood and Yuto didn’t move or make any noise of recognition, you realized that wasn’t going to work.
Your ears flattened down as you looked over at his crate. Was he even okay? Was this because of you? Did you hurt him that badly? Or was it whatever happened in that warehouse?
You got to your feet before slowly and cautiously making your way over to the crate, your eyes glancing toward the door every now and again to make sure his owner wasn’t going to come out anytime soon. When you got to the open door, you crouched down and peered inside.
“...Y-Yuto…?” you asked softly.
Yuto curled in on himself where he was sitting up in the corner, knees to his chest and his profile visible to you. But he looked away with a quiet warning growl that had you shrinking back with terrified eyes. He turned until his side was leaning against the side of the crate, his back toward you know as he faced the back wall.
For a moment, you second guessed yourself. Maybe it was best for you to just go back to your box and stay put. Maybe it was best to leave Yuto alone unless you wanted to become dog food.
And you did turn to leave.
But you paused. You remembered the day where you played with the bouncy ball with Yuto in the sun. You remembered how he never played with toys and how he said he liked playing with you. You remembered how he watched you play alone, still looking just as amused.
You turned back to the crate with a deep breath for courage before you crawled into the space. Yuto didn’t move or make any noise to acknowledge you were there. He just kept whimpering from the pain in his arm, his ankle, and all of the scratches and bruises on his body. You didn’t even notice how properly beat up he was last night, but now you were so close to him that the wounds were hard to miss.
You sat down with your back against the opposite wall, just looking at Yuto as he averted his eyes to the direction opposite of you. 
“Yuto…?” you tried again.
He didn’t growl at you this time, but he didn’t reply to you, either. He didn’t move or react at all.
Your eyes locked onto the scratches you left on his face. They weren’t bleeding anymore but they had a little bit, red blood having been swiped across his skin. You frowned, letting out an involuntary whine of your own.
“I’m sorry, Yuto,” you whispered, sitting up on your knees to lean closer to him, putting a hand on the floor between you and him. When he didn’t move or growl at you, you crawled closer to him and put a hand under his chin, trying to get a better view of the wound you’d left. “Y-Yuto…?”
“Are you that afraid of me?” he asked, the suddenness of his voice make you jump back just the slightest despite the fact his voice was just barely above a whisper.
You let out a small, sad huff, “Yuto, I’m so sorry…”
“I’m not bad,” he insisted in a broken tone, turning his head to look at you with sad eyes, “I promise. I wasn’t going to hurt you -- ever.”
“I know…” you whispered, feeling the need to hug him in an attempt to comfort him and show him that you really were sorry. “I’m sorry.”
Feeling you cuddle up to him was something Yuto couldn’t resist. It was rare he was shown the smallest forms of affection, but never was he shown affection like this. He turned his body again so his back was against the side, his arms wrapping around you to pull you closer. He smiled softly hearing you purr as you snuggled into his warmth, physical affection being something you also hadn’t felt in a long time.
“I’ll forgive you,” he mumbled in his deep voice that you used to find menacing, “if you tell me your name.”
You laughed softly, your eyes closing. You were so relaxed that you were finally feeling sleep come to take you for real this time. Not just for a few minutes before you woke up again.
“It’s _____.”
“I like it.”
Things fell silent between the two of you, but you were both pretty tired. You quickly fell asleep, purring so loud that it almost drowned out the soft thumps of Yuto’s tail wagging and hitting the floor.
“_____,” you heard a harsh whisper. Then you felt your shoulder being shaken. “_____!”
You lifted your head, blinking your eyes to try to get the sleep out of them. But you were being pushed out of the opening to the crate before you could even register what was happening.
“W-what?” you mumbled sleepily.
And then you heard the locks on the door to the warehouse being opened.
“You have to go!” Yuto insisted, still whispering. “If he finds out you’re here--”
“No,” you stopped, digging your heels into the ground when you got to the edge of the crate. You turned your head to look at Yuto, “he’ll hurt you again, too.”
“I’m used to it, _____,” he shrugged. “You have to go.”
He pushed you to your feet so you turned and tugged on his hand -- his good one, “Then you have to come with me.”
“I’m not going to leave you here, he’ll hurt you more!”
More locks were being undone from the inside. You knew there wasn’t much time.
“Yuto!” you begged in a soft whine.
Yuto glanced at the door before cursing under his breath. He stood up only to stumble from his bum ankle. You were quick to help support him, walking him over to the fence.
“I’ll boost you,” you told him.
“No, you have to--”
“Yuto, now!” you said urgently, trying to keep your voice down.
Yuto gripped the chains of the fence before putting his good leg up to climb the fence. You supported under his arms before pushing him up by his butt. When he managed to swing his leg over, you began to climb up like you always had so you could help Yuto down on the other side.
The door burst open just as you made your escape down the alley and out to the street.
Jinho went outside for his fifteen minute break, looking around for you as he often did. He knew you frequented the streets around this time, looking for something to eat, and as always, he had a sandwich and a hope that you’d maybe stop and talk to him this time.
Just as expected, you were walking down the sidewalk, your head kept low as you tried to avoid the bodies of the humans around you.
“Hey!” Jinho’s familiar, cheery voice pulled your head up. You saw him smiling from his storefront, holding a tuna sandwich up for you to see. “Lunch?”
You walked over to him like you always did, glad that his store was a little sunken into the strip so you could get away from the small crowd of people. You walked up timidly like you always did, but Jinho was always patient. But he was surprised to see somebody else walking behind you, shadowing your every step. A large man that seemed to be some sort of dog hybrid kept his eyes on the ground as he stopped behind you, his face and arms clearly beat up.
Jinho was definitely wary of this new hybrid, but he still walked up to put the wrapped sandwich on the sidewalk before he backed up to give you your space.
You walked forward to take the sandwich -- Yuto staying where he was because he could feel Jinho’s eyes watching his every move now -- but instead of just picking it up and scurrying away, you sat down right there and unwrapped the sandwich.
“Here,” you said, turning to hand one of the cut triangle halves up to Yuto.
Yuto walked forward, timidly glancing up at Jinho before he sat himself very ungracefully on the pavement beside you, taking the sandwich, mumbling a thank you to you. Then he looked up at the flower shop owner, “Thank you…”
Jinho was surprised that your gaze looked up to meet his, too, with a slightly clearer thank you than the dog’s.
Jinho crouched down where he was, sitting on the balls of his feet.
“You look worse than usual,” he noted, his voice soft. Then he offered his same, warm smile as his eyes went to Yuto who he gathered was somebody you were familiar with, “and you made a friend.”
You nodded slowly, swallowing the bite that was in your mouth before speaking, “I’m sorry for...never talking to you. I didn’t...trust people.”
“Hey, I don’t blame you,” Jinho shrugged. “But...would you trust me enough to at least get the two of you looked at? Especially him, he looks really rough. He was limping on his way over here.”
Your eyes widened as Yuto quickly shook his head.
“That would cost a lot, and we couldn’t pay you back,” you told him. “We’ll be fine.”
“Well, then…” Jinho began slowly, “what if I adopted you?”
You gaped at the flower shop owner. Did he really want to adopt you? Why? You hadn’t spoken to him until today. What could’ve compelled him to want to suddenly take in a hybrid off the street?
But none of those questions or answers to those questions mattered.
“I’m sorry...b-but no,” you replied. “I can’t leave Yuto…”
Jinho wasn’t stupid. He knew about the hybrid fighting rings going around, and it was clear Yuto came from one considering the harsh appearance and the collar. He knew Yuto had been through rough events, but he could also see Yuto was still a good hybrid. He was good enough to get you to open up to him, and he was good enough to stick by your side -- despite how stubborn you clearly were since you wanted nothing to do with Jinho before.
But with you, Jinho had wanted to adopt you since the first day you let him give you food. The way your ears twitched and your eyes looked up at him had him completely sold. You were just so cute and innocent and he wanted to take care of you and give you a better life.
He wanted to give you both better lives.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t going to adopt him, too,” he laughed softly. He stood up before either of you could even comprehend what he was implying. “Let’s get the two of you inside. Those cuts should get cleaned up.”
Jinho helped Yuto to his feet before supporting his weight to get him into the shop. You followed behind them, unable to hide the smile on your face.
