#but the rest of y'all i AM SORRY
warsavant · 10 months
i apologize for the utter hold this has clutched me with but y'all are NOT prepared.
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osamusriceballs · 8 months
The Accident - Part XVII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: Making out
Words: 1,5 k
About: Back to Onigiri Miya <3
Part I II -> Next Part
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"Finally. Took ya long enough."
Osamu rolls his eyes when you both enter the shop. You apologetically smile and wave while uttering a greeting. "Hey, Osamu. Sorry for being late." Atsumu grins widely, simply ignoring Osamu's comment while you both move to the counter, where Osamu is working. You notice that he looks a bit tired after moving closer, the bags under his eyes proof that he probably only slept a few hours before he had to open up the shop again. Yet, he still professionally forms Onigiri with his hands, everything looking as flawless and clean as the last time you had been there.
Osamu finally looks up to you both when you reach him and suddenly raises his brows when he sees how tightly your hand is held by Atsumu's. His mouth opens slightly, as if to comment on it, but he closes it silently without saying anything before he diverts his attention back to the Onigiri in his hands, now with a small smile adorning his lips. Your face warms up and you mentally thank every deity for making Osamu the more tactful and considerate twin. You're quite certain that Atsumu would have commented on that, if he had been in Osamu's place. Such a tease.
You clear your throat and let go of Atsumu's hand, but his grip around yours is so tight that it doesn't make any visible difference. "Samu, I'm starvin'—could eat the whole menu today. Gimme that please." Atsumu points towards the filled plate in front of Osamu, who just groans as a response and rolls his eyes. "Yer only here for five seconds and I already wanna kick ya out."
You blink in surprise when Osamu simply pushes the plate towards Atsumu and then turns around to open the fridge. "I prepared somethin' for ya. Take it before I change my mind." He hands you another plate with dishes that you remember from the last time you had been there, and you hastily pull your hand out of Atsumu's death grip to take it. "That's—amazing! Thank you." Your stomach clenches at the sight of the food, and you become painfully aware of the fact that you haven't eaten anything since last night, and it's around 4 pm at this point.
"I'll make sure to tag ya in an Instagram post, Samu." Atsumu grins and places one hand at the small of your back to direct you towards a free table. "Here." He quickly places his plate on the table and moves back to the counter. "I'll get us something to drink." You smile and nod while you try to calm yourself down. Your heart starts beating faster when you think about what has just happened with him in his apartment. How he had kissed you and held you. How he was laying on top of you and grinding against you- so needily and desperate. How your hands had been buried into his hair, desperate for him to deepen the kiss—and he did.
But it all came to an end when you had moaned against his lips, the sound so breathless and lewd that your eyes shot open—and he pulled away with a curse. "God, y/n. I can't—we shouldn't—gosh, fuck. I want you so badly." You could see his clenched jaw, his flushed cheeks, and feel the hardness in his pants without a doubt. You knew he wants to go further- but the wetness between your legs was also evidence of how much you wanted him, and you were quite certain that he could feel your warmth and wetness through his pants at this point. But you knew it's not right. Not now, not so shortly after all that.
You had taken a deep breath and then untangled your legs around his body. "It's probably for the best if we stop right now." You smiled a bit strained, your body wanting nothing more but to stay here forever and let him have his way with you, but your mind told you to slow down. You didn't want to ruin this by starting something like this too soon. He had simply nodded but still leaned down to press a longing kiss against your lips. You had melted into the feeling of his lips against yours and reached out for him, only to have him grab your wrists a little clumsily while he pulled back from the kiss and pinned your hands to the bed. Your eyes widened at your vulnerable position under him—and a throb of need rushed through your body.
His eyebrows shot up and his lips curled into a smug grin at your reaction. "Oh? Ya like that? Seems like we're in for a good time then." You swore you could have exploded any second, especially if he kept looking at you like that, and you simply released a shallow huff at his words. "Yer really testin' me here, wifey." He closed his eyes for a second and then pulled back. "Imma take a quick shower and then we can grab somethin' to eat at Samu's. Is that alright with ya?" You had simply nodded, too flustered to form words, and he pecked your cheek one last time before he headed to the bathroom.
