#but train was an elderly hunter who lived them
sbnkalny · 2 years
I felt no guilt till i have died or all my enemies are allies
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waitingforteyam · 1 year
𔘓 ⚖️ . ִ ֗ age is just a number
≡ ⌂ ⌕ ❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ♡゙written by muse
ˑ 𐇛̲﹗hcs of 31! neteyam sully × 23! na'vi reader, dilf! neteyam × milf! reader, moon! neteyam × sunshine! reader, established relationship, mates, fluff, mentions of childbirth, mentions of pregnancy, children... if u hate them pls dont read the second part, age gap couple
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his infatuation with you began at the age of 30.
you were laughter bottled up in a jar. if you were the sun, neteyam was but a sunflower at your mercy. but he wasn't the only na'vi who worshipped the ground you tread on and the obvious age gap debilitated his resolve to court you.
by no means was he an insecure man. he merely assumed your preference included men of your age, given you were at the prime of your beauty and career as a huntress. eywa, did he mention he never saw a huntress with that much precision?
while neteyam was the best warrior of his clan, you were the best huntress, exceeding both men and women twice your age.
many一neytiri included一saw you as someone who could stand alongside neteyam as an equal. since kiri was to succeed as tsahik, all neteyam must find was a worthy mate who could lead the people. someone the people respected and someone who would be an amazing mother figure to the clan.
of course, neteyam being neteyam, cared little about paying attention to romance until one night.
one night, a wild beast managed to infiltrate the village and ravished all the food.
neteyam had killed it, albeit it was too late. the forest whispered the tune of danger as the eclipse descended onto pandora. the people would starve for a night before the foragers and hunters could go back to work in the morning.
that was the initial plan until you sought permission to leave the village. that wasn't the first time you both spoke. no, affairs regarding the clan were a popular topic for stellar talents like you, and he appreciated your dedication to the people.
neteyam finally allowed it when you set an ultimatum: if you didn't return in half an hour, the rest would search for you and bring you back for punishment. reluctantly, he agreed. after all, you were the finest hunter with wits. you wouldn’t be killed so easily, not with that stubborn will to live. he was mostly worried you would suffer an injury under his command. that would neither do good for his name nor uphold your reputation as a fearless huntress.
in half an hour, you returned to the feast with bloodstained hands and two large deers to feed the clan.
that was the first time neteyam truly noticed you outside the tip of your arrow, the legends of your reputation and the shape of your silhouette.
for the first time ever, neteyam saw you. he saw your eyes twinkle with glee as the children cheered for you. he saw the robotic pace in your gait despite the affirmations you told your parents. he saw your pride and happiness overcoming the pain in your ankle. pride wasn't something that lifted your chin and made you look down upon the rest. on the contrary, the pride you owned was a pride that made you collapse into your friends' embraces and watch the elderly eat their warm dinner with a content sigh, hiding your twisted ankle.
everyone was so hungry they barely noticed your injury but neteyam did and he asked his grandmother to treat you.
day after day, neteyam started to bump into you everywhere. on the training grounds, near the waterfall, around the bonfire at dinner. it was given you were always around him ( you were one of his people after all ), but he never noticed in the past. yes, he may acknowledge you as the best huntress, but you both never exchanged a personal word.
that didn't sit right with him.
so neteyam approached you. the first time, it was during a hunt. simple conversation about your family as you two waited for prey. the second time, it was near the stable where he introduced you to his direhorse. the third time, he invited you for a flight with your ikrans.
little by little, the both of you grew closer. slowly but surely, you consumed neteyam's thoughts and heart.
neteyam was over the moon when he realised you began to seek him out! it wasn't one-sided anymore. he would bend down to pat your head and you would stomp on his foot in response. neteyam loved every minute he spent with you.
for nine months, he focused on getting to know your soul. for someone the age of twenty-two, your emotions were levelled and mature. your visions and thoughts? absolutely wise and forearmed. your humour and jokes? oh, great mother, it was like you possessed the ability to bring the child in him back to life. you knew your goal, and you spared nothing to achieve it. you wanted to find a true love who accepted you as you were, scarred and stained, but beautiful nevertheless.
to say neteyam was mesmerised was an understatement.
in the tenth month, neteyam concluded an end to his pathetic pining. from then onwards, he would confidently court you. you did not deserve clandestine meetings and concealed affections. you deserved the best and that was what he would give you一the best.
for three months, he courted you. he hunted, he weaved, he sang, he carved, and he met your parents. all of this to show that he chose you.
you, who couldn't stop smiling when he first gave you a dagger he made himself. you, who jumped into his big arms the second he popped the question. you, who kissed the damn idiot because he was whispering sweet promises into your ear.
in december, both of you mated before eywa and conceived a child.
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neteyam was destined for fatherhood, it seemed. he knew when exactly to feed your son, when to change his diaper, how to burp him, how to entertain him and ease his tantrums. this soothed your anxiety as a first-time mom.
he was afraid you would be too stressed with a baby at such a young age, hence he would take the baby with him most of the time. crying at midnight? no worries when he was at your baby's beck and call. need to prepare for a celebration? go ahead, neteyam loved having his baby all for himself. want some alone time? do as you please, he could bring the baby to the tree of souls to visit their ancestors. leading a large hunting party? as you should, neteyam and your son would await the seven-course dinner.
sometimes you felt left out because your baby spent so much time with him. perhaps your absence didn't affect them. however, that was nonsense. as soon you entered your home, your two boys would light up in smiles after missing you a whole day.
throughout your pregnancy, he was protective. now that the baby was out of your womb, neteyam toned down his instincts to tail you wherever you went because he trusted you and he could protect his baby.
jake introduced him to a baby carrier and dear eywa, neteyam couldn't love anything more. he would wrap his baby in a piece of fabric with your scent on it and carry him everywhere. you found it endearing whenever he held meetings with the elders and warriors, all while a baby drooled on his chest.
whenever neytiri and jake missed the baby, he would hand your son over and relish in the rare alone time with you. just like his father, he would plan date nights. he was the heir and head warrior, but he was yours first and foremost. this gesture would remind you why he's the father of your child in the first place.
as your son grew into a toddler, neteyam would scheme games that encouraged your child to walk. he made it his number one priority to witness his first footsteps. you would join in of course and at the end of the day, both of you would be exhausted from coaxing your toddler. the three of you would fall asleep within a blink on the bed, limbs entangled and jaws agape.
when your son did take his first steps, neteyam cried. he cried like the day you gave birth.
it crashed down on him, the fact that happiness was so simple. it was so simple to achieve because of the family you gave him.
once your firstborn reached the age of three, neteyam would ask for another one. a daughter who was the spitting image of you, if he was lucky. you would oblige and soon the family of three became a family of four.
with two children, it meant twice the chaos.
he would nurture your daughter whereas you would match your son's lively spirit. one would be fed all day, and another would be bouncing up and down, running back and forth. frankly? it was a little tiring, but nothing you two couldn't handle.
for your daughter, he would carve the lortsyal out of crystals and weave bracelets for her chubby hands. he sang praises about his daughter's calmness, never waking in the middle of the night and always cooing whenever he kissed her. he would let her play with his tail, smiling even when she bit it out of curiosity.
in the middle of training, you'd drop by with your children in tow. neteyam would train the warriors from sunrise and return at sunset, but the children lacked patience. upon your son and daughter’s whines, you'd bring them to visit neteyam and leave them there for a couple of hours.
when neteyam caught a glimpse of your soft smile as you carried both your children in your arms, he swore he wanted another one.
and another one you both had. actually, two. twins. two daughters. one with your features and one with his smile.
quickly, your home would brim with toys and children's laughter. neteyam often boasted about his family: his mate being the best huntress, his son being an inheritor of both their talents, his eldest daughter being the sweetest girl with the sweetest voice ( almost overthrowing ninat ) and his two baby twins who were by far, the most mischievous and noisy children in the entire forest. he dared comment that their wails would drive away the toruk.
if there was one thing he would complain about, that would be that all of the kids were born with your indestructible optimism and contagious laughter. that meant neteyam was utterly weak to all of you. the wrinkles he was bound to receive after worrying for all five of you.
just when the mighty warrior was about to surrender, you announced your pregnancy with your fifth child.
neteyam crumbled from the overflowing bliss.
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based off this request!
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reblogs and comments are appreciated!
( no beta, we die like tsutey )
written by muse 2023
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theanoninyourinbox · 5 months
New Longstar AU - A Journey and A New Land
Between Books
Brambleclaw asks for his suffix, claiming it as his way to claim power over his dishonorable Sire.  That night, he wakes in a familiar place – the clearing where Tiger”star” was killed, and Bloodclan run off.  Brambleclaw bows as his father, belly leaking red and black and thorny vines, approaches.  Tigerstar’s grin is all teeth and menace, and he congratulates his kit for keeping the Clan’s trust in him…but this is only the start of their plans.
In Riverclan, Feathertail and Stormfur make their way.  The siblings notice that the former loners Hawkpaw and Mothpaw bear a small resemblance to Tiger”star”, but agree that even IF they were somehow his kits, that the blood of their sire makes no difference on who they will be. 
In Shadowclan, Tawnypelt feels the weight of her sire’s sins around her neck.  With the help of Runningnose and Rowanclaw, she begins to heal.
In Windclan, Hopfoot announces his retirement, and Mudclaw is promoted to Deputy.  Hopfoot’s adopted son Crowpaw and niece Nightcloud prepare a nest especially for him.
In the Hope’s Rest Clowder, Darkstripe and Sasha have been noticing more signs of Twolegs around their Camp, and begin making plans to move the Clowder entirely.  A few cats express wishing to live in a forest.
In another place, an elderly cat named Skywatcher gathers Kittypets and Loners under his wings, hoping that others will come to take his burden and delight of a Clowder, and make them a Clan, before he passes away.
The Quest
In Thunderclan, the three kits of Longstar and Flamewish are being apprenticed.  Tactician Graystripe has deduced that Swiftpaw’s anxiety would lead to her being a terrible Hunter or Brawler, and suggests Nursery Guard, which she happily accepts, apprenticing to Goldenflower and Brackenfur.  Foxpaw wants to be a Warrior, and apprentices under Brightheart as her lead Mentor, with other cats there to help her learn other skills. Darkpaw asks to be mentored in the art of Healing, and apprentices under Fireheart and Cinderpelt.
Foxpaw is annoyed that Brambleclaw keeps interrupting her training sessions to give advice and tells him so to his face.  He sputters, and gives a non-apology, but does back off.  Brightheart thinks that he must be trying to be a better cat than his father, but Snowthorn just thinks he’s trying too hard.  Shrewpaw makes funny faces behind Brambleclaw’s back during the non-apology and makes Foxpaw laugh.
Swiftpaw and Foxpaw tell their parents that they can sometimes talk to each other in their minds, and Historian Mousefur assures the worried parents that twin births sometimes Do That – it might be a Star Blessing, but that’s not always the case.
Darkpaw beings trying to figure out how to heal minds, as his father sometimes freezes up around the smell or sounds of dogs, and some cats are terrified of thunderstorms and even a hint of smoke on the wind.  Fireheart asks Starclan for guidance on how to best help his nephew, and the Spirit of Goosefeather begins showing up with Yellowfang to build this new kind of healing.
Foxpaw begins having dreams about distant salty waters and a badger with starry eyes, with the sun drowning, and talks to Fireheart about it. He suggests it may be related to the sightings of Twolegs around the forest, and takes Foxpaw and Longstar to the Moonstone.  They have a collective vision of the Clan lands being torn up by yellow Monsters, and of the Hope’s Rest Clowder being chased out of their camp by Twolegs with long silver looped sticks, and Longstar immediately starts making plans.
He sends a warning with Graystripe to the Hope Clowder, and warnings to the other Clans.  Riverclan denies that anything like that could happen, Windclan starts making preparations, and Shadowclan admits that Twolegs have been marking some of their trees with orange markings.  Hope Clowder is already mid move to a new Twoleg Den, one with more Twoleg decorations on it, but agree to be prepared to evacuate if Twolegs are sighted.
After some time has passed, Yellowfang appears to the whole LongFlame family one night, and says that Foxpaw needs to go on a Quest for a new home, as the Twolegs are planning to turn their territories into more Twoleg Dens.  Flamewish makes Yellowfang promise to keep an eye on Foxpaw, and Yellowfang says that there are other cats from the Clans coming too.  Foxpaw says goodbye to her family, her mentors, and Shrewpaw, before leaving.  She meets Tawnypelt, Crowpaw, and Feathertail and Stormfur at the border, but is bothered greatly when Brambleclaw shows up, saying he’ll keep her safe.
The Questers make their way through the Twoleg Territory, skirting past Hope Colony’s old home, and eventually meet an old tom named Purdy. He guides them the rest of the way, becoming the Quester’s Grandpa, and they are sad to see him go.  Crowpaw, Foxpaw, and Feathertail become close friends, with Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw bonding a little.  Tawnypelt notes that her brother is a little distant, but chalks it up to their separation. Stormfur thinks Foxpaw is cute, but she’s also not an adult so he shakes it off.  Crowpaw talks about how his parents found him – on the edge of the territory, sopping wet and terrified of unclear water.  Ashfoot spoke of seeing a ghostly cat running from him, and assumed that was his sire or queen.
(They will never know it was a cat named Pine, who once walked the world in Thunderclan.  He refused the gifts of Starclan for ages, and once he saved the innocent kit, he finally entered the fields he had abstained from.  For once, he did the right thing for a kit of his bloodline.)
They meet with the starry-eyed badger Midnight, who confirms that their home is to be destroyed, so they must Journey past the great mountain to find their new home.  As they leave, Midnight catches Brambleclaw by himself, and warns him that the path he walks leads only to a sudden sharp end.  He shakes her off and continues on his way.
The group goes up the great mountain, and are stopped by a patrol of cats wearing mud and berry paint in swirling patterns. They are escorted to the Coldstone Clowder camp inside of a cave, with a great waterfall, a wide floor, and great stone teeth hanging from the ceiling.  Feathertail shivers as she looks up, noting that they look so fragile.  One of the cats that escorted them in, Brook, states that they are the teeth of the Sky Cat, which protect them from evil.  The Questers meet with Stoneteller, both Leader and Seer, who advises them that he has Foreseen a silver cat stopping their Punishment - a Sharp Clawed Spirit that has tormented them for ages.  When Stormfur asks what their Clowder was being punished for, Stoneteller sighs, and tells them that the Clowder has forgotten their crimes, though they must have been great.  Foxpaw disagrees, this Spirit sounds like a Geist, and decides they must free the Clowder from their torments.
