#but this is too good to lose to the nether
thrasherella · 26 days
Needy Werewolf Husband is going into his rut and is really, reaallllyyyyy trying to get his wife's attention away from the household chores she's insisting on finishing before he can have his way with her...
He followed her all around the kitchen as she tidied up, wrapping his arms around her from behind and groping her tits as she cleaned the few dishes in the sink, pinching and teasing her nipples as she sighed and moaned, grinding his hard cock into her soft ass, his breath hot and voice desperate against her ear as he begged her to let him fuck her already.
"Please let me put it in..." he whined, nipping at the shell of her ear lightly in frustration as his swollen, red cock throbbed against her, begging for more attention, for more friction, for more anything; he felt like he was starting to lose his mind.
She had told him to keep humping her ass like a horny little puppy if he couldn't wait, and he really couldn't. He continued fondling her breasts, palming and squeezing them in his massive hands, and she whimpered and mewled, rolling her hips back against his.
"See, you want it too..."
She continued to deny him as she finished wiping and organizing the kitchen counters, his cock dribbling all over her backside as he pumped against her, unable to stop himself. He needed to pin her down, needed to stuff her full of his cock; he could smell her arousal mounting as she ground that perfect little ass back against him, her honeyed scent driving him absolutely wild.
"Just a little longer love, you're being such a good boy," she cooed, scratching him gently under his chin as he made puppy dog eyes at her, eliciting from him a low, humming moan.
He humped her legs while she vacuumed the living room, whimpering and growling as she did her best to ignore him, slowly and methodically making her way across the room as he ground into her, dragging and rubbing his cock against her, staining her clothes with his sticky precum, nipping at the back of her neck and ears, demanding her attention.
"Please, need to fuck you now baby, need to fill you; need to empty my cock into your perfect little pussy and give you a litter of pups..."
"Be a good boy and wait until I'm done cleaning the bedroom, okay?" she had purred, and he whimpered a weak agreement in response.
When they got to the bedroom however, she was helpless against him as he shoved her face first down onto the mattress, ripping apart those pesky little shorts and panties that had been blocking his aching cock, confirming what he already knew from her overwhelming scent that her cunt was already drenched and waiting for him to stretch and fill her.
"I lied," he huffed, mounting her from behind and lining up his dripping cockhead with her pussy, parting her nether lips slowly around him, loving how she moaned into her pillow as he did. "I don't wanna be a good boy; and you were a bad girl, it's not nice to tease a rutting wolf...now you be good, and take my knot," he hilted into her in one hard thrust, feeling her pussy clenching around him; a low, rumbling growling escaping his throat, and a deliciously muffled scream coming from her as he knotted her, forcing every inch of himself into her tight cunt.
He was already so overstimulated, biting down into her shoulder as he came, painting her insides white as he filled her with his thick load, and she cried out as her own orgasm crashed over her, hips bucking and rolling against him, squirting her climax all over his dick and pooling on the bedsheets.
"That's a good girl," his breath was hot against her ear, pushing her hips up slightly to get one clawed hand between her and the mattress, flittering and rubbing his fingers against her swollen clit, loving how she writhed and squirmed beneath him helplessly. "No more chores, no where for you to go, sweet thing stuffed and stuck on my knot...just be a good girl and turn off your brain, and squirt on my dick again, and again, and again while I make you my cum-dumpster..."
She couldn't deny this was exactly what she wanted...she knew her husband better than anyone and knew that denying him was a sure fire way to make sure he took extra time to "punish" her for the time she had wasted keeping him waiting.
Oh no, what a tragedy that would be...
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the-hipster-nugget · 9 months
I think we need to talk about Scott’s third life death scene more often, specifically about the scene directly afterward with Martyn and Ren.
It’s so fucked up that Martyn chases after Scott, not hurting or actually touching him but follows him so his king can get a chance to kill him, but Martyn doesn’t touch Scott. Instead he yells after him these half baked apologies and explanations, trying to tell him “I didn’t want Jimmy to die!” That is actually insane.
As Martyn is chasing that boy he connected with at the start, the one he entered the nether with; they went through this worlds actual hell together. Now Martyn is tasked to take after Scott to not let him escape, someone he used to be close to, he chases with death in mind because his king commands it.
And Scott finally stops to face martyn, as the pathetic hand tries to tell him “we didn’t mean to kill your husband” is SO fucked up. Out of everything Martyn said, before having to watch his king murder him, he tells Scott that it was never his intention to harm Jimmy.
Upon Scott’s death, Martyn does not cheer or rejoice, he just lets out this pathetic noise of defeat after Ren murdered Scott for good. Martyn stands there feeling null and empty, while his king goes into hysterics.
Ren also, upon killing Scott, is immediately rushed with guilt and horror at himself. Starts sobbing, “how many more do I have to kill to this violence comes to an end?”
“It’s dripping into my eyes… I can’t see, I’ve been blinded by violence my hand.”
Ren sacrificed himself using Martyns hand, allowed his head to be chopped off so that he could become a red name- but even after all that, he cannot kill without guilt. Other red names like Skizz and Joel get this bloodlust and hunt like a predator. While Ren, the wolf king, kills and then he cries. He sobs and begs for Martyn to hold him. He’s a red name supposed to be thirsting for blood but it isn’t giving him that rush it should. He had Martyn take his head, and all for what? What was this all for?
He’s a red name, and the king of a red kingdom, with a red shield. He brought red winter in his wake, but he stays awake at night shivering in fear about the death of others. In his heart, Ren is too good hearted to kill without remorse. Despite it being his job, and something he sought out to do on purpose; he feels horribly guilty.
The blood dripping into his eyes blinding him is insane symbolism. Being a red name gives him this urge to kill, and it blinds the players. But doesn’t give Ren a rush of ecstasy or excitement, it scares him. Ren feels so blood thirsty that he gets dizzy, and it makes him want to cry. It makes him scared of himself, and he breaks down as yet another person died at his hand.
He begs Martyn to hold him, and all he can think about is before he had to murder another person. He never wanted to become this red king, never wanted his crown to be stained in blood. He wanted to hold Martyns hand, and enchant with him. That’s all he wanted, was a life of peace with his dear friend. Martyn was his friend, not his hand.
Ren asked for this, he prayed for red winter, but now that it arrived, he is so so cold. Ren just wanted to feel the warmth of spring.
Neither of them wanted to kill Scott. Neither of them felt satisfied watching Scott lose his final life, but they murdered him together anyway. They killed him, and then they cried about it. They hold each other in the dead of winter.
“How many more people do we have to kill before all this violence comes to an end?”
The red king just wishes red winter would finally end. He’s tired of his bloody crown weighing down his head, his weak scarred neck struggles to hold. Martyn holds his king in attempt to comfort him, but all he thinks about is how eventually, they will have to die too. Maybe if they’re lucky, they’ll die together.
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mellowsadistic · 3 months
Before & After - Daddy's Girl
Set in the world of The Magician’s Game.
Lucy Thompson was a strident feminist, an activist with a reputation across her college campus both for her good looks and for her habit of biting the head off any man who tried to flirt with her. With her beautiful face and hourglass figure, she naturally drew the eyes of all the men in her classes – but there was nothing Lucy hated more than the male gaze, as she wrote about frequently in her Critical Theory essays. She couldn’t stand the idea that people saw her as a mere sex object, and there was nothing she hated more than men who assumed she must secretly want to be “put in her place” by a big, strong man like them.
Unfortunately for her, to the Magician’s mind, there’s nothing more enjoyable than taking a strong-willed, empowered woman and making her fight for her adulthood, so naturally Miss Thompson made the ideal candidate for one of his twisted games. She played the game well, however, avoiding all but a minor thumbsucking penalty and making it all the way to the final round before finally losing in a nursery rhyme sing-along contest.
Tired of her constant ranting about the evils of the patriarchy, the Magician decided that Lucy needed a little help changing her attitude towards men. With a snap of his fingers, he gave her a hardcore diaper fetish and an overpowering Daddy kink that soon had her squirming on the floor with one hand stuck down the front of her pants, imagining herself being forced into diapers and made to live as a dumb toddler forever. Then the Magician gave her the choice; she could return to her normal life without so much as losing her continence, or he could strip her of all her bladder and bowel control and let her live with him as his full-time adult baby girl…
Lucy’s New Life
Lucy moaned around her thumb and humped her thickly padded crotch desperately against her teddy bear. Her squishy nappy felt delightful against her pussy. It was soaked with pee, just the way she liked it. Her face burned with humiliation at what she was doing, but that just made her pussy even wetter. The old her would have died with shame if she could’ve seen herself now, grinding her sopping wet Pampers on her stuffed animals. But it was the only way a stupid, horny diaper girl like her could get off. She let out another slutty moan.
“Uh-oh,” came a deep male voice from above her. “I think someone’s being a naughty little girl…”
Lucy felt a powerful rush of arousal. She loved the way Daddy talked to her, like she was a particularly dim-witted four-year-old. She hated him too, hated the way he’d turned her into a diaper-wearing freak, the way he’d stolen her future and reduced her to a life of bottle-feeds and early bedtimes, spankings and nappy changes. But another part, just as strong, thought it was the hottest thing ever. She looked up, and her nether regions pulsed with pleasure at the sight of his handsome face, his sadistic smile.
“Does Daddy need to pull off your diaper and spank your naughty bottom, Lulu?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lucy shook her head hurriedly from side to side, but she couldn’t help sucking her thumb lustily at the thought of being turned over Daddy’s lap, having her nappy pulled down, getting her plump bare bottom smacked over and over again until it turned bright pink…
“Are you sure?” he asked, a smirk playing around his lips. “Your Nanny told me she caught you doing something naughty this morning too.”
Lucy’s face went even redder.
“Did you really try to sneak a wet diaper out of the pail and put it on?” he asked, sounding deeply amused.
Lucy thought she might faint with the humiliation. She gave her teddy an extra hard hump and nodded.