After that, you wobbly made it to the other bathroom, quickly washing your face and getting dressed again, trying to distract yourself from the fact that you were this close to giving in and begging him to sleep with you. You have never felt like this with someone else; Atsumu just elicits feelings and actions from your body that you would never have thought were possible. He's a great kisser, and judging from the way he had been grinding his hips against yours, you were quite certain that he will be equally as good in bed. Your face had heated up again at the thought of sleeping with him, and you had quickly grabbed your stuff and go back to the bedroom. You both quickly took your things and made your way towards Onigiri Miya, but not without making out heavily in the elevator.
"Here ya go." Atsumu places two drinks on the table, and you get pulled out of your thoughts. You try to look calm and composed with a smile and thank him while he takes his seat, shortly admiring him in his simple, yet very attractive outfit. A white shirt and a pair of jeans—nothing special, but when Atsumu wears it, it just looks that appealing.
"Don't worry, these are alcohol-free. I'll stop drinking for a while for sure." He scratches the back of his head bashfully, and you laugh softly. "I figured so. But aren't you training like crazy now? Isn't it bad for you to drink anyway?"
A faint pink hue covers his cheeks at your words. "True that. I'm gonna stay away from alcohol for a long time." He shakes his head and then looks away. "Can't believe it's just a few more weeks till the Olympics. Time is running but- oh, let's start with the food already. Can't wait any longer, I'm sorry." He takes an Onigiri off his plate and eagerly digs in, and you're quick to join him, amused by his cute expression while he's chewing. He must have been starving for sure.
"I feel so much better already." He grins, and you nod while you eat a spoonful of your meal, enjoying the taste of fried rice. "Me too. I love Osamu's food." Atsumu nods and pretends to think for a second and then smugly grins. "Seems like yer fallin' for all the Miya's. We're a talented family after all."
"I'm not falling for all the Miyas!" You weakly protest, but the food could definitely make you consider Osamu as a possible partner. "Just kiddin'." He chuckles but suddenly yawns while he reaches for another Onigiri. "I'll drive ya home after that. I'm way too tired for anything more." He does look exhausted now. You don't know how he manages to even hold a proper conversation in his state, his eyes closing every few seconds before he almost violently pulls them open again.
"That's okay." You smile sympathetically and reach for your drink. He got your favorite, and you feel a sudden warmth running though your body at this realization. "I'm also exhausted after last night. But uhm..." You hesitantly fish for your phone and unlock it. "Do you maybe want to give me your new number?" You feel a faint blush creeping up your cheeks, but you're too afraid that you'll forget about it later- especially when he can barely keep his eyes open. "Oh? Sure." His eyes light up, and he quickly wipes his fingers on his tissue before he takes your phone. "Here ya go. I'll make sure to text ya every day."
"You don't have to text me every day." You snort but smile at the thought of always waking up to messages of Atsumu. "I will. Don't worry." Something about the way he says that makes you believe him, and break the intense eye contact when you take the phone with slightly shaky hands and look at the screen.
There it is, your new contact:
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nedlittle · 29 days
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need the historical romance girlies to go back to their roots and read forever amber (1944)
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totally-italy · 1 month
Greek Mythology!!
Firstly, thank you so much for sending me this ask! I really appreciate it and it genuinely made my day! Apologies for not answering immediately but I had to go to dinner and also watched a bit of Just Add Magic, for maybe the third time now, with my brother. Also, as a last note, I originally started planning the answer on here but then got carried away, hence the slightly more informal than usual essay. Lastly, I'm kind of wondering if I should gather up the courage to tag (@/nysus-temple) a blog of a Classics student (I think), who knows a lot about Greek Mythology and has posted about it before, so maybe let me know if I should....
Personally, I find that Greek Mythology is absolutely fascinating due to its multi-faceted nature in elucidating multudinous aspects of society around modern-day Greece; in origin, being a polytheistic religion, it consisted of hundreds or thousands of different gods, who were said to control various aspects of the natural world around them, ranging from the sea, the sky and fate, to smaller things such as the seasons and the existence of particular flowers. Ergo, one of the essential aspects of Greek Mythology is that it provided explanations of the world around them, giving answers to the essential human questions, such as why we exist and how the world as we know was created. And, due to the lack of the scientific theories and explanations that are available today, many people living in Greek city states and beyond believed in stories rooted in the lives and actions of gods who lived rather close by, on Mount Olympus.
