#but this whole project was very fun and enlightening
gffa · 2 months
It's been a month since I last did an update on where I am with The High Republic and it's slow going because I don't have a whole lot of on-line time lately (clean-up week is coming orz) and I like to read/listen to the books while I'm on-line, but I think I can still make it before The Acolyte comes out! MAIN STORYLINE NOVELS - PHASE I:
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi
The High Republic: A Test of Courage
The High Republic: Into the Dark
The High Republic: The Rising Storm
The High Republic: Race To Crashpoint Tower
The High Republic: Out Of The Shadows
The High Republic: Mission to Disaster
The High Republic: The Fallen Star
The High Republic: Midnight Horizon
The High Republic: Path of Deceit
The High Republic: Convergence
The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City
The High Republic: Cataclysm
The High Republic: Quest for Planet X
The High Republic: Path of Vengeance
The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness
The High Republic: Escape from Valo
The High Republic: Defy The Storm
The High Republic (2021) - 15 issues
The High Republic Adventures (2021) - 13 issues
The High Republic: The Monster of Temple Peak - 4 issues
The High Republic: The Edge Of Balance - 2 manga volumes
The High Republic: Trail of Shadows - 5 issues
The High Republic: Eye of the Storm - 2 issues
The High Republic: The Blade - 4 issues
The High Republic (2022) - 10 issues
The High Republic Adventures (2022) - 8 issues
The High Republic: Edge of Balance: Precedent - 1 manga volume
The High Republic Adventures: The Nameless Terror - 4 issues
The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight - 4 issues
The High Republic (2023) - 6 issues [ONGOING]
The High Republic Adventures (2023) - 5 issues [ONGOING]
The High Republic - Saber for Hire (2023) - 1 issue [ONGOING]
The High Republic: Tempest Runner
The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha
Star Wars Adventures (2020) #6 - “The Gaze Electric”
The High Republic Adventures: Free Comic Book Day 2021
The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021
The High Republic Adventures: Galactic Bake-Off Spectacular
Star Wars Adventures (2020) #14 - “A Very Nihil Interlude”
The High Republic Adventures: Free Comic Book Day 2023
The High Republic Adventures: Quest of the Jedi
The High Republic Adventures: Crash Landing
Star Wars: The High Republic: Starlight Stories
Life Day Treasury
Star Wars Insider: The High Republic: Tales of Enlightenment
The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures - 25 episodes
Currently I am also 3/4ths of the way through Convergence (which I am enjoying very much, Path of Deceit is probably still my favorite of Phase II, but I think this one might be my second favorite, Lydia Kang's writing is really working for me here), halfway through Starlight Stories, and on episode 18 of Young Jedi Adventures. All of it continues to be fun and I'm still impressed by the sheer number of moving parts that feel like they all fit well together and there are few individual moments that I feel the need to yell about, but what I think I would recommend this project for most is that feeling of a large scope story that's told throughout so many mediums and gives a sense of satisfaction for it. I don't approach The High Republic in the same way I necessarily do the originals or the prequels, I'm not personally really into it for fanworks (though, some of the fanart really scratches a nice itch) or a ton of meta (I tend to have prequels brain so my meta does get filtered through the lens of 'how does this parallel the prequels'), instead it's more of a story to experience. A really, really big story with a ton of characters that come and go and some really beautiful art to go along with it. I have affection for it and I could see it being a fanworks kind of jam for others, but I think it's also okay if you want to get into it just for the experience of a fun Star Wars spinoff series, however you approach THR is fine! So, speaking of, how's everyone else's progress going? Have some of you picked it up recently? Made progress? Still in Phase I or are you caught up to Phase III? (Honestly, I think my favorite so far was Phase II, I feel like the world had settled into what it wanted to be and I liked the characters a lot in it, which makes me very curious how Phase III is going to go, now that they've had two phases to get their feet under them.)
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venuslovesmascs · 9 months
Pick A Pile : Tarot Reading - Message From Spirit Guides
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pile one:
someone is currently working on a creative / academic project - perhaps going back to school! spirit is encouraging you to continue planning and putting work into this! It will bring you the abundance you have been praying for!
"Now Amotenia doesn't create actual love - that would be impossible - but it does create powerful infatuation or obsession, and for that reason it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room" - Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
you may be doubting yourself because this project does not feel "of service to humanity" in the way you want it to
do not doubt the ways of the universe - and your soul path / soul journey. This thing you create - can inspire others to create, change a person's life, and change the world in your own little way.
plus - you can create another important soul project afterwards! this one feels really important don't give it up - allow yourself to have fun while creating - allow yourself to do "small projects" - not everything you do has to save the world!!
this little project - committing to it - may help you with committing to big projects in the long-run - give yourself the satisfaction of seeing something all the way through - of finishing something!!
pile two:
someone is getting out of a very stuck energy - they may have been struggling with depression and nightmares - and this caused them to not provide and take care of their partner / others as they would like.
you are making bold strokes and big changes - and spirit is really proud of you even if those around you can not tell yet!! you are beginning a whole new cycle and soul journey - this is only the beginning to your new path of enlightenment and fulfillment.
sometimes we need to go through really dark times - to remember what truly lights us up inside - and the things that "light us up" inside - and building our life styles / foundations off of that - is what leads to more long-term fulfillment and reduces burnout
you may have gotten off your feet because you were giving too much to a person - especially a love interest - and
you are starting to save yourself instead! I am proud of you!
sometimes the best way out of a situation is to accept your friends help. there are people who would love to give you emotional support at this time!! maybe even physical support - help cleaning your room - don't be afraid to ask friends - that's what they are for!! you do so much for them - they WANT to give back to you - being hyper-independent is not always "less of a burden" on other people - sometimes your friends want to care for and love you - the true friends in your life WILL feel guilty when they can't care for you back!
things would not have been different - if you made the other choice. time to look ahead on the path from now on - or at least acknowledge that looking backwards is only hurting you. try to stay more present.
pile three:
how do you deal with providing comfort and support to someone who is dealing with grief and loss?
perhaps a loss of a relationship - a pet - due so someones declining mental health.
someone just needs companionship and support - its okay to not have all the answers and to not be able to fix all of someone's problems. we are all suffering in our own ways. sometimes all we can ask is to be less alone and have a hand to hold.
do not let fear hold you back from connecting with someone new - and do not be afraid of your inner-darkness - a lot of your "inner-darkness" - may be undiscovered psychic abilities - connecting to mystics and doing deity work may be beneficial to you at this time
a sacrifice may have been needed to get yourself back on track and in a better vibration - it was not easy to let go of - the universe will soon reward you for this - this period of darkness will pass.
pile four:
someone wants an ending here - of a relationship, a career, etc. they may need to get more advice from friends.
wondering if the person they are seeing - has a partner?
this is a good time to ask friends for help - and not to go this journey alone - and question if knowing the answer is truly beneficial to you or not - would having a definitive answer make the situation any better or worse? would anything change?
something about this persons reputation - or your reputation - could be on the line- and this person may unfortunately have their own "side of the story" - maybe the relationship is very toxic / ab**sive- and you will ruin this persons reputation by calling them out for being a "cheater" - think of who they were when you two were together - trust your intuition of their CHARACTER - not of the SITUATION
maybe they made some mistakes in their personal and dating life - but it seems they never intended to hurt you - or for you to develop feelings - and they may not deserve to have their reputation ruined
this is a time to show forgiveness to this person - and not try to fully understand the situation.
this was NOT a lesson or test for you - not everything is about your path lol - this is about this persons path - you showed them your heart and healed them a lot - do not betray them - it may detour their path as well - you were brought into their life to show them the path of love and light - find contentment that you are an important person on this person's journey and will always be a good story for them to tell.
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
Gwen and Raph shenannigans
little something that's been on my mind. Also yes, this is exactly what I did in my run of the game.
