#but then he crawled into my lap and started jumping on top of me
theadventurek9 · 1 year
Paragliders are the worst dog owners. They just let their dogs our on launch/landing zones and then take off and fly away for 20-60 minutes. Are their dogs friendly? Most are, but not all. Will they get into your stuff? Likely. Will some chase other paraglider pilots when they are launching and landing? Likely. Will they harass other dogs? Probably. 60% are well behaved dogs that just hang out. Yet its the 40% that is just obnoxious.
There are always a handful of dogs just wandering around on launch when it’s flyable. Always one that will chase and bark at people when they launch and land. A handful of those will nip at people as they are launching and landing. Its just obnoxious and terrible etiquette. 
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
little protector
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words: 800
warnings: dad!rafe, soft!rafe, pregnancy cw
“daddy, cut that out right now!” your sons voice rings out, making rafe pull away from your mouth.
“what did you say little man?” rafe raises his eyebrows at your son, who is standing at the foot of your bed, hands on his hips and an exaggerated angry expression on his face.
“do not kiss my mommy!” felix argues, crawling onto the bed to push at rafes chest while you giggle, his little hands not doing a single thing.
“but she’s my wife.” rafe says, frowning when you pull felix onto your lap and press a kiss to his cheek.
“and she’s my mommy!” he argues right back. it’s a recent development, felix showing possessiveness over you. it started at the grocery store when a tall man helped reach something off the top shelf, only for felix to kick him in the shin. its only progressed since then.
“you’re gonna have to learn to share, fe.” rafe says with a pointed look, able to move closer now that felix is happy in your arms.
“oh shush, let him enjoy being an only child for a little bit longer.” you whisper, knowing felix only has about six more months until he’s going to have to be sharing you with a new baby brother or sister as well as rafe.
“but i want to kiss you.” rafe pouts as felix ducks his head to snuggle into your chest, little hands gripping at your shirt as rafe loops an arm around your shoulder.
“as soon as he’s asleep.” you stroke your sons back, leaning your head against rafes shoulder, who sneaks a kiss to the top of your head without felix seeing.
“can’t come soon enough.” rafe says, making sure to keep his voice low for the next part. “you are so sexy when you’re pregnant.”
you roll your eyes. you’re barely showing, which is why you decided to wait to tell felix, wanting to make sure everything went well before explaining that he’s about to have a little sibling and that they’re growing in his mamas tummy.
“mommy.” felix whines when he realizes you attention isn’t solely on him.
“what is it my love?” you ask, petting over his hair.
“can i sleep with you tonight?” he asks, blinking up at you with puppy eyes that are so hard for you to say no to.
“but you’ve got your big boy bed!” you remind him. “i can read you a story before you go to sleep though.” “no.” felix complaints, thrashing his body to show his disapproval, but you know its just because he’s tired, having already gotten him ready for bed until rafe distracted you with his kisses. “wanna sleep with you mommy!” “honey, this is mama and daddys bed.” rafe says gently. he never thought his son would give him a run for his money when it comes to parenting, but he severely underestimated the toddler years.
“are you going to kiss again?” felix crinkles up his nose in an expression that is far beyond his years.
rafe sighs, nuzzling into your hair. “i think when you gave birth you transferred all of your sassiness to him.” you let out a laugh, which only upsets felix more.
“fefe, i kiss your daddy all the time. but-” you continue before he can react, “i also give you lots of kisses. i love you both very very much.” “i love you too mama.” felix leans in, puckering his lips out. you accept and press a kiss before smattering more around his face, making him giggle.
“i love you too daddy.” felix says shyly, before holding his hands out for rafe to pull him onto his lap, making you smile. felix has never had an issue with showing rafe affection, it’s just recently come up with not liking to see it between you and rafe, even getting in between the two of you when you cuddle, or pulling your hands apart.
“i love you too felix.” rafe gives your son a kiss before pulling him into a hug, and you have to turn your head to wipe away tears, your hormones already being a little crazy from the baby growing in your tummy.
“can you both read me my bedtime story?” felix asks.
“of course baby.” rafe says as you slide out of the bed, accepting felix as he jumps into your arms for you to carry him. rafe pauses as he watches you, son in your arms, baby growing in your tummy, a glowing smile gracing your face. 
if you would have told rafe that this would be his life when he was a teenager, he would have spat in your face, but then you appeared, changed his life around and gave him a home and a family he never knew he needed.
“you coming?” you ask, felix’s head buried in your shoulder as you pause in the doorway.
“yeah.” rafe nods, having to blink back tears himself. “yeah, i’m coming.”
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk
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dearhargrove · 3 months
Sink or swim
summary When the tsunami hits you're at the pier, watching in confusion and shock as the huge wave nears. You're swept away with a dozen others but gain back consciousness with a weirdly attractive guy and his.. son?
tags medical inaccuracy (I made everything medical up pls ignore it), blood and injuries, one POV change, cursing
word count 2831
a/n just watched the episodes with the tsunami and oh my god? I’m so in love with Buck, Chris and Eddie. These three are adorable. Also these episodes were just good as hell, wtf? Andddd I hope I didn’t make any of them OOC (out of character) but if I did forgive me yall 🫶🏻 also English isn’t my first language, so… 🥹
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Maybe you should've guessed what it meant when the sea started retreating and a huge wave built up more by the second. But somehow it seemed so surreal that you didn't. You clung to the thought that it was an optical illusion, after all there was no way a tsunami would hit that one time you're at the pier.
Now moments later you regret not running faster, earlier or simply finding a spot to hide. You're pulled under the surface every few seconds, swallowing mouthfuls of salty seawater that makes your nose burn and eyes blur.
You're choking when you're swept against a hard object, it's sharp edge digging into your waist. “Fuck!” you curse, though it ends in a gurgle when more water sweeps over you.
When you resurface you're facing an object that turns out to be a sunken fire truck. The red is striking against the blue and Grey around you and you could cry at relief when you manage to hoist yourself onto it.
You're exhausted, your side hurts and you're dizzy. Your phone is useless, the water having destroyed the technology. Cursing, you pocket it again and lean back. You're about to relax, aware that it could take hours for emergency services to reach you when you hear high pitched screaming. You look up, just in time to see someone with a yellow sweater being pulled towards you with the current, screaming at the top of their lungs.
“Jesus,” you swear and crawl to the edge of the truck, yelling to get their attention with your arm reached out as far as possible.
You almost faint when the person turns around and a small child looks at you, red glasses full of water and messy brown hair. He's crying, reaching out as he's struggling to stay afloat.
“Hey! I'm here, grab my hand!” You yell and lean over the ledge as far as you could. As soon as you saw that little boy you knew you'd jump after him if he couldn't grab your hand now.
“I got you, sweetheart, come on!”
Your assurance seems to help and he kicks his legs, managing to move closer to where you are. In a split second you grab his hand and pull him over the railing and onto the truck, holding the little boy close to your chest in relief.
���Thank you,” he mumbles, coughing a little as he adjusts his glasses. You try to look as calm and collected as possible, gently smiling at him and beckoning him further away from the railing and rushing water.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” He shakes his head, biting his lip as he looks out at the water again. He must've been with someone else, you guess when he sits up at every piece floating by.
“Are you looking for someone?” You ask gently and he nods. He slowly speaks, hands fidgeting in his lap, “B-Buck. He's a firefighter.”
You stop yourself from cooing at this adorable child and nod, “We're gonna find him, okay? Just stay here and it'll be okay.”
He looks worried but slowly nods. You go back to sitting between him and the railing, looking out for anyone else.
Just as you spot someone, the small boy moves rapidly and pulls your shirt, “Buck! It's Buck!” He stutters loudly.
You whip your head back around to the rushing water and try thinking of a way to save him too. You couldn't just grab his hand, he would probably just pull you off the truck and you wouldn't risk leaving the kid by himself.
“Shit,” You mumble as you look for a way to help the man, the boy desperately crying out for ‘Buck’ behind you.
It seems you don't need to do much when something slams into the truck and seconds later the man pulls himself up and next to you.
And, damn. He was attractive. His dark blonde curls stick to his forehead as his blue eyes fixate on you and then the boy, strong arms holding him up as a smile builds on his lips, “Christopher!”
You move a bit as the two reunite, the boy- Christopher throwing his arms around the man's neck and giggling wildly.
You watch with a smile, the adorable sight momentarily distracting you from the tsunami keeping not just you but these two strangers trapped on top of a fire truck.
He turns around after a minute, keeping Christopher in his lap as he looks at you. He clears his throat and nods, “Thank you for saving him.” You shake your head and wave your hand in dismissal, unsure how to deal with compliments.
“No, really. I was going crazy when I couldn't find him,” his eyes are fixed on your face and you blame the heat creeping up your neck onto the temperature changes from the water and sun, smiling nervously. “It's all good. Your son is a sweetheart.”
He chuckles, “He definitely is. Though he's not my son,” he mentions, poking the boy's side when he mumbles something. You quickly nod, embarrassed. “Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed-” he shakes his head and a relaxed smile sets on his face.
“It's fine, don't worry. Did you have any luck reaching 911?” You shake your head and hold up your broken phone, screen flickering sadly as you do. He sighs and brushes a hand through his hair (you try not to stare at the hot sight because wow, what are the odds of meeting such an attractive man in the middle of a tsunami?).
“We're probably just gonna have to wait. It'll take time to get boats and units here. It probably looks like this everywhere,” he explains and you tilt your head in surprise before remembering that the kid had mentioned he's a firefighter. Meaning he knew the protocols.
“Right. Christopher mentioned you're a firefighter.” You smile when the boy perks up, a seemingly never faltering smile on his face. “Guess I'm lucky to be stuck with you. Safest I could be.” You shrug, a bashful smile on your face.
“Buck will s-save us all,” Christopher proclaims proudly and you coo at the cute boy. The man now seems a bit uneasy and sighs before his eyes widen, “Shit, right, I'm Evan. Everyone just calls me Buck, though.” You shake his outstretched hand and introduce yourself in turn, biting your lip as a nervous habit.
“So you're a firefighter?” You prompt curiously.
“It's a bit complicated right now…” He sighs, a frown setting on his forehead. You're about to apologize for overstepping when Christopher speaks up again, “He threw up blood.”
Your eyes widen and Evan- Buck pinches the boys’ side in reprimand. “Blood clots,” he elaborates as he looks at your slightly shocked expression. You hum sympathetically before realizing something. “Wait. You were the one trapped under that fire truck? On the news?”
He chuckles (which makes him even more attractive, what the actual fuck?) and nods, “Yep, that's me.”
You grimace in sympathy at the memory and automatically glance at his leg, “Is it all healed? You don't have to talk about it, it's fine if you don't-” he waves you off assuringly, looking relaxed.
“It's fine, don't worry. Yeah it healed fine, had some physical therapy and stuff but now I have blood clots kicking my a- butt.” He stops himself from cursing with Christopher on his lap and you almost smile at the adorable expression of confusion on the kid's face, when Buck presses his hands over both of his ears and whispers what he was originally going to say.
You laugh at the two and a relaxed and almost light atmosphere surrounds the three of you, momentarily disregarding your situation.
“It's kind of ironic isn't it?” He starts and you tilt your head in question. “You saved me, a firefighter, by pulling me onto a fire truck,” he elaborates and you can't help but chuckle, “Right. It should've been the other way around,” you sarcastically add and he holds up his hands in mock surrender.
You relax back against the railing, your eyes drawn to Buck again just to notice him already looking at you. You cock your head questioningly and he bites his lip before grinning, “Sorry, you're just- like, really beautiful.”
Your jaw drops momentarily before you compose yourself and hide behind your hands, “Stop! Geez,” you laugh and he does as well. You exaggerate a shake of your head as you look at Christopher who giggles happily and exclaims, “He likes you!”
Now both you and Buck fluster as he continues, “He's always angry but n-now he's happy.” You notice the small struggle of getting his words out but you couldn't care less, you'd wait hours for this sweetheart to finish a sentence if you had to.
“Oh, really?” You ask in mock surprise and he eagerly nods before Buck intervenes, “Woah, Woah. I'm not always angry. Just.. grumpy.” Christopher makes it a point to look at him and then at you, rolling his eyes and shaking his head which makes it hard to refrain from laughing.
When Christopher busies himself with leaves floating around them Buck lowers his voice a bit as he speaks to you again, “Don't get the wrong impression it’s just, it’s hard. Not being able to work, saving people and all that.”
