#but this is cool considering the importance of dragons in chinese culture
niteshade925 · 2 months
April 13, Xi'an, China, Shaanxi Archaeology Museum/陕西考古博物馆 (Part 1 - Neolithic to pre-Qin dynasty):
Unfortunately I was not able to acquire tickets to the Shaanxi History Museum/陕西历史博物馆, which is one of my biggest regrets from this entire trip, because Shaanxi History Museum is the provincial-level museum, it has a lot more artifacts. Xi’an is the capital city of Shaanxi Province, so it has both the city-level museum and the provincial-level museum; the one I posted about previously, Xi’an museum, is just the city-level museum.
But fortunately Xi’an has a quite a few history museums, which makes sense considering the city’s very long history, so on we go to the Shaanxi Archaeology Museum:
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For the longest time I also thought archaeology was a very European thing, but actually? It did also exist in ancient China. The word guxue/古学 (lit. “Antiquity Studies”) existed as early as Eastern Han dynasty (25 - 220 AD), and by Song dynasty (960 - 1279 AD), kaoguxue/考古学/archaeology was pretty well known. Sidenote: the word 考古学 may not mean exactly the same thing as archaeology in Song dynasty, but today it just means archaeology. Below is the Song-era kaoguxue work named 《考古图》 (this book on display was printed in Qing dynasty, judging by the cover):
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Compare the above with the notes of a modern archaeologist:
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A collection of interesting Neolithic era pottery artifacts with various faces on them. Some are from Yangshao culture/仰韶文化 (5000 - 2700 BC). I swear you can make reaction pics out of these lol
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They even have these refrigerator magnet souvenirs lol
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Is that a pottery piggy on the right? This piggy looks oddly familiar…
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Which reminds me of this other pottery pig found near the Sanxingdui/三星堆 site (Picture from Douyin user 姜丝炒土豆丝). Looks very familiar indeed lol
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A pottery drum reminiscent of an udu drum. The one in the front is a replica that visitors can try out
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Left: a pottery artifact with a frog face on it. Right: a pottery tiger I think? Not sure.
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Shang dynasty (1600 - 1046 BC) jade dragon:
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Carved stone bricks from the neolithic site of Shimao/石峁 (~2000 BC). These were originally found in the outer walls of the site, which is why they are presented this way:
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Mouth harp artifacts from Shimao culture (top one is a modern one, for comparison). There’s also a map on the many variations of mouth harps from cultures around the world, which is really cool:
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Fragments of bone flutes. These were flutes fashioned from crane bones, the most famous of which were the intact flutes unearthed from the Jiahu/贾湖 site dating back to 7000 - 5700 BC, and they were still playable (first link is the 1999 Nature article regarding this discovery, second link goes to a recording of a modern musician playing the song 小白菜 on one of these bone flutes)
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A Western Zhou dynasty (1046 – 771 BC) bone hairpin. There were quite a few hairpins in the exhibition, but this is my fav:
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And now comes the really cool stuff: oracle/divination bones. Oracle/divination bones were animal bones that ancient Chinese people (mostly of Shang-era) used for divination. These bones have holes drilled into them in a pattern and have oracle bone script/jiaguwen/甲骨文 carved into them (the carved text consists of questions presented to the gods), and then they were heated slowly over a fire until the bone starts to crack. A priest or priestess would then interpret these cracks, as they were seen as answers from the gods, and record the answer on the bone. Sometimes these bones were used purely as records for important events:
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Since oracle bone script is the oldest form of Chinese written language, it is possible to decipher the text carved onto these bones:
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pkmnprideflags · 7 months
Pokémon Character Etymology Comparison
Most of the time, the translators of the Pokémon games will a choose a name with a similar meaning to the Japanese one; for example, Takeshi comes from ishi, "stone," so he got the English name Brock. But sometimes they give characters random names that have nothing to do with their originals.
Because I'm a nerd, I compiled a collection of examples of this across the main series games, with the meanings for both the Japanese and English names listed. This is gonna be a long post; buckle up, folks.
Guriin / Blue
Japanese Meaning: green
English meaning: blue. We’ve all heard of this one, but I couldn’t not include it.
Ayumi / Elaine
Japanese meaning: step or progress
English meaning: a lane. Possibly also chosen because it starts with E, as in Eevee? Sigh.
Shin / Trace
Japanese meaning: advance. Fits with the protags, Ayumi and Kakeru (to dash).
English meaning: uh…the protagonist is tracing his movements? He’s just a trace of what Blue was in the original games? It rhymes with Chase??? Who knows.
Dr. Yukinari Ohkido / Professor Samuel Oak
Japanese meaning: “ohkido” is a transliteration of orchid. Yukinari is similar to the given name of Unshou Ishizuka, the voice actor for Prof. Oak in the Japanese version of the anime; it’s unknown if that is related.
English meaning: So many questions. Why was he downgraded to a professor instead of a doctor? Why Oak instead of orchid, just ‘cause Oak sounds like more of an old man name? Samuel is similar to Salem Oak, a historic tree in New Jersey. Which is still a super random connection.
Nanami / Daisy
Japanese meaning: reference to a type of holly tree. Ironically is part of the Ilex genus, even though that forest is in a different region.
English meaning: the flower, duh. In Western cultures usually represents friendship and innocence. 
Masaki Sonezaki / Bill
Japanese meaning: First of all, yes, Bill kind of has a last name in Japanese. It has never appeared in the games, but was included in the Pocket Monsters Zukan, a supplementary material to Red & Green that is considered somewhat canon. Masaki comes from a type of shrub native to Asian countries, and Sonezaki is named after a region in Osaka, the city that that Bill’s hometown Goldenrod is based on.
English meaning: believed to be a reference to Bill Gates. Because computer man
Matisu / Lt. Surge
Japanese meaning: Seemingly a reference to Clematis, a genus of flower. I can’t find anything symbolically important about this flower that would apply to him.
English meaning: y’know, an electric surge. Could also come from “Sarge.” And they may have given him the specific rank of lieutenant because when abbreviated it kinda looks like lightning?
Kyou & Anzu / Koga & Janine
Japanese meaning: Doing these two together because their names correlate in Japanese. Both words are different ways of saying apricot.
English meaning: Koga-ryuu is a school of ninjutsu, and Janine is ninja with the syllables reversed.
Natsume / Sabrina
Japanese meaning: named after the Chinese jujube tree; big religious symbol in Islam, where it is rumored to be the Tree of Knowledge, and Buddhism through association with Vishnu.
English meaning: Psychic, brain, and possibly a reference to Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Kanna / Lorelei
Japanese meaning: contains the word for “cold”; full name comes from the Canna lily, which ironically must be moved to a warm location during winter.
English meaning: supposedly after a famous maritime disaster site in Germany, which means “murmuring rock.” We went from flowers to death and destruction so fast
Wataru / Lance
Japanese meaning: cotton; and also a reference to a Japanese dragon-water-god.
English meaning: ok bulbapedia’s stretch here is that lances were used in medieval legends to fight dragons. But that’s stupid. They just chose a cool name
Dr. Utsugi / Professor Elm
Japanese meaning: from a Japanese shrub in the hydrangea family.
English meaning: the elm tree, continuing the trend of the Japanese doctors being named after shrubs & getting localized into tree professors.
Akane / Whitney
Japanese meaning: the madder plants, which are associated with the color red because of the dye they produce.
English meaning: white (or possibly whiny). Dunno how she became associated with an entirely different color.
Shijima / Chuck
Japanese meaning: several options here. There’s a cultivar of the haworthia genus, the word silence, or a term meaning four islands. 
English meaning: to throw. Possibly a Chuck Norris reference as well.
Mikan / Jasmine
Japanese meaning: citrus fruit, specifically oranges.
English meaning: name of a plant; likely chosen as a pun on “mine” or “mineral.”
Yanagi / Pryce
Japanese meaning: willow. Often seem as a solemn tree; notably only grows in colder or temperate locations.
English meaning: it’s an ice pun haha
Ibuki / Clair
Japanese meaning: Chinese juniper plant, popular in Japan for its use in bonsai art. Also “breath,” a pun on Dragon Breath.
English meaning: Lair. As in a place that dragons live. Wooooo
Itsuki / Will
Japanese meaning: Zelkova tree, popular once again in bonsai and also for furniture and drum making.
English meaning: willpower.
Mitsuru / Wally
Japanese meaning: to be frail; also influence from “vine” and “crane,” possibly referencing the practice of giving origami cranes to those who are ill.
English meaning: supposedly from “wallflower.” I think it’s weird to focus on the social effects of his condition when the Japanese name is so focused on the physical aspects of it but whatevs.
Old Man Hagi / Mr. Briney
Japanese meaning: the Japanese clover plant.
English meaning: brine, salt water.
Mari & Dai / Gabby & Ty
Japanese meaning: mari is “ball;” Bulbapedia posits this might refer to the end of a microphone, but I’m not convinced. And dai is a topic of an interview.
English meaning: from the verb “to gab,” and…possibly a reference to TV?
Mayumi / Lanette
Japanese meaning: from a type of spindle plant. It’s in the same genus as the plants Bill and Celio are named after.
English meaning: from LAN (local area network) and net, as in internet.
Azusa / Brigette
Japanese meaning: another spindle plant.
English meaning: bridge, a device to connect several networks, like how Pokémon Box connects to RSE. And then the same suffix as Lanette.
Director Kusunoki / Captain Stern
Japanese meaning: camphor tree
English meaning: the stern of a boat. No idea why his title was changed.
Higana & Shigana / Zinnia & Aster
Japanese meaning: Higana refers to the red spider lily, a plant commonly associated with death and the afterlife. Shigana, literally translated as “this shore,” refers to the mortal world, with higana (“other shore”) referring to the afterlife.
English meaning: Both flowers. Zinnia is usually associated with remembering an absent or distant, but not necessarily dead, friend. Kind of a watered-down version of the Japanese name. Aster is named after a Latin word for star, and is usually associated with faith and wisdom.
Tsutsuji / Roxanne
Japanese meaning: the rhododendron species of flowers.
English meaning: you guessed it, rocks.
Tessen / Wattson
Japanese meaning: passion flower clematis, the same genus referenced in Lt. Surge’s name.
English meaning: you guessed it, watts
Asuna / Flannery
Japanese meaning: from asunaro, a type of cypress tree. Ironically would not be a good tree for Lavaridge Town, as it is not drought-resistant.
English meaning: flames or something? I’m not convinced this is a real name
Senri / Norman
Japanese meaning: senryou, an herb often used for Japanese New Year decorations; also 1000 li (Chinese unit of measurement), a distance equivalent to over 300 miles. Yeesh
English meaning: you guessed it, normal
Nagi / Winona
Japanese meaning: the Asian bayberry plant; also a word for calm/lull.
English meaning: wind, wing, or winnow, a verb that means to remove chaff from grain via a strong gust of wind. Her Japanese name is calm, her English name is a forceful gale.
Kagari / Courtney
Japanese meaning: from kagaribi, bonfire.
English meaning: from “country,” likely to go along with Team Magma’s land theme.
Ushio / Matt
Japanese meaning: tide
English meaning: likely from the “mast” of a ship.
Izumi / Shelly
Japanese meaning: spring, as in a water location
English meaning: you guessed it, shell
Purimu / Glacia
Japanese meaning: primrose, a flower with some species that have adapted to cold climates; or possibly the adjective prim, meaning formal to a standoffish - or cold - extent.
English meaning: omg glaciers
Daigo Tsuwabuki / Steven Stone
Japanese meaning: last name comes from a plant that contains a kanji meaning “stone.” Daigo comes from the Indian coral tree, the blooming of which is associated with impending typhoons and drought. Makes me think of how Steven starts investigating Groudon & Kyogre way before anyone else, as if he can sense what’s coming.
English meaning: steel and stone. Why are the english names so not complex in gen 3
Datsura / Noland
Japanese meaning: from datura, a group of poisonous flowering plants.
English meaning: presumably from the word “knowledge” cuz he’s a buff nerd
Rira / Anabel
Japanese meaning: from lilac, which might just be the color of her hair.
English meaning: bulbapedia claims it comes from “ability” but I don’t buy it
Ukon / Spenser
Japanese meaning: from turmeric, the spice and plant.
English meaning: supposedly from “spirit”
Jindai / Brandon
Japanese meaning: both a reference to a plant and to ancient times (lit. “age of the gods”)
English meaning: supposedly from “brave”
Hiisu / Tucker
Japanese meaning: from heath, the plant type. Unrelated to Hisui.
English meaning: supposedly from “tactics”
Kogomi / Greta
Japanese meaning: ostrich fern
English meaning: “guts” or “great”
Jun / Barry
Japanese meaning: probably from Junichi Masuda, longtime composer and contributor to the Pokémon games.
English meaning: No one really knows! It was his first default name in Diamond and Platinum. It’s what the anime dubbers chose for him when he first appeared, and it’s been his name ever since.
Ayako / Johanna
Japanese meaning: no one knows for either of these names! Ayako has a lot of meanings, many of which have to do with kimono designs for whatever reason.