Raphael looked at the pink tiefling sitting in front of him, on his bed, her feet dangling. He sighed, putting a hand on his face.
"Let me see if I understand correctly: You and your friends found a way to my house, entered it without permission, talked with Korrilla, the Archivist, even with a projection of Hope, begging for help, which you chose to ignore."
He continued. "Then you lied your way into my boudoir, tried to bed my incubus and after you refused him, you killed him, his imps, and looted his body."
"Yup." Gwen nodded her head. "That seems correct, although some details are missing."
The devil waved one of his arms. "Oh please, enlighten me."
"Well, I tried to get a passage into your house through normal ways, but that damned diabolist charged too high a price, so I killed her. Then it was how I found the way to open the portal here, since she carried the book with the ritual with her - kinda stupid on her part if you ask me but oh well, it helped my cause." Raphael only raised a brow while listening.
"The little vampire spawn you have is a rogue." He said. "I'm sure he could have pickpocketed the diabolist."
"But what's the fun on that?" She retorted, with a look on confusion on her face. Why would she steal when killing was much easier?
"Anyways, I should make very clear that after I opened up the portal, I told everyone to go back to camp."""But what's the fun on that?" She retorted, with a look on confusion on her face. Why would she steal when killing was much easier? "Anyways, I should make very clear that after I opened up the portal, I told everyone to go back to camp."
"Why would you come alone to a devil's house?!" Raphael asked increduously.
"Gods, you sound like my mother with that tone." She whispered. "I didn't want them to know what I was going to do."
"So this was all premeditated?"
Gwen threw her hands in the air. "Of course it was! I knew what I was doing the whole time. Well, maybe except for Haarlep." The tiefling stood up and walked past him, grabbing a bottle of wine and serving herself. "Anyways, I got here and that Hope girl tried to ask for my help, which I told her no because honestly, what an annoying woman that is." She took a sip from the goblet. "I read the stuff in your house, do not know what you saw in her."
When Raphael opened his mouth to speak, she raised a finger, downing the rest of the drink. "I'm not done yet." Gwen took a deep breath. "Anyways, after she disguised me, I walked around, saw your room full of portals, spoke with those skeletons, told one of them about Moonrise, he seemed happy. Also why the hell did you have Gortash as a kid here? Never struck you for someone who liked children."
"I don-"
"Anyways," she ignored him "Found Korrilla, and I tried to tell her I didn't mean any harm coming here but she only said to be careful. Spoke with that archivist and he said I could go to the boudoir and Haarlep was there." Gwen looked at Raphael. "He said he was an exact copy but I don't buy it. Your noses were different." She shrugged. "I think you look handsomer than he did, but regardless, he tried to talk me into letting him have control over my body and I wasn't going to do that, so I killed him."
"How did you do so, alone and naked?"
"Some time ago I read this book, the Necromancy of Thay. Now I can summon some ghouls to help me." She raised a hand. "Want to see?"
"NO." Raphael shouted. He sighed, pinching his nose. It had been at that moment that the master of the house arrived, while the tiefling robbed the body of the now dead incubus. It was probably not even cold yet, and she had already looted it.
Raphael shook his head. "But why?"
"Why what?"
"Why would you have the trouble of coming here and doing all of this?" Unless she had tried to steal her contract back, Raphael finished the sentence in his mind.
Gwen shrugged. "I've always been a curious woman."
He eyed her suspiciously. What she said appeared to be true, but he still had his doubts. The devil would take the truth out of her. "Were you attempting to steal your contract back?" His eyes darkened. "If you were, that would hav-"
Gwen interrupted him by breaking into a laughing fit, holding her stomach. "Hells no, Raphael!" She exclaimed, as if it were the most obvious thing ever. "Why would I try to do that? I made you a deal, signed a contract, got my end of it..." She caught her breath. "I'm also a woman of my word, dear. If I said I would give you the crown, I intend on doing it to the best of my ability."
Raphael stood there, confused and perplexed. None of what she just said made any sense, neither in the hells or in the material plane.
Suddenly, he felt soft lips on his cheek and a hand on the other. He looked down at the tiefling who had just kissed his cheek. "Well, I'm on my way now, before my friends question where I've been." She walked past him, her tail brushing his leg. "See you when I have the crown." She winked at him and ran away.
He felt the moment Gwen walked into the portal, returning to the material plane. The devil walked over to Haarlep, examining his body and realized...
She took the damn Helldusk gloves with her. Raphael chuckled and shook his head. He would have to speak with Korrilla about keeping an eye on diabolists, upping the security of the house and have her discover what Gwen's favorite dishes were.
He had promised dinner if she got the crown, after all.
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zilabee · 1 year
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- Everyone having a little dance in India. Awful of them. Made me sad. Everything made me sad. Today is very sad.
- John's little 'spiritually demure' face, when Paul calls him out on not having been himself. <333333
It's like we totally, sort of, put our own personalities under, for the sake of it.
- I completely love that Linda's reaction to the footage was 'didn't you feel like going out in it', meaning getting away from the fake India of spiritual enlightenment and just experiencing something possibly actually meaningful. Getting away from their forced 'retreat' of a locked compound, and actually just retreating somewhere real, and finding nature by being in it, not by being apart from it. She's perfect for Paul. (George's confused frown.)
- Probably the best bit of get back all around is the why don't we do it in the road monkey shag interlude. When I cut Get Back down to just the bearable bits that will be all that survives this day.
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George: That is the biggest joke, to be yourselves. Cause that was the purpose of going there, to try and find who yourself really is. John: Yes, well we found out, didn't we? George: And if you were really yourself, you wouldn't be any of who we are now. Paul: Mm.
- I love John's interjection here, that George ignores, even though it's a good point. And I love Paul's face when George chooses to turn his honesty into a small ~meaningful point. Pft.
- Ringo's tea is too milky even for me, and I am judging him.
- Let's prove that this song you wrote about us, definitely doesn't mean anything by singing it in every funny accent we enjoy!
- I can't believe the lack of decision making which means that this project is just now 'make an album, but badly'.
Personally I was a phenomenon
- George saying that the studio is producing a good sound, and George Martin having a little point about how Glyn is having something to do with that. <3 I love him.
- Is the Primrose Hill concert no longer possible because they asked for permission like idiots? Idiots.
- My stomach is just very sad whenever MLH starts talking.
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- I don't even care any more that the big conversation is cut up and the reaction shots meaningless; the truth is probably dreadful.
- Paul's awareness in emotional collapse that there's not really anything wrong except that everything's wrong, so there's nothing anyone can do.
- The whole thing's so much, even when they're kind to each other.
- J: "No-one else wants to go on a stage, or do a tv show." He's talking about George, you know. They're so frightened to actually argue with George in case they open all his wounds, so they argue with each other about whether they should argue with George.
- It drives me mad, how quiet Ringo is, refusing to take part at all.
- I like Paul saying that to him it feels like they've got all the bad bit of being on the road now, because they're just in a room all the time, and he wants to do things not in a room. And John saying he does too, but he's accepted that the Beatles can't do that, so he's doing it with other people. Paul's really blocked on that because other people aren't as good as Beatles. Or not just that, but why be the Beatles at all if it's just the boring bit. I think that's what he's boiling down to, while the others are trying to find ways to still call something Beatles but without actually being Beatles. I don't know, I haven't thought anything through, I'm too sad.
I just want to go and have fun with it, rather than sort of, finish off exactly as we started.
- John tries to (kindly) say that it's just that it's stopped being the thing Paul wanted (because he compromised) and now it's more 'our' thing. And I don't understand what thing he thinks it is! It's not currently anyone's thing! Nobody has any idea what it is now, and that's what Paul's finding it hard to adjust to, the nothingness of it. They're literally just making an album in a hurry for no reason, and refusing to record it properly. Paul wanted to do something new, and challenging, but they've dragged it back down to ordinary.