You nod quickly, “No worries. I’d go insane if I was in your place. I’m guessing they’re keeping you from really doing anything ‘dangerous’?” You ask, careful in case of him wanting to change the subject.
He nods and drops his head back against a siren light, “It is. They’re trying to put me behind a desk! I mean, I’m supposed to be out here, saving lives, fighting fires. That’s my purpose.” He frowns and you hum to show that you’re listening.
“I know they just want me to recover, but…”
“It feels like they’re holding you back?” You finish for him. He chuckles in surprise at the accuracy of what you said and nods.
“I’m probably in no place to tell you this, but trust me, it’s worth it. Get better, do the light work and sooner than you think you’ll be back doing what you love. But if you start now and ignore your health.. it’s going to catch up with you. And it’ll be way worse than a few weeks behind a desk.”
He looks thoughtful for a moment before slowly nodding, “You're right. Thank you.” You smile and put a hand on his leg, making sure he doesn’t mind before adding, “I mean look at you, crushed by an entire ladder truck and you’re up and running already.”
“I’m just that great,” he sarcastically pats his own shoulder and you both break into laughter.
You don't know if it's been minutes, seconds or hours when you wake up, laying on top of destroyed concession stands and other things. Something is digging into your back, your leg is awkwardly bent and your ears are ringing.
Groaning you sit up, wincing in pain when a sharp pain strikes through your back at the movement.
Around you is just more trash and destroyed cars, you see an arm laying on one of the cars and decide to avert your eyes as quick as possible for your own sake.
Every step hurts but you keep going; walking through the flooded streets with your eyes looking for either of the two boys you’d spent earlier with or other survivors.
The sun is starting to set and you’re starting to get hopeless. You have no clue where you were, completely disoriented as you pass houses that look entirely the same. Your phone is useless and you’re alone. Shouldn’t you have met at least one person by now?
Your back has gone practically numb, same as your leg, when you see faraway lights in the distance. Your steps get quicker as you see people and to your utter relief firefighters. You don’t know if the tears in your eyes are of joy or utter despair from what happened but you couldn’t care less when a man with short, brown hair spots you and approaches.
You’re trying to walk closer when a small voice somewhere close stops you. You’re not sure if it’s your imagination but you turn around, squinting your eyes in the darkness. And then you see it. A small boy, waddling your way with his arms stretched out like he couldn’t see.
Could it be..?
“Christopher?” You see his head perk up and he tries going faster, stumbling over his own feet. Your heart drops in relief and you gather your last strength to run to him, “Hey, you remember me right?” He nods and you note the missing glasses.
“There’s help, come on,” you point out but he doesn’t look happy. He looks almost angry, “Buck.” You had almost forgotten about the charming firefighter. But your priority right now was Christopher.
“We’re gonna find him. Let’s get you help first,” you say with fake enthusiasm in your voice. He doesn’t look okay with that but stays silent and you awkwardly wrap your arms around him after making sure he’s okay and lift him into your arms.
It’s hard to avoid any obstacles while walking but you manage, seeing the brown haired man from a few minutes ago still there.
“Hey! I need help! It’s a kid!” You yell.
He waves you over while walking towards you and as soon as you can actually see him you’re once again surprised. What was it with these firefighters and their good looks? Jesus.
When he’s close enough you nudge Christopher, “There’s help, he’s gonna make sure you’re okay,” you nod at the man and he stands still before running the last feet over to you, basically ripping the child from you.
“Chris!” He cries, clutching the kid with all his might. Oh, this must be his father.
You smile, relieved that they found each other. He looks up at you with gratitude, “Thank you so much. Thank you.” You just smile.
“He’s found us himself. I couldn’t find him after..” you don’t even know what happened- you just know you passed out and woke up alone. Sighing you rub your temples and shake your head.
“You should get checked out, too. You’re barely walking,” the medic (you guess) advises. You take in the people behind him, the full cots and stressed professionals. “I’m okay. There’s people that need more help,” you nod.
He frowns and shakes his head, “I could tell you at least two injuries of yours that need treatment. Come on.” He nods his head in the direction of one of the tents and you chuckle but follow him. At least you try to. Four more steps and your legs give out, you clutch a random person's arm to prevent your fall, mumbling a sorry when they just barely catch you.
The ringing in your ears is back and you groan when you’re laid on one of the cots, your back protesting painfully.
Your vision is blurry and you can’t understand what’s being said - what the hell was happening to you?
“Wait, she’s- she was with me and Chris.” Eddie looks up in confusion as he hooks you up to an IV, checking your pupils with a small torch. “What?”
Buck nods, “Yeah, she saved Chris and then me. When the last wave happened she was swept away- we were all swept away.”
Eddies brows furrow and she looks down at you, your hair a damp mess, clothes dirty and bloody. “She saved Chris?” His best friend nods and crouches down next to you - Eddie notes the pained groan he tries to conceal as he does so - extending a hand and awkwardly patting your shoulder.
“Will she be okay?”
Eddie's answer is interrupted when you open your eyes and wince at the lights surrounding the tent.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” Buck asks before Eddie can get a word out, and you almost faint again seeing these two fine men looking down at you with concern. Great first impression, you think.
“Feel like I was in a tsunami,” you grunt and both of them laugh a bit. A third voice pops up next to you, “We were in one, silly.” Leaning over your head and looking upside down at you was Christopher, a smile on his face.
You huff a laugh and hum, “You’re right. Smart boy.”
Eddie looks at Buck at the exchange and he just shrugs with a grin. Chris walks to Eddie and leans into his side, eyes still on you.
“Is there something on my face, or..?” You ask half joking as three pairs of eyes stay trained on you.
“Just beauty,” Buck grins and there’s a second of silence before Eddie gags and rolls his eyes, “That’s so creepy, díos.” You laugh as Buck tries defending himself, simply looking just as cute to you as earlier.
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jjongslutz · 7 months
birthday sex with jay??
it’s my actual 21st birthday today (ahh I’m the same age as jay!!) so i had to add in the spice
so sorry that i couldn't get it out on time for the day of, but still happy late birthday!!
birthday sex with jay.
after being woken up by the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen, you already knew jay was going a step above expectations for your birthday. though, that's to be expected from him.
you peak your head around the corner to find him humming a quiet tune with his back turned to you, focused on whatever is sizzling on the pan.
trying your best to keep quiet, you tiptoe your way past the kitchen island to surprise him with a back hug.
he jumps a little at the suddeness, but relaxes into your touch. "good morning, angel, i didn't think you'd be up so early."
"i didn't think you'd be up so early," you laugh softly. he's notorious for sleeping in, of course.
jay smiles at your words, but doesn't respond. he focuses on flipping another pancake and you watch him carefully. when the golden side faces upward, he turns to you and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. "happy birthday, love."
"thank you," you say with a smile.
soon enough, breakfast is served. delicious homemade pancakes by your personal chef—err, your kindhearted boyfriend, with a side of fruits and your choice of toppings.
"i took the day off," jay says reaching for the syrup.
you shoot a raised brow at him. "oh really?" you taunt. "why's that?"
he shrugs nonchalantly, but the corners of his lips raising are very telling. "i have other plans than to work in the office today." then, he adds, "it's a special day, isn't it?"
which is why you find yourself, barely just over an hour later, laying in bed with shaky breaths. your legs are spread and your boyfriend is ceremoniously between them, taking his sweet time lapping his tongue over your bare pussy while three fingers glide in and out of it at a relaxing pace.
your hand brushes through his hair gently, not too desperately. soft music fills the room, but you concentrate on the soft hums jay emits as he sucks on your clit.
"jay..." you moan quietly.
he looks up at you. "yes, my love?"
"i think i'm stretched enough, hm?"
he pouts playfully. "but i'm having so much fun down here."
"are you doing this for me or for you?"
"for you, of course. birthday girl deserves the best." he goes down once more for good measure, curling his fingers upward in time with his tongue rolling from bottom to top. "you taste so good, love, i'm sorry."
you giggle at his antics, unable to be upset not only from how good he's making you feel, but how sweet he's being with you.
obviously, he's sweet with you whatever the occasion and whichever the context. but today especially he's taking his time in making it all about you.
still, he listens to your pleas and gets up to his knees to start unbuckling his belt and slowly removing his pants and boxers in one movement. his hardened cock springs out of the material, red and leaking at the tip. you let out a soft giggle at jay's flushed face at his obvious excitement.
"c'mere," you whisper to him.
he crawls up to you, reaching down with one hand to guide his dick into your hole. he's done this so many times, he's able to do it without breaking eye contact. jay steadies himself, making sure not to miss a second of your reaction as you feel his tip pushing into you.
your eyes roll back as you let out a hum of pleasure. "thank you..."
"for what, baby?"
keeping your eyes closed, you hum again. "for everything."
he chuckles, rolling his hips slowly, but deeply into your core. "thank you, too."
the rest of the day is spent similarly. once you both cum the first time, jay stays comfortably between your walls as you both fall asleep into each other's arms ; when you wake up, you're at it again, more sensually, but still filled with love. he doesn't stop there, finding himself back with his head between your thighs and his tongue draped across your soaking pussy.
as the sun sets, the two of you cuddling together in bed with a miscellaneous movie on the tv, jay leaves a gentle kiss against your hair, whispering, "happy birthday, pretty girl"
a/n - suffering through writers block so that ending is sooooo rushed i'm sorry 😭
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sinsandsweetness · 11 months
I’m thinking of any of the boys, how would they react to being teased with? And I don’t mean oh that’s cute- I mean hardcore teasing. I’m thinking wearing cute outfits or saying things in the vicinity of the boys, where they can’t do anything about it. I might have asked this before so if I did, oops. but I’m never without a backup! I love the scene Aaron meets Rick and Michonne, them jumping out of bed. But what if it was the reader and Rick or the reader with Daryl or Rickyl or….? “tell your mom and dad…”
“huh?” Carl rolls his eyes at who it is and calls them gross and lame. Lol (idk; that’s what my teen would have done)
Hehe ok I’m using this as a little bonus blurb for poison… I promise part 4 is coming soon but here’s something to tie us all off in the meantime <3
“You gotta tell her to cut it out. I can’t believe I’m bricked up at a children's birthday party, right now.” Shane slumps down next to Rick. Visibly irritated, grabbing the throw pillow from beside him, and placing it in his lap to conceal the tent in his blue jeans.
“Why don’t you tell her?” Rick asks.
They both look over at you from their spot on the deck. Watching you throw neon rings into the water from the side of the pool. Entertaining the half a dozen 10 year olds whose parents are all too busy getting drunk in your parents house, to look after their own children.
“You’re the only one she actually listens to.”
Rick just shakes his head with a little huff, “She’s a fuckin’ brat. Doesn’t listen to anyone.”
You know they're watching you. They have been all day. From the second you asked Rick to help tighten the strings of your bikini top, you had them in a damn trance. Unable to control their constant wandering gaze.
“What kinda swimsuit is that? Barely even covers her nipples.” Shane whines.
“She’s doin’ it on purpose. Tryna get a reaction out of you. And it’s workin’, so just… quit starin’. She’ll give it up soon enough.”
“I need her to put a shirt on before I cream my frickin’ jeans, Ricky. Go on and tell her that.”
“Tell her what?” Daryl interjects the conversation with gifts from the garage. He hands the two men a beer, plopping down on the love seat across them.
“Tell her to quit teasin us’. It ain’t funny and she ain’t bein’ very subtle about it either.” Shane nods over at you. Unfortunately for him, you catch his stare and wave back at him. A sweet, innocent little wave that sends butterflies swarming around in his gut.
“Shit.” Shane shifts his gaze to the floor.
“Made eye contact. She’s coming over.”
They all share a look before you reach the couch. Dripping wet and wringing out your hair with a towel.
“Hey,” You plop down next to Daryl, the only open seat available.
“You’re soaking.” He complains, moving further into the armrest.
“What? You afraid of a little water?” You tease, over aware of the clenched jaws staring you down from the couch.
He lets out a little grunt, sipping his beer to distract himself from your practically naked legs, brushing up against his jeans.
“Shoot, I think I’m starting to burn,” you act all concerned, looking down at your decolletage and running delicate fingers over your sun kissed skin, “think one of you could reapply for me?” You ask, reaching for the coffee table where your sunscreen so conveniently happens to be sitting right in front of the three men.
You see Shane’s fist tighten around the beer as he struggles to avoid your gaze.