“Silly girl,” said the Magician, reaching out and patting her padded rear. “If you want playtime in your icky used nappies then all you have to do is ask. Daddy already knows what a disgusting, depraved little girl you are.”
Lucy groaned and shut her eyes, still grinding on her bear. She was getting so close to orgasm now. But then there was a sudden pressure in her bottom, and she gasped around her thumb. Instinctively she tried to clamp down, to hold it in, but that wasn’t something her body was capable of anymore. Instead, she barely felt it as a big, yucky mess filled her diaper. The Magician started to laugh, and Lucy humped her teddy bear faster and faster, even as she grimaced with revulsion. The mess in the back of her pants felt disgusting. It was so gross and stinky and babyish.
She could have walked away, she told herself. She could have been a normal woman, or at least a woman who could control when she peed and pooped. But now she was just a big, smelly baby who needed nappies on her butt 24/7. A naughty, overgrown toddler who needed a Daddy to keep her in her rightful place… and she always would be. She moaned again. How could she have chosen this?! With one final, desperate thrust of her hips, Lucy had a shuddering orgasm in her soaked and stinky diaper and slumped over her teddy bear, gasping for breath.
As the euphoria began to fade, the familiar shame and self-disgust started to creep over her, and she buried her face in her teddy’s soft fur. But when her Daddy bent down, kissed the top of her head, and whispered, “That’s my girl,” the tingling started in her pussy all over again.
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theladyofrosewater · 1 month
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I have finally gotten Laurance's character sheet to a point where I'm actually okay with the result. I'll probably make some edits later. Character notes and lore undercut also content warning for general shadow knight stuff
Feel free to suggest the next character to get a character sheet!
I was aiming for a swimmers or acrobatic type of build for him so I tried to give him wider shoulders. I'm going to be basing all of the guard characters after some kind of sports athlete so feel free to give suggestions for future guards like Katelyn or Dante
In my rewrite Laurance was nearly torn in half (yikes) in the Nether and Sasha had to stitch him back together. He didn't fully die but his heart stopped for almost a minute before Sasha restarted it. Hence he got turned into a Shadow Knight although a lot more human than most
Laurance is missing part of his leg in my rewrite as well as being partially blind in one eye and this is from Ungrth's rescue mission, which sidenote I'm very tempted to mix wyverns and phoenixes together in my rewrite so that Laurance still loses his friend but is comforted by the fact that he'll be back someday.
His leg prosthetic is actually part of his shadow knight form and as a result he can get quite tired if he's on his feet all day. Dante and Garroth commissioned Kenmur to create a decent prosthetic for Laurance but the group disappears before Kenmur can finish it. Laurance uses a wooden crutch when he gets too tired or has a day off. It's quite well made and carved with a wyvern script spell for steady balance. It used to be Jon's but Hayden gifted it to him when he left Meteli for good. (Also sidenote I'm making Jon and Hayden married in my rewrite just because I think it would be good storytelling)
Laurance has always been clumsy but surprisingly enough his balance only suffered a little when adjusting to his new leg, and he's pretty good at adjusting to the vison loss. He will however sometimes be an idiot while exploring and that's why half the time he ends up in caves or old witches hideouts when he's exploring
Laurance's natural hair color was that nice brown we all know and maybe love and in my rewrite he still dyes it to match Cadenza however becoming a shadow knight kinda mess with his hair and now when it reaches a certain point it kinda sorta just turns orange and while Laurance may be a flirt he doesn't actually care that much about his apparence, as long as he's in good shape health wise he doesn't care, so his hair is left long.
Laurance's shadow knight armor is actually quite different from a lot of other shadow knights as he's technically still living. Shadow knights that are fueled by intense anger like Zenix or were turned when they were still living have a lava like substance glowing in the cracks of their armor. Shadow knights like Sasha, Vylad or Gene on the other hand have "dead" armor that is just rock and maybe a few gemstones. Becoming a full shadow knight takes either your memories or a part of your soul and unless Shad gives an individual that piece back or they are too filled with rage their armor is dead.
His normal guard armor is a mix of nether metals and draconic steel, Aphelia got it from Zoey and gifted it to Laurance when he was sworn in as a knight of Phoenix Drop. It has an extremely high melting point so Laurance can hid his leg if he wants too or he needs to for missions but often times in Phoenix Drop he doesn't bother unless it's cold or raining or Phoenix Drop is on high alert. The leg produces some heat enough to singe fabrics but isn't a fire hazard unless Laurance wants it to be
Laurance used to have a lot of keepsakes and jewelry but they were lost in the Nether. but you can see on the casual outfit that Cadenza has been sending him new rings :)
His hair does glow in Shadow Knight form and yes he has been used as a nightlight/ light source before but on the bright side he got the codename firefly so it's not a total loss. also his teeth are stronger but not sharper as only some shadow knights get fangs and it's seemingly random
I imagine him to be almost 23 and around 6'2 but only because he has a habit of only walking on the tips of his toes as Cadenza made him take the same dance tutor their dads hired for her. In reality he's like 6 ft on a good day.
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
badboyhalo october 1st stream recap
okay okay quick recap for anyone who couldn't watch the stream/can't watch bad's vod (tw discussion of derealization, paranoia (being watched especially), hallucinations, bad having a BAD time, etc. if any of this stuff super bothers you then you may want to avoid badboyhalo's livestreams for the foreseeable future, he's a long-term storyteller)
Bad started off his stream with a black screen and white text.
"Welcome. Dear cucurucho, why are you in my [the text went offscreen] I just want to talk please come say hello I know your there cucurucho come come come out wherever you are cucuruchoooooooo CUCURUCHSOFIOOGI" [note: keysmash not exact]
When Bad turned his screen on, he was in dapper's room, rocking back and forth. he was calling for cucurucho and talking about it living in his house. He kept jumping at nothing. He spoke to the pictures of the kids as if they were real, and asked "richarlyson" if forever was the one in his house.
he didn't want to leave dapper's room because it was his 'safe room,' but he eventually did. His base is now covered in GIANT signs that have red text and cucurucho's model that say "NO FEDERATION ALLOWED" and "YOUR BEING WATCHED" and one more i can't remember. he put up cameras everywhere and said "Look! I have cameras! Now I know when someone comes in... and when someone leaves." which isn't super important but it was an awesome line
he ended up going to spawn to look for cucurucho, and it was full of scaffolding. bad didn't take this well. It's unclear if the scaffolding was part of his hallucinations or not, but he fixated on it 'being' cucurucho. He suspected forever, cellbit, and foolish were also cucurucho. He questioned what was and wasn't real- including himself.
Bad started SEEING cucurucho in the distance, watching him, before it would disappear again. When it came back, sometimes it was renamed. "ENJOY THE ISLAND" and ":)" were some of the renamings, and I cannot remember them all. Bad started out by chasing cucurucho, shouting at it and asking if it were various items/mobs. He saw two of them at once at once point and was lead up into slime's hold house, through flippa's room (where there was a single block of scaffolding), and then out off of jaiden's balcony.
As the chase went on Bad started to become more frightened. Cucurucho was flying. he started to lose sense of where he was (shown by the admins teleporting him around) and hallucinated a nether portal he threatened to go through.
At some point Bad questioned if Dapper was cucurucho, too.
Eventually Bad retreated to the wall to cower in a 1x1 hole that went beneath the wall. cucurucho broke several blocks in front of him and appeared, revving its chainsaw. when it disappeared again there was a hole broken into the floor that lead to a cave and LONG tunnels beneath the wall. the visual was terrifying i promise.
cucurucho chased bad through the tunnels. he was screaming “please please stop I’ll be good I promise please go away.” At one point cucurucho appeared behind bad with the name "Bad?Boy?Halo?" and bad freaked out about potentially being cucurucho.
cucurcucho chased bad through a cave system until two cucuruchos cornered him to blow bubbles. their names were "do you?" and "YES". bad ran from them and found some scaffolding loose on the ground, (which had been built up to lead him out of the cave), said "this is it, this is you" and threw into lava.
Bad warped back home, insisting, "You can't come here, you can't come here." He was calmer in his house, but then was hit by the blindness effect and started yelling about the signs and "NO FEDERATION ALLOWED." he sang a little song about it
short story short: cucurucho appeared in his house. he saw it behind a glass wall. he was furious and terrified and growling "you can't be in here." he ran into dapper's room, where it appeared AGAIN with the name "WITHOUT M***" (last few letters were in the wall lmao). bad started sprinting around his house trying to find a safe place. cucurucho chased him with a chainsaw down the aquarium hallway.
Two cucuruchos kept popping up and disappearing, both with different names each time. Bad asked them "who let you in my house?" and went through a series of names such as: foolish, forever, tina, cellbit, baghera, antoine, fit- and finally settled on Ron.
Bad went to go see Ron. The hallway was dark, and Ron's room was unlit. When Bad opened the door, Cucurucho, with the nametag "RON" above its head, looked back at him. Bad said, "I knew it. It was Ron. He let you in." A second Cucurucho appeared with the nametag "ALWAYSHERE."
Bad was given blindness again, and he started to laugh as a chainsaw whirred. We heard bubbles blowing. Then the screen faded entirely to black, and Bad said, "Come here, Ron. Come out, come out, wherever you are..."
We heard rapid damage sounds, and then the sound of eating.
(the END of his stream had black and white text "SEE You NeXt tIme :)" as an example. The other messages were classic streamer "thanks for watching" and "make sure to follow" messages with similar fucked up cases, but this was supposed to be a fast recap lmao)
TLDR: Bad's paranoia has increased to the point of hallucinations. He's now frightened of Cucurucho, and suspects that everyone on the island is/could be helping Cucurucho get into his base. He associates cucurucho with scaffolding now. He is NOT sound of mind. He ate Ron Lemons.
If I missed anything important, feel free to add on!
