#but then the new problem is all my tweets are so dumb i dont know which one is the dumbest.
corviiids · 4 months
(more persona 5 / persona 5 royal spoilers again)
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(this one has art by dotdotdotukno on twitter please view)
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compilation of specifically my obsession with ryuji and goro being terrible... friends??
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raveneira · 1 month
Random but i miss 2020/21/22 when the KawaSara fandom was so active, now i barely see people talking about them or making content. Someone needs to bring back the KawaSara fandom somehow😭.
Ikr? its not much but I am trying to bring the fandom back to life as best I can but Im pretty much a one woman army lol plus a lot of personal life stuff has had me busy which hindered my efforts a bit that Im trying to make up for now, starting with hosting this years KawaSara week since the original organizers didn't do it last year and didn't appear to be going to this year either, so I took over because I knew we had support, fans were telling me how sad they were that it didn't happen last year and was begging for someone to organize it this year, so I took that upon myself to do because I didn't wanna see the week not happen this year either because nobody else stepped up to make it happen.
It sucks how so many got run off by bsa constantly harassing them and making them fearful of even making content for the ship because they knew they would get harassed and didn't wanna deal with it.
Alot of ppl also lost faith in the ship, which is understandable, but stupid IMO because there are ships that have gone through worse than KawaSara and became canon but for some reason ppl treated this like 'oh no, conflict, no way this is happening' and Im just like...danm yall really don't know how shipping works huh? but I mean to each their own but like Vegebul is right there if you wanna see a ship thats been through some REAL shit and look at em now.
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It's like todays new age shipping everything has to be smooth sailing, super healthy, super pure, minimal to no conflict, for ppl to ship it and believe it'll be canon when that just isn't how it goes.
Like I even saw a shade tweet one time talkin about 'I actually like my ships vanilla, whats wrong with actually wanting a healthy ship built on mutual respect and positive development without any conflict or drama etc' and Im just like...OK? who tf said you couldn't? but these newbies actually treat shipping like some purity contest and have a weird superiority complex for liking the 'healthier' ships and anyone who doesn't like the 'healthy' ship are weird and horrible and don't care about xyz characters etc
Its so dumb, and childish, if all storytellers followed their logic then we wouldn't have some of the best ships in fiction because only the 'healthy' ones would be canon.
Nobody is saying they cant like healthy ships, but doing so does not make them superior to anyone else nor does it give them the right to dictate what other ppl should ship simply because they disagree and think only healthy ships should be supported, thats what ppl have a problem with. You can argue the opposite side has done the same but there is a big difference in severity between the two, 'healthy' shippers act way more superior and aggressive than 'toxic' shippers [as they call them] are.
But on the bright side KawaSara week has been announced to be happening this year and a surprising amount of ppl liked and retweeted it, so it just goes to show KawaSara fans DO still exist and enjoy the ship, they just went quiet or into hiding because of the harrassment.
And guess what? even tho the event page was specifically tagged KAWASARA don't you know antis 'somehow' found it? not even a day passed since it was posted before multiple antis flocked to the announcement to talk shit, that is a prime example right there why KawaSara fans got so quiet and discouraged from making content and talking about the ship, because THIS is what happens when you dare not fall in line with the BoruSara hivemind cult.
If you dont treat Sarada like Borutos exclusive property whos whole world and character revolves around him, then you don't care about Sarada or her feelings
Their logic not mine, so if you dare pair Sarada with someone other than Boruto who they believe owns her, then you don't care about her. If you don't support the narrative THEY set for her regardless if its been confirmed or stated as a canon fact or not, then you don't care about her because fanon interpretations > canon.
This is why I say this behavior screams insecure, I dunno how you could be the most popular ship with the biggest fandom and the most support, a hug in both the anime and manga, being 'fed good' more than any other ship, yet still be THIS triggered by KawaSara just EXISTING
keep in mind this is the ship they claim is dead, a crackship with zero chance of happening, yet they get so riled up everytime KawaSara is mentioned or so much as have a crumb together they all flock to try and discredit and undermine it, if KawaSara fans just have even a tiny bit of fun and happiness with the ship they come flocking to discourage you and make you feel bad.
That level of obsession with a ship you claim has NO CHANCE and is a non threat because your ship is already canon and set in stone, admit it or not, but their behavior screams that their threatened and arent really confident in their ship themselves which is why they feel the need to try and keep KawaSara down to lift themselves up because its the only way they feel secure, by making US go away, and when we don't, they get mad, because for some odd reason they just cant stand to see another shp besides BoruSara getting attention, love, and support, it drives them MAD.
Which is why you cant convince me their not insecure about their ship, that their not threatened by KawaSara, because to put it into perspective think about it like this, do you see SNS being bothered by SasuHinas existence? no right? know why? cuz their secure in their ship and don't feel threatened by SH, so SH is free to exist openly without SNS harassing them because they don't care, SH is irrelevant and has zero impact on them.
Thats how you would think BoruSara would be given how they boast about themselves, how much they have going for em, their popularity, their support, many moments, you'd think they'd be on cloud 9 not even paying little ol KawaSara and BoruSumi any mind but they do, and for some reason its KawaSara especially that gets under their skin more than anything which is strange tbh since thats the ship thats not even semi canon yet.
Lemme put that into perspective, they are more insecure about a ship thats not even semi canon yet, than BoruMitsu, BoruSumi, KawaAda and BoruAda that are semi canon [since many bsa also ship ksu] let that sink in.
I dunno why they have such a specific hatred towards KawaSara, maybe its because a lot of them hate Kawaki, and because Boruto is the top male prize and Sarada is the top female prize in their eyes, therefore nobody else is good enough for them but each other. And by top prizes, Im talking primarily about eugenics and status.
Read between the lines, what was Sakura? the pretty girl all the guys wanted, what was Sasuke? the cool handsome guy from a prestigious clan all the girls wanted, now what is Sarada? the cool pretty Uchiha princess, what is Boruto? the cool young lord all the girls fall for, their not subtle about it at all.
They discredit Sumire's feelings as insincere so she don't feel like a threat, they diminish and downplay Kawakis bond with team 7 and insist he's not even a part of it, they weirdly were fixated on Kawaki's body being inorganic and therefor concluding he was infertile and therefore couldn't have kids and therefore that'd be the end of the Uchiha clan if she was with him [which is telling of how they perceive her that her primary goal in the relationship would be popping babies, not love] they deny Kawaki as a part of the Uzumaki fam, saying he's unworthy, Naruto should disown him, etc etc, to keep him as the worthless orphan that deserves to die they want him to be.
Again, read between the lines, they dont give a danm about Boruto and Sarada together fr fr, this ship is about eugenics, this ship is about being able to brag about the young lord baggin the Uchiha heiress/Hokage, its about bragging rights, its about having the ship with the 2 biggest prizes, its about OP babies finally fulfilling their long weirdly held desire to see what those clan bloodlines mixed together would create, its about saying you don't want SS 2.0 except when its the ship you want then suddenly its A-ok
Foh man
Sorry I went on a bit of a rant but It really is annoying that KawaSara fans cant just exist in peace and always gotta hear them telling us why we shouldn't ship it, why it has no chance, why BoruSara is so superior and set in stone and we should just accept it yatta yatta yatta instead of just minding their danm business.
Yes I know all fandoms are guilty of this, but none like BoruSara, why? cuz its a far bigger fanbase with more support and they use it to their advantage, doesn't help that a lot of boruto stans support the ship as well as many Sarada fans [mostly Boruto stans tho] they even have SS and NH support too, so you cannot compare it. Their a much larger fandom with way more support that makes it extremely easy for them to bully every other fandom because their much smaller and they know it, everyone knows it, but they get away with it cuz whos gonna stop em? their the biggest and the loudest and therefore are right by default because the smaller fandoms are just 'haters' and 'jealous' 😒 lemme stop here
Bottom line I agree, it was nice back then before Ikemoto changed so much when he took over the writing after Kodachi left, ever since then he has completely butchered Sarada's character beyond recognition, not because she understandably cares and worries about her friend, but because thats ALL she cares and worries about, I don't think anyone has even noticed that Sarada hasn't mentioned Naruto or her mother once since the timeskip started besides that one speech that wasn't about either of them, but just about her defending Boruto, not about any grief over her idol being killed, not remorse for sending her dad away and leaving her mom without her husband, no the one and only time she mentions them is to defend Boruto which is abusmal, she didn't even mention her own dad until Boruto MADE her ask about him.
If thats the ship you want me to support then Im good, I don't want a ship where her only personality trait, motivations, goals, and character as a whole revolves entirely around a man and nothing else, just how to make HIS life better and being there for HIS pain and growth and only lifting HIM up while staying in the background doing nothing and having nothing going on for herself.
I know this may sound like 'but wait that makes it sound like KawaSara wont be canon' no Im not saying that, KawaSara is not off the table even with all that bs Ikemoto has done so far, like I said with Vegebul and just shipping in general, just because things look bad doesn't mean you lost, you haven't lost until somethings made official.
Are BoruSara together? no, are they semi canon? no, have either of them been shown or confirmed to have romantic feelings for each other? no, so nothing is lost yet, even if they were semi canon that still wouldn't be a loss because the other half has to reciprocate, like just cuz Sakura, Ino, and Karin liked Sasuke didn't mean he had to reciprocate any of them, just like even if Sarada liked Boruto doesn't mean he has to reciprocate those feelings or vice versa.
The only time a ship has truely 'lost' is when its actually dead, like one half of it dies for example, or its rival ship gets together, or their relationship is ruined beyond repair, like to the point of no possibility of redemption, only then has a ship truely 'lost' and 'died'
So no, none of this is me saying KawaSara cant still happen, it definitely can, especially with Ikemoto and Kishimoto saying Kawaki would be getting more development soon so there's that, if we get more Kawaki focus there might be some Sarada focus in there too in between. I don't wanna speculate tho but thats just a possibility Im throwing out there.
Regardless, sorry for the rant, but I'm really frustrated by this too because its 2024 now and ppl still cant leave KawaSara tf alone? thats what I meant when I said they take advantage of their size, they know they can silence us, but nobody can silence them, and that pisses me off but what can you do.