On the other hand, though this mythology was significant in explaining the origins of human existence, like most religions, its more significant asset was that it provided gods for them to believe in, giving the Hellenes deities to both thank and blame for their fortunes and tragedies alike, whilst simultaneously bringing a dim hope of a certain degree of control; if one had angered an Olympian, they could pray and offer sacrifices to attempt to appease the gods, allowing them a potential solution to their misfortune. However, considering as the Greek gods were notorious for being self-centred and petty, this particular element of hope is not the most convincing or important aspect of the religion. Instead, like many modern religions that still span the globe, Greek Mythology was significant because it provides an explanation of what happens to people after death, in this case suggesting that a person's actions would dictate where in the Underworld they would end up: the Elysium Fields, if they had lived good and meaningful lives, the Fields of Asphodel, if their existence had been one of neither significantly good nor evil actions, or the Fields of Punishment and Tartarus, for the souls who committed sins or crossed the gods. On a psychological level, this is crucial because it gave people the reassurance that they could avoid the Fields of Punishment or Tartarus by trying to live in a just manner, whilst also offering an explanation of what happens after death and consoling people against the dread of simply ceasing to exist (which is particularly common within Western religions, rather than those which embrace both reincarnation and Samsara).
Moreover, most myths within Greek Mythology elucidate some of the morals that people should live by, whilst delineating blood crimes (the murder or injury of one's own relative) and a lack of Xenia (which is the virtue of hospitality, holding both the host and the guests to certain social standards and levels of respect) as being two of the worst sins that one could ever commit. Within this, the concept of fatal flaws is highly significant, considering as many heroes met tragic fates as a consequence of some of their personality traits, often in the form of hubris. However, the first and foremost concept that must be grasped when thinking about Greek Mythology is that the depiction of the gods, despite varying between individuals, often is akin to that of temperamental children with an unjust degree of power, rather than the Judeo-Christian notion of God as an omnipotent and omnibenevolent being. Essentially, the gods are an exploration of what humans would be like if they were completely immortal and did not have to face the consequences of their actions; considering as the gods would generally be revered above most mortals, they usually wouldn't have to face the repercussions of their negligence during their life and, being immortal, would not be punished in the Underworld after death.
For this reason, Greek Mythology contains many tales of gods like Zeus and Poseidon, who were revered for the power and authority that they held, but who nonetheless were unfaithful husbands and bad fathers who notoriously committed sexual assault on multiple occasions, yet were seldom held accountable for their actions. In contrast, other deities such as Hera, Aphrodite and Athena are depicted as jealous and arrogant deities, who have been hurt by others to the point of often also becoming cruel or unsympathetic perpetrators of horrendous and violent actions. In fact, Greek Mythology as a whole does not distinguish between deities by painting them in different lights based on how many sins they each committed or how many people they hurt; whilst such actions are not condoned, the entire infrastructure of Greek Mythology is such that a god resembles what they represent or stand for, sharing similar aspects within their own personality. For example, as the King of the Gods and the god of the sky, Zeus at times serves as a decisive ruler who works hard to ensure that quarrels on Olympus are resolved, whilst not subtracting his plethora of negative traits as one of the most egocentric and arrogant gods of Olympus.
Similarly, whilst Hera is depicted as jealous and vengeful to a fault, the psychology behind her pain over being constantly cheated upon strikes a nerve with those willing to empathise with her married life. Whilst she is the goddess of childbirth, marriage and family, her own life as an Olympian serves as a representation of mistaken marriage and its consequences on a person's mental health, whilst still exposing some of her deficiencies, particularly as the mother of Hephaestus.
