#but who! who can resist the urge to climb to the top of something
landwriter · 2 months
me, wondering why my legs are still sore two days after a three hour hike
my camera roll:
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me: mmmm guess we’ll never know
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
Father mine. Miguel O’Hara x teen!Spider!reader
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Hope you like this :D it’s sad asf.
Warnings: mommy issues backstory, feelings of inadequacy, wanting to feel pain. Angst.
Miguel’s body shields over yours as Miles breaks through the force field and causes everyone to fly backwards. Your leg bends in an unnatural way and you resist the urge to cry out.
He holds you to him and does a once over of your form. You nod at him, not wanting to worry him and he looks to Miles.
You can see the exact moment where the rope finally breaks and he chases after the boy.
Your cries fall on deaf ears as you run behind him. Your legs screams with ever step and you’re forced to stop and look helplessly as he calls every spider and alerts them.
Soon enough there’s a hole broken in one of the windows as Miles jumps and Miguel follows. Every other spider jumping after the both of them like blind followers.
You join them, because you would follow Miguel to the death.
You try to focus all the power into your arms and your good leg but it’s fucking hard because you’re climbing the spaceship that Miles has somehow traversed.
In front of you, is every other spider that is a part of the society, and each of them is almost climbing on top of the others like mindless zombies that crave flesh.
Your spider sense tingles and you duck just in time for Miguel to fall past you and hang on to the spaceship with his claws.
You Web him and he looks at you gratefully.
“Gracias, Mija.” He grunts, his eyes glowing red.
You don’t answer. His hair is disheveled and he looks he’s been electrocuted or some shit, his fangs are bared and he snarles as he looks above you, “let me go now, and go back to the fucking tower.”
You scowl, “why should I?”
He tears through the webs, “because I said so, I’m already pissed off at two teenagers, don’t make me even worse.” He seethes and your lips form a thin line under your mask.
Suddenly, you’re eight years old trying to convince your mother to talk to you when she’s giving you the silent treatment and you have to gulp to try to keep your whimper of pain inside. You’re not a burden, you think, as he shakes his head and jumps past you.
something in you screams to go back, to listen to him. For once to listen to him, not just because you’re afraid he won’t love you anymore if you don’t but, call it spider sense pro, it helps predict the future so you listen to it.
You reluctantly jump out of the force field and swing. You can see the hole in the broken window and the jagged edges that form it. They resemble your heart and you clench your jaw and zoom through, tucking your legs inwards and crouching into a roll to minimise impact. The pain is still there when you hit the ground, but you wish it was harder.
You deserve to hurt right now. You deserve the pain in your leg and the pain in your heart because you’re not a good kid.
A groan leaves your lips as your spider sense tells you to go to where the go home machine is.
You run to the area and see spider byte and lyla walking around in a panicked frenzy.
“What the hell is going on?” You say out loud and they turn to look at you.
“Your dad is being a horrible person.” Spider-Byte scowls.
You look at Lyla and she doesn’t meet your eyes, only turning back to look at the monitors.
You squint and look at the go-home machine.
Miles. Invisible Miles.
You know why Miguel is mad, you know the risk that Miles brings, because you’ve seen first hand how a universe is destroyed. Your own was.
But Miles is a kid. He’s like you, wanting to save his dad. Just like you’re trying to help yours.
You can feel his panic and his anger and his hurt.
He turns visible at the last second and you meet his eyes as everyone storms in. Your own dad leading the party as the go-home machine starts to operate.
And then you look at the man who is your father. The man who has fed you and bandaged you and smiled at your jokes. The man who has been there with you through so much.
You watch as he shouts and tries to break the barrier. You see Peter’s horror. You watch as he pries open the field just the slightest. You see him try and kill a kid. A kid like you.
And your eyes fill with tears because this man is a monster.
By some dumb luck, Miles is able to escape and Miguel stands defeated. The go-home machine Scans him and he breaks it like it’s nothing. You flinch.
You watch as he turns and walks amidst everyone like nothing has happened. You watch as he dishes out orders as if he hasn’t just tried to take the life of a child. You watch him threaten Gwen, and you watch as he sends her to her universe. Ignoring her cries because to him, she’s an inconvenience.
Is that what you are? Now that you’re not on his side anymore?
He opens a portal and Jessica and another Peter you don’t give a shit about walk through. His eyes meet yours as his mask materialises over his face. You know he expects you to follow him, even if he tells you to stay. So he doesn’t bother and walks in.
You don’t follow.
Because this man, this cold, unflinching monster of a man is not your father.
Part 2 here
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Demonic/Monstrous Headcanons
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This is a basic headcanon for my Demonic/Monstrous!AU
Summary: There are three stages of demon forms after the "Suppress" form (Aka the normal and more human looking demon form) which gets more feral and unhinge further to the forms.
Mid form: Which develop some traits of their Tame form. The Most Human looking with their sclera are black and their arms and legs change into Talon, scales, and insectoid/arachnid like hands and feet.
Tamed form: This form is more on the line of feral without sinister and animalistic instinct. Just think feral form by standing upright bipedally and be able to talk normally.
Feral form: No human traits whatsoever. All are on all fours (or more), have an instinct to corrupt or devour humans and other demons. Higher demons tend to see each other as threats and will attack and try to kill one other with or without familial ties.
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In general: 
At the beginning: Feral >  Mid > Suppress form With the Tamed forms is a product of Demons learning to control their demon urges while in their Feral forms, fall angels will develop self-hatred, self deprecating, and other negative thoughts and idea to themselves or beings they consider important to them.
While pure demons have to develop or learn empathy which is a difficult task unto itself.
Suppress forms has become the default for most of the demons, but in rare occasions or in extreme situations Demon can revert back to any of the two forms (Mid or Tamed) with Feral forms as the last resort or if the demon can’t suppress their demon urges anymore. 
Which is why in order to avoid transforming back to feral forms, either demons consume a supressvies flower known as blue lotus petals. Or shift to their tamed form once in a while. 
If demons stop consuming the petals, and suppress their other form for too long. The transformation back to the other forms is going to be painful, with some changes can last longer depending on if the demon is resisting the change. The last one is necessary to maintain some sense of control, otherwise if the demon fails to do so, they are forced into a slow transformation to their feral form, with no control of their urges.
There are exceptions, demons who are insectoid/arachnid (Asmodeus and Beelzebub) and Amphibian (Barbatos) go through a metamorphosis transformation where they enter a Pupa/Chrysalis stage.
There is a hierarchy like Lesser demons fear higher/stronger demons, with the brothers, the royals, and some noble demons are at the top of the food chain and their real threat is each other. However, lesser demons can climb the ranks, and it changes their forms as a result.
Higher/Stronger demons have certain power, magic, and ability unique depending on subspecies class.
Yes, once reverting or being able to change back to either of the three forms with the negative drawbacks demons will go to Rut/Heat. Which happens once a year, Males will be territorial towards other male demons who aren’t their mates. Even be aggressive towards demons that they consider as Familial.
In all three forms their sense of smell is heightened and they will develop a specific scent of their own that demons, angels and even humans can smell. To humans they can smell something that will associate with death or just reminds them of death. It varies from person to person.
However demons (Like Asmodeus) can mimic other demons' scents. Most of the time it's been used to protect themselves for lower demons who are in a group or pack. The demon will change their scent into that of a demon who is high rank to fool the lower demons. 
Other specific demons that are Reptilian or Amphibian (like Leviathan, Diavolo and Barbatos) can regrow lost limbs. However how fast the regeneration depends on which form they are in, with the feral form, the regeneration is quicker.
Avian demons (Like Lucifer and Mammon) have the ability to mimic and create sounds. They usually use this to trick humans into a trap. But either making eerie sounds around the human to push them towards a certain direction or mimic a voice that the human knows.
Feral demons can see human souls, and can tell if the human is weak willed or can easily be corrupted. But this is reserved when a demon is high rank. More specifically the seven avatars and the royal line.
They can also slowly devour the human soul without the human knowing it. They just have to keep close to their prey so they can, they have to have some sort of close contact, like skin to skin contact or through mouth to mouth.
Now when a demon has a mate, they will make sure that other demons know that this is their mate. With marking (Biting, Scratches and Blood mark: Blood marks is when a demon and said mate exchange blood like a blood oath) or scenting. The higher the demon's rank is, the stronger scent they have to put on their mate.
But what if the demon’s mate is a human? The human must be careful with their demon mate. Like they said before, humans are fragile and with the demon bringing in any of the three forms, there will be a chance that the demon will lose control and hurt the human. Even with strong protection magic, there will be a chance of bruises or a broken bone. But the human’s voice can serve as an anchor of sorts, to ground the demon back in control. What works are names that are specific to that demon (aka pet names).
Throughout the decades, demons will perform a certain mating ritual known as The Hunt, where the demon will hunt their mates for fun. Usually they do this in the woods, but in recent years demons who have control over they’re different forms will perform a hunt in high populated areas like a city which is a longer game of cat and mouse. And when the demon catch their mate, the ritual will end with an act of sexual intercourse. If the mate is a human, make sure said human is sure of this last act, because the ritual is complete the demon will be even more possessive than before. 
Warning: Some demons will have (Double, and Knots) and expect them to be… big.
Note: I wanted to add specific info for each of the demons, but I drew a blank with some of them. I might do another headcanon with specific headcanons for each characters another time. I'm open with suggestion from my fellow Monster fucker Lover :D
For those who are new to content and want more demonic/monstrous. I already made long fics on Lucifer and Mammon (🦚The Pain of Love and 🦅You’re my Treasure) with Levi's still ongoing (🐍 The Sea for Two)
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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luveline · 2 years
can i request reader who has trouble sleeping accidentally falling asleep on james or sirius in front of everyone? <3
yes u can tysm!!! I went with sirius!! ♡ fem!reader
You've had trouble sleeping since forever, but this seems to be new information for Sirius. 
"Why'd you look so sad?" he asks softly. 
You squint up at him, puzzled. He's pulled his hair back into a low ponytail that suits him more than you can describe – something about the unfettered view of his lovely cheekbones, maybe. He's a pair of small golden hoops in his lobes that glow against his tanned skin. They catch your eyes, the shine soft and distractingly pretty. 
"Hey, are you with me?" he asks. 
His dark eyes crease even deeper with concern. 
"No, I'm okay. Sorry, I swear I'm not looking through you. Just tired." 
"Yeah? Didn't sleep well?"
A fallen hair curls at the neck of his jacket. You pluck it up and roll it off of your thumb. Your eyes burn when you look at the ground, the uni hall floors always blindingly clean. "Yeah." 
He tilts his head. You have the prickly feeling of being assessed then and have to resist the urge to squirm on the spot. 
"You didn't wanna take the day off?" he asks. You might make a joke about his trying to get you to go home; a 'tell me how you really feel' begs to be said, but you won't mess around, not when he looks so sweetly concerned. 
"I'm okay." 
Sirius is a good friend. Unexpected in that you'd never imagined he'd speak to you, or that the friendship might last so long, and decidedly good. He pulls a familiar canvas rucksack off of his shoulder and digs around in the back. He offers you a little bottle of caffeine chewables and a cereal bar, the sticky, tough kind with more sugar than nutrition. You accept the cereal but ignore the pills. 
"Caffeine puts me in a cycle," you tell him. 
"Do you have a drink?" he asks.
You've hardly said not yet when he passes you his metal flask. 
"Meet me after lecture and we'll go up to the Slug for dinner?" he asks, knowing you'll say yes. 
You nod predictably. "Who's coming?" 
"Everyone. Maybe." 
You meet him after your lecture and head up to the Slug, a big, rundown pub with high ceilings and paisley carpets rumoured to have once been burgundy. He guides you with an amicable hand pressed lightly to the top of your shoulder, down a handful of steps into the 'pit', a mess of booths and lacquered wooden chairs. The smell of cider is sickly sweet, masked only by the stuffiness of decade old smoke. 
Your friends sit in the nook. 
"Hi," you say, barely stopping to glance at Remus as you climb over a chair to sit beside him. 
Sirius follows, to Marlene's abject delight. She quickly has him helping her with coursework. A mess of loose leaf grid paper covers her entire table. The girls sitting with her – Lily, Dorcas, and Mary – have started to rest their drinks on her precious workings, to her chagrin. 
"Respect the graphs!" she says. 
You huff and deflate in your chair. 
"You've Marl's coursework stuck to your foot," Remus says, pushing his bowl of chips toward you. 
You steal one gratefully and lift your foot. "Oh." 
Sirius nabs it for you. He takes a second to look you over, gaze clearly snagging on your puffy eyes before it recentres.
"Don't mind if I have this, do you?" he asks. 
You moan. You hope it says what you want it to. Yes, you can, but it is a big inconvenience to me and you definitely owe me. 
Sirius wrinkles his nose at you with a laugh and turns back to Marlene.