But hopefully the announcement of KawaSara week this year will get the fandom active and making content again for fans to enjoy, I will try to contribute something myself, I can understand why a lot of ppl might not wanna bother because of the hate they know they'll receive but I hope they don't let that stop them, it was bad enough KawaSara week wasn't hosted last year and everyone was really bummed about it, I don't want them to be happy seeing it happen this year only to not participate because antis wont let them have fun and enjoy the event in peace 🙏 I really hope the fam stays strong and don't let antis stop them from enjoying THEIR event.
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meyhew · 4 years
hi seed! i hope you’re well! i just read the new buzfeed article about shipping celebrities and larry and it made me... idk it made me feel super dumb? like am i really a crazy conspirary theoryst? like i still think hl were/are together but idk i have very ambivalent feelings towards that article. bc it did make some good points about how we project onto celebrities and how truly invasive it can be when people tweet at their family members, friends... but at the same time it just had a tone about how we are all insane and crazy and living in a fantasy world... and how louis is in fact straight and we are just so in denial we keep coming up with insane theories why he’s in the closet. i don’t think hl owe us anything, but i do have eyes (their tattoo, the fake baby bump and so on...) have you read the article? if you don’t want to read it, it’s fine, but i’m interested in what you think, i always value your opinions and i know you’re a chill larrie so that’s why i thought i would ask you, bc you’re smart and sensible and non invansive. have a good day!!
hi ! i dont know which article this is about, couldn’t find it. but shipping isn’t inherently bad and evil the way some people make it out to be. in the context of larry, for me (and a lot of others), it’s not even shipping. celebrities do manage to hide their relationships for however long that want/need to—whatever the reason may be. do i think it’s wrong to tweet @ their friends and family about a relationship that isn’t public? yes. i never have and never will do that unless hl come out—and even then i really have no reason to tweet @ their loved ones. 
larries in particular have been an easy target for a long time but need i remind buzzfeed that they fed into some of the “conspiracies”? if larries are so toxic and damaging, perhaps buzzfeed shouldn’t have hopped on the train and posted articles about babygate that were pulled straight from tumblr. they played a part in normalizing the doubt about freddie’s parentage. if shipping is inherently so toxic, perhaps buzzfeed shouldnt ever write those “x and y are so cute here’s some of their top moments” articles. larries are toxic and delusional because there’s actual weight to our “ship” and we have reasonable evidence to not believe louis is a father: more than one instance proving briana wasn’t pregnant, legal battles, and years of behavior afterwards. 
you’re not dumb for reading between the lines and picking up what harry and louis put down. for a comparison, look into bob morley and eliza taylor if you don’t know their story. striking parallels between their relationship and larry. it obviously never got the media attention that larry does but within the fanbase their “shippers” were ridiculed for a long time before it came out that beliza got married. it’s not “shipping” that’s a problem, it’s people’s individual behaviors. buzzfeed can eat my ass frankly. i might one day not be a larrie if hl break up but there wont be a day i believe louis tomlinson is father to freddie
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vzm · 4 years
p5r spoilers i just want to rant
p5r is legitimately such a fucking amazing game and i really didn’t think it’d break my expectations as much as it did
leading up to it, i was actually severely disappointed, thinking “oh, they’re just releasing it again” (which, i will admit that is kind of dumb but at least there was like 3 years between the releases instead of A Year like we got with p3fes) but thats not what im talking about
but then i still bought the game because im a persona whore. i always will be and just. god. p5 was already such a fun game despite its story flaws, but all the little changes to systems like baton pass not being locked behind confidants, the fact that baton pass keeps its level if you dont pass, status effects Meaning Something, traits for personas, and then. ooguh
The New Content. ubwbuwububufe. Miss Yoshizawa i love you SO much. she’s integrated into the story really well and, yes, she’s a very typical “im your junior and look up to you!” character, she’s a lot more than that when you get into the third semester. she’s a tormented person who legitimately just asked for help in the only way she felt she could, taking the place of her recently passed sister. and the buildup was really good too!
in the beginning they add new dialogue of sojiro mentioning the death of a 15 year old girl, which you’d either pass off or go “wait is kasumi like. a ghost.” then you meet kasumi and everyone calls her yoshizawa, even the game makes specific mention to make her name “student called yoshizawa” instead of just her last name, then, you find out her name from a student ID, instead of her telling you! then there’s how unathletic she is and how she’s not matching up to what everyone wants, which really only put her more in that rut of feeling like she wasn’t really kasumi, which she wouldnt know
and. oh my god. maruki. holy Shit. he’s SUCH a good character. i actually thought i got spoiled on the game bc there was a tweet that mentioned him using nyarlahotep to bring back his dead gf which was just. A Straight Up Lie. but i was still surprised with how he was handled! a man gets his own persona that actually works in the real world, which, thats a fucking concept from DETECTIVE NAOTO of all places! like, they ACTUALLY put it into a persona game! and his ideals are like. Sound. he becomes a councillor to find out what everyone’s problems are, and he just wants to make them happy. but, because he found happiness in his own actualization, he tried to push it onto others, like kasumi. but then he’s given a LOT more power than that due to yaldy getting Destroyed by the p thieves, and the will of the people passed onto him bc thats who the thieves believed in. and then there’s just. the heart wrench of seeing your team so, SO happy. everyone’s getting what they desired inside, and you basically take that away from them, but rightfully!
maruki was taking away everything those people had fought for, breaking out of their weak selves, helping others through intense physical pain, moving on from the loss of loved ones, while maruki simply thought the best idea was to go back to how things were. his ideals feel like the peak of law, he just wants things to be in perfect order, a perfect garden of eden, so to speak.
but he didn’t get that. and the thieves didn’t either. the coolest thing about his fight is the conversations he has with the party, trying to convince them that things were better that way, and while all of them say pretty optimistic stuff, akechi is the one who’s really interesting.
maruki was able to bring akechi back from the dead because he knew joker wanted to be with him. to keep his promise of the glove. but when confronted about this, akechi just says that he’s had enough of maruki’s “high and mighty bullshit”
which, thats the perfect way to put it! maruki is putting himself in the shoes of the benevolent god, not thinking about the ways these people have tried to better themselves, and akechi is the biggest icon of this. he gave his life to save the thieves and keep a promise to joker. and him just. coming back to life didn’t sit well with him, and he wanted things to be how they were supposed to
akechi is a tormented child, someone who was led off the path much too early in life, and ended up causing a lot of unnecessary bloodshed all for the sake of his own revenge. but he was given a chance of redemption, alongside two of his victims. if anything, he probably felt a burden seeing that, considering he and joker were the only ones who realized what was going wrong.
this game makes you REALLY think about akechi. all of his lines on the subway platform are fully voiced now, he has a new confidant that has you hanging out with him to deepen the rivalry, even ending with a minor boss battle with him, with him even stating that he Hates Joker, pointing the same pistol that he’d eventually use to try and murder him in just a few weeks time with
but, they add onto this even more. akechi has to work together with joker and sumire, and while he says its just for a common goal, there’s more at play. he saw what the team did at sae’s palace with their showtime attacks, and he took an opportunity to do one with joker, which no one had even done to that point. and it was impromptu! there was no communication between them, there was just a bond that allowed them to fight as they wanted. they’re perfect foils for eachother and man. this game really made me love the dude more than ever
is p5r my favorite persona game? i don’t know, but it’s changed my mind on p5 a HUGE amount, much more than the other rereleases of games did.
i highly look forward to what happens with this property, because royal lays out such a good set up for future events
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seerofmike · 5 years
whats wrong with domseokers?
there are , MANY tjings wrong with dom hoseok stans. first and foremost is that it and its creator OVERSEXUALIZES HIM and see him as nothing but a sexual object.
but my BIGGEST gripes with them are:
1. domseok revolves around the idea of hoseok being a pathological liar, or, at least, completely fake towards fans
and, most greviously,
2. domseok also revolves around the idea that hoseok is a rapist
there r many problems with being a dom hoseok (domseok) stan, obvious ones like dont assume someones sexual preference thats , weird and creepy, but those are my two biggest gripes
domseok came about bc someone compiled TWO videos of out of context clips (and even clips WITH context, twisted to fit the narrative) of hoseok joking around with the others where he "hits them and chokes them and pulls their hair, which is dom behavior"
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not only is it like . weirdly oversexualizing simple things the videos created the idea that hoseok is NOT really happy or bright or hopeful or cute, but rather dark and commanding and pretending to be nice to fans while he secretly abuses the others behind closed doors.
you LITERALLY cannot say "hoseok is cute" on twitter without at least ONE freak in your mentions going "but we all know whats under the mask 🤤" or "yeah but dont forget whos in charge [posts one of the only three(3) pictures domseok stans have]" .
ppl do threads on hoseok being cute w members and a domseok stan somehow always finds it and always says well hurr durr hoseok isnt REALLY cute to them, hoseok probably ties them up and fucks em and we all know this cuz hes a dom 🤪🤪".
i dont like the op post bc still weird but heres how fucking annoying and Everywhere they are:
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the thing is , most domseokers arent even . hoseok stans . those dom videos pop up if u google jhope and that's the introduction a lot of new armys get to him and they never bother learning anything about him past that. hes already one of the least popular members, so you have masses of maknae line stans who maybe googled jhope once, watched that video, and then tweets "hoseok dom" once a month bc it gets them clout.
and hoseok is SEVERELY sexualized bc of it. armys will never talk about him until they tweet something about him being a dom, and this happens a LOT, and many people ONLY talk about him when it comes to talling about how sexy he is or how much he probably fucks the other members.
it even affects his fancam viewing, where his hip thrusting moments from baepsae (used by every domseoker) has almost two million more views than a fancam of him from their most popular song which u would think logically would mean its an extremely viewed fancam but its not even close to baepsae
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none of his other fancams even come close
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armchairs think hoseok hides his real personality and is secretly sadistic and controlling when he really is just . happy and loud and enthusiastic a good portion of the time. the members have said it themselves . domseokers literally do not know a thing about hoseok because one of their main points for argument is "hoseok doesnt let anyone tell him what to do , that is DOM behavior" when yoongi . literally said hoseok is not stubborn at all and is a very obedient person.
the idea that hoseok lies about being happy and cute and is only pretending to be this way because he's secretly a sadistic control freak lends itself into my next VERY MAJOR gripe with domseokers:
domseokers insist hoseok is a rapist.
the ENTIRE idea that hoseok is actually secretly sadistic revolves around this: hoseok is not actually happy, and hoseok forces the members (mainly the maknae) into submission for him. all of the hair pulling, hitting and choking is actually just him asserting dominance over them on camera and on tv and during games-none of that is rough housing or jokes, and all of it is because hoseok likes to be sexually dominant and will force the others to be submissive to him.
that is the ENTIRE idea of domseok. LITERALLY every single domseok ive ever seen has said something along the lines of hoseok forces other members to submit to him. the ENTIRE idea of domseok revolves around hoseok being sexually attracted to ALL of bts and forcing himself on them, bonus points if the members don't want to participate .
its fucking weird . its creepy . most domseokers arent even hoseok stans and dont care to actually know who he is and keep spreading weird dom shit that young armys see and run with bc theyre dumb and 13. it creeps me out and legitimately disgusts me that people will hop into anyones mentions and insist that hoseok fucks all the members whether they want to or not because he's "a dom" and he has to.
tl dr; domseok stans arent actual hoseok stans and instead spread the idea that hoseok is a liar and a rapist
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years
Emotional check-in!