Elaborating further, though certain deities are depicted in a warmer and less violent light, such as Hestia, who made of vow of peace after the end of the Titanomachy, it is clearly within her nature to provide comfort and care for those around her, considering as she is the goddess of the home and the hearth. For this reason, Greek Mythology, whilst providing some vague guidelines for sins that should be avoided, was neither intended to imply that mortals should act like the gods nor that all the Olympians are inherently evil; though gods such as Zeus and Poseidon are both rapists who would be imprisoned within our modern society, I honestly don't believe that the Greeks would have condoned their actions by simply arguing that gods should have their liberties or that, being an example of what people would be like if they were immortal, that they simply 'couldn't help themselves' since they were so unused to not having to face the consequences of their actions. In fact, when instead casting an eye to Roman Mythology, where poets like Ovid wrote about the gods in such a way as to heavily emphasise their negative traits and their deficits, it is clear that the gods were never intended to be seen as perfect deities, yet rather as omnipresent forces and authority figures who had to be revered in order to survive.
Overall, though at the heart of Greek Mythology, there is a general tendency to comply and not disagree with the gods, in order to not be cursed by them, I think it is really important to consider the multudinous facades within this rich culture of oral tradition; whilst providing a hypothetical explanation for how the world and people came to be, Greek Mythology is a religion which provides moral stories of the gods and how to avoid ending up in Tartarus, yet it has also been a source of entertainment for people of all epochs, bringing together generation after generation, all revelling in the magic of the storyteller, recounting the trials of various heroes as they struggled in their lives and faced their own quests. In conclusion, though it clearly also served as an explanation for the natural world and was a polytheistic religious tradition, I think Greek Mythology should also be considered for what it represents: an amalgamation of human experiences, from the pits of despair, to love and strength, whilst retaining a certain wariness of what they would become without the constraints of their own religion and of death.
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Hiiii love bug can you do the fluff alphabet for farah
If your still doing that🫶🏻🫶🏻
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I don't think the two of you understand how grateful I am that I got the same request twice! Writing these takes an eternity! However, these are not proofread, I am too tired to do that, so please excuse any mistakes!
And don't worry about the frequent requests, I'm used to the same people requesting from me several times in a row!
Fluff Alphabet for Farah
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Farah is an active kind of person, so she would love nothing more than to go out on a hike with you. Or maybe explore the surrounding area a bit. She doesn’t need to discover something every time, but spending that time with you is nice. However, if the weather is anything but nice, then she’ll simply spend the time cuddling with you in bed. Or maybe do a puzzle with you as well. She loves the ones with animal motives.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Farah can be a heated woman. She had to be in order to gain everyone’s respect. However, you still have the patience to calmly talk to her. You have the patience to talk her down when she’s about to smack someone again. Don’t get me wrong, she has a lot of self restraint, but it’s still nice to have someone be your voice of reason from time to time. She admires the fact that you’re usually a rather calm sort of person.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Farah is pretty good at talking. She’ll usually distract you from everything, be it by telling you about the beetle she saw or by giving you the most comforting hug you’ve ever received in your life. If you’re experiencing a panic attack, then she’ll play some games with you to get you to calm down. I’ve mentioned it before, but she knows a few breathing exercises as well, or maybe she helps you using the 54321 method. Either way, she won’t be leaving your side until she’s certain nothing bad is going to happen anymore.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
She likes to think that her cause will help her build something semi-utopic. She knows fully well that Urzikstan will never become a full utopia, but she wants it to be a nice, peaceful place since it is achievable. She loves her country, so she’d love nothing more than to live there with you. Maybe adopt some animals, have some farmland, tend to your plants and live off them. She wants to be self-sufficient to some degree. She also wants it to be disgustingly domestic, like taking your wrist as she runs ahead to show you something. 