“Shane?” You ask, knowing he’s always the first to break for you.
“Me..?” he looks over at Rick and sighs, tipping his head back. Asking god why the hell he was testing him so hard today.
Rick lets out an involuntary groan at his friend’s attitude.
“Alright, get over here.” He waves you over, snatching the bottle from your hands.
You stifle your laugh by biting your lip. Practically crawling over Daryl to reach Rick’s lap. Sitting down, bikini bottoms dampening his denim clad thigh, though he doesn’t complain. He just takes the sunscreen and squeezes a generous amount on his hands. Handing you the bottle back and rubbing the cream together before starting on your shoulders.
You sigh at his touch, leaning your head to the side and pulling your hair out of the way to give him better access to your back.
“I know what you’re doing.” His voice is low in your ear. Lips dangerously close to your neck. “Ain’t foolin anybody. Acting like a damn brat. Teasin’ us right in front of your daddy…” he chuckles. His breath sends goosebumps down your spine as his hands rub the muscles on your back.
“I- don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” you play dumb. Lids fluttering closed at the wonderful sensation of Rick's fingers working at the knots between your shoulder blades. Gliding back and forth and then slipping down to your lower back. Where his touch starts feeling less like a massage and more like a tickle. Threatening to send a shiver through your body.
“Sure you do,” he slides his hands down to your hips, grabbing on to you and pulling you even further into his lap, the sudden movement makes your breath hitch in your throat. “You know exactly what you’re doin’. Know exactly what game you’re trying to play. Guess you didn't realize that we might know how to play too, hm?” He uses his grip on your hips to grind you down on his lap, and the huge bulge that’s making the front of his jeans so tight.
Your eyes go wide at his boldness. Knowing that any of your fathers friends could see from their various spots all over the yard. Hell your father could see if he just turned away from his conversation with Deanna. Fortunate for you, they’re all too focused on their own conversations to pay attention to the borderline filth happening on the patio furniture.
“I- I wasn't-“
“See boys? She sure loves to dish it out but the second you start dishin’ it back,” he huffs a laugh before continuing, “she turns into a needy, little mess.”
pick your poison taglist- @rickswh0r3 @elnyrae @catt-leya @murder-jacket @miinbun @ankhmutes @eternalrose81 @cl0wnb0yyy @grimesthinker @whatthefuuuck @imyourbratzdoll @olive3oil @taylormarieee @spidermonkey2423 @fanngirl19
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lulumilkshake · 1 year
head prank on jujutsu kaisen men
pairing(s): g. satoru, k. nanami, f. megumi, i. yuuji, r. sukuna
authors note: no guillotine could prevent the head id give gojo tbh 🥱 lowkey ooc on some but wtvs!
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g. satoru -
it was one of the only days he’s had off of missions in awhile and he spent a portion of it playing video games😐
since you were feeling lonely you decided to scroll on your phone to find something to do, that’s when you decided to prank your blue eyed boyfriend.. by giving him a “blowjob”
as you entered his dorm, he didn’t even realize you were in there in the first place because he was so enamored with the video game he was playing
you tiptoed to his desk and tapped him on the back where he jumped a little bit at your touch
“hold on a second” he murmured before turning back to his game
that’s when you decided to take your plan into action 😈 and crawled down under his desk
when he saw you crawling under his playboy instincts immediately kicked in and this mf MANSPREADED💀
you put your hand on his thigh and then.. grabbed a charger you “forgot”!
he was in SHOCK that you would do this to him and completely turned off his game and picked you up to his lap and sat you on his thigh
“got me all hard, you’re gonna take care of it now, yeah?”
k. nanami -
he was finishing up some reports on some missions in his office.
you were feeling extremely bored (and lowkey horny) so you wanted to prank your extremely serious husband.
you put on his favorite nightgown and walked into his office like a vogue model 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️
his eyes immediately turned to you eating you UP saying a quick formal hello and that’s when you started walking towards him
you crawled under his desk already seeing the affect the nightgown had on him before reaching up to spread his thighs
as he was about to unbuckle his belt you asked-
“wait do you think a balloon can blow up under water?”
he. got. PISSED.
not only was he stressed with work he had pent up sexual frustrations from EVERYTHING and this was his last straw
he picked you up and pinned you against his desk and exposing your panties
“don’t you have anything better to do then fucking tease me right now? now you have to be punished”
f. megumi -
he came back from a mission he had to finish up, and he looked like a mess
all sweaty, dirty and in need of rest
lucky for him he’s got a girlfriend who is about to make matters worse!
while he was out pretty much saving Japan you plotted a little plan to get back at your boyfriend for ignoring you today😡
he plopped down on his bed next to you not even saying a hello, ugh the nerve
because you didn’t wanna seem like a total asshole you quickly grabbed a washcloth cleaning him up before starting your plan 😈😈
“hey megumi..” you said in the sweet voice you know turns him on
he turned his head nodding as you crawled next to him
“ive had extreme needs lately, and maybe you have to?” you spoke seductively while straddling him with fingers going down to his v line
he gulped as you brought your head down to his belt, playing with it “what are you saying..?”
“i think you know what im saying…. I’VE REALLY BEEN CRAVING ICE CREAM LATELY! let’s go together now!” you said as you threw yourself on top of him.
bro was now SWEATY, TIRED, DIRTY, AND HAD A BONER. that’s crazy!!!! pretty sure his inner toji instincts about to jump ur bones atp
but fr he was not happy; his cold and usually comforting persona completely turned to a sexually pent up boy
he threw you on the bed like a rag doll, putting you ass up in the air💀💀
you SWORE he turned into toji fr
“all because I fucking ignored you once? you really need my dick that badly, huh? well you’ll take it all night then”
i. yuuji -
poor baby probably one of the only ones who doesn’t completely turn into a certified pussy destroyer 😢😢😢
you were watching a movie with him, a basic rom-com and you were a bit upset with him and he could tell
call yourself petty but you were angry because he ate the last ice cream sandwich when it had your name on it!😡😡
you never confronted him about it but he could tell you were angry at him for something so he was trying to do everything to make it up to you, even though he didn’t know what he did. (HES SOO PUSSY WHIPPED)
you decided to talk to him about it first
as he was extremely into the movie, he didn’t even notice that you tapped him to talk until you went down on the floor and crawled to his legs💀
as you crawled closer to his legs he also manspreaded™️
you placed your hands on his thighs as his breath hitched and then you….
“i am NOT happy with you right now😡” you said as you pouted between his legs
“huh..? um why did you go on the floor to say that..?” he asked confused and embarrassed for thinking he was gonna get a blowjob
“because I need a proper apology and the only way to get your attention right now is to make you think your getting a blowjob. feel ashamed.”
“im super sorry for.. whatever I did.. but i don’t know why your angry baby?”
yeah you thought he knew that you were angry because he ate the last ice cream sandwich but he didn’t 💀
you felt so bad so you gave the boy a proper blowjob, forgetting about the issue😭😭
after he found out that he upset you about that, he went out and bought more ice cream sandwiches and also a teddy bear
the only man who got his dick sucked without getting pissed!!🥳
r. sukuna -
uh yeah you got a death wish if you tryna pull this on him. not only will your pussy be destroyed after this, all of your ORGANS will be
but anyways.. you’ve realized that you’ve never pranked your sweet and loveable boyfriend before!🥰 so today you decided that you want to
as you walked into his room, he was sitting on his throne all high and mighty as usual
“what do you want, brat?” (a/n: wow he’s so hot guys i love when he destroys me! he loves my heart shaped sunglasses)
“i have something to gift you!” you gave him a sweet smile as he ordered you to come up
you kneeled down on your knees in front of him, asking for permission to touch him
yeah bro thought you were gonna give him a blowjob too so he agreed and you placed his hands on his thighs, as he shut his eyes
he noticed that you were taking too long to suck him off so he said something
“why the fuck are you taking so long?”
“because my gift is this!” you held up a flower… be so fr rn y/n
“are you fucking kidding me?”
he picked you up and threw you on his lap, ik that shit hurt too..
he pulled down the skirt you had down, as well as your panties
he bent you over his lap and slapped your ass
“not only are you being punished for thinking you could tease me you slut, im going to spank you until you bleed and cry out for my dick”
ian givin no warnings on this post what did u expect tbh
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naturesapphic · 3 months
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Rhea Ripley X fem!reader
Warnings: talks of periods, soft!rhea
You were laying on the couch with Barry and Luna sleeping beside you, snoring softly as you were curled up into a tight ball to stop the horrid cramps that were invading your uterus. It was late in the night as you were waiting for your girlfriend Rhea ripley to come home. She was out for work and should be coming back home soon, she texted you an hour ago that she will be home soon so here you are waiting on her the best you can.
The door swung open, waking up the animals in the process, and your girlfriend comes in carrying bags full of stuff as she walks over to you. “Hey possum. Are you feeling alright? I’m sorry it took me so long. I got you some stuff though.” She explained sitting down the bags on the coffee table in front of you and you started going through the bags like a raccoon. She chuckles and watches your face light up at the snacks, pads, tampons, chocolates, chips, etc. “thank you so much rhe!” You exclaimed happily as you take one of your favorite chocolate bar out and start munching on it.
“Anytime princess. Now, I’m gonna run you a hot bath to help you with those cramps and I’m gonna order you your favorite foods while you relax okay possum?” Rhea explained as she gave you a loving smile. You nodded your head and gave her a smile. She went up the stairs and started your bath as Barry woke up from his slumber and went over to you, sensing that you were in pain. He sat on top of your stomach and curled up into a ball which made you smile. A few moments later, Rhea came back down the stairs and awed at the sight of her big head Barry curled up on her lovers stomach.
Rhea walks over to the pair on the couch and gently moves Barry off of you which causes you to pout. “But he felt so nice on my stomach! It was like a weighted fluffy ball on me.” You said pouting as Rhea picks you up in her strong arms and chuckle. “After your bath you can come back down here and you can cuddle with him sweet girl.” She said as she carried you up the stairs and helps you undress as rhea carefully helps you in the warm tub. “While you soak in here I’m gonna go order your food now okay darling? Just stay put and relax my love.” She said softly as she kissed your forehead lovingly. She went to the other room to order while you sat in the warm water, soaking, feeling your cramps dying down a bit.
Rhea came back into the bathroom and knelt down by the side of the tub “you feeling alright love?” Rhea asked as she caressed your face with her tattooed covered hand. You nodded against it and kissed her knuckles softly which caused a smile to bloom on her gorgeous face. “Let me get you out okay? I have your favorite sweatshirt of mine that you like to steal and some shorts. I put them in the dryer for you so they can be toasty for you when you put them on.” Rhea explained as she gently lifted you out of the tub and wrapped a big fluffy towel around your shivering body and carried you out to y’all’s shared bedroom. She helped you get dressed into the warm clothes and helped you down the stairs as your legs started to shake from the pain of the cramps.
Rheas phone dinged, signaling that the food was here and she told you to sit down in the couch while she goes and gets it. When you sat down, Barry comes running up to your legs and jumps onto the couch and crawls into your lap. Rhea comes back with the food and lays it out on the coffee table and you start to dig in. After y’all finished eating, Rhea had you laying on top of her with your back facing her while Luna was near her head and barry was back on your stomach. “Thank you for taking care of me Demi…I love you so much…” you said softly, using her real name to show/tell her that you genuinely love and appreciate her. She blushes and kisses the top of your head lovingly as she gently rubs the sides of your stomach. “I love you more possum and of course. I’ll do anything for my little baby.” She said as you blushed and snuggled further into her as the cramps fade away.
A/n: I started this fic when I was on my period and didn’t finish it until now and I start my period back next week soooo lmao I hope y’all enjoyed! Requests are still open for all of my characters including of course Rhea ripley/Demi Bennett. I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here's my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y'all!
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willyoubemycherryy · 3 months
❦𝒫ℯℯ𝓀 ℴ𝒻 𝓂ℴ𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓁𝒾𝒻ℯ 𝒶𝓈 𝒞𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓊𝓂’𝓈 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁𝒻𝓇𝒾ℯ𝓃𝒹 ❣︎
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: its her world and hes just living in it😂, singing, intrusive thoughts prevailing, kissing, snuggling, they are in domestic love, fluff( ˘ ³˘)♥︎٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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. ⁂✩.•..*.🜚.*✧.* •
“𝑺𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒏’ 𝒇𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔, 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔...”
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There was never a dull moment on his days off. Especially if you were there.
