#but the fomo is real regardless
thisismyobsessionnow · 4 months
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lovemyromance · 2 months
So Elain & Azriel can't be in love and their dalliance in the bonus chapter was just a show of lust because why would SJM write such an integral part of Elain's story *not* in her book?
But Elain is secretly obsessed and in love with Lucien and that's why she avoids him and feels uncomfortable around him because she <checks notes> feels too much for him and he SEES the real her (despite never yk.. being around her to get to know her even).... and all this happened off page *not* in Elain's book?
Make it make sense.
Every day I see Gwynriels & Eluciens bending over backwards and playing a game of twister just to disprove Elriel by honing in on one or two words
Ex: When Elriels say Elain has embraced the fae culture she respects their traditions and the antis were quick to say "well she said THEIR traditions not OUR traditions 🤓". As if Elain didn't grow up human and isn't familiar with fae traditions yet but cares enough about her friends and family that she respects them regardless....
Or when they try to use other characters' out of context behaviors / actions to overwrite Elain's own thoughts and desires
Ex: Cassian saying Elain looks bad in black in the Court of Nightmares apparently trumps Elain herself saying she's a part of this court.
Or when they purposefully ignore clear foreshadowing
Ex: Majda saying a mate would be able to figure out what's wrong with Elain, and Azriel figuring out she was a Seer (despite Lucien being right there) meant nothing. And that Azriel was just excited to get a weapon for the night court?
Or when they pretend they don't see the first half of the bonus chapter
Ex: Azriel would beg on his knees for a taste of her
Or when they act like pivotal Elriel moments meant nothing
Ex: Azriel risking his life to save Elain in ACOWAR, Elain kicking the naga off him with her bare feet, mf TRUTH TELLER
Or when they trash Azriel's character by making extrapolations based on out of context text just to claim he doesn't care about Elain
Ex: Antis saying Cass & Az were drawing sticks to take care of Elain, when in reality they were drawing sticks to decide who would have to go to Hewn City and who would have to stay in Velaris. They turned a case of FOMO into "Azriel pities Elain and thinks she sucks and has to be forced to spend time with her LOL". That's gross. He has always been the most respectful batboy, especially to Elain. He literally sits with her in the garden and reads his reports - does that sound like someone who doesn't want to be around her?
Eluciens & Gwynriels are literally this living meme??
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viviennelamb · 1 day
i’m not proud to admit it, but i regularly have a hard time believing in God. due to my upbringing with religion, i grew skeptical of it and it’s so called “teachings” as so told by the people around me (eg men & women belong together & must procreate, not reproducing is a sin so you will go to hell, you will go to hell for not being heterosexual +many other things i question). because of that, i, i guess childishly, moved away from it.
i haven’t been a big fan of sex, i’ve never had it before and the way men, and women too actually, (just heteros in general) view it makes me not want to do it whatsoever. and i find that hard to come to terms with because that’s what is expected of me by the wider society (luckily, my mom doesn’t care. she even advises against marriage and children, so no pressure from her), but i’m not sure i want something like that, considering what men are like (naturally or by choice).
sometimes i just wish i was “normal” and just like everyone else but i cannot be like that.
sorry if this is too much, but i would appreciate some advice on how to strengthen my belief and faith in God, how to ignore what most people think and believe, and how to accept myself as being “abnormal” in society. thank you
You've (rightfully) moved away from false religion. Every false religion having the same basic tenets isn't a coincidence, everything you suspect is manufactured and carefully put into place has been so. Everything is forced... if it was natural, none of this would have to be indoctrinated into children. Since your soul will continuously draw you towards the truth, you won't be able to resolve this part of your life until you find true religion once again, which is finding God.
You want to be “normal” because you haven't found your purpose yet. People who don't have a purpose let others control their lives. It's never too late to be normal if that's what you want, but taking the easy route has severe consequences of its own. To this day, we have pregnant women in their 30s saying, “why didn't anybody tell me marriage/pregnancy/parenting was like this?!" It's always better to follow your heart.
Everybody who isn't at least looking for God is in hell, regardless of how good their social media posts look or what they say. The foundation of The Big Lie is that everybody has to keep up with its vanity.
I recommend Outsmarting the Ego to get you out of the mindset of what's “normal.” You need a big picture view of the world, instead of what you think will temporarily benefit you due to your FOMO and shame (both are symptoms egotism).
What you think is normal has been artificially erected to continue slavery. Most people may not believe in reincarnation, but the people who have gained control over 99.9% of people's minds do, and the society you see today is a product of this spiritual knowledge. Trillions are spent every year to keep you in the mindset you're in now.
Becoming peaceful and intelligent is not what the majority of people want for you… are you going to concede to that? You can begin listening to people who want to give you the power to control yourself, or listen to selfish people who would like to control your life.
God brought you to the point you are now and Karma has determined your circumstances, so this is not a matter of belief, but leaving man's imagination for reality. I recommend Scientific Meditation to peel away all layers of delusion and repair the nervous system from traumatic experiences.
Once you see how quickly God heals the deficiencies that have been taught to you, you will no longer doubt that God is real. And has been with you all along, just waiting for you to stop shouldering your burdens by yourself.
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
I am, as I’ve often been, torn about my internet usage. I do love things about tumblr of course, but one thing I’ve been thinking about is this urge to scroll. Even when I’m not really in the mood for tumblr or hardly paying attention, I just physically crave scrolling. This'll continue even when I’m caught up on posts; I’ll go to reddit or the news to keep scrolling somewhere and that’s even worse lol. I know FOMO is a part of it for sure, but I also feel like I’m searching for something... I guess just distraction, entertainment, anything to get that dopamine hit one gets when scrolling upon something that sparks interest in any way (even negatively). But I’m not thinking about that stuff in the moment really, or even if I am, the urge of “well, I’m just going to go check real quick...” seems so harmless and logical, regardless of how recently I’ve checked or other things I need/want to be doing.
I always think about what if the time I spent online each day was spent reading instead; I’d actually be the bookworm I envision myself to be! Or even just life in general - so many things could be different. Hell, even if I just switched my internet time to TV/movie time, I’d be enjoying tons of shows/movies I’ve always wanted to watch that have been on a perennial list. I wish it were that simple though.