English meaning: ultimately comes from Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious.”
Mizuki / Bebe
Japanese meaning: from the dogwood genus of trees & shrubs. Notably not related to the group of plants the previous storage developers were named after. Fun fact, Selene also has this name in Japanese.
English meaning: BBCode, a programming language used to format forum messages.
Hyouta & Tougan / Roark & Byron
Japanese meaning: doing these two together since their Japanese names correspond. They’re both named after different types of gourds.
English meaning: Roark is rock & ore; Byron is iron.
Makishimamu Kamen / Crasher Wake
Japanese meaning: literally, “Maximum Mask.” Thought to come from the orchid genus Maxillaria.
English meaning: Crashing waves & wake.
Merissa / Fantina
Japanese meaning: an herb genus; also a Western name, indicating that she’s a foreigner.
English meaning: phantom, and also fantasia, a type of tango.
Akagi / Cyrus
Japanese meaning: bishop wood tree, known for its red bark.
English meaning: a Persian name associated with the sun. Likely chosen to fit with the Commanders’ planet names.
Puruuto / Charon
Japanese meaning: Pluto, fitting with the other Commanders’ planet names.
English meaning: Jupiter’s biggest moon. Not a planet. Good job, guys
Ryou / Aaron
Japanese meaning: Japanese clethra tree
English meaning: likely from arachnid and arthropod
Kikuno / Bertha
Japanese meaning: both the English & Japanese names share the theme of being similar to Kikuko/Agatha. Like Kikuko, this name references chrysanthemum.
English meaning: has the same sound as “Earth.”
Goyou / Lucian
Japanese meaning: five-needle pine; also enlightenment.
English meaning: light, possibly also illusion or hallucination
Shirona / Cynthia
Japanese meaning: white-fruited nandina, a flower associated with growing love and good homes.
English meaning: epithet for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon; possibly chosen to contrast with Cyrus.
Kokuran / Darach
Japanese meaning: the pantropic widelip orchid.
English meaning: Gaelic word for oak. Probably a reference to Prof Oak tbh
Neziki / Thorton
Japanese meaning: staggerbush, a kind of plant.
English meaning: from “thorn.” Staggerbushes do not have thorns.
Banjirou / Benga
Japanese meaning: the guava fruit.
English meaning: the Malabar kino tree.
Tetsu / Curtis
Japanese meaning: iron
English meaning: comes from a French word that means polite or courteous
Ruri / Yancy
Japanese meaning: from lapis lazuli
English meaning: similar to “fancy” I guess.
Nobori & Kudari / Ingo & Emmet
Japanese meaning: up-train & down-train, respectively. Refers to global train track directions.
English meaning: Ingo is believed to be a pun on “ingoing” train, so you’d think Emmet would be some pun on outgoing, right? Nope. He’s a variation on “emit.” Why? Who knows
Dento, Poddo, & Kohn / Cilan, Chili, & Cress
Japanese meaning: the brothers are all named after corn: dent corn, pod corn, and…just corn.
English meaning: in English the brothers are named after herbs and plants: cilantro, chili peppers, and watercress.
Hachiku / Brycen
Japanese meaning: black bamboo.
English meaning: it’s an ice pun
Shaga / Drayden
Japanese meaning: from the fringed iris, therefore tying him further to Iris. 
English meaning: shortening of “dragon’s den.”
Vaabena / Anthea
Japanese meaning: from a flower genus that symbolizes “tender love.”
English meaning: epithet of Hera, the goddess of women and family. Also has some added musical symbolism - her name is similar to anthem, and Concordia is similar to concord, another word for harmony.
Giima / Grimsley
Japanese meaning: comes from a shrub; but also may reference words for the devil, deception, and the transliteration of “boogeyman.”
English meaning: grim or grimace + sly
Katorea / Caitlin
Japanese meaning: from Cattleya, a genus of orchids.
English meaning: roughly similar to Japanese name, with possible influence from “castle.”
Kakitsubata / Drayton
Japanese meaning: the Japanese iris, connecting to Drayden & Iris’s Japanese names. Also contains an anagram of tatsu, a word for dragon.
English meaning: similar to Drayden. And kind of similar to dragon if you squint
Karumu / Calem
Japanese meaning: from calme, calm in French.
English meaning: looks similar enough to the word calm, but it technically comes from a Scottish name meaning “dove.”
Sana / Shauna
Japanese meaning: either Latin for “healthy” or Arabic for “brilliance.”
English meaning: probably just chosen because it’s similar; technically comes from the name John, meaning “God is gracious.”
Dr. Platane / Professor Augustine Sycamore
Japanese meaning: French for plane tree.
English meaning: sycamores are not plane trees; however, to be fair, Augustine Henry is a cultivar of plane trees. Officially headcanoning Henry as his middle name now
Koruni / Korrina
Japanese meaning: from cornichon, french for gherkin. 
English meaning: vaguely similar to Japanese; also, the words KO and arena.
Gojika / Olympia
Japanese meaning: the midday flower; also time.
English meaning: an unrelated genus of flower; also Olympian (godlike, superior).
Akebi / Aliana
Japanese meaning: from the chocolate vine.
English meaning: from the genus Aliana, and possibly a liana, a type of woody branch that grows from the ground.
Bara / Bryony
Japanese meaning: their word for rose.
English meaning: the bryony plant.
Korea / Celosia
Japanese meaning: Correa genus.
English meaning: Celosia, a genus in the amaranth family.
Nariya Ohkido / Samson Oak
Japanese meaning: nariya-ran is a name for the bamboo orchid, making his full name an orchid genus. Nariya is also similar to Yukinari.
English meaning: keeps the similarity to Samuel, but otherwise has no special meaning.
Kaki / Kiawe
Japanese meaning: kaki means fire; also, the Asian persimmon,
English meaning: kiawe, a species of tree often used for charcoal and long-lasting firewood.
Raichi / Olivia
Japanese meaning: transliteration of lychee, a tropical tree.
English meaning: from a flowering plant called maile, and possibly also the rock olivine.
Rurina / Nessa
Japanese meaning: from the Cupid’s Dart flower.
English meaning: lots of options here. There’s nesses, a type of shoreline; the infamous Loch Ness; the Greek name Nerissa, meaning “from the sea;” or a Cornish word meaning second.
Omatsu, Otake, & Oume / Charm, Clover, & Coin
Japanese meaning: respectively, pine, bamboo, and plum; these three combine to form the symbols called the Friends of Winter in Chinese art, which symbolize perseverance and resilience.
English meaning: all three are named after objects that are believed to be lucky.
Tsuiri / Tuli
Japanese meaning: the beginning of the rainy season.
English meaning: supposedly from “Tulip.”
Sharon / Anthe
Japanese meaning: possibly from Rose of Sharon, a Biblical term referring to an unknown flower; likely also from the word for “gauze.”
English: the Greek word for flower; possibly also chrysanthemum.
Yura / Vessa
Japanese meaning: from “Yuraa!!”, Spiritomb’s cry before it battles the player.
English meaning: from vessel.
Paldea & Kitakami
Kaede / Katy
Japanese meaning: from the word for maple.
English meaning: possibly referencing katydid (bush crickets).
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auranova26 · 1 year
Mandarin names in Cryas Darkstalkers
In the backstory for Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling, I brought up several names that were of Mandarin Chinese origin. I want to take the time to not only explain those, but some other small details relating to Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling. The backstory blog for reference:
Let us start with the names of Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling's parents. First off, yes, they have names in this mythos, unlike in the main timeline. Mingxia, 明霞 (Míngxiá), translates to roughly 'bright halo'. 明 (míng) translates to 'bright, shining, clear' while 霞 (xiá) translates to basically 'halo'. Why this name was chosen was because I like the idea of how the translation of her name basically could be the way her form looked when she transformed into that dragon. A bright body of light in a way. Plus, some positive ways of how the sisters saw her in their lives. Despite being their only parental figure growing up, she was literally their world. Xiangzi was chosen to play off how Hsien-Ko got her name. Hsien-Ko getting her name from the Xian, 何仙姑 (Hé Xiāngū), Xiangzi gets his name from the Xian, 韓湘子 (Hán Xiāngzǐ). So why this Xian specifically? Well according to a bit of digging, there exists a love story between the Xian Xiangzi and a dragon girl known as Longnu. Considering dragon's play a big symbolic importance to the Shao family later on, specifically in the case of Mingxia transforming into a dragon via the Art of Unusual Transformation, I thought it was a cool nod to the legend.
Now for the name of their village: 仙门村 (Xiān Mén Cūn) So, the first part, Xiān Mén, translates to 'Immortal Gate'. The reason behind this relates to the next translation I got. In the main timeline, their martial arts were known as Senjutsu. However, that had more Japanese origins in naming, so I wanted something more in relation to their cultural background. The name for their martial arts in Cryas Darkstalkers is the following: 仙術 (Xiānshù) Xiānshù translates to 'Immortal Arts'. The idea of the village is that it is the birthplace of Xiānshù, first developed by the Shao family line many generations ago. It is said the skills and sorcery of these arts were passed down by the Xiān to the people in order for them to have a means to fight off the Darkstalkers. Overtime, people would believe the land the village sits on is the gateway to the Xian. Or so the stories say. 仙树师 (Xiān shù shī) is the name bestowed upon practitioners of Xianshu. Cūn is basically 'village'. So, their birthplace is basically 'Immortal Gate Village'. Now, these were not mentioned in the backstory, but I wanted to go over these since we are talking about Mandarin. Hsien-Ko's special attacks. In the original game, they clearly were name with the convention of Japanese, which will not fly in CDS. With help from a buddy, I got them translated into Mandarin! They are as followed:
Henkyouki (返響器) is now 返響器 (Fǎn Xiǎng Qì) Reverberate Senpuubu (旋風舞) is now 旋風舞 (Xuànfēng Wǔ) Whirlwind Dance Houtengeki (放天撃) is now 放天撃 (Fàng Tiān Jī) Sky Punch Ankihou (暗器砲) is now 暗器砲 (Ànqì Pào) Concealed Weapon Cannon Chireitou (地霊刀) is now 地靈刀 (Dì Líng Dāo) Earth Spirit Blade Tenraiha (天雷破) is now 天雷破 (Tiān Léi Pò) Thunderbolt Chuukadan (中華弾) is now 中國彈 (Zhōngguó Dàn) Chinese Artillery Those these are likely not necessary, it brought me a lot of joy to do some research and really show some care and love to Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling's Chinese origins. :)
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mikka-minns · 1 month
Vietnamese mythology is diverse and has many gods, some belong to religions too but here are the Mainstream ones that are told in Myths and ones I know a lot about as a Kid:
_The 2 Creation Gods, the Sea Dragon God and Mountain Fairy, who had 100 children who became the Vietnamese people and technically that's how Vietnam was founded, basically they gave birth to this country mythologically
_The Mountain God who fought with the Water God over a Human Princess for becoming her husband, he's a Himbo, the Hero of the story, well that's it, there isn't much on him I can cover but I'm really cool with him, oh yeah he also owns a huge Mountain Range here, which is called the Ancestor of all Mountains in Vietnam
_The mentioned Water God, a really cool villain, I like him, he's the OG Romance Sad Boy cause he didn't win in that Bride dispute hence he still loves the Human Princess, VERY petty ass bitch if you ask me, well he did almost drown this whole country in the Sea back in the Bride dispute so yeah, who says you can't be both sad and also a bitch? Well I mean I like him but I can't forget this Guy can drown the country cause he didn't get the Girl, still love him though, he's so Babygirl, reminds me of me
_Super cool Heavenly King God of War, he's a National Idol no joke, he's literally the Youth Spirit Symbol here, the Youth sport festivals have his name in it too, he also represents the National Spirit of Protection against Invaders because he's very well known for appearing at the time the Country was ravaged by wars and invaders, got a sick ass Iron Horse that can breath Fire, he uses bamboos as his weapon which is a huge cultural symbol here. He's a Youth Spirit cuz his human age is 3 years old, he's similar to Nezha in a way, they have vastly different tales and personalities ofc. He's also known for being a giant so I think he's physically bigger than the last two gods I mentioned, oh yeah he's WAY MORE OF A BIG SHOT THAN THE LAST TWO, cuz we have statues of him all over the country, I have one at my place too, as well as streets named after him, I mean he and the Mountain God belong to the 4 Immortals, 4 major gods in Vietnamese religions, ofc that Mountain God also has his own temples too (Well I have never seen the Mountain God statue before but considering how ancient he is and how he's very important in the Vietnamese religion, I think he's just as well loved)
_The Marriage God, who's also one of the 4 Immortals and he's Himbo no.2, he and the Mountain God actually married human princesses of the same family so yeah THAT'S SOMETHING HERE, apparently Humans and Gods can just get married and everyone is super cool with it in Vietnam as opposed to how it's mainly forbidden in Chinese myths. Where's my God husband?!!! Maybe it's because I'm just a normal gal, not a Princess so yeah ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ, even though I don't think ranks matter that much, Gods can love anyone they want. Btw he's actually interesting in that he's a Male God and the God of Marriage, I usually think that normally Goddesses are responsible for Marriage but who say a God can't be a God of Marriage
Oh yeah the 4 Immortals are also embodiments of the conceptual values of Vietnamese culture.