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leapdayowo · 2 months
Redstone and Skulk OC time :3
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Thought I’d turn my persona into a rns oc and give them a helsmet :3 I basically looked at my play style in Minecraft and took a few things from my own life and combined them to create these two! Short version about them below and a little story of their origins under that:
short version:
-Leapday_art (short version Leapday, she/he/they, the player) is afraid of losing important things in their life. He is very cautious about doing anything that could result in him dying and loosing everything in his inventory (sleeps through the night everytime to avoid monsters, barely visits the nether, strip mines, etc) +the cats next to Leapday are two of my darling kitties who unfortunately passed away irl, their names are Toby (left) and Toes (right)
-Nightfall_collections (short version Nightfall, all pronouns, the helsmet) was created from Leapday’s extreme fear of losing valuables and her grief from having lost valuables too many times. Xyr driving goal is to collect and preserve everything that xe can and to make sure there is always at least one copy
-other things about Nightfall: she is a magma cube hybrid while Leapday is a ??? hybrid player (if you read the story below this may make more sense👀). Nightfall can split into smaller duplicates which allows them to be in more places at once and thus more productive in their goal. She uses her goop-like body to write reminders on her clothes, then re-absorbs the goop later
-I think Nightfall would find himself as an organizer between lots of different parties/people in Hels due to being so dedicated to his goal + only being dedicated to this goal (his alignment is probably chaotic good because he’s loyal to his own goals and not to other people or outside rules. He does not take bribes or backstab). Also, Nightfall does not need to have possession of everything, but xe is trying to keep tabs on where everything that exist is at(this makes xem the go-to person for trying to obtain something in particular)
-I think Nightfall would become a sponsor (if that’s the right word?) for the Order of Remembrance because she greatly admires the work they do to preserve Hels’ history. She would also love Zedaph’s hall of all and definitely tries to work with private collectors to protect (and document/track) what they have (and she will keep what she knows a secret if it means protecting valuable things)
-Nightfall does not care about thieves unless they steal one of a kind things
-the doodles below were my earlier concepts, so Nightfall has green eyes before I realized it’s much more fitting for xem to have orange eyes
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okay, okay, story time (because I realized the ‘short’ version was getting very extensive):
Maybe it had started in the very first world she spawned in. A brilliant blue sky that stretched over jagged, looming cliffs with forests scattered underneath. Trickling waterfalls and bubbling lava pits here and there. The natural beauty of the world left Leapday in awe and eager to explore what other wonders lay beyond the horizon.
It must have started with the first tree she broke, a squat little oak, one of hundreds in the forest. When the leaves of that little oak had all fallen, saplings littered the grassy floor. She should’ve been excited, feel triumphant even by taking down the tree, after all it’s how the journey had to start. Except, all that Leapday could see was the awkward gap in the canopy from the absence of the little oak. It felt like an itch unscratched, nagging and uncomfortable. Well that wouldn’t do.
They scooped up all the saplings littering the floor and planted one in the same dirt plot the little oak was uprooted from. Then they planted a few more just for good measure. The unease lingered, but planting the saplings felt good. It felt right. Now their adventure could truly begin!
In this world, Leapday’s only companions were the pigs and sheep that he passed on his journey, though he would argue, if there were someone to argue with, that the world itself brought him company enough. That the days and nights passing was a conversation between the universe and Leapday, and thus a consistent companion. And what gifts did the universe provide for him to find! Rushing rivers that fed into powerful oceans, plenty of trees to sleep in and collect, and mountains to climb with the best views of the sunset. Never a dull moment for him as there was always something new to experience and see.
However, despite all its gifts, the universe was slow to explain the finer mechanics of the world, such as health to Leapday. A week of traversing through thick forests and steep cliffs left them battered and bruised. They learned how to gauge the distance of a drop and how to place blocks to minimize the pain in their ankles from falls. A similar pain gnawed from the inside of their stomach, which they discovered was briefly satiated by devouring the apples that fell from the trees.
During one climb up a particularly harrowing cliff, Leapday learned about the unforgiving weight of sand by placing it under her feet in order to reach the next ledge. The block had crumbled in a near instant, sending her plummeting towards the ground. Instead of hitting the hard rocks below, she splashed into a stream from a nearby waterfall. When she had dragged herself onto land and her heart had steadied to a more familiar pace, she let out a fit of bewildered laughter that overwhelmed the panic from moments ago. She knew falls much shorter than this one could take days to recover from, so what kind of pain would she be in if she hadn’t gotten lucky and fallen in the stream? Something cold ran through her and sank to the pit of her stomach. Dread of what could have been, what could still be if she wasn’t more careful. She resolved to never find out what would happen. How unfortunate that her next fall would be into a pit of lava, the very one she had been camping at throughout the nights.
He was being careful, more so than he had been for the first week in this world anyways. That didn’t seem to matter because he had still slipped when placing the block before him and fallen. It was his first respawn, and it introduced him to a few new things like a punch to the face. The first revelation was the agony of burning to death, and death itself. He curled into himself, crying at the phantom feeling of the lava eating at his flesh. The intense heat and how the lava had trapped him in place and burned. It was a twisted version of the warmth of the sun, which was shining down on him and in comparison felt as cool as the air in caves. The second realization came slowly as the memory of fire ebbed. Their knuckles no longer popped and their joints no longer ached. The tightness in their muscles had vanished, leaving softer tissue on the bone and the emptiness in their stomach no longer hurt. They felt new and full of energy, ready to begin their journey again. How strange they had forgotten what this felt like. White scars from their oldest injuries and freckles from sun touched skin still littered their body. They had died, but now were in perfect health again. Leapday took in her surroundings, her face lighting up with delight at the sight of a familiar oak tree. It had grown into quite the study tree since the start of her adventure. Soon after her reunion, Leapday discovered her now empty inventory when she reached for blocks to place in order to climb the canopy. The absence of stacks of logs, dirt, and sand had her racing towards the lava pit before her mind could catch up. Panic pushed her feet to run faster and dodge every obstacle. She ignored nicks from branches in her way and the sting of sharp rocks on her bare feet. The timer was ticking down. Her items would be gone- she just had to- if she wasn’t fast enough-
She burst through the tree line and was greeted by the familiar heavy heat of the lava pit. The sight of it made her recoil out of fear of falling back in even from many blocks away. On shaky legs, she circled the perimeter and searched for her items. The timer was still ticking, but they were nowhere to be seen! She crept as close as she dared to the lava and swept her eyes across the surface of the pool. Then she darted into the surrounding trees looking high and low.
No logs. No saplings or dirt or anything!
This was their third lesson. You lose items after death, and lava destroys those items.
Don’t die, especially not in lava, and don’t lose your items.
Now they had to start over, and this time not dying proved to be harder than expected. More falls and similar accidents happened. Zombies began appearing, persistent in their pursuit of Leapday’s flesh. Then skeletons, creepers, and spiders appeared and introduced many more ways one could die. The pain from the deaths hurt, but they became mundane as weeks turned to months. Loosing items became more painful and frightening when Leapday discovered crafting. More time and resources were needed to start over after dying with crafted items, so they took to the world underground. They followed their instinct to craft pickaxes and torches, to chip away at the stone in search of more sturdy materials. They crafted their first stone pickaxe and found it to be superior to the wooden one.
Maybe it truly started with that wooden pickaxe. When she crafted the stone tools, the wooden pickaxe sat in her hotbar, still good for half a day’s work but now obsolete. It had served her well to progress her journey, a necessary step, but it felt wrong to simply set it aside. It felt like the gap in the canopy all over again, but she very well couldn’t plant the pickaxe in the ground and solve her unease. Not sure what else to do, she attached it to her hip and went on with her day. She wouldn’t destroy it or toss it, she would simply carry it with her until she found what she needed to do with it next. It became her new companion (it was her first crafted tool. It was the first and therefore the only one that would ever exist).
Now equipped with wood and stone blocks, Leapday built their base over their mine. The wooden pickaxe found its place over the doorway leading outside, marking the build as their home. It felt right, so they continued their expansions. Farms were planted along a nearby river and fences placed to corral cows and sheep. Torches were the one item they were generous with. They were thrown across their property liberally since their light would deter creepers spawning too close for comfort.
During a thunderstorm that had picked up abruptly one morning, Leapday poked around at their communicator. It was a lightweight device that had been attached to their forearm since first spawning into the world and never disappeared after dying. After lots of fiddling with the different menus and buttons on the screen, they came across YouCraft. It was an archive of videos made by other players scattered across the universe, documenting their own worlds and progress! With the storm still crashing down around Leapday’s base, they curled up in bed and began watching the first video that caught their eye. It turned out that he had lots more to learn about the universe! After waiting out the storm, and then the night, by watching these videos, he learned about other biomes and blocks still left to discover as well as potions, enchanting, and other dimensions! A dragon was where this journey led for most players, though some took their time getting to it. Above all, he realized he needed diamonds. Diamonds were what every player sought due to their strength, but they were rare and dangerous to collect being so deep underground. They were needed to further Leapday’s journey however, so collecting them became his top goal. Quickly he learned how impossible achieving this goal would be. Well, it seemed impossible after spending days underground chipping at the cold stone and coming up empty. Strange echoes rang through the tunnels and more than a few times paranoia of something (or someone. He had heard the legends of Herobrine) sneaking up on him was enough to make him hole up for hours. Grey, grey stone that went on for miles. Grey cobblestone trailed behind him when his inventory filled. Leapday found other minerals, but the sparkling teal of diamonds still lay buried elsewhere. He mined for so long he began to doubt that the rare mineral even generated in this world. That only grey existed. That was until he broke away the next layer of stone before him and found himself staring uncomprehending at the bits of teal poking through stone. Uncontainable joy broke through his shock like sunlight through parting storm clouds. They were real! Diamonds were real and right in front of him! Invigorated with new energy, Leapday got to work extracting the diamonds just as they had seen others do. The amount paled in comparison to the stacks other players had, but in that moment he didn’t care. It was enough to have found them and confirm they even existed in this world. That weeks of sore arms digging at indifferent stone and unsteady gravel caches falling finally amounted to their new prized possession.