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ghosts-cyphera · 6 months
Hi Lo!!! I love you!!
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And so does Blu! (She got a scratch on her nose from the other cats and she's been cuddling with me like a big baby)
I hope you're having a wonderful day! Im really really tempted to buy mw3 early access. Im not sure if I even still can. I wouldn't be able to play until this weekend anyway but I NEED the campaign so bad I want to sob. 😭 anyway, sending you lots of love and kisses! Enjoy the campaign for me ;-;
oh no, not baby blu! 🥺 cuddle her for both of us, and give her all the kisses and love from me too. the sweetest thumbed cat I’ve ever known (the only one too but I’m sure she’d be the sweetest one regardless haha) 💗 !!
I’m pretty sure that you can preorder it digitally up until the point that they actually release it on the 10th! don’t quote me on it though. in any case, I’ll never be able to not tell you to treat yourself if you can afford it. you deserve to do that, love.
but please also know that as sucky as fomo is, it’s not real. you’re not missing out on anything: we will be losing our minds over this campaign for months to come, so whenever you get the chance to play it (or watch it streamed if that works better), I’ll be here to scream about it with you. I pinky pinky promise.
AAAA I love you so, so much, core !! MWAH 💗 :’)
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gubbles-owo · 9 months
How's Arknights going? Tried out any of the funky side-modes yet? Did you already get 4 of the same clue dropped on your desk by someone? (the essential AK experience)
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WHY CAN'T I HOLD ONTO ALL THESE BLACKSTEEL CLUES YOU DUMPED ON ME For real tho, big thanks for all the clues!! Pretty sure I've at least once managed to fill the board entirely with cards from you LMFAO paragraphs of unnecessarily detailed answers under the cut
Arknights is going alright! Still on chapter 5 of the main story, progress has been slow cause I've been focused on upgrading the hell out of a few specific ops-- first e2'ed Manticore, then Matoimaru the other day (i love both of 'em sm). Definitely ain't maxed out, dunno if anyone would actually use em as support units rn, but regardless I love my arknights children just look at them they're so fcukfign cool
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I adore the extra stories and insights that come with building trust and unlocking modules, and at the end of the day I'm ultimately here for the characters! Still figuring out who to promote next... Exu would be useful as heck but oughhh the materials required for her look like hell XmX I haven't really done all that much of the side stuff, tbh? Not out of lack of interest, but because shit just feels too difficult? I've been discouraged from doing all that much in events or novel modes because I inevitably get roadblocked by raw numbers-- my ops are too low level, enemies throw waay too much damage, mechanics and enemy types I've never seen or had explained are suddenly thrown at me and I'm expected to know how the heck to deal with 'em, etc etc. In all honesty it's a lil frustrating as new player to try and keep up, to curb the rampant FOMO from things I can't quite fully participate in yet. I'm sure I'll get there eventually, it's just a bit of a struggle >w>` Strategy games 'n tower defense usually ain't my thing, so admittedly there's a looot I still gotta learn, through both practice and example. Simply put: I'm babey xD I have been learning and discovering cool lil strategies tho! Random fun fact, while figuring out a better strategy to grind out 4-8 than the guide I originally followed, I discovered that you can get two sarkaz casters to bind the same target if you time your deployment just right
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punished gravel jumpscare
(and yes, i am still working on texturing the low poly manticore model, progress has just been extremely slow sdhfjsdgh)
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March 22, 2024
So yesterday we went to Jurutungo National Park and I Defintely pushed it way too hard because when i took my boots off last night…‘t was gnarly. I could get a role in a zombie movie rn if i showed them my feet.
So today! I went on a lil solo adventure from Rio Sereno to David. David has a real hospital. I really didn’t want to go alone, not because i didn’t think I could do it but because FOMO is real and I didn’t want to miss out on anything. But alas, off I went. A three hour bus ride later and I was at the hospital. Confirmed, my feet are gnarly! After a long ass time at the hospital I left with five new prescriptions and some peace of mind. Rio Sereno is too far for me to go back tonight, so the Peace Corps put me up in a hotel here for the night. So for the small small price of not being able to move the toes on my right foot, i got a bug-free bed, an AC, and a hot shower. Honestly, not a bad trade off.
The rest of my group will meet me in David tomorrow and then we’re off to Cocle to the beach for one day.
Jurutungo was cool! But honestly I didn’t miss out on too much hardcore hiking. Much more of a leisurely day than I was expecting. Regardless, 8 ish hours in my socks and boots yesterday was a mistake. We stopped by a strawberry farm and completely bought the guy out. They tasted like candy.
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haveyoueverplayed · 9 months
We Finished Grandia!
Jellybi Final Impressions: 
I give this game a resounding “...uhm.” I can see it having been a great time for a much younger version of myself, maybe like 12-16 or so – teen Jellybi was a big fan of Bishounen Villains Who Do Face Turns and would have greatly enjoyed Mullen’s arc regardless of the general lack of buildup or plot scaffolding around it. But the rest of the story, um... left a lot to be desired.
I felt like the end of the game kept harkening back to a lot of themes and elements that simply hadn’t been properly established, like the greed and folly of humans and their rift with the spirits that resulted from that. If that was set up anywhere, it never really registered or sank in for me, but they kept harping on it like it was a major throughline of the story. They had 40 hours of gameplay to set that stuff up! But outside of exposition dumps, it didn’t seem to really be there. Did we ever meet any spirits or learn a concrete thing that humans did wrong to prove themselves unworthy? If we did, I must have missed it, I guess.
The biggest issue I had with the game, though, was the Justin/Feena pairing, in which she is handed some sort of idiot stick that turns her into a fawning damsel, and the broader way in which building Justin up as a hero seemed to happen at the expense of the other characters. It didn’t feel like he ever actually grew or learned anything, but rather that everyone around him just started stanning him and acting like he was an amazing hero and the only one capable of taking any actions that mattered to the world. 