Remus has the brilliant talent of knowing when someone needs peace and quiet. He leaves you to your own devices and turns back to his book. You watch him turn the pages for a while, your eyes growing heavier and heavier, as does your body. You feel your limbs as if they're piped with lead.
Sirius finally turns to you again. You're excited for his attention and try to liven up unsuccessfully, face turned into the rough material of the booths seat. He frowns at your and slides his arm between your cheek and the seat, hand clapping your back amicably.
"You alright?" he asks.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Did you..." You yawn. "What are you gonna have?"
"I was thinking about fish and chips, honestly. What do you want? I'll get yours at the same time."
"Um, maybe," — his eyes are sweet and soft and so, so dark, staring down at you with endless patience — "maybe I'll have fish and chips as well."
"Copycat." He grins.
"Sirius, what the fuck is this?" Marlene demands, sounding petrified.
He turns from you quick. His arm around your shoulder pulls you with him, your face falling into the space just below his collar. Your nose presses to his jacket and you catch his scent there, a warm musk. Vanilla for certain, a sweetness hiding just underneath. Your hands fall useless in your lap as you let yourself sink into him, stealing all his warmth and comfort.
His hand moves of its own accord up and down your back. It's a nice feeling. It's a really nice feeling. Your eyes slip closed, and you tell yourself you'll open them when he turns to speak with you again.
Sirius finishes his explanation though whether he truly grasps the material is beyond him. He pats your shoulder, the start of an apology on his lips when he notices your stillness.
Your face tucked and slipping down the line of his chest, you've fallen asleep. He pulls the zipper of his jacket away from your cheek as carefully as he can and feels something near his heart surge. Relief, he thinks, to see you sleeping when you'd looked heartbreakingly exhausted before. And fondness, because you're pretty when you're snoozing, lips a little smushed together in a pout and face smooth of any wrinkles.
Sirius meets eyes with Remus and smiles sheepishly at the smugness on his friends face.
"Poor girl," he says under his breath, stroking down your arm with the side of his hand.
He settles in, content to be a human pillow.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Part Four of Not-So-Secret Secret Admirer!!!! Part One. Part Three. AO3 Link.
Eddie stares at the note and resists the urge to crumple it up. It’s been three days since he’s gotten it and somehow it remains as the only thing on his mind. Every time he reads it, it makes his heart race even though there really isn’t much to it. But just seeing Steve’s signed name makes him feel... giddy. 
He’s struggling to find a way to distance himself from the elusive E.R. while trying to keep the identity similar to himself so he doesn’t screw up on a fact check in the future. So, he needs to come up with something vague that doesn’t give himself away. Easy. 
It is not easy. Things that make Eddie smile are his sweetheart, metal music, DnD, and Steve... plus all his other friends. Maybe he could mention his sweetheart. E.R. could play the guitar, right? I mean, he is E.R. so of course they do. Gosh, this stuff makes his head swim. 
He looks at the note again. Something that makes him smile... does he give him something as a gift? A guitar pick? Eddie fiddles with his necklace and looks down. Definitely not a guitar pick – too obvious. 
He needs to clear his head or something. He shrugs on his leather jacket and leaves his uncle a note saying he’ll be back in a bit. Hopefully he’ll get back when he’s still napping so he won’t try to pry about why he left. Yeah, Eddie definitely needs some air. 
He grabs his car keys on the way out and quickly is driving off. He doesn’t know where he’s going until he finds himself turning into a somewhat hidden backroad and knows exactly where he’s automatically driving to. A few minutes later he’s climbing out of his van and walking towards the top of a grassy hill to sit down and look out at the hills of trees. 
He takes a deep breath and smiles. He forgets how nice it is to sit up here and hear how quiet it can get. Somehow the silence isn’t overbearing and tense – it's soothing. For once, Eddie feels like his head isn’t absolutely racing with thoughts. It would be nice to have someone up here with him though. 
Something that makes him smile... 
Eddie laughs softly then again loud enough to startle a bird out of the tree near him. He knows exactly what he��s going to do. 
On his way to the Family Video, Eddie picks up the rest of The Party who insisted he needed to drive them so they could pick up a tape for their movie night. But then El and Max are giggling and whispering about something that makes Eddie a bit suspicious. 
“Hey, Red, what’s going on?” 
He looks in the rearview mirror only to find Max staring back with a smirk. That’s a terrifying sight. “We’re wondering what you got for Steve.” 
“I told you that that’s a secret!” Dustin shrieks out. 
“A secret to keep from Steve,” El argues back. She definitely has been spending time with Max who high fives her. “So, what did you get him?” El asks with a big grin. 
Eddie sighs. “I didn’t get him anything this time.” 
It’s as if he told everyone in the car that he’s going to try to open another gate to the upside down by the way they’re all yelling at him. “Jesus H. Christ!” Eddie yells. “I’m taking him somewhere that his secret admirer – that apparently everyone knows about – wants to take him.” 
“So, where you want to take him,” Max presses, and Eddie catches Lucas covering a laugh behind his hand when they get to a red light. 
Eddie fixes him with a look and says, “Do you want to be the one who breaks it to Steve that his secret admirer doesn’t exist?” He cringes and turns to find the light has turned green. He takes off as a silence settles over the car. “Let’s just... let this little admirer thing die off once he actually meets some girl.” 
“What if he starts turning down girls because he’s hoping this thing works out?” Will cuts into the conversation with some logic that Eddie was not prepared to think about. 
“Then I’ll develop a person that Steve would never fall for.” So, he will make E.R. entirely like himself. He pulls into the parking lot and gets out of the van before any of them can argue with him. 
Luckily, the teens dedicate their time to finding a movie instead of harassing Eddie about Steve. He takes the break to slip Steve a note from E.R. which Eddie tries not to cringe at as he rereads it upside down. 
I’m glad to hear that I make you smile because it’s my favorite smile in any world. One thing about me is that my brain never stops running, but there’s a place I go to that makes it all stop – and it makes me smile. 
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, 
Eddie’s eyes widen as they get to the signature. How did he forget to finish it? He read it over at least a hundred times, but somehow, he didn’t catch it? He looks up at Steve and tries to smooth out his features but finds himself smiling as Steve gestures excitedly to the letter, the silver of the ring Eddie gave him glinting in the light. Eddie’s heart flutters as he realizes he kept it. 
“E! I can now eliminate anyone with a double first name like ‘Emma Rose’ or ‘Evan Ray,’” Steve says excitedly. And Eddie’s heart stutters. 
Evan Ray... Steve is no longer eliminating guys from his mind. 
“You okay?” 
Eddie blinks a few times and runs a hand over his face. “Yeah, man. Just... zoned out for a second there.” Steve nods with a soft smile and looks back at the note. Eddie tries not to sigh in relief. 
“So,” Steve says awkwardly, running a hand through his hair, “Not to sound greedy or anything, but no gift today?” 
Eddie nearly facepalms. He needs to get a grip. Instead, he smiles and asks, “Are you doing anything after your shift?” 
Steve shakes his head. 
“Prepare, Harrington,” Eddie says with a wink then glances over to the kids who are all staring at him. “Jesus,” Eddie mutters. 
Before he can tell them to stop staring, Steve says, “Are you guys getting a tape or just standing around to stare at Eddie.” 
“You’re the only one who’s staring,” Max says with a smirk then rushes off with a giggling El to the romance section which has all the boys groaning. 
Eddie turns back to Steve and finds him to be a little red. “Careful, you’ll make this E person jealous.” 
“Maybe they should be,” Steve says looking a bit too serious for Eddie’s heart to handle. 
“Got one!” Dustin yells as he breaks the moment and slams a tape down that causes Steve to go into a lecture about the way he treats the tapes in the shop. 
By the end of the rant, the other kids are already dragging Eddie out the door to give them a ride to the Seven Eleven for snacks. Eddie glances over his shoulder and gives Steve a parting help me look. Steve just winks in response which makes Eddie trip over his feet earning him a knowing look from Max. He sighs and prepares himself for the rest of this car ride.  
Eddie stares at himself in the rearview as he waits for Steve to end his shift. It’s not a date. It’s not a date. It really isn’t. He’s just taking Steve to his favorite spot – no, E.R.’s favorite spot. Maybe he didn’t think this through. He probably has enough time to get a random gift from the gas station or something. 
There’s a knock on the window. Too late. 
Eddie reaches over and opens the door for Steve and does his best to act natural. “Hey, man, how’s it hanging?” 
Steve turns and gives him a look. Okay, maybe Eddie doesn’t know how to act natural. “Fine?” Steve replies as he tugs his seatbelt on. “Where are we going?” 
Right. “Somewhere incredible,” Eddie says with a wide smile then rapidly corrects himself. “Somewhere that your secret admirer showed me.” Which he needs to go to now if he wants to make it in time. He drives off and cranks up his music to calm his nerves and not give Steve a chance to ask him about E. 
Gosh, this is such a bad idea. 
Eventually, Steve is relaxing into the music and even nodding his head in what Eddie would call a minuscule headbang, but he tries really hard not to think about how attractive he finds it. Soon enough, they’re pulling into Eddie’s favorite spot. Eddie curses under his breath as the sun begins to blind him.  
Steve glances over at him and gives him an indecipherable look. Eddie’s eyebrows furrow. “What?” 
Steve shakes his head in response and climbs out. Eddie takes a deep breath and reaches behind him to grab two large blankets and pillows. It’s a bit of a struggle getting out of the van, but Steve appears in front of him to grab the pillows out of his hand. He glances at Eddie and gives him a questioning look. 
“Follow me,” Eddie says and makes the short trek up the hill and towards his favorite tree where he lays the first blanket out. Luckily it hasn’t rained recently so the ground was fairly dry. He sits down and pats the spot next to him. Steve sits close enough that their arms and legs are pressed together, and Eddie couldn’t shift closer if he wanted to. 
But then Steve is shifting forward and leaning away to push a pillow behind him which means their arms are no longer touching. It’s as if Steve can read Eddie’s thoughts because then he shoves a pillow at Eddie for him to use. As Eddie adjusts the pillow Steve comments, “It’s kind of chilly out.” 
And what else can Eddie do but drape the blanket over them and huddle closer to Steve – although he’s kind of sweating with how humid it is outside. Steve hums and leans against Eddie and stares out at the view. “I see what they mean about the view,” Steve says. 
“Peaceful,” Eddie replies. His heart is racing as the sun begins to set. He turns to Steve and stares at him instead. “Most beautiful view I’ve seen in a long time,” Eddie says without thinking. 
Steve turns to Eddie and his eyes widen as he registers what he means. “Yeah?” Steve asks with a big smile. 
“That- That’s what they told me to tell you,” Eddie stutters out. Smooth Eddie. Real smooth. 
Steve smile slightly falters but then he’s asking, “Can you tell me one thing about them?” 
Eddie swallows and looks away. Can he? Before he can answer, Steve continues, “Are they anything like you?” 
Eddie takes a deep breath and turns to Steve. “Just like me.” 
“I’ll definitely like them then.” 
Eddie stares at Steve who quickly looks away. What in the world does that mean? What the- 
“Hey, Eddie?” 
“Tell me something that makes you smile.” 
Eddie smiles and automatically replies, “You.” Jesus H. Christ what is wrong with him tonight? 
There’s a shift next to him and suddenly Steve’s hand is tracing down his arm under the blanket and latching onto his hand – the metal of their rings brush together. “Thank you,” Steve replies and leans his head against the crook of Eddie’s neck. 
Eddie squeezes his hand in response and tilts his head to rest it on top of Steve’s, not trusting himself to answer. He’s in so deep now, and he has no idea how to feel. He knows that Steve is just projecting his romantic feelings for E.R. onto him since they aren’t there, but he is E.R.. Is there a possibility that all this could be real? And if so, would Eddie want that knowing he deceived Steve in the first place. 
His heart races as him and Steve continue to watch the sunset in comfortable silence. But Eddie’s head continues to race in the one place it usually doesn’t, so much so that when the sun is finally down, Eddie is whispering. “Steve, I need to tell you. And I’m sorry that it took me so long, but... I’m E.R.. Eddie Robin to be exact. And at first, I thought nothing of it, but as time has gone on I think it’s made me realize I have these feelings for you. Really deep feelings, and I’m sorry that I had to deceive you in order to get here. But here I am. And I’m sorry. But I really do like you. So much, Steve. So much.” He holds him breath and waits for a response. 
But there is no answer. So Eddie leans his head back up and glances down to see what Steve’s thinking because there’s no hiding it on his face. But then he notices it. The steady rise and fall of his chest, the lax grip on his hand, the soft snores that are unbearably endearing.  
Steve hasn’t heard a single word. 