1:27pm, Thursday, December 12th of 2019.
I still think Patrick is a fucking idiot.
So I'm not eating; my body refuses to eat.
It's either due to stress about the whole thing, or my period isnt allowing me.
But everything I can even think of to put past my lips disgust me.
Just like how my ex boyfriend disgusts me.
Me trying to befriend and get a fresh start with his close best friend who hates me over old shit that no one fucking cars about -> Azalea somehow finding a way to snap at Patrick for having the AUDACITY to talk to me like a fucking normal person would to their girlfriend about their problems, and barring him from talking to me about her, while also refusing to message me back online and still claiming she hates me.
That is so..... insecure of her.
And even worse if my boyfriend actually agrees to her wishes, and not mine.
Her wishes: to talk shit about me, my tweets, and to not ever meet me but to still keep insulting me to him over nothing
My wishes: to actually meet Azalea, have a fresh clean start, and potentially befriend her, as opposed to feeling nervous at the idea of those two hanging out solo, from her blatantly hating me over super old stuff.
Him: hmm.... sorry Tamia, it would be unfair to Azalea to not respect her confidentiality and what about you upsets her! Also, i still plan to see her whenever and wherever I want.
Me: i dont want to date someone who openly has friends who hate me, and won't stand up for me to show they value me just as much as you do her. I dont think i wanna see you anymore.
Patrick: *surprised pikachu face*
The more I think about it, the more I really want to picture him crying over the relationship. I hope he does. He's already pussy enough, so, crying wouldnt be any sort of new low that he hasnt reached in terms of being fucking pathetic.
And still seeing red over him saying that I was the one who "ended it over some dumb shit i shouldn't have cared about"....
Oh I'm sorry, was I the girl who hates your girlfriend over sending you a M E M E ?
I would have NEVER fucking dumped him last night if he wasn't such a coward, and didn't obviously prioritize that bitch over me, to the point of treating me like an idiot for not wanting such a toxic and controlling bitch to make demands of what *i* can do with *my* man....
Hell, I wasnt even banning him from seeing that bitch, he just acted like a twat over nothing. Imagine u tell ur bf "hey it makes me feel uneasy knowing someone who hates me is spending alone time late at night with you", and nigga goes "well, imma still do it so...."
.....and he had the nerve to act so appalled.
Fuck everything about him.
Fuck his big ass glasses. Fuck his receding hairline. Fuck his terribly tiny teeth and creepy doll like smile. Fuck his oddly feminine figure. Fuck his inability to stay hard. Fuck his know-it-all actions. Fuck his bland ass cereal, fuck his doormat-like behavior.
Fuck him.
I gave a guy a chance, and lo and behold, he doesnt take it.... Who gets shocked that their girlfriend dumps them for enabling their shitty friend's toxic ass behavior towards girlfriend?
That's like being surprised when you're a security guard working for the President, but you get fired, since your best friend is an assassin trying to take down government officials, just for pure shits and giggles.
I cant say i regret it.
I was so serious about it, and, yeah i wasnt gonna let him talk down to me about it.....
He will live. He can go back to watching PornHub, and as we all know, he's just gonna continue the cycle of working, staying at home, or texting friends who never check in on him.... nonstop. He likes monotonous things, and I'm simply giving him the freedom that he so obviously wanted.
And if anything, I lose more. No more fun chaffeur rides to the drive thru unless I cough up money for an uber. More often than not will be at home and not shacked up in his bed or some shit.
And itll be hard.
....I'm still upset, obviously. We had plenty of things in common. And just.... shit was so wack that it had to turn out this way. But he wasnt talking it out, and I wasnt gonna let some fuckass dude sweet talk me into being 100% okay with him hanging out with supposed "enemies"..... yikes.
I did really like his eyes. And the way he didny exactly know how to open up, but when he did, it was refreshing as hell. Shoulders relaxed, all cuddley, legs on his lap, cute shit. Face kissing first thing in the morning, bomb wakeup sex some mornings with him.
And all of that is gone, since I didnt matter at all to him. If he showed me i did, then this never would have happened....
God, it was like trying to get blood from a rock to even have him tell me a basic fucking compliment most days.
.....still, I liked him. And ill miss him.
I know damn well I'm never gonna fucking apologize of course. For what, putting a girl in her place and telling her to mind her damn business? Leaving him for treating me as second rank to someone else? Fuck that, lmfao. cry me a mother fucking river.
It really was the Matty situation all over again..... relationships have no meaning whatsoever.
"Please, please, please, let me......."
I just want to hold him honestly, but no way in fucking hell is it worth disrespect.
I question if I went too far, but we all know this was gonna end the same fucking way. He wouldnt make an effort to have us meet or bond, she'd be an asshole, you get the gist. Fucking asshole.
I'll just.... find a way. I always do. I'll miss Scully and his parents, and his neighborhood, but now id probably want to vomit even passing by on a bus there.....
I guess I'll just write here, to cope or something. Itll pass.....
Anyways, my ex is coming into town Sunday. I don't even care about my ex anymore, its a little sad I guess.
I kinda 100% cut off my ex and went for Patrick for a reason; Patrick actually seemed to put in an effort with me, and my ex was obviously just having his own complications. (Wanting to be with me, but still laying with any girl that had come his way....)
And here we are. Past all the moments that actually made me seriously start liking Patrick. The ice skating at Union Square, music playing on BART rides, late night car sitting moments, listening to funk music
-- 2:08pm. Had to go wash my face, started crying. Probably will again, but its necessary for the healing process.....
Listening to funk music while checking out the view of the city skyline, all that.
Its not exactly gone, but the moments are just things that will no longer happen again.
Ah well.
I did really like sitting on the roof of his car and listening to music with him as we saw several shooting stars.
10/10 hangout idea.
Why did such a lovely person have to turn out so naive about things? Its just terrible.
And now that that relationship is over, its the ever so awkwardly impending fear of "so, what happens next from here?"
....apparently reconnecting with XPatrick is one, at least for the sake of a distraction i suppose.
XPatrick isnt a bad guy, I still like him..... Cried the last few times we talked or met up, of course.
It's either gonna be:
We make out, hook up, and part ways again, which works as a rebound, but fails as me trying to not use sex as a coping mechanism for a failed relationship
Its awkward
It ends up being a perfectly platonic and caring relationship dynamic
.....not sure how i feel, but i should go easier on myself man. Its been less than 24 hours, and the first hour literally consisted of me texting shit to Azalea, and otherwise making a vent video about how terrible the situation was.
I still like Patrick, and thats valid. Its just not something I think he would be willing to work through, and well, cursing out his friend and tweeting about how much I resent him online probably solidifies the idea of never healing from shit.
And I like XPatrick, even if not the same as before. I shouldn't degrade him, since he was just as sad to leave me before, and, not all went as planned for us I guess.
Would I be friends with Patrick?
Maybe. But distant friends. Like seeing a movie or something, but otherwise i could definitely not be around him long.
.....gotta stop writing so much.
Its been less than a day since it happened. Chill out some, these are big questions that cant be answered right now.
The rage is subsiding ever so slightly....
Just a sort of somber wave is coming in this time.
I called him about some fireworks i handed him at the beginning of our last date.
The date seemed cool, but like.... the whole night did a 180 once that fucking conversation had happened.
And if he wants to give them back, then i guess i better be mentally strong enough for, idk, him tossing them on the ground in front of me before he drives away. (Like Matty was like before, lmfao.)
Or no response at all...... thats fine. I've got my reasons to be pissed, (a feeling of worthlessness and some mild betrayal,) and hes got his own too. (Cursing out his friend, and then promptly blocking him everywhere, aaaand making tweets about how much i hate him.... unless he didnt see those. But eh, the desired effect was doing something atrocious to make sure i dont get contacted, and well.... to stop me from going back to something that would just keep on repeatedly hurting me, or my trust in him, in the long run.)
2:29pm, I miss him, but only since I'm bored and a liiiittle desperate. And overthinking good times. Im pretty sure he doesnt have a solution, and im not in the mood to force solutions in a relationship, so i guess im just gonna deal with going solo these days i guess...
Idk how to feel.
And you sick fuck, if youre reading this, then..... idk. Dont be weird or something, you were plenty weird last night, and all these thoughts of how things went are cringe.
.....i wonder how he reacted to me calling him. Did it make him mad, anxious, upset?
If i end up still loving this prick then i swear to god im going to fucking die
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mag1cspells · 5 years
Haven't been on here lately and a lot has happened recently
Dreamstate was a really amazing and eye opening experience . it made me realize that i need to surround myself with positive people and im glad i met with the twitter trance fam i need new friends and i feel like this is a new chapter in my life.
It's amazing how trance can make you want to be a better person.
