#but whenever it does it won't take another month+ for filming to start
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I’m not going to get my hopes up, but if Netflix has to have an answer by October, when do you think filming will start then?
Hypothetically if the strike is over in Netflix's case by Oct or in general for all the studios, filming for ST would start up shortly after that. They've been ready to start filming since June, so they're pretty much just in limbo waiting rn.
There might be some cast members in the middle of something when the strike ends, so that doesn't mean every single cast member will take a flight to Georgia and be there the day after the strike to start filming. It will happen in waves, where some who are available at that time will get all their arrangements in order and make the plan to start filming while others might need a few weeks to get everything in order.
Sometimes filming happens out of order, especially with scenes that are really time consuming for VFX in post production, but still I do think that the priority will be either those scenes or scenes from the first few episodes. Those episodes are the most fleshed out script wise and they're also the episodes we're going to see sooner than the later ones. In the case they decide to split it into two volumes again, having those earlier episodes finished sooner than later allows them to then be able to edit them sooner and have them complete for releasing. So if the premiere period rolls around, and they're still behind on some parts of Vol 2, they'd be prepared to release Vol 1, with extra time to focus on the rest. Pretty much the same thing happened for S4, where Vol 1 premiered in late May and then they were still editing Vol 2 in time for it's early July release.
If the strike is officially over and all filming in the industry amongst these studios has been green-lit to return, let's say October 1st, then it's likely by mid October they would be starting filming again. Or if it was mid October that the strike ended, then maybe filming would be starting by the end of the month. If it's late October, then probably early November for filming to start. The transition won't take months, at most a couple of weeks.
Again, they were ready to start filming in June and they don't necessarily need every single actor to have their schedule free in order to start. They just need actors who have scenes alone or with other actors who are also available who they also happen to have scenes with in order to start filming. It is unlikely that whatever schedule they had planned originally for the cast back in June will be identical post-strike, as that will all presumably shift to accommodate everyones new schedules at that time of the year and going forward.
This is all a hypothatical scenario. Regardless of if the strike ends in October or September or god forbid January, which is when the Emmy's are being postponed until, Filming for ST5 would take a matter of a couple of weeks to set up and begin, and would then continue for the next 12 months following, give or take.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
hello! this is like a really weird request so I’m not sure if it’ll even make sense but can u do averyjameson hcs when they are in like public or like during interviews together or smth. Idk if that even makes sense…
averyjameson in public/during an interview head canons
of course! its most def not weird and i think ik what you mean. sorry it took so long for me to make this. i apologize if this is short. im trying to finish my requests before july 9th bc i wont really be able to do any for like a month after that (ill do some here and there but it def won't be often). i'll separate these into two categories (interviews and in public) and ill do a few for each. anyways, i hope you like these <3.
in public:
jameson constantly has to have his hands on her when they're out (in a pg-13 way obviously). 1. bc his love language is physical touch 2. bc he feels like if he's holding her in his arms she won't get hurt if someone tries to hurt her and 3. he wants everybody to know he's hers.
there are tons of pictures online of jameson giving avery her jacket bc she's freezing. her stylists sometimes complain when avery puts a coat on after dressing her up bc it 'ruins the outfit' (in this case, im not talking about a jacket, im talking about a huge winter coat that hides her outfit and isn't used as some sort of accessory. bc avery's a people pleaser, she always ends up listening and doesn't put on a coat (even though she gets cold really easily) so jameson always ends up giving her his coat (even though he also gets cold easily).
whenever jameson sees paparazzi taking a picture of them, he kisses her cheek. 1. bc avery gets flustered 2. they both love physical touch (avery only likes it if its jameson) and 3. bc fans eat it up.
most of the pictures that are taken of them in public are of them in a restaurant or just eating food. they love trying out new stuff which is why they're always seen eating.
jameson hates leaving avery alone (even if she's with her security guards). he's always accompanying her everywhere, and, if he can't, he gets on his brothers to go with her bc he trusts them. he literally won't even let her go to the bathroom alone (he obviously doesn't go inside the bathroom, he stays outside but still). he also does this bc he knows that avery gets uncomfortable when paparazzi try to talk to her when she's alone, and he doesn't want her to end up in a situation like that.
i didn't really know where to include this one bc it technically happens after an interview (but not during the interview itself which is why i put it here) but jameson and avery are always seen getting a coffee (or just any other drink) after an interview before heading home. sometimes they head home directly and sometimes they sit on a bench somewhere and talk to one another. (obviously people take pictures of them doing this)
they really like stopping and taking pictures with fans and stuff. sometimes, jameson films tiktok dances with them and avery is seen in the background of them judging jameson's dancing skills so hard.
this isn't necessarily them in public but more about their socials and stuff. jameson and avery post a pic of them in each country they visit with a cute caption. they usually post it once they're gone so people won't start looking for them in that country.
during an interview:
jameson is constantly finding ways to express how much he loves avery. the interviewer will ask him a question like 'how was it like growing up with your grandfather?' and, somewhere along the way, as he's answering the question, jameson starts talking about how much avery means to him and how he has no idea where he'd be right now if she wasn't in his life.
sometimes, avery gets nervous during interviews bc she hates speaking to strangers. she'll start shaking, picking at her nails, and stuff. jameson usually grabs her hands when this happens and starts stroking his thumb over her knuckles to ground her. sometimes, when avery is really panicking and can't bring herself to speak, jameson will take the lead and start answering her questions (he somehow makes it seem normal and it doesn't turn into a scandal like 'avery having a panic attack during an interview' bc.. he's a hawthorne)
this hc is about planning the interview and not the interview itself. alisa mostly asks jameson to accompany avery during her interviews bc she only truly smiles (like not a fake smile) when he's there and the interviews flow more smoothly (she's more comfortable answering questions and her answers are more genuine). also, fans eat up the averyjameson content. she obviously still does interviews with the other brothers but not as much.
jameson loves coming up with ways to fluster avery during interviews. sometimes he'll bring up something he loves about her, things he wants to do for her in the future, or brags about how lucky he is. avery gets shy bc of all of the attention and can't look him in the eye for the rest of the day. jameson always ends up proud of himself.