By the time he arrived back at his base, the novelty of finding diamonds began to wear off. He had to admit it was a measly amount. Just barely enough for a diamond pickaxe. What good would a stronger pickaxe be with no enchantments or replacements for when it broke? It had taken so long to find just a few diamonds what were the chances of finding more? No, they wouldn’t craft anything with the rare mineral until they had enough for spares and back ups. So back to the mines they went, and excruciatingly slow they found more, and continued to reason that crafting them was a poor decision. What if an accident happened and they couldn’t get back to their stuff? If they were swallowed by a pit of lava? So much time would be spent only to be wasted. Almost like their thoughts and fears had manifested it, a freak lava incident happened not long after. Leapday had been feeling good that day, so good because their most recent mining trip had yielded 13 diamonds and another cluster just across a lava lake. As they bridged across the lake, plans of finally crafting their collection of diamonds began to form making them giddy. It was the type of giddy that made any obstacle feel like child’s play and beyond consequence. That they finally could start progressing on their journey once more. It was enough to distract Leapday from the crunch of gravel under their feet and for their pickaxe to swing off its mark into the unsteady floor. The ground gave way and sent her tumbling into the lava.
She woke up screaming in her bed. Screaming from agony of ghostly flames that ate flesh, and then from loss and frustration. It wasn’t fair! Her luck had just turned up for the best and now all of it was gone! Every plan to use the diamonds tossed out the window and into a burning pit of despair. How stupid of her to not notice the gravel! All that time for nothing! She should have called it a day and come up 13 diamonds richer with plenty of levels for enchanting. All her gear and tools and items from mineshafts would still be intact, but no. Her head was too far in the clouds and now it was gone. She hadn’t even had the foresight to mark the cave to return to, so sure of her victory. There would be no hope navigating the twisting and sprawling tunnels below, and even if she tried to go back, the sight of lava would probably be enough to make her hurl. Fat tears began dripping down her face as she cursed and wallowed. They blurred his vision, so with a few steadying breaths and a final gross sniffle, he wiped at his eyes. Then he went to swing his legs over the bed to pick up the pieces of his day and froze. On his hand, both hands actually, were thick black smudges of… of something. What was that? He reached up to his face and traced the wet tear tracks with a clean finger. It too came away covered in the strange goop. An incredulous laugh burst from him, which evolved into hysterical crying. More tears fell from his eyes and he let them. The tangled web of grief in his chest unraveling as he did so, and he felt the last of his energy drain away until-
Sunlight trickled through the curtains and roused Leapday from their sleep. Birds were chirping and the familiar sounds of the animals grazing and leaves rustling cradled their mind while the events of the previous day trickled back to them. They felt heavy and gross. Their eyes crusty and mouth dry as a desert were a sure sign of their emotional distress. Disappointment felt like stones being dropped on them when they pulled up their empty inventory. It really was all gone. They let their head flop back onto their pillow and took a steadying breath, trying to recount the reasons they should get out of bed. Maybe they would stick to the joys of the world above ground for a month or two. Take up weaving or painting. They had plenty of resources to finally build a barn and an expansion to the house. Maybe they would go with a grassy roof.
Yeah. That could be alright. With one final sigh, Leapday pushed themself up off their bed and dragged themself over to their cauldron to clean up. They could see from their reflection that only a few faint smudges remained on their face, which they gently wiped away. Crying black goop was probably not normal now that their mind was more stable to think it over. Or maybe it was normal? It had never happened before, but the players on YouCraft all had their own quirks that Lepaday lacked, so maybe it was normal for them?
It turned out the inky tears were a new normal. From that incident onward, whenever they experienced a great sense of loss the strange tears formed and sank into the ground. They appeared when Leapday lost their first wolf companion and when they accidentally deleted a creative world full of builds of an ambitious project.
in another world…
In Hels, black goop bubbled to the surface of a sea of lava. From a distance, the surface seemed its usual hungry self, shifting and popping as it patiently waited for Hels and its inhabitants to finally crumble in. The goop was not consumed by its hunger however. It stretched towards the netherrack shore like a snake in water. Once it had gathered all of itself onto more solid ground, it sat and waited for more of itself to arrive, bouncing and bubbling over the terrain in the meantime. They could only wait so long however, after all, there was much to collect and preserve and too little time to do so.
And it’s finished! Whew, I don’t typically write, so this was a lot to work on amidst all my finals projects (totally worth it tho! It was great practice). I wasn’t planning on writing so much about leapday, but then I realized the interesting potential of writing about players when they’re new to the world. If they are akin to gods, they still enter the world with a lot to learn. The goop at the end is Nightfall, who then went on to travel Hels and collect as many blocks and items as xe could before xe came across the city Evil X established. At first they were incredibly overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to preserve in the city and mostly stuck to collecting free scraps and garbage. It probably did something to gain the attention of a member of the Order of Remembrance, who taught Nightfall about their goals and a few things about how society/Hels worked. From there, Nightfall set off to establish a massive collection and documentation of anything and everything, working with people in the process but also quite an eccentric personality that can be quite a hermit when buried in paperwork (not many people are willing to do paperwork as diligently as Nightfall)
Also, YouCraft is YouTube in the Minecraft world :P I felt I needed to separate it from our version of mcyt because in this universe the characters are real and making videos about their lives rather than people playing a video game (at least that’s how I’m headcanoning it)
thank you @silverskye13 for providing some more lore about Hels and the Order of Remembrance (as well as Redstone and Skulk as a whole <3) as well as inspiring me to keep trying to improve my writing and thank you to @/yayforocs for inspiring me to finally make my own rns OCs and this post :3
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aroseformyself · 1 year
trey clover.
all you wanted to do was get a midnight snack, but your boyfriend so happened to be up making a tart.
trey had you bent over the counter, thrusting quickly in and out of your cunt, "aw, baby, you knocked over the milk..." he said condescendingly, "clean it up." he handed you a towel.
you followed the order, trying to wipe the mess you made up. but a coil in your stomach made you stop, trey chuckled, "you gonna come, sweets?"
you nodded, not being able to form words, "then cum, cum on my cock," he whispered in your ear.
you moaned, the knot in your stomach coming undone and you came onto his cock, but Trey didn't stop, he kept thrusting, chasing his own high. 
"se-sensitive!" you mewled, squirming on trey's cock.
"shh... keep cleanin', sweet-cheeks." trey's hand found your back and pushed you down harder into the cold counter.
your hands grabbed the cloth again and squeezed it tight, moving it up and down as trey pressed harder into you.
"shit." the Vice muttered under his breath, "gonna cum in you, k?" before you could answer he went on, "you'll take it like a good girl,"
cold fingers found their way to your puffy clit, adding to your sensitivity, "hah! trey!" you moaned sweetly as he played with your clit.
the overstimulation soon made you lose it and cum around his cock again some of your orgasm spilling out. you squeezed the cloth, making the milk spill back out.
a warm feeling erupted in you, trey's cream. trey planted his seed in your womb, making sure you took all of it.
trey's cum dripped as he pulled out of you, "oh no, sweets, we don't want this dripping out." he stated, pushing it back into your sensitive cunt.
you were panting, tears forming in your eyes as you wiped them, you tried to get back up but trey's hand on your back stopped you, "erm, trey?" you squirmed under his grasp.
"oh~" trey's voice was muffled from your neck as he kissed it, "did you think I was done?" his fingers shoved into you, making you clench on them, more of trey's seed mixed with yours coming out,       "and now your wasting my precious cum... how mean can you he?~"
you awoke in a soft bed, covered with a blanket. you sat up and looked over to see your phone, as you reached for it you noticed your shoulder had a bite mark on it. and numerous hickey's and bruises following it.
memories of last night flooded your mind, you lifted up the blanket and saw that you were nothing but one of trey's big shirts, you looked at your nether region and saw cum oozing out.
"aww, how cute!" trey cooed, you turned to your right and saw him sitting up, leaning over your shoulder, you covered up your body with his shirt.
"don't try to hide now, I already saw everything." his comment made you blush, the greenette kissed your forehead.
"you’re mean, trey."
"i love you, too."
trey is a sadist.
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nvirskies · 5 months
NOIR sedate yourself girl but also me too 🤭 hope you have a good sleep! And YES I wanna teach clarrise how to play games, playing Minecraft together omg,,, feel like clarisse is gonna love fps games and she would absolutely destroy her computer out of rage if she loses a match 😍 i would love for her to play decision-based games like LiS or dbh, she would wreak havoc 🔥🔥
go to sleep! You can reply when you wake up 🛌
trust me i'm on the hunt for some propofol and an iv saline drip- i need some crispy sleep fr
building a little house in mc with clarisse and being all cute and you're farming and somehow she's blasted through the nether and fighting the dragon already while you're out stealing seeds from villager
decision games with her... she'd be all anxious and ask you to look up the endings and pathways so she won't have her heart ripped out by a devastating ending-
fps games with clarisse, she'd hard carry you throughout the entire game and then be all proud like "mhm that's right- i carried us baby"
burying my head in my hands squealing giggling blushing oh my god i need this N O W W W W W W W W W W
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 month
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MCD Rewrite Aphmau! Feat. Some Headcanons (more will be added as I think of them.)
The most important part of this Aphmau is that, due to her having been slumbering in the Irene dimension for a long time, she no longer speaks modern language, and has to learn from Garroth and Emmalyn.
Thus, she has a distinct accent and way of speaking, as the newer languages are not her first. She learns quickly though.
She’s dressed in armor because I imagine that although she forgot what life was like before, she knows the world is very dangerous, and she wanted to protect herself.
I imagine this Aphmau to be very competent, as I imagine that she is actually Irene, but an Irene who wiped her own memories due to her sadness, and occasionally has dreams of her past life that startle her. She knows how to do most things on instinct, and is an impressive fighter.
Also she’s ripped.
She’s persistent, passionate, willful, and willing to do anything for her people. She’s also intelligent and an excellent strategist. Despite this, she can be a dreamer who wants to see the best in everyone, and can be too trusting in that aspect. She’s also got a temper, and when anyone she cares for is in danger, she loses it.
