#but uh kinda trigger happy so watch at your own risk
clownaddict · 7 months
Normally when a show warns you about nudity, they only mean “hey there are going to be tits”
However, “Blue eyed samurai” doesn’t shy away from showing a COPIOUS amounts of dick. Like- there are so many dicks on screen at some parts it’s hard to not look at one
Also a white colonizer getting fucked in the ass by a tengu mask??????
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Follow You Anywhere 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, controlling behavoiour, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You're online existence threatens to leak into your real life.
Characters: Captain Syverson
Note: I couldn't help myself.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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"So... this is what it looks like today?" You aim your camera at the sky outside your window, "sorry, the screen is kinda in the way."
You let out a nervous chuckle and flip the camera to yourself. You make a silly face. You were never overly fond of your image on the screen but the vlogs help. Like a little diary, mostly for yourself. You and your seven followers on Insta.
You bat your lashes and fix the clip in your hair, "oh, I got this free. Yeah, I bought a new hair oil and they threw this in the bag." You let your thoughts run wild from your tongue. You found a journal too daunting, the blank lines leaving you just as empty. This is easier. "Anyway, I shouldn't have spent the money to begin with."
You give another splintered laugh. The one you let out when you're anxious, or scared, or happy, or even mad.  You bite your lip and catch yourself in your digitized reflection. You stop and turn your camera to your bedroom.
"Today, I'm gonna clean this mess. Me and you guys together."
You scour the room with the lens. Your laundry is piled on the floor and you have a stack of books you need to put on the shelf. It isn't the worst it's been but it's getting cluttered.
"But first, we'll have breakfast, can't start the stream on an empty stomach," you chirp and nearly drop the phone, "oops, uh..." You fix your grip and check the number in the corner. You have one viewer; on a good day, it's three, most days, it's just you talking to the void.
You go into the kitchen, just down the short hall from your bedroom, opening into your living room. You go to the counter and prop up the phone so the camera is on you again. You tap your fingers and hum.
"What should we have for breakfast?" You ask. You don't feel as crazy talking to yourself even if there's really no one watching. "Oo, French toast. Gotta use up the eggs."
You go to the fridge and pull out the eggs and the milk. You bring them back to the counter, shuffling around for a bowl, a whisk, and the cinnamon.
You mix up your ingredients and dip the bread, one piece at a time. You put on a skillet and fry up the slices, presenting a stack of three to the camera. You smile and dust some icing sugar over the top.
“Probably shouldn't have all this sugar for breakfast,” you shrug at the camera, “alright, quick break…” 
You put the stream onto the ‘back soon’ page and take your plate to the small foldout table against the wall. You're not a fan of eating on camera. You finish and rinse up before snatching your phone up again.
You return to your bedroom and put the phone on a middle shelf and flip the stream back to live. Still that one viewer…
“Anyway, I'm back,” you wave at the lens.
You hesitate, looking around as you stand straight and spin. Cleaning, right. Before you can set to work, the phone dings.
A message?
You go back to your phone and squint at the chat bubble floating up.
‘Looked delicious too.’
“It was,” you agree with a grin, “thanks.”
‘Don't mean the toast.’
The next message has you blinking. Your nape burns. They can't mean… you clear your throat and giggle.
“Well, let's get started,” you back up and clap your hands, “you know, I've been so carried away with work. This place is a pigsty.”
You sit on the floor and sort through the clothes. You toss them into the basket as you sit in silence. You stop yourself and glance at the phone.
“How about some tunes?” 
You walk on your knees to your bedside and turn on your bluetooth speaker. You go to your phone and find a playlist before pulling the stream back to full screen. As you do, you hear a noise you've never heard before.
‘BourbonBear has tipped.’ Huh? Really?
“Oh, thanks, er, BourbonBear,” you giggle around the name, “how nice. Maybe one day I can afford a proper camera for this, huh?”
You smile and go back to the dirty clothes. You quickly ball up a pair of panties and shove them in the basket. You carry on until they're all untangled.
You move on and tidy your desk, bending underneath to gather up a few loose pens. You make your way around the bedroom, putting away books, fixing the blankets on the bed, and straightening the little figurines on the shelf above the bed.
You grab the stick vacuum and suck up the dirt and proclaim your task done. It took a lot longer than you thought. It's after eleven. The one viewer is still there.
“Whew, okay, I'm gonna get myself washed up and go to the park. Maybe I'll post that later,” you give a thumbs up next to your head as you talk to the phone, “thank you.”
You end the stream and let out a sigh. Your videos aren't much and you doubt they're very interesting but it's like venting for you. Almost like having an invisible friend. You think you will take some pictures of the flowers to share.
You take your usual path through the park. The walks help you unwind your worries. You try to come after work at least a couple days during the week and both days on the weekend. You find the mindlessness of the routine to be calming.
The deeper you get into the wooded length of the path, you slow to admire the birds in the branches and the critters crawling in the brush. You take out your phone and snap a few photos of a blue jay before it wings away shyly. You smile and flip the cam, smiling as you take a goofy selfie. You can add that to your post.
The path winds ahead and you follow it in the din, listening to the river just down the incline to your left and the tweeting from the sky. You lift your face and inhale the woodsy scent. The sudden crack of a twig startles you and you spin to face the noise. There's no one there. Sometimes you forget other people are free to just walk on through.
You chuckle at yourself and continue on. The path leads out to a suburban street where you like to look at the houses. They're much more spacious and pretty than your grimy brick apartment building.
You come out from the shade of the trees and wander along the avenue. There's a mailbox painted to look like the house it stands before and a little nook for second hand children's books to be borrowed through the neighbourhood. Sometimes you picture yourself living in one of those houses though you don't think it could ever truly be.
As you crane your head, you sense a shadow in your peripheral. You're walking a bit slow. You sidle to the side to get out of the way of the other pedestrian. When no one passes, you look back. No one.
You must be imagining things. You shrug and plod along. You're already thinking of what kind of tea you'll have when you get in.
You sit down with your mug of ginger citrus tea and set to editing your post. You add a light filter to the photos as you shuffle through them on your laptop. The process is slow as the computer is nearly five years old now and chuffing on its 4GB drive. You get to the selfie you snapped, a stop.
You lean in to get a better glimpse of the background. It's fuzzy but there's a figure just over your shoulder. How could that be? You looked and there was no one there. That's so strange.
You stare as a chill courses through you. You're thankful you hadn't put your earphones in. You wouldn't have heard whoever it was and they may have even snuck up on you. Or maybe it's just a trick of the light.
You hit ‘post’ and try to shake off the foreboding. It's nothing. You're being silly. Besides, you're home and safe now. Next time, you'll be more alert.
A message pops up. You stare at the dot over the chat bubble. You tap with your thumb and bring up the DMs.
'Stream tonight?' BourbonBear asks.
You tilt your head. You already did some today. You're tired and want to lie down and enjoy your time off. You type back 'sorry, not tonight. tomorrow <3' and another notification vibrates. A comment on your latest post.
'Pretty sweater', also from BourbonBear. You heart their comment and leave a thanks below.
You flip back to the selfie. You can't really see your sweater in the picture, just the scalloped knitting of the collar. Well, you suppose it does look cute. You put your phone down and leave it on your desk. That's enough Insta for today.
You time your shopping trip for the least busy hour. It's early and the store is almost empty except for employees stacking bread on shelves or wandering listlessly around the deli. You have your phone in the basket of the cart, aimed at you as you roll it along slowly and check your list.
The stream is just as empty. It's only just started but you don't expect too many people to be up at this hour. You stop and grab a loaf of sourdough, checking the date before showing it to the lens and putting it in the cart. You smile and announce the next item.
"Strawberries... you know I was thinking I might get raspberries instead," you say, catching the eye of one of the yawning employees. You must seem like a weirdo. It's why you typically don't film in public.
As you roll around to the fruit, you notice the count change. One viewer. You choose a basket of raspberries and show those. You see a message float up; morning.
You smile and return the greeting softly and place the berries down carefully beside your phone. You need yogurt to go with the berries.
You work down the list, making some substitutes as you tick off each item. You linger in the ice cream section a bit too long and talk yourself out of a gallon of rocky road. You lean on the handle of the cart and smile down at the lens.
"Going to check out," you say, "see you all later."
All? There's still just the one. You end the stream and take your phone out of the basket.
You wheel around to checkout and line up at the only open till. You put your items up as you greet the cashier with a smile. She seems tired as she gives a dull response.
As you put the yogurt on the belt, you sense someone join the queue behind you. You glance over as a large man stands only feet away. He's tall and burly and staring at you. Maybe he heard you talking to your audience, or he would think, yourself. You continue to unload your groceries.
"Never tried those," he comments as you take out a box of strawberry Pocky.
You pause and hold them up, chuckling nervously, as you do.
"Pretty good," you answer, "I eat way too many."
You notice the man doesn't have a basket or a cart. That realisation needles under your skin. Maybe he's just getting lotto or smokes?
"You like sweet stuff."
"Too much," you squeak even though it doesn't sound like a question.
He just stares, not saying a word. You swallow tightly and pull the last few items out of the cart and get behind it to wheel it through the lane. As you do, he looms closely, adding to the sweat gathering on your lower back.
You roll along and wait for the cashier to ring through the rest of your things. She bags them up neatly in two large paper bags. You pay with your card and thank her as you lift the first into your cart. The man behind you moves forward and grabs the second, startling you.
"Got it," he says as he places it with the other, squeezing by you, crowding you.
"Oh, excuse me, sir," you stammer, "oh," you lean on the cart to roll it to the end of the lane as you make space between you and the stranger. "Thanks, er, uh... thanks."
You turn and grab the handle, jittering. He's really weirding you out. Especially as you realise he's walked right by the cashier. He's following you.
"I can help get ‘em in your car," he offers in a drawl.
"Oh, that's alright, I... bus," you cringe as you realise you've said too much.
"I could drive you. I have a truck."
"No thank you," you walk faster, the cart rattling with your pace.
"Why not?"
"I don't know you, erm, sorry--"
"You don't?" He catches up and shoves his phone in your face, your Insta profile glaring back at you, "I paid for the milk, maybe the berries..."
"What?" You stop, just by the door and turn to him. "I don't--"
"You haven't eaten, have you? I'll take you for French toast. That's your favourite."
"Um," you blink at him as your eyes tinge, "I don't..."
"You got me through a hard campaign, just wanna say thank you," he adjusts his cap and you notice the pin on it. He's a veteran. Oh, 'campaign'. 
“Just got back home," he shifts on his feet, a meek gesture for such a large man, "and... your videos helped me remember it. Helped me hold onto it in the sh-- in the stuff."
"I... wow, okay, that's... I'm glad I could do that."
"I really don't mind giving you a ride. Lots of weirdos on the bus," he insists.
"That's nice but--"
"Please," he softens his tone, "been a while since I sat down and had breakfast without worrying about the sky falling."
You shudder and grip the cart tight. You don't know how to say no. You didn't think about who was watching. You always just assumed they were bots. Then you think of the chaching noise and the amount flashing on the screen.
"BourbonBear?" You ask.
"Yeah," he cracks a crooked smile and smooths his hand over his thick beard. "Everyone calls me Syv.”
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k3rm1e · 3 years
heyo!! i was wondering if you would mind writing hc’s for a reader who just had a major accomplishment but their parents don’t really congratulate them or anything, and then philza celebrates with them instead and tells reader how proud he is. i kinda want some dadza comfort rn :’) anyway, thank you sm!! have a great day <3
heyo!! i was wondering if you would mind writing hc’s for a reader who just had a major accomplishment but their parents don’t really congratulate them or anything, and then philza celebrates with them instead and tells reader how proud he is. i kinda want some dadza comfort rn :’) anyway, thank you sm!! have a great day <3
hello anon! i’m sorry i took a while to answer this. i went a bit off track with this and got A LOT more angsty, so i’m really sorry about that. If you want me to make a much more fluffier or mellowed-out version, i’d be happy to. please, read the trigger warnings before reading this.
i don’t plan on writing more angst-y things like this, especially not this angsty, so don’t worry. once again, please, if you would like me to rewrite this into a less emotional version i’d be happy to
cw: swearing
tw: talk of god and the church, slight manipulation, repetition of words
  holy shit. you were in disbelief. a state of shock. one million twitch followers. one. million. followers. you were silent. shock can have many effects on a person. some scream and laugh out of joy, or a misplaced sense of mania. others cry, because they cannot handle it. some remain confused, because their brains are unable to conceptualize the event. you were silent.
  what should you do? would a “thank you” tweet be good enough or would it come off as insincere? should you wait to stream? or would that make people feel you didn’t care because you took so long? through the anxiety you could feel the true realization that you now had one million followers. like a truck, you were hit with the most excited feeling ever. getting up, you jumped around your room. you spun and jumped and cheered and whooped and yelled and smiled and danced and were overflowing with joy, with the acknowledgement that you had done it, you had really fucking done it. 
  opening the window above your desk, without a single fuck, you screamed. “WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!” let’s just hope your neighbors don’t wake up.
  you stayed up all night, celebrating. tweeting out a thank you, you received congratulations from your fans and friends while you talked with the people in your discord vcs.
  in the morning, your mother and father had woken up. with a newfound determination, you ran downstairs. streaming was your passion and you wanted to tell the world what you had done. but, because of limitations, your mother was your metaphorical world.
  “mom! mom! mom! mother, mother, mumther!!” you shouted, dashing down the stairs, tripping over your feet. stupid wood flooring and slidy socks.
  from your place at the bottom of the stairs, you heard her sigh, “yes, sweetie?”
  you bounded over to her, setting your arms on the kitchen counter. from the hallway you could see your dad, who was sitting on the couch drinking his sunday morning coffee. “mom! guess what?” without giving her time to respond, you shouted, “i hit one million follows on twitch! one freaking million!”.
  your mother didn’t seem as enthusiastic as you. “is that why you were causing such a ruckus last night? and, watch your mouth, even though ‘freaking’ isn’t a ‘true’ curse, i don’t want you swearing. especially not on the lord’s day. i couldn’t fathom going to church everyday, only to allow you to have a mouth like that.” she continued to stare at her work papers.
  “oh, uh, okay mother. dad? did you hear me? i hit one million on twitch.” you awkwardly turned your head over to your father.
  “she’s right, you know that, don’t you sweetie?” your father stood up, and made his way into the kitchen. “language like that, it’s shameful. surely, we don’t need you to have a private session with father paulson, do we?” your dad stood next to your mother, rubbing her back as he stared at you.
  “no, no, of course not. um, i’m gonna go upstairs now.” you turned around, wishing you could simply disappear.
  “without breakfast? are you truly that upset with us? we can’t have you ending up like those people, committing sinful acts and going to hell. god would never forgive you. we’re already taking a risk allowing you to stream, putting yourself out there.”
  both your mother and father stared at you. your blood felt like ice in your veins. the white walls of your house seemed so much brighter, yet duller at the same time. everything felt a white-pure-pink-orange. your breathing got uneasy. choppy. in, out, out, in, in, in, out, in, in, out, out for different increments of time. 5, 3, 2, 7, 10, 9, 6, 4, 1, 6, 8, seconds, over and over and over.
  “we just wanna protect you, dear. we love you, don’t you get that?” your mother stared at you.
  you felt like a scene in those movies. the ones that directly cater to teens who thought their lives were shit when in reality they just hadn’t grown up enough to make sense of something yet. were you one of those teens? or is this actually wrong. you don’t think it is, but you don’t talk to others about this. family matters stay in the family was a common phrase repeated in your household. the church was family, they could know. your mother and father, they could know. others, they must not know, never know.
  “of course, mother, father.” you wanted to force yourself to speak, but syllables were incapable of getting past your lips. your mouth was full of peanut butter from the sandwiches served in your elementary school cafeteria. but, the partly frozen chocolate milk always washed it down. “of course. i love you guys too. love you.” you smiled, a disgusting smile that felt violating to exist on your face, violating, violating, violating.
  you dashed up the stairs, to your room, up, up, up. running in, you wanted to slam the door, scream out the window, puch your pillow, smash your pc, cry, whatever you could do to get out your emotions. but instead, you lightly shut your door and slowly walked over to your desk chair to see who was online. you would go live later. it was only 5 AM, after all. they could wait. at least, you hoped they could.
  opening discord, just to see what everyone was doing, you saw philza minecraft was online. you went over and messaged him, ‘phil. philza. philza minecraft. vc please?’ in response, you received a short, ‘sure m8, gimme a minute’ you waited, until you heard the noise confirming he had joined.
  “good morning phil.” your energy from before had receded back into the confines of your chest. the prior excitement was gone and replaced with a feeling of fatigue.
  “morning mate, how are you? congrats on the one mill!” phil sounded excited, happy for you. you smiled, chuckling a bit.
  “i’m alright man, just tired. how are you? and, thanks for the congrats.” you smiled, feeling the fatigue set in.
  “i’m good. but you, you don’t sound very good. couldn’t sleep, could ya’? that was how i was when i hit one mill. way too excited to sleep.”
  “yeah. yeah, i’m just tired.” you were getting a bit too tired to talk. the day had barely started, and yet the full-body emotional exhaustion had set.
  “‘just tired’? the hell happened kid?” phil’s voice sounded concerned. fuck. the last thing you wanted to do was worry him. he had his own life and you had already caused enough trouble today.
  “it’s nothing big phil, seriously. just my parents.” there, a slight bit of information. family matters still within the family, just a few words.
  “they being shitbirds? or are you lying, and something big did happen?” he was being inquisitive, which was dangerous. questions were dangerous.
  “no, why would i lie?” his inquisitiveness would continue, you knew. so you spilled the metaphorical beans. “they just, just weren’t as supportive as i’d wished they were when i told them. i was really psyched, y’know? and them, just sort of, not giving a shit? i don’t know man, it just feels bad.”
  “i get you. it’s shit, when people don’t care about your accomplishments. my parents never really saw streaming as a true profession in the beginning, which led to shit like you describing. i promise it gets better though, even if it feels like shit now. and, for what it’s worth, i’m proud of you.”
  “it’s fine phil, you don’t need to try to make me feel better. i’m okay, seriously.” you didn’t need or want his pity. accepting it would feel patronizing.
  “no, you need to understand that i’m not fucking around. one million is a big fuckin’ thing, especially for you who hasn’t been streaming all that long to achieve. it’s fucking amazing, mate. be proud of yourself, for christ’s sake.” his fake anger chimed through your headphones. even though you were being berated, you still felt better.
  “thank you, phil. i needed that.”
  “your welcome, mate. and look, anytime your parents are being shit, don’t try to hold it all in. call me, or wil, or someone, okay? don’t hold that shit in.”
  you fake sighed, just to piss him off. “okayyyyyy….”
  “good. now, go take a nap or some shit. i love you, kid.”