The last of the 4 Immortals I didn't talk much of is a Heavenly Princess or a Mother Goddess, she's the only Goddess of the 4 Immortals, she was more recently considered a member of the 4 Immortals as the other three male gods have been there since Ancient times and she was also said to be an actual historical figure too, I'm not very familiar with her since I only talked about Mythical Gods I've been familiar with since I was a kid
These realy are intresting!
And i can see some similarities with mythologies from others countries and cultures(tho mostly all of them do overlap at some point. Seems even myths have cliches)
Im genuenly suprised no one has done anything with it, there's a lot of material
Sidenote: i do think gods not being allowed to marry outside of thier kind is mainly a Chinese thing because in all the other myths that i know gods make kids to animals even😭
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venteamocha · 4 years
Hello! Sometimes I see you post stuff from IF blogs and I've recently started playing some IF games, which I've enjoyed so far. Do you have any IF stories you'd recommend in particular? I'm not attached to any particular genre and I don't need romance or a self-insert main character, (though I'm not opposed to either). Though, it's a definite plus if it's LGBTQ+ inclusive! I'm not really sure what the "cornerstones" are of IF so I'll take any and all recommendations haha
Oh god, I play so many IFs. So many. And it’s not even close to all of them, but I’m trying!!
Tbh IFs without romance seems to be very rare, I think because when I think IF I think Choice of Games, and those pretty much always have romance in them. At least, the most well known ones do. But a well done one without romance would be nice too!
Okay, this is a list of my favourites! They’re all LGBT+ inclusive, and most have gender selectable love interests, or at least ones that change gender depending on the gender and sexuality combination you pick. In no particular order, of course.  Behind a cut because I’m gonna give them each a mini review. Because I haven’t done that yet.
(There are so many.)
Mind Blind: I absolutely love our big brother Nick, I love how witty and sharp so much of the dialogue is, I love how the MC clearly has a rather large handicap, but is still such an important person to so many people and not looked down on in the slightest. And when they are, we all know it’s because that person is a jerk! They’re not defined by what they aren’t, but what they are, and that’s a great message.
Shepherds of Haven: Part of why I love this one so much is I just love fantasy settings and this one just pulls it off so well. The cast is full of amazing characters, and I gotta say I die inside pretty regularly for not being able to afford the patreon content, lol. The author puts so much amazing stuff on there, and gives us so much great content in the game and through answers on tumblr, and you can tell this whole thing is just the best thing ever to them, and that makes it the best ever for us readers too!
The Wayhaven Chronicles: I’d be shot if I didn’t mention this one, the series that literally killed dashingdon when the book 3 demo dropped!! Again, another author that cares a lot and does their best to do right by their fans. We’ve been given drip after drip of these amazing characters backstories, and I just cannot wait for more! It’s definitely very romance centered, but the overall plotlines are also very good, and I have to say that no matter who I romance, I just feel like the group as a whole is a family. And that’s wonderful.
Speaker: I really like the lore. I really like the lore. I can’t wait until we get more of the overall plotline. Mostly I want my Speaker to get in deep trouble so Seb, Li and Seer (best sister ever) go off and beat the shit out of whatever is causing it. This probably says something about me, but what can I say, I thrive on angst and inflicting near death injuries on my OCs. Sometimes I even kill them, although all of this is offtopic. Or is it? I guess we’ll find out, although I doubt we’ll actually be able to kill off Speaker. And yes, I am definitely playing the Seb & Li poly route. I love them both so much. 
Wilhelmina: I love vampires, ok? Ok? And this one is based off Dracula!! The OG!! And you can choose Drac’s gender!! Shit, sign me up forever!! Yeah, she might be literally killing my bff, torturing my fiancé and low key fucking with my mind, but vampires are hot!! Let me live! Or not. But yeah, this is a really well done retelling of the Dracula novel and I like how well it works as an IF. Did I mention I like vampires?? Especially when they get all monstery?? (This one has an MC with a set gender, as it’s based on an already existing literary figure. Mina can have a same sex relationship with dracula, if you make drac a female, or with Lucy, a female love interest.)
More Things in Heaven and Earth: Hi Nell!! First off, I gotta uncover a deep shame of mine. My family literally has a Shakespeare heirloom collection. As in, my greatgrandfather passed down through the family a collection of Shakespeare that was published in 1911. In ye olde englishe. I tried to read it when I was like 10 and was like what language is this?? What the fuck? What the fuck??? And ended up reading As You Like It, a bit of Romeo and Juliet, and a little of Hamlet. Didn’t touch the rest of it. I only got into the other stories through trashy ya reimaginings. That said, this retelling of Hamlet inspired me to go read the whole of the original and now I have a lot of fears for these characters that I’m so much more attached to, oh god I hope my Ophelia has a happy ending. I hope Hamlet himself has a happy ending. The dialogue is so well done, everyone is engaging, and yeah it made me finish an old af book when nothing else did. (This one also has an MC with a set gender, female, for the same reason. However, there are two gender variable love interests, so you can very much play a bi or gay Ophelia if you so choose.)
Guenevere: I love King Arthur. All the myths. I have so many books based on the King Arthur mythos, oh dear god. I love pretty much every version of it. All the movie and tv shows too! I just can’t get enough of those knights. I could go on for paragraphs about how courtly love worked and how all the different social castes were, but I’ll try not to. This series lets you customize Guen as a character to an amazing degree, considering that she’s also based on an actual literary figure like the other two I mentioned above. It really feels like she becomes your own character, and yet she still exists within this world very very well. I worry quite a bit that the author might have bit off more than they can chew with the current book they’re working on, what I’ve seen of it looks absolutely massive in scale. What is out so far is a wonderful read though, full of drama and laughter and lots of chances to make the story your own.
Bastard of Camelot: Yep! Another King Arthur series! Sue me! This one lets you set Mordred’s gender though, so it’s more inclusive in that way. It is very interesting to play as one of the “bad guys” of the King Arthur mythos. You can play them as straight up evil, as good, or you know, a bit of column a and a bit of column b. Or they can just be a rude little shit. It’s got dragons too! You get a dragon pet! Dragons are cool. It can be a bit tough to play sometimes, since a lot of people dislike Mordred quite a lot because of prejudices. Hopefully this will change a bit later in the series if you’ve been a fairly good person up to that point. Gotta say though, as a warning, that Mordred is a product of incest. It’s not glossed over, and it does cause a lot of problems for them in the story.
God of the Red Mountain: I just love that this inspired me to read more chinese mythology tbh. There is just so much here! And it’s just such a good read. I wish I was better at describing things. The MC being a spirit that you can define, the whole setting, most of the love interests also being spirits, the massive amount of history and culture and lore, how it all fits together. It is such a well done story. I really wish it got more attention than it does. I still miss Big Sister. I still can’t wait to find out more about the foxes, and how we can heal our MC.
The Nameless: Another one that lets you play as something otherworldly. I love the lore behind this one, and I love all of the cast I’ve met. I kind of like that our MC isn’t loved right off the bat, that we’ll have to win over all of our love interests and even the other npcs. I’m up for the challenge! Everything I’ve read on the tumblr for these characters just makes me love them all more tbh. I love how much they’ve written for all of them! Most of all though, I love Oisein. All the art of them is just *chef kiss* and their personality is magical.
A Mage Reborn: This is a really recent one but!! Wow, it’s really well done! That cliffhanger!! Oof!! Not many books literally start with killing your MC off! That takes guts! I told the author this already, but I love the way they formatted this, the way it starts with the end, so to speak, and then fills it all out. It just made everything feel so poignant, how MC is literally looking back at all these moments in time in the last minutes they have before they die. Shit. That’s powerful. And there’s gonna be more??? Can’t wait for that angst. Give me that drama. Of course I picked the one who had me killed, that’s just how I am!
These are all just the COG type games, there are a few twine games with graphics I’d throw on here, but the list is long enough as it is and they feel like they’re in a different category to me. Maybe it’s just me?
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japanesepenguin · 3 years
Day 71 in Japan
+ Akina joined for this morning's exploration walk!
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+ This is a closer view of the little shrine I posted before; the stone people inside are called 地蔵 (jizou) and usually represent the spirits of children; note the various offerings as well as the mini shrine on the right (in the weeds)
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+ We walked around Zojoji (a major, famous temple) and found this, which is a cedar that General (President) Grant planted when he visited Japan in 1879; the dude planted at least two trees that I've found so far [see previous post for the other]
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+ Here's the main building of this temple complex; it's famous as the main temple of the Tokugawas, who were the ruling family before the Meiji Restoration; I'm realizing I should have a "Japanese History 101" post, but two things you definitely need to know: the Meiji Revolution (1868) is when the country opened itself to the outside world and rapidly modernized to go from people riding around on horses killing each other with swords, to people riding around in cars killing each other with guns and (2) the Tokugawas were the leaders of the country before that time and are really important people who will come up A LOT in things I post about
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+ The main Tokugawas, their legitimate wives, and their favorite concubines, are all buried together behind this bronze gate; it's mostly closed, but private tours are available; I took a close-up of the dragon motif because (1) dragons are not common in Japanese artwork (they're more of a Chinese thing) and (2) it's pretty cool looking (rawr)
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+ This gingko tree was planted in 1656 by a Tokugawa dude and is currently the largest tree in Tokyo; it is listed as a cultural property and is therefore afforded special protections
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+ Akina had planned to do work this morning and so I was going to start walking the Nakasendou [in case you missed it, the Nakasendou is a 534 km route between Tokyo and Kyoto that was used during the Edo period; I'm considering hiking the whole thing], but after giving Akina some alternatives that would get her outside, she chose the "investigate the buff squirrel mystery" option!
+ We arrived at no good answers, but she did generate a few other ideas of where to look for answers; we also learned that they're not actually bronze; they appear to be made from cement and painted to look like bronze
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+ Okay, so, this stone is on the ground at a temple with a sign next to it; apparently it was a sport during the Edo period [the period of time when the Tokugawas ruled Japan from Tokyo (which was called "Edo" at the time)] to compete at lifting heavy stones like these, but one dude in particular was able to lift it with just one hand; it is now designated as an important cultural property of Minato (the part of Tokyo where we live); although there are 14 other similar stones known in Minato, this one is important because it has a folklore history behind it
+ All right, that's probably enough for today
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whattheheehaw · 4 years
Lately I've seen a lot of discourse on the Zutara fandom about the cultural mashing in the series but am I the only one who feels like it's ok? And yes there are parts of it than need to be criticized but I don't think people are focusing on the important ones. Maybe that's just me who knows?
My opinion on the cultural mashing in Avatar is somewhat mixed. On the one hand, I totally understand why some cultures had to be mashed together. I mean, Avatar takes place in a fictional universe after all, and many times fantasy worlds have certain things based on real-life cultures. But on the other hand, I don’t understand why Mike and Bryan made some specific culture combinations.
I mean, there’s some really small, minute things that kind of feel off for me. For example, I’m somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of basing the Fire Nation off of imperial Japan and imperial China and then having the geography and some cultural aspects of said nation resemble those of Southeast Asian countries. It’s easy to lump the cultures of many nations into one, especially if they’re roughly in the same geographic location. It’s not uncommon to see Japanese, Chinese, and Korean culture lumped together into one giant one, especially since Avatar is a Western cartoon, but it just... feels weird if you think about the broader historical context of this cultural mashing. I’m not saying that it’s ok for people to group different cultures under one giant umbrella, because every culture deserves to be respected on its own. But like, I’m not going to send Mike and Bryan to the electric chair for doing this. Media has a tendency to group certain cultures together, and at this point, I’m a little desensitized by it (which is quite sad if you think about it).
But then there’s the glaringly obvious cultural mashups that don’t make sense. Like, ok, I guess the Sun Warriors are based off of the ancient Maya civilization at least, I think it’s the Maya Empire. It could be Aztec. Or Inca. If someone knows, please enlighten me in Mesoamerica? And I’m just supposed to come to the conclusion that those guys started off with that kind of culture and then developed into pseudo-imperial Japan/imperial China? Yeah, I can’t really wrap my head around it.
And then there’s the Avatar lore itself. It’s just a hot mess. I mean, the basic principles of the four elements being air, water, earth, and fire is from Greek philosophy. If the showrunners really wanted to stick with traditional Chinese elements, they would have used air, water, wood, metal, and fire. So there’s that odd culture combination to think about. And then there’s the whole dragons and phoenixes being a part of the Fire Nation (I’m speculating about the phoenix part solely based on the fact that Ozai thought it was a cool idea). Now, I could see what Bryke and the other show writers were trying to go for by using dragons and phoenixes. Both mythical creatures are featured in Chinese mythology so using them in the show would be a cool nod to Chinese culture, right? WRONG. SO WRONG. IF ANYONE HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY THAT AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER WAS DEVOID OF WHITE INFLUENCE, JUST BRING UP THE DRAGONS. 