The only remote warning that you were back again, was the pattering of your feet and the sound of your breathless giggles as a grin spread across his face. Already anticipating more of your antics.
You seemed to be enjoying his space more than usual today. Following him around the house with your arms wrapped around his middle, humming happily as you walked plastered to his back.
Then jumping to straddle his lap while he was on the couch reading one of his scripts. All so you could cup his face and smoosh your noses together, rolling your hips and singing whatever lyrics came to mind. Like a lovesick romantic (because he is one) he simply entertained you with a broad smile, holding his hands out for you to steady yourself, as you playfully moved your body on his lap.
“One look in my eyes, you know I’m lyin’ lyin!!” He couldn’t help the amused laugh that burst out as you pulled his head to you chest, holding him there dramatically as you serenaded him.
“Body to body! Skin to skin~”, Cheeks starting to hurt from how hard he was smiling. Script long forgotten as he let you subject him to whatever your beautiful mind felt like.
Even to when he was making lunch; coming to stand beside him as you wordlessly take his free hand and hold it. Staring up at him with a cute smile. Chuckling, he raises an eyebrow in question.
“I just missed you, wanted to make sure you weren’t lonely without me. I love you~” You were too adorable. Leaning down, he kisses you softly on the lips, then your forehead.
“Thank you, love. That’s very thoughtful”, nipping your cheek in amusement before adding, “and I love you too”. He coos as you release his hand in favor of crawling under his shirt, sticking your head through the top next to his, almost purring in satisfaction.
Up to now, where he had been napping on his stomach waking before he heard you coming.
The bedroom door bursts open with you singing your newest favorite. “Baby, you can hit me up, up, up all night!”, as you launch through to sit on his bum; briefly shaking the bed by rolling your hips into him, legs on either side of his hips as you stop to knead his lower back. He turns his head with a groan, smiling because he can’t help but to with you.
“Hi Callum”. You whisper, beaming as you bend down to kiss his cheek. Happy as can be after a long day of glueing yourself to him every chance you got.
“Hello pet”. Accented voice deepened from sleep, you bite your lip as you lower yourself to lay on his back.
He wonders what you plan to spring on him this time around and asks as such.
“What might you be up to this time?” He murmers out. Already drifting back to sleep, aided by the feel of your softness pressed against his back.
Kissing his nape, you decide to play nice.
“Nothin’, just came to nap with you. That okay?” Moving to whisper closer to his face, you jut your lips out. Callum peeks open one eye as he lifts his head up, pecking your pouted lips with a lazy hum.
Sighing, you settle against his back contentedly.
You would bother him more when you both wake up.
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urhoneycombwitch · 4 months
#13 of the smut prompts with older!Eddie and older!reader!!
Buying a book of sex positions because you guys aren't the same rabbits you were in your twenties and you're looking to get the gears back in motion. Everything looks so fun and exciting... until you're actually trying to figure out the mechanics and realize, this book was probably most definitely written for people with younger joints when Eddie's back is flaring up and your hip pops when he tries to fold you up
looooove this request. accommodating sex folks let's talk about ittttt. Eddie and R i imagined to be in their 50's for this.
prompt 13: trying a new position
+18 mdni
you're trying not to laugh as Eddie's tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth with concentration- he's squinting down at the book on the mattress near your head, trying to make sense of the drawing.
"sure you don't need your glasses, old man?"
he gives a light smack to the globe of your ass, pouting down at you with a touch of condescension when you whine about the sting. "sorry, baby. don't sass me and you won't get hit."
you wiggle your pelvis against his, Eddie's hands jumping to your hips as the movement catches the tip of his cock against your clit; your moans intertwine, and Eddie uses the movement to push your knees up to your chest.
now he's nearly on top of you, weight all-encompassing, draped chest to chest, voice a rock-salt rumble at your ear- "ready for this cock, honey?"
he pushes into you with one smooth motion. you can feel yourself gushing around the thickness, and Eddie's hips jerk forward, chasing the constriction of your walls.
you can see on his face that the sharp movement tweaked his back, even before he says something. you're quick to reach for him, helping him to lie flat against the mattress, his dark hair furling across the sheets.
after confirming he's okay, you start to move your hips in a slow, methodical grind, his cock nestled deep within you.
"can feel you in my throat baby," you purr, and Eddie chuckles breathlessly.
"yeah, honey? 'm I filling you up good?"
after a few more swivels, you realize you're losing some of your stamina with the motion. you tap at Eddie's hip, shushing him when he whines at you for stopping. "just a minute, Eds. wanna try something."
you lead Eddie to the armchair in the corner of his bedroom, pushing him down ass-first into the cushions and crawling into his lap. the chair is wide enough to accommodate both your frames as you plant your feet on either side of Eddie's hips, sliding his cock back into your slick channel.
pressing your lips to his ear, you whisper, "i can do leg presses all day. get ready to let your ol' lady ride the shit out of you."
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4joonkookie · 11 months
Break Me Off Another Time ♥
Just some smutty musings and 300-600 word drabble/scenarios to consider while your vibrator is charging. Jungkook is a menace.
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Words: Individual word counts and TAGS are listed, 3.3K total.
Masturbation Monday 630 words - masturbation, JK finishes what you start
You find yourself in a smutty rabbit hole in your phone, waiting for JK to get home. It’ll still be awhile before he does. Half horny, half bored, and convinced you can get yourself off without ruining yourself for him later. 
You find the right content to get off and slip your fingers beneath the waistband of your panties, sliding your fingers and spreading your wetness around. 
Not wanting to wear yourself out, you focus right on your clit, chasing it quickly, hands moving swiftly beneath the sheet. 
The bedroom door opens. You jump out of your skin and toss the phone on the bed.
He knows. A mischievous grin forms on his face right away.
“Whatcha doin'?” he asks, crawling on the bed with a suspicious cocked eyebrow. 
“Nothing, I just_,” you start to explain, and he reaches for your phone on the bed. You clamor to reach it before he does and tuck it close to your chest. 
“Let me see. What are you up to?” He teases, reaching for the phone. 
You keep a tight grip on it and he tickles your side to get it free. He lifts it and his eyes go wide. 
“Oh…” He says. And you could swear all the blood in your body rushes to your face. You try to smother yourself with a pillow. 
“You’re getting off to a video of us?!”
“Well, there are worse things, don’t you think?” The heat of embarrassment somehow gets worse. 
“So impatient,” he continues, pulling the pillow off your face. “How far did you get?” He asks, reaching his fingers between your legs and his eyes go wide in delight. “Oh, pretty far,” he coos, pressing his lips to the side of your neck. “So wet.” 
“Yeah, maybe we could just…” You trail off, pulling his body on top of yours. 
“No, no, no, I want you to finish,” he says, sitting with his back to the headboard and guiding you to press your back against his chest with his knees outside of yours, cradling you in. He holds the phone where you both can see it and guides your other hand back to your pussy. 
The video keeps playing and you move your hands slowly, unsure, head resting on his chest, his knees outside of yours. 
“That’s it,” He encourages. Out of the corner of your vision, you see his eyes are aimed down at your center. Hot breath on your neck. “It was hot enough thinking I just walked in on you jerking off, much less doing it to us. I told you making that was a good idea.”
You chuckle, circling fingers on yourself. “Shut up,”
He laughs. “Keep going, just like that, baby.” The phone is in one hand, showing off his hardbody plowing into you. He uses two fingers, lewdly spreading your lips so he can see your swollen clit better. 
Your knees start to buckle, close to coming. 
He removes your hands and gives you the screen. Replacing your hand with his, he keeps moving on you. Your eyes are darting from the screen and back to his tattooed fingers, making quick work of your pussy, sending you careening over the edge. 
“Is my good girl gonna come for me?” And he uses his body to keep your squirming one still as you cry out. His fingers circle faster and the orgasm crashes into you, phone fallen on the bed. ‘That’s it," he coos, letting it wash over you. Eventually slowing his hand down to a stop. You pant right there in his lap. He pushes 2 fingers inside, sending a shockwave of sensitivity through your body. He pulls them out and brings them to his lips, sucking them clean. 
Tasty Tuesday 540 words - teasing/edging, face riding
“Pleeeeeeease, JK.”
Your body is on fire. He's been teasing you for what feels like hours.
He’s been tracing his tongue along the inside of your thighs, leaving gentle bites and sucking little marks. He hasn’t touched your pussy at all and he swipes your hand away when you try it yourself. 
“I don’t think you’re ready,” he hums. 
Your body jolts when you finally feel something on your pussy. It's his fingers, spreading your lips apart. And you almost feel his mouth on you, but it’s only air. Warm breath blowing over your clit, causing it to painfully throb.
You groan and he chuckles. You prop yourself on your elbows, looking up at him with your best puppy dog eyes. 
“JK, I need it, please,” you beg, pushing your hips toward him. 
He dips 2 fingers inside, slowly pushing them in and out. Offering you something and it's heaven. But not where you need it most. 
“How bad do you need it?” He teases, voice low and sultry, not changing the speed of his fingers. 
“So bad,” you whine, desperate. Tangling a hand in his hair, you instinctively push him down. He resists but looks intrigued. 
“That bad?” He leans down and draws his tongue up from your opening to your clit and you just about scream. 
You keep his head pushed down with all your might, but he only maintains his slow licks, sending electricity to your spine when he flicks over your clit. 
Finally, he stops resisting his head and lets you push him right where you want him. He latches his mouth to you and focuses right on your clit, and it's almost too much after waiting so long. 
You press his whole face on your pussy and thrust your hips up to his mouth, never letting go of the hold on his dark locks. 
Suddenly, he fights free, pulling himself off you. He’s gorgeous. Hair a mess with glossy pink lips.
“Come here,” he says, laying on his back on the bed.
You know what he wants. 
He loves this, but you’re always a bit insecure about it. He senses your hesitation but pulls you by the arms toward him, now as desperate as you. He moves you so your thighs are straddled around his face and he pulls you down hard, suctioning his mouth to your pussy. 
And every insecurity leaves your body when the warmth of his mouth is on you again. He encourages your hips to start moving.
You moan, grinding on his face without even thinking. Couldn’t stop if you wanted to. You grab the side of his face and ride, taking everything he has to give you. 
He has one arm wrapped around your hips, pulling you down. The other hand is stroking himself wildly. He starts to moan and the vibrations from his voice have you coming even faster. 
You speed up, riding his face and feeling his lips, his tongue, his breath, everything right at your center. His moans get high pitched, pressed against your flesh. You know he’s close, too.
You see white and your ears ring when you come, convulsing, then slowly halting on his face. Feel spurts of JK’s cum spill on your back and ass.
Wet Wednesday 340 words - hot tub sexing, silicone-based lube
You and JK are making out in the hot tub, legs straddling him on the steps. He pulls away, heated. “Do you want to go inside?” He asks, suggesting to take this back to the room. 
“No,” you reply, kissing his neck and he lolls his head back, hard cock pressing against you. You reach over to where your purse sits on the edge of the tub. Pull out a bottle of lube. 
“MMm,” he hums, looking at you. “You planned this,” he says, drawing the string of your bathing suit bottom and pulling them down. 
“Maybe,” you wink. “Sit up for a minute.” 
He pulls his shorts down underwater and sits up on the edge. Looking around to be sure the coast is still clear, you pour lube over JKs cock and his eyes roll back as spread it around his shaft with your hand. 
You guide him back onto the first step and straddle him, lowering yourself onto his slicked cock underwater. 
You groan together as you settle onto him. He places his hands on your hips as you circle around his lap, warm water lapping over your bodies. 
You try to keep yourself quiet, but your panting can be heard in the air. There's rustling in the bushes, an animal, maybe, but it starts to spook you both. 
“Hurry,” he says, thrusting faster from below.
He hits deeper right at your spot and you cry out. He quickly places his hand over your mouth to quiet you, never stopping his pace. You have no control anymore. You can only hang around his neck while he fucks you from below. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna come, baby. Fuck. Fuck,” He whispers. His warmth spills inside and you whine behind the palm of his hand as you come and clench around his cock. He grunts through gritted teeth. You both pant and come down. 
Then, headlights pull forward at the gate by the hot tub. You both jump out, get clothes at least half way on, jump the fence, and run. 
Thigh-Ride Thursday 330 words - thigh riding, bondage, ruined orgasm
JK is tied naked to a chair, a tie wrapped around his wrists. He has a shimmer to him, sweat glistening over his chest and abs. His chest heaves and his cock stands hard and aching between his legs. 