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Dominant, definitely. Farah usually says what she thinks and isn’t afraid to take charge either. You’re more than welcome to add your input, she actually likes it when you do so, but she usually gets her way. Her ideas are usually good as well, so they’re worth entertaining. However, it’s clear she wears the pants in the relationship. If you’re too scared to talk to the waiter regarding your order, she’s your woman. She can do just about anything with confidence,
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
It depends on the topic. Usually, Farah doesn’t forgive or forget that easily. Even when it’s you, she won’t forget the way you spew your poison of passive-aggressiveness at her. However, if it’s you, then she’s more easy to forgive. She does value what you have. While fighting she is also very passive-aggressive. Won’t yell at you, but she will make her point clear. Doesn’t budge easily either. Fighting with her is rough since she’s usually in the right, she knows what she’s talking about. If it’s something small she won’t always admit she was in the wrong either. 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Generally speaking, she’s on the more grateful side. War could take her away from you any moment, so she has to be grateful. She’s grateful for everything you do for her, from cleaning the dishes to folding the laundry to giving her a kiss before every operation. It won’t last for eternity, so she needs to make every moment count, ergo she’s very grateful for all the time she gets to spend with you.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
She doesn’t tell you about every operation she goes on. Doesn’t tell you about all the people she’s killed. However, she’s a rather open person in general. If you’re close enough, if she trusts you enough, then she’ll share her tragic past with you and open up to you. Sometimes she will seek out comfort from you as well. So yeah, there won’t be too many secrets in your relationship on her behalf. At least none that are relevant.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
She’d likely always try to overwork herself, becoming a better version of herself. She blames herself for the people who have died for her cause, even if not all of those deaths were her fault. You’d likely get her to relax for a little bit, calm down as well. Although she will still mourn every brother and sister she’d have lost, she won’t grieve too much about it anymore. She has a big goal to work towards, a better future for her people, her and you. Together.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Kind of. If you’re getting too close to someone for her liking, then yes, she absolutely gets jealous. Especially if she doesn’t know that person well. She won’t kiss you in front of that person to get them to back off, but she will gently grab your hand and hold it in front of that person so that they get the right idea. But she doesn’t really act too much on it otherwise. She’s an adult, she know better than to second guess your relationship. She’s not that insecure.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
I don’t think Farah has had anyone before you, never having had time for a relationship before. However, I don’t think she’d be a bad kisser. A bit clumsy, maybe, bumping noses together, but she wouldn’t be bad. She’d be average. However, she’s a quick learner, so she’ll get there fairly quickly. Your first kiss would be clumsy. She’d miss your mouth a bit and kiss your cheek instead. And when she’d go for it again, she’d bump her nose against yours. It got both of you to giggle.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Nothing too fancy, she doesn’t have time for that. She’d invite you for a walk, get to a nice spot and then confess to you there. Although her language may get a bit flowery, she gets straight to the point. Do you want to be together with her? Yes or no? She doesn’t really have the time for heartbreak, or too many feelings, so she just wanted to get it out as soon as possible.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I don’t think she particularly wants to get married. Sure, she wants to live together with you and have a good old time, but she doesn’t need to be bound to you by some silly vow. Isn’t her daily adoration, the way she almost worships you, enough for you? She’s committed anyway, she loves you above all else, but she doesn’t see the need to put a ring to it.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Habibi/habibti, rohi or ya amar in Arabic, and my love, my moon or my heart in English. She loves having sappy and romantic nicknames for you in her native tongue and in English. However, she does like to add “my” in front of those words to show everyone that you’re hers and hers only. Besides, calling you hers makes her heart flutter. She sometimes gets creative in Arabic and calls you all kinds of sweet and mushy, over the top nicknames.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s only kind of obvious, and only to those close to her. She gets more chatty with you, she gets ever so slightly more touchy with you as well. While she may not always be able to make time for you, she will go out of her way to grab some coffee with you and talk over anything and everything first. She doesn’t really express her feelings that much, only the necessary amount for them to not bother her too much. Brings you gifts sometimes, holds your hand when she can, compliments you as well. That sort of thing. Will also think about you a whole lot more.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
She doesn’t really brag about your relationship, but she doesn’t hide it from the world either. If someone asks about you then she’ll tell them about you, but she won’t go out of her way to introduce you as her partner every time. She’s not shy about PDA, but she doesn’t really go out of her way to show it either. If you wanna kiss her, then that’s fine, you don’t have to hold back, but she won’t really go beyond hand holding of her own accord. Again, do as you please, but keep it within reason.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