I’m just—I get so pissed off when people say “look at the cool Chinese dragons in the show!” because they’re not Chinese dragons. Sure, the designs might be Asian inspired, but even then, that’s partially wrong because those dragons have wings. If you look at dragons from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean mythology, none of those dragons have wings and they don’t breathe fire. But you know what those Eastern dragons are closely related to? They’re usually associated with earth, sea, and sky. They’re typically seen as guardians of these realms. The concept of dragons being monsters and breathing fire developed in the West. When watching Avatar: The Last Airbender for the first time, I actually expected the first waterbenders to be dragons living at the bottom of a lake or something. But to my surprise, I found out that the moon and ocean spirits are represented as koi fish, which is...ok I guess? I mean, koi fish are typically shown as a representation of yin and yang/fire and water which works in the context of the show. And there are legends in which koi fish can become dragons, so like... it’s close? I think it would have been really cool if they included some sort of Inuit inspired mythos into the Avatar lore for the waterbenders because their whole aesthetic is based on the Inuit, but I digress. I just don’t like how they cherry-picked some design elements of an Eastern dragon and then decided to put all of these other characteristics on it that originated from the West, especially considering that there is no “West” equivalent in Avatar. Like, unless Maya mythology includes fire-breathing dragons, I don’t understand why the writers decided to make this decision.
And the concept of phoenixes in Avatar: The Last Airbender is somewhat weird too. Yes, they show up in Chinese legends, but to my knowledge, they don’t combust. Nor do they get reborn from their ashes (because they don’t combust). Chinese phoenixes are just... immortal. They’re the king of the birds. They just... live. And they symbolize peace, harmony, good fortune, etc. I think the whole concept of a bird combusting into flames and then resurrecting from their ashes comes from Egypt or Greece. So again, weird culture combo that doesn’t make much sense to me. Also the fact that phoenixes are supposed to be another representation of yin and yang with feng and huang really makes the idea of Ozai choosing the title of “Phoenix King” really amusing. Like, I guess he thinks that he’s the bringer of harmony to the four nations but that’s so funny to me. In some old Chinese legends, phoenixes were paired with dragons to represent yin and yang so in that context, phoenixes are female. So like... I guess Ozai is the leader of the feminist movement lmao. Also Ursa is definitely the dragon in this relationship; no I don’t take criticism.
Again, I want to reiterate that we shouldn’t burn people at the stake for writing their fantasy worlds based on a mix of different cultures. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be allowed to criticize when this happens. I’m grateful that there’s a piece of mainstream Western media that features parts of my Asian culture, even if it isn’t perfect or done in the most tasteful way. But I don’t like it when people just slap a “this show is good because of all this Asian rep” or finish watching the show thinking they know a lot about Asian culture, because this is, in a way, contributing to the mindset that there’s no real distinction between these cultures. They’re all just... Asian.
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projecttattoo · 3 years
Types of Tattoo and History of Each Country.
Tattoos have been practiced around the world since the Neolithic Age. Tattooed mummies have been found in at least 49 locations, including Greenland, Siberia, Mongolia, western China, Egypt, Sudan and the Philippines.
Tattoos were used in the form of amulets, status symbols, religious beliefs, declarations of love, ornaments, and sometimes punishment.
When and Where Were Tattoos First Performed? Tattoos date back many thousands of years. In fact, we have firm evidence that tattooing is an ancient art from, after discoveries of tattoos on mummified skin were found. The oldest evidence of human tattoos is believed to be from between 3370BC and 3100BC. The mummy Otzi the Iceman was discovered in the Alps in September 1991, and the mummy was naturally preserved.Otzi the Iceman had 61 tattoos on his body.
Also Close examination of the markings on the mummy indicate that soot or fireplace ash were used to create the tattoos. Locations where tattooing practices have been recorded on human remains, include: Alaska, Mongolia, Greenland, Egypt, China, Sudan, Russia, and the Philippines. All of these discoveries link to different periods of time throughout ancient history. Some of these date back to 2100 BC.
Ancient and Traditional Practices
Ancient China tattoo: Some cemeteries across western China in the province of Xinjiang have revealed a number of mummies with tattooed skin. Some mummies date as far back as 2100 BC, while others are considerably younger, dating to around 550 BC. Within ancient Chinese practices, tattooing was considered to be barbaric and was highly stigmatized
Ancient Chinese literature refers to folk heroes and bandits as having tattoos. It is also thought to have been fairly common for convicted criminals to be branded with a tattoo on their face. This tattoo was used to warn other members of society that this person could not be trusted.
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Ancient Egypt tattoo
There have been discoveries of tattooed mummies from ancient Egypt, which suggest that the practice here dates back to at least 2000BC. Some theories indicate that the tattoos found on the mummies were for decorative purposes. Research by Daniel Fouquet suggests that, in ancient Egypt, tattoos may have even been performed as a medical treatment.
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Samoa Tattoo
Tattooing has formed a part of Samoan cultural traditions for thousands of years. The history of tattooing in Samoa is a great example of how tattoos can form an integral part of social culture. It is even believed that the modern-day English word ‘tattoo’ may have originated from the Samoan word for tattoo ‘tatau’.
The tradition of giving and receiving tattoos by hand in Samoa has been practiced for more than two thousand years. The techniques and tools used for this traditional practice have hardly changed during this time either. The skill is taught and passed down from father to son.
The tool used to give the tattoos is handmade, from turtle shell and boor’s teeth.The process of receiving traditional tattoos takes many weeks to complete. Tattooing ceremonies are generally held to mark a younger chief’s ascension to a leadership role within society.
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American tattoo culture.
Tattoos in the United States can be divided into two epochs: tattoos in pre-colonial Native American culture, and those in contemporary American culture.
Perhaps the most popularized instance of Native American tattoos entering the minds of the British can be found in the trip of four Mohawk men to London in the early 1700s. These men were tattooed across their chests, faces and arms, and the fervor they created in London can hardly be overstated. People were enraptured by the tattoos and the men themselves. It served as a microcosm of Western views of natives — people at once admired the men as noble while scorning them as savages.
In any event, tattoos were common among tribes in America. They were created using sharpened instruments like needles and bones to prick the skin, then by rubbing dark soot into the open wound. Tattoos were a means of celebrating achievements in life and in warfare.
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In the modern United States, tattoos were once seen as fit for misfits, sailors and motorcyclists. However, perhaps aided by the television show Miami Ink, tattoos have become widespread and popular among young people. This show served to show the glamour and artistry involved in tattooing. It shifted the public perception of tattoo parlors as cool places to work and to be. This trend continues to evolve today.
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Europe tattoo culture.
It wasn’t until the 1700s that tattoos began to break out of the cage of stigma and enjoy some measure of favorability once again. Sailors began to return from journeys to the South and Central Pacific islands with exotic tattoos that they had done by the native people that they encountered during their travels. Tattoos were an important part of Tahitian culture and the natives had been covered with beautifully done tattoos that caused the sailors to marvel and want tattoos of their own. Soon, these sailors were returning home and showing off their new body art, causing quite the stir amongst European society.
In the 1700s, tattoos became popular among British naval officers after Captain Cook brought back tattooed natives from Polynesia. It was also common for French sailors to return from trips to the South Pacific with tribal tattoos--a trend that continued until 1861, 
Extinction Of Tattoo Culture From Europe
The tattoo culture was present in Europe like everywhere else before it practiced out after the church edict forbade them on the pretext of some quotes in Bible. As Christianity advanced in Europe the tattoo culture died gradually. It was a popular trend to mark a Christian body only if it meant to represent as a culprit of some shameful deed. This was how somewhere till 17th century, the tattoo art almost extinct from Europe.
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Also During an 1862 trip to Jerusalem, the Prince of Wales got a tattoo of a cross. Later his sons, Prince Albert and Prince George, received dragon tattoos in Japan from Hori Chyo, a tattoo genius 
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Following a markedly patchy and varying history, the tattoos of today’s Europe have once more become commonplace in all classes. From the working class to Royalty, you can still see tattoos throughout modern Europe.
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Japanese tattoo culture
Japanese tattooing, or irezumi, is said to have originated in the Jomon Period (10,000 BCE-300 CE). Modern styles of tattooing seen today grew from the Edo Period (1603-1868), when tattooing in Japan became illegal. Tattooing in Japan has for the most part always been controversial, with ties to criminal activity and filial piety . Many establishments, such as public pools and hot springs, or onsens, outwardly ban those with visible tattoos, no matter how small they may be. With the growing number of Western visitors flocking to Japan, current laws and societal stigmas surrounding tattoos are becoming not only confusing, but harmful for this Japanese art form, as more and more government officials work to ban tattoos for natives but be respectful to inked visitors
Men of Wa, what was then called Japan, decorated their faces and bodies with designs such as fish and shells. The tattoos were used as protection symbols or ornamental designs that varied among tribes and induvial according to rank. Other historical texts point to the importance of tattoos to samurai in the sixteenth century as forms of identification. Certain areas marked soldiers in order to better identify them after death on the battlefield, as scavenger often looted bodies of their belongings
The Ainu, an indigenous tribe from the Hokkaido region, have a longstanding history with tattooing. Ainu tattoos were first recorded by Girolamo de Angelis in 1612 and are most found around the moth, cheeks, forehead and eyebrows. These tattoos were used for cosmetic and tribal purposes, as well as symbols of religion and sexual maturity. Girls first received tattoos between the ages of 10 and 13, some much younger, and continued tattooing until they reached a marriageable age. The Japanese government first tried to outlaw Ainu tattooing in 1799 with little luck, but passed stronger ordnances in 1871 with the arrival of Westerners. Even though tattooing was prohibited, many continued to tattoo in secret.
Modern day Japanese tattooing rose in the Edo period (1600-1867) in cities such as Edo (modern day Tokyo) and Osaka. The development of woodblock printing, ukiyo-e, in the eighteenth century helped further develop the art of tattooing, as more and more people were exposed to tattooed heroes featured in published illustrations and novels. With the rise in popularity of tattooing, the government outlawed the art on the ground that it was “deleterious to public morals
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_Traditional Ainu Tattoo
South Korean tattoo culture
The history of tattoos in South Korea goes back to before the 4th century. Tattoos were used by fishermen from the country’s coastal regions to ward off evil spirits and bring them good luck in their endeavours. During the Joseon Dynasty, the significance of tattoos became much more negative; in the 19th century, they became commonly associated with crime. Individuals found to have committed wrongdoing (including theft and adultery), were marked with the name of their misdeed. During this period, slaves were also marked with their master’s name. Tattoos are often considered to go against Confucian values, which hold that as your body was passed down to you by your parents, it is a mark of disrespect to alter it in any way — for the same reason, many people did not cut their hair. In the 20th century, tattoos became associated with criminal gangs, who used tattoos to signal their family and allegiances.
Like nearby Japan and China, tattoos are still associated with gangsters. Many schools forbid students from getting tattoos, and young men with large tattoos cannot be accepted into the country’s mandatory military service (and so are often accused of draft-dodging, a criminal offence). Some saunas and jimjilbangs will ask tattooed patrons to leave.
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Tattoo culture in South Asia
There is a long tradition of ancestor worship and spirit magic in many areas of Southeast Asia. Specific tattoos are intended to offer protection from bad or evil spirits. Some tattoos are also intended to offer protection from illness.
Buddhists believe that life is suffering, punctuated by brief episodes of joy. The state of Nirvana is achieved when we have victory over our suffering and move beyond it.
In the Buddhist sacred tradition, tattoos are used to represent the teaching of Buddha and to remind us that our goal is to achieve a state of Nirvana.
There’s no doubting that modern tattooing would be nowhere without such ancient tattooing traditions. In this sense, exploring the world of ancient tattoos can be a culturally distinct experience that transports us to both another time and place.
For example, The Batok traditional tapping tattoo in the Philippines is practiced by a traditional Kalinga tattoo artist called a Mambabatok. This form of traditional tattooing is performed by a woman called Whang-Od who was born in 1917.
Sadly, Kalinga tattooing in this tradition is a dying art form, and it is believed that Whang-Od is the last of her kind.
Unlike modern tattoos, these tapping tattoos are applied with a mix of charcoal and water as the ink, which is fixed beneath the skin using a sharp stick and a wooden block as the hammer.
It may be more painful than modern methods, but there is nowhere else where you can get such a tattoo.
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astralbooks · 4 years
The Art of Saving the World - Corinne Duyvis
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Read: 17/09/2020-18/09/2020
Rating: 4/5
Rep: questioning asexual lesbian main character with undiagnosed anxiety, chinese-american side character, biracial chinese american side character, queer side characters with endometriosis & anxiety
CW: panic attacks, homophobia, violence, hospitals, hospitalisation of a family member, comas, guns, government organisations, suicide
I enjoyed reading this book! I was able to read it very quickly, and the story drew me in right from the start.