Bonus [2 months later]:
“Guys, I’m home!”
Your ears perked up before you rolled off of Yuto’s chest, landing on your hands and knees on the carpet before you were getting up and running to the door. Yuto followed behind you, laughing at your technique of getting up.
“How was work?” you asked, greeting Jinho as he kicked his shoes off by the door.
“Not too busy but not too slow,” he replied, looking between you and the pitbull hybrid beside you. “Hungry?”
Yuto nodded while you shrugged. Yuto could eat everything while you typically didn’t get too hungry until it was meal time.
Jinho chuckled as he started toward the kitchen, both of you following behind him -- Yuto’s tail wagging and hitting yours as it did. When Jinho reached the kitchen and began taking things out to prep the meal, he laughed seeing both of you still following in step.
“You guys can go wait in the living room,” he informed you.
You shrugged, “We missed you.”
Yuto nodded in agreement before letting his chin rest on your shoulder.
While Yuto was fully healed -- physically -- he was a pretty quiet person. He didn’t ask for affection, but he melted into it when it was shown. But when it came to you, he touched you and cuddled up to you as he pleased. You didn’t mind it, though. From the purrs that you let out, one could assume you liked it, even.
You, however, had become very affectionate overtime. You didn’t always sleep in Jinho’s room, but when you did, you curled up under the blanket and nuzzled into your owner’s stomach to get all the warmth you could. During the day, you were almost always touching Yuto somehow. Laying on his chest, playing with his tail, or running your hand through his hair while he laid his head in your lap. You just loved affection and showing affection, and both boys enjoyed it just as much.
On top of that, Jinho was the best owner you could’ve asked for. He made sure you were happy and healthy, he gave you a bunch of toys -- which Yuto loved to play with now -- and he never prodded about your pasts. He let you open up to him if you wanted to, and he never pushed either of you. You wished you had trusted him sooner.
But then you would’ve never found Yuto.
“We’ll cuddle when I’m done, okay?” Jinho promised, mostly looking at you because he didn’t know if Yuto would want all that affection at once. “We can eat dinner in the living room.”
You let out an excited gasp, “Really?”
“_____, you act like we never eat in the living room,” Jinho giggled.
“Yeah, but it’s still special…”
“C’mon,” Yuto said, lifting his head and pulling on your wrist lightly. “Call us if you need us.”
Jinho hummed in reply while you followed Yuto back into the living room. He pulled you to sit beside him on the couch to resume watching TV together, pulling your favorite blanket around you. But you quickly fixed it so it was around both of you, resting your head on his shoulder and letting out a soft purr feeling him rest his head against yours.
Things really couldn’t have turned out more perfect.
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lazella · 5 years
Yugioh Infinity Stone AU: The Attack
This ended up being VERY long but I think you’ll enjoy part three of this crazy AU. Once again original plot bunny belongs to @nightfurylover31
“My liege…we located the stones…”
The large imposing figure on his throne looked at the information presented to him, “They were spread between six different points in time and space?”
“This is the explanation as to why they were so difficult to locate…We will have to split our forces to retrieve them at once. Or else we risk losing one of the stones.”
“Very well…we’ll start the attack at once.”
“My lord if I may…there are six stone and five generals. Who will go after the sixth?”
A chuckle, “Myself of course.”
Playmaker hurried through the alleyways of Link Vrains following the pulsing of the yellow stone. It was a long shot, but the stone could be his only link to finding Jin’s attacker and his consciousness. But at the same time, he was looking over his should for bounty hunters. He was not looking forward to deal with Blood Sheppard again.
“Are we going in circles?” Ai asked sounding really bored.
“No….I’m just taking very round about ways…” He said rounding another corner. “I don’t want SOL to know about the stone.”
“They were annoying enough last time….” Ai grumbled.
“Agreed.” Playmaker rounded another corner and come across an odd sight.
Debris and rubble were floating crumbled bits of data frizzing at their edges. Whole sections of the ground were missing opening into empty voids. Standing in the middle was a woman with very strange avatar. Blue skin and blank whites eye stared back at him while a white hood covered her head with a cape trailing behind her. Skin tight black and white body suit left little to the imagination. She smirked and licked her lips as if she just spotted her next meal.
“I’ll be taking the Mind Stone boy.”
Playermaker raised an eyebrow. Mind Stone? Clearly this woman knew what she was talking about, he had to play cautiously.
“You know about this stone?”
“I know that it’s power is better suited in someone else’s hands. You have no right to keep it so hand it over.”
“I’m not going to do that…”
“Pity……that wasn’t request.” Then she moved…fast.
Playmaker felt the wind knocked out of him. It took a moment to realize that the woman and the floating rubble slammed into him hard and was now pinning him to the ground. She chuckled as he struggled to get free. “You’re a smart boy…a lot of intellect in that brain of yours…I’ll happily make a meal out of it from your corpse.”
Playmaker let out his own laugh, “Good luck with that…if you can find my body…” He then slammed on his Duel Disk activating his log out program.
He felt the familiar rush of logging out of Link Vrains and stumbled out of the terminal.
“That was close wasn’t it…” Ai commented.
“She knew about the stone….she even called it by a name…” Yusaku whipped the sweat from his brow, “We defiantly have a third party on our hands…”
Screams erupted from outside drawing their attention. Cracking open a widow of the food stand, Yusaku felt his heart drop.
The woman, the very same woman he saw in Link Vrains, was standing in the courtyard looking the exact same as she did before.
“Don’t think you can run from me boy…..” She said just loud enough for him to hear.
Yusaku ran. He had to get away. From her, from everyone. How on earth did she find him so quickly?
“Whatarewegoingtodo? Whatarewegoingtodo? Whatarewegoingtodo?”
Yusaku ignored Ai’s panicked rambles. He had to get away and hide.
“You can’t hide from me boy…”
Yusaku looked up in shock. The woman was floating above him.
“If you hand over the Mind Stone right now, I’ll make your death mostly painless.”
Yusaku gripped the stone tighter, he couldn’t give up the only lead he had to Jin.
“Jin? Who is this Jin you’re thinking off?”
Panic ran through Yusaku’s brain, how did she know?
“Wondering how?” She laughed, “Your mind is so tempting. I can hear it all…your fears…your memories…Oh! You’re a result of an experiment! Even better!”
Yusaku felt violated. She was in his head and she was not welcomed. The stone became brighter and hotter in his hand.
Yellow energy flowed out of the stone and Yusaku knocking the woman back. He felt winded yet stronger at the same time.
“Why….you….” The woman shrieked in rage and caused chunks of buildings and trash to rise into the air and flung them at Yusaku. He instinctively held up the hand with the stone in it shooting a concentrated beam from it destroying the rubble.
“Yusaku….we need to get out of here…”
Yusaku didn’t want to admit that Ai was right. It was pure luck that he was making the stone work in an offensive manner and there was not doubt that this woman can track him down. But where could he go?
I need to get out of here…I need to get somewhere safe.
The stone glowed again…this time white. Yusaku felt his vision fade the world slip out from under him. A thought slipped into his mind. That everything would be okay and he as going to be safe.
And he believed it.
Yusei revved the engine of his D-Wheel. He was taking the stone to another lab today to run further analysis. Hopefully he would get more answers from more tests. Maybe if he finished quickly today, he could call Aki. It had been awhile since he spoke to her. How was she doing at medical school anyway? Green suddenly filled his vision and…
Aki was shadowing a doctor in hospital. They were speaking to a victim of a car accident trying to figure out the reason why their pain did not align with their injuries…
Yusei hit the brakes and pulled over to the side of the road. The stone gave him another vision…this time while driving. He had to figure out better containment measures. Shaking his head trying to clear his thoughts, Yusei thought about what that vision meant. Was that what Aki was doing at this very moment?
Sighing again, he started the engine again getting ready to merge back into traffic when he noticed a strange shadow in the middle of the road. As if something was falling towards the road fast.
Something did land and Yusei could not believe his eyes. A giant with thick dull bronze skin, a shoulder guard on its left shoulder and wielding a massive ax stared down as Yusei with murder in its eyes.
“Give me the Time Stone.”
Yusei made a U-turn and gunned it. The giant gave chase keeping pace with the D-Wheel.