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- I love Glyn being so truly positive about what they're doing, though, and saying that even though various things haven't come off, what they're doing is still special because it's Beatles in a room! And I like John really agreeing with that, and getting that. He's so positive about the energy of the Beatles, throughout the doc, and it's sad that he won't fight for it in any meaningful way.
- John playing Lost My Little Girl is too much, it's too much. I can't be expected to. The feeling of it, when John slips into their songs from the past. So many songs that only John and Paul really knew the insides of and where they came from and what they meant, and ... just how much Paul lost when John died is unbearable, and we already knew that, I know that, but Get Back makes it too sharp and I hate everything. I was doing well at rewatching this thing but now I want to stop it and never look at it again please.
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- Glyn and Michael crouching down in front of Paul like he's a little boy who's scraped his knee, talking nice to him.
- Glyn says in an interview that Ringo was the one who first showed him the roof. I assume Ringo's been hanging around up there, contemplating mortality while his band disintegrates downstairs. I like that he's found a solution that involves the absolute least travel humanly possible.
- Paul levering himself up on the roof, because he's a weird little creature of the world. So much happier when he's outside and free. MLH should have mandated twenty minutes of fresh air every day. Paul and Ringo having a little roof dance! <33 MLH trying to persuade Paul that they might have to ask for a tiny bit of permission. Hmf.
- Yes right, you were right about another verse. - Oh, he's right, you know. - He is right.
- Both John and George wanting Paul to do Let It Be the way it was, and Paul's little confusion because he has no idea what that was. <3
- It is lovely when sometimes George actually forces Paul to work out what his songs are doing, and helps him sort them into shape. He does it with Let It Be, and he did it with Get Back too. They're so good at working together in the few moments that they actually work together. (you see it most in George's songs when John is barely there.)
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Come on now, back to the drudgery thank you.
Think what Vera Lynn would do to it, Paul.
He's the most together man in Garston!
Goddamn you little microphone.
"When I find myself... all moody."
You stuck another verse in there, Richard.
Now look boys, now come on, enthuse a little.
I'll have you banned from bloody Apple if you don't shut up!
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winterandwords · 9 months
💖 [Heart] What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
For Project Aria
Thanks for the ask!
I'm in the honeymoon stage of discovery writing where every moment feels like a new favourite, but if I had to choose it would probably be when Aria first meets Rafe and Gillen.
It not only shows Aria's way of perceiving people, but also shows Rafe and Gillen from someone's perspective other than Rafe's. The whole way through Bridge From Ashes, Rafe (the only POV character) is very much "I'm a big nasty bastard, everyone hates me, I hate me, fuck off" and he definitely puts Gillen on a pedestal as this almost untouchable influential figure.
Then Aria meets them and within seconds it's like...
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“You”—I’m talking to the one with the face full of scars, slouching in his seat, spinning a butterfly knife—“look like a good time. And you”—it’s the other one now, frosty bitch sitting there like he’s some enlightened fucking being—“look like you piss in people’s coffee for fun.”
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Aria has zero fucks to give and doesn't take anyone too seriously. She immediately finds Rafe comfortable to be around (which is how other people often see him in BFA but he never sees himself that way so he doesn't acknowledge it) and Gillen is just a massive FFS *eye roll* person who she habitually annoys for recreational purposes.
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0. Author's Note
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Lilian from form eleven:
This is my first “big” project. I don't know how far this will go in practice, but I am certain that, if nothing else, deep down there's always a reason why I started.
Whenever I feel lost in the process of writing, I tend to ask myself: “What do you, as a writer, want to get from this book?“. And the answer in the current moment is experience, growth, and relief.
The next question is: ”What do you want it to be like?“. Right now I am trying to achieve something equal parts enlightening, tragic, comical, and violent, in a way that each will have a reason to be there.
At last, I need to know what I want to give to the reader. If both previous questions are answered and the only thing I lack is motivation, I tend to return to the day that I decided that out of all things I ought to write this out of my heart and my head. It helps to bring back what inspired the whole story: the sense of injustice. Resentment towards one world you never asked to be brought to, and towards the one you wanted to escape to but found no comfort in. A topic very close to me, as you understand.
Except I am not settling with all this anger inside. I want to use this experience to learn to look at one problem from different angles to find the best solution, to understand people better through building characters, and, ideally, to dig deeper into my own brain to discover something new about myself as well, and either accept it and find relief or change it for the better and grow, to work towards being able to say that I love my life. And if the reader doesn't see it the same way and can't use this story for the same purposes, then what I wish to do is tell them: “You are not alone. You deserve justice in the way you need it”.
…Or to give them something fun to read, I would be just as glad to know that someone enjoyed reading what I offer, but that's all.
Of course, I can't deny that beginning is the scariest part of the process. But I've been living with fear long enough to know better than to back down last minute.
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cathkaesque · 1 year
I went to hang out with an anarchist/leftcom group I’ve been talking for a while and it was just like...painful how little we had in common. It was just a couple of hours of fucking, exchanging lines and nitpicking in each other’s perspectives, really not fun. It’s a real shame because I reached out this group because their whole thing at the start was “All the leftist projects so far have not worked, how do we do workers’ organising in the 21st century” which I’m extremely interested in, but it’s just very clear over the last few years things have not taken off as they expected due to covid they’ve just become more and more insular and immersed in sectariana. A real case of “everything else has failed, because it has not adopted the perspective of our tiny sect of 20th century leftism, of which our small group of 7 people is its inheritor and must proselytise among the less enlightened [i.e. anyone not immersed in our tiny group’s internal culture].”
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dudettastone · 8 months
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @somaisbatman
Last song: Ode to the Mets. Can't stop listening to the whole album in general but this song has been really getting me.
Favorite Color: Blue! Specifically the deep blue of an autumn sky like so:
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Currently Watching: Lots of rewatches with friends like Twin Peaks and Adventure Time. I recently finished Fionna and Cake and have been sitting on that a lot. I like it more and more as time goes on.
Last Movie: Moonrise Kingdom. It was... enlightening to watch it again after not seeing it since I was a child. A lot of trans-awakening moments packed in there that I just completely misinterpreted when I first saw it lol. In my defense, I was like 12.
Currently Reading: Harrow the Ninth. Loving it so far and I've been voraciously searching for the little hints thrown in throughout. Very excited to at least get some sense of what's actually happening instead of trying to parse it through subtext.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory
Relationship status: I've got a pardner which is different from a partner in that it sounds like a cowboy thing and neither person knows anything.
Current Obsessions: The mod project I've been writing for, Fallout Cascadia. It's been incredibly fun writing for a video game-sized mod because there's not a lot of pressure for perfection or to meet a particular standard or deadline, but I also get the satisfaction of working for a big project that's at least semi-professionally organized. The people on the team are exactly my kind of weirdos and I love to hang out with them. Also, Fallout mods were such an important part of my childhood and I've always wanted to contribute to one to add the things I felt were always missing from them so this is a childhood dream come true.
Last googled: A tweet about Obamacare that a friend was trying to find and that I had never heard of. I was unsuccessful in finding it :(
Currently working on: A few quests for Cascadia. I've finally rounded out the three NPC merchants I've been working on so now I've got the time to get into actual quest writing. I've got a nice set of small quests sprinkled in with an entire companion I've been rotating in my head for a while now so I've got a lot of fun work ahead. I'm also doing some preliminary prep work for my next D&D arc.
I'll tag @impish-lion and @gracelikesfries. This is my first time letting myself do one of these things so don't laugh pls :)
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
Emmy talk to me about your concert!!!
OMG Sea. I’m forever changed 😭 I’m so glad you asked cuz this give me the opportunity to ramble to you about my track by track experience which I couldn’t include in my original show report! The show is paced so perfectly! Kudos to Steve and Louis for that!
