#but this is the best idea out of thme all i think
puhpandas · 1 year
fleshing out tttb chap 16 more (its about mike and gregory a LOT) and man. it fits so perfectly with the next arc. i think i fixed the pacing issues i was worried about. lets go dude. i was alwyas worried about how i was gonna do their relationship but i think i got something im happy with
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horrorsequel · 1 year
being autistic is so crazy cos im fucking 27 and every day i learn that some sort of social thing that i thought was one way always is completely the opposite sometimes and that i have not been equipped with the tools to tell thme apart
like sometimes people confide in you because they love and trust you can sometimes people confide in you because they dont care about you. they confide in you all these horrible things because they want to be unburdened and dont care that theyre burdening you ?
and sort of with that in mind i just think like. was he ever my friend? i thought we were best friends because we had good times together and i always helped him when he had a problem but he never helped me when i had a problem. he actively avoided me when i had a problem and then got mad at me for brining up that he had hurt me. and then he dropped me like i was nothing and no goodbye and then out of the blue replies to me like everything is normal and then is gone again. and i cant get up the fucking courage to ask what went wrong because i dont think hed answer anyway and i dont want to seem crazy and desperate.
and its just like... if i cant figure out what ended a ten year friendship, if i have no idea what went wrong or if it was always wrong or not... then how am i ever supposed to make friends again? like I'm so fucking pathetic i really truly do not know how to make friends irl and im scared to try. and no one wants to try and make friends with ME because my life is depressing cos I'm disabled. like fuck if I'm funny or nice or loyal or anything fuck if we would get along. im fat and disabled and i live at home and thats the fucking I Want Nothing To Do With You trifect before they even find out im queer. god i want to beat my head against a wall till its all blood and pulp but i wont i wont do anything bad and stupid. i will just melt into the wallpaper like always.
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bvidzsoo · 23 days
ITS OVERRRRR WAAAAAA 💔💔 LMLAR WILL FORVER HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE IN MT HEART FR ☹️ I’m so proud of you for finishing and feeling accomplished with your work!! You’re so creative and talented and you deserve all the praise you get an more 🥹🫶 I lowk cried too at the last chapter and epilogue 💔 so happy it came to an end but sad bc what will I DO without thme 🥲 the way you wrote the characters had me attached to them in some weird way that I can’t describe 😭 and you and your bestie just coming up with this?? You guys are destined to be writers fr :” funny how a simple idea turned into an inspirational emotional roller coaster ;; it’s a beautiful story love 🥺 this is definitely the best Mingi series that I’ve read out of all of them ☹️🫶 YOUR DOING AMAZING 💞💞
I don’t think I have become attached before to a story of mine like it happened with this one. I truly loved every second of writing it and I’m so glad everyone enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and for being excited for the new chapters and for commenting, of course.
Thank uu, my bestie and I have some amazing creative idea boosts sometimes and usually it’s for shits and giggles but then they turn into a whole ass story IF we’re in the mood to write it LOL
Sorry for the late response, I was on holiday and I’m just now returning! ^^
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paragonrobits · 3 years
probably kind of a weird take but one reason i feel that superhero genre and the attitudes that underlie superheroism has become something that people snark at or a popular thing to go ‘this premise is inherently unrealistic or problematic’ is because a big part of the whole IDEA of being a superhero is ultimately prioritizing the well-being of people you don’t know and probably will never know over your own welfare and that of the people close to you
and for reasons I honestly don’t understand, to a lot of the problem criticizing it, that seems like an inherently wrong thing.
again, i don’t understand WHY they feel that way.
in many ways its sort of the opposite of the ‘million is a statistic’ issue. that goes ‘i dont care about the deaths of all those people because i didn’t know about thme, but something bad happening to someone I know is worse than the end of the world’. the superhero, at its best, says the opposite; given the choice they would save someone they DONT know, or the idea of the world itself, over someone they DO know and care about.
because its the right thing to do, because the power they have demands the responsibility to make that choice every time, because of many othe reasons specific to the character, but ultimately a big part is that prioritizing the people or things you care about is often treated as selfish.