“I’m going over 100 Km…” Yusei whispered in horror. He had to lose him somehow on the roads. Duel lanes where out of the question as he couldn’t activate them without another duelist and were probably too narrow to evade the giant easily. And there was no way he was leading this thing into the city.
The giant threw its axe nearly striking Yusei’s D-Wheel. It took all of his skill to prevent the bike from skidding out. He had to get out here fast. Was there no escape from this giant?
The green glow from the stone was returning. For a moment Yusei panicked that he was getting another vision, but he realized that wasn’t the case. Everything around seemed to be going slow. The other traffic trying to get out of the way of the chase, the waves the over the ocean, even the giant was slowing down.
No…not slowing down…Yusei thought…I’m the one going fast.
He was going faster, so fast that it seemed like everything else had stopped in their tracks. Now he had to find somewhere that he could hide and be safe from this giant.
The stone glowed again, this time while. Yusei felt the sensations that reminded him of Clear Mind. He went for it, diving into the unknown.
Then he was gone.
Yugi walked home after another school day. He could feel Yami’s exhaustion, probably because he had been trying to remove the stone from the Soul Room floor all day. For some reason Yugi got the impression that the stone was laughing at Yami’s attempts to remove it.
“Other me…just leave it be.”
I’m sorry aibou….but it’s driving me nuts to know it’s there.
“We’ll figure out eventually. As we always do…”
He felt Yami’s hum in agreement. He was almost home now, maybe he can invite Jounochi over for a friendly duel.
“Praise be our Lord Thanos…rejoice that you will be saved in the name of our great titan.”
Yugi spun around. Behind him was what he really couldn’t call a man with skin that looked like it was rotting and a lack of nose. The man…creature…..walked with grace speaking with authority.
“Your sacrifice will benefit the Children of Thanos…Surrender now and your death will be a noble one.”
Yami immediately threw Yugi into the safety of the Puzzle, “State your business…”
The man smirked, “I am here to retrieve the Soul Stone that has fallen into your possession.”
“Soul Stone?”
Do you think he means the stone we found?
Yami didn’t get to answer Yugi as the man snapped his fingers and what appeared to be the underground water pipes and cables ripped through the concrete. “I’ll give you one chance to hand over the Stone.”
“I wouldn’t give it to you if I could…..” Yami snarled back.
“What an interesting thing to say…Perhaps you can elaborate.” With another snap, the cables darted for Yami who leaped out of the way and tried to run but was cut off by the water pipes. Yami swore as he scanned the area. There was a very real risk of electrocution with the spilled water and the sparking cables, no doubt it was done intentionally. The man wanted him pinned and back into a corner.
“The stone if you please….” The man said making the cables arc dangerously close to the water.
Yami glanced behind him, the water pipe barricade was low enough for him to vault over if he was fast enough. He just had to keep the man from notice him moving towards it.
“Why do you need the stone so bad?” Yami asked.
“My master desires it. We’ve sought it and the others for some time.”
Did he just say others? Yugi exclaimed.
“What do these stones do? There must be some purpose you need all of them for.” Yami asked next.
“Whatever my master desires…”
“Well I have a feeling that it’s going to put innocents in danger….so no thank you!” Yami ran and tried to jump the barricade. He nearly cleared it only to feel a cable snag his ankle. Wind whistled past his ears as got thrown around in the air as more cables grabbed his other limbs restraining him mid air forcing to face the man again.
“No running away…now where did you hide the stone on your person?” The man said as he started to search through Yami’s pockets
Yami struggled to get free. He had a feeling that if this man got the stone, he was going to kill both him and Yugi.
Other me what are we going to do?
I’ll come up with something…Yami responded back renewing his struggles wincing as the bonds got tighter…I’ll get us out of this.
“Where is it?!” The man was getting frustrated, “I sense the stone’s energy from you, yet I don’t see it! Where are you hiding it!?” Without warning, the man pulled out a dagger and stabbed Yami in the shoulder.
Stay back aibou! Yami sent back.
Oh god oh god…Yami could hear Yugi start to hyperventilate….Please…Please get us out of here!
I’m trying too!
I’m asking the stone!
Why are you asking the stone?!
Because it can get us out of here!
How do you know?
Trust me on this…It will save us.
Almost on cue, Yami felt a surge of power rush through him. Orange energy coated him from fingertip to fingertip.
“Impossible!” The man stepped back in shock, “Did you absorb the Soul Stone?!”
Yami didn’t have an answer for him. The orange changed to white as he felt he sensation of being transported somewhere else.
Told you…
Yuya watched in amazement at the scrolling numbers and figures. He didn’t understand a lick of tough, only Yugo occasionally interject with the bits he got but even he didn’t understand it all.
“So….what does this all mean?” Yuya aked Reiji who was hunched over the consol.
“That you seem to be walking around with a miniature version of the ARC-V reactor in your pocket.” Reiji was somewhere between cross and annoyed. “Where did you even find this?”
“I actually don’t know….I swear I’m telling the truth!” Yuya said seeing Reiji’s angry face, “I just found it in my pocket one day.”
“And the other three have no idea what it is?” Reiji asked.
“No we don’t…” Yuto briefly took control to answer the question, “We were all shocked to see what happened down in the arena.”
“So have a mysterious stone with reality warping powers and no idea where it came from…” Reiji sighed and pinched his brow, “This day could not get any better…”
Something beeped and Reiji pushed a button on the phone, “What is it?”
“Sir! Something’s attacking the building!!!” The voice cried out on the other end.
“What do you mean attacking?! Is it leftovers from Academia?” Reiji demanded.
“It’s not that it’s-AAAAAARRRGGHH!!” The phone line was cut off.
“Hey! Hey! What’s going on?!” Reiji tried to get the line to come back.
Something exploded in the distance rocking the building. Yuya felt the other three panic though it seemed like Yuto and Yuri were breaking down into panic attacks.
“What now Reiji?!” Yuya asked trying to suppress his own panic.
“Take the stone and get to the safe room.” Reiji said grabbing his duel disk, “I’ll see who’s attacking and…”
He was cut off when something cut through the wall. Yuya saw a well armored boot before the rest came through the new hole. The figure was imposing, tall and covered in dirty golden armor. He spun a glaive around and smirked, “You people have a death wish if you think you can defeat me with cards…” Then he pointed at Yuya, “I’ll gladly coat my blade in your blood after I take the Reality Stone.”
“YUYA RUN!” Reiji screamed as he activated his duel disk. It didn’t so much as the warrior sliced the device in half with a swing of his glaive.
“Reiji no!” Not thinking this through, Yuya grabbed the stone and ran towards the attacker.
“Do you have a death wish boy?” The attacker asked.
“Just stay away from my friends!” Yuya thought of an idea, and the stone reacted. The floor below the attack opened dropping him down several floors.
“Are you okay?” Yuya asked Reiji.
“He didn’t slice my arm open thankfully…” Reiji stripped the remains of his duel disk off of his arm then rang an alarm, “We’re evacuating…Yuya keep that stone with you and if you see that guy again try to send him into the center of the earth.”
Yuya nodded as he followed Reiji to get out of the building. They took the stairs sometimes leap two or three at a time to hurry. Sounds of something getting sliced were audible and were getting closer.
“Any idea who that guy is?” Yuya panted.
“I have no idea,” Reiji said as they turned down another stairwell, “I seriously doubt he’s a remnant of Academia and he doesn’t play by our rules…”
Yuya above us! Yuto warned.
Yuya looked up and saw the glint of falling blade. He dove and tacked Reiji out of the way as the attacker stabbed the ground they were just standing on.
“That was a clever trick boy…but it’s not enough…”
“Hold on!” Yuya gripped the stone and thought of another idea. This time the stairs turned into a slide. Gripping Reiji, he pushed off and let gravity do the trick.
If we weren’t running for our lives, this would be fun. Yugo said.
So we have a stone that can change stuff and a psycho is after it. Do we have a plan other than running? Yuto asked.
Lead him to the Duel Arena. We can use the open space to dodge his attacks then use the stone to trap him. Yuri proposed.
“Sounds like a plan…Reiji is the Duel Arena still open?” Yuya asked.
“What are you planning?” Reiji asked.
“Something to stop this guy…” They reached the ground floor, “Get yourself out of here!” Yuya didn’t wait for a response from Reiji, instead he rammed through the door to the Duel Arena. It was empty which was perfect for Yuri’s plan. Running to the far end, he used the stone to make two barriers for protection.