She knows how to speak her mind. You won’t ever see her lying about something, she’s just honest like that. There’s really no reason to walk on eggshells around you all the time. She’s good at communicating her every want and need, so you’ll know what to do. She’s also more than happy to negotiate with you about something. Communication is key, and she can do just that. She’s like that with everyone else too, so why shouldn’t she be like that with you as well? You’ll always know what she thinks, either through your intuition or through her telling you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
She can be rather romantic in theory. In practice she really doesn’t have the time for much else aside from the occasional walk. She wants to eat at a fancy restaurant with you, watch some awful but funny rom coms, dance in the rain, win some plushies for you at a fair. She really does want to do all those things with you, but she can’t since she doesn’t have the time or the means to. So, for the time being, it will be cooking together, cuddling on the bed and eating snacks. But other than that, she will do whatever is in her power to make you happy. She would go as far as tell the most embarrassing jokes in the hearing range of anyone just to see you smile.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Yes. She will support you however she can. Truth be told, she won’t be able to do too much since she doesn’t have a lot of money she can spend freely, and she doesn’t have a lot of time either, but she will always ask you about what progress you’ve made thus far. If you need a shoulder to cry on, she’s there for you. If you just want someone to give you an inspiring speech, she can do that too. Just give her the word and she’ll do whatever’s in her power.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
She likes having a routing for the basic things, but she does like something new every once in a while as well. As mentioned already, she likes going on walks and hikes with you. Sometimes she’ll take a different route just so she can see some new scenery with you. It doesn’t have to be anything big, sometimes just trying the new vendor’s food is enough for her as well. However, she needs something new every once in a while, otherwise she’ll grow bored of life. She does want you to be part of it as well, though.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
I like to think she would know you pretty well by the time you’re together. She notices the subtle things in and about you as well, and will mention them too if they’re positives. She can be a pretty empathetic person as well, but not too much. Although she’d love to share the pain of her brothers and sisters, she can’t always do so. But that doesn’t mean she’s not immune to the cries of the suffering. If you’re happy, she’s happy. But if you’re sad then she’ll also feel a twinge of sadness. However, her emotions won’t nearly be as intense as yours.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is very important to her. About as important as her closest friends and her cause. She would go to great lengths to keep you safe. But I don’t think she would stop her cause entirely for that sake. Uzbekistan is important to her. However, I don’t think you would ever get in a situation where she had to choose between her people and you. She does keep you safe at all times. You likely won’t have to worry about the harder choices with her.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
She probably has a plushie that she gave to you. It was important to her, but she wanted you to have it. She loves it, if she could she’d still be actively cuddling it. It was a gift from a young girl who wanted to support her cause. It’s among Farah’s most cherished items. However, she does believe that the plushie is in better hands with you. Will sometimes take it from you and just hold it for a few moments before returning it to you, though.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Behind closed doors? Absolutely. If it was up to her, you’d be cuddling the entire stinking day away. She won’t go overboard if that’s what you want, but she loves to give you kisses to your forehead. Another thing she really loves is to hold your hand while you’re sleeping next to her. She’ll squeeze it gently too to show you that she’s there for you. She really wants you to dream a little dream of her being madly in love with you and taking good care of you as well.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
By remembering all the good times you’ve had together. She’ll also text you quite often, sending you funny pictures of her with this cool bug and lizard she found on a rock. Might call you on the calmer evenings as well to ask you how you’re doing. Your voice really calms her down, it’s the most soothing sound on the planet for her. She’ll also go through the photo gallery and the selfies she made with you, or all the pictures she has of you in general.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Pretty much, yeah. However, she’ll always play it safe whenever you’re involved somehow. She’ll keep guards posted if it means you won’t get kidnapped. While she won’t be able to afford an even greater war with even more nations involved, she will absolutely kill for you. She can’t afford to die, so she’ll live for you instead. Her line of work is rough, but she’ll do what she can to keep you happy. Even when she’s been shot, she’ll limp back to you just so you could see her alive.
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I wasn't about to say anything to this annoying little bitch because they're 18 but when I tell you that aro/aces in this fandom are literally trying to police people for merely being attracted to Alastor now like??? This is why I'll keep on saying that some of you (aro/aces) are insufferable as shit and need to shut the fuck up?
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Or how 'bout
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Or how 'bout if Alastor respected Vaggie and hadn't sexually harassed her by way of chin tickling and arse slapping, I wouldn't in turn look at him disrespectfully and want to give him a taste of his own touchy feely medicine?