jameson is really good a recognizing questions that he knows will make avery uncomfortable (but aren't 'no' questions as landon would say) but she'll answer anyways bc she's a people pleaser. sometimes he'll deflect by doing or saying smth funny (or simply saying smth he knows the public will love), and, sometimes, he'll squeeze her hand or her thigh to reassure her that she doesn't have to answer questions that she doesn't want to.
sometimes, interviewers ask avery and jameson (especially avery) really inappropriate questions about their relationship. jameson rarely gets mad, but he either tells the interviewer that they will not be answering the question (in a way that scares the shit out of the interviewer and makes them ask them smth else) or he just stands up and tells everyone that the interview is over (he only really does this when the interview is being recorded and isn't live) (ik this one is cheesy but idc)
if the interview is live and there's an audience, jameson always sits on the side closest to the audience bc he thinks that its a little safer for her to sit on the other side. that way people cant throw stuff at her and she's not as visible to the crowd.
avery and jameson have this special code thing (10 consecutive taps on the other's thigh) that indicates that they want to leave immediately. usually avery is the one using the code bc interviewers put her in uncomfortable situations quite often. jameson ends the interview no questions asked and they usually head home directly to watch a show cuddled up in blankets together to comfort the person who used the code.
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hazelhearts · 3 years
emily prentiss headcanons
note: emily is probably my favorite character in criminal minds so i had a lot of fun with this one. she is such a multi-sided person that headcanons are really the only way you can analyze her completely. anyways, i hope you enjoy this!
summary: general headcanons about emily prentiss & her and spencer's friendship
warnings: the only thing I really considered angsty was her checking up on victims so i classified this as a/f so i guess typical cm content in a way. none apart from that!
she is under no circumstances allowed to be in the kitchen. she can't cook, she's clumsy, and she loves to distract everyone
she is very interested in art and whenever she wants to talk about art or talks about it around the team, her and spencer always get into the deepest conversation
speaking of her and spencer, they 100% share hyperfixations. like, emily will come into work with a very specific hyperfixation and she will try to hide it but then will mention it and then spencer starts freaking out because it's also one of his hyperfixations and then they spend an extended amount of time talking about it
emily has a very flirtatious personality but she does not like relationships and if she ever ends up getting in a relationship, it's still her personality and her partner will learn to adapt to it because it's who she is
emily and spencer do each others paperwork and read over files for each other when they see that the other is too stressed to do it anymore
spencer comes over to her house whenever they have a rough case and they do little science experiments together
she writes him little notes of encouragement and sticks them where she knows he will see them and then convinces everyone it was penelope but spencer knows it was her
emily and spencer watch foreign films together once a week and every now and then another team member will ask to come along but they always make up an excuse because that is their thing and their time to bond
she needs glasses to read but she refuses to wear them and constantly gives herself a headache
she is a very blunt person overall and the team has adapted to her seemingly random comments and input but she constantly gets herself in trouble when they are on a case because she talks back to every single officer about practically anything
emily is notoriously bad with children because she was never really around them throughout any part of her life but when JJ got pregnant she was determined to be the best aunt possible and bought over 20 how-to books on parenting
emily is an adrenaline junkie. she will chase any adrenaline rush that life could possibly present and sometimes creates her own
she is definitely the type to randomly yell "THE FLOOR IS LAVA" during a paperwork day to spice things up
she also takes the floor is lava very seriously and will criticize you severely for not participating and will refuse to talk to you for the rest of the day to "teach you a lesson"
she always steals at least 2 bottles of wine from Rossi's storage before she leaves his mansion and he never forgets to remind her to wait to start on them until she gets home
she is a severe pen clicker which is why everyone was very excited when they got tablets for briefings because she would incessantly click her pen
she made derek learn morse code with her so that they could cuss each other out without getting lectured by hotch
she doesn't know how to work the coffee machine but she won't accept help so she constantly breaks it and blames it on derek every single time
she is very protective of spencer and is the first to defend him when derek's teasing goes a little bit too far
she insists that spencer help her learn at least one language every six months so that she can communicate with a wider span of victims and criminals
she constantly checks up on victims she saved to make sure they are ok after whatever they went through
she is a huge advocate for anything and everything you can advocate for
she loves to write. she writes little short stories pretty often and always has rossi proofread them
she has a stuffed turtle named tucker that she brings with her on every case and she just holds him whenever she needs a minute and she feels calmer. penelope got him for her for her birthday and they have been inseparable ever since
she refuses to use scrunchies to tie up her hair because it makes her feel, in her words, "too girly, pinky, sparkly, and princessy"
she refuses to drink water unless it is her own personal filter water from the water filter she bought for $80 because "it tastes earthy"
she always has little questions about how certain things work or what a certain word means or something else along those lines that she randomly asks spencer throughout the day
she is one of the few people who listens to spencer's explanations and stories and she likes to show him she's listening by looking at him and tugging her ear so he feels heard
if he doesn't get to finish a specific story or explanation, she writes down what it was about and asks him about it later
she often references things spencer has told her in order to show him that someone is listening and someone cares
she also is usually interested in the random facts and knowledge so she welcomes it with open arms
she explains as many things relating to politics and current events to spencer that she can remember so that he feels informed and, in turn, he gives her more random facts and bits of knowledge
she absolutely loves monopoly and no one has ever beaten her at the game. not even spencer.
she loves hockey and none of the other team members really watch it but, as soon as spencer discovered her love for it, he read up on it and then watched a good amount of games to catch up and became her hockey watching buddy
after she became unit chief, she began to stay later at the office and she hated being alone in there and spencer caught on pretty quickly and made it a habit to do all of his paperwork in her office and he took a bunch of files from the other team members to keep him busy until she finished
penelope bought her a crystal for her birthday one year and ever since then she has began to grow a collection
every year during halloween, she insists that the team should do group costumes and go trick or treating with the kids but is shot down every time
she always has a can of silly string with her and she will pull it out at random times and spray it all over whoever she feels like spraying it on
she did it to hotch once and she immediately regretted it as soon as he banned silly string
the ban didn't stop her of course
she loves pottery. she learned the basics of it when she was travelling around the world and then began to pick it up as a hobby and she makes random pots and cups and mugs and other things for birthdays and christmases and everything in between
she loves swimming and she is a really good swimmer
she always starts the pillow fights during girls night sleepovers
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fate-at-a-distance · 3 years
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The sun was just about to set and the waves were gently crashing at the foot of the bedrock on which they stood. It was everything and more to make for a romantic sequence. But then, the early spring breeze decided to be unkind.
