#but to be fair cole is acting a bit childish
razzle-zazzle · 4 years
1109 Words; To Breathe Life into the World; First Realm
Kai looked up at Jay’s shout, only to freeze at what he saw.
“I could use a little help here!” Cole called out, from where he was held tightly in the talons of a swiftly ascending dragon.
Too late, Kai sprung into action, trying to get the dragon’s attention. But the fireball he launched couldn’t arc high enough.
Zane grabbed Kai’s arm, drawing the red ninja’s attention to the approaching dragon hunters, eager for revenge.
“There’s nothing we can do right now.” Zane said quietly. “We can only hope that Cole will be alright.”
Kai looked back to the sky, where the wind dragon was rapidly disappearing into the clouds. Zane was right. Cole would have to take care of himself for now.
“Don’t you dare die on us, idiot.” Kai muttered towards the sky. He turned to the dragon hunters, fists aflame. “Don’t you dare die.”
Cole yawned, surprised to still be in the air.
Well, in the talons of a wind dragon flying through the air, but that was hardly any difference.
If Cole was still afraid of dragons, he’d probably be shitting himself right now. But he wasn’t.
Okay, maybe he was a little scared, but given that he was currently being held in the talons of what he figured was a predatory animal, much like a scared bunny, Cole felt he had a right to be a little afraid.
Not that he was afraid like a scared bunny, mind you, but he was a little nervous.
Cole yawned again, deciding to focus his tired eyes on the sunrise at the horizon. Sure, it was pretty, but had they really been flying all night?
Fuck, Cole was tired. If he weren’t at risk of falling to his death he might have even fallen asleep.
Suddenly, the dragon holding him took a dive.
Cole would be lying if he said he didn’t scream.
And then Cole saw it. A massive mountain, riddled with caves and plateaus. A cacophony of dragon cries sounded off as Cole’s entourage approached, the sound near deafening as the largest dragon Cole had seen—the Firstbourne—touched down on one of the cliffs.
One moment, Cole was in the claws of a hovering wind dragon. The next, he was being deposited roughly on the stone outcropping, right in front of Firstbourne.
Disoriented from the sudden drop, Cole pushed himself up. Firstbourne roared, silencing the cacophony for a moment.
Cole took a moment to look out over the edge.
“Oh wow.” He said softly. There were so many dragons. Too many for Cole to count.
Which probably didn’t bode well for Cole.
Firstbourne growled, catching Cole’s attention. He turned around to find her face barely a foot away.
Right. Giant dragon.
Cole laughed nervously.
Firstbourne huffed, nudging Cole with her snout. He fell backwards.
“Please don’t eat me.” Cole scooted backwards.
Firstbourne blinked owlishly. “Why would I eat my own child?”
Cole froze. “Your what?”
In lieu of an explanation, Firstbourne grabbed Cole with her paw, carrying him into the cave behind her.
Well, at least he wasn’t in danger of falling off a cliff anymore.
“Um, are you gonna explain what you meant by ‘your child’? At all?”
Firstbourne set Cole down, before bringing her face to him. Considering Cole was barely the size of her head, this made Cole more uneasy than anything else.
“Do you not realize?” She hummed, and Cole took a moment to wonder how he could understand her, only to dismiss it.
“Realize what?”
Firstbourne blinked. “That you’re my son. Or at least, his reincarnation.”
Cole sputtered. “Excuse me, what?”
“I mean,” Firstbourne said, “I think it’s rather obvious.” She poked Cole with her claw. “You have his scent,” another poke, “His eyes,” a third poke, “His voice,” she nudged him with her snout, “You even look almost exactly like him.”
Cole sat down slowly, processing. “H o w.”
Firstbourne gave Cole a look. “Surely you’re familiar with him. He created his own realm when—well, that’s not important—he created his own realm. I believe it’s currently known as ‘Ninjago’.”
Cole stared. “No.”
He stood up and started pacing. “No. There’s no way. That’s not possible. If anyone would be the First Spinjitsu Master’s goddamn reincarnation, it’d be Lloyd. Not me. There’s no way. I can’t possibly be—”
“You are.” Firstbourne interjected. She picked Cole up again. “Did you never feel it? Did you never feel as if you were meant for something bigger?”
“I—” Cole didn’t have a response. Yeah, he’d once felt that, but he was pretty sure that that was about his role as a ninja. Not this. “But—but I can’t—”
Firstbourne set him down. “Maybe I’m dumping too much on you at once.” she mused, “Maybe I should have waited until you were older?”
Okay, Cole didn’t like the sound of that. Mostly because it implied that he would be staying here, which he couldn’t really afford.
“Okay, so you think I’m your son, and I guess that’s fine and dandy, but I really need to be going now.” Cole began to move towards the opening of the cave, only to be stopped by Firstbourne’s wing.
“What? Where are you going?” Gently, she pushed him back, grabbing him with her talons. “You can’t go anywhere. You’re too young.”
Lifting Cole up, Firstbourne brought him over to a ledge he hadn’t noticed before. It was small, with ridges set along the edge like walls. It was high enough that Cole couldn’t just jump down from it, but low enough that Firstbourne would still be able to see him. Gently, she set him down in the bedding that filled half the space, cooing softly all the while.
“Hatchlings need to stay in the nest.” She said, as if it were obvious.
Cole glared. “But I’m not a hatchling!” He protested.
Firstbourne blinked owlishly. “But you obviously are.” She set her claws next to Cole, counting off on her other paw. “You’re tiny—”
“—and squishy.” She concluded, poking Cole gently.
Cole flushed. “I am not—”
“You’re a hatchling.” Firstbourne declared. “And hatchlings stay in the nest.”
Cole climbed onto one of the ridges, earth power building in his chest. “I can take care of myself!” He protested, summoning a staircase down.
But nothing happened.
Firstbourne watched, amused, as Cole tried and failed again to summon his earth powers.
“Why isn’t this working?” He asked aloud.
“Because you’re a hatchling.” Firstbourne said, pushing Cole back into the nest. She tapped the ridges with her claw, prompting them to grow inwards, effectively trapping Cole.
“And hatchlings,” Firstbourne crooned, as Cole’s heart plummeted,
“Stay in the nest.”
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noire-pandora · 4 years
👀 Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
I got this question from @sopml too. Thank you for the question! I’m not that good at writing but I will give my best. xD. Will do all the companions because why not?
Under a read more because i ended up rambling...like usually....
Cassandra: stubborn, brave, a bit too loud but likes her sense of justice and purpose. Loves to read Varric’s books with her.
Varric: Sees Elluin like that little sister who always gets in trouble and needs a good scolding from time to time. Loves how passionate she is. And secretly thinks she’s a good “hero”, no matter how many times she says she isn’t. Loves to play Wicked Grace with her because he always wins and can ask her stuff about her life.
Solas: terrible confused about her at first. Loves her curious mind and her kind heart. And how full of energy she is. She makes him feel young again. A fascinating and wise soul. A soft and sensitive soul under a strong shell.  And a bit too loud. 
(The) Iron Bull: thinks she’s the best drinking partner. Loves her silly jokes and her resistance to alcohol. He can see right through her “brave, badass” mask and he secretly admires that mushy side of hers and how much she tires to hide it. A bit too childish from time to time.
Blackwall: he thinks she’s a good leader with a brave heart and a fair judgement. Admire how smart she is. As Solas, he feels a bit younger because of  her vibrant personality. Tried to teach her wood carving but she isn’t that good. Will never tell her that. He just enjoys her company. Best drinking buddy as well.
Dorian: loves to tease her. About everything and anyone. When he finds out she loves Solas, she never hears the end of it. But he also likes to discuss with her about magic and everything, really. Her questions about Tevinter are strange and fun. He is grateful that she accepted him as he is. Never judging him for being a Tevinter mage. Thinks she’s the best discussions partner. And for him too, she is a bit too loud. 
Sera: Sera thinks she is weird. A good weird. She can be serious and all mage like and then she laughs about dicks jokes. Sera appreciates that Elluin never gets mad on her when she makes crude jokes about Solas. And sometimes, she even laughs at them. Sera sees Elluin like the big, strange sister that’s always there with a bottle of beer and a nasty joke.