Eddie sighs and gives him a soft kiss on the forehead. It was probably for the best then. He waits a few moments before he slowly shakes Steve awake – not wanting him to think he had been watching him sleep. Steve groans and cracks an eye open at him then he smiles. “Five more minutes?” 
Eddie smiles softly and says, “How about we get you home?” 
Steve’s arms come up to wrap around Eddie’s torso and bury his head into his chest. “Wanna stay here forever.” 
Eddie’s heart thuds. He knows now that he can never tell Steve about this secret admirer stuff because he can’t stand the thought of losing this. Maybe with time he’ll forget about them, and maybe in time Eddie with have the guts to admit his feelings for Steve. For now, he wraps his arms around Steve and helps him up and back to his van.  
The drive back is quiet as Steve begins to doze off again. It isn’t late, but Eddie knows that getting Steve to fall asleep can sometimes be a miracle – he holds the world on his shoulder too often. 
Eddie helps a half-asleep Steve into his empty house and leaves a note on his bedside table telling him that it was Eddie who got him back safely, and he’s happy to fill in any gaps. He signs it and drives back to his own trailer. He has no idea what to do, but he knows he needs Robin’s help. For now, he needs to figure out how detrimental it is if E.R. doesn’t give Steve something after five days. 
Part five
Hello!! I swear I haven't forgotten about this. I've just been busy ahhhh. Sorry tag list for the delay:
@wrenisflying @gobbledy-gluk-gluk @swimmingbirdrunningrock @ghostlyjax @wheatnoodle @yet-still-more-banched @moonshadows-13 @princessstevemunson @adankrivervalleynearyou @manda-panda-monium @brassreign @bornonthesavage @unclewaynemunson @bird-with-pencils @themardlonk @fangirltofangod @csinnamon-fox @mightbeasleep @theysherobinbuckley
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elliesflower · 1 year
i saw you in a dream [4]
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chapter 3 here
summary; you finally take your anticipated final
chapter; 4/? 2.6k words
cw (per chapter); recreational marijuana usage, language
an; *peaks out from behind the curtain* hey lol
thank y'all so much for bearing with me, i know it's been over a month since the last chapter and i'm gonna try real hard not to let that happen again. just a genuine, sincere thank you to every single one of you who have reblogged or liked this story, given kudos on AO3, messaged me, sent anonymous asks, all of it. you all make my heart swell, thank you for supporting my works and loving this story. i love you all endlessly <3
okay enough sappy syd, on to the story! (as always, find it on AO3 here)
Okay. You have her number now. That was the easy part, and you didn’t even have to work for it. She just gave it to you. Which must mean she wants you to have it…right? There’s no other logical explanation as to why she’d email you if she didn't care. But now, the hard part was actually formulating a response—which you couldn’t do if you just stared at the screen. 
And, there was another facet—you actually had to attend your final before you could let Ellie know how it went. But, should you respond anyways, just to let her know you got the email? For fucks sake, its the twenty-first century, of course she knows you got her email. But maybe, you should just reply anyway, and let her know you were planning on texting her? Your finger hesitated over the touchpad of your computer, cursor tauntingly hovering over the reply button at the top of the screen.
God, maybe-kinda-sorta liking someone is annoying.
“Don’t you have a final to go to?” Dina suddenly raised her voice, snapping you out of your thoughts. You glanced up at the time on your computer and realized you were running a bit behind. 
“Shit,” you mumbled under your breath, quickly closing your laptop and rising from your seat. The music stopped abruptly as you turned around to face Dina, who was now watching videos on her phone. Even at the risk of being late, you had to tell her about the message. 
“Dee, you’ll never guess who just emailed me,” you said, words coming out rushed and giddy. She sat up quickly at your tone, leaning over the railing of her bunk to give you her full attention. 
“Oh my god--wait, let me guess,” she replied excitedly. “The Queen of Sheba?!”
You resisted the urge to step forward and flick her in the forehead, instead opting to give her the finger.
“Ellie fucking Williams,” you beamed, unable to contain yourself. Just the sound of her name rolling off your tongue filled you with joy, curling up like a ball in the pit of your stomach. It was literally already impossible to get her off your mind, and it sure doesn’t help that all you’ll be able to think about for the foreseeable future will be that email—when to text her, what to text her, if you should text her.
Dina’s mouth fell open as she gave you an amused look. 
“I knew it, I knew she’d be the first one to say something,” she said confidently, leaning back onto her elbow. “Come on, admit it. I was right.” 
You rolled your eyes, turning back to your desk to grab your wallet and keys to put in your backpack.
“What, you have absolutely no faith in me?” You feigned shock, and Dina shrugged at you. “I’m sure she just wanted me to let her know how my final goes for proof of her extra credit.” 
“Well, what exactly did she say?”
“She said to let her know how my final goes,” you said nonchalantly, turning back to face her. “And she also gave me her number and said I can text her if that’s easier.” The last part came out rushed, again. Dina’s hand flew over her mouth, muffling a scream. 
“For fucks sake, it’s a good thing you’re not a journalism major, always burying the lead!” She exclaimed, throwing her blanket off and climbing down the small ladder at the end of her bunk, landing on the floor with a soft thud. “That’s amazing! So what did you text her?”
“Nothing, yet,” you admitted, sitting back down at your desk to gather your sheet music for your final. You heard Dina plop into her own chair across the room. “She literally emailed me like five minutes ago.”
“Okay, so what?” Dina pressed. 
“So, I don’t wanna seem desperate!” You whined, spinning around to face her again. The sheet music creased between your fingers as you gripped it in your sweaty hands. 
“Dude, she made the first move, I’d hardly call you the desperate one,” she replied, and you had to let out a laugh. 
“Well I’d hardly call it ‘making a move,’” you scoffed, turning back to your desk to grab a pen. “She probably just wants me to confirm I did well on my lesson so she actually gets her extra credit.” In your haste to grab the pen, you knocked the sour pineapple pre-roll off your desk, and it flew across the room.
“Yeah, but email works just fine for confirmation. She didn’t have to give you her number,” she pointed out, bending forward to snatch the pre-roll off the ground. “And she definitely didn’t have to give you this expensive-looking pre-roll—” she popped open the cap and inhaled the deep, earthy scent. “—you don’t give perfectly good weed out to just anybody, you know?”
Your shoulders slumped in defeat, a smile still playing on your lips. In your mind, you knew Dina was most likely right. But your insecurities definitely got the best of you when it came to this sort of thing, not letting you fully believe Ellie may just be kind of into you too.
“Maybe you’re right,” you admitted reluctantly, standing up to pack away the papers into your guitar case. 
“So, what are you waiting for? Text her now!” Dina exclaimed, sliding the pre-roll out of the tube. 
“Okay, I take it back, you were wrong,” you held your hand out to her and beckoned, silently asking her to hand you the joint. “I’ll text her after I don’t completely fuck up my final.”
“You’re gonna do great,” Dina rolled her eyes playfully, pulling a lighter out of her back pocket. “And you’ll do even better if you share this pre-roll with me before you leave.” 
She left you no time to respond before she was lighting the tip and opening the window. 
Okay, maybe smoking half a joint before taking a really important final wasn’t the best idea. 
In theory, you feel like you had done okay. After practically running to make it to the music building on time, you still felt like a bundle of nerves despite the high—heart racing, palms sweating, brain fog—even weed couldn’t suppress the fact that you were an anxious test taker. 
It felt like everything Ellie had taught you was slowly fading away. Though, you found that if you just closed your eyes and pictured her sitting there, strumming her guitar with those perfect fingers and that goofy sideways grin and that quiet breathy singing you could…fuck, what were you doing again?
“So that’s it?” You asked when you were done, palm laying flat against the strings on your guitar. Your teacher sat in a small folding chair across from you, one leg crossed as he took notes in a small notebook. He briefly glanced at you from above his glasses before looking back down. 
“Yes. I’ll have your final score posted online by the end of day,” he said dismissively, continuing to write. As you stood, you tried to nonchalantly crane your neck to get a glimpse of what he was writing, but damn him and his tiny, scribbly handwriting.
“Okay, uh, thanks for that, and for a great semester,” you smiled weakly. Sure, they say flattery will get you nowhere, but it’s worth a shot, right? You received nothing but a tight-lipped smile in return, and he couldn’t be bothered to glance your way again. 
You packed away your things hastily and left without another word, wanting to get as far away from your professor and this goddamned class as possible. With a deep breath, you took your guitar off your shoulder, sliding down the wall at the end of the main hallway. You crossed your legs and pulled out your phone, opening your email and re-reading Ellie’s message over.
Did you tell her what time your final was at? Surely she’d think you’re obsessed if you took less than an entirety of five whole minutes to text her after it was over. But she actually needs to know how you did for her extra credit, so, you’d actually be doing her a favor by texting her as quickly as possible. You know, so she gets her extra credit…quicker. Or something like that. 
Dina, SOS
Obviously, you weren’t going to be able to craft a message to Ellie on your own. 
oh no, did you bomb your final?
i’ll never be able to find a roommate as cool as you if you fail out
Very funny.
First of all, fuck you. Second, what do I say to Ellie? Should I text her? Email her?
Dina will know what to say. 
text her, definitely
maybe something like “hey, just finished my final, wanna bang?”
then say “oops i meant hang”
Okay, never mind.
You have been absolutely no help at all.
You rolled your eyes at her response:
love you roomie &lt;3
Alright, so Dina helping you was out of the question. Looks like you’ll just have to formulate a response all on your own, of which the thought was looming over your head already. Closing your eyes, you leaned your head against the wall, sighing. 
“This is so stupid,” you mumbled quietly to yourself. 
“Final was that bad, huh?” 
You nearly broke your neck looking up to the sound of the familiar voice. 
“Ellie,” your voice broke pathetically with your surprise, and before you could even have another thought, she was sliding down the wall next to you. You could smell her, that same woody aroma melding into the ever-present trace of weed. Holy fuck, were you dreaming?
You looked to your left and had to stop yourself from consuming every part of her at once, in fear of losing all inhibition. You started with her face, those iridescent jade eyes that could even look pretty in the shitty fluorescent hallway lighting, halfway covered by heavy lids and long eyelashes; the freckles that littered constellations across her face, that fucking crooked smile. It had to be a dream. 
“What are you doing here?” You found yourself saying for lack of a better response. It didn’t seem to phase her though, as she smiled just a little bit higher on one side and slid her backpack into her lap. You watched her tattooed arm flex, her bracelets tinging together softly as she reached into the open zipper and pulled out a few papers. She was so close, you noted the way she practically felt like a furnace next to you, despite the chill outside.
“Just turning in my extra credit. Last minute as always,” she shook the papers in her hand for emphasis. Right—she was a Music minor. A completely valid reason to be in the music building at the same time as you, during finals week. She obviously didn’t come here just to see you, that would be ridiculous. “Don’t tell me my tutoring was that bad?”
“Oh, no, not at all!” You exclaimed, sitting up just a bit higher. “My final actually went pretty well, I was just texting my friend. She’s…thinking about getting back together with her ex.” Yikes. If Dina were here she may have slapped you for that one. 
“Yikes,” Ellie mirrored your thoughts, and maybe it was just the fact that she seemed a little high too, but she didn’t seem to notice your cover-up. “I know plenty about those toxic exes.” She smirked, putting the papers back into her bag before zipping it closed. Briefly, you wondered what exactly she knew about them—part of you wanted to ask her, but you definitely weren’t to that stage yet. For fucks sake, you were barely acquaintances at this point.
“Uh, did you need me to sign one of those papers for you or something? For proof of the tutoring or whatnot?” You pointed lamely at her backpack. It was like your brain and your body were fighting over what to do or say when you’re around her. 
“Nah,” she shook her head, fidgeting with one of her bracelets. “I have enough signatures. I’m just glad your final went well, and that I could help.” Ellie looked up at you now, that goofy grin slowly spreading back on her face. Your heart felt like it was about to jump out of your throat. 
“Oh, okay, yeah,” you smiled back, looking down at your phone in your hands. She was so close, you could almost feel the fabric of her hoodie against your arm, you wanted to feel the fabric of her hoodie against your arm, oh god— “Well, you were a great teacher. I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
Ellie leaned into you slightly, and you felt like you might light on fire. 
“I’m glad I could help,” she said softly, before sitting up just as quickly as she had leaned in. Swiftly, she grabbed her back and stood up. You watched her legs extend and her shirt ride up just slightly over the top of her jeans, revealing a small expanse of her skin. You had to look away, you had to, or she might see the stars in your eyes. 
“You leaving?” She asked, shrugging her backpack over one shoulder while extending her other arm. You looked up at her hand and it seemed like there was no other answer except yes. 
Her long fingers nearly enveloped your hand as she gripped, pulling you up with seemingly no effort. Her hands were almost exactly how you’d imagined them—warm, the skin on the back of her hand soft in comparison to the rough, calloused pads of her fingers. You yearned to feel them again, in your hand, on your face, anywhere. Whatever she would give you. 