From the get go We Made It live is just WOW. It’s perfect, it sets the tone for the entire night so perfectly! The drums feel so perfect with the wild beating of your heart that comes with finally seeing Louis live in person. It’s perfect in every way. Drag Me Down is definitely fun live, and also the crowd in Istanbul was literally 80% directioners so the energy of the crowd also added to it! DLIBYH is just so beautiful, he sounds so so so beautiful on it. I had to stop recording and just look at him and listen to him! Two of Us live is soulful, and feels like such a collective healing moment. Always You my beloved was made for a live performance! His voice sounds so sweet on AY, like it takes on this very different tone, I’m not a music or voice expert so I don’t know what the technical term for it is I’m sure you do please enlighten me as well, I just know there’s something different about his voice when he sings it.
He seems to have permanently axed TY but I’ve made my peace with it somehow, I thought I’d be more upset about not getting to hear it live but if Louis feels like it’s something that he no longer vibes with then fine, I’ll accept it (not that I have a choice but I was bitter about it before). Change/s live is EVERYTHING. It makes me so so so hopeful and hyped for lt2 that I can’t even explain. It felt like it was the one track that the entire audience didn’t know, not surprised being that there were probably a total of maximum 100 solos from a crowd of 12k plus people. 7 live Sea!!! He just turns into a different person altogether for 7 doesn’t he? Absolutely loved it. The mic riding?!? He was right in front of me humping that mic stand!!! I wanna post all of my videos but I feel like that would be madness, but OMGGG 🥵
Fearless!!! The theatrics he brought to Fearless with his little gestures, not once but twice! My little drama queen 🤍 the fearless musical solo live (not calling it the guitar solo cuz damn it the drums on that solo!!!) just on my knees for Michael Blackwell & Steve Durham honestly! What insane talent!!! And doing the Fearless claps with the entire crowd was so fun!!!
OTB, the very definition of quality > quantity. It ends too quickly yet it packs the most impactful punch. There’s so much detail that I could go in and want to write about OTB and the pride flags situation in Istanbul, but I think I’ll save that entire essay for posting with my OTB video. Habit, I couldn’t help singing along cuz you know what? I really used to enjoy Habit and no one is gonna take that away from me, the real meaning of the song is so beautiful as an artist and fan experience. I didn’t however record it, and took the opportunity to just stare at Louis for the whole song 🙃 Copyx3!!!! LOUIS GIVE ME A STUDIO VERSION PLS!!! During Copy was when I felt like I would actually lose my voice, screamed it back at him that loud! It’s insanely amazing live! I can’t even explain. Defenceless 😭 and the PURPLE lights and we had a fan project for it! It was perfect, everything I wanted it to be (minus the little technical issues they had with the mic during some parts of it, don’t know if that translated to live streams). The way he literally asks now for us to yell the “by you” at him 😭 cheeky beautiful boy! Beautiful War - I think that I’ve made my feelings about wanting to have that song (by Louis Tomlinson, KOL who?) inserted into my veins and made a part of life source very clear. It’s truly a soul cleansing experience live! And him sitting down to take all the lights in at the end really makes you emotional! I noticed that when he stars singing BW he keeps his eyes closed for the first verse, and then opens them for the second just to experience that moment of seeing all those lights for HIM.
LBD intro!!! Michael sir, kindly behave yourself! He got just the reaction he wanted out of Louis though and absolutely loved it too! Cackled on stage when Louis said “That’s Michael Blackwell and this is Little Black Dress”. During the ending of LBD right before the outro bit, is when I think Louis noticed my sign (it read “Flew 3381 miles to make sure you’re real”) 😭 there was an extremely tall person ahead of me who raised their hands literally at that time, and also my video of him got all shaky and messed up too cuz he looked right in the direction I was in, and I’ve been crying on Twitter for someone to send me the entire video of LBD if they have it so I can make sure if it actually happened or if it was wishful thinking on my end lol 😭 Walls - cathartic. That’s the one word. Cathartic for Louis to have written and for him to sing and honestly soul healing for me to scream “YOU WERE MY BECAUSE” at him. (I promise I will post my videos after I get some sleep, I have the best one of that moment)!
TTD is the one 1done song I really vibe with (Louis’ version though) so I had an absolute blast during it! And now for the crowning glory; KMM. My favorite track off of Walls since day 1 - and Louis’ devil awakening moment every night on tour! It’s palpable the way the energy in the crowd gets built up throughout KMM leading to that eventual moment when he jumps down from stage which is then absolute pandemonium!!! Once he jumped, I had to just let go of all agency of my body, and let myself be shoved and pushed where the force of the crowd took me. I was in the fourth row from the front barricade facing the stage & in the third row from the runway barricade on the side; which is what allowed for me have my LOUIS LITERALLY RIGHT IN MY FACE moment 😭😭😭 when I say that I will never ever forget what that one moment felt like. It lasted barely one second I think cuz he didn’t stay too long on our side, just hopped on and yelled and hopped off, but in my mind it’s all in slow motion! I would like to live my entire life in that one moment. I saw crinkles up close 😭 HE WAS RIGHT THERE!!! I wasn’t able to touch him cuz I had my phone in one hand and was trying to steady myself with the other hand, and also he hopped right off and jumped to the other side where he stayed longer, but no matter what - that one second made my entire year! 😭 It made the absolute torture or being in that line from 5:30 AM worth it. I honestly don’t have the words to describe it. I cannot believe that it happened, and that it happened to me!!!
Thank you for letting me ramble on! I feel like I could write an entire book on my one show 😂 Trying to contain myself! Will definitely post videos and gifs soon. Hope that you’ve been doing well, and now that Louis is back and Louis content is back we’ll have a more positive and enjoyable fandom experience than what went down during the break.
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elizainjapan · 1 year
June 19th- Nara Day Trip
Today was so fun, I felt like a lil forest fairy! Yet again I missed breakfast, but it was ok because I had a sweet treat on the way. On the train ride to Nara, Sam commandeered my phone to EMAIL herself the photos from yesterday. Average Android user. I think I ended up nodding off at some point, but once we got to Nara, I was wide awake. I like deer, but my mom LOVES deer. I wish she could’ve seen how funny the deer were, and she would’ve loved to bow to them. I got her a couple gizmos (ps: mom if youre reading these pls act surprised when I give them to you). I had so much fun running away from the deer when I would try to feed one and then a bunch more would come. I was not aware of how much poop there would be, but oh well they are animals. I could’ve stayed in the first area for a while, but I’m glad we got moving because Todaiji was absolutely beautiful. The temple was one of the coolest ones I had ever seen, and I was so impressed with the size of the Buddha. I successfully climbed through Buddha’s hypothetical nostril, and I feel as fresh as a newborn baby. By this time, I don’t think I had drank any water the whole day, so I started feeling super dizzy and seeing spots. As the rest of the class went to the museum, I ran to find the nearest vending machine (which was a struggle) to get water. Once I was hydrated, the day was great again. As group, we made our way to another temple with a bunch of lanterns in it. I really loved walking through the dark hallway with a hundred lanterns in it, and I know that when I come back to Japan, it will have to be when the lantern festival is. I was craving a sweet treat, so me, Chelsea, Aulora, Julie, Sam, and Casey went to find a cafe. We went to the absolute cutest cheesecake little shop where I got a sundae shaped as a cat. I also got some hand-woven yarn for myself, and I’ll probably make a headband out of it when I get home and sad. I think I got one more thing, but I forgot. We were all so tired by the end of the day, and I took another quick nap on the way home. When I got home, I called Austin which I desperately needed. Good day. I like deer.
Academic Reflection-
My previous knowledge was limited to what I had learned in AP world History. The main thing that I remembered was that Theravada Buddhism is with the skinny Buddha, and Mahayana was with the fat one. These readings taught me that this was pretty much entirely false. They were very dense, and I’m not even sure what I remember from them. I thought that it was cool that there were different levels of enlightenment that you have to go through before being a full-on Buddha. By the end of the reading, the ninth-level Buddha would have his own universe to manifest other Buddhas into. One of the craziest things was that it takes 3,000-13,000 eons of life cycles to become a Buddha. When I asked Professor Smith about how long an eon was, he described it as if there was a mountain made of the densest stone, and once a year a bird comes and brushes against the top. The time it takes for the bird to brush away the entire mountain is one eon.
