#but this would be a really cool twist
piquuroblox · 1 month
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OF COURSE!!! 💛🩵 thank u for the request your little guy is so awesome :3
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sweetbunpura · 1 month
I was thinking more on my overblot Yuu thanks to the picrew @twisted-confessions found and I got really sad about her...
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OB!Yuu is calm and patient, she waits for the boys to continue attacking before she does anything. The boys are surprised that an overblot isn't fueled by a negative emotion, but Leona starts to notice something. Yuu is very calm, and she herself isn't attacking, but she's support for Grim. Leona realizes that Yuu's isn't wearing them down, she's stalling out the timer for herself.
I like to imagine that in the game setting it goes like this: Phase 1: Each dorm takes a turn fighting her to no avail, meaning there's 7 teams going on with their dorm members.
Cutscene: Once Leona tells everyone what's going on, they try to figure out what to do next and come to the decision that they have to overblot themselves.
Phase 2: Each dorm fights again, but this time with the one that overblotted. They deal more damage than Yuu can heal back on Grim. -For the dorms with less than 5 notable members, you can pick from ANY of the characters, but they have to be from THAT dorm, the locked in characters are all the dorm uniforms. All the overblots have a duo with someone from their dorm.
With each team transition, there would be a flash of Yuu's life before being isekai'd into TWST. Once they manage to defeat her, the NRC boys understood how all this happened. Yuu was forced to handle so many overblots that being near that much magic caused her own overblot. The staff come in and look around at the destruction, then Crowley walks in and all hell breaks loose.
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bproccoli · 1 year
can you change the ending?
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Ghost with a Transmasc!S/O
I've been wanting to write this since last week! I'm not exactly happy with how it turned out, but maybe someone else can enjoy it as well!
When you’d approach him, all nervous and fumbling around, he’d just stay quiet. Sure, he’ll tell you that, no matter what, you can tell him anything and he won’t judge you, but he won’t pressure you into telling him what’s wrong either, even if he is pretty curious. If you need an hour until you can tell him, then he’ll wait that hour, reassuring you that it’s alright. Once you tell him that you’re a man, he would only be half surprised. He’s seen how you eye other men. While he may have thought that could have been attraction at first, once you come out to him, all the pieces fall into place. You weren’t in love with them, you were admiring them. However, he won’t judge you in the slightest, but will talk to you about what’s okay for you and what isn’t. Are you alright with him bringing up the past? Are you alright with him referring to certain body parts? If not, then he’ll keep that in mind. He’s never really been dysphoric before, so he doesn’t really know what you’re going through, but he tries his darndest to be supportive of you.
In fact, you coming out to him as a trans man makes him think about his own masculinity. What does it mean to him? How would he define it? What makes him feel masculine? Those are things he never really questioned before since he’s never seen himself as anything but a man, he always took it for granted. Although he may not say it, or even realize it at first, I think he might grow more comfortable in his own masculinity as a result.
But that aside, the first thing he does would be taking you to a clothes store to buy you some new clothes. He doesn’t really have an eye for aesthetics, and menswear being usually rather dark in color doesn’t help that much either, but he’ll pick out some shirts and pants for you that would fit you and that you might like. He’d also pick out some boxer shorts for you, the same brand that he uses since those are of a higher quality and will last a bit longer. If you’re extremely nervous about it, then he’ll even go to the cashier and pay for you. You don’t even need to pay him back. As long as he can help you out somehow, he’ll pay any price. Will also buy you some men’s body wash and deodorant. Probably the same he uses since he’s familiar with it.
If you’re alright with it, then he’ll break anyone’s nose who dares to misgender you. Especially on the days where you’re feeling a bit more dysphoric. Naturally, he won’t out you to people when there’s danger involved or when you tell him not to, but he’s not above getting into a fight for you. Especially when some transphobe decides they need to be mean to you for no reason. He’s a scary man, he can intimidate most people with his resting face alone, which he uses to his advantage.