Ellie dipped down quickly to grab your guitar case before you could protest, and it felt like when you were standing in her doorway, stomach doing backflips and full of nervous excitement. 
“I know I already said it, but I’m really glad that I was able to help you with your final. I’m sure you did great,” she said, and her confidence slipped, just a little. She passed your guitar between the two of you and you took it, careful to avoid the touch of her hand. “And I’m really glad I ran into you just now. It was good to see you.”
Yeah, this had to be a dream. Was that…a blush creeping up her neck? Oh no, stop looking at her neck. 
“Me too,” you said stupidly, but it earned you another grin nonetheless. “To both those things…you know, you helping me with my final, seeing you now…” You trailed off, running a hand through your hair nervously. 
“Hey, my roommate set up this…open mic thing as part of her final,” Ellie started, her casual tone of voice a contradiction to the nervous shuffling of her feet. “I’m gonna be performing a song and…I was wondering if you’d maybe wanna stop by. There’ll be other acts to watch too! Some cool poetry, other musicians, stuff like that. Oh, and free food, of course,” she began to ramble a bit, adjusting her backpack higher on her shoulder, scratching lightly at the back of her hand.
Oh. Oh. Holy shit. She was inviting you to something and playing it off like she wasn’t. 
“Yes, I-I’d love to!” You exclaimed, maybe just a bit over the top. You had to respond before she changed her mind or something. That earned you a smile though, and it was almost worth the embarrassment. 
“Cool, cool,” she replied. “It starts at seven on Friday, in the black box theater downstairs.” 
“I’ll be there, for sure,” you said, your knees feeling weak.
“Great. See you then,” Ellie gave you one last smile, and a small wave before turning and disappearing around the corner. 
You may or may not have pinched your arm just to make sure this was in fact, real life.
chapter 5 here
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Right in Front of You – Steve Harrington
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Season 4, Episode 7
Requested by faithiegirl01
I looked over my shoulder to see the kids watching us from the shore. I quickly turned around and wrapped my arms around myself, resisting the urge to dive into the water and swim back to shore. I could feel Steve's eyes on me as we rowed to the middle of the lake. He opened his mouth to say something to me but Nancy interrupted him.
"This is it," she sighed. "This is where Patrick died."
"Alright," Eddie said loudly as he clapped his hands. "Who wants to dive down and search for a gate? Probably not me because I've never seen one."
"That counts me out," Robin chuckled awkwardly. Nancy, Steve, and I looked at each other. My heart jumped into my throat when Steve sighed and started taking off his shoes.
"What are you doing?" I stuttered.
"Somebody's gotta go down and check this out," he sighed. "Unless one of you four can top being Hawking High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then it's gotta be me. No complaints, alright?"
"But. . ."
Steve reached over and grabbed my hand. He gave it a gentle squeeze as he smiled at me.
"I'll be fine," he whispered. I opened my mouth to point out that he was going underwater, but he added, "I promise."
I looked away, unable to watch as my best friend, the boy I was secretly in love with, got ready to dive into the lake. I wrapped my arms around myself, holding my breath when I heard a splash. I struggled to keep my breathing under control as I tried not to think about Steve swimming toward a gate and what could be down there waiting for him.
I jumped when he finally came back to the surface. He swam to the edge of the boat, pulling himself up a little so he could see us. He instantly found me. I moved to the side of the boat, gently putting my hands over his.
"Did you see anything?" Robin asked.
"Yeah," he said, catching his breath. He finally looked away from me and towards Robin as he added, "Dustin was right. There's another gate."
"Underwater?" Nancy asked. "Is that even possible?"
The others started talking about the possibilities and whether or not we should go down there.
"Are you okay?" I whispered.
"I'm fine," he said, squeezing my hand. "You should see it though, Y/N. The gate is pretty. . ."
"Steve?" I asked when he stopped talking. "What's wrong?"
"Something. . ."
"Steve!" I screamed when he was pulled under. I didn't hesitate. I didn't listen to my friends. I didn't even think about it. I dove in after him.
I didn't have time to focus on the fact that demobats were dragging him down. I didn't have time to focus on how scary the gate looked. I didn't have time to hesitate before swimming through the gate.
I gasped for air as I struggled to climb through the gate. I didn't have time to relax before I heard Steve gasping for breath. I turned around, my heart jumping into my throat when I saw the demobat's tail wrapped around his neck.
I grabbed the closest thing to me which was a rowboat ore. As I started to hit the bat that was choking Steve, others started attacking me. I let out a surprised scream as I started attacking the ones attacking me.
"Y/N," Steve gasped out.
"Hold on!" I yelled between swats.
I continued to fight off as many as I could as I started to hear the others coming through the gate. I'm not sure what really happened or who killed how many. All I knew was that it was over.
I froze when I turned around and finally got a good look at Steve's condition. There was a large chunk missing from his side and there was a lot of blood dripping down his torso. I tried to move but couldn't when he spit up blood. I was brought out of my trance when he fell to his knees.
"Steve!" I yelled. I ran over, collapsing next to him. My hands were shaking as I hovered over his wounds.
"Is it bad?" Steve asked, trying to sound light-hearted but it came out forced.
"I don't know," I said shakily. "It looks. . . I may be able to. . . I don't know, Steve. I don't know but. . ."
"Hey," he said gently. "I'm going to be okay."
"It looks bad."
"It's nothing," he tried to reassure me.
"We should get out of here," Eddie said. I instantly wrapped my arms around Steve's waist and helped him to his feet. We started running as fast as we could to the nearest section of woods.
It wasn't easy to carry Steve through the woods but I wasn't about to let him go. He needed my help. I would carry him all the way back to Hawkins if it meant saving him. Eventually, we got to Skull Rock.
"Steve!" I gasped when his legs gave out, causing both of us to fall to our knees. I leaned him against Skull Rock and gently reached up, moving some hair out of his face.
"I'm okay," he said through gritted teeth. He leaned his head back, struggling to catch his breath.
"We need to get his wound covered," Robin stuttered.
"Okay," I said shakily. I tried to breathe calmly, my hands shaking as they hovered over the wound. "I don't. . . I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Steve whispered. He grabbed my hand, weakly squeezing it.
I didn't move as Nancy start ripping the bottom of her shirt. She handed it to me and I started wrapping it around Steve's waist. I winced when he gasped in pain. I looked up and saw him struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Don't leave me, okay?" I gasped out. "Promise you won't leave me, Steve."
"Hey," he whispered, making me look away from his wounds, "I would never leave you, Y/N."
"Promise?" I asked, my voice shaking. He grabbed my hand, squeezing it as tightly as he could.
"I promise," Steve whispered.
"I hate to break this up," Eddie said, staring at the horizon, "but we should probably keep moving."
"Can you walk?" I asked, looking back at Steve's wounds.
"I think so," he said, not at all convincingly. He stood up but he got dizzy. I instantly wrapped my arm around him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"I got you," I whispered. Steve looked up at me with a teasing smirk.
"Don't you always?"
                                * * * * *
Steve's POV
The group took turns helping me walk. We were on our way to Nancy's in hopes of finding some of her guns there, but it was taking us longer than necessary. We had to stop multiple times so I could rest.
Y/N helped me the most. Eventually, I noticed that she was getting tired. I made eye contact with Eddie and then glanced at her. His eyes softened before he nodded.
"How about I take a turn with Harrington?" Eddie offered.
"It's fine," Y/N brushed him off.
"Y/N," I whispered.
"I got you," she cut me off.
"Let me take over," Eddie pushed. "You've carried this dipshit for a long time. You should probably rest."
Y/N hesitated. I could feel that she wasn't going to budge. Unless I convinced her.
"Y/N," I tried again. "Let Eddie help me for a while. I'll be fine."
"Are you sure?" She whispered.
"I've got him," Eddie reassured her. "Take a break, Y/L/N."
Y/N sighed as she finally gave in. She held onto me until she was sure that Eddie had me. She slowly let me go, making sure I wasn't going to fall. Eddie and I waited until Y/N started walking with Nancy and Robin.
"Hey," I whispered, "I just wanted to say thanks. For saving my ass back there."
"Shit," he laughed, "you saved your own ass. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there."
"You took a bite out of that bat," he clarified. "Ozzy Osbourne. Black Sabbath. You. . . He bit a bat's head off on stage. . . You know?"
"It doesn't matter," I brushed off.
"It's very metal, what you did, is all I'm saying," Eddie added.
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact."
"Wait," I paused, "Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah," he scoffed. "Shit. The kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kinda annoying, to be honest. I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but I guess I got a little jealous, Steve."
He glanced at me before clearing his throat and looking back toward the girls as he continued. "I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents. Popular. Chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all the universal. In my personal Munson Doctrine."
Eddie shook his head, slightly going back to the Eddie Munson that Dustin described. "Still super jealous, by the way."
"Okay," I laughed off. "Alright."
"Which is why I would've never jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any normal circumstances. Nope! Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week."
"Give yourself a break," I sighed. "None of this UpsideDown shit is easy to swallow."
"See?" He interrupted me by pointing at Y/N, Robin, and Nancy ahead of us. "If it wasn't for those ladies, right there, I'd still be on that boat." He looked back at me before adding, "One in particular."
"What do you. . ."
"Y/N," he clarified. "She didn't hesitate, not even long enough to breathe. The millisecond you got pulled under, she dove in after you. It may have taken the rest of us a few seconds to get our heads on straight, but not Y/N. She wasn't about to lose you."
"I can't help but be mad at her," I said, not looking away from Y/N.
"Like you said, she didn't think. She dove straight in," I sighed. "She followed me through the gate and was forced to fight off demobats. She could've been killed."
"You could've been killed," he shrugged.
"I know but. . ."
"Dude," Eddie laughed. "How can you not see it?"
"See what?"
"That girl," he said, dropping his voice to a whisper as he nodded toward Y/N, "is crazy about you, Harrington."
"What are you talking about?" I scoffed.
"Don't do that," Eddie sighed, rolling his eyes. "Don't pretend you don't see what's right in front of you. It's not noble or sweet or charismatic. It's just pathetic."
"What's right in front of me?" I mumbled.
Eddie stopped walking, holding me back too. He glanced at Y/N before turning toward me. He studied me before he finally figured it out.
"You really don't see it," he said under his breath. "Wow. I didn't realize you were this dense."
"Will you stop being such an ass and just tell me what bush you're beating around?"
"Y/N's in love with you, dumbass."
My first instinct was to brush it off. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the little things. My mind went back to the moment before I jumped into the lake. Then it changed to Y/N diving in after I got pulled back down.
After we fought them off, Y/N was immediately by my side. She was the first one to volunteer to help me walk through the woods. Her turn was longer than anyone else's.
"You think that she's. . . Is she really?"
"Of course," Eddie laughed. "You really didn't see it? The way you're the only one she goes to for help. The way she runs to you. The way she only asks you for advice. The way she only listens to you. The way she runs to you. It's obvious, Harrington. We all see it."
"That can't be true," I mumbled. "She never told me."
"Duh," he scoffed. I looked up at him, not bothering to hide my scold. He sighed, rolling his eyes as he started walking us down the path again. "You can't really blame her. You two have been friends since you were little, right?"
"I can't believe she stood by you in your douchebag stage," he laughed, "but that's beside the point. The point is that you can't blame her for being hesitant to tell you how she feels. What if you didn't feel the same?"
"You guys alright?"
We both let out surprised yelps at Y/N's sudden voice. She looked at us like we had three heads.
"You okay?" She asked slowly.
"Of course!" Eddie said, trying a little too hard to sound natural.
"Um, okay," Y/N said slowly. "Here, Eddie. We're getting close. Why don't you catch up to Robin and Nancy and I'll help Steve the rest of the way?"
Eddie glanced at me before back at Y/N. "He's all yours, Y/L/N."
I ignored his knowing look as Y/N grabbed me. She wrapped her arm tightly around my waist, making sure she didn't accidentally touch my wound. I draped my arm loosely around her shoulders.
"You doing okay?" She asked under her breath.
"As okay as I can get," I tried to tease. My heart sank when I saw the look on her face. "Hey," he whispered, "I'm fine."
"The wound was deep," she mumbled. "I could see. . ."
"Stop," I interrupted her. "Don't focus on that. Focus on the fact that I'm right here. That I'm okay."
Y/N sighed as she leaned her head against my shoulder. "I thought I was going to lose you."
"You'd never lose me," I said as quickly as I could. "I'm not going anywhere."
We were quiet as we finally got to Nancy's house. Y/N helped me inside as the others jogged upstairs to search for Nancy's guns.
"Shouldn't we join the others?" I asked through the pain.
"No," Y/N said in a tone that told me she wasn't open to arguing. "I'm going to try and find a first aid kit or whatever medical supplies the Wheelers like to hoard."