The man’s entry was not without dramatics choosing to slice the door and surrounding walls open. Yuya swallowed a lump in his throat. He must be insane thinking he can do this.
We can always trade out…Yuto offered.
“No…leave that for emergencies….take over if I get knocked out…” Yuya said as he shifted his feet getting ready to run.
“I’m going to enjoy killing you boy….” The warrior laughed as he got closer.
Yuya had no response, usually he would come up with a quip there was no crowd to entertain, this was fighting for his life. The stone felt hot in his hand, its power making Yuya’s arm tingle.
Here goes nothing…He thought as he took off running letting his plan work. He had the stone turn the ground into a sticky floor to slow the warrior down. Next were trapezes so that Yuya could move about without touching the sticky floor. Finally, he made moving walls to slam into the guy.
“This has gone on long enough!” The warrior cried as he made a swipe for Yuya as he swung from trapeze to trapeze.
“I agree!!!” With a large flash of red, Yuya made a hole in the floor to sink the warrior to his waist then made the floor curl up around him effectively trapping him.
Yuya tentatively approached the mound of concrete, “Did we get him?”
Think we did…I guess Yuri’s plan worked. Yuto said.
Of course it worked.
But what do we do with the guy now? Yugo asked.
Before any of the boys could say anything, the sharp glaive pierced through the concrete right towards Yuya. He barely reacted in time but did get a good cut on his cheek. It stung so much that Yuya briefly wondered if there was poison on the blade. Slapping his hand on his cheek before he went tumbling to the ground as the concrete shattered as the warrior broke out and now stood over Yuya.
“DIE MONGREL!!!” He stared bringing the blade down.
All four boys had the same thought at the same time, GET US OUT OF HERE!
The stone glowed white, then he was gone.
“No Yuma you cannot use the stone to teleport to school and back.”
“But Astral I’ll never worry about being late again!” Yuma protested
“I am not going to let you frivolously use a power we know little about.” Astral argued back.
“Fine, I’ll use it to go get food then!”
“That still counts as a frivolous use…” Astral sighed.
“Oh come on Astral…we’ve got nothing to worry about now…” Yuma stretched and laid down as they continued to watch the sunset, “Let’s just enjoy the moment.”
“I suppose that’s true…I always enjoyed Earth’s sunsets…”
“That’s right…you don’t have them back in Astral World.”
“No we didn’t…Earth has many unique wonders…”
The two sat in silence for a bit taking in the scenery.
“Not even one trip?” Yuma asked
“No and that’s final. No misuse of power.”
“So forming Zexal and raiding the fridge at night is not a misuse of power?” Yuma teased.
“That is for observation purposes and nothing else.”
“You just wanted to eat.”
Astral had to admit defeat there, “It’s the only time I can…”
“Maybe one day we can fix that.” Yuma said.
Astral hummed in agreement. Things were perfect for now…but then it changed fast. Astral sensed something, and it felt like evil.
Astral shoved Yuma and the rolled down the hill in a tumble.
“What suddenly gotten into you Astral?!” Yuma untangled himself and looked up and saw where they were just sitting now stood a crater and a spear embedded into it.
“I have no idea how you dodged that, but I won’t miss next time….” A woman leapt down from nowhere. Blue skin, black and white bodysuit, and gold armor on one arm screamed ‘not human’. She grabbed the spear and pointed it at Yuma. “I will retrieve the Space Stone for my master even if I need to slice your arm off.”
Yuma’s hand flew to grasp the bracer that held the stone, “Why do you want this?”
“Doesn’t matter to you…. you’ll be dead soon enough.” She threw the spear at Yuma who rolled out of the way but felt extreme head against his back.
“YUMA!” Astral cried out.
“I’m okay!” Yuma panted looking back at the spear and saw the remains of a small fire or explosion. No wonder why he felt heat. But there was no time for wondering as the woman was already running at him with her fist drawn back. He couldn’t dodge that one and felt the full impact in his stomach sending him flying back. He groaned in pain thanking the small miracle that he hadn’t passed out yet.
But the woman was already going on the attack again with the spear. Yuma rolled to get out of the way of the stabs and tried to crawl away ignoring the protesting pain.
“Yuma use the stone! Use it to teleport you to safety!”
“O-Okay Astral…” Yuma tried to focus, tried to think of a place for them to go away from this woman.
“Don’t think you can get away from me!!!” The woman screamed and she leapt for Yuma.
Panic weld up in Yuma’s throat, he was going to die here. This woman was going to kill him. Everything went to slow motion as the woman raised her spear, then Astral moved. He grabbed Yuma’s wrist, the one that had the bracer with the stone in it. It glowed blue, bright blue, then turned white. Then the world fell out from under Yuma.
“Hold on….I’ll get you to safety…”
Yuma just let Astral hold him tightly as they fell.
Judai sighed as he put the map down. Who knew Pegasus was so hard to track down now that he was retired? The man was always eccentric but going to every remote private island to look for him was getting exhausting.
“He seriously couldn’t leave a clue or something hinting where we could find him?”
Perhaps he finally got tired being drawn into every world ending plot. Yubel suggested.
“This is the guy who regularly turned gods into trading cards...” Judai muttered, “I don’t think he’s afraid of much.” Judai folded up the map and put it in his backpack, “Let’s head back to Industrial Illusions…maybe someone this time is more willing to help us.”
Humans can be so fickle…Yubel as she lounged in the air. Then something got her attention.
Judai…up ahead.
Judai followed her gaze. Slowly approaching him was a titan. Easily over seven foot dressed in gold armor wielding a double ended sword. Thinking that it was a duel spirit, Judai switched his vision to that of Yubel’s but the image of the titan didn’t change. He was physically on this plane of existence. What did catch Judai’s attention was the gauntlet on the titan’s left hand to coursed with power but had six holes that had residue of something else, each one a different color. And the purplish residue matched the stone that he carried at that very moment.
Judai straightened his posture to look more confident that he really was. Truth be told, his legs were shaking at the titan got close.
The titan gave him a look over, “Most run from me in fear…why do you not?”
“Curiosity really…” Judai gave a shrug, “Couldn’t help but notice that gauntlet you’ve got. Looks like it’s missing a few pieces.”
The titan looked surprised, “You are more observant than you look. I seek the Infinity Stones to recomplete the gauntlet. And I’m afraid you have one of them…the Power Stone. One of my favorites to be honest.”
Judai gripped the stone in his pocket, “And what do you plan to do when you have them?”
“What ever I want….I once wiped out half the universe with a mere snap.”
Judai felt his blood ran cold. This guy must be joking right? Nothing was powerful enough to kill that many people at once with a mere snap! Rage bubbled deep in his soul, his Haou half wanting to come out and rip this pretender apart. Judai forced it back down, he couldn’t risk going into a rage.
“If that’s something you can do and are willing to do then I am not handing this over!” Judai declared.
“Pity…” The titan drew his blade, “Then know you will die by the hands of Thanos.”
For as large as Thanos was, he was deceptively fast. Good thing Judai now had inhuman reflexes. He jumped back out of the way of Thanos’ strike and activated his Duel Disk.
“Neos!” Judai summoned his ace, fully physical thanks to his powers, and ordered him to attack. Neos obeyed and when to punch Thanos in the face. The titan didn’t even flinch and instead looked amused.
“Interesting trick there…” He chuckled, “I wonder how long your warrior will last.” Thanos went to return the punch which Neos blocked but was sent a good ten feet back. Blows were soon traded back and forth but it soon became obvious that Neos was on the losing side.
“Neos hold on!” Judai checked his deck see if there was something to boost his warrior’s power.
Do you want me to get out there? Yubel asked.
“No way! I can’t risk you getting hurt!”
Yubel frowned, Judai…I cannot be hurt. I reflect all attacks done to me. I can take what this guy can dish out.
Yubel cut him off again, Judai I am your shield. I made you that promise all those years ago that I would protect you. There is no need to protect me. Use me…Use my power!
Judai held Yubel’s gaze, she was serious. Judai really didn’t want Yubel to fight on his behalf but deep down…he knew that she refused to be left on the sidelines. He knew how important he was to her.
