#but they dont.....knowm.....
spacestationsystem · 28 days
im not gonna get too into it but the trauma that made us multiple is mostly from school. for context.
ever since school came back ive been dissociating to hell and the bad thoughts keep circling. we've become more blurry and gooey in here and i dont know where half of the non-fragment alters have gone and the fragments never front. its just me, the little, a bit of rotary and whoever the fuck takes over when i dissociate to hell. its different every time but theyre always strange and uncanny and dark. maybe a sidesystem idont.know
its lonely. im lonely. i want this to stop and i want to have the few barriers we had before back
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plasticsandwich · 5 months
ive been making graphs for the past 14 hours
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lwieserce · 6 months
Ohhhhhhh admitting to people that i csnnot pay for x thing becayse my mother is closely monitoring my finances is embarassing
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bluekingpiece · 1 year
two more just made their way to chicago. and before that, several others. not you, though. you’re scared.
I am scared. I am so fucking scared. God. but.....
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mirtifero · 1 year
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mrfoox · 2 years
I kinda... Hate that I say so much nice things and always try to reassure people. But as soon as someone does that to me I can't ever believe it
Unless I've known you for like two years, then I'm like... Mmm yeah okay maybe /:
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gmanweatherreport · 2 years
How to i create oc that i like 😥
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xamaxenta · 4 months
also sabo debate team princess star cheerleader with the blondest hair and bluest eyes and pinkest lips, shes all willowy and lean but with the sultriest hips and she Knows It, she chews and pops bubblegum because she KNOWWWSSS it makes people stare. sabo gets anything she wants free drinks free real estate people will risk it all for her and she will take it all , turn around and go ace!!!!! look what i found :3
ace is like a gother version of the Cookie Monster Pajama Pants Girl. shes SMOKIN hot , GREAT rack FAT ass NO bras she does NOT give a shit. she wears a lot of casual skater clothes but she also wears some of the most obscene sexy goth gear imaginable. shes only a cheerleader because sabo is too and they had to ban her from any contact sports because she kept breaking people
maybe this is a college au idk im a degen and Need to have young bunnies acesabo scrambling over milf marco maybe she runs the equestrian team idfk . but my god acesabo. theyre THE hottest couple on campus like they are everyones lesbian wet dream and they absolutely know it and use this to get away with some of the worst innapropriate pda imaginable. sabo sitting casually in outside eating area in her cute mean girls esque little outfit when ace struts up in her tiny black and red plaid miniskirt and torn stockings and knee high boots with so many stupid buckles and the CHOKER, a fat studded leather one , ace just plops herself right down in sabos lap straddling her and sabo shamelessly slides her hands right up the back of aces thighs and grabs her ass, you can TOTALLY tell ace isnt wearing panties. theyre that couple basically frenching in public and theyre so gross but also everyone is too turned on to force them to stop . people try to join "ahaha looking for a third?" "plenty of this to go around if you wanna share 😏" and they are knowm for just the most BRUTAL, NO MERCY turn downs. they do it just because they love the attention and love playing hard to get, and then they love MARCO because their antics DONT WORK ON HER???? impossible. quickly ace we must make out harder.
ive never been into ponyplay in my life but imagining marco putting those metal mouth bridles on acebo and tugging them around like that in her cowgirl getup, acebo with matching red marks on both asscheeks peeking out from under their skirts from marcos flogger........ i need to lay down before i bleed out
As always a fucking banger i have no notes this is all i wouldve wanted to say
I fucking love hyper femme Sabo and her goth gamer gf Ace and how slutty and wanton they are for Miss Marco thee Stallion 😭❤️
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yozzers · 7 months
So sad dratchrod is the popular trio fr rodimus... i am so enamored by the springer arcee hot rod trio of thr 1986 movie like ok visually they are way more appealing as a trio to me like yaaay my pinks and green!! And also ill be honest idk anything abt them other then someone whispering in my ear that they have a goofy ass love triangle and that one scene where arcees like maybe YOU should stick close to ME while crowding hot rod to a wall so. What do i knowm but you should truly 90s shoujo romance these three up somehow someway. Trust me 👍
On the other hand i get the appeal of dratchrod but i truly genuinely believe theres no solid believeable way for ratchet to like, actually like rodimus Like That in a genuine way. Like he tolerates him. Entertains him even. But romantically love and care fr him? I dont even think Drift is one of those guys that loves rodimus like that sorry the small time period they met before mtmte makes me laugh sm?? Like that had to be so brief, it was that tiny pocket of time before D-Void and after the whole "weba wheelie!! And rodimus ig" thing in transformers 2009 which us like what...maybe a few months ??? At longest??? Bbg u barely even knew eo like thar... ♡
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beamzar · 10 months
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23rd November 2023
Open entry: 19:54
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Today was a good day.
I woke up as usual and threw on whatever cl9thes i had left over from the week. Most of my clothes have been dissapearing, and i dont know where to. Its really irritating bevause ive got like 3 pairs of trousers left to live with. Hoge problem because i will be out and about woth my best friends parents and grandparents to a resturant, and I need to look presentable..... BUT MY TROUSERS ARE GONE. FOREVER. My mum keeps sending my clothes to bulgaria. Its so annoying.