If you can get the approval for your surgeries and testosterone the regular way, then he’ll congratulate you and celebrate with you even. However, if you were denied such, then he has acquaintances who can get you the permits. Nikolai is a good lad, he can get you just about anything. Ghost will fight for your clinical reports.
Once you start going on T, he’ll actually be overjoyed with you. As silly as it may sound, he wants to record you saying something, anything at all, so he can compare your voice now to how it develops later on. He’s pretty good with faces, he probably has a few pictures of you on his phone, even if they aren’t plenty, so he’s confident he’ll be able to tell you how you’re slowly growing into a body that is yours. If you let him, he’ll even administer your shots or rub the gel onto your shoulders. It actually makes him incredibly happy when you do, it’s a sign of trust to him. He gets to watch you be giddy, he gets to spend time with you, he gets to make you feel good. If it was up to him, then he’d hug you every time afterwards.
If you don’t know already, then he’ll teach you how to fight. He’ll teach you how to beat someone bloody and how to get up with a broken nose. Although he may go easy on you at first, he won’t forever. He’s a top notch soldier, so there’s a good chance you won’t ever be able to beat him properly, but you’ll learn. You’ll be able to defend yourself and you’ll have a pretty nice outlet for your anger as well. If you’re okay with it, then he’ll involve Soap in your fighting sessions as well. It’s absolutely animalistic when he joins, so you really don’t need to worry about any sort of etiquette when he’s around. It’s just beating each other into submission and then patching each other up.
If you don’t already know, then he’ll teach you how to ride a motorcycle. For some reason, motorcycles are very masculine to him, so he thinks it would make you feel good as well. One day, you’ll be riding one together, with him being the one to hold onto you. He’s looking forward to that day.
On the days where the dysphoria hits harder than usual, he’ll remind you that you’re a man. You’re the most perfect man in his life, and he wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Holds you close and reminds you that you will become your most ideal self, it just takes time. Either way, he won’t leave you, he won’t think of you as less than a man just because you had to put in the work to get to where you are right now. You’re his most ideal man, and he would go through all the torture he’s gone through once more just to be with you. He’ll support you through your highs and your lows. You’re a man. A darn good one at that, because not anyone can go through what you’re going through and still be standing. He admires you greatly for your strength and will remind you of that fact as well.
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synthshenanigans · 7 months
someone had to do it
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'The Mysterious Affair at Styles' is in the public domain already. Anyone up for making a queer adaptation. Anyone ?
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twst-hottest-takes · 6 hours
Tweel Anatomy Discussion!
Part 2.
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(Finally getting around to this! Link to part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/twst-hottest-takes/759029788153446400/tweel-anatomy-discussion?source=share )
And first off a big "Thank You" to everyone who encouraged me to write the first part and who seemed to have enjoyed it. I'm happy my pseudo-scientific ramblings about fantasy anatomy make you happy!
As always: The following post will be almost purely conjecture based off of a combination of reality and fiction. None of what I say should be taken as law, but rather a fun series of hypotheticals, as that is what the game gives us to work with.
Before getting to the promised screed on "throat teeth" I'll be addressing a couple of subjects people asked about in the comments of the first post! I'll be paraphrasing, but if the people who asked wish to be credited directly, let me know and I will tag you!
First: What does Floyd mean when he threatens to "squeeze" people?
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As the comment pointed out, eels (moray or not) don't seem to constrict their prey. The word "constrict" is often associated with how many species of snakes trap and suffocate their prey before swallowing it whole. In this manner, morays do not constrict anything to speak of, BUT THEY DO TIE THEMSELVES INTO KNOTS!