A lot of Buddhism confuses me. I understand that Dainichi has created projections of himself into different universes, but I’m not too sure why. Many people believe that we are currently in a stage of chaos and are currently await the new Buddha to come and teach us peace. The last time that we had an era of peacefulness (according to the Japanese) was the 12th century. I’m very excited to see what this new Buddha will be up to.
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] yes i know its very late night by now yes i will go 2 sleep later BUT LIKE. i got back to remembering wings ask but not exactly continuing the thought but like. idk. something about his wings and lmi and adkjwhfhshd a scene that transpired from the Thought like, when lumine first knew about xiao's wings a little more deeply, listening to what he's willing to speak of the history of it. how he doesnt remember the sensation of flying and using, how he lost it in his past torture, and to the point he just,... leaves it be on his back. it's set before zhongli finds the blueprints, and the story itself stretches a bit to how then xiao began to acknowledge his wings.
anyway back to lumine, xiao had taken it slow to reveal something he never thought of expressing yknow? cus its not like it affects his way of transport, but it does limit the methods, BUT xiao also never used his wings nor remember the experience of it. this is what he tells to her, and it becomes sort of a heart-to-heart discussion. but that's not the entire point tho LMAO what i'm getting at is the way lumine would want to make him feel better by speaking of her own experiences close to what he is; namely, a person with wings. herself, although shes not avian. so she tells him of her experience with bird people from other worlds instead.
like yeah this is the whole point of the thought process basically HSJFJSHFH like, i love that in the years lumine and xiao had been accustomed to each other for these casual but also comfortable conversations, the former just kinda slips in her Otherworlder stories, be it as examples or fun trivia or anything. it doesnt happen necessarily often, but just enough for a chat to be lighter and sparks enough curiosity for xiao to keep engaging or simply listen. so like, in this scene particularly. lumine tells him about how humans with wings are sorta some world's kids' fantasy depictions of angels. or others would think they're gods. or that one time theyre not humans with bird wings but humanoid birds! like, they stand like people but with bird heads like what!! and to xiao who had felt a little bad for dumping his sob story about his wings would be both assured and amused at those stories, changing his mind more and more that maybe. just maybe its worth a try flying again. not that her stories is the cause of it than it being his decision entirely.
i just think eueugehfh lumine would tell him about the stars and constellation he never sees, right? then she would enlighten him with cultures and technology. id like to think maybe at one point she comes back from a quick jump out of teyvat for Stuff, she brings along souvenirs. and she invites her friends to try em, and for xiao its probably best if theyre alone so he doesnt need to feel more embarrassed than he is (extra bit i thought abt her introducing him to multiplr gadgets from a futuristic world she and aether visited, she gave him some fancy tech skates, and boy to see him fumble so much is just so funny and cute i hdkwjthshbfwjfh and of all gadgets he actually liked the skates). so like yeahgdjahd!! explodes i will sleep now gnite muah i hope u have a good evening 2day aly!!
crying shaking bawling sobbing.
NOT REMEMBERING THE SENSATION OF FLYING yearning for something so deep so intrinsic but not knowing what, not know how it feels ohhhhh my god. not remembering flight but wanting it regardless im goigngn to explode
HUMANOID BIRDS...... no bc. fun little backstory time i have a Side Project that is on indefinite hold that is So Fucking Slow Going and its literally just worldbuilding and oc-creation for a story i havent quite come up with yet and i want So Many Bird People. i spent DAYS a while ago now trying so hard to consider anatomy and how arms & wings at the same time would work and what would be most convenient and make the more sense for a humanoid bird species or a bird-like human species or any combination of both anbd. explodes again. lumine telling him about all kinds of different species and ways of flight and how for some it was similar to a sacred act and for others it was the most casual, simple thing and the world and some being winged but flightless and how they adapted to that and. ,mfgmnmng
THE STARS AND CONSTELLATIONS FROM OTHER PLANETS CULTURES AND TECHNOLOGY no bc her going to other planets specifically to ask for advice/help with constructing sort of wing braces/supports/prosthetics and so its her and zhongli and aether and khaenri'ahn technology but also all sorts of knowledge from multiple different cultures.....
XIAO ON SKATES THAT'S SO SILLY i love that os bad for him. him handshake me fumbling So So Much but having sm fun... WE R EXPLODING FR ily so bad im so. pleading face emoji @ all of this. I HOPE U SLEPT WELL AND NOW THAT ITS NIGHT AGAIN I HOPE U R SLEEPING WELL AND I HOPE U HAVE AN AMAZING DAY TOMORTROW !!!!!!!!!
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Religions and Beliefs
It is estimated the existence of about 4,000 recognised religions in the whole world. These religions consist of churches, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, etc.
The twelve most known religions on the planet are: Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. These make up around 80% percent of the human population.
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For my cult, I would like to take different aspects from a multitude of religions and combine them into something new. Since my project is mainly design-based, I am not intending to go into too much detail.
Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. It is the world's largest and most widespread religion with roughly 2.4 billion followers representing one-third of the global population.
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Followers of the Christian religion base their beliefs on the life, teachings and death of Jesus Christ. Christians believe in one God that created heaven, earth and the universe.
These are the main teachings of Jesus that all Christians must live by.
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Baha'i Faith
Bahá'ís believe that there is only one God, unknowable in His essence, Who is the Creator and absolute ruler of the universe.
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Bahá'ís can pray directly to God, or to God through his manifestation Bahá'u'lláh. There are a total of around eight million Baha'i worldwide, but these are spread across over 200 countries. In almost all countries, they represent a minority religion that is hardly mentioned.
I find it interesting how this religion operates on a very unique system that somehow combines all the religions known to men into one, all-powerful deity that is responsible for all life, death and everything in between.
Buddhism is one of the world's largest religions and originated 2,500 years ago in India. Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behaviour are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana.
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 Worship in Mahayana tradition takes the form of devotion to Buddha and to Bodhisattvas. 
I would really like to incorporate Buddhism into my religion due to it's system based on peacefulness and self-reflection. I think the idea of having to completely forget your old way of life and concentrate on something entirely new through new beliefs, hard work and meditation would fit right in with the story for our project.
Design-wise, I think monk outfits would work very nicely and allow me to try out new things and experiment with materials and patterns I have never drawn before, especially when it comes to layering clothing.
Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion centered around the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad. Adherents of Islam, called Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic and worship one, all-knowing God, who in Arabic is known as Allah. Followers of Islam aim to live a life of complete submission to Allah.
According to Islamic theology, God has no physical body or gender, although he is always referred to with masculine grammatical articles, and there is nothing else like him in any way whatsoever.
I have found a very interesting article that stated how it is forbidden to have an image or statue of God since he is not supposed to have a body/face . The article explained how since we are the creation of god, we could never be able to create the Creator.
This mindset of worshipping something that you can't put your finger on as a solid form and that necessarily exists as a beacon of light sounds like something fun to explore for my own project.
Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is “atman,” or the belief in soul. This philosophy holds that living creatures have a soul, and they're all part of the supreme soul.
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Brahma is the first god in the Hindu triumvirate, or trimurti. The triumvirate consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world. The other two gods are Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu is the preserver of the universe, while Shiva's role is to destroy it in order to re-create.
While I am not necessarily looking at having a system that relays on worshiping a multitude of deities, I still wanted to add Hinduism due to it's absolutely amazing art and statues. The interesting combination between gods having animal heads and extra limbs, the unique stylisation when it comes to faces and body proportions and the vibrant colours is extremely beautiful and interesting to look at.
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While I decided to opt for de idea of not having an actual design for the God in my project, I still would've loved to design some interesting deities of my own. However, the short time I was given made this quite challenging but maybe I could be able to revisit this idea in future projects.