You drag your fingertips over his nipples, making his body shake. Wrap your hand around his shaft again and stroke aggressively until his hips buck up and he’s lifting off the seat of his chair. Just before he’s over the edge, you remove your hand. Evil. 
“Noona,” he whines. “Pleeeease.”
“This is payback for the other day,” you say, kneeling between his legs. 
“I’m sorry, baby, pleeease. I need to come so bad,”
You tilt your head in sympathy and relish having control over him like this. You run your fingertips over his nipples and watch him squeal. 
“Me first,” you say. 
You straddle yourself over one of his thighs and begin sliding back and forth, gliding your pussy over the smooth skin of his leg and loving the friction. 
He’s left looking forlorn, forced to just sit and watch. 
“Fuck, you look so good,” he moans. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”
You notice his arms are shifting behind him.  
“Don’t loosen yourself,” you warn. 
“I’m not,”  he says with innocent eyes. And you keep sliding, feasting your eyes on him, watching his pretty cock leak at the very sight of you. 
He lifts his thigh up, pressing harder against your core and you close your eyes, chasing it.
You grind your way through it, open your eyes, and see him free himself from the tie. He reaches for your hips. 
“I didn’t say you could,” you scold. And without a second thought, you wrap a hand around his cock and stroke with intention. His eyes go wide and he moans. Coming and spilling over his abs and you stroke him through it. 
He gasps and shakes. “MM… so mean,” he whines. 
Four-wheel drive Friday  325 words - car sex, blowjob, spit, spitting
It started innocently enough. Your hand resting on JK’s thigh as he drives to your destination. 
It’s escalated to the point where you’re unbuckled, disheveled, and bent over the center console with his cock down your throat. He has one hand on the steering wheel and the other tangled in your hair. 
Suddenly, the tires skid as he turns into a parking lot and stops behind a building. 
“You don’t think we’ll get caught here?” You ask.
He doesn’t answer, just guide your head back down where you can properly suck him. Lips wrapped tight around his shaft and the tip hitting the back of your throat. He reclines the seat and you both take advantage of being able to do this properly (and safely). 
Soon, he stops you, pulling your head off. 
“Get in the back,” he says through kisses at the back of the car. He kneels between your legs in the cramped back seat, already pulling the panties from underneath your dress and around your ankles. 
“You’re so fucking desperate,” you hiss, through kisses and he bites your bottom lip. 
“Shut up,” he seethes, “You’d still need this even if I hadn’t fucked you twice today already.”
He unbuckles his belt and lowers his pants. He wraps arms around your thighs and pulls you down onto his dick over and over. It's uncomfortable in the cramped backseat, but it hurts in the best way. 
He looks down and watches himself disappear inside you. Then, purses his lips and spits where your bodies meet. He spits again over your clit and moves his fingers to spread it. You can feel the car rocking back and forth. 
He pulls out and leans over your face, spilling inside, wringing himself into your open mouth. 
“Let me see,” he says breathlessly and prying your jaw open. He hums in satisfaction at the sight of your mouth full of cum, purses his lips again and spills saliva into your mouth. 
“Good girl,” he says. 
Six-Pack Saturday 375 words - gym sex, doggystyle, creampie
You set down your dumbbells and sit for a rest on the bench. Looking in the mirror, you see JK on a pull-up machine behind you. A beautiful distraction. 
He’s in a pair of sweats only, glistening from the waist up. You take out your earbuds to hear him, little grunts and pants as he works his way through a set, watching the veins and muscles flex under his skin. 
His eyes meet yours in the mirror. You’re caught. He lets go of the handles, feet hitting the floor, and approaches where you are on the bench. 
“You seem distracted,” he says, wrapping arms around you from behind. 
“Maybe a little,” you admit, craning your neck back to kiss him. 
“Me too… how could I get anything done with this in front of me? ‘He grabs at your ass and begins pulling the waistband of your shorts down. 
“JK…” you scold. 
“What? There’s no one here,” he says, bending you over on the bench. One knee on the pad below you. 
“I’m all sweaty,” you excuse.
“Good,” he replies, dragging his tongue from the base of your spine up your back until he can graze teeth along your neck. 
He pulls your shorts and panties down, letting them hang off your propped ankle. He lowers the waistband of his sweats and pushes inside without hesitation. You grab onto the pad of the bench below you. 
He wraps his hands around your hips with a bruising grip and pounds inside. Placing one of his legs up on the bench, getting impossibly deeper and you cry out.
He twists your hair into both his hands and pulls up, creating a deep arch in your back. He uses the grip to angle your face to the mirror where you can watch him plow mercilessly into you, watch the flesh of your ass bounce against his pelvis. 
“So pretty, baby,” he coos and releases your hair. You catch yourself on the bench and hold on for dear life as he moves faster, chasing his orgasm. 
Wetness gushes down the insides of your thighs and he comes, spilling inside and making even more a mess of you. 
Soft Sunday  700 words [an excerpt of this] - Missionary sex, vibrators
He drags his hands over your skin, getting at the flesh under your shirt. “Anything else?” he asks, lifting the fabric over your head. You get hands on each other's bodies, a night's sleep having been too long a time away. 
You gasp and giggle when he slides his fingers inside your panties, stroking between your lips. 
“Mmmm,” you sigh, adjusting to his touch. “No, I don’t think so, just the coffee,” you tease. 
He pulls his fingers away and leans up on his knees. “If you say so.”
“Jungkook,” you whine, tugging his body close to yours again. He chuckles and pulls panties around your ankles. 
“So needy,” you remark, teasing. 
“Me or you?” he asks rhetorically. He kisses down your chest and continues. “You think I need an excuse to fuck you into the mattress other than just wanting to?” 
He kisses your lips, then leans down to pull one of your nipples into his mouth. He swirls his tongue and sucks, dragging his teeth over the sensitive skin. He smirks as he watches the flesh of your other breast spill between his fingers, puckering his lips and blowing cold air on your skin. You gasp and he wraps his mouth around the other nipple for a while, switching the motions of his hands and lips as he ruts his bare cock against the sheets.
He removes his underwear and positions himself between your legs, lacing his fingers with yours again. He lines himself up and you both groan when he pushes inside. “Fuck, you’re so deep,” you whine as he circles his hips.
He takes the utterance as a challenge and buries himself even further. He leans up on his knees with hands gripped on your hips, pressing your body onto his cock and watching himself disappear inside effortlessly.
He wrings out your pussy like a sponge, everything so wet and slippery.
“Baby, you’re dripping,” he comments.
Draping your ankles over his shoulders, he forms a ‘V’ with his fingertips and spreads your lips. He spits, warm saliva spilling on your clit. He fills you with shallow thrusts and rubs circles, alternating both thumbs, his other fingers gripped around your hips. You cry out, feeling the heat build up in your belly.
He lodges fully inside when you come, pushing against that spot that makes you leak. 
“I love when you clench around me like this,” he says, collapsing on his hands again, bending you in half and losing his rhythm. “So fucking wet,” he moans, losing control. He pulses inside as you drag nails down his back. 
He barely catches his breath before speaking again. “You sound so pretty when you come,” he says, reaching to the bedside table for the vibrator. 
He stays pushed in and you feel his cock softening inside. “Let me hear it again?” He powers the toy on and goosebumps rise on your skin.
“Come again for me?” he affirms.
You drag your bottom lip between your teeth, contemplating the idea as he drags it over your thighs. 
“Softer,” you instruct, and he’s already done it. The threatening boom of the toy is lowered to a gentle buzz before you can even finish the sentence.  
“I know,” he says, prodding the tip of the toy where your bodies are connected, gathering fluid to push over your clit. “So sensitive,” he remarks. 
You prop yourself on your elbows to see what he sees. 
He holds it on your clit and your knees buckle. Using his free hand, he keeps them pried open and rubs the toy in circles on you with eyes glued to your face.
He gathers more of your mess on his free fingers and presses them to your lips. You suck and moan, feeling yourself close again.
“Ungh, Jungkook,” you cry out when your mouth is empty. “Please,” awed at how he’s put you in this desperate place again. 
“Gonna come again, baby?” he taunts, increasing the setting on the toy. He pushes his hips forward to stay buried inside as you tense around him again. 
You moan, legs shaking. He holds the toy in place until you come and shove his hands away in oversensitivity. 
He leans down and kisses your lips. You can feel the smile on his mouth, proud of what he’s done. He grunts when he finally falls out of you, standing up from the bed to grab a towel to clean himself.
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putellas14 · 11 months
Mapi- "Go to sleep, I will not leave you alone."
content warning: R is a war time reporter assigned to Ukraine
It had been five months since you'd been home. Your job as a journalist for one of the largest news outlets in Spain had sent you to Ukraine to cover the war. The assignment wasn't officially over but they were pulling you out over growing safety concerns. Although you were desperately scared, you didn't want to go home yet. There was still so much news to cover and if you went home, then no one from Spain would be left there to report on what was happening.
They had arranged transport for you the day after notifying you. Which had left you very little time to finish documenting everything you needed for the story you were writing. You worked all night, meeting with different officials and witnesses. And by the morning, you felt mildly confident that you had enough information to write your next piece.
You knew it was nowhere near sufficient, though. All the Ukranian people would be left behind with no option to evacuate with you. And that was something that had begun causing you heartache as soon as you'd read the email you were going home.
The plane ride home was one of the longest flights you'd ever been on. Everyone was completely silent, lost in their own heads processing the last five months and trying to figure out what comes next. Processing how they would return to normal life.
Your team rode in a bus to the office. It was the middle of the work day but your boss had told you all to go home and get some rest.
Your heart started beating a little faster when you saw the familiar car in the lot. And the brunette leaning back against it, arms folded. You'd texted Maria this morning to let her know you'd made it on the plane and you'd see her at home after her training was over. Frowning, you looked down at yourself. Your clothes were wrinkled and hadn't been washed in a few days. You hair was an absolute mess. You smelled slightly from the flight.
But when she spotted you through the window of the bus and smiled brightly up at you, none of that mattered. You waited impatiently to get off the bus. Crossing to her quickly, you collapsed against her, your arms tight around her neck.
"Welcome home, my love," she whispered into your neck.
"I missed you," you said before kissing her. Leaning back, you ran a hand through her hair. "I like your hair."
"Let's get you home," she added. She kissed your cheek before bending down for your bag.
At home, you ate a snack, marveling at how amazing it tasted before passing out on the bed. In month two, your hotel had been bombed and since then, you'd been sleeping on a broken cot in a crowded basement with a bunch of other reporters, never sure when your next substantial meal would come.
It was dark outside when you awoke. Maria had laid a sweater at the foot of the bed for you. Smiling at it, you pulled it on, appreciating her thoughtfulness. It was something small but it meant a lot to you.
You found her in the living room, playing with one of the three cats the two of you had adopted last year. "He's gotten so big," you said after watching her from the doorway for a minute.
She looked up at you, smiling. "How was your sleep?" She held her hand out to you.
"Weird to sleep in a bed," you answered, crossing the room to take her hand and sit down on the floor. "It's going to take some getting used to." The black cat crawled up into your lap. "Hola, mi gordito," you whispered, giving him pets.
"They missed you. They'd wait at the front door after I came in, hoping you'd come in behind me."
"That's really sweet," you said. Leaning down, you kissed the top of the cat's head. You snuggled him close for a few minutes before he jumped out of her arms to curl at your feet.
Mapi watched the entire interaction with soft eyes. She'd missed you. Your presence. Your scent. Your loving nature. Even with all the cats, the house had seemed empty. Clearing her throat, she said, "I've got the potatoes boiling. Figured I'd make your favorites for dinner. Probably been a while since you've eaten any of them."
"Thank you, amor."
"I was thinking about getting a run in before we eat. Do you want to come?"
You felt awful but a run would help. You couldn't remember the last time you had been on a run for exercise. Your boss had essentially forbidden leaving for anything non-work related. "I might be a little slow to keep up with you," you admitted shyly.
"You set the pace, babe," she said, reaching over to take your hand. "I'll run with you."
You squeezed her hand and gave her a small smile, grateful to have someone next to you that was as sweet as Maria. And she was true to her word. During the run if her stride starting getting too long, she pulled herself back. She always let you lead.
And in the shower afterwards, she let you lead the slow dance to relearn each other's bodies.