Y/N led me into the bathroom, somehow able to move me across the vines without stepping on them. She helped me sit on the toilet before searching through the medicine cabinet.
"Come on," she mumbled as she struggled to find some supplies.
"Y/N," I tried to get her attention.
"There has to be something!"
"Y/N, please." I grabbed her hand before she could run out of the bathroom. I thought about my conversation with Eddie, deciding that this secret between Y/N and I has been in the dark for too long.
"I feel the same."
"What?" She asked, her voice getting caught in her throat. I pulled her to me, not stopping when she hesitated. She mumbled my name as I pulled her onto my lap.
"I feel the same," I said again.
"Steve," she whispered, "I don't understand."
"I know how you feel about me," I clarified.
"What are you. . ."
"I know how you feel about me, Y/N, and I feel the same."
"You. . ."
"I feel the same," I repeated as I put my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in.
Y/N gasped when my lips touched hers. It took her a second before she started kissing me back. As she did, she gently cupped my face in her hands. We got lost in the kiss, not caring where we were. I broke away from her when my side was throbbing too badly.
"Are you alright?" She asked, breathing heavily from the kiss.
"The only thing that could make this moment better would be if we weren't in the UpsideDown," I chuckled, ignoring her question and focusing on her face inches from mine.
"And if we weren't in Nancy Wheeler's bathroom."
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emotionalcadaver · 9 months
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Part 19: In the Bleak Midwinter
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Grace Burgess x OC
Summary: A dinner with Hughes and the Russians goes just about as well as one would expect.
Word Count: 3,146
Notes: Warnings for references to pedophilia.
Masterlists: Main • Series • Fic
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Chapter 8: By My Side
She giggled, leaning against the mattress with her head pillowed on one hand, watching as Tommy lifted Charlie up high above his head. Mary had brought him to them early that morning, the little man crawling into bed with them and immediately demanding to be played with. Not that either of them minded. His giggles and happy flailing with his toys were a welcome distraction from having to reckon with everything that had happened the day before.
The baby laughed when she scooped him up and set him in her lap, looking up at her fondly before dissolving into giggles again when Tommy reached over to tickle his sides until he squealed. 
And, for once, she started to think that maybe things actually would be alright.   
∗ ∗ ∗ 
The police station stank of mold; damp and dark and cold, and she was relieved once they were out of it and back into the familiar, smoky air.
Monkland had been very forthcoming, all things considered. Ada had been gracious enough to give them his name, and all it took was having their coppers pick him up and take him down to the station so they could question him to get the answers that they needed. Not that she had to do much but stand there behind Tommy and look threatening, playing idly with her revolver a little bit while he questioned him. Tommy barely had to even poke Monkland to have him spilling his guts to them. Eyes round and huge as they darted fearfully between the two gangsters looming over him. 
“Well,” she turned to Tommy, who was swiping a cigarette across his lips. “Fuck.”
He sighed, staring out at the street. “Yeah.”
“What are we going to do?”
Tommy rubbed at his brow. “We have that meeting with the Russians. I’ll inform them then.”
“Isn’t Hughes also expected to be at that meeting?”
“I was planning on being a little more subtle than just standing on the table and shouting that the pedophilic priest is a spy, love,” he shot her a look. “You sure you still want to go to that meeting? With Hughes being there?”
“I’ll be fine so long as you don’t let him too close to me.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I was more worried about you being unable to resist the temptation to climb across the table and tear his head off.”
“Oh,” she choked on a laugh. “I think I can control myself.”
He flashed her a smile from behind his cigarette.
“Besides,” she linked their arms as they started to walk. “I was thinking more something in the vein of castration rather than decapitation.”
Tommy laughed, and kissed the top of her head. “Oh, I’m sure you were, love.”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“Did he say what this was about?” she asked, following Tommy into the yard.
“No, he didn’t.”
“Well,” she glanced at her watch. “Better hope it won’t take long. We can’t be late to meet the Russians.”
“We won’t.” 
They rounded the corner to find Arthur, John, Charlie Strong, and Curly all already gathered around a fire that somebody–probably Charlie or Curly–had lit. As they approached, John broke off from the group, stomping away towards them. When he saw Lucy, he scowled. 
“All right, what is it?” Tommy asked. John grumbled to him, but Tommy just urged him to return to the gathering as they swept past him. Arthur was digging his teeth into the cork of the bottle of champagne he was trying to open, until John snatched it away from him.
“Right!” he leapt up onto a chair. “Gentlemen!” he spotted Lucy. “And lady!” his eyes bulged with excitement, glimmering like an over enthused puppy. He hesitated, removing his cap from his head. Lucy curled herself into Tommy’s side to help combat the cold chill that had swept over the yard, sharing a puzzled look with him at Arthur's behavior.
“Linda,” he announced in a booming voice. “Is up the swanny. I’m gonna be a fucking dad!”
Everyone started laughing and whooping, Charlie going to hug him and offering his congratulations. John also came forward, his utterances far less…sentimental, but the congratulatory feeling still seemed to be there. She thought.
Truth be told, she wasn’t paying all that much attention to them, too busy watching Tommy from the corner of her eye. He’d gone stiff beneath her arm when Arthur gave the news, and was looking at his older brother with an expression that, while pleased, was also rather sad.
“Nothing’s gonna change, John,” Arthur was saying, turning to stare at Tommy expectantly. Aware that the longer it took him to respond, the worse Arthur could take it or misinterpret it, Lucy stepped forward to hug him and whisper a congratulations in his ear to buy Tommy more time to process the news.
“Thanks, Luce,” Arthur beamed at her, giving her curls a fond ruffle.
“Goodbye, Arthur.”
Glancing over her shoulder, she raised an eyebrow, but one look at Tommy’s face told her that it was not said with malice or any ill intent as he took a step forward. “I have a meeting I have to go to,” he explained, giving Arthur a hug. Over Arthur’s shoulder, their eyes met and she shot him a knowing look. The double meaning of the farewell was not so easily lost on her. 
“Yeah. Yeah, of course you do. Yeah, you…you go to your meeting,” Arthur pulled back from the hug. Tommy nodded.
“I’m gonna be a dad,” Arthur grinned.
“Proud of you,” Tommy stepped away. Lucy gave Arthur a final clap on the shoulder and a small smile before following after him. 
“Well that…might change a few things,” Lucy mumbled once they were out of earshot, relinking their arms. Tommy sighed tiredly.
“Suppose it shouldn’t be all that surprising. It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
“Poor Arthur,” Lucy shook her head. “I can’t imagine being stuck with that woman forever.”
“He doesn’t seem too unhappy about it.”
“That’s because all the praying has rotted his brain.”
Tommy chuckled as he opened the car door for her to jump in, walking around to the driver’s side and stepping in, starting the engine. 
Lucy had never liked Linda. Granted, it didn’t help that she was wary of pretty much anyone who was deeply, obviously devout, but it was more than that. From the moment she’d seen them together, Lucy had known that Linda’s love for Arthur was not for him, but for the opportunity she saw within him. Linda saw a project in Arthur: a man desperate enough to reform that he’d fallen right into her clutches, drawn in by promises of redemption and forgiveness and goodness. It wouldn’t take long for it to start to crumble. As soon as Linda realized that you can’t change someone with just the power of love alone. She remembered, with a combination of fondness and melancholy, how she and Grace and Tommy had all taken bets on the drive home from meeting her as to just how long it would last before the relationship imploded.   
To be fair, Linda had made it plain that she didn’t like Lucy at all either. She thought she was an adulterer and a slut, tempting a married man and woman–or about to be married, which was what Tommy and Grace were when Linda first met them–into sin. She’d never been one to pass up on making some sort of snide remark towards her when given the opportunity. To the point where Lucy knew for a fact Grace had come dangerously close to punching her on multiple occasions in response to the things she said. 
Snorting, Lucy lit a cigarette, letting the hand holding it hang limply out the window. Poor Arthur.  
∗ ∗ ∗ 
It was getting dark by the time they rolled up to the Russian’s residence, car coming to a stop in front of the stone path that led to the house.
“Last chance to back out,” Tommy said as they exited the car and began to walk towards the big house. Lucy scoffed, shoving her hands into her pockets. “We won’t stay long,” he promised. Truth be told, even he wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to spend in Hughes presence without throttling him. 
The first sound they were greeted with as they entered the house was a violin playing in another room. Tommy waved away offers to take their coats, following the butler down a hall and into an extravagant dining room. The violin music had stopped, and he could hear clapping. 
“Your highness, Mr. Thomas Shelby and Miss. Lucy Winters,” the butler announced as they walked into the room. The men around the table stood. Izabella remained in her seat at the head of the table, while Tatiana twisted around in her chair to look at them. Leon introduced them to Izabella graciously and Tommy nodded respectfully before taking his seat, ensuring that he was directly across from Hughes, with Lucy between him and Tatiana. The further he kept Lucy from Hughes, the less likely she was to murder him. And the better he would feel, knowing that he was between them. 
Tatiana leaned across Lucy to speak to him, offering her condolences over Grace. He barely heard them, keeping his gaze focused on Hughes. He needed to stay focused. He couldn’t afford to get lost in the memories of how Grace’s body had slackened into dead weight as she died in his arms. The way Lucy had clutched at him, sobbing into his shirt, big green eyes looking up at him desperately. As if begging him to tell her that she had misunderstood what was happening. As if he could fix it. 
Tatiana was asking him something about cars. Trying to flirt with him, probably. He answered in simple sentences, not once taking his eyes from the priest. 
“I am curious, what was your father’s profession?” Izabella asked, and Tommy finally ripped his gaze away from Hughes. 
“Well, he told fortunes, and he stole horses. Often, he would tell a man that his horse would be stolen, and they would marvel at his powers when it was,” he answered. At his side, Lucy giggled, and he felt a tendril of warmth and affection wash over his heart at the sound. She always laughed at his terrible jokes.
Izabella offered him a small, not unamused smile as servants came in with bowls of soup.
He had to fight back the desire to roll his eyes so hard they might’ve run the risk of popping out of his skull when Hughes suggested they say grace before they eat. He felt Lucy tense beside him, and shifted his arm closer so that it pressed against hers subtly in comfort. Everyone except for them and Izabella had closed their eyes and bowed their heads as Hughes prayed. Tommy wondered which ones were genuine in their grace, and which were just being respectful. 
“I’m not here to eat,” he announced as soon as Hughes was done. Best to get this done fast. Then he and Lucy could be out of there and on the way back home. He wanted to see Charlie before going to bed tonight. “I’m here to do business. What I have to say can be said before the main course. Then I will leave you all to your evening.”
Hughes was staring at him, clearly upset. “Grand Duchess, I must apologize for the bad manners of my compatriot,” he said to Izabella. As if seeing that as a challenge, Lucy lifted one of her hands to her lips, biting obviously at a hangnail on her middle finger. Tommy had to stifle a grin.  
He made his report smoothly, pulling the copy he’d made of the report on the operation’s current progress, which he gave to Leon at Izabella’s urging, though she took it from him only a moment later. Good to know that she really was the one actually in charge, then.
They all listened, as he carefully laid out the plan. Tatiana kept looking him up and down. He ignored her.
“I have to say that this soup is exceptional,” Hughes interrupted him, glancing around the table with a wide smile. “Absolutely delicious.” 
Tommy continued on with his explanation, answering questions and ignoring the interruption.
“Your highness, if you’re having difficulty understanding his accent, then I can go through the plan with you at a later date,” Tommy decided that if Hughes interrupted him one more time, he’d say to hell with it and let Lucy have at him right then and there. 
Could be fun to watch.
After he’d finished his report, he pulled a cloth napkin from the table, scribbling down a message on it with his pen in dark ink. “This is the amount of extra expense I believe I will incur for trucks and fuels,” he tossed the napkin to Izabella. “I trust you will respond in kind,” he watched as she snatched it up and looked at the words–not numbers–he had scrawled down.
“But of course, Mr. Shelby,” she said. He nodded. Good. That was done. 
“Lucy,” he said to her, and she nodded, rising with him and taking a step back from the table. He looked around the table.
Oh, fuck it. He was feeling petty. “Before I go, I would like it known that I’m unable to swallow food in the same room as this priest.”
Hughes’s face dropped, a look of thunder crossing it, but Tommy couldn’t bring himself to care. He could sense Lucy grinning gleefully behind him. 
“Enjoy your evening,” he nodded to the Russians and Jarvis, going to the door with Lucy on his heels. They made it to the open door before he paused, pulling his cap onto his head and leaning against the doorframe, waiting. Lucy was still smiling, clearly overjoyed at his humiliation of Hughes. It had probably been a mistake, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. The priest turned his stomach. 
There was the click of heels, and then Tatiana was joining them at the door, smile deceptively sweet and gloved hands clasped in front of her. 