A plan is set – some freshkill is used to lure the massive Geist into part of the cavern, and then the Hunters, Stormfur, Brambleclaw, and Tawnypelt will leap on it and batter it.  Crowpaw, Foxpaw, and Feathertail will distract it, along with some of the faster Hunters and Scouts.  The plan starts perfectly – the great Geist comes into the cavern, its birch-bark pelt curling and jagged, its eyes dripping river weeds and mud.  Foxpaw streaks over its paws, dodging slime and tree sap, and the attackers jump on its back, peeling the bark back farther to release murky water.  This is what sends the plan reeling – Crowpaw sees the water and freezes.  The hunters are battered, and Brambleclaw curses Crowpaw for cowardice.  Feathertail sees a starry cat with silver fur, and sees what she has to do.
She runs for a craggy path, up to the stone teeth, and
                               Taking the largest stone tooth with her
It CRACKS into the Geist’s back, pinning it to the cave floor, sending sap and water and mud out in a wild wave, soaking Crowpaw and Foxpaw, who had leapt to Crowpaw’s defense.    The Geist scrabbles at the ground, and slowly whisps away like fog in a beam of sunlight, leaving only the clawmarks and the stone tooth, embedded in the floor as if it had grown there.  And atop it, Feathertail, silent and still.
Stormfur wails, rushing to the limp body of his sister, as Stoneteller and the other Coldstone Clowder cats gather incredulously.  Crowpaw leaps up to his friend, and screams. SHE’S STILL ALIVE!!!!!
Stormfur and Stoneteller carefully leverage the fallen cat to the softest nest the Clowder has, and Crowpaw lays at her head, apologizing over and over.  Stoneteller shoos him, and Crowpaw weeps against Foxpaw, who assures him that it wasn’t his fault, that any one of them could have freaked out.  Stoneteller declares that Feathertail will live, but he is unsure of what the damage to her back will do.  Brook comforts Stormfur, and Foxpaw makes Crowpaw laugh a little by joking about Brook making moves on Stormfur.
After a day, Feathertail wakes, but she can’t feel her hindquarters at all.  She stops Crowpaw from apologizing, and assures her friends that she will do her best to heal, but they have a job to do.  Stoneteller promises to take care of Feathertail like one of his own Clowder, and Brook swears to personally keep Feathertail cared for.  After a tearful goodbye, the five remaining Questers head down the mountain.  They break through a fog bank, and behold the vista below them.
A grand lake, surrounded by woodland and marshland and moorland and a winding river.  Birds fly past the group unafraid, and Crowpaw spies deer feeding in the distance.  A small Twoleg Den sits on one side, with a Barn and strange creatures dotting the Twoleg Territory there.  Near where the river meets the lake, another Twoleg Den sits, with a structure jutting out into the lake.  It gleams with the rising sun, and it’s as close to perfect as the Questers will ever find.
The group heads back to the Coldstone Clowder, and after transporting Feathertail to see the view, the five Clan cats head back the way they came.  Foxpaw tries to send Swiftpaw good vibes, but gets a strange feeling – like anxiety creeping up her tail and rooting in her spine.  Something is terribly wrong. And as they come into view of the Clan territories, and see the devastation that the Twolegs have wrought, and understand.
The Time Between
While the Quest was going on, the Twolegs had begun their attack on the territories.  All the Clans were under threat of starvation.  Windclan found themselves poisoned by prey.  Shrewpaw was nearly killed by a Monster – only saved by a shining Swiftspirit pulling him out of the way.  His leg was still broken, but he would live.  And worst of all, the Twolegs had set traps!  The Clans would have lost so many, save that Sandstorm led a rescue mission – at the cost of the Monster holding the prisoners stealing the brave molly away.
The Hope Clowder had better luck at least – their new home was safe, as their old camp had been destroyed by Monsters as well, but at least they had a place to stay! 
Preparations were made to move.  Seers chipped pieces of the Moonstone away, to bring with them to their new home.  Herbalists gathered their plants into carriable containers.  Queens and Kings worked with Crafters to make kit-carriers.  Hunters and Trackers took down every prey they found, and butchered the meat into transportable parcels.
And then the Questers returned.
The Journey
Foxpaw fell into her family’s embrace, crying with joy.  Goldenflower held Brambleclaw, who reassured her he was FINE MA.  Stormfur informed Leopardstar of Feathertail’s injury, and was welcomed back by Hawkfrost and Mothwing.  Tawnypelt rushed into Rowanclaw, holding him like he was a treasure.  Crowpaw ran into camp calling for his parents, and was swept up in their embrace, Nightcloud and her mate Gorseflicker dancing around them as Tallstar watched.  Foxpaw was named Foxflight for her swift return, and she congratulated Swiftpool on her calm name.  And Crowpaw requested he be named for the bravest cat he knew, and became Crowfeather.
Within three days, the dens were dismantled, the histories gathered, and every cat accounted for. But some of the Elders were too tired and weak, and Mudfur is recovering from an illness.  As the Clans walked through the Twoleg Territory, a group of Hope Clowder cats stopped them – their leaders wanted to talk to the Leaders of the Clans before they left. 
The Leaders, and the Elders so they could rest, were led to Darkstripe and Sasha, and Longstar asked what they wanted.  Sasha explains that some of their more spiritually sided cats have had visions of a distant Clan of cats that need help – do they know anything about this?  As she speaks, stars fall through a crack in the wall, and Willowpelt emerges.  She greets the tearful Darkstripe, and confirms that the records are missing something – there once were five Clans. 
The fifth, Skyclan were banished after the Leaders decided the fifth Tree at what became Fourtrees meant that Skyclan needed to leave.  They were forced to split, some joining the Coldstone Clowder, others became Kittypets or Loners, and some joined the remaining Clans. The Leaders then forbid the Historians from ever speaking of Skyclan, leading to everyone forgetting them  This was terribly wrong of the past Leaders, and now some of their descendants needed aid.  Mudfur raises his head – I can do this.  Frostfur agrees, followed by Loudbelly, and a Windclan Elder named Hollowback, then a Shadowclan Elder named Yewtail.  Their Leaders confer, and agree as well, so long as the Hope Colony cats going along understand they’ll have to care for these treasured Elders.  The Colony cats are brought in, and fervently agree, one tom named Macguyver vows to see them to Skyclan if it’s the last thing he does.  The Elders say goodbye to the Clans, and the mass of cats departs.
As the Clan cats go up the mountain, an apprentice named Smokepaw almost falls off of a cliff, but is saved by Russetfur.  This sets off a chain reaction that leads the Clans to become closer.  Queens and Kings huddle together, their kits becoming friends.  Apprentices chatter with each other, sharing tongues and stories. Historians compare notes, and Crafters compare techniques.  Hunters and Trackers share notes and bring down prey together.  Swiftpool finds herself becoming enamored with Crowfeather, and Crowfeather begins getting a crush on Swiftpool.  Foxflight is not blind and needles them cheerfully, with the help of Shrewleg.  Notably, Onewhisker keeps close to a slowly wilting Tallstar, and seems to be brown-nosing, at least according to Nightcloud.  He only leaves the elderly Leader’s side to talk with Brambleclaw.
When the Clans reach the Coldstone Clowder, they shelter for a night in the cavern, Graystripe being reunited with Feathertail.  She gets teary at Crowfeather’s name, and she and Stormfur decide to stay behind in the Coldstone Clowder, feeling more at home there.
The Clans marvel at the sight of the New Territory, but some cats wonder if Starclan came with them.  These doubts are erased when every Senior Seer AND Healer get similar visions of past Seers or Healers, assuring them Starclan reaches as far as Silverpelt.  As the cats bed down for the night, Barkface summons the Leaders to meet with Tallstar.  When they enter the bush where Tallstar lies, it becomes very apparent what is happening. 
Tallstar is dying, for the last time.
Mudclaw and Onewhisker stay at the entrance, Onewhisker shooting glares at the Deputy.  Tallstar weakly asks Leopardstar, Longstar, and Blackstar to help his chosen Deputy guide his clan, and as he passes, names…Mudclaw.  Onewhisker storms off, and Mudclaw lowers his head, mourning.
As this is happening, Hawkfrost and Mothwing meet with Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt, having deduced that the four share the same sire.  As they’re talking, Foxflight and Crowfeather trot over to say hello.
And the Riverclan siblings freeze.
Foxflight asks if they sat on slugs, and Mothwing shakily says that she’s seeing a Spirit, Hawkfrost’s wavering voice rising.  It’s our brother.  Tadpole.  We lost him when he…drowned… Crowfeather tilts his head.  I’m not named Tadpole, but…you look familiar…and tells his story.  Mothwing tears up – it’s you – oh Tadpole you’re ALIVE!!!  Hawkfrost is blubbering, beaming hopefully. Crowfeather, shaking a little, smiles weakly – I think I remember you, oh Moth, oh Hawk!  The three tumble into a teary embrace, with Foxflight and Tawnypelt cheering.  Brambleclaw looks…angry, that the attention is off of him, but hides it quickly. Of COURSE he would be excited about another sibling, he’s just shocked!
The next morning, as Windclan mourns Tallstar, many wonder how Mudclaw will gain his nine lives, with no Moonstone.  Darkpaw wonders as well, but is distracted by a tortie molly with a starry pelt.  He grabs Sorreltail, and they follow the cat until she leads them to a pool of clear, shining water.  With familiar shining stones at the bottom.  Darkpaw and Sorreltail race back to the group excitedly, and when the Healers come to the pool, they collectively agree that this will be their new Moonstone.  The Moonpool.  Darkpaw is given his Healer’s name on the spot by Cinderpelt – Darkmoon.
Settling In and Blood Spilt
The Clans settle into their new camps, and it’s busy for quite a while.  Camp Guards working with Crafters to weave new Dens, Herbalists and Healers planting their medicines and locating more, and Trackers and Hunters finding and tracking the lives of the new prey groups.  Foxflight finds herself bothered by Brambleclaw, finding solace in her pseudo-uncle Ashfur and his mate Flyshadow, and her best friend Shrewleg.  Eventually, they are forced to work together to drive off some Rogues that were harassing the border patrols of Thunderclan and Shadowclan.  Blackstar is furious that Longstar stepped in, but comically backtracks when Flamewish steps up. She had recently helped dive out a badger, and is Not Amused by Blackstar’s nonsense. We help each other, Moronstar!
Unfortunately, Onewhisker leads a revolt against Mudstar, claiming that Tallstar named HIM Deputy on his deathbed, and that Mudstar is a False Star.  This accusation brings Shadowclan supporters, and a fight breaks out, with Riverclan and Thunderclan supporting Mudstar.  As Onewhisker yowls angrily against Mudstar, a tree falls upon him, and he is crushed.  His body is retrieved, and the tree becomes the bridge to the new Gathering Place.  (Brambleclaw seethes, as his ally falls.  But he still has the Foxflight plan)
After some time, a Barn Cat named Daisy meets a patrol exploring the edge of the Twoleg Den.  She asks if they protect kits, which Cloudtail affirms.  She brings her three kits, Berrykit, Hazelkit, and Mousekit, to Thunderclan, saying that the Twolegs took her last litter, and she refuses to lose another to them.  Longstar welcomes her, and asks if she wishes to have a Clan name.  She passes, stating that she was named to honor her mother, and joins Thunderclan.  Cloudtail is attentive to her, which bothers Brightheart.  Thankfully, she communicates with her mate, and the three cats come to a romantic agreement.  The kits are delighted to have three parents!
Swiftpool and Crowfeather begin having a secret relationship, though not quite as secret as they think.  Hopfoot and Ashfoot exchange glances when their son looks so cheery, and Snowthorn pawspeaks jokes to Darkmoon about Swiftpool being obvious as a snowfall in Greenleaf.  Eventually, they decide to run away together, thinking that their Clans would never let them be together.  But that night they are stopped by Midnight, who tells them that her kin are attacking Thunderclan Camp.  The pair split up, Crowfeather running to Windclan for backup, and Swiftpool rushing for home.
She enters camp to pandemonium.  There are at least a half-dozen badgers, and she leaps at the one atop of Sootfur, saving his life.  As she helps drive them off, she hears Darkmoon scream in anguish, then sees him pin a badger with a bloody face.  Behind him, in front of the Healer’s Den, is a downed Cinderpelt.  Suddenly, a Windclan Battle Patrol bursts into camp, finishing off the badgers.  Swiftpool mourns the Healer alongside Darkmoon, Fireheart, and Flamewish, as Longstar confers with Mudstar.  Eventually, she and Crowfeather are called to meet with their leaders, and they confess their affair, waiting for their punishments.
But instead, Flamewish whoops delightedly, Mudstar sighs and mutters about idiots not talking to their Leaders, and Longstar pats them gently, you are not subtle kits.  Right there, Windclan and Thunderclan create a cross-clan relationship rule – so long as the Clans are at peace with each other, cats may be in relationships.  The moon remains bright and clear, and Swiftpool and Crowfeather have official permission to date.  The rule is added to the code at large, though Leopardstar seems somewhat iffy about it.  But if the Stars approve, then who is she to deny them?
After some time, Brambleclaw keeps trying to flirt with Foxflight, even though she’s mates with Shrewleg.  Eventually Fireheart steps in, and gives Brambleclaw a talk about consent, and taking NO for an answer. This is interrupted by Cloudtail rushing into camp with an injured Berrykit, who snuck out and got his tail stuck in a Twoleg snare.  He loses the tail, but lives, and is scolded for leaving camp by himself.  Brambleclaw gets an idea.
He meets every so often with Hawkfrost on the border, the pair complaining and training together.  Hawkfrost admits to once having a dream of Tiger”star” calling him, but denied it after seeing a moth float by. It reminded him of the one time that he tried to fake a sign to make Mothpaw a Healer, but there was already a moth’s wing at the Healer’s Den.  The pair both wish to be Deputies, and plan to become Leaders together.
On the evening of their last meeting, Hawkfrost feels a sense of unease.  As he approaches the meeting place, he hears a commotion, and finds Longstar trapped by a Twoleg snare on his neck, Brambleclaw standing over him.  Hawkfrost is horrified as Brambleclaw speaks, help me kill him, and Whitestorm when he makes me Deputy, and I’ll help you kill your opposition.  We will rule TOGETHER!