Vivienne: thinks that Elluin is hopeless when it comes to manners and fashion. Her unkempt looks annoyed Viv so much, she forced Elluin to spend a few days with a tailor. Viv made every single outfit the Inquisitor wears. And taught her everything about the nobles and how one should act around them. Viv thinks Elluin is a good leader, even if she doesn’t agrees with some of her views. She also likes to talk with Elluin about magic and magic theory.
Cole: “ a blazing fire, a burning passion. Hot, red, too many emotions. Too much, too strong, it burns and it consumes. So bright and so warm, touches everything in its path. Can destroy and can bring comfort. She needs help, she needs calming words or she will be lost forever. I can help.” 
Leliana: sees Elluin like her best friend. A wise soul, full with hope and love. She believes Elluin is the best gossip partner and loves how open minded she is. And her silly jokes. Admires her stubbornness and her strong opinions about the world. She was the first one to find out about Elluin’s infatuation with Solas and she felt truly happy that she trusted to tell her first.
Josephine: sees Elluin as her younger sister. Her knack of getting in trouble and her hostile attitude towards the nobles sometimes annoys the heck out of her. She is too stubborn and will not give up her opinions. But she also believes that Elluin is a truly strong women, someone that she admires and encourages. A bit too loud for her too:
Cullen: has a not so secret crush on Elluin. Just like Solas, he noticed her kind and beautiful soul. And she was always understanding with him, never accusing him and blaming him for what he was in the past. Admires her open mind and complex personality. Her gentle behavior and her silly jokes are the things that triggered his crush on her.
Thanks for the ask again. And I really hope I haven’t forgot anyone!! 
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blasphemousherald · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.      nuva lavellan PRONUNCIATION.       ( NOO-va ) ( la-VELL-ahn )  NICKNAME.       nova, freckles, clover GENDER.         fem HEIGHT.   5′6″ AGE. 27 at the beginning of inquisition ZODIAC.         silentir / cancer SPOKEN LANGUAGES. trade tongue, elvish (eldirthe)
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.       strawberry blonde. EYE COLOR.        vibrant, anchor green SKIN TONE.         fair, covered in freckles and often sunburnt BODY TYPE.          ectomorph// trouble gaining muscle and fat, as a result, v/ lean and small.  ACCENT.         free marcher dalish, usually tries to use a more neutral accent now ( thicker irish accent in her youth ) VOICE.         DOMINANT HAND.         ambidextrous, right leaning POSTURE.         tends to make herself smaller than she is SCARS.         many facial scars from a dog mauling, slice along jawline/cheek from a blade, linear scarring at the back of her head from a skull fracture, burn patch on her hip from an abomination, discoloured patch beneath her knee from a compound fracture, stretch marks over stomach and breasts from childbirth TATTOOS.         deep blue mythal vallaslin, full forehead BIRTHMARKS.        freckles everywhere MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).       freckles, big and bright eyes (with their cat-like pupils), big pointed ears, vallaslin, facial scars. basically, her face is pretty recognisable. oh, and also the anchor. 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.         in a valley near hercinia HOMETOWN.         none BIRTH WEIGHT.        5lbs, 20z BIRTH HEIGHT.          14 in MANNER OF BIRTH.         natural birth, long and difficult with a rough labour.  FIRST WORDS.         mama  SIBLINGS.         none PARENTS.         seralahna (mother) and alahren (father, recently passed)  PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.         over protective and doting, her father especially. she was the only child they were ever able to concieve and thus, made them extra protective of her. her father was especially protective as he recognised the same “fade-mindedness” that her mother has, and this only increased after her involvement with thomas.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.         inquisitor in default verse / healer in companion / tattoo artist in modern thedas CURRENT RESIDENCE.          skyhold  CLOSE FRIENDS.         arissa and lialora (healers in clan lavellan), elorra (second mage), felhren (a hunter), @pelle-lavellan, dorian, cassandra, cullen, solas, cole RELATIONSHIP STATUS.          none FINANCIAL STATUS.         honestly, as inquisitor it’s probably not bad. DRIVER’S LICENSE.      no, she’d rather walk places ( in modern ) CRIMINAL RECORD.         n/a VICES.        reckless and impatient with poor self control. has issues with classic dalish stubbornness and pride. swears a lot. acts without thinking, and doesn’t always consider how others might feel about her actions. has a habit of masking her emotions & hiding when she’s upset. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         biromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant |  switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant  |  switch. LIBIDO.         doesn’t usually express much of a libido until she takes an interest in someone. tends to be in the mid-range. TURN ON’S.         humour // muscles // compassion // strong ethics & morality // practicality TURN OFF’S.        arrogance // cruelty // greed // injustice LOVE LANGUAGE. words of love (primary), touch & gifts (secondary). she often has doubts going through her head, and so hearing the reasons that someone cares can be greatly impactful on her. likewise, she’s not afraid to wax poetic about her loved ones; she loves to talk. touch and gifts are lesser so than words, but she definitely does enjoy casual touches and will often surprise a s.o with a random gift.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.       in the early stages of a romance she’s more likely to be uncertain of herself. she wants to express herself and her affections but she knows that she can sometimes be intense so rather than scare them off she tends to keep all but the most demure to herself. this eventually gives way to a sort of release where all her bubbly nature comes out at once, because if this doesn’t scare them off (unintentionally) then nothing will, before finally giving way to something a bit more... mature? still goofy and dorky with a tendency towards wordplay, but not as silly and childish as before. she’s more comfortable. in relationships she tends to give little gifts when she comes across something that they might like -- flowers, sweets, whatever. she also tends to want to spend a lot of time with them, expressing herself in long rambles and gentle touches. and expect plenty of puns when it comes to her. 
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      i’ve never really been able to pick one, but i guess FOREST // TWENTY-ONE PILOTS isn’t bad for her.  HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.         she spends far more time than one may expect in the skyhold garden, cultivating the herbs. she also spends a lot of time on her art. MENTAL ILLNESSES.      adhd, anxiety, a history of depression, dyslexia PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.         chronic migraines, hyperemesis gravidarum in pregnancy LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.     right brained     PHOBIAS.   she has a lot of different fears but the only ones that could really be classified as a phobia is a fear of failure. of those around her dying because she wasn’t good enough. also, a fear of drowning / asphyxiation.  SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.   very poor.        VULNERABILITIES.        she’s got quite a few. she’s very sensitive about certain aspects of her past and when a child is in danger she’s pretty likely to lose her shit. likewise, she’s super protective over her family and about preserving what little is left of elvhen culture. however, those vulnerabilities (family, culture, children) is likely to make her fight harder. otherwise, she considers herself rather stupid and gets overwhelmed when surrounded by a lot of people in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar space. 
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ztannas · 6 years
princess cordelia presents:
how to talk to boys at parties (1/?)
multi chapter au based on this post. read on ao3 here, or below the cut!
Anne blew a loose hair from her eyes and glanced around her at the smiling faces of the party attendees. There was glitter and confetti all over the grass, sparkling in the late afternoon sun, and streamers of rainbow colors thrown haphazardly through tree limbs above. Half-empty pink cups lay abandoned on the refreshment table as adults and children alike stood in the shade of the giant oak tree, all eyes on Anne. Or, as she was known in these parts, Princess Cordelia. The Princess sat down on the grass and motioned for the children to join her. They all clambered to get as close as possible as she began to weave the tale of her ascent to the throne. A tale of daring-do and dragons, of false identities and maidens fair. A tale of wonder and romance - a tale which did not reflect Anne’s life in the slightest. The children listened with rapt attention, however, never once stopping to imagine it may not be real. The Princess in front of them in her satiny dress with puffed sleeves the color of the sky and a crown shining with azure jewels would never lie to them. She answered their questions in turn and made them gasp in surprise when she recounted the time she challenged a knight to duel without realizing he was her True Love in disguise. No, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert did not live a life of fantastical proportions, but for a few hours a week she could pretend that she did - just as those children could. Princess-For-Hire was by far the best summer job she had ever had and, honestly, she never wanted it to end. She had never thought she would get paid just to have an imagination and entertain the masses with it! Okay, so, her audience was mostly children, but who better to be completely engaged in the story? She would often get compliments from parents as well, but they, of course, had long shed their naïveté and sense of wonder. Adults mostly wanted to ask about her costume (handmade with help from Diana and Cole) and how she had the energy to keep up with their kids during games (lots of coffee). Anne sat in chair to the side of the yard enjoying a slice of cake the birthday girl’s mother had thrust into her hands with excited thankful words and watched the kids open presents. Her job was technically done, but parents always asked her to stay as long as she wanted - “the kids just ADORE you!” - and she did very much enjoy birthday cake. She scraped icing off her plate with her plastic pink fork and placed it on her tongue, a sweet burst of lemon hit her and she closed her eyes to savor it. When she opened them, the fork still in her mouth, she saw a young man about her age staring at her.