So here they were, having a much needed respite before filming the next scene, enjoying the view of the vast Pacific, as they stood side by side, a few feet from the ridges of the island.
"Tell me what songs you like to listen to."
"Wow, that's random," she responded dryly.
With that comment he felt his heart tighten in his chest. Whether it was a heart attack or just another bout of fleeting tension, he wasn't sure anymore. It was just surreal to be on that side of her infamous great wall.
But he got to hear the answer.
"I'm really curious," he smiled as he tilted his head adorably to his right. That should persuade her.
"Arraseo," she conceded rather quickly. She had learned in the past few months that it was impossible to give no attention to this goof ball. "Are you asking as a musician or just generally curious?"
Whoops. He was not expecting that question at all, was he? How would he tell her that he was just running out of excuses to talk to her off take?
"Does that affect your answer?" He asked back, not wanting to put her off with his overt eagerness.
"In a way. I have to give an impressive answer to your musician self," she chuckled.
For the millionth time since they first met, his heart skipped a beat. It just kept happening whenever she made that sound, more so when she was being candid like this. She was notorious for her methods in keeping her guards up. But when she shared her thoughts it was always forthright. She really was an intelligent woman,  and he kept finding himself getting drawn without any chance of retracting.
"Let's say, both," he managed to answer accordingly, hoping she didn't notice the long pause he had to take to keep himself from short-circuiting.
"Hmm. I listen to Sara Bareilles a lot. Have you heard of her?"
"I have. I know a few of her songs. She plays the piano, too, just like you."
"Right," she muttered. Of course he knew she played the piano. When did he ever fail to let her know that he was paying attention? "How about you? I know you favor ballads and R&B," she threw the question right back at him, deliberately adding that last remark to let him know that she paid attention, too.
As it seemed, her observation was making him blush. But now was not the time to get all shy and mushy. He had it all planned out, had it all rehearsed in his head so many times. He had hoped for her to ask him the same question before he even did. It was the perfect opportunity. And he couldn't afford to let it go to waste.
"Lately, I've been listening to a song called Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop," he answered, not letting the disquiet in his chest overtake. "Have you heard of that song?"
"No, I haven't."
Alright. That was his cue.
So he took a deep breath then took her right hand in his, with a silent prayer that she won't pull it away. The thought of her recoiling from his touch wasn't exactly helping him remain calm.
But it must've startled her, so much so that she didn't even budge. She just stared at him with wide eyed anticipation, not really knowing what to expect.
"It goes like this," he mumbled, then cleared his throat before he started pouring his heart out through the song.
I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you
Yes, there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you
I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down
I want to come too
I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you
No one understands me quite like you do
Through all of the shadowy corners of me
I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while, I never knew...
All of the while, it was you...
Her eyes remained fixed on him even after he was done crooning. Not saying anything with words, but her scrutinizing gaze was filled with an expression that was consuming him like wild fire.
He felt like an exposed nerve bleeding out and the words he was waiting to fall off her lips were the only things that could patch him up.
Please say something. Anything, he kept praying in his head.
And by some miracle, she did.
"It's beautiful," she said almost inaudibly. It must be his euphonious voice that was making her quite emotional, because right now, she couldn't find her own rational voice. All she could think about was how he looked at her as he sang, and how adored it made her feel.
"It is, isn't it?" He smiled at her affectionately. It perfectly sums up what I feel for you."
And there it was. The wrecking ball of her great wall.
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limenysnocket · 4 years
I Despise The Way You Make Me Love You
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Summary: If you piss off your friends and they don't forgive you, can they really be called your friends? Now, what happens when your closest friend pisses you off and makes you fall deeper in love with him each time he does?
Warnings: Smut, language, lots of sexual innuendos
Word count: 3,483
Request: @honorarytenenbaum
Authors note: You have no idea how excited I am to fufil my first request. If any of y'all have any more, drop it in my asks for anonymity, DM me to give me more details, or whatever the heck. I want your requests. Give them to me.
What's a fantastic morning without the first cup of coffee that you're almost positively sure has been pumped full of laxatives and stress relief pills?
Well, it's not the morning you had planned, and it wasn't the coffee you wanted. You were at work, on your day off. Who dragged you here? Mr. Hollywood hot shot himself, Taika Waititi that absolute jackass. He came to your door at 6 a.m., invited himself inside, crashed into your bedroom, made you and partially helped you get dressed, and threw you into his car, taking you God knows where.
You were on the set of The Mandalorian where they were in the process of filming season two. You had a very cold cup of coffee in your hand and you were about to take a nice sip to hopefully get you sick enough to send you to the hospital for the day, but the cup was snatched away quickly before anything could happen. "I'll drink anything you give me, but I absolutely will not drink that, and I'm putting my ass on the line to make sure you don't drink it either," Taika said, dropping the cup in a nearby trashcan.
"Fuck you, Waititi," you growled, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Love you too, doll," Taika made a kissy face and put his hand on your lower back to guide you deeper into the film set. You swatted his hand away like it was a pesky mosquito.
"Why the hell did you bring me here?" You whisper shouted between your teeth as both of you swerved through staff. "You don't have to work or anything. I just miss you each time you take off on us," Taika pouted. Whatever, missed you my ass. He just wanted you there so you could cover for him every time he took a nap on the job.
"Taika!" You spun towards him, your hands in the air and nails out like an animal, you wanted to maul his God damn, terribly handsome face. "I was going to close my blinds, lock my doors, eat frozen pizzas, binge Superstore and wear sweatpants and a comfortable bra, God damn it! It's my fucking day off, can you take a break for, I don't know, one fucking minute!?" You looked spastic and quite angry. Even a few people stopped and stared for a few seconds. Taika wasn't phased, however. All he gave you was a shrug. "Sounds like a fun afternoon, you should invite me sometime."
Both of you were quiet, and you felt your skin bubbling. You flipped your shit. "I'm going home, alright! I'm calling myself an uber, and you better fucking not call me or come break down my door again, Waititi! I'm not doing this again!" You huffed, twirled around and went straight for the exit. This time, it managed to get the desperate Kiwi's attention.
"(Y/N), now hang on a minute, I can take you out to lunch if you stay!" He called out desperately. "Frozen Italian food sounds so much better, thank you," you snorted and shook your head. You could hear his heavy footsteps behind you, trying to catch up to you.