  “love you too, dadza.” this time, your words didn’t feel forced. the smile on your face wasn’t violating, but an invitation to better times. it would be alright. okay.
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So this is a personal one for me to ask and if you're not comfortable with it don't mind it; how would the tmnt boys (seperate) react when the reader confesses that they're autistic after the boys got curious when she had some peculiar, behavior or stims. The reader would be stressed, because she has a crush on the tmnt boy in question and she didn't want them to find her weird or just stop interacting with her. When she's met with confusion instead, because the boys never heard of it, cue this weird conversation where reader tells them to the best of her ability what it is and the boys just keep asking questions. Also some general headcannons with it maybe?
Okay so I'm actually really happy that you asked me this because I feel like ASD isn't portrayed a lot in any type of media. My ADD and ASD have a lot of overlap so I hope I can capture what you're asking of me!
Now let's get into it!
TMNT Headcanons
The boys reacting to an autistic reader
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he wasn't really sure what was happening the first time you reacted
one minute you were standing next to him doing dishes and the next you were attempting to claw your skin off like an angry cat
Leo tried not to look annoyed as he watched you rub your hands against your shirt until your flesh started to turn red
you looked like you were crying but he knew you weren't
but your face was starting to turn purple and your cheeks were puffy from the effort of holding your breath
"Y/N? You need to breathe."
You shot a glare at him, scathing eyes meeting his now very concerned expression
your own softened and you clutched your arms to your chest, heaving oxygen into your lungs until your face became a normal shade again
"Are you okay?"
The words were stuck in your throat and you weren't sure if you should nod or shake your head
so you gave him a half-hearted shrug
he frowned back at you but turned to finish the dishes on his own
when he questioned you about it later he couldn't help but be curious
"Well actually it's uh- it's kinda a sensory type of thing? There are certain textures that I can't stand touching do I avoid them but if I come into contact by accident my brain just kinda explodes and I shut down."
"How exactly does that work though?"
"I don't really understand it much but like- you know that feeling you get when you think there's a bug on you and there's not but it really really feels like it?"
He nodded
"Yeah, it feels like that. And anytime I touch something that triggers that reaction it takes FOREVER to get the feeling off my skin. That's why I usually wear gloves when I do dishes. Guess I just forgot to grab 'em today."
He was sympathetic
and god, you were so embarrassed
lucky for you, Leo's not an asshole
"Well thank you for explaining it to me, you really freaked me out earlier. I'll talk to April and see if we can keep a pair or two at the lair just in case you forget again."
Consider your heart melted
you couldn't even find the words to thank him and holy shit was your face red
"Hey y/n?"
"Yeah Leo?"
"Why didn't you ever tell me- us that you were autistic?"
Did you rip the band aid off now or make something up? Which would ,technically speaking, be less catastrophic in the long run?
"I uh- I really like you and I really didn't want you or the other's to look at me differently..."
wow, you liked him? miss ma'am you have saved this boy a world of anxiety and damn does he thank you for it
"Thanks for telling me... and y/n? I really like you to."
Awh fuck yeah, best possible execution of band aid-ripping-off ever
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Donnie wished he could act surprised when you finally told him
he really wanted to, it would've made you feel better for sure
but he sucked at lying and he didn't want to make you feel like he thought you were an idiot
because that was so far from the truth
after going through extensive research on Mikey's behalf when he suspected he had ADHD Donnie had stumbled across many different websites that discussed the symptoms and overlaps between both disorders
to make a long story short, Donnie knew that you had ASD and he was waiting for you to tell him
it would probably come off as rude if he brought it up in conversation right?
he didn't want to risk it
but that didn't stop him from keeping an eye on you and your behaviors
he was a man of science, of course he was going to analyze you
not in a weird way or anything, just as a curious sort of precaution
but the longer you were involved in the turtle's lives the more noticeable your stims and meltdowns got, Donnie did his best to cover for you without making you suspicious of him
eventually he'd come up with something that he hoped would come across as a friendly gesture and wouldn't set you off or scare you away
it was game night at the lair and you, as always, were perched on the arm of the sofa, a large grin plastered on your face
inside your head was exploding but you were masking it pretty well if you do say so yourself
but Donnie was, well... donnie was donnie
so when he noticed you starting to rock a little more visibly he removed his attention from commentating the game and grabbed a pair of headphones from the side table
you were beyond confused when he passed them to you but your face revealed everything
"They're noise cancelling, try them on."
holy shit it was like putting your head underwater, everything was muffled
not in the way normal headphones did, you quite literally couldn't hear anything at all, just a calm amount of nothing
you nearly started crying when you realized that Donnie had figured you out on his own
but you'd never been more relieved about anything in your life
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he wouldn't admit that he was mesmerized by your presence
you practically radiated calm
his complete opposite
it was his favorite thing about you, because despite your quiet disposition and calming aura you weren't afraid to call him out or rebut any of his insults
this was not something you expected him to appreciate nor was it something you thought would make you catch feelings
but damn if you didn't
he'd been sitting in on yours and Donnie's little experiment for an hour or so now, watching you both exchange quiet whispers and inside jokes that you always seemed to lag on
then you slipped up
not bad, nothing detrimental to the project, just the same mistake that you'd already made ten times over
you might as well have exploded
"Y'N, you just have to move thi-"
you set everything down gently enough to avoid breaking it before turning and storming out of the lab, waving your hands like they were on fire
Raph and Donnie exchanged a look that sent the larger red turtle following after you
when you calmed yourself down enough to talk you kept your gaze locked on the wall, explaining that you couldn't make eye contact when you were upset
he might not be the smartest brother, but Raph's no dummy, he put those pieces together pretty quickly after you told him that one small detail
he wasn't upset that you didn't tell him and you'd personally never been more relieved
your heart nearly splattered into the stratosphere when you finally gace him your own explanation
"yeah, I like ya too."
you grinned so wide you were sure your face would split open and your entire body rocked side to side with excitement
he thought that was pretty adorable too
And he did stick around to offer a bit of support when you apologized to Donnie for screaming at him
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to be frank it probably shouldn't have taken so long for Mikey to realize that you were autistic
the similarities between your own personality and his ADHD were so in sight it was near painful
it was his turn to make dinner that night and you'd made sure that you came over early to help him set up, you knew how side-tracked he'd get and you were the poster child for solid routine
what more perfect matchup existed?
trick question, there isn't one
you were on one side of the counter cutting vegetables and he was on the other throwing said vegetables into the mixing pot
the music was at an ungodly level of loud so your only means of communication were screaming over it
the two of you went about your previous tasks, thinking nothing of the conversation that had just taken place
at least until you'd begun washing your knife and cutting board
that's when Casey walked in, looking both perturbed and annoyed at the same time
"Alright, which one of you knows telepathy?"
Mikey exchanged a glance with you and you returned it with a raised eyebrow
"The hell you mean brah?"
he looked at the both of you like you were the ones that had grown four extra heads before speaking again
"You literally just had a conversation with like five words and somehow just knew what the other meant? What's up with that?"
you glanced at Mikey again
"Holy shit, did we?"
"I mean, not really. You used your hands."
now all three of you were confused but it quickly became two when Casey shook his head in defeat and left the room
"You know I think he's right."
he blinked first and your staring contest ended
"But you used your hands-"
"I got autism Mikey, one does not simply not use their hands as forms of speech."
was the silence laughing at you? could it do that? it was kinda rude
"Huh, that actually makes sense, that's not mean is it?"
you shook your head no
"You're just me but fast."
Mikey agreed with that, pestered you with a few more questions, and went back about working, as did you, you saw no reason to address it further
but your cheeks burned red
"Yo- Y/N that actually explains why everyone else thinks we're a thing."
you didn't know if you could choke on air or not but you did it anyways
"Are we?"
he gave you his signature grin
"If we are then Raph owes April a hundred bucks."
you returned his smile
"Oh this oughta be good."
I'd like to preface this by apologizing for my near three week absence. Life got crazy and my writer's block hopped on a train, went through a school zone, killed seven pedestrians, and committed tax fraud before tumbling off a cliff never to be seen again.
But on the bright side- I got my SAT scores back and started some scholarship applications. Super happy with that. School's out in a few weeks so I'll be able to write more (hopefully).
Anyways, I hope I got this one down okay. I may have hyper analyzed the request so I might be a little off. But I really enjoyed doing this one and I hope you like it!
-Mars 🌠
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nalu4emily · 3 years
Time To Heal
Summary:  'It was a marathon, not a sprint and with each day he spent with her, pretending to act like his normal self, the more he hoped she'd begin to loosen—only time would tell.' What can Natsu do to heal her aching heart? Especially when she's reluctant to tell him what happened. 
NALU friendship/ hurt/ comfort. 
Please be aware of the trigger warning. Do not read unless 18+. Contains sensitive content.
She was crying again; that much was certain. The sound of sniffles and wet droplets cascading down her cheeks, splattering across the desk she so often sat at, echoed deep into his ears. Her whimpers pulled at him the most. She tried so hard to keep them locked away, to defy her true feelings, but they managed to seep through every time.
It hurt him, to know that she was suffering so painfully, so inconsolably, and there was simply nothing he could do to stop it. He'd waited for her; to speak; to tell him what'd really happened that night, and relieve herself of the burden that weighed so heavily on her shoulders.
It haunted her every waking moment; he knew that. Even at night, she'd rouse so suddenly, coated in sweat, shivering, and desperate for his warm touch. It seemed to be the only thing that could soothe her frantic heart, especially when the tears started. Her behaviour wasn't all that different during the day either and Natsu had nearly given up hope that she'd ever tell him, making the guilt he felt for not being there all the more consuming.
The state he'd found her in the next morning, bloodied, clothes torn and completely broken, tormented his thoughts daily, and the way he'd reacted to it, even more so. Through the despair and anger at finding her so badly hurt, he'd raged through the streets of Magnolia, hunting down the bastard he could smell all over her apartment.
It wasn't hard to dissect what'd happened to her, the slayer just wasn't sure how far it'd gone. He'd learnt quickly not to ask questions though or risk losing her trust entirely. It was a marathon, not a sprint and with each day he spent with her, pretending to act like his normal self, the more he hoped she'd begin to loosen—only time would tell.
Having procrastinated long enough, the young mage jumped up to her window, and let himself in like always. Plastering the biggest smile he could muster onto his face, he greeted the girl hunched over her desk, right where he knew she'd be and tried to remain positive in such a ghastly situation.
"O-Oh, uh… Hi, Natsu! I didn't see you there." Her eyes locked onto his for barely a moment before turning away, wiping her cheeks to rid them of their wetness with her used, snot-laden tissue. She turned around to face him, her gaze never quite meeting his as a small, weak smile graced her lips, "Where's Happy?"
"Probably eating a fish somewhere… Or at the guild giving it to Carla, you know what he's like." He shrugged, his expression remained light and cheery, while his narrowed pupils latched onto her every movement, much like a predator stalking its prey, "I thought I'd come over and see if ya felt up to going on a mission soon. I snagged some pretty good ones for you to take a look at, if you're interested?"
"Sure… that sounds like fun. W-Why don't I make us some lunch? Then we can pick out a good one together." Lucy hopped up from her chair all too eagerly, desperate to remove herself from his watchful gaze.
She was avoiding him; but that was hardly new. He knew the reason why—the unshed tears in her eyes evidence of that, not that he cared what she looked like. She did it for a matter of pride, wanting him to see only the Lucy he knew so well, and not the damaged one she’d become. He, as much as anyone, wanted to see that smile light up her face once more, the brilliant one that shined as bright as the stars she wielded; what he wouldn’t give to see that again…
Gathering the request papers in his hand, he followed her into the kitchen and leaned himself up against the doorway, smiling as he watched her get to work, “Hey Luce, this one looks kinda good. I think we should definitely consider it.” But she didn’t answer, nor even look at him. If it weren’t for their close proximity, he would have assumed she hadn’t heard him. “Lucy, did you hear me?”
She remained silent, instead her body began to tremble, her face wet with tears once again and her hands drawn to cover them on instinct.
“Luce, I didn’t hear you.” He cautiously walked over to her shaking form, carefully reaching out to place his hand on her shoulder, while the other drew her body in and held her tight, “Lucy...”
"I...I-I can't do this any more…" The blonde spoke quietly, removing her hands from her face and placing them onto his chest.
"What do you mean?" He asked, his voice gentle as if speaking to a spooked animal.
"This." She gestured to the two of them, "Pretend, Natsu. I-I'm tired of pretending like everything's fine, when it's so obviously not." She felt his hand clasp at her cheek, wiping the tear droplets away with his thumb. His familiar warmth soothed her aching heart as she leaned into it, finding comfort there that only he could provide. "I-I'm sorry. You must be so sick of seeing me cry all the time!"
The tears flowed freely now, pulling at his heart strings as well as his own unshed tears, but he would never so selfishly let them show. He cradled her closely, wanting nothing more than for her to feel safe in that moment, like he would protect her from everything, should she so wish. It was the first time Lucy had addressed the very unfortunate situation they found themselves in, and he wasn’t about to ruin it all now by letting his own emotions take over.
She tucked herself into the crook of his neck and breathed in his familiar scent, calming her nerves as she relaxed into him. This is the way they'd always worked, one picking the other up in their time of need and carrying both of their weights should they need to, and Natsu was approaching this no differently.
Once she'd calmed down enough, he picked her up and carried her to her bed, perching them both down on it so that they could get comfortable. She was ready to finally tell him, he could see it in her eyes, and as apprehensive as he was about hearing it, all he needed to do was listen.
"I think you need to tell someone, Lucy. Whether that's me, or someone else, it's not good to keep it all bottled up." He explained, as she pulled away slightly, but not enough to fully let go of him.
"I-I know… It's just hard to relive something you spend every waking moment trying to forget." She sniffled once more, wiping her nose this time on her sleeve. "Can we at least lay back first?" Her voice was so timid and insecure, nothing like the Lucy he knew.
"Sure thing!" He laid himself back against the pillows, kicking his sandals off and placed one arm behind his head while the other was outstretched for her to lean upon. "Come lay here, Luce."
Doing what he said, she cuddled up to his side, laying her hand and cheek against his shoulder and felt his arm encircle her waist, "I… don't really know where to begin… It all seems such a blur, yet I remember every single bit of it."
He kept quiet, caressing his thumb against her hip as a way of encouraging her instead.
She began slowly, starting from where she'd left the guild hall that night, "It was kinda strange I guess… not having you there to walk me home like normal, it never feels right without you around…" She chuckled half-heartedly, before clearing her throat. "I remember walking along the canal when this bad feeling came over me… But, I just put it down to being alone in the dark and kept going.”
She shifted closer to him, subtly indicating that what she was about to say, made her uncomfortable at the very least.
"When I reached the apartment building, I noticed the window was slightly open, even though I knew I’d shut it. I must’ve just thought that you’d come home early from your mission, or something." She fidgeted again, this time her legs began to tangle with his, giving away her anxiety and fear. “It was only once I walked into the room, did my blood run cold. It was dark and empty, and you were no where to be seen. It felt… wrong.”
"You mean they were already in the house?" Natsu asked, feeling himself tense as he looked across the small room, imagining her words play out before him.
"Mm, and by the time I'd reached for my keys, it was too late." She shivered once again, the memories making it hard to concentrate. "H-He came out from behind, shoving me against the wall and pinning my arms above my head." A fresh set of tears began to cascade down her delicate cheeks, her breathing heavier than before and her fingers gripping at his jacket tightly. "I…I remember struggling a lot, trying to kick him away, but it was no use, he was just too strong. I felt so overpowered and small and weak, and all he did was laugh."
Natsu clenched his jaw, realising now that this was about to get a whole lot darker and he could barely keep himself from raging all over again, but he kept himself controlled this time, for Lucy's sake—that was the last thing she needed.
"That's when it started…" She gulped down a large breath, steadying herself as she divulged further, "His hands; his mouth; his… teeth. I-I can still feel them… on me, crawling across my skin."
Natsu's eyes widened, turning to the blonde who refused to look him, and gasped, "He touched you!? Where?" He asked, a little too forcefully in his own shock.
Unable to say with words, she nodded and used her finger to point at the areas on Natsu's body, starting from the top, "Here," she pointed to his mouth and chin. "Then here," she then grazed over his ear and jaw line, and the next one his neck. Her finger ventured down to Natsu's chest and stomach, where she pointed once more, "And then… there," she managed to wrangle out, pointing down towards his upper thigh.
"You mean… that bastard touched you down-"
"He didn't quite get that far. When I stopped struggling, I think he must've lost concentration, because I managed to pull one of my hands free and grab at his crotch."
She felt Natsu tense at that, having anyone grab hold and squeeze them tight was not a pleasant thought, "I hope you squeezed until your hand hurt, Lucy."
"Well, that was the plan… but he slapped me across the face before I could get any real grip and I landed face down on the floor." Jolting upwards, she ran a shaky hand through her hair, removing the blonde tresses away from her clammy forehead. "Sor- Sorry Natsu, the next bit, is where he… It's the bit, I-I struggle with most…"
Feeling alarmed by her reaction, he sat up too. Fearing the worst, he could only hope she wasn't about to tell him what he'd suspected all along, "It's alright, take your time." He reached his hand out to her, thankful she'd taken it and not pushed him away, "What did he do, Lucy?"
Trying to calm the overwhelming anxiety building within her, she swallowed down the longest breath of air, filling her lungs with much needed oxygen, "I remember smacking my head on the floor… A-And then, I felt his weight on top of me…"
Natsu's breath caught in his throat, snapping his head to the part on the floor Lucy had pointed to and could only imagine how frightened she must have been, "Then what, Luce?" He noticed her hesitancy, wishing he didn't have to ask.
"I-I remember his hand on the back of my head, holding me down, while his other hand lifted up my skirt. He was laughing at me, even as he slid down my underwear." She huddled herself back into a ball by the window, wiping continuously at her red and irritated eyes, "It was then that I realised that my struggle was in vain, that no matter what I did, he was going to… then he…" The tears turned to wails as she tried to continue, "And I've… I've never felt more disgusted! I felt helpless and so pathetic, so desperate for someone to come and save me that I stupidly called out your name, even though I knew you wouldn't hear me… That hope was still there."
Natsu had barely moved, so ashamed of himself for not being there in her time of need that he didn't know what to do with this new information. He felt angry beyond words that some bastard out there was walking free after doing such a horrific thing to his Lucy. But among the anger, there were other feelings; guilt; sadness; frustration; regret; all of them fighting for dominance in his tumultuous mind.
"Lucy…" Was all he could manage, unable to find the right words to tell her how truly sorry he was for not coming to her aid, sickened by the fact that while he wasn’t there, she’d suffered so greatly.