How 'bout fans can do and feel whatever they want about Alastor cause he's not real and how 'bout everyone should stop treating fictional characters like they're real when they're not real? Including goddamn fucking Valentino...
How 'bout another reminder to stop clogging the actual queer and ace tags on tumblr that real ace people might be using to find real community and resources, with posts about a goddamn fucking ~"tumblr sexy man"~ fictional serial killer cannibal because I'm sure that real aspec people trying to look for real resources in real life are sick of all the goddamn fucking fiction by now???
How 'bout "You can write about a characters sexuality/fucking/getting fucked, but you're not allowed to explore or acknowledge any sexual attraction to them while you're writing about them being sexual and having sex, which would inherently require taking sexual attraction into consideration in order to even do that, but you're not allowed to, because that's disrespectful!" is officially the most bullshit moronic take I've ever heard...
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bayofwolves · 7 months
struggling with how to address the nature of conor and abeke's relationship in a revised history of erdas. it deeply saddens me that coneke will not be happening, even though shaneke has always been my endgame. even so, conor and abeke have a really special relationship that i don't feel can be brushed off as simply platonic. i'm keeping the forehead kiss and all the other tender moments they shared before that. in fact, shane is supposed to notice how close they are, which causes doubts to form in his head.
i was thinking of having a scene where conor and shane just talk about this, but this is where the struggle begins. i'm not sure if i want there to be explicitly romantic feelings between conor and abeke. i fear it could needlessly complicate things, especially with the fact that i plan for conor to end up with someone who is very close to abeke in particular! plus, the love triangle is a tired concept -- a perceived love triangle that ends up all being in one guy's head is much more fun. like, shane spending literal years (since seeing them together in the second devourer war) stewing in repressed jealousy and doubt all for conor to cheerfully break the news that he and abeke never felt that way about each other and shane never had any competition? that's great. it's just great.
i feel like this path would be a lot more satisfying and less awkward than if conor were to say he did have feelings for abeke but he won't pursue them for shane's sake, or he knew abeke would choose shane over him, or some "maybe in another life" type shit. that, or they just start fighting over her for real. this would make the reveal of conor's endgame partner feel very odd, which i really do not want because i love the dynamic and potential these two have. it's become one of my favourite rarepairs and i cannot wait to explore it. but if conor did have feelings for abeke prior to this, their relationship would be... questionable, i'll put it.
so yeah, obviously i'm leaning towards the first option, but like i said above -- i can't say with certainty that conor and abeke can be called platonic. since taking up this project, my view of their relationship has slid very far into platonic territory (compared to how i used to ship them romantically), but it's clearly still something a lil bit more! i just can't label it for the life of me.
besties who cuddle and forehead kiss to help with the Trauma? besties who have deep talks for hours into the night when everyone else is asleep? besties who are intrinsically connected in a way that makes most people think romance but they know for a fact it isn't? platonic soulmates??! platonic soulmates. i found it. i found the term. conor and abeke are Platonic Soulmates.
(this is what i love about making a long tumblr post as i think. i figure things out along the way)
** i also feel the need to note that the shane-conor feud will not take up much of the plot at all. no matter how you execute it, jealousy subplots are too overdone. shane's real rivalry is with rollan.
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boilingheart · 2 years
best thing about mathias shaw is that there's just no sex appeal. zero. none. nada. this guy's got no rizz or whatever they're calling it these days. nothing. yeah he's like well built he's a master spy and one of the top rogues for sure, he's uptight and got that van dyke mustache and wears a corset 24/7 but he's just so fucking stick in the mud boring he's a vibe killer being around him is rancid he's so uptight and to the book you can't stand him. he curls his fuckin mustache he smiles at nothing. in theory he is hot as hell. catboy type of modern middle aged man babygirl. my girlfriend in theory. right. but he's so comically unfuckable. old white guy child soldier who's never fucking smiled in his life until flynn fairwind showed up. shout out to flynn fairwind, who is overflowing with raw sex appeal and charm and charisma, who took one look at this boring unsalted alliance spymaster who curls his mustache and hides his personality behind 37 reinforced walls, said "i can fix him" and then he DID. it's so funny to me. i'm correct about everything btw.