You couldn't bear to stand another minute with that man, so you pushed out of the small exit, just barely brushing shoulders with David as you went. As the door closed, you heard him say your name and question what you were doing here, but that stopped mid-sentence whenever he probably saw Taika riding your tail.
You yanked your phone from your pocket and started clicking onto the uber app, but your phone was snatched away as you reached the parking lot. "Give me one chance, (Y/N)! I promise to make it worth your while!" He said, trying to talk his offer up for a lunch date. "What is with you and grabbing my things, Waititi?" You growl, snapping your hand out to grab your phone back, only to have it be yanked away again.
"Call me Taika," He said, that dastardly smile still spread across his features. "I'll call you Taika whenever you've earned my actual respect and you can call me (L/N) until then, too!" You grabbed at your phone again. No dice. This was very unfair. He had quiet a few inches on you. "You heffer! Give me that back now!"
"You seem stressed. How long has it been since you've had sex?" Taika struck you with a question that covered your cheeks with a deep blush. "None of your business! Hand it over, Waititi!"
"Taika--," he corrected you without hesitation, "Tell me how long it's been and I'll give you your phone back."
You took a deep breath and folded your arms, you hated to admit such personal things, especially to the likes of him. "Three months," you let out an exasperated sigh. Taika put his hand to his chest in shock. "Really? A classy gal like you, I'd think, would be having sex at least once or twice a week! That's not even the maximum!"
You scoffed, "Stop talking it up, Waititi, it's never gonna work." You grabbed your phone from him and brushed past him, bumping shoulders a bit aggressively. He rolled his eyes and continued to follow you out further into the parking lot, carefully dodging heavy equipment that rolled by. "(Y/N), wait up! C'mon, please?" He frowned and got in front of you again. You were one click away from getting an uber.
Your jaw shifted from side to side in thought. He pissed you off today multiple times already, but you would kill to spend an afternoon alone with him. You knew, whenever he wasn't under the influence of his multiple companions, he was an extremely nice guy. I mean, he was whenever his friends were around sure. Maybe it was just your need for his undivided attention that drove you crazy over him.
You sighed, "Where the hell would you be taking me when all I'm wearing is jeans and a t-shirt? Don't you have this sort of reputation to uphold?" He was shining brightly now, the grin on his face couldn't be any wider. "Oh, darling, I would trash it all to be with you," he purred, "and, how does pizza sound?"
You cocked a brow, lips pinching together and your shoulders rolling. "Fine." He lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. "Amazing! How about we head back inside, we'll finish up this shoot, and after that, we'll see where the streets of LA take us~," he purred with a cocky wink that made you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, let's just hurry up," you sighed, speeding up your walk walk until you had your hand on the handle and had pulled open the door just by a smidge. To your surprise, the handle was yanked out of your hand as the door slammed shut in front of you. You looked up, a bit ticked off, but your inner self calmed when you saw Taika standing there, directly in front of you, blocking the door completely with his body and his eyes holding a provocative stare within them. "Three months, huh?" His voice was low and deep, just how you imagined it before bed quite a few times. "I can... You know... always take care of that for you~." He leaned down towards you, his face becoming dangerously close to yours.
"T-Taika, this isn't exactly the r-right place for that--," you stuttered then gasped softly as his lips brushed against yours. He was so close, you could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne mixing with the soft smell of his fabric softener that wafted blissfully from his clothes. You started to lean in too, now, taking a large gulp as you did.
"Waititi, stop doing whatever the hell you're doing out there and move your fat ass away from the door!" You heard the executive producer yell from the other side of the door, before Taika was launched forward by the propelling force of the door behind him. His head jeered off to the side and all that was left in contact between you two was the rough clash of his shoulder hitting yours. He stumbled for a minute while you laughed a little, shaking your head. You slipped in, just before a rack full of heavy equipment got close to the door, and that's where you parted from the kiwi, a massive grin on your face.
Okay, he woke you up and ruined your perfectly planned day, so you were pissed just a little bit. Now, he was keeping you longer than he should have, at work and now you were really pissed. Both of you were the very last ones in the studio and he still hasn't finished up yet. Your stomach growled, your fingers twitched and your anger was bubbling.
You were sitting on one of the sets, a main, small room that split off towards the back. It was dark, greasy, and sewer-like. It had grates everywhere that were decaying with painted on rust and fake laser holes dotted along the fake metal every once in awhile.
You sat on a convenient crate prop that was sturdy enough to withstand three people at the most. You were rubbing your temples, the overwhelming and heady stench of expensive perfume, spray paint and spray tanning solution only fueled your distress. That cocky little bastard! He knew you never wanted to be here in the first place, but here he is, keeping you locked up here by his own hand. You were two moments away from storming out, calling that uber, and forgetting about this whole catastrophe whenever there was the rapping of knuckles against tin. Your head shot up and you glared. It was Taika. You said nothing.
He seemed awkward at first, his head tilting to the side and an apologetic smile on his lips, "Well, on the brighter side, at least we won't have to worry about the lunch rush!" He laughed softly, trying to lighten the mood, but your angry aura seemed to snuff out every attempt like a candle in the wind. "Look, doll, you know I'm sorry about keeping you here! It was never my intention..." He tried to explain, his hand motions really getting to work until they paused all together, right in front of him, palms facing upwards and his fingers lightly curling in, out of stress or carpal tunnel from holding on to a keyboard mouse all day long.
"Then what was your intention, Taika? Huh!?" You shot up from your seat and just stood there, your body nearly shaking with rage. "You wake me up, you drag me out of my house, and you force me to come to work! I thought you were my colleague, not my God damn boss!" You were frustrated. You wanted an answer. His eyebrows were furrowed and he seemed to be focused on a different topic on a new level. For the first time ever, you saw him look at the floor, embarrassed.
"Answer me, Taika!" You shouted, the sound of your voice echoing along the walls. He seemed shaken up whenever he looked up. He was confused, like he hadn't even listened to you the entire time. "What?" He said a little breathily, his eyes desperately searching yours for any tiny morsel that you had the compassion to forgive him.
"What were your intentions with this whole fucking thing?" You repeated through your bared teeth. Things were intense now. Both of you just stared in complete silence while Taika contemplated his, apparently, very complex answer.