And Hawkfrost?
Says NO!
The pair clash, with Hakfrost getting knocked around by the Miretrees-trained Brambleclaw, eventually being thrown next to Longstar.  He sees the snare-thorn, and as Brambleclaw leaps at him, grabs the snare-thorn in his mouth
Brambleclaw falls on Hawkfrost, and the Riverclan tom shoves his half-brother off, the snare-thorn lodged deeply in the Traitor’s throat.  He frees Longstar, who coughs weakly, and thanks Hawkfrost for helping him.  Blood spills into the lake. Hawkfrost vows to never become Leader – he will support his clan, but the shine of Leadership has been forever tainted by hot blood and shocked amber eyes.
(Brambleclaw wakes, coughing up blood and black ooze.  His father sneers, what a failure…but we will try again)
And Swiftpool realizes she’s pregnant.
(Crowfeather denies that he fainted, it was a Manly Swoon. Foxflight disagrees heartily)
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Notes abt Piglin Culture
Hello!! Back again with another post about Piglins and their culture!! These are all headcanons of course and while some are based off the lore in-game, some are def based off my own ideas!!
I do wanna say Piglin culture is something I like to insert my own culture into, so be aware some things might be influenced by Aztecan and Mexican culture as well as Salvadorian. Usually these won't be too impactful, but I am speaking from my own experiences. I also want to state we'll be delving into a bit of lore from Minecraft Legends!! And happy holidays and merry christmas to my fellas out there! I'll try to post more soon, I have a theory/headcanon on Drowned I wanna show off here!!
this is a long post so yeah :0)
I wanted to touch one some small notes about the jobs Piglin culture has, as well as what they do for their community. I'm certain it's very clear their people are attached very heavily to each other, all raising children together, fighting, harvesting, protecting and living as one unit. I think Bastions represent a lot of different needs their people used to have in the days of old, namely the time of Minecraft Legends. The 4 Piglin leaders put into place their values into the Bastion structures. The Unbreakable implemented the Bastion system in the first place!! They were the one who first had the idea of Treasure Bastions, as a way to keep their history and treasures secure no matter what would happen. The Devourer designed the Housing Units, The Beast created the Hoglin Stables, and lastly, The Great Hog developed the Bridge Units. With these different units, different Piglins are required to choose a job and serve their community once they reach the age of 20. These jobs are Protectors, Nether-Roaming, and Bastion Dwellers.
Bastion-Dwelling piglins are ones that work preparing food, creating bricks for repairs, making beds and linen from stem trees, and creating music and clothes. They also take care of the elderly and children, usually are very social and polite. This job is usually for Piglins who aren't able to fight/don't know how, have disabilities that might make constant movement difficult, have children, or are generally more interested in this kind of work. It is slightly lighter work,though it is constant and takes a lot of effort to complete. (this is what Briar worked as due to his overgrown tail and ears as well as his physical hypo sensitivity due to his autism, also hes good with medicine lol)
Nether-Roaming works as scavengers, collecting bones, quartz, gold, blackstone and netherrack. As well as raiding any older chests around Ruined Portals and abandoned Bastions/Fortresses. Next are hunters who will kill magma cubes for medicines and potions as well as hoglins for meat and hides. Another job is Messagers. They will also communicate between Bastions, sending messages and pushing to form alliances.
Lastly are Protectors! Protectors are trained from a very young age (15 or so) to be ready for this kind of work. Protectors train in combat and mental fortitude especially. They are given a strict amount of rules to live by and support, are taught to not fear zombification and zombies. Protectors are needed to protect and secure any and all treasures inside of Bastions as well as all the Piglins who live inside of it!!
Another thing i wanted to mention briefly is the importance of gold and how its used to show a kinship within their culture.
Piglins usually have at least 2-4 different piercings on their body. Most keep to 2 piercings though. The most common are nose and ear piercings, as they're the easiest to care for. But!! It is normal to have them in a variety of other places and to have multiple in the same place!! (Dagger has two gauges in both ears.) Tail, nipple, belly button, eyebrows, lip and a variety of eyebrow n mouth related piercings.
Piercings are done by heating a quartz rod and poking it into the cartilage around where the piercing is meant to be placed. after the incision is done, a golden hoop, clip or small stud is placed within it. It is left to heal and is cleaned consistently with a mixture of water and magma cream. The piercing is always entirely golden and is always kept for the rest of their lives.
One piercing is done when the piglet is born, and another when they are an adult (20). The more piercings a Piglin has, the more revered and attractive they are seen as!! In general though, height, strength and overall size are attractive traits among piglins, as well as curlier/patterned hair/fur! (yes this means canonically Dagger is attractive but i think it's funnier that Briar is very much unattractive)
I also want to say i believe Piglins have a dormant winter gene in their DNA, back when their ancestors lived in a frozen tundra or the prehistoric Nether. (yes this is an idea presented by MatPat, but also its common sense with irl geography and history) This gene only comes up with Piglins who have moved to the Overworld.
Lastly, I will talk about how Piglins are perceived in the Overworld. The legend presented in Minecraft Legends is very much what V/Illager folk believe about the Piglin race. Brutish, disgusting, unappealing and violent. They usually look down on them and have no intentions of going to the Nether to actually see if these things are true. V/Illagers despise Piglins usually, though some don't see them as a threat as these prejudices spawn from old stories. Even so, the disdain is seen in how Villagers have their Iron Golems attack Piglins on sight. In the current story, most V/Illagers care not for Piglins, though some are of course hesitant around them. Unfortunately, this isn't much better as there are some V/Illagers who only like Dagger n Briar n such bc they see them as 'exotic', 'feisty' and 'cutesy' so :/ but its just part of being in a new place where people misinterpret you and your culture
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en ee ways im going to bed now goodnight happy holidays folks byeeee
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Have you made any changes to the tribe? P.s. love your blog
They're still a work in process as I wanted to be sure I'm thorough in my research and understanding to fix the issues presented in the books regarding the portrayal of The Tribe of Rushing Water. Arguably they are just going to be a separate group entirely, however I am preserving their general """existence""" specifically in regards to Lark's story, Feathertail, and Brook.
Still playing with their name, but I'm considering calling them simply The Cats of the Twelve Pillars, in reference to the mountain points that surround their territory. I think no matter what, using Tribe in the name will illicit the thought of Native American culture, which I do not want. They should simply be another group of cats. I'll take suggestions but again, still brainstorming.
Stoneteller has nine lives now.
Jayfeather has no involvement in "deciding" their new leader, nor are any of the clan cats reincarnations of ancient tribe cats for that matter. But yes, the mountain cats are capable of handling their own political affairs without needing the clan cats.
The "silver cat savior" prophecy is reworked, and rather than the clan cats being presented as saviors for the tribe, Stoneteller simply receives a message foretelling their travels and to grant them safe passage. Feathertail dying fighting off Sharptooth is not a prophecy nor destiny, but truly a sacrifice that involved Feathertail being the kind and earnest person she was. She'd die protecting any body of cats, clan cat or not. The mountain cats honor her because she helped them in warding off this danger, but she is no deity, nor is Stormfur confused for one.
Brook and Stormfur are still a couple, but it's just two cats who fall in love. By removal of the savior prophecy, my hope too was to remove the feeling of Stormfur being presented as a "white savior" who falls in love with "tribal woman" Brook.
The group is equal to the Clans. Clan cats do specialize in battle culture and thus their fighting skills and tactics are better developed, but the Mountain Cats have better hunting and mediation skills. They're capable of taking down large birds of prey, something truly clan cats cannot do. The Mountain Cats are shocked at the idea an owl carried off a full grown clan cat.
Mountain cats aren't complete fucking assholes who can't ask for help ever and literally kick out people who merely suggest a differing opinion. Unless Stoneteller was corrupt, that shouldn't be the culture.
No, Jayfeather also didn't found the group, create democracy, create prophecies, none of that. No time travel or historical interference from him, nor anyone.
Mountain Cats matters are decided via voting. Stoneteller's duty as leader is more of an advisor and caretaker to the people. Unlike clan leaders who have a sense of final say in clan culture, Stoneteller is simply guidance, and the group's matters are decided via the casting of stones by all members of the group who are of age.
Additional Rank added - Advisors. There are three of them at a time - one being the Head Guard, one being the Head Prey-Hunter, and finally one being the Head Caregiver. They are appointed through voting by their respective groups and are more of the political leaders of the Tribe, communicating change and speaking for the people to the Stoneteller as they work together to make decisions.
Additional Rank added - Caregivers. Cats who decide to focus on caring for their clanmates and learn medicine, as well as tend to the young, mothers, and elderly.
Naming is changed - Kits go unnamed beyond fond nicknames and identifiers from their parents until they are old enough to begin their training. It is here they receive their first trial, and explore the mountain territories. Upon the completion of this escapade and absorbing all they learned their first day, the unnamed cat declares their own name. For example, Brook was affectionately called Grays for her distinct gray eyes. She chose her own name of Brook after witnessing the beautiful wear the water erosion made, marking their territory like claw marks of history.
Mother does not name kit after "the first thing she sees".
It's a work in progress, and while there are facets of the Warrior Cats series that are eyebrow raising, I do not intend to remove the use of Clan, or change the naming system for the main clans for instance. I will be changing Medicine Cat to either Medic or Mender - though that class will eventually be divided later into the Healer and Seer roles.
I'm happy to answer more questions, and most of all wish to be educated if I do miss certain things I did not discuss here. Thank you for your understanding :)
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Father Seren and his apprentice Skyla.
I always love my little headcanon that Illagers who live peacefully among Villagers can become apprentices. Skyla, a Illager from The Howling Peaks, is one of them. In the village of Crystal Waters, She is works for the village medical ward and church under her mentor who is the Master Cleric, Skyla enjoys taking care of others and help any broken bones or wounds that need attending to, even helping the elderly with sore muscles and making them some soothing potions for them to have at home for just that, She has a gentle shy voice and wonderful bedside manners, Everyone in the village respects her even though she is an Illager, Skyla is passive and doesn't know how to fight hand to hand combat like her older sister, Valkyrie. But she is great at making defense potions just in case a certain duo of Illager Hunters try and raid the church and medical ward. Seren will retire once Skyla is a Master Cleric and finished her training, He trusts she will one day take in a student of her own as well as run the church services every Sunday for the townsfolk.
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cloudborn309 · 8 months
FE OC Week Day 3: Backstory
ugh been so busy today so I didn't have much time to draw anything so I'm just gonna throw the abridged, somewhat messy backstory I wrote down without any fun doodles
I have a bunch of headcanon stuff so it's a little different to canon so just bear with me
Spoiler warning for Fire Emblem Fates Revelations below
Iris was raised in one of the 12 Manokete clans that lived on the Isles of Kah’Rah; a far away tropical island. She grew up in the Mangrove clan with her twin sister Ossiedian, and the two aspired to grow up and become just like their mother, Kanresh, a Spire Guard. 
Spire Guards were the most revered and respected roles a Manokete could achieve. Spire Guards lived in the large jagged rock spires that jutted out of the sea that surrounded the islands. These Spire Guards would protect the Isles of Kah’Rah from humans. Some of the humans that came to their islands meant no harm, like sailors lost at sea, or merchants who got caught in a storm. Others had less than dubious motives. Hunters who craved the glory of bringing home the head of a Manokete, or perhaps hoped to butcher their bodies for magical ingredients for potions. Some of the very worst of them were slavers who would take and sell them to the highest bidder. Spire Guards were trained in combat for at least 100 years, and were taught how to speak common to communicate with ships that sailed too close to their waters. 
Iris and Ossiedian trained since they could walk, and when their mother passed on they took her place. They lived and worked as Spire Guards for nearly 400 years, until Iris decided that she wanted something more. She loved being a Spire Guard, but she longed to be a mother. She had courted many over the years, but none were meant to be, so she asked if one of the other Spire Guards, her good friend Tahron, would sire children for her. A few months into her pregnancy was when the Night Stalkers came.
Invisible soldiers pillaged their home, and dragged Manoketes into the sea. Despite her combat training, she was overpowered. As the water swirled around her, she found herself in a strange place, somewhere she had never been before, with a stranger she had never met.
Her people had been attacked as a test of power for the stranger. 
The Manoketes he had captured were merely a trophy for him, things to watch for entertainment. He hated all life, but held a particular hatred for Manoketes. He wanted them to suffer.
Iris was the only one who knew how to fight out of the captured Manoketes. The others were either elderly, young children, or adults that were too weak to defend themselves against the onslaught. Iris became the leader of the small group of Manoketes, and carried the burden of ensuring their survival, by any means necessary. The stranger wanted entertainment? Iris could play his game. In exchange for the safety of her newborn twins and her small group, Iris did whatever was asked of her.
She became a gladiator.
She managed to amuse him for 10 years.
Iris had noticed, as the years went on, the stranger was losing his sanity. His speech was erratic, the battles he wanted more bloody, more violent, more painful. It was only a matter of time before he snapped. She wasn’t sure why exactly he didn’t just kill her, perhaps he wanted to watch her suffer as she tried to find her way back to her family. He always watched. Just as she had been dragged from her home, she was dragged out of the strange place, back into water. However, when she emerged, she found she was not home. She wasn’t sure where she was. Wolven shapeshifters found her quickly, and took her to their clan leader, who offered the fellow shapeshifter shelter. When Iris tried to explain what exactly had happened to her, she found herself in unbearable pain. Her throat burned, her insides churned, and she felt herself nearly disappear, before she closed her mouth.
…Why couldn’t she talk about what had happened?
She didn’t test her luck after that. After she regained her strength, she bid her hosts farewell, and travelled the lands in search for her family. She came across another shapeshifter clan, this time they had fox features. They welcomed her in just as the previous one, but just like the wolven clan, they couldn’t help her in her search.
It was a little over a year when she returned to the wolven clan, and found their population was nearly halved. The clan talked of invisible soldiers who dragged their people into the water, and disappeared along with them. The leader of the clan joined Iris in search of the invisible soldiers. They journey to the other shapeshifter clan, and just like the wolves, they had a similar story. The leader of that clan joined Iris and the wolven shapeshifter, and the trio began to investigate, hoping that together they’d be able to find and free their people.