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plothooksinc · 1 year
In which things continue to go downhill. Until they don't. And then they do again. Buckle up, this one's a bit rough.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
Babe wake up, it's time to post cringe (pos)
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Pretty much a nonsensical AU because the thought of an Adult Guy supercomputer comparable to a God being forcibly adopted by a stone age dog and not being able to do shit about it cracks me up
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Yeah so, my Kinkuary plans didn't pan out unfortunately. I'm really sad about it because I was looking forward to getting them all done but, between irl responsibilities and slowly trying to remember how to be a person, I couldn't make it work.
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raviosprovidence · 1 year
"you don't use queer because you're so desperate to be normal!!!" if you had to partake in one conversation with me irl your bones would melt from how weird and cringe I am
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crystalflygeo · 9 months
I need Li to comfort me rn
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tonystarkstan · 1 year
getting a hate comment on ao3 in 2023 after barely posting for like 3 or 4 years is such a jumpscare lmfao it's like why am I having flashbacks
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r.une is so awesome! he's the kindest guy ever and I always drop by the thieves guild whenever I'm not doing anything just to hear his pretty voice
#ash rambles 💚#and he's handsome!#steal me away 🐉#ugh it's been so long since i've played s.kyrim#or uh. anything other than c.yberpunk#school keeps me busy and#i also got some wisdom teeth removed today! and two other teeth! it's... not the most comfortable! I'm trying to stay chill about it but#FUCK i miss solid food so much#anyways I'll try my best to get some sleep! I'm trying to downplay it but it's probably not a good idea to like. not rest after all that#so yeah if i havent been as activate as of late it's just a mixture of that + school + me trying to platinum cy.berpunk 2077#i think I'm at about 75% trophy achievement? which isnt bad at all#sorry i was talking about r.une#s.kyrim has ass lighting but. his eyes are actually green! i just think he's sooooo handsome!#I can't really kiss since my face is all swollen but i am mentally kissing him all over! he's just such a sweet guy! i know i ship with a#lot of men that are a little rough around the edges but. not him#he's just a genuinely nice guy#(ignorethat hes part of the thieves guild)#oh speaking of I've started to play o.ctopath 2 again. starting to drag myself out of my gaming slump#it's just... been such a crazy last few weeks. with school and life and my mouth... and the roadtrip in which our tire went kaboom in the#middle of nowhere.. everyone is okay but it's still definitely a moment that made me go 'what the hell is wrong with ash's life' LMAAAOO#gonna save that story for the grandkids! BAHAHAHAHAA#oh speaking of kiddos. i've been developing the kiddo for s.eifer a lot as of late! her name is selena + she wields a gunblade like her pap#and just like how her papa has a thing for s.quall (/hj) she has a thing for s.quall's kid LMAAAOO#ah shit it's almost 3am.. I'm gonna go to sleep! i should rest after today#good night my friends#or. well. good morning. since you know. it's so late ajdkahsjq#I'll get back to the regularly scheduled f/o posting eventually <3#your knight until the end 🤍#also also I've been reading john koenigs the dictionary of obscure sorrows and annotating it like the nerd i am. fucking hell it's so good#apologies to all my friends who keep getting spammed with me analyzing it LMAAAAOO y'all are the best
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Hey, stargazers and flowerbeds <3
I know I've been tagged in things (never stop doing that, I love it and it makes me smile!), and I know it's been a while since I last posted a fic. This is a lil 'this is why I'm mainly doing reblogs' kind of post.
First was the holiday season, so of course I was busy during that. Then, some pretty low mental health moments. And of course, me now being sick and shit.
It's a been a few minor-ish things just piling up. I'll be okay, don't worry. Mainly just sick rn. Hoping it'll go away in a few days, so I can prep for Logince Week. So, if there's only reblogs or even radio silence days, that's why. I am simply under the weather rn.
So yeah. Energy very low. It's a lot just doing this post and trying to catch up on things I get tagged in.
I'll be okay :D
Anyway: stay safe and take care <3
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