“Walk with me,” he told her, beginning to move in long strides down the path, then slowing slightly as he remembered that Tatiana was in heels and Lucy was short. From his case, he pulled out a few cigarettes, passing the first one to Lucy and the second to Tatiana, leaving the third for himself. When they were about halfway down the drive he pulled out his lighter, pausing to lift the light to the cigarette for the two women and then himself. He didn’t speak until they had begun walking again.
“The priest is passing information about the robbery to a Lloyds underwriter called Monkland. He, in turn, is passing information to the Soviet Embassy. You want him dead? I’ll kill him, no charge” killing Hughes would be nothing but a pleasure. And certainly not something he would lose any sleep over.
“Why would the priest pass information to our enemies?” Tatiana asked, stopping. Tommy sighed, glancing at Lucy, then returning back up the drive to where Tatiana was standing. 
“I’m being paid to act and to observe, like a soldier. The complexities are your business. Go and speak to Izabella. I trust her to decide,” while he’d spoken, Lucy had returned with languid steps to his side, linking his arm with hers. Probably because she was cold. He shifted so that she could more fully tuck herself into his side. A headache was building behind his eyes, but having her close helped ease the tension causing it. He noted the way that Tatiana’s eyes tracked the movements, lipstick painted mouth pulling into a smirk. 
He knew how it all probably looked to everyone who did not know the intricacies of his, Lucy’s and Grace’s relationship prior to Grace’s death. That in his time of grief he’d turned to his assistant and his late wife’s closest friend for comfort. Not entirely wrong, he supposed, even if it was missing some very important bits of information. But his need to keep Lucy as close as possible outweighed any worries he had over his reputation. She was the only real comfort he had; the press of her small body against his side or her hand on his back or shoulder the only thing grounding him to earth, some days. Without it, it felt like he would float away or cease to exist at all.    
Tatiana had not been subtle in the fact that she wanted him. And from the few glances he’d caught her shooting Lucy, he was fairly certain she would be amiable to her joining them as well. But he was in no mood to be dealing with that now, so instead he just turned away, Lucy still clinging to his arm, as they began to walk the rest of the way to the car.      
“You were able to contain your business dealings even after what happened,” Tatiana was following them. She leaned in close to his ear. “Perhaps you didn’t love her.”
He whirled on her, tearing himself from Lucy’s grasp to seize Tatiana by the face, walking her back a couple of paces. One of her silken gloved hands clasped over his, his fingers squeezing not hard enough to bruise but enough to make her face twitch with fear for a moment.
“She’s here,” he hissed. “By my side,” his eyes glanced around. He could not see her, right now, but he could feel Grace in the air around him. Lucy said she’d seen her when they were with Changretta. That she’d spoken to her, and he believed her. When she’d told him that he’d almost wanted to cry from relief, because that meant that the ghost, who’s fingers grazed across his cheek just when he was waking from sleep, who he swore in split second glances was leaning against a wall, watching him, or descending from the stairs in the morning, might not just be a symptom of him going mad. 
Perhaps Grace had not entirely left them, after all.
He leaned close to Tatiana’s face. “And she says, ‘don’t trust these people,’” he turned her face to look at him fully. “Now give me permission to kill the priest,” finished, he shoved her away from him, turning on his heel before she could say anything more. Lucy had been watching him silently, green eyes glimmering, practically glowing, in the dark, the orange embers of her cigarette delicately lighting her features as she raised it to her lips. Her head cocked, clearly rolling over what he’d just said in her mind, a knowingness entering her eyes. When he approached her, she took his hand, fingers lacing tightly as they walked back to the car.   
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Thank you for reading! Please consider leaving a comment, reblog, or like. I always appreciate feedback and love getting the opportunity to interact with you and hear your thoughts!
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chronurgy · 3 months
13, 14, 15, 21!
thanks for the ask!!
How does your Dark Urge feel about killing?
They're certainly willing to kill, especially if they believe it will advance their goals. They can even enjoy it, if they learn something from it or if the hunt is entertaining enough. But killing is ultimately a tool to them. It is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. They'll kill for petty reasons, sure, but always for a reason. They enjoy being good at it though, the same way they enjoy being good at everything they do.
How good of a liar is your Dark Urge? How do they feel about lying?
Vesper is an excellent liar and absolutely willing to lie to get their way. As far as they're concerned if you can't catch them out, then that's your fault. I think the fact that Gortash can sometimes see through their lies is part of his appeal to them. They've spent so long watching person after person fall for what they consider to be obvious lies, so it's exciting and refreshing for them to meet someone who they at least have to put a little effort into deceiving.
What is your Dark Urge’s greatest fear?
Complete and total loss of control. To have their body and mind taken from them utterly and to have those things placed at the disposal of another.
What are 2-3 songs that your Dark Urge would relate to?
Nails by Call Me Karizma
I want and need your constant evil Ripping off your top that's see through Climbing up on top of me Oh God, you're being far from peaceful I'ma leave here bruised and bloody Use me till my use is nothing You don't wanna leave So I can tell that you're not used to coming I feel your nails in my back Punish me for my past Like how you're making it last
I think they would msot certainly see their relationship with Gortash here. Let's just say that Gortash has definitely gotten more than a few scratch marks from those nails ;)
Fool and the Thief by The Hara
So I'll be the fool yeah I'll be the thief I'll be the ghost just to get what I need Heavily fortified So I dare you to give it your best try This smile don't mean I'm fine It's just my disguise Laugh through gritted teeth Good at faking that I'm fine The mirror that I speak to Has a thousand eyes
This I think they'd relate to for their willingness to do whatever, be whatever they need to get what they want. They'd also relate to it in terms of always feeling watched and needing to fake that they're okay - first with making sure they aren't showing any emotions that might upset their father, and then the need for a Bhaalspawn to perform normalcy lest they otherwise be perceived as a threat.
The Summoning by Sleep Token
'Cause these days I would be lying if I told you that I didn't wish that I could be your man Or maybe make a good girl bad I've got a river running right into you I've got a blood trail, red in the blue Something you say or something you do The taste of the divine
Another one for their relationship with Gortash! This one gets at how they were flirting with heresy in that relationship and how they desperately wanted it even as they resisted it.
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forest-hashira · 5 months
😍🥳 and 🪱 for the selfship asks mayhaps?
ty kaaayyyyyyyy
😍 – something they do that drives you crazy (in a good way)
i'm gonna be so honest, when suguru holds a hair tie between his teeth while he's pulling his hair back i have to resist the urge to take it from him and climb him like a tree so i can kiss him breathless. but somehow i manage not to do that every time. my precious annoying baby blue drives me crazy in a lot of ways, but one of my favorite things that satoru does is how he pretty much always has to be touching me if i'm within reach. whether it's his hand on back, resting his chin on top of my head, playing with my fingers while he holds my hand, he's always touching me somehow. i think it's incredibly sweet.
🥳 – who makes a big deal out of every little anniversary?
satoru, no doubt about it. mans has an insane memory for every little thing (seriously, he even remembers the first time all three of us held hands at the same time). suguru and i also love celebrating anniversaries, but satoru has us beat, showering us in gifts and kisses at every tiny anniversary (for our first kisses, every month we're together for the first year, the first time we all fell asleep in satoru's dorm, on and on and on).
🪱 – who asks ridiculous questions (like “would you still love me if I was a worm?”)?
satoru asks questions like that because he thinks they're funny (and honestly they are sometimes, like when he asked if i would build a giant aquarium for him if he was somehow turned into a fish. i said yes but i would use his credit card to pay for it). sometimes i ask ridiculous questions that are,,,,, considerably less funny and lighthearted, because i am One Anxious MotherFucker and i need to be reassured consistently that i am not unlovable (whoops)
send me self ship asks!
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squirrelno2 · 1 year
I did threaten to do some jatp oc posting sooooo
(I'm thinking about a series of small pieces about Willie meeting various HGC ghosts - let me know if you're into this?)
Willie met Genevieve when he decided to experiment with trampolines. He was disappointed to find that he couldn't jump on them, not without a lot more effort than was worthwhile, but when he emerged from underneath the trampoline he saw a woman sitting at the top of the silks hanging on the other end of the circus's rehearsal space like she did it all the time. He paused, hoping he was about to see a show.
Then she turned her head and saw him, and he realised that she was probably dealing with the same issue he'd found with the trampoline.
"Let me guess," Willie called. "You're falling through."
She scowled, slipping into the silks and falling a few feet before she caught herself.
"Go away," she said.
"Have you been dead long?" Willie couldn't help but ask. It was a familiar kind of stubbornness on her face. Lots of new ghosts looked like that when they tried to cling to life.
"I'm not dead!" she snapped, struggling to climb back up.
"Are you like a superhero, then? There's only so many options."
She appeared on the floor, face bright pink with fury. With an angry swipe of her wrist across her eyes, she turned towards Willie.
"You shouldn't be here."
"Maybe. But who's gonna stop me?" He raised his arms gleefully. He wasn't about to touch the whole "I'm not dead" thing, but maybe he could ease her into understanding that death wasn't the end of the world.
"What if you mess with something here? People can get hurt on this equipment!"
Willie looked up at the silks, then at the ghost in front of him.
"I'm always careful," he said. "No bouncing or climbing when lifers are here. I know that."
"Lifers," she repeated. She looked steadier now, though her eyes were still bright and watery. "What are you, the circus ghost?"
Willie resisted the urge to say that was probably her.
"Just visiting," he said. "But I know a place where the silks won't let you down."
The woman rubbed the back of her neck.
"Really," she said flatly.
"Yeah, this guy Caleb has a fancy nightclub - old style, where they put on shows and do jazz dance. I never used to know anything about shows before him, but it's pretty cool."
She looked him up and down, frowning.
"You're just a kid," she said. Willie stood a little taller. "How long have you been -"
She didn't finish the sentence.
"Dead? Yeah, it's been a couple decades. You're really new to this, huh?"
She reached up, pulling her hair out of its ponytail and retying it.
"I guess telling you I'm not dead was a giveaway," she said when she'd finished.
"Hey, we all have moments like that," Willie said. "But it's easier to get used to it all when you're not alone. Wanna come check it out?"
She turned, looking behind her at the silks she couldn't use. She rubbed her neck again.
"I guess it couldn't hurt."
Willie grinned and spun, flinging his arms wide.
"Just wait," he said. "Caleb knows everything there is to know about the afterlife. You'll be back up there in no time."
She laughed softly.
"What's your name?" she asked. "Are you... Alone?"
"I'm Willie," he said. He knew the look on her face pretty well, and decided to head her off at the pass. "And it's not like it would be a good thing if a ghost like me had any family around, you know? That's the thing about all this, you kinda have to make a new one. And not look at us teenagers like we're kids."
"Right," she said. "Decades."
Willie nodded, glad she understood. He wanted to make sure all the ghosts at the club felt like family, but that didn't mean he was looking for some kind of parent.
"I'm Genevieve," she said. "Thanks for this."
"Hey," Willie said. "We gotta stick together."
Genevieve smiled.
"I guess death is like performing that way," she said. "Just... Tell me the need for unions isn't so pressing."
"Don't worry," Willie laughed. "You'll be fine."
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greeshmaglobo · 3 months
Hiking to Charpa Waterfall -  A Thrilling Outdoor Escapade
Settled amid the rich plant life of Kerala's Western Ghats lies an unlikely treasure that coaxes experienced searchers and nature lovers the same as the Charpa waterfall . Concealed in the beautiful scenes of the Thrissur region, this great fountain offers something other than a visual treat; it guarantees an relaxing open-air venture for those able to leave on the excursion. As the sun starts its climb into the great beyond, giving occasion to feel qualms about a brilliant tint of the quiet environmental elements, the expectation of the day's experience consumes the space. The excursion to Charpa waterfall begins with a vivacious climb through verdant backwoods and rough landscapes, offering looks at Kerala's rich biodiversity every step of the way.
The path to  Charpa waterfall  isn't for the weak-willed. It winds its direction through thick backwoods, across rough streams, and along precipices, testing the perseverance and resolve of even the most prepared explorers. However, it is definitively this rough territory that adds to the charm of the excursion, offering a feeling of challenge and fervor that a couple of different encounters can coordinate. As you cross the path, the sights and hints of nature encompass you - the tweeting of birds above, the stir of leaves underneath, and the alleviating surge of far-off cascades. Each step carries you nearer to the headliner, building expectation and fervor as time passes.
Late-night climbing through the wild, the main look at  Charpa waterfall is downright dazzling. Arising out of the profundities of the woodland, the flowing waters materialize, their sheer power and excellence having a permanent effect on all who view them. Remaining at the foundation of the cascade, encompassed by transcending precipices and lavish vegetation, you can't resist the urge to feel a feeling of marvel and veneration for the normal world. The sheer size of the cascade is faltering, as a great many gallons of water dive past the brink, making a hypnotizing display that is both exciting and lowering.