“Okay…” He pulled out Yubel’s card and placed it on the Duel Disk, “But first sign of trouble I am pulling you out of there.”
There will be no need for that…Yubel said as she took on physical form. With a mighty flap of her wings, she soared into the fight stepping right in front of Neos as Thanos when to slash him with his sword, only to find a similar strike on his own armor. Confused, he tried punching her instead only to be knocked back as if he was the one who got punched.
“How?” Was the only thing he could say.
You cannot wound me…Yubel was now fully in smug mode…Every strike against me it a blow against you.
Thanos seemed surprised, but then confident, “Then I simply don’t have to attack you.” With great force, he jumped. Sailing over Yubel and Neos and lading right in front of Judai.
“I just have to slay your summoner instead…” Thanos said raising his blade.
Judai reacted fast. He slammed the Power Stone on his Duel Disk and held it up like a shield. The purple wave of energy that resulted from the clash broke Thanos’ sword. Before he could celebrate this, Judai found his head being crushed in Thanos’ hand.
JUDAI!!!! Yubel cried out trying to attack Thanos back but because of her own power, her own strikes were useless. Even when Neos joined in on the assault, Thanos just tanked the shots laughing.
“I find that the easiest way to deal with magic users is to cut them off at the source.” He increased the pressure on Judai’s head, “While I find your powers interesting, I sadly have to end your life…”
Judai struggled in vain trying to free himself. He had to get away, this madman wants to play god and it will not end well for anyone. He had to get free and get the stone as far away as possible. He was not going to let Thanos win. But he needed a trump card…
That trump card came in the form of the stone which started glowing not purple, but white. Judai felt the sensation that was familiar to him, the one when he was being sent to another dimension. Before he faded completely, he took Neo’s and Yubel’s card off the Duel Disk to make sure they came with him.
When the white light was gone, Thanos found his hand empty.
Judai groaned and light and feeling came back to him. Where did he end up this time? He heard a lot of voices all sounding confused or panicked. Blinking open his eyes; he could make out five other figures and what looked to be something large and red laying on its side. A few more moments later, he recognized one of them.
Yugi spun and faced him, “Judai-kun?”
Judai couldn’t believe it, Yugi was siting right in front of him looking no older than when he met him when dealing with Paradox. What was he doing here and…was his should bleeding?!
“You’re here too Judai-san?”
Judai saw another familiar face, Yusei. The red thing he saw must have been his motorcycle. Yusei looked a little older than the last time Judai saw him and he was holding onto someone he did not know. The kid looked around fourteen or so, red hair with green bangs and was nursing a cut a cheek.
“Who’s that Yusei?”
“I haven’t gotten a name yet…and he’s not the only one…” He gestured with his head.
Judai looked around and saw two more boys, actually two boys and one blue spirit. The blue spirit was holding onto the boy who looked very young, black and red hair and a golden pendent around his neck. At first he thought the boy and spirit were looking at him but following their gazes, turns out they were looking at Yubel. That was going to spark some questions.
The last boy with blue and pink hair dressed in what appeared to be a school uniform just look plain confused and shocked. He did have one thing to say, “Who are you people?”
A response came not from the group, but from someone else clearing their throat. All six boys turned to see a middle-aged man standing nearby with a drink in his hand. He stared at them, at the drink, then back at them. Then he spoke to midair.
“JARVIS….call the others. Six kids and a motorcycle just teleported into the Avengers Tower.
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darlingpetao3 · 6 years
Rewrite the Stars (Harry Wells x Reader, Chapter 6 - Pretty Woman AU)
Rating: Mature
Summary: While on a business trip, Harrison “Harry” Wells has a chance meeting with the Reader on the streets of Star City. Both from two very different worlds, these two spend the week together under the form of a ‘business proposition,’ only to discover that their feelings are more than strictly professional. Based on the 1990 film Pretty Woman.
Warnings: Topic of Sex-Work, Sexual Content, Unwanted Physical Advances, Coarse Language, and Major Feels
Tag list: @thecaptainsgingersnap @seabasstiantrash @cavanaghcollins @obsessedadryana @technicallykawaiisoul @ill-breach-you-there-right-now @drwellwellwells
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5
A/N: The song for this week’s chapter is ‘Fallen’ and can be found on our playlist here.
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I was late. Of course, I’d never admit that out loud, but it was still a fact.
I marched into the Plaza’s lobby returning from my meeting while scouring the place for (Y/N). I couldn’t find her. Was she still getting ready? Or had she left?
Someone walked up next to me, and I recognized the man to be Joe West, the manager of the Plaza. He always made sure my stay was to my liking and had always been a great help.
“Doctor Wells, hello,” he greeted me, “I have a message for you.”
"I have somewhere I need to be, so if you could leave it-"
"It's from your niece," he clarified, and I looked at him for a second, wholly lost (as I was an only child), before I realized what he was getting at. (Y/N). I had brought an escort into a five-star establishment. I should have seen this coming.
"I think we both know she's not my niece," I replied, looking West in the eye.
“Yes, sir.”
“What’s the message, then?”
“She’s waiting for you in the lounge,” he said, indicating with his head in the direction I needed to go.
“Thank you.”
Before I took my leave, West remarked, “She’s an intriguing woman.” I stopped, and damn it if I didn’t smile in front of the other man as I thought about how true it was.
“I’m well aware.”
I walked across to the lounge, scanning the face of everyone I could see in order to locate her, but it seemed to be pointless. I did a full circuit of the room and then one on the spot but to no avail.
Had West been mistaken? Had my tardiness left her disheartened enough to leave?
I did another slow turn, and this time, when I looked over my shoulder, I saw her. She sat at the bar, her back to me initially, but now she'd turned around and was smiling softly at me.
In one word, she was a vision.
The dress she bought today… I didn’t even know how to express myself adequately. (Y/N) had stolen my breath with the way she looked tonight. It was a black (a woman after my own heart) cocktail dress which came down almost to her knee and had short lace sleeves. The small jewelled embellishments glittered in the light of the lounge.
I gaped as she gracefully stood from her seat, and watched as she approached me. I'm not sure I could explain the emotions currently coursing through me as my eyes roamed over every inch of her.
It was a transformation, but only in the sense of what my money had done for her. She was beautiful, I'd thought so since the moment we'd met, but only now could you see how she shone.
When she reached me, she carefully straightened my tie and then met my gaze.
"You're late," she said, attempting to sound chastising.
"You're stunning."
I immediately saw the smile begin to grace her features. "You're forgiven,” she said, giggling, and I saw the slight colour that rose in her cheeks.
“Shall we go to dinner?” I held out my arm for her, which she took, and led her to the car I had arranged to take us to the restaurant a few blocks away.
When we entered the restaurant, I saw her wringing her hands in front of her. It was the way I felt inside, though I kept an impenetrable front otherwise.
“Stop fidgeting, there’s nothing for you to worry about,” I assured her.
The hostess showed us to the table where Ramon, and his associate Allen, were already seated. They stood up when we arrived, and it was impossible to miss the look of shock on their faces as I walked up with (Y/N) beside me. Whether it be from her beauty alone or the fact that this woman was with me, I couldn’t be sure, but for the sake of things, I assumed it to be the former.
“Mr. Ramon,” I said, and shook the man’s hand even though that was the last thing I wanted to do. I turned to his associate. “Mr. Allen.”
“Doctor Wells,” the long-haired man-child acknowledged, then looked to (Y/N), “and who’s your delightful companion?”
“This is a friend of mine, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“It’s so nice to meet you both,” she said, oozing charm. I pulled her seat out for her before we all took our own. There were so many variables that could go wrong tonight, and I was afraid I hadn’t anticipated them all, but having her here with me seemed to help notably. She sent me a small sideways smile as the waiter brought over the wine menu, followed by the ones for food.
I noticed that (Y/N) looked a little overwhelmed by the choices and so I helped by pointing out a couple of good options that I’d had here before. She seemed grateful for the assistance.
“I assume you’ve come here tonight to try and convince me that letting you buy my company is my only way out of this mess?” Ramon started as he perused the menu, not looking up at me. I hoped he would choose a good wine so that I could at least enjoy something about this meal.
“If you’d agreed to drop the design for the Trans-Dimensional Telecator when I’d first brought it up, there wouldn’t be a mess for you to get out of,” I countered, linking my fingers together in front of me, over my menu.