Similar to Hinduism is the old Greek mythology and how people used to worship different Gods and Goddesses which all had different powers and ruled over different parts of the world and nature elements.
Taoism does not have a God in the way that the Abrahamic religions do. There is no omnipotent being beyond the cosmos, who created and controls the universe. In Taoism the universe springs from the Tao, and the Tao impersonally guides things on their way.
Taoism philosophy is based on three pillars: simplicity, patience, and compassion.
The most well-known symbol from Taoism is certainly the Chinese yin yang. The yin yang is a symbolic representation of the world's polarities, dualisms, and fundamental dichotomies: light and dark, male and female, life and death.
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This is another big one that I would love to incorporate in my story. While it sort of contradicts with my idea since this religion is not based on a God whatsoever, I think the philosophy behind this religion being concentrated on compassion, patience and peace would fit nicely in my own religion system and make for a nice, positive change, especially when it comes to how radical cults and religious groups used to operate in our society.
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The Price of a Hardscape Installment Solution
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Including a hardscape to your property is a wise way to include aesthetic allure and also improve the total value of your property. It can additionally increase the worth of your home by shielding plants and also various other features of your landscape. Mounting a hardscape is also a clever method to boost the usability of your outdoor rooms, including your deck or patio area. The cost of a hardscape setup can vary, depending on the project, the materials utilized and the experience of the installer. For example, a little yard task may cost around $600, while a big one could set you back as much as $2500.
A hardscape is a pricey undertaking, but it can include considerable value to your residential property. The most effective hardscapes are meticulously considered as well as developed to last for years to find. The most effective hardscapes combine components that all collaborate to provide your outside rooms a cohesive look. For example, a stone wall surface can function as the foundation of your backyard, while a fish pond or water function is a fun as well as useful method to make your backyard seem like an extension of your residence. You can visit this company website to get more patio stone options.
A stone based patio may cost upwards of $800, while a granite as well as flagstone pathway could set you back as little as $8 to $10 per square foot. One of the most costly hardscape installments can include a fireplace, a pool, an outdoor kitchen area and a bbq. However, it is a good suggestion to consider your entire lawn prior to you select the hardscape that will make your backyard the envy of the neighborhood. The price of a hardscape installation can be a significant consideration, especially if you're wanting to market your house in the future.
Hardscapes can make your backyard much more welcoming and also eye-catching, while likewise supplying an useful space for entertaining visitors and relaxing. The best hardscapes also include one of the most important part of all: good drainage. This is necessary due to the fact that a well developed hardscape can help reduce water usage and shield plants from erosion. Proper drainage is likewise a should to prevent structural damages. Actually, 25% of residences experience damages because of incorrect drainage. The very best hardscapes take the time to think about the drainage demands of the whole building. Get the best backyard materials on this site.
The expense of a hardscape will depend on the materials made use of, the size of the task and the know-how of the installer. For instance, the biggest patio in the neighborhood may set you back as high as $1,200, while a granite and also natural flagstone path might set you back just $8 to $10 per square video. It's not uncommon to find contractors billing a set rate price, depending on the dimension of the backyard. The expense of a hardscape might be expensive, however the high quality of the job that enters into it will settle in the end.
A seasoned specialist will certainly develop as well as install the hardscaping that you've constantly dreamed of, while additionally ensuring that the task is done correctly. A good hardscape installment service will certainly include value to your house as well as boost the pleasure of your outdoor areas for several years to come. You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/hardscape.
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miselaunit04 · 2 years
Scrip and voice over.
Bold – The character speaking
(Bold, italic, brackets) – Visual and audio details (line delivery, actions of characters, scene changes)
Plain - Dialogue
 (Video starts with 80’s cheesy style logo intro, with jingle and video grain, VHS lines, audio peaking and the video cutting randomly happens throughout)
Narrator: (chipper tone) Salutations lost ones, let me welcome and introduce you to Children Of Banks!
(Cheap transition effect to footage of the headquarters and base for the cult)
Narrator: Through this helpful series of tapes, we will guide you through our homely facilities, filled to the brim with fun for the whole family, including but not limited to-
(Shows footage of cult members gathered in a circle dancing in a field)
Dancing lessons!
(Shows footage of gross/bland/greyish food being served in a dreary canteen)
New and exciting culinary experiences!
(Shows footage of various members creating effigies, symbols and paintings depicting the cult leader and other unnerving spiritual depictions)
Arts and crafts!
(Shows footage of members dressing up and cutting their hair to look identical to each other)
Glamorous and stylish fashion!
(Shows footage of chanting cult members gathered around one cult member, lying face up on the floor candles circled around them)
And newfound Spiritual enlightenment!
Narrator: But don’t take my word for it, here are the thoughts of some loyal members of our family!
Member 38: Oh we’ve been here since we first met!
Member 37: Ha yes it’s true, it’s really brought us together, I don’t know if we would still be together if it weren’t for our glorious brothers and sisters.
Member 38: They’ve really opened our souls to the love of the universe and the eternal cosmic worm, I wouldn’t want to serve anyone else, its love is all I need.
(Religious art depicting the holy worm coincides with the interview, displaying the cults various beliefs)
Member 37: and mine of course!
(Both chuckle amongst themselves)
Member 77: (extremely energetically) Are you kidding me? This place is the best! I honestly don’t know why anyone would want to be anywhere else, I learnt how to farm, dance, cook, astral project to frolic with the gods, so many important life skills. I was a nobody before, but here people love and care about me unconditionally, I feel like I finally belong somewhere, I’m staying here forever!
Member 256: (acting paranoid/twitchy, whispering) I really don’t know how much I can take of this, man. I don’t know how long I’ve been trapped here; I came here thinking it was just a yoga class but that’s how they get you, don’t trust these people, they will use you, isolate you from those you love, I am not myself anymore, they’re using us as-
(Harsh cut in footage, staticky audio crackling, glitchy video effects)
Member 257: (previous interviewee is very audibly screaming and being killed/harmed/tortured in the background, gory sound effects in the background)I feel like a whole different person, there’s so much that I’ve learnt about life and the unknown that it’s kinda overwhelming really. (Slow zoom in) At first It’s hard to accept how much you’ve been lied to in the outside world, but I can’t fully explain how much this family has changed my life for the better, Father Banks has truly saved us all (Smiles).
(Transition to title card, with gradually appearing text and visuals to coincide with the narrator’s words)
Narrator: But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, as a newcomer you aren’t purified yet. In this segment we will be focusing solely on the initiation process and how you too can be a part of our loving family.