some stories go so far as to say that when you have the power of these characters, you don’t have the RIGHT or luxury to make any other choice; because of the power they hold, they are obligated to make personal matters a secondary concern, if they ever get to address those matters at all. this can be most clearly seen in Spider-Man, where his constant rushing out to save people, stop violent crimes and prevent supervillain plots leads him to miss on dates, abandon promises, skip work and otherwise screw his personal life over.
he has to do it, of course. Any other option is the same as telling the people who get hurt that they never mattered to him.
but, the thing about it, is that there’s this curious idea of selfishness being a virtue among things; this is the sort of thinking that finds choosing the love interest over the world to be a romantic idea and not honestly kind of evil. But to the perspective that likes that idea, personal things or actions that benefit you or those you personally care about are more heroic than those that benefit other people you DON’T know.
considere, for instance, that one post that sometimes goes around of Deadpool hanging out with a depressed girl and getting to know her. There’s someone on that post who like sto talk about how Superman is a worse hero than Deadpool because DP went out of his way to get to know someone in particular, while Superman just dropped in, comforted her, and went on his way. The implication is that DP is a better hero for getting more attached, or making it more personal.
But the thing is, Superman is doing the good thing. The point was, he DIDN’T know her. He was dying at the time, but overheard her problems, kept an eye on it, and when she was at her worst, dove in to reassure her and give her hope again. He didn’t know her personally, but the idea that this DETRACTS from the heroism of the moment is a really flawed one.
That’s the sort of thing that you’re supposed to do, in a heroic way.
Making it a selfish thing cheapens the heroic-ness of the whole thing, in the same way that saving someone because you’ve fallen in love with them actually makes it MORE selfish rather than saving a stranger just because you want to help people.
remember, folks: “Personal isn’t the same thing as important.”
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babysizedfics · 4 years
Why is Roman so reluctant to let Virgil stay?? Like it took him a lot longer to even be open to the idea of Vee moving in then it did Logan or Patton. Did that have something to do with his ADHD or was it some other reason?? Also, why did Janus hang up so abruptly when Patton told him Vee was gonna stay?
romans only experience of the dark sides really is his twin who he hates and the grumpy older guy who visited a handful of times and always ended up calling them mean names for their ideas. (whereas logan and patton considered janus a friend before he distanced himself from thme) the last time roman saw janus was when he was 18 years old, so all the times leading up to that he was only a child and didnt actually chip into the meetings (not least because he was struggling with high school and had to focus on that). therefore he doesnt really know janus as a person, only as someone theyr forced to work with and who gives logan migraines and makes patton grit his teeth to keep himself from getting angry ((this is because in the last few years janus has been so closed off and snappish and lo and pat dont know why))
on top of that roman has been around ONLY patton and logan for almost twenty years at this point, theyre a family, theyre best friends, and roman is incredibly protective of them and their dynamic. he doesnt see how someone who never talks to them, who they can count the number of times theyve seen them on two hands, and who refuses to explain why theyre there should be allowed to be a permanent fixture in their house out of the blue - i do think this has somthing to do with his adhd too with his difficulties with emotional regulation, he feels confused and hurt and he shows it with anger
janus hung up so abruptly when patton told him virgil wasnt coming back because he was about to cry and he couldnt let patton hear that. what was left out of the concept is when virgil ran away that first night, janus followed him through the mindscape to make sure he was safe. so he did see patton welcome him inside. plus in their argument virgil had already told him he was going to live with the light sides because he didnt want to live there anymore. janus knew virgil needed space and time to think and wouldnt force virgil to come home during that week but he was completely thinking that after a few days virgil would come to his senses and come back home.
he knew virgil was serious about moving out because he didnt detect a lie when virgil was arguing about it but he genuinely thought virgil would change his mind during that week. he left it as long as he could to wait, but in the last few hours of the last day he did try to call the others a few times - while they were all talking in the kitchen and had their phones on silent. he tried to phone virgil too but virgil just hung up instantly not wanting to even think about taking to him
so all night janus was sitting anxiously by the front door with his phone hoping that virgil was on his way back right at the last minute as a way to punish janus. and janus wouldve taken that. but when patton tells him virgil isnt coming back it confirms janus' worst fear and he knows he only has himself to blame for not driving there and talking to virgil or not calling sooner or not teasing virgil so much or not being so callous. so as soon as he hangs up on patton a sob rips from his throat
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lt-dvc2-dm-blog · 6 years
Final Research Document for DVC2 *
How can the quality of life for long term hospitalized patients be improved to avoid their mental state from diminishing?