This was at its worst when Gadwin joined the party and seemed unaware that Feena or Sue existed and kept crediting the party’s victories to Justin exclusively and proclaiming Justin a “real man” every ten seconds, but seemed to carry through with Feena’s crush on Justin making her extremely um, deferential to him out of nowhere. Writing Sue out also felt abrupt and cynical, like they needed to ‘get her out of the way’ for this bad pairing to flourish. 
Overall this stuff left a bad taste in my mouth that made it hard to enjoy the rest of the game, though it remained aesthetically appealing and fun to play with the ever-present promise of unlocking new, more ridiculous magics around every corner. Also, Liete was a delight and the things I liked about her remained relatively untouched by any of the Weird Justin Hero Vortex nonsense. 
GRANDIA 1: Jellybi’s Final Ratings:
Art rating: 4/5: I continued to love the character art throughout the game, and it kept serving up really nice, quasi cinematic sprite animations during key moments. Great enemy designs too for the most part. I wasn’t quite as... impressed by the sprites for the final boss battle sequence as I was expecting, but I liked the candy-colored wires or veins or whatever the first form of Gaia had going on. 
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Battles rating: 4/5: Loved the battles. I think that if the game had had better music and sound design, these would have been some of my favorite RPG battles ever. (The voice acting around spellcasting and stuff was great, but the music was meh and the enemies often made annoying, repetitive noises). I think I did have a little bit of FOMO in the end that the spell discovery system was kind of opaque so it was hard to know if you had unlocked everything or how to get the ones you might have missed, though it’s possible some googling could have resolved this question, I was just too wary of spoilers to try. 
Mechanics rating: 2/5: Exploring, though, was not fun, and the game seemed padded out with tons of unnecessary dungeons that were essentially just transitional locations between cities and wherever you actually wanted to be going. The way the camera and “compass” worked did not really help with navigating the landscape, and there were a lot of navigation-based puzzles that were difficult because of poor game design rather than fun and enriching to resolve.
I think I ended up giving the controller to Tex probably like 75% of the time because I just didn’t want to be Lost in Monster Infested Environments for the amount of time the game wanted me to be. The 3D world seemed kind of half-finished, and interaction with basic objects like “ropes you need to climb” often felt like they just barely worked and required a lot of trial and error to figure out if the object was interactable or not. 
Story rating: 2/5: I really ... didn’t like the story in the end. I felt like I spent about 30 hours waiting for the story to begin, and then when it finally did, everyone acted like An Epic and Satisfying Plot had already happened and was time to wrap everything up in a tidy, unearned bow. It’s certainly possible for me to like a story LESS (Grandia 2 is a good example), but it felt like nothing really got set up properly despite ample time to do so, and the majority of the runtime was wasted on random puttering around the world doing what felt like sidequests. 
Why was there no followup on Sue having a mysterious monster pet? Why was Feena a Secret Icarian when, compared to Sue (the mysterious orphan with an unexplained monster pet), there was nothing particularly mysterious or odd about her past? What does it mean to be a Secret Icarian in this society, anyway? Why didn’t we find out what the Evil Army was trying to do until three seconds before Mullen found out it had been a lie and needed to change sides? Did Rapp accidentally kill his parents by polishing their limbs off while they were stone before everyone got un-petrified? Did we ever actually find out what happened to Justin's dad and why he had the spirit stone in the first place to give him? There were so many missed opportunities in the plot!
Vibes Rating: 4/5: Despite it all, this game gave me happy RPG feelings to play! Again, if I were younger, and either more into the story to hang on every scrap of exposition detail or more inclined to fill in the holes with my own imagination, I probably would have loved it a lot more.
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Why is Goncharov 1973 funny:
I saw something like the goncharov joke stands in direct contrast to the “sometimes the curtains are just blue” post which made me go hm…. Also saw people confused by the joke so now I thought too much and made a three parter on my take
Part 1: shoe movie funny
The original joke is that a pair of shoes invented an obviously fake movie, which is funny because why would a pair a shoes do that. The derivative joke is a person going “wow loser you haven’t seen this fake movie?” Which is a joke stressing how ridiculous it is by pretending it’s normal for shoes to advertise a niche obviously fake scorsese film, who isn’t known for gimmicky advertising, BUT ALSO a joke on how bullies could use fear of missing out to make people just pretend to have seen something that doesn’t exist rather than reveal ignorance (like the classic made up band name jokes).
The next step of the Goncharov joke, and from what i can tell launched it all, is a person making up a poster about the movie and going oh yes this very real movie. It has jokes about the mafia genre tropes (“ice pick joe”, a hot lady side character, mostly male cast, scorsese actors) as well as being funny because it commits highlights the same two juxtapositions as the previous jokes, FOMO and shoe movie funny, while adding the inherent funniness of someone putting in way too much work for a bit. Things like the soundtracks follow on this (they’re mostly funny because they take the shoe movie too seriously) and thus should be categorized as part of the third wave.
Part 2: sometimes the curtains are just blue
The fourth wave of goncharovism, which is the bulk of the posts and the subject of most discussion, is media criticism, content, and derivative works about Goncharov, a movie that doesn’t exist. There’s posts that read like actual film critics, lines that seem like surprisingly good dialogue, themes about time because Film Shows Clocks Means Deep, bad overwrought dialogue, and most critically, the typical tumblr engagement with a piece of media including meta, gifsets, fanworks and snide comments about how other people are misinterpreting the movie. A movie that isn’t real. It’s fake.
The joke here is obviously a love letter to and scathing critique of criticism- the fact that analysis of something that doesn’t exist reads like actual analysis that people unironically post mocks that a lot of analysis doesn’t engage with text but overlays existing biases over it regardless of content, and also that a lot of movies are the same movie tbh. Katya is being held to unrealistic standards makes fun of shallow stock feminism, “homoeroticism” points to tumblrs obsession with gay stuff that isn’t actually that gay, and all the fake and often bad quotes show how we love to feel deeply about stuff we don’t really engage with. It’s also pointing to how silly it is to put in this much “anger” and effort in and how enjoyable it is to do this, regardless of whether it makes sense. Sometimes curtains are just curtains, and sometimes a clock doesn’t fucking exist, but it sure is fun to say what the curtain really means is that humanity is inherently sinful and that the clock means that Goncharov and Andrey, two characters that don’t have personalities because the movie they’re from doesn’t exist, wanna fuck.