"Well?" You flinched your arm muscles up once, in a shrugging motion. His eyes were closed and he took a deep breath. Suddenly, he charged forward at you, in a fast walk, without a word, a serious expression on his face. It made you take a few steps back out of shock, and you were close to pulling out your emergency bottle of pepper spray whenever he grabbed both sides of your face with his rough hands and brought you close to him. "This," he whispered before smashing his lips on yours. Your eyes widened, your hands went to his clothes and started clawing harshly, almost begging for him to stop before you became too attached, but as the kiss went on, it became more passionate and your clawing slowed, your eyes fluttered closed and your hands went up, into his hair. Taika let the pure bliss of your acceptance sink into his memory for a few moments longer before he pulled away, his hands dropping from your head and down to his sides.
He took a few steps back, wiping the drool off of his lips with the sleeve of his shirt. "That," he muttered again, bobbing his head to truly acknowledge what he had done. "My intention was to make that happen."
You were stunned, eyes wide when they flew back open and fluttered wildly. Your hands didn't know what to do with themselves anymore, now that they weren't buried in Taika's soft locks, so they went into yours, gripping on tightly and slightly pulsing the tug. Your lips craved more, your heart thrummed madly in your chest, so hard, you thought that it was beating, like a drum, up against your ribcage.
"Taika," you manage to whisper, catching his attention, you could tell, as he looked up at you again. "Yeah?" He muttered back.
You couldn't take it anymore. Your lips needed to connect with his again, you needed to touch him once more, to feel him in any way. You just knew you wanted him. You wanted him bad. You walked right up to him, curled your fingers back into his hair and brought his lips back down on yours, desperate and needy, unlike the last kiss the two of you shared. He kissed you right back, his hands having enough consciousness to slick right down and grip onto your waist.
It was unexpected, it was needed, your friends bet it was going to happen, it was... it was.... hot.
The kiss went on much longer than the last one, and eventually got more heated as well. His tongue slid across your bottom lip and there was no hesitation to open up for him. It was like opening the pearly gates of heaven, in his eyes. He gave your lip a cheeky little nip with his teeth anyway, making you whine softly, before tangling his tongue up with yours, almost like tying a cherry stem into a knot between the two of you.
He started pushing you back. You stumbled a bit, but you got the hint and started walking backwards. His body eagerly followed yours, not willing to break the kiss unless it was for a brief moment of air. Your back was eventually pushed up against one of the orange tinted walls and that wasn't the only thing being pushed up. Your shirt was carrying a steady pace up your abdomen and getting closer to exposing your chest. You were impatient, so you suddenly broke the kiss, leaving Taika momentarily distraught, and lifted your shirt completely off so you could toss it away like trash. Taika was smirking now and continued to kiss you, this time, more hunger was induced into it.
The next time you two broke contact, it was Taika's doings. You didn't have time to really react before you were no longer facing Taika, but the grated wall, and your breasts were pushed up tightly against it as well. Little words were spoken between you two, and it was easy to tell what position he wanted you in, so you stuck your ass out there a little more. You could practically feel his smirk getting wider. He reached around your waist and found the button to your pants. While one hand focused on getting that down and away, the other worked on getting your bra unclipped. It was easy with his skilled fingers. Once your bra was gone, so we're your pants. They dropped to be around your ankles and you hastily kicked them off, as well with your shoes.
A single one of his digits hooked around the hem of your panties and started bringing them down your thighs. His eyes could practically bore holes into your body with how intensely he stared with the newfound flesh.
Your body tingled with the sound of his belt unbuckling and hitting the floor, even more so when his pants were unzipped and dropped around his ankles, well, after he had rustled his wallet from his back pocket first and picked a condom out of it. You wanted him to completely undress, like you, but you weren't in the mood to complain. If anything, this round was possibly doomed to be a quickie anyway.
His boxers were the last item to hit the floor, then it was all over. His stiff member, once the rubber condom had been swiftly applied, prodded at your soaked walls before making its quick and long past due entrance. It nearly made you scream, but before any of that could happen, Taika had one hand slapped firmly across your mouth and the other one grabbed a fist-full of one's of your boobs.
Here's the thing that Taika had completely forgotten to mention whenever this whole fiasco started. He wasn't completely sure that you both were alone in the studio. With his explanation being whispered hotly into your ear with his sensual kiwi accent, you didn't seem to care. If anything, the higher risk of being caught only made the sexual intensity even more intense. So, you were going to be fucked like that, quietly, dirtily, and somewhat publicly. He had this power of domination over you... and you loved it.
He started thrusting, slow and hard. Each time his hips would connect with your ass, your stomach would lightly slam against the grate in front of you and made it wobble out a sound that could possibly notify anyone around you about where you were. Okay, maybe the two of you were that fed up about being discrete with your actions. You both just knew that you needed this and no one was going to tell you otherwise.
He let out soft grunts and pants of your name, occasionally burying his face into your shoulder whenever he started going faster, so he wouldn't get too loud while he pummeled you mercilessly. You could feel him nipping at your skin, whenever you weren't so focused on the feeling of his stiff cock rubbing along your walls. He bit you, sucked on your neck and shoulders, covering you with his love. Well, his claim of you and your body, at least.
The rocking of his hips started getting more rough, irrational and sporadic. He was close and so were you, but he was determined to hold on until you had released all over him. Your hands held on to the grate for dear life, and it rolled along with your movements, shaking when your body pushed forcefully against it by Taika's will, and it wobbled back whenever you lurched backwards to prepare for the next world rocking thrust. This was so much better than sweatpants and The Office episodes.
It didn't take you long before you jumped over the edge and your vision blurred white. He had done it, he had given you one of the worst/best days of your life and you didn't want it to be over, but everything comes to an end eventually, even Taika himself. His thrusts slowed and he gave three, stout, powerful ruts against your ass before he released and his body pushed against yours. His hand fell from your mouth so he could hear your pants and praises that he had been missing out on the entire time the two of you went at it like mad dogs. He pulled out and almost immediately pulled off the gross condom.
You busied yourself with picking up your clothes and quietly putting them on while Taika disposed of the used rubber and pulled up his pants from around his ankles. Both of your faces were red and the lust still sparkled dimly within his and your eyes.
You both met in the middle of the room, once the two of you were collected and ready to leave like nothing had happened in that room you were standing in.