Garroth falls for her as he watches her grow alongside her repairs of the village. He watches her become the lord he could never be, and the one he always knew he would serve loyally.
Laurence falls for her slower, not until after he gets back from the nether and she helps him rehabilitate. He considered her a good friend before that, but as she guide him around when he’s blind, he gets all crush-y.
I think she falls for Garroth in the end tho, like romantically, and she and Laurence have more of a qpr type deal? I can’t decide honestly. I just know she and Garroth are soulmates. (I also don’t want to say that one relationship is inherently less valuable because it isn’t romantic, so you’ll probably see me fiddle around with these ideas.)
Being a goddess that can’t reincarnate, I think she’d be unable to have biological children, hence why she adopts so many. She really wants to be a mother.
She coparents Levin and Malachi with Zoey.
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I wasn't going to come back to this au, I might not do so again, but... Happy Ending AU, bitches. These scenes are kinda short for the au, half way between notes and actual scenes, but I hope they still bring you joy.
And then, one day, they are just... ready. Months of work and research and sneaking around and now... Well, here it is. Most people were only told once summoned to the meeting room - thirty minutes to pack a backpack of everything you want to save, give it to Philza, and be back here on time.
They expected resistance, or blame, or... Or Fit is not sure, but not the way Jaiden just broke, laughing and sobbing, or Foolish's sharp "finally!".
Fit's known this was coming for a while, and so have the people he loves. Even Ramón's is already packed and safely with Philza, filled with gears and cogs and the giant sniffer toy that Pac had made him.
Pac and Mike are also ready, Richarlyson already sat inside the train and they and Aypierre make the final adjustments. In the interests of information security only those three and Philza himself know exactly where they are going; Fit is here to protect them if the Feds do catch on at this most delicate of times.
Slowly everyone makes it back, the first time everyone has been punctual for a while, every surviving egg and islander bundled into the train.
Everyone except for Philza.
"Be good for papa Missa, your tios and tias, okay?" Philza tells his children as he hugs them both. "Hey, hey, no, fuck- don't cry, kids, don't cry. You'll make me tear up too."
"You sure you aren't coming with us?" Cellbit calls to him, eyes strained as he bundles against Roier, Richarlyson in his lap. There's life in them, though, life that Fit hasn't seen in weeks.
"Nah mate," Philza stands, one egg on each hip as he walks them the last few steps to the train. "Someone's got to open the portals, yeah? Couldn't risk pre-building them, and I'm the one who won't die from this."
Frankly, it's a fucking miracle they have anyone who can touch the void, but Fit's known Philza's secret for decades.
It doesn't stop him from grabbing his arm and pulling him into a rough hug.
"You be careful," Fit tells him. "Don't wanna come out the other side to see my babygirl all burnt up again."
Philza cackles despite the scars, "won't be making that mistake again, big boy. Come on now, what's gotten into you, Fit? It's just a little hike, yeah?"
Fit lets him go; they both know it isn't just a hike, "I'll see you on the other side."
"The other side."
Philza steps away, inventory full of backpacks and their lives. You don't bring things across the nether-borders, but a god-touched elytran... Well, despite everything, Philza has his contacts.
Just as Fit has his.
Tazercraft's train is the same of any of their trains in design, just with a little more care taken to have enough seats. Fit checks Ramón's seatbelt, before leaning over to help Cellbit with Richarlyson's; some of the eggs are good about these things, but his boyfriend's son is certainly not one of them.
After everything, after everything, they refuse to lose any more children now.
Not right now, not at the last hurdle, not when at the end of this train journey they will be as immortal as any player.
And fuck, it hurts how many didn't get here - Fit sees it in Jaiden and Roier's eyes most of all, but in Slime and Mariana where they hide on the upper level... Maxo and Dan are dead, and Quackity does not remember today, but... Well all four are griefs, are they not?
Fit watches Pac and Mike as they turn the engine over - once, twice, before the Creation shudders into life. Aypierre is in the driver's seat first, the three of them taking shifts for the long trip. This train, unlike the rest, is designed to take up the tracks as it passes them, leaving no trail to follow.
Philza will blow up the portal on his way out.
The train crawls into picking up speed; Fit holds Ramón's hands at the familiar sensation of a portal.
Just a few seconds, and then they are in hell.
The portal shatters, trapping them there.
It's still a better, more hopeful prison than any other before it.
Philza blows up the portal, and runs. The Feds will already know something is up, so he's got just minutes to get from A to B. Cannot warp, has to run - too easy to interrupt a warp, even if his inventory had space for one with everyone's bags hidden deep within.
One bag each, don't take the piss stacking them, he's still got to sustain the things with his own reality until he makes it to the landing spot.
Up the stairs, into the light of the Favela. There is already one security guard out by the time he makes it there, but he is Philza Fucking Minecraft and he can outrun one asshole in a bear suit.
Around the corner, up to the football field, and down at a right angle. Across the traintracks - they're firing guns at him now - duck through the trees and into the open expanse of Felps Square.
It is more dangerous here, with nowhere to hide. Philza keeps up a zigzag as he finds his way to the centre. He knows what is hidden here, but the Feds? Do they?
He doubts it.
Philza steps through the ghost blocks, letting gravity take him. He twists to have his back facing downwards, unfurling his wings - beautiful, repaired wings - out behind him, trips scraping the edges of the three-by-three hole. The Feds do not follow him.
At -64 Philza does not die on the bedrock, a hole blown wide - he keeps falling, and falling, and falling, and-
Ph1LzA fell out of the world
It is a four days across the Nether by rail. Established worlds have their shortcuts between one another, but that is not the sort of place they are heading for.
By the end of it they are tired, and thirsty, and hungry, and the portal does not yet exist.
"We made good time," Aypierre tells them. "It will be fine."
They have food and water for six days, and no idea if the Federation will catch them up. Worse, they have no idea as to if Philza even made it - if he got out of the world, and to the right place. Nobody mentions as much, but Missa can hear the sympathies in every pair of eyes that turn his way.
From the Nether, someone will take them in. From the Void...
Not even players always survive dying in the void intact.
The first night, Chayanne and Tallulah stay awake, waiting for their dad, entertained by BadBoyHalo as Missa gets some sleep.
The second night the children sleep, as Missa holds a private wake. One only in his heart, but one he knows the others see.
The third night...
The third night Missa is nudged awake by Pomme, and shown a portal finally alight.
They abandon the train.
Pac and Mike dismantle it, scattering its parts to the wind; with a change in world, it would be destroyed anyway, so better just to hide the evidence and finish on foot. Missa... Missa doesn't quite understand the intricacies, but he knows enough. Last time he crossed a world border, it was with his brother.
This time... this time he has children, and nieces and nephews and friends, but he knows that Spreen is never coming back.
A world portal is not quite like a Nether portal, for all they are in principle the same; no matter where you are the Nether is the Nether just as the Void is the Void, both just infinitely dangerous to navigate. Most people make use of short portals and hub worlds to travel, never daring risk interdimensional hiking. Even those that do travel well known routes; it is testament to everyone else's skills, but especially the Creatists, that they made it here alive.
Missa... he does not know how to explain it to Chayanne and Tallulah, so he doesn't. He just waits their turn - Etoiles and Roier went first, just in case of danger - and steps through with both children in hand.
He has never been here before; it tastes like coming home.
His husband's arms catch him as he stumbles from the portal, laughter echoing as a family of four tumbles down and to the grassy floor. Missa does not have time to look around, not when he is being held, not when Philza looks the healthiest he has ever seen him, laughing and bright beneath the stars.
"How was the trip?" Philza asks him.
Missa bats his arm, "fine until you- you-"
He will not cry, he will not cry!
Philza kisses the tears from his cheeks.
"Sorry," Philza looks slightly cowed. "Had to stop at one of the hubs to get something to eat. Thought I'd be clever and register this place while I was there - queues were a fucking nightmare, but there's a link to the network out on one of the further islands."
"Didn't want anyone to feel trapped. Would have thought of it sooner if not for the birdbrain."
Missa understands; Maxo's death had rattled them all.
The family cling to each other as everyone else makes their way through the portal, a careful headcount being done before dismantling it. From there Philza leads the group down into a valley, chattering with everyone even as his hand stays firmly in Missa's. They all keep an eye on each other for another long trek, a winding path through the undergrowth and to...
To a wide open area with a beach in the distance, and a single large, wooden and windowed building in the centre. The whole place is brightly lit - the entire path down had been - and styled like some sort of town hall.
"I didn't think you'd want to be building houses tonight," Philza tells them. "So I put together some dormitories. Be sure to set spawns at least, and get properly bound here. Your shit should all be in the main room."
Inside is not luxurious, but it reminds Missa of home. There are couches and rugs and an extensive kitchen, with enough rooms for each family to take their own. Lanterns hang cheerfully from the ceiling, supplemented by sealights and candles in a beautiful glow.
He leaves the children to explore under other parents' watchful gazes as Philza steals him away, and to their room. The beds are marked for each member of their family, almost like a ship's cabin. It won't be home long, not if Missa knows his family, but... but once again Philza has built them safety from nothing.
Philza, who pulls him to the bed, and wraps himself around him and says "I love you" as though those words do not shatter entire worlds.
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rebornologist · 3 months
Hello, may I request you write some dirty talk headcanons for Reborn, Fon, Lal similar to the ones you did for Giotto, Tsuna, and Yamamoto?
Hiii anon! This was a fun prompt to ponder. I present to you.. thots brought to me by Breathe Carolina ♡♡
♡ Dirty Talk w/ Reborn, Fon, & Lal Mirch ✧ warnings: nsf/t content ahead, gnReader, dirty dirty language, some D/s dynamics, ropes mentioned, biting mentioned, I love women
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✧ Reborn is so shameless and absolutely filthy with it. He’s such an asshole and cannot go without being a little mean and sometimes even mocking his partners. He is especially playful after the fact and enjoys teasing his partners in the most subtle ways, perhaps using some buzzwords that they would be familiar with in other contexts while in public. When you give him a look for it, he simply blinks and tilts his head in innocent questioning, knowing that you wouldn’t dare lose your cool outwardly. However, he’s fully aware that you’re reeling on the inside, and perhaps feeling heat pool in your nether regions like some kind of pavlovian response... It’s the best.