"I was so scared, Natsu!" She started, turning to look at his own sombre expression, "But I knew that if anyone were to come, it'd be you." Lucy's lips lifted in the corners, her smile full of sadness and sorrow, "When he finished, I couldn’t move, and all I remember feeling was coldness of the hard floor, wishing you'd come through that window and warm me up again…"
But that's not what happened, and he felt like the worst best friend in the world because of it. She'd needed a loving hand to lead her away from the pain, to comfort her and protect her from the monster that lurked in the dark, but he’d arrived too late.
He felt his heart sink and his stomach drop, his guilt and regret taking precedence, "I… I, I'm so sorry, Lucy… I never meant to… I didn't think-"
"Like I said, I don't blame you for not being there… It wouldn’t be fair of me to do that. How were you to know?” As much as it hurt her, she knew that had he been there, it would’ve been a totally different story, “I just… I need…”
She couldn’t say it with words, but he knew exactly what she was trying to tell him. She needed him, and that’s exactly what he was going to give her. Without saying a word, he reached forward and pulled the desperate girl back into his chest, enveloping her in that warmth she yearned for more than anything else, and held her as if his life depended on it. He wasn't letting go, not ever, and with every minute that passed with her in his arms, was another second towards healing her shattered heart.
“I’m always gonna be here, Lucy. I promise you.” He whispered into her hair, kissing the top of her head as if she was the most precious thing in the world. “You mean too much to me.”
She snuggled closer, wanting to be as near to him as she could and tightened her grip, “Thank you, Natsu.” With his warmth seeping deep into her cold body, warming her very soul, she relaxed against him, and felt her eyes slowly close, “Thank you...”
I know this was a sad one for nalu day, but I wanted to convey more the bond between them rather than the actual incident. I hope you liked it anyway! :) 
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Things That Go Bump In the Night
Genre: Paranormal/Supernatural AU
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes @im--multi--fandom--trash​ (This is apart of my 1.5K follower celebration, requests are now closed)
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Swearing
Description:  You, Jason, Dick, and Kori got to what’s supposed to be one of those stereotypical Halloween haunted houses, but you all have bit off more than you could chew.
A/N: I’m not gonna lie I kinda got the idea of an actual haunted house from Scooby Doo: The Goblin King.  Scooby and Shaggy find out monsters are real and the character of Mystic in this is based off the dude who runs that shop Scooby and Shaggy go to (except Mystic is more of a dick).  Anyway, enjoy!
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Halloween was Jason’s favorite time of year.  Given that you lived in Gotham that was surprising to you.  “Don’t you get enough of the costumes and scary things as it is?”  You had asked him once.
His response, “Okay, but that’s work, this is fun.”
This year you, Jason, Kori, and Dick had all decided to go to one of those fake haunted houses and be scared by the likes of Freddie Krueger, Jason, Mike Myers, and all the other horror movie legends.  You had researched and found a house on the outskirts of Gotham that looked like a good place to go and the four of you had hopped in the car and headed to the location.
Kori had never gone to a haunted house before and was excited to experience it for the first time.  “Just remember not to blast anyone,” Dick was telling her, a teasing look on his face.
She rolled her eyes at him, “I am not that bad.”
“Kori, I watched you almost fry the toaster one time because you weren’t ready for the toast to come out,” Jason said with a smirk.  “Try to remember these aren’t bad guys that need to be shot down.”
“All right everyone, place your bets now on who you think is going to crack first and be the most scared,” you said as you placed a cup on the center console.  “Last person to crack or get scared takes everything.”
Money was dumped into the cup and you hid it from sight so no one who passed your car would notice it and try to break in.  Even though you weren’t in Gotham proper you were still in Gotham.
The four of you climbed out of the car and toward the ticket counter.  The older gentleman behind the counter smiled at you and said, “Welcome to Mystic’s Halloween Mayhem, just the four of you?” 
Dick nodded, “Yep!”  And handed over the money for the tickets.
“Have a good evening and enjoy the thrills and chills of my haunted house!”  The man said with a flourish letting them walk up the little dirt path toward the house.  He watched them a chuckle escaping him, “They’re in for the scare of their lives.”  Then he and the ticket counter disappeared.
The house was your stereotypical haunted house.  You were pretty sure you’d seen it on an episode of Scooby Doo once.  “It’s like someone built this place specifically to be used as a haunted house,” you said as you began to step up onto the rickety old porch.
“Yes, I agree with Y/N,” Kori said.  “But something does not feel right,” as if on queue a gust of wind blew past time and caused each of them to shiver.
“Well that wasn’t odd at all,” Jason remarked.
The front door opened of its own accord and Dick hid behind Kori and said, “This place is really pulling out all the stops.”
“Come on,” you tugged them inside and just as you all made it through the door slammed shut behind you causing you to jump.  You had known it was gonna happen, but it still got you anyway.
Candles lit by some unseen force and showed you the path you were supposed to follow.  The four of you shared a look, but moved forward.  At first everything was fine and then a shadow slithered up the wall causing Jason to jump since he was the closest one to it.  “What that fuck?!”  He looked at the three of you, “Did you see that?!”
Dick and Kori shook their heads, but you were eyeing the wall.  “You okay there, Jaybird?”
He turned back to where he had seen the shadow and said a bit absentmindedly, “Yeah… yeah I’m all right.  Let’s go.”
You all started to move again, but a new sound had you freezing again.
You felt the hairs on your body stand at attention and Jason’s hand tightened around yours.  Kori stiffened, “What was that?”
“It sounded like a… like a--”
“Werewolf,” Jason finished for you.
A low growl came from behind and when the four of you turned you saw somewhere wearing the best werewolf costume you had ever seen.  It was on two legs and there was saliva dripping from its mouth.  “Run,” you said, your voice shaking as your adrenaline and fear spiked.
They didn’t need to be told twice and you all bolted down the hall, you heard the werewolf chasing you, but when you made it through a doorway the door slammed shut and the body of the werewolf hit it.  “That felt too real,” Dick said as he bent over to try and catch his breath and calm down.
“Did you hear the way it slammed into the door?”  Jason shivered.  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this place.”
“We need to look for an exit,” you chimed in.  “I don’t like this either.”
“Do you think it’s fear toxin?”  Kori asked.  “Could this be a trick, someone altering our minds?”
Dick and Jason shared a look, “This doesn’t feel like Scarecrow’s fear toxin.  We would be seeing things with each other as well.”  
Something glowing caught your attention and you saw a corporeal form of a woman watching you from around the corner.  You patted Jason on the arm and pointed toward her.  He jumped slightly, a hand covering his heart when he realized that it wasn’t another werewolf hellbent on eating them.  “Do you think she can lead us out of here?”  You asked him as the four of you huddled together.
“What if the innocent façade is just an act?”  Dick asked as he glanced over toward you.  “She could turn into some hideous monster and chase us.”
“She is currently blocking our only path of escape,” Kori chimed in.  “Unless you want to risk it with the werewolf.”
“Forward it is,” you said, and you cautiously took a few steps toward the glowing girl.  “Um excuse me?  Could you possibly show us the way out?”
She let out a terrifying wail at your words and leapt back just as Jason let out a terrified scream.  “Man fuck this place!”
You walked over to the lone window in the room and tried to pry it open.  When it wouldn’t budge you turned to Jason and asked, “Jay sweetie do you have your gun on you?
“You told me no weapons!”
“The one time we need your trigger happy ass to have a gun and you don’t have one,” Dick sighed.
“Y/N said that we wouldn’t need it!  It was supposed to be a normal date night, not trapped in the house from Hell!”
“I may be of some assistance,” Kori stepped up and used her powers to try and burst through the window, but it bounced off the glass and hit the wall.
It was then that you all realized you would have to make your way through the rest of the house to get out.  If you could get out…
There were a few more jump scares and you were chased by some sort of demon.  Jason was practically dragging you through that house and when you reached a door that led back to where you had come in at.  Dick was the one that tried it and when it swung open without any problems the four of you bolted out of there quicker than the Flash, the door slamming shut behind you.
All four of you were bent over trying to catch your breath and thank whoever was watching out for you that you had managed to get out of there in one piece.  When you turned back to look at the house it was gone.  “Uh guys, look.”  Everyone turned.  “It’s gone.”
“Next year,” Jason said as he stood up straight.  “We’re staying home and passing out candy.”
“Deal,” you all agreed.
“What do you guys say we go buy some candy and go back to the manor to watch some comedies for the rest of the evening?  I could use something happy.”  A round of agreements once again rang through your small group as you made your way back to the car.
In the shadows of the night Mystic watched the group leave and laughed to himself.  “Another year, another successful scare.”  He patted the werewolf on the back, “Come on buddy, we’ve got a whole year to prep before our next opening.”  The werewolf growled in response and the two of them disappeared into the astral plane.
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
San leaves his AU
San is laying on his couch, watching one of his favorite TV series, but he can't really focus on it.
There was the signiture loud crackle of Sci's portal opening up followed by a knock at San's door not long after.
San got up and opened the door for Sci, "Hey . . ."
"Hey! Woah, you ok there bud? you're lookin a little rough tibia honest." Sci half heartedly chuckles, looking more concerned than anything.
"Yeah, yeah . . . Just didn't really sleep right . . ."
Sci frowned. "What's up?"
"Just feel nervous I guess . . . Overthinking some things a bit . . ."
"You wanna talk about it? ... And do you mind if i come in"
"yeah . . . Uh come in . . ." San let him inside. Sci nods gratefully and steps in. San closed the door behind him and sat down on the couch. Sci joined San on the couch and faced his friend, worry etched into his features.
"So what's eating you?"
"I'm just nervous that I'll see him again . . . I literally avoid going to my brother because he lives near there . . . Like he could be anywhere and i don't want to see him, it's honestly destroying me . . . Like this constant fear and stress . . . It doesn't let me sleep sometimes . . ." San sighed "Nothing here brings me happiness anymore, only our little meetings . . ."
"Oh geeze... I'm sorry... I didn't know you were having such a hard time." Sci reached out to pat San but quickly retracted his hand. He wanted to comfort him but didn't wish to trigger his sensitivities with being touched.
"it's okay i guess . . . Just have to get over this . . ."
Sci sat in silence with his hand folded in his lap.
"Honestly i wish i could just leave . . . Just for a while, take a break from this life . . ." San wrapped his arms around himself.
"I mean... you could? If you wanted you could come stay with me for a little while." Sci started sounding a little excited as he spoke. "I really wouldn't mind, and I could show you my lab." He twiddled his thumbs in his lap, looking at San with a very faint blush on his face.
"r-really? I could?" San' tone of voice is a bit excited too, he seems happy at this proposition.
"Well yeah! ...I mean, but there are some risks involved...." Sci tugged on his shirt collar.
"Like if this universe was to RESET you could get erased from the code... or there is a very small potential when traveling to get stuck in the anti-void between universes. I haven't had that happen yet... but some of the spiders that volunteered for the time that went wrong... when i managed to bring them back they'd... changed... I'm not trying to spook you though! I'm sorry, I just figure you ought to know what you're potentially getting into." Sci chuckled nervously.
San nodded slightly, he thinks for a moment, before looking at Sci, "I want to do it"
Sci's face broke into a big grin. "Oh hell yeah!" Sci looked jittery with excitement. "I haven't brought anyone back with me before! This is going to be so fun! and oh... the data I could collect from this!"
San is smiling at him, he seems happier now.
"Ok um... So! When do you wanna leave? I assume you'll wanna grab some things before we go..."
"y-yeah, uh . . . I should take some clothes, right?"
Sci chuckled, "That would definitely be a good idea. Think anything you'd take on a vacation. Here, I can even help you pack!" Sci jumped up from the couch and held a hand out to San to help him stand.
San hesitantly grabbed his hand and stood up, "you can help me if you really want"
Between the two, packing went by quickly and they both were standing outside of San's house within half an hour. San with bags in hand and Sci fiddling with his portal device, hands shaking lightly in excitement.
"You ready?" He flashes a wide grin at San.
"Perhaps you would like to do the honors then?" Sci held out the device and made a grand gesture to the button that needed pushing.
San looked at Sci then pushed the button.
There was a whir and a crackle of a portal trying to start but it quickly fizzled out, leaving the two looking on in dead silence.
"Heh... T-This doesn't usually happen i swear." Sci chuckled nervously. He smacked the side of the device a couple times and pressed the button again, a portal springing to life solidly before them.
"so see you on the other side?" San is still looking at Sci.
"Hold up." Sci holds out a hand as if to stop San and kicks a rock through the portal, watching it with narrowed sockets for a second.
"Ahhhh ok yeah we're good let's go." He picks up some of San's belongings, smiles at him, and confidently walks through the portal.
San picks up the rest of his things and goes after Sci through the portal.
On the other side of the portal Sci's setting San's things on a table in a large brightly lit laboratory.
It's cluttered but organized, everything separated in respective groups. And the air was filled with the sound of machinery whirring.
Some of them were plain and boxy with flashing and blinking lights and some of tem were foreboding and alien looking and along one wall several were printing out a nonstop stream of information on paper that was neatly folding itself into piles.
"wow . . ." San is looking around, clearly amazed by what he's seeing.
Sci turns around and looks at San. "Heh yeah there's alot going on huh? Sorry it's kinda a mess right now though... I wasn't expecting company." Sci rubs the back of his skull bashfully.
"it's . . . it's amazing! this is your lab? Like seriously it's amazing" San is excited.
"Yeah, I-I mean, yeah! Thanks!" Sci chuckled, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "It is pretty cool isn't it? Want me to show you around?"
"Sweet! You can just set your stuff over there... or wherever here lemme show you the most dangerous one first!!!" Sci's grin took on a slight manic edge to it in his excitement.
San put down his things and came closer to Sci.
Sci's standing by a large dark looking piece of machinery with a nozzle pointed directly into a dusty looking glass case He flicks a few switches and it whirs to life, making a loud grinding noise.
"This is a disintegrator ray! Watch this." Sci pulls out a heavy thick board and places it in the glass case with an apple and shuts the door. He looks to San to watch for his reaction and pushes the button.
The surface of the apple bubbles for a split second before imploding violently and leaving a dusty scorched indent in the board.
"No matter, physical or magical can withstand it's force!" Sci flicks it's switch off, halting the grinding noise emanating from it.
"This could kill everyone in this multiverse if it were to explode!" He said excitedly.
"wow . . ." San is clearly impressed.
"Heh yeah, right? Pretty sweet." Sci chuckled. "Let me know if you wanna try putting anything in there."
"okay" San is smiling slightly, He's clearly happy.
"And this one?" Sci bounds over to a plain looking yellow metal box with a simple red button on top. "I got super wasted one night and made it for shits and giggles. All it does is turn anything you put inside it blue for 48 hours. Probably the least dangerous thing here." Sci smiles at it fondly. "It's so dumb and pointless. I love it."
San chuckled, "sounds like fun"
Sci did this for a while, leading San around the lab, showing off different machinery, telling him all about what everything did until he got to the machinery along the back wall printing nonstop. "And these monitor the au's I've visited!"
"Oh, what do they monitor exactly?"
"The timelines, resets, fun value, number of souls in an au... how many people are takin a shit at any given moment." Sci chuckles. "Nah I'm just messin with you on that last one. It's mostly just basic stats and statistics."
San chuckled, "seems interesting"
"Heh well I think it is at least." Sci watches the machine pumping out information for a moment before turning back to San. "But, yeah... this is my lab."
"it's really amazing, how you thought of so many things, how you built them and they actually work" San is still amazed by everything he saw, He's smiling softly.
Sci blushed. "Thanks... ya really think so?"
"yeah! It's just so cool!"
Sci's face lights up even further at the complement. "Heheh thanks. I suppose you wouldn't mind helping me in here a little bit later then?"
"I wouldn't, honestly I would be glad to help you" San is blushing slightly.
"Cool. Cool. Uhmm cool. Heh sorry I'm done saying cool." Sci chuckled nervously.
San chuckled too, "so what now?"
"Well we-" Sci starts to walk towards the table of San's belongings and stumbled, tripping over his own feet.
San caught Sci, "are you okay?" His voice sounds worried.
Sci looked up at San eyes wide and his cheekbones lighting up brightly. "Ye-yeah. Heheh... I'm just falling for you." His mouth clacked shut as soon as soon as he realized he said the flirtatious pun out loud.
"I-I mean-" Sci stammered nervously.
San blushed too, an orange blush dusting his cheekbones, "I . . . i-it's okay, g-great that you're n-not hurt"
"Thanks." Sci's soul pounded in his chest... This was probably the closest he'd been to San ever... What with his haphephobia... His haphephobia!
"Oh! I'm sorry I can stand!" Sci scrambled to stand and rather clumsily got to his feet, brushing the wrinkles from his lab coat.
San nodded slightly, watching Sci to make sure that everything is okay.
"Well as I was saying we could go get you settled in for your stay." Sci continued to nervously adjust his lab coat.
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Teddy Bears and Memories -- Sam Winchester x Male!Reader
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Teddy Bears and Memories — Sam Winchester x Male!reader
Description: (name) and his little sister are partnering with the Winchester brothers on a case. Everything's fine and dandy, they've already killed the creature and are hanging out at the motel for the night, when Maddie ((names) sister) decides to pull a prank on her brother, resulting in aggressive flashbacks, intense PTSD and a moose ready to comfort a crying friend.
⚠Warning⚠: IF YOU GET TRIGGERED EASILY, DO NOT READ THIS. This deals with descriptions of rape, (though I tried to keep it vague) PTSD, flashbacks, and a kinda sorta mental breakdown. Cursing, grammar errors, and also quite a lot of negative and toxic thoughts.
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Pairing: Sam Winchester x sexually abused!male!reader
A/N: this is... kinda awful. Like, it made me cold reading this. Seriously don't read it if you get triggered easily. Also, the first, like, quarter, I wrote in a huge hurry, so ignore how trash it is. And its kinda writen shitily, but whatever.
Words without A/N: 4382
"You gotta watch this," it was my sister. I would recognize her voice anywhere, even though she was whispering and clearly trying to keep me from hearing her. "He's terrified of them, its hilarious."
I wonder who she's dragging with her this time.
Deciding to let her continue to think she was sneaking up on me, I kept quiet and never moved my eyes from the lore book that I'd been studying for the past half hour. Though the case was over now, I still figured it would be a good idea to learn as much as I could about the Leeds' Devil, that way I'd know how to deal with it if we ever ran into another.
I could hear her creeping up on me, thinking I still didn't know she was there. There was another pair of footsteps with her. One of the brothers, no doubt.
It was quiet for just half a second, and I figured she'd be popping up in just a moment to try and jump scare me or something. You know, typical younger sibling style.
"He's terrified of them, its hilarious."
There was a quiet, girlish giggle, and I'm sure my eyes grew double their size as I figured out exactly what she was doing.