"So, am I invited to come over and crash your days off any time I like, now?" Taika cocked a brow and broke the comfortable silence with a grin and a chuckle. You laughed with him, leaning up and wrapping your arms around his neck.
"You know what?" You said, tilting your head and having a cheeky smile write itself all over your lips, "I'd love that... same time, tomorrow?"
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obsessivestar · 5 years
Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 20: ~Together~
Summary: Now that you're sleeping in Tom's room, the guest room is open. Time to see a good friend, but not before Tom gets his fix.
Warnings: *Slight lemon thrown in at the beginning.
Read it on my Wattpad: @/HiddlesStar
Word count: 1'920
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn
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The first week of you and Tom publically being together was a rather amusing, yet positive one. Tumblr was still not over the public kiss, and your best friend certainly wasn't over the fact that you were in the same house as him, never mind sharing a bed.
"How long have you been sleeping in his room?" Your friend asked through your headphones, currently in a Discord call with them.
"Couple weeks now, really.." You smiled somewhat. "The other room is just kind of the guest room now.."
"Well, now I have a reason to visit for a week!" Your friend spoke in a happy tone. You'd really like for them to come down, actually. While you enjoyed the friends you were making here, you missed (BF/N).
"I can talk to Tom about it when he gets home, if you really want to come down." You gave a soft smile. Tom had gone out for Betrayal related business, so you were home alone.
"Does it feel weird referring to him?" Your friend asked curiously.
"Kind of, even after the last couple days.." You chuckled. "I don't even like using his last name. It feels to official and professional, like its a stage name.."
"It's his real last name, right?" They asked.
"Yes, of course it's his real last name. It's just, like...I call him Tom or Thomas or Big Dog, but if I use his full name, it's like I'm talking to a completely different person."
"It's like you're one of those female interviewers that just endlessly hit on him throughout the whole interview." Your friend joked, immedietly getting you to laugh.
"That's so accurate!" You laughed.
"Right?" Your friend laughed along with you.
After the long chat with your friend, Tom returned home with a couple pages of paper and some groceries he had decided to grab while he was out. You met him in the kitchen and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before helping him put some stuff away.
"How was the meeting?" You asked him, seeing the little smile on his face.
"We've made quite a big decision, but I'm excited for it." Tom admitted, his smile growing. "We'll be performing at the Harold Pinter for a couple months."
"Ooh, starting when?" You asked, getting his help with some of the top shelf stuff in the cupboards.
"March." He replied. That was rather convenient. You and Tom are supposed to wrap up filming just before Feburary for this film, so that gives him a nice little break before going back to work. That'll also give you two a chance to spend some real, quality time together. It already sounded wonderful.
"The theatre is back at home.." Tom smiled. "Will be nice, being able to sleep in my own bed."
"Bet you miss your dog, eh?" You smiled, getting a soft smile returned from him.
"I do." Tom nodded. "He's a good boy."
It didn't really occur to you now what him going back home meant. While you've come together now, your real homes are in different countries. Different timezones. When the time comes for you both to return home, would the relationship really last?
"Speaking of missing, I was wondering if my friend could come down for a couple days next week?" You asked, sitting up on the counter once all of the groceries had been put away.
"That's...(BF/N), right?" Tom asked, leaning against the counter somewhat beside you.
"Yeah! It's just...I haven't seen them in a while. They're super chill. They're not gonna freak out when they see you." You smiled, making Tom chuckle slightly.
"I'm not against it. This is your home, as well as mine.." He replied, moving more to be in between your slight open legs. "Though, it may be hard to keep my hands off you while they're here.."
You smirked, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. "That just sounds like something you'll have to deal with, big dog." You teased, getting a grin from Tom.
"Then you won't mind if I take you up against this very counter, right now?" He offered, your smirk turning into a rather surprised, and nervous gaze.
"Ah--" You chuckled nervously. "Th-That's s-so sudden."
"Mm. Maybe.." Tom hummed. "But if I won't get to ravish you for nearly a week, I should...feed my cravings while I still can.."
You liked the tone in his voice. He was rather friskier than you imagined.
*************Lemon lol****************
Next thing you knew, you were up against the kitchen counter, facing away from the much taller male with your trousers and your panties in between your legs, Tom's body pressed up against you from behind. His hips grinded up against yours with his length sliding in and out of you at the perfect pace, his low moans let out in your left ear. You never thought this position could be done well, but Tom definitely knew what he was doing. You could feel his pleasant heavy breathing on your neck, feeling him nip at your ear and cling onto your neck, his strong hands holding you up some.
In just a few moments, he finished deep inside you, a sudden loud moan escaping him as he tensed up against you. The warm feeling made you release a bit as well, a weak whimper leaving your lips. He carefully pulled out of you, somewhat relaxing against you. A little snicker escaped him. "F-Fuck, I can't get enough of you.." He panted, carefully helping him turn you so he could pull you into a deep kiss. You gave a warm little smile, cupping his cheeks and kissing him back. God, this relationship was both like a porn video and a genuine rom-com romance rolled in together.
************K ur good it's done************
You made sure to mention it to your friend the next day that they would be able to come visit, definitely not mentioning what had happened in the kitchen. In the next couple days, you helped them find the perfect driving route and entertained them as best as you could as they updated you on they're little road trip to you. Eventually, near the end of the weekend, your friend arrived at your front door. You greeted them with a big hug. You really missed them. You haven't seen them in months.
"Hey!" You smiled happily, pulling them into a big hug. "What's uuuuuuppp?"
"Heeeyyyyy!" Your friend chuckled, pulling back after a moment. "It's been too long, girl!"
You heard Tom come around the corner to see who had arrived, seeing you and your friend greet each other. When your friend pulled back from you, they noticed Tom, kind of taking a moment.
"Oh God, hi." They chuckled, placing a hand on their chest.
"You promised not to freak out." You pointed at your friend, giving them a disapproving, but playful look. That got a little chuckle from Tom.
"I'm not freaking out." Your friend gave a slight nervous smile. "You cannot get mad at me for needing a moment. Do you see who's in your living room?"
"Yes. My boyfriend." You chuckled, looking back at Tom. "My scruffy little man."
"He is getting a little scruffy, actually." Your friend pointed out, pointing at him with a friendly smile.