You were quiet through dinner, Mapi knew it. But she filled the space. She let you be as quiet as you needed to be. She gave you everything that you needed that night. She held you on the couch afterwards, running her hands slowly through your hair. The tv was on low in the corner. She whispered sweet words in your ears and made sure you knew how missed you had been. Your emotions got the better of you at one point and tears had filled your eyes. You tried to hide them but she saw and gave you soft kisses in response.
Everything was fine until it was time for bed. Until you laid down in bed and she turned out the light. The dark. The dark was the worst time over there. During the day, you could see. More people were around. At night, it was dark. You were alone. Even in a roomful of people, you were alone.
You were shaking when she got into bed. "Babe." She touched your arm. "What's the matter?"
"I." You grabbed onto her hand. "Can you just hold me?" She laid down, putting her arm around your waist. "Tighter. I need to feel you here."
She pulled you closer to her, keeping a hard grip on you. "Go to sleep, baby. I won't leave you alone." She kissed the top of your head and snuggled into you. "I love you."
"Love you," you muttered into her, slowly relaxing into sleep.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
first father day for our boys!
Note: it's dad!driver, which we all love!
Charles Leclerc
"We don't want to wake up papa, right, my love?", you asked your son as you took him out of his bed, changing his diaper in the changing table, "and now you're going to tuck into mama's chest while I make us some breakfast", you wrapped him in the sling, grabbing your utensils and starting your baking.
When you had everything ready, you put it in a tray, balancing the tray and your son, "see? Papa drives really fast cars, but can he do what mama's doing? I don't think so, mon ange", you kissed the top of his head, walking inside the bedroom and seeing your shirtless husband resting his back against the headboard, "seems papa is not going to be surprised as he is up already", you scrunched your nose, setting the tray down on the bed so you could unwrap Hervé so he could go to Charles, "happy father's day, my love", you said as Hervé snuggled on his chest.
"Aren't you happy today?", Charles cooed as his son smiled up at him, "I really want to spend the day in bed with my two favourite people, if that's okay", your husband suggested, "and I smell some delicious pancakes, which is more the reason to stay inside", he smiled.
Sitting next to him, you snuggled to his side, the both of you looking at your baby boy, "you're the best papa, Charles, and we are both so lucky to have you in our lives", you whispered, rubbing your nose on his bicep, "I'm the lucky one, Y/N".
George Russell
"Hey, little love", George croaked out as Olivia crawled up to him, her hands going up to his face as she tapped his stubbly cheek, "isn't this a great morning greeting, hm? Seeing your gorgeous face right in the morning", your husband straightened up, propping himself against the pillows so he could sit Olivia on his lap.
"Mummy is doing something downstairs, isn't she? She always goes all out for these celebrations, and we love that very much, but she also loves to do those things alone, she likes having control over it", he smiled as his daughter grabbed his cheeks, "they're not as squishy as yours, buy they'll do apparently", he managed to say as Olivia pulled and pushed.
After waiting a little bit, George out on a t-shirt and walked downstairs with Olivia on his hip, finding his wife in her pyjamas, writing a card, "hello, handsome. Me and Liv are you a card", you smiled as you showed him the abstract drawing, "very artsy, that's for sure. So we are having breakfast and then going to my parents'?", he recalled, "yes. Your mother just texted me saying the surprise for your father if going in full swing, he doesn't suspect a thing", you smiled.
"Sounds like grandpa is going to love his surprise then", George cheered to Olivia, "all of the kids and grandkids in the same place".
Mick Schumacher
"When mama said she was surprising papa, she didn't account for you walking me up, did she?", Mick said as Aurora fussed in her cot beside the bed, making him pick her up so he coiled changed her diaper and grab her bottle, "she forgets that your our alarm clock these days", he chuckled as he walked downstairs, wanting to make it easier for you and not having you carry anything upstairs.
Pierre Gasly
"She's baking that cake I really like, isn't she? I bet you told her I was craving it, and that was our secret, miss Rora", he chuckled, crossing the corner and seeing Angie greet him excitedly before he heard your voice, "I knew you were up the minute Angie left me in the kitchen. This little bug was supposed to keep sleeping so you would be surprised", you pouted, hugging your husband's torso and kissing your daughter's cheek.
"I can go back upstairs if you want me to act surprised", Mick pointed to the stairs, "I'll just jump and pretend I didn't know you were baking my favourite, I'll even let out a small scr-", he chuckled out as you started tickling his stomach, "I'm perfectly fine with eating here. I have my girls, all three of them", he said as Angie laid by his feet, "best father's day ever".
"This is where papa used to race", Pierre spoke to Alexandre as he looked curiously around the track. Since his brothers also wanted to spend a fun father's day wirh their kids, who were a good bit older than your son, he rented out the karting track so they could spend their day together.
Lance Stroll
"And you will too one day, if that's something you'd like to do, join your cousins for races and battle for the first place", Pierre continued, "we might have to wait a while, I'm sure mama will wrap you in bubble wrap the minute you say something about karting and I'm going to be the one to hear about it the first time you have so much of a scratch".
"They're the duo you always imagined they would be, hm?", your sister in-law Charlotte said as you sat down at the tables, sipping on your coffees, "he's my son, and I know he loves me as I love him, but as soon as Pierre gets back or as soon as he sees him, it's gars competing with my husband for his attention", you smiled, "the fact that they're lookalikes also helps the whole thing, it's Pierre and his mini him, and he loves every second of it".
"I don't know if I ever told you, but when you were pregnant, he was so worried he wasn't going to be a good father because of his schedule, that you and Alexandre would resent him sooner rather than later. We told him he was so wrong, there was no way that would happen", Charlotte noted, "and it's true, look at him", you pointed at your husband who was adjusting Alexandre in a go kart with him as the baby sat on his lap, "the best papa".
"When mummy and I found out we were expecting you, I think that was one of the best days of my life", Lance told the little baby resting in his arms, big brown eyes looking up at his own and hanging on to every word he was saying, "the other ones are probably when I won my first race, when mummy and I started dating, and when we got married. The day you were born, though, that was another level of happiness and a bunch of other emotions", Lance gulped, "you made me a father, Addy, and I hope I'm doing my best because you and mummy deserve the world, the moon and the stars, and I'm trying to get them for you", he said as he snuggled her further into the blanket and on his chest.
The night was beautiful, nice temperature and clear sky so you could see the stars, shining beautifully. The plans weren't big, but neither of you liked big plans. A cabin for the weekend and the perfect environment to just chill out and enjoy family time.
"Here's your mug", you called, holding the two steaming mugs with tea and setting your husband's in the arm of the big garden sofa, "we're you two having a chat?", you asked, kissing Lance's lips and Addalynn's head, "is it a chat if it's just me doing the talking? Little miss is not very keen on sharing her opinion", he chuckled.
"She loves listening to you, I think she's fine with just that", you smiled, taking a sip from your mug and snuggling up to him, "did you like your first father's day, love?", you wondered, "I loved it, I spent it with my favourite girls, doing my favourite things", he smiled back, "there's nowhere o would rather be", he said before kissing your forehead.
Daniel Ricciardo
Daniel had been the one to make the plans for his first father's days: a picnic in the garden with his wife and daughter. They ate croissants they had baked in the morning and shared giggles and silly faces whilst enjoying the sun.
"I'm going to make a flower bracelet for you, little one", he explained as he gathered the flowers, "this is going to be a present for you, even though it will never come close to the best present I ever got from mummy, which is you, by the way, in case daddy wasn't clear", he chuckled, "so we begin with this one here, and we thread it through here", he kept showing her as you took in the sight.
Daniel was the best father to your little girl. There wasn't a moment where he didn't give his all for her, always there at her every need and encouraging her whenever she braved through in her explorer adventures, "That's right, that goes in your wrist. Clever girl!", he cooed, kissing her chubby cheeks.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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lucerothings1 · 1 year
JJ maybank x male reader smut
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Warnings: gay sex, top jj, bottom reader, oral, cowboy and missionary,ass eating.
Summary: you and jj sneak out of school for some alone time.
“Hey babe babe” you heard your boyfriend JJ whisper from aside you as you where both in class taking a test “What” you whispered back to him “I’m soooo horny can we please get out of here” he whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“We can’t” you told him “Okay look we can just follow my lead” “What” “Um teacher can I please go to the nurse my head is pounding” jj said with his hand in the air “Really JJ fine you can go” the teacher said rolling his eyes “Okay come on” JJ said getting a hold of your hand “Um where do you think your going mister” “Um he’s my boyfriend I need support through all this you know” JJ responded holding his head in his hand.
“No I don’t thi” “Run go go go” JJ yelled at you as he pulled your hand and you both bolted out of the class room as the teacher didn’t follow ether of you not really caring.
“Come on baby” JJ said as you both ran through the school halls and bolted out the front door of the school as you both went inside your car. “Okay so where do you want to go” “Um your house are your parents home” “No there not” you responded as you drove off to your house as you palmed JJ though his shorts on the drive.
“Oh fuck baby thank god where here now” JJ said as you both jumped out the car and you pulled out your keys as you opened the door and closed the door shut and before you knew it JJ had pushed you to the wall and locking your lips together.
As you both walked to your room and shut your door as jj pushed you on to your bed and you continued to make out he soon started kissing down your neck leaving love marks on you.
“Oh fuck baby your so hot” he said to you as he started to strip himself of his clothes and you of yours now that you where both completely naked he pushed you once again on the bed as he lifted up your legs giving him sight to what he was truly after.
“Ah fuck baby you sweet little ass all for me” he said as he got on his knees as he pulled you to the edge of the bed “AH-fuck” you moaned as JJ slapped your ass causing him to smile and his eyes brighten up as he saw your ass jiggle thanks to him.
“What are you waiting for big boy” you told him as he was biting and licking his lips look mesmerized by the site in front of him as he started by licking your entrance as he continued by sucking at your eager hole as he soon started to fuck you with his tongue.
“Oh fuck baby you taste so good for me” he said praising you and going back to his work as you pushed his face deeper as you felt JJ become more feral on your ass even giving you a bite on your cheeks as he got up.
“What why did you stop” you whined missing the sensation of his tongue working on you “Well I want you to suck my cock” he said plain out and simple as he laid on the bed awaiting your mouth as you smirked at him and crawled to him as he lowered your mouth on his lengths fiery red tip as you looked up to a eyes closed and lower lip bitting JJ you so loved to see.
“Oh fuck baby please I need your hot mouth” he said to you as you nearly swallowed half of him since he was 10 inches long you had actually never even thought of him to be that long your first time but like always he was full of surprises and his big cock was just a bonus for you from him.
As you continued to suck him off and wrapping your hand on the rest of him you couldn’t fit in. “Oh fuck stop” he said to you taking you off of him “Your amazing but I don’t want the fun to end just yet baby” he said to you smirking as he pulled you up making you sit on his lap as he teased you with his erection by slapping it on to your ass.
“Okay baby ready” “For you always big boy” you said back as he got ahold of his cock aligning it to your hole as he got ahold of your waist pushing you down on him “Oh fuck baby your so tight and your ass is just sucking me in” he said scrunching up his face in pleasure as he was now half way in.
“Ah-oh don’t stop J keep going” you moaned out to him as you also started to sink yourself onto him as he was fully now in. “Oh fuck J” you moaned in pleasure as you started to rock your hips “Oh fuck baby yes ride me ride my fucking cock baby” he moaned in pleasure as he rolled his eyes.
“Huh-oh fuck yeah baby yeah take my cock” JJ said as he got a hold of your waist and begun to fuck you on his cock causing you to become a moaning mess not being able to form words.
Ah-yeah baby you like that you like when daddy’s rough with you” he said as he now put his hands on your thighs and pushed you on to your back as he was still inside you. “Oh fuck me J yeah give me your cock” you moaned as you lifted up your legs as JJ got ahold of them both keeping them lifted up as he distorted your ass.
“Oh fuck J I’m close” you yelled as he continued to fuck “Yeah baby okay cum for me cum for my big cock” he said heavily as he begun stroking your cock while also slamming into your prostate sending you over the edge as you moaned loudly as you cumed on your stomach as you also felt JJ’s pace getting more sloppy meaning he was close to now.