The joke is that it’s fake deep, but it’s fun to do anyways. The joke is that people are getting mad about “people” who don’t exist being sexist etc because they’re making fun of tumblrinas who don’t look at nuance and assume a very specific form of oppression without evidence AND that people would say that shit because scorsese bros ARE sexist. The joke is that we know it’s fake but people find themselves taking it seriously anyways because it’s fun to make up a movie together and fun to make fun of ourselves. I love it!! It’s great!!! But it’s not a declaration against that the curtains are just blue, it’s a satire making the same point much more joyfully.
Part 3: the reality of goncharov
The fake goncharov movie has trended a fairly specific ways: it has defined characters and relationships, a fairly limited cast in terms of people who matter, homoeroticism, hot girl with a gun, and a lot of foreshadowing. It’s very invested in Katya and Goncharov’s personal narratives despite the wide array of people on the poster. Other than that very funny post about a (fake) shoot out showing the destructiveness and hollowness of nationalism, it’s not all that engaged in systems or the mafia specifically.
And sure, our Goncharov is so narrow partially due to its fake genre- mafia movies are tropey and hero obsessed. It’s fake. We’re making fun of the “best movie” by making a fake tropey movie!! But half the joke is being earnest, and our fake movie is chock full of the tumblr beloved tropes of obsession with romantic relationships, with “themes” that emphasize tragic endings for mutual obsessions, of an absolute lack of engagement with systems while insisting we are engaging , and of a focus on two or three characters instead of an ensemble cast- a million people are writing a movie and yet it has no breadth.
And GET THIS- Goncharov is a real movie. No, I mean it. Goncharov is probably a Google-translate-error-caused misprint of the movie Gomorrah, “presented” by Scorsese while not being directed by him at all. Egbert’s review, so mercilessly parodied in Gonch-posting (or goncharosting, as I like to say), calls it “a curative for the romanticism of The Godfather and Scarface”. Rather than deifying a specific man, it is a series of vignettes about horrible violence that seems unavoidable for its rotating characters. It’s based on real killings, and many of its actors were actually arrested for mafia activities. Forget hollow themes- it’s a movie that’s harrowing due to its reality.
Which is very very funny. Like i genuinely can’t believe we made a fake mafia movie that’s accidentally about a realest mafia movie ever made that proves how much we don’t mentally engage with the important oppressions and systems in our world while insisting that we’re self aware the irony the thematic parallel the sheer “oh fuck for real”ness of it all i was going to try to say something deep but like can you believe it??? God playing is playing 4-d funny chess with every last one of us. Long live goncharov
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kaminohana · 2 years
im gonna be real, and this is probably just me being a slow old man, but i stopped playing nu:carnival when it was just one update event after another in rapid succession. regardless of the type of app, i had this problem too with cookie run. like i get you can just...not do the events but theyre fun. i want to do them. but when they require so many hours of grinding and to be at so high a level, then need to wait so many more hours for "energy" or whatever to replenish...i just didnt like scheduling my time around it. i just wanna play a game when i wanna play a game and no more no less, and i feel "out of the loop" now when i miss all these events and it just feels bad. both of these games i understand are free and oft generate their revenue through the events, but im so tired man. ive got a life outside of these games. i work 40-43 hours a week. i still want to engage but im just not motivated to. because then the event ends and can never be revisited so its like. oh my god the FOMO feels like its being pushed on me even if i just casually want to play
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thosemintcookies · 2 years
Also it's fucking pitiful that it took until now that people are changing their tune about the Heard case. You couldn't look at a case with a charismatic guy with a history of being entitled and misogynistic and put two and two together. Like all the rhetoric is true. Men can be victims of abuse. Women can be abusers. Yes its statistically unlikely. Off of statistics people couldn't see the structural abuse inherent to holding hearings in public. It's revolting that the amber was so unfairly harassed and abused by media. It's fucking sad that there were so many unthinking and uncritical jokes and memes that arose out of an abuse case.
I've already seen a lot of people butter about people changing their minds with popular opinion. It's because they initially saw an abuse case as a joke. It's because we've done the fucking experiment now and we know that regardless of the facts presented, people will discredit a victim they view as less charismatic or less sympathetic and with a biased lens decide their testimony is lies. We know now that people care more about FOMO on the latest joke than preserving the impartiality of the court (justice system is flawed but the media circus definitely didn't do that outcome any favours) or protecting victims
If the only reason you're supporting a cause is that it's popular to you need to get offline for real.
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allcrc1 · 23 days
Exploring the Latest Cricket Scores with AllCric: A Gateway to Real-Time Match Updates
In the fast-paced world of cricket, staying updated with the latest cricket scores and match developments is paramount for enthusiasts worldwide. AllCric emerges as the quintessential platform catering to this need, providing cricket fans with real-time updates, expert predictions, and an immersive experience that ensures no thrilling moment goes unnoticed.
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We are a lifesaver for cricket fans, offering a thorough solution to quench their need for the most recent match details and commentary. AllCric has distinguished itself among the plethora of platforms devoted to cricket that are presently available with its user-friendly layout and blazingly quick information delivery.
Embracing Innovation
At AllCric, innovation is not just a slogan but the fundamental principle driving every aspect of the platform. We ensure that clients always have access to thelatest cricket scores by utilizing cutting-edge technology, giving them an advantage over rivals.
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The days of waiting for delayed broadcasts or checking scorecards are long gone. The real-time live updates put the action right at your fingertips. Users can count on AllCric to give every boundary, wicket, and milestone as it occurs, whether it's a high-stakes Twenty20 encounter or a suspenseful Test match.
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We go over and above by supplying professional match prediction advice in addition to score information. These forecasts, which are supported by intelligent analysis and knowledgeable opinions, infuse every match with a sense of excitement and anticipation, turning spectators become engaged players in the spectacular game of cricket.
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In the dynamic world of cricket, where every ball can change the course of a match, staying informed is key. We emerge as the ultimate destination for cricket enthusiasts, offering not just scores but an immersive experience that brings the game to life. With its dedication to innovation, latest cricket scores, and expert insights, we ensure that every fan can be part of the action, regardless of where they are in the world. Download the app today and embark on a journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and the thrill of the game.