"Ah. Thank you for noticing." Tom smiled, stroking the facial hair that had begun to grown around his mouth and along his jaw. His hair was even starting to grow and curl up at the back of his head. It looked really nice.
Tom walked up to meet your friend as they got their shoes off, holding his hand out.
"Hello, I'm Tom.." He greeted them, though they already knew his name.
"I'm (BF/N)!" They chirped, politely shaking Tom's hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Tom smiled. "A good friend of (Y/N)'s is a good friend of mine.."
Your friend couldn't help but smile brightly. They were probably a bigger fan of Tom than you were, before you became close with him. I mean, you didn't even recognize him when you first met.
"Let me show you your room!" You spoke to your friend, helping them with their bags as you led them to the guest room. Once you were both inside, your friend closed the door
"Girl, you get to wake up to that?" Your friend spoke in a soft tone, wanting to stay quiet.
You chuckled. "I know. He's so hot.." You agreed. "I still can't believe it sometimes.."
"Holy shit.." Your friend fanned themselves comedically, making you laugh. "Is he growing all that hair out? For real?"
"He said he wanted to change up his style. I really like it." You nodded, helping your friend go through their luggage so they could take out anything they needed later without having to go digging for it.
One of your friend's favourite hobbies is photography. In fact, Another reason why they came down was to find some nice sight seeing areas. Maybe she'd even take some pictures of you. Or, better yet, of Tom.
"I really wonder how long it'll all grow." You spoke, still talking about his hair.
"He kinda likes to change it up every now and then, eh?" Your friend smiles, getting up to help you with their photography equipment. You gave a soft nod. "He's been getting a lot of compliments whenever he joins my streams. He really likes the chat."
"I watched a video that were, like, stream highlights of you two. Y'all are cute."
"We really are.." You nodded with a big smile. "He's great. I honestly feel like he makes me feel things that I've never really expected to feel in my whole life..."
In more ways than one.
"Oooh, think you're falling for him?" Your friend asked with a playful little push. You gave a soft, bashful laugh.
While you knew they were being playful, hearing the question aloud actually gave you a strange feeling in your stomach.
You haven't thought about it much, but you've been with Tom for nearly 2 months now. You spend plenty of time together on and off set, you make mad amounts of love nearly every day and you feel genuinely cared for. He's treated you like royalty lately, and you've truly never felt or seen this level of devotion and passion in a relationship before. Not Ever. Not until now.
"I'm..." You paused for a minute, giving a soft smile. "We haven't really gotten there yet, but...I really care about him."
Your friend returned the smile. "Well, y'all are cute. That's all that matters right now." Your friend replied, focusing all of the attention on their luggage for a little longer.
"Yo, (Y/N)?" Your friend suddenly spoke up again after a couple minutes.
"Yeah?" You looked at them, raising a brow.
"What the hell is 'Leg Day'?" They asked, looking rather confused.
Your cheeks immedietly got a little pink. You had remembered in the last live stream you did with Tom, he mentioned the infamous High-Rise 'Leg Day' inside joke you two had created in regards to the first love scene where Laing lifts Charlotte's legs up. He had referenced the joke while talking about how Zero Suit Samus fights in Smash Bros. Ultimate. He didn't explain it, though, keeping the inside joke as an inside joke.
"Umm.." You paused again. You really weren't sure how to explain it, or even if you should explain it. It was a bit...personal.
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obsessivestar · 6 years
Steamy Love (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 5: ~Let Them Find You~
Summary: You watch Crimson Peak with your best friend the night before the move, recieving a call before you get to bed.
Warnings: Light swearing, mention of smut from Crimson Peak, emotional talk.
Read it on my Wattpad: @/HiddlesStar
Word Count: 1'819
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr
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Once you got back home, you spent the last 6 days streaming a bit more, making sure to pack up everything you needed bit by bit every day, packing the streaming equipment last of course. On the night before your flight, you invited your best friend over to watch Crimson Peak together, now that you finally have the time. Your friend had informed you that there apparently was a love scene between Tom and the actress from the live action Alice movies. Oh God. Was it graphic? You didn't ask. You wanted to see it for yourself.
Well-- Okay--
You didn't--
It's not that you WANTED to see it.
It's--It's a scene in the film--
J-Just watch the film.
As the movie went on, you talked with your friend every now again when it seemed like nothing too interesting was happening.
"So, you're all gonna be living in the same neighborhood?" Your friend asked you. "Yeah. It's all being rented out for a set." You replied. "It makes it easier to make it all look realistic. Like, it makes the set appear more natural, or so I'm guessing.." "You're gonna be neighbors with Tom Hiddleston. I swear to God.." Your friend ran their fingers through their hair. They were happy for you. "I know, I still haven't even processed it.." You gave a soft chuckle. "I have to be his love interest, oh my God..."
"You think there's gonna be a kissing scene?" Your friend asked. "Obviously. It's a romantic film." You replied. "I'm pretty sure there's gonna be more than one.." "Oh my God!" Your friend giggled. "You're gonna fuckin' kiss Tom Hiddleston!" "It's purely professional!" You stated, trying to hold back the urge to smile. "It's just acting.." "Your lips get to be on his! That's insane!"
"It's acting!"
"It's a kiss!"
You both started laughing a bit. You didn't want to admit how excited you were for the movie, for more reasons than one. You wanted to act professional about it, but your friend did have a point. While it was acting, it wasn't going to be a stunt double or anything. You'd really have to kiss Tom eventually. What if they make you do multiple takes? Sometimes simple scenes could be taken up to 10 times. Will you get to kiss him 10 times?
Shortly after that conversation was over, you continued to watch the movie with your best friend. Eventually, the love scene showed up. While your friend was a bit of a smiling and giggling mess, you watched with an interested expression. It wasn't lewd or sleazy. It was actually a pretty beautiful scene, especially knowing the context behind the scene. You had to cover your eyes slightly when his...'English Countryside' was shown, your friend just giggling even more.
"Oh my God!" They laughed. "That's actually his ass!" "Stoooppp.." You playfully spoke with a shy smile. "(Y/N), Look! He's got a pretty soft ass.." "Stooooooppppp!.." You giggled, finally able to look at the screen again after a moment, but the scene wasn't over.