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huntedarte · 2 months
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Name: Artemis "Arte" Ryan Occupation: Mechanic at Palmer & Sons Age: 27 Sexuality: Lesbian Species: Werewolf Clan/Pack/Coven: Eventide Pack Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Relationship Status: Single Personality Traits: Protective, determined, feral, vengeful, observant
Biography (tw: pack massacre, torture, dehumanization)
Their life begins and ends when they are fourteen. Finally old enough to participate in the carefully regulated hunts that their Alpha sets up each month, to ensure that they never lose their edge as wolves. That was the purpose of these activities. To have the trained show the young how to hunt, how to survive in a world that could be hostile. The prey this time? Just some moose that have been herded nearby, animals that could still be dangerous to an inexperienced wolf, but nothing like a hunter or a vampire. The Pack has hunted them too in the past, as the occasional reminder that they are not to be underestimated. The balance of nature was maintained, but in the modern age, they had grown complacent.
Hunters take their camp while they are away, massacring the elderly and the pups who are too young to join (where Arte would have been one month prior), and the few warriors left to guard them, corpses cooling in the darkness. The message is evident: total annihilation.
They realize something is wrong when they don't revert to human form at dawn. When the Pack returns to the camp, the scent of blood rises in the air, and they realize too late that it's an ambush. A spell circle keeps them all trapped in a clearing, and a hunter steps forward. Arte can see his gun glinting at his hip and they let out a nervous whine that is swallowed up by the rest of the Pack. Arte sees their father step forward, his wolf regal and majestic in the moonlight, and they watch as he is shot dead. It's the only signal given before gunshots ring out from every direction. Muzzle flashes decorate the trees, and the dying yelps of wolves fill the air.
A bullet grazes along their muzzle, and their voice is added to the cacophony as silver burns them, and they stumble. Before they can get to their feet once more, the body of one of their pack members collapses on top of them, pinning them to the ground under his corpse. They whine, fighting to be freed, which only attracts the attention of the hunters. However, instead of putting a bullet through their head and freeing them of their misery, they take them as a prize. The last thing they see as they are dragged away are the dead bodies of their pack, some thirty or forty wolves cut down gruesomely.
The initial curse that kept them trapped in their wolf form still lingers. Even with night turns to day and back to night again, Arte remains four-legged and at the mercy of the hunters.
For 12 years, they live as a wolf, only turning back to a human once a month for the short hours when a full moon has risen, a perverse twisting of the original curse. Almost three of those years are spent under the hands of humans who were more sadistic than even the fiercest wolves in their pack. They pull Arte apart and put them back together, purely for their own amusement. They are part-prisoner and part-pet, and they would not let them die. They escape only because one of the hunters takes pity on them, unable to stomach treating a living creature like that, even if they were a "monster".
They smuggle Arte out under cover of darkness, and leaves them behind in a forest miles away. By the time the hunters discover Arte is gone, they have long since fled the area. For the most part, they wander about North America, though they make a few trips further south in hopes of finding answers. They stay in an area for as long as they are tolerated, but eventually, inevitably, they are chased away, either by humans or hunters or other supernatural creatures who want nothing to do with a lone, scarred wolf who is not the same as the others.
Port Leiry is just one more stop on an endless list of them, except when Arte crosses the town line, their bones twist and snap, and they are reverted back to human form. They feel the sunlight on their bare skin for the first time in twelve years and manage to find their way to the city. They can sense the magic and supernatural draw from its inhabitants, though they've never experienced a world that coexists quite like this.
The Eventide Pack takes them in, a few of them taking pity on the clearly lost and bewildered wolf. It's a few months before Arte fully tells their story to the Alpha, and they learn in turn that the story of the Ryan Pack has been used as something of a boogeyman for wolf packs over the last decade. They help them adjust, born and turned wolves alike, help them find a job at Palmer & Sons, first as a receptionist but eventually as an assistant mechanic. Engines and motors made more sense to them than other people did and they found a solace in fixing cars and motorcycles.
Seven months since they've arrived in the city, and Arte is slowly beginning to accept that this may be something of a permanent home for them. No one seems intent on chasing them away, and they can live somewhat of a normal life within Port Leiry. For now, it's all they've ever dreamed of, but they are also coming to realize that living among society also comes with way more complications than being alone in the woods.
Wanted Plots / Connections
The Witch (Chamomile Greensmith) - This witch is somehow connected to the original family that helped the hunters during the massacre and cursed the Ryan Pack to remain in their wolf form, and is the only person capable of fully lifting the curse from Arte. Open to plotting how they feel about the massacre, whether they were actually involved, if they have any knowledge at all about it, etc. At the end of the day, Arte cannot leave the confines of Port Leiry in human form without this witch's help.
The Hunter(s) (Cam McCormick) - These hunter(s) are somehow connected to the massacre of the Ryan Pack and involved in holding Arte captive in the years after. Make it fun, make it juicy, make it dramatic. Could be someone who took advantage of having a chained up werewolf, could be the hunter who set them free.
The Packmate - This wolf is a part of the Eventide Pack and was one of the first to extend a hand out to Arte. They probably were also the first person who actually heard Arte's full story (albeit over time). They have no idea what a 'ride or die' is but this person is the equivalent to that for them.
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ziggyswarriorcatsau · 3 months
1 leader - head of the Clan. The word of the Clan leader is law, proclaimed by the warrior code, and all other cats in the Clan must obey them. They are responsible for the whole Clan, calling Clan meetings, appointing cats to new ranks, and making the toughest decisions.
1 chieftain - directs the deputy and trains them. They’re usually the oldest warrior and have the responsibilities thereof. They also have the duties of deputy and order the patrols.
1 deputy - second in command of a Clan. A deputy is chosen by the leader to be their successor. If a Clan leader is unable to lead a Clan temporarily due to sickness, being away from the Clan, etc., then the deputy and chieftain would take over for that time.
1-3 med cats - cats who treat diseases and injuries, and who receive directions and guidance from StarClan. Medicine cats are not allowed to take mates or have kits unless they have a competent apprentice ready to replace them. They are expected to stand apart from Clan rivalries. They are deeply respected by their Clanmates and few cats dare to argue with them.
1.5 mediators - they help solve problems and disagreements, and keep the peace within the Clan/s. Mediators are expected to remain impartial while suggesting solutions, meaning they sometimes are required to rule against their own Clan. When there is nothing to mediate about, it is mainly a mediator's choice whether to get involved with daily Clan life.
1-3 advisors - elder warriors that are appointed by the deputy to watch over younger warriors, mentor apprentices, and assign duties to idle cats/civilians.
3-5 warriors - Warriors have been trained in the ways of fighting and hunting in addition to the ways of the warrior code. They are charged with the responsibility to feed and protect cats who are elderly or unable to spend time out of camp.
2-4 keepers - warriors that are trained to defend and fix the camp specifically. They make dens bigger, put more safety measures around camp, collect brambles and stuff. They’re usually the cats staying up at night to guard camp.
1-4 civilians - young warriors who are done with their training, have their warrior names, go on patrols, but aren’t mentors or usually chosen to go to battle. They’re mostly the hunters.
1-3 substitutes - these cats are taught to do a bit of everything. They can hunt and fight, mediate, have councils with the leader/chieftain/deputy, they can heal and deal with herbs, protect camp, message, mentor, everything. Usually, though, they act as patrons. They’re trained specifically to deal with kits and often fill in for queens as babysitters.
1-2 messengers - these cats are the swiftest of the swift. They’re often taken on as many patrols as possible, and they report to either the deputy, chieftain, or leader. When things go awry, they run as fast as possible back to camp and tell someone.
2-7 apprentices - Clan cats six moons or older, training to be a warrior (or sometimes a medicine cat) under a mentor. An apprentice becomes a warrior once their mentor or Clan leader thinks they have learned enough or proved they are worthy of becoming warriors.
1-4 queens - When a cat is expecting kits or has recently given birth to a litter of kits, they become known as a queen and move to the nursery. If a queen does not wish to tell who the father of the kits is to the Clan, that is their choice.
2-9 kits - A cat under the age of six moons who is still living in the nursery with their mother and littermates. Kits are usually very mischievous and energetic and are known to bother warriors and elders; but, they usually have a strong bond with elders.
1-5 elders - a Clan cat that has served their Clan faithfully, but has now retired. They are wise and are held in high respect by the other cats; their counsel and knowledge is sought several times, even by Clan leaders, though they are often described as grumpy. They do not have to catch their own food, nor do hunting patrols or fight, except to defend if necessary.
LEADER: Needlestar - a pale brown tabby she cat with distinctive black marbling across her spine. She has black and white feet.
CHIEFTAIN: Twigthistle - tall, elderly fawn colored tom, with long fur and amber-green eyes
DEPUTY: Oatflower - dark brown long haired she cat, with yellow eyes. Black patches line her tail like flowers.
MEDICINE CAT: Mumbleshell - white tom with gray tick markings all over. Blue eyes. APP - Thistlepaw
MEDIATOR: Thriftrunner - big, plump ginger tabby tom with a paler belly and markings. amber eyes, white paws and tail tip
ADVISORS: Acornrush - big, dark, tabby tom with a silver tinged muzzle. APP - Rowanpaw
Whiskerpelt - long haired gray tom with pale green eyes. 
Berrypelt - ginger and white she cat with black feet and tick marks. APP - Stempaw
WARRIORS: Hickoryheart - golden tabby tom with yellow eyes and a brown chest. APP - Wasppaw
Brownjaw - Brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Swansky - light gray tabby she cat, with white paws and chest. APP - Hollypaw
KEEPERS: Brightspots - big gray tom with white markings and greenish eyes
Blackstrike - black tabby she with big paws and light markings on her shoulders. Yellow eyes. APP - Bravepaw
Havencreek - pale orange tom with a large frame. Green eyes
CIVILIANS: Reedcloud - ginger she cat with odd, cloudy green eyes.
Downthistle - black she cat with dark orange eyes
SUBSTITUTES: Hootfrost- black and brown tom with wide yellow eyes, very shiny fur.
MESSENGERS: Charlie - light golden tom with black markings. Yellow eyes. APP - Kitepaw
APPRENTICES: Bravepaw - black and white tom with blue eyes
Stempaw - light gray tom with white markings and dark orange eyes”
Wasppaw - brown she cat with odd golden stripes along her tail
Thistlepaw - skinny dark russet she cat, with yellow eyes
Hollypaw - tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes
Rowanpaw - light brown tabby tom with a white belly
Kitepaw - white shecat with siamese markings, blue eyes
QUEENS: Icetail - white/brown siamese shecat with blue eyes (Mate: Brownjaw, Kits: expecting)
Maplenose - calico she, green eyes, dark nose (M: Acornrush, K: Jaggedkit. Amberkit, Heronkit, Emberkit)
KITS: Jaggedkit - black and white she with yellow eyes
Amberkit - ginger tom with white markings, brown eyes
Heronkit - dark tabby tom with green eyes
Emberkit - dark gray tom with darker fur on his spine and face. Yellow eyes
ELDERS: Firetail - blind shecat with an orange tail. Blue eyes. Oldest shecat in the clan
Spottedfur - gray tabby tom with white tick markings, green eyes
Nightburrow - black tom, half deaf, blind, green eyes. Oldest cat in the forest.
Duskchaser - tortoiseshell tom with 1 green eye and 1 brown eye. Has wobbly cat syndrome, otherwise known as, by Mumbleshell, tremors.
LEADER: Applestar - ginger shecat with green eyes, and a reddish tail
CHIEFTAIN: Pouncefoot - black and gray cat with amber-green eyes.
DEPUTY: Chivecloud - white and tawny tom  with narrow amber eyes
MEDICINE CAT: Ivypetal - pretty brown tabby she cat, with green eyes and white markings
MEDIATOR: Swiftfish - white and orange tom with blue eyes
ADVISORS: Thrushfall - yellow tom, amber eyes. lithe shape
Birdstone - big gray shecat, with super long fur and a flat face. blue eyes
WARRIORS: Sageslip - white tom, green eyes
Whorltail - black tom with gray markings on his tail. APP - Parsleypaw
Lightwhistle - pale, orange tom with white markings. amber eyes. APP - Stagpaw
Runningstream - black and white she with green eyes
Blacknose - handsome dark brown tom with green eyes and white markings. black nose
Fishtail - handsome brown tabby tom with green eyes and white markings
KEEPERS: Mothfur - pretty, longfurred she-cat with muscular legs and a strong jaw. Dusky brown pelt, amber eyes. APP - Whitepaw
Lilypool - dark golden mottled tom with green eyes and white toes
CIVILIANS: Brightfur - calico shecat with yellow eyes, and a black face.
Wetfoot - gray tabby tom with white feet and amber eyes
SUBSTITUTES: Snapjaw - pale gray and dark bluish tom with a broken jaw that requires help for chewing, as it locks occasionally.
Talonswoop - dark gray tom, with amber eyes and black tick marks.
Wavetail - elderly light ginger and black she cat with yellow eyes.
MESSENGERS: Stormstalk - lithe black she with dark blue eyes.