Commonly this behavior is used when an eel has a piece of prey that is too big to swallow all at once, so they tie themselves into a knot to get a better "grip" on their prey and tear it into more manageable pieces! A knot can also be a defensive measure to hide or protect an eel's head from potential enemies. (Looking up "Moray Eel knots" should give you a much better idea of this behavior.) In the case of Floyd Leech, I think that the term "squeeze" is meant to reference Flotsam and Jetsam's behavior in The Little Mermaid. They "squeeze" Flounder and Sebastain to prevent them from stopping Ariel from making her deal with Ursula, and also wrap around Ariel's arms to restrain her later in the movie when the deal is up. These are pretty cartoonish behaviors that wouldn't be seen in real eels as they appear in the movie which seems to treat them a lot like "sea snakes" in this way. I think Floyd's "squeeze" is meant to be a serious threat when considering what eels do to things they tie up in their knots, but it does seem to evoke a mental image of a python rather than an eel.
Secondly, the user questions how Floyd would manage to build up his arm muscles so much.
Simply speaking, Floyd's bare arms are only a matter of fanservice. He's not really "buff."
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The muscles are just very well-toned. While Floyd's "mercurial moods" don't allow him to commit to things like workout routines, he's still more active than not. Doing things like basketball, dancing, or parkour with any kind of regularity will give his arms that toned look, at least as far as his human form goes. In regards to his merman form, Floyd probably did similar things that shaped his muscles this way, but didn't build them up much past average.
Thirdly, another user asked me to touch on the boys' habitat as them being residents of the apparently cold and dark Coral Sea doesn't line up with the natural habitats of moray eels in real life that live in tropical waters.
Unfortunately, I don't have any particularly fun insights into this topic because I think that's just something added to better suit the part of the game based off of The Little Mermaid. Azul and the twins are meant to be intimidating and a little mysterious, so they come from a deep, dark, cold part of the ocean that holds scary and mysterious things. Bearing in mind that merfolk are fantasy creatures, I don't find the contradiction of where you would find eels versus where the twins are from to be especially bad in terms of world building. It may not be entirely thought through, but they are taking inspiration from the Disney movie, and keeping true to it's inspiration probably came first.
(Honestly, the thing that gets me is how they said they couldn't go home because the sea froze over. As if the mirror couldn't transport them directly into the ocean underneath all the ice! I swear the writing in this game sometimes.)
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for: LET'S TALK ABOUT PHARYNGEAL JAWS!
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Quick explanation: Pharyngeal jaws are a second set of teeth in the back of a fish's throat. They are notable on moray eels, but they aren't the only fish that have them. The function of the throat teeth is for them to jut forward and grab onto whatever food the fish has bitten into and then retract and drag the food down the esophagus far enough for peristalsis to take over and continue the swallowing normally. (Yes, I used the first picture that showed up on the web search. It's from Wikipedia)
Do I think the Leech Twins have pharyngeal jaws?
The short answer is unfortunately: "NO."
The long answer involves more of our favorite subject: Discussing how realistic anatomy and fantasy physiology can coexist. (Spoiler alert: The long answer is still unfortunately: "NO.")
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Logically and anatomically speaking it makes no sense for Floyd and Jade to have them. First and foremost, even if they did somehow have them in their merforms (which is far more plausible) they wouldn't have them in their every day human forms. The shortcoming of human anatomy is that we have a windpipe, and a second set of teeth back in our throats would suffocate us any time they would need to be used. Instead, we, like most of the animal kingdom, have tongues that push food back to be swallowed and have no need for extra jaws to crawl up and pull food down. Likewise, the twins clearly have tongues, and although they keep their primary teeth in tact between their two forms, have no need for a secondary set. Furthermore, I would posit that pharyngeal jaws in their human forms would be just plain dangerous as in the case of accidentally crushing your own windpipe. They breathe air, therefore they don't have gills, therefore they have lungs and a trachea for gas exchange, and therefore no room for throat teeth.