Oh fuck baby I’m gonna cumm” he yelled as he erupted inside you as you felt his cock pulse and fill you up to the brim completely as he collapsed on top of you “oh fuck thank you baby” JJ said to you kissing you as he was about to pull out “Mm don’t not yet” you said stopping him from pulling out “ What why” “Give me a minute” you said as you reached for a plug on your side drawer “Huh so that why” “Yes I want your load to stay in me” “Well we don’t need that then” he said throwing it across the room “Where just gonna stay like this” he said smiling at you “ really with your cock in may ass” yeah look on the brute side if we go again I’m already inside and little buddy gets to stay warm in there” “Oh trust me J there’s nothing small about your buddy” you said as you both stayed cuddling with one another as JJ stayed inside you.
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mandarinmoons · 12 days
HI HI! I hope your having a good day! Do you write for mreader? If so could you write dadspence raising a daughter with mreader? Its ok if not id settle for anything :)) TYSM!
There's not a whole lot of mention of the reader being male but I hope it's alright 😅
You woke up to the smell of pancakes hitting your nose and small hands latching onto your side. Wiping the sleep from your eyes you turned your head to the side and saw your daughter Bailey still fast asleep, her hands gripping the material of your sleep shirt.
As you caressed Bailey’s head you heard footsteps approaching the bedroom and saw Spencer peek his head through the doorway, checking to see if his favorite sleepyheads were still asleep.
Spencer smiled and walked to the bed, his hand cupping your cheek and pressing a light kiss to your lips.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Good yeah. When did you get up?”
“About an hour ago. I wanted to surprise you with a good breakfast.”
“That I can smell, yes.”
Spencer chuckled and sat down on the bed, his head coming to rest on your shoulder while he admired the little girl still curled up by your side, sleeping away peacefully.
All of this was still new. You and Spencer had talked about wanting kids, you had specifically mentioned wanting a daughter, and now that dream became a reality. There were some side eyes at the start considering the child would go to a home with two fathers, but did that really matter at the end of the day if the child was loved and well taken care of? Luckily the response was positive and Bailey arrived at her new home, holding onto both of her father’s hands. 
A moment later Bailey stirred in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open and met with yours.
“Morning pumpkin.”
Bailey giggled in response and crawled into your lap, wrapping her arms around your neck and kissing your cheek.
“Good morning daddy.”
Bailey crawled towards Spencer and kissed his cheek too. Spencer pulled Bailey into a hug and kissed her cheek in return multiple times which caused both you and Bailey to chuckle.
“Are you hungry sweetie?”
“Mhm. I want pancakes.”
“Well you’re in luck because that’s just what I made!”
Spencer picked Bailey up in one of his arms while his other hand took yours in his and you all made your way into the kitchen. 
The smell of the pancakes was still fresh in the air and Bailey quickly jumped down and made her way to her seat, tugging on your hand to join her.
Once the plates were set, Bailey insisted on stacking everyone’s plates and adding some toppings by everyone's choice.
Spencer’s cakes were decorated with a little blueberry heart while yours was decorated with an XO made of syrup.
The rest of the morning was spent making plans for the day and Bailey wiping yours and Spencer’s mouths whenever you both got a bit of food on the corners of your mouths. It was easily one of the best mornings you’ve had in a while.
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darlingsfandom · 8 months
Cillian wants to make a sex tape to help him get through business trips 😉
Anything he wants !! He gets! 🥵
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You were laying on the bed with your legs crossed in the air. Your pen scribbled on the paper when the bedroom door opened and on the other side was Cillian with a big grin.
"Hi baby!" You closed your journal and set it aside as he walked in with his hands behind his back.
"Hello beautiful" Cillian leaned down and kissed you before he stood up straight and looked at you with a mischievous grin.
"What's behind your back Cill?"
Cillian pulled out a camera and bit his lip as he watched you raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What's that for?" He set the camera down on the dresser that faced the bed and sat down next to you while grabbing your hands.
"I was thinking that since I've been gone and I know you get lonely like I do.... maybe we could make a sex tape?" He chewed on his lip while you sat there with wide eyes and cherry cheeks.
"You want to make a sex tape with me?" You choked out the words as he nodded.
"Of course I do baby! Why wouldn't I ? You beautiful ... sexy... and quit ta screamer." He gave you a wink as you playfully hit his chest.
"Let's do it!" You slapped your thighs and gave him a kiss. Cillian stood up quickly and grabbed the camera as if he were a director. He turned on the camera as you sat there fixing your hair a little.
"Say hi to ta camera baby."
"Hi Cillian!" You waved and blew him a kiss at the camera as he zoomed in on you.
"What are you doing baby?"
"I miss you daddy! That's why we're making this tape! So you can play with your cock while you're away from me!" You gave him a playful pout.
"Yer gonna miss me cock aren't ya pretty girl?"
"Uh huh! Gonna miss you and your cock daddy." You made another kissy face at the camera before you watched Cillian place the camera so that when he watched it later he'd see both of you. Cillian sat down next to you and patted his lap. You crawled onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. Cillian lifted your hips a little to see your ass off to the camera.
"That's my good girl! Show the camera your pretty ass." He gave a hard spanking that made you jump a little.
"Daddy!" You held onto his shoulders and started grinding your ass against his crotch. "Oh daddy! You're already hard!" You kissed him hungrily as your movements became more needy.
"Can't help it, got ta prettiest baby bouncin on me lap!" Cillians hands ran down your back and gripped your ass giving another spank before the power washed over him and before you could gasp he had you on your back with your hands above your head. You smiled up at him before he pulled away and got up to grab the camera.
"Show me your tits baby!" He held the camera in his hand as you sat up on your knees and pulled your tank top over your head. "Wow! Look how pretty they are." Cillian used his free hand to reach out and play with your nipples while you chewed your bottom lip. He twisted your nipple making you gasp.
"Daddy!" You moaned as he started pulling them. Cillian pulled away leaving you sitting on your knees before he angled the camera differently.
"Take yer panties off baby, let me see ya pretty little cunt yeah?" Cillian smirked as you stood up and took off your panties. "Aww baby, look at tat wet spot already!" He pointed the camera down to zoom on your cunt while his finger dragged through your folds and slowly started sliding it and out of you. "Good girl! Ya like takin me fingers don't ya baby!"
"Fuck it feels good Cillian!" He gave you a stern look.
"Daddy!" You corrected yourself as his second finger started sliding in and out of you. Cillian set the camera down on the side of the bed carefully so that he could get the shot of him getting between your legs and eat you out. Your hands quickly tangled into his salt and pepper locks. "Fuck!! Feels good daddy!"
"Yeah? Like when I eat yer cunt baby?" Cillian looked up at you while his fingers twisted in and out of you while he sucked on your clit slowly making sure to make eye contact with you.
"Yes yes YES!" His fingers sped up as he sucked harder on your clit which made you gasp. Your thighs started shaking as Cillian started lapping his tongue over your folds.
"Mmmhmm" he hummed into your pussy while his tongue worked you over. Your nails dug into his scalp as your back arched forward. You knew that you were closer and so did Cillian which is why he hooked his arms under your thighs and devoured your pussy.
"OH MY GOD ! IM CUMMING IM CUMMING DADDY!" Your eyes squeezed shut as you held his head in place with his tongue deep inside and his nose bumping against your clit as your thighs clenched around his head. You felt him hum in response as he licked up your cum.
Your body went limp and freed him. Cillian licked his lips at you as he stood up and dropped his boxers. You laid there panting as Cillian lined the head of his cock against your cunt. Whimpers left your mouth as Cillian pushed gently into you.
"Shh shh it's okay baby, I got ya. I know yer sensitive...it's okay ." His fingers stroked your thighs while he kept his eyes locked on yours. Your pupils were blown with lust and cheeks flushed but you were ready. Cillian waited until he was fully inside of you before he started thrusting in and out slowly. He leaned in and kissed you softly making your mouth open just enough to slip his tongue inside of you. The kiss got hungry fast and you found your self frenching him hard as he pushed your legs back so your knees were by your chest and he was deep inside of you and hitting your g-spot.
"Oh god! Right there! Faster!! Fuck!!" You wrapped your arms around his back as tightly as you could to pull Cillian in deeper. He didn't hold back anymore and fucked you dumb. Your eyes rolled back while he grunted loudly which made you scream! Your hand snaked back around to reach between your bodies so you could rub your clit.
"No! That's mine!" He scowled at you while swatting away your hand so he could rub your clit hard while his dick pounded faster into you. It was overwhelming in such a good way that with in seconds you realized that your orgasm was happening.
"Tats me good girl yeah! Fucking squirting on me cock! Good girl!" Cillian edged you as he pulled out so you could gush against his cock still. You cried loudly as your thighs trembled . Cillian quickly put his dick back inside of you and lifted your legs so he could drill deep into you. "Just like dat baby! Fuck gonna cum in ya cunt! Fuck baby!" And with a few more sloppy thrust, Cillian was cumming deep inside of you with loud grunts.
He pulled out slowly and reached for the camera. You looked at it all blissed out and dumb fucked.
"I love you baby."
"I love you Cillian." You blew him another kiss before he shut off the camera , set it aside and helped you into the bathroom so that he could give you a relaxing bubble bath.
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13as07 · 4 months
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Parasite #2
(Shino Aburame)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to 1ObiraacKima]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,471
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Hickeys (I have a hickey fetish and pale boys look good with them)
     Fingertips ghost over my side, heavy enough to spark my nerves but light enough not to tickle me. "Jewel beetle," Shino's soft but rigid sleep voice rings out. "I need you to wake up - "
     "Why is that?" I ask, already knowing what his next phrase is going to be. 
     His first sigh of the day is let out, coating my face in his warm breath. "The reason being," he mutters, painfully aware of his little catchphrase, "that I have a lot to do today and you seem to have the inability to sleep alone."
"I can sleep alone, I just chose not to," I mutter, shifting to lay on top of the bug boy, who in turn sighs again.
"We have to get up, I have stuff to do," he whispers back, sitting up with me still buried in his chest. "Un-cling yourself," Shino orders, trying to loosen my hold on him.
I give into him, letting him untangle my limbs, leaving me loose in his lap. My head tilts up, chin resting on Shino's chest as I look up at him. His eyes are shiny despite the muddied light seeping into our tent. "Good morning, Shi-Shi."
"Don't call me that," he grumbles, lifting me out of his lap. Shino is gentle as he lays me back on our camping sheets, leaving me to do his thing. I flap back down, set on soaking up the last few minutes of sleep before I'm dragged out of the tent. "You need to get up."
Despite the order, Shino does his best to stay quiet as he shuffles around our makeshift room. My eyes trail after him, watching him pull stuff out for our day.
My attention is sparked when his shirt is tugged off, jump-starting my movements. I crawl forward, resting against Shino's bareback as I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Hey Shi?" I hum, trialing kisses across his shoulders, making a beeline for his neck.
"No," he husks out, not bothering to entertain me. "I already told you - "
"Ya, ya, ya. You have a busy day today," I mutter, quickly tugging my shirt off before falling back into place. My lips settle on the dip of his neck where it starts to melt into his shoulder. I drop my hands down too, softly running my nails over his ribs as he enjoys. I suck on his neck, planning to leave a deep bruise on his delicate skin. "But if you blame me for being late you know your dad will blow it off."
"You are a parasite," Shino breathes out, his hands stalling because of my touches. "I have things to do. I do not have time for this type of attention. Please keep your hormones in check."
I hum against him, sucking on his skin harder to push my plan forward faster before he has the chance to un-attach me. "Jewel beetle," he groans, hand moving backward to gently press on my forehead.
Reluctantly, I pull away, my mouth still wrapped around his skin as long as possible. "You're no fun," I murmur, letting my tongue slide over the bruise. The hickey is a large dark circle with pecks of red that promise to melt into a pretty purple color. "Let me enjoy my time with you."
"Eating me like the parasite you tend to act like is not how I'd like to spend time together," Shino complains, his hand falling to push me away from the bruises. His fingers run over it, getting me another deep sigh. "Parasite," he mumbles under his breath, hand falling to wrap around my wrist.
I'm tugged forward, settled into his lap again, but this time my back is pressed into his chest. Shino's long fingers are back in movement, digging through my bag. His free hand coats through my hair, gently working out the knots until he pulls my hairbrush out.
Soon, the brush replaces his fingers. Shino is soft and slow as he fixes my hair, being sure not to pull the strains as he works out the twists and turns of it. His fingertips follow the path of the brush, smoothing my hair down as he works the knots out.
I can feel his eyes jumping over me and the way his chest puffs fast a few times before he tries to calm his breathing down. "Get dressed and go find something to do," Shino murmurs, moving me off of him before he goes back to getting himself ready.