There no solution in mind just yet but i’m getting there with this research.
Personal Feedback:
What programs and methods are available for people in hospitals long-term for their mental health?
What is your target for this project? People with brain issues of cancer of anyone in the hospital over a certain period of time?
When would the certain period of time be considered “long term care”?
Are you going to consider other cultures that look at such care differently?
Important to talk about how people physically are healthy / improving the brain.
Instead of an application consider working on a program?
Do something that helps families and patients
Focus on concept of time, really helps.
Consider people who are already mentally not there?
New Research:
I've done research on different types of “long-term cares” and the word “acute” came up a lot, and I've decided to add that term into my research as well.
Long Term Care Facilities:
The following are considered long term care facilities:
Alternate Family Care
Nursing Home
Residential Facility
Sub-Acute Care Facility
Assisted Living Program
Assisted Living or Comprehensive Personal Care Home
Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded
Adult/Pediatric Day Health Services
Acute Care Facilities:
The following are considered acute care facilities:
Hospital (General Acute Care as well as Psychiatric, Specialized and Rehabiltation Hospitals; and Long Term Acute Care or LTAC)
Ambulatory Care Facility
Home Health Agency
End Stage Renal Disease Facility (dialysis center)
( http://web.doh.state.nj.us/fc/facilitytype.html )
The main difference between acute facilities and Long Term care facilities is that acute care is care is until the patient dies which would be expected to be soon if placed in acute care. Long-term care would mean that the patient would need help for the rest of thier lives but hopefully will have a long life, just with assistance, 
Acute care is a branch of secondary health care where a patient receives active but short-term treatment for a severe injury or episode of illness, an urgent medical condition, or during recovery from surgery. In medical terms, care for acute health conditions is the opposite from chronic care, or longer term care.
(    https://www.burke.org/inpatient/admissions/what-is-acute-rehab )
Long term care refers to a continuum of medical and social services designed to support the needs of people living with chronic health problems that affect their ability to perform everyday activities. Long term care services include traditional medical services, social services, and housing.
( https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-long-term-care )
My focus is primarily on long term cares since most of those programs don’t offer much mental support until they are moved over to acute facilities of types of hospice or palliative care; however even then those cares don’t do much to ease mental deterioration and don’t care for their mental state very much. Their main focus would be physical comfort and most of their medication that such cares give usually end up making the patient sleepy and tired which keeps them sullen and numb and as long as they are not in pain then they are ruled out of any other support/care since that was their primary focus. 
The most common type of long-term care is personal care—help with everyday activities, also called "activities of daily living." These activities include bathing, dressing, grooming, using the toilet, eating, and moving around—for example, getting out of bed and into a chair.
Who Will Need Long-Term Care?
It is difficult to predict how much or what type of long-term care a person might need. Several things increase the risk of needing long-term care.
Age.The risk generally increases as people get older.
Gender. Women are at higher risk than men, primarily because they often live longer.
Marital status. Single people are more likely than married people to need care from a paid provider.
Lifestyle. Poor diet and exercise habits can increase a person's risk.
Health and family history. These factors also affect risk.
Long-term care also includes community services such as meals, adult day care, and transportation services. These services may be provided free or for a fee.
People often need long-term care when they have a serious, ongoing health condition or disability. The need for long-term care can arise suddenly, such as after a heart attack or stroke. Most often, however, it develops gradually, as people get older and frailer or as an illness or disability gets worse.
( https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-long-term-care )
The idea of getting back into the day-to- day life is still offered, but how much can that help?