Bramblescratch - emaciated dark brown golden tom with brown-black eyes, many scars all over
APPRENTICES: Parsleypaw - dark gray shecat with black tick markings. dark blue eyes
Lynxpaw - cream she with light ginger tabby markings on her extremities. blue eyes
Whitepaw - white tom, amber eyes
Stagpaw - dark brown tabby tom with white markings and blue eyes
QUEENS:  Icewhistle - very pale gray and white she with amber eyes (M: Sageslip, K: expecting)
Webflower - ginger tabby she, amber eyes (M: Whorltail, K: Mottlekit, Littlekit, Frondkit)
Stillstream - tortoiseshell she with a stump tail, blue eyes (M: Lightwhistle, K: Tawnykit, Cinderkit, Crouchkit, Baykit)
Nightbrook - black shecat with very long fur. dark brown eyes. (M: Blacknose, K: Sootkit, Woollykit)
KITS: Tawnykit - tortoiseshell she with a stump tail, noticeable light brown markings, amber eyes
Cinderkit - gray tabby tom with amber eyes
Crouchkit - black and white tom, blue eyes, stump tail
Baykit - pale orange tabby tom, with white markings, blue eyes
Mottlekit - calico tom, amber eyes
Littlekit - noticeably tiny dark ginger tom with green eyes
Frondkit - black she, gray markings on tail, amber eyes
Sootkit - black and brown tabby tom, green eyes
Woollykit - very long furred black she, with 1 brown eye and 1 blue eye. white feet 
ELDERS: Greensight - half blind, once handsome brown tom with green eyes
Brindletail - white she with a calico tail, oldest nursery queen
Sparkwish - ginger tabby she with a stump tail, amber eyes
LEADER: Frogstar - black and gray shecat with long hind legs, and amber eyes. (M:?, K: Copperkit, Molekit, Spikekit)
CHIEFTAIN: Honeywing - golden brown tabby she with pretty yellow eyes and white patches on her legs
DEPUTY: Wolftail - dark brown and ginger tom with blue eyes. APP - Wildpaw
MEDICINE CAT: Robinmist - dark brown tabby she with amber eyes. APP - Nectarbee
MEDIATOR: Smokeshadow - small black and gray tom with amber eyes
ADVISORS: Sunfur - white, short furred she with yellow eyes and long legs
WARRIORS: Blossomheart - calico tom with markings on his chest. green eyes. APP - Blackpaw
Treetalon - very pale brown tabby tom with long claws and amber eyes
Bluetail - black tom with a blue gray tail, blue eyes
Morningwhisker - brown tabby she with green eyes
KEEPERS: Bigcloud - huge light gray/blue tom with white spots. Brown/yellow eyes, and very soft fur
Snipfang - muscular white she with pretty blue eyes, and black paws
Pounceripple - dusky brown tabby tom with amber eyes and white toes. Black stripes
Rootmask - ginger/yellow tom with black markings on his face and amber eyes
CIVILIANS: Snakewatcher - greenish brown shecat with brown/yellow eyes and black marbling, appearing like snakes on her pelt
SUBSTITUTES: Spirespots - bright ginger tom with black, white, brown, and grayish spots all over his pelt. Green eyes
MESSENGERS: Ryetail - white tom with a brownish tail and ears, green eyes
APPRENTICES: Nectarbee - golden tabby tom with black stripes, amber eyes
Blackpaw - gray tom with black spots and yellow eyes
Wildpaw - curly coated light ginger she, with orange eyes
QUEENS: Tigersmoke - beautiful ginger tabby she with black stripes and a white belly. amber eyes (M: Treetalon, K: Milkkit, Sleekkit, Vixenkit)
KITS: Milkkit - light pelted cream she, with soft fur and yellow eyes
Sleekkit - beautiful light brown tabby she, with amber eyes. white markings on her very shiny fur
Vixenkit - black and white she with amber eyes
Copperkit - handsome ginger/brown tom, amber eyes
Molekit - dark brown tom with long hind legs and blue eyes
Spikekit - gray she kit, with black markings and spiky fur. blue eyes
ELDERS: Vegas - bright white tom with blue eyes. (deaf in one ear, HOH in the other)
Snailtail - shortfurred gray tom with yellow eyes. short curly fur.
LEADER: Jumpstar - very dark shecat with white feet and brownish eyes
CHIEFTAIN: Lionfur - huge, fluffy brown/yellow she with brown eyes
DEPUTY: Roseshine - dark cream shecat with amber eyes and white markings. APP - Archpaw
MEDICINE CAT: Haretail - pretty lilac colored tabby she with a stump tail
MEDIATOR: Nectarpool - beautiful golden ginger she with icy blue eyes, soft and shiny fur
ADVISORS: Tinyclaw - tiny, dark tabby tom with blunt claws and amber eyes
Poppywing - calico she with a silver tinged muzzle and green eyes. APP - Wrenpaw
WARRIORS: Russetpelt - ginger tom with a white tipped tail and brown eyes
Scorchfur - black tom with burn scars all over, with crinkled fur. bright, captivating yellow eyes
Fleettail - long tailed white tom with amber eyes. APP - Tansypaw
Galefeather - light gray tabby she with blue eyes
Kestrelfur - bright ginger red tom with white patches and orange eyes. APP - Olivepaw
Mudstone - brown tabby tom with amber eyes. APP - Sandpaw
Owlsight - pretty dark tabby she, white patches and yellow eyes
KEEPERS: Milkweedclaw - pale gray and white tom with light green eyes
Hickoryspirit - hardy yellow-gold tom with brown eyes and black paws
CIVILIANS: Barkbelly - black and white tom with a brown underbelly and blue eyes
SUBSTITUTES: Spottedfrost - beautiful tortoiseshell she with icy blue eyes and long fur.
Cloudskip - big white she with fluffy fur and blue eyes. Half deaf in one ear, HOH in the other
Sloetuft - dark gray tom with blueish fluff on his ears. Brown-blue eyes
MESSENGERS: Cranberrybloom - dark red/ginger tom with white spots on his face. Green eyes
Batwillow - tall, lithe, willowy black and white she with yellow eyes.
APPRENTICES: Wrenpaw - dark tortoiseshell she cat with amber eyes
Tansypaw - gray shecat with yellow eyes and rounded ears
Olivepaw - dark gray and white tom with green eyes
Sandpaw - pale tawny tabby tom, amber eyes, white feet
Archpaw - dark blue and white tom with yellow eyes
QUEENS: Shimmeringminnow - sleek silver tabby she with green eyes (M:Tinyclaw, K: Sedgekit, Plumkit)
Roma - beautiful black and brown she with amber eyes (M: Kestrelfur, K: Hatchkit, Bugkit)
Marigoldbriar - golden leopard looking she with 1 green eye and 1 amber eye. (M: Scorchfur, K: Stoatkit, Ravenkit, Rabbitkit, Juniperkit)
Duckmuzzle - young, pale yellow tabby she, with a long muzzle and amber eyes (M: Mudstone, K: expecting)
KITS: Hatchkit - brown tabby tom with orange eyes
Bugkit - pretty ginger tabby she with amber eyes
Sedgekit - very light gray/blue tom with blue eyes
Plumkit - very dark gray tabby she kit with dark blue eyes
Stoatkit - black and brown patched tom with amber eyes
Ravenkit - pure black she, green eyes
Rabbitkit - tiny golden leopard looking tom with amber eyes
Bubblingkit - black and golden spotted tom yellow eyes
Juniperkit - calico she with green eyes
ELDERS: Blazespots - white tom with red spots and amber eyes
Myrtlebeam - tabby shecat with green eyes
LEADER: Cinnamonstar - mottled brown shecat with amber eyes. APP - Rockpaw
CHIEFTAIN: Argyle - dark tortoiseshell she with a half caved in nose. Green eyes
DEPUTY: Snookcrawl - black and white tom, with short legs and amber eyes
MEDICINE CAT: Buzzardfur - brown and white tom with fluffy fur (very young)
MEDIATOR: Figbumble - elderly brownish greenish tabby tom, with dark stripes and yellow eyes
ADVISORS: Swiftwind - silver tabby tom with blue eyes
WARRIORS: Marshtail - dark brown tom with black spots along his spine. APP - Yewpaw
Woodfur - tabby tom with green eyes
Ebonypelt - black she with amber eyes
Frosttail - white tom with a spiky tail, blue eyes
Mallowstep - tall ginger she with tabby patch markings. green eyes
Nutshade - blue/gray tom with brownish eyes. APP - Gorsepaw
Goldenspeckle - pretty, large she with a golden calico pelt and orange eyes. APP - Leafpaw
KEEPERS: Jaytail - blue/gray tabby tom with blue eyes, and a long tail
Rustleshadow - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
CIVILIANS: Jadenose - white shecat with a ginger nose and paws
Garnet - dark red tabby tom with amber eyes
Fireflywing - ginger/black tom with yellow eyes.
Darkfall - handsome black tom with dark eyes and messy, long fur
SUBSTITUTES: Rosestem - red/white/brown she with pretty green eyes and long legs.  APP - Daypaw
Stonemoon - pale gray and ginger she with blue eyes. Blue gray feet
MESSENGERS: Larkwhistle - pale ginger she with black stripes and a friendly demeanor. 1 blue eye, one green eye.
APPRENTICES: Rockpaw - big, dark gray she with amber eyes
Yewpaw - pale ginger tom with yellow eyes
Leafpaw - gray tabby she with white patches and green eyes
Gorsepaw - blue/gray tom with long whiskers and orange eyes
Daypaw - ginger tom with yellow eyes and reddish markings
QUEENS: Danglingwhisker - calico she cat with long whiskers and orange eyes (M: Nutshade, K: Stonekit, Gullkit, Hailkit)
Talonbird - golden tabby she, amber eyes (M: Swiftwind, K: Puddlekit, Flashkit)
Conetail - tortoiseshell she with green eyes. short tail (M:Darkfall/Ebonypelt, K: expecting)
KITS: Puddlekit - silver tabby she with blue eyes
Flashkit - golden tabby tom, amber eyes
Dustkit - dark brown tom with black striped shoulders. orange eyes
Willowkit - pretty light brown she with black stripes on her shoulders. blue eyes
Rosekit - dark tortoiseshell she, with yellow eyes
Stonekit - gray tabby tom with amber eyes
Gullkit - white and blue/gray tom with amber eyes
Hailkit - black and white tom with amber eyes
ELDERS: Nettletail - pale ginger/brown she with yellow eyes and very weak legs. oldest cat in the clan
Honeytoe - white tom with yellow eyes and golden feet
Wrenpeak - brown tabby she with brownish eyes
Pooleye - dark brown tom with watery blue eyes. oldest tom in the clan
Loners: Judas - fat, black and white rosetted tom, with pale amber eyes (formerly Bristlekit). lives in a cat colony, in a ghost town.
Ezra - handsome ginger tom with white toes and a pale belly, dark stripe along spine
Whiskey - old, mottled brown and black she with orange eyes.
Sputnik - cream/gray tom with sparse fur, and black spots around his eyes. green eyes
Cameron - pretty red mackerel tabby she, with white markings and yellow eyes. 5 kits
Artemis - brown/ginger sokoke she with white markings, green eyes
Pippin - fluffy gray/brown tabby tom with white markings, yellow eyes
Aster - gray and white she with blue eyes
Hestor - white tom with brown tabby markings on his eye and paws. blue eyes
Gunner - black sokoke tabby tom, white markings, and yellow eyes.
Toast - elderly mottled brown tom, 
Rogues: Lionel - black, white, and gray (in varying shades of each) tom. Blue eyes and a long, tall, lithe shape.
Kittypets: Dakhir - brown tabby tom with a white chest and paws, amber-green eyes. 1 ear clipped.
Sultana - white and gray she with yellow-green eyes
The characters and clans are mine, ask to use them, and the credit for the descriptions of the ranks go to the warriors wiki (i linked it a few times)
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hepatitushepatits · 3 months
1 leader - head of the Clan. The word of the Clan leader is law, proclaimed by the warrior code, and all other cats in the Clan must obey them. They are responsible for the whole Clan, calling Clan meetings, appointing cats to new ranks, and making the toughest decisions.
1 chieftain - directs the deputy and trains them. They’re usually the oldest warrior and have the responsibilities thereof. They also have the duties of deputy and order the patrols.
1 deputy - second in command of a Clan. A deputy is chosen by the leader to be their successor. If a Clan leader is unable to lead a Clan temporarily due to sickness, being away from the Clan, etc., then the deputy and chieftain would take over for that time.
1-3 med cats - cats who treat diseases and injuries, and who receive directions and guidance from StarClan. Medicine cats are not allowed to take mates or have kits unless they have a competent apprentice ready to replace them. They are expected to stand apart from Clan rivalries. They are deeply respected by their Clanmates and few cats dare to argue with them.
1.5 mediators - they help solve problems and disagreements, and keep the peace within the Clan/s. Mediators are expected to remain impartial while suggesting solutions, meaning they sometimes are required to rule against their own Clan. When there is nothing to mediate about, it is mainly a mediator's choice whether to get involved with daily Clan life.
1-3 advisors - elder warriors that are appointed by the deputy to watch over younger warriors, mentor apprentices, and assign duties to idle cats/civilians.
3-5 warriors - Warriors have been trained in the ways of fighting and hunting in addition to the ways of the warrior code. They are charged with the responsibility to feed and protect cats who are elderly or unable to spend time out of camp.
2-4 keepers - warriors that are trained to defend and fix the camp specifically. They make dens bigger, put more safety measures around camp, collect brambles and stuff. They’re usually the cats staying up at night to guard camp.
1-4 civilians - young warriors who are done with their training, have their warrior names, go on patrols, but aren’t mentors or usually chosen to go to battle. They’re mostly the hunters.
1-3 substitutes - these cats are taught to do a bit of everything. They can hunt and fight, mediate, have councils with the leader/chieftain/deputy, they can heal and deal with herbs, protect camp, message, mentor, everything. Usually, though, they act as patrons. They’re trained specifically to deal with kits and often fill in for queens as babysitters.
1-2 messengers - these cats are the swiftest of the swift. They’re often taken on as many patrols as possible, and they report to either the deputy, chieftain, or leader. When things go awry, they run as fast as possible back to camp and tell someone.
2-7 apprentices - Clan cats six moons or older, training to be a warrior (or sometimes a medicine cat) under a mentor. An apprentice becomes a warrior once their mentor or Clan leader thinks they have learned enough or proved they are worthy of becoming warriors.
1-4 queens - When a cat is expecting kits or has recently given birth to a litter of kits, they become known as a queen and move to the nursery. If a queen does not wish to tell who the father of the kits is to the Clan, that is their choice.
2-9 kits - A cat under the age of six moons who is still living in the nursery with their mother and littermates. Kits are usually very mischievous and energetic and are known to bother warriors and elders; but, they usually have a strong bond with elders.
1-5 elders - a Clan cat that has served their Clan faithfully, but has now retired. They are wise and are held in high respect by the other cats; their counsel and knowledge is sought several times, even by Clan leaders, though they are often described as grumpy. They do not have to catch their own food, nor do hunting patrols or fight, except to defend if necessary.
LEADER: Needlestar - a pale brown tabby she cat with distinctive black marbling across her spine. She has black and white feet.
CHIEFTAIN: Twigthistle - tall, elderly fawn colored tom, with long fur and amber-green eyes
DEPUTY: Oatflower - dark brown long haired she cat, with yellow eyes. Black patches line her tail like flowers.