For a moment, she was transfixed by the lock his gaze had on hers. A dark hazel peered into her blue, his lips turned amusedly towards her as if they shared some sort of inside joke ― which they definitely did not! Anne felt her cheeks heating up and yanked the fork out of her mouth, her eyes moving quickly back down to the cake on her plate. She knew he was still staring despite her downcast gaze and staunchly refused to glance up until she was sure he had walked off in search of his child or younger sibling, whomever he was here with. Majority of the time, adults simply ignored her while they chatted with other parents. They were usually at least six years older than her as well, having moved on from university classes to the nice house and decent job portion of their lives. They weren’t working children’s parties on the weekend and writing English papers during the week in a studio apartment rented cheaply from their best friend’s wealthy aunt. Having strangers act so curiously around her was not something she was used to, even as a performer.
Without all the glitter and hairspray (and the occasional wig), Anne considered herself unworthy to be stared upon. Her hair, though considerably darker than it had been in her youth, was bright auburn and still flat as a board. She didn’t consider her shape to be enticing either. Unlike her curvaceous best friend Diana, Anne felt childish in her everyday clothing. She was of average height with limbs belonging more to a giraffe than a twenty-two year old woman and a hip to waist ratio that was barely two-to-one. The princess gown helped with its many tulle layers and corset binding, which Anne was glad to be able to hide behind every once in a while.
She heard a muffled creak next to her chair and her eyes went wide as she dared a side glance. The stranger had sat down beside her! The absolute gall of him to stare at her as if her appearance was somehow humorous and then pull up a chair! Some part of Anne’s brain (the more logical part that sounded quite a bit like Diana) supposed he was sitting beside her because they were possibly close in age, but the currently irritated part of her was unfortunately in the forefront.
Anne had just begun formulating a perfect HOW DARE YOU opener, when a small child ran over to the man.
A shout of “Uncle Gilbert!” rang out as the little girl embraced him. Anne watched as the man laughed and pulled her into his lap, asking if she was ready to leave. She felt her anger soften as he adjusted the ribbons on the girl’s braids and she turned away quickly, feeling bad for staring in the same way she had been irked at him for doing earlier.
A gasp suddenly came from the girl as she realized who she was sitting next to, and Anne overheard her whisper to her uncle asking if she could say goodbye to the Princess.
“Don’t you think she’s beautiful?” The little girl whispered again, “She’s tough, too. She’s got a sword ! Do you think she’ll let me hold it?”
Anne smiled and turned to the chair then. Her “sword” was really just a small, dull dagger attached to a chain on her hip, but it definitely helped her popularity with little boys and girls who wanted more excitement in their princess stories.
“This blade has been blessed by a fairy,” she said, watching the little girl’s eyes get wide, “if you aren’t worthy it’ll burn you upon contact. Do you think you’re ready?”
The child glanced up at her uncle, who nodded down at her.
“I think she is,” he locked eyes resolutely with Anne and for a moment she forgot what she had said in the first place, “Lizzie is actually a very powerful sorceress.”
He winked at her above the girl’s head and Anne choked slightly on her next sentence as Lizzie nodded affirmatively to his statement.
“All-all right, then,” Anne unhooked the sheath from the chain and placed it in the girl’s open hands, “be very careful. It seems harmless, but that’s how all magic appears.”
Lizzie’s uncle ( Gilbert , Anne’s brain prompted) took the blade out of the cover for her and placed it handle-first in her palm, then he let out a small breath, “look, no burns!”
Anne appreciated his dedication to the story and wished more adults were open to the magic of a simple play of pretend. She watched as Sorceress Lizzie gripped the handle and smiled when her hands remained unscathed. She asked Anne about the jewels on the handle ―glued with expert care by Cole on a late night costuming binge―and Anne told her a quick tale about an evil witch who hoarded gold to melt for spells. The jewels were the power Princess Cordelia had snatched from the witch, condensed into gems to be protected for the good of the kingdom.
Parents were beginning to pack up their kids and Gilbert handed the knife back to Anne, telling Lizzie to say her goodbyes. The little girl reached for one of her bows and placed it in Anne’s hand.
“It’s magic!” She whispered. Anne smiled and gave her a hug, the girl seeming to disappear in her voluminous pastel skirts for a moment.
The pair began to walk away when Lizzie started nudging her uncle back. He let go of her hand and turned to Anne, running his fingers through his dark curls for a moment. He seemed a tad sheepish now as he stepped toward her.
(Anne ignored the way this gesture made her heart yammer in her glittered bodice.)
“I’m Gilbert, by the way,” he began to reach out a hand for her to shake, then smirked at her and retracted it to cross over his chest instead, bowing deeply at the waist. Lizzie laughed at him and Anne resisted the pink spots forming on her cheeks.
“I’m actually Anne,” Anne smirked back at him―two could play this game, after all― and lifted her skirts to curtsy, “with an E.”
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Chapter 35. He's Still Looking For Her
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Shining among Darkness
By WingzemonX
Chapter 35. He's Still Looking For Her 
One day, with two hours left before Carrie's mother, got home from work, Matilda and Carrie jumped into the psychiatrist's car and took a short trip outside Chamberlain. Their unusual destination was an old and lonely junkyard on the road, five minutes from the last house. All the way, Carrie stared out from the passenger window with fright at the thought of heading somewhere other than her home. Though perhaps, it was also accompanied by a particular almost childish emotion.
They parked the vehicle right outside the property and simply walked inside. There was no gate, no dogs, and no watchman; in fact, there were no people nearby for a couple of kilometers. It was the right place for what Matilda was planning; Lucy, the Foundation's tracker, had done her a favor by finding it.
The site was filled with mostly old car bodies, stacked up like the bricks of some wall. As they walked through that place, Carrie looked around, a little confused and curious.
"What are we doing here?" The young girl questioned after a few seconds. Matilda smiled in amusement at the thought that it took a long time for her to ask.
"I just want us to practice your skills a bit," Matilda replied with a small conspiratorial tone. "There is no one here to bother us, so we can act more freely. You would like that, right?"
Carrie looked at her somewhat puzzled but certainly very interested.
"Practice how?"
"For example, what is the heaviest thing you have lifted with your telekinesis?"
The girl thought for a few moments before answering.
"Your office desk, I think... or maybe a sofa."
They continued on for a while longer, until Matilda stopped short, seeing the ideal target right before them. A satisfied smile touched her lips.
"Would you like to try something bigger?" She asked in an almost mischievous tone and pointed ahead with her gaze.
Carrie looked in that direction and immediately detected what she meant. In front of them was an old school bus. The yellow of its original paint was still vaguely distinguishable among all the rust on its body. But other than that, the bus really did look whole. It had all four of its tires, doors, apparently almost every seat, and only two of its windows were broken.
"A bus?" Carrie exclaimed, surprised. "It's too big, isn't it?"
"When your skills are at their peak, the physical weight of objects becomes irrelevant," Matilda pointed out in a solemn voice.
The brunette then placed her bag on the ground and took a couple of steps forward. She focused her gaze fixedly on that great vehicle and tensed her hands a little at the sides of her body. She breathed in slowly, inhaling through her nose and exhaling through her mouth. The image Eleven had taught her many years ago was drawn in her mind: her kitchen stove, with one of its burners on low flame, and her hand slowly opening the knob so that the flame grew just enough. When she was ready, she entirely focused on her goal, and the bus began to rise slowly and easily off the ground, like a simple feather blown by the wind. Carrie looked at this dumbfounded. 