I flung my head to the side to see if she was going to do the thing I thought she was going to do (and desperately hoped she wasn't going to do), and immediately choked on air.
Tiny, beady eyes set high on soft brown fur. Little, round ears on top of a fluffy head.
Rancid, green breath, so-brown-they're-almost-black eyes, sticky fingers touching places they should never be allowed to touch. Bookshelves full of teddy bears looking down on me with empty eyes and sown-on smiles.
I felt my entire body seize up, and before I could make myself come back down to earth, I was hurling the book in my hands at the furry little demon-bear in my little sisters hands and rolling off of the bed and to the floor. Flight-or-fight reflexes kicking in, I shoved myself back to my feet and fled towards the doorway. Away from the sound of heavy breathing and old-people BO that suddenly overwhelmed me.
And then it was in front of me, too.
Maddie, with that little ball of fluff and nightmare fuel in her hands, had darted ahead of me, between me and the only exit from the hotel room.
Callased, rough hands, man-handeling me and shoving me onto my knees. Cold cuffs digging into my small wrists. Boiling breath ghosting over my too-cold skin. Hundreds of eyes staring at me from the shelves around us, none willing to help.
Fucking no.
Fighting past the urge to break into tears, I swatted the thing away from me, and (maybe a little too harshly) shoved my sister out of the way of the door.
"(Name)?" She called, like she didn't know what she was doing to me.
I locked eyes with someone for half a second, Sam, I think before I was out the door and down the sidewalk, towards my (favorite color) Chevrolet.
I heard Maddie call out for me one more time before the car door slammed closed, and I was taking off parallel to the sunset.
Before I even left the parking lot, I clicked on the radio and turned it up to its max volume. If I couldn't hear myself think, then I couldn't see the little black, beetly-like eyes boring into me as my youth died.
I don't exactly know how long I was driving, but somehow I found myself parked at a view point above the town, and the sky was now completely black, not even a hint of the sunset that had shined what felt like just a moment ago.
There were no lights to pollute the darkness of the sky, and the stars shown more brightly than I'd seen in a very long time. Shutting off the Chevrolet's engine, I pulled myself out of the door, and drug my body atop it's hood to look up at the sky. It's amazing how little I'd payed attention to how gorgeous the stars could be before now.
I settled back into the windshield and exhaled, forcing myself not to think for once. It only felt like moments, but it had to have been at least an hour I had sat there, and my arms were beginning to grow goosebumps from the cold. Wrapping them around me, I continued to study the sky; I didn't want to have to go back to the real world just yet.
Emotions were hard. They're difficult to understand, and even more difficult to explain. But something I had realized, I'm not entirely sure when, was that you can suffer from more than one emotion at a time, and that made life so, so much worse. Because, right now, I felt incredibly heavy. I was mourning the death of an innocence I never had the chance to get to know, and I felt completely devastated. Wrecked to my very core. But, underneath all of that, some stupid, small bubble of something resembling happiness, a feeling that had absolutely no right to be present now, grew just under my ribcage, and weaseled its way passed the smog of memories as the gravel behind me shifted with the wheels of a car, and the purring of the Impala's engine broke the relative quiet of the night.
I doubted it was Dean, he's never been very good at emotions, and it was definitely not my sibling, she knew to leave me alone when I needed quiet. That left Sam, and the thought of seeing the ridiculously tall man made my insides flutter cliché-ly.
I closed my eyes and followed the sound of the drivers side door opening, his feet planting on the pine needle-layden gravel. The soft close of the door, his steps growing, ever, nearer. Soon enough he was right by the drivers side of my car, and I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my face. I knew he had questions, but I just wasn't ready to tell.
"(Name)?" His voice was quiet, gentle. Barely a whisper. Like if he spoke to loudly he might shatter me like glass.
"Hey, you okay?" His steps were now right beside me, I could almost feel the warmth fluttering off of him.
'Not even a little.'
I nodded in response, not really trusting my voice to work without breaking. Finally opening my eyes, I refused to look over at him, instead opting to stare up at Ursa and her cub.
"Your sister," he started. Here we go. "She's worried about you. When you didn't pick up your cell, she was afraid something'd happened to you."
"Something did," I wanted to say. I wanted to scream, rant, and sob. But, of course, "I'm fine" was what passed my lips instead. The words sounded fake, even to my own ears.
I heard him sigh as he leaned closer, settling his hip against the hood of the car and staring down at me. I clenched my eyes closed; this is usually right around the time that someone would start asking questions with answers I didn't want to think about, or comment something snide about my stupid, irrational fear.
That bubble of happiness at his being there shrank.
"What do you want?" I asked, barely loud enough to be heard. I didn't care if I sounded rude.
It was silent for a second, like he was debating his answer, or just didn't have one.
"I," he paused, "I guess I just want to help you," his tone matched mine. "I saw the look in your eyes, (name), I know whatever it is, it's more than just a fear. I want to help you."
I was actually, truly speechless for once. He sounded so sincere, it was more than even my sister had expressed. Not that she'd ever actually shown any concern, she just thought it was funny that her big bro was terrified of teddy bears.
I couldn't tell him, of course, he'd just think me even weaker than he probably already assumed after seeing me have a meltdown over a fucking stuffed carnival toy. I shook my head.
"I'm fine."
"(Name)," he trailed off, his voice somehow even softer than it was before.
I wanted to tell him. I wanted to scream it at the top of my lungs just to get it off of my chest. It's a secret I've held since I was barely fourteen. Nobody knew, and I needed it to stay that way, but desperately wanted the pressure to come off of my chest. I don't know how much longer I can keep my silence.
I trusted him, that was never a problem. I trusted him with my life, and I knew he'd never hurt me with the knowledge, but it was still a huge risk. What if Maddie ever found out? I'd be devastated. She didn't need to know how pathetic her big brother was.
I felt words bubble up in my throat without my consent, spilling from my lips like molten rock.
"If," I started, clearing my throat to hide the break in my voice, "if I, uh, if I were to tell you somethin', would you promise me that you'll never tell another soul?" I sounded nothing like myself, even to me. "You can't...my sister can't ever know. She's-she's-she... she wouldn't understand." My voice was barely above a whisper, and cracked on every other note.
"Of-of course!" Sam said earnestly, moving to sit atop the hood beside me. I could see his hand move to grasp my shoulder, but pulled back at the last minute, afraid to touch me lest I break. I didn't blame him.
I turned my head to look at him and wrapped my arms tighter around my body; whether it was to ward off the cold, or the oncoming pain, I didn't even know.
"Of course, (name), I wouldn't tell anybody, I promise."
Only after searching his eyes for his honesty did I let myself relax some. I trusted that he'd keep his word.
He looked slightly uncomfortable with the way his lanky frame was leant over the edge of the cars hood, like he was stuck on the fence between moving to comfort me and giving me my space. I sarcastically rolled my eyes, scooting over enough for him to climb on more comfortably. He warily pushed himself further up, then lay on his back to look up at the stars like I was. I finally turned my gaze away from him and focused back on the night sky.
They really were pretty out here.
"When I was," I gulped and paused. Not even the person I trusted the most in this world knew; I still can't grasp why I'm about to do what I'm about to do. Maybe it was the bubbling in my gut that told me that he'd understand, maybe I was just weak, maybe I just didn't want to be the only one with this secret anymore.
I made myself start again.
"When I was about fourteen, I was on a hunt with my father. There had been multiple disappearances of children around this one little area in Minnesota, and we had gone to check it out. It was terrible. The youngest kid was nine, and the oldest was fifteen and they'd all disappeared without a trace. No signs of struggle, no witnesses, nothing. Just, poof," I moved my hands to mimic an explosion, for some reason, "and they were gone.
"The local authorities believed it was a person kidnapping them, dad thought it was something else, understandably. Most of the evidence pointed towards something less-than normal. For once, the popo's were right." I laughed ruefully at myself, biting my tongue to keep the whimper that threatened to fight its way up my throat from escaping.
"I don't know how it happened," I cleared my throat and continued. "I don't remember getting split up from dad, I don't remember hi-him grabbing me, I don't even remember the drive there, but when I woke up, I," I choked, pulling my arms closer around me and trying in vain to hold back the burning in my eyes.
"I, uhm, I was," I tried again, with no more luck than before. Strong arms hesitantly wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into a warm side and gently petting my hair. I cleared my throat again.
"I was completely naked, tie-tied to a bench in a room with shelves from floor to ceiling completely," I choked on my words again, turning to bury myself into Sam's chest. I could still see the room if I closed my eyes. "entirely covered in, in, in, those things. Teddy bears. Their beady little black eyes looking down at me as I struggled against the ropes. I was so-so helpless, I couldn't move, or scream, or-or-or–" he pulled me tighter into him, his hand playing in the strands of my hair. I sucked in a deep breath and held it for a second before letting it out, trying to calm myself.
Why couldn't I just stop talking? He didn't want to hear any of this. I'm just annoying him, he'd rather be back at the warm motel with a book and slightly more mentally stable people. And yet I keep going.
"He... he raped me, Sammy, he fucking raped me and all of those teddy bears sat there with their beady little black eyes staring at me." I felt him tense against me, somehow pulling me even closer still. A small, ragged gasp came from the man. "Nobody found me for three days. He had raped and beaten and-and-and hurt me for three fucking days before he tried to take me out to kill me and dump my body, and dad found us. Three fu-fucking days," I was all but sobbing at this point, clinging on to him as I saw the walls covered in children's toys closing in on me. If I let my mind wander, I could still feel his hands groping me. I felt so small.
"(Name)," Sam shuddered against me, gently petting my shoulder as he held my quaking body. "(Name), I had no idea, I'm so–"
"Don't say you're sorry. Please don't say you're sorry. It's not like its somehow your fault. It sounds like pity, and I don't want your pity," I ground out into his warm chest, not letting go of him.
I didn't need anyone's pity, and I sure as hell didn't want anyone's pity. I felt him nod his head above me, before his long body turned on the hood of the car, and he pulled me tightly into his chest as the rest of him curled around my shaking frame.
I couldn't quite tell if the pressure in my chest was good or not.
I'm not sure how long we sat like that, cuddled on the hood of my car, but eventually, once my sobs subsided and I was brought back into the real world for a minute, I came to realize quite how cold it had gotten. It was still only March, and the nights were still cold, and the goosebumps told me I needed to get inside and get warm, but my mind wanted to stay there for just a bit longer. I didn't want to have to let go of the warmth and comfort that billowed off of Sam like hot air, and I don't think I could have forced myself to let go even if I wanted to. So, in all reality, it shouldn't have come as so much of a surprise when I felt my sleep-heavy body being picked up off of the cold metal of my Chevy.
"Sam?" My voice was low and hoarse from spending so long choked full of emotion, and I felt a little jolt of embarrassment run over my body.
Looking up, I could see it was him, but he didn't say a word, simply shooting a soft smile at me before looking back up to watch where he was walking. Not having the energy to try and determine what was going on, I buried my face in his chest and let my body relax farther in his grip. It was only when I felt him open a door that I looked up. Gently setting me in the passenger seat of his brothers Impala, he threw his coat over me before smiling again. Reaching out hesitantly, he ran the tips of his fingers over the side of my face, an action which I immediately found myself leaning into. His brows squinted tightly like he was thinking hard about something. Without even thinking about it, I reached out and smoothed the wrinkles between his brows with the pad of my thumb.
Locking eyes, I finally took notice to just how gorgeous his iris' were. Green and brown and hazel and gold swirling together like liquid fire. Said eyes darted away suddenly, and I somehow knew he was looking at my lips. Mine darted down to his for a moment as well.
I wanted that. Gol, I wanted that.
He leaned forward slightly, and I actually thought he would go for it. He drug his bottom lip between his teeth in debate before moving his eyes to focus somewhere behind my head and stood back up.
Fucking really?
Smiling down at me again, this time making it look almost sad, he tucked the jacket he had previously thrown over my body around me tighter. As he stood and moved himself around to the other side of the car to get in, my gaze tracked him all the way.
He didn't look at me as he started the car and shifted into gear, and the profile of his face held worry. Had I done something wrong somehow? He probably thinks you're weak for what you told him.
As he pulled away from the view point, I watched the back end of my car get farther and farther away.
"My car..." I whispered pitifully, I didn't want to leave it. I didn't actually think Sam had heard me, but evidently, he did.
"I'll pick it up tomorrow. It'll be safe 'till then."
And then he went quiet again. How did I manage to fuck this up, too?
Biting my lip, I curled in on myself, cuddled Sam's jacket to my chest, and let the purr of the engine lul me to sleep.
This time when I woke up in his arms, I made a point of keeping my eyes closed and my breathing steady. We were through the doors before I realized where we were.
The hotel smelled just the same as it had before. Beer nuts, sex, and mothballs. It certainly didn't help the painful rolling in my stomach.
I'd managed to ruin this relationship, too. How was I so good at that? I shouldn't have told him, he didn't need to hear, didn't want to hear. Now he thinks I'm some pathetic little wimp who couldn't so much as protect himself from a human. You fuck everything up, (name).
Somewhere in the back of my self-piteous mind, I was vaguely aware of someone speaking.
The more I tuned in, the more I wished I hadn't.
"—uck happened!? Is he okay?! What'd you do!" Came the accusational voice of my little sister.
Of course she'd have to see you like this. Pathetic. Now she'll surely think as badly of you as Sam does. What the fuck is wrong with you? Can you at least try not to break something for more than ten seconds?
"He's fine," rumbled Sam's voice from beneath my ear, "just tired. He fell asleep on the way here. Just– just leave him to himself for a bit, okay? He's had a rough night."
His tone was somber. His tone conveyed sadness and sadness meant pity and pity meant uncomfortable glances and tense silence and hesitant avoidance of touching. Of course you had to fuck up one of the only good things going for you. Good fucking job. Pathetic.
He was moving again (or maybe he'd never stopped in the first place) and I immediately felt the drop in temperature as he walked with me through the joint door to him and his brothers room. Dean must have been out somewhere, as I didn't hear his voice or feel his stare.
There was a bit more shuffling as he carried me to the bed, and I just don't understand how his arms aren't tired out yet. Soon, he's gently setting me down on the bed, and I'm so grateful that I'd managed to keep myself passing as asleep, because I don't know if I could handle the awkward not-conversation that was sure to follow.
I follow the sound of his feet leaving the room, and wait for the soft closing of the door before I let myself fall apart again. I put a hand over my mouth to muffle the sobs and curl into myself, wrapping one arm around my chest to try and hold off the pressure that's filling my ribcage.
Are you really crying right now?
You're such a pussy.
Why did you have to tell him that shit? 
Now he thinks you're even more of a quivering quim than he thought before.
You can't go a day without destroying at least one relationship, can you?
How sad.
I don't really know how long I sat there and cried pathetically into my fist, but at some point my sobs turned to cries, which morphed into sniffles, and eventually evened into silent, hot, tears.
I was almost fading off again when I heard the door open again.
The hunter side of me wanted to immediately reach for a gun, but the realistic side of me told me that it was just one of the Winchester's coming to grab something from the room, or maybe Sam coming to check on me. Hah. Funny. However, when I felt the bed dip beside me, I couldn't help but tense up and open my eyes.
They were on the other side of my body, my back was to them. I was just on the verge of flipping around and sucker punching whoever it was, when a sudden, soft heat draped over me. A blanket.
Somehow, I knew it was Sammy.
For few quiet moments, we sat in companionable silence. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time, though I couldn't quite tell if it was the judging glare that I expected or not. After a good couple of minutes, I felt the bed shift again as he stood up, and I thought I heard him mumble something under his breath as he did, but I couldn't quite make out his words.
I immediately missed his presence as he moved back towards the door.
Why had I said anything in the first place? He didn't care, he didn't need to care. He probably feels so uncomfortable now. I probably made him so uncomfortable hugging him like I did, crying into his shirt. He probably hates me.
As the door cracked open, I found myself sitting up suddenly, "I'm sorry," I blurted.
He paused in the doorway, and turned to look back at me. I immediately averted my gaze, instead choosing to stare at his boots as I wiped my face of any remaining tears.
"I'm sorry," this time it was softer, a bit more broken.
The door clicked closed, and he was walking back towards me. Seating himself at the edge of the mattress, close enough that I knew he was there, but far enough away that he wasn't making me uncomfortable, he reached out and gently held one of my hands in both of his large ones. I guess he probably expected me to look up at him at that point, but I couldn't make myself look him in the eye, knowing that I'd only see that godawful pity, or worse, he'd see the tears that still threatened my eyes.
It wasn't until his hands left mine, and traveled up to my face that I looked at him, and was met with an expression I definitely wasn't expecting. His eyes were so, so soft. His face not full of pity, as I'd expected, but instead, some gentle version of understanding. A caring, almost loving look came to him as he wiped away the tear that managed to escape, soothing the red tenderness that came from the last however-long of crying.
As if he knew what I had been thinking a few moments before, his face again morphed expressions. A small, sad smile pulled at his lips, and he shook his head softly, "you aren't that at all," I could almost hear him say, though his lips never parted for the words.
His eyes once again glanced down, and, once again, I imediately knew he was looking at my lips. He leaned forward slightly, as he had in the Impala, but this time, instead of pulling away, he chose to look further into my eyes, like he was seeking permission.
A small nod, a painfully slow movement, soft, warm lips pressed gently against mine.
I sighed contentedly and leaned farther into him. The kiss was but a close-lipped peck, really, but somehow it spoke more than I'm sure a full kiss would have.
After a moment, he pulled away, thumbs grazing slightly at my cheekbones, and I found that I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes once again, but this time, for an entirely different reason.
A few hours later, Dean Winchester walked into his and his brothers shared room, only to find said brother's long body curled up tightly beside (name)'s.
A quiet "finally" echoed through the air as the eldest brother turned back and left the room, deciding he could handle sleeping on the couch in the other room if it meant his brother could have at least one good night of rest.
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kace-the-writer · 4 years
Fires of Fear- Chapter 1
Trigger Warning- starvation, theft, and mentions of murder, swearing
A criminal, that was all I am to the world. A dirty thief and killer. They say it like I actually have killed anyone but the cops and members of the twin’s search party, those damn fools. They say it like I don’t do what I do to survive as a low class citizen. But it doesn’t matter, what matters is that Patton and I are alive. Poor Patton, he would never be able to survive on his own. I have nothing against him, he’s my older brother and I love him, but he can be weak.
“Hey Pat, I got our food for today,” I said, giving him a slice of bread and a tiny bit of chicken I managed to steal.
“Thanks Virge,” He said, smiling. He always smiled, like the world hadn’t gone to hell under the twin’s rule. Like I didn’t have to steal so that we could survive. Like we were high class, like we sometimes didn’t spend days without eating. He’s not actually happy, it’s a weak mask that anyone could see through.