I just cut off my so called "best friend" for being a shady and mean person. He claims to be a "real bitch" but all he is a shady petty person . he needs to grow the fuck up being petty isnt cute at all ha, acts like he's still in high school. Clearly he still likes drama.
He decided to subtweet me/throw shade on twitter cause he's all butthurt cause i havent texted him in 2 weeks." i didnt get butthurt cause he hasnt hmu like he shouldnt get butthurt either. The fact that he didnt realize we are just not close anymore and that we drifted apart is dumb.
It was bound to happen, he lives so far and honestly texting him now was so boring and awkward and he didnt know how to keep a conversation going or interesting.
LMFAO he's done this shady indirect tweeting shit to me before and i always called him out on it . ive told him plenty of times if you have a problem tell me directly why tf you gotta throw shade on twitter. He's done this like 4 times already and im just over his bullshit.
He's a toxic person, a real friend addresses you when they have a problem about something and doesn't throw shade plus ive been wanting to cut him off for a while cause he's a fucking bum always mooches off people and freeloads and doesnt get a job thats also why i stopped hanging out with him, i got sick and tired of paying for him when we would go to raves or buying him drinks, etc.
He's so fucking ungrateful he's pathetic for trying to make me feel bad . people drift apart it's life! I just dont want any association with people like him, i know i deserve better friends. He was the only "friend" i had left but i really don't give a fuck that he's out of my life. I met some amazing and sweet people at Dreamstate last week im gonna meet up with them at more raves and hopefully eventually hang out outside of raves too.
It feels so good cutting off a negative ass person that tries to bring me down to their level. I'm proud of myself for not popping off on him no matter how bad i wanted to, i just don't have the energy to deal with drama anymore. I honestly dont care for him anymore and i could care less if we never talk again, i'm done.
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rabidravi · 6 years
God's Angel🙏👼 (Taemin Scenario)
A/N: uhhh well this was a joke I wrote specifically for a friend a timeee ago and since this blog is where I post all my shit posts I thought why not unleash this mess for the whole world. I think it is quite needed in these circumstances to bring spirits up, make you question life or just have a laugh over stupid content or something iDK JKDSF. IT’S STUPID AND IT WAS JOKES BETWEEN FRIENDS AND I WROTE THIS IN LIKE HALF AN HOUR SO HJVJ. I edited it so it’s A BIT enhanced from the original which was a straight draft so ye editing WAS NEEDED to some extent
It was just your average ordinary day; the sun was shining; the birds were chirping; a truly beautiful day. You couldn't possibly imagine that things could get any better. Since it was such a nice day you figured you walk along what looked like a peaceful, flowery road instead of your usual boring route home from school. It was as if the road possessed you to travel down it as you traveled forward, giving not a second looking back. The further you walked, the darker the path grew with each and every step forward you took.
"My family didn't raise no chicken on our farm. _____, you can do this," you assured yourself as you carried on.
You trudged ahead, eventually reaching a part of the path that was covered in mud which you began to struggle through. Each lifted foot equaled a sink lower into the mud. You began to panic.
"Please God, don't let me die like this. I have yet to see my mans in real life yet."
At that moment, a burst of light shone in your view, it was too bright to catch a glimpse of what was happening. Only seconds later the light cleared and your feet were left feeling lighter and free. When you opened your eyes and looked down at your feet, you noticed the mud that seconds before you were surrounded by was no longer there.
"What the hell..."
"You're welcome."
Your head shot up at the sound of the familiar voice.
"Hello ____!" He was bright, not only because he was wearing bright yellow colors or because of his attitude but because his skin glowed. It was hard to look at him. He couldn’t have been real.
"Now before you ask, I am here because God summoned me. And I’ll admit I was hesitant to come because I was in the middle of watching anime but you know how God is, so demanding."
You looked up at the sky and mouthed, "Thank you."
Taemin burst out laughing. "Wow bitch you bout’ gullible as hell!"
"But then why are you here?"
"I was just bored wandering around when I heard a voice interrupt my peace of thought. Yeah yours. Talking about chickens and whatnot."
"Ok but what about the mud...where did it go?"
"I swished it away to save your dumb ass. Again, you're welcome."
"What you so loud for? Jeez. Keep quiet or I'm gonna make the mud reappear. Sooo you're my fan? Do you have a fan account? Because you seem like a person who would. Lemme see your phone."
All Taemin had to do was lift his hand for your phone to come flying over to it like a magnet. He smirked at your lock screen of him before unlocking it with his magic hands. You didn't bother to comment to avoid getting blasted by Taemin again.
"Your tweets are funny."
You blushed at his words. He continued to scroll through your page for a solid minute until he suddenly stopped. He stared blankly at your phone without saying a word.
"Hakyeon. From VIXX? You ult him?"
"....yes...? Is there a problem?"
"Um. Okay. I mean. If you want me to."
"Like literally right here? Right now?"
So you did as he pleased. You were down on your knees, ready to show him your loyalty, when Taemin suddenly grabbed you by your hair.
"You think I'd let a snake like you have a taste of me? Think again."
He covered your eyes with his other hand and with a poof, you fainted.
You woke up with the inability to feel your legs. As you slowly blinked your eyes open, your view was lower than before. It pained you to lift your head and when you tried to pull yourself up, you couldn't at all.
"Loving the new look! You're looking more like yourself which is great!"
"Taemin, what did you do to me?" you stuttered.
"Well since you want to be a snake, I made you one. Does it feel good to finally be your true form? No need to thank me this time, it was my pleasure. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some anime to watch. Toodles!"
And so you were left there. Alone. Luckily, he left your phone on the floor. You slithered to it in hopes of getting help but with no hands and just a tongue, it was no use.
"All this just cause of another man...men are really trash."
"You sssaid it sssisss," a long bodied snake agreed, its voice sounding too familiar.
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heavyyhearts-blog · 7 years
actually heres my side
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“ first, before getting to real stuff, aya has done this to other people in the past too. when she talked about them to me she said they abused her or abandoned her suddenly. i’ve only talked to one of these people, but they confirmed that aya actually abused, and then stalked them when they cut her off. i don’t have permission to post these logs so out of respect i won’t put them here. “
ive never been very clear in talking about my past experiences with most people. you make this sound as if every person that's ever "abandoned me" were all "abused" by me, when that's not the case. have i acted in shitty ways to some people? yes, but it never had anything to do with me being abandoned, at any point. one of these people, actually straight up disappeared from my life, and i have no idea why. they disappeared off skype and i havent seen them since. we had no problems between eachother whatsoever. a different example i can think of for someone i was talking about? they left because i was too stressful to be around. as in, i always complained too much and that kind of thing and it was too much to be around. i didnt even know them very long.  another example of a person i mentioned with that: they had really bad schizophrenia and like, trauma issues, and what happened there? they'd randomly like? actually start basically splitting on me and getting extremely angry at me out of nowhere for no reason, which i tried to be really tolerable of, until things basically got too much for either of us to handle and after a bit of dumb drama, we separated with , i believe, no hard feelings.
my point being? when i say "ive been abandoned by a lot of people" or whatever, im not literally claiming that i was abused by literally everyone and im some huge victim, lol. that last example? you could probably say i was abused due to the level of pent up anger they were throwing at me, , unprovoked
“ i’ve only talked to one of these people, but they confirmed that aya actually abused, and then stalked them when they cut her off “
first of all, this happened literal years ago. second of all, this person is still full of shit and i can't believe they still insist all of these bullshit lies. "aya stalked me" i hadnt visited your blog for months, i'd literally forgotten about you, yet you somehow still had it set in your head that i was "stalking" you. i wanted to remake my blog for a multitude of reasons, and one of them being, a more back of my mind thing, was, i didnt want you viewing my blog. so i remade. and, like, 2-3 days later, i got paranoid that you had somehow found my new blog, entirely new, so i asked my friend to go see if my new url was on there, because i didnt want to go back on your blog myself. and sure enough, there it was, my new url, even though i hadn't given it out to anyone or posted it anywhere, meaning you literally searched through notes of a post or something along those lines to find it. yeah ive explained this so many times now its fun :) not to mention your shitty friend(s) that would constantly twist my words around and lie saying i was doingthings that i didnt. and your only "proof" was logs of talking shit about me behind my back to one of my friends, you had no screenshots of me doing anything, because guess what, i never did it. wow. "i dont have screenshots because i deleted them all" okay bud. anyway
and now here's my main issue with everything: you are "calling me out" for things we have already personally talked about, that we either resolved, or i apologized for/said that i would try to stop doing so i can better myself which i have actually done? so i literally do not understand why youre calling me out for shit as if im some malicious person trying to hurt people that's just completely incapable of getting better or whatever. lets start
“i’ve tried to cut her off several times, both by trying to talk and express my want to stop talking to her first and by just blocking/ignoring her on everything. i made it clear i wanted to stop talking the first couple of times. she will spam and beg me and make new accounts if she has to. once ive added her back however she’s used that against me”
okay youre calling me out for this but you admitted what you did was fucked up too? and i dont know what else to even say to this other than im going to try to stop getting so attached to people like that so i maybe dont have such bad mental breakdowns every time i thnk someone close to me is leaving like sorry i cant. help feeling that way or control this thing specifically unless i just dont get attached like that at all, which is my fault.
[x] [x] [x]
here, you post a completely out of context rant from me, where i got mad at something you did that you literally admitted was fucked up. full context!
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
you even told me you had no idea what you were talking about with any of it.
“ one of the times that we weren’t talking she DMd my twitter mutuals asking them to screenshot my recent tweets. “
i told you my reason for it. i was extremely paranoid that you were talking shit about me behind my back and i wanted to know if you were or not, even though i did it in a really shitty way. i instantly felt so beyond terrible that i had done that. i was sobbing the entire time i was trying to apologize for how fucked up and wrong it was of me to do that, and even apologized for it again later after it had happened already. because i wanted to make sure you knew how sorry i was for it. i cant take something like that back.