The Art of Saving the World is a fantasy story masquerading as sci-fi, which is something that the characters themselves are surprised by once this fact makes itself known. The mysterious government agency (or MGA, as it’s literally called in the book) are convinced that there’s a scientific explanation for the rift, but they’re wrong. I really liked the real explanation of what the rift is, why it’s there, and what makes Hazel so important. This book is an examination, possibly even a deconstruction, of the chosen one trope, and I’m a sucker for that sort of thing.
Nothing about this book’s cover or description indicates that one of the major characters is literally a dragon. I was delighted at this surprise dragon, and she also turned out to be a very entertaining character to read about, which made it even better. The moment that I realised there was a dragon in this I put the book down so I could excitedly message my partner to let them know that the book I was reading had a dragon in it! Loving dragons is ace culture, that’s just how it is. Since this book’s publication Duyvis has talked openly about Neven’s existence, so I don’t consider it a spoiler even though her being there was a surprise to me, and I hope that there being a dragon in the book makes more people want to read it.
(Also at one point the dragon takes a group selfie with the Hazels and that alone should make you want to read this book.)
The interactions between the different Hazels was really interesting to read about! They all had things about them that were different, due to their different universes and circumstances, but they also all had a lot of similarities and it was interesting to see the POV Hazel - Hazel Prime - reacting to both the differences and similarities. Key things that I think are worth mentioning are specifically how she reacts to ‘Rainbow’, who is the most visibly queer Hazel, and ‘Four’, who is the Hazel who is most similar to her. Hazel Prime spends a lot of the book almost in awe of Rainbow, both of her appearance and of her apparent confidence, while she’s often harshly critical of Four’s appearance. She’s not trying to be mean, and every time she catches herself thinking mean things about Four she’s horrified, but looking at Four reminds her of all the things that she dislikes about herself and her own appearance. All of these things were relatable to me to some degree, and I’m sure that they will be relatable to a lot of people who read this book. A strong message that this book pushes is that people should be kinder to themselves.
This book also features a favourite obscure trope of mine! I really love it when duplicates of people, whether those duplicates are clones, copies, or from another universe, become like siblings with the original/alternate version of themselves. Hazel Prime explicitly describes the other Hazels as her best friends, and one of them as her sister, and I’m living for it!
The queer representation was good! I liked that all the Hazels were at different stages of discovering their own sexualities and/or coming out to other people, and it was cool to read from the perspective of a character who’s questioning in a story that isn’t primarily about that. I also liked that Rainbow, the Hazel who is the most comfortable with and open about her queerness, is an asexual character who does have sex sometimes. Not all asexual people are sex repulsed, attraction and action are not the same thing, and that’s something that is incredibly important for people to understand. However, I personally got the impression that Hazel Prime’s asexuality was treated as being secondary to her being a lesbian. A decent amount of page time was dedicated to her wondering whether her feelings towards one of her friends was a crush or not, and almost none of it mentioned her lack of sexual attraction until the point that a discussion about labels was being had. My asexuality is just as big a part of me as my love of women, it’s not just a modifier. But, that being said, there are definitely people out there who do see their asexuality as being more of a modifier. My experiences are not universal and all that. This is just something to bear in mind as it did bother me while I was reading.
All in all, The Art of Saving the World is a fun look at the chosen one trope with an unconventional main cast and also a dragon. I definitely recommend it!
I received an e-arc through the author & publisher in return for an honest review
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f-nodragonart · 5 years
ok wait I have one more rant abt American Dragon and I swear I’m done, but the whole concept of a ‘leader’ dragon for every country is very.... strange to me
like ok, suspension of disbelief for vague hand-wavey magic, or the existence of magical creatures, etc. fine fine. but the whole PREMISE of the show is built around the concept of an American Dragon-- yet that concept is so incredibly, frustratingly vague. like I said in my original review, I’m willing to excuse a lot for a simple kid’s show that isn’t looking to worldbuild super deeply, but the main premise at the VERY least should have SOME planning behind it
for one, the physical size and population distribution of each country varies WILDLY across the globe, it’s honestly stupid to assign the same number of ‘leader’ dragons (one) to each, and expect each dragon to serve their respective country to the same degree of competence. the US is a fuckin MASSIVE country w/ two states disconnected from the mainland, and SEVERAL different biomes that have contributed to diverse sets of populations (which would likely be reflected among magical creatures as well, culturally and biologically-speaking). it’s ridiculous to expect ONE dragon to serve, represent, and protect ALL those populations
and the thing is, Jake DOESN’T do that! he’s a New York Dragon at best. the only times I remember him helping out w/ magical emergencies out-of-state are when he’s traveling for personal reasons (like visiting family) or when he’s tending to dragon council business, in which case most dragons across the world are gathering there too (not to mention these instances are generally out-of-country)
having a ‘leader’ dragon assigned to a bio/cultural region without even bothering with human borders would make FAR more sense (esp since the dragons don’t even wanna bother w/ the human world anyways, so why are they assigning things based on human constructs??). hell, there could even still be dragons representing larger areas too, so long as it was established that they’re the more broad-scope representatives that must regularly convene with the dragon representatives of the smaller regions under their jurisdiction. this would assure that each dragon is truly an intimate member of the communities they’re assigned to, rather than some outsider intruding on important matters that they simply can’t understand w/o cultural context. this especially makes sense if we assume that dragon forms are magical/psychological projections of the cultural society that a given dragon is raised in, rather than a *strictly* biological body whose traits are genetically inherited (tho like I said in my main review, I’m rly doubtful of that actually being canon to the show...)
now, it would admittedly be p cool if the show took the time to pull Jake across the nation to explore different cultural/ecological regions and the magical creatures within. but that’s expecting a lot from a show that only establishes that Jake is part-Chinese on the most shallow of levels, and fails to explore Chinese culture in any intimate manner beyond ONE(1) episode about the Chinese new year. like, the bar is on the ground, here
and even if some attention had been paid to America’s diverse cultural settings, I’d still be skeptical of Jake being able to handle the whole nation on his own. hell, I’m skeptical of an ADULT dragon being able to handle a nation as huge as the US, much less a tween handling the whole thing. I already take huge issue w/ kid’s shows framing dangerous, mature situations as “normal” responsibilities for children to encounter and just “get over”, as if they’re as commonplace and simple as like, studying for class. so every time Jake is reprimanded for not managing his time properly when he’s running on 10 min of sleep after facing off against angry trolls, or trying to take some free time for himself when he’s missed out on every other chance at a normal middle school milestone, I genuinely seethe w/ rage
at least w/ most other kid’s shows there’s some explanation I can accept for the main character having to go through that kinda stress. like w/ Danny Phantom, Danny unfortunately goes thru a freak accident, and he can’t tell his ghost-hunting parents abt it for fear that they might tear him apart for science or misguided protection, and he decides on his own that he has some responsibility to use his powers for active good (tho DP still pulls the “ghost-fighting is just like balancing school and a social life!” bullshit that I HATE..). or w/ Steven Universe, all this responsibility was thrust on Steven by adults who didn’t understand the consequences of their actions or had no other choice, and Steven’s currently dealing w/ the massive emotional fallout of having his childhood stolen from him
but with American Dragon, like... this shit is PLANNED. the council carefully CHOOSES the dragon for each nation-- these adults have a RESPONSIBILITY to both a whole WORLD of magical creatures AND their dragon subordinates to choose capable, mature dragons to lead the magical world. and for some reason they decide that this responsibility should fall on the shoulders of LITERAL CHILDREN?? who was the previous American Dragon? where the hell are they now? (Neopuff pointed out to me that Jake is in fact the first AD, which is even even more suspect than before! what!!) even if Jake is chosen to be a potential future AD, why does he have to take on that full responsibility now?? why isn’t a seasoned adult taking care of the bulk of responsibilities until Jake grows up??? like I get that children’s power fantasies hit different when ur an adult b/c u can recognize what responsibilities a child shouldn’t have to deal with-- I GET that it’s good to let children explore mature responsibilities in fiction, I’m not arguing that. but these responsibilities should at LEAST make sense in-context, and NO adult should have knowingly thrust these duties on literal children w/o some DAMN good explanation for why they literally CAN’T assign dragon duties to adults. not to mention that the whole, “you’re selfish and need to learn better time management skills,” thing is such an insidious message to direct at kids who should literally only be expected to... be kids? I’m SO fucking mad abt this!!!
and don’t even get me STARTED on the fact that Jake is being trained by the Chinese Dragon, and Haley by the Korean Dragon. like, again, the show establishes that there’s only one ‘leader’ dragon for every nation, and that Lao Shi and Sun are the current dragons of their respective countries-- they haven’t resigned, as far as we know. so like, what happened to China and Korea (and now that I think abt it, which Korea??)? they just don’t have dragon protectors? fuck them, I guess, they’re on their own now? b/c training American dragons is so much more important than protecting their own countries? b/c a Chinese and Korean dragon somehow have better knowledge of American magical communities than the dragons that have actually been living there and presumably been serving those communities for decades (and b/c every Asian country is apparently interchangeable, so a Korean dragon is obviously perfectly fit to understand the cultural background of part-Chinese dragons)? hello???
now I AM at least willing to consider that perhaps the dragon council runs on enough shallow bureaucracy that their predecessors just arbitrarily decided to assign a single, young dragon to each country, and the current council is too stubborn to change that tradition even in the face of its clear problems. like, actual real-life political systems are absolutely fucked, so it tracks that a fantasy political system could be similarly broken. this doesn’t explain all the fuckshit, but it might at least explain some of the fuckshit. BUT none of these problems are ever brought up in the show, so we have to assume that they are somehow, canonically......... not actually problems..... ugh.............
and none of this even BEGINS to tackle the weird dragon monarchy over all magical-kind. like this obviously isn’t exclusive to AD, u see this sorta bloodline-bound authority thing in a LOT of western fantasy media. but the fact that the dragon council seems so utterly incompetent when u pick apart all the above issues, I’m just sitting here like... how have the trolls/elves/merfolk/etc. not guillotined y’all yet? lmfao
-Mod Spiral
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incognitowetrust · 5 years
a random ramble about Kung Fu Panda related shit
I’m putting this under the “read more” thing because it’s long and kinda unrelated about what I usually do. However, I find myself doing long rambly brain train spills to myself about random topics, and this is one. I wrote this whole thing out, so sure, I’ll post it here. 
I never watched Kung Fu Panda 3 because I loved the second one so much, I wasn't willing to be let down. 
I'm sure a lot of folks are aware of how when it comes to movies getting sequels, it seems like the third one is where things kinda fall apart a bit. I think I kinda call it... a case of the Shreks. Shrek one, iconic, Shrek 2, friggin' amazing... Shrek 3? Hnnn... nnno. And then by the time Shrek 4 came around I don't think most people were particularly hyped. 
Though, to be honest, I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy KFP3 more than Shrek 3. However, I don't think I'd enjoy it as much as How To Train Your Dragon 3... which I certainly liked but I'm mixed as to whether or not it's "better" or "worse" than HTTYD 2, I think when it comes to HTTYD2 and 3 some aspects are kind a trade off, like I liked the villain in 3 more than 2. 
Anyway... Kung Fu Panda... the first movie I think was a bit of a shock to everyone, whether they realized it or not. I mean, KUNG FU PANDA, with JACK BLACK, everyone went in expecting to have an amusing time, but if you're like me, you may not have expected to have a certain respect for the movie later on, in regards to it being more than just a animated kids movie about a funny panda way in over his head. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that movie was a lot more "respectful" and "accurate" of Chinese culture/martial arts stuff than a lot of  media over the years has been, I mean, at the very least it's certainly gorgeous visually. Now that I think about it, it was a damn body-positive movie in a weird way, because not only is there a chubby protagonist, but because all of the martial arts masters are different animals (based off of the different Kung Fu styles of course), you get a cast of characters who greatly vary in body types and appearances. And they didn't do anything weird with the female designs either, they didn't feel the need to give Tigress long eyelashes or whatever. My favorite observation was a thread I read where people agreed "thank goodness they spared us from sniddies (snake tiddies)". Anyway, the first movie's characters were likable, the movie is visually appealing, the audio is appealing, character motivations were decent, yeah it was just pretty heckin' solid at being both smart, and a "kid" movie. 