"With the proper concentration, there is no limit to what you can do," Matilda murmured as she continued to lift the vehicle several feet above them. She left it there for a few seconds and then lowered it again with care, placing it in the same place where it was initially. She sighed, trying to ease the effort and let her body loosen a bit. "Do you want to try?"
"Do you think I can?" The young woman questioned, somewhat unsure.
"We'll have to try."
Matilda stepped back and gave the stage to her companion. Carrie removed her backpack and set it on the floor as well. She took a few steps forward, looking with some fear at the bus in front of her. She was a little scared, yes… but was also excited to find out how far she could go; that was quite evident just by looking at her eyes.
"Look at it, focus on it," Matilda whispered behind her. "Breathe slowly." Carrie began to do just what she was told without taking her eyes off the bus. "Inhale, exhale... slowly... Feel the airflow through your body... Now, focus, try to lift it..."
Carrie instinctively extended both of her hands to the front, pointing at the objective. Nothing happened for the first few seconds, but shortly after that, the vehicle shook slightly, causing a sound of metal hitting metal, and then slowly began to rise. The tires were separated from the ground, and the entire structure began to float like a balloon.
The young blonde smiled broadly, lighting her face with fervent joy at what she was doing.
"Okay, you're doing fine," Matilda commented proudly.
"I can't believe it…" was the only thing Carrie could answer, as she was in awe of what she was accomplishing.
The truck hovered in the air above them, and there it remained a few moments. Carrie had raised her hands to it as he climbed up. She had done well for her first try; better than Luke Skywalker, Matilda thought for a second, feeling a bit embarrassed at having made that reference in her head. However, in a way, perhaps it was inevitable.
A loud crack abruptly brought Matilda out of her thoughts. She looked at the bus strangely. She didn't see it at first, but as more of those creaks kept coming, she realized what was causing them. It was the body of the bus, bending inward as the entire structure of the vehicle seemed to begin to contract into itself as if it were rubber, and someone began to crush it little by little between their fingers.
Matilda quickly lowered her gaze to Carrie. Her fingers were tense and trembled slightly. She was staring at the bus, but the expression on her face had changed entirely. She no longer looked amazed or surprised; instead, she looked almost… excited, but not in a way that conveyed calm to her.
"Carrie?" She murmured slowly, but the girl didn't answer her. The bus's windows began to shatter from the pressure, and pieces of glass fell like snow towards them, so Matilda had to back up a bit; Carrie didn't even move. "Carrie, put it down..."
"No, not yet," the young girl answered in an absent voice, and abruptly the truck began to contract further, to bend and tear.
The feeling that accompanied that act was not one of curiosity or exploration, but one of absolute violence… It was as if Carrie enjoyed destroying it, squeezing it as if she were doing it between her own fingers and watching the metal twist. Matilda suddenly felt somewhat frightened. She wasn't able to know what was going through her mind while she was doing this, but she had some ideas...
My mother says that God punishes all the sinners and wicked, and protects His faithful. I've always tried to be faithful, but I have never felt protected by Him or by anyone. And I have never felt that He punish those who hurt me.
And as much as I have prayed to God to exercise justice for me, to make all His fury fall on them, nothing happens... 
They have mistreated me all my life. Wouldn't it be fair for once to return it to them?
"Carrie," Matilda said forcefully, grabbing the girl's shoulders and shaking her a little, but she didn't answer her. Carrie looked totally lost in the destruction she was wreaking over their heads. "Carrie! Stop!"
Matilda herself looked up at the bus, and using her own telekinesis, pulled it hard to the ground abruptly. The great steel structure fell like a rock in front of them, creating a loud crash and kicking up a light layer of dust.
Carrie was startled, surprised by the sudden change, and they both recoiled in reflex. Once the shock passed, the young blonde turned to Matilda, noticeably furious.
"Why did you do that?!" She yelled at her angrily, like Matilda had never seen her before. "I was doing it… feeling it… It had never felt so good before!"
Until that moment, Matilda had never seen her like this. Her shy, introverted personality seemed to have faded for a few moments. Now, she seemed totally beside herself, intoxicated by a myriad of sensations that washed over her entire body like adrenaline.
"You must not use your abilities that way," Matilda replied, almost as a reprimand.
"Why not?!" Carrie yelled at her again in the same way as before. "Why shouldn't I do whatever I want with my powers?!"
As she exclaimed that last, Matilda could feel how several of the vehicles stacked around her shook as if a mighty wind had hit them. Still, Matilda knew that it had not been such a thing.
She stared at her in silence. That angry face, resentment, and anger… that was what Carrie hid under her submissive and quiet air: latent rage about to explode…
Matilda had seen some of it since that afternoon at the cafe, but she hadn't been able to perceive how intense it was. But she must have seen it before.
"It was a mistake to come here," was her blunt reply, and she immediately took her bag and, without saying anything, began to walk to the exit. Carrie startled in confusion, watching her walk away.
"What?" Exclaimed the young girl. "Where are you going? I'm Sorry. Wait, please..."
Carrie picked up her bag and hurried to catch up with her.
* * * *
After finishing their breakfast at Denny's, and Cody being picked up, Matilda and Cole headed to the rental car to set off for Silverdale themselves. About two hours' drive awaited them, so they'd better get going as soon as possible. However, Matilda looked somewhat uncomfortable, and not precisely because of the journey they had to make. When they were halfway to her vehicle, she glanced over her shoulder, still expecting to see Cody's vehicle driving away. But there was no sign of it.
"I've never seen him like this," she suddenly murmured, almost unintentionally.
"Like what?" Cole asked curiously.
"I don't know, so… irked. All the time I've dealt with him, I've always seen him quite calm."
"Well, even the calmest of us can have bad days. Or several…" They both reached the vehicle, and each stopped at one of the doors; Matilda in the driver's, and Cole in the passenger's. Before entering, Cole looked at her above the roof of the car, intrigued. "Didn't you know he had a girlfriend?"
Matilda looked away, a little embarrassed.
"We haven't talked in a while. Besides, we're not exactly that kind of friends..."
"What kind of friends are you then?"
Matilda pursed her lips a little in annoyance, not so much because of the question, but because of its possible answer. The uncomfortable truth was that her relationship with Cody, and with virtually everyone at the Foundation, was basically professional. They helped her in her labors, she helped them in theirs, and little more than that. She didn't know much about anyone's private lives, including Cody. The only exception might be Eleven, as she knew her family, her husband, and her children in person. However, she didn't really know much about them either.
Maybe the word "friends" didn't quite apply in that situation.
At what point did her studies and work become so absorbing as to get to that situation? As a child, she had several friends with whom she played and had fun; what happened to them? Had she slowly pushed everybody aside to concentrate on other things? Or had each of them ended up telling her something that she didn't like, like Eleven did, and had she gotten mad at everyone?"
Thinking about it all affected her, but she couldn't and shouldn't get carried away by that right now. She had to focus on what she would have to do in Silverdale.
"That doesn't matter," Matilda answered thoughtfully, opening the car door. "Come on, we'll be late."
"I'm following you, boss."
They both got into the vehicle and sat down. Matilda put the keys in the ignition but didn't turn it. Instead, she turned to look directly at Cole with some sternness.
"We must make the rules clear," she stated firmly. "The doctor I spoke with told me that Evelyn is lucid, expresses herself clearly, and can answer questions. But she tends to ramble and often dissociates about where or when she is. We'll have to proceed very carefully in our conversation, so let me lead. Okay?"
"Whatever you say, bo..." Matilda looked at him even harder, anticipating that he would call her "boss" once more. "I mean, whatever you say, Dr. Honey."
Matilda sighed heavily and immediately started the vehicle. The engine thundered loudly.
"I hope we really get something out of this."
"You seem quite reluctant to talk to this woman," Cole pointed out as an observation. "Are you afraid of what she might say?"
Matilda just silently glanced at him, started driving out of the parking lot, and shortly after onto the highway.