“Of course,” I said, taking out my own slice of bread. Wow, this is so great. I thought sarcastically, my brain seems to always be in sarcasm mode. I hummed a tune I heard while stealing from the middle class, unlike us they actually were allowed their own music.
“Virge, have you been stealing again?” Patton asked. This is what I mean when I say he would be unable to live on his own. He’s too afraid to do what he needs to survive. He sees stealing as “wrong”. I don’t, I see it as necessary.
“Yeah… how else would I have got this?” As much as I love him, he’s not exactly smart.
Patton pushed up his glasses. He had light blue eyes, which were actually common among the high class, but his dirty clothes and messy brown, undyed hair would give himself away. “Virgil, they need food as well.”
“They’re middle class! They have all the food they need!” I took another bite. Why did Patton think they are struggling like us? At least they are assured to get food daily, we have to either steal or endlessly labor to get some. We never got that privilege!
“Virgil, you should just get a job like I did. Sure, it sucks to be a janitor for a rich business, but at least I don’t steal!” He says it like the job makes him more than 5 nickels a day.
“Patton, you’re severely underpaid. I am not wasting my life working for some rich guy only to get way too little money! And working helps the twins! Do you really want to help them!” I balled up my fist, then realized what I was doing. “I-I’m Sorry.”
I walked out of the small tent we called a home and into the “neighborhood” which was more like 50 tents next to a lake which probably wasn’t that safe to drink from. The sun was setting into the ground, creating a beautiful painting of bright colors, but also brought on darkness. Our area was fenced and guarded, though there were areas for us to get out where the guards didn’t notice us. The only time they’d let us out is for those who have jobs.
I picked up a bucket from next to the river and filled it with water. There were a couple of other people out, but I don’t like to talk with anyone except Patton. When I was done I placed the bucket next to me and sat down, looking into the small lake. I’m not religious, but I pray that any diety possibly listening would just save me. I know that won’t happen, but my mind can hope.
After a couple of moments just staring out into the distance, I grabbed the water and went back to Patton, “I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
Patton looked at me and smiled, “I wasn’t mad at you kiddo! Just concerned! I’m sorry if it sounded like I was trying to force you to get a job.”
I sighed, “It’s alright, Pat. I brought some water back in case you wanted any.” I layed down on the blanket I called a bed. Patton and I both had one, but since our tent was so small we’d sometimes roll next to each other.
“Oh thank you Virge!” Patton picked up the bucket and took a sip of the water. It didn’t exactly taste good, but we had both learned how to deal with it. “Did you hear about the twins’ new law?”
I sat up, “no, does it affect us?” I did not want my life to change, I was fine with just staying the same.
“I’m not sure, it just says the business owners now have more freedom into how they treat their employees. So maybe me but not you.” Patton ran a hand through his light brown hair and sighed.
“If they hurt you I’ll kill them,” I said, taking off my hoodie. I actually stole it, it was hard for low class citizens to get any good clothing.
“Please don’t Virge, they’re just trying to live their lives and make money!” What was it with Patton and forgiving people who don’t deserve to be forgiven?
“Patton, I was just exaggerating!” I never told Patton about the times I actually have killed people, but that was just self defense! “I’d probably be killed if I did that.”
“Virgil the twins already want you dead,” Patton wasn’t wrong, I had stolen from a couple of high class citizens and that got me on the twins’ personal kill list. The only reason I’m not already dead is because I was wearing a mask and gloves when I did it.
“Those monsters,” hate on the twins was common in the lower class, but if someone from the higher classes did it they’d probably be imprisoned and killed. The twins didn’t really care about the lower class, we were just trash.
“Can I hug you, Virgil?” Patton loved hugs, but he always asked before giving any. I nodded, actually kinda wanting one. Patton smiled and hugged me. His hugs were always warm and safe, don’t tell him I said this, but I actually love his hugs.
“Pat, this is getting too long,” Patton apologized and pulled back, “thanks.”
“You should get some sleep Virge,” Patton smiled. I didn’t really want to sleep, I had nightmares, but he was right.
I jolted awake from my sleep, panting and sweating even though it was the start of fall. I layed back down and sighed, another nightmare about our parents dying, great.
I looked around and saw that Patton had already left for work. I rubbed my head and sat up, I should head out soon. I usually woke up before Patton, but I guess today is different.
I stretched as I got up, my back and body sore because of how I slept. That was usual for me but it still sucked. I opened the tent and winced as sunlight struck me in the eyes. It took me a couple seconds to adjust to the light l, but after I did I started walking. Not a lot of people were out right now, as most of them had work.
A guard in his red gear spotted me and strotted up towards me, what now? It wasn’t abnormal for them to randomly approach us, but I do hate when they do that. “Hello citizen,” said the guard, his back straight and his mouth lowered into a frown.
“Hello sir, what is it that you need?” I said, bowing my head when he was stood in front of me.
Of course I already knew what he was about to say, “Show me your card,” every citizen has a card that they were given at birth and got updated every 5 years. It has our full name, class, age, date of birth, and criminal record. Luckily I got away with all the crimes I’ve done. I quickly took my card out of my pocket and handed it to the guard.
“Alright, Virgil, looks good,” he handed the card back to me, “just make sure you don’t cause a ruckus, you unemployed tend to do that. Oh, and uh,” he grabbed my hair and pushed me to the ground before walking away. That wasn’t that bad.
I stayed on the ground for a couple of moments, (they love it when we do that) but I eventually got back up. I brushed myself off, caring more about cleanliness than some of the other lower class citizens, I try to keep myself as clean as possible. Of course that was hard when you were only allowed one cold shower a week.
When I realized the guard was still watching me, I went back to my tent. I sat down and waited. It didn’t take guards long to forget about us, but I didn’t want to take the risk of sneaking out while a guard may still have awareness of me.
I played with my hands as I waited. 6, 7, 8… I counted in my head, waiting for 400 to leave. There was nothing really to look at in the tent, but I focused my vision onto the lamp in the corner of the tent.
399… 400! Finally I got to leave. I looked around the area, only to see the guard changing his shift, perfect! I pretended to go get some more water, but when no one was looking I made a turn for the exit. I tapped my finger on my leg out of habit. My heart raced in my chest as I quickly slid under the fence, and into the middle class area.
Unlike the lower class area, the middle class area had actual developed houses and roads. Each person was free to do mostly whatever they wanted. Of course there was a structure to it. Each house had to be two stories, and each straight couple had to have two children, no more no less.
Rose thorns cut into my skin as I entered into the backyard of, what I like to call, the house. It was the easiest to steal from, as the owner never remembered to lock their door. It’s like they forgot that the lower class was right behind them.
It still jarred me to open the sliding glass door. Something about it just felt so… foreign and off. So did most everything else about middle class homes.
The house was, as to be expected, empty. This was the time the owner of this house went to work. As I scanned my eyes I saw something rather surprising, a 200 dollar bill just sitting there. This is a trap. I knew they had to notice me eventually!
In order to not fall for the trap, I avoided the money and took the long way to get to the stairs. They led to the owner’s bedroom, bathroom, and an office where they had a weird black box and a cage that housed a large albino snake.
As always, I fought the urge to go and hold the snake, and went into the bedroom. Under the owner’s bed was a box that held their money. I never took too much, as I didn’t want to actually harm them, for today just 5 dollars. I also went into their… collection? They had a large amount of snake merchandise, such as a giant snake plushie that I would never dare touch. The only thing I was interested in was the small golden snake pendant. I quickly snatched it and shoved it into my pocket.
Then I went back down the stairs, still ignoring the money, and entered his kitchen. The middle class got enough food to be considered a luxury. I snacked on some of the small crackers that they had and put some in my pocket for Patton. I also drank some of the clean water from their faucet. Unlike the lake water, I loved to drink this. The cold and crisp water gently ran down my throat.
The door is opening! Fuck fuck fuck! I made the last minute decision to run out as fast as I could, and hopes that they didn’t see me.
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Day 5 (14th of February) - Valentine’s day gone wrong @buddietinesweek
Coincidence for your thoughts
Eddie couldn't believe he was doing this. Yeah he'd tried to dated one nice woman a few months ago but was this okay. He didn't know how he felt entirely about this.
Tía Pepa: Eddito try it. You don't have to sleep with them just mingle and take it from there.
Eddie rolled his eyes as he stood in front of the restaurant. He couldn't believe she signed him up for this.
Tía Pepa: Don't roll your eyes at me like you do sometimes chico.
He huffed as he walked in. He got seated at his station for the speed dating. He felt like this made him look desperate but Eddie didn't want to judge the others here everyone had their own reasons. Maybe some of them were looking for meaningful connections and not just a lay on valentine's.
The first round began. As he started talking to a sweet red head he heard a distinct laugh. Huh?
Eddie turned from where he was seated on the outside corner of a square seating arrangement with the guests facing outwards towards their moving dates.
"No one's ever said that about my birthmark before. An angel kiss huh. That's a new one." Buck said with a smile to a tall brunette.
"Well that's what we call them in babies where I work. Some fade but not always. My sister has one by her lip. So what kinda name is Buck?" She smiled and squinted.
"Well Meg it's my nickname from my last name Buckley." He laughed.
"Umm. Eddie was it? Look if you'd rather wait for her to come around then fine. It was nice meeting you." Layla said as she checked out of the conversation and pulled out her phone.
"Sorry." Yikes. Way to go Eddie.
He didn't correct her that his attention was actually drawn to Buck and not the woman. It wouldn't have made much of a difference he felt. Buck was here too?
The bell dinged. Eddie had one more person before the brunette was at his table.
"Hi. I'm Reina. What's your sign?" His new date asked with dirty blond hair and a streak of blue.
"Umm. I don't really know that. I think it's scorpio or taurus." Eddie answered with a shrug.
"Uh. No. I'm sorry. I'm not DTF or whatever. I've got a strict no sex on the first date policy now." Buck chuckled then nervously looked down from his date.
"You're wasting my time? If the sex is bad then why would I bother." Another blond said throwing her hand up in annoyance. "Ring the bell already!"
Wow. Eddie didn't know whether to be happy or sad buck was having a bad time with this one. He decided he could be both if she wasn't willing to wait it was her loss. Buck was worth waiting for.
"Oh God. Help!" Meg the first girl paired with buck who was between them now shouted.
Both Eddie and Buck got up and moved together to help her date now.
The guy between them was clutching at his throat.
Eddie lowered him down on the ground with Bucks help who didn't even question Eddie's presence. They fell into their usual routine.
"Anaphylaxis?" Buck asked as he kept people a safe distance from them for breathing room.
"Yeah buck. Sir I'm gonna check your pocket. Do you have any kinda EpiPen?" Eddie was already checking both. Nothing.
"I've got one!" Reina pulled it out of her purse.
Eddie injected his thigh as Buck was already on the phone for an ambulance to be dispatched.
"Peanuts." He rasped.
"Okay sir. An ambulance is coming. They're gonna make sure you're okay. We don't know if you'll need another dose before you get to the hospital." Eddie looked at the table.
There were no peanuts out to trigger his allergy though.
"Meg?" Buck asked as if he'd read his mind.
"I ate some earlier. Fuck! I didn't know." She was crying. "I'm sorry"
"He's gonna be alright. It's not your fault. We've got him." Eddie tried soothing her worry.
It was an easy but dangerous mistake. She was still a stranger to him after all and he didn't know to tell her.
The paramedics from another station took the guy and nodded at the handoff as they strapped him to a gurney .
Blake, as they'd learned was the man's name, had insisted on giving Meghan his business card with his cell written on the back.
The speed dating session had sorta broken up in all the chaos. Only a few were still willing to stay and went back to their seats.
Buck, Meg, and and Eddie among the ones to leave.
"Dude that was crazy. I feel bad for the guy. Reminds me of my bad valentine's day experience. Choked on a breadstick. Abby managed to give me a tracheotomy, it didn't scar too bad." Buck was standing with Eddie outside.
"Wait. That was on valentine's? I just remember it being bad. Holy shit Buck!" Eddie's glad she saved him. It sounded horrifying and must have been worse to experience or remember.
"Yeah. I think it was just us both being nervous. Took it as a sign from like god trying to help me not have sex after our date. I was still Buck 1.0 back then." Buck turned to his name being called.
"Are you two paramedic?" Meghan asked as she walked over.
"Uh, well my partner Eddie here is more so than me. We're firefighters for the 118. It could have happened to anyone. He'll probably be fine. Don't beat yourself up." Buck said.
"Oh wow. Maybe it's fate you two saved him. Thanks again. I woulda been scarred for life and Blake would be dead." With that she left to her SUV.
"Hey. Wanna grab a bite? Chris is with Pepa tonight since she wanted to make sure I had no excuse for not coming."
"Dude I'm starving. When Maddie told me about this I thought it included dinner. I couldn't even enjoy happy hour because of my blood thinners. It's bogus." Buck laughed making Eddie laugh too.
"Well if you'd read the letter at the door. So follow me back to mine or wanna go to yours?"
"Definitely yours. If you drink too much you won't have to drive." Buck patted Eddie's arm before going to his jeep.
Eddie's truck read out a voice command text he got from Buck. He'd order wings and rice that'd get there a little after them.
Once they were at Eddie’s they went inside.
"So. I didn't know you were gonna be there, it's good you felt to trying. Maddie had to threaten posting my karaoke routine if I didn't agree to try it. My own sister blackmailing me, can you believe that?" Buck joked as he got the door paying.
"I know how you feel. It could've been worse. That could have happened to us or we might not have been there." Eddie helped sort their order after Buck brought it to the table.
Buck could have one of his egg rolls since he always gave Eddie a few of his wings.
"Maybe Meg was right? Fate brought us together to help save that guy. And got us out of Amelia's love is a battlefield warpath. She’d have gotten to you in a few rings of that dumb bell." Buck poured some of the hot sauce Eddie liked and had gotten him into.
"Dtf?" Eddie joked.
"Oh man. You heard that? We're be being that loud?" Buck cringed.
"No. Umm. I'm just good at picking you out of a crowd. Gotta be able to find my partner to have his back Buck." Eddie said
He was avoiding saying how he'd been drifting to listening to Buck and his date thought he was interested in the woman with buck but she was wrong.
Buck drank from his glass before talking again.
"You ever seen Love Actually? Me and Mads watched it for the first time the other night. I think it's running again tonight or we could look it up." Buck waited for a replay.
"Only pieces of the beginning. We can look after we're done."
Watching a romcom sounded good. After they could see something else.
They both ended up passed out on the couch a little after the movie was over and they'd switched to an action movie with spies fighting over a girl dating both of them.
Neither had said much after the first movie was done and the revelation that the guy was coming home from overseas to return to his boyfriend or husband. They’d been starting to doze off.
They'd wake up after an hour to lay down properly as Eddie reminded Buck of his back.
It was a great pseudo date even if neither of them wanted to risk calling it what they felt.
Eddie couldn't tell if it was the beer, him being rusty, or him feeling comfortable when Buck but he woke to him in the morning without being startled.
"So. I'm gonna start on breakfast if you want first shower." Buck said from Eddie's doorway as he turned to him knocking on it.
"You're the best. Be our live in chef Buck." Eddie half joked before yawning.
"Careful or I might take advantage of sleepy and hungry Eddie's offer." Buck teased with a wink.
"You say that like it's a bad thing" Eddie grinned.
Was that too flirty? Uh.
"I'm sure we could work something out. Living here. Getting to see you guys more. Commuting to work. Sounds like it'd have its perks." Buck shrugged and laughed. "Alright sleepy head. Get up. I've got pancakes and eggs to make."
With that buck left to the kitchen.
Eddie thought about it. Buck's place was nice but they had room here. He wouldn't mind if Buck actually did take up his offer. Eddie would tell him again later, sans sleep in his voice.
For now he needed to get ready. Buck could go with him to pick up Christopher and drop him off at school. Chris would love that.
Eddie knew Christopher would love Buck moving and being around more too. It felt right.
He let the water wake him fully as he heard Buck whistling and singing while he cooked. Eddie wouldn't mind waking up like this more often, that's for sure. He hoped Buck would think about it.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
(Saeran Choi & MC)
Quick note: originally, I wrote this with the song Sunflower (by Post Malone) in mind, but then I looked up the meaning of sunflowers and decided to go with that instead. I put the meaning of the flower in bold. It starts off as angst, and ends as fluff. Enjoy!
*Spoilers: slight spoiler(s) about Ray's route in the very beginning*
"You're useless."
"You can easily be replaced."
"You're just a toy."
"Once you leave this place, I'll be much happier."
His cruel words circulated through my mind like poisonous venom seeping into my veins, slowly eating away at my sanity. I stood by the window, longingly staring at the full moon and wishing that my confidence still shined as bright as it did — yet, the longer I was here, the longer I endured nasty words being thrown at me, the more I wilted, like a flower deprived of sunlight and water.
My stomach grumbled hungrily, and I sighed, turning my gaze to the door of my room. When Ray disappeared, Saeran refused to let anyone but himself enter, refused to let me leave the room, even refused to feed me — however, recently, V had been risking his very life to secretly leave food by my door; a gesture I greatly appreciated even though it put him in harm's way. He didn't do so often since it was too dangerous, but when he did, he tried to leave me a generous amount to last me until the next time he brought food. Sadly though, Saeran of course found out (though he didn't seem to know it was V's doing), and increased the amount of watchful eyes around my room to ensure it didn't happen again. Though his method was successful, I tried to be hopeful V would come back — but that hope was another thing in me that was slowly deteriorating.
My eyes welled up, and I glanced back out the window, trying to focus on the moon's beauty rather than the ugliness of my thoughts. It worked, at first...
However, the quiet sound of the door opening didn't fail to catch my attention since my senses were on hyper alert. My eyes, widening, immediately shifted in its direction, but upon realising it wasn't Saeran, I calmed down; only slightly though, because the hooded figure that entered, shutting the door behind them, wasn't someone I recognised.
I sighed. "Do you need something?"
The person spoke harshly, with a deep male's voice: "Not from you." He slowly stepped closer to me.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Then why are you here? I thought no one but Saeran was allowed to come in..."
He stopped about a foot away from me, more or less. That's when I noticed he was holding something behind his back, and my confusion only grew more. "I'm aware that I'm not supposed to be here. However, you've become a distraction to Mr. Saeran, and everyone — except me — seems too afraid of him to do anything about it, so..." He lifted his arm, and I heard a soft click; he'd been hiding a gun, and just cocked it, ready to pull the trigger with the weapon aimed at my forehead. I could see the psychotic grin on his face in the moonlight as he announced, "I've come to get rid of you myself. If I kill you, perhaps that boy will finally show the Saviour some good results of the tasks he's been given. Any last words?"