“Look at you.. so, beautifully, fucked out.. and drunk on my cock,” “Shhh… squirmy little one, sounds like you want them tighter, huh? No? Pleaseeee noo sir— you sound sooo pathetic,” he pouts, tilting his head as he mocks your tone sadistically. “Fine, but you’re going to thank me for this.” “They shoot well. I’ve shown them the ropes before,” he gestured towards you with a tilt of his head, explaining to your colleague that he’s at least taught you some firearm basics. He reads the lack of reaction on their face before his gaze shifts ever so quickly to you, making eye contact for a split second. You swear you may have imagined the lascivious tilt in the corners of his lips.
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✧ Fon is full of flowery words and idioms you’ve never heard of. He’s a poet through and through and doesn’t ever waste a single word when he speaks. Sometimes he’s too quiet and you begin to wonder what’s on his mind. It could be everything and it could be nothing at all, honestly. However, he lets his thoughts be known when you’re making love, of course. There’s probably no better description for it.
“Don’t look away now,” he coos, calloused but gentle hands slipping over the sensitive flesh of your neck to cup your jaw and turn your gaze back to meet his. “Open up for me, my dove..” Everything he says in moments like these are barely above a whisper. Words meant only for your ears, or to be felt as ticklish vibrations against the nape of your neck, the curve of your waist, the plush of your thighs.. or what sits between them. “Absolutely breathtaking,” a wide grin grows on his handsome features, his long hair falling loose over his broad shoulders and sticking slightly to his moist skin. His chest heaves once, twice.. slower this third time, and he exhales a soft giggle with the next breath. You can’t help but notice how his radiant smile reaches his eyes, and he blinks at you a few times, expression almost frozen in this joyful afterglow. You tell him that you want to go again. “Oh, my love.. you know I have no qualms about taking all that you are willing to give me… come here,”
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✧ Lal Mirch ashgdsjkhdfsdjf she can dish it but she can’t take it. She generally likes being in charge in the bedroom and takes very good care of her partners, but when you can convince her to let go of control for once, she gives you the most beautiful low groans and eventually melts into a whimpery mess. Another thing: she avoids name-calling because she doesn't like associating her partners with those words in any context, but will drop a few slightly degradation-tinted praises here and there.
“You like that? Oh, of course you do, filthy little thing,” she mumbles, clicking her tongue as you squirm under her searing gaze. Her long lashes fan over her flushed cheeks as a small smirk grows on her gorgeous features. Her calloused fingers ghost over the sensitive flesh inside your thigh, and you whine as she firmly grabs at the meat of your thigh. “Ah ah, no squirming, or I’ll stop,” she warns. And you heed that warning, knowing just how much she sticks to her word.
Subby Lal is such an achievement to unlock pleaseeee tuck her hair behind her ears and call her your woman, one and only, love of your life, gorgeous goddess, yeahhh….
“Wh-what-?!” Her lips, swollen from kissing you, press together firmly into a pout at the sound of your praises, and her face is beet red. She rolls her hips once again, pressing her wetness into your thigh. You chuckle and coo at her, letting another sweet praise fall from your lips. She grumbles in embarrassment and grips the hair at the nape of your neck, tugging softly for you to expose your throat to her. “Shut up..” she bites down and you yelp. You were in for a looong power struggle tonight.
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jackinthebox80085 · 8 months
C!Wilbur and C!Quackity’s dynamic is so. Interesting to me.
I’m going to go chronologically, and break it down in the way that I view and imagine the lore.
The Elections
When Quackity first joins the server, Wilbur is at the top of his game. He had just won his country's independence, people were singing his praises, and as the cherry on top, he was rigging his own election. He was winning, unopposable.
Then Quackity comes in, and suddenly Wilbur is faced with someone with equal passion, brains, cunning, and fire, and Wilbur feels threatened.
And from Quackity’s view, he has met this charming, slimy, bastard with a silver tongue. Quackity is incredulous that Wilbur could be so smug as to try to rig his own election. It isn’t fair, and it isn’t right. So Quackity does something about it.
And this leads to the spark of their rivalry, the most physical kind. Opponents of an election. Wilbur’s place on top is now threatened by this young, scrappy malcontent, and Quackity has just found out how underhanded the supposed leader is, the man people sing praises to.
But here’s the thing, Wilbur sees himself as above Quackity, and Quackity does too. Because Wilbur has everything, a country, friends, the world behind him. And because now Quackity is someone with a good chance at taking that all away, Wilbur feels threatened.
Because of this, Wilbur talks down to Quackity, mocks him, tries to break his spirit, tells him that there is no way he wins the elections, and most importantly, his words ring true. Quackity doesn’t have support, his vice sleeps through half of the debates, and Wilbur can twist his words and make him a joke and a fool in the eyes of the people. Quackity can’t win a game that Wilbur made.
So what does Quackity do? He changes the game. He brings in Schlatt, and suddenly Wilbur has his back against the wall, as he realizes that it’s not good enough to just get over 50% of the voters, if Quackity and Schlatt pool their votes. Wilbur is losing control, all because some scrappy young misfit came in and ruined what he had created.
Wilbur can’t understand how this pathetic man managed to outsmart him, because he truly doesn’t think Quackity could equal him.
Then–and this is most important–Quackity wins.
Quackity, to him, has beaten the smug, underhanded bastard Wilbur, by playing his game better than he did. And Wilbur is devastated. He has just lost everything, and Quackity took it away from him.
But here’s where things change.
Because Schlatt is now in the picture. And he’s a bigger fish than Wilbur could ever fry. He’s more dangerous than Dream, at this point, because where Dream is crazy, Schlatt’s psychotic. Dream has motives, reasons to do things, whereas Schlatt operates on anger, malice, and spur of the moment decisions. He is too unpredictable, and this comes to a head when he exiles Wilbur and his little brother from their own damn country, forcing them down into the underbelly of the city, in a cave system that runs so tangled and deep, the walls grow hot as they near the Nether.
And Wilbur seethes. In his eyes, Quackity got Schlatt on top through an unfair strategy, giving him the power to hurt Wilbur. Wilbur knows that he couldn’t have done it without Schlatt, without pulling the rug from under Wilbur’s feet, and Wilbur still views him as pathetic. Because Wilbur lost unfairly. Quackity would have never won if Wilbur had prepared.
Their positions have almost entirely flipped, for a short while, now Quackity is on the top of the world, or at least, second to Schlatt. And for this, Wilbur holds a twisted fascination in the man, becoming obsessed with taking him down.
So what does Wilbur do? He rebels, he starts a resistance, and he begins scheming to take Schlatt and Quackity down. Because here, Schlatt is the biggest problem. And his sanity begins to slip just a bit, he begins to lose his footing, but he doesn’t care. So what if he hears small voices in the crackling of a fire, eyes watching him from the cracks in the walls. So what if there are buttons on the walls? Better to destroy all evidence of a rebellion than to be caught.
Then Schlatt does something.
It doesn’t matter what, but it is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and Quackity finally concedes to himself that Schlatt’s regime has gone too far.
Because while he put up with it, he noticed how unnecessarily cruel Schaltt was being, how unfair he was, and he found himself resentful of being Schlatt’s lackey, his lapdog. His second place. And he hears whispers. About Wilbur, the former president’s quiet rebellion.
And he runs.
He finds Wilbur and Pogtopia, and offers his help. And of course Wilbur is suspicious, and hostile, and sickeningly condescending to Quackity, demanding Quackity’s reason for trying to help, and asking if he’s finally realized the mistake he made by not teaming with Wilbur, in the smuggest, most sickly sweet voice Quackity has ever heard.
But here’s the thing–Quackity is hurting. And he just tells Wilbur that he needs to get rid of Schlatt, and won’t elaborate.
Because admitting defeat would mean admitting that he never won.
And Wilbur sees Quackity, his shining rival, now cast down exactly as WIlbur had been, by the same man, (ignoring the fact that Quackity willingly brought himself down because he saw the unjustness in Schlatt’s regime, whereas Wilbur was forcibly exiled) and he gets an idea (the cause of 99% of C!Wilbur’s problems).
He brings Quackity into Pogtopia, lets him help, because it shows how he’s the better person. He will cast aside his rivalry in order to help Quackity, and he has no problem saying it directly to his face. And Quackity realizes the underlying message. Wilbur, his rival, has crafted the opportunity to sell Quackity out as a traitor, therefore permanently bringing him onto the side of Pogtopia lest Wilbur tell Schlatt.
Wilbur found a way to gain power over Quackity, putting them back on the same plane again, each one able to sell the other out.
But it is here, where something also changes. Because in the dark caves of Pogtoipa, Quackity notices Wilbur’s change. The once charming, bright, charismatic leader is now a twitchy, manic, unsettling husk of himself, his royal blue coat and tricorne exchanged for a tattered trench coat and beanie. And Quackity finds a silent part of himself mourning the loss.
And Wilbur begins thinking almost the exact same thing. Quackity, his once fiery rival’s smile has dulled to a resigned grimace at everything. But Wilbur doesn’t get sad, he gets angry. Angry at Schlatt, angry at Quackity for letting himself get there, angry at the world for putting them in those godforsaken caves. And this anger poisons his mind even more, chips away at his sanity even though he doesn't even understand why.
So here, their rivalry quiets, because they have to trust each other. They are allies, in a sense, and the dark caves get lonely at night. And they don’t talk, instead seeking solace in silent presence. An extra healing potion brewed and left out in easy reach. Niki’s birthday.
November 16th
Then, the fight happens, and it happens fast. Quackity loses track of Wilbur, but he doesn’t care as the scene of Schlatt keeling over keeps playing in his head, as he fights to protect his precious lives.