"I could do you," I counter, crawling after him again.
"I said to find something to do, not someone," he grumbles, but doesn't stop me from wrapping my arms around him and latching my mouth to his back. More grumbles and groans spill from the man as I decorate his spine with hickeys, enjoying getting to spend my morning stamping more bruises into him.
I nod along to the gossip clan women are talking about, my focus being on the child in my lap who has decided playing patty cake with my face is better than playing with my hands. I puff my cheeks out while the child claps their hands, a drawn-out "puff" sound leaving my mouth when he smushes my cheeks.
The child falls into a fit of laughter because of the sound, leaning backward as he giggles. "He, he, he," I mock, tightening my hold on the toddler before leaning forward to tilt him further back.
"Lady Shino Ma'am!" The child giggles out, clinging to my arm as he hangs upside down.
"I was called?" Shino's monotone voice rings out from behind me.
I sit up straight again, the child in tow as I move. "Shino!" The child yells, hands leaving my arms to stretch towards the Chief's son.
"Hello, Kayoko," Shino mumbles, shifting the plates in his hands before picking up the child from my lap. "How are you small one?" He asks, being met by the toddler smushing his cheeks like he was doing to me a few seconds before.
The young boy goes on a ramble, Shino paying full attention and nodding along to the jibber-jabber. "That sounds great," he mumbles, eyes glancing around. "Let's return you to your mother though."
"But I'm having fun playing with your friend!"
"Oh, I know. My Jewel Beetle has the best games but for now, she needs to eat and so do you," Shino explains, his voice getting quieter the further he walks away from me. My eyes trail after the two of them, my stomach brewing with baby fever at the sight.
By the time Shino returns, all I can think about is the sight of him carrying our child around the kitchen as he cooks. "Are you alright?" He asks, setting the plates he's been carrying onto the table. "You look warm. Are you warm?" He continues, pressing a hand to my forehead.
"No, I'm fine," I mutter, letting my eyes fall to the plates.
Shino has made my plate, already cut up my pancake, and coated it in maple syrup for me. "Then what is the matter?" He asks hand pressed to my cheek before falling to my neck, continuing to check for a fever.
"Nothing, I'm fine Shi-shi."
His eyebrows scrunch up, his hand going still on my neck as his sunglasses tilt down to look at me better. "Why are you so red then?"
"Just thinking of some things," I whisper, glancing around the table of people. Luckily it seems no one is paying attention, especially since I know Shino will keep pushing for an answer. He's not a man that likes to leave questions unanswered.
"And those things are what?"
"You're good with kids."
"You think so?" He asks, a rare smile on his face. "I've been thinking about becoming an academy teacher," Shino confesses, patting my head before he turns away from me.
I let out a deep exhale, watching as he leaves to collect our drinks. Shino just said he loved me for the first time last night, I don't need to jump hurdles straight to 'Hey you look good with a kid on your hip, let me make you a dad'.
Dear God, he'd look so hot as a dad though. More thoughts of Daddy-Shino fill my head, once again getting cut off by said bug shinobi cutting. "I am not sure which orange juice is non-pulp so I poured both. Whichever one you like you can have," he explains, setting both cups down.
I try both before picking the right one, leaving the other for Shino to have. "You're thinking of being a teacher?" I ask, toying with the pancake pieces on my plate as he settles into the spot next to me.
"Yes, I have been interested in taking up a career in education. I feel that this trip will help me make my final decision, the reason being - "
My mind wanders as I listen to Shino's explanation, the promise of reappearing baby fever to come if he does decide to become a teacher. "That sounds great, Shi-shi," I barge in before finally taking a bite of the pancake he prepped for me.
"Do not call me that," he mutters shortly before going back to his original conversation. "I think you should become a teacher too," he says matter-of-factly, nodding in agreement with himself. "You are good with children as well and it would be nice getting to work with you."
"I'm not a shinobi like you, remember? I wouldn't work at the Academy like you, I'd work at the civilian school."
"You could work with the younger kids," Shino explains, talking more to himself than me as he tries to plan out the situation. "When they are younger it's more book work than chakra work. You'd be perfect for the entry-level kids, especially the ones that get weeded out in the first few years. You'd be a nice comfort for them when they're moved back to civilian life."
"Whatever you say," I mumble, not believing Shino's plan will pan out. "I think I'll stick to what I'm doing now though."
"I do not like what are you doing now. It makes it difficult to make plans around my missions. I shall make you a housewife, if you'd like of course. I will not make you quit your job."
"What?" I ask, Shino's statement refusing to process in my mind.
"I think after we eat you'll join me in checking the cocoons, as long as you don't act too much like a parasite," he says, rolling over his statement like it was never uttered. Despite the nonchalant attitude Shino tries to have, I still notice the pink creeping out from under the high collar.
     Shino's soft grunts fill the silent forest as he climbs back up the tree he left me perched in. My thighs cling to the branch I'm sitting on, fearful I'll slip and plummet to my death without him next to me to keep me safe. His hood pops up over the leaves before the rest of him resurfaces. "Welcome back," I greet him, loosening my death grip on the tree.
     Despite being so high up, it's pretty being up here. What seems to be a million cocoons hang from millions of trees. Some of the butterfly homes are still green, but a lot of them have started going transparent, teases of wing colors poking through the developing clear spots.
     Shino hums in acknowledgment of my greeting, settling on the branch across from me. His legs lay on top of mine, keeping me tightly against the branch as he situates himself. His hands and attention are busy on the brown bags he's bright back with him.
     "What did you bring me?" I ask, carefully leaning forward. My hands settle on his chest, peering down alongside him as he pops the bags open.
     "Popcorn," Shino's short answer comes, the buttery treat sitting in the now open bag. "And water," he adds, resting the snack between our legs as he opens the other bag. He sets out the two water bottles he pulled from the second sack, making sure to tuck away the paper bag into a pocket before he snaps the bottles open. "It is important to stay hydrated."
     I dip my fingers into the popcorn, but Shino stops me. His fingers wrap around my wrist, moving my hand to rest on his knees before he mimics my movement. His slim fingers pick up a few curdles, the snack and sunglasses resting in front of me as he waits. I part my lips like he is expecting, the salty treat being plopped into my mouth after.
     We sit in comfortable silence, the two of us enjoying the popcorn and water as I enjoy the scenery. "Shi-shi?"
     "Don't call me that."
     "When do you think the butterflies are going to hatch?"
     "Any day now," he mutters, tucking the rest of our trash away to be thrown out when we join the clan again.
     My eyes settle on his face again, being mate with his focus still on me. "Shi-shi - "
     "Don't call me that," he sighs again, interrupting me.
     "I want a kiss," I mutter, shifting closer to him as I wrap my arms around his neck.
     Shino's hands jump up to cup my elbows, not pushing me away but not letting me move any closer. "There are many important people within the woods. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they can't see us. It's inappropriate to display affection here."
     "Can I see your eyes instead?" I ask, dipping my head forward. Our foreheads are pressed together, Shino's face covered by his hood like always, and a good amount of my face is covered by it too.
     "I've already told you, there are many - "
     He falls quiet, lips thinned by being pressed together. "We should not be sat like this. Someone could misunderstand what is going on," he mutters, pulling away from me. Shino keeps his hold on my elbows still, tugging them with him so I can keep my hold on his neck.
     I tilt my head, popping my lip out in a pout. "Shino, we're too far up for anyone to know what we're doing."
"That is not true," he whispers, gently shaking his head from left to right. His sunglasses slowly slide down his nose as Shino keeps his head dipped. His eyes shimmer because of the beams of light filtering through the tree branches. The sight makes my heart skip a beat. "You are very unaware," he mutters, his eyes scanning over me as I focus on them.
"Unaware of what?" I ask, my sights flickering from his lips to his eyes.
Shino's hand jumps from my arm to my face, turning it to a spot in the bunch of trees a few branches away. "What do you see?"
I glance at the bug boy before focusing on the spot again. "Trees? Cocoons? Leaves?"
"While that is all correct, it is not the answer I am looking for. Look harder."
I try to do what he says, focusing harder on the spot to find whatever I'm supposed to be looking for. After a few moments of silence, there's a flick of something moving in the bushel of branches. It's nothing noticeably different, possibly a bird or a squirrel moving along the branches. "There's something over there. Is it a sparrow?"
"It's a Shinobi. More specifically, one from my clan."
"Ya, okay, Shi-shi. I'll give it to you, there's something over there but it's not a person."
Shino tilts his head in his 'you're dumb' way before he cups his hands weirdly in front of his mouth. He pushes his breath through his hands, a bird-sounding chirp coming out. Within seconds the noise is repeated from the spot I was looking at, proving me wrong.
"I would not have left you alone if there was not someone around to watch over you," he mutters, climbing to his feet before carefully helping me to mine. "You are the most unintelligent parasite I have ever known of."
"Hey, young lady!" Someone yells, pulling the attention of me and some of the others who have gathered to feed lunch to the youth. "Yes, you ma'am," the chubby man in a signature lab coat calls, beelining towards me. The short guy stops in front of me, hands on his knees as he hunches over to catch his breath. "I... am built... for a lab, not... the forest," he huffs out before straightening himself.
"You and me both, man," I answer with a smile on my face, also causing the scientist to smile.
"The Chief's kid... you're his... his ah, lady friend," Mr science guy asks, still a bit short of breath. "The kid and the Chief want to see you."
"If Shino wants to see me he's more than capable of coming to find me himself," I answer, Shino's voice ringing in my head. I know Shino most likely did send the scientist to fetch me, but I also get a safety lecture once a month about not following a stranger just because they claim he or Shibi asked for me. The life a partner of a shinobi lives I guess.
"You're kidding, right?" The man asks, his smile falling from his face. "I hightailed it through the forest for you to say no to the chief's son?"
"Don't take it personally. I'd just rather get a lecture about wasting time than being unsafe. Besides, Shibi and Shino are more than capable of planning around me. If they wish for me to be somewhere they've had it planned for weeks already."
"You're insane, do you know that? Who says no to not only his son but the Chief himself?"
"The person that listens to their safety lecture on repeat," I answer, causing the women eavesdropping to giggle.
The scientist throws a fit, demanding I come back with him before he gives in and turns to leave. Chuckles still filter through the bystanders, including the elderly woman I've been helping pass out napkins with. "I guess I get to see Shibi's son today after all," she says, a soft smile on her face as she hands one of the other older ladies a napkin.
"I'm sure if you asked Shino would find time for whatever you need," I tell the woman, walking beside her as she waddles towards a different group of people.
The wiser woman laughs again, her attention turning towards me for a moment. "Sweet child, I lost my husband years ago and I have no intentions of ordering off the Man Menu again. That does not mean I don't enjoy looking at it though."
"Obasan!" I gasp, a smile cracking across my face at the lady's honesty. "Don't tell me you're using Shino for eye candy," I tease, again causing the lady to giggle.
"What is funny?" Shino's voice flows over me, startling me a bit, the elderly woman laughing even more at my response.
"Nothing, Shi-shi," I mutter, trying not to catch the contagious laughter as I turn to face the man of my previous discussion. "I just pissed off your scientist is all."
     "Yes, I know. The one time I disobeyed safety protocols happened to be the single time you listened," he grumbles, turning to walk away. Shino's hand waves around, silently asking me to follow.
     I move quickly to fall along Shino's side, our hands occasionally bumping as we walk. "Why'd you send him to collect me anyway?" I ask, taking in the familiar trail I've traveled a hundred times over the past few days.
     "The first butterfly has eclosed."
     Shino sighs at my question, his pace slowly for a second. "Left its cocoon. The first butterfly has left its cocoon."
     "Really?!" I ask, jumping forward to cling to his arm.
     "Release me, parasite," he groans, shaking his arm as he tries to wiggle his fingers under mine. "And yes, really. I figured you'd like to see it before we start our testing."
     "You're the best," I mumble, burying my face into his arm as he continues to fight it loose.
     "Statistically I am not," he mutters, giving up the fight and letting me win. "Though, statistically you are the most leach-like parasite I have come crossed." Shino's words are harsh but I know he meant them as another flat falling joke, courtesy of the soft smile on his face and the head nod he gives himself.
     "Well, you're the one that likes parasites so who's really the sucker in this situation?"
     "Me," he mutters, head whipping around to scan the new area falling into view. My predictable bug boy, back at his safety precautions again.
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