For a moment, I merely stared at the gun, debating if it was even worth fighting him to live. My shoulders sank as I decided it wasn't — Saeran wasn't Ray; he didn't care about my health or happiness the way Ray had, so what was the point? This Believer was probably right — with me out of the way, it seemed likely Saeran would make more progress since I wouldn't be around for him to complain about. He didn't like anything about me; hell, he despised my very existence. Why would he care whether I lived or died?
Finally, I sighed, and simply whispered, "Do it."
His smirk stretched wider, and I shut my eyes while he replied with an excitement in his voice, "Gladly."
Before he could pull the trigger, though, someone loudly banged on the door. Startled by the sound, my eyes snapped open — in time to notice the man in front of me jump in surprise, his arm lowering to my stomach...
And a gunshot sounded.
Suddenly, everything was moving in a blurry slow motion. The door slammed open, revealing a figure that vaguely resembled Saeran. Seeming to panic in his presence, the Believer jumped out of the window behind me, the sound of glass shattering and the gun hitting the floor ringing in my ears. I reached down with both hands to clutch my stomach, and when I brought them into my view, the sight of the dark redness painting them caused the pain to finally register, and my legs, no longer able to support my weight due to the overwhelming faintness I felt, gave out beneath me. My head hit the soft carpet, my eyes staring blankly ahead, my breaths being taken in sharply and rapidly. A moment later, I barely felt my body being moved, and the blurry features of Saeran's face entered my eyesight. He seemed to be shouting my name, and I could make out enough of his face to notice the concerned and desperate expression he wore, and it seemed like he might've been crying as well.
The last thing I could remember before going unconscious was the light feeling of being picked up and carried somewhere at a brisk pace — and a single question repeating in my thoughts:
A grandfather clock ticked painfully loud, and grew louder as the image of it became clearer and closer in front of my eyes. Everything around me was shrouded in darkness, including my own body — everything except that damned clock. The hour hand drew closer to the twelve as the ticking continued, seeming to move slowly yet alarmingly quick at the same time.
Finally, the hour hand reached the twelve, and a jarring chime blared out. At the sound, my eyes shot open, and I instinctively tried to sit up, only to cry out in pain and fall back onto the mattress I'd been resting on. The pain flared throughout my body, stemming from my stomach, and it was then I realised my surroundings were completely unfamiliar: the walls were made out of wood... a cabin house?
The only things I could feel was the pain and confusion.
What happened? Where am I?
I was instantly reminded when Saeran rushed to my side, looking different from how I've ever seen him before; his hair much messier than it was the last time I saw him, the bags under his mint green eyes darker, and his clothes were both different and disheveled — black pants and a plain white button-up. "Are you okay?!" he asked, both frantic and rushed.
Oh, right...
The Believer. The gun, originally aimed at my head. Saeran's loud, angry knocking. How his knocking had caused the Believer's aim to shift from the shock, and... the gunshot. Saeran's sudden, surprising concern.
Analysing the little details on Saeran's face, such as his darkened bags and slightly red, puffy eyes... showed that his concern was so genuine, he'd actually been crying and losing sleep (more so than before) because of it.
Again the question presented itself: Why?
Realising I was staring while he was awaiting an answer from me, I hesitantly replied, "I-I'm okay." His face scrunched up, not seeming to buy my response and possibly expecting a better reply, so I elaborated, "I mean, my stomach really hurts, and I'm kinda confused, but otherwise I'm okay."
Saeran only became more puzzled, it seemed, at my words. "Confused? Oh. Right. You probably noticed that this isn't the Magenta building. I didn't think it would be smart to keep you there after what happened; so I brought you here to tend to your wound, and watch over you." He averted his eyes, continuing, "I managed to dig the bullet shell out and stitched up the wound the best I could before bandaging it. You've been unconscious for a little over two days though, and I was starting to worry..." His voice trailed off, and he turned his gaze back to me, a mixture of emotions flashing through his face as he seemed to be deep in thought.
"Uh, I mean, I was wondering about that, too, but that wasn't exactly what I meant..." I glanced down at my lap, awkwardly scratching an itchy spot on my cheek.
"What are you talking about?"
I inhaled, shut my eyes, and explained, "Well, you know, ever since your uh, Ray persona left, you've been a bit... rude. So I guess I don't understand why, after that, you'd care about me."
I expected an outburst from the white-haired man; whether it was as small as yelling at me, or as big as using violence against me.
But instead, Saeran was dead silent. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw why — his mint green orbs were wide with shock. However, soon after he noticed my staring, he seemed to pick up on my hidden fear of him, and his expression immediately shifted to one that I recognised all too well — regret. To my surprise, his eyes quickly watered, spilling over his cheeks at an alarming rate, and he placed his head down, hiding his face with his arms as heart-wrenching sobs overtook him.
"S-Saeran?" I called softly, my hand instinctively reaching out to smoothen his hair, but I stopped myself before it touched him. My hand hovered over his head in hesitation. Would touching him worsen or better the situation? I wasn't sure.
I decided to risk it though, allowing my hand to gently drop. As my fingers combed through his soft, messy locks, I couldn't really tell if I was calming him down or making him cry more. Eventually, he lifted his head slowly, his tearful eyes refusing to look at me, and my heart ached. My hand naturally slid down to cup his cheek, my thumb lightly brushing away his tears. He hesitated before his own hand reached up to press mine closer to his face.
"Don't," he snapped, but his tone wasn't intimidating nor rude. He sounded... more broken, than anything else. He sighed, and, seeming to put thought into his words rather than spitting them out, he muttered, "I've been thinking a lot since... that incident. I don't think I ever truly meant what I said to you. I think... it was more of a defense mechanism." He glanced over for a second to take in my confused expression, then continued, "I'm not sure if I told you this myself — you might've heard it from V — but when we were younger, Saeyoung, who you know as seven-zero-seven, mysteriously and randomly vanished from my side without a word. He was — is — my other half; my twin brother. I never knew why he left. My Saviour — err, Rika, told me that he'd abandoned me. She drugged and brainwashed me into believing that the brother I looked up to and loved so much... actually just abandoned me. She told me it was because I was weak, and worthless to him... and I believed her.
"I believed her when she told me V was the bad person. I believed her when she said she'd make me strong if I followed her. Every word she said, I believed..." I was beginning to feel sad myself, and Saeran noticed. He hesitantly held my face in his hands, so gently, it seemed he was afraid I'd shatter into pieces like glass. "I think... I treated you poorly because I was scared you'd do the same: leave without saying anything. I tried, so hard, to convince myself that I was being mean to you because you truly meant nothing to me; but that wasn't true. There was no way that could ever be true. I only did it out of fear; I was so afraid that if I continued to treasure you, you'd turn your back on me. And I desperately wanted to avoid that. But I realise now that what I did was wrong. And I regret it." He sighed. "I don't expect you to ever forgive me. My actions were very unforgivable. But I'm eternally sorry for everything. I'd like to prove myself to you that I can — no, that I will be better, if only you'd give me the chance to..."
At the end, his voice trailed off as he started to cry again, his tears coming more slowly this time. With a few tears in my own eyes, I whispered, "Saeran... of course I forgive you."
"Why?" he asked immediately; but it sounded more like a statement than a question.
Again he was avoiding my eyes, so I softly requested, "Saeran, please look at me." Hesitantly, he did, and I smiled sadly. "I forgive you because you didn't know how to properly handle your emotions. I don't think that's your fault at all — if anything, Rika's the one to blame. From what you and V have told me, it seems like she forced you to follow her every word, to stay by her side and blindly trust her like a lost puppy. You never had anyone to show you how to deal with various emotions in a healthy way — and your past only amplified that. So yes, I forgive you, and of course I'll give you a chance to be better, because I know you won't ever disappoint me. You have so much potential, Saeran, and I know you'll live up to it."
Saeran's jaw was slightly hanging, yet there was such an adoration in his eyes, I couldn't help but giggle at his oddly cute expression. Seeming to recollect himself at the sound, he shut his mouth and swiftly reached over, pulling me into his arms. The quick motion caused me to wince in pain, and he immediately let go. "Sorry..."
I merely laughed again. "It's okay." I opened my arms to him, and he didn't hesitate to embrace me, this time gently. I rested my chin on top of his head, his soft hair tickling my neck, and I let one hand lay securely on his back, holding him to me, while the other played with his hair and smoothened it.
For a silent, comfortable moment, we simply enjoyed each other's warmth. Then, he pulled away slightly, staring into my eyes with such a deep intensity, I blushed — and he only made that blush worse by stating with absolute certainty, "I love you."
My first instinct was to say it back, but when I couldn't find my voice, I resorted to gripping the collar of his shirt and tugging him close enough so I could kiss him. He seemed shocked at first, like he had been the very first time I'd ever kissed him — however, this time he wasn't flustered to the point of running away. In fact, he let a small smile creep onto his lips, and gently slid a hand into my hair (which was no doubt messy and tangled) as he returned my kiss. He broke it shortly after, a look in his eyes hinting he'd kiss me more if it weren't for my current situation; his smile cute and innocent. "Rest up. I'll bring you some soup if you're hungry."
"Please do." He nodded, and stood to exit. Before he walked out, I called to him, "I love you, Saeran."
Saeran turned his head with the most endearing smile on his face. "I love you too, princess~."
A couple months later.
With Saeran's help, my wound healed rather quickly. When I was well enough, he gave me back my phone. Upon opening the RFA app, I went through a number of the chatrooms I'd missed, noticing that everyone was worried not only for me but for Saeran as well — which, to my surprise, was because V came clean about Mint Eye and Saeran, and even mentioning Rika (probably because he realised there was no way around it); saying he was only bringing it all to their attention after hearing the gunshot and seeing Saeran run out of the building, carrying me (unconscious at that point) in his arms with blood on my hands and seeping through the dark material of the black dress I was wearing. Saeyoung was the most shocked about Saeran, while Yoosung was most shocked about Rika.
After reading though everything, I entered the chatroom since everyone was present and worrying like crazy — which only increased at my sudden reappearance. I told them I was okay, my wound was healing, and (before Saeyoung even asked) Saeran was also okay and watching over me.
I kept updating them as I healed, and, once I'd almost made a full recovery, managed to convince Saeran to meet up with the RFA (V included) and reunite with his brother — which was surprisingly easier than I'd thought. With his approval, I'd sent Saeyoung our current coordinates, allowing him to grab us and be the first one to see both myself and Saeran.
The twins had a touching reunion when he finally arrived at the scene. Lots of tears were shed from all three of us, and it was difficult to determine who cried the most. Saeyoung first hugged Saeran, telling him how happy he was to see him again, alive and well — and then he embraced me, careful of my still healing wound, repeatedly thanking me for helping his brother escape Rika's toxic clutches, which allowed them to meet again.
Soon after, Saeran joined the RFA, Rika was caught and Mint Eye was shut down, and I had fully recovered from the gunshot wound.
It was June eleventh — the twins' birthday. Saeyoung suggested the RFA celebrate it by having a picnic in a field of flowers since he'd come to discover Saeran's love and knowledge of flowers. I decided to wear something simple yet beautiful — a plain white sun dress with a bit of lace and a nice twirl when I spun. Saeyoung wore a black button-up shirt and jeans, and Saeran wore the same, but with a white shirt instead. The moment Saeran saw me and took in my appearance, a small blush and a warm smile appeared in his face.
Saeyoung had asked Jumin to find the "finest field of flowers you have!" (his words, not mine) to make Saeran happy, and Jumin certainly came through. When we arrived, Saeran and I shared a look of awe, which V noticed and gave us a slight smile — the field was as breathtaking (if not more so) as the garden Saeran had tended to at Mint Eye.
Saeran's eyes instantly lit up at the sight of all the flowers, and, after taking it all in, he took my hand and ran towards it, with me giggling as he pulled me along. Thankfully I'd chosen simple Greek-style flats — they were gold and had straps that snaked up my legs, those and the lack of a heel preventing the shoes from slipping off my feet.
Eventually, he stopped to pick some flowers — two tall sunflowers. He turned, not dropping my hand, and held them out to me with an adoring smile. Taking them with a warm smile on my face, I asked, "Saeran, what's the meaning behind sunflowers?"
His smile grew, and I could tell from the twinkle in his eyes that he was eager to answer my question. "The sunflower... means adoration, loyalty, and longevity. They also represent the sun, if that wasn't obvious from the name. They're known for being happy flowers, too. So I wanted to give you these for a while... because I adore you, and I long for you, and I'm going to be loyal to you, and most of all I want you to be happy."
I beamed. "That's beautiful. I'm happy thanks to you, Saeran." I paused to stare at the flowers in my hand, then offered one back to him. "I should give you one too. I feel the same about you."
"Oh, no, it's okay, you don't–"
"But I want to," I interrupted, "because you deserve it. I love you, Saeran. Happy birthday."
Saeran's face was absolutely stricken with love, from his wide smile, to his glimmering eyes. He leaned down to kiss me, and stated, after breaking the kiss, "I love you more, princess. Thank you... thank you for everything."
~~~~ END. ~~~~
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benjikarofsky · 5 years
Once Upon a Dream || Para
WHO: Benji Karofsky (@benjikarofsky) and Topher Pierce (@topherxpierce​). Mentions Franco Del Rio ( @southsidefranco )
WHERE: “Benji’s Apartment”
WHEN: 15th May 2019
NOTES: Still hiding at Sebastian’s, Benji finds himself thinking about Topher in a fairly unusual way.
BOLD: Benji
ITALIC: Topher
Benji closed his eyes, still trying to get used to the feeling of sleeping in a bedroom other than his own. He had gotten so used to his apartment--the feeling of Franco in his arms, the sounds of Cortana sleeping in the hallway, the presence of knowing Topher was asleep just one room over... he had grown to love it. And the longer he was away from it, desperately trying to think, the longer he realized he missed it. 
He faded off quickly and within seconds was transported back into his apartment, waking up on the couch. "...Guys?" he called lightly, slowly walking from the couch to the hallway between his room and Topher's, "...Cort? Toph? Franc? ...Anyone here?"
Topher felt as though he was experiencing every emotion at the same time with the most prominent of them being fear. There was no relief that came with laying on his bed, no waves of happiness at Cortana's presence, just shockwaves of worry that struck constantly in the form of shivering. Mercy seemed to be quite the foreign concept, so the former Serpent set off towards the living room in the hopes that a game or show might provide some sort of distraction. 
He settled in his favorite chair after he'd loaded up Gears of War 2 and couldn't help a small smile when he noticed that Cortana had followed him then decided to rest by his feet. Topher hoped that he could push past all the memories of various gaming marathons with Benji, that he could just focus on the task at hand. He'd restarted the campaign the night before then paused right before he got to the so called 'impossible' level, only because his neverending concern made him sleepy.
Benji saw Topher pass him and turned, "Toph!" he called, following him and Cortana back to the living room. "Toph, I'm home," he stated, sitting on the sofa next to Topher and his chair. 
"Hey, Cort. Toph gave you your insulin while I was gone, right? You look good." He put his hand out for Cortana to lick, but paused when she didn't seem to notice, choosing to cuddle closer to Topher's feet instead. "Uh... okay. 3 days was a long time. I get it. Kinda cold though, Cort..." 
He pulled his hand back awkwardly, then turned to the TV, not realizing his best friend wasn't acknowledging him in any way. "Wait, you're replaying 2 without me? No way, Dude. I want in. Change it to split screen." He looked around for the second controller, confused that he didn't see it anywhere. "Dude, where's the controllers? I want in," he said, finally turning to look at Topher.
Topher just tried to maintain his concentration on the game, but it didn't take long for him to screw up. "Son of a -," he trailed off as he watched Marcus get annihilated by Locust all because his mind wandered for just a moment. Cort glanced up at him as if she wanted an explanation for the outburst. "It's nothing, go back to sleep honey," the former Serpent cooed, even though it couldn't have been further from the truth. 
 He remembered the repeated playthroughs of each game as if they happened yesterday. Topher knew that he could handle himself playing any game from Gears to Mario Kart, but there was still something about teaming up with Benji that made every puzzle piece fall into place. They were an army of two, an unstoppable duo. And yet the radio silence continues, he thought to himself as he removed his phone from a sweatshirt pocket. 
 "I know you can't answer me, but let's pretend you can. Cort, what's wrong with me?" Topher paused the game in order to look down at her. She just let out a sigh that was interpreted as an 'I don't know' of sorts. "Were any of those anons on to something and Benji's not coming back? Or am I just letting paranoia get the best of me?"
"What? Toph, I'm right here." He waved his hands in front of Topher's face, "I know you're pissed I left, but the silent treatment's pretty harsh as-is. It's another thing to somehow get Cort in on it." 
He bit his lip, processing the rest of what Topher said. "...I didn't mean to freak you out. I just needed to think, and I... I didn't want you to tempt me. I know he already cheated on me, but I couldn't cheat on Franc. I love him too much." 
He swallowed. "I... I don't wanna be married to Franco. Not right now, anyway. Not while he doesn't acknowledge the sacrifices I've made for him. But I do love him. And I don't mind the long engagement as much as I thought I did. B... But I love you just as much." He sighed. "And I... looked at that 'poly' stuff. Like you said. And it's still a lot to get used to... and Franco'll probably try to kill us for suggesting it, but I think it's the right solution," he rattled off--obviously the time alone had helped him think more than he first realized. 
"...Because I love you. And I want to be with you." When Topher didn't respond, he sighed louder, throwing his hands up in defeat. "...Toph, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you why I left. I didn't want Franc to find out and try to fight you or something! Just... please forgive me. It's been 4 days and 5 hours since you told me you loved me back. I wanna get this fixed so I can think about kissing you without feeling guilty. Please."
Topher continued to play Gears and as a result, failed spectacularly plenty more times in the span of a few minutes. He eventually placed the controller on an armrest as he picked up his phone again then looked down at Cortana once again. "It's nearing midnight and here I am waiting when normal people would be asleep by now. Hell, Ben's probably asleep." 
It was one thing to lack the company of your best friend. It was another thing to lack the company of someone you loved. Perhaps that was what pushed his anxieties back to the forefront of his mind and oh, how Topher hated it. He couldn't dwell on any of these negative emotions for too long or else he risked opening the door again for the storm cloud that occupied his mind after that car crash. 
"But that's what you do for loved ones, isn't it?" The former Serpent asked himself as he tapped his phone screen back to life. A picture of himself with Benji greeted him once again, one of many reminders of brighter days and the potential for many more in the future. "You worry about them like there's no tomorrow and then when they come back, you make them promise to never make you worry like that again. But I still love him, don't think there's anyway I could stop."