“You’re just afraid of the competition,” he said before ordering an expensive red. At least he can get something right.
“I didn’t think it was in either of our best interests to go toe to toe on that one, and as the more experienced, I thought that it made more sense for me to take the lead,” I told him. “I appreciate that your little company is attempting to branch out-”
“Little company?” Allen spoke up for the first time, as the waiter poured the wine into the glasses. “Our company may only have been around half as long as S.T.A.R. Labs, but our profits are only a couple of hundred-thousand down on yours. This sounds as though it’s more about your ego, Doctor Wells, and how you feel threatened by Cisco’s quick success.”
“My ego?” I said, raising my voice slightly, “What about him and his-”
“Boys,” (Y/N) said, taking a delicate sip of her wine as all three of us looked to her, “perhaps we should keep our voices down?”
We all looked a little sheepish at that, and I glanced around to check that no one else in the restaurant was disturbed by our argument. But with her interjection, Ramon seemed to take more of an interest in (Y/N) than me and turned directly to face her.
“And what do you think to your… friend’s business?” he asked, glancing from her to me, and I knew he was trying to see if there was something more to our relationship than I’d let on.
“Oh, no,” she said, giving him one of those charming smiles that made me go weak at the knees. “I’m strictly here for pleasure, not business.”
I had inadvertently thrown myself into a coughing fit at her comment. She sent another knowing look my way with a little smirk, and I had to look away. Hopefully neither Ramon nor Allen had seen it, and if they had, they wouldn’t have the balls to comment. I had an image to maintain after all.
“Mr. Ramon, I assure you that this would go a lot smoother if we were on the same page,” I said, recovering and trying to get back to the matter at hand. The man looked back at me, and I could see the contempt return in his eyes.
“I can assure you, Wells, that that isn’t going to happen. Leave my company alone,” the man-bun wearing, self-proclaimed ‘tech guru’ told me as he tried to sound menacing.
“I can’t do that.”
But before we could start to get into it again, the plates of food were brought over to us and, quite frankly, I welcomed the distraction.
I watched (Y/N)’s reaction as her meal was placed in front of her. Her face scrunched up in confusion, head pulling back a tad as if to see more clearly what it was that sat on her plate. It might have been the most amusing and adorable thing I’d seen since meeting her.
“You’ll like it, I promise,” I whispered to her, smiling encouragingly at her.
“It looks like something straight out of Dagobah.”
Ramon’s head shot up and looked at me, then to (Y/N), puzzled.
“What did you say?” he asked her.
“I said it looks like it’s from Dagobah. You know, the swamp in Star Wars Episode-”
“-Five - Empire Strikes Back.”
"Try not. Do, or do not,” she started to quote.
“There is no try," Ramon finished.
I locked eyes with Allen. “What is happening?” I asked him. (Y/N) laughed and took a bite of her meal. She seemed pleasantly surprised.
As did Allen and Ramon.
The night may have ended smoothly, and without me chopping off Ramon’s hair, but the issue of the takeover still hung in the air. I knew I’d be waiting indefinitely for my phone to ring until I heard from either Ramon or Jack.
“You didn’t say much on the ride home,” (Y/N) said once we’d returned to the suite. “Still thinking about the meeting? I thought I handled myself pretty well back there! At first, I thought I was going to blow it!”
She followed me out to the balcony, filling the silence I’d been creating with anything that crossed her mind.
“That Cisco was actually a pretty cool guy,” she went on to admit, and perched herself on the balcony’s ledge, “I had fun chatting with him.” I made a face at Ramon’s name. “Oh, don’t even with that face,” she called me out, “See, underneath it all, I think you like Mr. Ramon. I think you think he reminds you of you.”
Part of me wanted to protest the absurdity, but I knew she was more than likely right, even if I wasn’t fully aware of it myself.
“What I’d like is for you not to be so close to the ledge, please.” I didn’t expect her to listen, but she hopped down and moved closer to me instead.
“And if that’s true,” she continued, clearly seeing my lack of response on her comment as an admission, “then, I can’t understand what you’re doing here. If you have similar ideas for something, why not see whether you can combine them? Work on it together?”
“I don’t think so,” I scoffed, but there wasn’t as much disdain behind my words as I expected. “Besides, it’s irrelevant even if I was fond of Ramon because I refuse to let myself get emotionally involved in this business.” It was always easier to not care about the people I had to deal with, and instead, think of them as pawns in a game of chess, but I kept that thought to myself.
“I can relate. Since day one, Laurie’s always saying to me, ‘don’t get emotional when you turn tricks’,” she confessed. “Hence the no kissing on the mouth rule. It’s too personal. So I took her word for it. I’m essentially robotic when it comes to the job.”
She stopped there, and her words made my heart ache. I thought I had remedied that issue long ago. I never thought I’d have to feel that torture again. This was the reason I didn’t open up anymore. How could I be so foolish to believe - to hope, even - that something real could develop between us? I was paying her to be my companion. There was nothing real about that.
“But not with-”
“-You and I are so astoundingly similar…” I said while looking at my shoes. But if that were the case then why had she been able to remain seemingly impassive in this while I was battling with feelings I’d rather repress? I felt like I was losing myself.
“Hey,” she said, trying to get me to look at her, once again instinctively knowing something was wrong with me. “Why don’t we go inside and relax? We can stay up all night and watch the movie channel? How does that sound?” (Y/N) smiled as she put an arm around me, and the small action alone was too much. I needed out. I needed to think.
“Maybe another night,” I said, getting up, “I’ll be back.”
“Where are you going?”
I walked away without answering and tried my damnedest not to look back.
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shianhygge-imagines · 8 years
REQUEST: Divine Intervention [Ravus/Reader] AU
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Edit 1: Guys, I would appreciate it if you didn’t spam that person who sent me the request, okay? It was my mistake, I am sorry. 
You all wanted Ravus... so here’s Ravus :3 If you were wondering why I wasn’t posting much... it was cause of this, lol (8 pages) The ideas put into this is a chain of events. The butterfly effect. How different Ravus’s story would be if something didn’t happen. The alternate universe of my Ravus Headcanon. And I shall graciously take those cookies, thank you! :3
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You had listened to the young Oracle, and you had carefully considered her words, yet you had only smiled and continued on your path away from gates of House Fleuret.
You loved Ravus, yes. But you refused to be a second priority to him. Your pride and your heart could not let you continue on this path. And a voice whispered in the back of your mind, soft, rumbling, yet irrevocably male, but it’s always been there. Ever since you were young.
The Fallen Prince, in his heart, seeks only a vengeance and to protect his sister. Should you turn back from your decision, you seal his fate. But should you stand firm, have comfort that the one you love may be saved.
So you kept walking, back straight and head held high despite the tears that gathered at the corners. You didn’t know if you could trust the words. Didn’t know if someone was trying to deceive you. All you knew, was that Ravus had to change his ways, and you couldn’t be there to help him.
You left. Not just the place you had called home for your whole life. Not just Tenebrae. You left to go to Lucis. Far away from the man you love.
He was on his knees, kneeling with a pool of glass around his feet. Ravus had seen his sister speak with you, and saw you stand at the gates to his home before turning and walking away. Many have come to believe that Ravus was cold and unfeeling, a determined and no-nonsense commander, but it was only half true. Somewhere, buried, was that kind and compassionate boy from eleven long years ago, but only those near him could find that boy. You had been one of the only ones who could still see the best of Ravus, could still see the hurting boy crying out for those he’s lost. And Ravus had loved you for it. He’d loved you for the longest time. Fifteen years of love and he had still managed to push you away.
His hands were cut up from gripping the shattered glass frame of an old picture. It was a photograph that the two of you had taken long ago, there was a smile on your childish face as Ravus gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek. You had been 13 years old and he 14. It was a year before his mother was killed, and it was a happier time. And suddenly tears found their way down from his mismatched eyes, landing on the picture. He’d driven you out with his selfish ways, had taken his anger and frustration out on you. And now you were gone.
There was no one to blame but himself. He had been blind. Had assumed that you would be by his side forever. But what was his vengeance worth now? He’d known that his loved ones had disapproved of his blaming King Regis, that they believed that he should have directed his anger at the Empire instead. But he had been stubborn. But what good was his blaming King Regis now if it meant losing you. It was worth nothing.