In some of my new research I found that patients who are in risk of such cares only evaluated before to manage chronic care and to numb any pain, 
“ Patients, particularly those who have already been prescribed opioids, may resist these alternatives. An extensive physical and psychosocial evaluation is required in the management of chronic pain... Opioids may be used in carefully selected patients in consultation with their pain management specialist or personal physician, but care must be exercised not to initiate or exacerbate psychological or tolerance-related complications of chronic pain. ” However the psychological aspect of such care isn’t resistant, there is  a more likely chance that it will still happen and MY question is what can we do to avoid the diminishing of their mental state BEFORE/AFTER it happens. 
Being sullen and asleep all day isnt the best feeling ever and the idea of time and life outside of the hospital begins to vanish. 
After talking to some doctors about the issues of what goes on with the patients, they said that they found patients begin to lose hope, lose track of time, and forget life outside of the hospital. 
For the most part the idea that “life must go on...” is still going on with the families of the patient, because no matter how hard you try to be there for your loved ones you still need to go to work, you still need to drop off the kids, you still need to live through life because life won’t stop for you. 
How does this effect mental health?
Living with both physical and mental ill-health is incredibly damaging to people's lives. It can be much harder to manage a physical condition if you're also coping with depression. Your physical and mental health is inextricably linked and we think that they should be treated equally.
an increased understanding of the links between physical health and mental health, and that improved mental health reduces the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases
mental health to become an integral part of public health agenda, nationally and locally, and for proper investment in public mental health
regular physical health checks and accessible physical health care for people with severe mental illness
routine assessment of the psychological needs of patients suffering from chronic heart disease and other serious physical conditions
a reduction in the inappropriate use of primary and acute hospital services by people with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) by referrals to evidence-based psychological treatments.
I don’t want the solution to be just about putting a clock in the room, but rather about keeping the soul and the patients mental state as variable as can be. Hopefully I can find a solution that well help patients not fall to behind diminish on their mental state. 
Something I also found out from interviewing different doctors that are involved with long term patients is that every patient is different. Therapy isn’t an option for some patients because of their inability to speak or to comprehend what is going on. But something in common is that most of these patient do have is  this lesser type of quality, When asking what type of work around would be available, a couple of them stated that anything that would help the patient would need to be talked about to the patients families.
Another question I asked was what can keep the mind active?
One answer I received was Use all your senses. I found that pretty significant since most of these patients are bed bound and arnt able to use at least 1-2 of their senses. 
others include:
Prioritize your brain use
mental stimulation
How can the quality of life for long term hospitalized patients be improved to avoid their mental state from diminishing?
Dr Pinnamaneni 
hospital acquired delirium 
concept of time 
help program over a certain age 
therapy dog 
people social life 
current events 
light on and off night and day 
Pallietvie care
mutlidispinaty approach 
socila workers
pallitive care 
symptom manaement 
dat to day quality of life 
families care 
art therapy 
music therapy 
massage therapy 
each person is different 
keep thme at peace 
dependent on volunteers 
In pediatrics:
more activites
childlike support
visitors come and hang out
Chance an individual will have more $25,000 in out-of-pocket long term care costs: 1 in 5
(MetLife Market Survey of Nursing Home and Home Care Costs)
6.3 million: The number of Americans who have a high long-term care need because they need help with two or more activities of daily living or are experiencing cognitive decline.
52.3%: The expected percentage of people from the age of 55>  will have a long-term care need during their lifetimes this year
$225 billion: Long-term care expenditures in U.S., 2015.
$217,820: Estimated end-of-life care costs in patient's final five years for individuals without dementia.
$17,680: Median annual cost for adult day care (five days/week), 2016.
$22,887 –$ 164,250 is the median annual cost of a long-term living facility as of 2016
(https://longtermcare.acl.gov/costs-how-to-pay/costs-of-care.html )
83%: Percentage of help provided to older adults that is delivered by friends or family members.
$15,000: The average amount of income that caregivers will lose due to time demands of providing care to those who they care for
20%: Percentage of Medicaid funding that went to pay long-term care costs in 2016.
9 million: The number of Americans expected to have a high long-term care, 2015.
7.25 million: Number of individuals with long-term care insurance coverage, 2014.