As you loll in the excellence of  Charpa waterfall , there are a lot of chances to drench yourself in the regular environmental elements. Take a reviving plunge in the cool, clear waters of the pool beneath the cascade, allowing the flowing water to wash away the considerations of the world. Or on the other hand, the more courageous spirits, set out on a completely exhilarating excursion behind the actual cascade, feeling the sheer power of nature very close. For those looking for a higher perspective of the scene, a journey to the highest point of the encompassing bluffs offers all-encompassing vistas of the whole valley underneath. From this vantage point, you can see the value in the untamed magnificence of Kerala's Western Ghats, with its rich timberlands, winding streams, and fog-covered tops extending as may be obvious.
As the day draws near and the sun starts to plummet beneath the skyline, now is the ideal time to say goodbye to  Charpa waterfall . In any case, as you advance back along the path, the recollections of this exhilarating open-air adventure will remain with you long after you've gotten back. Whether you're an enthusiastic climber, a nature sweetheart, or essentially somebody looking for experience, a trip to  Charpa waterfall  is an encounter not to be missed. Athirappilly Green Trees is a symbol of opulence nestled amid nature. This exceptional resort harmoniously combines contemporary luxury with the beauty of the natural surroundings, ensuring guests a memorable escape. Enveloped by verdant foliage and majestic trees, Athirappilly Green Trees is one of the best luxury resorts in Athirappilly and features expansive features to offer supreme comfort and tranquility. So trim up your boots, pack your feeling of experience, and prepare to set out on the excursion that could only be described as epic. 
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formicaindia4 · 1 year
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A kitchen is the heart of your private home, requiring extra interest to make sure that your own home is in top form. Cabinets, clearly, offer life on your kitchen; as such, they want particular care. Laminates are skinny plates or sheets of material that are put together to guard your fixtures from infection. In recent times, laminates are regularly used to decorate kitchen cabinets. There are several laminates on the market. However, our ancestors continually urged us to research thoroughly earlier than making an investment in something. Those are the maximum famous laminates for kitchen cabinets. Textured laminates many people today need to give their kitchen a unique subject matter or fashion. Textured laminates are a good approach to climb the ladder of your selected laminate design on your kitchen cabinets. A person who desires to supply their kitchen a tropical vibe, for example, would pick a textured laminate of birds and spring. Like the glossy finish laminate, the textured laminate may be easy to clean. However, it could no longer provide you a very natural appearance. Sleek end laminates: the sleek finish laminates deliver your kitchen cupboard a shiny and alluring appearance. If you need a natural and diffused aesthetic in your kitchen shelves, look no similarly than sleek end laminates. They are especially used on timber and current kitchen cabinets because they enhance the appearance of the wooden furniture and supply your shelves a natural but contemporary enchantment. Some other advantage of those laminates for your kitchen is their ease of cleansing. You’re set to move for the rest of the day with simplest one wipe with a moist towel. Floral laminates: plant life, as all of us recognize, emit a very sparkling and satisfied surroundings, two of the maximum important elements inside the kitchen. Floral laminates provide your kitchen a sunny and spring atmosphere, presenting an environment of positivism and purity. If you want to feature a hint of beauty on your kitchen, appearance no similarly than numerous designs of floral laminates for your kitchen shelves. Floral laminates will never can help you down in a traditional or modular kitchen. They may be to be had in lots of forms and hues, allowing you to choose the correct one on your kitchen. Fireplace retardant laminates: the fireplace retardant laminates, as the call implies, are resistant to fire. These are recommended for use in houses with little children. Fireplace retardant laminates are to be had in a number designs. However, due to the fact that maximum of these offer your kitchen a natural issue, it's far recommended that you use this kitchen laminate design in a modular kitchen or a kitchen with hardwood floors to maintain its attraction. You have to laminate your kitchen wall with both a textured or a darkish strong coloured laminate for a more attractive look. Leather-based and timber finished laminates: if you want an old however current fashion to your kitchen, use leather or hardwood finish laminates in your kitchen shelves. The nicest component approximately those laminates is that they complement any kitchen design or style. Those two laminate styles will beautify your kitchen’s beauty, traditional or modular, u-formed or straight, with mild or dark-coloured walls. They're perennial, robust, and worth making an investment in totally. All the aforementioned laminate designs for kitchen shelves improve the arrival of your kitchen in a few way. However, it is vital to evaluate the thickness of a laminate as well as the pressure implemented to it. It's miles commonly recommended to get a pattern before deciding on a kitchen laminate so you can see the floor finish of your laminate and select the high-quality one to your kitchen.
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jeonselca · 3 years
Well, since you're asking for a request. I've been craving a sangwoo smut😩😩
❦ — pairing : college au! sangwoo x f!reader [ SMUT ]
❦ — warning(s) : masturebation . horny thoughts of a sangwoo .
❦ — words : 1,5k || navigation sg masterlist
author notes : if the text is like this , it means that the text is from sangwoo's pov
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sitting in class listening to whatever the hell the teacher was saying in front of his class , Sangwoo glanced over his side , keeping his eye glued on that specific girl that have been stuck in his mind for awhile .
and this is not for the first time for sure .
he was known as the smartest student in his course ; always focus in class , always submit the assignment on time .
but seems like someone is stuck inside his mind that seems that can't leave his mind .
staring at her from across the room , his eyes slowly examining her features , her smooth skin , how her hair curved perfectly resting on her shoulder . his gazed move down to her plump lips , which was her lower lips was slightly bitting the upper one , with confused expression plastered on her face .
she put one elbow on her desk and leaned her head , resting on her hand , giving Sangwoo the perfect view of her exposing neck that he desperately want to mark it as his ,
he watched as her friend who was sitting next to her whispering something into her ear , making her blushing a little bit before let out an awkward laugh ,
her gazed suddenly meets with Sangwoo's , sending him an electricity through his veins , as their gazed lock on each other ,
''fuck'' Sangwoo muttered before breaking their eye contact as his face turn into a shade pink , as realised she just caught him staring on her .
his face slowly heating up as he scents her gazed was still locked on him , which make him quickly pretending as if he was reading the notes he has written on it , pushing his glasses up to his nose to cover up the embarrassment of getting caught by her .
he dared to look back in her direction , making their contacts lock on each other once again , as she was still looking at him baffled she caught someone like the Cho Sangwoo , the University Star , staring at her .
she break the eye contact , as Sangwoo keeping his gazed still on her ,
but he couldn't help but feels his pants tightening the moment he made an eye contact with her ,
something about her y/e/c that can drove him over the edge
class finally ended and he found himself staring at her as she gathering her things before she exited the classroom along with her friends ,
he was the last one to leave as he doesn't want anyone to notice his hard-on .
walking uncomfortably through the corridor , making sure his file and books covering him up as he quickly make his way to his dorm . and as soon as he step inside of his room , he flopped himself on his bed before letting out a loud sigh ,
''what is she doing to me''
Sangwoo decided to resist the urge to touch himself as he grabbed some random book that was sitting near his bed , making it as a distraction , trying to ignore his hard cock down there , hoping it will go away as he start reading the book ,
he didn't touch himself that often , he found it very unappealing and didn't want to make himself vulnerable .
he did want to , but he didn't want to lose himself trying to get off
he tried to focus on his book , flipping pages through pages trying to find something useful to read , but the only think he could think of was her ,
how she nibbling her bottom lips , how her cheeks become slightly redder when their gazed lock on each other ,
Sangwoo felt himself growing harder and found it was difficult to resist , which is he still did , he cleared his head for a sec before focusing back on the white page , trying to distract himself again
'kissing her plump lips , that would be amazing , she's probably a good kisser'
'i bet those lips would feel amazing around my cock ,'
she climbed on top of me , straddling my waist as an innocent smirk appeared on her lips , i looked up to her as our eyes lock , i swear to god she have the most beautiful eyes to gaze into ,
i felt myself grow harder underneath her body ,
before he could realise, he found himself palming through his pants , as he desperately unbuttoned it and pull it down , he slipped his hand into his boxer and let out a loud sigh as he finally get the friction he need between his legs ,
she noticed right away as she can feel something poking on her thigh , a smirk plastered on her face turning her face from innocent into a dangerous one ,
she began to grind her thick hips against mine as i brought my hands up and rest it on her waist , guiding it up and down making we both let out a moans of pleasure .
Sangwoo pulled his cock out of his boxer before began to move his hand up and down his hard cock , he threw his head back hitting the bed frame , closing his eye sighing as he finally got the friction he need down there
She began to grind faster as i held back my moans , as i don't want to seem weak infront of her ,
she stopped as she noticed i hold my moans back ,
i watch her as she unbuttoned my pants and slowly pulling down the zipper ,
she then pulled them down and slipped off her shirt and skirt ,
she got on top of me and connected our lips together moving her hand into my boxer and massaging my cock as i let out a soft moans between the kisses ,
Sangwoo moved his hand faster along his cock , spreading the pre-cum from the tip , massaging it down to the base make it as a lube , helping his hands sliding up and down easier
she take my hand in her , guiding it to behind of her back , signalling me to unclasped her bra , before she take it off and throw it somewhere in the room ,
she took my hand who were resting on her back guiding it to the front as she put my hand, on her breast before guiding my hand massaging her breast as she let out a loud moans while her hips start to grind over mine ,
she remove her hands from mine as i start to caressing her nipple and pitch it a few time before i pulled her body closer to mine and connecting our lips back as my hands was already traveling down to her hips, down to the edge of her panties , as i unpatiently slipping in down and throw her panties to the side ,
Sangwoo moaned out as his hand start moving faster up and down before he felt his cock twitch , giving him the sign to slowed down his movements ,
he stopped moving his hand along with his cock and rubbed a soft circle on the tip of the head , edging himself as he let out a groan at the feeling ,
she disconnected our lips , with our gazed still connected as she pump my cock a few times before lining it up against her entrance , slowly sinking down , inch by inch
half way in , she got up making my cock slipped out , before she slowly sinking back ,
she repeatedly to the action a few time until she was fully taking all of me inside of me ,
as soon as my cock feels her wall tightening around mine , i let out a loud moans as i finally , got to do what I've finally fantasies all this time , with her ,
he continues to rub his tip , but at a faster pace ,
not that he would ever admit it , but he actually enjoyed teasing , edging himself close to coming , then slowing his pace down so he didn't , it make his orgasm better than ever
she moving her hips up and down , as we both let out a loud moans , my hands palming her breast , massaging her soft skin , i pull her down towards me as i sucking her neck , leaving dark marks all over her neck , decorating it in hope to show it to the world , that she is mine , and only mine
i cupped her face and bring it to my lips , connecting it as our lips move in sync as we were the missing puzzle , moving against each other perfectly ,
she disconnected the kisses as she rest her forehead against mine , whilst her hips moving perfectly against mine , hitting her g-spot over and over again ,
''cum with me''
she let out a loud moans as her orgasm finally hits her , as i could feel her cum ran down through her thigh , she bounce once again , as i finally come to the peak ,
''holy shit'' Sangwoo groaned out as white strips of cum erupted from his tip ,
he panting heavily as he rest his body against the bed frame , spreading his hand covering the bed frame as he let out a sigh of relief ,
he stared down to his abdomen , above his still hard-on cock , filled with his cum along with the bed sheet which is also covered with his cum ,
this is what you do to him .
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tags : @angel4you @midaribaby @set-theory-is-killing-me @sangwoosbixch @noceurwhore @romewritingshop @prpbablyme @heartsarecompatible @edgysewerrat @abalaba-stan @weasleytwinscumslut @plantpottt @koonejitop @thefleetofdreams @thoughtfulfestivalpastabear-blog
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nateezfics · 3 years
ATEEZ headcanon: giving them a lap dance
A/N: got inspired earlier when I watched a video on YouTube. The video is under the influence choreography by Nicole Kirkland. Do watch that if you want before or after reading this!