MEDICINE CAT: Mumbleshell - white tom with gray tick markings all over. Blue eyes. APP - Thistlepaw
MEDIATOR: Thriftrunner - big, plump ginger tabby tom with a paler belly and markings. amber eyes, white paws and tail tip
ADVISORS: Acornrush - big, dark, tabby tom with a silver tinged muzzle. APP - Rowanpaw
Whiskerpelt - long haired gray tom with pale green eyes. 
Berrypelt - ginger and white she cat with black feet and tick marks. APP - Stempaw
WARRIORS: Hickoryheart - golden tabby tom with yellow eyes and a brown chest. APP - Wasppaw
Brownjaw - Brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Swansky - light gray tabby she cat, with white paws and chest. APP - Hollypaw
KEEPERS: Brightspots - big gray tom with white markings and greenish eyes
Blackstrike - black tabby she with big paws and light markings on her shoulders. Yellow eyes. APP - Bravepaw
Havencreek - pale orange tom with a large frame. Green eyes
CIVILIANS: Reedcloud - ginger she cat with odd, cloudy green eyes.
Downthistle - black she cat with dark orange eyes
SUBSTITUTES: Hootfrost- black and brown tom with wide yellow eyes, very shiny fur.
MESSENGERS: Charlie - light golden tom with black markings. Yellow eyes. APP - Kitepaw
APPRENTICES: Bravepaw - black and white tom with blue eyes
Stempaw - light gray tom with white markings and dark orange eyes”
Wasppaw - brown she cat with odd golden stripes along her tail
Thistlepaw - skinny dark russet she cat, with yellow eyes
Hollypaw - tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes
Rowanpaw - light brown tabby tom with a white belly
Kitepaw - white shecat with siamese markings, blue eyes
QUEENS: Icetail - white/brown siamese shecat with blue eyes (Mate: Brownjaw, Kits: expecting)
Maplenose - calico she, green eyes, dark nose (M: Acornrush, K: Jaggedkit. Amberkit, Heronkit, Emberkit)
KITS: Jaggedkit - black and white she with yellow eyes
Amberkit - ginger tom with white markings, brown eyes
Heronkit - dark tabby tom with green eyes
Emberkit - dark gray tom with darker fur on his spine and face. Yellow eyes
ELDERS: Firetail - blind shecat with an orange tail. Blue eyes. Oldest shecat in the clan
Spottedfur - gray tabby tom with white tick markings, green eyes
Nightburrow - black tom, half deaf, blind, green eyes. Oldest cat in the forest.
Duskchaser - tortoiseshell tom with 1 green eye and 1 brown eye. Has wobbly cat syndrome, otherwise known as, by Mumbleshell, tremors.
LEADER: Applestar - ginger shecat with green eyes, and a reddish tail
CHIEFTAIN: Pouncefoot - black and gray cat with amber-green eyes.
DEPUTY: Chivecloud - white and tawny tom  with narrow amber eyes
MEDICINE CAT: Ivypetal - pretty brown tabby she cat, with green eyes and white markings
MEDIATOR: Swiftfish - white and orange tom with blue eyes
ADVISORS: Thrushfall - yellow tom, amber eyes. lithe shape
Birdstone - big gray shecat, with super long fur and a flat face. blue eyes
WARRIORS: Sageslip - white tom, green eyes
Whorltail - black tom with gray markings on his tail. APP - Parsleypaw
Lightwhistle - pale, orange tom with white markings. amber eyes. APP - Stagpaw
Runningstream - black and white she with green eyes
Blacknose - handsome dark brown tom with green eyes and white markings. black nose
Fishtail - handsome brown tabby tom with green eyes and white markings
KEEPERS: Mothfur - pretty, longfurred she-cat with muscular legs and a strong jaw. Dusky brown pelt, amber eyes. APP - Whitepaw
Lilypool - dark golden mottled tom with green eyes and white toes
CIVILIANS: Brightfur - calico shecat with yellow eyes, and a black face.
Wetfoot - gray tabby tom with white feet and amber eyes
SUBSTITUTES: Snapjaw - pale gray and dark bluish tom with a broken jaw that requires help for chewing, as it locks occasionally.
Talonswoop - dark gray tom, with amber eyes and black tick marks.
Wavetail - elderly light ginger and black she cat with yellow eyes.
MESSENGERS: Stormstalk - lithe black she with dark blue eyes.
Bramblescratch - emaciated dark brown golden tom with brown-black eyes, many scars all over
APPRENTICES: Parsleypaw - dark gray shecat with black tick markings. dark blue eyes
Lynxpaw - cream she with light ginger tabby markings on her extremities. blue eyes
Whitepaw - white tom, amber eyes
Stagpaw - dark brown tabby tom with white markings and blue eyes
QUEENS:  Icewhistle - very pale gray and white she with amber eyes (M: Sageslip, K: expecting)
Webflower - ginger tabby she, amber eyes (M: Whorltail, K: Mottlekit, Littlekit, Frondkit)
Stillstream - tortoiseshell she with a stump tail, blue eyes (M: Lightwhistle, K: Tawnykit, Cinderkit, Crouchkit, Baykit)
Nightbrook - black shecat with very long fur. dark brown eyes. (M: Blacknose, K: Sootkit, Woollykit)
KITS: Tawnykit - tortoiseshell she with a stump tail, noticeable light brown markings, amber eyes
Cinderkit - gray tabby tom with amber eyes
Crouchkit - black and white tom, blue eyes, stump tail
Baykit - pale orange tabby tom, with white markings, blue eyes
Mottlekit - calico tom, amber eyes
Littlekit - noticeably tiny dark ginger tom with green eyes
Frondkit - black she, gray markings on tail, amber eyes
Sootkit - black and brown tabby tom, green eyes
Woollykit - very long furred black she, with 1 brown eye and 1 blue eye. white feet 
ELDERS: Greensight - half blind, once handsome brown tom with green eyes
Brindletail - white she with a calico tail, oldest nursery queen
Sparkwish - ginger tabby she with a stump tail, amber eyes
LEADER: Frogstar - black and gray shecat with long hind legs, and amber eyes. (M:?, K: Copperkit, Molekit, Spikekit)
CHIEFTAIN: Honeywing - golden brown tabby she with pretty yellow eyes and white patches on her legs
DEPUTY: Wolftail - dark brown and ginger tom with blue eyes. APP - Wildpaw
MEDICINE CAT: Robinmist - dark brown tabby she with amber eyes. APP - Nectarbee
MEDIATOR: Smokeshadow - small black and gray tom with amber eyes
ADVISORS: Sunfur - white, short furred she with yellow eyes and long legs
WARRIORS: Blossomheart - calico tom with markings on his chest. green eyes. APP - Blackpaw
Treetalon - very pale brown tabby tom with long claws and amber eyes
Bluetail - black tom with a blue gray tail, blue eyes
Morningwhisker - brown tabby she with green eyes
KEEPERS: Bigcloud - huge light gray/blue tom with white spots. Brown/yellow eyes, and very soft fur
Snipfang - muscular white she with pretty blue eyes, and black paws
Pounceripple - dusky brown tabby tom with amber eyes and white toes. Black stripes
Rootmask - ginger/yellow tom with black markings on his face and amber eyes
CIVILIANS: Snakewatcher - greenish brown shecat with brown/yellow eyes and black marbling, appearing like snakes on her pelt
SUBSTITUTES: Spirespots - bright ginger tom with black, white, brown, and grayish spots all over his pelt. Green eyes
MESSENGERS: Ryetail - white tom with a brownish tail and ears, green eyes
APPRENTICES: Nectarbee - golden tabby tom with black stripes, amber eyes
Blackpaw - gray tom with black spots and yellow eyes
Wildpaw - curly coated light ginger she, with orange eyes
QUEENS: Tigersmoke - beautiful ginger tabby she with black stripes and a white belly. amber eyes (M: Treetalon, K: Milkkit, Sleekkit, Vixenkit)
KITS: Milkkit - light pelted cream she, with soft fur and yellow eyes
Sleekkit - beautiful light brown tabby she, with amber eyes. white markings on her very shiny fur
Vixenkit - black and white she with amber eyes
Copperkit - handsome ginger/brown tom, amber eyes
Molekit - dark brown tom with long hind legs and blue eyes
Spikekit - gray she kit, with black markings and spiky fur. blue eyes
ELDERS: Vegas - bright white tom with blue eyes. (deaf in one ear, HOH in the other)
Snailtail - shortfurred gray tom with yellow eyes. short curly fur.
LEADER: Jumpstar - very dark shecat with white feet and brownish eyes
CHIEFTAIN: Lionfur - huge, fluffy brown/yellow she with brown eyes
DEPUTY: Roseshine - dark cream shecat with amber eyes and white markings. APP - Archpaw
MEDICINE CAT: Haretail - pretty lilac colored tabby she with a stump tail
MEDIATOR: Nectarpool - beautiful golden ginger she with icy blue eyes, soft and shiny fur
ADVISORS: Tinyclaw - tiny, dark tabby tom with blunt claws and amber eyes
Poppywing - calico she with a silver tinged muzzle and green eyes. APP - Wrenpaw
WARRIORS: Russetpelt - ginger tom with a white tipped tail and brown eyes
Scorchfur - black tom with burn scars all over, with crinkled fur. bright, captivating yellow eyes
Fleettail - long tailed white tom with amber eyes. APP - Tansypaw
Galefeather - light gray tabby she with blue eyes
Kestrelfur - bright ginger red tom with white patches and orange eyes. APP - Olivepaw
Mudstone - brown tabby tom with amber eyes. APP - Sandpaw
Owlsight - pretty dark tabby she, white patches and yellow eyes
KEEPERS: Milkweedclaw - pale gray and white tom with light green eyes
Hickoryspirit - hardy yellow-gold tom with brown eyes and black paws
CIVILIANS: Barkbelly - black and white tom with a brown underbelly and blue eyes
SUBSTITUTES: Spottedfrost - beautiful tortoiseshell she with icy blue eyes and long fur.
Cloudskip - big white she with fluffy fur and blue eyes. Half deaf in one ear, HOH in the other
Sloetuft - dark gray tom with blueish fluff on his ears. Brown-blue eyes
MESSENGERS: Cranberrybloom - dark red/ginger tom with white spots on his face. Green eyes
Batwillow - tall, lithe, willowy black and white she with yellow eyes.
APPRENTICES: Wrenpaw - dark tortoiseshell she cat with amber eyes
Tansypaw - gray shecat with yellow eyes and rounded ears
Olivepaw - dark gray and white tom with green eyes
Sandpaw - pale tawny tabby tom, amber eyes, white feet
Archpaw - dark blue and white tom with yellow eyes
QUEENS: Shimmeringminnow - sleek silver tabby she with green eyes (M:Tinyclaw, K: Sedgekit, Plumkit)
Roma - beautiful black and brown she with amber eyes (M: Kestrelfur, K: Hatchkit, Bugkit)
Marigoldbriar - golden leopard looking she with 1 green eye and 1 amber eye. (M: Scorchfur, K: Stoatkit, Ravenkit, Rabbitkit, Juniperkit)
Duckmuzzle - young, pale yellow tabby she, with a long muzzle and amber eyes (M: Mudstone, K: expecting)
KITS: Hatchkit - brown tabby tom with orange eyes
Bugkit - pretty ginger tabby she with amber eyes
Sedgekit - very light gray/blue tom with blue eyes
Plumkit - very dark gray tabby she kit with dark blue eyes
Stoatkit - black and brown patched tom with amber eyes
Ravenkit - pure black she, green eyes
Rabbitkit - tiny golden leopard looking tom with amber eyes
Bubblingkit - black and golden spotted tom yellow eyes
Juniperkit - calico she with green eyes
ELDERS: Blazespots - white tom with red spots and amber eyes
Myrtlebeam - tabby shecat with green eyes
LEADER: Cinnamonstar - mottled brown shecat with amber eyes. APP - Rockpaw
CHIEFTAIN: Argyle - dark tortoiseshell she with a half caved in nose. Green eyes
DEPUTY: Snookcrawl - black and white tom, with short legs and amber eyes
MEDICINE CAT: Buzzardfur - brown and white tom with fluffy fur (very young)
MEDIATOR: Figbumble - elderly brownish greenish tabby tom, with dark stripes and yellow eyes
ADVISORS: Swiftwind - silver tabby tom with blue eyes
WARRIORS: Marshtail - dark brown tom with black spots along his spine. APP - Yewpaw
Woodfur - tabby tom with green eyes
Ebonypelt - black she with amber eyes
Frosttail - white tom with a spiky tail, blue eyes
Mallowstep - tall ginger she with tabby patch markings. green eyes
Nutshade - blue/gray tom with brownish eyes. APP - Gorsepaw
Goldenspeckle - pretty, large she with a golden calico pelt and orange eyes. APP - Leafpaw
KEEPERS: Jaytail - blue/gray tabby tom with blue eyes, and a long tail
Rustleshadow - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
CIVILIANS: Jadenose - white shecat with a ginger nose and paws
Garnet - dark red tabby tom with amber eyes
Fireflywing - ginger/black tom with yellow eyes.
Darkfall - handsome black tom with dark eyes and messy, long fur
SUBSTITUTES: Rosestem - red/white/brown she with pretty green eyes and long legs.  APP - Daypaw
Stonemoon - pale gray and ginger she with blue eyes. Blue gray feet
MESSENGERS: Larkwhistle - pale ginger she with black stripes and a friendly demeanor. 1 blue eye, one green eye.
APPRENTICES: Rockpaw - big, dark gray she with amber eyes
Yewpaw - pale ginger tom with yellow eyes
Leafpaw - gray tabby she with white patches and green eyes
Gorsepaw - blue/gray tom with long whiskers and orange eyes
Daypaw - ginger tom with yellow eyes and reddish markings
QUEENS: Danglingwhisker - calico she cat with long whiskers and orange eyes (M: Nutshade, K: Stonekit, Gullkit, Hailkit)
Talonbird - golden tabby she, amber eyes (M: Swiftwind, K: Puddlekit, Flashkit)
Conetail - tortoiseshell she with green eyes. short tail (M:Darkfall/Ebonypelt, K: expecting)
KITS: Puddlekit - silver tabby she with blue eyes
Flashkit - golden tabby tom, amber eyes
Dustkit - dark brown tom with black striped shoulders. orange eyes
Willowkit - pretty light brown she with black stripes on her shoulders. blue eyes
Rosekit - dark tortoiseshell she, with yellow eyes
Stonekit - gray tabby tom with amber eyes
Gullkit - white and blue/gray tom with amber eyes
Hailkit - black and white tom with amber eyes
ELDERS: Nettletail - pale ginger/brown she with yellow eyes and very weak legs. oldest cat in the clan
Honeytoe - white tom with yellow eyes and golden feet
Wrenpeak - brown tabby she with brownish eyes
Pooleye - dark brown tom with watery blue eyes. oldest tom in the clan
Loners: Judas - fat, black and white rosetted tom, with pale amber eyes (formerly Bristlekit). lives in a cat colony, in a ghost town.