— — — —
That seemed to be a good day for Evelyn, the mysterious patient at Silverdale Psychiatric Hospital. The girl almost always spent it in her room, somewhat isolated, and focused on her personal projects. That morning, however, she asked to go out into the garden for a few moments, sit on a bench, and look at the trees and the sky. She didn't do much more than that. She didn't speak to anyone nor walk around. She just sat there, alone and silent, with an unusually cheerful smile on her face.
Around noon, she asked to go back to her room, and there she spent the following hours entertained in her project. This project was basically about cutting out newspaper articles and photos, recently and old ones, and sticking them in one of the many albums she collected. Her room was filled with newspapers stacked on the corners, many from different Washington cities, but some even from other states. Every time a nurse put their hands on some unusual newspaper, they gave it to Evelyn before throwing it away. Then, she took it to see if she found something interested; she rarely said no.
Evelyn spent her days going through a newspaper to other, article by article, choosing the ones that interested her the most, cutting it out and pasting it in her album. She also pasted them in an unusual order; it did not appear chronological or subject matter. It seemed to be something that only made sense to her.
Many of the patients at that institution had their oddities and obsessions. What Evelyn did fit more into the classification of a hobby; one very important to her, but without falling into either of the other two categories. It seemed to relax her and keep her calm, and the doctors didn't think it could do her any harm, so they let her.
Not much was known about her, except for a few minor facts. She had been in that hospital for twelve years, had given birth to a girl whom she tried to drown. And before that, practically nothing. She hadn't talked much about who she was or where she came from in all the time she'd been there, except for a few little clues that the doctors hadn't entirely understood. All of this was not really so unusual. There were at least two other cases at that site for which much of their identity was unknown, but the State took care of them.
The most unusual thing on Evelyn, leaving aside her curious hobby, were some comments she sometimes made. About events that happened a long time ago right there in the hospital, in the women's shelter from which she came, or that they did not occur as she remembered. Sometimes, she also mentioned things that were about to happen, and of which she was only correct half the time. It was as if her mind was wandering between several ideas at the same time.
But she was not an aggressive patient, quite the opposite. She was always calm and cooperative, which was why she was a favorite of the staff. So much so that she was one of the few that had certain special amenities. Besides all the newspapers and albums, she was one of the few that was allowed to have scissors in her room for her clippings, plus a little old television.
Just before 2 PM, while she was sitting at her small desk clipping and humming, the door to the room opened, and a large, shaved-headed male nurse came in carrying a tray of food.
"Good afternoon, Evelyn," the nurse greeted her. "I brought you your lunch."
The man came in and placed the tray on a small table next to her bed.
"Thank you, Sully," the young woman thanked him, without taking her eyes off the article she was clipping.
Nurse Sully approached her desk carefully, leaning over the young woman's shoulder to look at what she was doing.
Evelyn was a pretty girl, although the years she'd been there had undoubtedly made her run down a bit. She was slim, with two large light blue eyes, long and curly straw-brown hair, somewhat misaligned; many times, she let it fall on her face, and this did not seem to matter to her. Like her other personal information, her exact age was unknown. Still, possibly it was not more than thirty years old, because when she arrived at that shelter twelve years ago, she was just a young girl who did not appear to be more than sixteen or seventeen.
"You look very active today," Sully pointed out. "It's good that you have a hobby."
Evelyn didn't answer him. She finished cutting the article and quickly moved on to placing it in her album, leaving three pages empty before finding the right place. All this while she continued whispering slowly that strange song, but apparently she liked it so much. Sully prepared to retire and go about his business. He started for the door when Evelyn spoke to him again.
"I'll have visitors today," she commented suddenly. The nurse stopped and turned to see her, a little surprised.
"Seriously? How do you know?"
Evelyn took a few seconds to finish perfectly arranging the clipping on the album before answering.
"I just feel it," she murmured slowly. "Can you pass them here as soon as they arrive?"
Sully snorted wryly, though he tried to be discreet.
"Sure, I'll do it," he replied, trying not to sound too sarcastic.
"Thank you."
Sully withdrew, closing the door behind him. He didn't want to tease her; he was not that kind of person. But the truth is that it was unlikely that she would receive any visitors, not that day or ever. No one knew who she was, and therefore no one knew if she had family or friends outside of that place. But it was nice to see her have that kind of hope. He hoped she wouldn't be too disappointed if things didn't turn out the way she expected.
When Sully finished making his rounds, he headed to the reception area to greet Maria, one of the security guards whose shift began at two o'clock.
"Hi, Sully," the woman greeted him from behind the visitor registration bar.
"What's up, Maria?" The male nurse greeted her enthusiastically, leaning on the bar. "Guess who just made another prediction."
Maria turned to see him curiously.
"Evelyn?" She asked uncertainty, to which Sully nodded slowly. Maria gave a small amused laugh. "Now, what did she say?"
"Nothing huge this time. She only said that today she'll receive visitors."
"Seriously?" The guard inquired, arching her left eyebrow in disbelief. "If no one has come to see her in… how many years?"
"I don't know. But hey, from all the patients here..."
Sully had no chance to finish what he was going to say because, at that moment, a man and a woman approached the registration area. The nurse stepped aside to give them free space, and the two of them stood in front of Maria, who looked at them carefully, waiting for them to announce what they wanted. The visiting woman was the one who stepped forward to speak first.
"Good afternoon," the short-haired brown woman said. "I'm Dr. Matilda Honey; he is my colleague, Detective Cole Sear. We came to see a patient admitted here named Evelyn; no last name as I understand it."
Both Sully and Maria were shocked when they heard that, and they looked at each other as if they were wondering each other with their glances if they had listened to the same thing; indeed, it seemed so. The two visitors looked at this strangely.
"Everything is fine? The blonde man questioned, forcing them to react.
"No, nothing," Maria answered hastily. "Did you said Evelyn...?"
"Yes," replied the brown-haired woman. "I spoke two days ago with Doctor..." She looked inside her bag at that moment for a piece of paper on which she had written down the name, "Dr. Horton, and he confirmed that she is still here. She was admitted twelve years ago if it's any use to identify her."
Again, both employees of the place looked at each other. Was that a coincidence?
"Yes, she is here," Sully replied, trying to sound calm. "And, in fact, I think she's waiting for you..."
That statement seemed to surprise the visitors, who now were the ones who had to look at each other.
— — — —
After registering and leaving two IDs at the front desk, the nurse guided Matilda and Cole to Evelyn's room. They walked a few steps behind, while the man in white walked ahead down the long hall. What they had said a few minutes ago left them both thinking a bit. Taking advantage of the fact that their guide did not see them, Cole moved a little closer to Matilda and whispered slowly:
"Do you think she...?" He murmured, and then with his hand, made the gesture to imitate a flickering light. A somewhat crude way, but Matilda understood what he wanted to ask her because she thought so too: could Evelyn shine?
If what the nurse had said was right, and indeed she knew that they would come to see her without anyone giving her advance notice, it was quite likely that it was so. Also, they couldn't ignore the unique abilities her biological daughter possessed. That thought reminded her of that conversation she'd had with the Mother Superior at the women's shelter.
If it is a mental illness that the little girl is suffering from, I am afraid that maybe she could have inherited it from her mother. That works like that, right?
It wasn't a mental illness they talked about, but it could be inherited. Although most of the cases Matilda had seen were not like that, or failing that they were usually inherited from grandparents to grandchildren. But there were some cases in which a child with the Shining had inherited it from one or two parents who also possessed it. Was Samara one of them?
"We'll know in a second," the psychiatrist pointed out simply.
When they were near the room, Evelyn's voice began to be heard humming the melody that she had repeated throughout that afternoon. Matilda paused for a moment, trying to perceive it more carefully. Every word or tune she heard confirmed the thought that had arisen in the beginning: she had heard that song before, and recently.
"Something wrong?" Cole asked her, seeing that she stopped without warning.
"No, nothing. It's just that song…" She then pointed upward with her finger. "I've heard Samara singing it sometimes."
Cole stared at her, then glanced at Sully, who was already waiting for them in front of the door they were heading to. It was evident that the person who was singing was in there. And if so, then that person should be Evelyn.
"So strange," the cop commented. "Wasn't Samara supposed to be adopted when she was just a baby?"