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
AI Platform Creator Review – Start Your Own Profitable AI Business in Just 2 Min
Welcome to my AI Platform Creator Review. This is a real user-based AI Platform Creator review where I will focus on the features, upgrades, demo, pricing and bonus, how FunnelBuddy AI can help you, and my opinion. This is brand new. The World’s First App Creates Your Very Own Set and Forgets AI Platforms. Like Jasper AI, Mid Journey, and ChatGPT No developer or technical experience is required.
If you’re like most people, the answer is probably close to zero. Because here’s the thing: people BANKING hard with AI are the ones selling AI tools, not just using them. Get your own plug-n-play, instant AI business with 300+ AI tools, and people are FOMOing on the left and right. Buying every other AI tool they could, even if they don’t. need it or ever use it. And that’s exactly what my friend Yogesh has been doing. He’s already made over $250k with his AI platforms in just the last 6 months; he spent over $25k. creating these platforms. And he’s letting you get in on the action too, at a fraction of the cost. His new app creates “Set N’ Forget” AI platforms like Mid-Journey, JasperAI, and ChatGPT and lets you charge people $500 to $1000 monthly just for using it. You can get your first platform up and running in less than 2 minutes.
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>> Click Here to Get AI Platform Creator + My $7000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
AI Platform Creator Review: What is AI Platform Creator?
AI Platform Creator is a software tool designed to empower anyone, regardless of their technical background, to build and sell their own AI-powered platforms.  It boasts a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionalities, allowing users to combine various pre-built AI tools and features.
This software caters to individuals seeking to create platforms for diverse purposes, including content generation, chatbots, voice assistants, data analysis, and more. Key features include over 200 built-in AI tools, no coding required, customizable branding, and the potential for passive income through platform sales. However, it’s crucial to approach claims with caution. While offering accessibility, AI Platform Creator might have limitations compared to custom-coded solutions. Additionally, the long-term viability of selling platforms built with this tool requires careful consideration and market research.
AI Platform Creator Review: Overview
Creator: Yogesh Agarwal
Product: AI Platform Creator
Date Of Launch: 2024-Feb-24
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
Official Website: Click Here
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Support: Effective Response
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Recommended: Highly Recommended
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AI Platform Creator Review: Features
Create Your Very Own AI Platforms Like JasperAI, Mid-Journey & ChatGPT
Charge Your Customers Weekly, Monthly or Annually & Easily Profit $500-1000…
Built-In 200+ Top-Notch AI Tools For Maximum AI Content Generation & Maximum Profits
Start Your Very Own AI eShops & charge your customers anything you like
1-Click Domain Integration: Easily Integrate Your Domains & Launch Your AI Platform With 1-Click
Start Your Own AI Content Agency & Profit Heavily Selling AI Contents On Fiverr Like – Images, Videos, Voice-Overs & More
Broadcast Mass-Messages To Your Customers with our built-in 1-Click Autoresponder
Unlimited Website Hosting & Unlimited User Registrations
1-Click Payment Integration, accept payments in your app through PayPal or Stripe
Get Customers Insights: Track the number of user registrations, content downloads & everything
Say Goodbye to The Hassle of Creating Your Own AI Platform From Scratch
Fire Your Expensive AI Coders & Freelancers
Say Goodbye To All Your Expensive AI Tools & Services
Newbie friendly, easy-to-use dashboard
Lifetime Access With No Recurring Monthly Payments
Iron-clad 30 day money-back guarantee
>> Click Here to Get AI Platform Creator + My $7000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
AI Platform Creator Review: How Does It Work?
Create a “Set N’ Forget” AI platform like JasperAI, Mid-Journey, or ChatGPT in 3 clicks and get started charging $500-1000 per customer each month. In Under Two Minutes
STEP #1: Enter Domain Enter Your Domain Details Or Use Our Own Subdomain
STEP #2: Customize Customize Your Ai Platform As Per Your Requirements By Choosing Its Colour & Font Type
STEP #3: Profit Start Selling Your Newly Created AI Platform Using its Sales Page and Sell Unlimited Accounts & Profit Big By Charging Your Customers $500 To $1000 In Monthly Recurring Payments Or Sell High-In-Demand Ai Content On Fiverr And Upwork For Maximum Profits
AI Platform Creator Review: Is AI Platform Creator for You?
Launch your very own mind-blowing ai platform like midjourney, chatgpt etc.
Charge people whatever you want in weekly, monthly or yearly subscriptions.
Start Your Very Own AI Agency On Fiverr & Charge People For AI Images, HD Videos etc.
Create Voiceover Agency: Empowers voiceover generation & editing for captivating narratives.
Start Your Very Own AI Platform & Bank Big In Today’s AI World.
Bank Every Month From Customers For Downloading Your AI Assets.
Creates & Sells ChatBots: Unleash the power of intelligent AI Chatbots generation.
Start AI Video Agency: Create stunning AI videos in any niche you want & sell for profit.
AI Platform Creator Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketer
CPA Marketer
Blog Owners
Product Creators
eCom Store Owners
Local Business Owners
Video Marketers
Agency Owners
And Many Others
AI Platform Creator Review: OTO And Pricing
Front End Price: AI Platform Creator ($17)
OTO 1: AI Platform Creator Unlimited Version ($67)
OTO 2: AI Platform Creator DFY Edition ($147)
OTO 3: AI Platform Creator Automation Edition ($97)
OTO 4: AI Platform Creator Profit Sites $67
OTO 5: AI Platform Creator 1-Click Traffic Booster ($77
OTO 6: AI Platform Creator100k Case Study ($67)
OTO 7: AI Platform Creator Agency Edition ($57)
OTO 8: AI Platform Creator Reseller ($127)
OTO 9: AI Creative Suite Bundle ($67)
OTO 10: AI Platform Creator1 Hour Profits ($37)
OTO 11: AI Platform Creator Click Design ($97)
>> Click Here to Get AI Platform Creator + My $7000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
AI Platform Creator Review: User Opinion
AI Platform Creator Review: Free Bonuses
BONUS #1: 3,000 ChatGPT Prompts (Value: $197)
This is a Cutting-edge Package of 3000 Prompts that fences in Prompts of almost every niche that you can think of to optimize ChatGPT. These are Fully DFY Style so Just Add your Data and Hit Submit and see the Magic!