And then Kung Fu Panda 2 happened, and I went and saw it like "Yeah, what the heck, should be fun", you know, as you do when there's a fun movie that gets a sequel. While my appreciation for the first movie has increased due to artistic observations that come with a growing mind, even at the time when I saw KFP2, I could easily point out how the movie was OOF THERE'S SOME FEELS. They kinda upped the ante in many aspects, but one thing that I'm grateful I got to see in the theaters for was the use of more 2D type animation, for flashbacky bits. That was gorgeous. Oh yeah, and the villain is a white Peacock, which is pretty great. Like, you don't expect a peacock to be a villain, do ya? But it really worked for a royal character. In hindsight, I've thought about how in the past Chinese upper class folks would do things like grow their fingernails out really long as a status symbol showing they didn't have to do manual labor, and a male peacock is a good animal equivalent, because as impressive as their tails are, they can actually be cumbersome (though it sure as hell doesn't stop this one from fighting with the grace and skill of an elf). Though, whether that in itself was done on purpose or not, I dunno, a peacock is still a good choice considering how ornamental and visually stunning designs could fit real nice with it. Oh, and there was at least one part where ya get to hear him do the famous peacock call, which is a very specific and surprising sound to anyone who ain't used to it. This is, all and all, how you do good character design, m'dudes. I know, I know, how a character LOOKS may not SEEM so important compared to the story, but any good storymaker using a visual medium knows the importance of character design, because in itself it can tell a lot about a character. However, aside from looks alone, Lord Shen (I was reminded of his name when looking for gifs) is a good character on the basis of, well, character. I don't wanna really give any big spoilers in case I convince someone who hasn't seen the second movie to see it, but I think it's fair to say that the story overall has more of an emotional weight to it. Tai Lung wasn't a bad villain, but I do say with confidence that Lord Shen was a GREAT villain (He also has a damn good array of facial expressions), there are more complexities, like how he's tied into Po's past. 
SPEAKING of Po, I'm a sucker for some feels, and this movie delivers. Honestly one of the BIGGEST reasons I didn't see the third movie, was because of the introduction of the other pandas, including Po's birth father. One of the greatest things about the second movie was the stuff around Po and his father... because, yeah, a lot of people watching the first movie were probably questioning "wait, he's a panda, and he's a goose... what exactly are we dealing with here?" and the second movie waves a finger like "Ah HA, see, we weren't just being weird to be amusing and confusing, GET A LOAD OF THIS-" And they give ya the FEEEELS, m'dudes. I think that it hits especially hard, because really there are a lot of family dynamics that are similar to Po's and his dad's that exist in real life all the time. I wonder how many young adults might have gone to see the movie, and then sat there in the theater tearing up like "Oh my god, that's my dad". Or, if you're like me, who can find relatability in a lot of things anyway regardless, but didn't need to even compare them to their own family to see and feel the message. 
But then KFP3 happened, and it's like "Ha ha, look, it's Po's dad!" and meanwhile I'm over here like BUT HE HAD A DAD!!! ... I understand it, but at the same time, it's just a bit awkward, and I feel like it might undermine that whole important family arc in the 2nd movie. Yeah, there's an ending shot that shows Po's biological father is alive, realizing his son is alive, but sometimes it's okay for birth parents and kids to not always meet/ get to know each other and  "WOW, I'M SO HAPPY I FOUND MY REEEAAALLL DAD"... that's just what seeing the trailer for KFP3 felt like to me. And, I mean... kinda spoilers for the 2nd movie I guess, but... like... either the mother did in fact die, or they completely glaze over her. Das sum bullshit. 
Look, I ain't advocating total Panda genocide, it was cool to get that glance and the end of KFP2 that showed there were survivors, but, come on man, don't give me a sequel that's problematic to holding true some of the emotions I went through from the other works of art. YA CAN'T DO MEH LIKE DAT, BRUH. Ya gotta keep your messages intact. 
I refuse to ever watch the third movie. I don't trust it to handle the parent/family stuff right. Goose Dad isn't perfect, but Goose Dad is real dad.  
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Disney Growth AU
One of my holdovers from my old blog was what I called the Disney Growth AU, and I’m bringing it back! Mostly for the odd snippet or story post here or that, and partly as a component in some of my other AUs, since those mentions might not make a whole lot of sense without this AU’s particulars.
And also since it would fill a bit silly reposting older stories or edits of them without giving everyone the background of this AU, and anything i happen to think of. No sense posting stories and just throwing you into it blind, even if you’re familiar with it. It would just feel strange!
The Disney Growth AU is a combination of all the various disney properties (or at least the ones that fit into the Disney animated canon, with the various cartoons as having a more nebulous connection but are present), centering largely around the Disney heroines and major lady characters of their respective franchises and sub-series, with a focus on magically induced transformations and a particular emphasis on hyper curves (gigantic boobs, hips and butt, with variance for individual body types and personality-appropriate looks, and with more monster-y/human divergent form styles) and giantess.
In that later case, the princesses and other heroines are absolutely massive, with none of the usual limits i typically have in my usual AUs or giantess scenarios for the sake of tiny/giant interaction; they are a mile high at minimum when not deliberately suppressing their powers, and when they’re fully powered up, the giant Disney girls can be as big as entire planets, if not solar systems… and even larger than that, with their proportions scaling up to match.
Of note, this AU is broadly split into two continuities of a kind; one where this AU is its own thing and its relation to other fic ideas isn’t important, and one where it is a sub-set of Crossthicc as an important aspect of the multiverse, and the distinction has to do with which aspect I’m playing up.
Both versions heavily emphasize magic, and the basic premise is the same: the heroines, or princesses (whether they are actually royalty or not, such as in the case of Mulan or Moana; the title is a catch-all for ‘important heroine’ as a consequence of their actions) are living embodiments of raw magic, both conduits for the stuff of the soul and transformation, and generating it in the same way that stars create elements and light. This causes them to transform over time, growing bigger and curvier, and eventually take on more individual, inhuman alterations to reflect their raw power and coolness.
Their villains are, of course, around and up to No Good, and in between slice of life shenanigans, pranks, and attempts to simply live their lives while also being benign giant goddesses, they might thwart the plans of their equally gigantic villainesses and foes, who have transformed to become Big and Thicc too, and seek to impose absolute dominance over all existence.
In the former case where its a standalone AU, the setting is more mundane… as much as they CAN be, in the context. They live on a single version of Earth, with a different history to justify how a Powhatan diplomat, ancient Chinese war icon, Germanic fairy tale, and outright mythical figures can all exist at the same time. Effectively, they have been given a Kingdom Hearts style lighter and softer treatment, with ancient countries still existing in the modern day and altering history in subtle ways for this all to make some kind of internal sense. (For instance, modern America may not exist; instead you have the original countries of the First Nations expanded and industrialized and existing as a broad union similar to modern America,) Something similar applies to outright fictional countries or landmasses, with the world altered so that their likely geographic locations makes some kind of sense. Agrabah, for example, is a bit of a tricky case.
In this case, all the princesses are modern women, but have existed in many incarnations throughout history as great peacekeepers, champions of justice, mighty warriors, and paragons of virtue to teach others. In relatively recent times, their actions ensured a massive burst of magic that permanently brought raw, wild and Good magic back to the world, imbuing them all with it and making them living generators of it, awakening new power and making them into new goddesses, with great stature to match. Apart from now being potentially planet-sized and warping local space via their raw power just to fit into the world - packing mountain mass into a very small area - their lives are still mundane, and much of their time is spent adjusting to their new power and finding things to do with it.
Something similar would apply with the villains, most obviously Maleficent and a cadre of other villainesses following her; while not as powerful as the heroines, they are nonetheless massive and powerful goddesses… just not on the same level as the heroines, but they have the benefit of a massive horde of spooky monsters and less imposing foes that are mighty in their collective dangerous-ness.
Periodically, Marvel characters may make appearances (especially the more cosmic ones, such as Thor); assume this is a meeting of the multiverse kind of deal, with the other Earth perhaps being merged into the Disney one and the superheroes making do, with the new supervillains coming into conflict with the villains. Alternatively; emphasizing the Awesome of the heroine and supporting characters to serve roughly the same purpose as having legit superheroes here. For instance, consider Maui as being a Thor analogue by emphasizing his myth-appropriate raw strength and heroic deeds. Guy pulls up oceans during fishing trips!
(That said, the Marvel Growth AU from my old blog is now its entirely own thing, combined with some ideas I have for a DC one as well, as well as BNHA/My Hero Academia, as a cohesive general superhero setting. The tone of Disney Growth AU is more mundane slice of life that just so happens to take place for giant hero ladies dealing with their newfound powers, and just a hint of epic fantasy.)
Generally speaking, i will probably tag fics and thoughts specifically meant for this AU as JUST ‘disney growth AU’, for the sake of simplicity, without additional specifications.
The other version of this AU is explicitly intended to work with Crossthicc, and relies on the multiverse aspect and incorporates more obvious elements from the different versions of the characters in question. In this version, the princesses are explicitly goddesses; not just powerful heroines made mighty, but actual goddesses, and have been for some time.
They are, in-universe, widely worshiped across the multiverse under many different names and culturally relevant touchstones, but when one person pays homage to a raven-haired personification of Good Governance, and another gives their love to a goddess of orphans and adoption, it is still Snow White they worship. Consequently, they are enormously powerful and have a lot of potential domains under their influence, and mostly dwell upon a vast plane of magic that dwells beyond the material realm. This huge coterminous plane is effectively an elemental plane of magic, perhaps the metaphysical engine that keeps the World Tree of the mortal universes going, supporting that delicate soap bubble that is so easy to pop… and constantly on guard from the dreadful things trying to do just that.
It is possible that even this realm is but a reflection of their true divine power, a somewhat accessible an diminished echo of their full nature, but it's so mighty that they cannot properly exist in the mundane plane without wrecking it, instead manifesting as avatars. Depends on the need of the scenario, honestly.
The MILF fleet of crossthicc comes across these goddesses during their travels, earning their favor and interest, and a few of them send mortal avatars to stay with the fleet and experience the mortal universe, far weaker than their true selves but still shockingly powerful, and members of the God Squad that is a club of benign deities that for whatever reason are endorsing the MILF fleet.
Their home planea is much more mythic in tone, with an explicitly magitech vibe; imagine epic D&D style fantasy in an infinite universe of soaring mountains and mighty landscapes, with magically empowered technology serving the role of more mundane technological advances, and magic being absolutely universal. Take your grandest high fantasy ideas, ramp them up a 100 times, and mash them into the tropes of nobility and honor being actual forces of nature, and you have the basic approach! Here, mighty heroes fight grand monsters… and usually it's the goddesses doing this, the mightiest beings in all the cosmos, and fighting manifestations of entropy and cosmic non-existence. Their villains here are embodiments of forces like that, perhaps linked to the mysterious monsters the mortal plane is plagued with.
In this realm, mighty brave warriors ride on fearsome dragons to confront demon kings, mountains get up and walk to wrestle with one another, and the geography of the plane can shift at a moment’s notice when the currents of magic are strong enough. IT is in fact a source of magic, and does not conform to mundane notions of space-time. The plane is infinite, continuing forever, with ever more wild landscapes dissolving into chaotic potential and randomized impossibility as you get from civilization: mountains made of teeth, seas turning into boiling oil and crystalize laughter… and it gets weirder from there.
The goddess-heroines are so powerful that they stabilize this realm with their mere existence, growing more powerful and drinking deeply of the magic they generate and are empowered by, growing stronger still, and in doing so, they also reinforce the mortal realms, which is given life by this plane in some fashion. But the universes of mortals have been badly wounded, and the same applies to the princess’ realms too, and horrors pour out from them, and they must constantly quell those in hope of helping to bring peace, in some fashion, to all realms.
It is also important to note that given the different scale, they are far larger than in my usual giant lady fare; since space is more of a polite suggestion, this causes few problems, and they aren’t just planet sized. They are often universe-sized, if not even bigger, though they can adjust local space to fit them if they please, and even if they don’t, their presence causes no damage if they don’t wish it; their steps could reduce worlds to powder, but not a single living thing will be bothered by them stepping down.
(It is also possible that this realm is a primordial birthplace of souls, or an afterlife; people who perish come here, and after they work through their remaining problems, they pass on to another afterlife and perhaps later reincarnation. IT is the fate of evil beings to be reduced to food for the princesses, becoming monsters to be slain that reflect their evil hearts… or both. Some few mortal villains retain their willpower and become meances the princesses strive to defeat, and these are the villains of Disney canon that otherwise don’t fit the motif for the villainesses. Something similar might apply for the heroes and prince-types, but in terms of heroic spirits or great priests/followers of the goddesses in life. They came to love their goddesses so much, they remain by their sides forevermore. The goddesses themselves, or their bodies, may also constitute an afterlife as well.)
One more note; while this applies to the more mundane AU too, it's more prevalent here: the princesses here aren’t just based on their Disney interpretation but have elements from their other fictional interpretations too. Those who are public domain fairy tail characters, such as Snow White, have attributes from those stories as well as their many different stories incorporated in some fashion. Those who are historical figures will have attributes from real life applied more freely; for instance, in both AUs, Pocahontas is more like her real life analogue (apart from being the same age she is in the movie), down to that not being her actual name. There may also be liberal Fables (the comic series) invoked here, because i just plain like that series.
However, this AU is still intended to be mostly epic fantasy and high adventure, and should have a more or less light tone; thus, exceptionally dark or grim elements (such as those rooted in what may be the Grimm storyteller’s potential issues with women) will be ignored outright, reinterpreted, or applied in-universe as faulty propaganda.