And Wilbur watches the fight, and I could go into the details of why he blows up L’Manburg, but I won't, here. But he blows up L’manburg, and the last thing he sees are Quackity’s eyes, wide with shock before he is stepping into a train station where he will wait for–to him–13 ½ years.
And Quackity watches Wilbur blow himself up, and his heart practically tears itself apart with conflicting feelings. He is happy that his rival is dead, that the lying, underhanded, bastard is in pieces now. But a strange void rips itself into his heart.
Because now, there is no one to challenge him. No one for his anger to focus on, no one to thwart his moves and banter with.
The Butcher Army and the Fiances
Now, Quackity has no rival. So he makes one. He goes after Technoblade, looking for some release to his anger, his conflicted feelings that keep him up at night that he doesn’t understand. Quackity is no longer the vice president, no longer part of Pogtoipa, just a side liner in a country he originally opposed. And he feels like he has no place. So he starts the butcher army, and what does he get? A pickaxe to the face and a blind eye.
So, Quackity turns to something else. Maybe, if he finds love, the weird, spacey feeling in his heart will close up again. And yes, he does find some fiances who he loves with every inch of his heart, and he feels like he might have a place, he builds an entire country for them to live in, transports each grain of sand to create a desert–until they leave him. Forget him.
And Quackity grows bitter.
Las Nevadas and Wilbur’s Revival
And now, here’s where it gets interesting, and possibly a little mushy.
Because this whole time, Quackity hasn’t had a place. Not an equal place. Not in the election, he was the new guy who didn’t fit in. Not with Schlatt, where he was simply the lackey behind the monster of the regime. Not with his fiances, he was always an outsider, the third wheel in his own relationship. Not even in Las Nevadas, where he stays in his office, where people see him, but not him.
Come to think about it, the only time where he was evenly matched, where he truly had a place, was being Wilbur’s rival. Someone who he could keep up with, someone who could keep up with him, and someone who always made a place for him, to argue with.
Then Wilbur is revived. And when he sees everything that Quackity has done, he is in shock, because now his rival, the man he used to view as pathetic, has done what Wilbur couldn’t do–he built a country that stood. Quackity is no longer the passionate, good hearted, yet pathetic man Wilbur once saw him as. For the first time, Wilbur sees Quackity as his equal.
And when Quackity sees Wilbur, his glory gone from years in limbo, his coat tattered and a five o’ clock shadow gracing his face, he feels powerful. He has beaten Wilbur, the man has been reduced to a shadow of his former self, no matter how desperately he tries to deny it. And he feels like Wilbur has been brought back down to Quackity’s level, screwed over by life in the same way.
Yet, when they talk, they remain on equal ground, throwing insults and banter back and forth just like the old days. They match each other head on. Each of them are fascinated with what the other has become. One man fallen from grace, one man risen to every challenge.
So when Wilbur starts the burger van, Quackity smiles as their rivalry is lit once more.
Because this is their place. The one place where each of them are truly equal, one cannot get one over the other for more than a day.
Rivals, yet they walk side by side.
Someone tell me I did NOT just write almost 2k words about C!Tntduo omg congrats if you got to the end, these are my insane ramblings, in their first draft, not proofread.
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celestiamour · 1 month
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ silly block game ]❜
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ft. lucy pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, peter pevensie (seperate) x gn! reader — the chronicles of narnia
╰₊✧ playing minecraft with the pevensie siblings┊1.5k words
contains: fluff & crack, modern alternate universe, they are children in the image but ages are unspecified (so it could be romantic or platonic), mentions of in-game player & pet deaths,
➤ author's note: i had a dream that peter died in my arms while we were playing minecraft and decided to write cute headcanons when i woke up like a loser
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━━━ .°˖✧ lucy pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - cherry grove, favorite mob - frogs, favorite flower - lily of the valley, favorite wood - birch, favorite block - moss
╰₊✧ she takes her time when it comes to completing the game and may take forever to get to the end dimension, prefering to play on peaceful mode so that she can focus on exploring and creating with keep inventory on since she doesn’t want to stress out about playing, enjoying everything it has to offer and will continuously pause on making progress to admire the scenery (but sometimes she turns it on easy mode to give her a little challenge when caving). oddly enough, even if the difficulty was on hard mode, she never seems to encounter any hostile mobs and they all decide to attack you instead while mining. it’s not an uncommon occurrence for her to tell you that she found her eighth patch of diamonds only for you to scream in response because you found a zombie spawner. she’ll manage to make it out of a pillager outpost without losing so much as half a heart while you’re looking like a pincushion, how does she do it?
╰₊✧ more of a farmer player who is mesmerized by all the different types of flowers and will have a goal of harvesting all of them to make colorful fields that stretch on for longer than your render distance will allow you to see. she’s most excited about updates that have new plants, wood types, and animals, keeping pets of all kinds even if they aren’t meant to be domesticated! her base is practically a zoo and is always full of life just like she is, yet it still naturally blends in with the area so well that it seems naturally generated at first glance. on a creepier note, the more hidden areas might have a skull or two placed to fit an overgrown and abandoned aesthetic, but at least it’s pretty with all of the spore blossoms!
╰₊✧ lucy hates villager trading farms with a passion, finding them too inhumane despite the fact that the villagers are npcs without sentience of any sort. it breaks her heart to see them in such cramped living conditions whose only purpose is for trade, so she’ll work on freeing them while you’re offline. she’ll spend hours upon hours gathering materials in secret to build a nicer village than the one they formally resided in before dismantling your system, with a good amount of iron golems to protect them from hostile mobs since she didn’t want to restrict them by building a fence or walls. (don’t worry, all of them are named and she’s kept a book on all of their trades so that you can keep track! the hard part is only tracking them down, but the big village is a thousand times better than the ugly trading hall you had before).
━━━ .°˖✧ edmund pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - ice spikes, favorite mob - horses, favorite flower - torchflower, favorite wood - dark oak, favorite block - prismarine
╰₊✧ he enjoys speedrunning, the only thing standing between him and being on the leaderboard is minor slip-ups that cost the entire game. he tends to get too cocky, especially once he’s gathered all he needed from the nether fortress and prematurely celebrates before a blaze knocks him off the edge, so you bet that you’re going to hear him come up with the most creative insults you would ever hear over the discord call (not including swears because he will be scolded for his language by someone in his house). his best record of beating the game is around forty minutes, nothing to gawk at, but something that he’s very proud of after all of his practice.
╰₊✧ if it’s not a world dedicated to that, where he doesn’t need to build a base, then he’ll place down all of the essentials and call it a day without a roof over his head. it’s not like he can actually get wet from the rain or sunburn from the sun, so he doesn’t bother and just lives like that until you persuade him to at least dig out a hole in a mountain to keep away from night-time mobs and expand whenever needed. his scattered chests are a mess, by the way, you can’t find anything while he just spam clicks and glazes over the screen to find something in his strange little system. he insists that he knows where everything is and that organization isn’t needed.
╰₊✧ also a total prankster, but will never blow up builds or destroy anything of yours because he knows how much time you put into it for a minute of amusement. he likes watching where you log out and trapping you in that spot with obsidian, something that you can easily get out of with a pick but is still annoying enough for him to get a kick out of it. once he wasn’t sure where the exact spot was, so he spent an entire real-life night meticulously encasing the area in glass and then flooding every block of air with water. he wondered multiple times if the effort was worth it in the process, but he cried tears of laughter when you couldn’t get out at all since you drowned before you could break the glass and then swim out. it was an endless cycle of “died by drowning” until you offered him a chest of iron blocks for your freedom.
━━━ .°˖✧ susan pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - mountains, favorite mob - foxes, favorite flower - rose bushes, favorite wood - mangrove, favorite block - quartz
╰₊✧ has mixed feelings on redstone, something that makes so much yet so little sense. it’s something that she likes to think that she mastered quickly, but you can always hear her muttering under her breath about how an entire contraption broke because of something dumb like the repeater being a tick off. she always covers up these machines with big, elaborate builds in a unique gothic style that you’ve only seen from her— although most of these builds are hollow since she doesn’t know how to design the interior, leaving entire towns empty until she lets you fill them up with various shops and villagers to make it feel more lived-in.
╰₊✧ refuses to throw anything away and maybe has a bit of a hoarding tendency, you cannot convince her to toss so much as a rotten potato into the lava because she “might need it in the future” even though it’s the most worthless item in the game. her storage system is immense and conscientiously organized with item frames and color signs while practically overflowing, but she has copious amounts of everything and is very generous when it comes to sharing as long as you ask beforehand! (as a result, her least favorite mobs are creepers because she needs to sort out the damaged chests before everything disappears, a complete nightmare)
╰₊✧ has god-like accuracy with any projectiles and has mending on her bow because she hates how expensive it is to get a new one with maxed-out enchantments and argues about how it’s so much better than infinity once she made the switch. you need an inventory slot with at least one arrow anyway, so why can’t you just have the full stack when you can always pick up more by killing skeletons? it may be a bit pretentious of her, but she might mock you that you just have a skill issue when she sees you being a bad shot before giving you some tips on how to improve.
━━━ .°˖✧ peter pevensie ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ favorite biome - fields, favorite mob - dogs/wolves, favorite flower - oxeye daisy, favorite wood - spruce, favorite block - diamond ore
╰₊✧ from “the sky’s the limit” to “whatever floats your goat,” the game isn’t done until he’s gotten all of the achievements no matter how stupid they may be! he’s pretty serious about completing, but once he’s finished, you can see him start goofing off and being more ridiculous. unlike his brother who plays the pranks, he tends to be the victim of them and can’t get revenge at all because his traps are a bit obvious (lucy always helps him out in that department). on the other hand, he’s great at pvp and fighting mobs, best with a sword, and likes to start raids to fight for fun with the “hero of the village” effect being a massive ego boost as well.
╰₊✧ his builds are pretty boring and cramped since he never upgrades it as needed, his house is really just a box made out of planks from the surrounding area. he didn’t think that you could create anything pleasing to the eye in a game where everything is made from cubes, so you’ll need to open his eyes to the fact that he can construct whatever he wants and how the only limit is his creativity. he won’t advance any further than using two different types of woods and including cobblestone, it simply isn’t his strong suit and he would much rather spend his time exploring and slaying his enemies instead.