"He kinda looks into it, eh?" Your friend smirked at you after calming down. "(BF/N), he's acting.." You gave a shy smile. "He looks into it because he's acting." Your friend clarified, making you give a bit of a shrug. "...Okay, he does look a little bit into it, actually.." You giggled slightly. He's a good actor.
Whenever a ghost or anything creepy would pop up, your friend would curl up and get all nervous, but it didn't bother you as much as you thought it would. The effects were pretty good, but it wasn't really scary. More so interesting.
By the end of the film, you were actually in tears. You didn't expect to get as emotional as you did. Once the film was done, your friend patted your back as you wiped your eyes.
"I didn't expect to cry.." You gave a little chuckle as you sniffled.
"Hit you hard, eh?" Your friend chuckled a bit.
"Yeah, I guess..." You chuckled back, blinking a bit to calm down. You definitely made a mental note to praise Tom's role in the film and the film itself. It was brilliant.
Your friend collected up atheir things once you turned off the TV, following them to the front door.
"Guess I won't be seein' you for a while, eh?" They asked you.
"I'm sure I can fly you down to visit the set eventually.." You smiled. You two would be apart for the first month or so. You'd miss hanging out, but you were still very excited to start your career.
You shared a warm hug before they gave a final little wave, closing the door as they left. You locked it and turned off the outside light, moving into your room to get ready for bed. You brushed your teeth and got into your pajamas, but before you'd get to lay down, your phone went off. You were getting a phone call.
You picked up your phone to check the Caller I.D.
It was Tom.
You immediately answered the call, of course.
"Hi.." You spoke in a soft tone, hearing a slight sigh from the other end before hearing his voice.
"Hi.." He spoke, his voice slightly raspy. Did he sound tired or sad? You weren't sure which.
"H-How are you?" You asked, quietly sitting down at the side of your bed. Another sigh left him.
"N-Not too good, if I'm being honest.." He admitted. "Been a bit of a rough night for me...wanted to talk to someone.."
Awe. You felt a little sad hearing that he wasn't in a good mood. He's always seemed like such a chipper man, as if their wasn't a single thing on this earth that could bring his positivity down.
"Who else have you called? Any family?" You asked curiously. You didn't mean to sound rude asking that. You were just curious.
"No, I called you first, actually.." Tom admitted. That immediately made you blush.
"M-Me?" You blinked, sitting up more.
"Yes, you.." He replied with a slight chuckle. You could practically hear his little smile grow. "I don't know, I just....wanted to hear your voice, I suppose.."
You felt your heart want to jump out of your chest. You had just listened to this man's voice in a movie, and now you're having a personal conversation with him. He's even using that natural charm of his. Maybe he doesn't even realize he's doing that. Either way, he's such a sweetheart.
"I hope that's alright." He spoke again.
"Y-Yeah! That's alright, I'm here.." You admitted with a little smile. He called you first? You almost didn't believe him, but it still warmed your heart.
"What's got you down?" You asked curiously, laying down somewhat with your upper torso still sitting up by leaning back against your pillows.
"I wouldn't say I'm down or sad.." Tom spoke. "More so...tired. Exhausted, even.."
"Exhausted?" You repeated.
"Mhmm.." He hummed. "It's a bit complicated to understand.."
"Try me.." You gave a slight confident smirk, even though he couldn't see it.
You got a little tired chuckle from him. His voice could sound pretty sexy sometimes.
"Ah, well...its just hard moving away from home over and over sometimes.." He admitted. "I had been on a couple dinner dates with a nice girl, but when I told her I'd have to be in America for the film, she didn't want to keep in touch.."
You gave a slight frown. You had heard Tom's public dating life was a bit of a mess, though you didn't believe it was his fault. The media tried to paint Tom as the bad guy, all because he's a man, but you could tell he wasn't like that.
"That's...shitty." You replied, earning another little chuckle from him.
"Yes. Very shitty, though I don't blame her.." He admitted. "Some people cannot handle being away from their partner for long periods of time.."
"Were you two actually together?" You asked.
"We weren't a couple, but I was nearly ready to ask her to go steady.." Tom admitted. That's how it's easy to tell that he's a sweetie. Go steady? That's an old fashioned term.
You loved it, of course. He's such a romantic. It's beautiful.
"You'll find a good girl for you someday, I'm sure." You spoke in an optimistic voice.
"I'm not sure the issue for me is finding a woman. It's keeping her close that I seem to struggle with.." Tom admitted with a slight sad sigh.
"Hey. Every man gets his leading lady.." You reassured with a warm smile.
"I know, I'm just...getting tired of searching, I guess." Tom admitted. "It's exhausting.."
"Then stop searching." You replied with a little shrug. "Maybe you don't need to be the one searching. Let the woman find you this time.."
You had hoped that was good advice. His silence became worrying, making you frown a little.
"...That makes a lot of sense, actually.." He admitted, his voice sounding softer. "Perhaps I'll take up that advice. Thank you.."
You could already hear that he was feeling a little better. That made you happy.
"Anytime." You spoke.
"You ready for tomorrow?"
"Oh definitely! The little neighborhood we get to live in is so quaint and small. I think it's perfect for the film." Tom approved.
"I agree!" You chirped. "You think we're gonna be neighbors?"
"We might." He replied in a positive tone. "I'm very excited to be working with you more."
"The feeling is definitely mutual.." You smiled to yourself. "I'll make sure to bring my best romantic side for the film.."
You got another chuckle from Tom. "Your best romantic side? Do you have multiple romantic sides?" Tom asked curiously. "Yep!" You chirped with a big smile.
"Ahh...perhaps I'd like to see every one of those sides one day.." He gave a little purr. You weren't sure what that meant, but you liked the sound of it. "Sounds pretty good to me.." You gave a slight chuckle, laying back more in bed.
"We've both got to get up rather early, so I guess I should goto sleep.." Tom spoke. You yourself hadn't realised how late it already was. You're not even gonna get 8 hours of sleep at this rate.
"But thank you for talking to me. I really will use that advice. You've really made me feel better."
"You're welcome.." You replied, giving a warmer smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Indeed you will.." Tom spoke in a happy, yet tired tone.
"Goodnight, (Y/N).."
"Goodnight, Tom.."
You both hung up.
You plugged in your phone and turned off all of the lights, looking at all of the suitcases you had waiting for you.
Tomorrow, your new life begins.
For now, get some rest. Tomorrow, you're Tom Hiddleston's leading lady.
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