Indeed, she was. It wouldn't make sense for her to remember a song her birth mother sang to her since, at most, she'd been with them for a few weeks before they were separated. It might mean nothing.
"Maybe it's a familiar song around here," Matilda pointed out, trying to downplay it and quickly started walking again.
Sully unlocked the room door with his access pass. Once the door was opened, the song's sound became louder, which confused Matilda even more.
"Hello again, Evelyn," Sully said, entering first. "You were right. You have visitors."
Matilda and Cole entered cautiously behind the male nurse, each taking a quick look around the room. Everything looked pretty standard, although they had no reason to think it wouldn't be. The woman they were going to see was sitting at a desk at the back of the room, illuminated by natural light coming through a window just above her.
Evelyn kept clipping articles, and her attention was fixed on that work, despite the sudden arrival of her visitors.
"Thank you, Sully," was the only thing that escaped her lips, barely as a whisper.
Matilda inched toward the center of the room, staring at Evelyn's back, covered by her abundant brown hair. She didn't feel anything in particular when she was in that room and in the presence of that woman. Her Shining did not alert her to anything, for better or for worse. But this was, in turn, a bizarre feeling; it was as if no one was actually sitting there. But there she was, Samara's biological mother, the embodiment of the secret she had been keeping from her newest patient since she found out a few weeks ago. The woman who gave her life and tried to drown her when she was born.
Only then did she meditate on the fact that they really weren't so far from Moesko Island right now. Samara and her biological mother were relatively close, possibly without knowing it.
"Can you leave us alone for a few minutes?" Matilda heard Cole from behind her, asking the nurse.
"Sure. I'll be around in case you need anything, Evelyn."
"I'll be fine, Sully," Evelyn replied in a muffled voice, without turning to see him.
Sully left the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as she heard the sound of the door latch, Matilda was encouraged to continue advancing towards the desk, with the caution of a hunter trying not to scare her prey. Cole, for his part, stood a meter from the door, waiting in silence. He had told Matilda that he would let her lead, and so he would. Still, he would pay close attention to every word that was said; he needed to listen to everything...
Matilda stood just behind Evelyn's chair, at a suitable distance so as not to be invasive.
"Hello, Evelyn," she murmured softly and gently. "My name is Matilda, and he is Cole." The woman did not answer or look at her. "Did you know that we would come to see you?"
Evelyn was silent for several seconds, and it seemed that again she would not say anything. However, in the end, she replied:
"Not quite. Only sometimes… I have hunches."
The psychiatrist discreetly glanced over her shoulder at her companion. Cole shrugged, not knowing what else to add. It sounded like a possible perception, but perhaps not so much that it warranted labeling it as Shining.
Matilda peeked subtly over Evelyn's shoulder, overseeing her cut up of a newspaper, specifically the photo of a train that accompanied an article.
"Do you collect newspaper clippings?"
"Only the ones I find interesting," Evelyn replied, much faster now than before. "They help me get my mind in order and locate where I am."
He took the perfectly cropped photo of the train, then flipped back at least five pages in her album to place it on a page with barely a little free space left, much smaller than the size of the photo.
"You were doing it before you came in here, right?" Matilda pointed out, and at that moment, she reached for something inside her bag. She then took out a small book and held it out to her left. Evelyn slowly tore her deep, clear eyes away from her album. She looked at the book in confusion… but also in fascination. "This belongs to you, right? It was in your suitcase, the one you came to the women's shelter with twelve years ago. You remember?"
Evelyn stared at the small book in silence for a while before finally reacting and taking it gently between her fingers, almost as if she were afraid to break it. She ran her fingertips lightly over its paste, feeling its texture, drawing with them the lines that formed the pattern printed on it. Meanwhile, Matilda watched all her reactions. In general, her expression was absent and gone, but deep down, she could perceive small flashes of emotion. Still, it was difficult to tell if it was a good or bad emotion.
"The nuns were very nice," she whispered suddenly, but it didn't seem like she was saying it to her, "with me and..."
Evelyn fell silent abruptly, and her eyes widened in an expression of astonishment or even fear. Matilda leaned toward her a little.
"Samara?" She whispered slowly. "Do you remember your daughter, Samara?"
A small murmur came from Evelyn's mouth, like a groan. She raised her alarmed face to her then, and as soon as their gazes met, Evelyn jumped from her chair and backed away.
"Who are you? What do you want?" She questioned altered, raising her arms in front of her in a defensive position.
"Evelyn, keep calm," Matilda murmured, raising her hands in front of her. "I am a psychiatrist, and I am currently treating Samara. Do you remember her?"
"Samara?" Evelyn began to shake her head insistently. "No, no, no... It’s not possible... she died..."
"No, she didn't. She is alive…"
"You are wrong," the patient interrupted sharply. "She died, I felt it... and I saw it..."
Matilda did not understand what she meant by that statement. Did she tell when she tried to drown Samara in the fountain? Did she think she had managed to drown her back then? It would be strange, since commonly, patients who committed these acts used to denial and completely blocked everything related to that act. Besides, it would be quite odd if her doctors had never dealt with that matter in twelve years and tried to convince her that she didn't do that.
Or was it something else?
"No, Evelyn, she is alive. She grew up big and strong and is now a beautiful girl."
She didn't know how a good idea it would be to face her with reality head-on, especially without her current doctors' supervision and advice. But she decided to take a chance. She looked inside her bag again and carried out a square photograph, taken from Samara's file. It was a photo of the girl before she was admitted. She was wearing a blue dress, and she was looking at the camera with a cold expression and just a very tiny smile peeking across her thin lips.
Matilda handed the photo to Evelyn, and she looked confused as if it were something that she couldn't recognize its shape with the naked eye. Evelyn approached it carefully and took it between her fingers with the same delicacy she had taken the notebook. She brought it closer to her and looked at it carefully, analyzing every noticeable feature of the girl.
"Samara...?" Evelyn whispered slowly incredulously. Then she moved carefully towards the window, making the light coming through it illuminate the photo, perhaps so that she could see it more clearly. "It can't be… If she's alive, then…" She lowered the picture and looked out the window at no particular point. "What did I see? Who did I see die in that well?"
"Well?" Cole exclaimed, confused, although that sentiment was also shared by Matilda. What well was she talking about? Was she referring to the fountain of the women's shelter? Did she think it was a well?
"No, no, no…" the patient repeated again, then beginning to walk up and down the room, hugging herself as if trying to calm the cold. "If she is alive, then He is still looking for her... He will find her..."
"He…?" Matilda murmured, but before she could ask anything else, Cole abruptly intervened.
"Who is he?" Cole asked with some haste, approaching her. "Who is looking for Samara?"
"Detective…" Matilda screamed, but Cole held up a hand to her, signaling her to wait a bit.
Evelyn kept walking from one side to the other uncontrollably. Cole dared to get close enough and took her by the arms to stop her, though without much force.
"Evelyn, look at me," he asked, almost pleading; the young woman turned to see him just a little, unable to entirely hold his gaze. "Who is looking for Samara? Who were you trying to hide her from? You can trust me."
Evelyn stammered very slowly for a few seconds, apparently meaningless words.
"Father Burke told me He had chosen us," she suddenly murmured, much more understandable. "He told me that He would give life to the one who would come to transform the world through us. He showed him everything in visions… He made him do it… I couldn't help it… I couldn't help it…"
Her voice had abruptly taken on a feeling of despair. Her breath hitched, and her entire body trembled slightly.
"Evelyn, everything is fine," Matilda exclaimed in alarm and quickly approached her. Cole stepped aside to make room for her, and now it was she who took her gently by her shoulders. "Breathe, calm down... It's okay; you're safe."
The young woman began to breathe more and more calmly, but she continued to babble uncontrollably.
"I tried to stop him… I wanted to do it when Samara was still a baby, but they stopped me. I thought someone else had done it, I saw it and felt it, but it wasn't... She is still here, and He is coming for her..."
"Who is he, Evelyn?" Cole insisted on behind Matilda. "Who? Tell me, please."
Her breathing steadied gradually until she seemed as calm again as when they first entered. She then turned her face back to the window, also not looking at anything in particular... or, perhaps, looking at something far beyond what was actually seen through that window.