[x] [x]
“recently, after getting so upset with me for doing the same thing in the past, she randomly blocked me on everything and refused to talk to me. i would understand if she hadn’t previously gotten so mad and upset at me for the exact same thing. “
?? i split really bad just like i already have been, due to , as i've already exlpained, the nonstop bad things we've had between us for months, to the point i havent been able to talk to you like normal anymore, because just seeing you pisses me off and everything you say/do will just piss me off. i cant help that. its not my fault. i cant just not split like that because we've had fucked up problems for months, that, guess what, shouldnt even be public here for all reasons ive already stated! but i also did it just because ive been deciding i need to get away from you for good, that i dont WANT to talk to you at all anymore. sucks to be treated the way you treat others right.
“ i posted on my twitter saying i wanted to drink and she instantly messaged me begging and spamming me not to “
and everything else like stalling, pressuring you etc. this is still. we talked about this. i said sorry. i got better about it. why do i have a callout.
[x] [x]
like this is literally all just trying to make me look bad in ways that i'm not. nice try, though!
“ when i cc’d bakugou and she tried to make me explain my trauma to make it Valid “
you're trying to make me look bad again. i was just asking because i was anxious wanted to know the reasoning for it and im sorry for pressing it at all but that doesnt mean i was trying to make you explain it so it could be "valid" shut the fuck up lol i even explained to you afterwards why it made me so uncomfortable and that it didnt bother me anymore, that i thought you were just blindly cc'ing him for no real reason like i just assumed it wasnt a coping thing or anything and thats my fault but??? youre trying to make me look bad for it so??? i'd even keep sending you fanart of him like.
“ she was extremely dependent on me and would spam me if i fell asleep before she woke up, she’d got upset and started splitting on me because i didn’t return her feelings of attraction. “
“ second, she’s blaming everything on her BPD and “not being able to help it,” or “can’t control herself” “
well, as you can clearly see, ive been anything but that??? but if you wanna keep telling yourself that, go ahead. have i said things LIKE that before? yes, when i was freaking out, over certain things i actually can't help, for example: abandonment trauma??? and like i said before: i need to try to not get so attached to people in the first place so that doesnt happen anymore! otherwise, should some sort of situation like that happen again, i can't handle getting that level of upset. so i prevent that by not getting that level of attached at all. like sorry but theres certain things nobody can help, even you. you're just trying to make it sound like this entire thing has been nothing but "i cant help it"
and lastly, we can't forget the fact that, for a long time, you wouldn't tell me anything. literally anything. i would repeatedly ask you. "what do i do that bothers you what am i doing wrong" etc and all you'd ever say was "idk" 95% of the time. i had absolutely no idea that for the longest time, i had been saying a lot of manipulative, shitty things and acting bad and etc, slash i had no idea that some of my episodes were actually affecting you that badly until way too late.
when you first told me that i had been acting so shitty, through a jpeg meme that was making fun of me, did i realize how awful i was being. i honest to god never had any idea and i explained this to you countless times. that i was  oblivious/i can be oblivious to shitl ike that and that i need you to tell me, otherwise I WONT KNOW.
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nice meme. :) but yeah clearly this is still an accurate representation of me, right?
[x] [x]
yeah, you got me though. im a toxic, abusive piece of shit that will never get better, all i do is hurt others, i can't change, ive never apologized, ive never gotten better. totally
and since we're playing this game,
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and now that i've said all this, i have nothing else to say. i can't make anyone believe me, but if you do, thanks.
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nuclearfeels · 7 years
Creator: I made a thing
Person 1: the fuck is this?
Person 2: I like this new thing
Person 3: I am gonna draw porn of this
Person 4: I head-cannon an idea about this
Person 5: I have a running theory about this
Person 6: I ship these characters
Person 7: I hate your otp, your fanart, and your blogs
Person 9: this running theme is toxic
Person 10: insert rant on that is inherently prejudiced
Person 11: This thing is dumb because reasons
Person 12: This character made me gay
Person 13: OMG the entire fandom is le toxic
Person 14: I’m making a video/rant that openly mocks this
Person 15: This thing is important to me cuz reasons
Person 16: I am incapable of seeing the good in this
Person 17: What do you mean there's is adult jokes in here?
Person 18: This thing is so immature
Person 19: I think I know what the creator intended
Person 20: The creator is soooooo prejudiced
Person 21: Hey Guys checkout this entire comic I uploaded
Person 22: I’ll make my own thing based on this thing
Person 23: your opinions are different? I will liquefy you
Person 24: OP is bad because they have a porn blog
Person 24: Insert 65 infinitillion memes about this thing
Person 25: The art is bad, the plot is bad, it's all bad
Person 26: I will overlook every bit of problem with this
Person 27: And if you pause here, you’ll see references
Person 28: Here's my vine where I hang out with the cast
Person 29: 107 facts about the thing
Person 30: HeY GuiSe, CHecK Out mY AU
Person 31: the reason why the character did/said this....
Person 32: The thing is a metaphorically allegory about....
Person 33: Hey guys, they are now making merch for it
Person 35: Did you know this guy also was in THIS thing?
Person 36: Check out my Patreon
Person 37: Check out the crews Twitter, it is full jokes
Person 38: See this character must be X because they're X
Person 40: when will the Hiatus END?!?!?!!?!
Person 41: Oh no they released spoilers, please dont post
Person 43: Seriously, more filler? I want nothing but plot!
Person 44: I am enjoying this other thing now
Person 45: That other thing is soooo inferior because ____!
Person 46: I don't understand character development, lol
Person 47: behold my easter egg masterpost
Person 48: OMG this website stole my thing, pls report
Person 49: This character is autistic, trans, and gay
Person 50: I will attack you for that joke
Person 51: the Creator tweeted the character is gay
Person 52: *User Deactivated*
Person 53: Here is a big long rant about all its flaws
Person 54,55,56,57,58,59,60: WEDECLAREWARGOKILLYOURSELF
Person 61: I am leaving forever, the show is shitty anyway
Person 62: the Creators wanted us to be nice to each other
Person 62: *leaps to defend the toxic horde*
Person 63: This character is beautiful despite their flaws
Person 64: Your fave is problematic
Person 65: E X T R A T H I C C
Person 66: She could kill me and I would thank her
Person 70: Hey I am going to be at the con selling my ____
Person 71: *Seniors/teenagers/children react to thing*
Person 72: ah yes, gals being pals, what very close friends
Person 73: “Harold, They’re Lesbians”
Person 74: “Check out my cosplay photo shoot
Person 75: this user is racist/albeist/sexist/etc
Person 76: Just block people that make you upset, lol
Person 78: I am getting sick of the funkpops
Person 79: SHUT UP....AND TAKE........MY MONEYYYYY!!!
Person 80: The comic supports the_____ unlike the show
Person 81: my fav is this ugly potato
Person 82: Pls stop posting pics of your ugly potato
Person 83: Hey check out my sideblog where i draw porn
Person 84: I unironicaly got a body pillow of the potato
Person 85: The ugly potato is actually the TRUE villain
Person 86: *more impossible theories that disregard canon*
Person 87: The main character was just in a coma
Person 88: How DARE you post an unpopular ship
Person 89: Plays every song on unconventional instruments
Person 91: The creator is sooo into anime and X fetish
Person 92: Hey lets all badger the entire crew online!
Person 93: Don’t tap the glass, it upsets the writers
Person 94: OMG they broke the fourth wall again
Person 95: This new character is such a sinnimon roll
Person 96: Redemption for the Villain!!!
Person 97: These characters are not good role models
Person 100: the fuck is this?
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a while back i said i was going to write out all the reasons i don't like melanie martinez and her music. well, here it is. everything is under the cut, but beware, this includes ableism along with abuse, suicide, and csa/rape mentions. also, uncensored slurs. be safe!
ill be going by songs, starting w the crybaby album, because i don't have much to say about melly herself. thatll be at the end. this is HEAVILY opinion based, so take it all w a grain of salt. 
- crybaby is ok to me, nothing super terrible. 
- dollhouse is the first song i don't like; it presents nothing new, because the whole "abuse/other bad things wrapped in a cute package" thing isn't a new concept. i also don't like the line "i see things that nobody else sees" because yes, while crybaby is a character, shes not said to be psychotic or have hallucinations, and i feel like that line was just thrown in to make her sound "crazy".
- sippy cup is like dollhouses terrible older sibling tbh. within the first verse, we have an ableist slur and plastic surgery shaming. real nice. also "silly girl, with silly boys" just rubs me The Wrong Way(tm). then theres what sounds like romantiziation of eating disorders, which as far as I know, mel doesnt suffer from (if youve heard otherwise, please send me an ask abt it!) sippy cup is basically saying "bad is still bad even if its presented in a good way!!!!" and its just...not good. 
- i don't have any strong feelings about carousel. tbh, it has a nice tune and its actually one of the few decent songs on crybaby. 
- confession time: i LOVE alphabet boy. if i had to pick a melanie song to listen to, itd be alphabet boy. its really catchy and fun to sing (plus im a slut for alliteration,) and i don't have many personal complaints. though i do detest the whole "baby" theme she has, esp in this song. 
- soap is just...eh to me. i really don't like the causal suicide line as someone whos attempted So Many times, and the whole fake-deep thing just amounts to "i fucked up, i feel terrible". 
- training wheels is a CLUSTERFUCK. as i said, i hate the "baby" theme, when mixed with adult stuff. this song is undoubtably about sex and relationships, but shes using things kids can relate to and its just...feels bad, scoob. "i love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do" is a one-two punch of emotional abuse implications and a slur. its just...all around bad. 
- pity party is...decent. the "im laughing, im crying, it feels like im dying" lines are suspect to me, because they sound very bpd-ish and idk how i feel abt that. 
- tag youre it is just. BAD. mel herself had the ADACITY to say its supposed to be ~whimiscal~, such with crybaby being kidnapped by the "big bad wolf". that may be the story, but putting a song about your childlike character being kidnapped and implied to be raped? is so fucked up.
- milk and cookies is also fucking terrible. "im fucking crazy, need my perscription filled" nice job implying all csa survivors are crazy, melly babe. gg. 
- i dont have strong feelings abt pacify her. just that its some infantilizing bs as usual.