He would be so caught off guard when you suggest giving him a lap dance
But mostly aroused
He’s more than willing to let you try it out on him, because how in the world can he turn down a lap dance
You’re not brave enough at first and it takes so long for you to build up the courage that he forgets you ever even suggested it
You decide to give him a dance for like an anniversary or something because a special occasion would be a good enough time to do it
You’re nervous as hell, all dressed up in your best lingerie
He’s made it himself comfy on the couch, still in his nice attire from your date night
He looks a sight — black slacks, shirt unbuttoned at the top, legs spread wide
He’s so hot and your resolve wavers a bit, but you turn on the music and walk over to him
He watches you so intently, every move, every little sway of your hips
He doesn’t even fight the urge to touch you
He’s bringing you into his lap right away and you just wing it and decide to grind on him to the beat of the music
Looking in his eyes and seeing the desire in them gives you a confidence boost
So does the tent in his pants, but you really want to finish the dance, so you try not to focus too much on that
You’re all over him — your hands on his chest and teasing the opening of his shirt, lips on his ear, and crotch grazing just above where he needs you most
It’s all so exhilarating and you both get so caught up that you don’t notice when the music finishes
Absolutely will flip you over and fuck you senseless right there
He’s breathing so hard, breath loud in your ear as he kisses up and down your jaw
“Fuck, baby. You’re so damn hot,” he’ll say as he dry humps you just so you can really feel how hard he is
He will return the favor tenfold and will go down on you until you’re both breathless
He just wants to show you how grateful he is for tonight’s little treat
Doesn’t want to mess up your pretty lingerie, so he’ll just pull your panties aside and fuck you while enjoying how delectable you look
You don’t even tell him that you want to give him a lap dance
You want it to be spontaneous, so you’re waiting for the right moment
There’s so many moments you want to do it, because damn it, this man is fucking fine
Your perfect opportunity comes when he’s away at the studio and texts you saying he’ll be late again tonight
He’s been visiting the studio a ton lately, more so than usual, and you can literally imagine how tired and worn he looks at the moment
He’s been stressed and you think that this would be the perfect stress reliever
You get yourself ready and pick out a nice bra and panty set just before throwing on some sweats and heading to the studio
He’s hunched over his desk, face in the computer when you walk in
He turns to look at you with wide yet sleepy eyes, but smiles when he sees you
It takes a little bit of coaxing to get him to take some time away from what he’s working on
You turn him away from his desk and put some space between you before turning on some music and beginning the dance
His eyes, once bleary and tired, turn sharp and pointed as he watches you slip off your sweats to reveal what lies beneath
He’s polite and allows you to do your dance without interruption, leaving his hands at his sides even as you began to dance over his lap
Eventually it all gets too much and he buries his face in your neck as his hands grip your hips to bring them down against his hard on
The song hasn’t quite finished yet, but he’s already peeling off your panties so he can stuff his fingers into you
Has you like this for a bit, working you up like you have him, saying things like
“You’re going to give me a heart attack doing things like this without warning” and “You’re so damn good to me, baby.”
Slips his cock into you and let’s you ride him in his chair all while he gropes your ass and whispers dirty things in your ear
He thinks you’re joking when you tell him you want to give him a lap dance
Laughs you off which only makes you want to do it even more just to spite him
You pick a random evening, one where he’s actually home at a decent time
He’s in the kitchen looking for something to eat when you walk up from behind and start feeling him up
He whirls around, mouth dropping open at the sight of you in lingerie
He doesn’t even have time to ask what’s going on because you’re pulling to him to the living room, pushing him into the couch
He just falls into the cushions, looking up at you with wide, curious eyes
Kind of like a lost puppy
He’s so confused when the music starts as he’s still trying to process everything
He curses when you start to dance provocatively, body looking so divine in the lingerie
He swallows hard when you hop on the couch and straddle his lap, grinding and moving over him, hands all over him
He’s very touchy
Hands all over your form — hips, ass, waist, chest, arms
You have to admit, you almost get side tracked when his erection grazes against your core, but you’re determined
He’s trying so hard to pull you all the way down on his lap, but you’re resisting to give in
You tease him with feather light touches and judging by the low groan from him, he’s getting a little fed up
You don’t care and turn yourself around to shake your ass against him, biting back a moan as he grips your ass with both hands
He finally reaches a breaking point and pushes you forward until you’re on the floor on your hands and knees
There’s the sound of pants being undone and soon you feel his cock prodding against your clothed core
“You know I don’t like to be teased, darling,” is all he says before pushing aside your panties and thrusting into you
You’re dancing around the house being silly
Yeosang is on the couch playing on his phone, but every now and then watches you as you dance around the living room to the beat of the music coming from your speaker
It’s all just shenanigans until a certain song comes on
Your whole mood changes instantly because this song is that kind of song
You begin to sway sensually to the slow beat
At first you’re just feeling yourself, not caring about your boyfriend sitting on the couch, but then
An idea hatches in your brain
You saunter over to him, bending down over him while your hands run up his thighs
He looks away from his phone and at you
He’s looking at you like ma’am wtf are you doing
You wedge yourself onto his lap, rolling your hips in time with the music
You hold his chin with your hand and keep your eyes locked with his as you mouth the words of the song
They’re some filthy lyrics
And at first Yeosang blushes a little because this just so random of you
But he relaxes and gives you all his attention, even widening his legs more so you can sit more comfortably
You look a mess
You’re in a pair of gym shorts and one of his hoodies
But you’re still turning him on immensely, cock hardening in his sweats
He interrupts your little performance by running his hands up your waist, slipping them under the sweatshirt
You moan as his hands massage your breasts and you sit on his lap fully, moaning again when you feel his erection press into you
Your movements stop as you bask in the feeling of his hands on you
He smirks
“Don’t stop, baby. Keep going. You were doing so well.”
You try to keep going, but his hands keep touching you all over and soon you’re pleading with him to fuck you
He’s the one who asked you to do it
And of course you agree
It’s something you have yet to do and you’re both excited to try something new in the bedroom
You get ready, dolling yourself up
Hair, make up, a sexy lingerie set, and some heels
You look stunning
He pulls you close, kissing down your neck while his hands roam over you
You have to push him away because you can’t do this yet
Not before you do your dance at least
He surprises you when he gets a camera ready
He says he wants to video the whole thing so he can save it for later ;)
You’re a tad nervous to be recorded, but once the music starts and you watch him as he reclines into his seat, your nerves fade away
You’ve got a whole floor routine put together, and you grow in confidence when you notice how he watches your every move intently
You crawl to him, rising between his thighs as your hands climb his torso to tease at the buttons on his shirt
He smirks and beckons you closer
You hop into his lap and straddle him, hips circling over his groin
He chuckles smugly when you stutter when you feel his erection
He reaches behind you and pulls your hair and you arch backwards
His free hand runs up your body from your tummy to your neck
You manage to gracefully roll off his lap and back into the floor
You go back to your earlier place and begin to undo his pants
His hand goes to your cheek, thumb stroking it sweetly as he watches you
You free him from his pants and stroke him
He groans and his head falls backwards when you take him in your mouth
“Ah, fuck, baby. You’re so damn hot.”
You tell him you have a gift for him
When he asks you why you got him a gift, you tell him it’s because you just want to cherish him
He’s a little confused when you ask him to sit on the edge of the bed before running into your closet
He just waits for you there
So cute
He quirks an eyebrow at you when you come out of the closet in a silk robe
He asks you what this gift is exactly
He still hasn’t caught on
Until it dawns on him
He blushes as his eyes rake over your form
You walk to him, hand threading through his hair
He looks up at you, so beautiful and so amazing
You bend down and kiss him before telling him to sit back and enjoy
You discard the robe and he swallows as it falls off your frame to reveal your lingerie
He just kind of sits still as you dance
Until you throw one leg up on the bed over him, rolling your body so sensually it has his mind reeling
He grips your thigh firmly as he looks up at you, eyes now dark
A moment later he leans forward and begins to leave kisses on your thigh while his hand runs along your skin
You grip his hair and shudder at the feel of his lips
You dance on him some more before you push him backwards into the mattress
He falls onto his back, hands at your waist as you crawl on top of him
You grind down into his hard erection and you both groan out in bliss
The friction is euphoria
“You’re the best, did you know that?” he asks you after you’re impaled on his cock
You giggle and lean down to kiss him as you roll your hips
Kind of like Yunho, he sort of plays it off as a joke
But with a twist
He says that you can give him a lap dance if you let him give you one
So that way you can see who’s better at being sexy
Of course he has to come through with the shenanigans
But you’re down for the competition and hey
It’s still going to be fun for you both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You’re both in your apartment
Neither of you are really dressed sexy at all
Unless you consider sweats sexy
But you give him the dance first, sitting him down on the couch and putting on a sensual song
You just freestyle it, winging your way through the motions
You make sure to keep your eyes on his as you dance
He’s unwavering until you began to strip down to your underwear
You crawl into his lap, hands tugging at his hair and pulling his head back
You kiss up and down his jaw and neck as you roll your hips to the tempo of the song
You whisper filth into his ear and smirk at the way he squirms under you
You sit up straight and continue with some slow movements over him, hand sliding down to grope his clothed hard on
He moans just as his eyes lock with yours and fuck
You feel your panties grow damp
He must’ve noticed a change in you because he glides the pad of his finger over your panties, grinning at the wetness
He dips his finger past the fabric to plunge into your hole
You moan, body freezing from the sudden pleasure
He gloats
“That’s cheating,” you say in a pout
He laughs as he begins to finger you, now adding another finger
“Don’t worry, feel free to get me back when it’s my turn to dance”
He winks at you
You’ve been taking this dance class recently
And normally you’d show your boyfriend all the choreo you learn when you get home
But lately you’ve refrained from showing him any of the new moves
He doesn’t really think much of it
Until you tell him how complex this new choreo is
And how sensual it is
Naturally he perks up at the word sensual
You decide to keep the new dance a secret until you’ve fully mastered it
You get yourself all dolled up one night and decide that’s the best time to show him
You sit him down in a chair and he asks you if this is the “sensual” dance you had mentioned before
You say yes and tell him you wanted to master it before showing him
He sits back in the chair as he watches you turn on the music from your phone
He’s pleasantly surprised as soon as you start dancing
The choreo is hot and he can’t help but blush a little at the sight of you moving so beautifully
He gets so into it, leaning forward to watch you closely
He gasses you up and cheers you on, telling you how amazing you are
Finally you began to dance on him, and he just laughs as he grabs your hips
He adores you and you’re so beautiful it has him straining in his pants
He sings along to the song so
He raises his hips to meet yours and smirks at the noise you make
He lets you finish your routine before he lifts you in his arms and carries you to the bedroom
He lays you on the bed and as he kisses down your stomach, he praises you endlessly
“You did so good, baby. You were wonderful. My gorgeous, talented, and sexy little girl. Now let me reward you.”
He ravishes you all night, high off of you
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royalsunshinehotel · 3 years
Something with our sweeet sheriff Hassan where he’s like just chilling out with his s/o and then it just suddenly strikes him that “oh lawdddd I wanna marry this person so bad” and so yeah that’s all 🥺🥺
Does he just keep it to himself or acts impulsively and proposes right there and then? I’m so curious AUSHHDKFKEKHEBD
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7:13 PM (Hassan el-Shabazz x Reader)
A/N: Short and sweet :)
It’s not like Hassan was a stranger to affection. He wasn’t, not really.
He had been married once, to a woman who had been the other half of his brain. This woman gave him a wonderful, smartass son, who he had the privilege of sending to college earlier that week. The same son had said something painfully obvious, it was embarrassing his child had to point it out to him.
“Dad, I’m out of the house now. You should marry her.” Ali had said, as if it was simple. And it was, anyone who looked at the two of you would assume you already were.
Hassan groaned internally, rubbing a hand over his bearded face. He should be better than this. Braver, at least.
But when the two of you were sitting on the couch that evening, snug in your New York apartment, he felt like he should be better at expressing his thoughts to the woman he loves, but maybe he’d simply fallen out of practice.
You were attempting to crochet something, and he didn’t have the nerve to ask what. Whatever the yarn clump was, you seemed pleased with it, and that’s what mattered.
Come on, Hassan, just say it.
“What if we got married?” He asked in his typical soft, even tone. You blink at your yarn and look over at him, cozy in his hoodie that he’d finally stolen back from you.
“What?” Your voice cracked lightly, “Are you proposing?” Hassan had to resist the urge not to dissect your tone. Was it a shock? Was it you being...happy?
“No! No, when I’m proposing, you’ll know! I’ll make it good.” Hassan flashed, for a moment, to the day that Farrah had simply been struck with the idea on her way home, and walked a few blocks over to ask Hassan to marry her. From the moment she set foot in the precinct, it was as if the crowds parted, as if everyone knew what she was there to do.
He couldn’t top that kind of confidence. No one could.
“Hassan,” you whine as you turn towards him on the couch, tossing your crochet down, ”I want to look cute!” He can only sigh as you wiggle your way into his arms.
“You look cute now!” He tries to protest as you huff. He runs his hands over your soft pink sweater, just to feel you underneath.
“You’re just saying that because you want to marry me!” You smacked his arm lightly as he pulled you to sit in his lap. A comfortable, familiar place for you.
“That's not a no...” At that moment, Hassan el-Shabazz of Harlem was pretty sure his heart was going to pop out of his chest. You grazed a hand over Hassan’s beard and kissed what was, and is, yours.
“But you have to ask Ali.” You commanded, as if you had any kind of leverage. As if he wasn’t everything you’d ever wanted.
“He said yes too.” Hassan hummed into your mouth, rolling your back flat against the couch, and climbing over you.
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