Ezra - handsome ginger tom with white toes and a pale belly, dark stripe along spine
Whiskey - old, mottled brown and black she with orange eyes.
Sputnik - cream/gray tom with sparse fur, and black spots around his eyes. green eyes
Cameron - pretty red mackerel tabby she, with white markings and yellow eyes. 5 kits
Artemis - brown/ginger sokoke she with white markings, green eyes
Pippin - fluffy gray/brown tabby tom with white markings, yellow eyes
Aster - gray and white she with blue eyes
Hestor - white tom with brown tabby markings on his eye and paws. blue eyes
Gunner - black sokoke tabby tom, white markings, and yellow eyes.
Toast - elderly mottled brown tom, 
Rogues: Lionel - black, white, and gray (in varying shades of each) tom. Blue eyes and a long, tall, lithe shape.
Kittypets: Dakhir - brown tabby tom with a white chest and paws, amber-green eyes. 1 ear clipped.
Sultana - white and gray she with yellow-green eyes
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beansroasted · 5 months
BEANSROASTED                    #muselist part 2
rafael banes, avan jogia, supernatural: son to hunters elaine & michael banes. watched his father getting killed by a shtriga, before his mother killed the monster. shtrigas mostly hunt children, therefor a traumatised elaine blamed young rafael for his fathers death & threw him out of the house at age eight. ever since rafael has been on his own, living on the street for a while, before taking on some smaller jobs here & there, to earn some money. obsessed with becoming a hunter, just like his father, to bring honor to the name banes. owns a motorcycle, he found on a junkyard & repaired himself over two years. chain smoker. heavy drinker. mostly seen in leather jackets and combat boots. sarcastic. careful. determined.
ruby 1.0. , katie cassidy, supernatural: former human ( 1346 - 1353 ) , becoming a witch after selling her soul to the demon astaroth. after her death send to hell & tortured until she became a demon. escapee of hell through the devils gate in wyoming. seemingly nice demon, helping sam winchester on his mission to save his brother from hell. sent back to hell by lilith, so she could possess her vessel. aggressive. manipulative. deceitful. sarcastic. sassy.
benjamin braeden, benjamin wadsworth, supernatural: son of dean winchester & lisa braeden. after the demonic possession & stabbing of his mother, lisa didn’t get to the hospital quick enough & died on the way. a heartbroken & disappointed ben, blaming dean for his mothers death, ran away on his own, deciding to train and become a hunter himself. living on the street for a few months, he luckily gets taken in by an elderly couple of hunters, after they rescue him from a Rakshasa, he thought he could take on alone. maureen & elias henford teach him everything they know while Ben lives with them & several years later he becomes a hunter himself. vengeful. bitter. charming.
sam winchester , jared padalecki, supernatural: supernatural hunter. always wanted a normal life. after the demon Azazel killed their mother, both Sam & Dean were raised in the hunting life by their father. left the hunting life to pursue a career in law & marry his college sweetheart. was pushed back into hunting, when she was killed. kind. independent. intelligent. empathetic. brave. season 1 - 3 based.
rebekah mikaleson, claire holt, the originals: original vampire & only daughter to mikael & esther mikaelson. one of the oldest & most powerful vampires in existence, wishing to live normal, human life. erratic, stubborn, aggressive, emotionally fragile, reckless, impulsive, naive, bad - tempered.
shego, emeraude toubia, kim possible: former super hero & member of team go who turned her back on the good side & started a career as a successful villainess. wanted in 11 countries. plasma thrower. elite hand-to-hand combatant. effective strategist & spy. sidekick to dr drakken. sarcastic. violent. mean. smart. manipulative.
joey tribbiani, joey keery, friends: womanizer, coming from an american - italian family with seven sisters. born in queens. struggling & rather unsuccessful actor, constantly looking for work. best friends with chandler bing. not the sharpest tool in the box. loves food ( particularly sandwiches & pizza, hates to share it ), sex, foosball, video games, comics & the knicks. good - natured. simple - minded. childish. charming & well - meaning.
piper halliwell, phoebe tonkin, charmed: 1/3 of the charmed ones. professional chef & night club owner. molecular immobilisation, molecular combustion, molecular acceleration. skilled potion brewer. sensitive. protective. sarcastic.
brick jojo, booboo stewart, the powerpuff girls: him & his brothers boomer & butch were made by the supervillain mojo jojo of snips, snails & puppydogtails. leader of the rowdyruff boys. evil counterpart to blossom utonium. laser vision, flight, super strength. rude, arrogant, cruel, tough, short-tempered, reckless.
wednesday addams, jenna ortega, the addams family: morbid & emotionally reserved, fascinated by the macabre. enjoys raising spiders & researching the bermuda triangle. has a tendency to startle people due to her gothic personality, seldom changes her expression. formidable cello player & fencer. fluent in german & Italian. allergic to color. sadistic. sarcastic. sociopathic.
sofia falcone, crystal reed, gotham: only daughter to carmine falcone. managed to get a good look behind the machinery of Carmine's criminal network. sent away at 13 to prevent her from being corrupted by Gotham. tended to Falcone's businesses in the southern US, before heading back to Gotham & taking over as queenpin, when Carmine is too sick to do so. When rival gangsters gun Carmine down & wound Sofia, it’s revealed that she planned the hit to be left uncontested ruler of Gotham's criminal underworld. manipulative. intelligent. calculating. selfish. ruthless. power hungry. arrogant.
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diaborodevil · 9 months
Mortal kombat ice and fire blood and sweat lore
So we are going over the advanced lore of outworld so in the universe of ice and fire blood and sweat outworld is dry like mostly desert like climate dry besides the rare oasis or mountain top so unlike canon outworlds almost every race on out world has a common ancestor there are some outliers
So starting off are edinians who originate from gods or demi gods giving them extremely long lives unlike canon edinians have pointed barbed ears to distinguish them from earthrealmers they are usually in charge of outworld due to there city’s being built around oasis’s formed from spring water
Moving on to the coast are dragon sho khan who are masters of agriculture using there four arms to great effect in most sho khan society they are lead by there queen the strongest female in the clan she is to oversee crops, livestock, trade, training, education, and affairs it is queens duty to actively ensure the success of the clan
Going to the dunes we have centaurians who are a hunter gatherer society were teens and adults hunt and children and elderly gather centaurian tribes are led by the most fit adult when hunting males will rush prey from behind with spears while the females run ahead of prey with bows centaurian tribes are nomadic following where prey travels and making temporary camps at night
So in the badlands we have tarkatans who unlike canon are not complete savages but if you told an edinian that they’d laugh tarkatans have no leading system but are represented by there greatest merchant in tarkatan society they take up a craft which they will usually inherit from there parents but on rare occasion will take another craft
Going below the surface we have saurians who evolved from dinosaurs that somehow found there way into outworld saurians are semi aquatic and are capable of easily running on all fours they persist off the vegetation and fish of the depths they are masters of medicine due to having the widest variety of herbs they also possess shapeshifting and mimic magic with masters being able to take on multiple forms
Next we have zaterrans who are much larger and less humanoid then saurians zaterrans descend from primitive reptiles they have the ability to scale walls and rarely have the same shapeshifting ability as saurians zaterrans live under the rule of the saurians
Next up are the local troglodytes nakadans which despite there frail appearance boast immense speed and strength which allow them to traverse there cave homes nakadans are naturally attracted to shiny objects sometimes causing issues since they live mostly underground they have the most mines meaning there the second richest
Now we’re really leaving canons high up on the peaks of the mountain are arachnians who have a feline humanoid upper body and a somewhat spider like lower body with six legs arachnians are capable of producing silk and shooting it out of there mouth, palms, and tails arachnians isolate themselves from the rest of outworld but are sometimes rarely seen at social gatherings arachnians are lead by a dominant female also there lower jaw splits open
Dragon kin and osh tekk they somehow wandered into outworld dragon kin are master weapon smiths both serve edinia as military
The tiger sho khan clan was exiled from outworld due to there fur making them to hot in the desert and not strong enough to warm them on the mountains
So sho kahn, centaurians, tarkatans, nakadans, and arachnids all share a common ancestor being an eight legged synapsid like predatory omnivore which spread themselves across outworld I know this ain’t how it works but every race with that same ancestor can all cross mate successfully here are some of the details for interested fan artist if a male centaurian and biped female have a child it will only have two centaurian legs and be termed a minotaurian, if a non arachnian gives birth to the hybrid it will have two legs, centaurian hybrids will have shorter horns then pure breeds, tarkatan hybrids will have shorter blades, sho khan and nakdan (separate) hybrids have a 50 percent chance of having extra arms, a tarkatan sho khan hybrid would only have one set of blades, and a centaurian arachnian hybrid is called a pegataur since it has two legs that resemble wings also saurians and zaterrans can crossbreed
And that’s that if you have any questions ask them and I might answer them
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dawnbreakerdystopia · 2 years
OCtober Day 8: Night
Siyith yearned for the night. Ached for it. Loved it.
Night was the time of Vampires: his friends, his lover’s people, and everything the young man wanted. Siyith desired Vampires, their safety, their protection, and wellbeing. He joined their side while Human, and trained them, having been a Hunter himself once, to go against Hunter tactics.
He trained them to be fierce defenders, not warriors or monsters. Simply to defend. And they did, at all costs. The innocent, the young, the elderly, everyone thrived and lived because of Siyith’s teachings, and his greatest lover, Auriel, caught eye of the man during these exercises. He watched the Human’s form, and ferocity, and fell for him.
Together, Siyith and the Vampires were a peaceful force who simply lived, thriving off animal blood, and feeding from the willing.
All this occurred within the night, as Vampires were nocturnal. Though Siyith struggled to see during these hours, he still loved them nonetheless.
But deep inside, he desired to see the darkness perfectly as Vampires did.
Then he desired to fly as Vampires did.
Then he desired to live in the night as Vampires did.
And soon, he yearned to be a Vampire for himself.
Siyith came to Auriel one night, asking the Vampire king to turn him. But Auriel valued Siyith’s Humanity, claiming it was what made the man himself. Siyith argued back, claiming he’d be no different as a Vampire, only changing to become one with his people. And Auriel argued once more, claiming he was already one with them.
Disappointed, Siyith backed off, skulking away in his sorrows. Should he ask someone else to turn him?
Then, the final night of his mortaldom came.
Elder Marth faced down an army of Vampires, lead by Siyith, who stood before them, arms outstretched as he commanded each to stand down.
Marth scowled, lifting a stake. He threatened Siyith, claiming he’d become enthralled by Auriel, and would become nothing more than his sack of blood to feast upon by night someday. Marth claimed Siyith was betraying Humankind.
But Siyith knew, in his still-beating heart, this was right. Staying with these peaceful Vampires who hurt nothing and nobody was right. And he turned his back to once-leader Marth, and bowed to Auriel, claiming allegiance before all.
Marth rushed forth, driving the stake into Siyith’s heart.
Auriel charged, banishing Marth, and caught his lover. Pulling the stake and swearing to save him, he bit his throat, and fed Siyith his own royal blood, turning the man before he could die by the stake.
Thus began Siyith’s life in the night.
Thus began his life as a Vampire.
Siyith made a full recovery, and began exploring his newfound powers. Flying alongside his kin, he discovered joy and freedom within the skies beneath the moon and stars. And with his heightened eyesight, he discovered beauty within constellations only known to Vampirekind.
Siyith smiled. He enjoyed this sight, this life, and this new chance. And forever beside his lover? He could not have been happier.
And neither could be Auriel, whom Siyith married, and now lives peacefully alongside for all eternity.
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sbi-au-ideas · 2 years
Dreamons are disgusting.
They’re nightmares to deal with too, preying on specific people with no discernible pattern. They start small, a white mask laying on a counter somewhere, easily dismissed as nothing to be threatened over. Then they grow, black goo oozing out of the back, forming a gross mass.
The only people who can see dreamons are the Hunted. They constantly live with the threat of their personal Dreamon smelling their fear and murdering them in cold blood. If a Hunted even thinks about asking for help? It’s a death sentence.
The Hunted have to subconsciously rely on someone figuring out they have a Dreamon, without letting the Dreamon think they’re thinking about someone else thinking they need help.
Wilbur, Techno, and Phil are Dreamon hunters. They know a bit of magic that can temporarily give them Hunted sight. They’ll walk around, find someone with a Dreamon, approach them as subtly as possible, and lure the Hunted into a place where they can fight the Dreamon safely. After that, they go through a grueling battle, taxing on the mind and body, before the Dreamon is defeated and the Hunted is given therapy and other various things. Sometimes they demand a Hunter knife, enchanted to cut through a Dreamons viscous, goopy form.
Most Dreamons they encounter are as small as a water bottle. Sometimes they’re the size of a mini boulder.
Wilbur casts his Hunted sight on a whim one day, while in his favorite cafe.
He’s expecting the quivering girl a few seats away to have one, or the elderly man with a few ghosts in his eyes.
He doesn’t expect to see a Dreamon clinging to the ceiling, as big as Wilbur’s convertible outside, staring down at the nonchalant barista.
The Dreamon gurgles and spits, black tar dripping onto the counter. Tommy doesn’t flinch, glancing up from his work to see Wilbur. He grins and the Dreamon hisses aggressively, white mask leaning down from the ceiling to be closer to Tommy.
Wilbur swallows. He doesn’t have his Hunter weapons on him right now.
Tommy notices the way Wilbur glances towards the ceiling with worry and his smile tightens.
“Hey Wil!” His voice doesn’t waver, which makes sense- because the Dreamon is so large, has had so much time to grow, of course Tommy’s gotten used to it.
“Hi Tommy,” Wilbur can’t help the nervous twinge in his voice. “Um, I’ll have the… coffee. Black.”