With a quick glance over at the door, his gaze flicked back to the paused game and then to his phone. Guess it wouldn't hurt to try texting him. So, Topher opened up his messages in order to get to typing. "I know it's late and that I should be in bed, but I wanted you to know that I still have your back and will always have it. Regardless of whatever option you take, I will follow your lead and you to the ends of the Earth," he read aloud then pressed the arrow to send it. With that, the former Serpent picked up his controller once again and hoped for the best.
"I love you too," he whispered back. He moved his hand to take Topher's, then blinked when he picked up the controller and start to play again, their two hands intertwined from Benji point-of-view, but Topher not seeming to notice. 
"You... you can't see me, can you? Or... or feel me? Or hear me?" he realized, his voice quiet. He blinked hard and realized he couldn't remember leaving Sebastian's house to come home; he didn't remember falling asleep on the couch. At the very least, this was a dream--at the most, it was a premonition. 
He swallowed hard. "...Is this what you're doing right now? Just... worrying yourself sick and trying to distract yourself? Toph, I told you to think about yourself first for a change. I didn't think you'd just..." he trailed off, letting his head drop in disappointment. He'd gotten so angry at Franco for doing it, but here he was doing the same thing with Topher. He knew how loyal his best friend was--had he thought for even a second, he would've realized that he wasn't going to just take time for himself and await his return. He was gonna worry. And knowing Topher, worry endlessly. 
"...I've been gone 3, almost 4 days... When's the last time you slept?" He knew he couldn't hear him, but he turned to Topher anyway, hoping he could trigger the question to come to him somehow. "Topher, when's the last time you slept?" he begged.
The sixth time turned out to truly be the charm and Topher finally got past the level. He gave a quiet cheer that was soon interrupted by a yawn. "Lord, what time is it?" A quick glance told him that it was past midnight, 12:34 to be exact. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so tired and that counted every single all nighter that he pulled during his high school days. 
He needed to get some rest, caffeine and rapidly multiplying concerns just weren't cutting it as an energy source anymore. But there was the chance that Benji might come home and want to talk, plus Topher generally wanted to be awake in case something else demanded his attention. Cortana's needs were taken care of though, the same went for the grand majority of his own with sleep the glaring exception. He didn't know of any other drama that was currently taking place in 'fair' Riverdale.
With those thoughts at the forefront of his mind now, the 18 year old pushed himself up in order to retrieve one of the many blankets in his room as well as a pillow. When he returned, the blanket was draped over him while the pillow went behind his back. "If I fall asleep while playing Gears, so be it," Topher remarked to himself as he resumed the game. Sleepiness already had a decent grip on him, so there was quite the grand chance he would end up asleep in this chair. His worries just needed to shut themselves up for the night and there was no better way than playing a hint more.
Benji shook his head. "I need to come home..." he whispered to himself. Knowing that Topher was doing this--staying up in the hopes that he'd be coming home--he couldn't handle it. How could he really continue putting someone he loved through this much torture? It wasn't fair.
He bit his lip and stood up, walking over so he was between Topher and the TV. He knew he couldn't see him or feel him, but that didn't change what he wanted to do. "...I'm coming home, okay? And I'm sorry that I've put you through this hell. I'll never do it again." he whispered, giving a sad smile.
"I... I can't do this until we work things out with Franco, but... this is a dream. And I'm impatient," he explained, giving a chuckle dripping with emotional exhaustion. He leaned down and cupped Topher's face, then pulled him into a soft kiss, shutting his eyes until he eventually pulled back. "...I love you, Toph. I'll be home soon."
One by one, each worry faded to the back of his mind as he navigated Marcus through treacherous territory. The desire to sleep continued to wrap itself around Topher as the moments stretched into seconds then minutes. He'd gotten bits and pieces these past few days, but that wasn't enough, even with the aid of caffeine alongside concerned energy. 
All the scenarios that had turned his brain into a movie theater slowly shut themselves off for the night, yet they left a few thousand reassurances on the tip of his tongue for no particular reason. Perhaps for later use or maybe it was just the desire to start speaking out loud again. Regardless, Topher pulled the pillow up to where it was behind his head and allowed the warmth of his blanket to pull him just a bit closer to dreamland.
"Sweet dreams Cort and Ben, wherever you are," he muttered. "I love you both with all of my heart, in ways that even I can't express properly with words. Or maybe it's just because I'm tired as hell." Topher managed to make Marcus take a few more steps, but then the game was sleepily paused and the controller fell into his lap as sleep finally won out.
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aph-oklahoma-46 · 5 years
Angel & Demon AU, Part 2
//No prompt this week so here’s a continuation taking place after Emily met Alex.
Huutsuu sat at a table, looking around the cabin. The structure was mostly wooden, and though it wasn’t exactly tiny, it wasn’t very big, either. Clearly, it was originally intended for just one resident. The room she was in now was some kind of combined kitchen and living room, with a dinner table and stove at one end and a couch and fireplace at the other. There was a hallway leading out of the living room, down which there were doors to a bedroom, closet, and other rooms that Huutsuu wasn’t sure what they contained. The whole building was strewn with jars and bundles and books, all of which appeared to be spell-casting items. Huutsuu had thumbed quickly through one of the books while Alex went to go find her new clothes, and she discovered it was a notebook he’d been keeping. Most of it seemed to be research notes on various magic experiments.
Eventually, sitting still became too uncomfortable. Huutsuu didn’t do well with being stationary anyway, but she also had her tail tucked up under her clothes, along with her wings folded tightly against her back, underneath her shirt, none of which was comfortable. Adding in the soreness and aches from forcing her way through the barrier, Huutsuu just wasn’t in the best state. Alex had left the room again to make her a place to sleep, should she choose to stay for the night, so Huutsuu walked around the living room for a bit, stretching her tail. Her wings would have to wait until she had more time alone, because her shirt didn’t have holes to stretch them through, and she didn’t want Alex to walk in and see them. She had learned a long time ago that letting people think she’s human is a lot easier than having to deal with screaming people and exorcists.
Huutsuu found a drawing on the mantle of the fireplace that showed Alex standing with two women. They all seemed very happy, standing close to each other and smiling. The closer Huutsuu looked, the more similarities she saw between the people in the picture. Huutsuu decided they must be siblings. She frowned as she looked at the picture, placing it back on the mantle. Her own brother was going to be mad when he found out about the trouble she’d gotten in. And that she talked to a human. And that she, a demon, was gonna stay at said human’s house, despite the fact that said human was apparently a magician of some kind and knew enough about demons to effectively ward against them.
Yeah, Colonneh would definitely be upset with her. Things don’t usually work out very well when either of them spends too much time around humans, since they almost always find out that they’re demons.
Huutsuu shrugged. She didn’t really have a choice, this time. She couldn’t leave the barrier of wards for fear of being found by higher demons, against which she wouldn’t stand a chance until she healed a bit, so she would have to wait until Colonneh came for her. Acutely aware of the soreness in her shoulders and wings, Huutsuu sighed. That could be a few days from now, so she’d have to keep this up most of the time. Still, it’s better than getting eaten by hell hounds or something worse.
Footsteps sounded down the hall and Huutsuu jumped, tucking her tail back behind her and wincing as it smacked a bruised part of her leg. She turned to the entrance to the hall just as Alex reappeared.
“So,” he said, “You can stay in my room if you’d like. I only have the one bed and bedroom, or I’d let you stay in another one.”
“Where are you gonna sleep?”
“Probably on a cot in my study or in here.” He gestured to the couch. “Why don’t you come back to the kitchen so we can talk.” Alex smiled and moved to the kitchen. As Huutsuu sat down, he went to the cabinets. “Hungry?”
Huutsuu was going to say no, but her stomach growled, and she remembered she hadn’t eaten since before she was chased through the woods. “A little, yeah,” she muttered sheepishly. Alex brought some food and plates over, setting them down and waiting for Huutsuu to eat before he started.
“So, first things first,” he spoke casually as he put bread and cheese on his plate. “What exactly are you?”
Huutsuu almost choked on a mouthful of bread. “What?” she mumbled around the bread, trying to look confused. “I’m uh… I’m a girl, I’m pretty sure… Human, just like you.”
“If you were human, you wouldn’t have set off the warning system connected to my wards. Also, I don’t know any humans with a tail or feathers dropping out of their back.” Alex held up a brown feather and gestured behind Huutsuu. Her tail was flicking nervously behind her.
Stupid thing, she thought to herself, snatching it and holding it down, which only made her wince.
Alex sat the feather on the table and went back to his plate. “Now, you can tell me who and what you are, and how you ended up here in the state you did, or I can tell you what I think is going on. What do you say?”
“…What do you think?” she answered. Maybe she could go along with it.
“Alright. I think you some kind of lesser demon, and you got chased here by something else. You managed to get through my wards, but you still triggered them and my alarm system, so you have to be at least partly demonic. I’m assuming you were chased here by another, probably significantly bigger demon, since you weren’t the only thing that my wards detected.” He looked up and smiled, not unkindly. “How am I doing so far?”
Huutsuu blinked. Alex continued.
“Based on what little I know about you, I’m going to assume you’re an imp or something similar. That probably means you ticked off some other demon, and since imps aren’t especially well-liked among demonic beings, it didn’t exactly go your way. You got here and decided risking wards was better than getting attacked by whoever was chasing you.” He sat back and looked at her.
Huutsuu didn’t speak right away, instead watching Alex to see what he would do. She wasn’t used to humans paying that much attention, especially to her. They usually assumed she was another homeless child playing tricks and left her alone so long as she did the same. She looked up at Alex. He didn’t seem upset or angry. He didn’t even look irritated. Instead, his face showed mild concern. Huutsuu pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, thinking. She couldn’t go outside the warding, and Alex seemed safe enough. Besides, she was in no state to leave on her own, and Colonneh wouldn’t be here for who knew how long. She took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’ll leave if you want.”
“That’s not what I want. I want to help. Now that you’ve eaten, why don’t you come with me to get fixed up? Forcing your way through a barrier meant specifically to keep demons out probably wasn’t a pleasant experience, and you’ve been cringing the whole time you’ve been here.”
Huutsuu nodded and got up, following Alex to another room. It looked like a study. The walls were lined with shelves, which were filled with books, journals, papers, ingredients, strange items, and other such things. There was a desk against the wall, under the window, and another table with bowls and a mortar and pestle on it across the room. Alex pulled a chair out and gestured for Huutsuu to sit while he searched through the shelves.
Soon enough, Alex had bandaged the worst of the wounds on her arms and legs. Luckily, her torso, and all the vital organs inside, were more or less uninjured, save for a bit of bruising. Huutsuu’s wings had been singed here and there, and the stress of passing through the barrier must have been what caused feathers to fall out, but Alex helped with that as well. Once he was certain the worst of the injuries were taken care of, he asked for her name.
“Um… people usually call me Sparrow when they’re mad at me, because apparently I’m annoying like a house sparrow.”
“Well, what do they call you when they’re not mad at you?”
Huutsuu thought for a minute. “They’re usually mad at me. Besides, I’m not gonna tell some random magic user my real name. I guess you can call me Emily. That’s what I use when my brother and I go to towns.”
“Alright then,” Alex said. “Emily it is.”
Colonneh sat up straight. Something was wrong, it had to be. He hadn’t heard from Huutsuu in a few days, and he’d been so busy he wasn’t able to go check on her.
She’s probably fine, he thought. She knows how to take care of herself, and as long as she doesn’t go looking for trouble, she shouldn’t find any… Yeah, I should go check on her.
Colonneh got up and collected his things quietly, so as not to wake up the other person, and left quickly.
Once he was outside, he made for the tree line. He wanted to get to Huutsuu as quickly as possible, but it wouldn’t be wise to be seen in town without a disguise. As soon as he had enough cover, he halted the magic that made him appear completely human and flew just under the tree tops.
As Colonneh flew, his thoughts drifted. It was so stupid of him to leave Huutsuu alone for so long! Even in the best of hiding places, she wouldn’t stay put for long, eventually going out to explore or play tricks on some hapless farmer or hunter. That wouldn’t be such a bad thing, really, so long as she didn’t draw the attention of too many priests, but the demons who lived in the foothills were known to be very territorial, and to hunt lesser demons for sport. If any of them were to notice and imp in the area, they would go after it.
As his thoughts grew steadily more upsetting, Colonneh forgot to watch where he was going and smacked into a tree.
“Ow, shit.” He rubbed his forehead and took off again, traveling as quickly as he could toward his and Huutsuu’s last hiding place.
//I think I’ll make a separate fic for this on AO3 at some point, along with the Royal and Deity AUs. Idk, they’re just getting kinda long.
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empty-altars · 5 years
@homosociallyyours tagged me to do a top ten women artists playlist. This was so hard, I have so many more that I love but I picked ones that were personal in some way mostly.
1. Bif Naked - Sophia
So, I was introduced to Bif Naked via Buffy and I'm sure my baby bi ass who hadn't quite figured shit out yet was like, ooh hot girl tattoos she's so cool and ran to check it out. Then I realized she was openly bi and there are songs of hers I love more but this one. Ohgod. This was the first time I had heard a song for a girl like this. I held you close, you were mine - everybody knew. (Side note, the other openly bi artist that I discovered around the same time was Brian Molko who I discovered due to the Cruel Intentions soundtrack. So, uh, thanks Sarah Michelle Gellar skshajaj)
2. Jenny Lewis - Rise Up With Fists!!
Jenny Lewis is very important to me. She is really frank about mental illness which has always made me feel better about my own. Discovering Rilo Kiley felt like being known. Also, I've been to a show and she is freaking adorable in person. But I still believe/and I will rise up with fists/and I will take what's mine
3. Neko Case - Deep Red Bells
Neko has this amazing voice that gives me chills. She's also amazing live. This one is so sad and haunting. The meaning behind it is kinda morbid but I like that. Does your soul cast about like an old paper bag/past empty lots and early graves
4. Dessa - 5 out of 6
Look, this whole list could be Dessa. I will be pimping her music to ppl until I die. She's so fucking good. Brilliant and poignant and the way she plays with words and phrases is so fantastic. Also I've met her and she is delightful. I don't drown, won't stay down/heat finds a way to rise somehow
5. Janelle Monáe - Tightrope
I had a hard time choosing just one song of Janelle's. It was a STRUGGLE. So I went with the first song of hers I was introduced to. Do yourself a favor and watch the linked video, it is fantastic. You dance up on them haters/keep getting funky on the scene
6. Eve - Love Is Blind
This one requires an abuse trigger warning tbh. I discovered this one several years after it came out while I was escaping an abusive marriage and it hit HARD. I have a lot of Eve in my library but this one probably is the most impactful. What you think is love is truly not/you need to elevate and find
7. Dessa - Dutch
Oh look, more Dessa! This was the first song of hers I ever heard and I was OBSESSED. Her wordplay makes my brain so happy. Seriously guys, if you do one thing please go check her out. I run on whiskey and risk and ennui and impatience
8. The Be Good Tanyas - The Littlest Birds
This is mostly on here because it reminds me of my brother and makes me happy. One of the cornerstones of our relationship is music and we constantly share what we've found with each other. Bluegrass warning, if you're not into that lol. But these women are really good. Their harmonies are lovely. You pass through places and places pass through you/but you carry them with you on the soles of your traveler's shoes
9. Ani DiFranco - In Or Out
So at some point my brother got into Ani DiFranco and I don't remember why or how, I just remember the robotic calls from the library informing us that Up Up Up Up Up Up was overdue dkshj Again. Anyway, I checked some of her stuff out for myself and this song. God. It made me feel so valid, yk? Like, oh, other bisexuals exist and get the same bullshit abt it. Guess there's something wrong with me guess I don't fit in/no one wants to touch it no one knows where to begin/I've got more than one membership to more than one club/and I owe my life to the people that I love
10. Indigo Girls - Ghost
Would a list like this really be complete without the Indigo Girls skshj This song has this intense sense memory associated with it of sitting on a sidewalk at 3am smoking cloves and crying over a girl. So. Idk. It's good and bad lol. I wanna quote this whole damn song these lyrics hurt so good. Dark and dangerous like a secret/that gets whispered in a hush/when I wake the things I dreamed about you/last night make me blush
In conclusion, I am very very bi and my musical tastes are strange and varied skhsja Also, there are SO MANY I could have added and this was very hard.
If you want, @zaynsthatkindofbeautiful @derekhaleace @josjournal and @thereyouares I would love to see your lists :)
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I place an arrow to my bowstring and send it flying. I got the animal right on its head. I beam in pride. With Meeko hunting everything in sight, I was happy to take one down on my own. Even if I was just on a blind waiting for game to pass by. I climbed down the tree I was perched on and picked up the dead, fallen raccoon. I went over to the red head sitting on a tree stump.
"Lori, Lori! I got a raccoon!"
Lori smiles at me in a way that seems like I got something better. He's always encouraging like that. "Good job, Code." he ruffles my hair. "and you got it at the head, that's a good shot." He takes it from me and put it and places it inside a burlap sack along with a few of Meeko's other kills.
Lori scrunches up his nose though when he did that. The smile earlier was just for me. He eats meat like the rest of us but he never really liked killing the creatures himself, and mentioned something about how he used to be something called a 'Vegan' or something. I didn't understand it before, but he told me it was something like empathy... I don't really know what that means either, Lori only told me it was like knowing how the animals feel. He said it was the same way we didn't like it when we were attack by Rabids and how these animals must have not wanted to be attacked by us. It was confusing because while we all know Rabids are bad, Lori tells me that it didn't mean we were bad for needing to eat them to survive and something about survival of the fittest, uh, that meant the instinct that drives us to eat any animals we could. It's confusing. But I get it a little bit and also try to kill them instantly so they wouldn't fill pain before they died. Lori understood that it couldn't be helped, we needed meat for food. While we never ran out of food because Kytes did have gardens, it wouldn't be filling. And I don't like veggies much either. So if I only had to eat that forever, I'd go rabid.
I watch Lori take his knife and pull out an apple. He starts to cut it in half so we can share. I stare at his face and start playing this mind game I think to myself, pretending Lorri was his brother and giving him stuff he might say instead. Right now, Lori might say Here, let's share it. While Meeko might say Hehe, wanna see who eats his share the fastest? And he'd give me the slightly bigger share. He would pretend its so he can win, but he would really want me to accept the bigger half without me feeling guilty. I pretend I don't know that because I really like apples. I stop feeling guilty when Corrin explain to me that it's a way of showing how you care.
Whenever I play this game, it makes me realize how identical Lori and Meeko actually are. It was hard to remember that, since whenever you hear them and see how they act, the differences were more obvious that people easily forget the similarities, like the same red hair and the same yellow eyes. Though their hair styles were giveaways too, since Meeko's was usually tousled and sticking out while Lori was much more clean looking, the ends near his neck curving slightly, though their attitudes were more of stand outs so them looking alike wasn't really obvious.
"Here, let's share it Code." Lori gives me my half. "this one's yours."