$1.98 trillion: Maximum potential benefit of all long-term care policies in force today.
40%: The percentage of individuals who reach age 65 who will enter a nursing home during their lifetimes. 892 days (2.44 years): Average length of stay for current nursing-home residents
(https://www.naic.org/documents/cipr_current_study_160519_ltc_insurance.pdf )
 What are the main medications that is consistent?
(https://www.webmd.com/palliative-care/pain-medications-medications-for-palliative-care#1 )
 Long-term conditions can't be cured, only managed, and they come with a risk of social isolation, low self-esteem, stigma and discrimination. This can easily give way to a mental health condition if support isn't available.
 more than 4 million also have a mental health problem. Evidence demonstrates those with a long-term condition are two or three times more likely to develop mental ill-health. People two or more long-term conditions are seven times more likely to experience depression than those without a long-term condition (World Health Survey, 2007)
 Since the founding of the NHS in 1948, physical care and mental health care have largely been disconnected. There is an increasing call on healthcare professionals to consider psychological wellbeing when treating the physical symptoms of a condition and vice versa.
(Mental Health Foundation,  https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/l/long-term-physical-conditions-and-mental-health )
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jamihueber2794-blog · 7 years
Extremely Lovely All
Finally Malia as well as Sasha Obama possess the canine they were actually promised through their parents. In many cases diarrhea beauty4u-eva.Info takes place just because the intestinal tract has actually become aggravated as well as swollen - either given that your pet ate something that failed to agree with him or even due to an infection (just about anything coming from infections to earthworms). Presently, getting a pet bedroom is actually one thing that might appear really quick and easy however you will certainly have to look at a handful of factors prior to you engage in it. One of the best significant things to consider will definitely be actually the size of your canine, as well as there is actually a huge variety of various sizes for beds that you can easily receive. Ok therefore, I have a black laboratory as well as combined along with something else( my daddy loathes him) as well as I want my very own pet (goldendoodle) my dad despises all pets yet I love thme like crazy like my mother, any ideas on effective ways to make him much less obstinate regarding one more pet. Attributes: This cross integrates the activity as well as intellect from the Port Russell Terrier along with the cuteness as well as mellowness of the Yorkshire Terrier." 5 The cross reproduction of these 2 types will certainly likely cause a delighted, pleasant, dedicated, loving, perky, loyal but brave, strongly spirited, smart, inquisitive, adventurous, dedicated, overprotective, clever and loving pet dog. If you clean him along with a flea comb (which is like a fine-tooth comb), make an effort rubbing that on a napkin: if reddish locations turn up on the paper napkin, you could feel certain that your canine possesses fleas (on a white colored history like a paper napkin, flea poop shows up reddish: since bugs exist on blood stream, their poop is colored properly). In the surge to develop and assert brand-new breeds, completing groups of canine breeders occasionally produced other names for the exact same canine, as well as it was actually very common for entirely fictitious kind pasts to be cobbled up as portion of an initiative to declare a brand new type and also create a little individual distinction for a pet dog's innovator (to say nothing of purchases). Canine properties could be pricey and in the event that you gone on a finances, you may look at the option of affordable pet residences, which will enable you to get your pet dog an attractive property without must leave a hole in your pockets. The dog types that are actually genetically susceptible to canine copper storage illness feature very most terrier species such as Bedlington Terriers, Skye Terriers, West Plateau White Terriers, Airedale Terriers, Wirehaired Fox Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, as well as Bull Terriers. I feel tinned renal foods items are better, due to the fact that they consist of concerning 80% water, which will certainly assist regularly rehydrate a canine that could already be dried out and are going to more aid the blush of excess contaminants from the system. Yet White Fang's neck had come to be extreme- fibred coming from the manufacturing from furious audios via the numerous years given that his very first little bit of rasp of temper in the hideaway from his cubhood, as well as he could not soften the noises from that throat right now to reveal the gentleness he experienced. Given that many people think that Arthritis is actually a humans-only ailment Alex now educates pet dog managers along with his Digital book on how you can discover this health condition as well as permit their pet dogs reside as pain-free as achievable.
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