"I long ago stopped hearing His voice from the sea," Evelyn whispered suddenly as if it were the lost verse of some old song. "I thought He was gone... but now I believe He just forgot about me."
She turned back to Matilda, now looking at her more directly than before.
"You... you must. You must finish what I couldn't."
"What do you mean? Are you talking about Samara? Is that why you wanted to drown her?"
"I did it because she asked me to… It was the only way to save her from Him…" She dropped the notebook and the photo of Samara at that moment, and instead, she now took Matilda from her arms, with more force than her small body could make it look like she possessed it. "Only water can do it; only water can release her. You have to do it before she hurts others... Because she already did it, right?"
Matilda fell silent, stunned by everything she heard. Was she asking her what she believed? Was she asking her to kill Samara? She too? It all abruptly turned into deja vu of her conversation with Anna Morgan, which paralyzed her for a moment. Not only her adoptive mother but did her biological mother want her dead as well?
No, she should calm down and not get carried away by emotions. It was evident that this was all a delusion, something that had been accompanying her for twelve years. She couldn't have a clue what she was saying.
"Evelyn, you're confused," Matilda answered in a calm voice. "You have spent all these years obsessed with these ideas, but you need to let go of all this. Otherwise, you can't ever recover..."
"You're not listening to me!" Evelyn yelled loudly and jerked her arms violently to free herself from her grasp. She backed toward the window again and leaned out of it, almost pressing her face entirely against it. "Maybe it's too late... maybe He already has her..."
Before Matilda or Cole could say or do anything else, the door opened, and nurse Sully returned, apparently alerted by Evelyn's latest cry. He approached the woman and took her delicately to try to guide her to the bed.
"Evelyn, are you okay?" He whispered slowly, but the young woman did not answer anything. However, she did allow him to guide her without resistance. "Sorry, I think you better get out."
Matilda seemed reluctant to leave; that had just begun. But she felt Cole put a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
"Come on, Doctor," he instructed, then nodded toward the door. "Let her calm down..."
Matilda didn't say anything, but inside she wasn't happy with the idea. But she still allowed herself to follow him to the door without many more options, not before picking up the notebook and Samara's photo again.
"Round... we... go… The world… is… spinning…" They heard Evelyn hum very slowly, but still audible thanks to the acoustics of the room. Matilda stopped and turned to see how the nurse laid her on the bed while singing that same melody again. "When... it... stops… it's just... beginning… Sun... goes... up... We live... and... we cry... Sun... goes down..." Evelyn turned to look at the doctor directly, just before she chanted the last verse. "And then... we all die..."
A sensation finally ran through Matilda's entire body at that moment, like a cold, worrying jolt. She had felt something similar before when she touched the white blanket that came in the suitcase from the shelter for the first time. One of Evelyn's possessions.
Cole touched her again to wake her up, and then they both managed to leave the room to let Evelyn rest for a few moments.
Author's Notes:
— Evelyn is wholly based on the respective character in the movie The Ring 2 of 2005, taking into account some aspects that were shown in the film Rings of 2017. The most significant change to consider is concerning her age. Here, she was seen relatively younger due to the change of time applied to this franchise's characters. Her appearance is described a bit more based on her appearance in Rings, where she was seen younger in memories and visions.
0 notes
Never feel bad about ridding your life of toxic people. 
One of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do in your life is cut out toxic friends. I did that last night. After one last night of Denny’s late night outing, I figured it was finally time to say good bye to a 7 year friendship. 
You may think that 7 years is a long time and believe me when I say it is, but let me also say this, this person hasn’t always been toxic, they were at one point my best friend whom I thought would be my maid of honor at my wedding, the one I’d tag memes on, on facebook. 
But not anymore. 
Let me tell you how it started. 
Back in 2013 my ex and I had been dating for almost 3 years and due to some childish behavior on both our parts (mainly mine) he decided to end things with me. I was devistated, heartbroken; I truly believed that he was the love of my life at the time, but due to my own emotional and trust issues, I pushed him away. 
This person did all they could to make things better for me, but there wasn’t much they could do. But I do appreciate their efforts. 
Fast forward to when my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, this person acted as if they really didn’t care. I was too emotional about my ex and my mom being diagnosed with cancer was the cherry on the top. I later found out that this person talked about me behind my back to my co-workers about ‘how annoying and whiny I was being about my ex.’ This person hadn’t been in a serious relationship since high school and even that relationship lasted like 3 months? Maybe longer, I don’t really know, so they really don’t know what it’s like to have the person you thought was your soulmate, tell you they didn’t love you anymore. 
This wasn’t the first instant that this person made it clear of their feelings about me talking about my ex. It was my coping mechanism. I realize now that yes, I was annoying, but I was going through a really tough time. It was either talking about my ex or the fact we weren’t sure if my mom was going to survive (she did; almost 4 years strong next year!)
I had gone with them to get their hair done with them and their grandmother. Their grandmother had asked how I was dealing with my break up and I told her the truth. I was hurt, but I still loved him and believed that we would eventually get back together. 
This person scoffed and rolled their eyes. I hadn’t even brought up my ex. I wasn ‘t even going to bring him up. Someone else did and they had the audacity to do this. Maybe I did over reacted, but after years and years of abuse from their mother and siblings and listening to the same stories and drama every single time we talked, I still sat there comforting them and giving them advice. But they couldn’t even give me that. 
Fast forward a few months and she moves into the same apartment duplex as me. I should mention now that when she moved in with our other friend, she didn’t have any money saved up; at all. She made him pay the $800 lease with the promise of paying him back. 
Things are great, we have a few issues here and there. We make jokes about people we’re friends with, ya know whatever. 
Come May, a mutual friend of ours comes home from Boot Camp and his family and a mutual friend of his and mine go to the river bottoms and I ask when I can come and see him. He asks me to join them so I do. 
When I get back, she starts being really passive aggressive on Facebook, upset that she wasn’t invited too. I had no control over it. I wasn’t even going to go until they had asked me. It’s not my fault that she wasn’t invited. I believe we ended up getting into a fight, but that’s whatever. 
A few more months pass and my ex and I become friends after not speaking for a few months. She starts online dating and starts seeing this guy. He says he’s gonna come down for her birthday, but then never does. She’s heartbroken and we feel horrible. 
Her roommate also tells her that he has feelings for her because its been eating him up inside. SHE THEN SAYS PASSIVELY AGGRESSIVELY TO ME ON FACEBOOK MESSENGER THAT HER BIRTHDAY IS RUINED BECAUSE HE TOLD HER THAT. 
Fast forward to like August/September. 
I start getting these random ANONS on tumblr. I have no idea who they are but it’s nice getting Anons who aren’t mean or malicious. But then things started getting a little flirtatious. Again, I have no idea who this is. 
My friend then starts putting pieces together and it turns out to be her boyfriend from the dating site she was on. She then waits a week before telling me, all the while this time, she’s acting like a cold cunt to me. 
It’s not till her roommate tells me what’s going on and I profusely apologize because had I known it was I wouldn’t have said anything, screenshotted the asks and sent them to her. 
So after that blows over we’re best friends again. A few months pass and I move in with her and our friend. One of our friends she’s kind of into, she flirts with him whatever, then she starts seeing this guy named Cole. 
My ex and I are messing around and whatever. 
I had plans to go out to dinner with my friends and then go to a club. I thought it’d be great. My birthday is the day before Halloween, so I wanted to go on my birthday. 
The night of the dinner, she gets mad at me when I buy myself a drink WHEN SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS GONNA BUY MY DINNER AND I ASKED HER IF I COULD HAVE A DRINK AND SHE AGREED.
She also had her boyfriend join us which was never actually asked. Oh side note here, she NEVER cleaned our room. Ever. It was always a disaster. So whenever she’d have her boyfriend over, she’d clean the whole house. But never lifted a finger when he wasn’t around. AND she’d never tell us when he was coming over which wasn’t fair because he would just be there and we would have no notice. 
The night we went to dinner, my friend and her best friend asked if I wanted to go see a movie, so I agreed, no biggie, it was a lame movie, but the memories were good. 
So my plans for Halloween get ruined because she doesn’t want to go and I wasn’t gonna go without my best friend.