BONUS #2: Over 5000+ Vertical Videos (Value: $497)
Massive Collection Of Jaw-Dropping & Attention-Grabbing Royalty-Free, 5000+ HD Quality, Vertical Video Templates In Super HOT* Niches – Garner Millions Of Views On Social Feeds & Lock-In Huge Profits!
BONUS #3: DFY ChatGPT4 Email Prompts ()Value: $197)
This is an Exclusive Item, Specially Crafted for ChatGPT3, ChatGPT3.5 and ChatGPT4. You will get 25 DFY Prompts and using that you can create over 1000+ High Converting Email Campaigns.
BONUS #4: DFY ChatGPT4 SMS Prompts (Value: $197)
Tailor-Made for ChatGPT3, ChatGPT3.5, and ChatGPT4. Behold, an Exquisite Offering, Designed Exclusively for You. Unveiling 25 Done-For-You Prompts, Enabling the Creation of 1000+ Highly Effective SMS Campaigns.
BONUS #5: Product Launch Master Class (Value: $197)
Discover the power of real strategy with a step-by-step plan for launching your product. Learn from an experienced marketer through four live sessions and quickly get your product up and running. Simplify the product launch process and gain valuable insights that can be applied to your own venture, even if you’re new to technical aspects like sales pages, autoresponders, and copywriting.
BONUS #6: Guide to Make 10k in 90 Days (Value: $297)
Learn how to generate substantial online income with a proven method, making $10,000+ per month in just 90 days or less. Overcome common obstacles, develop a successful mindset, leverage email marketing, and build a profitable sales funnel to achieve your financial goals quickly and easily
BONUS #7: Product Launch Playbook (Value: $297)
Discover the power of real strategy with a step-by-step plan for launching your product. Learn from an experienced marketer through four live sessions and quickly get your product up and running. Simplify the product launch process and gain valuable insights that can be applied to your own venture, even if you’re new to technical aspects like sales pages, autoresponders, and copywriting.
BONUS #8: Social Media Lower Thirds Pack (Value: $297)
An Essential tool to enhance the visual identity of your videos and graphics. With its transparent files, this pack offers versatile usage across various social media platforms and popular graphic and video creator apps. Elevate your content with these captivating lower thirds
BONUS #9: Social Media Hand Drawn Sticker (Value: $297)
Learn the secrets of becoming a highly successful internet marketer and master the art of promoting websites to increase traffic and attract more customers. Discover the vast opportunities of working online, from affiliate marketing to building websites and blogs with massive audiences, monetizing through advertisements, and selling your own products.
BONUS #10: IMers Toolkit (Value: $297)
Learn the secrets of becoming a highly successful internet marketer and master the art of promoting websites to increase traffic and attract more customers. Discover the vast opportunities of working online, from affiliate marketing to building websites and blogs with massive audiences, monetizing through advertisements, and selling your own products.
BONUS #11: 500+ Graphics Pack Signup (Value: $297)
This is an Exclusive Marketing Graphics Package which has Everything you need to Create a High Converting Sales Page! It has all the formats and You get Complete Master Resale Rights with it.
BONUS #12: 50000+ Premium Fonts (Value: $297)
Get Access to Premium Library of 50,000+ Fonts which comes with Complete Resale Rights. Use for your Own Projects, Clients Projects, Agency or Even Sell it!
AI Platform Creator Review: My Special Bonus Bundle
My Special Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
AI Platform Creator Review: Pros and Cons
Accessibility: No coding required, making it ideal for beginners and non-technical users.
Ease of Use: Drag-and-drop interface simplifies platform creation.
Versatility: Build platforms for various purposes with a wide range of pre-built functionalities.
Cost-Effectiveness: Potentially cheaper than hiring developers or building from scratch.
Scalability: Easily scale your platform as your business grows.
Passive Income Potential: Sell your created platforms and generate recurring income.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
AI Platform Creator Review: Money Back Guarantee
You’re In Safe Hands With Our 100% Risk-FREE, Iron-Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
The deal is that if you buy AI Platform Creator and don’t believe you’re receiving what you paid for, we don’t want your money. We’re on a quest to provide a high-quality product with no disappointed consumers. And if we fail in any manner, we do not deserve your money.If we don’t fulfil your expectations, please let us know within 30 days for a complete refund. Heck, as a kind gesture, we’ll even offer you some additional software to help you grow your company and sales like never before. So, either way, you win.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What exactly is AI Platform Creator?
The World’s First App That Creates Your Very Own “Set N’ Forget” AI Platforms Like Mid-Journey, Jasper Ai & Chatgpt
Q. Do I need some prior skills or experience to get started?
AI Platform Creator is 100% newbie friendly with easy-to-use dashboard
Q. What happens if I don’t see results?
We’ve got you covered If you don’t see your desired results with AI Platform Creator just let us know within the next 30 days and we’ll refund you every penny
Q. What if I get confused along the way?
Don’t worry we have exclusive detailed video training for you that shows all the required steps.
Q. Is This Compatible On Both PC, Mac, Android And iOS?
It works on any device
Q. How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click the button below to get the AI Platform Creator at the lowest price
AI Platform Creator Review: My Recommendation
AI Platform Creator offers a potentially accessible way for individuals with limited technical knowledge to explore the world of AI development. However, it’s essential to manage expectations and understand the inherent limitations of a no-code solution. Carefully evaluate your specific needs, conduct thorough research, and consider alternative platforms before making a purchase decision.
>> Click Here to Get AI Platform Creator + My $7000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
See my other reviews: FunnelBuddy AI Review, The ARM System Review, ProfitSGE Review, ZapAI Review, Lynxx Review, SiteFlow AI Review, InsightHub AI Review.