- mrs potato head is somewhat decent? i dont have strong feelings about it either 
- mad hatter, and i know everyone and their mom have said this, is an ableism filled fucker. from the first lines, when i first heard it, i thought it was a harmless alice in wonderland inspired song. cute! and then the next lines played. im gonna go line by line and say what implications/statements bother me. "now i'm peeling the skin off my face" as someone who has pretty severe skin picking issues, this rubs me the wrong way. its basically just there to make crybaby ~weird~ "'cause i really hate being safe" oh, bc safe is SUCH a bad thing to be? this is just a bad line. "the normal, they make me afraid, the crazies, they make me feel sane" holy ableism batman! the normal? like psychotic people arent ~normal~? also, i love (sarcasm) how she says "the crazies". mel, honey, you have no grounds to say that. "i'm nuts, baby, i'm mad / craziest friend that you've ever had / you think i'm psycho, you think i'm gone / tell the psychiatrist something is wrong" do you think mel even thought about how fucking assholeish and downright insensitive she sounds abt mental illness right here? because she sounds like she did one (1) google search about psychosis and wrote down everything she could. "oh, off the bend, entirely bonkers / you like me best when i'm off my rocker / tell you a secret, i'm not alarmed / do what if i'm crazy? the best people are" okay, so, im 99% sure mel is NOT psychotic in the fucking slightest. hey babe, youre not ~crazy~ and you dont get to appropriate our oft reclaimed slurs. this is just. so insensitive and fucked up. 
- cake isn't that bad. i find myself humming it a lot. 
- teddy bear is decent as well, kinda edgy tho. 
- now for the only one of her unreleased songs that bothers me: a million men. (major csa tw for that song) she wrote it after watching a documentuary about sex trafficking and csa, and while its not bad lyrically and a few lines are relatable to my csa survivor ass, but shes not a csa survivor, and i don't feel like she should have written and sang it. 
- my personal problem with melanie is that she has her "crybaby" image all the time. shes tweeted saying she broke her nail trying to open her sippy cup, she poses half naked in bibs with a pacifier, etc. it just feels wrong to me, as i had my childhood and innocence and childhood things torn from me and sexualized very early on in life. 
- so thats all! i may or may not update this if anything else comes up. thank you for reading this far. 
(please be aware that i do not hate melanie as a person, and that i don't wish her any ill will. i just have problems with things shes done. and i am not saying you need to drop her music completely; just be critical and use your brains. and be respectful if someone says it bothers them!)
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minblush · 7 years
i don't think people are picking on the chainsmokers because they're literally nobody and no one knows them except for their songs. i dont know their songs either tbh lol.
tbh i never even saw their faces before they took pics with bangtan, but i have heard their songs (like how can you not? those songs are HUGE and i don’t even follow american music tbh) and heard about them as people… eeh… yeah… i’d call them and their sexism problematic way more readily than what halsey is doing right now
more asks under read more! ;;
Anonymous said:please stop being like “people are picking on halsey because she’s a woman”. people don’t pick on the chainsmokers bc noboby actually knows who they are. and everyone here, or at least most of the fandom, loves tinashe to death and would be 100x more times happy if it was her or like kehlani, instead of halsey.
oh i would also definitely take kehlani over halsey any day myself! i’m not saying that it’s just because she’s a woman. but when it comes to this whole problematic thing… there is a double standard, i’m sorry i do believe that sexism is a factor because of the comments i’ve seen that are rooted in it by nature, if you aren’t fond of her for ~problematic~ behaviour in the past or even for being annoying (like i do lol) that is valid, i’m not taking it away from you, but the things i’ve seen people say… like i’m not cooking out of water you know, i have reasons as to why i said what i said… i try not to make made up blanket statements ._. also there is a stark contrast between how other people (men) were received when they interacted or tried interacting with the boys (pewdiepie had a much warmer response overall AND LIKE? IF YOU KNOW WHAT HE DOES THEN YOU KNOW THAT SHOULDN’T HAVE BEEN THE CASE)… anyway, i just still don’t think that any of it is relevant when it comes to bangtan? halsey being “problematic” or disliked by people… you can personally dislike her but she would be of great benefit to them and the boys do like her and were so excited to meet her, but you are going to be like OH NO YOU ARE DUMB GUYS SHE’S PROBLEMATIC, i’d much prefer kehlani (especially music wise!) but i don’t think it’s inherently wrong for bangtan to work with halsey if it were to happen and i am happy for them, like the screaming “OMG NO NOT THAT SLUT” like? that is… not good… i think we should be pleased and happy for the boys getting connections like this for the many reasons i said before and i don’t want to repeat myself too much so i’ll leave it there
Anonymous said:halsey has kissed a lOT of underage fans (she even tweeted “I keep promising underage fans that I’m gonna make out with them. I am SO going to jail.” but she deleted it). her ghost and colors music videos are problematic. she also had a tweet saying “Asians multiply every year”. and honestly she “speaks” on black lives matter bc she considers herself biracial but “passes” as white (literally no one could tell if she wanst like gUYS PLEASE I HAVE A BLACK DAD I’M HALF BLACK!).
Anonymous said:halsey is a really problematic person though
sorry i’m just going to do a combined response. when it comes to the kissing etc… i already discussed most of this and my point is still the same, so i’m not going to repeat myself, you can go read my previous asks again for my opinion there. about the videos i don’t see…how those music videos are problematic, i just watched them cause I’M NOT A HALSEY FAN why is this happening to me dakjsd, but yeah like you could debate it but that is some very strict standards there, do you find bangtan problematic as well then? like cultural appropriation wise or whatever, since that seems to be your issue with the first one, i didn’t see much wrong with the second one… 
but yeah, that is my question, do you think bangtan are problematic? i assume you both are bangtan stans since you’re here akdjs… but because if these are your standards then bangtan also most definitely fit in there, especially if to you “problematic” is something that defines you for the rest of your life once you do a problematic thing. to go on a tangent… i just have a problem with that word i suppose… problematic… the issue with that word is that people call people like halsey problematic to define them for doing problematic things in the past even if they try they best in the present, and i don’t think that’s fair, because then they also call the same thing the people that are actively racist right now, people that are misogynist or homophobic right now, celebrities that are abusive and break the law etc, like how can you put someone who made yeah ugly racist comments and jokes when they were 15-17 or so but learned from it (and from quick googling apologized as well) in the same category as people like johnny depp, woody allen or chris brown? which is what i see happening? and also with all the “problematic favs” being thrown around? jennifer lawrence etc? 
i already said that i don’t even really like her, i’m just indifferent, and i’m not comfortable defending her because… she did some messy things and i don’t care for her and it wasn’t even my point, i find her grating and annoying and messy, i guess this is really about what the word means to you? i admitted i didn’t know about the asian comments, but i did for example know about her transphobic comments and my opinion is the same before and after… i justtt can’t get behind calling her problematic as a whole… 
she did say problematic things in the past i can agree there! people are definitely right there i can concede. but i don’t think she’s problematic as a person because to me that means someone who is actively “causing problems and refuses to correct their behaviour” ykwim… to me she seems actively trying to be a positive influence on the world RIGHT NOW and seems to have learned from what you mentioned, and i can appreciate that, that is one of the things i really appreciate about namjoon - reflection, growth, trying to make a positive difference, i could be always wrong but i prefer giving people the benefit of the doubt.. if she goes out and does something genuinely problematic tomorrow i’ll apologize to you personally. 
also if you’re gonna bring up her racial comments from so long ago and keep making it your point, are you going to do the same to namjoon? i’m curious. because i hate when other kpop fans use namjoon as the model for problematic idols, that’s why i’m cautious about treating other celebrities that way. you could pick out the messy and problematic things from anyone’s life and just write them off, bangtan included :/ so if you stan them i do find this sort of thing hypocritical. 
and last thing, about her race… i can’t even… like… you are going to erase her race because she is passing? or what do you mean? what is your point even????? there are black celebrities that never said a word about it, that’s why i brought it up, i know she’s biracial, was that your point? to like remove one of the positive things she does? are you really mocking her for trying to be socially active? she put herself out there to do the right thing, i don’t think it’s worth that sort of tone. i really don’t get your point of view. idek.. that is just way too cynical even for me. 
but yeah, i said several times that my point wasn’t really to discuss whether she’s problematic or not, i don’t think she is right now though, she was in the past and i think she is questionable and i have my opinion about her in general, you can find her problematic if you want i guess, that is just a matter of how you define the word, we can agree to disagree. my point was that she can be of benefit to the boys and i stand by that! she was extremely nice and respectful to them and the boys liked her too, we don’t need to ruin it for them
also i know this is a really long reply so if you want to discuss it more please send me asks on my ask.fm instead, tumblr can eat messages and it’s annoying in general, so it would be more comfortable there, thank you
Anonymous said:some of you really acting like bts can’t and shouldn’t meet new people or artists or god forbid made new friends like lmao chill, they ain’t gonna date halsey. she did done some problematic shit but saying that bts doing charity meeting her (i saw that on twt) or sth is disgusting. she clearly acted very friendly towards them and the boys were happy and comfortable. same goes with the chainsmokers, etc. stop acting gross just because you don’t like some artists and let bts do whatever they want
yeah see, i dislike the chainsmokers way more than how i feel about halsey, but i was still happy for them that they got to meet, because the boys like their music and it would be a big thing for them to get connections like that, the audience exposure is HUGE, when the boys can benefit and when the boys are happy, i’m happy, even if i personally dislike the people they’re meeting… i just don’t think it’s fair to push our standards and opinions on the boys and be like “no you shouldn’t work with them because i personally dislike them”, it’s about the music first and about how much new fans and success they could gain
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Did Trump Ever Say Republicans Are Stupid
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-trump-ever-say-republicans-are-stupid/
Did Trump Ever Say Republicans Are Stupid
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Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters
Donald Trump Tells Oprah in 1988 What He Would Do as President
Former aides say that in private, the president has spoken with cynicism and contempt about believers.
One day in 2015, Donald Trump beckoned Michael Cohen, his longtime confidant and personal attorney, into his office. Trump was brandishing a printout of an article about an Atlanta-based megachurch pastor trying to raise $60 million from his flock to buy a private jet. Trump knew the preacher personallyCreflo Dollar had been among a group of evangelical figures who visited him in 2011 while he was first exploring a presidential bid. During the meeting, Trump had reverently bowed his head in prayer while the pastors laid hands on him. Now he was gleefully reciting the impious details of Dollars quest for a Gulfstream G650.