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If the twins were to have pharyngeal jaws, it would make the most sense for them to have them exclusively in their aquatic forms. Because they breathe through gills around their ribs (see part 1) there would be much more room for a second set of teeth and the accompanying anatomical equipment. However, again, I am forced by my own logic to concede that they would still be unnecessary. Between all of the visual proof and the fact that the twins speak the common language fluently enough to have no communication issues with the land dwellers, we know for a fact that they have tongues--much like in their human forms--and that would negate the need or use for pharyngeal jaws. Moreover the humanoid head and neck structure on them in both forms would make the use of pharyngeal jaws pointless, if not explicitly dangerous (having a curved esophagus, as opposed to a straight line as in fish).
In conclusion; as much as this is a disappointment to admit, it would seem that the twins do in fact only require and as a result have a single set of teeth.
However, I will end this particular essay off with one sliver of hope.
It is implied in the text of the game that the twins were hatched from eggs. If their formation from egg to "adult" merman is anything similar to a fish's then it is possible that they once had a second set of jaws. Perhaps in an earlier stage of their development their bodies and mouths were positioned differently and they hadn't quite grown tongues yet, so a pair of extra jaws would have been particularly handy. As they became fully developed these jaws would have been lost, reabsorbed, or simply become vestigial remains as a result of no longer being of use. So while it's not logical to imagine that the twins currently have pharyngeal jaws, there's nothing that says we can't imagine that they did at some point.
(A small consolation to those of us who really would have liked that addition to their characters because we just think it would have been really really cool. Logic be darned, I still love to see fanart that depicts the two of them having throat teeth.)
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed a bit more of my obsessive ramblings regarding fantasy anatomy!
This one took a while to put together because I wanted to make sure I had a visual representation of what I was talking about regarding the placement and effect of pharyngeal jaws in a humanoid form. . .so you guys get to see a very rough drawing of what I was talking about (along with a sample of my awful handwriting). I hope that was helpful and not too difficult to understand. I have been very tired lately and ended up putting a few ask responses on hold because I REALLY wanted to get this part out. A good number of people have apparently been looking forward to this, and I felt bad for making everyone wait for so long.
Will there be a third part?
Well as of right now I don't have one planned. But if some fun conversations start regarding what I've said here, there may end up being enough stuff to include in a third post. I didn't have much to say regarding things like warm or cold-bloodedness, or coloration and bioluminescence. However, if people want to talk about those kinds of things I will gladly delve more into them as long as there are people to talk to about it. But for now, that'll be all for this subject!
Now we can get back to the inbox!
(Once again going to sleep thinking about how awesome these mer-eel designs are and how I love all the sparkles!)
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
Happy pancake day!
Two of my old bosses, one from Poland, the other from the Czech Republic, once told me their equivalent to Pancake day is Donuts, so just imagine Ruggie learning about a day where you just make a bunch of donuts and other sweet treats.
In the US there is a donut day, it's on the first Friday of June! Time to tell Ruggie so that you two can get started on getting free donuts from every shop possible!!!
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hella1975 · 8 months
ive just rediscovered an old wip of mine and im having so much fun right now. like i havent opened the document since early 2020 and genuinely forgot it existed yet there's 90k words and so much lore and elements of basic concepts that made it to my present writing in far cooler and more complex ways and the writing isn't great but there's potential to it and idk. it's been a while since i wrote something privately and while i hugely prefer the way i do it now where i actually have a community with it and dont hole myself away and act like it's a huge shame thing, there's still something hugely reasuring about knowing this is something ive always done and that actually i was always drawn to it and had potential and that's something to remember for when my writing block gets bad or i convince myself Everything Ive Ever Done Is Awful
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syncogon · 3 months
hibike euphonium s3 ep 12 - HOLY SHIT
i was doing the "can i guess who's who" and from both narrative and sound editing and in-universe-vote perspective i was pretty sure kumiko was the second player so when rEINA PICKED THE FIRST-
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moe-broey · 3 months
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You know usually this sentiment is really comforting. Usually I'm charmed and it raises morale. I especially think it's awesome when you say shit like "I'll remain at your side". Usually it's like really really cool and I melt a bit at the notion. Power of friendship and one really fucking stubborn smartass guy with a sword and all that. But. Um. Sir.