Thank for reading my AI Platform Creator Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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americamortgages · 4 months
What a 4% Interest Rate Could Mean for the U.S. Real Estate Market in 2024
The U.S. real estate market has been thriving over the past several years. Even with increased borrowing rates, the lack of U.S. property inventory has kept property prices stable and, in many markets, expected to appreciate beyond market expectations.
Now, picture this: What if you purchased today at higher interest rates where owner-occupied buyers are sitting on the sidelines? Sure, your cost of borrowing would be higher; however, the likelihood of buying a property for more favorable terms and price is certainly higher. Now imagine what will happen to that property if interest rates were to drop to 4% next year.
Let the frenzy begin (again)!
Sophisticated real estate investors and funds jump at the opportunity to buy when others are not. This is when great deals are available, and competition for these properties is low. Sophisticated investors avoid getting caught in the FOMO frenzy when rates are low, and everyone is buying. They buy now and then simply wait to refinance to a lower rate when it makes sense. Marry the property. Date the rate.
Here’s the thrilling part for foreign national and U.S. expat mortgage investors who are contemplating a purchase in 2023. America Mortgages has loan programs such as 40-year fixed terms or 10-year fixed interest-only programs, which offset the current higher rates, making payments more affordable.
Shifts in Property Prices
If interest rates were to fall to 4%, one immediate consequence would likely be an upswing in property prices. Lower interest rates make borrowing more affordable, creating a larger pool of potential homebuyers including those looking to buy a home to live in (owner-occupied) and real estate investors. This heightened demand typically drives home prices up. However, the extent of this price increase would still depend on factors like the overall health of the economy and the housing supply.
Homeownership Trends and Refinancing
Indeed, things are changing in how people see owning a home. James Healy, a real estate expert, says Millennials are playing a big role in this shift. He explains, “The American dream of owning a home is still there, but now millennials are the ones taking the lead. They see real estate as an investment, even if they live there, and they might not feel as emotionally attached as in the past.”
Furthermore, homeowners are now embracing the concept of shorter-term investments, with an increasing number contemplating stays of just 2 to 3 years in their properties. This shift in mindset opens opportunities for refinancing. In situations like this, refinancing within a year to get interest rates under 4% starts to look really appealing, making it easier to achieve the dream of owning a home.  
2024 Mortgage Rate Forecast
As per MBA’s projections, the average interest rate for a 30-year fixed international mortgage is estimated to drop significantly by late 2024. If you are looking to buy a home now, it’s just a matter of waiting for interest rates to become more favorable. If rates go in the opposite direction, you have the comfort of knowing you’re in a long-term fixed-term loan regardless of the age of the borrower, Something very unique to global real estate investors.
Why Act Now?
Long-Term Appreciation: Property values are projected to continue appreciating over time. Although they might not grow in price as quickly, a recovering economy, low unemployment rates, and limited housing supply collectively support the enduring appreciation of property values.
Resourceful Lenders: At America Mortgages, we specialize in helping foreign national and U.S. expat investors navigate the U.S. property market. We offer a range of customized programs designed to simplify the loan qualification process.
In conclusion, while lower interest rates might seem important for the U.S. real estate market, there’s more to think about. Investors should consider how sophisticated real estate investors and funds look at property investing in a “down” market. They look at how property values could grow over time and creative financing options that can maximize yield. They also focus on the “now” while strategically planning for “tomorrow.”
Whether you’re a foreign national, a U.S. expat, or a seasoned investor, America Mortgages’ specialized lending programs are designed to make your homeownership dreams a reality. With our expertise and dedication to your success, we ensure that you not only secure favorable terms but also embark on a journey of financial growth and prosperity. Trust America Mortgages to be your partner in achieving your real estate goals.
For more information, visit our website: https://www.americamortgages.com/
Reference: https://www.americamortgages.com/what-a-4-interest-rate-could-mean-for-the-u-s-real-estate-market-in-2024/
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virtualwombatlove · 7 months
Social media, in all its multifaceted glory, has undeniably become an integral part of modern life. Its pervasive influence has not only transformed the way we communicate but has also shaped our social interactions, politics, business, and even mental well-being. In this exploration, we will delve into the profound impact of social media on various aspects of our lives, unpacking both its benefits and drawbacks. **1. Connectivity and Communication**The most obvious and immediate impact of social media is its ability to connect people across the globe. It has brought individuals closer together, enabling friends and family to stay in touch regardless of geographical boundaries. The speed and ease of communication have been revolutionized through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp.**2. Information Dissemination**Social media has also democratized information sharing. Anyone with an internet connection can become a content creator and share their thoughts, news, and opinions with the world. This has allowed for greater diversity of voices and perspectives.**3. Business and Marketing**Businesses have recognized the vast potential of social media for marketing and advertising. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are visual marketing goldmines, while LinkedIn is a networking hub for professionals. The reach and targeting capabilities offered by social media have redefined marketing strategies.**4. Political Influence**Social media has played a pivotal role in shaping political narratives and mobilizing public opinion. Politicians and political movements utilize platforms like Twitter to communicate directly with constituents. At the same time, misinformation and fake news have raised concerns about the impact of social media on elections and public discourse.**5. Activism and Social Change**The Arab Spring, #BlackLivesMatter, and #MeToo movements are just a few examples of how social media has been a catalyst for social change. These platforms provide a space for like-minded individuals to organize and raise awareness on critical issues.**6. Mental Health Concerns**The constant exposure to curated, often idealized, versions of other people's lives has contributed to issues like social comparison and low self-esteem. The fear of missing out (FOMO) and the pressure to maintain a perfect online persona can negatively affect mental health.**7. Privacy and Security**The Cambridge Analytica scandal and countless data breaches have raised alarms about privacy on social media platforms. Users' personal information is often collected and monetized without their consent, leading to concerns about data security and surveillance.**8. Addiction and Time-Wasting**The addictive nature of social media has become a widespread concern. People can find themselves spending countless hours scrolling through feeds, often to the detriment of their productivity and real-world relationships.**9. Cyberbullying**Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for cyberbullying and online harassment. The relative anonymity they offer can embolden individuals to engage in harmful behavior they might not otherwise exhibit.**10. Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers**The algorithms used by social media platforms tend to show users content that aligns with their existing beliefs and preferences, reinforcing existing opinions and creating echo chambers. This can limit exposure to diverse perspectives and contribute to polarization.