Trump seemed delighted by the scam, Cohen recalled to me, and eager to highlight that the pastor was full of shit. Theyre all hustlers, Trump said.
The presidents alliance with religious conservatives has long been premised on the contention that he takes them seriously, while Democrats hold them in disdain. In speeches and interviews, Trump routinely lavishes praise on conservative Christians, casting himself as their champion. My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith, he declared at a rally for evangelicals earlier this year. Its a message his campaign will seek to amplify in the coming weeks as Republicans work to confirm Amy Coney Barretta devout, conservative Catholicto the Supreme Court.
The People Whom President Trump Has Called Stupid
Since he declared his candidacy for the presidency, no group has been deemed stupid by Donald Trump more frequently than Americas leaders. There are stupid people running the country, he said over and over and over again on the campaign trail; making stupid deals with Iran and stupid deals on trade. Everyone in charge was dumb and he wasnt except that he was stupid for self-funding his campaign. That, in broad strokes, was Trumps rhetoric in 2015 and 2016.
But that wasnt the full extent of it. When Trump tweeted disparagement of LeBron James and CNNs Don Lemon Friday night, it was a reminder that Trump often divides the world into two groups: those who are stupid and those who arent. It was also a reminder that, of late, Trump has often chosen to describe as stupid people who are not white.
That wasnt always the case. Before the presidential election, Trump mostly disparaged white people as stupid.
Of course, back then, his political opponents were mostly white people: those running against him in the Republican primary and the conservative establishment broadly opposed to his candidacy. He called Karl Rove, former George W. Bush adviser, stupid five times, including in interviews. Bloombergs Tim OBrien, whom Trump once sued unsuccessfully for alleged libel, earned the description three times, as did television host Glenn Beck.
Since President Trumps inauguration, though, that has changed.
It wasnt Obama.
The Dumbest Stuff Donald Trump Has Ever Said
Paul J Richards/AFP/Getty
Americas favorite faux-political shock jock came back with a vengeance two weeks ago when, during a press conference to announce his candidacy for the presidency, he characterized all Mexican immigrants as drug-peddling rapists.
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody elses problems, he said. When Mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
The comments ended up getting both him and his television programs booted from NBC. After a public pressure campaign that racked up more than 200,000 petition signatures, the network decried his words as derogatory. Trump, as to be expected, railed against NBC. Instead of apologizing for his words, he later asserted that his stance on immigration is correct.
Its not the first time Trump has insulted Americas southern neighbor. This past February, when Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu took home an Oscar for his film Birdman, Trump offered dubious congratulations. Well it was a great night for Mexico, as usual in this country It was a great night for Mexico. This guy kept getting up and up and up. I said, you know, whats he doing? Hes walking away with all the gold.
On African-Americans:
Laziness is a trait in blacks.
On women:
On religion:
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Trump ‘knows Republicans Are Stupid’ Jared Kushner Allegedly Said To Former Editor
Greg Price U.S.Jared KushnerDonald TrumpRepublicans
One of the strategies Donald Trump employed as he began putting his name on the U.S. political map years ago was championing “birtherism,” the long-held conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was born outside of the U.S. and hence should never have been elected. He often chastised Obama and demanded the president produce his birth certificate, revving up an anti-Obama base that eventually helped put Trump in the White House.
Evidently, Trump may have been using the so-called birthers only as a means to an end.
His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is also a senior adviser to the president, allegedly told a former editor of the newspaper he once owned that the billionaire real-estate mogul didn’t believe his own “birtherism” claims, and only made them to charge up Republicans because they are “stupid,” GQ reported.
During a discussion on how to cover Trump, the former New York Observer editor, Elizabeth Spiers, claimed she told Kushner that she had serious problems with Trump’s repeated claims that Obama was not born in the U.S., to which Kushner allegedly told her: “He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it.”
Spiers told her Kushner anecdote in response to a question from a conservative blogger on Facebook, and then screenshotted the response and put it up on Twitter.
In 1988 Oprah Asked Donald Trump If He’d Ever Run For President Here’s How He Replied
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Donald Trump;wasn’t always so sure he wanted to run for president.
Long before The Donald officially kicked off his;polarizing2016run and became;the Republican frontrunner, Oprah asked the business tycoon about his political aspirations on a 1988 episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” ;Trump had originally appeared on the show to promote a new book and discuss his life as a businessman, but the conversation soon turned toward foreign policy and how Trump would take a tougher stance with America’s allies.
“I’d make our allies pay their fair share. We’re a debtor nation; something’s going to happen over the next number of years in this country, because you can’t keep going on losing $200 billion,” he said on “The Oprah Show” back then. “We let Japan come in and dump everything right into our markets… They come over here, they sell their cars, their VCRs. They knock the hell out of our companies. And, hey, I have tremendous respect for the Japanese people. I mean, you can respect somebody that’s beating the hell out of you, but they are beating the hell out of this country. Kuwait, they live like kings and yet, they’re not paying. We make it possible for them to sell their oil. Why aren’t they paying us 25 percent of what they’re making? It’s a joke.”
The rant prompted Oprah to ask the question that people would ask for the next few decades.
Of course, he couldn’t help but hedge.
“I think I’d win,” Trump said. “I’ll tell you what: I wouldn’t go in to lose.”
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Trumps 10 Most Hilariously Stupid Things He Said In 2019
President Donald Trump has a long history of saying some of the most bizarre things in politics. This year was one for the books as the president flailed, searching for excuses for his July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Here are some of the most hilariously stupid things the president has said this year:
1. Windmills cause ear cancer
If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value, Trump told Republicans in April. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one. He then made a whirring noise mimicking a turbine.
2. He wants to buy Greenland
In meetings, at dinners and in passing conversations, Mr. Trump has asked advisers whether the U.S. can acquire Greenland, listened with interest when they discuss its abundant resources and geopolitical importance and, according to two of the people, has asked his White House counsel to look into the idea, the Wall Street Journal reported in August.
Denmark essentially owns it, Trump told reporters in the days that followed. Were very good allies with Denmark. We protect Denmark like we protect large portions of the world. Strategically its interesting.
Trump then got into a fight with Danish leaders and had to cancel a trip hed planned to the country.
3. Trump is the chosen one.
4. Why dont they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.
Im Getting The Word Out: Inside The Feverish Mind Of Donald Trump Two Months After Leaving The White House
I Alone Can Fix It
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Seventy days had passed since Donald Trump left Washington against his will. On March 31, 2021, we ventured to Mar-a-Lago, where he still reigned as king of Republican politics. We arrived late that afternoon for our audience with the man who used to be president and were ushered into an ornate sixty-foot-long room that functioned as a kind of lobby leading to the clubs patio. A model of Air Force One painted in Trumps proposed redesigna flat red stripe across the middle, a navy belly, a white top, and a giant American flag on the tailwas proudly displayed on the coffee table facing the entrance. It was a prop disconnected from reality.; Trumps vision never came to be; the fleet now in use by President Biden still bears the iconic baby blue-and-white livery designed by Jacqueline Kennedy.
Trump had invited us to Mar-a-Lago to interview him for this book. He had declined an interview for our first book about his presidency, and when A Very Stable Genius was published in January 2020, attacked us personally and branded our reporting a work of fiction. But Trump was quick to agree to our request this time. He sought to curate history.
But future elections were not front and center in his mind. A past election was. Trump was fixated on his loss in 2020, returning to this wound repeatedly throughout the interview.;
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Trump Told A Reporter His Biggest Secret: That He Is A Danger To The American People
Trump is a particularly stupid man who thinks he is very smart. Perhaps this lies at the root of his monumentally dumb decision to grant Bob Woodward 18 interviews
The Inuit are supposed to have dozens of words to describe snow. The Brits have endless ways to talk about rain. Now its time for Americans to delineate all the many ways that Donald Trump is dumb.
If Bob Woodwards new blockbuster teaches us anything new about the character of the 45th president, its that we dont yet have the words to describe the multiple variants of the vacuum inside his head.
Theres the stupidity of arrogance, the stupidity of ignorance and his old friend: the stupidity of blatant duplicity. Theres his homicidal stupidity, his traitorous stupidity, his criminally corrupt stupidity and his plain old infantile stupidity.
Lets start with the top of this taxonomy: the domain of Donalds dumbness. At his core, the former reality TV star is a particularly stupid man who thinks he is very smart. Or as he prefers to call his own character, a very stable genius.
Perhaps, just maybe, this lies at the root of his monumentally dumb decision to grant Woodward 18 interviews, on the record and on tape.
Instead, our very stupid genius vomited up all manner of secrets that collectively prove beyond all reasonable doubt that he represents the greatest single danger to the fate of both the American people and to himself.
Fact Check: Did Trump Say In ’98 Republicans Are Dumb
Donald Trump: I didnt say that. (He did.)
Did Donald Trump tell People magazine in 1998 that if he ever ran for president, hed do it as a Republican because theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country and that he could lie and theyd still eat it up?A:;No, thats a bogus meme.
The meme purports to be a quote from Trump in;People;magazine in 1998 saying, If I were to run, Id run as a Republican. Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe;anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.
We were alerted to the meme by a reader, A. Douglas Thomas of Freeport, N.Y., among others, who saw it in his Facebook feed, along with a message from someone who said, I just fact-checked this. Google Donald Trump, People magazine and 1998. This is an actual quote by Trump.
Well save you the effort. It is;not;an actual quote by Trump.
We scoured the;Peoplemagazine archives and found nothing like this quote in 1998 or any other year.
And a public relations representative with;People;told us that the magazine couldnt find anything like that quote in its archives, either.;Peoples Julie Farin said in an email: Peoplelooked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct.;We combed through every Trump story in our archive.;We couldnt find anything remotely like this quote and no interview at all in 1998.
There were several stories in the late 1990s about Trumps flirtation with a presidential run.