(Slow camera pan across a dark, scary dungeon looking room, no windows, few candles on the walls barely lighting the room, the camera pan reveals many cult members wearing robes with the cult leader standing out amongst them with a more intricate and ethereal outfit, standing with hands stretched out, holding herbs/crystals/beads in his hands over a person on the floor, convulsing and squealing while cult members pin them down)
Narrator: (Audio overlaying footage of the room) This is the humble purification room, essential to the initiation process as to relieve the body vessel of sin and corruption
(Cut to a more zoomed in shot of the person on the floor convulsing)
Narrator: This vital for yours and our family’s lives
(Cut to a very cheesy 80’s style portrait of Jeremey Banks, the cult leader, that slowly zooms in throughout the narration)
Narrator: (Audio overlaying the zoom in) as it is by our glorious saviour, Jeremey Banks, intention to keep us, his children, safe from the corruption and hatred of the mortal world
(Cut to interview with Banks, he is sat it a chair, legs crossed and fingers intertwined on his lap, the room is dull and bare, with strange religious imagery behind him, a subtitle pops up at the corner of the screen stating his name, age and leadership role in the cult as a prophet)
Interviewer: Father Banks, can you please educate us on your path to enlightenment tell us of how you came to create this divine sanctuary
(Camera slowly zooms in on Banks’ fake-smiling face throughout this segments dialogue)
Jeremey Banks: Gladly, (long inhale and slightly loosens himself up on the chair to get more comfortable) ever since I was a boy (pause), I knew that there was an inherent evil in society, how kids around me would fight and cry and hit each other, how animals would be tortured and caged for food, even the adults that we resided in for stability and guidance raged wars and filled their bodies with sin
(Visuals change to a slideshow to coincide with what Banks is saying, being drawings of his visions)
Jeremey Banks: I never wanted to be a prophet (Pause), but it chose me (Pause), it came to me in a vision, the eternal swirling apparition of the mighty ethereal being, the worm. It told me the secrets to the universe and beyond and granted me my immortal life and healing power -
(Slideshow pictures change to a single ominous picture of Banks as a child, straight faced and rigid)
Jeremey Banks: It was from then that I learnt my life goal was to relieve the mortal man of the baggage of sin and pain, weighed down by generation of generation
(Audio overlays Banks and other cult members brutally beating the demon out of the possessed person, harsh contrast between Banks’ soft interview tone with the chaos and harshness of the exorcism scene)
Jeremey Banks: I never had a good family life, so I make sure everyone is welcome here in my little humble family
(Cuts back to the normal interview footage)
Jeremey Banks: I just want to help people
(Abrupt cut to the possessed person sat in the same place as Banks was being interviewed, a name card pops up displaying the members name, age and occupation as ‘currently possessed individual’)
Possessed person (With demon speaking through them): (Voice changer/deeper demonic tone)
I wouldn’t necessarily think I need saving uhm… I just wanted a new host and uh this vessel was a worthy candidate; I think I have my right to be here-
(Possessed person’s interview is cut off by footage of them being ganged up on by the whole cult in hysterics trying to exorcise them)
(The demon eventually escapes the body, as the demon is exorcized the art style changes rapidly and suddenly to show the supernatural elements of the event as well as catch the audience of guard, the demon seemingly disappears, Banks looks shifty and is praised by the surrounding members)
(Cut to another interview with two cult members sat next to each other, both having separate name cards with their member numbers, ages, and mentioning how they assisted in the previously seen exorcism)
Member 53: You never forget your first exorcism, it’s great to work as a team you know
Member 108: Truthfully its mostly Father Banks’ work, it’s genuinely astounding how he does it
(Cuts back to the interview with Banks)
Interviewer: How do you do it?
Jeremey Banks: (interrupting the interviewer, visibly caught of guard and angry)
(Interrupting the interviewer, visibly caught of guard and angry, demon side comes out briefly e.g. eyes glow, hair spikes up into horns, room shakes, grows inch taller etc)
Don’t ask me that. 
(Faces his back away from the interviewer)
(Huffs and calms down, pauses for a moment)
(He raises his head back up and converts back to his usual fake happy/confident persona)
My methods are strictly confidential, the worm trusted me and me alone with its knowledge, and we wouldn’t want to upset the worm… would we? An-
(Gets cut off by footage sliced in, glitches statically into the video, hidden camera footage of Jeremy using the trapped demons/souls to gain powers, turns demonic, the footage fades out after he turns to the camera and resumes normally with the interview)
Jeremey Banks: Is that all?
(The interview ends, Banks stands up and readjusts his tie/clothes, the boom mic, other camera men and film crew are visible)
Interviewer: Yep
Jeremey Banks: Was that take good?
Interviewer: Of course, sir
Jeremey Banks: Perfect!
(The camera turns around with Banks leaving the scene, all the crew leaves as the camera idles on Banks’ shadow walking away, a demonic shadow resembling the one previously shown to be exorcized stalks of behind him and murders him, it cuts of as blood splatters and a scream from Banks is heard)
(Cut to black, loud static, VHS lines)
(Credits roll with cheesy music, at the very end there’s a ‘in memory of’ depicting Jeremy Banks)(End)
Narrator [Malaika]
Jeremey Banks (cult leader) [Tyron]
Member 38 (old lady) [Misela]
Member 37 (old man) [Rowan]
Member 77 (young energetic kid) [Tyron]
Member 256 (paranoid man who gets killed) [Amber]
Member 257 (chill hippy dude) [Tyron]
Demon possessed person (using voice changer, deep demonic voice) [Malaika]
Member 53 (hooded member) [Amber]
Member 108 (hooded member) [Misela]
Interviewer [Rowan]
Group chants (everyone)
Cameramen and crew [Amber and Rowan]
0 notes
tongkachiunit04 · 2 years
Final Script for the animatic
Bold – The character speaking
(Bold, italic, brackets) – Visual and audio details (line delivery, actions of characters, scene changes)
Plain - Dialogue
 (Video starts with 80’s cheesy style logo intro, with jingle and video grain, VHS lines, audio peaking and the video cutting randomly happens throughout)
Narrator: (chipper tone) Salutations lost ones, let me welcome and introduce you to Jeremey Banks Enterprises!
(Cheap transition effect to footage of the headquarters and base for the cult)
Narrator: Through this helpful series of tapes, we will guide you through our homely facilities, filled to the brim with fun for the whole family, including but not limited to-
(Shows footage of cult members gathered in a circle dancing in a field)
Dancing lessons!
(Shows footage of gross/bland/greyish food being served in a dreary canteen)
New and exciting culinary experiences!
(Shows footage of various members creating effigies, symbols and paintings depicting the cult leader and other unnerving spiritual depictions)
Arts and crafts!
(Shows footage of members dressing up and cutting their hair to look identical to each other)
Glamorous and stylish fashion!
(Shows footage of chanting cult members gathered around one cult member, lying face up on the floor candles circled around them)
And newfound Spiritual enlightenment!
Narrator: But don’t take my word for it, here are the thoughts of some loyal members of our family!
Member 38: Oh we’ve been here since we first met!
Member 37: Ha yes it’s true, it’s really brought us together, I don’t know if we would still be together if it weren’t for our glorious brothers and sisters.
Member 38: They’ve really opened our souls to the love of the universe and the eternal cosmic worm, I wouldn’t want to serve anyone else, its love is all I need.
(Religious art depicting the holy worm coincides with the interview, displaying the cults various beliefs)
Member 37: and mine of course!
(Both chuckle amongst themselves)
Member 77: (extremely energetically) Are you kidding me? This place is the best! I honestly don’t know why anyone would want to be anywhere else, I learnt how to farm, dance, cook, astral project to frolic with the gods, so many important life skills. I was a nobody before, but here people love and care about me unconditionally, I feel like I finally belong somewhere, I’m staying here forever!
Member 256: (acting paranoid/twitchy, whispering) I really don’t know how much I can take of this, man. I don’t know how long I’ve been trapped here; I came here thinking it was just a yoga class but that’s how they get you, don’t trust these people, they will use you, isolate you from those you love, I am not myself anymore, they’re using us as-
(Harsh cut in footage, staticky audio crackling, glitchy video effects)
Member 257: (previous interviewee is very audibly screaming and being killed/harmed/tortured in the background, gory sound effects in the background) I feel like a whole different person, there’s so much that I’ve learnt about life and the unknown that it’s kinda overwhelming really. (Slow zoom in) At first It’s hard to accept how much you’ve been lied to in the outside world, but I can’t fully explain how much this family has changed my life for the better, Father Banks has truly saved us all (Smiles).
(Transition to title card, with gradually appearing text and visuals to coincide with the narrator’s words)
Narrator: But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, as a newcomer you aren’t purified yet. In this segment we will be focusing solely on the initiation process and how you too can be a part of our loving family.