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ai360soft · 1 year
The rise of cryptocurrency has been nothing short of meteoric in recent years. From Bitcoin to Ethereum to Dogecoin, cryptocurrencies have captured the imagination of investors and traders alike, with some seeing them as a new frontier for wealth creation. However, as the value of these digital assets fluctuates wildly, there are growing concerns about the impact of cryptocurrency on mental health. Cryptocurrency: An Overview Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses encryption techniques to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds. These digital currencies are not controlled by central authorities, such as governments or banks, and instead rely on blockchain technology for verification and validation. There are many different cryptocurrencies available, each with their own unique features and characteristics. Some of the most popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin. Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an anonymous individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It is the most widely recognized and valuable cryptocurrency, with a market capitalization of over $1 trillion. Ethereum, launched in 2015, is the second most popular cryptocurrency. It differs from Bitcoin in that it is a platform for building decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. It has a market capitalization of over $200 billion. Ripple, created in 2012, is a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange, and remittance network. It is designed to enable instant, secure, and low-cost international money transfers. It has a market capitalization of over $50 billion. Litecoin, created in 2011, is a cryptocurrency that is based on the Bitcoin protocol but with several key differences, including faster transaction times and a different mining algorithm. It has a market capitalization of over $10 billion. The Psychological Effects of Trading Trading can be a psychologically challenging activity, regardless of the asset being traded. With cryptocurrency, there are several unique psychological factors that can impact trading behavior. One of these factors is the fear of missing out (FOMO). FOMO is the feeling that you are missing out on a potentially profitable opportunity and can drive investors to make impulsive decisions. With the volatility of cryptocurrency markets, FOMO can be particularly strong. Another factor is loss aversion, the tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains. This can lead investors to hold onto losing investments longer than they should, hoping that the price will rebound. Finally, the sunk cost fallacy can also come into play. This is the idea that you should continue investing in something because you have already invested so much in it. With cryptocurrency, this can lead investors to hold onto a cryptocurrency even when it no longer makes financial sense. The Emotional Rollercoaster of Cryptocurrency Investing Investing in cryptocurrency can be an emotional rollercoaster. The volatility of cryptocurrency prices can lead to extreme emotional highs and lows. For example, if an investor buys a cryptocurrency and it rapidly increases in value, they may experience a euphoric high. Conversely, if the value of the cryptocurrency drops suddenly, the investor may experience feelings of panic or despair. These emotional fluctuations can take a toll on mental health, particularly for those who invest a significant amount of money into cryptocurrency. It is essential to be aware of these emotional risks and take steps to mitigate them. Self-Care for Cryptocurrency Investors and Traders Self-care is crucial for anyone involved in cryptocurrency trading or investing. Here are some strategies that can help individuals prioritize their mental health: Set realistic expectations: Investing in cryptocurrency can be risky, and it is important to set realistic expectations for returns on investment.
Don't invest more than you can afford to lose, and don't expect overnight success. Take breaks from trading: It can be easy to become consumed by the ups and downs of cryptocurrency prices. Take breaks from trading to focus on other activities and to maintain a healthy balance in life. Find a support network: Connecting with other cryptocurrency investors and traders can be helpful for maintaining perspective and support. Online forums, support groups, and social media groups can all be useful resources. Practice healthy habits: Engage in regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep. These habits can help reduce stress and improve overall mental wellbeing. Seek professional help: If you are struggling with the emotional or psychological impact of cryptocurrency investing, consider seeking professional help from a mental health provider. The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Mental Health While there is still much research to be done, there are concerns about the potential impact of cryptocurrency on mental health. Some experts suggest that cryptocurrency addiction and gambling disorders may be on the rise, as individuals become consumed by the ups and downs of cryptocurrency prices. There are also concerns about the risks associated with cryptocurrency, including fraud and theft. These risks can contribute to anxiety and stress for investors and traders. The Regulatory and Policy Environment The regulatory and policy environment surrounding cryptocurrency is constantly evolving. While some countries have embraced cryptocurrency, others have taken a more cautious approach. In the United States, for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken action against fraudulent cryptocurrency offerings. As the regulatory environment continues to evolve, it will be essential to consider the potential impact on mental health. Regulators and policymakers will need to balance the benefits of cryptocurrency with the potential risks and impact on mental wellbeing. The Future of Cryptocurrency and Mental Health The future of cryptocurrency and its impact on mental health remains unclear. However, there are emerging trends that may shape the future of cryptocurrency, including decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). DeFi has the potential to revolutionize traditional finance, offering increased transparency and accessibility. NFTs, on the other hand, have opened up new avenues for digital art and collectibles. As these and other trends continue to shape the world of cryptocurrency, it will be important to consider the potential impact on mental health. Conclusion The rise of cryptocurrency has captured the imagination of investors and traders worldwide. However, as the value of these digital assets fluctuates wildly, there are growing concerns about the impact of cryptocurrency on mental health. By exploring the intersection of cryptocurrency and mental health, we can gain a better understanding of the risks and benefits of cryptocurrency investing and trading. It is essential that we prioritize our mental health and seek support when needed to ensure a healthy and balanced approach to cryptocurrency. It is important to remember that cryptocurrency is a new and rapidly evolving technology. As such, there is still much we do not know about the potential risks and benefits of cryptocurrency on mental health. Moving forward, it will be essential to continue researching the impact of cryptocurrency on mental health and to develop strategies for mitigating potential harm. By staying informed and prioritizing our mental health, we can take advantage of the opportunities offered by cryptocurrency while avoiding the potential pitfalls. If you are struggling with the emotional or psychological impact of cryptocurrency investing or trading, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Mental health providers can help you develop strategies for managing stress and anxiety
related to cryptocurrency, and can offer support and guidance as you navigate this exciting and complex landscape. In conclusion, cryptocurrency and mental health are intertwined, and it is important to consider both when investing in or trading digital assets. By staying informed, practicing self-care, and seeking support when needed, we can ensure a healthy and balanced approach to cryptocurrency that prioritizes our mental wellbeing.  
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