Wilbur never drinks his coffee black, but he hopes Tommy gets the message. Black like a Dreamon. Black like the oozing goo.
Tommy smiles at Wilbur, tapping on the counter when Wilbur’s eyes stray back to the threat right above them. Wilbur makes sure to keep his eyes trained on Tommy after that.
“On it king! So, what have you been up to? Burn any bridges lately?” Fire is the only thing that works on Dreamons besides enchantments.
“Ah, of course. Lots of bridges Toms, so many. I uh, think I’ll be burning a pretty big one soon too!”
The Dreamon twitches above them, white mask spinning in place, staring at the blonde underneath. Tommy keeps up his smile, subtly raising his index finger to his lips.
‘Be quiet’
“That’s great Wil! But let’s not talk about bridges in this here cafe you know?” He chuckles “Who knows what could be listening?” His eyes widen jokingly, wiggling his eyebrows in a very Tommy™ way. It almost impresses Wilbur, how casual Tommy can be with death hanging behind him.
Wilbur hums, sweat trailing down his back. The Dreamon��s mask twitches again, leaning down, breathing against Tommy’s neck.
“So Toms, you- wanted to tell me about the new game you played yesterday?”
“Yeah!” Tommy jumps at the change of conversation, and Wilbur relaxes as the Dreamon backs off, curling against the ceiling. “It’s called Stormy Days, and it’s so good!”
Wilbur half-listens to Tommy’s rant, half-brain storms the best way to trap the Dreamon. He’s never dealt with one so big.
Tommy finishes Wilbur’s coffee, having disregarded the fake-code order and made the coffee Wilbur usually asks for.
Wilbur doesn’t want to leave the coffee shop but has to admit that he’s only making Tommy’s facade harder to keep up. He texts the Dreamon Hunter group chat immediately after he leaves.
Soot boi: guys we have a serious problem
Soot boi: Hunted has a dreamon the size of a small car
Oldza: oh fuck
Oldza: do we know who
Soot boi: its tommy the barista i told u abt
Oldza: ah shit
Technology: ill call quackity and his crew
Technology: he owes me a favor
Soot boi: thank u techno
Oldza: he’ll be ok m8
Technology: nothing stops SBI
Tommy exhales as Wilbur leaves. Okay, so Wil is a Dreamon hunter. Great. Tommy pushes away at the thoughts of asking for help. Of the very idea of help. Packs away the anxiety into a tiny little box and throws it into the ocean.
It’ll only make the Dreamon grow hungrier
He takes the next customers order with a smile. 6 years. He’s had his Dreamon for 6 years. He can handle anything at this point. The idea of help? Doesn’t exist. Asking for help? What a preposterous thing to think of!
His Dreamon’s void-like tar drips onto his arm. It feels cold, and leaves a faint red mark on his skin that blisters similarly to hives, or a bad rash. He doesn’t know how people haven’t suspected a Dreamon sooner, he has all the signs and more. Not that he would want them to think he has a Dreamon of course, he adds to the thought. He can feel the Dreamon’s cold breath against his neck. A threat.
He would never want to get rid of his Dreamon.
He hears it creep back against the wall, hissing and wheezing and twitching like any good friend would do. All Tommy’s friends do that! Like his Dreamon. His best friend.
The Dreamon purrs.
He takes the next order with a smile.
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levitatingbiscuits · 4 years
Guys we as a fandom really need to make better use of carbonite as a plot device
This fandom is full of time travel fix it AUs but none of them move forward!! Literally just freeze ur character of choice for a few decades and BOOM!
You can have clone troopers fighting the 1st order. Ahsoka dating Rey. Windu smacking Crylo Ren. So many possibilities.
Dibs on Obi-Wan tho!! My plan is to have Hondo freeze him as a joke but then the empire happens so he throws a tablecloth over him for like 2 decades and sort of forgets about it until he meets Ezra or Luke or someone and he's like "y'know speaking of Jedi..."
So you've got a weakened and carbon-blind Obi-Wan in his late 30s suddenly leading the rebellion because none of these people have any actual galactic military experience (undoubtedly why Palpatine had 2 proxy armies, so that there would be no effective military resistance after he killed all the Jedi and brainwashed the clones). The galaxy went to utter shit just a few weeks after he'd been frozen, the Jedi are dead, Ahsoka's off on a vision quest, Yoda's living in a mud hut, the chancellor is a power-mad dictator and also a Sith, and this is somehow ALL Anakin's fault.
So Obi-Wan has to lead a ragtag group of rebels, train a princess and a farm boy (who act disconcertingly familiar), dodge various bounty hunters who want the bounty of the century (including Boba Fett), deal with an elderly Hondo Ohnaka, contend with being a living legend who's the galaxy's only hope, and smack some sense into his idiot padawan.
Bonus for fun: Obi-Wan saves Alderaan and sees Bail again and asks if he'd been frozen in carbonite too. He's barely aged a day! Bail has to explain that he just has a better skincare routine.
Bonus for angst: there's a very determined storm trooper trying to hunt him down. There's nothing familiar left in his Force signature, just a single-minded determination to follow orders, but the battered armor he wears looks like it's been scraped of an orange sunburst.
Bonus for crack: once it's all over and done he gets hunted down by ANOTHER famous bounty hunter who dangles Yoda's grandchild in his face and demands that he train him.
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misamccn · 3 years
linked - killua zoldyck. 
Tumblr media
pairing: killua zoldyck x female reader
chapter word count: 2182
content warnings: violence, blood, child abuse, trauma, anxiety, death, abusive parents. 
summary: soulmate au - seventeen year-old (y/n) has never been free. after 9 years of being locked away with her father who uses her for her nen ability, (y/n) escapes and is on the run. she has big plans to become a hunter and see the world...until she meets her soulmate killua and his friends after discovering that her father is after her and wants to take her back. will she escape her father with the help of killua, gon, and alluka? will she bond with killua, or will they sever their link? 
:: prologue - running to the starting line
You craved control.
For all of your life, you never got to experience any kind of control, except when you were a little girl. Your mom would let you choose things for yourself. Like when you wanted to train, what you wanted to eat, and who you wanted to play with. But one day, she dropped you off to your father's house and she was gone. Murdered in cold blood that same night. Your light, happiness, and control died with her that day too. Gone in an instant. You would never choose another thing for yourself from that moment forward.
Until now.
Your feet, clad in thick black leather combat shoes worn with dirt and time, slapped against the wet pavement as you ran to the bus station. You roughly rubbed your hands against your tear-stained eyes. How could I be so stupid, you thought to yourself as your heart pounded in agony against your chest.
He really fooled you good, didn't he? For a second there, you felt safe. Like someone actually cared and didn't want you for your power.
Giichi...you bastard.
You clenched your fists angrily as you wiped the tears from your eyes. No more tears, I have to keep going or else dad will find me and I'll end up back in that cell.
After your mom died, your dad took you in and decided to make you use your gift as a payment for him taking you in. He took you underground in his base. There were no windows, no light, no color. It was dull and empty. The only things in your cell were a mat with a blanket, a toilet, and chains on the wall that were used to restrain you when you failed him and needed to be punished. You spent nine painful years down there. You spent your time healing your father's gang members and guards when they came back from a fight. The worst nights were the nights where a lot of them got hurt. Healing that many of them at once would almost kill you at some times, but your father never let you stop. He never let you have a break. The pain of it all left you breathless.
You were his tool and your purpose was to fix the people that were destroyed for him and his money.
The most painful part of it all though was probably the loneliness of it all. You didn't get to have any friends, and the only person your age that you knew was this boy that you met on an island a long time ago.
There was also your soulmate, of course.
He was always there, never fully in focus, but lingering in your thoughts. His emotions and feelings often filled your mind when they were strong. You didn't know his name, or what he looked like, but you knew him. Even if it was just a little bit.
You first felt him there the night your mom died.
The thunder and rain pattering against your window drowned out the sound of your sobs as you lay in bed awake that night. You had never felt so alone before. Not only was your mother gone, but her whole clan was gone. The people that she loved so much, and the people that you were just getting to know. Your small hand grasped your pillow tightly as a sob ripped its way through your throat when all of a sudden, you felt it. It was small, but nonetheless present. A soft, unfamiliar warmth lingered in the corner of your mind, almost like it was a little bit timid. It soothed her, suddenly she didn't feel so alone.
"I'm sorry," it seemed to say.
With tears still streaming down your cheeks and your eyes wide open, you whispered back, "Thank you."
There were multiple other occasions that you felt him there.
After your father smacked you around a few times for not healing fast enough, or not giving the results he wanted, you'd feel that same warmth.
When you were on the brink of death after healing too many terrible wounds at once, you felt his panic in the corner of your mind.
Sometimes, you could feel a deep loneliness in his mind. Sometimes you could feel he was in physical pain, just like you.
Was it possible that he was going through something similar?
You often wondered if he felt the lack of control that you did.
You knew that you would be destined to meet one day. When and where you didn't really know. You haven't found him yet because his first words to you were still written across your collarbone and you had yet to hear them out loud.
You were in no rush to find your soulmate though, you still had plenty of things you wanted to do. So many places to explore. So much life to live and take back. You were in no rush to settle down with a partner that you had no control over choosing, especially since you just freed yourself.
You ran away from your father's house about 3 months ago. There was a big raid. Enemies of your father had never broken into his base before, and you knew it was likely that it wouldn't happen again soon. So when the locks on your cell were unlocked due to the damage that was happening to the base, you took the opportunity and ran. You took your katana from your father's storage unit on the way out and bolted.
After running for a while, you found a small city. It was called Junipo City. The population was small and the poverty level was high. You were homeless for a while. You slept in an ally way behind the city's supermarket, and that's where he found you. Giichi.
When you first saw Giichi, you thought that he was very handsome. Just looking at his slick back black hair and green eyes made your heart do a little jump in your chest. However, it was his smile that pulled you in. There was something so friendly, so inviting about it. How naive you were then...
He acquainted himself with you and started dropping off food to you for about two weeks. After those two weeks, he convinced you to stay with him in a shelter that he lived in and worked in. He gave you your first set of new clothes in nine years, a place to sleep and food to eat. He took care of you, and for the first time since you escaped, you felt like maybe you didn't have to do things alone.
For the next two months, things were perfect. Giichi showed you all over town during the day. At night, he would bring you hot chocolate before you went to bed. You loved watching him play with all of the other kids and talk with the elderly at the shelter. Sometimes, late at night, you found the courage to confide in him. You told him about your past and all of your fears. Your heart began to flutter madly in your chest whenever he walked into the room. You thought that maybe, everything would be okay, maybe he even liked you too...
But after everything that happened tonight, you found yourself back in square one, alone again.
He had asked you if you had any career plans for the future.
"Hmm," you thought as your feet swung back and forth over the side of your cot, "I was thinking that maybe I could become a Hunter. I'm hoping to take the next exam. I think that my experience with nen and my katana gives me a good chance of passing the exam," you replied sheepishly.
"The next exam?" Giichi asked sorrowfully.
"Yeah," you smiled, "is there something wrong?"
Giichi smiled and shook his head, taking his seat on his cot across from yours.
"There's nothing wrong with that, of course. I'm really happy for you. It's just that...I'm really sad to see you go so soon. The Hunter exam is next week after all."
He looked back up at you. His sorrowful sage meeting your (y/e/c) ones. There was something in his look that made your heart soar...
"Giichi, I-"
He leaned in closer to you from his cot and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. Almost immediately you felt heat rise to your cheeks. He's so close...
"(Y/N)...I was going to wait to tell you this, but since you're leaving I have no choice but to tell you now," a mischievous smile found its way onto his face, "I really like you, (y/n). I have since the moment I met you. You're beautiful and strong. It really makes me sad that you're leaving before we had the chance to become something more than friends..."
Something more than friends? You had never thought about being more than friends with someone other than your soulmate...and even when you did think about that you figured that would be happening way down the line. Right now, you're free and you're allowed to finally make choices for yourself.
The first words of your soulmate burned angrily against the skin of your collarbone.
Could you pursue this, soulmate aside? No...no you couldn't. You were going to become a Hunter. You were going to make money and explore the world. Maybe along the way, you'd meet people and you'd get to finally use your power safely for people you care about...For now, though, you didn't have room for a relationship, despite what you felt for Giichi.
Before you could tell him how you felt, he placed his hands on your cheeks and pressed his lips to yours.
You were completely frozen. Your eyes wide open in shock and your heart pounding against your chest. This was your first kiss. Before you could even process that thought it was over, and your soulmate mark was on fire.
He was there, lingering dejectedly in the corner of your mind. Feelings of jealousy, betrayal, and finally something passive washed over him in your head. And then he was gone. He shut himself out almost faster than your kiss.
Giichi pulled away from you, "After you get your Hunter license, will you come here and show me?"
You nodded your head slowly, your fingers playing with your tingling lips, "S-Sure."
He smirked and patted your head before walking away, "Get some sleep, (y/n). Goodnight."
Sleeping was the last thing you did. You laid awake in your cot, your soulmate mark throbbing against your collarbone. After about an hour of tossing and turning, you decided to get up and get some water, walking on your tiptoes to avoid waking the other sleeping children in the cots around you.
You were almost to the kitchen when you heard Giichi talking on the phone in his office.
"...uh-huh, yeah...She should be back from her Hunter Exam in two weeks, I'm guessing... Yeah...You can pay me and take her at the same time I guess, no need to make two trips... trust me, she'll definitely be back..."
You rocked on your feet outside of his office, almost losing your balance at the same time. He tried to trick you...he tried to gain your trust and sell you...To who though? Your father? A third party that knew about your power? That didn't matter, right now you had to get away and lay low.
You ran back to your cot and took the few things that you owned. You pulled on your black hoodie and pulled the strap of your Katana case over your chest and let your katana rest on your back. From there, you crept out of the back doors and ran into the night.
Your feet slowed to a stop as you reached the bus stop. A bus was there loading passengers so you immersed yourself into the line, pulling your hoodie over your face.
You took a seat alone at the back of the bus, the rain pattering angrily against the window and the wind rattling the bus.
You can do this alone, (y/n). Don't be afraid, you have to lay low for a little while.
You took a deep breath and shut your eyes. Regret weighed heavily on your heart and you tried to push these thoughts to your soulmate but you were met with silence.
The intercom on the bus buzzed to life, "Next stop: Yorknew City."
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