(Slow camera pan across a dark, scary dungeon looking room, no windows, few candles on the walls barely lighting the room, the camera pan reveals many cult members wearing robes with the cult leader standing out amongst them with a more intricate and ethereal outfit, standing with hands stretched out, holding herbs/crystals/beads in his hands over a person on the floor, convulsing and squealing while cult members pin them down)
Narrator: (Audio overlaying footage of the room) This is the humble purification room, essential to the initiation process as to relieve the body vessel of sin and corruption
(Cut to a more zoomed in shot of the person on the floor convulsing)
Narrator: This vital for yours and our family’s lives
(Cut to a very cheesy 80’s style portrait of Jeremey Banks, the cult leader, that slowly zooms in throughout the narration)
Narrator: (Audio overlaying the zoom in) as it is by our glorious saviour, Jeremey Banks, intention to keep us, his children, safe from the corruption and hatred of the mortal world
(Cut to interview with Banks, he is sat it a chair, legs crossed and fingers intertwined on his lap, the room is dull and bare, with strange religious imagery behind him, a subtitle pops up at the corner of the screen stating his name, age and leadership role in the cult as a prophet)
Interviewer: Father Banks, can you please educate us on your path to enlightenment tell us of how you came to create this divine sanctuary
(Camera slowly zooms in on Banks’ fake-smiling face throughout this segments dialogue)
Jeremey Banks: Gladly, (long inhale and slightly loosens himself up on the chair to get more comfortable) ever since I was a boy (pause), I knew that there was an inherent evil in society, how kids around me would fight and cry and hit each other, how animals would be tortured and caged for food, even the adults that we resided in for stability and guidance raged wars and filled their bodies with sin
(Visuals change to a slideshow to coincide with what Banks is saying, being drawings of his visions)
Jeremey Banks: I never wanted to be a prophet (Pause), but it chose me (Pause), it came to me in a vision, the eternal swirling apparition of the mighty ethereal being, the worm. It told me the secrets to the universe and beyond and granted me my immortal life and healing power -
(Slideshow pictures change to a single ominous picture of Banks as a child, straight faced and rigid)
Jeremey Banks: It was from then that I learnt my life goal was to relieve the mortal man of the baggage of sin and pain, weighed down by generation of generation
(Audio overlays Banks and other cult members brutally beating the demon out of the possessed person, harsh contrast between Banks’ soft interview tone with the chaos and harshness of the exorcism scene)
Jeremey Banks: I never had a good family life, so I make sure everyone is welcome here in my little humble family
(Cuts back to the normal interview footage)
Jeremey Banks: I just want to help people
(Abrupt cut to the possessed person sat in the same place as Banks was being interviewed, a name card pops up displaying the members name, age and occupation as ‘currently possessed individual’)
Possessed person (With demon speaking through them): (Voice changer/deeper demonic tone)
I wouldn’t necessarily think I need saving uhm… I just wanted a new host and uh this vessel was a worthy candidate; I think I have my right to be here-
(Possessed person’s interview is cut off by footage of them being ganged up on by the whole cult in hysterics trying to exorcise them)
(The demon eventually escapes the body, as the demon is exorcized the art style changes rapidly and suddenly to show the supernatural elements of the event as well as catch the audience of guard, the demon seemingly disappears, Banks looks shifty and is praised by the surrounding members)
(Cut to another interview with two cult members sat next to each other, both having separate name cards with their member numbers, ages, and mentioning how they assisted in the previously seen exorcism)
Member 53: You never forget your first exorcism, it’s great to work as a team you know
Member 108: Truthfully its mostly Father Banks’ work, it’s genuinely astounding how he does it
(Cuts back to the interview with Banks)
Interviewer: How do you do it?
Jeremey Banks: (interrupting the interviewer, visibly caught of guard and angry)
(Interrupting the interviewer, visibly caught of guard and angry, demon side comes out briefly e.g. eyes glow, hair spikes up into horns, room shakes, grows inch taller etc)
Don’t ask me that. 
(Faces his back away from the interviewer)
(Huffs and calms down, pauses for a moment)
(He raises his head back up and converts back to his usual fake happy/confident persona)
My methods are strictly confidential, the worm trusted me and me alone with its knowledge, and we wouldn’t want to upset the worm… would we? An-
(Gets cut off by footage sliced in, glitches statically into the video, hidden camera footage of Jeremy using the trapped demons/souls to gain powers, turns demonic, the footage fades out after he turns to the camera and resumes normally with the interview)
Jeremey Banks: Is that all?
(The interview ends, Banks stands up and readjusts his tie/clothes, the boom mic, other camera men and film crew are visible)
Interviewer: Yep
Jeremey Banks: Was that take good?
Interviewer: Of course, sir
Jeremey Banks: Perfect!
(The camera turns around with Banks leaving the scene, all the crew leaves as the camera idles on Banks’ shadow walking away, a demonic shadow resembling the one previously shown to be exorcized stalks of behind him and murders him, it cuts of as blood splatters and a scream from Banks is heard)
(Cut to black, loud static, VHS lines)
(Credits roll with cheesy music, at the very end there’s a ‘in memory of’ depicting Jeremy Banks)(End)
0 notes
glowyjellyfish · 2 years
I am a little worried that by starting with a massive mutant collection of old cc, I may be making the same mistakes I made with the Megakingdom (not abandoned, I just got exhausted by the never ending crashing and testing. Will come back to it… later.). However, although this method is slow, it’s going okay, I have culled all the duplicates I can find, and anything obviously not era-appropriate. I went through all the hair I already have installed, and did not use the in-game delete, instead choosing to take pictures with tooltips so I can delete stuff properly. And there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t suit an 18th century game! My plan is to go through each CC section, use the tooltip renamer so I can identify them, and carefully cull stuff this way. Also, unlike with my medieval CC, I am tentatively planning to remove anything that I can’t identify as part of a set or something, unless it is spectacularly useful. I think with clothing and objects, instead of taking pictures of what to delete, I might take pictures of what to keep, and ruthlessly cull the rest. Which, again, should be easier than medieval CC, as there is much much less of it, and much less that can pass as era-appropriate.
And I have a loose plan for objects, too. I want to have the medieval wood set and maybe the 9 archers mead hall, for my poorer sims; Sunni’s inn and cottage sets; the Gustav set, WFS barn and winery sets, the Plain Jane set from the Medieval Smithy, and a modest assortment of other medieval content that might apply. Everything else is strictly off the Historic Sims Wiki Rococo page, Simbury CC that I decided can pass for a few decades earlier, at least for my wealthier sims, and anything else I found actually designed for the 18th century. I’ll be centering a whole Sun&Moon collection, too—minus dragons and griffins and extra magic, this BaCC is pretending to be historical. My custom plant collection is very messy, and I am thinking about throwing it all out, and just doing Sun&Moon for trees and herbs and bushes, and finding one good collection of assorted decorative plants that go together and are nicely named, instead of “these random plants I got from CC-laden lots I download fifteen years ago, named in alphabet soup for my inconvenience”.
In any case, when I finish I am going to carefully save this Downloads folder as my Colonial/Enlightenment/Pirate collection, which can be applied to future hoods, and later when I have played this hood and am ready to advance to Regency I’ll build a Regency downloads collection to save, and add that to this downloads folder. In an ideal world, I would have several total conversion EA Games folders, and a bunch of carefully themed Downloads folders saved that I can just copy in a new EA Games folder whenever I want to set up a new Steampunk or Ancient Rome or Fallout-like Vintage Apocalypse hood or whatever. Not there yet, but making progress on this set at least!
Did I mention I started planning out rules for my BaCC Through Time hood involving regular ships only arriving in spring and fall, and therefore only then can new sims arrive or new catalogue goods be purchased? Although there probably ought to eventually be a shop owner or two who stocks up on catalogue goods at those times and sells to local sims. I think I will also make it so that sims leaving for college in the old country will have to leave at that time, too—I plan to keep careful track of their true ages, so I’ll know if a sim goes to college at age 16 and graduates at 20 instead of the usual 18-22, and adjust their time as an adult accordingly. Not that I’ll get up to this particularly soon, I have my fingers crossed that I can start some fun parts on my upcoming holiday weekend.
It’s nice to log my plans and progress periodically. Makes it feel more like a Project and less like random stuff I’m doing.
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