So with a sob, Ravus stood and rethought about his goals, lamenting that he had to lose you before he could see how foolish he was.
Though he still cried because, “I never had the chance to tell them that I love them.”
It was challenging, moving to another nation and start anew, but the people were kind, and you found a new calling, not as a servant to a royal family, but as a Hunter.
Fighting had never been important in Tenebrae, and many in Lucis could probably get away with not fighting. But as the nights grew longer, and more daemons appeared, that voice urged you to learn. Take up the blade to protect the light. He had said solemnly, though you’d decided to refer to him as Sage, or Sagesse. Sage never spoke to you but to direct your actions, and you had come to learn that when the voice spoke to you, it was best to listen. Especially if you were traveling. You’d learned the hard way what happened if you didn’t heed Sagesse’s advice.
It was on your way to the Chocobo Farm that you found the ruins of Costlemark Tower, and you had wanted to explore the ruins, expecting it to be full of weak daemons given that the centipede-like creatures outside were easily killed. Sage had told you immediately to camp or continue to the Chocobo Farm and to forget about the Tower ruins.
Instead, you had ignored him and ventured forth, watching as the ruins opened to you once the sun set. You only needed to descend to the first room before you sprinted out of there, only to be met with a Red Giant at the entrance of the ruins. You would have perished from your stupidity if Sage wasn’t kind enough to guide you to the campsite, where the glowing blue runes protected you from the Red Giant and a few Mindflayers staring you down.
So, lesson learned. You always listened to Sagesse from then on.
You’ve tried to hold a conversation with Sagesse a few times, but it didn’t seem that he wasn’t all that interested in what you had to say, often keeping silent no matter how much you thought or spoke aloud. But he kept you safe, so you suppose you shouldn’t bother him too much.
But his guidance led you back to your beloved.
In leaving Tenebrae, you had diverted Ravus’s path away from his and your original fates. An early death, turned into a daemon and forced to obey. And you, left a widow in a world of darkness, forced to watch the people around you succumb to the darkness before perishing yourself. Your decision to leave had left scars on both yours and Ravus’s heart, but it had been for the best.
Reconsidering his actions and feelings, Ravus no longer sought after the Ring of Lucii. Instead, he placed his efforts in assisting his little sister with fulfilling her duty as the Oracle. Yes, perhaps it was inevitable that King Regis would perish by Glauca’s sword, and Insomnia reduced to ruin, but Ravus had not lost his arm that day, and would, therefore, not need a magitek prosthetic. And when Lunafreya was killed by Ardyn, Ravus would immediately defect from the Empire in order to assist Noctis traveling with the young Prince and his friends to Gralea to retrieve the Crystal. But most importantly, Ardyn would no longer be able to turn Ravus into a daemon.
Your love for Ravus would have killed him, but in walking away, you had saved him.
You would not see Ravus again until after the world had been sent into permanent darkness.
You had been with the Hunters for a whole year now, although Dave had reluctantly took you on as his apprentice. Sagesse had directed you to the Hunter’s Headquarters very thoroughly after you had agreed to help “defend the light,” and you found yourself asking for training before your knew it. In the beginning, Dave had you on for a trial period given that you’ve only ever use a chef’s knife before. He quickly found that he should never let you near a melee-type weapon unless he wanted someone who wasn’t the enemy killed.
In the end, you took up the crossbow because you were absolute shit at close range combat. And with that settled, Dave eventually started sending you out on small missions. Killing Abar eventually came to hunting minor daemons. And while you’d gone solo for the longest while, Dave eventually had enough faith in you to lead a team of hunters when the world was thrown into permanent darkness. It wasn’t a mistake to have you lead a group of hunters, but it was a mistake to send your group of young hunters to fight a group of Sir Tonberries.
You watched with abject terror when a Sir Tonberry cut through another of your six man group. You had been sent to retrieve a stranded group of civilians, but the intel had been wrong about the number of enemies involved. It was reported that there were only two Sir Tonberries, which could have been dealt with slight difficulty, but not four Sir Tonberries plus Hobgoblins and two Nagas.
Clicking your tongue in thought, you dove out of the way in order to cover your teammates, “Vergil, Seb, take Devon and run back to the truck. Isa, Kelsey, I need you two to escort the civilians to the truck. I’ll draw the daemon’s attention.” You shouted, dodging the strikes from a Sir Tonberry to flip and shoot at the Naga. Your teammates start to protest, “I don’t want to hear any complaints! It’s either most of us get out of here, or we all die.” That shut them up, you grimaced before taking off your dog tag and throwing it at Vergil, who caught the metal thing with a fearful look. “If you’re fast enough, you’ll get back to me on time with reinforcements. If not... “ You didn’t finish your sentence, instead opting to push your teammates away. “Go!”
“We’ll be back, Y/N!” You could hear Isa shout back at you, but you don’t respond, too busy trying to buy them time.
Always willing to sacrifice, Y/N. You could hear the taunt in Sagesse’s voice sometimes, as much as he would like to simply be an unfeeling spirit. There is not much to feel for, mortal. And then he goes and speaks like an all knowing being, and then you aren’t quite sure whether you heard the first part at all. Tail to your right. You roll to the left, dodging the Naga’s tail before moving away from the Tonberries and Hobgoblins closing in. Hopefully you could survive an hour.
After assisting Noctis in infiltrating Gralea, Ravus had gone back to Tenebrae to assist with the evacuation of his people, using Aranea’s airships to fly the surviving citizens of Tenebrae to Lestallum, where he worked to secure a safe home for his people. But with the influx of refugees from Accordo, neighboring towns, and Insomnia as well, space became tight. What more, with the limited space, there were a limited amount of Hunters who could protect those unwilling to fight. So Ravus found himself traveling with Gladiolus, Prompto, Ignis, and Aranea to the Hunter’s Headquarters a few months after Noctis was pulled into the Crystal.
He didn’t know what he had been expecting, a large and secure building perhaps, but it was not the open yet well-lit outdoor space that the Hunter Headquarters actually was. And least of all, Ravus didn’t expect the utter panic as various individuals hurried to and from, escorting civilians from a small truck. There was crying, but most of all, screaming. From what he could make out from the various voices speaking at once, a group of hunters had gone out to retrieve a stranded group of civilians at a nearby campsite. Their intel had been wrong about the types of daemons surfacing around the area, and were not prepared. And in order to get their job done, the group leader had sacrificed themselves as a decoy for their team to get out.
A noble act. Ravus thought, his heterochromatic eyes darted towards the dogtags that a young woman named Isa waved around.
“We have to go back and save them!” Isa demanded with a stomp of her feet.
The man she chased looked to be in his late thirties to early forties, hair closely shaved, and stern looking. But when Ravus took the time to look at the man more, there was an air of authority and subtle kindness. The man thought for a moment, eyes hard before shaking his head, “We can’t afford to send out more Hunters for your leader. I’m sorry, Isa.”
“But it’s Y/N!” the woman emphasised, drawing a surprised look from the leader, “Dave, Y/N was our leader during this mission.” When the older man didn’t move, Isa drew herself to her full height, a less than impressive 152cm, but she still went to sternly cup Dave’s face in her hands. “Y/N L/N,” Ravus’s eyes widened in shock at the leader’s full name. “Dave, you trained Y/N, and I know you have a soft spot for them. And if you have any love for me, or for Y/N, you’ll let me gather a team to go after them.”
The older man let out a long suffering sigh before relenting, “Fine.” though he quickly pulled Isa into a kiss. “Gather whoever is willing.” Dave’s eyes soften for a moment, “But come back to me, Isa.”
The younger woman smiled fondly, brown eyes twinkling with love, and nodded, “You know I would walk to the ends of Eos to get back to you.”
And it is at that point that Ravus turns away, feeling like he should not bear witness to the privacies of the couple. Instead, his mind is filled with thoughts of you. His beloved that he had pushed away two years ago. And now, he was so close to finding you again, only to be under threat to lose you again. No. The former Prince shook his head and stomped over to his new friends. He could not lose you. Not again.
Gladiolus noticed the stormy eyed man approaching their trio and directed a worried look at Ravus. “Is there a problem?” Ever since Lunafreya’s death, Ravus had joined them on their journey, and while it was strange to have a man who used to be the enemy on their team, they had all tried to be civil with one another. But as it turns out, Ravus was actually a man that Gladio could respect.