Nailed it, I smile proudly to myself. "Thanks, Lori!"
"Anytime," Lori chuckles, ruffling my hair.
I liked that feeling a lot, it really helps me relax. Still, no matter how relax we might feel at the moment, our instincts were always sharp, Lori's more so than mine since he's older. He was the one who carried me and got us out of the way just in time as Meeko bursts through some bushes, riding on top of a Rabid Sheep.
An actual sheep is actually not so scary, they're real fluffy and cute, sometimes a little stupid. I was watching over our flocks, the ones we take care of for clothes, with Jonah when a rabid wolf tried to eat one lamb. While Jonah fought back as I watched the flock, I can say I was more rattled than they were. They kept eating grass the entire time!
As for any animal's brain internally affected by radiation, they go Rabid. Unlike people, they don't die instantly though. Well, most don't anyway. Any Rabid creature is potentially bad, even a Rabid Squirrel or Mouse since they usually attack in numbers. On the safe side, we don't eat them. It's easy to tell the difference of a Normal and a Rabid. The Normal types are... Well, normal. While the Rabids are colossal, scary, sometimes deformed and really smart.
But leave it to Meeko to make it look fun to take them on.
"Woo-hoo! I got you now you giant cream puff!" Meeko laugh. "Loreal, Coco Bean, clear the way!"
Meeko duplicates himself. The clone went in front of the sheep. It's kinda funny that was his power when he already has an official look alike, except his actual clone acts way different than he does. The sheep got confused long enough for Meeko to jump down, landing on his feet safely. Then, he took out his double-edged saber, pulling it back like one would with a baseball bat and—
Well, Lori closes my eyes before I can see more. Meeko is pretty brutal when he hunts, and he's got a lot of bravery. I hope I can be as courageous someday like these two, and that's one of their common traits. I really look up to them a lot and I really like them, but I guess that doesn't really say a lot since I like everyone. Trey used to tell me that I would only hate an enemy. So far, I never had a chance to see if that were true.
"Okay, you can look now." Lori pulls his hand back.
I run towards Meeko, "That was awesome! Well... I didn't see all of it, but I bet it was awesome!"
"You know it, Coco Bean!" He ruffles my hair. Lori approaches us and I tell Meeko about my own raccoon. He congratulates me, saying if I keep that up, I could hunt just as hardcore as him.
"Woah, now let me stop you right there." The other Meeko interrupted—and I mean Lori, not a clone. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves or even hope that. I think one hardcore hunter is enough, and sometimes one too many... And I mean that almost literally." He smirks. He crossed his arms and look down at the dead sheep with a grimace. "now that you had your fun, please tell me you at least remembered to hunt actual game we can take home and eat. I'll admit, that sheep is larger than three of us put together even if it were a Normal."
I kick it a bit. "If there were Normals that size. I don't think we can even get a thing that big through the hotel doors."
I guess I should explain the hotel bit.
That's our home base right now. It's not a permanent settlement, though. We have a whole bunch of base because we can't stay in them for more than four months and a half. Actually, the a half part is the longest we can last in any base. Things change around an awful lot where we live. I don't know if it's the same with the rest of the world because we can't travel all over it, and Rhys only has guess that it might not be as bad as ours. And he knows most things. Rhys called our part of the surface, our division, Surface R. In other words, SURFACE RADIOACTIVE. He told me about the radiation triggered something in the atmosphere, something called Mana, in a time before I was even born. He said when something from outer space came crashing down and changed everything, it landed in our division, back then called a country, so the Mutated Mana altered people like us; have spread most around here to the point that it gave us unique abilities. I don't know why it's called unique when everyone up here pretty much has it, but Rhys said it wasn't normal to have these abilities in the time before I was born.
I don't get much with the rest of his explanation, but I do understand that the past must be really different from now. I also know that we are in a location where things always change. It can be perfectly safe one minute then suddenly everything's chaotic a second later. Also, the other things that got loose Mana energy doesn't like us much. So when one area gets too dangerous, we move to another. They never stay dangerous forever, so we can come back later. That's what scouts are for, they visit the bases ahead of time and check which is the safest to move into. Right now, the hotel is perfectly safe. But since things always change... Well, you'll never know when danger will strike. I don't remember if there was a time that we were without risk of being in danger. Because even at night, while we're sleeping, if the sentries sound the alarm, we have to prepare for action. That's why we've gotten used to trusting and relying on each other.
It keeps us all alive.
Meeko waves off Lori's words. "Yeah, did that first." he gives me another burlap sack, and I tip over because of the weight. "Easy kills."
"What do you have in here?" Lori picks up my arrows and places them back inside the quiver before helping me with the sack.
Meeko shrugs. "The usual. Three foxes, five rabbits, some squirrels. A turkey and half a boar for bacon." We stare at him for a full second. "I had to give up the other half so it could fit the bag since this big guy suddenly attacked."
"Wow," Lori whistles, impressed but not all that surprise. This was his brother after all. "that's a new record. Good hunting."
Meeko scowls. "Good? That's excellent hunting!"
"Except you only got a half animal for bacon. Plus, your ego needs deflating." Lori laughs. "Well, it's a Rabid, but since it's a sheep, we can't let the wool go to waste. It's sturdier than a Normal's wool, after all." He takes his knife and approaches the lifeless sheep, getting to work.
We help him out so we can finish faster and head back. Halfway through, though, I hear leaves rustling, feeling a chill down my spine, and then the thumping vibration from the ground.
Lori must've felt it too. "Cody, Meeko, take a flank!"
I take up Lori's left side, notching an arrow and Meeko takes his right, raising his sword. Then other three rabid sheep come bursting into the glade. I send the arrow flying but it didn't get the eye. Not that it'd be an instant kill, but I could've at least partially blind it. Rabids aren't easily taken down like regulars. What Meeko did earlier might've been an extreme. They weren't as big and colossal as the one he took down but still, about seven feet tall and who-knows-wide doesn't fall under small either.
"Uh oh. I think the one I killed was a mommy..."
I look at him. "Oh. But Meeko, I don't think she could tell her kids not to eat us. She'd probably help them."
Meeko gives me a weird look. "Er, that really wasn't my point..." he says.
A sheep charges towards us. We spread out. But I stumble on my feet.
"Cody! Look out!"
I look up, barely able to shoot my arrow right on the sheep's eye. Thankfully, my arrow had already been placed and it was close enough for me to get a good, clear shot. But I'm unable to get a next arrow ready when the sheep jumps over head.
"Cody!" Meeko swoops by and carries me out of the way.
I hug him around the neck. "Thank you, Meeko! That was scary!"
"Meeko," Lori comes over. "three on three isn't a fair fight if it's against Rabids. That's your cue!"
Meeko looks a little embarrassed. "Ehe, about that..." he holds up his watch. "I might've overdone it a bit earlier during the hunt and my POWER GAUGE is on full bars..." suddenly, his watch sparks and the green-lit screen turned black. "...aaand now the battery's dead..."
"Are you serious now?!" Lori looks amazed... but not the good kind.
"Don't be mad!"
"Well, I can't be happy!"
I didn't have time to pay attention to this argument because I realize I was missing something. The lace that kept my pacifier around my neck was gone! I know I'm ten years old and a little sucker is not something I need, but it was the last and only thing I ever got from my parents. I was a baby when I was still with them. I don't know who they were and what parents even were until Corrin explained it to me. I may not have known them, but I do know that if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be alive and that they must've loved me because that's what they do. So even if a baby item is all I have left as proof that they existed, then I can't lose it!
I scan the area and found it a few meters far and raced to retrieve it.
"You know, you can be so... Wait, what is... CODY?! No, wait!"
I pick it up. "Got it!" In the next instant, I'm shoved away and I see Lori being body slammed by one of the sheep. I gasp. "NOO!"
"LORI! No, no, no!" Meeko screams after me, rushing over. But then he is held back to fight off the other two. "GET LOST, DAMN IT!"
I look at the sheep on top of Lori and wait. He doesn't use his powers. He doesn't go through it even as the sheep is tired and doesn't move. It only means he's hurt.
Then it happened. I felt goosebumps and the sheep floated to the air. But it's hard to keep it there. Meeko got to escape the other two sheep, carrying Lori who looked injured with some scratch marks. But he was still conscious. They were out of the way and I mentally dropped the sheep. My knees buckles up and I collapse. The two sheep went for me. I didn't have the strength to move.
Then there's fire and I felt the heat. When my vision clears, the animals were burnt and I see our leader stepping into the glade.
"TREY!" I bound up towards him, limping a bit. I wrap my arms around his lower torso. "Lori's hurt!"
Trey pat my head. "I know, I see his wounds. But let's not panic, kiddo." We walk towards the twins. Trey helps Meeko support Lori. Then, he instructs me. "Take the sacks you can carry and get them back to the base. Alert Rhys, Code 4 for A1."
"What's Code 4 and A1 again?" I've just taken up lessons and still get terms mixed up.
"Rabid Animals. A1 is Area 1."
"Got it!"
I take a burlap sack, Meeko's, and run as fast as I can despite the extra weight. The last words I hear behind me are from Lori. I didn't know what it mean so it probably didn't matter.
"Don't tell him anything."
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missjugheadjones · 7 years
I Don’t Want You To Be Reggies Girl
Word Count: 1829
    A/N: UGH I HATE TO VILLAINIZE REGGIE BUT ITS FOR THE FIC, do it for the fic! Okay, I hope you all enjoy this requested fic! Also this could maybe be a bit triggering because it has a bit of abusive-y actions so read at your own risk :) much love ️
(I also kinda want to ask a question, I want to do a bit if a 'get to know the writer' type thing so ask me questions in the comments or in a private message, it would be much appreciated, but I mean, only if you have wanna haha! )
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    'Y/N <3 - Meet me @ Pops in 15??' The text message popped up in Jugheads phone, vibrating on the diners table and he picked it up, opening up his texts to message her back.
    'To Y/N <3 - Already here, so yeah, see you then.' He placed his phone back down on the table, and started to type away on his laptop. Fifteen minutes flew by, and the front doors entrance bell rang, signaling that costumers were coming in. Jughead looked up and first saw Y/N, his heart picking up at the sight of her, but then his gaze fell on Reggie who stood behind her, and he sighed.
    "Okay, I'll come pick you up later, okay babe?" Reggie asked, and Y/N nodded, turning and found Jughead. She smiled at him and started to walk towards the booth, but Reggie caught her wrist in his hand and he pulled her back, forcing her to look at him. Jughead stood from his seat, his fists balling at his sides as he watched Reggie lean in close, a hard look plastered over his face.
    "What the hell Reggie," Y/N mumbled under her breath, ripping her wrist from his grasp and rubbing it softly with her other hand.
    "Answer me when I ask you questions," he growled, and Y/N sunk a little bit, slowly nodding her head.
    "Okay..." she whispered, glancing over to Jughead for a split second, watching as his jaw clenched at how Reggie treated her.
    "I'll see you when you're done here with this loser, okay?" He asked, and again she nodded.
    "Yes, I'll see you then." she answered, and he stood up straight, getting out of her face. He smiled down at her and kissed her on the forehead, backing up slowly towards the door again. Before he exited, her looked at Jughead, glaring towards the raven haired boy before he made his leave. Y/N collected herself and made her way to the booth, but before she could sit down, Jughead wrapped his arms around the girl, to which he leaned into him.
    "You okay?" he asked, and Y/N nodded slowly, forcing a smile.
    "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" she asked, and Jughead sighed, taking a seat.
     "Reggie, he's kind of a major dick to you, you know? Like what he did just now-"
    "Oh that?" Y/N interrupted, sitting down and shifting awkwardly in her seat. "That was nothing, really." she lied, giving a breathy laugh.
    "That was not 'nothing' that was grade A douchebag, and I can't sit around and watch it happen." he said, and Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat. Ever since she got together with Reggie, she had mostly regretted it. She only did it to push down her feelings for Jughead, they were only best friends, and that was it.
    "We're running low on groceries." she said quickly, trying to change the subject, and Jughead looked at her confused.
    "What?" he asked, and Y/N pulled a pen out of her purse and got a napkin from a dispenser.
    "In our apartment, we're running low on groceries so I'm probably going to go shopping, what do we need?" she asked, and Jughead glared at her, rolling his eyes. "What? We both love food, do you know how sad it will be when we run out of it?"
    "You're changing the subject." he said grumpily, and she nodded.
    "I am, to something more important. We need to eat Ju-" she started.
    "Y/N this is serious! The way Reggie treats you is not okay! It's borderline-"
    "Jughead." She whimpered, her voice cracking slightly. Jughead looked into her (y/e/c) eyes and saw they were tearing up, and realized maybe she was afraid to talk anymore about the subject. He reached across the table to take her hand in his and sighed.
    "Put cheese, lettuce, tomato..." he started listing, and Y/N nodded, jotting down the items. "Beef patties, hamburger buns, onions..." Y/N looked up and smirked at him.
    "Okay so things for burgers, anything else?" she asked, chuckling slightly. They made a list, ordering two burgers and they enjoyed the rest of their night, staying there laughing and eating until midnight.
    "I should probably call Reggie to take me home." Y/N yawned, and Jughead shook his head, offering his hand to help her out of her booth.
    "Why, we live together, I can just take you home." he said, but she shook her head.
    "Yeah, but you don't understand, he'll get mad-"
    "I'll deal with him." Jughead said, picking Y/Ns phone off the table and opening her messages.
    "Jug, what are you doing?" She asked, her voice laced with concern as he tapped away on the screen. He handed the phone back to her, and she opened up her messages, clicking ok the most recent one.
    'To Reggie :) - Hey, its Jughead. Since Y/N and I live together I'm just going to take her home tonight.
    "Jughead, he's not going like-" before she could finish her sentence, Reggie burst through the front doors of the diner, and Y/N smiled as sweetly as she could. "Hey Reggie, I was just about to text-"
    "Save it, you're coming home with me, right now." He snarled, and Y/N looked back at Jughead, and then to Reggie again.
    "But I was just about to go home." she said somewhat timidly, and he shook his head grabbing her wrist.
    "Doesn't matter, you're coming with me and that's final." he said, pulling on her in an attempt to drag her to the entrance, but she tore away.
    "No Reggie, all of my stuff is at my house, so that's where I'm going as well." she argued, standing up straighter, a wave of confidence rushing through her. Jughead smiled at her proudly, seeing as his best friend stood up for herself, but Reggie wasn't as amused.
    "You know what Y/N, fine. Go back to that trashy trailer with your loser serpent there and just leave me the fuck alone." he spat, taking Y/N aback. "You really are trailer trash, a bitchy, dramatic, weak, timid piece of garbage, just like everyone thinks. I thought maybe I could change you, make you better than what you were because I thought you were cute, but damn was I wrong." Y/N felt as tears started to sting her eyes, and she walked forward a few steps, smacking Reggie clear across the face.
    "We're over, you asshat!" she yelled, tears now falling. She took a few steps back as Reggie recovered from the hit to his face, and it twisted into anger.
    "Why you-" he lunged forward towards the girl, but Jughead stepped in and pushed him away.
    "If you touch one more hair on her body, I swear to god." Jughead growled lowly, and Reggie just smirked down at him.
    "Oh look, Wednesday Addams is here rescue Y/N." Reggie mocked, snickering at Jugheads attempt to stop him from getting to her. "Move it now, or-"
    "Or else what? What are you going to do to me Reggie, you know if you touch a hair on me as well, you'll have all of the Southside Serpents knocking on your door, and let me tell you, they won't be nice." Jughead threatened.
    "Watch it Suicide Squad, you're treading on a fine line right about now." Reggie said, trying his best not to seem the least bit afraid to the raven haired boy.
    "No, you watch it Reggie. The serpents happen to like Y/N, and they won't be happy to hear that you've been a complete ass to her, and you know what happens to people who cross the serpents. So here are your options, you can leave Y/N alone and never speak to her again, or you can play an unwanted game of hide and seek with the serpents, ending in you being found and getting your ass kicked by a biker gang." Reggies jaw tightened, and he slowly turned around, making his way to the exit, stopping to flip the two of them off.
     "Juggie?" Y/N said, making Jughead turn around.
    "Don't listen to him, Y/N. He's just a dick who has to bag on others to make himself feel good, for whatever reason." He said, pulling her into a hug. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you're the sweetest, bravest, and most sarcastic person i know." He said, earning a giggle from her.
    "God I love you." she muttered, and then quickly pulled away.
    "What?" Jughead asked, trying to look into her face, but she hid it.
    "I-uh..." she lifted her head to look at him, using the last bit of her confidence to tell Jughead how she really felt. "I love you, Jughead Jones." She smiled sweetly at him, awaiting an answer but none came. He stared at her surprised and she quickly regretted everything, more tears now threatening to spill.
    "You two okay?" Pops asked, both teenagers turning to him.
    "Yeah, I was just leaving." she muttered, a tear falling down her face as she picked up the grocery list off the table and making her way to the door. Jughead snapped out of his trance and watched as she stormed out of the restaurant.
    "Y/N!" He called, but it was too late.
• • •
    "Y/N?" Jughead called, entering the trailer his dad and him once occupied until his dad was arrested, so Y/N moved in. He heard no response, but instead sniffling from the bathroom. He walked to the door and knocked lightly, seeing her purse and the lost on the floor in front of the door.
    "Go away," she called, and Jughead rolled his eyes, taking a risk and opening the door. He found her sitting on the side of the tub, her face streaked with tears.
    "Hey..." he said, walking towards her, but she stood up and tried to push past him, but to no avail.
    "Jughead please move, I need to go. I messed everything up and now I feel humiliated and awful! I'm moving out tomorrow and-"
    "Woah, woah, woah." Jughead said, grabbing her by the waist and forcing her to look up at him. "You can stop crying now, Y/N, I love you too." He said smiling, and she stared up at him in disbelief.
    "Y-you do?" She asked, and he nodded, causing her to smile as well, but it only lasted a few seconds before it fell again. "Wait, how do I know you're not just saying that to make me feel better?" she asked, and he chuckled, leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. He pulled apart slowly, looking admiringly down into her eyes and she had a soft smile plastered to her face.
    "Believe me now?" He asked, and she leaned up and kissed him back in response.
Tag list: @do-not-call-me-sunshine @gelattoes @xbobaaa @katshrev @farmfreshcoldsprouts @sgarrett49 @always-chocolate @nadya0128 @vegaslodgeprimary @rainbows-and-glitter-bitch @lost-in-wonderland-x @aezthetically @mrs-jughead-jones  @nafa1604  @moonlight53  @mydelightfulcollectiontyphoon @bookloveaffair @twolittlehunters @reallyshortartist @adellyhatter-blog @savvythetommo @caffeinatedfangirlstuff @riverdalemami
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