╰₊✧ he has so many dogs, it’s not even funny, you need to turn down the volume for passive mobs whenever you’re at his base because they are barking nonstop. it’s not intentional either, he just somehow constantly forgets that feeding them makes them breed and can’t ever resist not giving them some steak when they tilt their heads at him. he gave up on naming all of them since he didn’t have enough tags and dying all of their collars after building a separate home for them, but the original ones that he tamed in the wild remain in his bedroom. despite the number of dogs, he refuses to take any of them on adventures with them because he will cry when unnamed number two hundred-something dies after sniffing lava and holds a funeral with a proper burial place.
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
Can you give me a recap. What's happening with Cellbit???
God what isn’t happening with Cellbit
Basically, here’s a list of what the Feds have done to him, and his current response:
15 years ago, the Federation kidnaps him after he sees something he shouldn’t have. It seems like he was being held for observation. He escaped, but I think he was caught again? Idk I don’t speak Portuguese
He got shipped SOMEHOW to the Hunger Games with no memories of his childhood with Bagi and his parents
Time passes. He’s put in prison because people were “afraid of [his] potential”, aka probably because he was entirely too chill with killing the shit out of people
Time passes again, he crashes onto the island, and Problems Start
My guy gets chainsaw tortured! Aka he gets chased down a hallway and murdered by a laughing Cucurucho and then revived and chased down a hallway and shown his corpse by a laughing Cucurucho. After an interrogation, he’s elevatored upstairs to… Richarlyson’s old bedroom area, which was basically the Feds saying “Hey we’ll do this to your son too lol”
Felps aka Cellbit’s best friend get kidnapped
Bobby dies and so does most of Roier’s soul
Because of that, Cellbit joins the Feds to investigate secretly and shit. He then gets kidnapped and he ends up losing like three days’ worth of memories
He tells people about the chainsaw torture and they laugh in his face and/or ignore him. For MONTHS
The Feds try and murder him during the elections, but that’s fine, he ends up murdering himself
The Feds trick him into giving up a HUGE amount of information in a secret office under his house (this is a surprise tool that will help us later)
They keep making him go on jobs for them, and he’s pretty sure that they’re the guys threatening to kill his son if he tells anybody about the missions (that was probably the Resistance tbh, but he doesn’t even know they exist)
ElQuackity happens. Just. Everything about him tbh, but especially him threatening both Richas and Roier to the point of Roier Cubito legit being afraid for the literal first time ever that Cellbit has known him
Then the eggs get kidnapped, and the Feds aren’t doing shit to help
Then Forever and Pac are drugged
Then Forever is sent on a suicide mission into the Nether
And then the eggs aren’t back
And then there’s a Federation prison on the server
And then the eggs aren’t back and neither is Forever
And now Roier is even more of a broken man than he already was because the Federation isn’t doing shit to help find the eggs
And then Cellbit finds out that he’s missing 12 or so years of his life because of the Federation. That he had a HOME, and then. He didn’t. Because of them.
Tbh I think that last bit was the real final straw, but then:
The Mini-Me event was because Cellbit got intel from a rebel worker (kinda) who promised Cellbit information in exchange for the “goods” at the presentation
Cellbit didn’t feel Anything even after he won the day by all means necessary after stealing the Mini-Mes
So he went home and had a nervous breakdown and now he’s killing workers because like. Okay.
So why is Cellbit killing all these workers? Well, he isn’t thinking super clearly now, but he’s basically trying to get his family off the island safely. That’s his priority. They can’t leave until the Feds are gone, so he’ll make the Feds gone.
He’s tired of the complacency everyone else is showing. After all the shit they’ve been put through on the island, why isn’t anybody actually fighting back? Don’t they want to leave?
So. Yeah! :D
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-Laurance doesn't sleep through the night so he takes naps throughout the day
-Laurance sometimes goes to Lucinda's house just to hang out or get some of her pumpkin pie
-Garroth said Laurance "fights dirty" after a 1v1 training session between the two
-Laurance says that Joh (his adoptive dad) was the best influence on him
-Laurance can't talk about Joh without it bringing him to tears, so he usually doesn't talk about it
-Aphmau never told Laurance that Sasha killed Joh. Once Laurance found out, he began losing trust in her.
-Laurance talks about Garroth a lot... like too much...
-Laurance can't sleep unless he knows that everyone else in whatever building he's in is safe, so he goes around making sure everyone is okay before he sleeps.
-When he was blind, Laurance had a staff that he used to find his way around when no one was with him. He still has it to this day.
-Laurance's automatic response to being frightened is to punch. This once lead to Cadenza getting a black eye and a lot of new sewing equipment.
-Laurance knows how to sew, but he's no where near as good as Cadenza.
-Laurance has the mindset that anyone who harms a child is unforgivable.
-Emmalyn once asked Laurance what being a Shadow Knight was like, since he's the only one in Pheonix Drop, which lead to hours of borderline trauma dumping that the two keep to themselves.
-Laurance sometimes goes to Cadenza's house after having nightmares, so she gave him a key.
-Laurance thinks marriage is kinda dumb
-Laurance sometimes avoids people, but he doesn't know why
-Laurance loosens up a LOT around Cadenza and Garroth, but Garroth didn't know that thats what was happening until Cadenza told him
-Cadenza and Laurance embarrass eachother all the time.
-Dante once asked what Joh was like, and was met with hours worth of stories from Laurance.
-Laurance visits Ungreth's grave a lot with offerings and once fell asleep there, which led to him getting yelled at by Garroth for worrying everyone
-Garroth and Dante are morning people but Laurance really isn't
-Laurance once snapped at Dante because he kept asking about the Nether, although he did apologize for it later.
-When Malachi was in a coma, Laurance did his best to make sure Aphmau and Levin were alright while Lucinda focused on Malachi
-Laurance puts himself into harms way all the time
-Laurance likes shiny things, like coins, so Garroth and Dante got him some of Zoey's fairy lights
-(in s2) Aphmau let Laurance watch Lilith Garnet a few times, but stopped because he accidently taught her how to say "fuck" and "motherfucker"
-Laurance thinks it's hilarious when young children curse
-(didn't know how to put this one into normal format so here):
Garroth: Laurance I need you to swear-
Laurance: FUCK
Garroth: ... swear as in promise!
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
ABO with Bakugou
Kink: Omegaverse (ABO)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki  x Reader
WARNINGS: NSFW, DUB-CON, abo dynamics, mentions of knotting
You shouldn’t have left your window open.
Your heat had hit early this time and you hadn’t bought any hormone suppressants, like the scatterbrained piss-poor planner that you are. You were in a hurry, locking all the entrances and exits you could think of before your mind went too hazy to think about anything other than something to fill you up to the brim.
One window had gone unnoticed and it was, of course, your bedroom window. The same window that sat just 10 feet away from your bed where you masturbated frantically, trying to simulate an alpha’s cock with as many fingers as you could stuff into your tight pussy. 
You should have been more careful, even with the heat taking over your brain. You should have known that an alpha would walk by and smell an omega in heat and lose control of himself. 
You just didn’t expect that alpha to be your hot neighbor.
Your jaw dropped to the ground when he crawled in through the window and your heart skipped a beat. You were on the second story of your house. How the fuck did he manage to get into your room?
But that’s the least of your worries, because Bakugou’s pulling down his pants and boxers so quickly you’re afraid he’s going to hurt himself. Despite your fear, your walls clenched around your fingers at the new scent of an aroused alpha.
And, oh boy, was he aroused. His cock stood erect, bigger than all four of the fingers stuffed inside you; its tip was flushed an angry red and had precum leaking out.
You inhaled sharply.
Bakugou pulled his shirt off of himself in a hurry, closing the distance between you to wrench your hand away from your nether regions. There’s a slick sound as your fingers popped out and you’re embarrassed to see that they’re dripping with cum. He’s glad to see it though, and he greedily takes two of the fingers into his mouth. His tongue swirled around your digits as he sucked the liquid off your skin.
Your walls clenched around nothing painfully, and the omega part of you begged for the well-endowed alpha to fuck the life out of you. You want to be stronger and turn him down, but your brain was mush and you needed him.
Bakugou tookthe other two fingers into his mouth and began to suck on them, one hand slowly stroked his weeping cock. You watched, mesmerized. Despite you both being horny, somehow you feel satiated just by watching him sensually wrap his lips around the digits.
With a pop, he let the fingers leave his mouth and released your hand. You realized that this was potentially the only chance you had to speak up.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not really-”
“Shut up,” Bakugou said gruffly, sensing a rebellion. “You need an alpha right now. And this alpha is going to give you everything you need.”
You whined, finding it hard to argue with his logic. That omega part of you reveled in his commanding tone and dominant attitude, and it pushed you to be submissive in return.
Despite your misgivings, you’re turning to lie on your stomach automatically, lifting your hips to present yourself to your alpha.
“Good girl,” Bakugou purred, getting in place to mount you.
You took a deep breath, getting ready for a brutal thrust, but even that doesn’t prepare you nearly enough. His cock was both long and thick, and he was not going to go easy on you.
That brutal thrust stretches you out as it slams into you, filling you up. You whimpered helplessly, feeling way too full, but the omega in you loved everything about this and silently begged for him to start thrusting.
Your slick makes you wet enough to let him move easily, and he took advantage of that fact instantly. His cock slid against your walls, stretching you out deeper and deeper. You could feel that monster vein on the side rubbing against you.
You moaned like a bitch in heat, the omega part of you screaming in silent pleasure as your alpha dominated you fully. You’re thrown into delicious orgasm after orgasm, panting wildly as you wait for him to reach his own.
Bakugou’s getting close, you can tell. But when he whispers in your ear, the words send shivers down your spine.
“I’m going to knot you in a minute, mate,” Bakugou moans out.
The omega in you howls in excitement.
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