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Trump Is Right: Republicans Are Stupid
Donald Trump, master of the deal, is right. The Republicans are stupid, not only as politicians but also as political psychologists. He criticized Paul Ryan for bringing up the subject of Medicare reform that the Democrats could use to turn the elderly against the Republicans. Their video of grandma being shoved over the cliff by Republicans is a stark indication of how the Dems will fight to win four more years for Obama.
As the discussions over increasing the debt limit go on, the Democrats are portraying themselves as the more flexible party in the negotiations. They are willing to cut cherished programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, provided Republicans agree to some increases in revenue. They want the Republicans to agree to raise taxes and cut spending on programs that the elderly hold sacred. A perfect recipe for Republican defeat in November 2012. Thursdays meeting was supposed to focus on spending cuts in the two health care programs and on new revenue. And only stupid Republicans would attend such a meeting.
From the very beginning, by focusing on cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, the Republicans have trapped themselves into a no-win situation. Why havent they offered a list of real cuts in federal spending? Who told them that cutting programs that the elderly are dependent on is the way to win votes in 2012?
Here Are The Top 10 Stupidest Things Trump Did As President
We’re tentatively starting to emerge from the four year-long national nightmare of Donald Trump’s presidency, but the reckoning of what the nation endured will take years to really understand. Trump was terrible in so many ways that it’s hard to catalog them all: His sociopathic lack of regard for others. His towering narcissism. His utter ease with lying. His cruelty and sadism. The glee he took in cheating and stomping on anything good and decent. His misogyny and racism. His love of encouraging violence, only equaled by his personal cowardice.
But of all the repulsive character traits in a man so wholly lacking in any redeemable qualities, perhaps the most perplexing to his opponents was Trump’s incredible stupidity. On one hand, it was maddening that a man so painfully dumb, a man who clearly could barely read even on those rare occasions when he deigned to wear glasses still had the low cunning necessary to take over the Republican Party and then the White House.
On the other hand, it was the one aspect of Trump’s personality that kept hope alive. Surely a man so stupid, his opponents believed, will one day blunder so badly he can’t be saved, even by his most powerful sycophants. That has proved to be the case as Trump fumbles his way through a failed coup, unable and unwilling to see that stealing the election from Joe Biden is a lost cause.
He then pointed at his head, and said, “I’m, like, a person who has a good you-know-what.”
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Top 10 Actual Things Donald Trump Said At His 2016 Presidential Campaign Kickoff
Top 10 Actual Things Donald Trump Said At His 2016 Presidential Campaign Announcement
— On Tuesday, real estate mogul-turned reality show star, Donald Trump, became the latest Republican to jump into the 2016 presidential race.
If hes elected in 2016, the GOP hopeful predicated that he would be the most successful president for U.S. jobs that God ever created, used the recent sale of a multi-million dollar apartment he owned to someone from China as an example of his friendly ties with the country, voiced concern that people from the Middle East are probably sneaking into the country through the border, and revealed that rich Islamic terrorists are his competition within the hotel market in Syria.
This is all real, and its trademark Trump. Here are the quotes from Trumps presidential announcement that you will never hear another presidential candidate say — ever.
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fakefiends · 7 years
stuff i dont wanna lose in my notes
Spinning On That Dizzy Edge It's Friday, I'm in love. He needed to sleep. He needed a break because it was his own damn fault that he stayed up all night lurking on Roy's Instagram. He tried to sleep, but it only came in intervals of 5 minutes, leaving him dizzy as he had to get up to get ready for a soundcheck. He stayed quiet for the most part, taking a few hits out of a joint, thinking it'd make him hyper, but he was so wrong. "Adore..." "I don't think we're gonna wake her up.." "Just leave her alone, I got it." the voices from the other queens hovered above her didn't do much, she just listened with her face rested on her jacket. She fell asleep on the couch, Roy trying to gently wake her up as other queens resorted to yelling. "Aww, let Bianca take care of her baby." Violet joked, laughing softly. "Shut up." --------------- ########### Danny woke up with a headache from the heat, curled up on an uncomfortable couch. His panic then arose as he realized everyone was already half-ready, he was still a boy, with his cheeks flushed and hair messed up and sweaty. "The Sleeping Beauty's awake!" Jinkx announced, looking over at a confused, tired Danny. "Thanks." he said dryly, sitting up and wincing, holding his head and sighing, "What time is it?" "Like... 6? The show starts in 2 hours." Courtney mumble-answered, trying to get her nose contour right. "Oh." He got himself together and got his makeup bags from the corner where they were brought in with everyone else's drag from the bus, sitting himself down and playing some music from his speaker to get himself alive. Starting his makeup, he downed two Red Bulls waiting for the powder to set. ------------- %%%%%%%% 8:00. Showtime. It didn't take long for Adore to get her outfit together, besides the tights and everything. Expensive, cheap-looking dress, a leather jacket, long, wavy black wig with cat ears. Better than clipping together a costume. She heard Bianca hosting on stage, a smile creeping its way onto her face as she smoked, 'Friday I'm In Love' playing so she could get her voice together before her performance. - what is the utmost upsetting, and disappointing realization i have had in all years of life, is that the human race will not learn. we learn from past yet do not look forward whenever there is an approaching red light to simply stop, and analyze. look forward, know your people, know what the options are, and what will happen for each. chances taken with thought and are easily explained are better taken than chances that are impulsive and the only thing you can say to them is, "because that's how it is." i am just now growing, my mind is changing and i now understand that as you become an adult, you somehow become the clueless toddler that asks questions such as, "why is the sky blue?" im dumb as hell - I should have left you The moment I saw that stupid smile. Adore felt like she was in the clouds as she felt the other queen's lips against hers. Courtney's touch was gentle, comforting, treating her like fine china as her lips slowly meshed against Adore's. Soon she pulled away, laughing softly and stroking the taller girl's cheek as she was left breathless in her tipsy state. Adore glanced down at her, flustered under all of her makeup. "M-More.." she whispered, a lazy smile drawn on her lips, and Courtney pulled her out of the small bathroom and to an unoccupied room, in the midst of a loud party. I'm deluded to stay, dress rolled up by my waist But you had me at 'goodbye'. Adore again, catching her breath with the queen inbetween her legs, arms around her neck as her black dress was pushed up and out of their way. It was hot, not at all sober.. again, and controlled. Too controlled but the taller queen couldn't help but submit to the blonde's small touches and kisses to drive her crazy. The next morning was a guilty, dirty feeling. A feeling of disgust and regret, yet Danny knew that by the time the night rolled back that he'd be in the same exact position. Sent texts at 6:25 AM saying 'I'm sorry.' and, 'I hope this doesn't change us as friends' still couldn't erase the anxiety slowly building up in him. But that was Courtney. ABC. His best friend and the thought of not having her there sent an even worse chill and an even deeper feeling in his stomach. I hate you every time I fuck you But I close the door Cause I'm young and insecure I loved you, what am I supposed to do? It's all we're good for. Danny couldn't bring himself to climb out of bed the day of an interview with Courtney. Even with Bianca's gentle reassurances and strokes of his cheek to make him feel better, he stuck with the sick excuse and while they were gone, he just got on his laptop and tried to empty his brain with poetry coming out in caps and typos and frantic fingers onto the keys with the same thought in his head. I am disgusting, you are my friend, and we are not one. You don't know me when I'm not high Boy you're only as good as the hole in my skirt And the bruises on my thigh. mmmm Twas bad - Slouching Toward Nirvana, Part 1 (Biadore) Things weren't the best with Danny. He had the best house on the block, yet it was only occupied by one boy. Well, and a few ghosts. Writing was his only hobby at this point, playing a few scratchy chords on his new guitar, not sure of anything. He became a hermit, his only friend becoming beer, weed and his favorite shirt, the word 'sad' always coming up in the lyrics he scrawled down. That's what he was. Just a sad, sad boy. He'd occasionally go out for even more drinks with John, but the days that passed during his break only included weed, beer, and well.. his favorite shirt. He wasn't necessarily sad now, just content, and looking back and bringing back feelings he would've never dared gone back to just to write the songs, making his mood very solemn. Distract and sedate, everything is okay. Problem was, he knew that. He had a lot of time to just sit back and think. Sometimes that isn't the best thing, so he just turned to social media sites, making his feelings turn into little song teases, and gifs, just to keep his followers on their feet. All of them usually just tweeted him if he was okay, since he wasn't getting out, and just drinking, and they weren't wrong, but he'd just tell them he was fine, and he was just relaxing. One night, in Danny's very silent bedroom, he'd drained himself completely. Hit after hit on his joint, he just stared up to the ceiling. Recharging. He'd thought a lot about tours he's been on, all of the guys he'd become attached to, all too fast. That can drain him quick. To break the peaceful thoughts of the boy, his phone had gone off with a text message, startling him a bit. He didn't get many texts anymore, since they all knew he was just slaving away to his boy music, focusing. But once he sighed deeply and set the lit joint onto the ash tray carefully, he sat up and grabbed the phone, squinting and turning down the brightness immediately. It was Bianca. That contact name showing up on his lockscreen was enough to make him crack a smile, before he read the text leading up to it. Are you awake? But he knew the other man's intentions were to get him to the energetic, jolly state the boy was usually in, so he just set the phone down, and rested on his back again. He wanted to reply, and he felt bad leaving him on read, but he couldn't bare having the same repeated conversations of, "Are you okay?" Yes. "..But are you really?" It was a lot of contemplating, but he mustered up the confidence to hold up the phone, and type back a casual 'Yeah, what's up?' and maybe a few emojis. Bianca had the three little dots appearing at the bottom of the text thread almost immediately, and Danny swore this was the only time in his entire life he'd not been looking forward to talking to the queen. Just checking in. I'm going to be in LA for the tour this Wednesday, flying in tomorrow. Danny wasn't expecting this at all, and his mood had almost completely changed. Wait for it.... Do you wanna hang out? Fuck yeah. Danny smiled brightly, quickly typing out a response. 'Of course! What time?' he added a heart emoji to that, incredibly estatic that his favorite person in the whole world was going to visit him again, after months of only texts, he'd get the hug he only dreamed of. Their conversation continued until Danny fell asleep with his phone by his face, his joint finished, and his face becoming peaceful. He dreamed of bliss. - Mmm Twas Bad
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