A few months pass without much drama going on, my ex and I stop being friends because of some drama and ‘he just wants to move on’ whatever on my part. I start going on dates and whatever, nothing pans out but for the first time in a long time, I am really happy
Except for when our other roommate starts dating this girl and decides that it’s more important to buy her $500 worth of stuff for valentine’s day, rather than pay the PGE.
So we’re out of power till I get paid at the end of the week. And I can’t even pay my portion of rent. Thankfully, our landlords were really understanding and told me I could pay them when I got paid next.
During this time, I find out that my toxic friend, hasn’t been helping with the PGE. Which is shit. Like how do you not help pay the PGE? It’s ridiculous. 
That shit blows over and we move on with our lives. 
My ex starts messaging me and it’s hectic because he won’t leave me alone. At some point toxic friend tells me that he showed up to our apartment asking if they had seen and told me to call him, so I eventually do (believe me these are important bits) 
Come April, the Friday before Easter; Good Friday. 
I wake up to my phone going off, thinking works calling me in. I find four missed calls from my brother and three from my mom. 
Two voicemails from both of them. 
First one is from my brother crying, I can barely understand him. 
Second one is from my mom. “Hey Jeannie, it’s mom. I just left your dad at the hospital when he went into surgery (my dad has having a heart procedure done where they put something around his artery to help it from skipping a beat? They had to go through his thigh I don’t remember what happened.) I’m heading home. Patrick said Sasha had a seizure and I’m gonna take her to the vet, give me a call.”
My cat Sasha, whom we had had since the day she was born, was turning 21 that May. The month before she was given a clean bill of health. She was going blind, but other than that she was completely fine. 
I call my mom back and she picks me up. We take my cat to the vet and as I’m sure you had guessed, we put her down. It was the hardest decision I had ever had to make. 
So when I get home after crying my eyes out because I am absolutely heartbroken because she was my cat, her boyfriend is there. She just looks at me like I’m a fucking moron for crying. My cat had just died and she couldn’t even say that she was sorry. But she had her boyfriend over for the weekend. Again without giving us a heads up. 
A couple months passed and I’m at work after having a shitty morning when one of my co-workers comes up to me and says “Taylor’s not coming to work.” I’m like haha okay, funny, she’s on her way now. He then tells me no, she’s been hit by a car. I ended up receiving a phone call from her telling me she was on her way to the hospital because she had indeed been hit by a car. 
This accident led to her being unemployed because she wasn’t able to work with a broken back. No big deal, that was understandable. We told her to call Aflac (where we were working offered this to us) and to call disability so she could continue to pay for rent and utilities until she was either cleared for a job or was given money from the lawsuit. 
Fast forward to a couple of weeks later, this was in May, come June? I get home to be told that we’ve been given an eviction notice. We’re scrambling trying to figure out what’s going on. 
Turns out we were almost five months behind on rent. All of us were responsible, I think Josh and I were like...a month behind? I think when we had to pay our PGE in February, I forgot to pay them. But it also turned out that Miss Taylor hadn’t paid since the beginning of the year. So, Josh and I ended up making a deal with our landlords that since we were only a month behind with our portions, if we asked Taylor to leave they would let us start over fresh. 
So we did. We told Taylor she had to leave that she couldn’t stay with us anymore. She also went behind our backs and tried having her boyfriend pay her portion so she could stay there and we’d be kicked out. Our landlords told her no. Flat out no. 
It eventually go to the point that we had to get my mom involved to kind of put things into perspective for her. 
So she moved out. 
Months passed, she eventually paid both Josh and I back for the lease and the PGE she owed from February. She was only going to pay Josh $200 dollars of the $800 she owed him and I went off on her. 
She went out for her birthday with some mutual and not so mutual friends of ours and tells me that one of her ‘friends’ was sitting there just talking mad shit about me and I’m like wow, cool. (this is important.) 
For a few months, things were okay. I moved out of the apartment and with some other friends.
There isn’t much drama involving her other than her making fun of our mutual friend and his girlfriend who is physically and mentally disabled. So things happen, we all hang out, go to the Zoo and things finally feel like they’re back to normal. 
Comes August. At this point, I’m still on OKCupid and Plenty of Fish since my ex and I are just not working out still and I’m just ready to move on. As I’m scrolling through people, I see Taylor’s boyfriend Cole, whose moving to Washington within the next few weeks and was in San Fran at the time. I sit there wondering if I should tell her whats going on
I mean, I’m beating myself up because I don’t want to be that friend, but at the same time I’m just like I would want her to do the same if I was dating someone who was active on OKC. 
So I wait for her to be home and I send her screenshots and explain to her I wasn’t snooping, I was just trying to look out for her. 
This naive little girl then messages me and tells me that it’s because his OKC and Plenty of Fish (I had to make sure it wasn’t just a coincidence) were hooked up to his Facebook.
I had been active on both sites for MONTHS at this point, this was the first time that I had seen his accounts on both pages. 
So I chalked it up as whatever, if she doesn’t want to believe the cold hard evidence, then that’s on her. 
A few weeks later, they broke up ‘because his friends didn’t want her moving in with them’ (supposedly she had talked to his roommates and they had told her this)
We don’t really talk much, whatever, she’s heartbroken after a few weeks because she was in love with. 
I invite her to my birthday/Halloween party where she tries to start shit with my roommate after he makes a comment that was in no way directed at her. She tends to have this constant need to be the center of drama (like Madison but that’s a story for a different day)
Fast forward to 2017.
About May? I think, I find out she had been seeing Cole since Thanksgiving and she had told everyone else, but never thought to tell me. Her reasoning was because she was trying to find the courage to tell me. 
This was also the day that I found out that she thought I had told her this because I was jealous and that I wanted to ruin her relationship. I honestly didn’t care because let’s be real they were together for almost two years and he hadn’t said ‘I love you’ because of his last ex. Okay.
I also called her out because our ‘mutual’ friend (I put quotations because she’s my friend not Taylor’s, she absolutely hates her now) tells me that Taylor was talking mad shit about me too. So I called her out on that and she tells me it’s because we weren’t friends at the time because we kicked her out. 
That whole entire time we were on the outs, I defended her to everyone. My parents, my friends, my co-workers. EVERYONE. I knew she was depressed and has unresolved issues from living with her family. I couldn’t hold her accountable for not being ready to live out on her own and be responsible. 
So that put a crack in our relationship. 
We eventually made up and things were okay. I don’t even think they were even okay, but that’s whatever. 
A few months pass and it’s birthday and she tells me that she and Cole broke up and that she’s been seeing someone. She had told Josh first before she told anyone else. SO I started to really see where I stood. 
I know I’m probably coming off as the ‘jealous best friend’ here, but she got mad at me when I announced I was dating my current bf on Facebook, before telling her directly. So I kind of every reason to be upset about all of this. 
She tells me that she just fell out of love with Cole and then started dating this guy named Garrett. 
Taylor is one of those people who ends up being the things she despises; i.e. a Gamer Girl (all she plays is Final Fantasy online and tries to be cool when she uses cool gamer terms) and the person who falls in love too quickly and saying I love you too soon. I think her and Garrett were together for like 2 weeks when they started saying I love you (she gave Josh so much issue for saying this to his gf’s too soon) 
Basically, all she does is play Final Fantasy and then makes everyone look at her screenshots and videos of them roleplaying on FF, even though, none of us really care about it. She lost her job due to attendance and performance (but claims that she worked her ass off. I worked with her, she hardly worked at all and got by the skin of her teeth.) 
She came over to get some old shirts of mine so she could start working at her new job and the whole entire time, she just talked about Final Fantasy and when I tried saying something, she interrupted me and said ‘no listen.” with her finger in my face. 
If I cared at all about FF I would play it myself. But I don’t. I know I can be obsessive about things, like Sims or Kingdom Hearts, but even I can tell when someone’s getting annoyed and wants me to stop talking about it. 
But yeah, that’s basically it. 
That’s why I decided to cut out my best friend of 7 years out of my life because our friendship starting becoming really one sided and honestly, I know I’m gonna be a whole hell of a lot happier without her. 
0 notes