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Dude. Dude. Your mom JUST got fucking body-snatched and also poisoned. I'm
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cowboysmp3 · 4 months
i rlly wish sakura having a crush on sasuke was removed from the squad 7 dynamics i think her character would have been FAR more interesting if she was allowed exist on the same level as naruto and sasuke from the beginning
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petitepatateuwu · 4 months
I've made it to the 8th season of ninjago and wtf???
Better animation, new haircut, new city, Lloyd's new voice, Garmadon is somehow back in the plot, and Cole actually has charachter developement?????
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I have so much to think after two episodes, they got me really hyped for this one :D
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llumimoon · 2 years
Oh my god I had a thought. Dude ok so the theory that’s been floating around is that killing one of the Doodler’s anchors doesn’t fix anything, and instead that emotion finds an anchor in someone else. WHAT IF ITS SCARY. WHAT IF ALL THE ANCHORS END UP TRANSFERRING TO THE TEENS THEMSELVES. It’s like the whole personalizing of the anchors thing from season 1!!! AND IT STARTS WITH SCARY AND HER LONELINESS!
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bonefall · 2 years
I feel he shouldn't have been in the Dark Forest though not because he doesn't "deserve" it but for the same reasons you don't like Spottedleaf's Heart: his xenophobia is tacitly approved by the living Clans so it makes no sense dead Clan cats would all have the "right" views and condemn him. Not to mention how it ruins the "not disloyal" aspect of his character. by having him cackling about destroying ThunderClan along with the other Clans.
See, even canonically, I would actually have him in the Dark Forest!
But not because of his xenophobia. Because of his spite.
I would put him there by a thin margin with StarClan. In fact, his xenophobia and aggression was a positive trait in the eyes of StarClan. But that's not his only trait.
He's disobedient (undermining Bluestar), irreverent of StarClan (training in the Dark Forest), and a bully. He's spiteful, so much so that he abandoned his own son when he felt like Bluefur 'corrupted' him.
I can even see it in my head. A trial going by a slim margin, a ruling JUST about to let him pass through, and then Snowfur comes up with Mosskit. And he SNAPS.
Calling this poor thing a half-clan creature, that Bluestar weakened the clan by not knowing her place, that she was even infecting StarClan itself with her code-breaking bloodline. That he expected better of Snowfur. His own malice and hubris, in the end, is what sends him to Hell with his demon buddies.
Or, even,
That he goes there of his own volition, when he realizes that StarClan does approve of Bluestar. That it isn't a StarClan just for him, it's a StarClan for her too. That he refuses to spend his afterlife playing second fiddle to her, like he did even while he was alive.
I'm even fond of the old, "Bluestar chases him out of StarClan" idea. That Thistleclaw, and a not-insignificant number of his buddies, leave when they see the values of StarClan changing. All because of Bluestar and her Kittypet.
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Star Wars Visions 2
Visions volume 2 is the first in a long time Star Wars content under the Disney mark that honestly kept me excited from the first to the last episode. I love all the unique styles of animation, the music and especially the great number of female characters on which the narrations were focused on. So refreshing experience and the cultural diversity of the presented worlds is both striking and heartwarming. Visions 2 definitely feels better in my opinion than the previous season did - sadly, the all Japanese animated season did not impress me much with exception of The Elder and Duel, which of course does not mean those other stories were bad animations rather that those did not meet my expectations. 
This year however I’m especially pleased with Screecher's Reach (and really, this studio was my must-watch story) and the Spy Dancer but I liked every episode in their own right. The focus on imperial cruelty and crimes but also the patterns on how Force sensitive people must leave family and friends to follow their destiny were especially interesting as each story had its own original way to present those issues. I hope every new season of Visions will bring more of this wonderful creative diversity and rich cultural background.
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