School went completely normal. I was almost late because of my teeth routine, and having to find trousers.. but i managed to get there at a good time. The entire day was kind of a blur, but my last lesson did get cancelled, so me and my bff gpt out early. We went to her house and had a good chat. We talked woth her mom for like an hour. She is very "hip and cool", a very kind and nice person to be around. She is so cheery, shes like an angel in disguise. They were making Thanksgiving dinner, it looked very cozy. Her dad is super cool too. Also very cheery and outgoing. He met my mom, which im really haply about. Im glad they take me as an extension of the family like that, because i see them the same way. We havent knowm eachother for long, but they are definatelly like my 2nd family. Ive always wanted to have a younger sister, and my bsf is certainly the best person to have. In general. Im glad she opens up to me. I admire her alot, and she was one of the best things that happened to me my entire lifetime,so im happy that i can provide her with a safe space to talk things through. I love her dearly and i want to do everything in my will to heal her soul where it has been wronged, bwcause she deseeves the best in life, hinestly.
Everyone of my friends do really. I told them this. I hope they saw my words to be true, and take them to heart, because im honest. Writing this feels like putting my fingers on knives, because im very shy, but i have to tell them all how much i love them. I need to reassure them that they are loved and appreciated, because i never had that. I never had reassurance, i never had that support, so i want to provide it to them. To love them the way I havent been, love them the way they deserve to be loved. I cant honestly believe that they are real, that my life righr now is real.
All my life ive honestly lived in a daze, in a flash. I was at the pit bottom of my trail, a shell of a human being. And while im regaining my sences slowly, i still do feel like this, all the time. I cant accept the fact that all of the sudden, my life has gone from misery to comfort and joy.
My past has stripped me from all emotion really, i pile everything up and hang it to dry until it hits me like a train and i completely shut off and distance myself.
Well thats dialed dowm now, bevause of them. And i still cant fully adjust to this change. Being loved like this has hinestly been such a distant thing to me all my life, so i often need to ground myself and give myself time to realise that its all real, all in present time.
I do really love my friends.
Im exited for tomorrow to come.
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Close entry: 20:11
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gorbagegorl · 1 year
it's sad that libraries dont have a cat to sit in ur lap while u read, especially when this is knowm to increase knowledge retention by 10000000 percent
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oc-aita · 1 year
AITA for sending a kid to another universe?
So I(273M) got antagonized by this kid (i actually dont knowM) because I happened to run the largest company on earth and run the city he lived in,He's been a thorn in my side for years! taking out every single one of my security drones and taking proprietary data to put in some spot in a junkyard.
Then while i was launching a test for a device that would allow me to set up a device to send things to alternate universes,the dissonant got into my office and tried to kill me so i just threw him into the machine.
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i mean who do you think your beloved wife is
i dont knowm,,,,,,,maybe you shpuld just,,,, tell me?
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technoguaranteed · 3 months
i dont knowm
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jackogien · 11 months
Restless Blackbelly Nights
Jack sits alone on the tower of Blackbelly Skatepark. He sighs as he takes off his Sneaky Beanie, letting his maroon tentacle slightly move in the cold nights breeze. His emerald eyes look to the stars, hoping for a wish to come true. His phone vibrates, its 4:30 a.m. a message from "Nerd" appears on the phone The octoling looks at his phone and reads the message.
"Jack, you are doing it again. What are you doing up so late at Blackbelly?"
The beanie boy shrugs his shoulders and messages back. "This is my thinking spot Shadow. Cant help it.
Old habits die hard right?" A few moments later thr scientist responds
"Well yes, but its still concerning to me how often you come here... alone. I know that I may not be the greatest individual to help with emotional situations but I always offer another perceptive and a set of ears to listen, or in this case a set of eyes to read your messages"
Jack chuckles slightly. Shadow's always so professional with everything and everyone. "You got it homie."
"For once I wish you would address me by my name Jack..." Shadow responded in frustration.
"And where's the fun in that nerdy boy? Come on Shadow how long have we known each other?"
"Approximately 1925 days. I dont see what the length of time we knowm each other has to do with addressing me by anything other than my name."
"Buddy, you need to get out of your lab more. Why not come by sometime this weekend and we can hang out and I can teach you more about the laid back mentality of a Skatepark raised octoling?"
"Well... I can't say no to any new form of data collection... very well. What time would it be best to arrive at your residence?"
"I have the day off so come whenever, I'll say anytime after 1 p.m. should work well"
"Very well. I shall see you then Jack. I hope you get some proper rest"
"HA, look who's talking mr work until I pass out. But ya see ya man."
The octoling looks up at the night sky once more before super jumping back to his apartment building in Flounder Heights.
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muzdiir · 1 year
idk why exactly but i dont think i rly like how fandom portrays other chars' interactions/views of vash's scars
it kinda weirds me out now much they have meryl/ww (or whoever) like fawn over them? or tell vash he's beautiful when they see them. it feels fake to me 🤷
i have my own scars (duh, i am Human) & am super whatever about them? but also theyve all been from completely benign things. even so, ppl ive knowm with visible scars due to bad history have also always been "eh." now that i think about it, tho, this could be...bc i personally do not care about the scars.... like, the reason why theyre there matters but if u dont wanna talk about it, no problem; the skin itself? is just skin. little different but still skin
idk i think what im getting at is that i wish ppl would have meryl/ww just silently accept/not highlight the scars. like, even if vash were to be the one to point them out, they just sorta respond with "well that sucks, im sorry it happened, i wish you didnt have to go through that, but also know that it is what it is. wanna see this scar i got from falling off a toma when i was 8?"
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