Ravus clenched and unclenched his right fist, his head bowed slightly, “There is to be a mission to retrieve the escort team’s fallen leader. And I have decided to join the effort.”
Ignis, though his world was still dark, could imagine the high commander’s posture given the tone of the man’s voice. It was dire, but not as subtle as when they first encountered one another at the Imperial base nearly a year prior. A life was in danger. “Do you require our assistance?”
“-Wait just a minute.” Gladiolus interjected, much to Ravus’s annoyance. He had wanted to keep details sparse so that they could leave immediately. “I want to know why you care about this mission.” When Ravus didn’t speak, Gladio could only go on, “You know the team leader, don’t you? What I don’t understand is how that person could be important to you. Don’t get me wrong, we will go with you, but I just want to know why.”
The former Prince let out a heavy sigh, his face still stern, but his eyes softened ever so slightly, “Y/N L/N.”
Prompto cocked his head to the side, blonde hair rustling with the motion. The gunman recognized the name, “Dave’s apprentice? That’s the leader’s name?”
“Yes. But I knew Y/N long before they came to live in Lucis.” Ravus’s eyes darted towards Isa as she left Dave, watching as the young woman asked around for volunteers to help retrieve you. “We were friends in our youth, and I lo-... I’ve come to hold them quite dear to me.” Ravus cursed himself for nearly saying his feelings.
Meanwhile, Gladio and Ignis were not fooled, having heard Ravus’s slip up. Though both hid their smirks well. Instead, Gladiolus strolled over to the older man and clapped his shoulder, shocking Ravus. “Well. We should go join the retrieval team, then.”
As the younger men left to go speak to Isa, Ravus stood in deep thought. He had thought that he lost everything. He had failed to protect his beloved sister, yet he had succeeded in bringing Noctis to Gralea as well as bestowing King Regis’s glaive to the now sleeping prince. And he had pushed you away two years ago when he should have kept you by his side. Now, he had a chance to find you again… Ravus brow set into a determined stare, and he marched with confidence towards the truck, which Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto had piled into. “Wait for me, Y/N.”
There were various hisses and cries from below you, but you could only wince. Your wince was heard by your tiny companion, who only purred and cuddled into your side, careful to keep its weapon away from you. Seriously, it was the cutest, yet deadliest little thing, a product of a stupid decision you made earlier, but you didn’t regret it. Simply having a tiny Tonberry cuddling up to you was adorable.
The little thing had wandered into the battle and had tried to attack you along with its more powerful counterparts… and then the Hobgoblins, for whatever reason decided to gang up on the little one. And seeing how the Sir Tonberries and Nagas weren’t going to help the little daemon, you’d run over to rescue it, getting jabbed in the side by a Sir Tonberry before you sprinted to a cliff face and climbed, putting your new friend in the hood of your cloak as you climbed… and after a while, the Tonberry actually warmed up to you… but now you were stuck.
“Corvo, we’re in some deep shit.” You muttered, pulling the tiny green daemon into your arms. It only purred, nuzzling its snout under your chin. “And Sagesse hasn’t been speaking to me at all.” you pouted, wondering where the miracle voice in your head had gone.
“Keu?” The Tonberry tilted its head to the side in question.
You merely sighed and pat your little friend’s head gently, “Never you mind, Corvo. Let’s just concentrate on surviving, savvy?” But not only ten seconds after you spoke, you saw the unmistakable headlights of a hunter truck rolling down the road. “Well, damn. They actually came back for me, Corvo.” Your little friend cooed in worry. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they don’t hurt you.” Corvo gave out a happy purr before hopping into your hood, holding out it’s lantern to light the area around you.
The daemons below had noticed the truck’s return and had left the area below you to surround the truck. You couldn’t make out the individuals that came to rescue you no matter how much you squinted, but you started climbing down regardless, wincing occasionally when you irritated the wound at your side.
Once you were down, you gently pulled Corvo into your arms and ran towards the truck. You had lost your crossbow earlier, but you were better off without it, running without any weight carrying you down. “We’re almost home free Corvo.”
You were nearly to the truck when you saw the group that had come to rescue you, and you nearly tripped when you saw the white haired man fighting alongside the Prince’s companions. Ravus. You screamed, a high pitched stressed sound akin to a mix of a behemoth and a daggerquil, and even Corvo looked up at you in alarm. Though you probably shouldn’t have screamed, because the next thing you knew, you felt a deep pain in your back before falling. From the floor, you glanced back to see a Sir Tonberry advancing towards you, and little Corvo trying to protect you. Suddenly, a bullet collided with the Sir Tonberry, and you were lifted by the arms, though in your daze, you managed to call out for Corvo, catching the little Tonberry in your arms as it jumped into you.
You blinked in and out of consciousness, the darkness creeping at the edges of your vision, but the last thing you saw were the worried and scared heterochromatic eyes of the man you love.
Ravus held your unconscious form to him tightly as he boarded the truck, the other hunters fending off the daemons behind him. His body trembled in fear when he examined the deep cut in your side and the burned slash on your back. He’d heard you scream at him. Saw your shocked face and the Sir Tonberry that crept up behind your back. But try as he might, had wasn’t fast enough to warn you, wasn’t fast enough to protect you. There was a small coo from the Tonberry latched onto your form, it’s tiny fish tail tucked between its legs as it showed its worry. It was a strange thing, having a tame Tonberry protect you, but Ravus was grateful for the little daemon’s help nonetheless.
“You succeeded where I nearly failed, little one.” Ravus cautiously pet the Tonberry, “My thanks.”
You woke up to the soft beeps of a heart monitor and the soft coos from Corvo sleeping on your chest. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you moved to sit up from the medical bed, aware that various tubes were attached to your arms and that the room lights were dimmed slightly.
Your head snapped to the left and it took everything in you not to look away from the tall white haired man across the room. It had been two years since you’d seen Ravus. The last time had been… you averted your eyes… If you are unable to stand by my decisions, then I don’t need you by my side. Leave. The unforgettable cold stare of his blue and brown eyes was still ingrained in your mind. What were you to say to a man you loved, but didn’t want you by his side? You couldn’t come up with anything, so you settled with a, “Hi.”
Ravus furrowed his brow at your response. He didn’t know what he was expecting when you awoke, he had pushed you away and hurt you those years ago after all. But he didn’t expect you to be unable to meet his eyes. Unable to speak to him. Once upon a time the two of you were as thick as thieves, never withdrawing from the other’s company. And now, because of him, everything was so different. What does one say to one that they have wronged?
Remember what you told me, big brother? “Go to Noctis. Show him the truth of your heart.” Perhaps it is high time that you showed Y/N the truth of yours.
He could hear his sister’s voice as if she were still alive, still standing next to him, wise beyond her years and smiling encouragingly.
You heard his quick footsteps, and quickly turned to face him in alarm, but he had pulled you into an embrace, careful not to squish Corvo, who rested on your lap. His left arm wrapped around your shoulder, and his right came up to hold your cheek. And you’d only a few seconds to stare into his eyes before they closed and his lips were pressed against your own. You barely had enough time to kiss back before he withdrew, and you saw that he was shedding tears. “Why-?”
Ravus cut you off with another kiss, deep and pure, muttering against you, “Please don’t leave me. I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry, Y/N. I’m a fool for pushing you away. Forgive me.” He gripped your shoulders tightly as the tears fell, his face losing its sternness as he confessed, “I love you, Y/N. Forgive me for not seeing it until I had pushed you away.”
And you kissed back. Because you had loved his man for so long, and to hear him tell you that he needed you by his side, that he loved you back… There were no proper words, only actions.
“I love you, Ravus. I won’t leave. Never again.”
There is a rumor that the Astrals loved to play with the lives of mankind. That among their beloved playthings and pawns, they often chose favorites. Ramuh favored the Prince of Lucis. Titan and Shiva favored Lunafreya. And Ifrit favored Ardyn. But what of Leviathan and Bahamut? Leviathan held no love for man, and therefore held none in favor. But Bahamut... once in a millennia, Bahamut would come to favor a human, though only through proving their worth. But just this once... He had chosen two. One Ravus Nox Fleuret and one Y/N L/N.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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