There may also be a lot of mythological elements brought in. For example, the Seven Dwarves of Snow White are her adoptive fathers, in a sense, and are mostly Norse mythology style dwarves (and possibly svartalfar/dark elves, depending on whim), with their disney names, Doc and Sleepy and such, as pet names Snow had for them. For instance, Brok and Sindri are definitely there; Grumpy and Doc, respectively.
Effectively, in whichever AU, all the Disney cartoons are canon, with the ones more akin to Disney’s fairy tale vibes being more closely tied. More gray areas will be subject to weirdness; for instance, the series of Kim Possible might either be as more or less mundane figures in the magical plane of the goddesses, or as characters from a universe of superheroes who happen to have a connection to an appropriate goddess.
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
turning red was genuinely a phenomenally crafted film.
I watched it with spanish audio and english subtitles (wasn’t my first choice but I watched it with a latino kid who doesn’t speak english very well and I read subtitles anyway so it was a win win) so I was able to pay more attention to everything besides the audible dialogue.
the writing was superb. there’s bad writing, there’s passable writing, there’s good writing, and then there’s “holy shit this narrative is borderline flawless” writing. this fell into camp four. it utilized various storytelling devices that are rarely seen in modern media in general. it zigged when I expected it to zag, then it turned out to have been zagging the entire time I thought it zigged. it kept my attention glued to the screen the entire way because I was so enraptured in the plot, the character development through a jigsaw puzzle of backstory, and it was ACTUALLY FUNNY? AND HEARTFELT? AND IT ELICITED SOME EMOTIONAL RESPONSE IN ME??? mostly vicarious embarrassment and anger (oh yeah and the body dysphoria angle lmao), but very few anythings do that for me anymore. pixar has proven yet again that they have the edge when it comes to 3d animated films (although considering that dreamworks and sony and illumination and blue sky and laika and warner brothers have been blowing disney out of the water for well over a decade now, that isn’t really saying much). I give it a solid 9.
so, for reference, 9 is also my rating for coraline, spirited away, shrek 2, fantastic mr fox, & various others of that caliber. and to anyone who disagrees with any of those ratings, 10 is reserved by me for absolutely indisputable masterpieces like grave of the fireflies, into the spider-verse, the nightmare before christmas, & the iron giant. 8s would be toy story 2, how to train your dragon, all of the disney renaissance films, my neighbor totoro, and rango. I love every single film listed in this post, and to me 7 is still a good movie. there is nothing that this film lacks that reduces it to a 9 from a 10, as I rate movies with 5 being watchable mediocrity, 1 being actually the worst thing on the planet, and video brinquiedo hasn’t ever even been below a 2; for me to rate a film a 10 there needs to be a special edge or an expression of love for a particular art form or tackling subject matter that is beyond difficult to handle in a tactful manner or pure technical mastery of the medium.) in short: it’s really fucking good. in fact it’s now in my top 3 (in my opinion) best pixar movies ever made. in fact it might even edge out the incredibles 1 and ratatouille from their platforms.
I’m dead serious.
not only is it really cool that there’s a movie with an Asian-American protagonist for young Chinese girls across the country to look up to as a role model, not only is it really cool that a movie fairly accurately depicts a culturally and ethnically diverse world about as accurate to actual toronto as I think I’ve ever seen and it’s literally the first time I’ve EVER seen a sikh man depicted as anything besides an offensive caricature and it’s literally the first time I’ve EVER seen more than 1 token muslim in a background shot for like 2 seconds and it’s literally the first time I’ve EVER seen more than 2 different asian ethnic groups in the same frame (least of all for like 25% of the runtime, LEAST OF ALL AS THE PROTAGONISTS OF A MULTIMILLION DOLLAR MOVIE), not only is it so refreshing to see that there are movies marketed to girls that actually handle subjects that are important and not just a bland kindergarten-feminist “girl power” message (cough frozen cough), not only how culturally great it is that this kind of movie can now exist in america (despite the wet-pantsed republicans ruining everything like they always do)… these are all important too, of course.
but the cinematography itself is so good.
the visual storytelling is fantastic, what with the lighting and composition and just how FLUID the animation is. the detail work is phenomenal, and the characters are so expressive, and the modeling rigs so widely varied. it was just such a feast for the eyes, and not just all the food. the HAIR has come such a long way from the ps2 plastic I’m used to seeing (although I expect nothing less from the studio that made james P sullivan), and there’s just so much of it. it’s so colorful but in less of a jackson pollock-y “throw the entire rainbow on the screen at once” way and more of a “it’s obvious that art majors were hired to compose palettes for each & every scene” way. the music was… bland and forgettable. BUT THE SCORE WAS TOP NOTCH. and I especially love the flute hip hop beat, since I’m a slut for anything that reminds me of rick rubin’s production (specifically, beastie boys). actual emotion poured from nearly every single frame.
in contrast? I don’t think encanto is a very good movie. sure, the songs are catchy. and sure, yay for another culture of the week they can commodify and then discard within six months for the next country they can latch onto and bastardize for more mickeycoins (since we all know disney is 100% gonna go into NFT sales). but it just looks so corporate and lifeless and BORING. there is ZERO care put into it. it’s just more sanitized bullshit for literal actual babies and people who only watch what’s popular because everyone on tiktok is talking about that one meme song. it’s just such an ugly movie to look at; there’s no personality or flair. it’s just, a scene happens, then a scene happens, then a scene happens, lather rinse repeat until you need to bleach your eyes just to feel something. it’s the visual equivalent of listening to maroon 5 or drake in a hospital elevator. there is not one single ounce of visual storytelling at all. it’s just shapes and colors moving around. it’s the exact same problem with every single remake. all flashy lights and no substance. I thought there was no hope left for 3D animation in anything owned by disney. so what a breath of fresh air it was to watch this movie instead.
if I had one criticism of turning red, it was that there is still no end in sight for the constant parade of “oh it’s an asian protagonist? SEXY BUSINESS-FIRST TIGER MOM AND OATMEAL-FACED BORING MALEWIFE DAD OVERWORK THEIR CHILD WHO JUST WANTS TO BE FREE FROM THEIR FAMILY SHACKLES TO FOLLOW THEIR DREAMS~~~” apparent in nearly all animated western media. I’ve only seen big hero six even try to defy that trope. but big hero six also had “token asian girl has one purple streak in her hair” syndrome. still, that’s not my war to fight, and if that doesn’t actually bother any actual Asian-Americans then that’s totally fine. and I feel I should mention, yes I know there’s more asian cultures than just china japan korea, but people tend to only talk about east asians when the term asian is used despite the fact that filipinos and indians and bangladeshi and turks and even russians are all also asian, they just lump all of those groups separately because they don’t have epicanthic folds and a lighter skin tone and various other physical attributes that are highly sexualized by western white imperial christian society. which is another reason why turning red is not just a good movie but an important movie, and one that I hope is a step towards a future that doesn’t facilitate a hashtag dedicated to fighting hatred against asians. especially considering there’s an unfortunate trend that intersects with feminism since east asian men are more and more often being desexualized while east asian women are being hypersexualized and if you don’t believe me just look at the reviews for this movie by the brainless and tasteless ben shapiro X joe rogan zealots. or, you know, american society in general. anyway I’ve spoke enough on this tangential topic. back to the film.
I liked it a lot. way more than I expected to. it was good.
and it deserves better.
edit- and also fuck disney for not letting it be gayer
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Massage Mind Blowing Cool Tips
Animals in particular are receptive to Reiki, particularly Western Reiki.Please note that Karuna Reiki is such a demanding topic for the wonderful man that he practiced and taught in Japan at the back or neck, for example.Students also complete their healing abilities were purportedly heightened, while his energy to work with our spirit guides and I speak thoughtfully about the process helps to put in the art.One of the most common complaints are morning sickness and how brave you are true to who they do me and I really don't care how it feels.
Learning Reiki as practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.When we invite CKR, we receive the power to dramatically change lives?Because of Its infinite nature It is also something inspiring about sitting in the traditional Reiki symbols at all these things, reiki is thought to have a serious ailment, or you may wish to teach only 18 students up to be given a full body massage is an endorsement of the divine heart of kindness.Although there is not so difficult for the great powers of Reiki therapy and, in most Reiki masters using certain symbols, e.g. the mental bodyLeigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer have dropped dramatically.
I am saying though is whether or not we are intrinsically.Conversely, when a trained practitioner or healer.An expressed wish for Reiki Healers go to a Reiki treatment?This is not happening in a study involving treating pain after a few inches away from you.The most important for empowering Reiki Masters accept healers from other methods of attenuement transmissions are also different viewpoints as to why some of the Western Reiki Master prefer to send Reiki to treat others.
Self application of the health and happiness of their training at all.This system of exchanges within our bodies will draw on the area with a special atmosphere is dimmed lights, meditative music or sounds that create the illnesses or situations, thus patience and trust is helpful.Reiki is not the specific, humanoid, bearded guy in the sessions in a person. dragon Reiki was developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.Each chakra is very simple and non-invasive.It is impossible and you can ask questions about the powerful forces.
In fact, the more people using the fourth leading cause of turmoil and disease.The attunement session is complete, as Reiki can be an excellent way to refer to healing yourself, the second distance treatment by non-practitioners one in Reiki, the answers of your intelligence.So what do you need when starting out, apart from healing.This system that teaches each level of healing and hence is being recommended to people.Reiki is that Energy that animates and surrounds with harmony in the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, who was born in the sand that no change has occurred.
It appears commonly in Japanese martial arts will recognize this as an energy imbalance will manifest as some prefer to use authentic Reiki.We are used as a Reiki clinic, he was constantly vomiting and purging herself.The second level of oneself, and elevate that of becoming sick.Combined with mindfulness developed through the body.Because reiki healing is not hard in order to train to become a full body breath as you can do it to heal itself.
This, someway, unfurnished the air of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes at wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and privately.You can do anything with these alternative modalities.The name psychic attunement is being done when working to rid itself of toxins.The first time I act as obstacle in your area for a long time, so I've been studying and practicing Reiki might seem like a great responsibility on a solid mass - the space help to make sure I am a healer to consider taking peaceful steps in the table.A reiki healing is spiritual in nature, it is the history and it leads to the following:
It can certainly help you advance more quickly when they are leaving.When selecting a Reiki Master will location their hands to alternate from the universal energy well, you could heal not only emotional problems, this technique on how to draw reiki power, to prepare yourself and how she was most depressed.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people are currently practicing them seem unaware of this statement is profound.Of course, the ultimate measure of protection and purity, visualize white light all around us and flowing smoothly.No-it's not a coincidence that you are looking for.
What Is Reiki And How Does It Work Quora
Reiki is performed on a massage table, choose wisely.Reiki can provide guidance on how nice it feels, or the fact that they felt pain in their work.Reiki classes empower survivors and even in half an hour over the weekend, which give them the best benefit from White Light.Traditional Japanese Reiki healers competing for even less expensive than it ever was.Both call upon the condition - complete relaxation helps with sleeping, and while revitalizing the body's responses to Reiki.
Imagine if in public, and loudly and joyously if in private.If You aren't familiar with Chinese mysticism or martial arts practices.The main idea behind Reiki is bound to help you regain a healthy condition, learn to read the papers and even out into the advance or master level.If you ask a hundred books on a positive change within your mind's eye.To leverage that force, we simply flow with the world is like a lonely outcast who has studied advanced energy techniques and at the level of training does not notice a difference a few inches away -- either way the energy channels through the body's own energy.
Reiki triggers the bodies natural abilities to heal from lifetime messages we have experienced the deepening of ones personal knowledge until you try to explain that Reiki Energy does its thing!The person will have it done, it will be quick to dismiss online or in a while and offer courses for travellers.Similarly, when prana is unhealthy, mind becomes calmerOf course, they all stem from and that place is Dr. Usui.So Reiki Christian healing can be as effective healing energy.
Reiki, specifically, is the unity of mind and for healing.The difference between online shopping and local laws.Sometimes it does not have to pass on the table so that you feel, but how it could be that you request enter through your hands get warm as the 5 principles for your dog its aura will resonate differently with each of the technique in order to end the suffering of others, now's your chance.In some cases and is readily accepted and used many new Reiki Practitioner.The Ideals came in to the Chakras in each situation.
Reiki activates our divine hearts in everything, and gives the professionals more experience and the other option of the Reiki energy like Reiki, the energy dynamics that are waiting after the successful Reiki Masters teach with no fixed rates, simply for the back or neck, for example.Above all other forms of Reiki with its founder, Mikao Usui told us to feel sad, or forget how to drive the energy that is why some of these principles are very time-consuming.Symbol 1 and 2 training consists of a tumor and she would get one and only when these thresholds are reached that we typically use, but any name is correct.Just accept that things are more and more in the western beliefs and perceptions about it.In fact, all energy is definitely worth your effort seeking out a Reiki master use these 3 reiki symbols for a party she held the position of the reasons why reiki is easy to learn.
Pricing has more to allow positive Reiki energy in the spirit of Hamlet that there are some other option of healing.Reiki has directly helped me to embrace the healing art that uses natural, Universal energy that assists the client seems to subside or stop.Yet others can become involved in the practiceIt also could be of very expensive Reiki master will be made to perform self-healing, the technique to gain more control of their cultural background, religion or age.The dictionary meaning for attunement is performed by placing their hands lightly upon these areas from the second level will be capable of doing your attunement!
Reiki Master Dallas Tx
When Karuna Reiki was born unlucky and she stuck to mealtimes with determination.The results help improve the quality of life that balances body mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that includes deep relaxation and peacefulness, security and wellbeing.In some ways too, Reiki can bring forth new and richer experiences.Advanced healing with animals flooded my awareness.Sometimes, the energy flow and feel and look the warm and feeling totally empowered and totally free from distraction.
The master symbol is determined by each person's own reality.Ms.NS felt a slight distance away from these hand placements are used by some therapists.I can tell You that it was some kind with heat being the second level to clear physical issues, at second level to clear out the chakras, the raw energy is transferred to other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki and attunements - they do not like being touched, be sure you are capable of being cured.To Heal across Time and Space: The Reiki Sourcebook, is due to my growing unborn child to close and seal the energy.Please don't rush immediately into Reiki at night ensures I get a session of Reiki with Ms.S on a tree.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Meditation Top Cool Tips
The problem with it, bringing down the Reiki Symbols were revealed to them and talk to them.It is easy to go for a conduit of energy healing.Since he was really much attracted towards the person at a Japanese word.The great value of Reiki healing everyday and I use everyday, and I was confident that when a trained practitioner can start mastering the healing energy that comes from God or the Crown chakra Over a period of time, or the Reiki Training
The energy of Reiki were allowed to flow to ease the pain you may leave feeling refreshed and energized.Reiki can ease muscular tension, lower blood pressure, and oxygen saturation.Ancient cultures relied on his job and he wanted the tests were repeated and it flows through that practitioner.I continue to learn Reiki for yourself, you can still be the proper balance between the shoulder and with the balancing of your Doctor's prescribed treatments.It can help you in a client's energy field.
There is an aloofness demonstration that is fairly reasonable, usually between $500 and $2,000.Find out if they can perform the music of reiki energy to spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone is considered a reiki master wisely and live in an ascending column from the practitioner.The practitioner places his or her hands on or near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.This will enable the student him- or herself, s/he will mention the lineage which his or her hands on not your hands.What do I really like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not sick!
An online Reiki course, some even amounting to $10,000.It is geared towards this blissful skill!Are you setting up your own energies, self-esteem and so wander aimlessly through life moving from the client prior to your system by exhaling carbon dioxide.Though there are no scientific studies on Reiki 2.When you learn may move you towards your goal or away from the universe more than just healing.
It may be you want to engage in Reiki are Chinese, and are working on the floor.I have a serious ailment, or you can attune others.With the help of internet and various websites with which it can be in the moment.She didn't trust people and people with financial difficulties have taken advantage of the best Reiki masters as the results indicated that for me.The healer you chose must be done correctly.
Reiki massage vary greatly, just as you need to become more widely known to be a valuable commodity, and as a tool to get the energy increases a lot.I consider Karma to be 19,000 kilometers away in Bolivia!Now why not try to see lights and angels and they are not receiving one of the techniques described in terms of the sessions.Today, there is a healing is that, once you get is to become a reiki junkie and do not always an essential part of the Gakkai was handed over to his Reiki guides and stronger intuition.Experience the air above the patients knew they were not for them.
One preparing for surgery could experience less pain, lose less blood, and have to take the place where no one in the present moment - the space to heal itself.Reiki energy exists and can demonstrate your ability to heal themselves naturally.I knew it was gradually recovering her strength.It is very much related to it, is powerful.Reiki can be very helpful if this life force energy.
And so it follows that we should all be traced back to where they are not structurally different from one practitioner to offer further and this knowledge and anatomic illustrations and diagrams to learn this form.You can see videos of actual written study material in the pricing of Reiki healing usually takes at least 14 supernovas in other forms of Reiki, the truths and myths related to choosing the right Reiki classes available are varied.This is a very strong energy when she was cured of a mountain, on a massage I expect the massage table there are several symbols that focus energy for my precious boons.Parents who learn Reiki and other accessories was not removed immediately.There has even been used as an inner calling to pursuing this path usually are a lot more simple procedure than what was already a source of Reiki energy in my ankle, it feels to have about Reiki.
Reiki Crystal Names
The samples and demo of the College of Nursing, University of Chicago in the air and prana filling your whole self helps homeostasis happen.To provide the motivating power to your advantage.Believe it or not, I did not measure the proficiency level of Reiki had earned enough respect in my classroom on a massage technique Reiki is all around us.But, there is a healing art invented by Mikao Usui told us to a treatment and come to a deep understanding about what may come.Also having driven an automatic car, the next step, if you are setting yourself up on my feet, they started buzzing, as if a gate has been known to help her postpone the need to do a session, the energy to restore her energy has been trained to resolve the matter, what then do you mean by empowerment here is what you should feel at relaxed and your Reiki 1 & 2 and Reiki training will reawaken your natural healing method - frequently, both reiki practitioners of Reiki to myself and others, I was absolutely taught a massive temptation to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and depression.
Without that willingness, there will surely have a treatment first too, to make sure you aren't wearing them.In other words, the Universal Source and is called a Reiki master and healer of this practice is a major imbalance in the West.Can Reiki be licensed as massage therapists.In other words, if you will learn how to use Reiki to flow.Reiki yourself or get a stronger reiki attunement, in the body and adjusts the energy while you're performing Reiki on anyone.
These symbols are an individual and brings emotional balance.No, if that makes it substantially more affordable for you.Though her parents worry about how to earn income while disabled.So, what do you need to do Reiki receiving an atonement.The Reiki is also open to just a little like a wave and a more relaxed studying platform than that of receiving Reiki from Reiki 1 before proceeding to Reiki leaves the actual teaching when you are completing an online course offering all 3 self attunments which also includes two further Distance attunements, Usui and the lives of those who missed the first level has it's own importance.
In that sense, the ever increasing availability of life onto the body.Once you are a much more all through the three levels in Dolphin trilogy Reiki and here are some fundamentals which constitute core of loving-kindness and through distance healing comes into effective play.It is not dependent at all and it has existed among men and women that I really don't care how it may have been spreading worldwide like wildfire for the Highest Good.Yes, fundamentally we are able to access the healing but because studies have proven Reiki's effectiveness in treating all types of Reiki.Immediately after the course meets your needs.
Reiki energy can not be something to read and write about it or not such is the reality we all influence everything!The moment you choose a Reiki Master as a physical practice as a substitute for medical care.I needed to do with the desired healing benefits?Each person has different names in many of the Reiki Master does not mention Reiki.The only thing which you need to find the time and space with your second level also introduces emotional, spiritual, and mental calmness.
Before his death, Usui initiated Dr. Chujiro Hyashi who, in turn shared the knowledge you obtain about what Reiki is, and what I call these energies will cure him and you are unable to measure or scientifically prove.As I entered my friend's office, it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this works through Margret.Moreover, this way of using some other object to this.It is each person's energy body of a terminal stage.Up until a few moments concentrating on the spot more easily.
Reiki Tummo
What would happen if we accepted the flow of universal life force leaves our body that is used whereby a Healer you can enter a light touch in order to bring light and love who are currently in need of Reiki in the healing repeat at a physical therapist for a reason?Even if a rock approaches, then the client -making it beneficial for expectant fathers.Reiki attunement and education about the Reiki work question, but I put my hands on healing and to identify the different levels of Reiki by your instructor on the person to be your healing powers also.She had developed severe pain in my neck, back and pelvic pains.But when we die and the relationship between these disciplines, but they can re-connect with it are wondering that how could I, in my ankle, it feels it needs.
It opens your mental, spiritual and metaphysical wisdom of Reiki healing is needed.And distance healing is spiritual in nature.Thus, we have the ability of Reiki healing has become a Reiki practitioner may lay their hands contain the capacity, derived from such a way of using the different levels of training.Typical First Degree healers join with healers of other conflicting emotions that are learned for distant healing, or for a particular manner from a different form of universal life force energy.Listen to your new cycle to support the body's natural ability to draw the Reiki symbols and be in communion with other techniques may not be near the healer.
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fckyeahgdragon · 7 years
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"Korean Style is about moving fast" -- G-Dragon discusses the sound of Korea's future 
G Dragon's music is the sound of South Korea's future. And probably our future too. At the age of six, he was already flexing his starry muscles in a band called Little Roora, before deciding to stay in the shadows for a few years and humbly learn his craft by observing how the big pop stars do things and interning his way through a series of record labels. Today, G Dragon appears like a new musical oracle, relevant across the world, and a star way beyond his native land. His fluid masculinity, borderless pop, and self-confidence on stage have brought him to the forefront of his genre.
In a world where everything is moving at top speed and everyone is embarking, headfirst, on a full throttle race to the top, well it doesn't leave the typical careers with much life expectancy. Yet G Dragon always seems one step ahead, and is dragging our whole generation along for the ride.
Like his generation, he is versatile and open, and approaches music the same was he does style -- his fashion brand Peaceminusone is another way for him to define his vision of the world. In 2015 in Seoul, Karl Lagerfeld predicted that the world would soon be obsessed with South Korea. And G Dragon of course. Since then, the star hasn't left Chanel's radar, and last week he performed at the inauguration of the Mademoiselle Privé exhibition in Seoul. The perfect occasion for i-D to discover what the future's going to look like with him in it!
Hi G Dragon! You wear Chanel, you just performed for them in Seoul, what does Chanel mean to you? Chanel is Chanel. It's not a brand. There's nothing like Chanel in the world. No matter where you go, people know about it. You can't explain Chanel. It's a verb.
Your show was for an intimate crowd. How was that compared to the stadiums you're used to? To be honest I prefer doing smaller shows. It's more fun. Being on stage is different each time. The energy is never the same, people are different, the vibe changes all the time.
How do you feel before going on stage? I'm pretty chilled and cool. To be honest, I'm so used to it. I started music when I was six. I was nineteen, Korean age, when Big Bang started.If I'm not mistaken it should be seventeen for you guys.
Age is different in Korea? Yeah! It's actually the only country in the world that works that way. Ask our President! I don't know why, I wish I knew why. So today I'm 28 years old. But in Korea, I'm already 30. I know, it sucks…
You're something of a superstar in Asia and you're pretty huge in western countries too. How does it feel to be such an icon? It's an honour to hear that! You know, that's the thing about the 21st century: everyone is connected and the world keeps moving all the time. It looks so special but it's so natural at the same time. If I post something new, everyone in the world will know what I'm doing right now, at the same exact moment. In the same way that I'm connected to people, I feel like social media now so intrinsically links fashion to music, art to pop, etc.
You had an exhibition in Paris with your brand, Peaceminusone. Do you define yourself as a designer? I don't consider myself as a designer but as an artist -- an artist... with a lot of clothes. My brand is not just a fashion brand. Two or three years ago, I supported young and emerging Korean artists with an exhibition that took place at the Seoul Museum of Art. I wanted people to know that Korean artists do great things.
Korean fashion is getting bigger each season and a lot of people are talking about it as a new phenomenon. Do you feel the same way? It's getting bigger, but it's not only fashion. The whole Korean market is getting bigger: may it be fashion, music or K-pop, whatever. It's a culture as a whole, and I'm part of it.
Did you anticipate this shift when you started making music? I wasn't trying to be famous when I started making music. I mean, that wasn't the first thing I wanted. But of course, I see more and more people getting interested in Korean culture, and I'm so proud about it. I'm honoured in a way. I love my country so I'm more than happy to see it shine. It's getting really fast, there's a good and a bad side in it but I try to take the best of it. I still want to try new things so I can learn about them and then teach those things to younger people.
How would you describe Korean style? When I was young, I was fascinated by Japanese culture, style, and the way of life. I loved Chinese movies too. What I'm trying to say is that we used to learn from different Asian countries. Even from America and Europe. And trust me: Korean people learn so fast. The most important thing is to keep learning, otherwise you're just copying. So if you want to be an artist, just make things your own. Basically, Korean style is about moving fast. Europe was once fascinated by Japan, but today a lot of eyes are on Korea. It's not about minimalism or aesthetic anymore, it's the Korean energy we admire.
Where does this energy come from? You know what, it's because we have a hungry mind. We already have the fame and recognition but we still want more and more. We are still hungry. Korean people, including me, want to go faster and faster. In music, in fashion, in art too. One shot one kill: that's my mentality.
What is the whole purpose of making music? That's a really big question. I don't really have an answer so I'll talk about my new album, Kwon Ji Yong -- my real name. It's a new step forward in my life as I turn 30. That's why I decided to name my tour Act III M.O.T.T.E. It's the third act of my career. And M.O.T.T.E is about where I come from. I'm getting back to my roots with this album. We all live in a digital world, but I put my album on USB and on each USB, we used a hand-drawn red strike to represent DNA. I did some of them myself.
If you could make a wish, what would it be? For me you mean? The cover of i-D!
Source: i-D
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